10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, , P ORTLAND, TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1919. AGAIi ESTATE BKACH FKOPEBTT 48 FOR "RENT Furnished tmuw at gMddc; ned ern. Phone Main 488. ' , - - - FOR WALK HOUSE CI $1750 " 8 room modern buns alow, nil bail ment, eta. tuba, ga. electro light. 1 block from car, full six lot. Tbla is In i a nod location and near city play ground, only (1750; fcrart. RALPH .ACKLEY LAND CO.. 627 Corbett Bide Phone Main 7141. $12503 ROOMS VACANT $1250 ' MAKE TOUH KENT BUY THIS. S-room comfortable beuM, now vacant. -block from Mt Tabor ear, cement walks, lot 60x100; 16 full bearing (rait tree, cherries, pear, prune, applet, currant. . berriea, 8 larce . concord (rap Tinea. This is sure torn anap at price; easy terms, Evening, Mae. 5963. Dy. Main 7987. Mariel or Williams, 820 Cham, of Com. bids. ROSE CITT PARK 3300 burn a dandy new modern bungalow. only 1 block from car; neTer been oc - cupted; fireplace, hardwood floors, buff at, Dutch kitchen. linen closete; full cement baaement, wash trays. $500 wUl handle. ' Let ' ua allow yon. ' J. A. WIOKMAN CO., i " 204 y. Exchange (V. Main 1094. ' ROUE CITY. BUNGALOW $1950 Nice 4 room Iwihgalow, electricity, nice bath. Initch kitchen, screened back porch. 7 large ruit tree, lots of small fruit, chicken bouse and lrk, garden and roses, no city lien to assume; Von E. 73d near Handy, Price $1950. $500 cana $25 month. Ask for Mr Currie, with GRUrWl A BENNETT. 318 VrmtA of Trade Wdg. Main 74:2. BF.AUTIFCL HALF ACRE ASD STRICTLY MODKHS BUNGALOW ' 8-rooei strictly modern bungalow ; full base ment. try. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floor, all built-Ins, garage, lots of fruit, chicken yard. 2 block from Hawthorne car; near school r an exceptional bny at $4230; easy term. Eve ning, Mara hall 6968; day. Main 7967. Mar iela or Williams. 820- Cham, of Com. bldg. V? K YOU want to own a fine -lionie in raot select part of Irtlngtoni riaca . na iie around, full rement basement, furnace, wash Itaya, toilet First floor lie large reception hall, large living and dining room, den and kitchen. -Second floor, 4 large aleeping rooins, sleeping porch, bath nd toilet. See I. K. . Moore. 317 Hoard ot i raoe. &V7S-Mt. Scott$975 $ 10 down for a neat 4 room plastered cot tage bangalow, lovely lot -with bearing frmt trees and berries. Don't pay any more rent until yen see this. , Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon bldg. 7 room modern, in the heart of Peninsula, with built-in effect, large, light basement, nice neighborhood, 3 blocks from car and school. This cozy home uiusftbe sold this week at this tery low Price of $2lOQ: easy terms. HUHiNKKS MEUVtCK. Main 797. 317 Henry" bldg . ft liOoU.S, electric light, gaa. bath, full cement basement, laundry trays, pared street and ' sewer all paid for. House newly painted and . decorated, block frem Sunnyside car. Price , fumiahed. $2350. $3U cash, $20 per month. $2100 without furniture. Call between 12:3 and 6 p. ni. 144 E. 30th st. $500 cash, $15 monthly buy atrictly mod em S room house in tfcis beautiful part of Port land ;-houe is double iconstructed. garage, fruit and berriea; $500 cash, $15 monthly; some nap. "red W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open earnings and Sundays. NEAR 30TH & STARK 18,50 $1950 $1850 $1950 $1950 Kits room claiwy bungalow, modern, lanre rocms, beautiful finish; only $350 cash; pay ing and sewer paid. Main 4803. II. r. GOLUKNBEKG. ABINGTON - NEAR OKOVKI.A.M1 PARK 7 rwim bungalow, fine home. 1 block from Hawthorne car, - new. garage, pared streets. 4 yeara old, a fine and Sniodte home. Can be had if sold at once for 3uiTi), easy terms. Ict ns show. you this fine bungalow. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. BTOCK E.T. WALNUT PARK FOR YOUR ; HOME Don't buy a ready built house' until yon have ' inreatigated our new borne proposition to cost wo more. Call today. Wdln. 3304. ALBERTA SNAP $2100, $300 DOWN 1 Fire room modern bungalow, in fine shape. , miiMint basement, laundry trays, garage, 2 blocks to Alberts, car, on 27th' ft. , - Edwsird A. Brown Co. i nf v. t i . i . x , : .i it ri a03 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 2093. HERE-IS A HOME FOR YOU On 'A 5th st. near Hawthorne are., 5.0x100 lot and fi -rooms all on ooe floor; house, just think of It, at $1000 cash; the lot is worth as much ai asked for whole place. S. BUSINESS SERVICE. Misjn 3797. Henry Bldg. PRETTY NEW BLNGAI.O W & rooms, attic, fi rep face oak floors enameled plumbing, fine built-in work ; walls tinted ; .light fixtures and window shades, only $3350; easy terms. Owner's offiee 1230 Bandy bird. Ta bor 382S. Open evenings. COUNTRY home 15 cTtjr limits, with trout stream in back yard. 4 lots and 7 room bouse, lights, basement, shrubbery, flowers, etc. Near city park and carline. $2750. 1-3 cash, balance terms. Immediate possession. Sell. 181 during office hours. Sell. 2958 evenings. FOR SALE Neat 5 room cottage, furnished, lot 60x100. near Mount Scott and Haw thorne carline. Also 10 acres, all in culti vation and near city, a bargain if taken soon. Inquire owner, 6128 38th ave. S. E.. after 5 p. m. or before 9 a. m. Phone Tabor 4763. FOB SALE BY OWNER $700. $200 down, balance terms, 4 room plas tered cottage, fireplace, fruit.trees. large garden. In good neighborhood. .1307 E. 18th at. North. Woodlawn car to 18th at., 5 blocks south. Woodhiwn 1H38. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS . Strictly modem 8 room house, nice view lot. in Overlook add., garage, 842 Alhambra st : rrice $4750.. See owner at 801 Minnesota eve., evenings. $800 SACRIFICE AND VACANT . nice large1 rooms, bath, full cement base ment; lot 90x110: checfies, berries, nuts, roses, . block to csr. Price $2750; terms. Owner. Main 1843. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. HOMK BUYS ON EASY TERMS . ' $750. Irvington. 8 rooms. $1700. Woodstock. 5 rooms. EAME8 INVESTMENT CO.. Marshall 240. 1 2 1 2 Gasco Bldg. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, bath aud pantry; some built-in, two porches, small basement, full lot. : By owner. v $1750; $450 cash; $15 per month and intercut i . 1280 Grand ave. N. (evenings) . $'llf59 : $1350 room house montavilla district 50x100 ft, lot. bath, toilet, lavatory, half basement; no city lien. $350 cash, $15 per month. . Tabor 2934. FOUR room bungalpw, $300 cash. Price $1950. . Hawthorne district, Lot 50x100. Street and walks, sewer, etc, fa and psid. Bath, electric . bghta, plastered. Possession at once. - GARLAND, 188V3L , FOR- RALE 5 A. with 4 room frame bouse. geod fences, bam lot 5 head of stork, good , vrell. with force pump; logging and sawmills near: lHitnilea W. of Mill City. Or.: $800. down. with terms.' Frank Cramer, Mill City, Or. BY OWNER. $4200 Rose City district, 1430 Alameda drive: houe 8 rooms, aleeping porch, open fireplace, hard wood floors, large Dutch kitchen; lot over 60 ft. front by 109-110 ft.; finest location. PRICE $1800: cash $500. balance easy. Good 3-roem house on- 100x100 lot, water, light, -gas. sidewalks, furnished, 200 chicks, brooders rabbits, garden- in and growing. JOHNSON DOD8QN CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. THREE lota, small boose, 1119 RuraTav " be tween 36th and 87 th, near KastmoreUnd : fruit trees, berries; $500 cash. Inquire 1184 vaueiiare. $1850; VACANT: $250 DOWN, $2 5 MONTH .-upaern a room Dungarcw; iireplace. e'ec trictty. full plumbing, good basement. 1 block Mt. Tabor car. Real bargain. Tabor 6559 LEAVLNG town, 3 room bungalow, furnished, bath, garage, corner 66x100, all improve? 65'rK.P79tn"'N.'Ch01- " CU PMk "r" . REAL BARGAIN - Five-room house. 1 1 bearing fruit tree, gar den, 100x100. $1650. Easy terms. Sell wood 2700. DR. OR TRAINED NURSE Irvington need maternity hospital. See this beautiful 16 room-bouse; just in right place; good terms. .East 419. MODERN 6 r. cottage on East Side; walking distance t near 3 carlines; lot 60x120; fruit .trees; . all improvements in; $3260. Phone .- owner. East 6743, after p.m. $1250 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT ! ' Cosy 4 loom bungalow, aleeping porch, elec tricity,, gas, Dutch kitchen, floored attic, nice lull lot, fruit trees. Tabor 655. . 26 LOTS 50x133. ail in 1 tract, 8 roe in house, . bam. ben house, brooders, 6 blocks from posto.fficw in city of Newberg: $1250 cash, $2500 time at . iT. LatUe, Newberg, Or. . . FOR SALE"- " 9 room bungalow, $3UO cash, bal terms. 4 llOO.Vf house, fireplace, garage, chicken house; " $1875; easy terms. Sellwood 2521. - LOSE CITY PARK, f me -5-room modern bunga low at a bargain. East 659. ' ' ROOMS, bath, light .and C-1290. . Wdln. 781. a; lot 68x100. BBAIMTATJB FOR 8ALE HOUSES I MT. SCOTT FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW 84th Are. and 49th St. 8. E. Tanty minute from downtown One block from car. Two block from school. Beautiful lawn and trees, . New cement wall and steps. Other Improvement. Good neighborhood. Now occapied by owner. PRICE $2560 EASYaTERMS C. TYLETABOB 864. AFTER 7 P. FIVE room strictly modern, bungalow, .witli all built-in effect, fireplace, furnace beat, well located. Price- $2 790. 6 room strictly modern bangalow. all built-in effects, fireplace and furnace heat. Price $3350. 6 room modern bungalow. Mouta villa dis trict. Price $2350. 6 room modern cottage, close in. Price $2250. it room modern bungalow, close in. ITlce $3400. 9 room modem bungalow, close in. Ptice $2000. 7 room modern house, walking distance. Price $2700. room house, practically modern, close in. Price $2400. These are all good buya and on easy terms. Call and see in at the New York Land Co.. SU3-5 btock Exchange bldg. LACRELHUKST A HEAL HOMK $8500 Here i one of Laurelhurst' real good looking hemes. There are 6 room and sleeping porch. The lot is equivalent to 100x100 and the ex pensive shrubbery lends an air of distinction and refinement that will appeal to you. The bouse is modern to the minute. The property eot ever $10,000 when prices were low. What would it cost to reproducer lt iu show you. A. G. TEEPB CO. 24. Stark st near .3. Main 3092. Main 3518. Brancht Office. 60th and Sandy. ROSSMERE BUNGALOW Cor., 100x100. beantiful lawn, shrubbery. 7 room?, garage, modern to the last detail; the price, $8800. is way below actual value. Call for appointments. $3 1 50 BUNGALOW $3150 Dandy 5 room, select neighborhood. 2 blks. Lenrelhurst park; paved ata. CiiAS. R1NGLER CO. 225 HENRY BLDG. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW 1 block north of the Alameda, splendid home environment. 5 nice rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement base ment, fine 60x100 lot, asphalt street (psid), just finished and ready to move into. Price only $3600. Terms. $700 cash and $33 monthly (interest included). The price is very low and terms are exceptionally easy. The kind that is hard to find for the money. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark st Main 8052. HAWTHORNE NIFTY BUNGALOW $2900 Here, truly. a gem of a bungalow, just as modem as you could imagine: hardwood floors f'replace. buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen with etnopy over range, cement basement, wash trays, etc. Street assessments paid. A bargain like this can't last long, so let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. ?64 Stark st near 8d. Main 8092. Main 3516. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy (Tabor 9586.) HURRY. COME RIGHT IN Here is a real snap, completely fumiahed 6 room bungalow, full basement, modem; bath, toilet, light and gas. fine big lot with fruit, flowers and garden, handy to car. school and high school and Reed college. Vacant, move right in. price $2900, $500 cash, balance like rent It is free and clear; no leans or mortgages to assume. See E. VV. Hughes, 507 Journal bldg. Phono Main 2858. EiCRELJ?URST DISTRICT $3750 Modem 6-room liooje on East Flanders, near 31st Good basement, fruit room, laundry room, kitchen, pantry, den, living room, three bedrooms and bath. House in good condition. Will take a good lot as part payment House vacant and ready to move into. J. L, KARNOPP A CO., 319 By. Ex. Bldg. Main 675. NICE LITTLE BUNGALOW, $2300 $500 cash, $25 monthly buys dandy little bungalow, double constructed, den and glassed in aleeping porch; 10 or 12 assorted fruit trees; elegant berries, currants, grapes; inlaid linoleum in kitchen and bath; glass frames for front porch. Thia is a complete little home and we ask that you call at office and see photo. - FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open eve. and .Sundays. FOR SALE By owner, beautiful home, 8 rooms, hardwood on first floor, 2 bathrooms, complete large basement, furnace, garage, etc ; beautiful grounds, all kinda of fruit and ber ries, English walnuts, etc.. 100x175; owner leaving city, good terms, absolutely no agents. D-l, Journal. $8000 for $6500 $6500 IRVINGTON COLONIAL $6500 I.arge windowa, French doors, central entrance, a splendid modern house, worth much more than wc are asking. CLEVELAND-BARB-HENDERSON CO. 212 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. CHICKEN ranch. $2350; $300 cash; one acre ol finest sou and room, 2 story bouse; one third acre of strawberries. A small fortune could be made here if a person will give it their at tention. Come out to 82d street and go south to Panama Grocery and inquire for Mr. Griffin. This property is at 6927 83d it. 3. K Tabor 7710. $200 CASH BUNGALOW. See a picture of this pretty 4 -room bungalow at our office. It haa 4 large rooms and bath. The lot is 65x112. with several fine shade trees in front. For $1975 we don't know where you can do better. Our auto will take you out. COE A. McKENNA at CO. 82 4th st. Board of Trade. Main 4522. FIVE ROOM COTTAGE $200 CASH Nice 5 room cottage, electricity, bath, cement btecment in first-class condition, on Minnesota ave. near Ainsworth; price $2000, $200 cash and $20 per month. Grussi & Bennett 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY CARLINE Price $1400; $500 cash. Good little 3 room house on 50x100 lot, water, light, gas. bath, 2' fireplaces, lota of fruit and nice gar den: make comfortable little home. JOHNSON DODSON CO..633 W. BANK BLDG. FORSALK by owner, a cottage " 5 roornsT-bath and full basement in good condition, just painted inside and out; lot 60x112; paved streets, rlose to school. 1 block to Sunnyside car. A bargain at $2750; $300 down. $25 per monin. -i aDor iib. $ fl7i!7TerjTis 3200 Down 5 loom, modem bungalow, lot 50x105. Cement sidewalks, sewer, all paid; white enamel plumbing. Mt Tabor car. Real Bargain. OSCAR ALDERTON, 1952 E. Yamhill st. $250 CASH, $20 per month, buys furnished shingled bungalow. Alberta district, fine Ibt improved with choice shrubbery, berries and fniit; price reduced to $1150; see us at once if you want a home. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. FURNISHED COTTAGE $70 " $100 down, $2U monthly, buy 3 rm. unfin ished cottage, furnished and ready to move irto; total price $700. Fred W. German Co., 732. Chamber of Commerce. Open evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK New, modem 6-room bungalow, white enam el, oak floors, fireplace, wookcases buffet, cement basement on 38th st: price $4300. $1000 cash: balance easy. JOHNSON-DO D SON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. IF Yop WANT a good house, modem, H block from car line, bearing fruit trees, improved street, for sale by owner. 1031 E. 10th st. N. Also 50x100 lot near Piedmont car bam, small house, for sale by owner. 1031 E. 10th, N. WHY NOT BUILDf Get an artistic home hy an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything; furnish the money tf desired. L. R. Bailey Co.. Ice, contracting architects. 924 V. W. Bank. TWO 4 -room houses, with bath, on one lot on Morris i street, in Albina : houses partly fur nished. Price $2800. terms. Phone East 4791. after 6 p. m. BY OWNER 6 rooms, bath. gaa. basement garage, chicken park, berries, lot 80x100, $1800. terms. Mrs. Hsynea. 268 E. 35th. Call Five roomed modem bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, etc., concrete garage. Sea own er. 987 E. Franklin st FOR SALE House and 2 lota 1H blocks from University of Eugene, Or.: easy terms. $1600: take good anto part payment Ad- rlm-ss Box 33. f regon City, Or. 5 ROOM abnngalow on 28th and Alberta its. half block to car and all kinda of stores 15 fruit trees and all kinds small fruit and roses. 1036 E. 28th N. EQUITY, on small bungalow. 3 rooms and bath fireplace, white enameled Dutch kitchen; every convenience: lot 40x125; all in cultiva tion; $1500. 6410 68th at 8. E. W-S car SMALL 4 room cottage, all clear of incura h ranee. Bee owner at place, 881 Pardee st (Woodstock car), near Kenil worth at and Holgate ave. ACRE TRACT, cheap; all in fruit: leaving city; close in: east aide; 5 room modem house, 721 E. 40th st. Woodstock car to 42d st. BARGAIN Owner, leaving city, well-built fur nished 6 room home, bearing fruit nut tree loTely garden. Woodlawq 200$. FIVE room bungalow,' fine looatioa; modern: . trrms. tfabor 812. REAL KSTATK FOR BALE HOCBES CI ROSE CITY PARK Booms and gteepink Porch $3939 Say, folks, here Is your opportunity to get a genuine bargain. This is one of those real smart, quality, ban ga lows you hare admired so much. The owner most sell immediately and baa re duced the price for a quick saje. There are 6 rooms and sleeping porch, : splendid Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove, hardwood floors, fireplace, massive buffet, paneled dining rooms, cement basement, furnace. This was built for a 1 cm. We have a photograph in our window. Get downright busy and see this without delay. Bungalows not to compare with this ia expense have sold for $1000 more. Wouldn't it be well to phone immediately for an apiointment. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark at., near 3d. Main S092. Main 3516. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy fTabor 0586.) Hawthorne Sacrifice . Onfly $i500 'Down Dandy 5 room bungalow, with every modern convenience, very large floored attic, fine base n-.ent, hard surface street aQ paid. Can sell this for less than you can, build the house for. Very choicest part of the district Only $500 down and easy monthly payments. Don't fail t aee this before buying. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 800 Oak St Broadway 4133. ATTENTION RENTERS LAURELHURST, ROSE CITY PARK. You may move in either of these - splendid homes tomorrow. Rose City Park 6-room house, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, full basement, brick fruit room in basement The price ia $4000. Pay only $500 down. Laurelhurst 7 rooms and sleeping porch, oak floors, fireplace, all kimls of builtin features, hot air heat For $4760 it ia a real bargain. Pay $300 and move in. COB A. M'KENNA A CO.. 82 4th at., Board of Trade. Main 4522. ROSE CITY PARK 5 ROOMS BREAKFAST NOOK $3850 Hardwood floors. fireplace, -buffet, cement basement wash trays, Dutch kitchen with break fast nook. Built along real modem lines, with an exceptionally large living room with large plate glass window. New, never been lived in; very easy terms. ; Let us show you. Located in the paved district of Rofce City Park and all assessments paid. A. G. TEEPE CO. 284 Stark st near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy (Tabor 9586.) Fine Large Bungalow WOODSTOCK CAR 5 rooms, large floored attfc extra large liv ing and dining room, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, highly improved, loTely lawn, roes in .abundance; can use vacant lot next to it; 4 blocks cat, 2 blocks school; price only $2800. on terms; let us show you this. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon bldg. A REAL PIE BUNGALOW STYLE Six rooms, sleeping porch, builtin features, cement basement, furnace, etc.; lot 76x100; beautiful view; roses and trees. Price $6000. Owner, 20 K. 3 2d and Ash. East 5060. $200 8 ROOMS WEST SIDE An ideal home for large family. 8 rooms., all large, each bedroom haa closet nice big kitchen, excellent bath, fine fixtures, lights, gas, water, good basement, fine 50x100 lot with command ing view of city and river, sewer, handy to Fulton car, st. paved, clooe to school. Full price only $3000. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon bldg. 2 LAURELHURST BUYS No. 1 A modem 6 room bungalow with sleeping porch and garage, oak floors, fireplace, buffet, furnace, price $3750; $750 cash, bal ance $35 month, including interest No. 2 A modern 7 room home, with recep tion hall and exceptionally fine living rooms, fin ished in old ivory; modern to the minute and in perfect condition: price $5200. reasonable terms. CLEY ELAND-BARR HENDERSON CO.. 2 12 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. , Excellent Value A Roe City Park 5 room modem bungalow, paved streets. 1 block to car. furnace, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays; only $3400, $1000 cah to handle it G. C. GOLDENBERG THIRTY-FIVE YEARS IN PORTLAND 215 Abington Blrfa Main 4803. VACANT 7- rooms, large lot semi-modem, electric lights, gas, bath, toilet, etc.. H block from car; all city improvements in and Dsid: the owner sars sell it, and has made a price that it will sure go quick: IHJO. term. Kvenings. Mar. 5963; day. Main 7967. Mariels A Williams, 820 .nam. ot t orn. eidg. LAURELHURST MAGNIFICENT NEW 8 ROOM HOME Overlooking park, with garage, hot water heat 2 baths with shower, sleeping porch, msid's room with bath; decorations and fixtures very beautiful. Cannot duplicate thia home for $15,000; price $12,000: terms. 1421 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW AN EXCEPTIONAL SNAP 5 rooms, one floor, full cement basement, trays, fireplace, h. w. floors, built-in bookcases, buffet Dutch kitchen; in fine condition; near car; easy front; price only $3250; on terms. Evenings. Mar. 5963: days. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. 820 Cham, of Com. buldg. BROOKLYN DISTRICT $2500 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $2500 Nice reception hall, water, sewer, gas, electric lights, basement, built-in bookcase, china closet, improved streets, cement walks, easy walking dis tance of car shops, $300 down, balance $25 per month. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX". ONE BLOCK MT. TABOR CAR 8 ROOMS. EAST MORRISON ST. 8 rooms, double constructed, bath. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, full cement basement laundry trays, beautiful 50x100 lot, fruit trees and berries, garden all in; $3150; terms. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon bldg. $1800 ALBERTA DISTRICT $1&00 I 5 room semi-modem house, 50x100 lot. re ception hall. bath, water, sewer, gas. electric lights, graded streets, cement walks, nice fruit garage easily built, $300 down, balance $20 per month. . SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. ROSE CITY PARK Five room bungalow. 3 finished rooms in attic, oak floors, Boynton furnace, fireplace, built-in, garage, "below the hill" oh 48tb st. bkk and a half from car. V. Vanduyn. 615 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1935. $2500 FOR a 6 room house; paved streets; lot 60x100; will take auto as first payment Here's your opportunity to get a fine home. Phone Marshall 82. F. L. Bianchard 51-20 Ry. Exoh. bldg. CLOSE IN HOME BARGAIN $2050 buys 6 room modern home, bath, gas, electric lights, full basement, wash trays St imp. all in and paid, $300 cash, bal $20 and int monthly. No mortgage. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exchg. Co. Main 1094 . $150 WILL HANDLE, furnished place, imall plastered house on good cement rock founda tion: lot 60x100. improved with fruit shrub bery, good chicken house, and run. furnish ings, books, chain, stove, etc.: price $650, very easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. RANK BLDG. WHY PAY RENT? Pay it to yourxelf and family. Own your home in Walnut Park. Extra inducements of fered to cost no more than ready - built homes. Investigate today. Call Wdln. 3304 now. NEWLY ,VEDi TAKE NOTICE Very neat and attractive 3 rm. bnngalow, lege rooms, bath and toilet; large native shade treea block and half to car; $1450, $250 cash. $23 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Ctiam. of Com. Open er-. and Sun. ROSE CITY PARK ' Price $3500; cash $1000. Modem 7-room house in most beautiful location in Rose City; full lot sewer, water, light, gaa. hard sur faced street in good condition. JOHNSON DO DSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. 5 ROOM bungalow, 1 blk. R. C. car; all im- - provemente. all built-in features, large attic, good garage, fruit, berries and roses. A bargain for cash ; or will take good Ford for. part Owner. Tabor 6160. BEAUTIFUL 5 room bungalow, garage, fireplace, buffet china closet, kitchen, fine basement, wash trays, lawn, rosea; Hawthorne car, (3000. owner, labor- ai'ON A REAL bargain, 5 room house, semi-modem ; lot 60x100;. hard surface, all paid. (1600. on easy terms. 827 East 13th near Failing. East 1986. NEARLY new 6 room bungalow, modem, with or without furniture; 1 block to car; 60x100 foot lot. small payment down, balance easy. Deal with owner, $2250. East S779. FOR SALE, by owner, a modem cottage, close in, at a sacrifice; full basement, gas and elec tricity, etc.: $2000. $400 down, balance easy terms. Call Sellwood 604. GOOD house and 6 lota, with splendid orchard. in Gladstone, 1 block from carline. close to school. James Petty. G ladstone. - BY owner, close to Hawthorne car, 5 room mod? em bouse, full basement, lot 50x100. fruit $2100; terms. - 1118 E. Lincoln. SNAP From owner. $12O0. terms; 6 room house, on carline, Vancouver, Wuh. Inquire - Wnvder. .H3d and W -st. Vancouver, Wuh. d,ui)Lii. 5 roomed bungalow, iu firt clasa, con dition. 2 blocks to car and hard surface. only $2150. Inquire 1911 E. Irving i-t Tabor 6459. OWNER mwt sell a 6 room house, only $2100 -on paved street. .-Cement walks and nice tawa, Good district. Call Suit 123. f FOH HALK HOUSES 1 ROSE CITY PARK. OWNER REDUCES. PRICE $104)0. This home was recently listed with a realty firm for $5000, and it's worth, it Owner in financial difficulty; says "sell this week for $40Ojp. but must have $1300 cash." Laving room with fireplace, builtin buffet, dea. Dutch kitchenwoak flours. 3 bedrooms and glassed ia sleeping oreb and bath upper floor ; corner lot; 40th at' north of Sandy. If you know of a better buy in Rosa City Park we would, like to see it. COE A. McKENNA tc CO. 82 4th at. Board of Trade. Main 4522. FOR SALE Modern house. 9 rooms and bath, finished, one unfinished store room; full ce ment basement; lot 84x100. fine lawn, garden, berries and fruit; faces 2 improved street; close in, good neighborhood. Lota worth $3000; would cost $50OO to replace house; SOOO value, price $4500 a anap; terms if desired. Phone East 4122. FOR 8 ALU LOTS 1$ 118X150 TRACT PAKKROSE $650. $100 down, $15 month, interest in cluded at 6 per cent; all cleared but some fine s.'iade tree. On macadam road; pressure water. 1. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Ccmmercv bid;., ath and Stark. Main 208. YOUR OPPORTONITY WALNUT PARK offers EXCEPTIONAL op portunity to own a NEW HOME TO COST NO MORE. Many are building now why not you I Don't fail to investigate TODAY. Phone NOW. Woodlawn 3304. ATTENTION HOME BUILDERS I have some cheap lota in Laurelhurst. close to park that I will sell on a 10 payment. 2d mortgage for balance; will secure you a good, stiff building loan; a little confidence and you can make some tnj money. References rs-,uired Phone Sunday and evenings. East 2086. ROSE CITY PARK, lot 6, block 6. near 50th an-1 Broadway. $725 cash. Streets paid. A beautiful building site cheap. Coe A. McKenna, 82 4th st ' SACRIFICE Improved lot Rose City Perk. 47th between Stanton and Siskiyou, $525. clear. Phone East 6123. - CHEAP lot, SOxlOO, on 57tb st. 5 blks. Montavilla carline. I'nce aau. n 1986. LOTS 25x10O. $75 each. Terms. AU clear. K. 90th and Sacramento. Tabor 6998. ROSECITY PARK LOT Big sacrifice, only $1000. Tabor 3825. IRVINGTON corner lot. 60x100. Bargain. East 419. 5 LOT8 at Oswego, close to lake. Toor 2082. ACREAGE S7 ONLY 14MILES OUT 10 acres located southwest of Portland. Good roads, 9 acres under cultivation. Orchard and berries, good 4 room painted bungalow, barn, chicken house, wire fences, H mile to school. Price $2000; $1000 cash. An attrac tive place in A-No. 1 shape. This property personally inspected by ua. See Davis, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Open evenings. T2 ACHES. HOlfSE AND FURNITURE, $800 A a level creek bottom land, no rock or gravel, fine trout stream crosses place-; good 3 room bouse with furniture and tools; family or chard and berries; 3 acres cleared; right at school and station. 30 miles out. Price $1300; terms $500 cash, balance, to suit, LUEDDKMANN COMPANY 913 'namber of Commerce. 10 ACRF.S. NEAR GRESIIAM 25(0; EASY TERMS mile to Mt Hood electric and school. New plastered house and bam, living stream, family orchard, rich soil. WUl consider city property in exchange. Photo at office. CLEV ELAN D-B A RR-I1ENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange bldg. NEARLY 2 ACRES, 47TH ST. Nearly 2 acres, 6 room house, family or chard bearing, all kinds small fruit and berries, new houses building all around: fine to subdi vide or home; beautiful yard. Price only $7000, $1200 cash, balance easy. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 913 Chamber of Commerce. 8 ACRES $2000 7 acres orchard, mostly apples, 6 years old, on good road near school and stores. This place is worth $3900. but for quick sale will sacrifice for $2000; $1000 down, balance 3 years. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 913 Chamber of Commerce. LOOK HERE acre. 2 blocks city car. all in cultivation, fine condition, 1 cow, 100 chickens, 20 ducks, large tent house, bam and garage. All for $2350. Terms. The crop of 8 acres of wheat goes with this. 209 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. ONLY $150 CASH 10 acres all under cultivation, good, rich soil in wheat; loeated 3 miles from Canby. Or., close to school. Share of crop goes with place. Price $160 per acre. See Brooks with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Open evenings. FOR SALE, cheap, on account of sickness, 27 1-3 acres. mile Pacific highway, 2.7 miles from Portland. Washington county; some improvements. $1650, $1000 cash, balance ling time. Call owner. Main 7810. , CHOICE acre lots, 6c fare, city water, city school, no city assessments. Why pay nearly a much for lots 4 or 6 miles out, with no view and all gravel? Terms. 1219 N. W". Bank bldg. 64 z ACRES on Willamette river. 20 miles from Portland. 1 miles Oregon Electric; 28 acres cleared, 6 acres beaverdam; $125 per acre; terms. D-38. Journal. T. 1 Tf V W Vint For beautiful home site, on Columbia River high way. See us. Dabney Investment Co.. room 1. Worcester blag. riinirE aCKKAGE FOR SALE CHEAP See it before purchasing elsewhere. Amanda B. Dwier. 1860 Division st FOR SALE or trade, 2 acres at Mabery station on Bull Run road; easy terms. Tabor 7195. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7$ A HOME for sale, some terms; highly improved. The bert paying httle ranch joining city lim its. Call Tabor 2574, 8TJB TtTRHAJT HOMES 7 MAPLE WOOD, on Oregon :, Electric, $2300, $1000 cash, balance easy-'gterms. House. -4 rooms and bath. 100x200. 21 fruit trees, near school, store and P. O. Call Saturday or Sun- day. V. C Btrubb. owner. NEAT 4 room bungalow; cultivated acre, O-C car. 81100. Thompson. Mohawk bldg. FOR SALE FARMS 17 TWO to 27 acres, part or all; 25 acres in cultivation: good soil, running water, on hard surfaced road, two blocks to station, 10 miles from city; fair 7 room house, good bam. Ideal hog. dairy or chicken ranch; team: farm implements and crop. Price for all $1800. Terms. John Gustin, Greenberg station, on the Oregon Electric. $2300 BARTON FARM $2500 40 A.. 30 A. tillable, 14 A. cultivate!, bal ance brush, some cordwood timber, 2 bouses, old barn, 80 prune trees, partly equipped, 1H miles from station on. main county road, $800 cash, balance to rait. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Diog. r.RKSHAM FARM 60 ACRES, $8750 Located on the Powell Valley road, new bam 40x60. plastered house, family orchard, living stream, rich, deep soil, easy terms. CLEVEDAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. acres, $7.50 per acre 1 mile from the Nehalera river; some creek bottom, K mile from graveled road, $400 cash, bal. to suit, 8" interest BUNDY, 411 Henry Bldg. 40 ACRES ALL EQUIPPED $3160 House, bam, good young team, harness and wagon, 2 good cows, all farm implements 'and crop, running water; all kinds of fruit; on county road, $3150; terms. DRAPER. 526 Cham, of Com, bldg. FROM owner. 20 acres, good soil, half in crop, balance pasture, fair buildings, team horses, harness, wagon, farm implements, A-l cow, coming fresh soon; 40 chickens and many other things too numerous to mention; price $3000, very easy terms. Inquire 233 hi 1st at m i rn l . UVV C 1 X V'Tll 1 V .AW X-r-f , , , v.w - ..... 10 acres of rich bottom land, all in cultiva tion, good size shack, 1 H miles from Talbot station, oa Oregon Electric Total price $1200. Fred W German Co., 732 Chamber of Com- merce. open evening ana mmnw BY OWNER 700 acre wheat and stock ranch, in the best wheat belt of Wasco county; 350 tillable; good buildings and fences, horse, cattle, sheep, hog, chickens and all farm implements go. See Mr. Hayner. 268 E. 85th. Tabor 1565. TRADE 800 acre fine E. O. wheat farm. 200 in crop, for modem 7 room residence, at tcavt two lot. , neat high school or college, or riotlera suburban home near car tine: if de irMe. will rive good trade. D-82. Journal. lOH SALE lO acre near Sitton carline, good 4 room bungalow with chamber. 60 bearing fruit trees, all furniture and farm implements, terms to suit buyer.-$4000. eorge W. Payne, Rt 6, Jaggy road. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALF A dandy little 1 acre home, sandy loam and river silt aoil, easy to (irrigate: nice orchard, Hons, bam, etc., $1500, terms, C. M. Cri.ttn i-r, HtShard, r. 15 ACRES, K mile to school, i mile to boat Ids.; 9 a. planted; some equipment; buildings 6 years old; north from Vancouver. Owner, Tabor 8614. Price $2100. FOR bargain dairy farma along the Roosevelt highway in Tillamook county, write Nea tueca Valley Real Estate Agency, R, Y. Blalock manager, Clorerdale, Or. s -REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR MALE PARMA It "' BTOCK HOGS 8HEEP . 1 $25 PER ACRE Ideal stock ranch of 2000 acres with about sow acres under cultivation, cood btukfenc. large new sheep ahed, with concrete floor, lota 01 water. Tnla is located, on the Pacific man- way only two miles from good Southern Oregon town, which means ideal shipping conditions. This is unequaled aa your market is both Port land and' San Francisco, and right at ehtpping point and at a price never before heard of. iUU down, balance e. long time. KASEU V RA1NEY. 623-6 Gasco bldg. Marshall 3125 87 ACRES 1 mile from Forest Grove. 83 acres cultivation, practically all level, about 20 bearing fruit trees; city water piped to bldg., 8 room house, barn 30x50 feet Place ia all fenced, 1 mile to It. R. station, on county road ; has R. F. D. and milk -route; 1 mile to school and store. 3 horses, 8 cows, 1 calf, 1 2 hogs, 30 chickens, also farm implements.'- Thia place is suited for all kinda of farm ing and a bargain. - i 52-30 RALPH ACKLEY, 527 Corbett Bldg. FIXE HIVKR BOTTOM FARM 675 acres, all finest bottom except 40 acres for buildings; 130 acras in cultivation, balance very easy to clear! 17a head 01 stock now -on place: will keep 400 head: is on paved high way. 2 M miles to city ; good 6. room house. 2 good barn 80x120 and 60x90. hold 20U cows coot $6500; private water system and milk ciler. 43 head of good cows and heifer. 5 horses and all farming machinery. Never before of fered at less than $75,000. Widow must sac rifice at $50,000; $20,000 cash, and terms. Wonderful buy. We handle only the best farms. Thos. P. Jeter A Co., 301 L. C. Smith bldg.. rtei.uie, wun BEST upland farm in Cowlitz county. Wash.; 41 miles from Portland, midway between Woodland and Kalama, on Portland-Seattle Ry., mile from Pacific highway and Columbia river; about 90 acres; 55 under cultivation, rest pasture : 4 mile to R. R. station. H mile to school and church: It. F. D.; large cherry orchard and lots of other fruit; good 7 room house, 2 large barns and all necessary outbuild ings: splendid team and 4 Jersey cows and all necessary farm machinery: .for $8500; will con sider Portland residence up to $4000 in ex change. Mrs. t. tt. Large, Kalama. Wash. laoor . PRICE ONLY S4200 Including $1000 Crop 19 acres of fine land only 8 miles from Vancouver, Wash., and all in cultivation and in crop. Good set of farm buildings.- Thickly settled district on comer 2 county roads; $800 crop of fiuelhay nearly ready to cut Will, get at least $1000 out of the crops within the next lew weeks. Part cash and terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133 80 ACRES, all tillable. 16 under cultivation considerable more easily cleared. Some cord- wood, good pasture and lots of outrange. Well and nice -stream through place, 20 acres fenced and cross fenced, 4 room box house, good barn and outbuildings, good orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing. Telephone and cream route by door, mile from school, store, P. O.. etc. In fine farming and stock raising section and a sac rifice at $3200, '.- cash, balance to suit at 5 H interest THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON, 3d and Main sts.. Vancouver, Wash. ATTRACTIVE FARM IN KLICKITAT 80 acres, 8 miles from Goldendale, 25 acres cleared, 6 acres wheat 4 acres rye. 3 Vi acres alfalfa, 2 acres bearing orchard. Good 6 room house, barn, tool, smoke and .chicken houses. Improvements cost $2000. Only $3500. $700 cash, balance 6 per cent. Write for list. EDWARD ABETING. Goldendale, Wash. 53 ACRES on Columbia Highway (now being hard surfaced) right at the town of Deer Island, school, P. O.. depot every convenience, about 25 acre rich swale land, all in crop, the rest is level, no waste, no timber, nearly all under cultivation, 150 fruit treea chiefly apples, fine grove at the house, good barn and other outbutldidngs. Will give terms, bee O. J. Keelan. owner, on the place. BARGAIN 12 Vt acres, fertile; buildings, stock, 600 chicks; equipment; good terms. H. I FULI-ER. Dilley. Or. TIMBER NOTICE of sale of government timber. Gen eral land office, Washington. D. O., May 27 1919. Notice is hereby given that, sub ject to the conditions and limitations of the act ot June V, IV ia I3 Stat... zioi, ana us instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 15. 19L7. the timber on the follow ing lands will be sold1 July 16. 1919. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at .public auction at the United States land office st Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, ssle to be sub ject to the epproval of the secretary or tne in terior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not ap proved, otherwise patent will issue for the tlm ber. which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizena and corporations organized under the laws of the United Statea or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit T. 4 N.. K. 3 V.. see 29. KE14 NEK. red fir, 525 M.; NV KEH. red fir, 450 M.; BE 14 NEK, red fir. 440 M. : SW U NEK. yellow fir, 600 M., cedar 100 m. None of the red fir, yellow fir or cedar to be sold for less than $2.60 per M. CLAY TALLMAN. J Commissioner General Land Office. NriTirE nf sal. of Government timber - ' General I .and Office. Washington. D. C, May 16, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat. 218). and the instructions of the secretary of the Inte rior of September 15, 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold Jnly 16, 1919. at 10:30 o'clock a. m... at public auction at the United States land office at Portland. Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to tne approval oi tne secretary oi the interior. The purchase price, with an ad ditional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time ot sale, money to oe returaea it saie is not approved: otherwise patent will issue for th. timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, , territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the timber on any legal sub division will be offered separately before being included in any offer or a larger unit: T. 1 8., R. 5 E-, Section 29, SW K 8WK. red fir, 1900 M., not to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. TV 3 8 . R. 5 E.. Sec 31. SWK SWK. red fir. 650 M.. not to be sold for less thah $1.25 per M. CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner. General Land Office. FOR SALE 4 foot slabwood, in carload lots, or call at mill with wagon or truck for 4 foot and short slabs, blocks and planer trimmings. Clark A Wilson Lumber Co.. Linnton, Or. Phone Columbia 25. CORDWOOD timber 2500 cords second growth fir. oak and ash. level ground. 20 miles Port land; $300 cash or bonds required. 50 cents per cord stuinpage. Hamlet, Tabor 4883. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 MT. TABOR HOME $5000 Well built 6 room modern dwelling with sleep ing porch and den, steam heating plant lot 60x 150; good garage, $1000 cash; will trade for close-in suburban acreage to value of equity which is $3000. Fred W. German Col. 732 Chamber of Comm.. open evenings and 'Sundays. SALE OB EXCHANGE $7500. 102 a. of good level valley land. Consider good mt or coast ranch for all or part or small garden tract or place in town for part. Box 164. Browns ville. Or. WANTED Equipped farm up to $25,000: have some Portland income property and cash aa first payment Write full particulars first letter no commission to pay. Claude Cole, 213 Lum bermen bldg. FOR SALE or trade by owner, a good home. also 13 acres under cultivation and some choice lots in Ocean Park, Wash.; will consider automobile, piano or any article of value I can use. S. S. Slingerland. 460 E. Davis at 16 ROOMS. 2 LOTS. TRADE -Suitable fpr housekeeping rooms, partly fur bished, $4000; will trade thia for something I can handle easier. What have you West, owner. 502 Couch bldg. SELL cheap or trade for business, IK seres. 33 fruit trees, modem house, bam, overlooking nver, in West Lynn. Cberryman, 896 E. Har rison Phone Tabor 2910. ' FOR SALE or exchange, equity in 6 room bun galow for stock or would trade for Colorado or Kstwsb , land or property. Owner. L-4 8, JournaL LOVELY HOUSE A"D THREE LOTS Close in on west side; will exchange for some thing smaller or will - sell on easy payments. ssvou. ceo owner at Dos uoncn bldg. FOR SALE or trade, cheap: good hotel in nor thera California. For particulars write .owner, J. H. Smith. Warrenton. Or.. Bo 155. 80 ACRE ranch, aome cleared, team and some implement, value about $3000, for clear house equal value. Tabor 5459. 120 ACRES near Camas. Wafa. Mostly unim proved. Creek, spring. For Portland residence. East 669. EXCHANGE Spokane property for acreage or suburban property ia Portland. 14 2. Journal. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE BGAli ESTATE fl 6 ROOM STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW1 Including furnace, hardwood floors. - In per fect - condition; garden, . berries, etc : streets paved aad paid; 3 extra cor. lota, 50x100 ; street liens paid. WUl trad for 10 to 20 acres well improved land in Oregon or Washington. Must have extra good nouao and outbuilding, ear school and good road, near electric Haee. Write) full particular in first letter: area valua tion. The above property ia clear of incumb rance, uaan value gu, - CHAPMAN, WINTLER CO., 1078 Hawthorne ave. 6 ROOM modem bungalow style house, 1 block from Rose City Park ears, to trade for a suburban home close to Portland of 1 to 6 acres ;' house on large lot 75xl0O ft Hardwood floor and fireplace, nice lawn and garden. Price $4500. $1000 down, or trade. Ralph Ackley. 627 Corbett bldg. CATTLE and grain ranch, fully equipped. 250 acres fine level black aoil, under cultivation, Vi mile from Laurel. Waah. Mt Adama foot hill range, free irrigation water right, no in cumbrance, value $25,000. Will carry $10,000 or more, easy terms. - Prefer small, well im proved farm near high school, part payment Ira K. Williams, owner. Monroe. Or. 320 A. WHEAT RANCH, $21,000 Near Goldendale, Waah. ; 2 houaee, bams, .i.j ut . . i . ) . ,a a . i-). . good fences, fine soil, on good road. mile off paved highway. Thia place will bear closest In vestigation: half rash, bat terms. Will consider small place in Willamette valley en part, Fred w. uerman Jo., 732 Chamber of Commerce. CALIFORNIA bungalow. beautiiul auburban home, near city of Hood Rivet. 7 K acres. bearing pear, apple and diversified fruit, no in cumbrance, to exchange for well-improved amau farm, near a good high school preferred. Ira K. Wrfliam. owner. Monroe, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE doing the biggest busineea In Uie his tory of our firm. We need more houses to sell. If you have listed with others without results try us. We won t disappoint you. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. Main 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sold over SOO houses in the last year. It ..... . ... pwj ur , n rM 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays and evenings. WANT from 4 to 8 roomed house. Prefer Sun ny. irte district I have $150 for first pay ment Phone Mar. 5576. WANTED To buy a 5 room modern bungalow, not over $2000, $200 cash, from owner. U 804, Journal. '" ' DGNT WORRY I can sell or trade anything anywhere. Layman, 147 Park t WANTED To buy homestead relinquishment for cash. Full information, location and price first letter. L-4 6. Journal. WANT lot, 50x100, in Alberta district; must be snap. Owners only. Woodlawn 1Z3B. ROOMTKG HOUSES $3 FURNISHED APARTME.NT8 FOR SALE 12 room nicely furnished apartment house doing a good business, at a very reasonable price. Rent only $30 per month, race 910UO, Close in. on the west aide. Abo 10 room apartment, close in. Doing a nice business. Well furnished. Frice 11U. NEW YORK LAND CO., 303-5 Stock Ex. bldg, Main 7870. FOR SALE 15 rooms, near Library, clean and respectable, established business, present owner 7 yrs., food in pantry, wood in cellar, every thing complete, front and back yard ; clearing $125 per mo. $1500, cash only, no trades. Owner called to California to care for sick rela tive only cause for selling. - H-609. Journal. niASE TO PORTLAND HOTEL 1 2 nice, clean rooms of good furniture, good building, income $125 month; very cheap; snap terms. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 COUCH BLDU. BRICK building, 22 rooms, all on floor, very central, completely furnished, rent only $33 mo.; good money maker; anap, $750. Garland, 188 3d. 16 NICE ROOMS. $1300 Terms: new like, lease at $25 per month. LOWEST RENT IS TORT LAND. West aide. Goddard, 502 Conch bldg. vnw ttil.r (350. rooming bouse. 6 rooms, income $55 month, rent $17. Call 665 S. 2d near Hall. 28 ROOMS, partly furnished; will sell cheap; might take some trade, r.ast oavv. SMALL rooming house cheap If taken soon. Main 1808. . BUSINESS OrPORTUjriTlEB 1$ DO YOTJ KNOW that the demand for phonographs ia much greater than the manufacturers are able to aup plyf Do you realize they can be made here better than in the East and also establish a Portland industry f We have a new sound chamber that every one tells us is better than anything on the market Company formed to manufacture and another to market Need keen business man with (5000 to help. Are you the man f Big op portunity ' for large profits if you can qualify. State former experience in business and telephone number for appointment -372. Journal. SAFE AS GOVERNMENT BONDS Giiaraiteed 10 Pet A manager who haa conducted a business from its Inception desires a responsible party to join him in the purchase of -the business: $50,000 required; manager's atock to guarantee investor Ten - Per Cent Net: requires no time; this ia a clean, legitimate, going business that will bear closest investigation; no chances to take; best of references given and required; no com missions. X-210. Journal . MILLIONS are auf ferine with rheumatism. Most mportatin discovery ot th age. A herb that actually drives the most' stubborn ease of rheu matism entirely out . of the system People write ua and say they are astounded at the re sults, especially on the kidneys. Just think of the money making 'possibilities. Representatives wanted. $1.12 pound postpaid. 10 pounds $5, express paid. Rheumatism Herb Co.. Venice, Cel. 100 PER CENT profit a year. Are you look- ing for this kindf we can locate you in any portion of the United Statea and can give you choice territory in either Oregon or Wash ington: 100 per cent profit on any amount from $100 to $30,000; come see us and then in vestigate. Monarch Carburetor Lock Co.. 35 N. Broadway. - CONFECTIONERY and lunch counter in one of the best towns in the state. This place will invoice $2700; for quick sale will sell for f.ftc on the dollar. Owner has other buainesa. Coyne up and let us tell you about it BUSINESS" SERVICE. Main" 6797. 317 Henry bldg. A DANDY grocery on East Side, near Broadway . bridge; doing from $23 to $60 per day; rent only $30. For quick sale will sell at $1700 or will invoice. BUSINESS SERVICE. Main 797. . 817 Henry bldg. $6600 7-ROOM HOUSE 3 5 -room flat bWgs.- 1 store room. 2 garages. All rented, paying 20 per cent wooaiawn l 1. HUSBAND dead; would like to sell transfer and passenger business in McMlnnviile. A 3 ton Denby track, a 1 ton Ford truck, a ft passen ger Ford car. 1 wagon for winter use, office fixtures. Cars in good running order. Mrs. Stella Jefferie. McMinnville, Or. STATE mgr. 'a for each state. J. A L. Manifolds, trf burn coaloil or sea. Makes any car easy to start Cut running expense in half and a device yoi can guarantee, li interestea can in person. J. 4c L. stAiiruLa jmvo. a. 1147 E. Lincoln st, Portland. SHOEMAKERS SHOEMAKERS Vnr a.c hv administratrix, shoe repair (hop. including building on rented ground, at 381 Glisan st. with machinery and fixture. 8ec Alice Lind. administratrix, 139 Knott sr. laxe Mississippi car. FOR SALE Confectionery, Ice cream, soft drinks, light groceries; east aide locsuon; large Ice cream trade; good fixtures; cheap rent; worth $1200. For quick tale will take 390U. T 615, Journal. TRANSFER business in Portland; grow income last year $30.ooo; good profta. race (15.000. aome terms; good reeaona for selling. B-237. JournaL FOR RENT Fumiahed. barber shop, finest lo cation en beach. Write Theodore Jaoobson, long Beach. Wash., or phone Wdln. 5901. 613 Alberta t J WILL BUILD GARAGE Will build garage on west side comer for re liable tenant. 1. 2. or 3 story building, 100x lmn or 50x100. B-232. Journal. FOR SALE or rent. . restaurant; good location for right party, cheap. 52 N. 2d st. CARPENTER ahop, tools, stock and business. (250. Main 6320 Monday. STOCK new and 2d band-furniture and hard ware, must pe sold at once. Phone as. 1,23. SECOND-HAND box business clearing $230 per month, anap, $60O, Call 188 3d. EAST ride business comer, paying good rentals. for 3100.000; term. Tabor 6887. BAKE shop for rent, $20. 340 Front MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 MORTGAGE loans, v and 7, Louis Salomon m Co., 408 Selling bldg, - MONEY for mortgage loam. $500 to $6000, e and 7 7e. Fred . William. Zx 1st at. $5000. 3U yean. East 643S. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE t7 CUR installment plea la the beat aad surest method of paying a loan. , R2.2 per month for $6 snontht, of - $21.84 for months, or $15.17 (or 90 months, pays $1000 haa and Interest ; Other amount in proportion. We loan en improved city property. ' Or for building purposes. . No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 243 Stark at. Portland. Of. 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE loans on city or suburban houses- no commisaion ; quick ac tion. $500 to $1500. Ward, attorney. 407 f -aiding bldg. CASH paid for mortgage and seller' contracts on real estate In Washington ot Oregon. H. E. Ncble. 816 Lumbermen bldg. MONEY to loan hi amount of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BKIJ,. Room 10-11. Mulkey bldg. $300. $400. (500, (800. (760 and up, lowest- rates, quick action. tiordon Investment Co.. 631 Ch. of Com. Maid 6445. Ill ILDING loans on city or auburban property, money advanced a Nvork progress. W. G. Peek. 215 end 216 Failing bldg. Msln 3407. $iit0 to (3000. ho commission. Main 1166. F. H. DF.SHON. 615 Chamber of. Commerce. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. 223 MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS. ' SALARIES 7 DO YOU NEED MONEY Loan made on automobiles, diamonds, plane, household goods or anything of value. Security usually left In your possession. ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE oa their note without security. If your payment to other loan conipaniae or on furniture or automobile contract are larger than you can make, we will pay them up. advance you more- money if necessary, and you ran repay ua In small monthly payments to suit your con venience LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY. BUSINESS STRICTLY H1NFIDENTIAL ' PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY llicenaedl 306-807 Deknra Bldg. Marshall 8286. Salary LOANS cEaTtal WIS UUA.t MONEY On short notice to salaried or worklngmen on their own notes. Weekly, aemi-weekiy or monthly payments. Each transaction atrictly confidentiaL NO MORTGAGE. No INDOR3EU. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, planoa. tc, without removal. , CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Failing Bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN A88N. Established by Portland Business Men to Protect the Borrower. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE City and County Warranta Cashed for Face Value. CARRIE MYERRS HERRMAN. MGR.. -894 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on diamonda, jewelry; legal rates: all articles held a year; eatabliabed since 1888. Dan Marx. 288 Washington. GEORGE HARVEY losna money on household goods; legal rates. Tabor 8806. LOANS TFANTEII 8$ FIRST mortgagee for' sale, $600 up. F. fiT Deahon. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BEE OREGON IN VT MORTGAG E CO.. 233 Chamber of Commerce, 4 b and Stark. . FINANCIAL SI LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If you must sell your Liberty or Vietory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more I Jberty or Victory bonds, buy from us. We buy and wo sell Liberty and Victory bond at the market YOU CANNOT DO BETTER. YOU MAY DO WORSE. We are today Daring the following prices for United States government Liberty and Victory bond, which are the opening ISew York market prices, plus the accrued interest: Sew York Accrued ; Total Market Interest Paid 8Hs - $ 99.44 $ .02 S 99.46 1st 4s 94.90 .02 94.92 . 2d 4s 93.70 .36 94.06 1st 4Ks .... 95.20 .02 95.22 2d 4Ka . 64.10 .3H 94.48 3d 4Ka 95 28 1.09 96.83 4th 4Ks 94.04 .78 94.77 Victory 3.. 100.10 .28' 100.38 Victor 4 . s . . 99.92 .36 100.28 In purchasing liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 970 on a o bond and 32.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued Interest i ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS' PLAN. Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for nenu MORRIS BROTHERS. INC. Tho Premier Municipal Bond House. Established over 25 year. 309-811 Ktark St. bet 5 th and 6 th. (Ground Moor). -Phone Bdwy. 2151, LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS, FULL MARKET PK1CK. LOANS ON LIBERTY BONDS. . YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF UH ON BONDS. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. REE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT. ,' OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR), CORNER 6TII AND ALDER gTS. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS Mail bonds to us: w" rwiit return mri. MONEY to LOAN on BONDS and W. S. S. at 7 per cent interest; also on HEAL ESi'ATlu. Come to 725 Gasco bldg., 6th and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. IS SPAN of tray mare. 5700 lbs., well matched; 5 and 6 yeara old; guaranteed; free trial. Spaa of bay horses 4 and 5 years old, wt. about 3200; well matched,; guaranteed sound and good work era. Several other spans of mare and horses, all for sale. A 6-year-old pack inula to be sold cheap for cash. 240 Eaat 8th at. cor. Mam. NE team, mare and horse, 0 yeara old. weight 2800; alao team. 2400, good, broken and gentle; also one big cheap work home, harneas and wagons of all kinds at Weodyard Stable, ccr. t E. Mb. and Hanthome ave.' I'hone r.t oioo. IIARCAIW far nuirk sale. 3 head of big work horses, harness and wagon,' Will - sell all nr imnt. or trada for ran or Ucht automo bile. Call room 180 Heiler bldg. cor. Grand and Hawthorne ave. U. S. STABLES. 248 FRONT ST. 20 head of good young bone and mares. Some well matched teams, from 1200 to 1700 pounds. G. D. Williamson. ' . LIGHT work harness, apriag wagon, tent cover . 16x19. 12 os. duck, pair of horse collar 18 and 19 inch, almost new. Sell all or one cheap, tilft B. John st, St John. ' . FOR SALE or trade for delivery car ot stock. one team of all around work Horses, wagon. htrnew. 1492 K. Oak st Tabor 8727. THE amaJleot and best little pair of mule In tate; jus the pair for tne mine or camp ing team. 302 Front st $45 BUYS bay horse, weight 1100, work rln- gle and double, gentle, -vvooasioca car wotm st. 5 blocks south of r.qnsr red barn. ' TEAMof2$00-Ib. mnlea ana hameaa': make a good farm team: muet sett at once. 430 Hawthorne ave. '" - 1 HORSE and wagon. $1.60 per day; 2 horse and wagon. $3. J. Cohen. 646 Front Main 2208. r65"TAKT.3 good 11 00 lb. ' family horse, boggy and names. 4 SO ttawtnorae ave. DEAD hone and animal hauled away free.' Call Woodlawn 20 Portland Rendering Co SIX-YEAR-OLD Madison st with snare colt 208 $40 ONE rubber tire buggy. Wdln.- 187. LITESTOCK 8 FOUR young .fresh cowa. 2 Jersey, 1 Guernsey, 1 Jemey-Holatein. Heavy, rich milkers. Win sell very reasonable. Woodstock ear to 84th at 5 block south to square red nam. TWO extra good freah cows, on larg Holstein, one large Jersey; will sell eery cheap for quick ale. 1480 Macadam. Fulton car to Idaho at. one block east. FOR SALE Roan Durham - cow with larg heifer calf. Also 1 Guernsey. Both rich milker. 6647 65th at S. E. Woodstock ear. WANTED, by reliable man to feed and care for - atock in or near city. . Addle 1(61 E. Buro- rde et. FOR SALE Fig. liurocs, mai and female registered. Extra fine foundation stock, $20, at weaning time. John 8. Basil. 747 Braze at. FRESH dairy and family cow; also etna fine big heifer. Tax beef cows in exchange. 751 Eaat Ann. - FOR SALE Cheap, 2 fine 6-year-old Jedaey cowa, fresh about T r week. 6102 - 8 5 to t S. E -.v-xv - - -- - TWO honest farm mare for sal. er trade for a cow fresh in October. 142 E. Slit st ft., Montavilla ear. . . YOUNG fresh Jersey cow, milks S gallon, and ealf. 391 1 7 2d t S. E.. city. FOR SATE Fresh cowa, Jloistein. 963 Gar fieid ave.- - TWO fre-Jt cows for sale. S6th St., Mt Scott car. Tabor C34. 6624 I'BESH now and young calf for aala cheap, E. . PoaeU t. Woodstock car. . , 89$ FO U LTRT. P1GFO NS, PE T8TOCK $ 7 WHITE leghorn are the aaoat prof ttable "breed of poultry. li you are in the buainea for profit you will eventually have them. Early broilers, early layers, early profits. We seU only White Leghorn baby ehlcka from heavy laying llogsnixed bens. Safe delivery of full count live chick guaranteed. Price per 100: sy sod Jun delivery. $1150: Jnly. $14. The Pioneer Hatchery. 406 Via at, Feteluma, sLsfcla ' 300 EAST MORRIS"ON Poultry and rabbits dresaed -to order, any amount Laying hens, dogs, breeding atock of all kind. to. CASH PRODUCE CO. WHITE LEGHORN chirk and hatching eeg from my famou. winter layer. Hatch June 20, July 2. Also flve-week.-old chick. WJf Incubator Co.. 413 Jesaup. Woodlawn ... Progressive Hatchery R. I. Red-baby chick on hand, June 19-83; hatching real. Woodlawn 1HA lf.m 1- 1 Mi st N. - " SINGLE comb Rhode Isiand Red and Black Minorca baby chicks and eggs for setting. nAJin. 5M5, . FOR SALE My pen of 40 O. A. C. Whtta Leg horn hen, from 10 to 18 moot lis old I-aying hen (I, SO each. Call Hell. ICJ5. FOR JiAl.K 2 Flemish doe and young ' on-T, English pink eye doe with young, tine Eng. lish buck, cheap. 555 F. 1'Oth t H. t hH SALE New Jlealana rehhit. 1 doe."1 I buck and 6 young rabbits. 1002 K. 24th N. WHITK LEGHORN CliIckTTorTAT! . J. R. Maguire. 787 Oregon t. Eaat 103. WHITE and Bron Leghorn 1-ye.r-ol.l hens. 0848 84th M. SE I'hone Tabor 0480 THOROUGHBRED lUrreuRo,kl,aJchi7rg reK $1.00 per aeiUng. Tabor 4658. THOROUGH BREW dA7crH-lUZkTXfc. '"gegg.cneap. Tabor 6550. . WHITE'LEGHOUN laing pullet. 10 month old. Maoter Incubator Co.. Woodlawn 434 4 THOROUGHBRED rooster for sere 746 ml tsippi ave. CHIX and fryers, Tabor 4070. BARRF.DTtOCK egg. $1 ettingTab407o: I. T"S- B'RIIS. PETS, ETC. 4 BOSTON terrier at tud. Sensation IMiot2if at W'f,,t 11 ,h"- K. C. 26021(2. Fee $10. Mr. Wm. I. Smith. I'hnna East fitMll. J-OH MALE Three beautiiul aiuger-t j fT- 'nr (Tusranteed. 1151 E. 28thN. C-2217. tUOMAMON 8 Bird Store buyTTnTTaelu old' and foung canaries. Uor. Present t; alls Ana ST. ANDREASBERG RljIerTfwrcage'". Marshall 14 74. ; 1 . e AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 FORD BUG Has all ptw tires, one extra, top. toraga lot tery and aeveral other extra. The clauient bug in town. Price $375, $140 down, balance $5.8.60 lr moih See Kellv or Jaie. Bro(!v 4408. N. W. eor. of 14tli and Couch. Pacific Auto Co. . . . . REAL BARGAIN 1917 Buirk tooting 1016 Rulrk 6 touring. ........ . 1917 Buirk roadster 1918 Ford, speedometer, rnt-out. . EASY TERMS $605 95 460 110 13th at. Broadway 48 - FOR $650 Studebaker six. Just new cord tires, ear look fine and ia ready for hard work. Try it and bo convinced. Eay term. Pacific Auto Co., 10th nd Couch. Kelly or Jake. NEW TIRES What brand .of new tire do you prefer? We Bare them, all make and etna; alao we make the famous O-V-O Double Tread tsewed) tire V and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vul eanlxing Co.. 883-835 Bum.ld. near Broadway. THE Uaed Car Market off the block atwTst Park and Stark haa moved to Broadway and Hoyt Com and aee our new stock of used car. Oklmobtle. Hudson and . Ford and several other to choose from. Come quick. We have aome snap. Opposite new postofflce. REAL BARGAIN IV AHUDSOSf7'PFR SIX ! RUNS . AND LOOKS LIKE NEW OVERHAULED AND REPAINTED. HFK THIS FINE CAR FIR ST. CALL TABOR 6 3 0. COLES 1918 aero type Cole 8 with cord tire. Thia 2492 nW" ""'' 628 Aldr U BJ"T- BARGAIN IN OLDSMOBILE EIGHT: RUVsi AND LOOKS LIKE NEW; CAN UMK SMALL CAR AS PART PAYMENT. CALL MAR. 1950 APT. 42. - v"'" V.. ' 1 isjuiiB ticadater in Al condition. A beraain; aovu ii s, . term. 20th st. See Mr. Eppla at 60 N. DUBRU1M.R 1 Top company that Oak. Broadway 1864. FOR SALE Studebaker 6, 7-paaaenarr, good running order, for $$76 cash. 670 Going or calfWoodyawn 2248. MITCHELL light ix, & pawt-nger, for sale, rea sonable, or trade for 2 passenger car. Lang. A Erirkson. printer. Ill 12th street ONE 1919 Ford delivery, practically new; snap for any one wanting thf type of car. M ut be cash. 4 74 Htncock. I'bone East 'J .12.1. HATNES il 2 cylinder car, good shape. Alder. . Bdwy. 2492. Cary, 623 FORD Ford touring, at the right price. Alder at. Phone Broadway 24 92. Cary, 523 FOR SALE, by owner. Studebaker 14. M. F. 8, 6 pass, touring car; first class condition, $260, Apt 8, 668 Flander st. before noon. 1917 FORI) roadster, all new tire. (.190; th. biggest anap in town. Smith Auto Co., Park and Couch i ' ONE H-rylinder Cadillac. 5 cord tires, bumper, spotlight, fin condition; om term. 421 BI'HNBIDK ST. BKOADWA Y 62 $4 25 CASH or term buy my late model Paige touring car, electric light i and starter. See Frp'e. 52 N. 20th at weet lde. Mtn 206. 1917 HUPMORILE. first-clam mechanical con dition. $1000. Smith Auto Co,, Park and Crueh. ' V 1918 FORD touring, fine condition; like new. A real buy. 421 BURNHIDK ST. BDWT. 521. 1918 CHUMMY Overland; wire wheel. This u a real buy. 421 BURNSIDF.. BDWY. B21. IK-TON truck: Twill take Ford aa part payment Home Sunday all day. 14 98 Interstate ave. " ' : : FoTnr"Buo Jnt like' new, just overhauled; new top, $350. Main 3966. AUTO TIHES We save you money on new and tved tire : vulcanizing and retreading. Vole' Tire Shop, 41 Grand ve I'hon East 496. OAKLAND Six 6 passenger, perfect condition; good Urea; will accept Ford part payment $785. Tabor 6343, : CHALMERS Roadster in Al condition, good tire and repainted. A bargain; term. See Mr Epple at 60 N. 20th t. ' FORD touring, 1917, in perfect condition, good tire, some .extra. A snap at $550, Terras. 80 ;rand ave. N.. near Burnside. CHUMMY ROADSTER Thia is an Old 8, in splendid shape. 523 Alder t. Broadway 2492. Cary, $450 DOWN BUYS 1918 CHALMERS SIV TOURING CAR, A-i CONDITION ; RUN AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST. 1 96'.'. CHEVROLET-roadster, J 9 18. liTbet of - rn dition. uaed eery little; will sell t $725, and giv term. 30 Grand ave. N. near Bnraside. , FORD-delivery 1914. in perfect mechanical condition : will sacrifice at $400 and give term. 80 Grand ave. N. near Buraaide. FORD touring. 1914, good tire, a bargain at $300. Terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn idn a f MAXWEIJ, roadster. 1917. in perfect eondi tion, a bargain at (675 with terms. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Burn wide. CHEVROLET road-er. 1018. newly painted, in fine condition. Will acrifice at (700 with term. 80 Grand ave. N., near HornMde, A SNAP Late model Studebaker alx, good tir. 954 Thurman. 1918 OLDSMOBILE . eight. jui tike new, $1250. Smith Auto -Co., Park and Couch. A FIVE-PASSENGER Haynea car, five good tiree, A-l ahape. 954 Thurman t. l l it'K touring, and Couch. 1416 6rd! $375. Smith Auto Co., Park Z passenger, for $375 ch. Owner. East 0643. 1917 FORD touring, $375. Park snd Conch Smith Auto Co., 81DWA TOP AND BODY WORKS 847 Bnrntde at., pnt.tr Broadway 2495 1117 MAXWELL. $525. Park and Conch. Smith AuUi Co., 1917 CHEVROLET touring, in fin condition; easy term. Wood law a 1427. BUICK bug In good'conditionat a bgain7"327 Front st East 655 2. DANDY Ford rodrer with extra. $290 cash! 1040 E. 28d st. N., near Albert. 1915 MITCHELL roadster, excellent condition. all good tire. Eat 8122. BARGAIN in Maxwell touring car, good con. attwi.' i sir lanor titi. 1917 CHANDLER, good cord tire, repaint..! a snap at 81200; easy term. Broadway 1270. WILL sell my 1917 Uaxvtall chaao. A-ftll. Journal. (CoBtlamed oa Following Jafe