The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 14, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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1 -
18 SATURDAY. JUNE "H.-1919,-
eration at rat Meeting on jifohday iSigti
: .... - t I . i i J -
Both Morning and Evening Serv
ices in Many Instances Will
Present Children's . Exercises.
Great Preparations Made for Big
- Annual Eventj -Glericoe Bap
tist Is to Have Fine Offering.
Songs of gladness will again bp hoard
in a. , large number oif Portland's
churches tiunday morning and evening
when a large number of the Sunday
schools present their Children's day
lirograme. AIout half of the churchei
observed the , annual occasion last Sun
One of the greatest annual events of
the First. Presbyterian Church Is- the
Children's day services, -which -will hi
held Sunday at the hour of the regular
morning service. Great preparations
-bava been -made for -these exercises,
which are invariably attended by so
large, an audience that the seating ca
pacity is taxed. .
It I is the custom . of Dr. Boyd, the
pastor, to preach, very Sunday morn-
. ing a , little sermon . to the children in
the j form of . a story pr , an allegory,
which is also calculated to give the older
members of .the congregation something
to think about. Tomorrow his sermon
to-the young people tll be the prin
cipal one of the morning instead of
merely a preliminary.
Despite the epidemic of the past win
ter, ! this Sunday school Is in the most
! flourishing condition it has been
and i .the attendance hap- never been
greater, .having attained the honor of
being the largest Sunday school in the
Pacific 'Northwect.
' Children of members of this church
are 1 enrolled at birth ' and the "cradle
roll"" of the' school now bears- more than
ISO names of little ones under the age
of 3 years. Miss Leo no re Klosterman
lias charge of the cradle roll.
THE BIBD8NEST" ...... -
At the age of 3 the little ones, begin
their attendance at Sunday school in a
room where they have pictures and
sand-plies, hear stories and learn to
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: ' . PASTOR . !
. " SUNDAY, JUNE U, 1911 A. M.
A Sermon to Young People Children's Day
. " " 745 P. M.
. "How I Think of Jesus Christ, a Foundation
- For a Living Creed"
- AT 7:30 P. M.
Jf e ast of trinity;
fllinat 3Jt iHeans
SSaill ?Sc escribed
Sunday being the "Feast o.f the -Holy
Trinity'; begins that half of the Chris
tian year whose teaching is an applica
tion of the doctrines and principles set
forth, in the first half of the year,
says Rev. Thomas Jenkins,' rector of
St., Davids .Episcopal church. "Christ
mas is not an end in itself,' the rector
continued. "It must of necessity lead
on to something ulterior. ' The revelation
of Christ was as a plant rather than
as a full grown tree. The belief in the
social character of God came as a
carollary to man's belief in social qual
ity of his own nature." The rector will
discuss this subject in his Sunday morn
ing sermon. At the same hour a school
for young children is maintained for
the convenience of parents who live at
a distance. Special music has been pre
pared for the morning a.nd evening
sing songs. This department Is known
as "The Birdsnest" and is in charge of
Mrs. H. W. Floyd. The Birdsnest pu
pils who have reached the age of 8
years will be first on the program.
Memory work and songs will be given
and they will receive diplomas entitling
them to enter the primary department.
The senior class of the primary de
partment, of which Miss Jane Smith,
formerly a teacher of Portland acad
emy, has been the superintendent for
.ooi-a exhibit their knowl
edge of a Christian life in an exercise
written by Mjtes Smith, entltiea jesus
and the Love of God." Each member
of this class, of which there "are BO
pupils, on receiving the graduation di
ploma, will be presented with a Bible.
The junior department, of which Mrs.
A. B. Slauson is superintendent, com
prises children from 9 to 12 years of
k iMtr im constituting the
graduating class. This class will give
demonstrations or tne extensive wo ui
this department in the way of memory
tn.k RiM drill and Braise service.
consisting of quotations from both Old
and New Testament, called "Our Saviour
In Prophecy and the fulfillment or
Th n,n)nli " There are 56 DU-
pils in this graduating class who will
enter the Intermediate department of
the Sunday school.
imi s Emlnr. who has just re
turned from an extensive Eastern trip,
during which he attended tne general
assembly of the Presbyterian church at
Ct T nui ou tHA rnrMPntfVA of thifi
church, will preside and Dr. John H.
Boyd will present the diplomas.
Cimov mnrntnc at HlAnrnA B&tttist
church the annual Children's day cele-'
bratlon will be held beginning at y
,.viir anH laatine- through the hour of
the church service. A splendid program
has been prepared by the children. The
T. .... 1, T .ao(,Ha n il! analr nn " W hat
a Child Can Do." In the evening the
pastor will oegm a new series oi ser
mons On "The Greatest Thing in the
World." Maurice Merriweather will
alcn triv a reading: entitled "John 3 :16."
Special music has also been arranged.
Rev. Ward Willis Long, temporary
pastor of Forbes Presbyterian church,
also announced that his Bible school
would give its Children's day program
Sunday morning at 10 :30 o'clock. In the
vsnlng he will preach an evangelistic
sermon. Music will be furnished by the
chorus and male quartet.
Children's day will be celebrated also
at Mizpah Presbyterian church and the
Evangelical association church. Tenth
and Clay streets. At the former church
the program will commence at 11
o'clock. In the evening Rev. William F.
Vance of Caldwell, Idaho, will preach.
The regular" school session, will be held
at the Evangelical church, followed at
10:45 o'clock by the program. The pas
tor. Rev. Jacob Stocker, will give a
short address. Sunday afternoon a
service will be held at the Old People's
FamoBi for His Association With
the Most See wise Cellar
Kbowb as' tseN
Ceremonies in Honor of National
Emblem Will Be Fitting Open
ing to Boy Scouts .Week. .
Flag day, celebrated in Portland's
churches Sunday, will offer a fitting
opening for Boy Scout week in Portland,
which will begin Monday morning. Flag
day is today, but the event will be
celebrated tomorrow. In order to pro
mote the Boy Scout ' movement in the
United States the national committee
has requested that one million persons
throughout the nation subscribe to as
sociate memberships at $1 each. Ore
gon's share of this total Is 5800. and
Portland's share, 3000.
"The congress of the nation, recognis
ing the value of proper training of
American boyhood," writes William G.
McAdoo. national director, "granted a
special charter for the organization of
the Boy tjcouts or America. This or
ganization . now embraces 375.000 splen
did American -boys ; but this Is a very
small proportion of the 10,000,000 Ameri
can boys between the ages of 13 and
21 who ought to be given the' benefit
of Boy Scout discipline, training and
practice. The future of the nation depends,-
of course, upon its youth. The
Boy Scouts raised several hundred rail
lion dollars in the Liberty loan and War
Saving tamps campaigns. They . did
splendid work for the Red Cross and
its several national campaigns. They
served the government in many oth'er
effective ways d tiring the great world
war. This worthy cause stands along
side the Red Cross and other humani
tarian organizations which have had the
generous support of the American peo
ple. In the name of America's best
boyhood, I beg America's manhood and
womanhood to help."
Local ministers were so impressed
with the work performed by the boys
during the war that they decided to
give it every possible aid In their, serv
ices. Many pastors spoke on the drive
In their services last Sunday, and more
will present the cause tomorrow.
The Boy Scout movement will ' be at
the front at the Sunday evening civic
forum at the First Congregational
church. The meeting will be addressed
by C. C. Colt and J. E. Brockman, di
rectors of the movement in Portland.
The aim of the meeting is to get the
citizens of Portland BOlidly behind the
movement. Comrr.unity singing at 7 :43
o'c:ock will open the meeting. Dr. H.
L. Bates of Forest Grove yrlll preach
In the morning.
Plan Strawberry Social
The Ladles' Aid society of Grace
(English) Lutheran congregation will
give a strawberry social at the home
of Mrs. George List. 1234 East Twenty
sixth street. North, on Thursday even
ing. A, free will offering will be taken.
The church has a growing and en
thusiastic women's society, whose aim
at present Is to raise funds for a new
church- All are welcome.
Trinity Sunday
Uniform Sunday School Lesson
"Prmyer." Mtt 6:5-15; Luke 18:1-14.
Golden Text: "In nothing be nxlon; bnt
in everything - by prayer mnd BuppUctkn with
thanksgiving let your requetti be mad known
m,to God." Thfl. 4 .6.
Young People's Topics
Baptist r nkm: "What We Owe .and How to
Pay It." 2 Cor. 8:1-15.
Christian Endeavor: "What We Owe and
How to Pny It." (Tenth lesion application).
2 Cot. 8 1-15. League: "Speech. Wise and Other
wise." Ja 3:1-18.
First White Temple. 12th and Taylor Rev.
Wiliiam A. Wdldo. 10:30. "A Hidden Life";
7:45. "A Great Eternal Lops Hell."
Et Side E. 20th and Salmon Rv. V7.
B. Hinson. 11, "The IWgnity of Strrica"; 8,
preaching by Iter. H..T. Cash, tubjeet, "The
Coming Night."
Third Vancouver and Knott Re. Webley
1 Beaven. 11, T :80.
Arlet Rev W. C. Driver, temporary pastor.
Calvary E. 8th and Grant Rev. 3. B.
Thomas. 11, "The Law of the Tithe"' : 8. "The
Northern Baptist Convention at Denver."
Ulencoe t. 45th and Marn Bev. T. C.
Laslette. t:45. Children's Day program, ad
dress by the pastor on, "What a Child Can
Do"; 7:45, "The Greatest Thing in the World."
Sellwood Bethany Kev. T. J. Broomfieid,
11. 7:80.
Grace E. 76th and Ash. 11, 7:30.
' University Park Rev. S. Lawreaca Black.
11. 7:80.
Swedish 15th and Heyt Bev. T. G. Sjolar
uer. 10.30. 7:30.
St. Johns Rev. Mr. Burton, '11, 7:30.
Highland E. 6th and Alberta Dr. W. T.
UOlikan. 11. -8. , . -Catholic
St. Peters Lenta - Bev. P. Beutgctv- 8,
10:30, 7:30. ' -
Pro-Cathedral 15th anJ. Davb Rev. E. T.
O'Hara. l.-7:15. 8:30. 8:45, 11. T:45.
St- Lawrence 3d and Sherman Bev. J. IX
Hughes. 6. 8:30. 10.30, 7:30.
St, Francis E. 12th and Pine Bev. 3. H.
BlaHc. 6. 8. 9. 10:30, 7:30.
Immaculate Heart . of Mary William and
Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. , 8. 9. 11. 7:80r.
H'tfy Roaary E. 3d and Clackamas Rev. E.
a Olson. 6. 7. 8, 9. 11. 7:30.
St. Rose E. 6Sd and Alameda Bav. J.
O'Farrell. 8. 10:30. 4. .
St. Andrews E. tth and ' Alberta Kev. 3.
Kirrnan. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
: The Madeleine E. 24tli and Siskiyou Bev.
Georca F. Thomnson. 7:80. 8. 11.
Ascension E. 76th and Tamhill Franciscan
Fathers. 8,10:30,7:80.
Blessed Sacramentf Maryland and Blandena
Rev. V. W. Black. 8. 10:30. 7:30..
Holy Crosw 7 74 Bowdoin Bev. Ct Raymostd.
. 10:30. 7:30.
St.' lgnattu 3220 43d stS. T. Jesuit
Fathers. , 6 JO. 8, 10:8O, 4. f
St. Stephens E." 4 2d and Tiylct Bev. War
ren A. Waitt. 8:30. 10:30, 7JO.
Holy ' Bteew Portlawd hlvd. and Vsncnn
vr are. Bav. "William J. Davis. ' 6. 8, 10:30,
7:30. '
. bt- Phillip Nert IPauHst Fatuen) E. 11th
sod Hickory- Bev. W. J. Cartwright 7:80.
10:80. 7:30. r d
St Clements -S. Smith ave. and Newton
Serbita Fathers. . 8. 10:80, 7:3ft.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Centar Rv. G.
Bob. 8.-10:30. 7:30.
St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. J.
Commlnt-ky. 8. 10:80, t:30."s
St. Stanislaus Polish) Maryland and Failing-
Bev. F. Matthew. 8, 10: 80. 7 JO.
St. Joseph (German) 16th and Coach
Bev. B. Durrer.v, 8. 10,30, 7:Or . ' ' -
Bt. lucnaei f itaiiasr tn- ana silh Bsv.
U. Baleatra, - 8:30. 10:30, 7:80. -
St. Clares) Capitol Hill FaUver Capiatran.
0. F. M.: 8- 10:10.
Bt Charles E. '83d and Alberta Bev. 3.
P. O'Flynn. . , 10:30, - ;
AU Saints Is. i 9th and GUsaa Bev. Father
William Crontn. -8. 10:30 fv
St. Patricks 10th -and Savier Rev. Chartea
M Smith. Masses :30. 8. 8:15; 10:30. 7:46.
Ohrtsttan j ?
, VUrl Park and Columbia Bar. ' HsrnVl Ft.
Griffis.' -11, "In a Day Religious Rebuilding";
7:45, addrea by- Dr. Roy B. Guild of New Tork.
East aide U. 12tb and Taylor Kev. B. H.
Sawyer.' 11. 8. -..
itodawy Avenue- Rodney and JUiott Bev.- JT
F. Ghormley, - 11. 8. . - ,
Monta villa E. 70th and Gllsaa-fe-Rv. Her
bert E. Byder. . 11, 7:30. - ' - v
. Wood lawn E. 7 th and Liberty Bev. Joseph i
D. Boyd. 11. 8. . - . i
hurches Msked
... ''-.' "i j j- . -,
Mo Participate
Expectation Is That Entire Clergy of City and Two Lay Delegates
From Each
Church Will
Monday Evening
ONIAY cvejnlng at 6 o'clock,
deljjate- from th Protestant evangelical churches of Portland
vrill decidJ whether they desire to form an organization which
will make Christian cooperation a fact, in the life of the city of
Portland. The Ministerial 'association has approved of the plan, so-the
president, Lr. Joshusi Stansfield, and the secretary, Rev. L. C. Poor, have
notified the Proietait clergy of the city of the special meeting. In addi
tion tvo lay members from evry congregation have been invited, as the
ministers feit that thk lay members of
In making the dec'sion.
The purpose of organizing a church
union in Portland is to mobilize a force
under skillful leadership that will make
it possible to correct community condi
tions which menace the future of the
boys and girls and unljtedly -to strength
en: every agency whlclji . wilr make these
boys and girls the finest men and women
In the. world. J
The federation is bsed on the prin
ciple of cooperation not only of churches
with churches, but ojf these churches
with other- religious. social and civic
organizations to make the city beauti
ful' because of righteousness.
Thirty-three cities throughout the na
tion already have such an organization.
In cities like Indianapolis. Cleveland, St.
Bible Conference
,,To Be pontinued
The .Oregon summer Bible conference,
which was to have closed this -week,
will continue the corning week at the
First Evangelical church, East Sixth
and Market streets, according to the an
nouncement of Rev. tValter- Duff. Sun
day afternoon ttev. John McFarlane
and Dr. A. L. Hudson will speak. Sun
day morning Rev. Mr. McFarlane will
speak briefly at Glencoe Baptist
church. The first three nights, of the
week Nels Thompsoi. the well known
"auto" evangelist, will address the
meetings. Rev. Mr. .ljuf f will preach the
remainder of the week.
Fourth Series
The fourth lecture-sermon on Chris
tian unity, namely fThe Presbyterians
and CongregatlonallSts," will .be given
Sunday morning at il by Rev. William
G. Eliot Jr.. at thfe Church of Our
Father, Broadway- i.nd Yamhill street.
The evening forum is intermitted for the
summer months. Tie meetings of the
Sunday school will be intermitted be
ginning June 23.
Tsrnon E. 15th s. Wygant Bev. B.
Tibbe Maxey. 11, 7:30.
Christian! Sclec
Lesson Subject: "God the Preserver of Man."
iratlSth and Everett. - 11, 8. -
Second E. 6th and IHoiIaday. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth- Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, ,
Fifth 62d and 4 2d ave A. E. 11.
Sixth Masonic. Temple. 868 Tamhill. 11. 8.
Seventh Holbrook block, St- Johns. 11.
All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m.
First Park and Madison. Dr. W. W. Wil
lard. .11, preaching by Dr. H. L. Bates of
Korost Grove, subjectj "The Great .World
Quest"; 7-45. civic ferum in interest of Boy
Scout movement ; C. Q. Colt and J. E. Brock
man, spcars.
Sunuyside E. 3 2d and Taylor Rev. 3. 3.
Staub. 11. "The Completeness and finaiity of
God's Word"; 7:46, '"Success to the Man Who
tiiicks." . - .
Atkinson Memorial -t . 29th and Everett.
Rev. E. E. Flint. 11. "Smiles, Roues and Re
ligion"; H. "Employment and Workmen A
iVwld ProVem."
Highland K. 6th and Presrott Rev. Edward
Constant.- II, "An Old and Pen lex fog Doc
trine Rest '.red in Modern .Terms"; 8, f Facing
the Call of the Day in! the Spirit of the Master.
Wavrrley Heights rE. 83d and Woodward
Kev. Oliver P Avery. 11, 8.
Laurelwood 45tJi ive. and 65th at.. S. E.
Mra. AUca M. Uandsaker. 11.
Pilgrim Missrrari and 8bavr. Bev. Bobert
Murray .Pratt. :ll,.7f4 5.
rinnish Mission 107 Skidmore Kev. Sam
uel Neva la. - 6, 7:80.1
University Park Haven- and Lombard Rey.
C. H. Johnston. 11, B.
8U Johns S. Ivarihoa and Richmond Rev.
3. T. Merrill. 11. 7:80.
Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner
Bev. Ola Torgessen. 11. 7:80.
First German E.I 7th and Stanton B.
George Zocher. 11, 7:30.
Second tirman- Ei 8tla and Skidmore Rsv.
Henry Hagelganz. 11. 7:30. '
Zion German E. ! 6th and Fremont Rav.
J, H. Hopp, 11. 7:30.
ParkroMc Bev. P. D. Holfman. 11. 7:86.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
IStb and Clay Kt Rev. W. T. Sumner., bishop.
A ery Re. T. T. Hicks, dean. ,
i TrinityJ 1 &th and Everett Rav. A. A. Mor
rison. 8. '1. "Happjr and Healthy" r 8: '
- m. Davids fc. jltb' ana Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 9:45, 11, "The Trinity
in Experience": 8, ("Some Key Words of the
Christian tier-pet. -
S.-Mar 31 I nd MarhaO Bav. J. G.
Hatton. . !7:30. 0:45, 11, 8, -
St. Andrew, hfitiord si., Portsmouth -
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 11, 7:80.
Graee Memorial E". 17th and Weidler Bar.
Oswald W. Taylor. jS-ll. . -
Good' Shepherd fFancotfver and Graham
Ev. John Dawson., ill, 8.
St- Michaels and- All Angela E. 43d and
Broadway Bev. 1. f F, Bowcn. vicar. 8. ;10.
Church of Our Savior 6.0th ave. . and 4 1st
at. S. Kev. a. H.. Clark, vicar. 7:80. 11.
'. Bishop. Morris . Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev.. Frederick K. Howard. 7, 9:30.
St. laal Woodasere- Bev. Oswald w. Tt-
lor. .
All Saints 25th
and Savier Rev. Frederic
K Howard. 10. 11.
St. - Johns Memorial E.
16th and Harney.
SeUwood. Bev. H.
(Clark in charge 11. 7:30.
W. A
Mathews Corbett and Bancroft Bet.
M. Breck, vicar. 10. 11,
l"irt E. Sth Td Market ltv f. K U.m
schueh. 11. 2:30; summer Bible conference ;
Carson Heights !9thv and Hume Bev,
Fisher. 10.30. 11:80;
Clay Streetr 10th. and Clay. . Bev. Jacob
Stocker.. l:80, 10:45, Childrea a Day program
and address by pastor; 8.
, Free iHetliodlat. . ' t
rVrHrarE. 55th. and. FUndera Bev. : W,
Coffee. 11, 8. - '
Hirst K. tih.,maA MlllC- Bav.'' A. Been.
11. 6. ' - ' " . . f .
Alberts iE. 80th and Wygant Bev. E. L
Harrington. 11, -7;30. . ,
Frtonda : ) ' "
" Firsts-E. 88th and Main--Bev. Homer L
Cox.: 11. 8.
T. r-'--'; - jew-ah .
Congregation Beib Israel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. . Wiee. Reform eynagogoe
Service, Friday 8 p. m., Saturday 10:30 a. m.
ConsregaUon Ahavia Sboiem Park and Clay
eta. Babbl R. Afcrahsmson. Friday. S m.1
Saturday. W:30,a. ga. . '
Congregatioa Netaa ' Zedeck Talmud Torah
th end Hall Rev.- Abraham I. Hoseneraats.
Friday.- 8 p. as.; Saturday, 9 a. m.; Sunday, 10
a. x.f . rthgious school . . , ,
. -er my aims T - - ti
Cbureh of Jesus Chrus of Latter Day Salnta
siser par sainu
Be Present at Assemblage
at the Y. M. C. A.
following a supper at the Y. M. C. A.,
the church must have a large voice
I .
Louis. Louisville, Atlanta the federa
tion has been in operation six or eight
years, so that the program which will
be presented -to Portland by the leaders
will be practically standardized.
. Rev. Roy B. Guild of New York city,
secretary of the commission on inter
church federations, of the Federal Coun
cil of Churches of Christ in America, is
in Portland and will speak, at Monday
evening's meeting. He has moved to
the coast and will superintend the or
ganization of federations in several coast
cities. - r
If the congregations of Portland de
cide to form the federation, Monday
night's meeting probably will be an
epoch making event in the church his
tory of the city.
Saducees' Warning
Is Sermon Subject
At the First Methodist church Sun
day morning. Dr. Joshua Stansfield will
deliver a sermon on the warning of
Jesus Christ : "Beware of the leaven
of the Saducees." The sermon will be
a timely warning to Include present
day' conditions. At the evening service
the address will be delivered by Rev.
H. H. Griffis, pastor of the First Chris
tion church. In the Centenary move
ment of the denomination First church
has now passed the $63,000 mark.
Service Men and
Women to Be Honored
A special welcome to 'returned service
men and women will be given Sunday
evening at the Mt, Tabor Presbyterian
church, when the unveiling and en
sbrinement of the. photographs of 61
service men takes place. A motion pic
ture, . "The SOn of . Democracy," will
also be shown. The pastor. Rev. W. W.
MacHenry, will preach morning and
5 th and Madison. 10
St. James W. Park and
Wm. E. Brinkman. 11. 7:30.
St. Psnls E. 12th and Clinton Rev.
Erause. 9:30, 10:30. 8.
Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev.
A. Christensen. 11, sermon in English
Trinity Williams and Graham Bar. J. A.
Beinbsch. 9:15. 10:30. 7:80.
BetbJebem Norwegian 14th and Davis Rev.
WUhelm Pettersen. 11. 8.
Grace. English Mason and ATtrlna Bev. O.
H. Bernhard. 9-45. 11.
Hamilton Chanel E. 80th and GUsan Rsv
F. J. Epling. 10:45.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod
ney. ' 1
. Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor
ris Rev. L. P. Kioller. 11. 8.
St. Johns Peninsula and KUpa trick Bev. L.
Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30.
Swedish Tabernacle I. 17th and Ullsan
Bev. C. J. Ledin. 11. 3 :30, 7:80.
Swedish Augnstana Stanton and Rodney
Bev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7:45.
Immanuel 19tB and Irving Rev. A. V. An
derson. Methodist Episcopal
Centenary E. 9th and Pin Rev. J. CI.
Rollins. 11. "The Weightier Mature"; 8, ad
dress by Chaplain Fred Anderson.
Central Vancouver and Fargo Bev. A. B.
Maclean. 11. 8.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Bev.
lohn Paron.. 11. 7 :SO.
Epworth 26th and Savier Rev. 3. Stanford
Moore. 11,8.
' First '12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stans
field. 10:30. "Beware of the Leaven of the
Saducees"; 7:46, sermon by Dr. H. H. Griffis
of the First Christian church.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Rev.' Elias herding. 11. 8.
Garden Home Bev. A. B. Calder. 10:30,
7:4 5.
Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster Bev. A. a
Brcrburv. 11, 7:30.
- Lents Laden B. Jones. 11. 7:30.
Lincoln E. 63d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A.
Ginn. 11.
Mnntavilla E. 80th and Pinar Bev. Hiram
Gould. 11. 8.
Mt. Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Bev. B. Olin
Eldridge. 11, 8.
Rose City Park Rev. D. - Lester Fieku.
11. 7:30.
SeUwood Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11. 7:30.
Sunnyside E. Sftth and Tamhill Bev. W.
F. Ineson. 11. 7:46.
. St. Johns W. Ijeavltt and Syracuse Hev. 3.
H. Irvine. 11. 8.
SwedUb Beeco and Burtbwlck Rev.. Abel
Ekhind: 11. 8.
Cniverslty Park Fiske and Lombard Rev.
j. T. Abbott. 11. 8. , ,,
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish BVfd
more and Vancouver. Rev. C. J. Rynning.
Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 8,
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Ket. Francia Bur
gett Short. 10:30.
Wood tnck K. S4th and Woodstock Bev.
Lv C. Poor. 11. 8.
District superintendent, Ttev. William Wallace
Toungson, D. D.. 691 E. 62d st. N. Tabot 2790.
( M. E. South
' First Union and Multnomah Bev. James T.
French. 11, "A. Growing Sense of God"; 8,
"-'Making Life Over,"
' Maxarene -
First E. 1 0th and Weidler jlev. C How
ard 1 ri". 11. 7:30. -
- SeUwood E. th and Spokane i-reacning oy
iMKr lisdrr. 11. 7:30. .
Brentwood 5tb ave and 67th at Bav.
C. V.. Fowler. 11. 7:80.
Highland Park E. 14th -and KUltagsworth
Rev. W. P. Keebaugh 11.8. . : j
Scandioartan Be v. i. BpngedabX 11.
.resbrtarlart t
First 12th and Alder Bev. John TFL Boyd.
10-30. Children's 'day servicevnd address by
pastor; 7:45-. '"How I Think ef Jesua Christ
A Foundation for a- Living Creed.".
Westminster . Esit 17th and Schnjler 'Bet.
Edward H. Pence. 11. 7:30.
Central -E. 13th and Fine. Re. Orlando B.
Perching. . "Builders"; 8. "Tba Conspiracy
of Things," f----- ' . ;
Calory tifb and Clay Bee. Frank J.
Mever. -. Preaehint bjr Bev. W. Baldwin. 10:30.
Mt Tabort-E. 58th and Belmowt Bev Ward
Marifenry. 11. "How Can I Know GodT" 8.
special .' welcome to returned service men and
women, motion- pictures. i - Jt
mw ' ..... . ... . n V A . ' I
v emon i i a ana w ygaos e. mmr
horonglb 11. 7:3l. . ' , ' .
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Rev. A. L.
Hutohmsoo. ; 11. 8. '. .
Fourth Firt and fiibba. , Bev. Monroe .
G. Everett. 10:80. 8.'
Paul E. Batseh.
Kenilwortb JS, 4th ana uiaasions uav.
Secretary of Portland Presbytery
Says in Report Falling Off
, In Attendance Is Noted.
The effect upon the church and the
tendency of many people to desert the
church service, and especially the Sun
day evening service and to seek out
Other forms of amusement, brought
forth considerable discussion at the
summer meeting of the Portland pres
bytery, held last Tuesday in Trinity
Presbyterian church.. Rev. John Nel
son, formerly pastor of Anabel church,
in reading his report as -clerk, said:
"Those who expected increases in
church attendance and interest are
doomed to disappointment, for the
reports show that only two churches
in the entire presbytery had an in
crease, while nine report a decrease; and
!! 'no effect.' Eleven churches also re
port that the war nad no effect upon
their finances. The only good part of
our report ishe financial item. All
but one pastor has been paid in full."
In another part of the report Rev. Mr.
Nelson said he .feared there was a'
tendency upon the part of the church to
evade part -of its responsibility. "Only
35 per " cent of the men on our honor
rolls are members of the church," he
said. "We also find about 10 per cent
of our young people enjoying commer
cial amusements on Sunday and about
rive per cent in the church. We have
permitted secular agencies to creep In
On us and practically destroy our even
ing service. We can't keep Our young
people to the church and to Christianity
on One service a week. We must or
ganize." He also criticized the program
of many churches in not providing for
any social entertainment outside the
activities of the ladies aid society and
the young people's society. He sug
gested that the church take an interest
itself in the providing of clean, enjoy
able 'entertainment for its young people-
Three Portland' pastors were also al
lowed to sever their connection with the
presbytery, ' namely.- Dr. John H. Boyd
of First Presbyterian church. Rev. Jbhn
Nelson of Anabel- church and Rev. J. R.
Landsborough of the Vernon church. Dr.
Boyd is to assume the chair of homlle
tics at the McCormich Theological sem
inary In Chicago. Rev. Mr. Nelson de
al re to assume a pastorate In Grants
P&ss. as Mrs. Nelson is In failing health
and needs a change of climate, and Rev.
Landsborough asked that he might be
relieved of his duties on account of a
physical breakdown. Mr. Landsborough
was dismissed to the Boise presbytery.
Complimentary Dinner
Forbes Presbyterian church Is giving
a complimentary dinner Tuesday at ( :30
p. m., to men who are either members
or friends of the 'church, in order that
they might meet the new minister, the
Rev. W. W. Long, and to plan for work
of the church In the community. A
large representation is expected.
Hope E. 78th and Everett. 11. 7:30.
Rose City Dr. Robert H. MUligan. 11
"Triumph Over Hindrances? ; . 8, "Joseph ii
Force i Grahsnv'snd Hantenbein Rev. Ward
Willi) ' Long. 10:30,- Children 'a day exercises:
8, special music by chorus and male quartet.
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska lie. Theo
dore V, Smith. 11, "Exposition, Epistle of
John ; 8, gospel message.
Anabel 11. 8.
Millard Avenue Rev. W. Lee Gray. 11, 8.
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Rev. A.
3. Henna.
Mizpah E. 10 th and Division. 11,
Children's day program; 8. sermon by Rev.
William F. Vance of Caldwell. .Idaho.
Seventh Day Aatventlst
Note Regular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday. i
Centra E. 11th and Everett L. K. Dick
son, pester. 10, 11:15.
Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery E, H.
Emmerson, minister. 11.
'Montavilla E. 80th and Everett Elder J.
A. Gerhart 10. 11.
Lents- 94th st. and 58th ave. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 10, 11.
St. Johns Central ave. and Charleston
Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 10. H.
Albina SkMmore and Mallory Elder A. A.
Meyer. 10, 11.
Scandinavian 550 Alberta -Elder O. 3 Lee.
10. 11.
Salvation Army .
Corps No. 1 -2 i 3 Aah st. Adjutant Frank
Genge. 11, 3. 8.
Corps No. 4 128 1st. Adjutant Joseph
Harrison. 11. 8. 8.
New Church 8ackty 331 Jefferson Re
William R. Reece. 1.0:4." "Evry Man's
Spiritual Enemies How to Meet. How to Over
come Tbcm."
Unitarian '
Church of Our. Father Broadway and Tam
hill Rev. G. Eliot Jr. 11. "The Preaby
teriajis and (he Cobgregationalists."
.. United Brethren . .
Conference superintendeet Bev. , ti. E. Me
First K 15th aud-Worrl-on Bv. Byron J.
Clark. 11.- "Angel of the Night"; 7:30,
"The. Buszard's Brood," sermon addressed to
the W. C. T. V.
Second K. 27th and Sumner. ' Rev. Ira
Hawley. 11; preaching by the Rev. R. G.
Sumerlin; 8, preaching by the pastor on "In
Tbis Evil World la It Possible t Be Pure?"
Third 67th L and S2d ave. S. E v H
O. Shepherd. 11. "What Do Ton Knowt"
7:30. "Sins .So Cgly Paint and Powder Will
Not Beautify Them."
Founh Tremunt Kev. C I. Blan.-bard.
11, 7:30.
United Evangel teal
f-fnt Pi. 16th and Poplar Bev. J. A,
Goode. 11. 8.
Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay
Kev. H. H.-Farnham. 11, 7:30.
St. Johns Bev. A. P. Layton. 11, ,8.
United PresbytaHan
First E. 87th and Hswtborne Re. R. F.
Given. 10:30. "Jobs Victory Through Faith
and Patience": 7:30, "The Federated Church,
or Strength Through Unity." ' .
CIiwtcI' nf th Nrrunger Grand and Wasco
Bev. S. Earl Dtt Bote. ' ' - '-
samnn 1 2 v t f.nmbe'd Bev ' George
V. Taylor. 11. "The Stone That Becomes a
Mountain"; 7:45, "What the Ueavena Con
tain." MiscallanaetM
Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9tb
bitd Clay Bev. John E. Fee, 10. 11; Tueday.
7:45: Friday. 2:8.
RealixaUon Lesgue--186 5th Rev. . H. Ed
ward Milie. 11. 8.
Christadelphian 21 E. Washington. 10:30.
Church of God 863 Failing. Harry Neat
11. 7:80.'
Gospel HaU E. 2?th and SUrk.
' Men a' Resort 4th and Burnstde Be," Levi
Johnson, ewperlntendenfe, 8. " '
Divtoe Science TUford building Be. T. M.
Minmrd. pator. 11.
Universal Mewsisnie 318 Ablngtoo building.
11, 8, "Perfect Harmony in True Creation."
Pentecostal First and ' Washington Uev. '
WU1 O. Trottta, 11, . 7:80. . ' -
Glad Tidings tPenteoostal Ukwion) 246H
1st. 2. 8. 7 40 week day except Monday and
Saturday, 8 p. m. ,
Penleeoetat church E. 20tb and Ankeny
A. W. Smith. 11. 8. 8.
Voiniiteers of America Mivdon 224 Burmide
Meeting , every eveninac. exeeyt . Monday at 8
a'eleck, and Sandky. I p. a,
First SpiritaaliatH E. 7th and Hassalo Rev.
A. - Scott . Bledsoe. v 8. 7:45. ,-.' , --
Second Spiritualist AJisky HaU Eev.
Max Hoffman. 8. 8. .
GalvmnM Temple E. 84th -and Rmodway
Rr. Dawson MaeCaUoush. 1 0 :3, i.30. .
(East 5iAe JSapt)st
Wo ay onoi: to
Returned Soldiers
Friday . evening at 8 o'clock th en
tire cong-reg-ation of the East "Side Bap
tist church will pay honor to the re
turned service men connected with Its
membership and congregation with m
special pros-ram. After the program, a
social hour and refreshments vlll be en
joyed. The prog-ram is: "America." the
bugle call. "The Star Spangled Banner."
saluting the flag, hymn, "O Beautiful,
Far, Spacious Skies": address by Dr.
W. B. Hinson. "Our 8ervlc Flag re
sponse. Lieutenant Arthur P. Baugh ;
solo, Mrs. Virginia Spencer-Hutchinson;
solo, William drier ; dedication of the
missionary service flag, by Rev. H. T.
Cash ; solo, Mrs. Virginia Spencer
Hutchinson. fc
Sunday morning Dr. Hinson will
preach and administer the ordinance. of
Believer's baptism. In the evening he
will deliver the baccalaureate sermon
at McMinnville college, as has been his
custom for 10 consecutive years. The
associate pastor. Rev. H. T. Cash, will
preach in the evening. The young peo
ple's service at 6:43 o'clock also will
be led by Rev. Mr. Cash, who'will speak
on ' personal evangelism. At next
Wednesday evening's service. Dr. Hin
son will conduct a question box and will
speak on "Involution of Cod." The
women's, socie'ty will hold a social re
cerTtion at the home of Mrs..McLynn on
Thursday afternoon.
W. C. T. U Invited"
To Attend Church
The members of the W. C, T. V. of
Portland have been Invited ' to Attend
the Sunday evening service of the First
United Brethren church, Kast Fifteenth
and Morrison streets, - when Dr. .Byron
J. Clark will deliver a special sermon.
Professor W. H. Moore will conduct the
music. . The pastor will, preach in the
morning. At the Second church, Rev.
R.. G. Summerlln will conduct the morn
ing service and. Rev. Jra Hawley will
preach In the evening. At the Third
church the. pastor. Rev. - E. O. Shepherd,
will preach both morning and evening.
At pight he will talk on "Sins So Ugly
Paint and. Powder Will Not Beautify
Them." Both morning and evening serv
ices at the Fourth church will be con
ducted by the pastor. Rev. C. P. Blanch
ard. - I .
Pastor Gives Semes
Of Talks at La Grande
Rev. William R. Reece, having re
turned from La Grande, Or., where he
gave four well received lectures on
"Some Positive Tendencies of the ICew
Christian Age." will speak Sunday
morning before the Portland Society of
the New Christian church on "Every
Man's Spiritual Enemies: How to Meet,
How to Overcome Them." Attention Is
called to the change In the .hour of wor
ship, which will begin at 10 :45 instead or
11. as heretofore. This is to allow the
Sunday tjchool to, begin after Instead of
before church. The adult clase will
start tomorrow a study of the Inner
meaning of the book of Revelation, un
der the leadership of the pastor. -
. . - :: '
Baptist Women to
Hold Rally Monday
A missionary rally of the Baptist
young women of the Willamette asso
ciation, will be held In the White tem
ple Monday evening. A most Interest
ing program has been, prepared by the
World Wide Guild chapters of Port
land. Echoes of the Northern Baptist
convention will be brought by Mrs. A.
M. Petty; Miss Jennie Llnd Rellly, a
Red Cross nurse, recently returned from
France and' now under appointment for
the foreign mission field, will speak of
her work; the address of the , evening
will be given by Miss Lulse Campbell,
a missionary on furlough from China.
Supper will be served at 7 p. m., with
the program immediately, following.
Mamlrfl Service 1 1 o'Otoct
"A Hidden Life"
Organ Macltal at 7:4g
C ranina Sarvlca S e'Oloct
4-a uicut biciimi i.v.ii
9 '- ' ftttUt In Sarla.
"Vlaltora and tran9ar" Cipaciallr invltad.
1 1 -fx?-? r"
' I
First Congregational ChurCii
, :, - 7i O'CLOCK ' ' .
- SPEAKERS . , -
MR. C. C. COLT, President
MR. J. E. BROCKWAY, Executive Secretary
7 ""I. Woodrow Wilaon. president of the United States of America, do hereby
recommend that the period beginning Sunday, June 8. to Flag Py, June 14
be observed as Boy Scout Week throughout the United States." From the
President's Proclamation. , " . , - . -
Boy Scouts stand for the highest deals of character and good cltlgf nihlp.
Come and stdd interest jto the. movement In Portland. -
Three Day Session Will Be .Held
at , First Presbyterian Church
. on Thursday of Coming, Week.
Young Peoples Workers of Every
Denomination Invited to Meet
ing; Athletics in Afternoon.
Rev. H. 'A. Van Winkle, pastor of one
of the largest churches In .Oakland. Csl.,
will be one of the main speakers at the
Oregon Christian Endeavor convention.
which win assemble at the First Presby
terian church Thursday of the comlrix?
week." Rev. Mr, Van Winkle for many
. - I - t . . 1 . . : . -
years nava uccu active in viirisusn c.n- i
deavor work. leading conventions
throughout California and acting as
pastor advisor, for. the young people.
The convention will last over Sunday.
. The Boy Scouts have been secured to
act as guides througlput the convention
and the Intermediate Kndeavorers ; will
act as the' reception committee," under
the 'direction of Leroy Robinson. One
of the most important parts of the pro
gram will be the conferences on Friday
morning., , Toung peoples' workers of
every denomination are Invited to this
conference, Saturday afternoon, will 'bm
devoted to athletic diversions, followed
by a big jubilee "feed," probably in -one
ui mo ouiirise prayer meeiings
will be conducted In various churohaa
throughout the city at 8:80 o'clock Sun
day morning, as the delegates to the con
vention' from various parts of the stale
will be entertalnsd In tha hnmea f lnsat
members. t .
The closlns; meeting of the convention
will be la The Auditorium on Sunday
night, June 23, and will be led by- Rev.
Mr. Van Winkle, who has chosen for Ms
subject ' "Consecrated Miles." - The
churches of the city have been asked to
join in this closing meeting. Mias Alice
Judd of Salem will be the Boloist for the
convention. . .
The committee In charge of th con
vention Is urging all young people, both
inside and outside the city, to register
at once if they intend to attend the great
yearly gathering. .
Elements of Divine
Power to Be Subject
Sunday morning at the White Temple
Dr. , William A. Waldo will give a pres-
entatlon of the elements of the divine
power in human hearts and in the world.
reaeneratlna. transform! nir ami iriftrtfv.
I Ing uman nature. In the evening he
wUl deliver his sixth message in his
series on "Seven Great Things." The
speaker will deal with this subject from
a Biblical standpoint. Miss Nellie Ken
nedy will give an organ recital for 15
minutes preceding the evening service.
A committee has been appointed to
decorate the church with roses.
s: .- .... ,n
of Plttiborg, Pa.
jvi'-- -;- AT
' : " :' 'AURPICESj