THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL' SATURDAY, ; JUNE 71919. PORTLAND, OREGON poy H g. . .III MiMMIIIflllllllMMW couts ARE TO HOLD HONOR PLACE Sunday Schools Will Prepare for . Vacation Season ; Others . Will 1 Have Graduation Programs. SOME WILL OBSERVE JUNE 15 Reason for Deferring Celebra ' tions Is to Bring Them Nearer v the -Closing Day of School. .Children day In the church and Sunday school ..will be observed In .Portland's churches the next two Sun 'days. A large number of churches have decided to keep tomorrow as Children's day. as it is the second Sunday in June, which custom has established as the day; A few of the churches, however, have decided to defer their programs until June 15. as this Sunday is nearer to the closing day -of the grade schools. Clad in their pretty" white frocks. Portland's human "rosebuds" will re cite their final special program before the-beginning of the. summer vacation season. In addition to the program, many schools make Children's day a graduation day. IV I IX GRADUATE CLASSES Schools in which the standard Sun day school methods have been adopted will have a graduation exercise on their program, . at which time Sunday school diplomas will be given those who have outgrown their respective department. Those who have attended regularly dur ; Ins certain length of time during the past year, and who have also been on time every Sunday morning, will also be 'awarded a present, perhaps a Bible, or a religious book or gold pin, by a few Of the schools. Children's day exercises will be ob served at the First Methodist church at 10:30 a. m. Sunday. The entire service will be devoted to the exercises of the children, which promises to be most entertaining and enjoyable. There will be a reception of members and baptism of the children. Dr. Joshua Stansfield wtll deliver a short sermon on Christian education. ixtehe'stixg service An Interesting service is being ar ranged for . Sunday morning at 10 :30 o'clock at the White Temple, when the church and Sunday school service will be combined. Special Children's day exercises will be held and Dr. William A. Waldo will preach on "A Child in the. Midst." The church will be beauti fully decorated. Tha regular Sunday morning service at the First Congregational church will .. 1 I . - 1 . L J1 J 1 Yl lieu uo kivcr tu me uiiuureii uy si . W.-W. Willard, in order that they may present the program which has been prepared. At 10:20 o'clock Sunday mornlne; the children of 8t. David's Episcopal church will hold a flower service to which each one will bring a gift of red flowers to ibe taken after the service to the hospital. The Whit Sunday offering taken at this service will be for the extension of the church school. SPECIAL PROGRAMS . At 9 :4a o'clock the Sunday school of the Bast Side Baptist church will ob serve Children's day with a special program. The same plan will also be used at Centenary Methodist church, according to the announcement of the pastor. Dr. J. C. Rollins. Children's day exercises will be held in the Fourth Presbyterian church Sun day noon. - Special songs and recitations will' be given followed by an illustrated lecture on "The Adventure of Tony," the story of an Italian boVwho came to America and became an American. Kev. . Monroe G. Everett., pastor, will - also preach at the regular Sunday morning and Sunday evening services.' The Children's day exercise will take the place of the Sunday morning service at the First United Presbyterian churchy announces tne rtev. tt. t . uiven. . Kenilworth Presbyterian church will observe Children's day Sunday morning In a special program entitled "Heirs of liberty." This is a peace celebration for children. A large part of the pro gram will be musical, the music being prepared by Ira B. Wilson. The service will begin at 10 :45 a. m. Sunday eve ning the Rev. Paul Ratsch will make a special address to young people. WLLL HAVE FESTIVE CHARACTER The Highland Congregational church plans to give a festive character to all its services tomorrow, such as will be in "harmony with the Bpirit of victory and the Rose Festival. The morning will be devoted to the children's annual floral celebration, the service to consist of Btnging, speaking and other exercises by "the children of the Sunday school. The pastor, the Rev. Edward Constant, will give a short address on "ChildVen ar. nay. in. me evening mere will be a festive community sing and home welcome. Special music has been ar " ranged. The regular Sunday morning service at Central Methodist church and Atkln i "son Memorial Congregational church will be set aside in order that the children may present their special pro gram, both pastors have announced. At Mount Tabor Presbyterian hurch the Bible school program will be given dur ing the regular school hour. FINE PROGRAM PREPARED The annual Children's day service in charge of the Sunday Bchool of the Rose City Park Presbyterian church wlUV be held Sunday mornine at ll O'clock.. W. H. St. Clair, superintendent. wm preside. a aeugntiui program, CHILDREN IN CHURCH SUNDAY FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALDER STBEE'ttAT .'TWELFTH ; REV. JOHN H. BOYD, D. D. pastor . ; v SUBJECTS FOR SCIfDAT, JTJlfE 8, lllV U:M ' : , "The Youth of Today and the World , ... -,. , . Tomorrow ; - . ; ,- i - " , S:45- P; 5T.; ' ' v "How I Think of the Bible An Attempt . v ' 1 :- to Be Understood" - i THE SUITBAT SCHOOL, MEETS hAT, Itslt-i-TISIT- i OR8 ARE WELCOME ' i A.TS ORGAN- RECITAL -MTTLL BE GIVEPT AT Jill BI r. E. E. COURSES and Oiurch jHakes lcry 4oo stowing ' First Free "Methodist churcli of which J 'forthree The Oregon- Conference of the Free Methodist Church has Just closed, hav ing been presided over by Bishop William Pearctf of , Philadelphia. The Rev. Mr. Beers' . work has had a. de cided increase since the time he took charge three years ago, and his pastor ate closed because of a three-year limit imposed by the church law. During the pastorate there has been a decided In crease in the membership. Every, de partment of the work has been strength ened. The finances in all departments, including home missions, foreign mis sions, evangelistic fund, pastor's sup port and various church benevolences 1 ave increased more than 100 per cent. Durinsr this last year the church has been erHarged and remodeled, making it practically a new church. It is one Rationally jFamous (Educator to peak n league of eace Dr. David Starr Jordan wilt be the seaker at the civic forum in the First Congregational church, corner Park and Madison streets, tomorrow evening. Dr. Jordan's theme wiH be "The Treaty of Peace and the League of Nations." The topic has to do with the outstanding issues of the hour In international poli tics and the opportunity to hear a world statesman express judgment on the various questions Involved is a real one. ' Doors will be open at 7 :1.5 and the forum will begin at 7 :45. Following the address the assembly will be given full freedom to ask questions In an open forum. Place of Church in Life Wilt Be Topic At the Church of Our Father, Broad way and Yamhill, this Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock, the pastor, William G. ElioC Jr., will preach a sermon treating of the place Of the church in modern life. The evening forum is intermitted for the summer months. This church will keep open house during the Rose Festival, affording a place of rest and refreshment for visitors to the city and any others who would enjoy these privil eges. Church Presented Dr. Boyd's, Picture The Woman's association of the First Presbyterian church presented the en larged picture -of -their pastor, John H-: Boyd, .to the officers of the church at a luncheon In the banquet hall of the church, Thursday. The picture now hangs in the chapel, with those of the four former pastors of this church. Dr. Boyd will leave early in July to take up hisnew duties In McCormlck seminary, Chicago. Dr. Hinson Will Be Honored on Friday A great celebration in honor of all re turned service men will be held Friday evening at the East Side Baptist church. Dr. W. B. Hinson. pastor, and Rev. H. L. Cash, associate pastor, are planning to make this a great occasion for the men who fought in order that the f ree-. dom of the world might be preserved. prepared under the direction of Mrs. W. E. Wright, will be given by the children. This program will Include the promotion of ,a large number of boys and, girls Into the higher grades. A committee acting with Mr. St. Clair will1 Bend automobiles, throughout the parish for the half hour preceding the service, to bring to the church all who will hang out white flags. Children's- day will also be celebrated at the . Rockwood Methodist church at 10:30 Sunday morning with a special program.. Eighteen Bibles will be pre sented to scholars who won them in a recent attendance contest. : A children's talk will he given by R. A. Hild. 3 - i- h. A! - (Children's: ay SH the Rev. Mr. Beers has been pastor years. of the most modern buildings in the city. Rev. Mr. ' Beers stated that fee had. taken special pleasure in the work of building the church, as it was , being done in honor, of Rev. i John Glenn, 'one of the. pioneers of the denomination who contributed so much in the earlier days to the success of Free Methodism on the coast. The Rev. Mr. Beers has also a parsonage well completed, - which Is modern and up to date, and . all finances arranged to pay jail bills and;. clear all indebtedness. Dr. Beers has gone to Greenville, '. 111., to attend ' the' general 'conference of his denomination as a delegate of the Oregon conference and will return to Portland about the middle of July to take .up the pastorate of a church at Alberta, where he was ap- f church parlor. At 7 :45 o'clock the fes pointed by the conference. 1 tlvities will culminate in--a great Jubilee DIRECTORY Whitsunday Uniform Sunday School Lesson "Obedience." Gen. 12:1-4; Matt. 7:16-20; John 14:21-24. Oolden text: "Ym ars my fSJjpds. if ye do the thincs which I command you. John 15:14. Young People's Topics Baptist X-'nion : "Condltiona Necessary to World Peace." Mic 4:1-5. Christian Endeavor: "Conditions Necessary for World Peace." Mic. 4:1-5. Epworth Leasue: "Why Go to College In War Time?" Pror. 8:10; 24:5-6; 2 Tim. 2:15, Baptist First White Temple, 12th and Taylor Rerj William A. Waldo. 10:80. joint Sunday srhool and church serrice; "pastor's topic,, "A Child in the Midst" ; 7:45, orjaxn recital" and sermon on "The Great Eternal Gain Hean."r Et Side - B. 30th and Salmon Re W. B. Hinson. 11. "The Intermediate State "CleaTins to Christ" Third VanooUTer and Knott Ber. Weblei J Bearen. 11. 7:80. , 0 , MontatUUt 11. T:aff. J Anf ney v . t. imm, wmnorary puwi. 11. Children's Day prorram; 8, "The Unpardon able Bin.'" - , CaWary E. Rth aM Tmnt Her. 3. K. Thomas. 11. "What is Real Kelifion?"; 8, Children's Day prot-nun. Olencoe K. 4Sth and Main ReT. F. CL Laslette. 11, "The Greatest Thins in th World : 7:40, voices From the Conentaon.r Sellwood Bethany Uer. T. J. Broomfield, 11. 7:80. , Grace E. 78th and Ash. 11, 7:30.. J : University Park Ber. S. Lewrenc Black. 11,-780. . . ! Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rev. T. G. SJolar Oer, 10.30. 7;30. $ -"St. Johns Rev. Mr. Burton. 11. 7:30. I MHiehland E. 6th and Alberta Dr. W. . MUlikan. 11. 8. . : Catholic St. Peters Lenta Rev. P. Beatgea. 10:30, 7:30. -Pro-Cathedral 15th anl Davis Bev. E. O'Hin. 6. 7:13. 8j:S0. 8:45. 11. 7:45. St. . Lawrence 3d and Sherman Kev. J. Ru.hM . r n .in ifi sn 7-sn. f. r. i .c- St, Francs) E.' 12 th arid Pine Bev. J. ft Black. 6.' 8..8. 100. 7:0. -v Immaculate Heart- of Mary Williaatf sad Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly, 6. 8. 9, 11. 7:80. Unly Rosary E- 8d and Clackamas Rev. E.' a Olson, e, 7. 6. 8. 11. 7:30. F St. Rose E 63d and Alameda Rev. J. O'Farrell. 8. 10:80. 4. St. Andrew E. 0th and Alberta Rev. J. Kiernan. 8. 10:30, 7:80. The Madeleine E. 24fh and Siskiyou Rev. Georce F. Thompson. 7:30, 0. 11. AiicensiorH-E. 76th and Yamhill Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:30, 7:80. ; .- Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandenar Bev. V. W. Black.' 8. 10:30, 7:30. t Holy Cross 774' Bowdoin Rev. C. Raymond. 8, 10:30. 7:80. St. Ignatius 3220 ' 43d t ' 8. - E. Jesuit Fathers. 6:80. 8,10:30.4. St. Stephens EX. 4 2d and Taylcr Bev. ' War ren A Waht. . 8:30, 10:30, 7.:30. Holy Redeemer PortlancL. blvd. and Vencero vr ava. Rev. William J. Dertna. , 6, 8, 10 :80. 7:30. V St. PhiUip Neri (Psulist Fatuers)' E. lflth nd Hickory Rev. - W. J. Cartwright. 7 :B0, . 10:80, 7:30. ' . . . . f,. St. Clements S. Smith ' ave. and , Newtoa Serbitw Fsthem. . 8.' 10:30. 7:80." j 8acred Heart E. 11th and Center Rev. G v. G. v.i j. Bob. 8. 10:80. 7:30. 8t Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. Comminsky. ' 8. 10:80, 7:30. - St Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland" and Fail in -Bev.' F. Matthew. 8, 10: 80, 7.80. ' St. Joseph - (German) 16th and 1 Couch Bev. B. Durrer. 8, 10:80, 7:30. . St. Michael (Italian h 4th and Mill Rev. It Baleatra. 8!30.vl0:30, 7:80. I St. CUrea Capitol Hill Father . Capistran, a F. il.t 8. 10:10. , i St Charles E". 33d and . Alberta Rsv. J. P. O'Flynn. , , 10:30.. - - i . All Saints Es. 80th 'and Glisan Rev. Father William Cronin. S. 10:80. ' - - St Patricks 10th and Savier Rev. Charles M. Smith, v Masses 6:30, 8. 0.15, 0:30, 7:45. Ohrlstlan Frt Park and Columbia Pev. Hrold H. Griffis. 11, address on the interchurch world movement 1 by - Ret. John C. Worley of San Francisco; 7:45. -"Tn Apology of the Sneak." Eai' aide K. 12th and Taylor Re. K H. Sawyer.'' 11. "The Open Door" ; 8. "A Wise Man's Choice." u-: ? i Rodney Aranue- Rodney and Knott Be. J. J. --Ohormley. 1 1, 8. - j - Montaviliu E. 76th and Glisan Rev. Her bert E. Rydet. 41. 7:30. 4t : : . Woodlawn E. 7 th and Liberty- Bev. Joseph D. Boyd. 11, 8.- Vernon K. 15th atv5 Wygant Be V. - B. Tibba Mazsy. ', 11, 7:80. , . ... r - , j. -.-' . w . i--'.i v ODHstian- gsdecee -5 - - r - . - Lesaoa subject : - "God, the Only Cans and Creator.", -. -v - . . - - - j , mrst Jth and Everett. . 11,, 8. I - Second E. t6th'nd Holla day. 11, 8. j) , - Third E. -12 th and Salmon. 11," 8. f f Fourth VancofiTer ave.- and Emerson. 11,' 8.--. Fifthr62d and 42d av -a. E, 11- " 1 .' Siath Masonic "Temple. 883 TamhiU. 11.' 8." SevenflkHeBjrook block. St Johns. ,11. ;:J. AU churehea Wednesday, 8 p. m. ,-. i -t?K.v Qgyitritatlowal : j ;.?... Fbat Part and Msdtwn. TJr.- W. W.t -.WO-mrd. '-ll. Children's Day exarelses; T:48, lec ture by Dr. -DaTid Starrojordan-' on fThe Treaty of Peace and-the; League' oi" Nation - -j.'-. ' Sunnyside E. - 32d and -Taylor Rev. J. 1 J. Staab. Dili's "The ' Divine and' Humant Ele ments in - the .: Record of the .J'eara"; j7 :48. reminiscences' of the pastor. '. J - i -Atkinson Memorjsi ft. "Oth- and Everett. Rev. E. E- : FHnt 11,. Children's Day program jand sermon; 8, twiliaht-communion service.- re- '"Hlgnlana R.rh and fnwitt Bev. Edwsrd Cenatut. '-li.ChildreBs feativaV-'ClilldTen at Play": 8. eommunitr festive sing. "The Rose In the Home." , - '-. ..,:. . K:t.;- Wawley Mejgrits B, a ana wososiro Rev. liver P.- Avery. .-ll,"The Outworn Pm ganism ot Civilisation"; . 8, - "Safe Anchorage." EVENT! Twenty-Seventh:Anniyersary of Organizationof Sunnyslde" Cort : i gregationaLto fie Celebrated. - ':...... ' ' w.-:'' i A unique experience, probaby a... rec ord event on the Pacific coast, will, be the celebration Sunday of the twenty seventh anniversary of the Sunnyside Congregational church. . Nearly - three decades have passed since Rev. "J. J. Staub, then a graduate freah from, the Pacific Theological r seminar of Berke ley, Ca!:, planted the "germ .'of. ar-C.on-gational church at -Sunnyside, when that now populous diBtrlet was but a hand ful of houses outside the city limits of Portland. - " . . . i. ... h. -..':.. ' ; 1 In a hall over a. primitive fire depart ment at East Thirty-fourth and Yamhill streets, a little band of children gathered for the first-Snnday school and "a few adults metf or the.iaqnching of a church enterprise that "haeC enjoyeeL, a remark able history. -Little, did the young par son realize that1. Tie '.would spend the largest part of -hU active ministry on that very field : and -that lie would lead the same congregation. from its pitifully meager birthplace 5 through two daring building enterprises into a final home that would rank with the best in Port land. . , - . , In addition to the anniversary celebra tion - the ,;day will also -be recognized as Home Coming day and ' cordial Invitations-are extended to all former mem bers and attendants to spend at least a part of the day with- th Jtotne church. ! The entire day wilV. share the spirit of the occasion. At ' 10 O'clock the Sunday school will observe Children's day with an exceptionally strong; program. The anniversary prograln will be delivered at 11 o'clock. During the jgiffSrnoon" and evening- special services' "will: be held " by the Christian Endeavor . soeietles. At 8:80 Dr. Hart of Reed college.swlll ad-. dress the Senior ; Endeavorers in the OF CHURCH Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. ' Rev. Robert Murray Pratt. 11. 7:45. Finnish Mission 107 SkfSdmore ReT. Sam uel Nevala. 6, 7:30. University Park Haven and Lombard Rev. C H. Johnston. 11. 8. St Johns S. Iianhoe and Richmond Rev. J. T. MerrilL 11. 7:30. Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Rev. Ole Torgessen. 11, 7:80. First German E. 7th and Stanton Bev. George Zocher. 11, 7 :30. Second German- E. 8th and Skidmore Rev. Henry Hagelgans. 11, 7:30. Zion German E. 0th and Fremont Rev. J. H. Hopp. 11, 7:30. Parkrone Rev. P. 1. Holfman. 11, 7:80. Episcopal Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr 13th and Clay Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop. Very Rev. T. T. Hicks, dean. 7:45, 11. preach ing by the bishop and confirmation of a class; 7:45. Trinity 19th and -Everett rison. 8, 11. 8. -Rev. A A. Mor- St Davids E. 12th and Belmont Rev. Tbomaas Jenkins, rector. 7. communion: 8. communion. Rev. Robert Gill, celebrant; 8:80, school; 10:30, flower serrice in the church; 8, service in the interest of the Boy Scout . move ment - 'J 8t Mark 2ln and Mar-hall Rev. J. G. Hatton. 7:30. 0:45. 11, 8. tot. Andrews Hereford at, Portsmouth - Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11, 7:80. Grace Memorial E. 17th aud Weidier Kev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. . Good Shepherd- Vancouver and Graham -- Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8. -St Michaels and AU Angels E. 43d and Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. 8, 10. 11. 6. Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st it S. K. Bev. E. H. Clark. Hear. 7:80. 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Rev. Frederick K. .Howard. 7, 0 :3u. !t Pauls Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. All Saints 25th and Sarier Rev. Frederic RL. Howard. 10. 11. St Johns Memorial E. 13th and Ilarney, Sellwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11, .7:30. St Mathews Corbett and Bancroft-Bev. W. A. M. Breck. vicar. 10. 11. , Kvangellcai - , " First E. 6th and Market Rev Ei DHorn schuch. 11. 2:30, summer Bible conference; 7:30. '-5; Carson Heights 9th and Hume Rev. F. M. Fisher. 1V:80. 11:30. - Clay Street 10th . and Clay. Kev. Jacob Stocker. 10. 11. 7. 8. - . Free Method 1st ?r rentral E. 55th and Flanders Bev." Wi N. Coffee. 11, 8. First K DUi and Mill Bev, A Beers, 11. 8. Alberta E. 80th and Wygant Bev. -E. L Harrington. 11. 7:30. Friends - First E. 35th and Main Be. Homer L Cox. 11. 8. . v- Jewlsh ' , . ' Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Reform synagogue, tier? ices. Friday 8 p. m.r Saturday I0:3(t a. m. Congregation Ahavia Sholem Park and Clay its. Rabbi R. Atrahamson, Friday, 8. p. m. ; Saturday. .8 :30 a. m. Congregation Nevah Zedeck Talmud Torah 6th and HaU Rev. Abraham I. Rosencrants. Friday, 8 p. m. ; Saturday, 9 a. to. ; Sunday, 10 a., m.. religious school. Latter Dap- Salnu ? Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints K. 25th and Madison. 10, 7:80. Lutheran St James W. 'Park and Jefferson Bev. Wm. E. Brinkman. 11; 7 :30. St Pauls E. 12 th and Clinton Rev. A Krause.' 0r30, 10, confession; 10:80. Pentecost- services and holy communion; 8. Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. A. Christen sen. -11, sermon in Norwegian.' Trinity Williams and Grahans Rev. A. Beinbach. :16. 10:30. 7:80. Bethlehem Norwegian 14 th and Davis Bev. Wilhelm Pettenen.- 11. 8. Grace. English Mason- and Alblna. Bev. C II. Bernhard. .. 9:45. 11. . Hamilton Chanel E. 80th and Glisan Rsv. F. J. Epilog. 10:4S. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rodney.-. - ' ---- Bethanv Danish Evangelical Onion and Mar. tis Rev I P. Kioller. 11. 8. St Johns Peninsula and Kilps trick Rev. L. Lndwig. 10:43, 7:30. . Swedish Tabernacle- N. 17th and .Glisan -Bev. C. J. Ledin. -. 11, 3:30, 7:80. . - Swedish Augustana Stanton and Bodney Rev.. V. G. Ogren. 10:45, 7:45. t - Immanuel 19th and Irving Rev. A T. An derson. '- Methodist CpJsooeeJ - Centenary E. 9U ancf Pine .... ...... '. Bev. , 3. C SUIWAYiJ "The Peace Treaty arid . -. - x.' ..i . : j j... r - . - RECORD COAST'IS SUNDAY " d ' ' ' . . ..' -vvTlVli- SPEAK - CIVierFORUM iii ' t r. - ; ' : ' , CORNER PARK AND Come and hear this wdrtd sUtesman on the burniag question of the hour. Commhnlty. Singing' and Open Forum for Questions from "the Assembly. DOORS OPEK ill 8e.; Sfointly Jtoted 0tissionary 2To iHake Addresses infills City Sunday The Rev. : John ' Cobb ' Worley of San Francisco, who for 12 .years served as a missionary in Japan and who . for the past two years has - been Pacific coast ; representative of the missionary education movement and who now is associate secretary of the inter-church world movement of North America, will "be in Portland Sunday and will speak three times. Sunday morning he will speak at the First Christian church, Sunday afternoon he will deliver an address at the Y. M. C. A., and Sunday evening he wlH talk at. the Rose City Community (Presbyterian) church. Pre ceding the evening service Walter Jenk ins will conduct a community sing. . Bishop Quayle to Lecture on Tuesday " r - -. : , r . . - Bishop William. A. Quayle . of-- the Methodist Episcopal church, one of, the leading platform men and. literary ge niuses of the denomination, . will be in Portland Tuesday -night and will delivea one of bis famous lectures at Centenary Methodist church at 8 o'clock. The lec ture will be given under the auspices of City Church Extension society. Tickets will be 50 cents. The president of the society, J. R- Ellison,' will preside, and Bishop Matt S. Hughes wi Jl introduce his colleague. v service with the youngest department of the church, the Boy Scouts, a guests of honor. George S. Gerber,' scoutmas ter, and Mr. i Read, assistant scout master, will present the work of this department in short addresses and fea ture . demonstrations. The pastors "Reminiscences" will be. interspersed with an attractive . concert by the choir under Professor J. H. . Co wen. : For the closing feature of the program there will be shown several reels of exceedingly appropriate motion pictures . on "Ten der. Memories" from the life of Abraham Lincoln. ' , SERVICES IN Rollins. ll, "The Gospel of Defeat' Old Time Outing." . . , . Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. A. Maclesn. 11. 8. Children's Day program R. in charge of Mrs. J. W. Day. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rev. John parsons. 11. 7:SO. T Epworth 26th and Sarler Rev. J. Stanford Moore. 11, 8. . First 12th- and Tsylor Kev. Joshna Btana ficid. 10:30, Children's Day program; address by the I) as tor: 7:45. "Church Federation," by Rev. . Roy B. Guild, D. D.. executive secretary t ot the Federated Churehea of America. First Norwegian uanish 18th. , and Hoyt Rfv Klias Gcrdine. 11. 8. - Garden Home Rev. A. B.Calder. 10:30, 7:45. . .; - Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster Bev. A Or BrscSenbury. 11, 7:80. Lents tiucien B. Jones. 11. 7:30. . --s. Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Rev.- F. fiinn- 11. . '. Mo nU Tills E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram Could. 11. children's sermon by pastor w 8 Children's Day program, "Evanston College Bell." Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark. ' Rev. E. Olia Eldridge. 11, "Character As a Life Power"; 8, "Tha Joy of Service." ; ' 1 Rose City Park Bev. D. i Lester Fielos. 11, 7:80. ' f 4 Sellwood Rev. W. 8. GordoB. .11, 7:80. ' Sminyside E. 35th and TamhiU Rev. W. F. Ineson. 11,- 7:46. ' St Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse tevtJv H. Irvine. 11. 8. . . - Swedish Beecn and' Burthwick' Bev.- Abel Eklund. 11. 8. I University Park Fiske ami Lombard Bev. j. T. Abbott 11, 8. , Vancouver Avenue Norwegian "Danish Skid more .and Vancouver. Rev. C - J. Rynning. 11. 8. : -. . Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 8. w Wilbur Multnomah, hotel Rev; Francis Bur gette Short. 10:30. I Woodstock B. 34 th nd Wocdstocfc Bev. L. C. Poor. 11. preaching by Bishop M. 8. Hughes; 8, service in charge of minute, men and pastor. ' District superintendent. Rev. William Wallass Toungson. D. D.. 691 E. 62d it N. Tabof. 2790. ' M. C. South " First Union and Multnomah -Rev." James T. French. 11. .8. - '. ." Wazarene First E. 10th and Weidier rfer. C How ard Davis. "11, 7:30.-' - Sellwood rE.: 0th and Spok,ans Preaching by Luke Rader. 11. 7:30. Brentwood 65th -ave.-and 67th st Rev. C. TJ. Fowler.. 11. 7:80. - Highland-Park E. 14th and Eilllngswortb Bev. W. P. Eeebaugh. , 11, 8. ScandinaTian Rev. J. , BringedahL 11, 7:80. ',) ; Presbyterian First 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd. ,10:30. address to the Washington High school graduating class, "The Youth of Today and the World of Tomorrow": 7:45. "How I . Think of the Bible An Attempt to Be Understood." Westminster. East 17tb and Schuyler Rev. Edward H. Pence. 11, 7:80. Central K. ,13th and. Pine. Bev. Orlando B. Perhinc. ..11. Children's Day program; S, "Hu man ' Nature ' Unmarked." .'- , Calvary 11th .. and., Clay Bev.,' Frank- J. Meyer. 10:30. iff Mt Tabor E. 55th and Belmont Bev. Ward HaeHcnry. 11. "The Home, School and Church in the. Cere of the Child"; 8. "Great Men -As Life Teachers and moving pictures. "The,-Life of Democracy. r - Vernon 19th and Wygant Rev. J. R. Lgnds horough. 11,7:30. .. , ; Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Bev. A. L. Hutchinson. 11,. 8. Fourth First and .' Gibbs. Rev. Monroe " G. G. Everett ' 10 :30, "Religion, the Expression of Love and Common Sense''; 8, "The Burning Iieart." Kenilworth E. 34th and Gladstone - Rev. Paul E. Rat-ch. 10:43, Children's Day pro gram, "The Heirs of Liberty'.' ; S, address, to j c vne people " Hope E. 78th and Everett- 11.-7:80.- -Rose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. IU hjldren's Day eTroises;' 8, address by Dr. John C Worley, on "Interchureh World Movements.!' . Forbes Graham and Gantenbein Ref. Ward XJOVJt. II, 8. ' t. irmity Virginia ana piepnms isev. . -sneo-. do re P. Smith. 11, Exposition- of -the First fpisue ot John-;. 7, ins Attraction or. u Ctors. ' Anabel 11. 8. " Millard . Avenue Rev. Wr Lear. Gray ... 11, convention report by Mrs. Myre Zehrung; 8 on service, eonduct.'d by Prcfessor J.' A. Hoi lingsworth. assisted, by Professor' Davis jwith his triple chimes. . Hermonette, i" VVby Bs a Christ isn." ' Marshan Street 17th and 'Marshall Rev.. A. J. Hanna. ' - .- , Mizpab E. 10th and Division. Ill, preach- 8 the League of Nations 99 T - - fi- t- - MADtSOST STREETS t AT J : li V Jattiired PRESBYTERY YILl! T One of Most Important Matters to J Come Up Will BerRelease of . , ur.'Jonn tl. Boyd. . The Portland Presbytery will meet for their summer meeting at the Trinity PreBbyterian church. Virginia and Ne braska, streets. Tuesday, June 10,1 at JO a.' m. One of the. most important mat ters to come before this meeting of, the presbytery will bo1 the resignation of Dr. John H, Boyd, pastor of thei First Presbyterian: church, who will ask. the presbytery to release hint In order that he might accept 1 the " position of- professor- of homiletics at the McCormlck Theological seminary in Chicago; The Rev. Theodore P. Smith is pasftor of Trinity Presbyterian church. While Dr. Boyd , will present hlsi resig nation, three members of the session of the First Presbyterian church will be -present at . the meeting - and will request that it be accepted. Several other local pastors have recently re signed their charges, and a few new Presbyterian clergymen have arrived In .the. city, so action may Nbe taken-'on several of these names. As wm of the men are undecided as to their) future course it is- probable that formal actipn on their, names - will be ' deferred - until the 1 fall ' meeting." Several local Pres byterian 3 churches are vwithout' regular pastor,1 to -conditions - brought about by,, the .war.;,, Pulpit, committees in various churches Jirexbending every .effort to find available men. , - It is understood,': that 'the session Of the First - Presbyterian - church -will not ask prominent ? Presbyterian ministers to come to Portland and preach a few sermons in order- thaU they' may thus find a - suitable .man - for .pastor, but that the'.-.committee - In charge ' will , de cide upon the man they want.! and if he accepts the call he will become pastor without a tryout. It. Is quite probable that the church will be without j a regu lar pastor from July .20 to September! PORTLAND UESDAY 8. "Aning by Dr. Arthur E Itkhm 1 1 Ti.ri.H.m- narartei how Obtained"; 8. "Tha Ftesenct oi cartas itn his peopie."- Sevsnth Day Advemttt Note Reeular ur.ii-M nf t Hi- Anw,- are Held on Saturday. i 1 Central E. 11th and Everett LJ K Dieki eon. pastor. 10. 11:15. 1 Tabernacle 6U and Montgomery E. IS, -uauistvi wsa, 1UIIIIOLCI. 11, Montaviila J5. 80th and Everett-Eldet . 1 st i. nj. Lents 04th st rut RSth J viA.m sir aanufliuHl. -AO. 11. - f ,Jst Johns Central ave. and" Charleston f Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 10. 11. Alblna Skirtmore and Mallory Elder A. JL Meyer.- 10. 11. , . T j0ScJndinTi"nT'680 Albtrta- Elder O. S. Lei SalvatJen Army Corps No. 1 243 Ash st Adjutant Frank Teae. r 1 1. 3. 8. , Staff Captafn J. Riggs of oeauje 'wiu preaen. . i Oorps No. 4138 H 1st AdjuUnt Joseph Harrison XX.,t, 8cr ; v i - j ' ' wedenberglan .. j ' New Churcli Society 381 Jaf fenon Rsv. William R. Recce, 11. "Out of Darkness Into LibX" by Carl B. Wintler, reader. I ... t Unftanan - ' " ..f .rJ t Church of Our Father Broadway and amil G. Eliot Jr. 11. "The Great ta Ution. United Brethren -: Conference supermtiKlcflt Rev. Portald) - G. E. -i First E. 15 th and Morrison Be . "Byron X. Clark. 11, "Civic Righteousness"; Jl-.ZO, "Bar- cio- .ssuaie-ny 'froteaeor w.- H. Moore. ' Second E. 27th and Sumnac Rev. ta Haley.. . ll,v "To .Whom Does the Kingdom Tof Heaven Belong 8, "Taking the Dimmer Off Your' Light'' :tlis. , ,'i " Third 67th st. and 82d ave: S. E. Bev. B. O, Shepherd.- 11, "A Matter of Choice": 7.-80, j natttea uie. j , Fourth- Tremont Bev. C.-' P.r-Blamhavd. 11; "The Great Feasf'i 7:80. "World-wide Pro- niDiuon. -f - - - f p Unite Evangelical . First E. 1601 and Poplar Rev. J. oooae. ii, . I.-1 Ockley Green Willamette .blvd; Re. H. H. Farnham. .11. ..7:SQ.; St Johns Rev., A. : P. Layton, ' United Presbyterian and . G 11." 8i First E. 87th and Hawthorne Rev. i H. Given. 10:30, Children's Day exercises; -.7:80, "The Gospel, the Most Necessary Element In the lconstruction - Period, tt . ,-- : , .. . Church of the stranger Grand and Wsseor Bev. 8. Earl Du Bola. .- '! Kenton 120 West ' Lombard Bev. Geoff N. Taylor:- .11. Children's lay exercises; 7:5, "And to Some Ha Sent Apostles." i - , ''' MIscelTaneous j "Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 6th and Clar Rev. John E. Fee. 10. ill: Tuesday. 7:45s Friday. 2:30. I - - Realization League -189 Sth Rev. U. fd 80. ward Mills. 11, 8. Christedelphian 2I E. Washington. 10 Churcb ot, God 803 FaUing. , Harry Neal. - Gospel HaU E. 29th and Stark: Men's Resort 4 tb and Burns kie Rsv. Levi Johnson,- superintendent. (J. . i Divine Science Tilford bulldlrw Rev. T. iM. Minard. pestor. 11. 1 - I - ' r Universal Messlsnlc SIS Abtngton bundling. 11, ti, "Self-Anelysis Is the Key to Self-Maater- "ig. '-'. ; j ' : - t' Pentecostal i- First and Washington Rev. Will C. .Trotter. 11. . 7:80. t I Glad Tidings (PentecosUl Mission 1 248 U 1st.' . 2: 3. 7:80 week days except Mendar land Saturday, 8 p. m. ,; - j . Pentecostal churcli E.' 20th and Ankani A. W. Smith. 11, 3, 8. 1 Volunteers of America Mission -224 Buraside , , : -4 . HAVE If you have , The Gamp SeiveiiTiliiav Be sure you "coqie Sunday and uhtiUiine 15th. ; : ; , Good SiftgngriQodiB B-ew. a - S t Trumpet Tones on timely topics! h p il of Bible. prophecy.''.. -,".t by .Churches Sunday Bastor 31s ?Back Jfrom Conference ; Rev. F. C Laslette- The-" Rev..--P.. C. Laslette of Olencoe Baptist church has Just returned from fthe Northern Baptist convention, and at 7 :4S he .will speak-from, his pulpit, and will have many good things to tell his congregation." ' j 1. I5r.: Boyd .will .prrVbably preach hla last, sermon in . the First Presbyterian church' as pastor on "July 13. A commit tee .has already, been appointed and ar rangements are being- made with pas- tors rgr large churches la eastern cities to fill' the pulpit' during- the summer, while they are spending their vacation in the northwest. Dr. Waldo Continues .. ; Hiis -Serinon Series : - ' " ' '- The fifth sermojr 1n the series on "Seven Great Things" will be delivered Sunday night. at the "WhlteJTempIe by Dt. William A. Waldo. " The service will begin at o'clock: and will be preceded for 15 minutes by 'an organ recital by Miss Nellie Kennedy, the organist. Har old Hurlburt will ;lead the-congregational singing. The Temple quartet will render special music. Miss Mary Jones, who r baa just 'returned from France, where she served - as a nurse in connec tion with' base i hospital No. 48, wtll lead the B Y.. P. U. meeting at 6:45. Mrs. Helga Peterson -will sing. - '. Christian Scrence 'Lecture to Be Free i The Christian Science churohes of Portland, announce - a free lecture . on Christian i Science- to be given by Dr. Walton . Hubbard, C. S. B. of Spokane, I member of the boaj board of lectureship of the mother church the First Church ef Christ,'- Scientist. In'Boston, . Mass." This Ucture will b given In The Auditorium, June 20 at 8 o'clock. 7 A cordial invita tion is extended to all. . V Demobilizatibn. of , -Flag to Take Place t - . ; 1 The demobilization, of .the service flag of the First Presbyterian church begins today.,' ".The .. number -. ot men . already mustered out is 'ndlcated by disks whlcb appear upon the ; stars.,.' Golden' disks Indicate those who saw service overseas and the gray, or silver 'disks .indicate those who responded to their , country's call but had " not gone' across the water when the armistice. was, sigpnd. -t Missionanefci Will S Be Here on Sunday Rev. and, Mrs. W.' I. Shambaugh mis sionaries with years of .experience in China after a year's furlough are re turning to their ; task. They will be in a union meeting with the United Evan gelical churches of Portland, -in the First Church, East, Sixteenth and. Poplar streets, Sunday, at 8 p. nv Everybody is welcomed. . . ... - ' -J. Meetins -every evening, except - Monday ' at 8 o'clock, and Sunday, 8-p. m.- . - - , First Spiritualist ii 7tn ana iissesjo iiev. Scott Bledsoe. - 3, T:4 5. ' V Second Srrirituallst f Allsky ,'HaU r Bey. alar Hoffman. 8. 8. - Calvary Temple S. ' 24th and Broadway Rev. Dawson MaoCullough. 10:30. 2:80. f y. :::..:.:.:;;. :;:. ' ' j V....;.'- - j. iirS - f ( j Meeting Adventist "- -4" -' K rv: i .u-'s y -l . YOU : BEEN THERE? not you are missin APPRECIATION OF BOY SCOUT VOIII! IS TO BE SHOWN Nation Will Be Asked to Sub scribe $1,000,000 In Associate Memberships in Organization. OREGON'S QUOTA IS $5800 Rotary Club in This City Will Un dertake ,to" Raise $3000 to In sure That City Goes Over Top. To show the. Boy Scouts who served faithfully In the Liberty Loan and Red Cross campaigns that the public appreciates their work, the nation is asked to subscribe to 1,000.000 associate memberships in the scout organisation at $1 each. The honor of inaugurating the campatgn in Portland and in Oregon will go to the state's churches, when on Sunday members of the various troops over the state will visit the churches in (unlfprm and assist the pas tors in presenting the reasons for ak Ing the nation for funds to carry Boy Scout work into every- community. Op the national quota Oregon 1 asked to subscribe for only 6800 membershlpn, of which 30(Kf will be obtained in Porl lapd by the- Rotary club, as the Inter national Rotary club -has - voluntarily put itself behind the drive Jn order to see that It "goes ove the top." Ed ward Cooklngham has . been named as state chairman. The teams which will canvass the residential districts will be in charge of Mrs. Sarah A. Evans. The national chairman of. the : Boy Scout organisation is William O. McAdoo. The drive in Portland will be from June 18 to 21. ; All funds obtained In the canvass wlty go to the national treasury of the organization, as local friends of th! youngsters have promised to reach dowu in their pockets and pay incidental ex penses of the campaign. Jewish churcheB have been asked - to . present the cause of the 13oy Scouts at their services today. The Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector of St. Pavid's Episcopal church, announced that his evening? service would center about Boy Scout activities. Jr. Brock way, head of local scout work, will be one of the speakers. . A - special children's sermon will be delivered Sunday morning at Mount Tabor Presbyterian church by the ilev. Ward W. MacHenry In keeping with the celebration of Boy Seout Sunday and Children's flay. A troop of Boy Scouts has been In vited to attend the. service In a body and participate In the service. The Rev. Mr. MacHenry will talk on "The Home. School and Church In the Care of the Child." - . ; ' ; Lieutenant Heard to Talk Lieutenant Lambert A. Beard will talk to the men of II. C. Ewlng's Bible clasi Sunday, on his experiences with the 91st division of ' the army while In the Ar K on no and In Belgium. Mrs. Helen Kkln Starrett will lead the women's Bible classes of Mrs. A. L. Ford Warren the class for young women. T- Will Confirm Cla " Sunday morning at St. Stephens Pro Cathedral (Kpiscopal) the Rt. Rev. Walter T. Sumner, D. D., will preach ami confirm a class at the 11 o'clock service. KThe evening service will be held at 7:4j o'clock. ".On Whit Monday and Tuesday, celebrations of the holy communion will be held at 7:30 a. m. J ' . . . I1 1 FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1' TWELFTH A5B TAYLOR STS. Rev. Joshua Stansfield, r - ' D. D. PA8T0R 10:80 A. M. OHILDRKN't DAY KXIROIsKS s Beautiful , service by the children, , reception of members, short sermon ' ; . ' ,by the pastor on CHRISTIAN EDUCATION , .. Y:00 p! M., IIRMON ON 'CHURCH FEDERATION ' mtV. BOY . OUILD, O O., "f of New York. Executive Secretary ef - 'Federated Churches of America . . - i ' '.. , A Oreet Sermon ofl Ohureh Oonssrvatlofi. . i "''.-: - ' COMK AND HEAR. ',-'- ' !ch evening - ' Iurelwood-s otn. ave. ana win s n. . s. Urs. Alice AU Uandsakee. i J2l