1-I THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PO RTLAND, - WEDNESDAY. - JUNE 4, 1919. 9 TOWN TOPICS . -irSTCiers W Bli iwnw " w ... . broad shoold take advantage of experienced to 'ormation and ssrrice offered through The Ore moa Journal Trsrel Bureao, In person si charge it Doner B. Bmtth. Railroad ticket and steam ship booking! arranged. Foreign exchange issued, nfanuetioa glTen regarding psssporta. i 7 COMIJIO EVESTB TJ. of Or medical school commeoeemsJit. Cen tral librsrj. June o . Boy ftcont week. Jane S to 14. Peeif io Coast . Ad Men's convention. . Job Portland Presbytery. Jnae 1ft. ' Oregon confectioners conrention, J una 10, Victory Boaa festival, Jon 11 to 18. Commencement - exorcises, . Portland high schools. June 12-18. - i - Oregon State Banket convention. Multuc gaah hotel, June 18-14. Reunion of Oregon pioneers. Jone 1. .. Oregon Christian Endeavor -on Ten Lion, First Piesbyteriaa church. Jun 19-22. . Special school election for 2.500.000 bond Issue and election of acbool director, June 21. National Ureeters' eonention, June 24 to ZT. Conference of atata eocial worker, J una 2 a to 2S lttrr,Csrrter' stats convention. Astoria, Jnn0 28. ' TODAY'S JOBECASTS ' Portland and Vicinity Tonight and Thurs day fair and warmer; .northwesterly winda. Oregon and Washington Tonight and Tnurs day fair; wanurr except near the coast; gentle northwesterly winds. WEATHER COJSDITIOIfS -1 wtem and Southwestern state, but no well oVflned atorm center are il. tt. MWi,fnHV ft t h roUD- ,L. i.-t. , r..H twrinir on the British Columbia coast Precipitation haa occurred in the Plains states and Misatssippt vauer, ana lo cally to Florid and Utah. The heaviest rain fall reported was 1.78 inehea at Dee Moines. Ii.wa. Abnormally high 'temperature continues In Hew Kngiana ana srw ion, ami wi.v.. r is much warmer in Colorado, South Dakota and Minnesota, while in parte of Missouri, Kan aat, Nevada and Montana there haa been a de cided fall in temperature. The temperature to snore than 20 degree below normal in Western 'iexeaend ia 20 degree above normal in J-est- OBSERVATIONS TEMP. STATIONS Tt a S .2.3 3 -Bilker. Or. Boise. Idaho ........... Boston. Miss, Chicago. IU. ... . ....... XH-nrer, Colo. ......... 1 N-s Moines. Iowa ...... Fresno, Cat. ........... Cu Weston, Texas XJavre, Mont. Honolmu, T. H. ..... . Huron. 8. I. . Xinnas City, Mo. ...... Angeles. Cai. Msrshfteld. Or. ........ Medford. Or. Kemphia, Tenn. ......... New Orleans. I. ....... New York. N. Y .North Hva. Vsh. ..... North Platte, Neb Oklahoma City. OkU. ... I hoeniz. Aria. . t'ittoburg. Pa. - Portland. Or. Bed Bluff, Cai. Iueburg. r '. St. LouUv Mo. ht Paul. Mlnu. Halt Lake City. UUh Ban Diego. Cai. . n Franflca CaL Seattle, Wash. . . . r'pokane. Wash. ....... , Tacoma, Wah. ........ 'Tampa, IT. Vancouver. B. C. Walla Walla, Wash. Washington, P. ...... Villiatoo, N. IX ....... 70 7 42 48 76 68 44 B8 70 70 44 66 so 64 42 62 7 72 48 44 48 62 70 65 62 48 62 D8 S8 62 56 SO 46 48 72 46 f.2 70 42 SO 0 0 0 0 O .78 0 0 .01 O .08 .14 0 0 0 .74 0 0 0 .74 .16 0 0 0 0 0 .88 .86 0 0 0 0 0 0 .02 0 0 O 0 O I 98 7 02 74 100 7 68 84 B 68 96 e 88 80 84 92 S2 48 64 96 90 74 9 80 80 88 74. 90 72 68 72 68 66 76 94 76 80 j akima, wan. Afternoon report of preceding day. THRIFT STAMPS and WAS SAVINGS STAMPS Ort Sale at Business Office, The Journals I AMeged Morderer Fases Throh In charg;e' oi two detectives from- the hlcaisfir police department. J. Allen. 28 "y,r ol age. -wlnted la Chicago on a charge ot murder, passed through Port land Tuesday, night en route east. He was locked up for a few hours In the city ja.lt. white being transferred from a Nprthem Pacific to an O-W. H. Jb N. train. He had been arrested several weeks ago in Tacoma. Swimming Task to B Closed Couch school 'swimming tank will be closed x Thursday evening on account of me morial exercises. Camp Meeting Opea The Seventh-day Adventists' camp meeting in Creston park opened Tuesday evening with an OvertheTop! Gasco Briquets beat all other fuel for heat units and economy. All heat no ash. Notice the compar ative list of heat units per pound: Fir wood . . . . , Oak wood . . . . Coal (average)) Coal briquets . Gasco briquets . 7,500 .10,500 .12,500 .13,775 .15,800 Order early and ; avoid the rush. You phone the order we'll do the rest. 6 Bell-ans Hot water . Sure Relief U5FOR. INOIG ESTIO H DICTIONARIES You Can't Afford to Be Without Good One. We Carry a Large Vine. Johnson's Book Store .110 FOURTH ST.. HEAR COURTHOUSE. -t New ooks Abx Good Used Books ' . v . we uy Boekl. Wanted 100 Boys After School and Evenings Apply Ground Floor, Elks' BIdg. address by Professor JWj. W. Prescotf, field , secretary ' of the World's Confer ence of Seventh-day Adventists, Wash ington. t. C. G. H. Johnson of Astoria led the ong service,- assisted by the camp choir. Today's program includes preaching at 11 . a . m.. J :30 and S :30 p. m. and an address by Professor Pres cott at 8:30 tonight, : j - v Belgian Has HaUseinaQoa Suffering from a hallucination that . he was an Indian and wanting- to appear as - a proper brave, J. Nichols, a Belgian, was found by the police sitting on the curb on the . east approach' to! tho Burpside bridge Tuesday night daubing his face with paint he had secured from some unknown source. eH was taken to the county . Jail for observation. Get Wen Free Every day, from 18 to 4 p. m., and evenings on Monday. Wednesday and- Friday, from 7 to 9. and Sundays, from 10 to 12. . Thousands of sufferers who have failed to get relief In any other way are Invited to investigate chiropractic methods, which are perma nently curing hundreds 'every day. The best of chiropractic diagnosticians will thoroughly examine you, make a com plete diagnosis of . your: case and direct treatments without any cost to you whatever. Chiropractic is the safe, sane. sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease. Chiropractic re moves the cause health returns. Tha above service is all free to you. Private treatments may also be had in college building by members of the faculty, either lady or men practitioners. Pacific Chiropractic college, corner Park and Yamhill. Telephone Main 1014. Dr. BUiott, director of clinics. Private of fice in college building. Main 1014. Res idence, Woodlawn 688. Adv. Motoreycllst Is ' In Jarad Bruce Del gard, manager of the Astoria Paper com pany, who was knocked from his mo torcycle this morning about 10:30 by an . automobile at Fourth and Lincoln, was carried to St. Vincents hospital. where it is reported he sustained in juries to his kidneys and several 'broken ribs. No trace has been found of the automobile or its driver, felgard lives at East Sixteenth and Woodward. Asto Knocks Man Down R. H. Blos som, who has offices in 610 Chamber of Commerce building, vaa struck by an automobile driven by Fred W. German, 761 Upper drive, at Fifth and . Stark streets about 8 :30 o'clock this morning. Ho was knocked down and was cut over the eye. He was taken to his home by Mr. Germain, who later reported the ac cident to the police. Program at Baagalow An interesting program will be given at the "Own Tour Home" bungalow Friday evening by the members of St. James English Lutheran church. During the afternoon of the earn day the ladles will hold a sale of baked goods and needle-work at the bungalow. The program for the evening wilt begin at 8 o'clock. Convention Headquarters Opened Convention headquarters of the Pacific Coast Association of Ad clubs have. been opened in the Multnomah hotel. preparatory to the opening of the con vention Sunday. For information, call the secretary and treasurer at- Broad way 3625. ' Two Held for Karal Authorities R. D. Nelson and. V. J. Anderson. 19 .and 18 years of age, respectively, were ar rested at Third and Washington streets Tuesday night and are being held In ' the city jail awaiting : action by the naval authorities. Both lads gave their occupations as sailors. Troat Eggs from Wyomlag One hun dred thousand rainbow trout eggs ship ped from the United States bureau of fisheries at Walcott. Wyo., June 2, have been received at the Bonneville hatchery. They will be hatched and sent out to various Oregon streams, which are .iri need of "restocking. Mea's Besort Program A musical program wil be given at the Men's Re sort at 8 o'clock tonight. A. Chandler, H. Hawkins A. Wiley, R. Desmond, Miss Iline Dundar and Mary E. Mullan will take part. The occasion will be a reception for Dr. John H. Boyd of the First Presbyterian church.- - Will Come to Portland Thirty-six soldiers from Oregon and Washington belonging to various units will leave Yaphank, I. I., for American Lake via Portland, June 6, according to advice received by the passenger department of the O-W. RAN. The .soldiers will travel by special car. Will Address League A. 3. Clark, manager or Associated Industries of Ore gon, will speak before the men's club of the Realization league at a dinner in the Y. M. C. A. cafeteria, Thursday at 6:15. His sublect -will be "Good Will for- Ore gon Products." ; Thursday Evening will De "laoies rugnc Wheelwright to Speak W. D. Wheel wright, who has Just returned from a trip to the Orient, will be the speaker before the Progressive Business Men's club at the Benson Thursday noon. H. A. Ainsworth, vice president of the United States National bank, will preside. Exceeded Speed Limit Sam Arena appeared in the police court this morn ing for the third time on charges of ex ceeding the speed limit, and was fined $25 and one day In Jajl. Arena -was charged with' driving his motorcycle 30 miles an hour on Lombard street. .Technical Charge Filed Accused of maltreating; a small boy, Albert P. Dawson was arrested Tuesday night by Officers Mills and McMahon of the war emergency squad and is being held in the city jail on a technical charge of assault and battery. : , Woman Is Sentenced Eva Clark, who was arrested several days ago. charged with disorderly acts and conducting a lottery, was sentenced to four months In jail by Judge Rossman In the munici pal court this morning. SheparA Aato Bag Lines St. Helens. Hood River, Bridal Veil;' Cascade Locks and all way points. Leave St. Charles hotel on schedule time. For Informa tion, call Marshall 4381. Main 930. A 361L Adv. , Aiieta School Closed Arfeta school is closed temporarily because of small pox. It will reopen . Thursday for classes. f ' ' ' Modern Approved Office Systems Consult Pacific, Stationery c Printing company, 107 Second street. Main 1971. Adv. Steamer Iralda for St Helens and Rainier, daily at ; 2 :30 p. m., foot of Alder street. Sunday,. St. Helens only, 1 :30 p. m. Adv. , Steamer Jessie Harking, for Catnaa, Washougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday, leave Alder street dock at 3 -p. m. Adv. Hadley. ft . Silver, tailors, make de pendable clothes. 100 Sixth street, cor ner Stark. Adv. ? y H aires. tting Tom Will LikeThe Mar ket Barber Shop, 187 4th at Yam hill. Adv. . - , . T f . O. L. Davenport Transferring " and long-dlstanct hauling. Phone 147 Front. Adv. - .----- V Dr. H. M. Greene : has returned. 525 Medical building. Main 213. Adv. Dr. W. O. Scott has returned. Jour nal building. -404-8. Adv. . Autos Repaired at your garage. East 3780. Adv. : ' " - Dr. C E. Brown, Eye, Ear. Mohawk building. Adv. i ; - v : j . . Dr, L C. Brill returned.' Journal bid. Ad. " F. B. Waits ! of Sutherlin arrived at the Imperial this morning.' V. ODDS AND ENDS IN L v OF TRAVELERS AND HOMEFOLK -v Fred Ashley' In.TownV Fred Ashley, one of Wallowa county's business -men, Is in Portland this week trying to rustle a' carload ; ori two of automobiles for Wallowa county cus tomers. Mr. Ashley says he has all -the equipment necessary , to conduct a regu lar, automobile business if: he could find any -way to locate some j selling - stock. Wallowa county farmers are -willing and able to buy, but automobiles In quantity seem to be represented by the minus sign just about now. Mr. Ashley reports that av good rain visited his section, recently and Wallowa county: warehouse .men are all planning extensions to their present equipment as a - result of the Increased production which this additional , moisture-is sure to produce. Aside from do ing some occasional legislating, selling a few' automobiles, when he can get them, and' mixing up-a little in town politics, Mr. Ashley does a little farming as a side-line.. His present farm consists of something like a - thousand acres, be sides' some back range for a few hundred head f white faced cattle. : . J Senator Pierce Visitor The Pierce family of La Grande was well' represented in Portland this week. Mrs.,L. B. - Pierce stopped here after spending, a few weeks in California. Mr. Pierce, recently returned I from overseas. will -take the management of the Pierce cattle Interests. Walter M. Pierce," his father,- arrived in the city Tuesday even ing, after attending a meeting of the board of regents of the Oregon Agricul tural, college. Mr. Pierce -said he' had forgotten that such a thing as politics ever-' existed and that he was devoting his time to raising wheat and pale faced cattle. -Ten minutes after his arrival, nowever, Milton A. Miller and Georsre I Smith were seen quietly wending their " j uiruugn iae imperial Hotel lODDy, and very shortly thereafter a boy was paging "Senator Pierce.- Politics may neve oeen rorgotten, but not for long. . - s Deputy Returns Sam Pace, deputy United. States mar Bhal,,who recently returned home from Southern Oregon, says that Klamath county has assumed a specially pro gressive attitude and that there is . a disposition on the part of the cltisens of V Klamath Falls to prepare for fu ture business to an extent heretofore unheard of In other Oregon towns. He refers specially to the splendid battery of , courthouses which adorn that fair city; Sam says t they seem to have made 'the building of courthouses ; a special order of business, and that they already have ' three in various stages of construction, any one of which would do credit to a much . larger ' city. ' Brother Is Discharged H. W. "Dick" Oark, who was dis charged from the army at San Francisco a few days ago, will pass through Portland-Thursday morning on his way to Seattle, - according to word deceived, by his brother. Ray Clark, clerk at the Multnomah. While the latter was de tained at. Camp Lewis during the entire time of his service, Dick got to see some sure, enough action In France. Clark ex pects to take up a position in Seattle. Cattleman. Here Harry Trobridge of Canyon City is again visiting in Portland and talking cattle and horses. Mr. Trobridge . en joys the reputation of being just about the most active stock raiser and dealer In the John Day valley. Any juniper tree makes a hotel for him and any outlaw pony Is transportation par ex cellent. Even at that, the knows how to ' get - along in town. . ; very, comfortably when , Novelist to Study Oregon Stewart Edward White, famous nov elist of , the outdoor life, ' is going to spend: twd months ia Oregon this sum mer and has written to State Game War den Carl Shoemaker asking where the best' i places are to go and what he should take for a lengthy stay In the in ferior country. He wants to camp here and' there. ' He Is coming from his home in California about July 1. . , Badge Is Designed Glen HIte, manager of the Carlton hotel, has designed one of the classiest little . badges for the Greeters conven tion ever made in Portland, In the New Records From June List "these are Particularly good' be sure and hear them ' 10-inch Double Face Record 85c "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" Sung by Charles Hart nd Elliott Shaw Reverse t "By the Camp Fire" 10-inch 5 Rouble Face Record 85c "Dear Old Pal of Mine" "When You Look in the Heart of a Rose" Both Waltzes by Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra. 10-inch Double Face Record 85c "Sweet Siamese" (Fox Trot) "He's Had No Lovin' f of a Long. Long Time" " Both by Frantzen's Society Orchestra 10-inch Double Face Record 85c "You'll FindOldDixieland in France" ; Medley Fox Trot Played by Pietro. Reverse: "Just Blue" (Fox Trot) 10-inch sDouble Face Record $1 "Life and Love" and "Waiting" Boui Sung by Lambert Murphy. H && -! TP ' Sherman;lay "& Go. Sixth and MonisoB Stt, PORTLA1TD - , , , ' . (Opposite Postof flee) F ITTLETACOMA 8POKAKT! THE NEWS , .; , opinion of ' Oregon Greeters. to ' whom the badge was first exhibited at a meeting Tuesday night at the Imperial. The badge r haa' combined Portland's roses, "The Coming of the White Man." Multnomah fails, the Greeters' register and several " other 'emblems typical "of the Northwest, In the association's color scheme. Greeters are enthusiastic over the coming 4 convention and discussed plana at the meeting for the big salmon bake which la to be held forr the vial tors af' ; Eagle Creek. : ; Thirty-five salmon weighing from 15 to 20 pounds each will be prepared In true Portland style under the . direction .. of Lan caster and H. W. Kent, of the Port land Caterers' : association, . and v the chef of the Portland hotel. John T. Faxon, chairman of the board - of gov ernors of the National Greeters,: is '.ex pecta to arrive in Portland -June 19, several days .in .advance of1, the con vention. Charles L. - Gllman, - of the Liberty hotel, was taken Into member ship. . - - . Prosperity P&dicted N Tillamook and adjoining counties will now enter, upon an era of unprecedented prosperity - because of the - isolated country that will be opened up because of, the Roosevelt military highway, in the opinion of F. R. Beals, .Tillamook dairyman, who is at the Imperial -By opening up vast, fertile- territory, the construction of the highway .' will". In crease the production of the noted ' Til lamook cheese at least 50 per ' cent predicts Mr. Beals. The annual 1 pro duction which is now about- 1,500,000 pounds, ' by the opening up of isolated regions in adjoining counties, will in crease to - 3,000,000 pounds. The .lum ber industry will also be greatly ; bene fited, according to Mr. Beats, since much of the logging machinery and equipment must now be hauled r over market roads which are not in good condition. The timber industry alone in Tillamook pays 75 per cent "of the taxes. Tillamook county went over whelmingly over the top in the elec tion, said Mr. Beals. ' Reservations Stop Hotels have now ceased to make reser vations for Rose Festival week. Practi cally every .roora in all the larger hotels is engaged for the week and travelers ' arriving this week at the various, hostel ries are told they can be accommodated no longer than Sunday. Never was such a scarcity of rooms known in any pre vious Rose Festival, say hotel men. Grain Man Arrives Ed E. Kiddle, grain dealer . and miller of Island City, and E. H. Leonard of Waitsburg arrived at the Imperial; this morning, on their way to New York city to attend a big grain convention. s Doctor Returns Home Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Brown ton of La Grande, who have been visiting Port land. - and Willamette valley friends, returned home - yesterday. At the Hotels Hotel bell hops have blossomed out in their ice cream uniforms. C. Slafrin, druggist from Dallas and member 6f the state board of pharmacy, Is spending a few days at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Warren, from their namesake town, arrived this morn ing at the Portland. Mr. Warren is one ryi'sN 4 I Quality I -CiV If of the big' spruce camp operator of Warren ton. ; He - also has a large can Judge E-'J. Sommervllle and daugh ter, Evelyn, of Pendleton, is visiting at the Imperial. Judge Sommervllle is-one of Pendleton's' old timers, and in keeping with the atmosphere of the "wild west", community, wears his hair a la Buffalo Bill.. ' ;-," r . . B. Fisher , and W. L. Fulmer, both Of the Fisher flour mills at . Seattle, are spending a few days at the Multnomah. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Weir of Weiston, W. T., ; are among the tourists at the Benson. : '"';? :V-'.-a A. F. Nielson, wno is agent for alumi num beds, has arrived at . the Mult nomah from Seattle Judge and MrS. John A. Shaw of ' Al bany are a t . the S ward, on their way- home frorrv Astoria by automoolle. - Mr, and Mrs. J.- E. Coleman of - Moro are at the Cornelius. Mr. Coleman is a merchant.'. r - ' Alex - Sparrow,, superintendent, of Crater Lake national park, is at the Imperial on his, way home to open up the park forthe season. Mr. Sparrow has been In charge of Rainier national park for several weeks pending the ar rival of a temporary superintendent. Russell Hawkins,' milling man at Kelchespoint, is visiting at the Portland. ;-'E. B.. Hamilton, O. C.. Smith arid J. Pt Smith, all of Dallas, are guests at tha Oregon. J. G. Kiliar of Baker la staying. at the Washington. . G. Rassmussen of Astoria is registered at the Carlton. N. Bethel of The Dalles is staying at the Nortonia. . L. C. Lens, who is prominent In the milllna; industry of Seattle, is at the Benson. ' A. Jaloff. automobile , man from As toria, is at the Seward. Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Donohue of Til lamook are at the Cornelius. . k Mrs.5 A. E. Ivanhoe, member of the state 'text book commission, is a guest at the , ImperiaL Lee Moorhonse of Pendleton Is regis tered at the Washington. Mrs.- Elsie, Hughes of Ashland is a guest at the Carlton. L. JPhebus of Husum is staying at the Nortonia. ' i t- ' . C. , J.H"poper, of Swift & Company, is ati the Multnomah from Chicago. J. H. Wlest, one of the best known traveling men on the Pacific coast, haa HOTELS SUMMER RESORTS THE NEW ST. MARTINS Mineral Springs Hotel CAES05, WASH. Formerly Shipherd's Hot Springs, Co lumbia River's Best Resort. , An ideal resort for health and pleasure. Located 'In the heart of; the Cas cades. Excellent fishing, swimming pool, hot baths.- Rotoros. at. hotel or tent cottages. Auto meets aH trains at Carson. For .rates and reservations address . St. Martin's Mineral Spring HoUl Co. CABSOV, WASH. ; PKIVINSULA aiACH SESOHTS ILWAOO LONO BEACH OOKAN PARK When selecting your -rscation placa, con aidaratioa to the adanUes offered by the nu merous resorts situated on this world famous and iatly nanwd "Lons, Beach." Aecommoda tions ar ample. Hotels, cottages and camping places are eonrenienUr located. Exndtn for nearly SO miles is a broad expanse of and driftwood. UnexceUed aurf bathing, Nowhere on the Pscifio ia better alammlng,. crabbing or fishing. Deep aea fishing and hundreds of ..WJJ fishing ,boaU go out dally. Trout fishing within easy reach. A place for a summer's rest, where the tempered winds of the Pacific bring health and strength. Accommodations are -so Tarled that you will hate no difficulty in finding exactly the sort Of place necessary to meet your individual r Quirements. The North Bank railroad makes con nections with the steamer Nahcotta, lea ring As toria tor Megler. and U Peninsular resorta. For additional Information address any of the following reliable flnne: i SOUTH VVRSTK RN WASHIRTOW BANK, Ilwsco. Wash. KM WISE A CO., Dry Goods. Clothing. Shoes, Ilwsco. Wash. ' OMKARA A BERT, Auto Serrice. Baggage sad Trnmtr TlwaM. Willi. BTRAUHAL OO., General Merchandise. Vn Beach, Wash. JOHN M. McKKAN, Billiard Parlor. Cenfactiotv cnr. Eznresa. Long Beach. W. R. PARENT, Staple and Fancy Groceries, . Ocean Park. Wash. TRUSOOTT, "Tastegood" Confectionery, Weatherly Ice Cream, Long Beach. Hood River Garage, Inc. HOOD B.ITEB, OBEOOIV. -wr nAma T..rf.,t Vlrearoof Oar. age Open Bay , and Sight Opposlfe nsm vrr OIX, OAS, AUTOMOBILE 'ACCES SOaTESEXEEBT KEEA1B WOEK . . . rk.nl.i ilwtf ks Vsii Car, and Goodrich and Portage Tires. Cedar Island ' t .".,. nlrfnMnni resort on the Willamette. Rr.ler.rlid beach, bathing. Diving tower. Spring boards. Fine camping spots. Dancing every eve ning and Sunday afternoon. Why not camp out here for a week or more? - ise.e Oreeon City ear te Jennlnea Ledea, Phone Oak Or-va ItB-M, er write John Jen- nlnga, Jennings tedte. Of. HOTEL OREGON HOOD BITEBi OEEOOIT . Oppeerta Hood River Oar aea. Bring your visiting friends out to see the world famous Hood Biver Valley. Splendid roada, mag nificent scenery. We will do our part to make your trip a pleasant one. - s , Large rooms, comfortable beds, excellent meal and .moderate rates. P. W. OHINDLUND, Wilhoit Springs In the foothills of the Caaeade mountains, ' 8T miles from Portland. -An ideal resort for health and recreation, excellent hotel and fine camping ground. Cottages for rent. 1 ry our aararaay night or Sunday noon chicken dinner. ' Bun out here for your week end holiday. Write or phone . P. W. Mct-EREN,- WlttteU. Oisiliin. or- ask any S. P. ttofesa agent. . ::.! . jr- ' 1 ' . 1 '.' Conducted along lines most invrang ',, to men and women of refined tastes " Bettd for Illustrated Booklet ' MRS. C. W. 4. REOKERS White Salmon. Wash. Phone 7SV Rainier Hotel in the heart ot the ctty; !nas the best of accommodations to offer to the traveler who is looking for a medium-priced HOTEL, either "tran sient or permanent. - Located . one block from the main pontofflce. Car service) to all parts of the city un excelled. Also : conTenient - to all depots. . ' .:' US Kertk Sixth Street Bdwy, tl arrived at the Multnomah with about 12 trunks, , , : CABD OF. THA5KS We wish to thank the Woodmen of the World and many other friends for their kind sympathy In our recent bereave ment. -'' r MRS- ELLEN HELD AND-FAM1LV. HOTELS SUMMER RESORTS Mount Hood Railway .MOOD RIVER, ORESOIf. See the famous Hood Bfrer Valley in pleasare ana comiorc -on our une. lbs stood Hirer Valley is world famous-for its apples, strawberries and the richness and fertility of Its soil, and wonder ful scenery. Visit some of the Ideal outing plaoes easily accessible from our line, such aa the rail's Punch Bowl, Sandy Flat, Camp Overalls, Maple Dell and Lost Lake. They are the camper's delight, and the fisherman's paradise. cor rsiea ana uiustratea roiaer address MT. HOOD R.R.CO. HOOD RIVER. ORKQON : ' Adir.H The Shelburne (TENTH SEASON) I Long distance telephone in hotel. Two blocks from ocean. Buy your ticket to Shelburne eta " Wrlt tor reserrattona. American plan. T. J. HOARE, Sea Vtow, Wash. SHEPAR AUTO BUS Watch for the bus with the liable service. No tourist should Columbia River Highway trip, tt netit to make this trip. At every Beauty and charm of nature and art are combined in the Highway which parallels the Mighty Colulmbia. Crown Point, Latourell Falls, t On eon t a Gorge, The Bridge of the Gods, Shepard's Dell, Multnomah Falls, Beacon Rock and the even-changing views of the snow-capped peaks and of the mighty Columbia must be seen to be appreciated Shepard's auto busses are Urge, and comfortable, and at t min- imum of expense you can travel frorri Portland to Hood River, a dis-' tance of 66 . miles, the entire dijttance being made on the Columbia River Highway, over a splendid hard-surfaced road. Connections are made at Hood River with the Parkdale Auto Stage, by which yotf can see the famous Hood River valli y. Our . company also operates the Tyrrell sight-seeiog cars about Portland, as well as the bus to. St. Helens. Residents of Portland -jvho have not made the trip up the Columbia River Highway or about the cUy have a treat in store. Don't fail to take your visiting friends on a trip .about the city and up the Cotumbia River Highway. Special trips 5n Saturday" and ' Sunday. v " OFFICE ST. CHARLES HOTEL, 204 MORRISON ST. " . TELEPHONES t Marhalt 43Sl MAIN 930 A-36 11 V lairqland une Easy to Reach A "Tonics Easy Tp On the mountain traflsl . fringed lakes of the Canadian Pacific Rockies' Windc)wsthatfMmienulion-dollar , f pictures tables that gratify your . sharpened ; appetite -r beds that . give you deep, . sweet sleep you , will find these in any of the spacious -Canadian; Pacific Hotels at Banff, Lake Louise,'Emeraldj Lake, Gla 1 ' cier.Siomious.VarKXiuveT, Victoria. After the demands of war time let the ' Canadian Pacific Roc Idea make yoa fit -. '! gaia.'Each new day gives jrou mors tone. . ." "Canada Invited Yoa"- E. E. PERN, J enseal Aeon Paisnssr Department ' Canadian Paclflo Railway. B8 Third Stress,, PeKland. Oregon. Ask fer Resort Tour Ho. VR-S. . 1 ;r.:S:i.aa.ae-;S: S;.;5: r. If E. W. Montague to . Speak Before: Club R. W. Montague wlll address a meet ing of the Jackson club - next Monday evening on the -League of Nations. The CLOTHES In Summer, Weights Smartly tailored types to inter est young men are now dis played ; cool, comfortable easy fitting models that allow full play to sturdy muscles. See the new, fabrics - the,, late color tones."' - $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 . 285 Washington St. Bet. Fourth and Fifth HOTELS .S UMMER RESORTS WANNA MT. HOOD SUMMER RESORT So finer mountain resort in the west. Moun tain trails, big trees, clear streams, good fish ing, table unsurpassed. -Auto stage daily. Irrtngton Oarage. Phone East' 186. C-S162. Phone long distance for reservation to MR. and MRS. OEOROE SPENCER. LONG BEACH HOTEL : LONO BEAOH, WASH. Located on the world famous Long Beach.. Clams, crabs, aurf. bathing. This hotel ia well prepared to make your stay pleasant, large airy rooms, ocean in view. Some Very desirable cottages for rent. Bates reasonable. For further Informa tion addresa . . j H. H.TlRKER, Woo., Leng Beach. Wash." LINE white star in the blue circle for re leave Portland without making the is' worth coming across the conti-, turn new beauties are unveiled.1 Tako and larch b's Ih1:"' ' ''''' ' jL SrM-Irl 1 1 meeUnff ot the club will be called at 8 O'CfOnlr tlTiPr.cll.t,,- T !.-,.! t aiiirUr J A .VDtUUfc .Wl UB . .A covenant,- has addressed; a number of aaiiierinsTs upon me same budjcci. Adaptable! "Imperial" -a la carte and table d'hote menus are so flexible in arrangement that they provide for - nearly anything yu wan ' time, you want - it at most any price you want ;s. to pay , : ' , -in either one or both of our two restaurants. 4 with double . quick service if you like it ' , :r" - "". '" ' , - '' ''!'"'"' r ''. . it t ' ' ' :, We await ?your verdict! . ANNOUNOEMENT--THB ORIENTAL CAFE The Isrewt and finest Popular-Prices' Drills r n nm nonn.m IS pleasse to en- Inounce MEED'S ORIENTAL JAZZ BAND fill slav from 18 ta liSO, to 7:30, and StSO to 1t:S0. Why not spend yonr aooa bour bsre and tnjov oil' exoellsnt ssrvioa and eulslnef If rou don't care to dance, 70a mar set your noonday meal midst pleaaaat ear. rouadlno and enjov our anezoslled jsu orchestra. SPEOIAL DAILY I.UNOH H i. U. fail P. M., loo, SSo, 40e ant) Up tneludlne sonp, vrea tables, drinks, diwul rith any meat ordsra. ' SPE. OIAC SUN DAY 'OHIOKErTee TOR. KEY DINNER 7 Bo MOUR8 11 A. M. to p. m. Amerloan and Chinese Dlahes Any Time Day er Nlflht. All Kinds ef on Drinks. OOR; BROADWAY and WASH. (Upstairs! Kntranoa SdBrs Washlmtan St. , Or I ASK YOUR GROCER HS7.tS-fOSTERBAKI,,GCQ - PORTLAND. OREGOtt , SAilrt BAKIKGCa SALCM.ORCGON. V THE i ) . INSURE THE WHOLE FAMILY Special Dept. for Juniors Four Up-to-Dat Flans- Adequate -r.','". , Rates , Asseto Over $1,1 00,000 - Headejuarters SOS Beck EWf . Main 1220 ' 1 - A-1112 Reliable Dentistry We foersatse 'ssert for- ! -1 sue. We wUI esasalM yonr testa : - tteo aa tail yea H taey teealie aad aat H wtll aoe. f . -- Bold Plinnps..... fl.00 and Us , etd Crowns.. .....S.S0-e,.00 1 , -i Pareelalo Orowna. . ..0-.0O I . , t Pell set af TeetM far. .00 Psmless Estreats,. ...... .oe - User PHltnae..... ...... ee V ' j ate say sersaaal attsauoa w - V. v.' s B sav . ' - BB3ewte OB, It. W. ItCWTON. Prep, ' Opea Sveatasa CatU 10 Boston Painless Dentists Bsfeo a are Sta an Wastilnptesi SS. rvpURALGIA or iieaascne Rub the forehead mrA tnr1a brith YOUa B0DYaUARO-30f.6O'.i.20 1 JJlMf -Ml i!U' imperial 7 a. .mt m I lvKlfcixlAIJ " V-T-.- -v - " ' .iff m . M. -aTsl -A 1 .1 Ml 1 V W , ' K a - - '- - v. - i '(? ; -j- j, ... :Z-.-ix '"'in. ' f