THE OKEGON DnILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1915. 16 TEXT BOO MOPTED BY STATE BOARD TO ' BE MORE EXPENSIVE .v ..... Publishers Will, However, Make Some Allowance for Books Now in Use. - Cost of text books Just adopted by th fita.te text book commission will how -an. average increae of about -10 per cent over the former adoption of six years ago, according to Harrison O. .Piatt, chairman of the commission. By an arrangement with the pub lisher, however, pup! la will be enabled to exchange their old books for the new ones on a certain allowance. "One of the notable features In con nection with the educational eituation," says Mr. Piatt, "is that boys from the farms are not dinplaying the Interest in agricultural subjects that mifcht be ex pected.' despite the fact that every facility In the way of competent in ' stniction Is offered.". HISTORY COVERS WAR Kite's American history, which was adopted, deals with the late war in an extensive manner, and a supplement will be added after peace has been signed. It is the Idea of the state board to give a thorough course in civics and American history and the text books have been adopted to meet this end. The readers dwell largely on subjects of literary merit and stories reflecting the spirit of patriotism and good citizen ship. A new text book In Spanish has been added to the language course this year tor the first time. The books adopted apply only to gram mar and high schools of the state out side of the city of Portland. MAST SUBJECTS OPTIONAL Twelve subjects are included in the grammar grade and a more compre hensive list in the high school grades. Many of the subjects are made optional. Members of the text book commission are : Harrison G. Piatt, chairman ; Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe, La Grande; Miss Mar garet Cosper, Salem ; A. C. Schmidt, Albany and F. A. Tledgen, Marshfield. K. A. Cook of Portland was elected secretary. The board made its adoption at Salem Monday after a 12 hour ses sion. The new books will be required for next fall's term. List of books adopted follows. Gram mar grades : Agriculture Davis; Productive Farm ing; J. B. Lippincott company. Arithmetic Hamilton ; Essentials of Arithmetic ; American Book company. Recommended for adoption by district, not to be purchased by pupils Courtis ; Standard Practice Tests in Arithmetic; World Book company. Civil government Hughes ; Commu nity Civics; Allyn & Bacon. Drawing Industrial and Applied Art Books ; Atkinson, Mentzer & Co. Recommended for adoption, not to be purchased by pupils Carpenter ; Stories Pictures Tell ; Rand, McNally & Co. Geography Tarr & McMurry ; New Geographies. First and Second Books ; The MacMillan company. Fairbanks ; 'mc Geoirranhy for Primary Grades; Educational Publishing' company. Xttory Gordy r Stories of American History ; Charles Scribner's Sons. Gordy ; American Beginnings in Europe; Charles Scribner's Sons. Mace ; School History 1919 Edition ; Rand, McNally & Co. Language Potter. Jeschke & Gillet ; Oral and Written English Books I and U : Ginn A Co. Music Progressive Music Series ; Silver, Burdett & Co. Physiology and Hygiene Winslow ; HE TRAVELS 28 MILES TO GET MORE TANLAC Usedio Walk the Floor at Night No Mere Indigestion Since Taking Tanlac. "I traveled 28 miles to get Tanlac. and It has been worth Its weight In gold to me," said Charles Gilleland, while in Murgittroyd'a drug store, at Spokane, recenUy. Mr. Gilleland lives at Elk, Wash., where . he is engaged In the logging business. "About three years ago," he contin ued, "my stomach began to give me trouble and while I had a fairly good . appetite, what -I would eat Just seemed to lis In my stomach In an undigested condition, and gas would form from it and bloat me up as tight as a drum. I would have terrible sharp cutting pains In my stomach, almost after every meal, and at night when I would lie down this Eras bothered en an t would have to get up and walk the nuor io gei a utue ease. I was con tinually belching up sour fluid and when it would get up In my chest I could hardly get my breath. In fact, all during the time I had these troubles the least bit of exertion would shortness of breath. I couldn't get any auuua ueep at nurm ana would roll and dream and wish for daylight to come, and when I would vet nn in th. .-... . ing I felt no account and finally reached - - the point I couldn't work much over half of the time. I had headaches and my liver was always out of order and at times, the small of my back would hurt me, so that when I went to stoop over to do my work- it irnuM ri m, it was going to break in two. My skin was i as yeiiow as a pumpkin and I had lost almost all of my- strength and was - basins? in nrflirht avcv n C - " - J AMAJ . "One of the boys at the camp had been benefited so much by Tanlac, he insisiea on my getting a bottle and while X bad taken numbers of medi elnes without getting any relief. I some - how felt like I ought to try It,-and : srot a bottle. I hadn't tnkon man-v doses when I ; began to Improve and since nnisning my tirtn bottle ii don believe I ever felt better In mv l;f. can now eat anything I want and never be DOtnerea witn indigestion or sour gas -afterwards. What I eat must Ha nour ishing me, for I have gotten all my lost strength back and picked up 15 pounds In weight. My liver Is nonr in fine ". shape and it has "been a long time since I have had a headache or backache, and mv friends are alwara 'telling'' m -bow much better I look. I can stoop . around i ana do as much work, as any man at the eamn and when T 11 dnwn n . night I sleep like a log and I don't ever lose a aay irom my worK ny more. T hftv rAMmmmHMl T'nnlur a a tr. rf my friends, for Ibelleve it is the best medicine in the world." Tanlac is sold in Portland by The Owl jjrug company. Adv. r Healthy Living. Books I and' II; Charles E. Merrill company ; recom mended for ; adoption, not to be pur chased by- pupils. Ferguson ; A Child's Book of the Teeth ; World Book com pany. Jones; Kees-Well Stories; 3. B. Ltppincott company. w , - Reading Basal ; ' Natural Method Readers ; Charles Scribner's Sons. Fas sett; Beacon Method of Reading Primer and First Reader; Glnn & Co. Baker A Thorndike ; Everyday Classics, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Readers ; The Mac Millan company. Literary Literature Readers (nine books); Row, ' Peterson A Co. Young A Field ; Literary Readers, Books I to VI) s Ginn A -Co. Young A Field: Ad vanced Literary Reader, Parts 1 and 11 ; Ginn A Co. Merrill Readers (seven books), Charles E. Merrill company. Readings In Literature; Charles K. Mer rill company. Van Sickle A Seegmiller; Riverside , Readers (entire series) ; Houghton. ' Mifflin 'company. Barley ; recommended for supplemental readers : For the Children's Hour (books I, II and III) ; Milton Bralley 'company. Spelling New World Speller (three books) ; World Book company. Akin ; recommended as phonetic speller -for first and second grades ; Word Mastery ! Houghton-Mifflin company. Writing Writing Lessons for Pri mary Grades; The A. N. Palmer com pany. Palmer Method of Business; The A. N. Palmer company. Business and High School Edition ; The A. N. Palmer company, Dictionaries Webster ; Elementary School Dictionary ; American Book com pany. Webster; Secondary School Dic tionary ; American Book company. . HIGH SCHOOL AgricultureWaters ; Essentials of Agriculture; Ginn A Co. Civic Reed ; Form and Functions of American Government; World Book company. ' - Bookkeeping Miner A Elwell ; Prin ciples of Bookkeeping (three books) ; Ginn A Co. Stenography Gregg; Shorthand Man ual; Gregg Publishing company. Gregg; Speed Studies ; Gregg Publishing Com pany. Typewriting Rational Typewriting, Rev. Edward ; Gregg Publishing, com pany- . English composition Jiippjnger ; Written and Spoken English, books I and II: Silver, Burdett A Co. Ward; Sentence and Theme ; Scott, Foresman Ac Co. Greever A Jones ; Century Hand Book of Writing ; The Century com pany. (Recommended for use of teach ers only;. Ward; What is English?; Scott, Foresman A Co. Sheridan Speak ing and Writing English; Benjamin H. Sanborn A Co. Mahoney Standards in English ; World Book company. Enarllsh Literature Long ; English Literature ; Ginn A Co. jtmrrlran Literature Payne ; Ameri can Literary Readings with Introduction History of American Literature ; Rand, McNally A Co. French The New cnaraenai trencn Course; Allyn A Bacon, DeMonvert: La Belle France; .Allyn A Bacon, Talbot; La Francais et Sa Patrie ; Benj. H. Sanborn A Co. Ancient History Breasted ; Ancient Times; Ginn A Co. Medieval and Modern History Robin son ; Medieval and Modern Times, Rev. Ed. ; Ginn A Co. English History Cheyney ; Short His tory of England, rev. ed. ; Ginn A Co. American History Fite ; History of the United States; Henry Holt A Co. Home Economics Domestic science , Bailey ; Domestic Science ; Webb Pub lishing company. Wellman ; Food Study ; Little. Brown A Co. Inc. Household Administration Tabor; Business of the Household: J. B. Linnincott Co. Do mestic Art ; Baldt ; Clothing for Women ; J. B. Lipplncott Co. Latin Smith; Latin Lessons; Auyn as Bacon. Kelsey ; Ceasers Commentaries ; Allyn A Bacon. Gunnison A riariey. Cicero's Orations ; Silver, Burdett A Co. Falrclough A Brown ; Vlrgu, isooas I-Vl ; Benj. H. Sanborn A Co. Bennett ; New Latin Grammar; Allyn A Bacon. Manual Training: Prevocational and Industrial Art ; Atkinson Mentzer A Co. Trade Foundations Based on Producing Industries; Guy M. Jonas company. Algebra Wells A Mart; New nign School Algebra, Oregon Edition ;.D., C. Heath A Co. . Higher Arithmetic Wells ; Academic Arithmetic; D. C. Heath A Co. Geometry Durrell A Arnold ; -iane and Solid Geometry; Charles E. Mer rill company. Biology Hunter; Civic Biology; American Book company. Botany Bergen A Caldwell ; Practical Botany ; Ginn A Co. Chemistry McPherson A Henderson ; First. Course in Chemistry ; Ginn A Co. General science Snyder ; First Year Science ; Allyn A Bacon. Curtis ; Man ual of Experiments in Elementary Sci ence,; Charles E. Merrill company. Fall ; Science for Beginners ; world book com pany. Physics Millikan & Gale ; First Course in Physics ; Ginn A Co. Coleman ; Lab oratory Manual ; American Book com pany. Physiology Conn-Budington ; Ad vanced Physics and Hygiene ; Silver, Burdett A Co. Recommended for supplemental use Delano : Elementary Hygiene and Home Care of the Sick ; American Red Cross. Lynch ; First Aid ; American Red Cross. Spanish Devitas ; spanisn urammar ; Allyn A Bacon. Hall ; Poco a Poco ; World's Book -Co. Bloomhall ; Spoken Spanish ; Allyn A Bacon. Fuentes A Francois ; A Trip to Latin America ; Henry Holt A Co. Carrion A Aza; Zaragueta ; Silver, Burdett A Co. Lu- rla ; Correspondencia Commercial : Sil ver, "Burdett A Co. Bransby ; Spanish Reader; D. C. Heath A Co. Commercial Geography Robin son ; Commercial Geography ; Rand, Mc Nally A Co. JC5IOB HIGH SCHOOLS Commercial Arithmetic Moore A Mi ner ; Concise Business Arithmetic ; Ginn A Co." Household Accounting Bexell A Nich ols ; Principles of Bookkeeping and Farm Accounting ; American Book Co. Bexell ; First Lessons in Business ; J. B. Lipplncott Co.. It Is recommended that there be placed on the shelves of every school wnere agriculture is taugnt tne series of six books on Agriculture and eight Agricultural Supplementary texts pub lished by J. B. Lipplncott A Co. The commission adopted the classics of any publisher in English, French or Spanish who win agree to sen tnese classics in Oregon at the list price. Conrad P. Olson Is Chosen to Codify Laws of Oregon Salem, June 4. Judge Conrad P. Olson of Portland was today appointed by the supreme court as code commissioner, with authority to compile and codify the laws of Oregon and arrange for their publication. The act under which the appointment was made ' was passed by the recent legislature and provides for compensation of "not to exceed $5000 to be fixed by court, which will be done later. The work of compilation will be started at once and must be completed within a year from today. Judge Olson, former member of the state supreme court, will maintain an office in the state capitol as well as one In Portland. This Is the first compilation of the Oregon laws since 1909. these being published in 1910, so that there are. laws and amendments of five state legisla tures to be studied and compiled, as well as a great volume of court opinions to be annotated. It is understood the Ban croft, Whitney company will publish the new laws. The state will be supplied at the rate of 910 per set, said to be the actual cost of publication. s Parker Now Captain Oregon City. ; June 4.-!T-Charles A. Park en who la serving with the 130th engineers with the A. E. F. In France, has been . promoted from the rank of lieutenant , t captain, according to a cablegram received by ...Mrs. Parker. Captain ? Parker ' enlisted In 191? and left for France early "la 1918. JTBW TOKAT' Journal "Want" Ad RATES ; For Best Results In any classification. Daily or Sun day. Journal classified rates ar: l y cents per word per insertion. 3 consecutive insertions for the ? price of two. 1 7 consocn tive insertions for the pric of firo. Copy for Daily must be in the office before 10:30 A. M. of day it is intended to ran, and copy for Sunday must be in the office before 6 o'clock Saturday night, give , detailed description in .your ads and order to run for at least 7 insertions.- For Contract Rates phofte for solicitor to call. THE JOURNAL IS THE BEST RESULT PRODUCING "WANT" AD MEDIUM JN PORTLAND. PHONE YOUR "WANT" ADS TO THE JOURNAL Main 7173 or A-6051 Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Bags mad Wooln We Make Reversible, Haad Woven Fluff Rugs .They Wear Like Troa. Bag Bags Wovea All SIses. Mall Orders Send for Booklet. Carpet Cleaning txlt Bags, Steam Cleased. M westerjt flwf'euo CO. (4 Union Ave. N. East 6S16 Phones B-1476 Automobile District I have a client who will build on quarter block to euit tenant. D. B. MACKIE, Sit Lumber 'Exchange Bldg-., Second and Stark Sts. Phone Mala 827. Salesrooms West Pars aad TamhlU At 10 A M. Tomorrow MEET1SO NOTICES 41 KECEPTIOV nd banquet will ba KiTen dj ui loose No. 124. fiAth .. .1 i: . . ' . - ' " " " 1 '"J uuu bis. , raun- Jy crening. June 6. 8 o'clock, in honor Orpha and Bom City Rebekh hxiees nd WoodUwn lodse No. 171. A splendid proerum will be rendered. E. P. MERTZ, MAX BAKELi,, V. L. CONDON. BEO. LESTER. Committee. SAMARITV Tlni3Pvr I. O. O- V . ... .! I r ' 2SF P;,- .odLf1'OWB Je"?PJ. full attendance desired. Visiting brothers wel come. EARL, R. ADKINS, X. G.. JESSE T. JONES. .Secy. ALBERTA LODGE. Tj. D.. A F. AND A. M. Regular com munication at 8 o'clock. Full at tendance is desired. V isitins brothers welcome. By order of the V. SI. W. W. CTJBTIS. Sec. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) ere nine. E. 6th and Alder sts. Initiatory degree. RAY MANAGHAN. N. G. S, A. STARR. Secretary. ( THE MACCABEES : Portland Tent No. 1 Regular rerlew aTery Tbnrsday evening, at hall. 40 Alder rt. All so-mbers urged to be present. Visiting Hit Knights a.ways welcome. GEO. D. BAKER. N. B. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty: buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger Bros 131-133 6th st. Xlita! statistics TTlatri$ts.Blrtbs, Death. ' BIRTHS LAKER To Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker, Bremer ton, Wajh.. il 27, a daughter. GIFFORD-To Mr. and Mrr. Thomas J. Gil ford. Grays River. Wash., May 26, a son. SCHUCTZ To Mr. and Mrs. A. A Schultz Kidgcfield, Wash., May 26. a son. DIXON To Mr. and Mrs. Nelson G. lhxon. 808 Oberlin, May 27, a son. WOODS To Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Woods, Ros ;burg, Or.. May 26. a son. ROBAUUE lo Mr. and Mrs. T. Robarte, I'lor ince. Or.. May 21, a son. , WENGER To Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wenger. Hillsboro. Or,, May 2 7. a daughter. LLNQUIST To Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Linquist, Multnomah station. May 21, a daughter. HARRIS To Mr. and Mrs. James C. Harris, ' Goble. Or., May 26, a son. TRIEBER To M. and Mrs. P. S. Trieber, 5616 E. 60th, May 28. a son. MVIDIS To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maidis, 352 Belmont. May 29, a son. CREEK To Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Green. 1058 Vernon. May 26, a tiaurtter. GREGORY To Mr. and Mrs. John Gregory. 286 N. 19 til. May 20, a daughter. VAN ASSAM To Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Van Amain, 669 Market, May 29, a daughter. WILEY To Mr. and Mrs. O. R. WUey, 7715 65th. May 29. a daughter. FAHLSTROM To Mr. and Mm. N. F. Fahl- strom, 554 Going, Msy 28, a daughter. McHAI-E To Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Macule, 780 Uoosevelt, May 26. a danghter. ' LUCAS To Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Lucas. 452 E. 30fu. My 22, a son. VINCENT To Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Vincent, New York apt".. May 19. a son. KERNS To Mr. and Mrs. W. Bl Kerns. 82 Grand arc, Isv 26. a daughter. DODSON To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dodson, 730 Hoyt. Mv 30. a daughter. HILLER To Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller, 1660 E. 17th. May 25, a daughter. KEAVENY To Mr. and Mrs. John Keaveny. May 25. 801 N. 21st. a daughter. RIHBY To Mr. and Sirs. James J. Kirby, 486 E. Davis, May "0, a son. DE GRANDPRE To Mr. and Mrs. CE.De Grandpre. 401 Hslsey, May 24, a dsn-jliter. McKIERNAN To Mr. and Mrs. William Me- Kicrnan, 149 Xwnsaale. fcfay 27. a son. VWEED To Mr. and Mrs. O. Tweed, 419 N. Leonard, May 28. a son. ROWLAND To Mr. and Mrs. G. M. liowland. 351 S 6'th, May 24, a daughter.. DOWNS To Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs. 297 Karoo May 22. a for. It ZEN to Mr. si.d Mrs. V Todd Hazen, J-28 Clinton, May 28, a son. DEATHS AND FTJirERATS ?, KRIEGER June 3. at the family residence, 926 Mallory avenue, Katfaerine Krieger, age 11 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Krieger. Funeral aerriceB will be con ducted Thursday, June 5, at' 2 p. m., from the Second Congregational : church, corner of East Eighth, and Skidmore. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. Pearson com pany, undertakers. GUSTAS'SON At the residence, 54 East fSth st,, June 4. 1919, Alma E. Gostafson, aged 64 years 8 months 23 days, beloved wife of J. G. Guataison. The remains will he for warded - by the Edward Holmaa Undertaking company to Snohomish, Wash., today. June 4, 1919, where services will be bled and in terment made.' OGREN In this city, June 8. Baby Ogren. infant daughter of Rev. and Mrs. V. G. Ogren of 625 East Eighth north.- Funeral aerr ices will be conducted Friday. Juno 6, st 11 a. m. , from Pearson's undertaking parfcns, Rus sell street, at Union avenue. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. ORESTE In tliia city, at his lata residence. 86 East Sixteenth street, June 2, John O refit a, aged S3 years, husband of Mrs. A Ha Orexte. The funeral services will be . held Thursday, June 6. at 1 b. nv. at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth, Friends invited. Incineration at the Portland trtmatonum. ' ElLEI' SON In tills city. June 3. John E El- lefsoa. aged 55 years. The funeral services will be held Thursday, June' 6, at 4 p. m., at the Portland emnatonnta. FonrteentH street and Hybeo avenue. Friends invited. The remains are at Fuuey . Montgomery at rirttt. ' DEATHS ATTI FUITERALS " It fcVANS In thia city, at her late residence. 4P2 Albina arenue. Hay 29, Uary H. F. Evans, aged 7& yean, sister of Levi Rood of Sheridan. 111. The funeral aenricea will be held Tbursaay. J one 5, at 10 a. m., at Finley'a, Montgomery a Fifth. Friends inited. Incineration at the Portland crematorium. 2ucCORM EC K. Dar. UcCornrk-k, 3 064 Woo4rd, May 20. 10 years, dysentery. ifOLLE.N BEAK -Asa M. HoUenbeak. Multno mah hoKjiital, May 31. 77 years, cancer. LA ROl CllE Vincent Pan La Boucbe.j St. Vincents hospital, appendicitis. vilSOK Edna. Gaynor, Hssel Fern aad Peer-Ir-s Flare, May t. 15 yeais. fracture of scull. BILL Paul S28H Russell, May 1. 65 years, cerebral bemorrhage. JOHNSON Martha Johneon. 1150 E. S2d. May 31, 68 years, heart disease, T0MTE CUra Tomte, 1878 E. Glisan, May 81, 48 years, carcinoma. BEXHOLM ErMr S. Rexholm. Good Samari tan hospital. May 80. 27 yean, tnbercalosia. CAlJfOl N Clare.'ce Callioun. SOS Park. Mty 30. 27 years, endocarditis. 1)1 NHA51 Anna I.. Pnsbira. Home for Aged. May 31. 63 yean. Bright' diaeaae. 0EKSELLEU G. Beaseileu. 135 N. 14th. May 31. 41 years, (luberculosis. ORLANDO Joseph Orlando. Good Samaritan ltospital. May 31, 88 years, meningitis. ,' GARDNE:; Ueorc Gardner, 614 HoUate, May SO, S3 years, arterio sclerosis. FLORIST JAPAN FLORIST . 190 4TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. All kinds of pot flowers and bed ding plants, 10o up. Bolder plants, sac eosen aaa up. Beautiful pension. S0o per doxea. Vegetable plants, 2 dozen 25e and up. CLARK BROS., florists, Morrison st. bet 4th and Stb. Phone Main A-1800. Fine flow era and floral designs. No branch stores; MARTIN V FORBES CO.. florists. 354 Wash ington. Main 260. A-l 269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. GbeTTtt" SiABKEtjEORIST. 6th and Tam hili ata." Cut flowers, plants and designs. Bell wood greenhouse 648 Nehalem ate. Bell. 1620. PORTLAND'S Floral and Bird Shop. Designs and decorations. Main 4878. 226 Morrison. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. De signs and decorations. Phone Marshall 6922. SWISS FLORAL CO. FLOWERS AND PLANTS. LALANE Floral designs, decorations. Opposite postotfice. Main 6545. f MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 6th st. FTJKEBAL DIRECTOB9 Holrnar. UndertaksogCo. Funeral Directors Third and Salmon Streets Main 507. A-1511 J. P. HRLEY & SON Progressive Funeral Directors Main Montgomery at 5th A-l 690 Wilson Ross FAST 7TH AND MT7LTONOMAH Funeral Directors Eaut 54- C-8165 Dunning & McEntee Broadway and Ankeny Sts. Lady Assistant. Phone Broadway 480. A-455B. F. S. Dunning, Unc. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS 414 E. Alder St Phone East 52. B-5225 A. D. Kenworthy Co. 5S02-5804 92d St. S. E.. Lents Phnne Tabor 5267. Home Phone D-fll Ft 7 SI H-TB88 .L. Lerch UNDERTAKERS Tj. 11th and Hawthorne McENTEE it FILERS, furteml parlo-. with all the privacy of home. 16th and Everett ata. Phrnes Rrnadwsr 2183. Home A-2133. CHAMBERS COMPANY. 248 and 250 Kilinrtworth are., near Williams are. Woodlawn 8308. C-1138. MILLER A TRACEY, independent Funeral Di rectors. - Price as low as $20. $40. $60. Wa-bmetnn- at Ella. Main 2691. A-7885. II. T. BYRNES, new residence establishment. 901 WilUm-i are. Woodlawn 220. C-1043. WiIson& Wilson 1157 Kerby street. Wdln. 4940. C-1155 IL-oiaVoo UNDERTAKING CO. M. 4162. i3i&GWeS A-2321. Corner 3d and Clay. Hnmillhi-irB 1073' E- Glian st. Fu 11 MaITIlllL.Un serrices. Tabor 4813. Breeze & Snook SU 125S, A. R. Zeller Co.E9 1088. C-1088. O '(.5r-o-nMt UndertakinB parlors, 445 Mor ICriCsOlrl rtwn ,t. Brosdwsy 2534. MOKTJWETfTS Portland Marble Works 266 4th St. Opomite City Hall. Neo Bros. BUESIMQ GRAMITE Co LOST AXD FOU5D SI THE FOLLOWING articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power company (June 2, 1919: 4 purses, specta cles, key, pin, book. 6 gloves, 6 packages. 2 rorts, 1 cap, basket. 3 suit cases, 4 lunch be- e. 2 umbrellas. Owners may obtain prop erty at First and Aider sts. LOST On Saturday afternoon at 5 :80 o'clock. a child's dark blue leather purse, containing 1 and a eold lvslHre wt with moss aeste pendant, and a gold ring with an opal setting. tmder pleae call Woodlawn 2Q47. Reward. PARTY who took gentleman's black silk, ivory handled, silver tipped nmbrella, marked R. W. A. from the Woodstock or 8:30 Oregdn City car Thursday evening call Tabor 2919 or leave same at Journal office. LOST From an automobile, near Palace apart ments on E. 37th St.. suit box. containing girl's clothes; please notify Hawthorne Grocery. E. 37th aad Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 384 for reward. LOST Sunday on Council Crest, a purse con taining sum of money and small disk with owner's name stamped thereon. Finder call East lie warn, m-hxu. Journal. VII E party taking the purse by mistake Sunday morning, 8:30 o'clock mass, June 1, 1919, containing $51.89, please return to 555 Vt Mor neon st. Reward. FOUND Near East 34th anJ Division,, purse containing money, uwner identifying same and paying for ad can have purse by calling 605 East 34th st. Sellwood 3584. LOST Red sweater between Newberg and roruana, , nunaay evening, June 1. Tabor 7700. LOST Khaki coat, between Front and Ash and 5th and Glisan. Tuesday. Call Itidze Fiver. "Tabor 7585. Receive reward. - a ... iiu xjn,r lu nun. e t. lu ISU w 2 iSQ- ders. Phone Broadway 4926. Reward. LOSTt Saturday afternoon, a child's purse with strap containing $1, a gotd lavallier and gold ring. Finder please call Wdln. 204 7. LOST Gold wreath brooch, sets, pearl and opals. Reward. . 146 E. 87th at. N. Tabor 9304. - . ' LOST Soldier's di-cliarge belonging to Earl H. Miller. Finder please phone Main 6152. LOST A fraternity pin with initials W. G. C. scratched on back. Reward. E. 5086. AMEYTHYST and enld rosary beads, valued gift- Reward. Phone Wdln. 8206. LOST Brownie 3-A kodak, near Westover Ter race car Sunday. Tel. Wdln. 2287. Reward. R'l'XD At' Karle Creek, one child's sweater. Call Tabor 2894. LOST Diamond tie pin, platinum setting. Liberal reward. Phone Marshall 6170. HELF WA1-TEO MALFX MAN to assist, in shipping department; excellent opportunity to learn automobile business. Apply Maxwell Motor Sales Corp.. 363 Ore gon. . . SALESMEN WANTED to sell, as a aide line. on country routes, paint, oils, roofing and barn paints. Phone Woodlawn 1654 or sea Victory Oil it Paint Co.. Derby ft.. Kenton. WRINGER MAN WANTED AMERICAN LAUNDRY. 140 E. 3D ST. N. WANTED -Experienced funitufc finisher. Ap ply warehouse. East Burnside and Union. Powers Furniture Co. , FIRST CLASS iron molder wanted, oat of town; stat experience : $6.60 for 8 -hour day. V 822, Jeurnsi. WANTED Boy about 17 yean of age to work in bag factory. Apply Ames Harris Nevelle Bag Co.. 15th and Hoyt ata. ' MEN f WANTED, rut eordwood. second grvwth, level ground, $2.25 per cord - Barton. Or. Hamlet. Tabor 4883. ' BUG weavers wanted ; salary guaranteed while learning. 04 unions ave. x. WANT - elderly inn to wash, dishes mornings. - mnum. r tor room, ooeru. Aiaut at. WANTED A butcher. T. K. HowittsT Ken ton station. WEAVERS wanted. Northwest Sag Co. East 8ti ana xayior. jasc soau. 1 HEtf WAltTED MALE V. S. MERCHANT MARINE OiTwrtunity is presented experienced men to V ISREn TRAIN1NO , in preparatiU for license eTsmtnationa aa , . IECK OFFlCF,RS ANII ENGINEERS ' . - at schools of the V. S. Shipping Board. FREE COURSE IN . NAVIGATION. six weeks, fits for third mate's license or higher: open to men of two years' deck eaperienee, ocean or coastwise, or eqairalent ' in fisheries, or on bay or aonnd. ' BEE COURSE IN MARINE ENGINEER ing. one month, fits for third assistant engi neers license, open to men of mechanical and engineering experience, including locomotire and sts tionary engineers, machinists on . marine en gines, graduates of technical schools and manna oilen and water tenders. Navigation schools at Seattle and PorUand. Engineers' schools at Cnirersity of Washington. Seattle. Apply to W. J. Urambs. " 860 Stuart bids.. SeaUle. SALESMAN wanted to travel adjacent tprntcry with high grade line. of oil stores on salary, expense and bonus basis, product on market 23 years and backed by large national advertising campaign trade:- partly established territory open aooui August 1 -jnis is hoe get io scorine but permanent connection where S mil can better himself from year to year. We have no room for order takers but would like to n-ir from those having the ability to make -li'lt yearly or better. Personal interview will be arranged this month. Application will not be considered unless accompanied by photo.' Ad dress sales manager, Detroit Vapor Stove Co.. Detroit, Mich. KEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PAPE MILLS. 42C HOUR. 8 HOUR DAT. 8KB MB. H. A BWAFFORD AT MILL OFFICE ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITT. GOOD HOTEL PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS. SOO: BEST MEALS. 85a $175 PER MONTH the year arouua, the average earnings last year of a n timber of our salesmen over 4 6 years. This yesr will be the biggest yet No experience necessary; weekly cash advance, outfit furnished. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubbery and vines. You can do what other in experienced men have dona. Washington Nur sery Co.. Topper.lsh. Wash. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. offer s splendid op portunity to a strong young man to learn tne rug and drapery business; exceptional opportun ities for advancement. Anply superintendent's office between 9 and 10:30 Thursday morning. A CONTRACTOR to log and put aboard cars from 5,000,000 to 30,000.000 feet of fir timber, one mils from railroad, with own equipment. Phone or see W. H. Mott. Bank of Commerce, Salem. Or. WORKINGMEN Intending to come to Klamath sn Ommn seekina emnloyment will do well h -ri-in. n urntirr of No Man's Boxmakera' union. No. 1704, poaionice oox oin. present time there are a numwr oi laie men here. . WANTED Experienced order pickers for plumb ing supply house. 68 Front st. Peerless I'seific Co. . HELP WAirryp jttlSC 41 WANTED Returned soldiers, shipyard workers and others to take advantage of our special in ducements offered at this time by attending the night or day classes in gas tractor and automo bile engineering. Only short time required. Call for free catalogue and information. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS 707 Hawthorne Ave. Branch Office 1 24 N. 6th St. Near Union Depot. wt MmniAwistei Knnkkgninff eUlrf &H 1 Jl'eWr IUIISi Wiuy wwvw . other modem business courses. Day and night school. AnKy BHig-. a ana mm'. -t. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS FIVE DAYS' TRIAL" Fit EE PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED We teach auto, tractor, gas eMgine and auto e-Jtrical work. BIG 100-PAGE CATALOG FREE. Addrrea Adcox Auto and Tractor School, Dept. J, Union ave. and Wasco St., Portland, t ir. rnone r-at ma. Hawthorne Auto. School 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Automobiles, trucks, tractors, machinist trade, oxy-aeetylene welding, vulcanising and retreading. Special summer rates. Day and evening classes. CENKCS CLERKS 4000 needed. 92 month. Age. 18 upward. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of examinations, write J. Leonard (former government examiner), 1008 Equitable Ping., wasnington. tiTinV T L W kt HnVK o i . . ,. " University extension method- Degree Lu B. conferred. We guarantee to pass you on the bar examination in any state. For full particu lar sprMY room annj"'' mim nAorrinva iQamirn EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEiiE, PORTLAND Enroll anv time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial Free catalog. ...-t,oc-t r Dotr iTv ni-Htvir.5Si srHOOI, ni i.ii .i.ii .... . - - - Individual init.ructors, right methods. Lnm-bcrmen- bldg., 5th and Stark. Broadway 8464. Mi" F. Bui-ell. principaL DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Toting men and women wanted. Call 218 Itailway Exchange bldg. ' Splendid opportunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free booklet. Railway Telegraph Intitnte. GOING Eator South? Household goods fhtpped at reduced rates: moving and packmg. Paei'ic Coat Forwarding Co.. 4Q3 Hoyt st. rtdwy. loa WANTED A parachnte Jumper, good season's work. Call or address Prof. Frank - Miller, EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL -SCHOOL Miss Regina Bnckrl's private school: individ nsl intmction. 1 22 H Grand ave. East 427. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt, mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly. MISS MATTING LY'S Shorthand. Tynewriting School. 269 14th St.. Msin 3893: $6 a mo. HELP WATTTET FEMALE WANTED Girl to work at business place, not office work. Steady work, good wages. Do not phone. Apply 421 K. Broadway. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and downstairs work; no heavy sweeping; good wages. 49t 21st. corner. Myrtle, Portland Hts. EXPERIENCED 8. M. operators; also office assistant; also stock room girU 167 First, upstairs. YOUNG lady. Scandinavian, with 1 little girl. wants pooi.rinn as housekeeper; full charge; no children. 35-25. Journal. . HOUSEKEEPER wanted; plain home: 3 adults: full charge; no washing. 365 Victoria, near E. Broadway. WASTED Experienced overcoat, mackinaw and pants operators: good- wages. Anply Stand ard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and E. Taylor at. A LADY -wants sn old lady to etay for com pany; no work; good borne. Mrs. E. Rhodes, Csnby. or.. Bos zoz. WANTED A neat quick girl to he p in small boarding house. $10 per weejc and board. Main 6497. x WANTED Experienced and Inexperienced help. Imperial Laundry Co.. 855 Basse II st. WANTED Fint-cla coat finisher. Ray Bark hurst, 6th and Stark. GTRLS wanted, Portland Paper ' Box Co.. 82 Front at. WOMAN for housework. Tabor "7477. No washing. Call A GIRL to assist in general housework. Apply ' mornings or evenings. 699 Lore'joy. . WNTEDMillinery maker. Good experience Wilson's. 180 10th st. .' WANTED Middle sged woman aa housekeeper, light work, good home. 386 Division. WANTED GlrW at Stephen's button and pieat rnr shop. 219 Pittock block. SCHOOL girl wanted for light housework. Call Tabor 2026. Evenings after 6:30 or Sunday. RUG weavers wanted; salary guaranteed while learning. 54 Union ave. N. ' - WANTED Experienced markers and sorters. . r. S rjnndr Co.; 188 Grand ave. GOOD , wages to first. elaae woman cook, beach Hotel, taui - wooqiswn voao or jiain . TAILOR'S ftolsner. First class. Good at but - ton holes. Chaa, foopey A Son.. Royal bldg. WOMAN to do dining room work for self sad husband's room and board. 412 N. 19th. HKtP WA7TTET FFMHI.K j 1 THJB f AMES -HARRIS -NEVTLLA ' BAG CO- 15TH HOYT ST TAKE NORTH AND SOUTH PORTj LAND OR 18TH ST. CAB: GET OFF AT HOYT ST. " WE OFFER STEADY EMPLOY MENT WITH GOOD WAGES TO .LLMITED NUMBER OF GIRL SEV ING MACHINE OPERATORS. BE TWEEN THE AGES Or 1 Nl . SO TEARS. ' v i . . IT TOO ARB NOT EXPB- BIENCKD WE WILL TEACH TOO HOW AND PAY A GOOD WAGE AT ; THE SAME TIME; " OCR KZPB ; RIKNCED OPERATORS MAKE BIO ! MONEY. YOCNG LADIES WANTED FOR TELETHONS OPERATING. BEGINNERS IN . 1 RAIN ING SCHOOL WITHOUT ANY EXPEIl ENCB PAID AT BATE OF 811 PER WEEI ; AP PROXIMATELY $48 PER MONTH; FRE QUENT INCREASES Lf PAT AFTER T SANS FERRING TO OPERATING WORK. CALL AT UOOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR. TELEl'HONB BUILDING. PARK AND OAK. STREETS. LIPMAN, WOLFE CO. require experienced salesladies in the following departments: Art needle work, notions, ladies' hosiery and draper ies. Apply superintendent's office between 9 and 10:30 Thursday morning. WANTED EXPERIENCED AND INEX PERIENCED OPERATORS TO WORK ON POWER MACHINES. PAY WHILE LEARN ING. APPLT STANDARD FACTORY NO. GRAND AVE. AND EAST TAYLOR. RESPONSIBLE merchandise company, i making a specialty of infanta' apparel, wants able woman, capable of managing branch store out side of Portland: good future assured. Must be abie to invest $500 to $1000. IO-835 .ourn&i. 2 WOMEN, over 26, saleswoman, demorstrator, teacher or nurse, to do work similar (to that of first aid instructions, etc. : only those who have to work to earn their own living neea ap ply. Call IO to 11 and 5 to 6:80 p. m.. room 3 u. 22 Henry blflg. WANTED Woman to do about 2 hout;' work three limes a week for business womsjn occu- nied durine dav: in flat near Multnomah club end small personal wash; wages $10 a I month. V-8I8. Journal. KNITTERS WANTED Experienced iknittera wanted on full automatic woolen hosiery ma chines. COLUMBIA KNITTING MnJ.S 213 Main yt,. Vancouver, Vah. WANTED 3 ladiea free to leave city, jcapabh of doing club work with ladies; experianoe not necessary; earnest worker will earn $50 to $70 a week. YX-818, Journal. WANT first olasa pastry cook and alao; pantry girl for beach hotel. Woodlawn 4j036 or 1398. A N TED Stenographer. Apply Maxwell Mo tor Sales Corp., 363 East Oregon. WOMAN to look after bath house at tha beach. Woodlawn 4036 or Main 1308. HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE St MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning; gives yoa setef tools; positions securea. wue ror catalogue. tarn Bnrnlde t.. or phone Brosdwav 1781 -J MEN, WOMEN. learn Darner trade; waam while warning: position guaranteed, aigr. zz yeara experience. Oregon Baiber College. 238 Madisoa, PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in 8 weeks; pay wbtle learning; position guar enteed 234 'ouch st I WANTED Weavers Experienced, steady work. caving. Portland Woolen Mills. WAlTKIAOr,!fTR AGENTS Twice shipyard pay. for active sales men : most desirable work, prompt paiy. Bpa rialty FouDdry Works. S. E. corner E. 1 7th and Belmont. SITTTATIOR MALE PATNTTNG. paperhanging and experienced workman. Phone kabvomlning by residence. Tabor 4958. Shop, Tabor ozu. PAINTING and kalsomining. neat wotk.. Call Msin 4107. CONTRACTOR, repair a specialty. Crowe. 441 52d st Tabor 7982. B. Ik FIREMAN wsnts job in city, day or night. Call Tabor 3835. EXCAVATING done; call Eat 7852. Room 7. SITUATIONS FEMALE r.OTiORED WOMAN wanti position asl ianitress. or maid in a movie. Broadway 864. after 8 O'clock. TIBESSMAKITfO 4t ANNOUNCING THE OPENTNO IDFAL DRESSMAKING AND BLOUSE SHOP 311 Central Bldg.. Cor. 10th and Alder. Best work and sty Is at reasonable prices. ANY kind of sewing: work guaranteeA and rea- son sole, main ooun. FTTRNISHET) HOOflH Hart Apts. and Laurel Motel V.kI. ViimiiiMf mrwlern hoiisekeenlnff and sleep- ing rooms. $2.50 and up. Second and YamhiU. HOTEL FRANKLllN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENfTH. $1 a day up. Free tub and shower bath HOTEL SARGENT Hawthorne ani GrandT Starting point special car for Vancouver. XrrTTt'VTSTJKD ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY i,t u i n nrif.f fsmiW for - the Rose Show. Mrs. Pitchford. 552 E. 39th St. Call Tabor PLEASANT front room. 104 2 Belmont, corner of gsth. Snnnyside car. Phone Tabor 802. PLEASANT. well-fuiTiished room io birunea man. walking distance. Broadway 12216. 8366 ROOM ATVT BOART)! IS THE HAZEL "Not Mks the otheri" Ever comfort: home cooring "o nn ss. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 880j 10th. fof bnrrm drla end -studewtoi. Msvlisll 12B1 BOOMS AJfl BOARD P 3 TATE FAMILY 7t housekeeping room; breakfast if desired. Call Woodlawn 91. 1 F YOUNG professional man wants taj come to Portland; wants room, two meals, garage, room witn vamiiy wnose noma nm iiiiiwi wm o fined atmosphere. Z-24. Journal. WANTED Board and room in private family by husband, wire ana - cmuueu, o. iuuj preferred. Tapor ovii. . HOTJSEKEEPIWO ROOMS VtJRNISHEP AND FNFrKljf 1SHEP T nvri T t.lDKB AIRT RUlfrE of eomnletely furnished H. K. rioma. $28 month; running water: also one very i 1. mom. 815 month. Ilargs front These srs 1 o'clock rirsa. CaU 846 Madison St.. 10 td Wednesday. m Tvri tr 1 1 i mwmiiI. fti m i all housekeeping suites, absolutely clean; hot wa ter at all hours,, every convenience save car . r swvt i.j:iu O A waAAs "I 4f erarni UM. UiTP UlJUtw:. irom aas.w-. TWO large front room fnffle roonMr slepitxg - URIC OTa wu4 ass . svrVTTJ'irx'irTfwrj Tionif -7$ FTTRNMiHED AND VKTVR$lURV fHlfAlE AM1I; , I FURNISHED front room, kitheiwrtte if da aired, to respectable man. other roomers men. W.lkmi distanos. 446 EL BurBaide st... next Masonic bldg. 1 . . i- TWO f root rooms - furnished for lht house keeping; conveniences; adults. East! 324. 674 East Couch. S1JA j X IC I KjAJM. - lUllUNmi ,wim, with bath. Jargw cloneta. suitable fdf two taw- '(Wo- - large, ' bright, connecting housekeeping - rooms, bsih, light, heat and laundry. Phone f-1781. 956 Williami ve. , h " FOR RENT Large front housekeing room. kitchenette, front porch. 106 5 Corbett st. LARGE airy room and kitchenette. $4 per week. Another $2.50 par week. 20$ lath. . ; - IIOrSEKKKPlXO KOOH8 - 71 rUBNISHKD AND U5i'CU.MUU PK1VATK FAMILY i ROOM furnished it K. suite. $20 per month. 45 Market at. . -" - " ' ; SINGLE II. K. room tor bacheiuxi everything furnulied. 164 N. lttth at. . FOR Xir.ST- HOUSES 13 CNFURNIriHF.D 6 R.)OM modern home, $2. if renter buys lH furntur and furU 806 otb at. 8. K. Keilwood ear." WHEN YOTJ MOVE, l;SE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE Tctith and Washington proadwsv TWO- ROOiS house with lights and waterT Berkeley addition, 3 blot-ks frota Estacada rarune. Phone Sellwood 2052. VtVir m!whm MiJ,m hMm finmm in. near W. P. r alior. K55 K 26th . Gtw More, 309 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6008. FINK furftiSirvr piano; wfli'Tseil furniture; terms: or rent furnished, long lease, lovely yard. 65 E. 8 1st. - ' 5-ROOM rm-dorn hou-e. cIom in: near S. I 1ji. ' i5 Eat 26th st. Ceorae Morse. 80- flmmh-T of 4 'oinmerce. Main l0(i 5-itfKiM hou-e for rent; piano for sale. iv oofl lawn nan n. . . GOOD 6 room modern house close In $25. tast 7076. MODERN buntialow, furnace, fireplace, larga yard, $35. Woodlawn 196. ' " HOUSES FOH RENT FCRXITUBE FOR SA LK 6- ROOM cottage, batli aoiT toilet, gas. elec tricity; rent $16 10. Soir fiirnit.urs for sale. 2 blocks to I, car. 748 Missouri ave. Posseivion June 15th, No dealers. Call any time after 6 r. m MODERN "6 room hou-ne lor rent anu ,ai,i,t.,.. for sale cheap: first-class condition. tall a'ter 6:80 p. m . H K. 1 1 til st. . 6 ROOMS, completelir furnished; reasonable. Knngalow Tor rent.' miKAi FURNISHED HOPSES Main 6433. 6th snl Wasiiington st. SPARKS-STEVENS CO.. Suite 611-12-13 Wilcox bldg. . -k Furniture in 5 room house, - everything clean and in first class condition. Rent of building $16.80, including water. Phone in Mne, good location. Pries $350. Owner leaving city. Main 5433 "t1 nd Washington sts. SPARKS STEVENS CO. Suite 511-12 18 Wilcox Bldg. HAVE to .change climate so' will rent my 3 rocrn furnished home to responsible people $25 a month. 664 Ellis ave. before Saturday. 5, ROOM bungalow, garage, piano, will lease for 1 year: adults; $85 per month, fit and last two months in sdvsnce. Tabor 0017. WELL furnished 6 room house. 629 Genteu bein ave. - FOR REXT FLATS 13 8 ROOM FTaTt, garage. Union are. seal Uua sell : adults only. V 2195. ' FURNISHED FLATS if $30. UlWER room lumialied fLat. 84-' East 27th, Richmond car to 27th, 1 block south. , ' FOUR-ROOM lartly furnished flat. bath. sei arate entrance. 674 Mississtini ae. flimiiA TWO modern 4 room flats. 53 V. HOUi st., Montavilla ear, or 215 Lumbermena bldg,, mostly furnished, $15. . AltllltA. MODERN fumtdud flat; gas. electricity, phone ' and piano; no children. 262 l'age r.u v- FOR RENT Furnished 4 room flat, 1st floor. APARTMENTS 45 F TTRN'TSHE D AN4 l'NFITRNISHF.O v.- T.- (a. O rv.vvwrstw.4ak ( r a rgf MOlTl J Ft BUltV Ul MKnsttif sew w -aa- and lcoTeupsUir; front -txitable for nmiw- Keptnc; un.ii room; aii nn.i rt , : i. m. a K.U -ak PVinnsv t artahall 11KTIV. wgl-g . biiu usui 285. 886 6th st, 8. Would taks light serv ice lor peri ot rent. - Cor. Russell and Kerby bet. Miss, and Wil- ' ... . . a , nams aves. i-none ts igi o lwtr -.. n, i-. i elMtrle licht. lihonc " u . lr in rooms. Phone Main 6882, 415 Mill st, ' FURNISHED housekeeping a)artnienti. eav walking distance, moderate rates, a 92 Burnside. - vivr ll.Rr.HT APTS. Three room bone keeping apartment, strictly modern. King Aif.ert. lltn sna Montgomery.' aiain onn JULIAN APTS. 3 and 4 man furnished apart ments; adults only. Marsh. 609. LARGE 2 room basement apt. with bath, -light. clean; references, r.aat 2WTI THREE furnished modern moms; no children. 679 K. 21st. Take Brooklyn car. ' NEW TORK apts. E. Belmont and 7Ui. K. 238T WAWTED TO KE3TT We Want to Rent "; : a B room up-to-date dwelling in select neighbor- hcod. r Abo houses, flats arid apartments. II you have anv vacancies, prions Heave Together, care .... . r . ... o' orrnwe-f o . mwio i iwu .... .1 hAiVia ..-ni.UuI .. .. f ..n. i.liui ' i rt n uuMiu . i li, ii t.i .. " modem hou-e, with garage; I .urelliurst, lrv tnrton .or the Heights, Lease for yeat of more. mt-i n K (l I Moor i , i WANTED Two or- 8 room furnished . spart : ments. moderate rent. Phone after 6:80 p. m. Marshall 1746. - - - REAL ESTATaf BEACH PROPERTY 48 GET A BEAf'H HOME now at Seaside. Of . In beautiful "CARTWHIGHT PARK" at ratitlced prices; $25 to $700; easy installment. 6 pet cent; soon to be connected by all paved high way wish Eastern and Southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 ft pier, will make "Cart wright Park" one of the. rn-wt attractive spots or Pacific coast. Whitmer-Kelly Co.. 414 Pit tock block. tT-i r ail r AT VniPIIHT 4 room, cottage, plastered full cement base ment, plumbing, electric lights, cabinet kitchen, completely furnished : close to beach and view of ocean: only $725. Bog 65. Gresham. Or. Phone 60-XL SALT AIR HOTEL, on Tillamook beach, is now opened. New management. Booms and board, reasonable rstes. George Merse, owner, 809 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6003. ..- BFS1NESS PROPERTT $ FACTORY site, wet side waterfront, trackage. paved street. Owner. 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. ' - FOR SALE HOUSES CI JIST completed. 5 room 1 "U'T; i'' moreland. old ivory finish, hardwood floors throughout, sll bnilt-ina, concrete basement floor, fireplace, large upstair floored, 26x51 feet, tine viiw. close to free golf links and Reed college, excellent car service, built fot my own -home; $4100 (cost $44001 ; act quickly. Business Nf-iirs Msin 22Q. Rc-idencs Main 8775. OH. MANi STOP PAYING RENT Here is your chance: Good 3 room plastered house and sleeping porch, good dry basement, gaa, electric lights, city., water, good lot, 40x 100 with fruit and flowers, handy to car and school; partly furnished; s real snap for $1075, $175 cash, balance" like rent. See E. W. Hughes. 607 Journal bldg. Phone Main 2858. "ROSE CITY PARK i 5 Room Modem Bungalow, On E. 57th st. Hardwood Floors, Fireplace. Price $3600. Terms. $676 Down, $30 Per Month. Owner Leaving City. A Real Bargain. Phone Tabor 284. HOUSE of 6 rooms, lot 40xl0OH. block from ear, aume furniture, good terms; price $1600--. " House of A rootn, double constructed and plastered, small payment. beL your own terms. We have many good buys Iq small homes. If you want s home see our list. H. & H.. 815 S WETLAND BLIXI. ' LAURELHUnST" BUNGALOW" ItlUV.VU . 6 rooms move right in; all street improve-. ments paid- Something newsee it quick. $1000.00 will handle. MB. DEL A HUN Tf. MAIN lfU'J or s,ve. avaas v. MAGNH-'ICENT 7-ROfM BUNGAIIW; IRV LN'GTON; FINE LOCATION; FINE ROOM IV BASEMENT FOR SUMMER SEWING; EXTRA CLEAN; HARDWOOD FLOORS; GARAGE-BEST OF FLOWERS. THIS IH NEAR PERFECTION. FAST 21. HEHPMAX. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS $2400 5 room house, 'extra large lot, fruit, gsrdea and chicken yard, ' garage under house. $lJFTemont st. E. H-rf FTTZGIBBON. Owner; i - 401 Board of Trade, lYR 1 . ADE or sell -A Jots, 8 room house, chicken bemse; good soil, 1 . block to paved road, for s -ft room bungalow. 8032 4 2d are. 8. E. Tabor 6085. mi-iiuovT mvrn Good home, fine location, low price, $4000. 7 oms. 2 fireplaces, furnace, shades, fruit, gar age, terms. i z V i noiinej www, nuin. $70O SNAP. : Be your own landlord. Neat - , e-room imiasv witn iwwr w-.i nut um ew.ew, nice lot- Owner. 4830 76th, st S. R. . BY. OWNER, close to Hawthorne ear, 6 room modern house, full basement; lot 60x100, fruit; -$2100. terms. 1118 E. IJncoln. 6 ROOM .cottage, lot 75x100. 8 nice . fruit trees,- chicken house; snap for $1650, terms. 209 Oregon bldg.. Broadway 1658. WESTOVER TERRACES.. Honse for sale' by owner. No agents. Phone Marshall 1875. FOR SALE Two . roe-n boose, and lot. 71? 88d st . E. ' $20O0 Desirable 5 - room cottars, lot 100s 100. Woodstock. Sellwood 1386. REAL ESTATE HIT HOUiatrs! l uott 12 AND Bt.VOAUtW have a, lilioto of thin iiirHt 4 room bun- ralow at our office. It l heated within 2 b'ocka of Columhia Psrk. St. Johns corner. A bte lot, 65x112 feet, beautiful shade tree: giod place for rhirkriis and gardrn. The price S.uuti; pay down and move In. COK A. MrKK.NNA A CO.. Main 4523 "2 4ih Roerd of Trade bllg. of.Y,riiii vi'"Vnii v t vvf $1700 $1750 $1900 .1 rooniiC bath. gss. rwirw Mgnts, run bssement, wsii trajrs, not shs-ks, but plsstcred homes in fine cotiUition. Street Improre ntents all in end raid. Easy terms, heven of these sold since Haturdsy morning. - J. -A. WICK MAN CO., Kirn. bldg. m ion. 204 Ry. $ j 1 600 P1;NIN8CLA"DIKTRI1'T 1 000 ThiS iS n GrecleV lIlWl. in n.l.l beautiful lot, ahniirlsm-e nf (mil tr. i....i. choice rosea and shrubbery. 4 room h'ouso and ouuiuiMiings; nair cash will handle, bal ance like rent. j Hatch Our. Ads We (! Results. C. A. WAHKINKB. RITTEIC I.HWK A CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $200 Cash 8 too no rmi. modern hnm. tttrrlotikina pli W-it Hide, Fulton fark; an idfl . loiue for large fsmilr, rommatidlng view of rlrer and CitV: fine, full lot with urrl-n imI Hlta.lM m lisndy to car; full price $3 I Ml. Why iny rent wlien you can get this so reasonably ? . ' ivn Erenings. ? GEO. T. MOORfTCO. 1007 Yeon bMe. East 'Washington St. IMMKDIATK 1MWMESMION ! A modem liam with gsrsge, on cornef Int. in one of IhM close-fi, lorsUoni in city, ck relhurst I'ark. SiiBiiyside car, located cor. 8Mb' and E. Wsslllnirtnfl .1 nnlv SSflllll nil.. .....II I'ond balance. A.. K. Hill, Bmadwiiy '42 1, or errt.lnfl call T-7.152. i $1076 HERE'S A HAPPY ENDING $1075 TO HOUSE HUNTING 3-rm. Peninsula park 'cottage hungslnw, .larg rms., HghU, ess and water, nice bath, swrll kitchen: the plumbing ! comiih-te ; SOslliO lot, with, fruit and flowers; 3 '4 blocks to Kt. Johns car, 3 to Orkley Green school. Terms. Ar-k us ahont this inirk. Ojien- ereniiiKs. GEO. T. MQQltK CO. 1 (07 JYeon Jildg. TllA WTHORNE $3250 Here Is one of -the nlfliet, classiest IIUIsa bungalows you ever saw. Hardwood floors, fire place, bookcases, buffet, attic, Dutch kitchen with canopy over range, crsnent basement, wash trays, etc. Let us show you. A. G. TEKI'K CO., -264 Stark st., near 3d. Main 3092. slain $316. Branch office Both and Bsnrty. - One Bl'ck Mt- Tabor Car 8 BOOMS, EAST MORRISON RT. 8 rooms, double constructed, bath, Dutch kit chen, built-in buffet, full cement basement, laundry trays, beautiful 60s 100 lot, fruit treee and berries, gardrn all in, IHI.'iO. Terms. n Evenings. GEO. T. MOORK i '. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $3000 Modern 0-rnom house, one; block from rar line-; beautiful view; rooms sunny; fireplace; large sleeping tmrch ; full remeot hssement ; laun dry tube; fruit room; gsa, elMHrtcity; lawn, flowers, all in etcellewt conditiou. Part pay ment down, remainder like rent- Furniture if desired. Phone Heliwood 1978; - NEAR UNIONAND KH j.lNfiHWtmTH 8 ItOOMM AND LARGE ATTIC $3150 The owner has reduced price for immediste sale. Ton would never dream it possible to buy such a house In this location for so little money; $600 cash will hsnclle. A. O. TEE-I'K Cf., 204 Stark St.. nesr 8d. Main 3IID2, Main 3616. Rramh office 60th and Sandy. SUNN Y8 IDE BUNGAMAV SNAP Nice 5 r'Xmi bungalow fireplace, buffet, book cse!l, cabinrt kitchen, cement bsseinent, Isnn dry trays, attic; city liens all paid; on .. 85th, near Main. Price a snap, $2500; $500 rash, 25 per month photo at our office, GRUHSI A BENNETT 18 Board of Trade blclg. Msin 74 S2. 66t110"LOT. $20trT)OWV Do you know s bargain when you ace one?. At Portamouth we have listed an H room house' in good condition, big lot 66x110 feet. Owsver living in Alaska writes us to sell for $1630. The house alone is worth more than $1650. i'ou U get the lot tree. COK A. MrKKN.NA A CO. 82 4th at.. Board of Trade bldg. Main 4 522. East Washington St. IMMEDIATE POSHKJ4MION A modern htuie with garage, on corner lut. In tne of bent close-in locations in city. j-l to f tirelhur.t ark, Hiinny Me car. locsf'd corner 88th ami E. Washington st. ; only $4500, plus small bond balance. A. K. Jllll. Broadway 4 2J, or evening call Tabor 7532. VACANT, $20 MONTH . S room, double constructed bungalow by owner. $1900; street improvements paid; Al berts ear to 25Ui, 1 block north. 621 Sumner. Woodlawn 64311. WEST SLOPE MOUNT TABOR - Modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch buns s low, living room 22 feet lung, big garage with cement driveway; all street imps, in and paid 3 blocks from Mount Tabor car. near S7th and Yamhill sts. Price $4200: $1200 cash. CLRVELAND-BAKR-HKNDERHON CO. 2 13' Railway Each. Bldg. Main 6752. $2500 WOIIERN "RI NG.U.OWS-'OUO MAKE THE RENT,, BUY THIS ' 6 room bungalow, one floor, full, basement, nice fireplace, . buUt-lna, fine plumbing, large lot 76x110; near car; some fruit. 1 tils is a snap at $2500. on eay agrmir. Evenings, Mar. 6963: weekdays. Mjnji'7967. Maneis ,or Williams, 820 Chamber if t.'ommsme bldg. Iltr8En3TY"PAKi7$3350 Here is s real brown t aSlornia bungalow of 6 rooms, oak floors, fireplace; furnace heat. The prettiest corner lot you ever saw. A regular park of fir trees on rear of lot. Out of town owner wants J60II cash, balance like rent, ' COE A. McKKNNA A CO. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. Main 4622. ALAMEDA PABIv . 6 rooms and sleeping porch, $5750. Located on Alameda drive, with splendid view; modern in every detail; we would con sider .it a privilege to show you. ' A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264J5tark at., near 3d. Main 8092. Main 3516. 1 r Branch office 60th and Sandy. I108E-CITTPARK SACRIFICE V $4600 6; rooms, modern, hardwood floors, lot ROx 100 full cement basement, wash trays, fur nacw. Fine garage with cement approach: 2 fireplaces; all assessments, including paving paid.' Elegant location. Owner going east. Terms. Tabor 507. WEST MOUNT TABOR $8600 6 rooms with bardwood floors, fireplace, biif--feti cement basement, furnace, etc, beautiful corner lot, $100 bonded assesamcnta. Located on; COth sW liCt ns show you. i A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 BUrk at., near 3d, Main 8002 Main 8916. i Branch office 60th and Sandy. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Near City Park 1 $12,000 10 rooms, hardwood floor dowmtaTrV, lot 60s 100. Half cash, balance can be arranged. WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO., 85 Fourth St. $2650 SUBURBAN"" HOME $200 down. $20 per month, including all in terest. Park Roe, on an acre ' trs.1, modern 4 room bungalow with modern pluiubing. Small garage; place now vacant; can be occupied ac once, J: L. Hart man Co.. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg. lain 208. $2500 $f200cash. 4 rooms and bath (tub and toilet), P. W. Hewlett, owner. 1f feet on 65th ate.. 147 on 71st st.. SW. corner. Just over the city ltne, 6 blocks tv Tretnont sts.. Mount Scott car. Fes countr rock road, barn now under construction ; a good dairy chance. About 20 large fruit trean and garden. Kred Spear. 65th are. and 67lU st.( Brentwood. Tabor 6887. " KENTON $5800 Deairable home, on comer lot. 6Sx J0A, ft rooms, bsth and fireplace downstairs, 3 rooms, bath and kitchen upstairs, earae, hot water beat, suitable for two f amUies," $ l&oo caan, balance can be arranged. . -WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO.. 85 Fourth St. Sl'LK.NDIO 7 -ROOM HOME. IHVINGTOV; CHOICE IKATION: GOOD HASKMK.NT; SEAT AND t'LEAN: llARDWOD I I .OOP i THROUGHOUT. THIS I A CHARM DON'T FA If TO SEE. EAST 273, HERDMAN. $500 IMiVVN VACANT $25 MONTH Modern 6 room bungalow, large attic, lull cement basement, lot 64x124, hard - surface street paid. This ta a bargain st $2750. Act quick. See owner at 12Mi E. Taylor. ' LOVELY HOME : T rooms, modem, on 75(100 ft lot. fruit trees, fine shrubbery, beautiful rosea; in good district. nsr csrline, clo-e to school, $5500; terms, Tsbor 6913. 1169 Clinton st; ' HAVB bungalow, 6 large rooms, block of rar, garage, cement walks, roses, plumbing, elec tricity, gaa in; prompt possession. Thia week for $1600, $300 down. Come on. Mount Scott ear to Kern Park. Bee No. 6613 opposite. " $1000. NORTH MT. TABOR DISTRICT 4 rooms, hath, toilet, gsa, full cement base ment, etc., $360 cash, balance 2 year mortgage at 6 per cent. Tabor 2934. - " . . $3760 MT. TABOR $87.10 Sacrifice for ouk-lt sale, thoroughly modern 6 room borne, exuellent condition, fine i'ew, 1871 E. Abler. M. T. ,csr to 7t- Tabor 20 MODERN bungalow, lot 60x100; gus, electric. fireplace, cement basement, in re trie ted dis trict: $2500. i700 casta. Csll sftcr 6 p. Bi ll, il E. 21th ft. y. HAKE offer New, modern 7 nxiui Iioum, fr- nace, corner lot, good district. Am leering city; terma. Come see It. Sellwood 2706. " ' (Coatlaned oal"oUo"Wlnt:"Puge