THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1919. 11 COPIES OF TREATY ARE IN AMERICA, CHARGE SENATORS Johnson's Resolution Calling on Secretary to Divulge Text Is Cause of Hot Debate in Senate SWANSON BLAMlES GERMANS Lodge Joins Colleague in State ment That Banking Interests in New York Have Found Leak By James R. Nourse TVashingrton. June 4.- S enator Borah Tuesday charged that the full text othe treaty la now in the possession of certain , Wall Street banking; firms having large interests at stake in the countries affected by the- peace settlement. Senator Lodge supported the .-charge with the assertion that while In New York city Monday he was shown copies of the treaty and that one was placed in his hands with the suggestion that he bring it to Wash ington and deliver it to the senate, Tle charges were made in a bitter debate with administration senators over the resolution by Senator Johnson of California, demanding of the state flepartment, the full text of the treaty. The resolution is yet to be disposed of. Senator Borah threatens to make pub lic in the senate .the names of the bank ers who have the treaty. Senator Lodge naid he. knew of at least four copies which are now in Ne-v York. They were obtained, he said, in Paris, and brought to this countpy for the use of the firms whic now have them. Senator Swanson, an administration supporter, replied that an" understanding naa neen reacnea in fans mat the treaty was not to be made public until Germany had signed it. If the Oer mans violated this agreement, he said, there was no reason -why the American delegates should violate it. Senator Swanson again insisted that the issue was whether the senate should k the president to give out something which he had agreed not to give out. He declared the resolution should be sent to the foreign relations committee, whtchi could ascertain the reasons why the pub lication of the treaty U withheld. Members of Old . Battery A Banquet Royally at Hotel With a grand banquet at the Multno mah hotel the boys of old Batteries A and B who served in France as parts of the 147th field artillery, were wel comed . back by ' the older . members of the; batteries Tuesday night. Reminis cences of the teghyimg of the battery. which was always just Battery A be fore the war, were popular. Captain Lee M. Clark presided and re minded those present that the battery had a history covering a period of 53 years and that though It had been In federal service before, this was its first time, to fire a. gun at the enemy. Cap tain Charles I. Johnson and James B. Gay were among the speakers. MANY INLAND EMPIRE ORISTS TO IN HI CARAVAN OF AD CLUB Spokane Organization Receives Numerous! Requests; Towns to Welcome Big Party. SECRETARY POLK SAYS LODGE DID NOT SEE TEXT OF TREATY Washington. June 4. When the at tention ' of Acting Secretary of State Polk was called to the statement made by Senator Lodge that he had seen a copy of the peace treaty in New York, he expressed the belief that the senator from Massachusetts had not seen the full text of the treaty, but that he might have xeen certain -rfrt tmm (h ument. . .-, . ,r"4- Polk further said that portions of the treaty dealing with finances might have been procured by banking Interests In New York through their Paris connections. Submarine Chasers Promised Portland For Fourth of July ""Washington, June 4. (WASHING TON BUREAU OP THE JOURNAL.) Assistant Secretary Roosevelt of the navy department today informed Repre sentative Hawley that instructions had been given, to the ) commandant of the Thirteenth naval district, at Bremerton, to send submarine chasers to St. Helens, Or., if available, for the Fourth of July. -This, he says, is the 5 only craft pos sible to send. ' Th frit i bop MlnnMnATi'a t11 At " "v. '.iiiivn wait Ul" rect from Portland to Santa Barbara. Spokane, "Wash., June 4. When the Spokane Ad club caravan for Portland leaves the Davenport hotel Friday morn ing several out-of-town cars will e added to the party. Keen interest In the trip of the cara van' Is being shown by the Inland Em pire motorists. Reservations are being made daily at Advertising club head quarters and the commercial clubs aX Pullman, Lewiston, Walla Walla, Pen dleton, The Dalles and other points en route are preparing to greet the caravan party as it passea through their respect ive tocvns or halts for refreshment. T. M. R. Keanjkand R. S. Couper are in charge and have received four appli cations from Davenport parties to join the caravan at Spokane. In the Daven port party will be State Senator- Charles E. Mires, noted as a leader in legislation affecting sportsmen. The caravan will leave from the Davenport hotel at C :30 Friday morning, going over the Inland Empire highway to Spangle, Rosalia, Thornton, Steptoe, Colfax. Pullman, Uniontown, Lewiston, where the party will take luncheon ; Clarkston, Pomeroy, Dayton, Waitsburg and Walla Walla, where they will spend the first night. Saturday the party will travel to The DajljLes and on Sunday they will go over thejColumbia river highway under the escort of the Portland Rosarians and the Portland Ad club, arriving in the eve ning at the Multnomah hotel. Advertis ing club headquarters, in time for the opening meetings in Portland churches. Portland Men Open Mission Spokane, Wash., June 4. The Rev. F. Athas, Jerome P. Donegan and Guy F. Quinlan, Paulist missionaries of Port- i land, have opened a two weeks mission at St. Josephs Catholic church here For Quick Relief From Indigestion Take three or four Bi-nesia tablets im mediately after eating or wheneverpaln is felt. Those who have tried it say that relief and comfort almost invari ably result within five minutes. If you would like once more to enjoy the pleas ure of eating a hearty meal of good things without fear of pain or discom fort to follow, go to Owl Drug Co. or any other good druggist and get a pack age of Bl-nesia tablets and use as di rected, inasmuch as every package con tains a binding guarantee contract of i satisfaction or money back, you don't nsK a cent by making this test, and the chances' are that tomorrow you will be telling your dyspeptic friends that if tney, want to enjoy life they should TAKE BI-NESIA ' Adv. I 7 II T it Thrift and Its Necessity Ds no XMcesjsdry Day 9auficxn noo-expenslT Um them Convince To iaour a lastirur psace there let-up in oar determination to save. of thrift Is world wide. CREX rocs and practice economy comfort ana rood taste. They are a floor coveting lor every room as wall the year aroaad YonH save money, youraeo. must V without most logical as the porch. labor and ' THREE WEAVES Ds Laze, ilrtingboaa and HmgaJmr -in wide variety of pattern and colorings to choose from. ; ; AH grass rags are notjCREX. Don't be deceived by imitations, TCOTt DBALKR i If ycmr local dnlv harat la stack the patterns, aisaa mad eetoreyoa wast, write to a (trine faU particular. We waat yea to be aatleaed. UADB IN AMKKKAi CStf fMi -ri-:- are aoadeia the U.S. A.oder a aatis- faetory wag and time scale and by the meet approved senKery eoa ' dMan by neo and women loyal tm CREX CARPET COMPANY ZIZ Fifth Ai i inn. New Yark i ynmt tuYMiiuif atCF E SIM TSE NAME K WOVEN M -nr sioe mmhng tayosm nanurvNAwotacuuLsNTix' History's Greatest War A War History Complete in One Volume $3.00 Book Shop; Main Floor - S' & H' Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given On All Charge Accounts J f Paid in Full On Or Before the Tenth Day of Each Month Get Your Stamps! Ham mocks. Lawn Swings, "Marcell Hair Waving Our expert just from the East are op to the minute in all the lat est ideas in hair dressing Marcell Waving a specialty at this store. Porch Furnitures Third Floor Trunks, Suit Cases and Bags, Third FloorSoda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in Basement ' t " " r . - " .' i , . ... i .1- , , i i L " PORTLAND UGENCY FOR GOSSARD FpRONT LACING CORSETS , EXPERT CORSETIERES TO SERYE YOU . Ttie Standard Store of the Northwest Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods PORTLAND AGENCY FOR COOLMOR PORCH SHADE AND BRENLIN PORCH SHADES 3D FLOOR Home Journal Patterns Are. the easiest of all patterns to use. Come in and see the styles selecfed by Elsie Ferjcuson, the "movie" star. On the tst Floor. -'a'iJ- ---1 I D CUE Boy Will ALE Now k Pro Stamps r. With Cash Purchases All Over the Store !LE THE JUNE WHITE SALE is the most important event of the spring and summer seasons, coming, as it does, just when all thoughts are of warm weather apparel and new things for the home. We have planned special offerings for each day of the sale and it will be greatly to your advantage to visit the store often. Double Stamps Thursday, with cash purchases' in all departments. Women's Gapes at $29 Jersey, Serge, Velour, Tricotine Second! Floor This is a special lot of women's high class capes and Dolmans, selected from our regular stock especially Jor Thursday's selling. Capes with coatee fronts capes with yokes trimmed with rows of braid Dolmans with large fancy sleeves, drape or shawl collars, some are trimmed with self covered buttons. Splendid assortment of the most desirable shades. QOQ flf Many of these are full lined. Priced special for the June Sale at'-"" s' Suits At $6.75 Main - Floor Broken assortment of sizes 9 to 18 years. Good, sturdy, well made suits of corduroy and fancy mixtures. Norfolk styles, pants full lined. Shown: in . dark col- rTpr ors onb June Sale price DUe I O Boys' Pants 98c Main' Floor Boys' knickers in full cut style. Made up in fancy mix tures in attractive patterns and QQ colors. Fall lined. Priced at J70C BOYS CAPS of blue serge, all sizes from 6H up to 7. Priced QCT special for Thursday's Sale at eJC BOYS' KHAKI Blouses in aQOp good range of sizes special vOC 45c Coffee 37c Lb. Fourth Floor-OWK Imperial Roast coffee.. No deliveries , except with other purchases made fn Grocery De . partment. Coffee prices are advanc ing take advantage of this chance to get three pounds of coffee 0 for SI. 10; the pound" only Ol v 60c Tea at 45c Fourth Floor English Breakfast. Cey lon or Uncolored Japan tea stand ard 60c grade, on sale for AVgm Thursday at the special price rtO Miss Crowley is conducting a special demonstration of BURNETT'S EXTRACTS AND COLORS for making dainty desserts, ices. etc. Located on Fourth Floor. ( Women's "Summer Dresses In Charming New Styles i Second Floor Dainty frocks of figured voiles with full waists and tunic skirts trimmed with organ dies new models made up in. fine quality ginghams in plaids and stripes with collars and cuffs of contrasting materials, sport pockets and wide belts. Many other models, including smart frocks with ruffle trimmed skirts and frocks of silk gingham in fancy plaids. $9.50 up to $25 COTTON WASH SKIRTS of gabardine, poplin, pique, Satin ette and organdie. Some are em broidered. Prices $1.95 to $10 $6to$8Puiripsand Oxfords $4.95 l John Kelly, Williams & Kneeland and Other. Famous Makes . Beginning Thursday morning, the Shoe Section will hold its Annual June Sale of Low Cut Shoes, involving several thousand dollars' worth of dependable footwear at great savings. In some of the styles we have all sizes others are slightly broken all are GENUINE BARGAINS! $8.00 Tan Calf Oxfords, pair $4.95 $6.00 Dark Brown Elk Oxfords $455 $7.00 Light Gray Oxf ords pair $455 $7.50 Tan Calf Pumps, pair at $4.95 $6.00 White Canvas Oxfords at $4.95 J. $750 Black Vici Oxfords, pair $455 $750 Vici Pumps and Colonials $455 $750 Cocoa Brown Pumps at $455 $650 Patent Coltskin Pumps $455 --And a number of other styles $455 DOUBLE STAMPS WITH CASH PURCHASES June Sale of Hosierv $12150 to $15 . my . i . . . . At S9.75 Thursday, Friday,- Saturday We have, planned this to be the most talked-of Hosiery sale of the season. We are going to give our, Customers values that cannot be duplicated at any store in Portland. See our display windows on Morrison St. for some of the bargain offerings. Silk Hose 75c Pair Slightly Imperfect Center Circle, 1st Floor Women's Seamless Silk Hose with lisle tops and sole. Makers' irregulars with slight defects. White, black, Havana brown, mouse, medium gray, battleship and Persian HQ calf. Sizes SrA to '10. On sale at. a pair I C Hats trifling QQ "Pony" Hosiery 39c Pair Main Floor No. 7 Pony Stockings for boys and girls. White or black. : Also other grades in the heavier weights, ' black QQ only. Sale price, a pairOJU4 Children's black ribbed Hose with double knees. Very QC elastic. Special at, a pair OeJC Boys' heavy double ribbed Hose, famous Sandow make all sizes special, a pair 50c Lisle Hose 75c Pair Main Floor Women's full' fash ioned, medium weight hose,- in celebrated Wayne-knit make. Re inforced heels and toes. Shown in black, white and a few tZg colSrs. Sale price, a pair OK INFANTS'"" WOOX. HOSE with imperfections very fine quality special Silk Hose $1.19 Pair Main Floor Women's full fash ioned Silk Hose with double lisle tops and double lisle heel, toe and sole. Irregulars of a splendid quality. White, black, "fQ J7XX Silk Lisle Hose 85c Main Floor Women's : fine light weight lisle Hose, full: fashioned, with double lisle garter tops, heels and toes. Black, white, balbrig- gan and many other colors. Pricel special 85c colors, special a pair Women's Hose at 59c Main Floor Women's fine silk lisle and cotton Hose lisle in seamless style cotton in full fash ioned style. Black, white and at tractive new colors. AH PQv. priced special for this sale OIC Good News From the Millinery Store News of savings for every woman who has In mind a new hat for the Rose Festival. Thursday we shall fea ture a notable sale of. beautiful milli nery, embracing the very smartest styles of the moment in black and light colored hats models that are . exceptional values at ItS.SO. JQ rfff to i 5.00. Choice at only DJe I O NEW SPORT HATS In the popular basket weave, fancy straws, in all colors. Regular 5.00 to QO QfT 6.50 values, special xt$0jQ Double S. & H. Stamps Given Basement Sale, of Silks Taffetas, Mescalines, Foulards, ftx 1 W A pN Baseman t A great ont-day sale of grade Silks thousands of yards In the ing. Beautiful taffetas in plaids, stripes also a large assortment of the very fashion able foulards in figured effects and novelty striped messalin ilks at, a pair Announcing the Opening of a New Department suitable fdr summer dresses, waists, skirts, petticoats, lin- QI AO Ings, etc. Basement special for Thursday's selling at, the yard tDAaiO The Olds, Wortman & King Store Has Secured the Exclusive r "Detroit Jewe Portland Agency for Famous Stoves and Raliges I nationally known, and nationally appreciated in thousands of .American honies Detroit jewel stoves ana Kanges noia nrst place tor service and economy. are indeed fortunate in securing this agency and we extend a cordial invitatjon to our customers ana tne puouc m general to visit this new department and See tness wonaenui stoves Tina ranges, a particularly attractive display of ranges in alt styles and sizes. gas g" Makes Detroit Jewels the Choice Two Generations of Stove Building and over 20 years of constant research, experimentation - and experience In Stove con struction has made it possible for the world's largest stove plant to develop an assortment of stoves and ranges which, for economy, durability and adaptability to every kitchen need are unequalled. by any other make on the market. Good Baking Their Crowning Achievement Good baking is. without doubt, the most essential at tribute of a satisfactory stove or range. Because of a plan of patented oven construction and heat distribution, demonstrated by years of service to be of a high scien tific standard and wonderfully efficient," Detroit ' Jewel Stoves and Ranges are unexcelled bakers. The proof of this claim is substantiated by thousands of satisfied users throughout every state in the Union. ASK ABOUT EASY-PAYMENT PLAN Dept. 3d Floor. ""71 i j um 11 1, , 1 T - m f mw m m m - - ' t 1 - - ..... -- - of Women Everywhere! A Detroit Jewel for Every Requirement from the styles suitable for small apartment or cottage to th.e larger sizes no matter what your needs?may be, there is the Detroit Jewel that-will meet with every requirement. Detroit Stoves and Ranges never need to be polished or blackened just wipe the black ebonite and white enamel with a clean cloth and it's spick-and-span- This New Department Invites Your Inspection A De Luxe Model For Large Homes Detroit Jewel Gas Range famous Del Luxe Model designed for - the largest homes, or where a more than ordinary baking and cooking service is required. Fitted with ."PYREX" can't-break oven doors. : r THEY BAKE BETTER" We have arranged the display that you may see all the different models. Come in at your first opportunity, whether you intend to buy or not makes not the slightest difference you are welcome and our stove expert will be only too- pleased to: explain just why Detroit Jewel Stoves and Ranges are. the best and most economical to own. This new department is located on Third Floor Housewares Secfion, Morrison street side. ASK ABOUT OUR EASY. PAYMENT PLAN 3d Floor. . On Demonstration of the . Department, Third Floor Do you wish to reduce your laundry expenses and do away with the' back-breaking, nerve-racking meth od of washtub and board? -If so, come to this store and see the One Minute in operation. ' , "- e-Minute Electric Washers . Down $2.00 a Week pats a One Minute Washing delivered -immediately upon j satisfactory after 30 days' trial notify us and w will call for it and cheerfully refund your money. Machine In your home first payment." If not Medium Space Model Jewel Gas Range --ThIs model is designed for small apartments or homes where floor space is limited. Requires only 42 yi inches of floor space. , Yet is pro vided with a large baking oven and broiler. 'Pyrex" can't-break oven doors. THEY BAKE BETTER"