I I,-1 THE -OREGON SUNDAY; JOURNAL, PORT LAND. SUNDAY MORNING, ; JUNE 1, 1919. S 4 MBlBIMMBBMiHHMMMMHBHMMHMaiHaHHHMHflHMHHMiHHBMDaHHHMaHaMHHHMHHHBMHBBHlSHHiBlflHHfllMyM II IIIIII 71 V rm ITT "W TTTTI ITT1 KiinitHlTmnTmTnillm r ami I During the war, with our tire produc tion curtailed and thousands of custom ers' orders standing unfilled on our dealers' books, we found encouragement in thinking of the coming time when supply would equal demand With the armistice we set about the immediate readjustftient of our factories, and laid down for them a tire produc tion schedule by far the heaviest they had ever known That schedule is now in being by dint of great Tailor we have even surpassed it last week's output, for example, averaged the enormous figure of 24336 finished tires per day K Yet notwithstanding our most careful preparations, made in anticipation of an unprecedented business, our passenger car tire volume is still insufficient fully to meet all existing demands There is for us a considerable element of embarrassment in so greats and growing a preference on the part of the public iois Goodyear Tires, and in cfur own failure properly to satisfy this preference " 4 ... . 1 In one sense we feel it to be a reproach to our own estimate of Goodyear Tires' popularity, which, although we knew it to be great, has now exceeded anything we had imagined ! There is the regret on Qur part, too, at our inability to serve immediately all the people who look to us for service, sirice we do appreciate their friendship and their custom But so far; it has been not humanly pos sible for -us to produce tires! of standard Goodyear quality in the volume all these people demand There are probably many Goodyear Service Station Dealers that; have full stocks of Goodyear Tires; on the con trary there are many others whose stocks are very low Should you encounter one of the latter and e unable to have your wants filled there, we ask you to absolve that dealer of any fault in the matter whatsoever .... The fault, if there is a fault, is entirely our own, in our temporary inability to build enough Goodyear Tirs to jsatisfy public needs Night and day we are pushing the Goodyear factories to remedy this con dition, in an endeavor to make Good year Tires as easy to get as they are worth while to use W-,p--i:'( . - - - I IIS M! I( EE J ' ' ' ' ' m j k . ' F3 ' , j 111-'' ' . ' : x N V-;K: : r , ; I ' '. 1 , ; .. ' , . . . .. . ; : . , ..,-:..; , : j- ."'--r V llllllllHIIIIIIMIIIllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIH MWIM i TP i t Br a 1' f 1 i I i! m i. t t i i JK' s