The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 01, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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? 1
I i
: Survey Shows Five Republicans
.. Will Be Opposed to Any Plan
Endangering the leaguer
' 7"':-i .
' . ' - : . .
Junior Oregon Senator Says He
. Will. Give His Support to the
- League of Nations in .Senate.
' ' By I . Martin
Washington, May CU. P.)
League of Nations supporter were con
vinced tonight, U war announced., that
enough senate Republican Votes are as
sured to prevent either vital amendment
of the league covenant 'or separation of
the league -from . the peace treaty, j This
.calculation, based on a careful survey of
: the senate' situation, carries trie as
v sumption that all but, one or two .De-no-.
crats will vote against all attempts to
amend, as well are, against separation.
', The week-end .survey showed five K
'publican senators strongly unfavorable
"to-any course endangering the success
ful ratification of a. league covenant.
Four of the five made it plain that if
..separation or amendment appears to
them to endanger the league, they will
onptise such action. Though none of the
five, accepts the amended covenant as
perfect, they said "a league" muaj be
- brought into being and all Indicated
.Willingness to accept an admittedly lm-
perfect covenant rather- than run the
risk of killing the whole world peace
i - The five senators are ;' McNafy of
: Oregon. Norris of Nebraska, Capperof
Kansas, McCumber of North Dakota, -
and Spencer of Missouri.
McNary said he plans "t support the
league rathe'r loyally. "I shall vote
.against separation of the covenant and
treaty and against amendments."
D. OX K; Visit Made
To Hood River Was
Pronounced Success
The visit of Abd-Uhl-Atef temRle,
Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan.
to Hood River Friday was a pronounced
" uuocess in every way. The participation
of mose" than 300 cltlaens of Portland in
' the Decoration day program of Hood
River was appreciated by the citizens.
The D. O. K. K. is a degree of the
' Knights of Pythias and the visitors were
welcomed and entertained by the local
lodge of the lC of P. and . the Pythian
Sisters. Leslie E. Crouch, past grand;!
r.hancellor, ana Uus Moeter, past grand
chancellor, .delivered orations at ' the
public park to the citizens' assembly in
the afternoon A sumptuous dinner was
served at 7 :39 by the Pythian Sisters.
'.A class of 94 ''tyros was assembled, some
members of. Hood Rjtver, others of The
Dalles K. of P. lodges, and a few from
.Portland. The ceremonial of the tern
pie began about midnight under the dir
rection of. Martin C. Larsen, royal vlz
ller; W. H. J. Clark, master of cere
' monies ; Captain H. A, Qroocock. with
a company of 40 brigands and an impos
ing array of rainbow-clad officials and
Europe Is on Verge
'.'l Of Starvation, Says
Packer of Chicago
. r New1. York, May 31. Europe is on the
verge of starvation. According to Thomas
. 13. , Wilson, the Chicago v packer, who
arrived here : today after a tff.wwceks
survey of the European food sTWKftlonv
"France, Germany, and Italy ar . in
- the .worst state," Mr. Wilson , said.
"There Is no doubt that Germany is
- practically starving. In an area of 1600
. square m lies I found only 700 horses,
',2200 cafttle and 1500 hogs, or one half
v horse and one head -of cattle and one
i' hog to ' the .square mile. A
"The markets of the world are now
open to the United States. In Great.
' Britain we have a rival in a strong posi
tion, who will take 'advantage of every
- opening. We must be-prepared to meet
her competition irt every foreign mar-
Mediation May -Be
Named for Lf A.
. Strike Situation
-. : laoa Angeles. May 31. (U. P.) Possl-
s bllity of federal mediation is the strike
of 6000 employes of the ilos Angeles
. Shipbuilding & Drydock company was
being discussed here today.
Rumors were circulated .that Captain
' j. T. Cohnell already had been ap
pointed in the matter but he declared
no request for hi? services had been
made. Captain Conn ell is federal labor
, mediator under the department of labor
for this district.
? - la the meantime the strike situation
is unchanged. The yards are still closed
and neither side has given any. Indica
tions of weakening. .
j : . i
Ifarley Discredited, Wire Says
s Washington, May .31. -B. F. . Stone,
president of the Port ef Astoria, wires
Senator McNary asking him to inform
the. house committee, on Immigration
thai F. .C. Harley, who has arrived to
oppose the antl-immigratlon bills, -is
no longer mayor of Astoria and is
thoroughly discredited la Astoria and
vicinity. - ;
llApAKY men who would, like to chare
" themselves dread- the after-smart
caused by - using the rasor daily on a
tender skin. To All such we recommend
Santiseptic Letion ; : i not only : allays
the smarting: and soreness, but it acts
as well as a disinfectant to protect the
face.- The sense-of security-from in
fection that you enjoy from the use of
Kantiseptio , . is . especially reassuring.
Santiseptic, too, ' is delightfully cooling
and refreshing ; , It leaves the skin, with
. in nuifefiF HF Pf ANTS 1
Ensfgn John W. SieMurmy
Ensign John W. MeMurray, son of
William MeMurray. general passenger
agent of the O-W. R. & 1ST., will be one
of the officers in charge of the United
States navy seaplanes coming to Port
land to exhibit during the Rose Festival
and it is expected be will make several
flichts during his -stay here. Ensign
MeMurray will arrive in Portland Mon
day to arrange for an operating base
for the- seaplanes. '
The aviator has been recommended by
the navy department for promotion to
lieutenant and he expects to get his com
mission soon. He is a graduate of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
and a Member of the Aero club of Amer-
!ca. Before entering the naval service
!e held the coast swimming champion
ship, for the past several months he
has bees aide to the executive officer
of the United States np.val aero station
at North island, San Diego, Cal.
Ensign MeMurray is 25 years old and
has a twin brother. Lieutenant W. Rob
ert MeMurray, no.w personnel adjutant
of the 16th United States cavalry, on
duty in France. . Robert expects to be
returned to America soon.
Gompers Asks Those
Who Shot Union Men
Be Brought , to Bar
Washington, May 31. Samuel Gom
pers, president of the American Federa
tion of Labor, today by telegraph called
upon the governor of Georgia td. bring
to justice the men responsible for shoot
ing flown ljiembers of the Textile Work
ers of America union in Columbus last
week. His telegram is as follows :
"Hon. Hugh M. Dorsey, Governor of
Georgia, Atlanta, Ga. In behalf of the
American Federation of Labor, I urge
that you take immediate steps to have
a thorough, investigation made of the
shooting of members of the Textile
Workers of i America at Columbus and
that those that "are responsible be
brought tq the bar of1 justice, (Signed)
Samuel Gompers."
. . v
Count Says No Hun
Will Sign Life of
Fatherland to Doom
London. May 31, "No German can be
found who will Attach his name to a
document which Would be the death sen
tence of the fatherland." Count von
liernstorff is quoted as saying today in
Berlin. ' '
This quotation ' was contained In a
news agency dispitch In which the for
mer German ambassador to the United
States denied as ridiculous ,the report
that he Was elated to succeed Count von1
Brockdorff-Rantiau as head of the Ger
man delegation at Versailles.
Guaranteed in 8 Lessons
Ladles 13.69, Gentlemen i
New summer classes for beeinners
start Monday and Thursday evenings.
Advance classes Tuesday and Friday
evenings. All dances guaranteed in eight
lessonsladies. $3.50 ; gentlemen, $5.00
to all joining these new classes this
week. You will not become embarrassed
and are sure to learn. Take advantage
of this cut rate. Secure tickets this week.
Take one or four lessons a week. Tickets
are good until used.
.Becaase we cater to teaching dancing
(giving no public dances), and teach each
class lesson the entire evening, 8 to 11 :30.
Because our classes are large 'and se
lect, and you have plenty of desirable
partners to practice with, and our sys
tem gives you a partner for each dance.
'Because we have a separate all and'
extra teachers, where backward pupils
receive personal attention teaching all
up-to-date dances and fancy steps.
Because we are the only teachers cap
able of appearing before the public in
stage and exhibition dancing, and who
ubiish books on, dancing. There is no
oubt one lesson" from us is worth six
in the average school, and the social
feature alone is worth double the price.
If you have, failed to learn from Inferior
teachers; remember, we can teach yon
to dance, and you will enjoy yourself
while learning. Private lessons all hours.
My latest book, describing all dances, ett
quet, etc, free to all securing tickets this
Week. Call afternoon or evening. Clip
this out, tell your friends." Phone 7656.
' i . Adv.
that soft, velvety-finish rUch bespeaks
the healthy '-well-graemedi man. j There
Is no shave "too close'. when Santiseptic
is-; used. .The, odor "of Santiseptio - is
wholesome and cleanly. - Unlike many
preparations; it la not .sticky. .To use it
in your daily shave is to enjoy a real
luxury. Santiseptio is easily procured
at most drug and department stores, if
you cannot seeure it, send 60 cents, with
dealer's name, to. the Esbencott Labora
tories, Portland, Or for a full-Etaa bot
tle, postpaid. Adv. - .
totsr. aft- mum-i sW . .4 . -.
" HM U
til ' I
i Vt I i IKt w.rl" , ., Hlil .11 :
124,000 OBTAINED
Solicitors in Wiiargo' Build
ing Obtain $557j Drive to '
Continue Jhi$ Week. ' (
Incomplete returne on the $100,000
drive for the Jeanne d'Arc residence
hall for employed girls, now total $24.
600. Subscriptions of $100 and over
made Saturday Include: Drake C.
O'Reilly," $1000; The Oregonian,' $200;
Dr. T. M. Joyce, $150; Glass & Prud-
homme, $169; O. D. Dunnljng, $100 ;
Portland Woolen Warehouse company,;
The people employed in the Wells-
Fargo building contributed a total of
$567, this entire solicitation having been
made by Miss Margaret Casey and Miss
Marjorle : McKinnon. , In a previous re
sort an error was made in connection..
with James y. ciarkson s contribution.
Mr. Clarkeon was among the first' to
send Ms check for $100. Returns from
the state are beginning to come in, $90
having been received Saturday from Sil
verton. , .
The drive headquarters nave been
moved to the rooms of the Catholic
Women's league, at 129 Fourth street,
and the drive will continue this week,
a special effort being' made to see pros
pects who have already been seen once
and who asked that the solicitors call
again. It is hoped by the committee
in charge that the $40,000 necessary to
have In sight before possession of the
flew residence' ball ' can be taken, will
be gotten by Thursday, as It seems very
desirable that the new home be open
for the accommodation of transient
women and girls who come to 'the city
for the Rose Festival. The latest gift
for the benefit of the fund is a beauti
ful inlaid table, the gift of J. E. Court
ney, who supplemented It with a check
for $50. The . table Is composed of many
different' kinds of beautifully colored
woods, there being a total o'f 2500 pieces.
The drive committee also has a pony
and saddle and a' gold watch which
have been contributed. All of these
things will be disposed of; to the best
F -
The Brilliancy of
the Diamond
The most fascinating quality of the diamond is its brilliancy. v
Brilliancy depends largely upon the native power of the stone
to refract, reflect and disperse light; this native power depends
upon the quality and the .perfection of the stone itself, upon its
color and its perfection in cutting.
Diamond lovers who seek gems of rarest brilliancy and beauty
may rely upon Frledlander diamonds. . , , -
v. Our showing of diamonds Is an Important one ; our prices are '
uniformly .fair.-
; I' :
Convenient terms. j. '
a i i
Better Optical Service
Onr Opbthalmoseope and Retlnoscope Is Ose ef the Host
Scientific Eye-Testing Instruments In the World- , .
Treating eye strain by means of suitable glasses Is .not
by any means so simple as it appears. The necessary ' skill
can only be acquired by years of close study and experience.
There are so many optometrists in the world and so many
people selling glasses that you are in a position to demand
something better than the average, and we are in a position,
to give it to you.'
The necessary knowledge covers a wide field and includes
eye physiology and anatomy,
their advanced stages; also a
Our many years experience
is at your disposal. Complete
mpson Optical Institute
Portland's Largest, Most Modern;' Best Equipped
- ; t . : Exclusive Optical Eatabtishment '
I I (li I ' ' Since 1908 " j
advantage and the money turned., over
to the drive. - -
Not to be outdone by the men, several
of whom set out to raise $1000 eaelv,
Mrs. T. P. Harter and Mra Daniel Ma
tter decided to raise $1000 ; already their
collection total $100 and they are
hopeful of making it $2oo0. -
Occupied Territory
Causes Calling of a
Council . by Turks
Paris. M ay 3L It to understood-the
Turks have called a great , council la
Constantinople to consider what action
to take with regard "to the occupation
of TurkUh territory along the Aegean"
by Greeks and Italians. '
It has been announced that this oc
cupation was undertaken by direction
of the allies for" the purpose of main
taining order and protecting the line of
the Bagdad railway, which was menaced
by various roving bands of marauders.
Council Crest Will v
Put in Tea Garden
,One of the chief attractions of Coun
cil Crest during the coming summer will
be the Japanese tea garden now under
construction, s The ertciosure will be
100 by 160 feet In dimensions and all
structural material will e Imported
from Japan. ;
The tea gardewill be a replica, of
the one which - attracted attention of
visitors to the Panama exposition at
San Francisco In 115. Cost of the
buildings and equipment Is estimated
at Inore than $30,000. M. Ishi. head ef
the Japanese Tea. Dealers' association
of America, is promoter of the enter
prise. The garden will be open to tne
public in about 10 days. t
Transport Arrives '
. With 3196 Soldiers
Newport, Va., May $1. (XT. P.) The.
transport Mercury arrived here rrom bl
tndav with 1196 officers "and.
men. Virtually all of the 85lst infantry, j
was aooara wiw a meaicat mucamom
and 17S convalescents. Brigadier Gen
eral W. p. Beach, commanding the'
176th infantry brigade, was a passenger.
if '
? ft
physical and visual optica fat 1
practical: knowledge Npf lens
in scientific eyesight testing
lens grinding factory on the
Individual State Championship
Brings 88 Warksmen to
Traps j Locals Show Well. :
Yakima, May 3L Visiting trapshoot
er becoming acclimated, faced Yakima
high winds again at the traps this aft
ernoon and made better scores than they
did On, the opening-day.
. The first round of 150 registered tar
gets for the individual championship of
the state brought, S3 shooters to the
4 III :M u m
ill I SAVE?! r
S y SAVES! i '
il Time i '--'-'
)'' SAVES! if '
I Labor j
I , Fuel. I .1
mi i ii
mi i ii - ii u
Edwards Devotes
To the Display ,of Quality
III ;-5 II i? it
Ill IT Thin
Thinie rf tt . VjI ward lift
or It. fcxlwaras nan over uu Qiriereni nugi (no two mw) pn
. You'll make nanlsUke .by looking them over when Rugs are
tied. That you may more fully realize; the advantage of getting
ited with Edwards, the following is published ;
display. You'll make na-mlstake by looking them over when Rugs are
Seamed and Seamless
II .$"-
I . Seamed and Seamless Brussels
$26.75 $28.90 $31.50
$37.85 $39.65 $44.50
III! 11 t
BsesMssBsMeisSBaBSe8sMriSB ' ' -
jrrsT Two blocks koeth or washiwotox .
traps, f he .contest being very close. '
"' F. Ml' TroeK .f Vancouver5 . broke ISO,
leading; all marksmen ; C A. O'Connor,
Spokane, and A. F. Campbell, Takima,
146 s J. Wi Seavey of Portland. C. C.
Hedger of Oroville, J. B. Troeh of Port
land, C. B. Bishop of Tacoma, R. 8.
Searles and G. A. Conklln of Seattle and
C E. Owens bf Wenatchee each broke
145. The second round of ISO- targets
will be shot tomorrow. !
L. C Smith tifophy handicap was won
by J. W. Ctudaue . of Waitsburg, who
made a perfect I score three times. The
event 'was 25 targets! J. B Troeh of
Portland, T. M; Gibbons of Wenatchee,
G. A. Conklln of Seattle and H. Shuk. of
Taklma each broke 25 targets the first
time. In the shoot-off of the tie Cludius
and Gibbons each broke another string
of 25 straight.' Shooting. off this. tie.
Cludius broke his third straight string
Land Gibbons only IS. i .
won by Frank Kaynor of : Seattle. R. S.
Searles of Seattle and J.t W Seavey of
Portland tied him in the first round, In
the shoot-off Seavey dropped out, ot
lustration. .
One Half So the 2d Floor
rings :
over 400 different Rusrs (no two: alike)
9x12 Rug
Axminster 9x12 Rugs
Wool and Fiber 9x12 Rug W '
$11.75 $13.95 $16.75 .Jkzm
i K 9
- a usaaa m i - ,
Ira-. Brides and Brides
being eligible for the. trophy, and Kay
nor broke 23, to 21. for Searles. V
'The high guns of he second day were
J,- B. Troeh' of , Portland iand i J. W.
Seavey of Seattle; who tied with a score
of 194' F. M. Troeh , was second with
193, and J. A. iTroeh of. Portland' and
C. C, Hedger of GrovUle tied for third
with 192. ' . ;.';,v. ":'.!
"High guns for the tournaments F. M.
Troeh, unfinished. 157; C. "A. Fleming,
Spokane, 84 : O, E. Lynoh, Palouse, S4 ;
WV,.I-, Cochran. . Spokane, 81 ; A. F,
Campbell, Yakima, .unfinished, 80. . . ,
Employers to Form
lLocal Safety Council
; i f-" ' ' - ', J-."'-' 'i'S' '
' As - a result of the. aocMent preven
tion meeting held at the Hotel . Benson
last night, when Charles W. Price, man
ager of-the national safety council. .was
the principal speaker, a meeting Of em
ployers will be held at the Commercial
club at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon for
the purpose of organizing a local coun
cil, of. the national safety eounclL The
4 4 Vesta-Double - Service"
$20 Cash $2 Week No Interest
Your Old Stove Taken as Part Payment
Two Separate and Distinct Ranges Built
Together Upon One Base!
,, Four-hole Wood'snd Wood Top, 4-burner gas top, I8xl8-Inch
wood and coal baking oven and i8x4 Gs Baking oven and Gas
Z BroiIer,ah .aU be. used at one time. , - v
lUse no blacking on the Vcsfa polished Top. ! V
" The White Enamel Splashers will remain- white, i :
The Plam Nickel Trimmings will be eakilvkept bright.
Gas Fire Lighter makes a bigger fire In less- time.
. - . k
Lifetimeware99 Pure
The bright silver color on these Ketles will
not disappear if a little scalding water is
used occasionally. ' ;
wThey have heat-proof handles and heat
knobs on tne lias, not snown in me
Outfit With
iPt J 'Tn m iii. stf'U i tn i -"--r""' """ i -
jifij 7pers.asjcp.w rys,(. ' .je,.e( . j W "
Sent Home by Edwards With -Yosr Coaseat oe j Terms ef
. $25 Cash $4 Week No Interest v
Any pieee or pieces you don't need wilt be'dlounted from the
outfit. That's one of the many fine traits in Mr.,Kdwarda he
continually tells his salesmen to ad vine customers, that they
are privilOred to select or reject any piece or pieces from his
EVconomy Outfits. 1 v . . . , C ; : ;,
Table has better placed maraelne ends and the
underneath: shelf is full Tenant- Arm Chair and
Arm Rocker, with genuine leather auto-cushlon
seats, are identical with illustration Four pieces
' mentioned
This suite is identical with illustration. Table
has 48-lnch , quarter-sawed flush-rlm top, opens
to six feet; elx Solid Oak Chairs (like the two
shown) and an element Buffet with auarter
Sawed top, front and sides. Eight pieces. ......
Snow Flake White Enamel, nana-uecereiea
with Blue Birds and Blossoms.' An exclusive
, Edwarda Suite. .Go two blocks oortlt of Wash
ington street and examine it closely.' . Five pieces
To Insure pleasant awakening, fully rested each end every'
morning. Bdwards suggests a 80-pound Felted Cotton BLtPWtXL
MATTRESS. Vou -caa select from three qualities at 8J18.7ft
-S23.50.S29.50. r. .,.'"; (''i- '
Pillow Hammocks at
$6.50 and $8.50
Desirable ' brown. " gTeen. - and ' bluei
combination deslgrns.' Add a Hiramocit
to your account or start a new account)
pay. - -- - j
50c, Weekly
meeting last night was In the natut
of a banquet and was attended by mot
than 7$ of the largest employers
Portland," V
Navy Academy Win
American Henley
Philadelphia. May The Unltol
States Navy academy, varsity elghtr
oared crew won the fourteenth renewal
of the American Henley on the Schuyl
kill this afternoon,' outrowlng Pennsyl- ,
vanla, who finished second over- tho
1-18- mile course. Syracuse was third.
The navy's time was 8 minutes 83 sec
onds. The junior varsity was won by
the navy, Princeton second an i Syracuse
third. Syracuse won the freshmen event
with. Yale second, Pennsylvania third.
Pair Jf Imports . Japanese-Chinese
dogs tor sale cheap owner leaving city.
214 Beech st Adv.
. ' , ( .
r ' I