The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1919, Page 20, Image 20

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SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1910.
6ple ywm Mils ver
JJlanning to Attend
ga - ... . 4
, i : -
FOR $105,000,000
Special Announcement.;-Will Be
Made Sunday Morning to Con
gregation at-First Church;
Moral and, Spiritual. Delinquency
'r Will Be Discussed With Refer
ence to Those Who Don't Try.
First Methodist church ' is rapidly
near in r tier quota 'In the - Methodist
" centenary : drive for $105,000,000 for
home-and foreign missionary work and
125.000,000 for reconstructive work in
the war weary and devastated countries
of Europe. Sunday morning there .will
toe a special announcement" which ; will
be gratifying, to ' the congregation of
. First church. The inspiration and en
thusiasm should be enjoyed by all. -Sunday
moraine Dr. Stansfield will
. discuss the causes of 'moral andsplrltuat
' delinquency and - will try to point out
the way to' avoid them." "To free ones
, self of moral and spiritual delinquency
is to relieve onesself of a debilitating
factor In this life and the life to .come."
Tr. Stansfleld said. Tbe highest and
best life In this world is a strictly rnor
., al and spiritual life. It counts for some
thing In material - worth. Men regard
character which comes from morality
and spirituality as worth everything in
; business. . The"first question asked
... when considering a man for ' anything
In life Is about hia character. It is
worth much here ; : It hat hither and
-reater values." t -
,Tn the evening Dr. Stansfleld will
' each one of . his strong sermons on
subjectlProftt and Loa A Qucb
on In MbYaT Mathematics." v This eer
on' Will be a character study in the
jvea of those who lose; those who fail,
'rid those who never try. ' Those who
ose have had. those who fail have tried
o have, but those who never try; what
lot them? . :.-.. . (-"
. : ' "ffi , '' ,
Quarterly Rally to
Joe ileld on riday
The Baptist young people of the WU-
amette association will hold their quar
terly rally Friday night at 8 o'clock at
Calvary Baptist church. Bast Eighth
j and Orant streets.- The program calls
Mfelt ..all mtiafj. .n. s. . aMniiBl
election of officers end refreshments.
All Baptist young, people- are urged to
be present, , . .'.
s -
" Children's pay Sunday.
' Children's-day will be observed in .the
First. Second and Third United Breth
ren ehurchea of this city Sunday morn-
Ing. At -each church the Sunday school
will give a program ' and the pastors
Hi Biiui I ituui coa. -vt ui aer"
ices will be held at the Fourth church.
I Rev. Joshua Stanafield,
; D.-D... - -.
- .i pastoh '
- ' 10:80 A. M.
we apre- NCAKiNa thi Tm m oun
. MORNINO -. . ! '
Tr. SUnfirM Will Preach tin
Cnm .of moral ind iiHtnl A- ,
llnniBCT HTn ; Tfie cxnllent way
' - - to avoid thrm. Th value ot hib . -
. . liTIBf. ; ' "
(Uawtvs fur ATI.
1.00 P. M.I EFWORTH LEAGUE. -S:00.
- f TltoM Who Lo- '
A Oharaoter 9Mi of ( Thoso Who Foil
- . i - I Thoo WM Of Trt
i hi in il
"The Greatest
the Reconstruction
- Period..
: eya:::elist dickson . i
In this lecture will point out In Bible
prophecy the warning given regarding
th preoent day dangerous' trend toward
religious lecislation. . iioma startling
revelations will be made.
... I
- c;::.!ste:;se.7S hall ;
llth St. 3etneea Moi-tUos aid Taiakni
aSu:;day i::::it,:j:::e i
X' . : - AT (Hi O'CLOCK
- V
Special Music Will Mark This
Closing LectureThe Best
Caved For the Last.
' EE
pcak at Centenary
' Vie ' ' v
Bishop Uuayle
Bishop William A. Quayle of St. Louis,
considered by some local Methodists as
one of the greatest platform men in the
denomination, wlir be in Portland June
19 and will deliver an address to a
Methodist mass meeting at Centenary
Methodist church at 7- :45 o'clock. The
city church extension society and Meth
odists are urged by Dr. W. W. Young
son , to attend this service. Bishop
Quayle came west to deliver the com
mencement address at the Puget Sound
college of the denomination.
Governor Olcott to
Be Forum Speaker
Governor Ben W. Olcott will address
the Sunday evening civic forum In the
First Congregational church. Park and
Madison streets, on "The June Election."
Tiere will be community singing under
the direction of Lucien Becker at 7:45
o'clock. : Following the address, an open
forum will be held with the privilege
of asking questions from the floor. Mrs.
Dudley Clarke, soprano of the church
choir, will sing the new song of Charles
Gilbert Sproff, 'In Flanders' Fields the
Popples Blow." ; The public is invited.
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the ct
Ing pastor; Dr. W. W. Willard, will
preach. The Sunday school meets at
9 :45 o'clock, under the leadership of J.
J j. Bowlby, and the Amicitiae Christian
Endeavor society wilJ meet at 6 :30 p.
m., with Miss Caroline McEwen as
leader. '
Memorial Meeting
To Be Held Sunday
A memorial service will be held Sun-day.-mQrnlng
at University Park Meth
odist church by the Hev. J. T. Abbett.
An address will be given by Captain L.
D. Mahone, general of Compton post.
No. 22, G. A. K.; Special patriotic music
will be furnished oy the Grand Army
quartet. Women of the relief corps.
Sons of - Veterans, . Spanish-American
War .Veterans and soldiers and' sailors
of the late world war will attend the
Ministers' Meeting
Postponed for Week
- Because of the Ad club convention of
the Pacific Coast states. In which the
churches are to have a one-day program,
the regular meeting of the Portland
Ministerial association has been post
poned from June 2 to June 9 at the
Y. W. C. A. at 10 a. m. This announce
ment : was made by the president, ; Dr.
Joshua Stansfleld. National church
leaders will speak Monday morning and
afternoon, the church day of the con
vention. Dr. Hinson to Occupy
His Pulpit Sunday
Dr. W. B. Hinson, pastor of the Kast
Side Baptist1 church, has returned from
the Northern Baptist convention, at
Denver and will occupy hia pulpit Sunday.-
The ordinance of the Lord's sup
per will h observed at the ' morning
service. While In Denver Dr. Hinson
preached five times.
v ..... I - )
' v To Speak on ; Friends
The ' Society of Friends or t'juakera
Will be discussed Sunday mommg at
the Church of Our Father (Unitarian
by the Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. . it will b
the" third tn series ou "Christian
Unity," based on the theory vhat .ny
approach to reunion depends on mutual
understanding -between the denomina
tions." The Himday evening A.nm will
be interrnittedf for the summer "noutns
Subject Timery jf
A" subject of timely' interest will re
ceive treatment on Sunday morning In
the : sermon of - the Rev. Edward - Con
stant fat the Highland -Conr relational
church. ; In the evening the Rev, R. M.
Jones will, speak.- :This Avill be an ad
dress dealing with the proposed League
of Nations and-other agencies for p-o-
motlng peace.! - .
4 "Co : to Church Month"
The. month of June will be observed
as "Go to Church Month" by the Mar
snail ! btreet - irestyterian cnurcn. as
such a measure1 to increaM church at
tendance "jhas been , suggivrfed by - the
New Era movement committee - An ! ef
fort will vb made to secure a regular
attendance of the entire memberehii). A
roll call ot the membership will be
held. - - ; , ,y .. --. -
, t THEM - ... .
Union of Souls and
Minds Joins a Married
. Pair Into One Flesh."
J-Iear This Explained Tomorrow
Morning at 11 o'clock. ' .
new; christian
ft Jeffersoa dU
h. RKKCt, MinUter.
Feast of Weeks Will Be Cele
brated in. All Synagogues
on That Date.
Special festival services wiH be held
In all Jewish houses of worship, Wed
nesday. June 4 (in orthodox synagogues
also on the fifth) for the Feast of Weeks
or Pentecost, known to the Jews as
Shabouth. Thmime "derives from the
fact that the festival falls seven weeks
or 50 days after the beginning of the
Passover festival. And just as the
Passover festival ia the precursor of
Easter, so the' Feast of Weeks is .the
prototype "of the Christian feast 'of
Pentecost which falls 50 flays after
Easter. While the Feast of Weeks was
in Biblical times an agricultural fes
tival to celebrate the gathering of the
wneat harvest . and of the first fruits,
later tradition makes It the anniversary
of the giving of the Ten Command
ments and the Law on Mt Sinai. Thus
In the modern synagogue the ancient
harvest festival has taken on an his
torical character which gives it Its
greatest significance in the rttuaL ;
The Reform synagogue, stressing this
historical feature, which commemorates
the dedication of the ancient Israelites
to the faith In One God and to the
highest morality, have introduced the
Confirmation service In which the youth
of the congregation, who have been spe
cially instructed In their history and
their faith, express before the congre
gation their understanding of and their
loyalty to the religion of their fathers,
thus renewing the ancient covenant
made at Mt. Sinai. The children are
the center of interest in the service and,
to commemorate this solemn event in
their lives, - are usually the recipients
of gifts and other social attentions.
Services . at Temple Beth Israel.
Twelfth and Main streets, will be held
Tuesday, June 3, at 8 o'clock and Wed
nesday, June 4, at 10 o'clock. A class
will Vbe confirmed at the Wednesday
morning service.
; ifi
Pastor Back From
Denver Convention
Dr. William A. Waldo, pastor of the
White Temple, returned today from
Denver,' where he has been in attend
ance at the Northern Baptist conven
tion. He will occupy his pulpit Sunday
morning and evening. In the morning
he will bring "echoes" from the great
convention. Communion will to solemn
ized and the hand of fellowship ex
tended to new members. In the even
ing Dr. Waldo will deliver his fourth
sermon in the series on "Seven Great
Things." The Temple quartet will ren
der appropriate selections. Miss Nellie
Kennedy will give an organ recital . 15
minutes before the service. The sing
ing tn the young people's meeting, held
at :45 o'clock In the lower temple, will
be led by J. O. Cranford. Strangers are
First Sunday After Ascension
Uniform Sunday School Lesson
"Taith What It, I- and What It Does."
Heb, lt:l-40;12.1-2.
Onlden text: Believe in God. Believe Abo
in Ms." John -14:1.
Young People's Topics
Bantist tTrrlon: "Our Relation God" .
Tteverenco and public worship. Pa. 33:1-11;
John. 4:19-26. Consecration meeting.
Christian Kndesvor: " mr neiuuon vj uro
(6). Reverence and pubHe worship. . P-
33 1-11; John. 4:19-26. Consecration meet
Epworth league: "Out Relation te - God.
Reverence snd public worship. Union meetitng
with the juniors. Ps. 33:1-11. John, 4.18-i
First White Temple. J2th and Taylor Rev.
William A. Waldo. It. "Echoes From a Great,
(invention." followed by the lord's supper; 8j.
"A Great Gulf fixed Separation." i , ' ."
T.m.t Side K "Oth and Salmon Rev. W.
rh. Hinon. It. "The Greatest Question Ever
Asi-ed." followed by tbe lorl s supper; a, "rue
, i pa test Quention ETer Answered."
Third Vancouver and Knott Rev. Wcbley
J Reaven. 11. 7:30.
Montavilla 11. 7 :0.
Arlrta Rev. W. C. Driver, temporary pastor.
11.8. . -.
Calvary E. 8th snd Grant Rev. J. B.
Thomas. 11. 8.
Glencoe E. 45th and Main -Rev. P. C
Lalete. 11. 7:45.
8ellwod Bethany Rev. T. J. B roc infield.
11. 7:80.
Grace E. 76th and Ash. 11, 7:80.
University Park Bv. 8. Lawrence Black.
11. 7:80.
Swedish ISth and Hoyt Rev. T. G. Sjolar
aer. 10:80, 7:30.
fir. Johns Rev. Mr. Burton. 11. 7:30.
Highland K. 6th and - Alberta Dr. W. 'T.
Millikan. 11. 8.
Cathelte ;
St. Peters Lents Rev. P. Beutgen. 8,
10:80, 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. K. T.
O'Hars, 6. 7:15. 8:30. 8:45. 11. 7:45.
St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Ttev. J. (1
Hughes. S. 8:80. 10:80. 7:8.
St. Francia E. 12th and Pine Rev. J. H.
BUek. 6. 8. 9. 10:30. 7:80.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and
Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. . 8. 9, 11. 7:80.
Hnly Rosary E. 8d and Clsckamas Eev. E.
& Olson. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 7:80.
St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rev. J.
O'FarrelL 8. 10:80. 4.
. St. Andrews E. th and Aloerta - Rev. J.
Kiernan. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
The Madeleine E. 24 th snd Siskiyoa Rev.
George V. Thomnenn. 7:80, 9. 11. .-
Ascension E. 76tb snd Tsnhill Fraaciscan
Fathers. 8, 10:80. 7 -SO.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blaadeaa
Rev. F W. Black. 8. 10:80. 7:30.
Holy Cross 774 ij Bowdoin Hev. O. Raymond,
a. 10:80. 7:80.
St. IgiMtius 82 20 43d st. 8. K. Jesuit
ITsthaA. 6:20.8.10:80.4.
Bt. Stephens E. 4 2d and TsylcT Hev. War
ren A. Waitt. e. a:3. : 1 :o.
Hob R'-deer"" Porlal blvd. end Tsnrei.
vr eve. Rev. William J. Deviae. . , 8. 10:80.
" SC Pbillrp' Nerl t PaoMst Vstuers) E. 16tb
snd Hickory Kev. , Jt. - Viarxwrigns... imv.
8. 10:30. 7:80.
St. Clements S.: Smith ave. and Nswtoo r
Berbite Fsthers. - 6, 8. 10:80. 7:30. .
Sacred Heart E. llth aad Center Rev. 1.
Bob. 8, 10:30, 7:30. -
St Agatha E. 1 Stb and Miller -Rev. J.
Cemtainssy. , l:8d. 7:30.
. St. Stantslaus (Polisb) Maryland tnd Fail
It,,r,t f. Matthew. 8. 10: 30. 7:80.
St. Joseph tGermsn) 15th aad Oomeh
Kev. H. inirrec e. i J, " -ov.
St. Michael UtaJUn) itb sad Mill Bee:
IT. Bakstra. 8:80. 10:30. 7:80. . - . ,
St. Clares Capitol HoiJ Father Capiatrail,
O. F. M.: 8. 10:10.
St. Charise E. 83d and Alberta Rev. J.
P. tt-Kiven. . 10-.3W.
All Saints K. B&ih and Gliaas Rev. Father
William Crontn. 8, jO:ao." -
St. Patricks 19th and Saviex Rev. Charles
M. Smith. - Masses :sv, a. :ia. 10:3O. 7:45.
Chrtstien . ;
Pirst rsrk and Columbia -Rev. Harold H.
firiffis. 11, "Christ's Isgus o( Nations":
T:4. "Three Kinds e4 Vtodom.'t
East Side E. 12th end Taylor Rev. tL fT.
Rawjer. 11. "The Distress cf Nations and tbe
ircmme ec ae; ' 8. "The Horn of Salvation.
Kodney Avenue Rodney and Saott Rev. t.
r. G bono ley. 11, 8.
Meeting 53ates ilBill ?3e STtine 1922
K . t K n , t f ' t - 6 t .
iHore Chan 1000 Relegates (Expected
,"v!'T " 'a I 4 ,
. :;!:f :
, . s - - y v, -
Left to right Former president
President Walter ' L." Myers . of Eu
on program.
Toung people from all parts Of Oregon
are planning to Journey to Portland on
June 19 to attend the annual state con
vention of the Oregon Christian En
deavor society, which will be held In
the First Presbyterian church, June 19
to 22. Local. Christian Endeavor mem
bers are also planning a big jubilee for
C p. m., Thursday, June . 19, when the
special Christian Endeavor train will
arrive in the city carrying young people
from Corvallls. Independence. Monmouth,
Dallas, McMJnnviWe. Forest Grove, Hilla-
boro, Reedville and Beaverton. : More
than -1000 delegates are expected.
Young men, Just returned from service
overseas are expected to have a promin
ent part on the convention program.
One of these will be Lloyd R. Carrick
of Portland, president of the state or
ganization in 191S and 1917 and who
served one year In the army as ord
nance eergeant.
Other prominent speakers named on
the program are: Walter L. Myers of
Kugene, state president : Miss Faye
Stelnmetz, Multnomah county president ;
Dr. W. A. Van Winkle of Berkeley, Cal.,
and pastors of various churches.
The program follows:
Thursday, June 1 a
7 P. M. Orchestra; song service, Walter Jen
kins of the T. M. C. A., leader; welcome and
response; keynote address by Dr. W. A. Van-Winkle-of
Los Angeles; solo by Miss Alice Judd
of Salem.
Friday, Juns 20
' S A. M. Devotional Bible study.
0 A. M. Conferences of anion presidents, so
ciety presidents, lookout committee, ? missionary
committee, pastors, intermediate superintendents,
junior department superintendents, press and
good literature work; conferences of union pres
idents, war service committees. - lookout . work,
life work recruit committee. Christian Endeavor
expert committee, prayer meeting committee and
intermediate and junior superintendents; "The
Endeavorer'a Relation to His Sunday School" by
Harold F. Humbert, general secretary of Oregon
Sunday School association ; intermediate work. .
12 M. Life work recruit luncheon.
1:80 P. M. Song service: second mile union
' Montavilla E. 76th and GUsa
bert EX Ryder. 11. 7:30.
Woodlawn E. 7th and Liberty-
-Est. Her-
-Eev. Joseph
D. Boyd. 11, 8.
Vernon- E. 15th arv' Wygant Rev. B,
Tibbs Mazey. 11. 7:30. -Chrlrt!an
Lesson subject.: "Ancient and Modern Necro
mancy, A lis) Mesmerism and Hyptomism, De
nounced.' -irst 19th and Everett. -11,- 8.
Second E. 6th and Hoiladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11. 8
Fifth 62d and 42d ave. S. E. 11.
Sixth Masonic Temple, 868 Tsrahill. 11, 8.
sevenin noibrook block, St. Jonas, la. , ,
All churches Wednesday, 8 p. m.
First Park and Madlsoa. Dr. W. W. Wil
lard. 11. "The Glory of the Commonplace'" ;
7:45, -"civic forum, address by Governor Olcott
Snnnyside E. 3 2d end Tsyler Rev. J. J.
Ptaub. 11. "Tbe Preeminence of Jesus Christ";
7:45, "An Advocate at the Court ot Heaven."
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett,
Rev. E. E. Flint. 11. "The Postponed Millen
nium"; 8, "The CUurcb of. Today snd the
Modern Young Man."
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Edward
Orytant. 11, "The Church and Reconstruc
tion"; 8, "Working for the Peace of the World,"
by Rev. R. M. Jones,
Wavcrley Heights E. 33d and Woodward
Rev. Oliver P. "Avery. 11, "Treasure! Krora the
Bible"; 8, "The Song of a Redeemed Soin."
Lanrelwood 45th ave. and 6tu at. 61 B.
Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11.
Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Robert
Hurray Pratt. 11, "Julia Ward Howe." an ap
preciation; 7:45, '-'With the Red . Triangle in
France," by Secretary 1 B. Rhodes.
Finnish Mission 107 bkidmor Rev. Saav
ael Nevala. 6. 7:80.
University Park Haven and Lombard Hev.
C. H. Johnston. 11, 8. y
St. Johns -S. Ivanhoe snd "Richmond Kev.
J.T.Merrill. ,11,7:30. j.
Dsnisb-Norwegian - E. 28a and Sumner
Rev. Ole Torgessen. 11. ?30.
Fn-st German E. 7th and Stanton Re.
George Zocher. 11, 7:30..
w Second German E. 8tU sod SlMmor Rev.
Henry Hacelgans. " 1 1, 7 .80.
Kion German E. 9th and- Fremont Rev,
3. H. Hopp. 11. 7:30.
Parkroee Rev. P, D. Holfman. 11, 7:80,
Kpraeopai , '" ' . r
Pro-Catbedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
1 3th end Ciay Ht. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Jf.? T" T; Hicks, dean. Sundays,! 7:4 5.
'. A" Form of Godliness"; -7:45, sermons by
the dean. - . -, .
Trinity 9th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor
iko. 11. "The Parable of the Sower";- 8,
Jbr-wsrs ol False Prophets." - .
6X Davids E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. '7:30, 0:30. 11, 8.
St. Andrews ilerefortl at.. Portsmouth
Arebdescon Chambers in charge. 9. 11. 7-80
Grace Memorial E. 17 th and Weidier Rev.
Oswald W. Taylor- 8.11. wuw aev.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11. 8. -
StMichaels end All "-Angab E. 4 3d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, siear. 8. 10,
Church of Onr Savior 6 Oth ave. aad 41st
st S. K. Rev. K. H. Clark, vicar. 7:30, 11.
Dlsnop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev, Frederick K. Howard. 7, 9:80.
St Pauls Woodmere Rev. Oswald w. Tay
lor. 4. .;;.......
All Saints 25th and Barter Rev. Frederic
K Howard. 10, 11.
St Johns Memorial E. 15th sad Harney.
Seliwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11, 7:80.
St Mathews Corbett and Bancroft Rev
W. A. ai. Breck, vicar. 10, 1L
First E. 6th and Market Rev. E. D. Hora
sebneh. 11. 7:30. ..,....-,.;,
Carson Heights Oth sod Hume Rev. F. If.
Fisher. 10:30. 11:30.
Clay Street loth and Clay -Rev. EL Seha
kaecht. 10:45, 8.
- Free Methedlst "
rentxal E. 65 th and Flanders Bee. w. N.
Coffee. 11. 8.
gtrwt E. 9th snd Mill Rev. A. Beers.
Alberta E. 30th and Wygast Rev. Jt J.
Bairington. 11. 7:30.
Frlende 1 '
'First B. 35tb and Main Rev. . Homer L.
Coa. 11. 8. '
' Jewish
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Maia
Rabbi Jonah R." - Wise.. Reform synsgogue.
Services. Friday 8 p. m.. Saturday 10:80 a. m.
Coneregauon A ha via Sbolens Park and Clay
sts. Rsbbi K. Abrahanuos, Fridays 8 B. sa. ;
Saturday. 9:30 a. as. ;
- CongregtUon Kervh' Zedeck . Talmud Terah
Lloyd IL Carrick of Portland, State
gene, who will have prominent place
denontiuoB; prnUUon of "RulfetiB; junior na appeal. .
- 6 :30 P. if.- A himni banquet.
7 P, M. Orchestra ; tone- serrice (competi
tion between tbe intermediate and senior) :
announcements and offerinc; Uife Work Becruit
presentation; address toy Or. John H. Boyd,
pastor of the First Presbyterian church; solo by
Miss "Alice Judd.
Saturday, June 21
8 A. it. Devotional Bible study.
f A. H. Conferences of anion presidents, so
ciety presidents, alumni, treasurers, prayer meet
ins committees, missionary committees, social
committees and lookout committees; Intermediate
Christian Endearor appeal; business session.
1 2 M. Officers' and superintendents luncheon.
1:80 P. it. Jubilee service : con rent ion pic
tare: athletic diversion in charge of E. E. FVike.
8:30 P. M. Banquets In various hotels.
7:80 P. If. Bis sins"; announcements and
raising of budget; address. "Tbe Second Mile";
. . Sunday, June 22.
Sunday morning the visiting delegates nil! be
at liberty to visit any of Portland many
churches. 1
1 :30 P. M. Personal life work recruit con
ference for those desiring to ask about certain
fields; three rallies- (1) missionary. (2) evan
gelistic in chars of Dr. George B. Pratt. 43) in
termediate in charge of Rev. William W. Reed
of -Albany; union Christian . Endeavor service.
The closing session, Sunday evening, will be
held at the Municipal Auditorium:
7 P. M. Song service and report of regis
tration cossssittee; awarding of banner; announce
ments ' and installation of newly elected officers :
address. "Consecrated Miles." by Dr. Van
Winkle;, solo and derision service.
Following ia the special program for
th elntermediates : Friday from S1 to
5 :30 p. m general rally followed by ad
dresses, after which the intermediate
banquet will be held. Saturday morning
the devotions will begin at 8 o'clock, fol
lowed with and addreas on "How I
Should Study My Bible in My Quiet
Hour." Sunday afternoon, from 2:30 to
4 o'clock, the closing intermediate rally
will be held. Representatives from va
rious circles will talk.
6th and Hall Rev. Abraham I. Rosenerantz.
Friday, 8 p. m. : Saturday, 9 a. tn. ; Sunday, 10
a. m., religious school.
Latter Oar SalnU
Cbnrch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
K. 25th snd Madison. 10. 7:30.
St Jsmes W. Park and Jefferson Hev.
Wm. E. Brinkmsn. 11, 7:30.
" St PsnU E. 12th and Clinton Rev. A
Crause. 9:30, 10:30, 8.
Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev. M.
A. C!hrtstensen. 11, sermon in Norwegisn.
Trinity Williams and Graham Rev. J. A.
Reinbach. 9:13. 10:30. 7:80.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Darts Rev
Wilhelm Pettersen. Jl, 8.
Grace. English sfason aad Albina. Rev. C
H. Bemhard. 9-45, 11.
Hamilton Chanel E. 80th and GUaan Res
F. J. Epilog. 10:46.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Bod
Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor
risRev. L. P. K roller. 1 1. 8.
St Johns Peninsula and Ki) pa trick Rev. L.
Ludwlg. 10:45. 7:80. t
Swedish Tabernacle S. 17th and - Glisan
Rev. .C. J. Ledin. 11, 8:30. 7:30.
Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney
Rev. V. O. Ogren. 10:45. 7:45.
Imtnanuel 19th and Irving Rev. A. T. An
derson. Methodist Episcopal
Centenary E. fttir and Pine Rv J. O.
Rollins. 11, "The Master Word"; 8. "The Sal
vation Army in the Trenches."
' Central Vancouver and argo Rev. A. R.
Msclean. 11, 8.
Clinton Kelly B. 4 Oth and Powell Rev.
John Parsons. 11. 7:30.
Epworth -26th and Eavler Rev. J. Stanford
Uoore. 11, 8.
First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stans
fleld. 10:30. "Ke-pire: Ones Rlf in te lire
of God": 7:46. "Profit and Loss A Question
in Moral Msthematirs."
First Norwegian IMnish 1 8tb and Hovt
Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11. "The Tlace of Faith
ia Life'"; 8. "The Message of Methodism."
Garden Home Rev. A. B. Calder. 10:30.
7:45. - .
Lanrelwood E. 63d and Foster Her. A O.
Bractenbury. 11, 7:30.
Ints -Lucien B. Jones. 11,7:30.
Lincoln E 62J and lincoln. Rev. F. A.
Glna. 11. "Christian Unity."
Montavilla B. 80th and Pine Rev Hiram
Gould. - 11, 7:30, special . music by Newberg,
Or.. Methodist church choir.
Mt Tabor XL Olst and Stark. Rev. K. Olia
Eldridge. 11, sermon by' Dr. Howell; 8. "What
Are You Doing With lour Life?"
Rose City Perk Rtr. U Lester Fiehtt.
11. 7:80.
Seliwood-Rev. W..S. Gordon. 11, 7:30.
Snnnyside E. 35th and Yamhill Rev. W.
r. Ineson. 11. 7:45.-
St Johns W. Leavltt and Syracuse Rev. J.
H. Irvine. 11. 8.
Swedish - B eecii and Burthwick Rev. Abel
Eklund. II, 8.
, Cniversfty Park Fiske and Lombard Bee.
I. T. Abbott 11. "Memorial Service," address
by Captain L. D. Mahone; 8.
Tanceever. Avenue- Norwegian Danish Skid
more and Vancouver. Rev. C J. Bynning.
11. 8. ., s " ,.t ,-
L Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Glna. 8.
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. Francis Bur
gette Short 10:30
Woodstock E. ,34th- and Woodstock Bv.
L C. Poor. 11. 7:80.
District superintendent. Rev. Willises WsUae
Toungsoa, IX D.. 691 E. 62d st N. Tabot 2790.
, .'. n. e. south ' ' .
First Union and Multnomah .-Rev. James T.
French. 11. sermon and quarterly meeting in
charge of Rev. W. i. Fenton, presiding elder.
First E. 10th and Weidier itsv. C How
ard Davis. 11, 7.30.
Seliwood E. Oth and Spokane Preachtng by
Luke Rsder. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood 65th sve and 67tb st Rev.
C. U. Fowler. 11.7:30.
Highland Park E. 14U and EflttngswuiUj
Rev. W. P. Eeebaugh. 11, 8.
Scandiaavian Rev. J. BringedahL 11,
T0. .
First 12th snd Aider Rev. John H. Boyd.
10:30; 7:45. '.'The Cell of the Dead to the
Livrag." -
Westminster Esst'lfth and Schuyler Rev.
Edward H. Pence. 11. 7:30.
Central E- 13th and Pine. Rev. Orlando B.
Pershing. 11, -"What re Isjmsn . Caa .Do";
7:45. "Withered Hands." - -.
Calvary llth and Clsy Bev. Frank I.
Mever. 10:30. - -
Mt Tabor E, 55th aad Belmont ' Rev. Wsrd
MacHenry. 11, "Great Mothers of the Bible
Days aad Their Message to Tea"; 8, "Tbe Holy
City." . " .
Methodists From All Parts of
Country to Meet for Cente
nary at Columbus, Ohio.
Methodism In every community will
be represented at the great centenary
celebration of the Methodist church,
which will open June 20. aa originally
scheduled, at Columbus, Ohio.
Methodist district s superintendents
from every district in the -United States
will be in attendance and wilt take part
in the meeting, at which future church
plans will be discussed and work laid
out. It ts estimated that 73 per cent
of Methodist pastors wit! 'be present at
the meeting. .
The - celebration will last several
weeks. Preparations are under way
to care for 100,000 to 150,000 persons a
day. Applications for hotel reserva
tions should be sent to the celebration
committee at Columbus.
The railroad administration has an
nounced one and one-third fare for the
round trip to Columbus.
Motor caravans are a novel feature
in connection with the exposition. - One
of the largest of these, with 1000 auto
mobiles enlisted, will start from Spring
field. 111., under the direction of Ur.
E. M. Antrim of that clty. Because
the automobile caravan ia such a new
thing, preparations for routing and ac
commodation were necessary. Trans
portation experts were engaged for this
purpose and it is estimated that iO.ouO
machines will convey - approximately
175.000 visitorTr-to the religious exposi
Evangelist to Give
Final Lecture Sunday
Evangelist L. K. Dickson will give his
closing lecture Sunday night at 7 :45
o'clock in Chrlstensen's hall, Kleventh
street between Morrison and Yamhill,
and will outline a great Bible prophecy
which points out the dangerous present-
day trend toward religious legislation.
Every thinking man and woman in Port
land Is invited to hear th la prophecy,
Special music has been arranged under
the direction of Professor I. C. Coicord.
Seats are free. This special series, of
lectures ia closing because of the open
ing of the greater series of meetings is
to open June 3 and continue to June IS
in connection with the great Seventh
Day Adventlst camp meeting which Is
now in process of erection at Creston
station on the Mount Scott carllne.
Many noted speakers from Washington.
D.'C, and other places Including the Far
East will be present.
, .
Progressive Social
The Epworth leagues of Sunnyside.
Lanrelwood and Lenta churches will he
entertained by the Lincoln Me(hvMr
church Epworth league iwth a progress
ive social on next Kriday evening, at S
o'clock. Sunday morning at Lincoln
church the pastor. Rev. F. A. Oinn, will
preach on Christian unity. In the even
ing he will preach at the Westmore
land church.
Vernon 1 8th snd Wygsnt Rev. 3. R. Lands
borough. 11.7 :30.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Rev. A. L.
Hutchinson, 11.8.
Fourth First and Gibbs. Rev. Levi Johnson.
10:30. 8. - .
- Keniiwnrth E. 84th and Gladstone Hev.
Paul E. lUtsrh. 11. 8.
Hope E. 7fth and Everett. 11. 7:30.
Rose City Dr. Robert H. Miliigan. 1J, 8.
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. 11.
Trinity Virginia and - Nebraska Rev, ThJ
dore P. Smith. 11, concluding sermons in the
Tea Commandment series; 8, "Tbe Gospel of
Jesus Christ."
Anahel 11, 8.
Millard Avenue Rev. W. Lear Gray. 11, 8.
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall-Rev. A.
J. Hanna. 11, "Cheap Religion."
Mi -.pah E. 19th and Division. 11, preach
ing by Dr. Arthur V. Bliop. 11, "The Optiniisin
of Jems i'2 8. "Some Reasons tot Leading a
Christian Life."
Seventh Day Adeem 1st
. Note Regular services . of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E. llth and Everett L. K. Dick
son, pastor. 10, 11:15.
Tabernacle 6th snd Montgomery E. H.
Emmerson, minister. 11.
Montavilla E. 80th and Everett Elder J.
A, Gerhsrt. 10, 11.
Lents 94th st and 68th ave. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 10. II.
St Johns Central ave. and Charleston
Elder A. fi. Folkenberg. 10, 11.
Albina Sktdinore and Mallory Elder A. A.
Meyer. 10. 11.
Scandinavian 550 Alberts Elder O. 8. Lee.
10, 11.
- Salvation Mrmy
Corps No. 1 243 Ash st Adjntsnt Frsnk
Genge. 11, 3, 8.
Corps, No, 4 128 1st Adjutant Joseph
Harrison. 1 1, 8, 8.
New Church Society 381 Jefferson Rev.
Willism R. Reece. 1 1 , "Marriage : Its Snir
itaal Possibilities and Some Laws for Attaining
Them." t
' Unttorwn
Chnrch of Onr Father Broadway and Tsra
hill Her. G. Eliot Jr. 11. "Tbe Society of
Friends or Quskent;" no evening service. .
United Brethren
Conference superintendent Bev. O. E. Me
DcnaW. -
- First E. 15lh and Morrison Rev. Byron J.
Clark. 11. "The Spider and tbe Fly"; 7:80.
"Bible Knots."
Second E. 27tb snd Snmner. Rev.'' Ira
Hawley. 11. "A House Full of Jold and Silver
Could Not Tempt Him"; 8, "The Ark of the
Lord Must Move On."
Third 67th st and 82d are. 8. f Rev. E.
1 O. Shepherd. II, Children's day prozram;
7:30, "Found by Seeking." ,
Fourtli Ticsvnt - Kev. C. P. Blan :hard.
11, "Spiritual Naturalization' 7:80, "Want
ed A Man."
United Evangelical
First E. 16th and Poplar Rev. J. A
Goode. 11, 8.
Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gsy
Rev. H. H. Fsrohsm. 11, 7:30.
St Johns Hev. A. P. Ijyton. 11, 8. -
Untied Presbyter tan
'First E. 37tb snd llswttinsne Rev. H. F
Given. 11, The Severest Test of Faith"; 70,
I'ercclving trie aungaoss ol Goo."
Church " the r"rnger Grand sad Wasco
Rev. 8. Earl Du Bo is. .
Ketitnn 120 We-t Lombard Bee. Georgs
N. Tsylor. 11, 7:46.
Miscellaneous ''
ChHisn and Missionary Alliance E. Oth
and Clsy Rev. John E. Fee. 11. 7:80.
- Resliution Leegue lb 8th Rev. H. Ed
ward Mills. 11. e.
Ghrietedelphlan 621 E. Washington. 10:80.
ChurcJi of God 863 FaiUng. Harry Mesl.
11. 7 530. '.-.'
Gospel BaO E. 29th and Stark. "
Men Resort 4 th snd Barnude Rev. Levi
lobnson. superintendent 8.
Divine Science TOford building Rev. T. M.
MInard. paor. 11.
Universal Measianie 318 Abfngton baildiag,
11, 8. "Success in Failure."
Pentecostal First and Washington Rev,
Will C. Trotter. 11. . 7:80.
ilad Tidings (Pentecostal-Mission) 246 1
1st. . 3. .7 JO week days except Monday end
Saturdsy, 8 p. m. -
PenteeeetaT church E. SOtb and Ankeay
A. W. Smith, 11. 8. 8.
, Volunteers ef Amertra Mlsstow - 224 Burns Ids
Meeting every - evening except Moadsy it I
o'clock, and Saadarv 3 p. m.
, First Sriritualiftfr -E. 7th and HtsssJo Rev.
a. Scott Bledsoe 8. T;48.
Second Bpiritualiftt Alisky Hall Re.
Max Hoffman. 8. 8. .
Calvary Temple E.' 24th snd Broadeay
Bev. Das ton MacCullouga. - 10:39. 830.
CWr to 23ay isit
) -' ' v
J -j
.,- .-ir,u.-., .
Rev Hiram Gould
About 15 young people, members of
the church choir of the Newberg Meth
odist church, will come to Portland Sun
day night to assist in a special service
at Montarilla Methodist , church. The
young people" will come with Vernon
Gould, a. Newberg Jeweler, whd is also
son of the pastor of Montavillalcburch
Rev. . Hiram Gould. Several years ago
Rev. Mr Gould served the- Newberg
church. He attended the general con
ference at" Saratoga Springs three years
ago. He has been pastor of the Monta-
vllla church since last October, during
which' time he has increased the constit
uency. ,
Feast of Pentecost
Will Be Celebrated
' On June 8. the Feast of Pentecoit, or
Whitaunday. the children of - tbe school
will have it flower service at 10:30 In
the morning.Xeach child bringing a gift
of flowers, which after the aervlce the
children will take to the hospital." This
is the first time such a service has been
Wield in-the parish. At ..11- o'clock tha
day the choir will sing - a beautiful
service, together with other appropriate
music. At , night the Boy Scouta will
form the subject of the addresses. Th
school waa awarded the diocesan prlz
banner at the recent annual rally; for
its mgn per capita giving in me icnien
offering. f
Will Tell of War Work
Sunday n'Rbt will be SaNntlrn Army
night at Centenary iMethodisi churi'h,
Dr. J. C. Rollins, pastor of the chnrch
has asked Dr. Wheeler to areik of hi
experience with Salvation Army work
in the trenches. Kxcellent music will
be furnished for both morning and eve
ning service.
Three Special Services -
Special services "will be held Sunday
at the Swedish Lutheran tabernacle.
Seventeenth and Gliaan streets. Services
will be held at . 11 a. m.. 3:30 p. m. and
7:30 p. m. Rev. A. B. Oet of Seattle,
Rev. C J. Larson of Kverett and Rev.
William I,. Hawkinson of Powell Valley
will preach.0 The church choir will sing.
Multnomah Hotel
.The Sunday evening service will be
held tomorrow night in the lobby of
the Hotel. Special music by quartet.
audience. , -
Veterans of Three Wars will attend.
. The only; church that holds such
services In America
Come Take Part
8 P. -M.
81 SG
MOUSING 8ft H VICE 18tS tjstrjert
Which Is the Right
' Religion?.
First Congregational ' Church )
, . 7H6 O'CLOCK. . "
" WILl. APEAK OS j ' .
Community Singing of Popular Songs. Open Forum After the, Addreria
Then Come and Hear the Governor I - v
' . A. M. M0E!IIJM SEEVICE , ' :
AT 12 :b J
AT 7 ;30 P. L
'; ... .. . .1
sjgBgmanmnannnBaBaasnnBUSSmBnn " -
Arrangements Made to Continue f
Ministry .Until After com
munion Service on . iJuly 13.
Portland Minister Has Accepted
Call to Chair of Hofneletics
in the McCormick Seminary.
The presbytery of the rresW terlan
rhurrhps of 'Portland will me-i ..
10 In tire Fulton Presbyterian Ahurch.J;
h.n tk fMl?nit!(in of Dr. JoJi'i "-,'
Boyd, minister of the First prfVlIX1,.,
Ian church, will be preaented.j Jf " v
AunnhM mlnintera . . act -, favorably
which thev are expected to , o, it,
Boyd's connection with the civurcn w ui
then be dissolved. ; He45 will then- he
free to enter another presoytery. ,
Arraneementa i have been onade with J
him by the. session of the-First church
to continue his ministry pnv aiier tne
communion service. July 13.j He Is ex
pected to sever his connection with the
First Presbyterian cnurcn j nuouv -uijr
15.. rr. Boyd'a present plans are t
motor to Chicago, where Je 18 to he,,
come professor , of home1et,ics of Mc- .
Cormlck Theological aeminfiry. one of r
the largest Presbyterian aclioois in in
nation. - v . . -. .':
rr. Boyd will preach Sufnday morn-
Ins unit evenltier. The "eveTiIng servii'f.
will be the Memorial day sHdress which. .-:'
he delivered Friday in the fracoma Hi- ;
dlum, entitled "Thi Call of the Pead to t ;
the Uvlng.",, J ' IS
Lieutenant" B. M. Benson will alk
to me men or ix. v;. Dwing " w
at 13:15, on hia experienced In the train;
lng camp in Vrance aa Mix artillery nf-;.
ficer. The Warren Blbfe - class will
have tlse second of a rerits of talks ty
Mrs. A.' I. Kerd Warren
shlo for CJhrlstian Work.'
on "taaer
A l-frteca '
orchestra will furnish pecf
al music and
t and j
tture, . )
s. ad-'. 5
Dlaea.'' I
Miles Oodfrey will sing,
young people are invited
-All mati
to - take
van tare of this Sunday aft
ernoon Clai
The Bible - classes of Mr
Helen K.
Starrett and J. J.' Rosa wlllhe led Sun
day by Mrs. Starrett, who take for I
being 1
for- the
i'a day,
v (treat hrenaratlons are- 8MO
made hv the Sunday school! for--
e-rartiiatlon exerctaes on ChlldrrVjl'
i,... f an will nHrlte in
the main auditorium. The primary Wr f
partment will graduate 60 pupils and!
the junior department 5 pupils.
To enable women to
supplies of perfumery a
ring has been Invented.
rarcv reser
hollow ftneer SS
. Mernlnfl 8 eev Ice Eleven e'Clocs
"tOHOca or thv ohiat ooNVCirfiON' ,
Communion flervtee Foil owing -
tvenlne Oervloe Kloht e'Olee '
Oeten Rscilal 8even Forty-Fire
"A QPtCAT OULF FIXED atranaTioN" ,
Feurth In aerlee '
A Continuous Ftevlval ' 1
HOLD New Is tn Dsy ef 8elvetlen OOMI