The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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. . n ia TYwaitawt HfmtsMt A
ibm4 faonkl t tdnn w of wrwedto-
Vgm. Journal Trsrel Bnra. taP-I ch.rg.
bip booktad arranged. Foreign exchange issued.
lnformeUea giren regarding pDorU.
Boy Sctmt Held rally. Vaughn street perk.
nite'd Irish Societies, Uncoln Mh school.
Jan 1. '..
.... Special referendum election, Jun
Boy Kcout week. June S to 14-
Pacific Coast Ad Men's contention, Jane
S to 14.-
. Portland Presnytety, June 10.
Oregon confectioners' eoneentipn. June 10.
Victory Rose ft'estival. June U.t . .
; Commencement exercises. Portland hih
schools, June lli-lS... ... .,.
Oregon Bute flankers' eonrenUon, Multno
mah hotel. Jun 1B-14. ,
Reunion of Oregon pioneer, "i-
Hpecial school election for 2.600.000bmd
lame end election of school director. Jutie SI.
National tireetere' eonrention, June to T.
!' Conference of UUe social worker. June 0
to 28. , -
Portland and Vicinity Tonight 'end Satur
day fair; beary froet in morning; northwesterly
i'onn nd Washington Tonight and Sitnr
day fair; heavy frost in morning ; moaeraie
northwester! j wind. , , . '
. s
2 H
-3 5
iJ jus
"52 84
62 34 .04
2 6 O
66 8 O
72 2 0
82 64
82 04 0
82 64 0
76 88 .24
84 68 O
70 58 0
58 88 .14
62 44 O
82 TO- .10
80 72, .34
70 O
52 44 .04
80 64 O
82 62 .01
U6 64 O
Htf 60 O
56 46 .01
56 88 .18
, 86j 74 0
88 2 0
68 44 .38
6 58 O
64 52 O
56 42 .44
60 38 O
78 68 .40
60 40 0
, 62 42 0
86 62 O
88 50! 0
, n2 ...i ....
68 32 0
liaker. Or.
Noise, ldsno ........
Boston, alsm. .......
Calgary, JUberte r
Chicago, 111. . . . . .
1 1 Her. Colo. .......
I Ins Moines. Iowa . . . .
;lveton, Tessa ,..T,
Helena. Mont. .......
Kansas City, Mo. . . . . .
J .os Angeles, Cal ......
' Marahfiold, Or.
i Hertford. Or,
Memphis, Tean.
New Orleans. Itt. .....
New York. N. V. . . .
North ileed. Wash. . .
North Platte. . . . .
Oklahoma :ity. Okla. .
1'ltoenlx, Aria. .......
- J'ittaburg, Fa. . ...
: Portland, Or. ........
Kosebarg, Or. .......
ttt. IiOuis. Mo. ......
Ht. Paul. Minn. . . . .
Halt lk City, Utah . .
Ban IHego. '1
Man Francisco. CaL
: HrettlA. Wash. .......
KrokuM, Wash.
Vame. Ha
annourer, B. C. . . . . .
W si la Walla, Wash. . .
"Washington, P. C. ....
WilliBton. 8. I
: Winniiieg, Man. . . . . .
Yakima, wun.
i- - - - ;' and
. On Sato at
Businesa Office. Ths Journal
Rotarlana la Chare; e The Kotary club
has' agreed to take over the local mem
bership campaign for the Boy Scouts
during- th national Boy Scout week of
June 8-14. H. C. Kwlng haa been placed
In charge of the canvassing- of the busi
ness district. lie will work in conjunc
tion with. Mrs. Sarah Evans, head of the
women's committee, who will have
charge of the residential portions of the
city. The figure for association mem
berships to be secured during we wees
" lias been placed at 8000. These associate
.rnembers will be both men and women
who will furnish a backing to the Boy
Scout movement.
Flovriag Hills to Pat TJp Kew Balld-
Ism Plans for the construction of a
new mill and warehouse ior tne i-on-landtl
Flouring -mills were filed at Jie
nfttfMi'ttt th fniildinr Insnector , in the
city hall Thursday by the Hurley-Mason
company. The mill will occupy the
block' East First, East Second, East
Stark and Washington streets. Plans
call for the expenditure of approximate
ly $200,000. Foundations for the build-
Ing already have been completed and
work on the superstructures wia be
rushed, according to officials of the. Hurley-Mason
company. "
Professor Beads Owa Writings Pro
fessor Charles Wllber Snow, instructor
in English at Reed college, Thursday
evening, - read from his own writings,
including ' ideas gathered in. w4de ea
perience' in American colleges, in Alas
kan travel, and In a year and a half
of army experience as a commissioned
artillery officer. The recital was in the
men's dormitory, professor Snow has
- conducted . a Reed extension course in
modern1 poetry at the city library for
,5 Jour months. ;;..:7;
LaboV to Xante lavestigators Gov
ernor Olcott is to appoint a commission
1 of nine men ' to Investigate the conduct
of the compensation commission and
three tot them will be named by or
ganlied labor. The, Central Labor coun
cil has asked the governor to allow it
to name the three. The governor has
Intimated that be will consult the State
Federation of Labor in making his ap-
- "Wlna Gold Watch Louis Maulding of
the Oresham school was the winner of
the gold watch which was awarded by
Isaac Staples Thursday for the most
rapid work in' the rapid arithmetic test
held in connection with the eighth grade
: county commencement exercises. Rural
school children have been for weeks pre
paxing 'for the test and numerous pre
liminary tests have been held in the dif
ferent .districts preceding the event.
Iteed' Speaker In Demand Reed col
lege students who have made special In
.' IvesUgation'. into the various referendum
; measures to , be presented the voters
Tuesday - are being' demanded ; by city
organizations for enlightenment as to
and Heat
-$n ti r HUM
i :
1 """" """"" "I mmm.m,.
the merits of . the various proposed leg
islative changes. Monday evening Wal
ter Petersen. James Gantenbeiru Wil
liam Eliot and Clifford Zollinger will
address a gathering at St. Johns. A
second team, Dorothy Poor, Adelaide
Morey.5 Martin Peterson and ' Calvin
Hirsch, is waiting - a second speaking
date, after having addressed an as
semblage at the Mount Scott .Presby-
tertan church. Two other teams are
prepared to present the . election . issues
if needed. - ' , : ; . .
-Ualversal Traiaisr 'Debate SssJeet
The contentious subject of compulsory
universal military training will be de
bated before the Oregon Civio league
Saturday noon at the Benson hotel. lr.
Calvin S. White, formerly Major White.
in charge of the medical department of
depot brigade at Camp Lewis, will speak
for the affirmative and , Otto Hartwlg.
president of the Oregon Federation of
Labor, for the negative. Much interest
has been shown by members of other
business and civic clubs and these or
ganizations will be represented by an
aggregate of about 10 delegates at the
debate. ' . ? ; . .:
Ahavai Sholom Serrloes Services will
be held at Congregation Ahavai Sholom,
tonight at S o'clock. 1 Rabbi Arthur S.
Montax will deliver a sermon. Saturday
morning, slrvices will be held at S :30
o'clock. Rev. R. Abrahamson will of
ficiate. ; J ,
. DiebooId'J. E. Davis Manganese bank
safes, vault fronts, deposit boxes, cabi
net safes with Inside doors. Safes
opened, combinations changed. 46 Front.
Pacific S. & S. Co. : Phone Brpadway
196. Adv. .:
Shepard Aato B Xlaet St. Helens,
Hood River, Bridal VeH. Cascade Locks
and all way points. Leave St, Charles
hotel on schedule time. Fop informa
tion, call Marshall 4381, Main 930. A
3611. Adv... ; : : i , ;;.!.
Hlrseh-Wels' MaaafactBiiDg Com
pa ay, 205 Burnside street,' are exception
ally busy ' and are looking for machine
operators on tents and overalls. High
scale of wages iq being paid for 48 hour
week." Adv.; ;
O. A. JU Presidents to Meet Pqesi
dentsof the Ladies of the G. A. R. will
meet Tuesday In Wall's hall, Sellwood,
at 2. p. m. to consider matters of inter
est to all. A full attendance is desired.
Beddlsg Plants Cut flowers at cheap
est prices. Potted plants and ferns, per
ennials. Irvington Park- Floral com
pany. Forth and Yamhill. Open eve
nings and Sundays. Adv. .
Salem -Mill City Stage leaves Mill City
6 :60 a. m., arrives Salem 9 a. m. ; leares
Salem 4:20 p. m.,1 arrives MM City 1
p. m. C, O. Alkers, Manager. Ady.
Special Deeoratloa Day Daaee River
side ; Park, 6 to 10 p. m. Moose or
chestra. Good time assured. Admission:
Gentlemen 65c, ladles 35c. Adv.
' Steamer I raid a for St. Helens and
Rainier, daily at 2 :30 p. m.. foot of
Alder street. Sunday, St. Helens only,
1 :30 p. m. Adv.
Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday, leave Alder street dock at
2 p. in. Adv. -
' The Mid-Week club will give a special
dance In Chrlstensen's hall Friday eve
ning. May 30. The best of music. Adv.
Modern Approved i Office - Systems
Consult Pacific Stationery A Printing
(jo., 107 second street. Main 1971. Adv.
Special dancing excursion boat Swan
Friday. Decoration day, evening 8:45.
Return 1 :45. Main 4748. Adv.
Manganese and Geneo Rasors, special,
$2. Portland Cutlery A Barber, Supply
Co., 88 Sixth, near Stark. Adv. .
The Banjo Danelng Clnk will give a
dancing party at Cotillion hall Thurs
day evening. May 29. Ady. , , ,
Had ley V Silver, ' tailors, make de
pendable clothes. . 300 Sixth street, cor
ner Stark. Adv. f
See Tonrlay Today Tourlay makes
good clothes. 421 Failing bldg 122
Third at. Adw ; , -, ; .
Camp Oat Beautiful Rock Island. $10
per montn, 335 Morgan bldg. Marshall
4895. Adv. .
HalreatUng Ton Will Like The Mar
ket Barber Shop, 187 4th at Yam
hill. Adv. , ..... T , ,
MeCarger, Bates A Lively Fire. life.
casualty and automobile insurance. Yeon
building. Telephone, Main 168. A(?v.
For Sale, $"5 Hudson light Six ; bar
gain. Speedwell garage. Adv. .
Fresh Salmon Eggs Hayes Bros., 205
Yamhill. Main 4760. Adv.
Dr. C. E. Brown, Eye, Ear Mohawk
building. Adv. r ;
City Adopts Policy
Of Paying Only Fair
Price for Property
Fair prices are to be required by the
city before parks or playgrounds are
purchased in the future, according to a
policy laid down Thursday afternoon.
Under the plan, proposed, the city plan
ning commission will make surveys to
determine location of parks, and efforts
will be madeto have two or more offers
of sale of property in the district
tendered to ' the council, one , of which
will be accepted if the price is fair. If
the offers are high, the council will go
to court, and will reject the property if
the sum decided upon by the condemna
tion Jury is believed exorbitant, t
City commissioners, declare that new
parks will hinge upon , the fairness of
the offers tendered the council by own
ers of property in the district requesting
the playground.
Class of Nineteen
Will Graduate at '
Chemawa School
Chemawa, May 30. With a class of
19 pupils to graduate. Chemawa is in
gala dress for the entertainment exer
cises beginning Sunday, and continuing
until Friday. -
Last spring the entire -class of young
men at the Indian school with the ex
ception of one unfit for military service,
enlisted with the colors, but all were
given absent honors. The class - this
year is composed of five .boys and 14
girls, ',. .V "-.-!
The appropriation of 8150,000 for re
pairs and improvements. Just granted by
congress through the efforts of Oregon's
representatives, Willi mean a rejuvenat
ing of the school. ! Of this sum $8000
will be used fer a new barn to replace
the one burned last summer.: - . :
t Interurban Train Changes
Effective Monday, June 2, the regular
daily train leaving First and Alder at
4 :30 a. m. for Cazadero will be operated
on Sunday only, and the regular daily
train leaving Estacada for Portland at
8:30 p. m. will also be operated Sunday
only. Adv. Jv-,i': . .
Service to North Beach
- Effective Sunday, June I, O-W. R. Jb
N. steamer leaves Astoria 7 a. m. (Sun
days, 7 :30 a. m.)r and 12 :20 p. m., daily,
for Megler, thence , by train to North
Beach points-Adv..- .
S. A H. Oreen Stamp for eash. Hoi
man Fuel Co, Main 353. A-33S3. Block
wood, short elabwood. Bock Springs
and Utah coal ; sawdust Adv.
i Ship Owner Here '.
' Our. Chrlstensen ' Jr., president of a
hip and broker company with offices in
New York and Sandef jord and Chrls
tianla, Norway, arrived in Portland this
morning , to look over two vessels which
have Just been completed for him by
the Columbia Shipbuilding company, one
a motor' schooner and one an auxiliary.
Mr. Chrlstensen has placed a number of
contracts for ships with Northwest firms
and his present visit is his second trip
to Portland. F. Ostlege of Seattle ar
rived In the city to consult with Mr.
Chrlstensen during his stay here. Mr.
Chrlstensen Is at the Benson.
y r.
V-Vv Ex-Educator la City
Mr. and Sirs. F. K. Sleeper of Seattle
have arrived at the Cornelius for a visit
of several days. . Mr. Sleeper was for
merly one of Oregon's prominent educa
tors, having taught in a number of the
city schools in the state, but left, the
profession a few years ago to enter the
shipping industry, in which he is now
occupied. The Sleepers drove down in
their car and, after visiting Portland,
will' go to Gold en dale, where Mrs. Sleep
er's parents reside.
Arrivals at Hot Lake
Hot Lake. May 3a Arrivals at Hot
Lake Sanitorium Tuesday were : ' Mr.
and Mrs. G. H. Fine. Walla Walla; Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Benner, La Crosse,
Wash.; Miss Alice Reavls, Enterprise;
Jim Welch, Blackfoot, Idaho. , Arrivals
Monday were: Shephen IX Brazen, Spo
kane ; Mr. and Mrs. E. Bannister, Aso
tin. Wash. ; H. E. Hitt, Hermlston ; Miss
Hetty Baker, New York ; Laura Wil
liams. Walla Walla; W. M. Stover, Wei
ser, Idaho.
Leaves for Sew York
Miss Virginia McKenzle left Portland
Thursday for New York where she will
confer with the Presbyterian mission
board. She is leaving in July for Japan,
where she will teach English at the
girls school In Tokio. Miss , McKensie
will make final arrangements for her de
parture and then return to Reed college
for a few days before sailing to her new
position In the Orient.
' ''-.
Iowans Seward Guests
Mr. and Mrs. ' L. A. Merrill of Des
Moines, Iowa, aresyisiting at the Seward
with their son, L, J. Merrill, who came
to meet them from Mosler, where he is
employed as cashier In . the bank. The
Merrills have been spending the last few
months in California and are on their
return trip. i
'''!; .'
French Commissioner Visitor
- J. Henry Douisset of the French high
commission has arrived, at the Benson.
Mr. and - Mrs. Robert H. Larene - and
Miss E. Maclaughlin of New York are
in the party. .
Seattle Motorists Arrive
I Mr. and Mrs. George R. Pierce and
son motored from Seattle Thursday.
They are staying at the Multnomah.
Arrives for Vacation
' Dr. H. C. Jennings of Chicago, a mem
ber of the Methodist Book Concern, ar
rived in Portland Thursday on his way
Stamps ;
Some .Vlnderful
For This Week's Selling
BED SPREADS 100 Sample Spreads consisting of crochet, satins,
and Marseilles, slightly soiled; bought in such away that we are able
to offer them at less than manufacturer's cost. They range regularly
from $2.50 to $10.00. At prices we offer them you will save nearly
naif. r " -:
WOOL SWEATERS Women's Sweaters in plain and fancy weaves
with roll or sailor collars in a large variety of colors; just the gar
ment for that outing- or hike you are going to take. Priced spe
cial .t ... . . ...... : . . ............ $5.75 and $6.50
MIDDY BLOUSES Just received a large lot of new middies for
Women and Children, made of fine middy twill. Some have blue)
flannel collars and cuffs, others all white with braid trimming. Spe
cial values at .. . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .$1.50 to $3.00.
UNDERWEAR SPECIALS Our big stock of Women's and Chil
dren's Summer Underwear is better this season than ever before.
Women's Swiss ribbed sleeveless Tests with plain or fancy yokes. -Special
values at 20c. 25c. 35c and 50c Women's fine ribbed
Union Suits, low neck and sleeveless Specials at, a suit, 50c, 75c
$ X .00 and : -.,'............,.............,... ....$1 .25
Sines 48 and 50 at. . ............................... , .$1.00
. ' .'" 1
LAUNDRY SOAP-7-Crystal White the Perfect Family Soap. 10 bars
for 50c Limit 10 to a customer.' (No phone orders taken for soap.)
CHILDREN'S UNION PLAY SUITS They come in plain blue, trim'd
in red and blue stripe and trimmed, in red; nothing quite so
serviceable. They are comfortable; they look well and they save a
lot of work. Special for Saturday and Monday, garment. . . .98c
MEN'S HATS 50c Khaki Hats with screen in' front. They are light
and comfortable for work or outing. Saturday and Monday . . 50c
BOYS' KNICKER PANTS Odd lot in tan and gray mixtures sixes
5 to 15 years-full cut. Values to $1.50. Saturday and Monday,
p- ......98c
120 Volt Lamps
We maintain a regular lighting voltage for both
, residence and business districts of 120.
' For efficiency of illumination and life of lamps,
use 120 Volt only. .
' Light Power Heat ; r
Tenth and Washington Str?-'
to. his ranch near Aurora. Or., where he
expects to' spend his summer vacation.
At the Hotels -
A. B. Kelser is an arrival from Salem
where he is In business. He is staying
at the Multnomah. 5 , -
Jake Simon, who , Is connected with
the Maurrette. Knitting mills at Maur-
rette, Wia, Is spending a few days at
the Portland. :
Louis H. Moore of Olymphia and R.
B. Motherwell of Seattle, both bank ex
aminers, have arrived in the city. They
are staying at the Imperial. .1
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Blood of l
Grande met witfi a disasrreeable feature
on their semi-annual trip to Fortiana,
Mrs. Blood's gold watch was lost. Mr.
Blood is an engineer for tne ciregon-
Washlngton Railroad & Navigation com
pany. They are staying , at tne Cor
nelius. "
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cunningham Jr. of
Butte, Mont, are at the Multnomah on
their way to Arizona, where Mr. Cun
ningham will take over the agency of
the Giant Powder company in that dis
trict. For several years Mr. Cunning
ham was 'agent of the company in Port
land, later being transferred to Mon
tana. S. N. Smither of Astoria is visiting at
the Washington.
J. R. Hainesworth is a guest at the
Carlton from Albion, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N, Show of New York
are at the Benson. Mr. Show is con
nected with the Seldon Truck company,
i Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pierce of La
Grande are spending a few days at the
Seward. '
P. C Massie, formerly a captain in the
spruce division here, and now residing
at Cleveland, Ohio, is Visiting at the
George J. Stevens, timberman- from
Eugene,, is a guest at the Cornelius.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Siemans Jr. are
visiting at the Imperial from Klamath
Falls. Mr. Siemans Sr. is banker at
Klamath Falls.
Mrs. W. A. Barigs and two daughters
and son from Vancouver. B. C, are
guests at the Portland.
Mrs. A. E. Sylvia of Oakland, CaL,
is staying at the Washington.
, F. E. Wilson and James Davis of Coos
bay are registered at the Carlton.
L D. Hess Jr. of Chicago and Mr. and
Mrs. O. L. Cowen of Akron, Ohio, all
of the Firestone Tire company, are stay
ing at the Benson.
Mrs. R. Crafton and Miss Bertha M.
Farr motored up from San Francisco
and are staying at the Portland.
C F. Hill and E. I. Hudson, who are
in the moving picture business at Al
bany, are visiting at the Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Goodrich of Los
Angeles are guests at the Portland. '
Card of Thanks'
We desire to express through the press
our sincere thanks to neighbors and
friends and to the I. O. O. F. of Milwau-
kie and Loyal Order of Moose and En
gineers, local 701. of Portland, for their
assistance and floral tributes during the
Illness and death of our beloved hus
band and father. -Mrs. Jennie Garrlnger,
Mrs. W. L. Van Horn.
. East Side
Agency for
Patterns :
I . :Mrk .a? Ctt.XS
Community Club to
Give Entertainment
At School Tonight
The twentieth weekly entertainment
of the South Mount Tabor Community
club will be given - in the assembly
room of the Joseph Kellogg- school,
Sixtieth street and Powell valley road,
tonight.' E. r. Timms will deliver" a
Rankin Clothes
and Bankla service appeal te all who recognise trne merit la design,
workmanship and qnallty. .
$25 $30 $35 $40 $45
$45 $50 $55 $60 $65 . , .
Tonr desire will be
satisfied here
Clothier, Tailors, Haberdasher 112. 6th, Near Wash.
' ' ' -L-r-J 1 1 1 x ' I J
' ' 1 i 1 " ) 1 I I I J
I i I
i ; j ; 1 ; i ; i: i ' I
I And He's a Very I
j Popular King, Too I
I Watch for Him !
I on Sunday !
I in the Papers I
T renitJIIWIa Trvwt JZJ jQ 911
I JSt.nafti.rfJlCW j
Every Day
Pre-eminentlv shoes of quality are Ralston Shoes. Built
. - -
on excellent lasts, comfortable and roomy, yet trim, they
appeal to all men who want the utmost in. style fit and
wear. This store shows the latest Spring models.
Oxfords Priced $6.00 to $12.50
English, Semi-English, and conservative styles in Cordo
van, Tan and Black. Just the thing for the first warm days.
High Shoes $6.50 to $10.00
These are fine quality Vici, Calf Skin, etc., in the more
conservative models. Men who like English and Semi
English types will find them in this group.
Straw Hats, Special Value
Sailor and soft styles just what you want.
Watch Our Windows
Exclusive Kappenheimr House- in Portland
- D vMir eve trouble YOU
Do youread your paper with
so much comfort and ease as
you should? : . ' i '
Are - you? tivinc your eyes i
attention now? so that : you
may still have food eyesifht '
when the ; evening of life i
comes l . , . ... '
Have ; your - eyes examined ...
today. ' v. ' - '
, No charge for consultation. ,
STAPLES The Jeveler-Optician
266 Morrison, Between Third and Fourth
memorial address. ' followed by a talk
on reconstruction measures , by H. L.
Idleman. '
Next Friday - the ' program will be
conducted 'by the Boy Scouts under the
direction of George Chilson. A mov
ing picture .machine has. been purchased
and the club will soon have it in
operation. Baseball candidates are re
quested to come out Sunday at I a m.
for practice on the, school ball grounds.
See Turlay Today -
- Turlay makes good clothes. 421 Falling
building. 122 Mi Third street. Adv.
t New Displays Daily,
Good Suits
For Boys
will be no cheaper soon -
Manufacturer are now showtnc
fall woolens and styles. The
price is practically the same as
at present, with a possible
shortage of desirable goods
and a lone wait 'till they arrive.
Buy nowl
Good Suits 'here now
$16.50, $17.50, $15.50, $20
Sizes up to IS years
.Outnttergyev Child rciy
143 Sixth St., Near Alder
It is easier to tear a
door awav splinter by
splinter than to open
a Sargent Cylinder
Lock without the
right key.
This lock furnishes the
maximum of security that
a lock can give. It is the
highest development of the
pin-tumbler lock principle..
Sargent Locks are smooth
working and unfailing.
' Made from finest metals
by skilled workmen. Locks
for all purposes. Cylinder
Multnomah Hotel
Portland, Oregron
The Palace
One of Portland's
Exceptional . Hotels
TO 8 P. M,
Dinner Dancing , Supper. Dancing
Music by Arcadian Orchestra
Mount Hood Railway
Ree the famous Hood Jtlver Valley Im pleasnre
and comfort on our line. The Hood Rleer Valley
is world famoos fos Its apples, strawberries and
the richness and fertility of 1U soil and wonder
ful scenery. Visit some of the ideal outing plsees
easily aoeeasible from our- line, such aa the
Deril's Punch BowL Sandy Flat. Camp OTerall.
Maple Dell and Lost Lake.- They are the
eamper'a delight, and the fisherman g paradise.
For rates and. illustrated folder address -
" - - ..' '.. Adv.
Osposlt Mood Rleer Oarage.
F.rfof your Tl!tinc friends out to sea the world
famoos Hood Rirer Valley, apiendld roads, ma.
niticent seeDery. We will do our part to mass
year trip a pleasant one.' ' , .... .
targe rooms, wwifur table heda, eaeellent meal
' and mooerate rates. .
' r. W. 0HINDLUND, Pro.
Hood River Garage, Inc.
Eatm Oregoe's Lart Fireproof Oar
aga Opa Day - end Kight Opposite
.Hot! Orecos .
bobies expert nEPAiawoas:
Areata for Chevrolet, Hap aid - TTagfc
Cars, asd Goodrleb asd Portage Tires.
CAMERON BEETT. Proprietors
The new Colombia Hirer Hisbway from Vert
PorOaad'a Kearest and most accessible bean. only tour hours from roruana py a., r. c a. mu
road. - Connections at "Astoria with the rrrer hosts. , ,
Sand fee Illustrated booklet., fer rsiirvatione addrsM 0AN . MOORE, Prop.
OTes. Huh. Boaa, fo'all want CHt'NKY Q
COAU Ak ro' draier foah de eral ZT
' w'at haa XXI W A8H. NO HOOT. SO fl
f SMOKE. NO ,IINKKBR. and he v-
V wlU firm to' CHIIJ9KT fOAL. " It '
Ota Ixng Bnrniiig. More Economical,
taa wood, and am cleaner. . :
' 1 i eVholMsjIe Distributor. -., J
f .. Oreflos Bid. , - ....
KJ ; :- Poruans, Or. f ! , . J
0 J. L. SHAW. Mots " P)
" ' arosrtwar 14S0. , JZ
O v Q
Q , Eventually Vaurt
O ' .
0 J$SZ$. -. ... o
If i
The toroett and fl"rt Pepulaf.rVlcaa' OrlUe
rn the "Jortnweei
Is Blaased te arv
tndunca "SCO'S
will play from IS e
)S0, te 7:80. and
S:S0 t 1t:S0.
Wby not spend fovt
noon hour here and
enjoy ear eioelUnt
serTice and enlsioef
If you don't ear to
dance, you aaay eat
you noonday at a I
nidat pleasant
roundlnga and enjoy
oar unexcelled ' laagy
orchestra. .
HOURS 11 A. M.
to p. m. American
nd Ohlneee Dishes
Any " Tim Day or
Night. All Kinds of
Soft Drinks.
11 A. II. to 8 P, at..
100, 8Bo, 400 and Up
Including aonp, eegs
tables, drink, desnert
wtta any meat orders.
-. Entrance S4S', Washlntun Ok
E. R. Parker
(Painless Parker)
CA VQ e Don't treat your
Or I O. tooth liko ' stsp.
children. Nature gave you better '
teeth than any ' dentist can
make and - you cannot bo your
best with decayed brokenniown .
teeth. : Don't neglect them till
toothache drives you to - the
first dentist in sight. Have
them examined today by en E.
R. . Parker System Office and
have th satisfaction of know
ing that the work will be mTt
reliable at a very moderate cost.
lSYSTEM326 Washington ' St.
- Cor. Sixth
Reliable Dentistry
Wa gwarsatee ear wora rr IS
yeata t wtO examine your teeta
tree see tail yoe ) what tW
requite sad what tt will eosc
aid 'Htlna....f1.e0 and Wa
aM Orwwns.. .....SSO.SS.00
afglnle Orewws. . .a.eo-SS.oe
M est ef TaetM for..... .SS.OO
fatnleee Batraatwtw. . ...... SOa
woeor rmmp, ........ ww i. v
J gfe m imrsoaal attaeuoe w "V-
aDwass, ' atonsvtae
bn. a. r. mcwtoh. rtae.
Open Cteetas tlsau IS
Boston Painless DentisU
' RetwMn t ens ts et sVaehlngaae SU
Kidney disease is no respecter of per
sons. It attacks young, and old alike.
Is most cases the victim Is warned
of the approaching ' danger. Nature
fights back. Headache, indigestion. In
somnia, lame back, lumbago, nciatk-a.
rheumatism, pain in the loins and lower
abdomen, difficulty In urinating, all are
indication sd trouble brewing In your
kidneys. :;,-r-T'
When sufih symptoms appear yow will
almost certainly find quick relief in
OOLD MELAl Haarlem Oil Capsules.
This famous old remedy has stood
the test for two hundred years in help
ing mankind to fight off dtsease.
It is imported direct from the home
laboratories in Holland, where it has
helped to develop the Dutf.h into one
of the sturdiest and healthiest races In
the world, and It may be had at almoet
every drug; store. Your money promptly
refunded If it doen not relieve you. Be
sure to get the genuine GOLD WEDAIj
Brand.' In sealed packages, three sUcs.
- For sale and 'guaranteed 'by The Owl
Drug Co. Adv.
, Clatsop Deoon,
ORE00N .
I -'
lend to Seasido haa ten fmLhed. miking BessHe
fA.-m ITk I
C- vItV
ir. Pc
' a. M. I :