The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1919, Page 20, Image 20

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FRIDAY, MAY 30. 1919. ,
captain mm
New Head of Domestic .Relations
Court; for Multnomah - County
Picked by Governor Olcott.
iSAW Service; 'overseas
Appointment Hinges on Opinion
by' Attorney General as to
' " Validity of Legislative Act. -
. Salem. Mar 30.' Captain Jacob Kans
ler will b Governor Olcott's choice for
el tha new court of domestic : re
lation for Multnomah county, the gov
ernor announced Thursday night, pro
rldtnr the presa reporta of tha recom
mendation, of the Multnomah county
.circuit judrea ra verified by tha official
report of Thursday proceeding. The
appointment. however, will ba held In
abeyance, pendin tha receipt of an pin
ion from Attorney General Brown rela
tive to the conatlrutionaHty and validity
of -the law enacted by the recent legis
lature creatine the new court which has
been 'questioned by District Attorney
Evan of Multnomah county. -The gov
ernor haa asked the attorney general
for an opinion on the law and in the
event the opinion upholds the law the
- appointment will follow Immediately.
' Captain Kanaler recently returned
from overseas.' where he served with
tha famous Ninety-first division. He is
m. graduate : of the. University of Ne
braska. , He has been a resident of Ore
gon for 11 years, for a time being con
nected with the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, and has been prominent as
an attorney in "Portland. v
' Previous to coming to Oregon. Cap
.taln Kanzler was actively connected with
national guard Work. He attended the
first officers' training camp at Presidio
when . the United States entered the
world " war and won a " captain's com
mission, being assigned to Camp Tevis.
from where he west to France with the
Ninety-first division. Upon his dis
charge' he wa recommended for a com
mission aa a major in the regular army.
Captain Kansler is the father of Ore
gon's famous 100 per cent baby, which
' took', sweepstake prizes, in several
eugenic competitions. He is recognized
aa a' man who is deeply interested in the
development of home and child life and
we strongly -urged aa a man in every
way qualified to fill the exacting duties
Of the new Judgeship.
- i Salem, May '.SO. An -automobile la not
a. common carrier ? and J therefore the
"presence of intoxicating liquor in an
automobile on Oregon territory would be
a violation of the state prohibition law
Ten thous-h It waa In transit from one
. point' in California to another point in
the same wet , state, . according to an
Opinion tent by Attorney General Brown
. to O. M Roberta of Medford. district at
" torney of. Jackson county, Thursday. It
seems that, in; conveying liquor ' from
certain "oases" In v California to other
certain, thirsty, communities in .the sme
state It; la necessary to traverse Ore
gon territory.- This, ' according to the
attorney general; Is in violation, of the
law and the liquor is subject to confis
cation and tha offender. subject to the
penalty aa provided by law, unless the
. .liquor is consigned to a certain point in
wt" territory and , transported by a
common carrier., , ;
' .s. .
Captain Kanzler
If Quotations Are Fully Set by
Sales an Increase of 43c '
Per 1000 Will Result.
r Salem, May -20. Funeral services for
Wilton Leroy Slmeral; who died sud
denly at his home nine miles east of
hare Sunday, were held Thursday after
v noon. Rev. W. C. Kantner officiating.
- Interment ' waa in iWarren cemetery in
the Waldo hilla country. .
(- Simer&l came to Marlon county in
1863. f He has occupied many public po
" aUlone., ' In 188S he was appointed
Marion j county . stock inspector, serving
. in thia, capacity for nine yars. In 1896
he-waa f appointed, head farmer and
v steward ". of i the Oregon ; state tram?nK
school, serving, for. 12 years under four
different-' superintendents. From 1908
to'-JSlO he : was firmer at th state
school tor feeble minded. For nine suc
s Csslv " years i: following 1889 he was
' chief marshal of the Oregon state fair.
- fiesides his widow, three sons and one
daughter aurvlve him. ; v;
Advance price on seven of the 27
Index- Items of West Coast lumber
manufacture was announced in quota
tions issued' to. the trade Thursday
afternoon by a number, of the leading
mills of Oregon and Washington.
Officials of the West Coast Lumber
men's association, in analyzing the new-
price situation, find that should the'
new quotations be fully established in
subsequent sales, they would represent
an advance of 43 cents per thousand
feet in the, total output of typical fir
The association's analysis takes the
known yield of a typical fir log in
its various grade segregations and ap
plies the new quotations on the seven
affected items, averaging this with the
prevailing price return on the contents
of the entire log. including the 20
items not advanced. An advance of
48 cents per thousand feet is thereby
determined for the log's return at Fuch
time as the new prices may be estab
lished in actual sales.
According to R. B. Allen, secretary
manager of the Weat Coast Lumber
men's association, the reason for this I
advance is the shortage of available
storks at the mills and the growing
demand for lxv and 1x6 slash grain
flooring, and 1x4 ceiling. 1x6 drop
siding, corn cribbing and boards in
8 Inch, 10 Inch and 12 inch widths.
The new advance in price is In addi
tion to the rise involved in the appli
cation of discount sheet No. 4, recently
Issued by the mills of Oregon and
progressing under direction of an ex
perienced gardener.
Salem, May 30. Full membership
privileges in the Salem Commercial club
will be extended to every returned .serv
ice man, according to a resolution
adopted by the board of directors Wed
nesday night. The privileges will be
the same as those accorded --cgularly
paid-up members, including that of the
vote. The Salem club claims the dis
tinction of being the first organization
of its kind to take this step.
Salem. May 30. -Practically half of
the counties of Oregon have already ar-
, ranged for exhibits r at" the state fair
next September, indicating a keen inter
est in the annual event ofi the part' of
"the stAte, 'at' large,' according to A. It.
,Iee, secretary of the State Fair associa
tion," Work is now under way on the
.installation of. boxes n the new stadium
and on the construction of cement walks
' about the grounds.
-A; feature' of special interest at this
year's fair will be a flower competition
, in which IT Portland floral societies are
' already entered.- Work of planttng S00
dahlias of 7 different varieties is also
Salem. May 30. Miss Esther Grem
mels and the Itev. Teddy Leavitt. both
of Springfield, were married here Wed
nesday, the Rev. Linden Leavitt. broth
er of the groom, officiating. Thursday
the groom of Wednesday, the Rev.
Teddy Leavitt, officiated at a ceremony
at Eugene, in which his orother. the
Rev. Linden Leavitt. the officiating
minister in the previous weddinsr, was
united In marriage to Miss Lila Jahant
of Lodi, Cal. All four principals were
members of this year's graduating class
of the Eugene Bible university.
Lamb Chops and Legs Lamb 20c
At Franlf T. dmfl.'. ooo . . i .
ev.r.ij" V , .I'll' iuer ist
t- j u iamo...ucL.amb's liver
V M s or Kia
Carves' liver . . . L'Ocj Pork sausage. . .20c
Beef to boil and mutton ste . ..I2vic
'mi ana oreasis or veal...
jjoasi porK .. . . .oclPork chops .
Pork hocks 20c
Beef stew. ...... 15c
Tenderl n steak. 22c
Oven roasts .... 20c
Beef liver ..s..10c
Pickle nork
Pot roasts .,
Sirloin tAaL-
Hamburg steak.! 20c
cornea Deer
. 15c
, . - V I VVI uru itri .......
Frank L, Smiths Is. 228 Ataer St. Adv
iV c&e Largest Setting
QtiCLtity Pencil in.
' i j 1 f Blade Degree - 3 Copying V" "
Great Sale of.
New Silk Skirts
Very Special Values
We have just received by express 60 fine new silk skirts
in beautiful crepes de chine, ""Baronette satins, heavy wash
satins and satin gabardines. Wanted shades of flesh,
gray, pink, green and white. With wicle and uarrow tucks,
pearl buttons, fancy belts and pockets. Also a few Rosha
nara silk skirts. Sizes wl to o0. Unequaled values at $9.73.
WASH SKIRTS $3.98-$4.50
Tailored wash skirts of fine quality gabardine with novelty pockets
some in double flap style, others are slash pockets. Sizes 24 to 30.
Just the kind of skirts for sports, outing and every day wear.
Pleated models with tailored pockets, wide belts and button trim
ming. Many different plaid effects. Sizes 24 to 30.
Excellent quality taffeta and messaline silk petticoats in black,
green and changeable effects. Made with tucked flounces. All sizes
at 3.98.
Wonderful values at this low price tomorrow only. Attractive
fiber silk sweaters in blue, Copen, old rose, pink, yellow and gold.
Sizes up to 44. Limited number.
Fine quality voile waists, also a few crepe de - chine models.
Found, V or square neck styles. Lace trimmed and embroidered
waists in all sizes 38 to 54. -
Good serviceable cotton stockings in black only. With garter
top. Slightly imperfect hose in all sizes. Very special at, pair 19c.
Women's union suits in a good Summer weight. Low neck,
sleeveless style with lace trimmed knee. Broken sizes. Seconds.
Women's serviceable cotton knit vests for Summer wear. Low
neck, sleeveless style in all sizes. Slightly imperfect.
Women's and misses' middy blouses of fine white galatea. The
collars are trimmed in bright Summer, colors. V-neck style with
pockets. Sizes 16 to 4 4. ' I
A wonderful assortment of children's gingham dresses in checks
and plaids. Prettily trimmed with chambray collars, piping and
smocking. Sizes-7 to 14 years. v
For the Men and Boys
Men's Shirts 75c
Blue chambray and khaki
cloth work shirts with two
pockets and collars attached.
Slightly imperfect. AH jsizes.
Men's Gowns $1.19
Men's good quality muslin
night gowns in military style.
All sizes ,15. to 19. Limited
number. Very special at $1.19.
Union Suits 49c
Boys mesh union suits for
Summer wear. Short sleeves,
ankle length union suits in
sizes 6 to 14 years.
Boys Suits $9
Wool mixed suits with trench
style coat and knickerbocker
pants. Attractive mixtures.
Sizes 7 to 14 years.
Boys' Pants 89c
Boys' good durable khaki
pants for general wear. Knick
erbocker style in sizes 6 to 17
years. Limited number.
Boys' Caps 39c
Excellent values are offered
in this sale of boys' good cloth
caps in desirable checks and
tancy materials. Special 39c.
Boys' "Scout" Shoes
These shoes are designed for the
very hardest kind of wear. They
are good for school and play. Brown '
and black elk uppers with sewed
and nailed chrome leather soles.
Sizes 9 54 to 13 54. pair $1.95.
Sizes 1 to 6, pair $2.45.
Children's white canvas "Sister Sue" slippers in one-strap style
with white rubber soles. Sizes 5 to 10, pair 98c. Sizesi 10 54 to 2,
pair $1.19. .Women's sizes 3 to 6, pair $1.39.
Meier & Frank's: Lower Price Stora, Baaamant Balcony,
iCharge Purchases Go on the June Bills Dated July lsti
Walt Whitman Centenary Tomorrow "Leaves of Grass";with Autobiography $2 5th Floor
f " :
35c Wall Paper
Roll 19c
Close to half price tomorrow for these
good bedroom wall papers in a variety of
pleasing patterns and colors.
Meier ft Frank's :
, Wall Paper Shop, Seventh Floor.
New Victor Records
for June
on sale tomorrow include many popular
numbers, dance records, violin selections,
etc. Hear the new records tomorrow. ' ,
Meier & Frank':
Phonograph Sliop. Sixth Floor.
aturday When Ml! ttie Family
s to Meier
Neckwear $1.49
$2.50-$3.50 Values
Tailored and dressy vestees
and waistcoats with and with
out collars. Made of fancy silk
broadcloth. Shantung, linen and
corded Bilks. Several models
have belts and fancy button
Collars and Sets
Imported Venice collars and
sets in white and cream. For.
wear with dresses and tailored
suits. These are washable.
Priced 69S 79 95.
Collars and Sets
Satin, corded silk, pique.
Georgette and organdy collars
and sets, some with handwork
and trimming jof wash lace, also
filet and VeniS models in roll
style. Special 95.
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
New novelty mesh drape veils
in circular and flowing style.
Some- have chiffon borders,
others in embroidered designs.
Black, brown, navy and taupe.
S1.5Q to S3.50.
- New Veilings
New hexagon mesh veiiings in
black with chenille dots In
henna, red, royal. Copen. taupe
and brown. Tard, 65 and 1.
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
Bring ub tomorrow the films
you exposed today for best re
sults in developing aridprlnting.
Supply your over - Sunday
needs in genuine Eastman films
here tomorrow.
We sell the "Movette" moving
picture camera and projector
advertised in this week's "Post."
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
Books 25c
A good selection of children's
books toy. . picture and story
books up to 50c editions.
Boy Scout Handbook 40
Tear Book 2.
Meier & Frank's : Fifth Floor.
Union Suits $1
Women's Nushape medium
weight tuck-stitch lisle union
suits In low-neck, sleeveless,
tight and lace-trimmed knee
styles. 34 to 38 at SI. Sizes 40
to 44 at S1.25.
Union Suits $1.25 -
Women's Nushape: medium
weight tuck stitch lisle union
suits in low neck, sleeveless,
tight knee style. 34 to 38 at
91.25. Sizes 40 to 44, SSI. 50.
Union Suits $2
Women's Nushape lightweight
mercerized lisle union suits in
low neck, sleeveless, tight knea
style. Extra sizes, 2.25.
Vests, Pants 35c
Children's light weight cotton
vests and pants. Low neck.
sleeveless and wing sleeves and
high neck, long sleeve vests.
Ankle length pants. 1 to 14
Waists at 50c
- Children's Nazareth under
waists with straps and buttons.
1 to 14 years.
v Undertogs $1
Children's Kaynee undertogs
with straps and buttons. 1 to 12
years. ". "
. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Coffee, M. & F. Special Blenl,
i lbs. 75. lb. 39.
Caaaed Milk, Teloban. highest
quality, case 95.75, two
large cans 25.
Cora, Veribest, sweet and ten-
der. doz. S2.50. can 22.
' Soyal Baking Pewaer, 12-oz.
cans, 2 cans 75. can 38.
Una Beaas, California, 4 lbs.
for 45.
Syria, light -corn. 10-lb. can
90. the 5-lb. can 48.
Meier Sc Frank's : Ninth Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Folding Lawn
Bench $1.29
Hardwood folding benches
that are just the thing for porch
or lawn use. Fold up so aa to
occupy little room when not in
use. Illustrated.
The" Playroom
is open for- tha kiddles shoot-the-chutfes.
merry-go-round and
awtngs. Free. - .- w .
Meier Frank's:! Fifth Floor.
I : : :
"W W
Come to Style Headquarters
Tomorrow See the New
ociety Brand
Clotfces a
for summer now ready in ample assbrtmcnts in our Day
light Clothing Store, Third Floor. These early summer
styles have been created by noted designers and, because
of the removal of restrictions on men's clothing, show
more originality and individuality than we've, seen in
years. The new SocietyBrand summer suits are the soft
of clothes that men and young menwant during the sea
son when the constant urge of the outdoors- demands for
its fullest enjoyment clothes that "will enable the wearer
to pass muster in any company. Society Brand clothes
are such clothes.
We Are Sole Agents
for Society Brand clothes for young men and men who
stay young. We offer a splendid selection to those who
come and pick out their new summer suits (tomorrow.
All wool materials in flannels, worsteds,' tweeds gabar
dines, iridescent effects, cheviots and homespuns. Waist
seam single and double-breastedmodels, -two and three
button English styles, conservative models. All ijew pat
terns and colorings. All sizes. $35 to $65.
Meier & Frank's : "The Store for Men, Third Floor. Mail Orders Filled.)
40c Silk Lisle
' Sox29e-
Highly suitable for, summer wear arc these fine silk
lisle sox in a light medium weight. Colors are Palm
Beach, black and white. Made with double soles and
six-ply heels and toes. Sizes oy to 11 Extraor
dinary values at 29c.
$1.50 Union
Suits $1.29
Athletic style, sleeveless and knee-length union siiits
of good quality nainsook with elastic ribbed waist.
Full-cut, well-made garments with closed crotch. Reg
ulation open seat. Sizes"34 to 50.
Headquarters for Straws, Panamas
Our assortments comprise Sennits, Split Straws, Milans. Leghorns, Bangkoks. Balibun
tals and Baliluks. Straws from such famous makers is Knox and Blum & Koch are feat
ured at $1 and $5, others up to $12. South American Panamas range from $5 up to $20.
Genuine unbreakable Tovo hats arc special values at $2.45.
Meier & Frank's: The Store for-Men, Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
. . Portland Agents for Boys'
"Bubbelbilt" Suits
It is hard to know what to
emphasize most about ' these
new Dubbelbilt suits ior boys
the eieat strength and serv
ice built into them or the styl
ish appearance. They com
bine both admirably. Dubbel
bilt has 20 distinct features of
worth and wear and the mak
ers guarantee to repair free any
rip, hole or tear that shows
within six months. Dubbelbilt
suits are cravenet.te finished,
which means they will, resist
water. ' Come in tomorrow and
investigate the wonderful
value in these knicker, suits at
Waist seam and other new
models. Many- patterns and
colors. Sires for, boys' 6 to 18;
years. ' . 4 8 '
Meier Sc. Frank's : Third Floor.
Mall Orders Filled.)
fishing tackle headquarters
we carry complete stocks
of high grade fish wig tackle
at prices lower than else
where for like qualities.
Our assortments include fa
mous Leonard & Divine
rods, reels, lines, flies,
spoons, baskets, etc.
; ' Special , Tomorrow :
Highest quality trout flies
Royal Coachman, Profes
sor, Brown; Hackle, Griy
Hackle, etc., ' It to ft. So
grades, dozen, 75 C; two for
only 1 5 c. ;
Enamel trout lines, 16
pounds test, 25 yards, refu
larly 7 5c, special 50c. . ;
; Cuttyhunk twisted linen
lines, 18 pounds test, 100
yard spool, regularly, ti at
7 5C - " . - .
r-Meler St Frank's : Sixth Floor.