THE OREGON DAILY r JOURNAL, PORTLAND, -FRIDAY, MAY SO, 191. 12 HAWKER BRANDED AS POOR LOSER . V - ' ) His Criticism of American Fliers f Who Beat Him to Europe Is 1 Not Liked in Washington. . i Waahlngrton. May ao. The remarks of ."Harry Ci. Hawker, Australian, aviator, Mho, after failing to croM tbe Atlantic, attempted ' to , belittle the successful American aviator at Oie London ban quet Wednesday drew caustic comment nd adverse criticism on every side to day in h!fh government circles. . - ". . Officiate of the navjr and other de partments said that they would not have hesitated to express . themselves for quotation if Hawker were a, British or k colonial official. " - r If the Australian had been an Ameri can the state department - probably 'would have taken him to task, , . Officials said that as Hawker Is mere ly a private cltieen who is actuated by jealousy over-: Commander-. Keads ''ex 5iolt as well as over the fact that two -tother-" seaplane commanders ';-?; actually View farther than Hawker did, the Aus tralian's explosion should be put down Kimply to bad manners. i Other, officials declared his remarks - vere "unsportsmanlike. S One -1 American admiral , pointed ?out that Hawker's outbreak was not unex lected as the aviator had begun to be snappishly critical" before he started from Trepassy." The admiral recalled ihat Hawker had, previously spoken of jhe American flight as a "hippodrome performance." - ' i Attention was also given to Hawker's Statement that the American flight Should not be . regarded highly t because J he Americans' lives .were ; protected jevery ;20 miles. ,- . WC-4 DOWN SOON AFTER H START FORPLYIVIOUTH l . - (Continued From Pace One liljh tide. Seaplane O. K. Request detroyers keep stations. What is best 3ort to north to land seaplane within 00 miles? ,," Request report to commas iler of. naval forces , In France and Plymouth.' X -READ." i The NC-4 "hopped off from Usbon fat 1:20 -this morning. New York time, jto make -the last stretch of a 3775 uile. air. voyage from the coast of Long a aland. At two minutes after 5 o'clock. New h'ork time, the flying boal passed over station A, the first of the string of Sdestroyers marking her route, along the Portuguese coast. She was making good time. L Reports from off the - Portuguese oast said the , weather was fine and -jlhe sea very smooth. Read's request for information as to a he best Point - at which to land led hiaval -officers here to believe that the 'Weaplane had encountered some trouble lind that Read planned to land to re pair her before proceeding to Plymouth. JHpare parts had been sent to Brest with the understanding that if anything wtnt ;Ji-rong he would attempt to brlhtf the seaplane into, that port for-repairs, but AIR HEROES OF NAVY TO BE HONORED T ASHINGTON", May SO. . VV Promotion as commander, in the navy for Albert C. Read and John H. Tower and lieu-, tenant' commender for N. r I Ballinger, for achievements in the transatlantic flight,: is pro-, posed in a house MIL ; The thanks of congress and medals' 1 of s honor are to be awarded. The members of the crews of the airships engaged will ret the thanks of congress. SOVIETS FORCED OH EMERALD ISLE Lord ' Farnham Asks Parliament for Action.' to Preserve Order? Societies Cooperate. ; his message indicated that' he, might not be able to make Brest. . iThe Mondego river empties into the Atlantic at Cape Mondego, 92 mtW north of Usbon. Both London and Washington dispatches reported this morning that the NC-4 had passed Sta tion A. en route from Lisbon to Ply mouth. Washington dispatches reported this station 200 miles from Lisbon. This report may have been incorrect or it is possible that Read, : after passing Sta tion A, encountered engine trouble- and turned back, Beeklng a suitable harbor 1 into which to take the plane. ' IVOX-STOP RETUR.V FLIGHT IS NOT TO BE ATTEMPTED Washington,' May i 30. (I. N. S.) Navy department officials today set at rest speculation on the possibility of Commander Read attempting a non stop transatlantic flight on his way back to this country. They pointed but that the winds at this time of the year, would make such feat next to impos sible. Just what, he will - do following his arrival at, Plymouth has not been revealed. - He is - under orders to "pro ceed with the NC-4 to Plymouth, Eng land." On his arrival he will receive fresh - orders, to be -determined at a conference of Secretary Daniels with representatives of the air service. But these will not call for an attempt at a non-stop return, it was definitely stated. London, May SO..- A delegation of Irish Unionists, led by1 Lord rarnham, appeared before parliament Thursday night to urge the-adoptlonv of measures for the preservation of order In Ireland. The situation' throughout the island is reported to be extremely grave, i, Sinn Felners hold T3 of the 105 . Irish seats in parliament and are planning to achieve their alms . through the aid of labor. Soviet councils are reported to have been established . everywhere and the Irish cooperative common wealth,- or ganised on the Russian model, controls more than 1000 cooperative 'societies. : ant-Colonel A. J. Hanlon, a .West Point graduate Js i aewi: commander j today ; of Rockwell fleldNorth Islands army avia tion center " Lieutenant Colonel Hanlon relieves ' Colonel Henry Arnold, ordered to- San- Francisco as air service officer, western :'. army, department, n iy Aviation ' Center Has New C O. . San Iiego. May 30. TJ. P,) Lleuten- PLYMOUTH PUT ON BEST DRESS TO RECEIVE FLYER Plymouth, England. May 30. L N. 8.) Plymouth was bedecked today with the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack. The American flag flew from all the vessels in the harbor, both in ob servance of Memorial day and because of -the seaplane's expected arrival. Three British seaplanes, flying both American and British flags, were on the alert . waiting for word that the NC-4 was approaching the English coast. It was their plan to dash out to salute, her with Very lights and escort her to port. The NC-4. when she arrives, will be moored in the Cattwater, the mouth of the Plym- river, under present , plans 'and her crew taken aboard the United States ship Aroostook. It is planned, to have Lieutenant Commander Read and " the other airmen land from the Aroostock at Mayflower Rock, whence the May flower set forth on her voyage to America. Unless present arrangements f are changed, - Read and the seaplane's crew will -go to London before proceeding to Paris. -. . ,i - A G E RUIN E , SACRIFICE! Left on sale by refined family, unfortunately forced into very distressing circumstances, a genuine) $450 Haines Bros, piano, grand tone; will take less than! half price; in fact, no reasonable offer refused, but must; have Jit least $100 cash. See, tomorrow or tomorrow night, Mr. Stur geon, Eilers Busic Building, entrance 287, below Fifth and Washington streets. s "I can fix it but I don't' know how long it .will last" ' , - - ' That's what the plumber will tellyou. He means that some 4, time, probably soon, the re pairs will have to be made all . over again, f And every time ' that happens, you add to the cost of those worn-out plumb, v ing antiquities. Come in and look over the Thomas Maddocklineof mod ern, sanitary bathroom fixtures and find out how little it costs and how much you save in the end when you install this first-cost-last-cost equipment. "Ask us to tell you about the Maddock way. - The Gauld Company Portland, Oregon n Higk-Grade Phobias Fixtures ... FRANZ Mm i t n The Incomparable Loaf ,"- a .laa-K1?. " if.9 outdoor sppQiilgdonisnds mmum BREADS m Musi We might use cheaper ingredients in Ff-anz But ternut, but we won't! A penny or two a day -: saved does not justify the use of cheap bread in any family, especially where there are growing children; Ask for and get - . - It Is Oh So Good! Keeps fresh longer and : : cuts and spreads without crumbling:. Your Grocer Has It Log ; Cabin Baking Co. Our Policy of Cash & Carry. It has saved 'thousands of dollars for our Patron in rin hih grado Groceries, Coffees and Teas at cut ratoa.?ITry;it yowrelf---start tomorrow, but shop early. . y Java vCreaffiery;.Butter,:!b. 65o--rpe TpH . . ...... ?1.Z5 lJEggt9.-ptnc.Aoxxi-::p,., ".", v ... .48c. . Chccsct pcf lb.; . .' .. '' ... . . .40c , Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. 'for .'. . . . . . . . . ...... .35c ; Milk. ier can 14c -3 cans for . . . . . ;iv.v. . .... .40c Cottoleno . . 58c-$1.19 $2.98 Puffed Wheat, 2 for.. .... . 25c Puffed Rice, 2 for . . . . . . . . 25c No. -3 can IC R."Toaialoes- " 2 for .v . . . .... .-. . 3Sc 2 cans Pea .. ..i ....... .25c Del, Monte Catsup. ....... .23c a-?rV C: Pot Toasties, 2 for. . . . . .25c Wesson - - - at .. .38c-74e-$1.40-$2.65 Masola ...... 38c-72c-$ 12 ' Crisco iT: "J'-'-- 34c-49c-98c-$1.95-$2.85 Kellocc's Corn Flakes. 2 for 25c Krinkle Corn Flakes, 2 for 25c Quaker Roued Oats, 2 for. 25c Fischer's Rolled Oats, 2 for25c ; v ' COFFEE IS GOING UP BUY NOW Old Dutch Coffeey per lb. 39c 3 lbs. fori . . . . . .$1.12 Hoffman House Coffee, per lb. 43c 3 lbs for. . .$1.20 . Campfire Coffee, per lb. 45c 3 lbs. for. . . . ... .$1.30 HOGGAN'S (Java Coffee Co.) Groceries, Teas and Coffees ; 291 YAMHILL STREET, NEAR FIFTH SATURDAY SPECIALS Dependable Butter Store Monogram Fresh Butter, lb. 60c Central Butter Store ; Fresh Churned, Crescent But-, ter, lb. . .... .........65c Fresh Jersey Butter, lb .... 60c .. , Fresh , Mayonnaise Dressing Irvington Park Floral Co. Flowers and Plants of All Kinds ' Lowest Prices ' Central ;. Market Bakery Butter Buns, doz ... 25c AMERICAN MARKET E. E. RUSSELL Fresh Fish and Poultry Central Coffee Shop : Saturday Specials: ' Pink Beans, 3 lbs. . . . . . . -25c Lima Beans," 4 'lbs. . ..... .45c Toilet Tissue, '4 rolls ..... 25c Almonds . . .. lLb,35c Brazil. Nuts . . . 3 LBS. $1.00 Head Rice, 2 V lbs. . ...... 25c People's Market & Grocery Co. 2 cans Fed. Milk ......... 25c t quart Wesson Oil . . . . . .'.70c 2 cans Holly Milk ........ 25c lb. Wadco Coffee 1 . . .40c 3 lbs. Wadco Coffee.... $1;1S 2 cans Eagle Milk. .... . . .45c 1 gallon bottle White Syrup 90c COOICS ; You can eet the best Butter and Cheese in the middle of the market. Try us 1 and you will be convinced. 7. s '- v til 4 ssrtrtsJs.' i f 5E 5 L Look for the . Name on the Rind - To insure- tne genuine "Tilla mook" see that the brand is ' on the rind removal - of the : muslin binder does not remove the brand -the name "Tilla mook prints: through the muslin onto the cheese. TiI lamookT is sold by 'the slice, -also individual sizesj 6 end 1 4 -ftounds, convenient . for large families, boarding houses, etc.'' From Tillamook's Famous Dairy : Country PASTURES are verdantly green -the year round in the wonderful Tillamook Valley its grass rich and succulent. Its moun tain streams clear and cold. In this ideal- valley the tested herds produce a record yield of . die richest milk, from which "Tillamook" Cheese is made. ' Experts who have located here . from the fa mous cheese centers of Europe operate the fac tories, and frigid 'Association inspection com pletes the, process of -perfecting "Tillamook" 'famous' for richness and flavor. TILLAMOOK COUNTY CREAMERY ASSN. 24 Cheese-Kitchens, Owned and Operated - . v-.-. :. Co-operatively. by,Tillamook Dairymen . - TILLAMOOK, OREGON a Look for Tillcmook on the Rind 1 1 i . ' kH1 a.a i Mtik Gerife jr-Grocery "As Usual" Are top on quality and bottom on prices. It's this Cash and Carry idea that permits selling for less. . Saturday and Monday Quotations "T1-"-IB Special on Small Pa3s Cottolene Regular in any store 60c OUR SPECIAL FEATURE PRICE 49c SUGARS Plan to can everything this year, especially! fruits. Prices will be highest this coming year ever in the market history. Finest Cane Sugar, 100 lbs. .$9.59 10 lbs. 98 ; 5 lbs........ ...50 RICE Prices have advanced Z cents pound in the past 2 weeks. We cannot sell at these prices longer than bur present stock lasts. Siam Rice, 3 lbs 25; 12 lbs. 98; 100 lbs. $7.50. Jap style Rice, 3 lbs. 35; 12 lbs. $1.35; 100 lbs. 9.50. Blue Rose; 2 lbs: 25. Fancy ' . long Southern Head Rice, 2 lbs. 29 ; 12 lbs. $1.56 ; 100 lbs ....... $13.00 CANNED MILK New shipment Holly,2 tall cans 25 : doz. cans $1.50 ; case . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .... . . . . $5.95 Carnation, 2 tall cans 27; doz. $1.58; case. . . $6.25 FLOUR Olympic or White Mountain, 49 lb. sacks $2.95 ; 24-lb. sacks $1.50. Crown Flour, 4D-lb. $2.98. 10-lb. sacks Finest Hardwheat Flour, spc'l 69 Jiffy Jell or Jello in all flavors, 3 pkgs. . ... ..... ...... 35 .Domestic Sardines, can ....... ...... ..9; Teco Pancake Flour, pkg. . . . . . . . ...... .,. . . .10 Palm Olive Soap, 3 bars 25 ; bar .... .. ,. . . .10 Tomatoes Std. Tomatoes in No. cans.....l2j4 Solid Pack Tomatoes White Oak Brand, can 17 3 Cans ......... . . . . . ....... 50 ''' D. S. Catsup, big 1 6-oz. Bottle ; latest pack ... 23 Campbell Soups Every variety, can 11c; 6 cans 65c; dozen $1.30; case .... $5.20 Bulk Coffees Roasted in our own roaster and retailed at Wholesale prices. Special Blend, 1 lb .35 Sunset, exceptional good value ; 1 lb,, 38; 2 lbs. 75 Port of Portland few equal,' none better 1 lb... 40. , ' Roasted the day you buy. Kingsford Gloss or Corn Starch; pkg. .II Hundreds of .as good or better reasons why it is profit able to trade at our stores. ; , " AH are . conveniently located "Just around the Corner" at 168 5th, across from the' Postof f ice 169 Third street between Yamhill and Morrison 410 ' ' Montgomery 7314 Washington 2nd and Yam hill in the Big Yamhill Sanitary Market. ' 20th Century Grocers and Coffee Roasters FX YAMHILL STREET PUBLIC MARKET Offer These Specials for This Saturday Special Notice to the People of Portland THE MUNICIPAL FISH MARKET where Fuh are sold at the very lowest prices is now located in this Market, Stall 10, Yamhill Street Public Market, Second and Yamhill Streets. Y Special Stall 22-24 Shoulder Roast of Veal, R..".Y. 20c Special Stall 30 Legsof Veal, pound . . .vJCj SpecialStall 11 Pw Honey, 9 Kr candil, lb. ....... SidJs 3S2T!?.';...V.40c Pur. Honey, C9 AA 10-lb. pail ..... W.UU SpecialStall 1'8 Fancy Steer Beef and Milk. Fed Veal for Saturday. Special Stall 26 2 Largo Loaves IT Broad ........... All' S?r.."..:.iOc Special Stall 7 PoUto Salad, per 20C Ripe" bliVa"pYnt ' Qq Lire and Dressed Rabbit. . Special Stall IS - Summer. Sauaasje, Pickl'ed' HV Foot ' Dill Pickle, quart 3QC Yamhill Street Public Market In the Big Building, Cor. Second ari YamhS! VA