14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PO RTLAND. THURSDAY, MAY 22,- 1919. JREAI. ESTATE FOR M I.K H'llKH 1 BRAND NEW BUNGALOW 1134 E. 17TH ST. NORTH Just completed, never occupied. Well built room buniiluw, sleeping porcD, xmxen ancoen, mni built-in rjaneled diuing room, full beae- fisnt. electric fixtures, plumbing complete, atnet lens pud. ; Bee trt Is today, liw iiiwu car t. 17ti at, tben co z blocks Bonn. wn on premises 11 to B duly, or phone Main 0124 Ttninn Peal direct with owner end bulkier; A NEW HOUSE ID UKK A NKW" AUTO TOT) GET ALL THE GOOir i LITTLE CHAT HOM! i T; , i I.N THE WEST : uu will rn,t - 4USS IWIXa ine rDnilim uuww.viu, ntun eve., close to Kt Johns ear. imoai toe 1-001 iir ixee. m umm i" . , w buiigalow-cottag, 2 bedrooms. living end din ing room, Imtrh kitchen: the- badge of rosea round toe front, the rose artxrr over the front door.-. to sren iiwn, wie uul, ViQWeXS, glV M1M vt mvvr tented, homelike atmosphere that is lacking in many expensive home. Tbl it a bargain, act uuuaiJi on -- . v. . . , . FRANK I. MeCUTRE, ' i " : ' T, ti Toor Hom. AMngtoa bldtr. - J Main 6156. Main 1068 ; ? HAWTHORNE IWSTRICT 1 ; NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW ! 60X10 CORNER LOT - ! ; Why buy as old bungalow when yon can get ;a artistic creation ngm up 10 wm mrmuim in every respect ? .It Is double constructed . with .heavy building paper between. The buffet- well, we cannot describe it here, except that it to different from anything yon have seen here; it J.sn fireplace. bookcases, hardwoodi floors, taste fully decorated - living room, full attio and oe 'lnent basement. The price Is only 13750, which include all street and sewer assessments. $1000 ttasa will handle, balance in suit. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., 30th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. AVE COULD bars sold this one a doses time If i $800 cash , would have handled it, but ws ntnrt have at least $1000 cash, - $$160 ft room attractive bungalow, with living i- room across the entire front of bouse; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch ' kitchen, full cement basement, wash tray, ; io fact everything but a furnace. Hard i ' -' earfaee street and sewer in and paid. Not ; In R. C. P.. but in a highly restricted dis- I , triet only 20 minutes out. : Let ns show f J. A.- WICKMAN CO., w tJ Main 104. 204 By. Exeb, Bids. i FBNIN8TJLA BUNGALOW ! $1000 FURNISHED $1600 i Neat and cosy, 4 rooms, 2 roughly finished rooms xn attic, built-in kitchen, finished in (white enamel, all good furniture consisting of 5 steel range, law gas range, buffet, dining table, I about 10 chairs, dressers, 2 beds, library table. ehiokea houss. 7 good bearing fruit trees nice ilawa and shrubbery, good location. $800 cash will take possession. - ' . y , O. A. WARRlNElt I i -; -KiTTKB. IXWK A CO. i 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade bMg. I " . I HAVK APPRAI8ED 1 ' THOUSANDS OF HOMES and claim this is one of the beat houne values .n the market today. A full $0x100 lot. just x-ast of Union a ve. and an 8 room, vary sub stantial borne, attractive line, electricity and cas, best white enamel plumbing, fixtures, artis I ic light fixtures; baa 0 . bedrooms. Just ra tmted and painted; neat as a pin. Very easy terms. Must be sold by Thursday.' Bee J FRANK Ic. McGUIKS. r ). To Buy Your Home. .AWniton bidg. - ' Main 8166. Main 1069, I . $500 CASH. J ' A BEAUTIFUL HOME. ? W. have photo of this 2 -story bungalow. This bouse bar 7 rooms; 1 bedroom down aad 2 upper floor; bath down and extra toilet and lava tory up; oak floors; big fireplace, furnace ; i builtin bookcases; massive buffet; Dutch kitchen; i paid. The price of this fine home is $4350. Kur autos will take you out.. ,COE A. MeKENNA CO. Main 4522. I 82 4th st.., Board of Trade Bldg. MOVE RIGHT IN $1000 DOWN $1000 Semi-bungalow, A rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet; full cement basement, furnace, corner rot. all paved sta. in and paid, nice lawn and h robbery. Owner bow moving out and leaving city. You can be first. 1'rice $4000; terms C. A. WARKXXEB , BITTER. LOWE CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg, 1 AIBERTA CAR $2275. - Say. Mr. Bars sin Hunter, let us show you the best buy in this city. A fine big borne of S rooms, living room, dining room, den, kitchen and pantry down and 6 bedrooms and bath upper floor; big dry basement, wash trays. The house has been newly painted and is in- fine condition. Just think of baying this home for $2275. If you can pay $650 cash sea this Quick. COB A. MeKENNA A CO. 62 4th rt, Board of Trade Bldg. Main 4522. 6-ROOM HOUSE AUTO AS PART ' PAYMENT ci - roost modern house, on West Side, ' block to 23rd at, car. This property is worth $4000, but can 'sell ft tor $8000 and accept good' light machine for part and some cash. Machine must be good. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 800 Oak St, Broadway 4188. BARGAINS! BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS I ' ' Client wants ns to sell 10 homes close in. near 2Sth and E. Stark sta., $1700, $1750, $1850. $1000, $1800, $1800. $1800. $1950, $2000, $2000. J 5 and 6 rooms, in fine condition, street im provements all in and. paid. Bath, gas, electric ligMa. full eement basement, wash trays. Just think of buying a home like this for $1700. First come get first pick. Easy terms. Photos st office. J. A. WICKMAN CO..' Main 1094. 204 Ry. ExcK BMg. $4250 ROSE CITY BARGAIN $4250 room, very substantial, attractive home on the Alameda; hea -reception hall, clothes closet with full mirror; living room with plate rail, beamed ceiling; massive buffet; hardwood floors; ertistio light fixtures: white enamel Dutch kitchen; whit porcelain fixtures; full cement basement and laundry trays; 8 bedrooms on second floor with sleeping porch. Terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIBE, To Buy Your Home. Amnttoa bldg. Main 6166, Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sundays.- - THE McGUIRE SYSTEM - ' make' name buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts; every one has been appraised; 10 automobiles at your serv ice. See . FRANK L. " McGTJIRE. : To Buy Your Homsu AUngtoa bldg. Main 5156. Main 1068. Offioe open evenings and Sundays. IAMI0RNE, $3250 ; Here m ono of the niftiest, classiest Bttle bun e slows yon ever saw. Hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases. buffet, attio. Dutch kitchen with canopy ever range, cement basement, wash trays, etc Let us show you. A. O. TEEPB CO, S64 Stark St. near 8d. Main 8092. Main 851$. STOP. PAYING RENT? , S?rLJHr- ' ""Uder, we will sell you a nice, level buflding lot on payments as low as $6 a month. Pitch your tent or build a shack or umall house and pay rent to yourself. - We wiU eil you lumber for your bouse on easy pay menta. Come tn and talk it over. COB A. MeKENNA eV CO.. Main 4522 82 4th st.. Board of Trade BMg. PIEDMONT HOME " ' ! $600 CASH: $500 9 rooms, fuH cement basement, furnace, paved ts. in and paid. : 1 blk. from ear, nice lawn, fruit and Uirubbery. Trice $4000; terms that beat renting; C A- WARRINER . TrrTtrw Tiimui. cn "-'-?:!-. wa v a ms"i v v ar m w.jrs 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bMg. JS00. $100 CASH 6 -room house and close t 40x100 kit, 11 blocks to Fremont station. Mt - Scott car. Make the payment and move in; vacant now. - Frd Spear,-. 5tb, are. and i'Tth at. Tabot . -V '. t u ii bau-v room- modern Rouse, large sleep ing porch and garage, full sised lot and bear ir. fruit trees, 100 feet from cnrline; price '4 000, terms; would consider trade for acreage. I hone Columbia 748. A SNAP FOR QUICK SALE $3,750. 7 -room modern home, bearing fruft -es, close to grammar and high school. Terms, i )one owner, Woodlawn . 371 or call 248 Sharer street. - :' ia im ' - " : S 5 TTTSJWN,.. $15 MONTHLY; PRICB $1050 Buys neat 8 room cettase, dose in. Union avenue, n paved streeti -city water. Fred W. i;rmu Co., 782 Cham. - of Comm. Open 6 KCMJM botm, sleeping porch, built in buffet, Wrrem downstairs full cement basement. 32d near Hawthorne. Tabor 2051. .. V. , FOR SALE By owner, desirable house aad lo cation, 3S0O: $2500 cash, balance on time. intds E. 80th N. V E.ST SIDE -home, lot 30x100, 6 room modern house, full basement and a garage, for $2850, MMt down. By-owner. 470 N. 23d at. jHiitf HOSE CITY PAFK 5" room modern - bungalow, easy terms; must sell. DUBOIS. 604 ejieiOing bldg. TEWS REAL ESTATE FOB. MALE HOUSES 81 8200 $200 $20 $200 $200 $200 - CASH $2m - ARTISTIC 'ALBERTA BrNOALOW AHTISTI0 ALBERTA '' BT'NGALOW . 1088 East 28th t. North v ' 1088 East 28th St. North. S large light atry rooms, concrete foundation, cement basement and laundry trays, best white enamel plumbing, choice electric fixtures built' ins. Dutch kitchen, lO-foot alley, a real clean home among choice houses,; block Alberta car, stores, etc. No debt. JTJST FAT $200 CASH, BAL. MONTHLY NOW VACANT FOR YOL'B CONVEN IENCE YOU WILL ORAB THIS. , PRICE $2800. . OPEN FOR INSPECTION ALL DAT THAT WILL BK ENOUGH BK FIRST. TAKE ALBERTA CAR TO 28TH ST. -THEN JCST BLOCK SOUTH. .2038 EAST 28TH N- $1800 ADJOINING LAURELHUHST $1800 $200 DOWN VACANT Here is your one opportunity to buy an at tractive, artistic little bungalow, close in; why. it's just west of Laurelbunt. 1 block to the car and practically new; good ; cement basement, white enamel plumbing. Dutch - kitchen, paved St., sewer and sidewalk all in and paid in full; vacant; only $200 down, entire balance like rent; no mortgage, no liens; fractional lot,, but it's walking eUsUnee. Look at this teday. See FRANK L. McGUIBE, : To Buy -Your Home. AMngton bldg. Main 5156. Mam 1068. Office open evenings ana nnnaaya. ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Rose City Park district, paved street (paid). lost off the Alameda. Brand sew and splen didly built, living room, reception hall, fire place, built-in book cases, nice, light, airy dining . room, hardwood floors. 2 nice bed rooms and bath, large enclosed sleeping porch, full cement basement, stationary - tubs, attic, nice 50x100 lot. This is - a very nice, new modern home and very desirable in every way. Price $3600; $600 cash and $40 monthly to reliable bnyer. Now ready to move into. THE CBOSSLEY-VIGARS CO. 270 Stark st. Main 8052. CASH SACRIFICE u -,' - ' . $4500 , - Choice location of Rose ' City district, 1 V4 bill a. N. of Sandy bird., modern to the minute, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, all bed R, sleeping P. bath and kitchen finished in white enamel, good sise living R, dining R, and hall, with hardwood floors, built-in writing desk, book cases and buffet, fireplace, fall cement base ment, furnace, wash trays, woodlift, fruit cup boards, paved sts. in and paid. C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of - Trade bMg. BUILDERS. NOTICE I If yon are not makinc money in eood chunks, yon had better see me at once. - If yon bare a few hundred dollars and know how to build a house. I will furnish the lot and get yen a good building loan. Never such a enanee in Portland before. Oome oat to Laurelhurst . today. Office - E. 2Sth and Glisan , sta. If H. DELaHUNTT. Tabor 8438, or evenings East 2086 $1400 5 ROOMS. $40CASH $1400 Good condition throuehoat. plastered, bath room toilet, screen porch, 50x100 lot. room for garden, chickens, etc; on Slit at $2500 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2800 " Good B room 'hmis. nwlv naintjMf K.tK -toilet, full basement, on 23d St.. 2 blocks from xxawtnome. ave. ; gooa terms. ' TUCKER A SHRECK. 602 Spalding bldg. ROSE CITY PARK 8 Rooms " Garage $4800 Must be sold this week. Here truly is a wonderful bungalow right no to the minute in every respect. SDlandidlv located within 1 16 blocks from Sandy. Hardwood floors, fireplace. r ox rornace. Beautiful buffet. French doors be tween living and dining rooms. Probably never again an opportunity like tnia. V A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 8092. Main 8516. Mrancn PUtce, Both and Sandy. WEST MT. iTABOR ' . $3500 ; 8 rooms with hardwood floors, fireolace. buffet cement basement, furnace, etc.: beautiful corner lot, $100 bonded assessments; located on 50th it. Let ns show yon. A. O. TEEPE CO 264 Stark St. near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3516. 9 ROOM practically modern house, in Sunny- side district, - full cement basement, paved streets, at a low price of $2350 and very easy terms. room modern bungalow, comsletetr Tar nished. Price $2500. 0 room strictly modern bune-alow. enmnletelv furnished. Price $3300. - NEW YORK LAND CO.. 808-8 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 7676. NICE LITTLE BUNGALOW $2300 850A cash. $25 monthly, burs dandy little bungalow, double constructed, den and glassed in sleeping porch, 10 or' 12 assorted fruit trees, elecant berries.- currants, anranea. Inlaid linn- leum in kitchen and bathroom, glass frames for i rone porcn. unis Is a complete little borne and we ask that yon call at office and see photo. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of iom. crpen evening and Sundays. THE isVGTrmic hvatfu' ' makes home buying easy, i You can come to , v. i aa . . , . , um miiw sau see oyer ouu pnotograpns oi no roes for Sale. SmnMl itl .tint Vint . v. . . been appraised; 10 automobiles' at your service. on FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 6150. Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sundays. f7- ROSE CITY PARK ' 8 Rooms, Breakfast Nook $3850 .Located in. the paved district of Rose City with all assta. paid. Exceptionally large Hying room with large plate glass window, fireplace, buffet, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, eement basement, etc. $600 cash will handle. Let us show you. -I. A. G. TEEPB CO. 264 Stark at near 3d. Main 8092, Main 3616, Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Pftpn ,iii,iw .W .kivoisi v x r Ait A Five, room modern bungalow, 1 H blocks to Sandy road, on paved street This bungalow has all modern conveniences and can . be han dled on favorable terms. PRICE $8800.00. SEE MR. BROWN, With Paul C. Murphy. Sales Agent - 270 Stark st Mala 1700. or evenings Tabor 69. . COOK AVE. BARGAlyN Well built 6-room house, good cement base ment furnace, macadam sta. in and paid, abt i0 -ft . from Williams ave. carUne. Price $3500; terms. . C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, IiOWE dc CO. 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK nungaiow g 3 500 Within 1 block of Sandy. rooms with hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet cement basement furnace, large attic, garage. Now rented for $40 monthly. This is a genuine bargain. A. G. TEEPB CO. 264 Stark st near Sd. . Main 8092. Main 8516. Itranah fMM.. gl a " susuivu yumvy, U f UI .QQ DetTta jT. $2600 Beautiful bungalow, only 1 block to oar: 5 rooms, bath, gas, electric lights, hard wood floors, buffet Dutch kitchen, full basement furnace. Let ns show you. s, . WICKMAN CO., Main 1094. 204 Rv. Eirh KM. $675, Terms $200 Down ' 8 ROOM HOUSE AND 2 ROOM HOUSE And 1 lot 60x100 ft., sidewalks and sewer in. fruit trees, 2 blocks from M. V. ear. 82 E. 67th at W. Terms, $10, per month. Phone Tabor 8196. . , $2300 " " Small payment down, remainder like rent will pnt you in modern room home one 'T f : comer lot lawn, berries, roses, beautiful view, large sunny room, fireplace, gas, electricity, excellent plumbing: eement basement: some furniture for sale, phone Sea 1978. NEAR AT.TtlTTt'ra iranAr ' Roomy S rm. house, cone rets foundation and basement bath and toilet electric lights, full lot 10 or 12 bearing fruit trees. Price $1275; $250 cash, $20 monthly. . Fred W. German Oo.. 732 Chamber of Com. Open ereninaa and Sundays. . -. ... .. .- . ... f . ... . ' . .. (V, 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, $200 CASH ' f Near Hawtbome car and school, 5-room bunea w, wood shed, chicken house, fruit trees. The price of this pretty- place is only $160O. Pay $200 cash. See picture at our office. i V , ,..COK A, MeKENNA CO. Main 4882: 82 4th st. Board of Trade BMg. ? 8UNNTSIDE BUNGALOW Five rooms with brick pillars, fireplace, floored attic, peneled dining room, eement base ment b trays, beautiful lawn and rosea. O'J SALE 6 room modern bungalow, clear incumbrance. blocka north of Monta- Tlll".v?JrU?8- $2500. $500 down. baL $25 TabotOO iatmmL 80 - oo- 'vERY SELECT 6 ROOM HOME " IRVING V H?TE SXi " HO5St 'AND ?V a Ji? !HlsH- CRT8TAL GLASS. FINK . FIREPLACE ; FI'RNAry 1IA8EMENT. EAST 578. - WKTrnVa V ACE' house VooT'Li? ',0tC-, "0m h- ch-k" a rV 1 block Pd road, for a 6035?" yUaim' . 8032 2i T- Tabor 60S0; - i T?',,J - ph Tabor $S50 BUxS 8 room bungalow, west side- glio bal", $15 perootn. If E. Le2 80n Corbett bMg. AM leaving city and want to eell my tmZ . .bungalow.. 6 rooms and sleeping poreh. strict -ly modern, now vacant. , Call jMmj s o6 CEMENT block toungslow, Hawthorne " distrfcC at a. bargain, by owner. Must be seen to be PBracotea. H-602, Journal. , ; REAL f STATI FOB SALE HOUSES $1 ' ; S2700,': .-Terms IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Rose city ear; five room modern bungalow, Urge lot. fruit, shrubbery, garage. ; ; 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, 2 LOTS - NonResident - Order hi bungalow sold. Has made a price that will move it: $7000 worth for $5500.. See about this at once. E. E. DARING,: : 284 OAK. MAR. 756. A NEW PLAN ' Under my plan you can build a new home exactly what you want, 'to cost no more than a ready-built home. I want you to see Walnut Park, Portland's ehoiceHt restricted , residence district, before baying elsewhere.; No better lo cation for a home in the city. Choice 50x100 lots, with alley at 25 per cent - reduction on former price. Paved streets, paid fur, five .car line, Jefferson high school, public library; in fact, an ideal residence location in every way. Many are building in Walnut Park, why not your . -.. . i. , -.. ' Call today and talk it over." Open Sundays and evenings by appointment. Office 1 140 Union ave N. Mood lawn 8804. W. M. KILLINOSWORTH. Owner. 6 ROOM modern bungalow, corner lot Monta- Ula district Price $2350. ' -: 7 room modern bungalow, Hawthorne car Hoe. Price $2250. . 6 room modern bungalow, with garage, lot 65x102, lots of fruit and berries aad garden. Price $2800 - v , - 6 room strictly modem bungalow, .fireplace, furnace beat, all built-in effects. Price $2750. 6 room modern bungalow, fireplace, furnace heat. Price $3850. , . . These are all nice places and well located, and on easy term. NEW YORK LA WD CO.. 803-5 Stock Exchange Bldg.-- Main 7676. MODERN HOME On 64 st at southeast A 6 room modern heme with fireplace, furnace heat, full base ment wash trays, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffer, big sleeping porch, 100x100 lot with fruit trees, chicken house and garage. - This u a Tiict- country home.- right in town. The price is $3600;. $1000 cash, balance long time. COE A. M'KENNA eV CO - Main 4522. 82 4th at. Board o' Trade BMg. " Fine Large Bungalow WOODSTOCK CAR 6 rooms, large floored attic, extra large living and . dining mora, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, highly improved 60x100 lot with fruit and gar den planted, lovely lawn, roses in abundance; can use vacant lot next to it; 4 blocks car. 2 blocks school; price only $2800. on terms; let us show you this. Open Evenings GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 TEON BLDG. w 1 HOMES. We have a 'large number of good house buys; aorae are now being completed. They range in Prices from $1000 np. Before buying, tt will be to your advantage to call at our office and get particulars. . , Hn Evenings and Sundays. r Stanley S. Thompson Co, 302 Oak. Automobile Hirst ? . . Payrrjent ": r ' 7 room double constructed residence, 4 blocks Woodlawn car, dose to school. Thia is a fine, TObetanttal. modem home; fine lot with fruit trees; will take automobile in aa part of first payment; full price only $2!SO0; ask ns about it Open Evenings GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10O7 TEON BLDG. 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch $3950 Here is a rare bargain. The owner Is anxious k Ak Quick sale. Hardwood floors, fireplace. P""'1?1 dining room, Dutch kitchen with oreaaiact nook, eement basement, furnace, etc. The price a very low. Quick action absolutely necessary. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark st near 3d. Main 30S2. Main 3516. Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. J1075 PENINSULA PARK $1075 " Here s a happy ending to home hunting. S room cottage-bungalow, large rooms, bath and KoViong.'I,d.vPlJlm.bin to kitchen, beautiful 60x100 tot with fruit and berries; 8 blocks to St Johns car. 8 to Ockley Green achooL Very easy terms. . . Open Evenings. ' t GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW ' : 83Z0O -6 room modem bungalow. 5 rooms down. 1 up; attic, fireplace. fuH eement base ment wash trays, billiard room, fully equipped in basement; driveway, but no . v.tujciii aii . in ana paia. x erms. - , J. A. WICKMAN CO.. V Msin 1094. 211a H, fc-,-v. .xm I5CS,H 5 room- Plastered, close-in, at 5 7 Br,nnt. near.82d. on S. 8. csrline: paving and sewer paid; newly painted and pa pered; latest modem new plumbing, electric lights, gas hot and cold water, fine bathr priee is astonishingly low, I know, for a well Con structed 2 story house; $1875, $20 monthly; vacant' See it and plume owner. Tabor 854 tpn-noons. -e iWM, UlUO II Block -Mt.' Tabor-Car 8 .BOOMS, EAST MORRISON ST. i n. oom;,idble constructed, bath, Dutch kitchen, buUt-in buffet, full cement bsment, lanndry trays; beautiful 50x100 lot, fruit trees and bernes; garden aU in; $3150, terms. ,. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bHg NEAR UNION AND KILLINGSWORTH - 6 Rooms snd Large Attio J3150 Tn owner ham tlimut . . - ,, . . - . . . i h.tj iut numeoutie sale. Ton would never dream it possible to buy i .i "X. rauoa ior so utue money; $500 cash will handle. ' . . G. TEEPE CO. , 264 SUrk St. near 3d. Main 3092. Main 8316 gl ASA HAUVLMr - , t-V V . ..v... .... .-v tldou 8-room house, good basement full lot garage, ii'f!? brn- Pred sts.. close to Union ave. and Williams ave. car. $650 cash will handle. WATCH OUR ADS. UK GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE et CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. f " ROSE CITY PARK "' B Rooms and Sleeping Porch $8750 .Out-of-town owner writes ns to sell at once. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, 5em"ri' , basement furnace, etc Located on beautiful Alameda drive. Liberal terms. ' A. G. TEEPE CO. : i 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3092, Main 3518. Branch Office. Both and Sandy. It ffnAUfl A v nra TTFaa v w, a .v. . u, I frontage on macadamized street 4 blocks to ear ami fin au-hw,l . -..., ij cash. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open evenings and Sunday. ' Ivssn , MUST SELL AT ONCE T w -mww.u, Mu. conwr, vxusan near Laurelhurst away under value. Price includes PV'meS,t "WT. tc-S ome terms. See owner. COUNTRY home in the city; 1 acre, modem 7- ,.Toom ww.SSSH ft of paving paid for. all included. Prina 1KSAA syo j'T v... ' like rent ' Ml"ace FRANK U McGUIRE. Abington bldg. i PAi?Tl ?. room' aemi-modern. Dutch kitchen. But if you have 7 50 cash, yon may have the Wiikj for $2000 on terms. Main 1648 Mutual Realty Co.. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg FOB SALE LOTS 16 FINi? if"in rsiaence lot restricted district wiiiv.u.uia - aurronnaea oy. good homes; take light auto a part payment ' Neal """j, v i i ana ma nag ACRES , -acre. .Alberta car. Kennedy school; , gvel and sightly; easy terms. Main jq-a; mr. ary. i;i . w. Bank bldg. LOT for sale in St Johns (bargain!. 50x1 OO". Owner" .J tTT ,-X?' FOR SALE -By owner. 50x100 lot on St . -" nne; wiu take idberty loan "NINE 25x106 lots. E. 90th andTSacr'amento; ' aauigeg X BUUr ttf VO, LOT FOR SALE. 26 HrHilingsworth. 1076 E . -lath st. N. Phone Woodlawn 3698. 'w7,5"0813 01X1 NEAR SANDY" BLVD. " Bplendid tocaUon; impts. paid.Tabor 6559. 2 LOTS in G91 ave. at 67th st SB;" for sale"; price $500; by owner at 7224 65th ave. SE ACREAGE FOR SALE, or trade for ranch; good S room r . -"- -7 icm b cultivation; imu Lnd,b,,T,e- t Oak Grove. Or. Terms. H. H. Milliren. . .,- 1 fcSH ttKW Hmits, Erroll eution. rewir w pianr; 1 1 on very easy terms. Phone . Miller, Sell wood FIVE acres in high state of cultivation. 25 nini"wste"rr $250to7rn W. R. CQLWAY. 626 Chamber" of Commerce, . . DABNEY PARK ' For beautiful noma sits, on olumbla River rtgn- WaV. - Hew 1 IkKiM. Inn.,..., . - J EW 4 room houe, large living room, aUracf -tve acre 2 blocks from station.- Price and terms reasonable. Owner. Msin 6295. I HA E a number of H -acre ami' a re tracts m desirable location. Fred Spear. 0Ui ave. Ut et, & Jk. Xaboc .887. HEAL ESTATE ACREAGE $7 SNAP . 40 acres, $25 per. acre green grass, living water. t ALL TEAR - -" ' ' ' " TERMS . -. ' , Between two riighwsys. water, rail and aula tnuteportation. Close to live town. Work plentiful, good wages. If interested, make ar rangements . today to examine tomorrow, . - STEARNS. Mam 3517. , 202 Wilcox bldg. Sixth and Washington. .I. ' CLOSFS TN. ACREAGE One or more acres, at Oak Grove. Oregon City Jine, 11c fare, all good land, paved road, gas. electric . lights, only 8 miles from court house, 25 minutes out, Price -B00 per acre. Easy terras. See Brooks, with John - Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. - - 10 ACRES, located 1 miles from Boring, ' Or. Road paved or graveled all the way from Portland. 16 miles from courthouse. All the land can be cultivated, 2 acres under culti vation, house, bam, chicken house, well. Price $1250, $250. gee Davis, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bHg, , PRTTNR t,AVT ------ . ' ' 10 H acres.' located mile from electric aiaxion, uiarae county, w asbington. Center of Pne district All under cultivation: county road. Price $1400. very easy terms.. See Davis, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bklg. This property is only 14 miles from Portland. SUBURB AK ACREAGE 7C HEBE IT 13 . THE VEST SNAP YOU ARE ' LOOKING FOR 12 acres, improved, house, barn, orchard, only 12 miles oat paved road, $3500 if sold quick. Will take vacant lot in residence district . ' MITCHELL A BJPPET 205 Gerlinger bldg. Main 2534. SUBURBAN HOMES 7 MULTNOMAH STATION : 0 ONEHALF ACRE ' ' 'All is high state of cultivation, with a dandy 5 room house, with a fine attiic; good little barn, woodshed, chicken house and yard, good well and Iota of bearing fruit and berries. PRICE ONLY $2000. Part cash and terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 809 Oak St.- Broadway 4133. OREGON CITY LINE ONETHIRD : ACRE, ; ; JPRICE $3000 ' This la a fine piece of ground, all in high state of cultivation, with a fine 6 room bunga low woodshed, chicken house and yard, fine well and lota of bearing fruit and berries; 8Vs cent carfare; $1000 cash, balance terms. -RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., S09 Oak St, Broadway 4133. MR, AND MRS. HOMESEEKER Why not own a nice little suburban home where yon can raise your own garden, fruit, vegetables, chickens, etc -I have some beautiful half acre and acre and two to five -acre homes with 'modem bungalows and residences . on them with gas, electric lights, hath.-toilet and all mod em conveniences, and good car service. J. B. HOLBHOOK, 214-215 Panama bldg. BETWEEN 82D AND GRESHAM 665 acres. 400 cleared, balance rough pas ture land. 2 good houe. spring water, 3 bams, bng and chicken house, silo and farm improvements, an abundance of fruit; will sell alt or part Phone East 3408. 655 East; r.umside st A BEAUTIFUL 3-room bungalow, gas4 elec tricity. Bull Run "water, city school. 3 blocks from Multnomah station. 15 minutes out on Oregon Electric $1500, $300 down, balance easy terms. Phone Main 4253. 5-ROOM cottage, lot . 120x200, located at Os- wego; city water; part fenced. Small amount down, balance like rapt. 227 N. 23d st GOOD house and 6' lots with splendid orchard. in Gladstone, 1' block from carUne, close to school. James Petty, Gladstone. FOR SALE FARMS 17 FARMS . . SO ACRES ...$5000 4C ACRES 4200 20 ACRES 1450 80 ACRES 6000 lO ACRES 800 1 ACRE 450 1 ACRE ....................... 760 20 ACRES .... ........ ... 3000 Terms on all these places. In good condi tion, good bouses and improvement'! li:s cloee to Sandy, Or.; good roads; creamery; no rot-k; auto service to Portland. Take Estucada ear, 1st and Alder. Get off Boring. Call George Beers. Sandy. Win meet you, show you these places. George Beers. Sandy. Or. $5000 RANCH FOR $3000 - 40 acres, about 15 acres in cult, new well-built 6-room house that could hardly be duplicated for $1800; large bam, running creek and springs located in the celebrated Che latchie prairie, 1 H miles from Amboy, Wash., a little town with 2 creameries. This is a perfectly wonderful little home .ranch. It is in a-splendid location and is the cheapest thing in farm lands we have ever seen, half cash, balance 5 years. Don't fail to see this. Photos at office ofvFred W. German A Co., 732 Cham. of Commerce. Open evenings and Sundays. 36 ACRES, 18 acres in-yearoldYroman strain English walnuts, with peaches, apples and prunes for fillers ; some cherries, grapes, plums and berries; good 6 room bungalow, bam. woodshed and machine shed, buildings new; fine well, tower and tank. Trees are all loaded; peaches will bring $ 1 000 this year; 6 miles from Newberg on good gravel road, close to school. Investigate. This price will bear it - HESGARD REALTY CO.. Main 6030. 614 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. st. FOR SALE 163 acres dairy ranch, 30 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber, about $6000 of good timber, farm land level, balance rolling; 7 milch, cows, 6 1-year-old heifers, 1 Durham bull. 40 goata. 8 head hogs, goats and hogs can be registered: good build ings. 1 engine and feed cutter, grain drill, fan ning mill, cream separator and crop. 2 miles from town, 4 from station ; good rock road. This is a bargain for $11,500; time on part at 6. if wanted. Write or see R, A. Scott. Scio. Or. , Near Clatskanie Only $ E0 ' Per Acre 1 - 320 acres of logged off land, 1 mile of high way, deep, rich soil: no rock or gravel; running water: 2.000.000 feet good timber: 1 mile of 2 logging companies. The timber will more than pay for trie land. Don t fail to investigate RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 OAK ST. . - BROADWAY 4133. FOR SALE 20 acres, mile south of Slfton. Wash,, 7 miles from Vancouver, 17 acres cleared, 3 acres pasture, 8 acres beaverdam, 2 acrea in onions, 2 Vs acres in carrots, balance in corn, hay, and all other garden vegetables, fam ily orchard and berries. Two sets of buildings, also farming implements. C. L. Shaver, Sifton, Wash. $2500 BARTON FARM $2500 40 A., SO A. tillable, 14 A. cultivated, bal ance brush, some cordwood timber. 2 houses, old bam. 80 prune - trees, partly equipped, 1 Vt miles from station on main county road, $800 cash, balance to suit Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. - of Com. bldg. 892 ACRE stock and dairy farm, on Yaquina river, Lincoln county; -stocked and equipped. For sale cheap, or would exchance for Portland or suburban property. Owner will be here for few days. 606 Railway Exchange bldg. Phone Marshall 2082 STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 40 acres, good house, large bam. assortment fruit, team' young mares, wagon, harness, two good eows, all farm, implement, an uus year a crop, $3150; good terms. Draper, 626 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. :. BARGAIN $250 per acre, 15 acres, 1 mile southwest of Oswego, 8 miles from Portland, on county road, in good cultivation, n acres tn crop, 10 large apple trees; terms. Further in formation, see L. M. Davidson, owner, box $4. It F. D. No. 1. Oswego, Or. , 24 ACRE prune, pear and cherry orchard in - Salem district estimated crop produced last year over $4000; being adjacent, to V canneries, packing plants, fruit juice factories assures good markets. House and lot will be acceitted aa part payment See owner. 218 Lumbermen's bldg. " $100 DOWN. $13 MONTHLY ' 10' acres of rich bottom land, all in cultiva tion, good six shack. 1 M miles from Talbot station, on Oregon Electric. Total price $1200. Fred W German Co.. 732 Chamber of Com merce. Open evenings and Snndavs. - - 26 y ACRES, all in cultivation. No. 1 soil. , 9 acres in clover, good buildings, creek runs by barn, no incumbrances, located Vi mile east of Beaverton. on Canyon road. Inquire 666 East Washington st. Portland. Or. Owner. 1120 ACRES wheat and stock farm, . 1000 plowed and mil frm 'tation, "cbooL 'tore, R R. end eonnty road through place. S50 a in . crop. $6000 outfit all for $30 per a. J. M. Edmunaon, Gwendolen, Or. ':- . 1 040 ACRES Clarke Co.. Washington. $10 per - acre; terms. M A you -. do not want to buy this place rent it; will sell stock and equip ment This in a good proposition. : t IL. A H. Realty Co., 615 Swetland Bldg. " 27 ACRES., about. 11 acea cleared, good er - chard, fine fruit, chicken - and farm - prop osition, near Oregon City, j $3000. $20041 ex change for house and bt'M. Jwnal. - - f WALNUTS AND PRUNES Come in and see me about thent ' Also farms of all sixes. Hesrard Realty Co.. Main 6030. 614 Swetland hldg. 6th and Wash st 4 ROOM house, sleeping porch. ' $800; easy terms. 404 Railway Exchange. " FARM for sale, cheap, near Dallaa, on gravel road, railroad, etc. - M. F. I. Dallas, Irr. $10,000-FARM, 18 miles Portland; paved highways . wun $20,000. Stiiwood 1102. REAL EST ATX FOB SALE FAHMb 17 10OO ACRE valley (arm, about 80 miles scutli of Portland. Or. ; tin good farming district, S miles from station on 8. P. and 4 V nxilea from good town; good- auto road, vhone. mail . and milk route,, school across the road; well fenced with woven wire; -watered by streams and springs, spring water piped to buildings; 700 acres tillable, 30O fine timber, about 10.000.000 feet; 30O cultivated, half of , this bottom land, more land easily cleared, about 400 open pas tare, fine orchard, good . -room, hoose, also smaller hoose, large barn and other outbuildings, well equipped with vehicles, farm implements and small tools. - 5 horses, 60 head of cattle, 500 fine ewes and lambs. This is a going farm, not out in the hills, but right fn a good com munity. Price including ah crops, stock and implements, $65,000; can nuke good terms, The timber and personal property on this place are worth . at least $20,OOA. Call or write Neal Brown. 207 Panama bldg.. Portland, Or. Wheat - and Alfalfa .- Farm RiUrille, Wash.. 480 acres. 200 wheat. 200 summer fallowed. 80 acres coulee with rich bottom, 10 acres alfalia, 30 more ready for alfal fa, lota of springs for irrigating, good buildings, improvements, cost $8000. interest in com bine, one third of wheat and all. hay goes if sold before June 20. 1919. Price 850 per acre. "84700 cash, balance to suit; can make it 12 years. j . - ' . 2 dairy farms near Portland, both A-l. fully stocked with fine grade cows. Bee me for part iculars. Herman Peper. 607 'Buchanan bldg. Main 5176. . $50 DOWN. $12.00 MONTHLY Fine, level 20 AA tract of nnimproved land. t miles from Hillsbore; $87.50 per acre; fine soil, running stream, good aback. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Open evenings and Sunday. s FOB RENT FA RMS 14 10 ACRES, good 5 room bouse, 4th st Electric, $50 per year. 859 E. 10th st N. TIMBER 28 WANTED to buy A tract of timber for a Louisiana lumber company, 100,000.000 to 1.000,000.000 feet; price must be right Z- 8. Journal. WANTED Contract ta cut cordwood by the cord. If yon have 200 cords or more on fair ground, address O. R. Bonsteel, -314 ' Re serve st, Vancouver, Wash. ' No phone. " EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 5 .ROOM plastered bouse, oath, toilet. lights. cement basement, lot 100x100, all kinds of fruit and berries; value $3500; wants acreage, home near Portland. Gearhart cottage, 5 rooms completely fur nished. 40x100 lot in the trees; wants bun galow in Portland; will assume. Near Amboy, Wash., 40 acres on good road, 5 acres . in cultivation. ' 10 more easily cleared, some creek bottom land, all fenced, 8 room house, bam and woodshed; wants Port land home; will assume. FRED W. GERMAN CO. 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg,. Open evenings and Sundays. FOB SALE or exchange 11 acres farm land; 7 acres improved more or less ; good new bam, fine water, all fenced, 3 miles north Camas, Wash., on Fern Prairie road: to be sold on ac count of sickness and old age, or will exchange for house and lot tn Portland, Or. Address Dennis Murphy, Camas. Wash., R. F. D. route No. 1, box 63. 320 A. WHEAT RANCH, $21,000 Near Goldendale, Wash. ; 2 houses, bams, windmill; also spring on place: 25 A. alfalfa; good fences, fine soil, on good road, V mile off paved highway. This place will bear closest tn vestigation; lialf cash, baL terms. Will consider small place- in Willamette valley on part Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. WANT ranch or Portland property for Califor nia - bungalow, 6 rooms, modem, large lot facing two streets; abundance berries, some fruit garage; finest view San Francisco and all cities on bay; clear. $5 O00; will aasume. Y-806-, Journal. FOR SALE or trade by owner, a good home, also 13 acres under cultivation and some choice lots in Ocean Park, Wash.; will consider automobile, piano, or any article of value I can use. S. S. Slingerland, 460 E. Da via at WANTED- To exchange 1st class automobile for 5 or room modem home in good location; will give baL in cash. Pries must be right. Call 625 Aider at.' between 16th and 17th. 11 ACRES of land up the Columbia and lots. R. C. P. district; not incumbered, for house equity or first payment on house. E. H. FITZGIBBON, Owner. 401 Board of Trade. FOR SALE or trade by owner, a good home, also 1 3 acrea under cultivation and some choice lots in Ocean Park, Wash. ; will consider automobile, piano or any article of value I can use. 8. S. Slingerland. 46Q E. Da via st. TRADE or sell 3 lots. 3 room house, chicken - bouse, good soil, 1 block to pared road, for a. o room bungalow 8032 4 2d ave. S. E. Tabor 5085. 25 ACRES. 16 timber, lO cleared, all level. alswie Hood rveri; esay terms; consider ex change for suburban cottage. Particulars by owner. W. Gordon,- Tingley. Iowa. IF you are looking for Rose City bargains in bungalows call M. 7981. eve. T. 5319, : CORNER lot in Albany, Or., worth $56oTWiii trade for light car. Call 48 N. 10th at WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 HOUSE selling is my specialty. Your house will be given proper attention. Now is the time to list. I have buyers waiting. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bidg WE are doing the biggest business in our 23 years experience in this city. If yon have listed your house with others without results, try us. We wont disappoint you. COE A. MeKENNA A CO. 82 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE several clients who want high class city homes- from $10,000-to $25,000; must be strictly class A property. C. H. WOODWARD. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Hldg. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 300 bouses in the last year. If you want action, see us. t Fred W. tteroun Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce- Open Sundays and evenings. " - I HAVE customer wanting from 10 to 20 acres in bearing prune and English walnuts. Must be priced right Write me. HESGARD REALTY CX. Main 6930. 614 Swetland Bklg.. 5th and Wash. Sta. WASTED Small house and lot or 2 lots in good district; auto and some cash as . first payment; must be clean and in good repair and priced right. 1014 E. Z2d st N. WANTED A 6 or 7 room bouse, to $5000 will give lot and some cash as first payment. W. A. Wright 417 Abington bldg. Sellwood 1366. Main 6988. Main SD t WANTED Five room modem house and hase- ' ment improved streets. St Johns electric pay cash or part cash ami acreage; cash price lo"t or giooii u-Mi jonmu. CASH for improved 2 to 5 acre place con : venient to city. A. K. HILL, 214 Lumhermena hide. WANTED A small house and lot; good 40 acre farm as first payment Phone Main 1066 after 6 p. m. mm rni ca iw ujouviii ouiissjuw. i wee I from : owner. Not over 83200. Woodlawn OBIT DON'T WOBRI 1 can sell ' or trade anything anywhere. Layman. 147 Park st. G. CL OOLDENBERO can sell your rrrooertv. Abington bldg.. Main - 4808. "35 ' years in Portland." IF you are looking for Rose City bargains in bungalows call M. 7931, eve. T. 681 9. ROOMIiro HOUSES , - SI Big Furniture Sale THE A STOR HOME COMES DOWN Forced Sale of Furniture THURSDAY ALL DAY "251 BROADWAY. CORNER MADISON . FINE STUFF, ALL OF IT. Now is the time for you to get what yon need way under prices asked elsewhere. Thursday. 10 a. m. and all day. $300 $25 rent ' 7 rooms. 8 furnished: 2 .unfur nished ; rented $12: right down town. Magoon. 431-Chamber of Commerce bldg. . 33 H. K. ROOMS. Income $214. rent $40; price $1250. Phone East 8829. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 26 BAKERY for sale; fully equipped, doing a o good business; 2 5-room flata above; modem; also a good place for a grocery store. G-44, Jouraa FOR SALE Fruit and vegetable stand. Apply New Central Market atall 9. 4 th and lam- hfll sts. tOH SALE About 0O grocery stock. Land- . lord will arrange living rooms in rear. East Mth and Burnside sts. tt. W. Miller. - - FOR SALE On account of iH health, a well equipped wood working shop; plenty of work. t W. Hoose, Hillaboro. Or. FOR SALE A good cleaning, pressing shop; : good i location. Must leave city. X-42&, journal. ONE chair barber shop for sale; price $150. rJouca. lin.ium sr. FOR SALE Complete vulcanizing plant small stock of tires and repair stock. Z-6. Journal. BAKERY snd confectionery fixture) for sale at invoice. 6339 Foster rd. Tabor 30U5. BUSINESS OPFOBTtryTTrES It MILLIONS are suffering with rheumatism. Most - mportatin dvcovery of the age. A herb that actually drives the most stubborn ease of rheu matism ; entirely out : of the -ay-tern. People write us and aay they are astounded at the re sults, especially on the kidneys. Just think of the money making possibilities. Representatives wanted. $1.12 pound postpaid, 10 pounds $3. express paid. . Rheumatism Herb Co., Venice, CaL PATENTEES, ATTENTION I Our ads have brought to our attention over 100 clients covering assisting, originators, buy ers and sellers of many useful, patents; capitalise year ideas with our assistance Material Chasers Co., Railway Exchange, I'ortiand. Or., practical equipment specialists. Main 2245. , INVESTORS. ATTENTION! See Material Chasers Co. ad above, - Patentees are cooperating with as due to cur speed, serv ice and practical experience. Don t confuse us wtth patents attorneys. . Our service is prac tical, therefore -cur charges are minimum. In vestigation will prove this assertion. Geo, R. Auger, manager. COUNTRY general vnerchandise, store and stock, i located in Waaluugtotl on railway and high way, 2 miles from salt water;'-doing fine busi ness. Value about $6000.- Will take part cash and some good Portland property in trade. Gall room 816 Portland hotel. FOR SALE Dental office. - established 3 V years, doing good cash business in town of 7000; fine surrounding country; reason for selling, wish to retire. For further information inquire of Goldsmith Bros.. Oregonian bldg. $600 $30 rent takes nice little restaurant ;-dandy place for two women or man and wife. Magoon, 431 Chamber of Commerce bldg. i BUSINESS 'OPPORTUNITIES -;t . WANTE1 - $9 LEGITIMATE business. , Have about $3500 with services. 55-8, JournaL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 CUB installment plan is -the best and surest method of paying a loan. r $82.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 for 60 months or $15.17 for 90 months, pays $1000 loan and irterest- -?; Other amounts in proportion. . IV e loan on improved city property. ; Or for building purposes. tio commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st, Portland. Or. $300 $400. $50O. 0(.. $75M and up. low est rates, quick action Gordon Investment Co.. 631 Ch, of Com. Mam 6446. $260. $350. $400,. $500. $600 and larger amounts; current rates; quick action. ; Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property. money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. CASH paid for mortgage and sellers' contract on real estate in Washington or Oregon. . H. E. Noble, 81-6 Lnmhermens bldg. ' MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to 85000 on city property. A. H. BELL, Room 10-11. Mnlkey bldg. MONEY for mortgage loans, $600 Jo $61(00. 6 and 7. Fred 8. Williams. 92 1st st $300. $500, $750. $1000. no com., quick action Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. $300 TO $3000, no commission. Main 1166. F. H- DKSHON, 616 Chamber of Commerce. i?EE OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chambee of Commerce 4th and Stark MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7. Louie Salonton A Co.. 408 Selling blot $2600 Three to 6 years. East. 5438. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY? I .cans made on autorrobiles, diamonds, pianos, household goods or anything of value. Security mnally left in your possession; ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile eon tracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them up, advance yon more money if necessary, and you can repay as in small monthly payments to suit your con venience. LEGAL RATES. NO DRT.AY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed.). 808-307 Deknm bldg. Marshal! 8286. Salary LOANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On ' short notice to salaried or wnrklngmen on their own notes. Weekly. semi-Weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential NO MOBTGAGE. NO INDORSEK. ABSOLUTELY NOV SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED 218 Failing bMg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN A8SN. Established by Portland Business Men to Protect the Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS. 4EWELRY. PIAKOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE City and County Warrants Cashed for Facs Value. CARRIE MYERS HERMMAN. MGR.. 894 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; all articles held a year: established rince 1888 Dsn Marx. 283 Wssliington. GEORGE Harvey loam money on household ' goods; legs! rates. Tsbor.3806 LOANS WANTED SB FIRST mortgages .for sale, $500 up.- F. H. Deshon. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and btark WANTED $1200 to $5000. no commmdoh, 6 per cent on 6 new bungalows. Z-l 4 Journal. FINANCIAL Victory and Liberty ; v Bonds ' If you raut sell your Victory and Liberty bonds, sell to us. . If you can buy more Vic tory and Liberty bonds, buy from us. We buy and we sell Victory and Liberty bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. We are today paying the following prices for United Ststea government , v ictory and lib erty loan bonds, which are the oiiening New York market prices, phis the accrued interest: New York Accrued Price , market - interest paid !Uf ...... .52 1.59 101.11 1st 4s.............. 95.64 1.82 97.46 2nd 4s. ............. 94.80 .16 94. 1st 4 si, .......... . 5.0 . 1.04 87.84 2nd 4 H. .......... 5 .2 .17 95.45 3rd 4 Ws...... 95.110 .87 96.77 4th Hit..- -. 95.42 .52 95.94 Victory 4is 99.94 .12 10O.06 In purchasing Victory and Liberty bonds we deduct-from tne anove prices ate on a goo bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling Victory and Liberty bonds we charge the New Tom market price, ptus tne- accrued interest, ASK ABOUT ' THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar snd ' Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent. Morris Brothers, Inc., The Premier Municipal Bond House. Established over, 25 Years. 309-311 btark Street. Bet . 6th and 6th. (Ground Floor. I Telephone Broadway 21 5 1 . LIBERTY; BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS . FULL MARKET PRICK LOANS ON LIBERTY BONDS YOTT CAN BORROW CASH OK UK ON BONDS, WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. OR TO FlMSHt PAYING FOR .VICTORY . BONDS. SEE E. BUBKITT, PRESIDENT . OREGON (M'N'l) MOHVGOE CO. 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR) , . COK. 0TH AND ALDER STS. ' I WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND ."' ; : .-"'V '- -' V? : .' " i;- 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE I AH due coupon interest included.) ; J. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADE. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS Mail bonds to aa; we remit return anafl. Loans - made ' On Improved real estate. . Long or short time or monthly paynrnt plan. Come to 726 Geaco bldg., 6th and Alder. CELLAR 8-MURTON CO. HORSES. VEHICLES. KTC 1 FOR SALE Small team, harness and apring - wagon; for sale or will trade. What have yon. Tabor 2083. 941l Foster road. - 2850 LB, team with harness, sound, good work , ing shape : must sell at once, $190 takes out fit today. 430 Hawthorne ave. . SMALL - team and hamese, only $85; good - workers or ride; 6 and , 7 years old. Wood yard. 8ZT Front et. HORSE and wagon, $1.60 per day; 2 hones and wagon. $3. J. Cohen. 646 Front Main 2208. DEAD horses and animals hsuled sway free. Call Woodiaww 20 Portland Rendering Co. 1 LAM fox sale. Call labor tit. , IS FOR SALE or exchange, 2 teams small mules, -4 or 6 year old, suitable for a ma 11 ranch or mail route. Tbey cannot be beat New harnasa and shod. . ready to hitch to plow or any vehicle. Guaranteed sound. One span mules . $276, with harness,. -One span mules - $800, with harness, $70 worth f harness ore-each team. CROWN STABLES, 285 Front St . '' PHIL 8CETTER. ' - SPAN of horses and harness, weight 2400 lbs., good workers and gentle.- in good condition. Price $130. ,. Also span of marea. weight 2200 lbs., suit able for any. ranch work. Several seta ef single and double harness, buggies, light and heavy wagons. To be seen at the wood yard stable, cor. of E. 9th at and Hawthorne ave. Phone East 6106. - - ' - - ; FOR SALE. EXCHANGE OR HIRE by the day, week or month, any kind of horse that you can t find for logging, ranch or express driving. Any kind of harness and wagons. CROWN STABLES. 286 Front at PHIL SUETTER. ATTENTION BUYERS -ATTENTION One span of bay mares, young, sound and very gentle; in good condition; weight. 2300 pounds. Am going to quit' ranching and will sacrifice team and harness for $180-. O-920, Journal. 2. TEAMS and harness, weight .3200 cacli; we nave no runner use tor tnem and win sacri fice; no liberal offer refused. Andrew A Conover Fuel Co.. 8ttth and Sandy, road; or call E. 8462. , 1165 BCIl'S pair bay mares' weight 2200 lbs., age 7 and 9 years, work and ride, fat and sound ; good heavy harness and light wagon. 5624 '86th at Mt Scott car. Tabor 6634. . v ONE horse, 8 years. 1200 lbs.. $75; true to work; 3 -year-old, well broke, 900 lbs.; set of double heavy harness; 14-inch plow and 12-Inch good as new; set of steel harrows; buggy and harness. G. Butcher, Montavilla. Tabor 4739. HAVE SOLD my tie business; will 11 3 good horses at your own price. Hunnjhidr Jce Co.. between 34tb and 3,1th on East Yam hill st. BLACK TEAM. 2450 lbs.. $125: 1 sorrel blocky. 1350 lbs., $75; heavy breching par ses, $23; saddle and bridle, $8. B8S8 82d S. B. .. . - DOUBLE harness. $22.50; single harness. $16; good horxe. weighs 1 025 lbs. ; canvae-topied wagon and harness. $102. 05th ave. and 67lh st. Brentwood. Fred Spear. Tahor 6887. FOR HALE Big work team, cheap. 430 Haw f t home ave. - IijVESTOCK 8$ 10 FRESH COWS, mostly all large cows, 4 and 5 years old. Durham and Durham Jerseys, 4 to 6 gallons. 1160 Macadam- st South I'ovtlsmi car lo end of line, 3 blocks south to P.chsrrtson v.. 1 block esst in psture. REDUCING my dairy herd. 4 fresh cows, 2 ex tra -good Jerseys, , one large llolstcin, one learge Guernsey Durham. - 1480 Macadam, Ful- ton car- to Idaho st, one block eaatA . FOR SALE Milking doe and 8 months horn less doe kid. $30. U E. Woraora, 87tb and R sts.. Box 844, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE First' class dairy cows; can pick out a bunch. By M. Senn, Tualatin, Or. TRADE laundry stove for young goat belli 2986. FOR SALE A dairy store cheap if token at once. Phone Columbia Q46, 864 Lombard at -WELL brvd young Jersey cow, very gentle. Call 626 Patton road. Friday a. m. FOR"8ALE-3 fresh cows, $75 up to $150T 963 fJerfield ave. - FRESH family cow for sale. Tabor 6634. POULTRY, PIGEONS. PET STOCK 87 WHITE Leghorns are the most, profitable breed of poultry. If you are in the business for profit you will eventually have them. Early broilers, early layers, early profits. We sell only White I -eg horn baby chicks from heavy laying Hoganized hens. - Safe delivery of full count live clucks guaranteed. Price per lOO: May and June delivery, $12.50; July. $14. The Pioneer Hatchery, 403 6tb si, Petaluma, CaL 400 10-DAY-OLD; W. L. chicks. 20c each; 2500 day old chicks (W. L.), $18.50 per juw: oil Keds. pullets. 3 months old. II each; lOflO W. l. 8 weeks to 12 weeks. 40c to SI each ; 300 W. L. laying young bens and pullets, $1.75 each. The Luhr Farm, Kendall station, KsXacada line, ' Route 3, Box 208, Lenta. Or. I'lions 'labor 8181. 'Progressive Hatchery HAM 1 CHICKS Rhode Island Red. $25 er 400; hatches off June 1. 6, 8. 13, 18. Special White Leghorn hatch June 11. $20 per 100. Secure orders now. 1534 E. 12th st. N. Woodlawn 1486. MAGUIRES DAY. OLD CHICKS Rhode Island Red. O. A. C Barred Bock. $25 per lOO; Brown Leghorns and White Leg bora. $20 per 100; high quality Hogantsed stock. HATCHES OFF JUNE 1. S. 12. 18 AND 21 EGGS FOR HATCHING J. R. MAGUIRE,787 Oregon st. East 1805 White Leghorn Baby :y Chicks $15 ner 100: 88 -for 50 Black Minorca 18 per. 100; $9.60 for 50. Immediate de ll very on - these varieties, Caah with order. C. N. Noedham, P. O. box 412. Salem, Or. THE CULVER YARDS 8. C. WHITE LEGHORNS Trapnmted the year - 'round. , Baby Chix Today. Phone Tahor 6969. BABY CHICKS for sale; White Leghorns, Brown ' Leghorns, Black Minorca, May and June de livery. Reds and Rocks for June delivery only; "new arrivals each week; prices reasonable. c r. freednam. ox 412. Salem. Or. BABY CHICKS for sale: White JUegboms. Brown uegnorns. oisca xsinorcas. nay and June de livery. Reds and Rocks for June delivery only; "new arrivals' eacn week; prices reasonable. c. N. Need ham. Box 412, Salem. Or, FOR SALE 28 hens. 1 year old; all laying now being kept in the garage and am buy ing a machine. 1409 East 81st street Sell wood 1929. WHITE Leghorn chicks, strong healthy fellows. 820 per 100. Also. 2 and 8 weeks old chicks. Master Incubator Co., 416 Jessup st Wdln. 4344. LAYING Leghorn hens, $1.75 each, hogantsed stock. J. K. Msguire, 787 Oregon at, cor". tn. Hose t;ity car. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatching eggs, cheap. Tabor 6669. - 795 East T8tb st N. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn chicks. May zif-ze. ir bnndred. or sue eacn, . io4 1 Irn ave. Kenwood 11. THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca hatching eggs. Mammoth strain. Columbia B95. 1600 Fiske. RA KBITS Thoroughbred Flemish giants; Eng- lifh Ilnkeye; reasonable., 862 Michigan ave Woodlswn 8 NEW ZEALAND and Flemish Giant rabbits for sale at 733 E. 27th st; Woodstock ear. Sell. 1458 FOR SALE Pedigreed New Zealand rabbit and hutches. Tabor 5037 or 1Z84 Katscy, FOrTlALE fijToays old chicks, 20c a piece. 804 1 ommerrlal street. THoilPSON Ringlet Barred Rock hatching eggs, SI per setting. Tsbor 4 838. RHODE ISLAND" RED baby chicks with mother hen. for sale. Wdln. S057. 1286 E. 18th N. FLEMISH GIANTS, registered and pedigreed. n K. 420 t. BARRED ROCK and Leghorn chicks, hatching eggs, fryers. Tabor 4070. - WHITE Igliorn laying pullets. Master Incu bator Co.. 416 Jessup t Wdln. 4844 WHITE leghorn baby chicks to let someone raise on shares, 194 B. 22d st N. POOS. BIRDS. FETS. ETC 48 FIN E hunting puppies for sale. Cross between thoroughbred Irish setter and pointer. Both prise dogs. 875 Jefferson at A-3658. CHOICE canaries at "The Canary Bird Shop Singers guaranteed. 11 6 1 E. 28th N. C-22 1 7. FOR SALE Full blooded 8iita dog, reasonable! Cell 1182 Minnesota ave. CHOICE singers1, yellow females fog mating. Tabor lotio, zui r..- Mill. CANARIES ('hoice eingen and females for sale. . Woodlawn 1217. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 MAXWELL. Late 1918 model, excellent con dition, for casn or term. Would consider H. D. -motorcycle or old ear In trade. Look at this. Woodln. 6762. 1039 Gantenbein ave. A GENLTN E bargain in a nodel9Tf"Fr1srrkTiS 8ix; enameled in latest style robin-egg blue, black trimming. Phone Broadway 3864, 86 'i mrq sr.. - - -- . - - ' "' bELIVEllTi5AR8r' " 17 series Stodrbaker. 4 ton. panel body. excellent snape. Broadway 2492. Cary. 62$ Alder st Phone BL1CK 'It TOURING Some car, and a snap .. a a A s K. SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUCH. OA K LAN D 6 touring, -newly painted, good tires: will sacrifice or consider smaller car in trade. 80 Grand ave. ti. near Burneide. FORDS Models '18 and '18; most reasonable in town, $325 to $525. SMITH AUTO CO., PARK AMD COUCH. CHEVROLET. 1918,"newly painted, in tne mecnanU'Al eotxiiuofi. a bargain at 8675. with terms. 80 Grand ave. N. near Born side. GASOLINE 21 CENTS A GALLON, OILS AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO., 186 1ST. SIDWA TOP AND BODY WORKS 347 Bnrn-ide et.. npetairs. - Broadway 2498. OB SALE Oldmobile. Call Volumuia 865. FORD aiieedaUi. none betUi. MarabaU 3256. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 AUTO ' SALES CO.' NINTH AND COUCH STS. Beg ' to announce special sale ot Used can like new..- AT SACRIFICE PRICES With Guarantee These ears have the original paint equipped with good Urea and are in good mechanical erdsr. ' These Cars Have Been Taken tn on Our AUBURN BEAUTY SIX'S And WU1 Be Sold at Cost Frke. 1919 8TUDEBAKER $1050 1918 MAXWELL ....$ 825 1018 BUCK ,...$125a 1918 FORD , .$ 475 1919 FORD .........$ 660 1918 BRISCOE 660 1016 OVERLAND ... . ,'. .....,.....,$ 600 Please don't forget that we give 10 hours of free servioe on eauh car sold, to be used st any tfme. AUTO SALES CO. USED CAR DEPT. Ninth and Couth. THINK THIS OVER We feel thst the- used car purchaser entitled to value received for his investment thn same' as he v. ho buys a new car. It is. our aim at all times to give you a fefua nt deal. Drop in and let us talk It over. EI, IK at discount, factory guarantee. ELJE, late mudeL 5 excellent, tires; guar anteed. 1916 and 1917 VKL1LS, guaranteed me chanically. 1917 VELIE, wire wheels, new paint cord tires. . MITCHELL, excellent condition, cords aad spare. - . : DODGE touring, 5 Urea, come esrlv. OVERLAND, 5 pass., good tires. $426. 1 91 2 PEERLESS. 6, 6 new cords. i 1814 FRANKLIN, a fine ear. -4 cyl. OAKLAND. 5 tires, $250. GRANT SIX, overhauled,- $550. -Late super sx HUDSON. 6 tires. OPEN 8UNDAIS AND EVENINGS D. :. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 68 N. 23d st. - - Main 786. Fords Fords Fords 1918 1918 1917 1917 1917 1916 1915 1016 1918 1917 1917 1916 Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford touring, roadster, tonring. tooririg. roadster, touting, touring. ' touring, delivery. delivery express, delivery panel. . delivery. Terms If Desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. East 3770. E. 15th and Hawtbome ave. Removal Sale FORDSt I -ate Models CHEVROLET We wil move to our new location 14th and Alder next week and in order to save amoving . used cars we will make a special price on any of our 25 used Fords and Chevroleta. Look them over, pick the car' you want and we wiU make you a price. ,. REGNER A FIELDS. INC. East 92 12 Grand Ave.. N. Open till 9 p. m. Evan. GARA6ES 888. $48.50, $69.6$) Beady Cut Houses MILI.MADE CON8TRi.;:TIOI4 , COMPANY 16; Union Ave. M. Woodlawn 2418. 1917 OVERLAND ROADSTER in the best of shape only $525. v This ts real buy. j CONLET'8 USED CAB CENTER .S. W. Comer 16th and Washington, GARAGI Portable and Parmaneat . Hon of AU Kinds, MODERN CONSTRUCTION CO. 815E.i:tbst East 6114. SEE THESE BARGAt.VS 1918 MAXWELL, 1918 OAKLAND SEDAN. J" J'HMOBILI! "EIGHT; 1918 BAA ON CALL EPPLE. MAIN 206. 60-62 W. 20TII. CHEVROLET, 1917 model; this one jiislThad Com n let e nverhatilln imIh . ,A . . .i like a top. $550. SMITH AUTO CO., PARK, AND COUCH. 191$ 8TUDEBAKER FOUR Car is Just like new with 6 real good tires. You will know I need the money when I offer this car for $750. Tabor 8546. ; TiTi FORD roadster. Inclosed aluminum body" demountable rim, hnmip , ,4 ..-,.. . and. apotligiit Must sell at once aa owner is leaving town. V-2 1 7, Journal. 8TUDEBAKER 1917 lignt four," iooka like new. Will sacrifice or oonsider - smaller car in trade. Price $960, term. $0 Grand ave. N., near Burnslde. MUST SACRIFICE MY 1916 FORD TOURING Had little nsage and good care; fine motor and good tires. $376; terms. No dealers wst-ted. East 6388. , . m MODEL 86 Overland, to fine ahape, all new tires, with 8 extras; new Pantasote top, with plaU glass; owner leaving town; price $850; give terms. 661 East Morrison t East 6203. MAXWELLS 1018 Maxwell far S7IK1- isis vr. ,w,n .m cfieaper. fary, 323 Alder st. Broadway 2492. $450 DOWN BUfS 1918 CHALkEBSTsTt TOURLVG CAR. Al CONDITION t RUM AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 1982. 1918 MAXWELL, like new; must sell for $676: terms. Call Mr. rmkiotat sw 3231. Evenings. Msrshsll . 3256. FOIt SAL" LTght 8 pass. 4-cyL StuaebassTT in good condition; new top, good tirss. Will sacrifice for $300 cash. Owner. Tabor 2890. BARGAIN We have two aood Chevroleta. which rni sell cbeap. f'ary, 623 Alder st Bdwy. 2492. s-BUif Ui)n avitt 141 sj sjaxWELL TOTTn ING CAR; REPAINTED, Al OfJNDITtnur CAIAj TABOR 630. CHEVROLET 1919 light lejlvtry,alinot Daw" -- perfect condition: a bargain at 8976,' witti terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Bnrnsido. f200 DOWN BUYS MWElXT"UBINf CAB. A-l CONDITION AND GOOD 11 lite BER. CALL EAST 1962. IF YOU are looking for a bargain see this 8 pass. ear. A-l condition. 5TSS Mftik Phone Tabor 9486. FOR SALE Winton six bug.; excellent con dition : owner leaving town. Will aacelfu.. i an at ientrai itarage. Main 7820. NEW air friction carburetor complete, value a" in. us- i,,, . .i L, j". Jl he M en n et f 4;araew tfivthnm. . , a K . v. 1918 MAXWELL touring, fine eorHiitiou, gooj - tires; a r bargain at $775. . Some - terms, 20 Grand ave. N. near Bumside. MITCHELL roadster, 6 cyl; owner leaving city; will , sell for $325. , Call after 4:30 p. m. mni jerTersoTt st. i 1 1 5 REGAL 80, good tires. Prestolite an3 wemy mag. - Wood yard. 327 Front st. BRUSH runabout, $00; tent and camp stove. 812. - 51 E. 3d at lf-18 FORD ch.ri, 1,. Heat of condition; all ..ig. ovt, onmai. OAKLAND Roadster Light 6; good a new; '"r , tj. srving. near i mra 5UlCK bug, excellent condition" newly painteJI yq.fu. j.yi r.. in st, n, IF you want a good buy on used oar eeil nie. Howard. East 6858, 764 Morrison. EATE lilT" . Afl A A mat .I. A ejj IB vwj- gjgi irrvs, i 1 1 Haiti OVVd, 19 f$ FORD roadster, jTist try it. $389, lir" " - Arbuckle, Broadway 2666. lrTlTTTEIjfrERf: lok st it. " ' Mist Bill einin Ai'io .. fA H :KA NDCOUf 11. (CoBUnaed o i olio wing; 2?gi7 v