18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PO RTLAND, WEDNESDAY, MAY ' 23, 1919v E OF, STABLE GOVERNMENT FACTOR : IN BALTIC SITUATION Definite Decision by Paris Peace Conference, Wnen Comes, May Dissipate CJiaos. , By Bassett Digby. Special Cable to The Jo-irnai and The Chicago .- ! Duly News. -- tCopjrrtebt, 1919. by Chicago Dairy News Co.) Stockholm, Sweden. . May 26. It may be opportune to point out aa a aerioua factor In the eaatern Baltic situation the continued absence of signa- of the real evolution of atabte popular governments. Kven, in ' Finland, hardly any genuine progress baa been made toward creating the friendly political atmosphere thai distinguishes a unified brotherly nation. Political, meaaurea in preparation con form, to the letter' of friendly compro miae. but until a chanr occurs It will not be possible to describe the new- re public as a healthy, happy national or ganization. Hlg-htly or wrongly, we are on-ilmr in for pungent criticism from Finnish Socialists. They find It diffi cult to reconcile our attitude of cordial ' ity toward the Russian Socialists and coolness toward te bourgeois interest with our obvious Vcoolnesa toward the Finnish Socialists and cordiality to the Finnish bourgeois. ; . ' " l&ewherev however, matters are far worse, : For Tnany months now Eathonla, Lcttland, TAthuanla and Courland have been In a. state of political chaos with out evolving, any -signs of improvement. They have produced no strong men with a capacity to take the rudder and try to keep the reeling states' bows head on to the stormy seas. Demagogues and talk era have not been lacking, but men with genial smiles, strong arms and construc tive brains have not yet appeared. There are plenty of sound elements In these derelict states whjch will rally around good leadership when such at last comes- to light.. It. must be In stanced, however, on' behalf r of these states that utter Ignorance of the future role which Paris will allot to them Is extremely discouraging to Incipient lead ership. They are drifting tn a sea of uncertainty as to what fate may have In store for them, whether they shall be in dependent or be linked flrrrtly or loosely to Germany or Russia, and that Russia may be Bolshevist or non-Bolshevist. ' Sweden is very close to them, and nat urally has the keenest interest in their future. - Swedes coming back from visits to these ; countries sum up the essence of their observations In" av shrug. of the shoulders and the statement : "Paris must give them a clear Indication . of their future prospects before they can try to come into calm waters. S -1 v - A' General Manager of Safety Council Will Be Entertained Here - C. W. Price of Chicago, general man ager of the ; National Safety council, will be guest of honor at a dinner Sat urday evening at the Benson hotel. In attendance will be prominent citizens In terested In the publUv safety movement and executives of the larger Industrial concerns of Portland.-i Mr. -Price will make the chief address. - , ' Next : Monday evening the general manager of the nation's safety .council will address an audience Of superintend ents, foremen and safety engineers from Industrial and commercial concerns at the central, library. All who are in terested are invited to attend. Admis sion will be free. "Mr. Price has had a broad experi ence in the field-of accident prevention," said W. , A. Marshall, member - of the state industrial accident commission who? is actively aiding arrangements for Oregon's welcome -to the, Chicagoan. "He 1ST regarded as the leader In this work throughout the country; : At pres ent he is at the head of a national safety organisation which embraces within its membership the largest industrial con cerns and experts in the work of ac cident prevention. The growth of the National Safety council has been rapid and its present membership is in excess of 4000." ' Admiral Kolchak Is Requested to Explain His Plans and Aims ' Paris, May 28. (X. N. S.) The peace - conference has Bent a note to the Omsk .; government in Siberia inquiring after the alms and plans of Admiral Kolchak. but has not recognized the government, it waa learned" today. . . President Wilson has not made any - promises, but will determine the attitude of the .United States -when it is found -what guarantees Admiral Kolchak . Is - prepared to give regarding the creation of a constituent assembly and universal suffrage. ...-., . Alfred Bigger Returns . Oregon City, May 28. Alfred Bigger. " formerly with the 18th engineers, has returned to Oregon City, - t BUILDINt PERMITS : M.Cevanangh. erect nnit. 285 E.-16M- a. .. between Wasco end Clackamas. W. A. Both builder. 8260. - . . Tliomaa Ellinghara, repair greenhouse. 53d ami oiara, fKvu. . . r Fnnk O. Johnson, erect woodshed. 1011 it 33d N.. between. Wxganjt and Going, builder uw, sen. T. G. Green, erect garage. 937 lesson, be. terpen Mallory end Rodney, Hence and Lindley ttuuuer, evv. - Mix W. McMaater. 1851 DiTMon, bet 4"th and 48th. Mr. Mierhofer. builder, tan. F. 8. Harmon, erect garage, 620 E, .Fine, between 2th and 27th, builder same. ISO W. H. Mcmonita. erect garage. S54 Broadway. m i wiun uu ou, uiiusui e aicvaetiano, ixk. Guilders. 320.000. . Blake, Mr Fail Co.. repair efflee. 4th at. between Ash and Ankeny. Parker A Banfield builders, $50.. Fraiier A Corbet, repair stores. 210 2d at. between Kslmom and Taylor. Parker A Banfield -mitaer. inun. - Mautx Bids, A lav. Co.. erect aarsce. 632 K. Ifith at. N.. betweea- 8 tan ton and Siskiyou, builder same. 8400. - Mauta Bids, as Inev Co.. erect residence, a 32 NEW TOIIAT ' , NORTHWEST RUG : . COMPANY " r FORMER ADDRESS 153 UNION AVE. i-w nug iiibuo a. ruin sui Kinas oi oia irpets. Carpet Cleaning. Refitting. Ra sing. Rag Rugs woven all slsea. . 'carpets. .nine Mail Orders Solicited. EAST 8680 188 E. 8TH B-1230 Salesrooms West fark aad YaaaiU . ; At 10 A. M. Tomorrow ABSENC 1U 18th jr.; between Stanton and SUkiytM. build t.' aame. (5000. . - MaoU Bids, A Ine. Col. erect carafe, 630 E. 16th between . Stanton and Siskiyou, builder same. 8450. . " Manta Bids, Inf. Co.. erect residence, 3 XL 16tb ti.t betweea Stanton ' and Siskiyou, builder same, $7500, - j E. J. Lowe, erect rartce. 2508 48th at, be tween IXrisioa and OUtuoa. E. C, Lwdea bttild e., 8850. . J. F. Hawker, repair dwelling. 24 E. At, between Bunuide and Couch, baiider same, $80. Albert Johnson, repair dwelling. 851 Sarier betweea 25th asd 26th. L. lankoia builder, $150. -, . . .' . . A. FeMstein. repair store. 1T4 lst-at. be tn Tamhilt and Morrison, Charles W. Chaltea baiider. $600. ' " F. E. Andrews, erect residence, 2625 E. 61st, between 26th and 27th sre. 8. C M- Onatt builder, $2600.- , f , - v W. C. Schmitt, erect (a rare. $84) E. 44th N., between Broadway and Halsey, boilder same. $100. E. g. lteMsnsc. erect sarage. 874 E. 80th N.. tetween Sharer and Skkimore, B. T. AUyn baild $260. 'George T. Settlesaeyer. foandation for garage. 34 S Vancouver, betweea Broadway and WefcUer. builder same. $900. . ... O. W. GriWith. erect (a race, 1220 E. Flan den, between 4 1st and 4 3d, G. W. Maxwell builder. $200. Charles Hemly. repair residence. 1084 Lambert Place, between Knott and B razee, builder same, $bO. ..--- ..-'-.! i- Calvin Jack, repair residence, 511 Going at., between 10th and 11th.. builder same. $250. Karl Esetnan, erect, chicken house, 828 E. f tb, betweea Clinton and Brooklyn, builder kkme.' t2i. ---f (".. William N. Pedersen. repair reside nee, 61 Alberta, between Minnesota and Missouri, boilder ume, 6100. O. L Johnson. exoarstion and Foandaaon, 780- E. 77th N.. betweea Beech and Fremont, builder same. $200. C. J. Thomas, repair dwelling, 887 E. S2d N., between Alameda and Stanton, F. A. Baa man' builder. 3150. Charles II. Fox. foandation for garage, 185 K. 24th N.. between Sandy bird, and Glisan, W. F. Ryan builder, $500. E. P. Mnrphy. erect garaae. 814 Misciasippi are., betweea Sktdmore , and PrsscoU, builder same,. 8?6. . f - f ' ' "' '" ' - E. P. Mnrpny, ereet-garage, si hbsukippi sre., betweea Skidmore and Praeeott, builder same, $75. G. DrtsseU, erect garage. 6Z3 Herey. oetweea Stanton and Morn, builder same. $95. K. Tausher. erect garage. 864 Hood, between Peunoyer and Carry, builder same, $75. M. II. Calef. repair garage.. 405 E. 4 1st N.. between Thompson . and - Brasee. . builder aama. $50. ' - .- s T. O. Uanlon. repair residence. 000 Minne sota, between -Mason and Skidmore, 8. J. Powers Lnilder, $50. L I). Freelaml. repair swelling, J os. eta ave., betweea Hood and 6th are., builder same. Frank Borklnah. erect residenc. 1229 Front. between Boundary and- Terwilliger area., P. Me- Giniey builder.. $8200. C. Herman, repair residence, 1084 Wate, a. U Von Pier baiider. $05. 4. Miller, repair residence. 1184 E. 13th I., builder same, $40. 4 . , A. Weetland, erect' residence, 941 K. 24th N betweeu Prescct''. and Skidmore, builder same, 3800O. . . : West Or. Con. of S Rerentli Day Adrentista, repair churrh, 74 E. ltth N.. between Everett and Ftandera, F. N. Dimond builder, $295. U J. Poirier, erect shed, 930 E. 83d N.," be tween Rlndmore and Presrott, builder same, $25. E. T. Elmer, repair dwelling, 489 E. 89th. between Grant and Sherman, W. F. Miller build er, $85. 3. Xudelman, repair residence, $08 Atberta. between 24th and 25tb, Mr. Minker builder. $50O. , i - ; " - Itobert B. Beat, erect residence, 1242 Glenn are., between Ainsworth and . Jarrett. builder same. $3500. . Robert B. Beat, erect residence, 1248 Glenn are., between Ainsworth and Jarrett. builder acme.' $3500. Mrs. Silra. repair vault, 91 3d L. between Stark and Oak at.. : James L. Quina builder, $700. ' , Mr. Lacy, erect garage, 507 Williams ava.. between Russell and Page, John Cunningham builder, f 49. - W. J. Vsn HooraisBen, erect garage. 1015 Di vision; between ! Itfid : and 34th, builder same. W. V. GUscock. erect garage. 1058 E. Taylor. tetween 3 5th and 37th,- buitdnr aame, $100. w. v. tTiaseock repair residence, loss E. Taylor, between 85th and 87th, builder same, 8250. ' C w. Mason, repair residence. 810 Princeton. between Polk and Tyler, builder same, 890. Arthur W. Chance, repair residence, "LTo Broughtnn ava,, builder same, $300. B. Burna. erect aaraae. - 1 663 - Haseala. be tween 63d and 64th. builder aame, $50. : Mrs K. Btocaer. erect residence, 110 Fair view bird., between i Kingston ava. end Cham plain ai-lre, Williams Williams builders. K. Winn, repair garage. 206 E. 83d at. N.. bnilder saam. $25.. - Second Reformed Church of V. S. A., repair residences 3 7th and Columbia bird., builder same, $500. , . -t ( Farmerette Wants Oystets for Yard liberal movements of seed oysters from the Atlantic coast to the West to be planted at Olympia. Wash., has aroused a great deal of Interest In rail road circles recently, comments the Pa-' ciflc Semaphore,' the official publica tion of the O-W. R. &. N this week. The discussion of this movement result ed In one of the "farmerettea" in the car service department of the O-W. line announcing last week that she had de cided to raise her own oysters in her own back yard and with this In mind tried to secure sets from the Portland Seed company.. , fTEtl TOD AT THE ASTOR HOUSE COMES DOWN FURNITURE MlST BE SOLD THURSDAY 151 BROADWAY COR. MADISON THIS IS NICE STUFF. SPt-lCTCmm UtTRNTTTTTttC flP TWP BETTER CLASSUSED IN ROOMS AJSU APARTMENTS. i; J RKATTTTPTTT. . UTTflS T.AnTS r AD DRESSERS. FINE BEDS AND MAT TRESSES, LOVELY CURTAINS, OAS RANGES AND PLATES. SHEETS, oaaira qdd p i no vtt -r -i.e.. -. u u ik unu o, Mr luuv yv o, BLANKETS. COMFORTS. PORTIERES. SHADES. DISHES. WARES. TOILET SETS. WARDROBES. CUPBOARDS. TREASURES, CABINETS, TALE LOCKS, ELECTRIC GLOBES. RUN NERS. CHAIRS. ROCKERS. TABLES. STANDS, PORTIERES. EVERYTHING. NO PLACE TO MOVE THEM SALE "STARTS FRIDAY, 10 A. M. BUILDING TO BE TORN DOWN. 1S1 BROADWAY. THE ASTOR HOUSE Journal "Want" Ad RATES For Beit Reaulu In any' classification. Daily or Sun day, Journal classified rates are: tyi Cents rr : word . ner incrtinn ' . COBiacuriva iassrtiaas f tk ' of two. 7 consecativ nsertiona for prica of five Copy for Daily must be In the nffir Kbm 1 n.o A. M. of day it . is intended to run. ana copy tor Sunday must be in the office before 6 o'clock Saturday night. Rive detailed description in your aus ana oraer. to run for at least 7 insertions. For Contract Rates phone for solicitor tr rail THE JOURNAL IS THE BEST ivcdu . i r-KUUUCING "WANT" AD mcuium iN PUKTLAND. , , PHONE YOUR 'WANT' : ,TO THE JOURNAL Main 71 73 or A-6051 INDUSTRIAL WORK BY PUBLIC BODIES THEME i OF BOOKLET RECEIVED Publication Based 1 on Nation Wide Canvass by U. Si Cham ber of Commerce. Compiled as a' digest of the opinions of various commercial organizations on the subject of Industrial workr by pub lie bodies, a booklet entitled 'Industrial Development has been received "by W, H. Crawford, manager 61 the Depart ment of ; Industries of ' the Portland Chamber of Commerce, The compilation of - this book . is based on ' the question naires sent- out several months ago by the United States Chamber", of Com merce to the larger commercial organi sations. , ' . - ' A small supply of these booklets has been received and Mr. Crawford is hope ful that enough Interest will be taken to cause a call for them. If necessary, he says, he will have a reprint made as he believes the information carried In the booklet is invaluable rtp clear foresight in industrial development. In summar ising the text the fallowing is , said of Industrial development : ' ; i "It is evident from - answers to 7 the questionnaire that most ; commercial or ganizations, place greater value upon the Industrial expansion of - their commu nities and that , this is brought ' about through the growth of established indus tries and acquisition of new. Of the two factors of industrial growth, .the most Important, bo far - as results ' are con cerned, la the expansion Of Industries al ready on the ground. ? t "Growth of -this ktnd.being respons ive to trade demands, is what most or ganizations seek, and only such new In dustries are sought as tt into the gen- era! Industrial scheme. Most organiza tions realize that new industries . are only helpful to a community if they con tribute to its healthful growth. ? "Over expansion leads to a disturbance of conditions that may make for disaster In the future. In hard times, when work Is scarce, labor will go where the work Is without much regard to welfare con ditions ; but in good. times, when there is a Dig demand for labor, it wilt exer cise a choice between , localities ; and those localities that have paid least at tention to betterment work will suffer." T HEW TODAY BEST WAREHOUSE OR IN SOUTH PORTLAND 8-story brick , building ; two f 2-story frame buildings on lot 200 ft. of street frontage. 30 ft- depth on one end and 62 rt. depth on the ' other end ; railway f rentage . full length of lot to the rear. Income $227 a month, leased ; net in come 12. r,-,. .. . Excellent loc-don for automobile re- Jiair and garage. Brick building, strong y built. Available for almost any kind of warehouse use. - Will sell on very reasonable terms. See R. W. Hagood, 600 Journal bldg. Phone Main 4958. A-6051. , t Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Bags aad Woalea Clotaiag. If Make ReTerdble, HaaWevs - Rugs They Wear Lite Ire a. : Rag Rags Wovea An Slsea. Vail Orders Scad for Booklet, , Carpet Cleaning txlt Rags, Steasa Cleaaed. M WESTERN FLUFF RUG I CO. Ualoa Ave. IT. East 61 Phoaea B.1476 1 MEETIKO nOTICES ' '1 WA8HIX(iTON LODGE ' JoT 4 A F. AND A. M. Special commnaicatioB tomorrow Thars dar avanina-, 7 :30 o'clock, Kast Sth aad Burnside. F. C. deem. Visitors welcome. Order VT. M. i. H. KICHMONP, See. COLUMBIA liODGETTa 114 Jl. F. AND A. M. Special com munication tomorrow ( Thursday ) Ersnina- at T:0 o'clock. Work in St. il. desre. Vwitini brothers welcome. By order W. M. . rMDL OLSON, Bee. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 4. tJ 6 O. F. meets every Wednesday - at 8 p. m. at Odd Fellows Temple, 236 Alder at. Toifi I 1 1 - f'wro , isiuni orouters welcome. , .arl B. Ad Jns, W. O. Jesse T. Jones, sec. MW IQQcs lllll Biitloi this bsk I Wednesdavl evenhur. Raat Sth dKl Aiaer streets: third derm Vr Bar lianaa-hsn. N. G.. &. A Starr, secretary. " THE MACCABEEa . , IorUaBd Tent No. 1 Kerolar rsrtsw evsry Thursday eveninc. at hall. 40 Alder at. AH avaabers arsed to bs present.- Vlsltint Sir Kaishts a. wars weicosss. GEO. D. ' BAKER, N. B. " FREE DANCE TONIGHT Liberty Assembly, United Artisans, will give Ha reculsr semi-monthly dancinc party toaicbt in the &ast Hide w. o. w. itau. K. eta ana Alder sta. Artisans and friends invited. fc-AIBLKS. JEWELRY a specialty; buttons, plus, cbarma. Jaeaer Bma. 1S1-ISS Ath st XJ I ta! Statistics mtrri$zs.Blrtbs.lzcthx BIRTHS BLIED To Mr. and Mrs. David W. BUed. 63? E. B2d. May 14, a aon. GLIJTH Te Mr. and Mrs. W.: H. Ghtth, 72 Liberty;: May 14. a danchter. -GEORGE To Mr. and Ha William H. Georse, 61 GHaan. Mar IS. a eon. . . FCl.LERTUN To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph William Fnllerton, 1348 Wisteria, May 22, a son. ARMBRUSTER To Mr. and Mrs. Edaond Armbmster. 294 2d. Mav 20. a danahtar. CLARKE To Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Clarke. 441 nentms. May 14. a dancntetv SWAN SON To Mr. and Mrs. Ed' 8 14TT E.vOak. Mav SO. a danahter. - JACKSON To Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jackaon. no k. TBtn. May 17, a daosnter. . MOORE To Mr. and- Mr. O. Moore, TT E. Terry. May 20. a danahter. . ALI.KN To Mr. and Mm. U Allen, SCO race, saay it. a aon. KRAMER To Mr. and Mia. O." V Kramer. Im ' peria Arms. Mav IS. a mm - MATSCHINER To Mr. and Mrs. C, Matachmef. 8T4 Sullivan,. May. 14, a danehter. RET To Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Sey, 1844 Dearer. May 18, a aon. , -- HOWATT To Mr, and Mrs. F I. Bowatt. t oannNS; ssay o. a SOBU -j., VAN PELT To Mr. and Mrs. C. Taa Pelt, 141 E. 55U, May 22. a daushter. : t BATTT' To Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Batty, JL48 W. Ainsworth. Mav 21. a ilanehtae COOAN Te Mr. and Mrs. W. U Ooan. m Chaataoena blvd.. May 18. a danahter. ' ISOM To Mr. and Mrs. A. bom. 2229 Gbaan, FISHER To Mr. and Mrs. U R. Ftrher, 12B E. 18th. Mav IS. a danahter. . . ... . KILLDrFF To Mr. and Mrs. :A, Rv Kill duff, tnt a,, im, assy za, a son. ETF.RNLAND To Mr. and Mrs. J. Kveralasd, E. Klanders, Msy IT. a sm. I'ET RU7.ZELU To Mr. and. Mo. PetroueUi, GARAGE LOCATION Fluff A . e-w uaensau, Apni A, m aoa. ' BIRTHS ' IHILLlPS To Mr. and Mr. A. J. Phillips. May IT. a. son.- . - - HARRIS To Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Harris, Hot brook, Or., May 21. a eon. ' - niHTZ To Mr. aod Mrs. C. IlirU, Banks, Or., May 2S, a daushter. I ' ' PETERSEN -To Mr. and Mrs. T. Petersen, 7 Horthvrfck. May 20. a son. , EDWAR18 To Mr. and Mrs. i Leone Edwards. 1070 Belmont. May 24. a aon. MOTT To Mr. and Mrs. - John Mott, 549 Pettytrove, May 26. a daughter. HONG To Mr. and Mrs. May tiong, 211 Sth, May 18, a daughter.' 1 WILSON To Mr. aad Mrs. August J. Wilaoa, - 88 E. 7Ttb, May 21, a son, . KRAMER To Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Kramer, Imperial Arms. May 18, a son. . LASSCH To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lasech, 101 Simpson, May 22. a son. s SIMON To Mr. and Mrs. I F. Simon, 551 4th,' May 16, a daughter. ! BROUGHTON To. Mr. and Mrs. Harold 3. - Brooahton. : May - 20, . St. Helena. Or. a daughter. : - ! MILES To Mr, and Mrs. : Geratd A Miles. Gresham, Or.. May 22, a daughter. , KANNE--Te Mr., and Mrs. Walter A. Kanne, Milwaukie, Or., May 22. a son. DEATHS AND FTJN ERAT S 75 NICKOL8 At the family reoidenoe 10107 - Fifty-fifth avenue. James W. NtekoU, age 62 -years, beloved husband of Mary A Nickols. father of Raymond Nickols of thi city. . Fu neral services will be heM Thursday. May 29. at 10 A. MY .from the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy A. Co., 5892-4 Ninety-second street southeast.- in .Lenta. - Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. Friends invited. CAMPBELC At the .residence', 862 North rnp street, May 25. 1919, Nathaniel CampbeU. aged , 82 years 6 months, beloved husband of Alice M. , Campbell. - Friends Invited to attend the funeral services, which will ba held at the Portland crematorium at 8 .SO l. m., Friday, May 80, 19L9, Remains at Holman s funeral RATJGH In this city May 26, at the family res- ldence. 847 Wasco street, Krnest r'OBter rtsugn, aged 18 years, son. of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest O. Rangn, brother of Irene Raugh, and. nephew of Mr. and Mrs. N. J Davis. The funeral serrioes vriU be held Thursday. May 2ft, at 2 :80 o'clock p. m.. at Flnley'a, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. ; Interment at Rivervlew cemetery. ; IKKI.ER At his late . residence,, 6404 Sixty ninth street southeast, James H. Peeler, aged 67 years. Funeral services will be held at the P. L. Lerch Funeral parlnrs. Eat Eleventh and Clay Btreets, Tbtgrsday, , May 29, at 3 p. m. r-nerraa mviteo. COOPER In this 'city. May 26, 1818. Albert N. Cooper, aged 78 year 9 months 28 days. Friends invited to atatnd the : funeral -asrvleea, which will be hld- at Holman'a funeral parlors at 1 p. tn. tomorrow ( Thursdays, May 29, 1919. Interment Greenwood cemetery, f OLSEN The " funeral services for the late Charles M. Oben wiO be held Thursday. May 29. at 2 o'clock p. m., at the family residence. 777 Marshall street. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview cemetery, J. : P- Finley A Son, directors. " CARR The funeral aervicea of the late Le Roy Carr wiU be held Thursds. May 29. at 1 o'clock p. m., at Ftnley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends in vited. Interment i at Rose City cem etery. ' '- WALLEN In this city, May 27. Mrs. Sigrid Wallen, late of 720 Overlook blvd., beloved wife of Hannis Wallen. Remains at Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell st. at Vnion ave. BECCO In this city. May 20, Andrew Beceo. aged 28 years, late of 478 E. Ankeny. Re mains at . Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell st. at Union ave. KETTERN Anna M. Kettefn, 369 B. 78d, May 26, 84 years, apshyxiation by gas. . THAYLOR Boyd Traylor. Good Samaritan hos pital. May 25, 27 years, fracture of skulL LBENER Theodore H. Ebener. Willamette river, found May 25, accidental drowning. BROWN Emily . L. Brown, county hospital. May 25. 59 years, lobar pneumonia. ROBINSON Helen E. Robinson. . Portland, May 26. 2 years, general septicemia. ' a LEGMAN Max Klegmau. .430 Mill. May 23, 69 years, heart block. BOTTSON William H. Bottaon, Portland Sana torium. Msy 24, 57 years, carcinoma.' SHEE Chan M. Shoe, 246 Oak, May 24. 45 years, valvular heart disease. OWEN Herbert Owen. Portland sanitarium, Mar 24. 47 yean, logginc accident. BENNETT Nettie Bennett. 533 Everett. May 24. 63 ysara. tuberculosis.'' BOND. Virginia 8. Bond. 762 71st, May 24, 82 years, diabetes mellitus. ! - - STDRDAVANT Alvaa-L. 8tnrdavant. Baby home. May 20. 7 months, dysentary. LEE Clifford Lee. Sellwood hospital. May 24, 83 years, tuberculosis enteritis. - HTMI8TON Amy A. Humwton, 2146 E. Alder, May 27. 14 yearn, carcinoma. WUX'OX Emma WUcox, 4908 89th, May 22. years, cancer m iwns . CARLET Delbert E. -Carlet, Baby home. 2 mnnths. -dysentery. -i-"--i -.' SMITH Isaac - L. Smith. Good Samaritan hos- rntal. May 22. 56 years, acute pancreatrtia. WISNIESKI Stanly L. Wiesnieski. 709 E. 9th. 8 months, erysipelas. FULLER Etha.F. Fuller. 151 17th, May 24. 40 rears, broncho pneumonia. BETTMAN Ixrus Bettman, Irving apts.. May . 84 years, ' valvular heart disease. ZTJRBL'CHEN Anna E. Zurjmchen, 1677 E. Oregon, May 24, 73. yeara? arterio selerosia ARCHWANDHN Mary M. Archwanden, - 964 B. 17th, May 24. pneumonia. FIELD Grace R. Field. 1250 E. ; 17th,- May 24. 43 years, carcinoms. WEAVER Nellie M. Weaver. 407 Jsckson, "May 26. 86 years: general: debility. RAl'H Ernest Foster Kauh. 847 Waaco. May 26. 18 years; empyema. f ' GaRMAN Caroline I. . Garnuta. 870 ' Broad way. May 25. 46 years:. Dernieioaa anemia. GLASS Louia J. Glass. St. Vincents hospital. May 27, 84 years; fracture -of sknll. ' CAMPBELL Nathaniel Campbell,. 8J2 "North rnp. May 25. 62 years: valvular iasufficienev. ROSS Henry Boas. 1163 Leurelhurst. May 24, 64 years; carcinoma.' " ;. - PE RALES John Peralee, ' Good Samaritoa hospital. May 25, 25 years; lobar pneumonia, TEN ETCK Levi C. Ten Eyck. 4211 E. 48th. May -"24. 82 years ; cardiac dilatation. FLORISTS JAPAN , FLORIST ' 190 4TH ST.. NEAR TATLOB All kinds of pot flowers aad bed dine plants, lOo and up. . Border plants. 85o dosea aad up. Beautiful panaies. 50c ner doaaav VegetabW plants, ' doaen 26e aad ap. CLARK BROS., flonsta, Morrison at. bet. ' 4th and 6th. Phones Main. A-1805. Fin flow er and floral designs. No branch stores. ' MARTIN A FORBES CO., florists, S54 Wash ington. Main 269, A-1269. -Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. LIBERTY MARKET FLORIST. 6U and Ita - hill ata. Cut flowers, plants and" designs. Sell wood greenhouse 649 Nehalem ave.. Sell. 1620. t-ORTLAND'S Floral and Bird Shop. Designs and decorations. Main 4 878.-226 Morrison-. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. De sijrns and decorations. Phono Marshall 6922. , . 8WI8S FLORAL CO. 1 - . FLOWERS AND PLANTS LA LANK Floral designs, decorations. Opposite pestofftoa Mala 6646. ' -. - MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 Vs 6th vt FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. . ? FUNERAL DIRECIORS' .' -' ' i v . , . . - -Third and Salmon Streets . Main 607. A-1611 i W W . ee w M W w- . ' 9a at aa Progressive Funeral Directors - Main Montgomery at 6th A-1&0O WILSON & ROSS EAST 7TH AND MULTNOMAH : Funeral Directors East 64 C-8I6B - DUNNING & McENTEE Broadway god Ankeny 8ts. - Lady Assistant. Phones Broadway 4 3Q. .F.S. DUNNING, Inc. - ' 'THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS 414 E. Alder ?t Phone Est 82, B-5S2S. A. D. KENWORTHY & CO. - 6802-0804 824 St, S. E. Lenta Phone Tabor 6167. Home Pboae ZV61 i PrL. LERCH M1 UNDERTAKERS E. lltlt nol Hswthertte MeENTEB V EILERS. funeral parlors with all - thai prlvsey of a home, letn and avwrets aav Pnoaes Broadway 2188. Home A-2 188. - CHAMBERS OOMPANT. 248 and 250 Killingsworth ave., near WuUams - ava. Woodlswn 8866. C-1188 MILLER A TRACSY, independent Funeral Dt 1 rectors. - Prices' aa low as 8S0. 840, . 86ft. Washington at Ella. Mstn 2891. A-7886. - B. T. BYRNES, new residenoe estabUsbmeet. 01 Williams avav- Woodlawn 220. O-104S. A;irnn JP. UlTeTexr 11T KAysrreel VIIIOUII WillllOUIl W31n. 40, C-1165 HAMILTON 1 JtJZ BREEZE & SN00K S abor 134a, B-2646. A. R. Zeller Co, 692 Wflliams ava. East 1088. C-1088. OIAttiAA CNDKRtAKING CO. Mam 4162. OlVcWcS - A-23S1. Corner 3d and Clay. - CDIOOnM TJndertaking Parlors, 446 Km- gteoaf st. Broadway 36SA PORTLAND MARBLEWORKS ' 266 4th St. OppoaHe City Hall. I en Brea - BLAESihQ GRAhlTE CO i u at7-3e?o st. at MKoaor4 :-. LOST AKD fOPSP 21 THE following articles have - been - found -. oa cars of the Portland RaUway. Light A Power Co. May. 29. 1919: 1 postal certificate. 4 punea, 1 pin. 1 key, 1 flashlight, 1 toy gun, 6 gloves. 11 packaces, 2 coats, 2 handbags, 2 suit eases, 4 hi neb boxes, . 1 baseball bat, 8 um brellas. Owners may obtain . property at First and AJOer streets station. WILL party . who -took areen silk umbrella from mezxanine floor of Meier A Frank's store Mon-. day please return -to lost and found depttbetel Reward. -y--:.'-. -' - LOST Bank book and 2 6100 Liberty bonds is envelope; name on bank book and envelope. Finder please return to Journal office. Liberal rtward. ,y LOST On Saturday afternoon at 2d and Alder er Simons store, gold filigree brooch, set with 6 blue stones (turquoise), valued as a keepsake. G-a 8. Journal. LOST Two Hibernia savings bank pay envel opes, with $20 bill in each; name oa en velope; finder , please phone East 4549 - or call at 288 East Broadway and receive reward. LOST Friday : afternoon, " between S and '4, at Yamhill . market or on Williams ave. car, diamond ring, treasured as , keepsake; - reward. East 6968. ,-o LOST, on 82d st.. between 50th and 65th eve.. a pair of glasses. - Finder please return - to BBQ4 WZd St, H. K. t sll Tsoor ZgOQ. LOST-A 1 5-jewel square model Groin wrist watch; initials on lack "P. B. 8." .Main a n fur i r i - iuciir., . nwiwmrv. LOST String of pearl beads. Finder please call Main 4169 or 468 th st, cor. Jackson. LOST A gold Shriner pin with Al Ksder writ ten under emblem. Finder call Sellwood 863. LOST Pkg. of kodak : pictures and films. Please phone Msrsball 452. LOST Fndsy afternoon, a baby bonnet. Finder phone lain 1888. Reward. LOST Truck tire, 42x5; Portland or Linnton mad. Hewarrt. Main 92; Main 1075. ' LOST Silver wrist watch, near Conch school Monday; engrsved. Reward. Broadway 4 702. HELP WANTED MALE U. 8. MERCHANT MARINE Opportunity te presented experienced men te i ," core .... FREE TRAINING in preparation for license examinations as DECK OFFICERS AND ENGINEERS , at schools of U. 8. Shipping Board. FREE COURSE IN NAVIGATION. six WU. . fit. fn, Mn4 m.t.'. Um..- a- k-K-w open to men of two years' deck experience. ocean or coastwise, or equivalent in fisheries, or on lake, bay or sound. FREE COURSE IN MARINE ENGINEER- tna. one month, fits for third assistant enai neer's license, open to men of mechanical and engineering experience, including locomotive and stationary engineers, machinists on marina en gines, graduates technical , schools . and ma rine oilers -and water tenders. Navigation schools at Seattle and Portland. Engineers' schools at University of ' Washing ton, neattie. Apply to w. J. t, ram os, aoo Stuart bidg., Seattle. MEN WANTED AT WEST LJJIN PAPER MILLS. 42C HOUR, '8 HOUR DAT. SEE MR. H. A SW AFFORD AT MILD OFFICE ACROSS BITER FROM OREGON CITY. GOOD HOTEL PROVIDES CLEAN ' BEDS. 20C: BEST MEALS. 8 SO. ' ? - v $175 PER MONTH the year around, the average earnings last year of a number of our salesmen over 45 years. This year will be the biggest yet. No experience- necessary; weekly cash advance, outfit furnished. Big: assortment guaranteed trees, shrubbery and vines. Yon can do what other in experienced men have done. Washington Nur sery Co., Topperrish.-Wash. - - - HIGH CLASS man. under 36. to represent the - International Correspondence Schools; previ ous sales experience not absolutely necessary, but must possess unusual energy and determination. I- will nay right man over (2400 per year. Bond and. reference required. S. P. Snyder, 191 Broadway.' ' MAN and wife oa country place near city. Man who can drive car, to do general handy work, and wife for laundry. - Good wages and good place to live for the : right couple. Call at Hansen's Employment Agency, Raleigh bidg.. Sixth and Wash, - WAN TED M arried man, experienced in han dling milking machine, 60 cows. Apply Oregon Dairymen's . League. 409 Corbet t bids. Phone Mala 265L ' ' WOOD CTJTTER8V wanted. Good timber, A-l camp accommodations; go eat -in our antoa Sunday, starts 7 :SO a. m.. mafeeeaervationa now. Sunnyside Fuel Co.. 36th and Hawthorne. . DRUGS Registered man for Central Oregon, single, not over 30 years old; salary accord ing to, ability. Must have A-l reference. Z 6. Journal. .- '- WANTED Good live man for washing dishes . and general utility man; good salary to right man. - Apply after 2 p. m. Rialto Billiard Parlor.' H. D. Green. ' ICE CREAM maker, to make ice cream and - assist butter maker; good salary to practical man. OX-469, .Journal. - - MAN wanted to drive milk wagon, experienced - man preferred: good wages to right man. Riverview Dairy Co., 1008 Belmont st. WANTED- Vulranizer and all around .tire man, for out of town shop; good wages, steady work. . Apply e n. ntn st. IRON M0LDER wanted out of town. Give age - and experienee, 86. 8. hours, open shop. ZX-4. Journal. ; r h.- -- ' " " ' ' '- WANTED Tailor to do busheling and assist in selling goods; The Wise Clothing store, As toria. Or. - ' - WANTED Carpeote to eject frame 4 -room cottage, i Wm. Smith. 67 H 1st St., after OCKKX CHAUFFEUR wants position in private family; city or country. Wm. Salo. 146H 1st St., Portland, Or. ' - - " . WANTED Competent cost aacountant, ither .sex. for larte industrial plant. State fully experience and leferencea. O-840; Journal.' WANTED :-A competent Japanese to aid with general housework and cooking; best of wages. At ply 669 Moitnoman st. WANTED Boys 14 to 1 6 age to work afternoons aad evenings. 640 Washing ton ss. BOY over 14 to carry paper route? salary; no FIRST CLASS aolderer, piece work. Union . au , r- vltv. at. ttmim WANTED Youngaaan to leara electrical trade. Y-606, Journal. MACHINE men and cabinetmakera wanted. Frecland Furniture Oo.. 907 Macadam at. WANTED Boy about 17 years to work la . bag factory. - Apply Amea-Hairia-NerUle Co. WANTED Man on poultry ranch dose to city. Call Tabor 7269. WANTED Man to work on night shift in a - garage. ' at . once. East 24th and Holladay. XANITOR Apply Leavitt's store, corner 4th and Washington. FOR general team work call Tabor 64. HELP WA HTEJV MISC. 49 . POSlTlvN! ASSURED EVERT GRADUAL E OB B EH N KE-W ALKIE ' Business Ooilege. Portland. Enron any tune. Xesegraphy, stenoerapny. banarng. soctuwias. weeywtanai. rre catalog. BL BSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL - Indrrktual snstrncaoa. stieat asetboda, Latnv berasens bidg.. 6th and Stark. Bdwy. 8464. Miss F. ' Buraen. Principal. : DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL. ... LEARN TEwMiJtAPHY 7. " Toeing men and vosut wanted. Call 318 Railway . Exchange bid. - Splendid epportuaity te. leara a well paid profeasioa. , Free booklet. Railway Tel'.graph Ins' Hate. ' GOING aat or South Household goods ship- pad at -reduced rates: moving and -packina. Pacific Coast Forwarding .. Co.. 408 Hoyt st. icwy : rua fexS-F arrE cnvM-pwrnAt. school - Miss Regina But-kel's private school. ' Indl- Mual instruction. 122 Grand ave. East 42T ROCKY MOUNTAIN - TEACHERS' AGENCY Frank K. Welles,, ex-asst. Slsts Supt., mgr., K-- W. Bank bidg. Teachers plsced promptly. SALESMAN for house to hdue canvass, salary aad eowi mission. ee. Mr; Hughes, . Blake-Me-Fall Co-, city.-. . , -.- HELP WAWTFEV-.OTSC 100 MEN WANTED Te become automobile and tractor gas engine "trouble shooters. " Learn this profitable busi ness in our machine shop. Other practical work with technical instruction Is given. A 825 dis count is gives to soldiers and sailors. Hemp hill's Trade Schools, 707 Hawthorne - ava. Branch 124 N. th at., near Union Depot. WANTED Returned soldiers, ahipyard work : era aad ethers to take advantage of ear pedal inducements offered at this time by at tending the night or day classes in gaa tractor and automobile engineering; only abort time required. Call for free catalogue aad inf ormav two. ' --,. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, i 707 Hawthorne ava., ' Branch Office i 124 N. 6th at. near Union - Iwpot. Typewittiag. bookkeeping, comptometer and all ether modern business courses. Day and night school. Alisky bidg.. 3d and Morrtsoa. Main 324. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS FIVE DAYS FHEE TRIAL PAT TUITION . WHEN SATISFIED . ' We teach auto, tractor, gas engine an ante electrical work; BIG. 100 PAGE CATALOG FREE. Address AdooX Autr and Tractor School. Dept J. Union ave. and Vw. at. Port la od. Ot. Phone East 7446. - Hawthorne Auto School ' -. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. .Automobiles, trucks, tractors, machinist trade, oxy-acetyline welding, vulcanizing- and retreading. Special summer rates. Day and evening classes. T"-' STUDY LAW AT HOME University Extension Method. Degree LL. B. conferred. We guarantee to pass you oa the bar examination in any state. For full - par ticulars apply room 447, Morgan bidg. HELP WANTED FEMALE THE AMES - HARRIS - NEVILLE BAG CO.. 15TH HOYT ST. TAKE NORTH AND SOUTH PORT- s LAND OR 16TH ' ST. CAR; GET OFF AT HOYT ST. WE OFFER STEADY EMPLOY- 4 MENT WITH GOOD WAGES TO A LIMITED NUMBER OF GIRL SEW ING MACHINE OPERATORS. BE- TWEEN THE AGES OF 16 AND SO YEARS. ; IF TOU ARE NOT . EXPE RIENCED WE WILL TEACH TOO HOW AND PAY A GOOD WAGE AT THE SAME TIME. OUR EXPE RIENCED OPERATORS MAKE BIG MONEY. YOUNG LADIES WANTED FOB TELEPHONE OPERATING. BEGINNERS . IN TRAIN ING SCHOOL WITHOUT ANX EXPERIENCE PAID AT RATE OF $11 PER WEEK; AP PROXIMATELY $48 PER MONTH; FRE QUENT INCREASES IN PAY AFTER TRANS FERRING TO OPERATING WORK. CALL AT ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK AND OAK STREETS. WANTED A- woman to take charge of. the Ladies' Bath Department at Hot Lake, -- She will have one assistant and -will need to be atrona and vigorous and to understand massage and hydrotherapy. : , The salary will include board and " room. ' Need someone at ( once. Write Dr. W. T. Phy. Hot Lake. Or., stating salary required. WOMAN for family .eook s wagee $50 a too. alost " oe expenenceu ir raw uwji. home and "pleasant place to . work. Must go with family te the mountains for two months in summer. Either caU at residence. 645 Knott St.. in Irvington, r see 'Mr.' Bowman at the Brownsville Woolen Mills store. ' V V : WANTED EXPERIENCED and INEXPERI ENCED OPERATORS to WORK ON POWER MACHINES. PAY WHILE LEARN ING APPLY STANDARD FACTORY NO. 2. GRAND AVENUE AND EAST TAYLOR. YOUNG LADY to learn photographic profession: . must have had some previous selling ex perience. Give aga and phone No. 0-23. Journal. EXPERIENCED woman to do cooking and general nouaewora; a annus. u- wwuum, uu fires to bnikL no stairs to climb, every conven ience, good home. Z-609. Journal. -. WANTED A lady or young girl living near . 22nd and Kearney to take cars oi utue boy during day while mother works. CaU Main 806 after 5:80 p. m. . " HIGH SCHOOL GIRL T wfll nav well for your time after school Bring your mothers if you wish. Apply after 8" p. m. 810 Lewia oiog. WANTED Stenographer for - second position. gam training and experience necessary. Ref erences required. Apply .public library, 10th and l am tin 1. STRONG, capable woman for general house- Work: exceptionally good place for willing worker; German preferred. 'lei. main - oowv or call zou Hamilton ave. WANT cook for 4 to 6 men on ranch; no housed keeping except kitchen and diningroom; good house. See Mr.Shafer,;609Lewis bldg. , A GIRL for general housework; no" washing, $50 per month. Apply at Leavitt's, corner 4th and Washington sta. A GIRL for general house work; no washing, $50 per month. Apply 162 Haxelfern place, Monra villa car. ' - - WANTED, girl for wrapping soap. Apply Locke! King A Cake Soap Co.. 648 Hood st. - No phones. ' : i. WANTED- Experienced girl tor confectionery store. Apply 406 East Morrison between 10 and 1 o clock. WANTED Ten girls with good singing voices;, experience unnecessary; excellent opportunity. Apply Ben . Olllon, lync moatre. ii a. m, WANTED Experienced overcoat, macklnaw and 7 panta operators; good wages. - Apply Btamiara Factory No. 2. Grand awe, and E. Taylor st. WANTwoman to "do diningroom work for self - and husband's : room and board. 412 N. 19th st. EXPERIENCED child's nurse, best wages, ref erences; to go to California tor summer. 1 none sqvy, aieo. or can owv m'n WANTED Young lady- trimmer for millinery store. . Must De goon sateaiauy. tity rei ereneea required, oau wain. sws alter 6 p. WANTED Lady for general housework: no washing. ' 685 E. 79th N. Phone . Tabor 8248. ' " - -- - - - - WANTED Two lady waitresses for logging camp; $60 with board, Delaney's Employment Service. 16 N. 2d at. - - -- - WANTED A housekeeper fgor small adult family ; good home. Tabor 188 2. WANTED Young girls ore 16 years. Port land Paper Box Co.,' 92 Front st. WANTED Girls for packing room. Knight Packing Co., East 9th and Eat Aider at. SEWING machine operators. 167 1st at. Up - - atairs. - - - - "- . - ' " '" WANTED Chambermaid. Hoyt Hotel, 6th and ' - Hoyt. --' ' - ; - - WANTED .-Cook for plain -, cooking.-. - Bark's Cafeteria, 244 Vt Yamhill. WANTED Young lady to learn manicuring and shampooing ii 42, Journal. MANGLE tedders and folders, shirt finishers. National Laundry. E. 8th and Clay.' GIRLS wanted. Apply Tra Blu Biscuit Co., E. 6th and Davta, . . HELP WAHTKB MALE . AJTB FEMALE - ' n uat vd aisaFD f-IT .1 Sna pays yon while learning; gives yoe set of tonls; ans 'sauna - n . rov caumwoav ilde St.. or pbene Broadway 1781. MEN. WOMEN, leara Barber trade; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' erpertenee. Oregon nerner jouege. sasowow. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teacnea trade in 8 weeks; pay while learning; position guar anteed. 284 Couch at. ' ' ; y - " - J WANTED Weavers Experienced, steady work, ? - good wages. Also young women to leara weaving. Portland Woolen Mills. . WAWTEP AgEHTS KLEER-SITE. the - only . compound for auto windshield, etc.. rain, sleet, frost and dost proof. ' .Price 86e and 75e. . Agents making big coramissisna selling to dealers. Every auto mobile owner a prospect. KLEER-SITE Manu facturing Co.. 644-646 Security building, Minne apolis, Minnesota- - 1 PI AGENTS Twice ahipyard pay, for active sslea men ; most Ceirbl work; prompt pay. Spe cialty Foundry Works, S. K. corner E. 7 th end Belmont, - 'SITUATIOKS MALE WANT position in a garage or repair shop. I am a graduate from an auto school and have a diploma. Write. 935 Woodward, or phone Sell. 233. : - - KALSOMINING and painting. ouUkie and in side, wanted by ex-soldier; reasonable. .Phone East 7592.' 125 Russell st."" ELDERLY man rare for lawn, garden, chickens. . Steady place. Can give reference. Willing, to please. O-820. Journal. PAINTING, paper hanging and kalaotalning by experienced workman. Phone residenoe. Tabor 4956. . Shop. Tabor 6420. ... !llOUSE roof painting, kslsomtning ; neat work ; no splashing. Call SaUwood 2810. ROOMS tinted 82.60. onUide painting. Nickela. I'hone Broadway S9XB POOFS rexhingled. a specialty. : Phone Beachaa. Manhsll 706 CONTRACTOR, .. repair a speeislty. B, D. Crowe. 441 82d at. - Tabor 782. WANTED Garden - and lawn work and short jotm. Hiuigeriane. fnone rast mia TINTING and . panning: best - materials; fair prices. Phone iTsbor Boris. - GARDENER. phone HeUwood 2049. PHONE Sellwood 600 for basement digging SITUATIONS FEMALE REFINED young womsn with child wants housekeeping position for respectable widower or bachelor; no -objection, to children, Z-18, journal. "- "' - ' . " MIDDLE aged Finnish wosaan wants home work, washing, ironing or cleaning. - Phone Eat- 260. COMPETENT stenographer, beainnsr, will start on $10 per week salary. 35-9. Journal. DAYWOBK wanted rbymiddle aged "'colored woman. Phone Wdlwn. 4760. ' - - LACE curtains, hand laundered by expert, called for. East 6196. DRESSMAKING . " 4$ ANY kind of sewing; work guaranteed aad rea- aonable. Main 6608. SEWING at your home. Address Miss ,Noble. 1661 Gkrucevter at FTJRWISHED ROOMS Hart Apts. and Laurel Hotel Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and sleep ing rooms. $2.60 and up. Second and Yamhill HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH a day -up. -.Free tnb and shower bath. $1 HOTEL SARGENT, -Hawthorne and Granit Starting point special' car for Vsnoouvet. MODERN, sleeping room, parlor, home privt ilegei, $3 week. $ 663 Kearney. . FLUHISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY NICELT ftimishod ewtm. rlose in; gentlemen preferred ; evening . meal- if 'desired. 533 Flsnderx Phone Brraflway 4i;n. 2 CLEAN, well -furnished housekeeping rooms, suitable for -3. - 68 N. ,2Hh St.. near Wash- i'.pton st. TWO sleeping rooms for rent reasonable, west side. 262 em st Main im. ROOMS AWT BOARD 1$ NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high class family betel: rooms ea suite er single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We .give you all the comforts ot a borne. , Reasonable rates. THE HAZEL "Not like the others." Every - comfort; home cooking. 805 3d at. 1 iHv. uiutui WASHINGTON. 880 10th. for - bu4nea girls and students. Marshall 125L UOOMS AND BOARD FBI Y-A-TE FAMILY ' It FOR RENT Furnished room with board in private family near S. P. carsbops. Inquire 606 Haig at., - Brooklyn or eeuwooa car. sou per month. MOTHERLY lady wishes little school girl to board Main Ilea, eat layior at. LARGE, comfortable room, breakfast if desired. West side, walking- distance. aiain "- WANTED Old .people -to board. Tsbor 4603. WANTETl ROOMS ATfP BOARD t lVAoriviiuin m crl.a widow lady 840 no for good room and board and place for motorcycle. Htate particniars. """"" HOUSEKEKPISO ROOMS ormviGuirn A wn T'WIIHMSHFD . .... ' . rm. . . a dtd wirvkr ttt rVtmnltev furnished an ilea absolutely clean, hot at. all hours. Every convenience. Ssve carfare. The Cadillac. 8 d at. near Jefferson 1, 2 AND 2 ROOM modernly furnished house keeping suites; clean, neat and comfortable; 3 blocks from center, of .cityf $4.76 per week. 24 1 srx st. ... . t, urur Vi-.l. fnmUtiul rMinu for hfjUM- keeoina. near mills and shipyards. 1065 Lor- bett st. " - - - .,". HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS m J FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY NICELY furnished. 3 h. k- rooms, with pantry, . .. . I. -I..- A ... hat. MnniiHlfU h.,k water, liahts- and gas. bet. ttunnysKie aad Hawthorne cara. 1020 East Main. cor. 84tn. X'if-R 2 furnished h "IT rooms, everything included. 86 per week. 8 H . blocks north ol WaslUngton. 70 N. 1 4th1rMwy. rri.a-- "i ", u J.mi BA nee -waa 2 WUdi lurmsneu u. . fz: n.Kt and water included, 2 . blocks from n .htnvard. 607 -Mississippi ava. 2 Cnfurnibhed h. . SS'A ZZZl and gas, $12 per month. 268 4th St. across from the city hall. , .-, FOUTTluTrJshed H. K. roon--including lights, water and use of phone, $22.60.' 88 Upshur St. Bdwy. 8437. . : LADY will share nice home with Msimsi anman fW - ffrunie ; rvrmsva .saavjaj. - " NICE basement room vrith k'h2'"f4 sink and gas. 415 Mill st. Main 6882. FOR RENT HOUSES If I; N t U K .llflir, u SHIPYARD cottages,- bouaakeeplng apartBsenta. R furnished oTanfurnisbed ; res-onable. Apply 252 Gibbs St. - - . ' ' -.' a" niVfl' free storage. East Burwids Trans fer CoT. 450 East Burnside St. Eet 6610 Before moving- get j;uii"i- VVHEN YO 17 MOVE, CM"": li at ' ' r. v. i- i i. v-. . . . . , nr-TCIKI n.ECTBIO UGxtT BEimUB Tenth and Washington. Broadway 680 MODERN bungalw, fireplaos. f i lam in: l.il. vnone Z . TI.-..K- yygg,'To b,dg WEST SIDE 6 ROOM 1LAT. 691 WASH- INGTON. ' gaffTeTROMiOCSE. 314 20TH. HOUSES rOR NT-ptNE 5 ROOM house, bath and gaa, $17. 869 , E. 1 Ot h st. N. Some furniture for sale. FTJRNIBHE L"L home. Al D HOUSES BEAUTIFUL home. Alamedau Park. - rooms. crig.: r bedroSmT; $ 1 Oo" pir month. VVUl rent for June, July and AugusC Kefsrencea e-onired. R-434, Journal. . sToEraiiirn B mom cottage, with fruit trees and garden: win tease for n months. Wood atockar to Holgste. 4707 49th St. S. E. srnn RFNT 8 room furnished house, lot 100 xlOoTlots of fruit; rent $60. 1231 Detroit St., near KilHngsworth ava. - - ' MODERN room furnished house for rent; wood, water; free lor care ol two children. 1252 Belmont BUSINESS lady may h. k. la modern East Side home. East FURNISHED 6 room bungalow with garage aad a . ... ... li- I, aaxden. rnraa nw.n . v 6ROOMhouse furniahed, $30 per month, Call Tsbor m t. 4 ROOMS, toilet and bath. 27. Possession Jane 1 . Call Colombia FOR RENT FLATS ? UprEB flat, located at llViEast 12th st. N., Portland; wtlbia walking distance wast side. Modern plumbing, gaa, furnace heat end fireplace. Rent $86 per' month. , Kwf, aaat door. . Thompson, Swan A Thompson, , 3d and Main sts., Vancouver, w ash. ' a. a" I mm.t . .r,.. .... , .- 6-ROOM upper flat Including garden spot; some fruit. Hants, pnone mtta w Mm par moothT Phone Sell. 2512 or 941 E. 89th at. S. " " - - FURNISHED FLATS- 59 FOB RENT 4 room furnished flat for H. K-, with garage. 126 E. 4 6 tb at., cor. Alder. 825 --MODERN ' furniehed flat with gars re. : 996 Commercial. . Woodlswn 167. AFARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 8TANFIELD Apt., 294 -. Porter sv. shipyards; 2-room apartment, completely furnished; rea sonable. - - -; -f - BELKNAP APT., 187 17th near-Yamhm. - room furnished apt.'. 388. Including light. BANNER APT., 449 Clay near 14th, modem 2-voom furnished apt.. 817. CLEAN 2 room furnished apartment. $16, Phone East 1594. NEW YORK apts.. E. Belmont aad 7th. ' K. 238. ' ' ' " 'A P ARTM KIT T ' v ' " ' '! ; : f rrRHIBHED AND TJNFiTB'VIWHKD v MODERN S-room apt., clean and newly fur mshed. rent reasonable, H25 H. Stark, be tween 26th aad 37th, ' Phone East 6745 A ft 11 Ha Ah), - . fJNK furnished room and kitchenette; steam . neaf - IP mlmii..1 .iw. ' aimm er lady. 448 Clay near 12th. HUMMER RESORT 66 $60 for season, at Bar View. Bungalow and .0fn house, furnished; or sell. E. P. Marcher, 880 E. 1st st. N. vTAWTED TO HE5T WE WANT TO RENT a S room np-to-date dwa&log in select aalghboy beod. . ; .a,,--; Abe houssa. fists and anartmenta' tf yea' have any vacancies, phone Hssve Together, ears cf Northwest Steel Co.. Main 1198. WANTED Small unfurnished house, Richmond or, Sunnyside; resnonsibls tenants! no chil aien. Phone Tabor 8948 after 6. WANTED To rent, untarnished house, about 13 room, or mora. Address 88 West St. WANTED TO RENT-odern i or 6 room fur nished bnnealow; Mmuiwiit - Tatuw anal 6 ROOM' modern himnlia T.t... tlli ' ( REAL ESTATE j n. m no w r. w 1 s w GET A REACH HOME now st Seaside, Ot., in 44 uvwwuiui iaiiiwniuur raw a - at rsauceoi prices; $23 to $700; easy InsUllments, per cent; anon to ba connected by .sll paved high- ' j wimj xtsijvrn ana oonxnern 1 iregon, wiucn. ' with proposed 2000 ft. pier, will make "Cart- ' weight Park" one of the most attract Irs spots or Pscifio coast. Whitmer-Krlly Co.. 414 Pit- aua Wl k. -'v-aa ui'ri k tf' aiijr"" nnAnvn'ii'iy 1 L 1 1 1,1 11 .. gLSWavj g. - IVUf Ciftll Vnt4h wtaaassah sss-w as)Hls.Kl. V A1. ail. ae.a ' " " w" s-usn.il ui Jf unaiiawif, J tUiw VV.'Vtasg . comfortably and completely furnished. Good uoauuu, ciw j ocean, aeio. . '. aarnopp Co.. 819 By. Ex. bidg. Main 673. HAVE dandy 8200 beach lot on which I will accept grafonola. gas engine or what have you. Phone Tabor 80O. GANNON BEACH lots in first hlnok to ocean. inside. 8275: corner lot. 8850: one small furnished house. $800. Sellwood 2308. 1 FOR RENT 0R8ALE----leaslde cottage. Phone ! tuaat 047. BUSINESS FROPERTT 83. A REAL BARGAIN W fait Rlffa luialnaaa .Mtu.t v RmIMIm. RM 70- cement blocks, a etnrfea. In A.I entMiitina. - Good locationi Income now $300 per month. Sold In .910 for $40,000. Tan be bought now for $25,000. For particulars .call at 122 E. 28th N. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE 6 ROOMS Nine 6 room cottage, bath, elentrtcity, gas. etc.; lot 42vsx73: bens all paid; on Halswy near K. 1ft; 0 minutes' walk to west side. . Price a snap; 82SOA, $800 . cash and $2,6 per month. Act quick if you want this bargain, va cant. ' '!: ' GRU8SI A- BENNETT 318 Board of Trade bidg. Main 7452. i ALBERTA CORNER BUNGALOW """ ' 6 rooms and floored attic, fireplace, buot-ia book cases and buffet, full lot, clear of alt en. r cumbranres, 2 blocks from car, L block from ' paved streets; 81000 cash will handle, balance terms. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. 1lWE St COT, 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade bMg. 6 ROOM BUNGAIAOW $8250 Number 69 Emerson U. corner Minnesota , ave., basement, laundry trays, fireplace, built-in buffet and conveniences in kitchen; Emersne street paved and paid: $500 cash, balance easy terms. See E. M. Brown with NEILAN A PARKHH.L, 219 Lumbermen's bidg.. 6th and Stark ata. GOOD VALUE BUNGALOW NOW READY TO MOVE IN 5 rooms, attic, oak floors.- fine bnflt-lns, walls tinted, fireplace: good plumbing, light flxtnrea and window shades. At present price of Inmbe could not be built for this price. Only $5860;. easy terras. See owner, 1S$0 Sandy blvd. Ts bor 8826. '.."-" OVERLOOK A 6-rootn modern 2-story house, large living room and dining room with hard wood floors, bull tin bookeasa and. buffet, fire., place, full cement basement, wash trays, etc-. This house is new, never bean lived in. Will sell on terms. , - - OVERLOOK LAND CO. Tel Main 216. 512 Corbett bidg CLOSE in. walking- distance, 8-room home, . double constructed, hot water beat, . Is rie. light moms, street improved and paid. Price for quick-sale $8700; $500 rash, balance easy at 6 per cent. Johnson-Dodaon Co., N. W. Bank bidg. . - , $30006 room modern horns, full eonerwta 9 1 basement, built-in features, fireplace, level lot 50x143, en bard surfaced street, convenient to 8 earlines and school, bouse in fine condition ; " cash or terms. , Owner. Woodlawn 810. 898 ta. Jessup. FINE 7-room home in Alberts district, lawn.. ' shrubbsry, 2 toilets, bath, lavatory, double constructed, can use either Alberta or Irvington, car, 50x100 lot, street Improvements paid. Price $2800: 6600 cash, $25 monthly. John-son-Dodson Co., 684 N. W. Bank bjdg- AS WE ARE GOTNG to California to Uve will sell our home In St. Johns; M room modern . furnished house and 4 lota covered with fruit, garage; price 82600. $700 cash, balance $26 Kr month including interest. Call. at 425 Al ibeny st. Columbia 898. ! iissn nnKCiiiw 11650 Near Piedmont, 1 block from Union ave. and KUUngswerth; 6 rooms and bath, basement,, electrci llghta and gaa; corner lot; assessmenta all paid,'1 your own terms. Look at 424 Church at fall Marshall 4079. EAST DAVIS ST. 7 ROOM SNAP Good 7 room house, on 60x100, fJsved street. -. sewers and all paid; big snap at $2660; $300. cash. On E. Davis near 2ftth. GRUSSt A BENNETT 818 Board of Trade bidg. Matn 7452. A RE you looking for a real home, strictly modern, plenty of room, well built, very at tractive, reasonable price f Here it to 618 Kast 4 7th st. N. Coma, see for. yourself, and buy from owner. , " . FOR SALE 6 room modern house, large aleee- lng porch and garage, full sued lot and peer ing fruit trees, 100 feet from oArtine; price 84000. terms: would consider trade for aeraege. Phone Columbia 745. -" $3800 A Snap -3800 . Raaniiful furnished home to be saerlfload; . practioalty new; strtotly modem; 8 rooms. Owner, Woodlawn 4720. WEST SIDE SNAP, I-room plastered bonee. en Improved street, with sewer and street paid. for 81200.' One block to oar and school. Tow may buy this on easy payments. Johnson-Dod-son Co., 684 N. W. Bank bidg. ' A SNAP FOR OL'ICKSALE $$,780. 7-room modern home, bearing fruit tress, close to grammar and high school. Terms. Phone owner, Woodlawn 671 or call 243 H haver street. ' -niiNNY8lt)8! btitMAvr r - Five rooms with brick pillars, fireplace, floored attic, paneled dining room, cement base-, meat, wash trays, beautiful lawn and roses. Terms. 1111 E. Yamhill. : FOR SALE 6 room' modarn bongaTow. clear of incumbnusee, 4 H blocks north, of Monta vUla carUne. $2500, $600 down, bat $26 monthly, 6 Interest. 250 76th N. Phone Tabor 6209. "FOR SALE H acre, good six-room bouse, chicken honse, , ben-tea, f rait trees. 1 block from station. , Phone Sellwood 161 6. ' (8500 BUNGALOW, 5 large rooms, modern,. . 489 A. 39th. near Division; all improvements lv and iwid- Come and see. it baa garage: rea sonable terms to- responalble pavtles. -. - - ATTEirOS Beautiful modern bungalow; five roomfle fine bath and toilet; ehoiee locVtion. , Don t delay; 82.000. 1086 East 2 2d North. , Alberta car; owner. MODERN , 7-room house, furnished, everything finite lass condition, hot water beat, large Int. ( fruit trees , ana enu-xens, near goooj ' canine; t rms. t,all 856 Graham ave. $T0(i 81X room house ( not modern), 60x100 lot, oe good street, 1 Vs block, from Sellwood ear; will take Ford or Chevrolet en deal. Phone owner, Henwowl lno. MODERN 6 room house, in Piedmont, 60x100 lot; streets improved and paid; direct from owner. Agents please not answer, phone Wood lawn 8150. - ' LEAVING Portland, will sacrifice my new modem .7 room house; furnace; corner lot; best district; worth $40OO. take $8100, $1000 cssh. balance to suit. Sellwood 2706. -MODERN bungakrw, lot 50x100, gas, electric. fireplace, large cement basement, in restrictee district; 82600. $1800 cash. Call after 5 p. m. 1221 East 27th at. N. - $2600 ROSE C1TT PAFk's room modera , bungalow, easy terms; must sell. . DCBOIH. 804 Spalding bMg. ' 6-ROOM bouse and hk . sv:re ground, fruit - toeeat and . berriea, 1 block from school, $1.40O; eaey terms. Phone Tsbor 6788. -JiilTT&BiVt gooTloto.' 'g-ntnaTtnm, not modern, now chicken house near good school. Wdln. 6 102. -S 150 BUYS sptondld 6-room house, fine belli, ' furnace. Greet bargain. . J. , D. Kennedy, 3 29 Salmon.' " " ' -:- FOR $iS(0, by owner. 5 room house and loi 60x100. All modera improvements. 708 Harney. - aeiiwooa car. I"OR SALE by owner."' 4 rooms and sleeping porch, partly furniahed; lot 60x100; hard arm ace, iron a no perries. . e.. atn st. - FOR SALE New 4-mom house with hath, browner. Terms. 1186 E. 26th st. N. $1750 BUYS 5-roora modem hnuse west aide; targe view lot. M. E. 1, 606 t'-orhett M'tg iCoatlaaed ea loiiowlnf Fafe it