THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, MAY 27, :191fc REAL ESTATE FOB HALE HOUSES 1 ROSE CITY PARKL t WONDERFUL BUNGALOW BARGAIN. ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH $3950. - Oh. folks. 70a just most harry on ; this on. Just yesterday Uw oocr asked u to Tiame a price that wot J Id move this property t one- h is downright anxtona to sell , and mH quickly, and you might kaow w put th prie low enough. . Is - It modern 7 Just read this 4 through and tbea Inspect the property. Thar are six rooms and sleeping porcli. hard wood floors, fireplare, master buffet, complete Irau h kitchen - with breakfast Book, cement burnent, . f uioace. ate. This ts a real bone with kU of class -and distinction. ; Soma one la coins to get a big bargain, and it might as well be yon. - Remember, the story about the early bird? A. O. TEEPE CO., 24 Stark St., near 8L Main 8092, Main 8518 Branch office. 60lh and Bandy; HOSE CITY-HOMES ROBE CITI HOMES 5250 7 room modem with aleeping porch, at tio, hardwood floors, cement basement, easy - terms. . .v - ' ' "" ' ' : $ BOO 6 room modern, en block from eat, sleeping port, hardwood floors, the best boy 1 in Rosa City; 33000 down. - balance easy :- terra. ' , '"'' 4300 will bay1 this .. beautiful home; 8 rooms, modern in erery way, on good street, ; (war carltne, $1000 wW handle this, bal V atwe'$20 r montii. 8300 will buy this one; 7 room, modern, block from ear; null sed. $1000 down, bal .i , ance easy terms. ' , j . , - SIT Hl.lBI BliWi. rooms, modem plumbing. Be 11 wood; only $200 cash. Handy 4 room -- modern bo: 5 fl KfMV"'-Dandy ' room - modern bungalow, convenient to Jefferson high; half . cash: snap. ' S fl its vSfflt Sunnyaide. 6 large rooms, eon i? ltsj eenient to Laurelhurst Park; only 350 cash. - - . . . -Stffni N't rooms. Tiodrn. 80x120. iVAiAiW trait, 8 blocks Woodstock eat 32200 'low 11 artiatia Alberta bun- -G C Goldenberg. 216-16 Abington Bldg. 106 H Third St. "85 Tears In Portland" ' Vain 4808. , - BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! ' Client wants lis to sell 10 homes close in, . near 38th and East Stark eta.. $1700. $1750. 9150. glftno. $1000. $1900. $1000. $1950. 8SOO0. 32O00. , 0 and rooms in fin condition, street Improvements all in and paid. Bath, gas, alec-trio- lights, fall cement basement, wash trav. Just think of buying a home like this for $1700. First come, cat first pick- Easy terms. Photos at office. .... ..-".- J. A. WICKMAN CO., Msfn - 1004. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. - A COUNTRY HOME WITHIN THE CtTY. 1 IT LOTS NEW BUNGALOW $8800. L Located in beautiful Irvington Park. Just l. Trlrture a real modern np-to the-mlnnte "buna-slaw, built right in the center of a natural park, mind yon. your own home and your own park, .- with a mass of natural shrubbery and trees, rith a truly wonderful view of the mountains. 11 we want is an opportunity. Just the privi lege of. showing you, so that you yourself may be the judge. Naturally.- you. will be under, no obligation. " A. O. TEEPB CO., Jg4 gUr1t ad- M,ln 8092, Main 8518 T ROOM modern ' house near 87th In Madison St.; prioa $8250. Why pa rentf , 4 room house, story, east front, nice lot; . pric $1250; terms. 'Located at Firland. 8 room house at Kern park; price 81000; terms to auit. - , ;! . $2200-Wood lawn ' ' - ..$2200 ; ' ; Neat 8 room cottage bungalow, fine bath, Dutch kitchen, nice cement basement, beautiful full lot, with shad and 8 bearing fruit trees; berries, crap arbor, 2 blocks Woodlawn car; can more right in; very easy terms. t Open Evenings CEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 TEON .BLPG. 8140AI 5 "ROOMS. ,$400 CASH $1400 Good condition throughout,: plastered, bath mm, toilet, screen porch, - 50x100 lot, room for garden, chickens, etc.; on 21st at. . . ;'$2B00--HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2900. Good 8 - room house, newly painted, bath, toilet,' full .basement, on 28d sU, 2 blocks from ; Hawthorn ave. ; good terms. ;- TUCKER SHRECK i 802 Bpsldftg Bldg. ONE ACRE AT COURTNEY STATION ' 7 room modern house, 1-8 acre ia bearing rap ( immense crop), bearing fruit trees, gar age, fin garden, cars atop almost in front of th bouse. -This is a very nice suburban home; hard surfaced road all the way to Portland. A great bargain at $4000, $2000 cash will handle ' tftlt CMSSLET.TIfiiBS rn .. 270 'Stark st. Main SOU. 8 ROOM practically modern house, in Sunny side district. ' full ' cement Abasement, paved .streets, at a low price of $2350 and very easy terma. ' 7 room modern bungalow, completely fur nished. Price $2500, 5 room strictly modern bungalow, completely furnished. Price $3300. ' NEW "YORK LAND CO.. 808-8 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 7676. ROSE CITY WARS. Fiv room modern bungalow, 1 H ' blocks to , Sandy road, on paved street. This bungalow has aH modern conveniences and can be ban died on favorable terms. . .- PRICE $3500.00. , r ' SEE MR. BROWN. . . With Paul C. Murphy. Sales Agent. ... ,,A101 'eurk Main 1700. or evenings Tabor 89. FOB ouick sale, $3500. or $1500 cash. bal. can . be arranged, for, good 6 room, well arranged Louse, 2 porches, 2 closets, pantry, .bath and basement. . 1143 Hawthorn ave. Lot 43x187 ft., beautiful ' trees, berries, garden spot; prop erty would rent for $40 per mo. See owner. v. ho Uvea In California but here for hwrt time. Tak lit. Scott or Hawthorn car, get off at 88th st. ' - - A REAIThOME ROSE CITY' ' " Comer Stanton and E. 4 7th N. Restricted district. 7 rooms. Inclosed sleeping porch, hard wood floors.- plate windows, masalv fireplace. . all builtins, splendid Dutch kitchen, large bed rooma, . full cement basement, fine furnace. Ele gant lawn, rosea, fruit. You must see to appre ciate. Owner leaving city, must sell. Tabor S225.'i . -8 ROOM BUNGALOW $300 CASH Nice 8 roon bungalow, ceiled, but nicely fur nished, lot 80x100. $49 city liens to assume, good, location, just beyond Rose City Park. Prie $1800. $300 cash and 320 per month. Including interest. On E. 76th, near Fremont. - - ' .GRUS3I A BENNETT, , 818 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7462. . PORTSMOUTH BARGAIN $1650 . .- Say. her is a mighty good bargain: An 8 room houa with toilet, electricity, gas. big lot 86x1 lO feet. There are 6 bedrooms in ; thi house. Owner haa cut price to $1860 and - only $200 down. Hurry and you'll get a bargain. - , 'C0K A. M'KENNA tt CO., Main 4532. 3 4tJi st. Board of trade bldg. . CLOSE IN. walking distance. B room . home. . double constructed, hot water heat, large, light rooms, street - improved . and 'paid. Price for quick sal $8700; $300 cash, balance easy 6 per cent. Johnson Dodsun Co., N. W. PflBE PITT' PlBg. irn- . -L-. - . Modern 6 room bungalow, built-in con . -imanoee. double constructed, hardwood floors, full cement basement. "782 E. 65th N.. 1 C blocks north of car. Be owner of place or call Broadway 767. . FINE 7-room home in Alberta district,' lawn .. shrubbery. 2 . toilets, bath, lavatory, double constructed can use either Alberta or Irvington ;r- 60x100 lot. street improvements paid. ries L20 8500 cash. $25 monthly? John- Montavilla District - 8 TOoa house, room in attic, fireplace, good plumbing, house in first dsss condition. Vacant! 'JL. on'-1 Bthrick. 615 Chamber Commerce. Main; 1955. MODERN 8 room bungalow, nice attic and ce ment basement, hardwood floor and all built in featurea. Cash or terma , Tabor 8482. REllTTISI'I. BTTvniton, - Stor buUding. 2 acres, elect, line. iiu.- t n near r Portland. 844 Cam th era. B. 1428. Bargain tiror ia a - dvih 1 . . s.iar Neat S room double constructed nous and garaa 5O-10O jvrner lot, , Price $1250. By owner. 8806 63d at. 8. E. ' . ' TRADE or sell 8 lota. 8 room house, chicken house, good soil. 1 block to paved road, for a S room bungalow. , 8038 42d are. S. E. Tabor 6085. - v -" :"' . - . ' - - . BEAUTIFUL modern home, 8 rooms, center of Irvington. right up to th minute; large grounds, prica. $10,000.- Good terms if de aired. L. K. Moore. 817 Board of Trade. -- - FOR SALE J . . - H, acre, good aix-room bouse, chicken house, berries, fruit trees, 1 block from station. Phone Sellwood 1516. . , - - 31150 BUYS 6-room house, full lot. ' Glen a are. near ear. Pictur in office. J. 1. Kennedy. 829 Salmon. v. , NEW 8 room bungalow and bath, garag. corner, 66x100; snap; leaving town. 658 E. 79th at. nt lijiy rirt $250 CASH 2 good lots, 6-room house, not modern, new chicken bouse near good s-htwl Wdta8 1 02. , $3130 BCIS splendid 6-roont house, fin bath; furnace. Great bargain. J. D. Kennedy. 49 w onovi, TWO 7-room modem hoee and garage, 8S5 " Rafael at. near Union ave. Price $6000. Owne 600 Vaio nave. 214 Henry Bldg REAL ESTATE FOR MA LK HOUKEf . "" $2700, Terms" IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Roe city ear; five room modern bungajou large . lot, fruit, ahrubbery, garage. " -'$1700-'- . . 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, S LOTS Non-Resident r Orders bis bungalow sold. Has msde a price that will -more it; $7000 worth for $auu. Bee about this at once. .i 1 . E. E. DARING, ' : 284 OAK. MAR. 788. : A NEW PLAN Under my -plan you can build a new horn exactly what you want, to cost no more than a ready-built home. . I want you to see Walnut Park, i'ort Land's choicest restricted residence district, before buying elsewhere. Na better lo cation tor a home in the rilr. Choice 60xlOO lot, with alley at 25 pr cent reduction on rormer pnoe. raven streets, pato tot, nve car lines, Jefferson high school, public . library; in fact, an Ideal residence location in every way. Many are building in Walnut Park. , why not youf - ' w Call today and talk tt over. Open Sundays and evenings by appointment. Office 1149 Union ave N. Woodiawn 8304. W. M. KILLINOBWORTH. -Owner. HOME FOR TWO FAMILIES close to Island station, Oregon City car line, rapid transit 7 H cents fare; electric light. Bull Run -water, gas, two four room apartments, two gas ranges, hot water heater, two heating stoves and about 840 worth . of new Hnoleum goes' with it This is a very desirable, comfortable home, good neighborhood, near . school, stores, etc 80x100 lot; fine for children. Immediate possession. 8500 cash will handle I Liberty Bonds taken), balance very easy. This eosy little home commands s a most beautiful view of Willamette river and surroundings. - THE CROSSLBY-VIGABS CO. 270 Stark at. Mala 8052. WE COULD have sold this one a dosnn times if $500 cash would have handled it, but we must have at least $1000 cash. $81508 room attractive - bungalow, with living ' room across the entire front of house; hardwood floors, fireplace; buffet. Dutch kitchen, fuD cement basement, wash trays; in fact, every thing, but a -furnace-. Hard surfaced otreet and sewer in and paid. ' Not in R. C. P. but in a highly restrcited district only 20 minute out. Let ' us- show you. i. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 1094. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. HAWTHORNE AND : ROSE CITY If there is a good buy In these districts we know it. Our salesmen an courteous and will be glad to assist you in finding a borne to your liking. We have homes of every description ranging . from $200 to $8000. Call at our office at-S2d and Sandy or 39th and Haw thorne. HAWTHORNE tc ROSE CITY REALTY CO. $2750 i 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Besides it ha' larxe attic with finished room. Good basement. Pull lot. No street bond to assume. Convenient to car and school. Only 25 minutes out. - Terms. We deliver the aoods in choice home buys. Sea us before you decide. " A. Jv, HlLAi uo. 214 Lumbermens bldg. Broadway 421. ROSE CITY PARK $3650" Are you looking for a bunaalow of S rooms with oak floors, fireplace, built in buffet, ivory finish? If you are looking for a place as de scribed above, you'll like this one. It is really a pretty home. Yes. the street is paved and paid for, and best of ' all, the owner will ' give you possession ou payment of 3500 down. Our auto will tak you out. COE A. M'KENNA & CO.. Main 4522. 82 4th t Board of Trade bldg. BUILDERS. NOTICE I If von are not makin monev in aood chunks, you had better see me at once. If you have a few hundred dollars and know how to build a house. I will furnish the lot and get you a good building loan. Never such a chance in Portland before. Come out to Laurelhurst today. : Office E. 39th and Glisan ata. - MR. DELAHTJNTY, Tabor 8488, or evenings East 2088. - SUNNYSCDE CAR 84300 On block to Sunnyside car. - we will show you a 7-room, 2-story bungalow type house with furnace heat, fireplace, full cement base ment, corner lot,, garage, 2 big shade trees in front. Across the street is a $30,000 noma. Owner leaving city wants $1000 down, balance $25 monthly. Cell for our autos to take you out. Coe A. McKenna A Co.. Main 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trad bldg. , - $950--Mt. Scott Car ' A naa)saubstantial 8 room bungalow-cottage on ouxjuu lot, witn iruit trees, berries and enough ground left for marketable produce; a nail farm -in town for 8150 cash, balance monthly; com in and let us show you. Open Evenings GEO. T. MOOBE CO., 1007 TEON BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK Bungalow Very Modern $3500. Located one block north of Sandy; 5 rooms and large attic, hardwood floors, fireplace 'buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc.. garage; now rented for $40 monthly, but possession can be given in 30 day. Iet us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark at., nesr Sd. Main 8092. Main 8516 Branch office. Both and Sandy. Open Sunday. . OVERLOOK A 6-room modern 2-story bo ie. large living room and dining room with hard wood floors, builtin bookcase and buffet, fire place, full . cement basement, wash trays, etc. This house is new, never been lived in. Will sell on terms. OVERLOOK LAND CO. Tel Main 216. 512 Corbett bide. Rose City Park 8 room bungalow "below the hill,' less than 2 years old. oak floors, furnace, fireplace, built ins, French doors, garage, block from car, $4600. F. Vanduyn,- 51& Chamber Commerce. Main 1955. - i'.'finn nr.irTi -t. k,,..i .i- .t " v.w, wuf uiinr, to ear; B rooms, bath,, gas. electric lights; hardwood floors, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace. Let as - show you. j . -J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 1094. 204 Rv. Exch. lnV KTCAtt iT.nrnTi cr niT Roomy o rm. bouse, concrete foundation and basement, bath and toilet, electric lights, full lot, 10 or-12 bearing fruit trees. Prfc 31275; $250 cash, $20 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Com. Open evenings and Bundaya. . HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS 31050. 8 room cottage, sink, patent toilet. 40x120, bemes and fruit. 8100 cash, 310 and interest monthly water, plastered. Fred W. German Co., 782 i number of Gommerce. Open eveninaa and Sunday. $ H 8S0, Terms $400 Down 5 ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. LOT 50x105 Cement sidewalks. ; sewer, all paid. 8 blocks from Ut. Tabor car; bargain. 816 per month. 1952 K. YAMHILL ST. 81000. $600 CASH, lot 124x100.' fenced. 8 . rooms and bath, gaa light, email fruits, gar den, roses and flowers, chicken run and free pas tur. Chance to buy acre back of property. Fred Spear, 65th av and 67th L, Brentwood. Tabor 6887 or Tabor 685. $4000 BUNGALOW, 6 rooms, all built-in eon venienres, paneled dining room and beamed enling, fireplace and buffet, full cement base ment, beautiful lawn, lots of roses, bearing -trait trees, garage, -lot 50x100; would consider lot ia some good district. Call Woodiawn 6281. $3000 6 room modern home, full concrete basement, built-in features, fireplace, level lot 50x143, on hard surfaced street, convenient to a carunee and school, house in fine condition -cash or terms. Owner, Woodiawn-'6310 -393 E. Jessup. . $2500 $500 cash., 8 Urge houses hav been rented, located on 200x120 ft., with alley 20 ft Phone Sellwood 8473. '-'? 'J5 ch 8 room and basement house. 100 feet from rock road, S blocks to car. Fred Spear. Tabor 8887. . Brentwood, 06th ave., $8500 BUNGALOW, 6 large rooms, modern. 439 r 39th, near Division; all improvements . and paid. Com and see, it has garage; rea- mum igrms to responpie parties. MODERN 7-room house, furnished, everything ii ic-ss coooiuon. not water neat, large lot, fruit trees and ... chickens, -near , good carline; brm (11 855 Graham ave. J JJ0?;131 100-1 house . (not modern) , i ,?xli0 hj good street. 114 blocks from f)lwcd car; will take Ford or Chevrolet on w,Tirr, oeiiwooq JVOD MODERN 6 room house, in Piedmont, 60x100 lot; streets improved and paid; direct from 1 Aa'nt I answer. Phone Wood- LEAiWO PorUa- wUl eac rifle ; my. new TZI -; rurnace; eon ler lot: best district; worth $4000. take $3100. $1000 cash, balance to suit. Sellwood 2706. MODERN bungalow. lot 60x100. gas, electric" fireplace, large cement basement in restricted k CallJSrT?5 WEST SIDE home, lot 80x100 6 room .ini .srr, liSfira "itis: -.. -j " aq at. U SA Close in 6-room- 60x100 lot TaKrsT' b,Ti - Eay- ternii A FINE 8 room and sleeping porch, HoUaday. colonial. :at Rose Citjr Park: price $5500; easy Unas. Schaefer. . Broadway 617. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES $1 ROSE CITY PARK $4750. S BOOMS, MUSIC ROOM AND - i SLEEPING PORCH. ' Folks, this is on of those real charming, artistic, snor than modern bungalows, de signed to meet the requirements of those who know what is good and proper in modern bungalow construction. . The hving room . an., musie room- extend th width of building and separated from dining room with French door. Ia the dining room there are two mora ithan artistic buffets, lull Dutch kitchen - and breakfast room. ? Of course, it has hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc Splendidly lo 'cated. Barely, some on will buy. this without delay. Toe owner ar ' leaving Portland and hare reduced the price. Hurry. , t i ' a. q TEEPE CO 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 8092: Main 8516 . Branch office, 50th and Sandy. . - ' - Open Sunday. , -.-- NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL We want you to see this fin horn. - It has been appraised at $4250 you on buy it this week for $3050. It has a living room,-dining room, kitchen, bath and 1 bedroom down and 2 bedrooma and lavatory upper floor. It has a beautiful fireplace, built-in buffet, ' furnace beat, fin cement, basement, wash trays. The lot is a corner. 50x100 feet, and beat of all th street is paved and paid for. If yon can find a better bargain in Portland wa would like to see it. If you can pay $1000 down, don't delajr- a moment. Our auto will tak you ou. t oe A. McKenna A Co.. Maim 4522, 82 4th at.. Board of Trade bldg. 8 ROOM modem bungalow, corner lot, Montav- vtila district. - Price 82860. 7 : room modern bungalow, Hawthorne ear line." Price $2250. ; - ,V - . - ,.;'-. 8 room modern bungalow, with -garage, lut 15x102. lots of fruit and berries and garden. Price $2800. 5 room strictly modern bungalow, fireplace, furnace heat. 811 built-in effects. Price $2750. O room modern bungalow, fireplace, furnace heat- Price $3850. These are all nice places and well located, and on easy terras. NEW YORK LAND CO.. 803-8 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 7676.: 0 ROOM BUNGALOWS One on Hancock, near 33d. 80x90. Modern and good neighborhood. - Only $2800. $500 cash. - r One In Richmond district, on Iron, near 89th, with modern improvements. : $2600. Easy terms. - On on Ruswall. near Union are., 80x100, among the dogwoods, for 8270O. (1400 cash. A swell on on upper Corbett sr., overlooking river, mountains and city; over 100x100, with garage. $4800; easy terms. , JOHN P. WILCOX. 414 Pittock block. Fine Large Bungalow WOODSTOCK CAR 8 rooms, large floored attic, extra large living and dining room, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, highly improved 60x100 lot with fruit and gar den planted, lovely lawn, rose in abundance; can use vacant lot next to it; 4 blocks car, 8 blocks school; price only 32800, on terms; let us show you this. Open Evenings " I GEO. TEMPORE CO., 1007 YEON BLDG. HOMES. We have a large number of good house trays: some are now being completed. They range in price from 81000 tip. Before buying. It will be to your advantage to call at our office and get particulars. ? Open Evenings and Sundays. 8tanley S. , Thompson Co. ' 802 Oak. Automobile First 'Payment . 7 room double constructed residence, 4 blocks Woodlawncar, close to school. This is a fine, substantial, modern home: fine lot with fruit tres; will take automobile in as part of first payment; full price only $2500; ask us about it Open Evenings GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 YEON BLDG. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW ' $8200 6 room modern bungalow, 6 room down, 1 . up. . 'Attic, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, billiard room, fully equipped - in basement ; driveway, but no garage. Improve ments all n anid paid. Terms, J. A. WICKMAN CO., Mair. 1094. 204 By. Exch. Bldg. II Block Mt.' Tabor ? Car 8 ROOMS. EAST MORRISON ST. 8 rooms, double constructed, bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, full cement basement, laundry trays; beautiful 60x100 lot. fruit trees and berries; garden ail in; $3150, terma. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Teon bldg. A Home for. Someone 8 Tooms and sleeping porch, partly furnished, strictly modern, neat as wax, nice home and fine income, 4 room downstairs now bringing in 840; you can live upstairs or rent upstairs for 840 and live down; 22 per cent on mopey invested; nothing better ' on th market at 84250. M. 7931. $175 CASH B rooms, plastered, doae-in, ,at 947 Belmont, near S2d. on 8. S. carlfiie; paving and sewer paid; newly painted and pa pered; latest modern . new plumbing, electric lights, gas, hot and cold water, fine bath; price i astonishingly low, I know, for a well con structed 2 story house; 81876, 820 monthly; vacant See it and phone owner. Tabor 854 A MODERN home, $3250 Would you believe i iwwiuw 10 oar a sinciiy moaern nouse of 8 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace neat, full cement basement, 60x100 lot, -street aseeasmente paid, tor $8250 T This is one of th really good bargains to be had: $500 cash ia all you need. Let us show you today. Coe A. McKenna A Co. Main. 4522. 82 4th at. Board of Trade bldg. - - 2 ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE. 8100 CASH New 2 room house, furnished, on lot 80x100, in restricted district; no lien to assum; on E. 29th near Ainsworth. Price 81100, 8100 cash and 812.80 per month, including interest at 6 per cent GRUSSI BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 74B2 $67.5, Terms Down - -. . .,-. nwi UUUOb And 1 lot 50x100 ft. sidewalks and sewer in. fruit trees. 2 blocks from M. V. car. 82 E. 67 th st N. Terms. 816 per month. " !" Phone Tabor 6196. SALK, of trade, on Russell at, corner, 40x 100, 2 story frame building. 2 storaa on ground floor. 2 flats above, full concrete basement bringing in $115 per month. Will tak 8 room modern bungalow in trad or sell cheap on rea sonable terms. Call 164 tt Russell st Phone SC50 CASH handles1 home of 6 rooms, Dutch cuauuuu uve , rooms ana large pantry, down, 2 nice bedrooms, bath and large hall unstairs; fruit and berries. . Hons nearly new and double constructed; sidewalk and curb in. On - block to car; three blocks to Pennisular -i.',"u ownrt Tooqiawn JU17 J, Pnt'VPll (lir Dnim a.,. 8J500 cash, 81$ monthly buys strictly mod ernfS room house in thU beautiful part of Port land; bouse is double constructed, garag. fruit and berriea; 8500 cash. 815 monthly; soma snap. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of n TTgninn inn csunasys. HAWTHORNE- cars: 4 nice mom, fn ihi paved street; 82000, terms. 4 -room furnished bungalow, furnace ; paved street; 83000. terma . - 4 -room bungalow. Alberta car; 81800. terma. - MUTUAL REALTY CO. Main 1643. 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. Modern 8-roora bungalow, choice location, h,Tdi,l , Anll.. , . 1 . . " " - ,iw. ue , ovuuv lot. basement, attic, best plumbing, - coxy and conveniently arranged. Price 34150; 31000 - iwwm w iuiu s.nmuoD aroaaon Co.. 634 N. W. Bank Mdg. L - (TT $T500 lOOTlOO; 8200 CASH 6 blocks to Sellwood car. We want to shoV yon a 8 room cottage with bath, wood shed, 8 kinds of fruit tree bi bearing. . You ntver saw a better place for garden and chickens Main 4522. 82 4th st Board of Trade bldg. AS WE ARE GOING to California to Ut will sell our horn in St Johns; 8 room modern furnished nntiM and A rtm .....i w 1. garage; price $2600, $700 cash, balance $25 j uuuu mciouini interest. veil at 426 Al legheny at. Colombia 803. FOB SALE 1QTS ia FOR SALE By, owner, 60x100 lot on 8t uu ear iiae; oza, wiu tax liberty loan X9r,A ,. 1 Qll.lAA r-, . 1 ... , . . , vtm oKjca . car, as S". clt Smith-Waggoner Co., w a a aj WVJ iAI8sIlKg HALF BIX)CK .on Union are- near Oak at; the : .. 1 . u ior apeciat bargair:;JeeHenjyF.Cover. 4 Union ave. " afaZM"1 lota' "B- tb and SacnTmentoT IS terms; excellent soil, fin chicken ranch. Phone Tabor 6998. LOT FOR SALE, 26 KiUingsworth. 10701 U J .. r. i-none wooaiawn 8WB8. -2 LOTSin 63d are. at 67th st SE. for sale price $500; by owner at 7224 65th av. SE, ACREAGE 6? FOR SALE, or trad for- ranch; agood 5 room lttinealrMa, i.K V - ' - - i. . . . and- berriea. At Oak Grove, Or. Terms. U. ... WUII1TI1. 8 OR 10 acres. Oregon Electric, 1 mil from . K tmmiX mmHmm. . .-11 . . Part fall wheat, some pasture. 10 acres, $2500; . i a, xat wa no. rtiiisooro. 1 ACRE. Just outside city .limits, ErroU station. Eetacada line; plowed ready to plant; $1260. on very- easy term. . Phone Miller, Sellwood x 1 1 eTcmnga. I ?Ay number of tt -acre and acre tracts ' m desirable location. - Fred Soear, 05 th are. '67th at, 8. EL Tabor 6887. . ' s HEAL ESTATE ACREAGE 87 25 ACRE well improved farm, on good road, nice family orchard, farm iraplementa and stock. If you ana looking .for a good farm close to Portland yon can not do batter. $5000. Ten mv - I per sent interest W. F. Can, at store. Boring. Or., or 1219 W. W. Bank bMg. 10 ACRES. 8 room nouse. good spring and creek; standing fir and cedar; 18 miles from Portland.- cheap - for cash or will giv good terms . to right party, i For particulars call owner. East 6223. . ' - SALE TRADE . 20 acres, 12 a. cleared, living water. 8 loom house and outbuildings, rolling land. - See owner.' J.. Davies, Grand av.. Belmont. Rowell apt. City. - -: ..... ' . i,-- SIGHTLY acres. . 4 acres. acres; no "gravel. on easy terms. Alberta car. Kennedy school. Why pay more for lota 4 or 5 miles out? Main 1643. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. - "" 'V-.','".;;,DABNTPARK- ' For beautiful home aite, on Columbia River high way. See as. - Dabney Investment Co.. room 1. - minute, out, 5 room house, assorttent fruit, running water, 82150; terma ! : ! w. st. Kri, wdi, pa v tiamper 01 commerce. 11 ACRES of land no the Columbia and lnta n C, P. district; not incumbered; for house equity or firat payment on house. E. H. Fitx gibbon owner, 401 Board of Trade. . .. ONE acre at Oregon City, good soil, house, barn aim inuw man, Terms. Kailway Kxcn. ONE and six-acr rabbit , tracts. By owner, O-l 6. Journal. - 8TJBURBA7T HOMES' 78 A CLOSE IN OPPORTUNITY --' Kin acres, 1 acre finest strawberries, quan tities of all kinds of small fruits and berries. 100 young bearing fruit trees. About 4 acres in other Crops. Nearly new plastered house, with small concrete basement; good sized bam; several chicken houses ; well.- cistern. Every thing in best shape, beautiful view, fine soil, free of rock and gravel, mile city limits, near good car service; horse, fresh 00 w with calf, over 100 chickens, incubator, brooder, new buggy, full Una of implements. Immediate possession. This 810.000 place can be purchased for 87000, 82600 down. This year's crops will go far to ward th first payment 1 J. C. CORBIN CO., 805-6-7 LEWIS BLDG. CHOICE COUNTRY HOME 2 acres, rich soil, full set buildings, fences, etc .Splendid family orchard, berries. Located on 4 th st electric line, right in edge of thriv ing little Tillage. Price for everything $2000. ' - A. K. HILL, 214 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 421. BETWEEN 82D AND -GRESHAM - 665 acres, 40O cleared,- balance rough pas ture land. 2 good - houses, spring water, 3 bams, hog and chicken house. - silo and farm improvements, an abundance of fruit; will sell all or pirt PhoD East 8408. 655 East liurnsid tt SUBURBAN home. 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, bungalow type, full cement basement, electric lights, gaa - available, chicken house, modern, one half acre all kinds fruit and berries. $2250, $500 cash; easy terms on balance. Main 2558. Sletten A Jones. 248 Stark st S-ROOM cottage, lot 120x200. located at Os- Ween! fit, i mr ... r. Sm.ll down, balance like rent 227 N., 23d st GOOD house and 6 lots with splendid orchard. in Gladstone, .1 block from carline, close to school. Jamg Petty, Gladstone. FOR SALE FARMS 17 35000 RANCH FOR $3000 40 acres, about 16 acres in . cult, new well-built 6-roam house that could hardly be duplicated for $1800; large barn, running creek and springs located in tha celebrated Che latchie prairie, -1 tt miles from Amboy. Wash., a little town with 2 creameries. This is a perfectly wonderful little home ranch. It is in a splendid location and ia the cheapest thing in farm lands we have ever seen, half cash, balance 8 years. . Don't fail to see this. Photos at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Commerce. Open evenings and Sundays. Near Clatskanie Only $10 Per Acre 820 acres of logged off land. 1 mile of hich way. deep, rich soil: no rock or gravel; running water; 2.000,000 feet good timber; 1 mile of 2 logging companies. The timber will more than pay for the land. Don t fail to investigate. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 808 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM FOR SALE 860 ACRES " 110 acres in cultivation, 80 acre now in wheat 10 acres in. oats, o rrean eowa.witn calves. 8 2-year-old heifers. 1 farm wagon, binder. 1 mowing machine, 2 plows, 1 harrow, 2 fine creeks running through place. All tor $15,000. Oood fttcck and hog ranch. Call East 250 or 450 E. 27th st N. after 6 p. m. $2600 BARTON FARM $2500 40 A.. SO A, tillable. 14 A. cultivated, bal a nee brush, some cordwood timber, 9 houses. old barn, 30 prune trees, partly quipped, 1 tt miles ' from station on main county road, $800 cash, balance to suit Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. bldg. 850 DOWN. 312.0b MONTHLY" Fin. level 20 - A. tract of unimproved land. ttt miles from Hillsboro ; $87.50 per acre; fin oil. running stream, good shack. Fred W. Gar man Co.. 782 Chamber, of Commerce bids,. Open evenings and Sunday. H5TOCK AND EQUIPMENT ,. 40 aetes, good house, r large bam. assortment fruit, team young mares, wagon, harness, two good . cows, ail farm implements, ail tnla year s crop, SlaO: good terms. Draper, 526 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BARGAIN $250 per acre, 15 acres, 1 mile southwest of Oswego. 8 miles from Portland, on ' county road, in good cultivation, a acres tn crop,' 10 large apple trees; terms. Further in formation, see L. M. Davidson, owner, box 84, R. F. D. No. 1, Oswego. Or. 8100 DOWN, $15 MONTHLY 10 acres of rich bottom- land, all in cultiva tion, good size shack, 1 tt miles from Talbot station, on Oregon Electric. Total price $1200. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com merce. Open evenings and Sundays. FOR sale or trade for smaller place or city prop erty, 820 acre stock ranch, 35 miles of Port land; 78 acres has been plowed. 76 .acres can be plowed with little work; this place ia fenced and cross fenced: fair buildings. Z-604. Journal. 26 tt ACRES, all in cultfvation. No 1 soil! 9 acres in clover, good buildings, creek runs by barn, no incumbrances, located tt mile east of Beaverton, on Canyon road. Inquire 860 East Washington st. Portland, Or. Owner." FOR SALE A choice Ttt-acre tract of sandy loam and river silt bottom land. Right at town of Aurora, on Pacific highway. - House, barn, orchard: easily irrigated; $1500. C M. Crittenden. Hubbard, Or. , FOR SALE Small farm bargain, 28 acree. price $1800; good terms; near Molalla. Oregon. Good roads, coed land. , Inquire Own er. 127 Russell at, city. Phone C-2527. x--,r, but r-K.n on i , , m- m. . . . wa.c.,., w uuu lull XX miles out Pacific highway; will consider some xraae. an asi suov alter o cloca. 7 ROOM house, close in: a bargain, $1800. 6 room house; $1750, easy terms. 404 Rail way Exchange. $16,000 FARM, 18 miles Portland; paved highway; worth $20.000. Sellwood 1102. FOB HE ST-FARMS 11 478 ACRES TO RENT AND SELL GOOD STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH 100 acres level, tillable land, 60 acres culti vation: all good looms) soil; 1 acre bearing or chard, spring water piped to house; haa 10 room. 2 story plastered house, cement basement barn 6060 feef outbuildings; buildings insured for $1600, which goes with place; 2 horses. 13 cows. 3 3-year-olds, 1 10 yearlings, 2 calves, bull and 10 chickens; farm tools; 2 miles to R. R. sta tion, church and stores; on the county road, mail daily. Will trad for house and lot or income property. - - ' 820 acre adjoining, rented, ; goea with this place, including crop, at th same price, 813.000, $4600 cash, or trade. . - Owner of above property will be at onr of tic tomorrow. Call and see him. - 114-20 RALPH ACKLKY LAND CO. 3trn voractt pidg. Mam 7141 FOR RENT 40 acres. 14 miles, Washington county, bood buildings, fruit, 15 acres in crop wheat, potatoes, grapes, etc. 628 Morgan bldg.. phone Main 2797. - . 25 A. RANCH to rent at Station, 11 miles, electric, phone, some iurniture, stock, chickens equipment for sale. For particulare give your phone or address. 0-831, Journal. HOMESTEADS 4? - CANADIAN HOMESTEADS 3. 1 Porte. CANADIAN OVERNMENT AGENT, Spokane, Wash., will - be at - the Seward Hotel on May 28th. 29th, 80th. 31st to intsrveiw all parties who are interested - in Western Canada Free Homestead Lands. . . - - FOR SALE Homestead rehnouUhment. 160 acres, all fenced. 45 cleared, null cabin, en good road. 6 miles from Terrebonne, en peninsula between Crooked and Deschutes rivers. Price $200. C. B. ADAMS, Terrebonne, Or. ' FOR -SALE A homestead relinquish ent; a . good proposition for. someone with some money. OX-4 6Q. S on rnal EXCH A7TGE REAL ESTATE 84 25 ACRES, 15 timber, ; 10 cleared, all level. along Hood rveri; f esay terms r ransider ex change for suburban cottage. Particulars by owner. W. Gordon, Tingtey, Iowa, . - 6-ROOM cottage, gaa, bath, etc; near 8 car hnea, 2 schools. Trade for vacant lota or acreage. Good eon ser for store. - T-819. Journal 2 tt ACRES bearing orchard, near Tasnnnt. ' for second hand auto. Will pay or tak dif ference. R-617. Journal - I WANT to trade a "homeaead, relinquishment" for 15 or 20 acres of good land; unimproved. OX-4 58. Jonrnal. UT you ar looking - for Rose City bargains in bungalow call U. 7931. era. T. 6319. RE AIi' ESTATE! EXCHANGE -RE AX ESTATE 14 o owa ptanevea nouse, oatn, xouet, - ugnta. cement basement, lot 100x160. all kind of fruit and berriea; value $3500; wants acreage, home near Portland. - .. .. Gearbart cottage, ;S rooms completely fur nished, 40x100 lot 4n th trees; want bun galow in Portland; wiH aasuma, - . , , - ; - ' Near Amboy, ; Wash.. 40 er good road. 5 acres in cultivation. 10 more easily cleared, soma creek bottom land, all fenced. 8 room house. . barn and woodshed; wants Port land home; will assume. , FRED W. GERMAN- CO. v 782 Chamber of Conunerea bldg. Open evenings and Sundays. Irrigated Farms 160 acree on county road, fenced, adjoins big alfalfa ranch; water- rights fully paid: phones and Reboot near; 20 minutes by auto from Bend. Suburban Farms 45 acres" unimproved on Estacada car Una; station on land; 2 creeks, 8 springs; a gentle man's country home. - . . . 23 acres near Newberg, part in crop, fenced; adjoins store, school and commercial club. JOHN D. WILCOX. 414 Pittock Block. FOR SALE or exchange 11 acres farm land; 7 acres improved more or leas ;: good new hern, fin 'water, all - fenced. 3 miles north Camas, Wash., on Fern Prairie road: to be sold on ac count of aickneas and old age. or will exchange for house and lot in Portland. Or. Address Dennis Murphy, Camas. Wash., B, F. D. route No. 1. box 83. 820 A. WHEAT RANCH. 821.000 Near Goldendale, Wash. ; 2 houses, barns, windmill : also spring on place; 25 A. alfalfa: good fences, fin soil, on good road, tt mil off paved highway. This place will bear closest in vestigation; half cash, bsl. terms. Will consider small place in Willamette valley on part Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. . J EXCHANGE ' 246 acre ranch near Portland, stocked and ecutpped, 326.00O, for income property up to $18,000. GRAHAM - 724 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANT ranch or Portland property for Calif or nia bungalow, 8 rooms, modern, Urg lot facing two streets; abundance berries, soma fruit garage; finest view San Francisco and all cities on bay; clear, - $5000; will assume. Y-806. Journal. FOR SALE or trad by owner, a good noma. also 13 acres under cultivation and some choice lota in Ocean Park, Wash.; will consider automobile, piano, or any article of value I can use. S. 8. Slingerland. 460 E. Davis st WANTED -To exchange 1st class automobile for 8 or 6 room modern heme in good location ; will give bal. in cash. Price must be right Call 625 - Alder at, between 16th ami iitn. improved valley or Southern Oregon-farm in exchange for income property In Riverside, CaL Price of property not to exceed $87,000. L. K. MOORE, 317 Board of Trade. CORNER lot in Albany, Or., worth $500. Will trade for light car. -Call 48 N. 10th at WAyTETt REAI, ESTATE 81 WE HAVE A LITE BUYER AT ONCE ' House, cottage or bungalow In good district; kitchen, dining teon, living room and 1 bed room down, 2 bedroora and bath up; full ce ment basement furnace, laundry trays, etc.; must be modern and on street with improve ments all in; must have garage 1 or 2 blocks from carline; prefer acta shade or fruit trees and not too close to other buildings. If price is right1 might sell by Jun -1. Prefer house built for home. Must be in good district and be a bargain. STEWART BUCK, . 818 Northwestern Sank bldg. BUYERS FOR 4 or 6 room house and lot -100x100 or more 9 room strictly modern house, not leas than 100x200; rent or buy. - -8 room house, south of Washington, bet 4th ; . nrl 1 Ttt, . KAwlAA V! 1 1 Minniiv ttnir'rt . w. ... , ....... , wn,o. Main 6127. 431 Chamber of Commerce bldg HOUSE selling is my specialty. Your house will b given proper attention. Now ia the time to use i nave ouyers watting. WATCH OUR ADS. WE OET RESULTS. v. -A. tVSKKl.Ktt, RITTER, LOWE & CO..' 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WiVTV.n . Price must be right and very easy terms. We nare aoKi over suu nouses in the last year. If ?ou want action, see us. Fred W. German Co., 32 Chamber .of Commerce. Open Sundays and CTeninsa. WE are doing th biaoest business In nnr ' years experience in this city. If you have iiBitm your nouse witn ouiers wltnout results, w n wou b aisappoint you. 1 COE A. McKENNA tc. CO. 82 4th St, Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED Small house and lot or 2 lots in good district ; auto and some cash aa first payment; must be clean and in good repair and nam. ivit . zza sc. in . WANTED Five room modern house and base ment improved streets. St Jnhna .,,-... . Pay cash. er part cash and acreage ; cash price eiijov or iovv. u-Bi i , journal. CASH for improved 2 to 5 acre place con- icuini, w en. - A WIT.T. 214 lAimbermens bldg WANT 4 or 8 room neat cottage; hav fair cash payment and will buy quickly from own ers only. In town for few days. Box H-60 Iinm,t . '' ' WILL, pay cash for good modern house or uwi,ivw "i irfiniwB or xtose City Park ; iM an rncauon, aesenpaon,,, lowest price, M.mMiS.t .vuiini. 'miN'T wnnpv 1 can sell or trade anything anywhera i7b. if i r-ara sr. G. C. GOLDENBERG can sell youl- property. Abington bldg.. Main 4803. ' "SB years in rurLianu, FRIVATE h in .K lnnt I . i ... , v,wu, pne im ' to exceed $3500; not beyond th gulch. Phone , Minn , IF you are looking fof Rose City bargains in wm,iuwo mi . i vox, ere. i . Q 3 1 V WANT for cah, 5 mom bungalow neat car from 81800 to 82400. O-209, Journal. WANT 3 or 4 room eottag near car; 'owners only. Q-2 1 0. Journal. HOOMlQ HOUSES 68 RKPI.HXtRH Tfirf RAflMTVf- Wop You can buy what you need to replenish your iwinina uouae at. 2or on me II at 247 14 TTI,R 8TPITT urrtwriniT Building being torn down. Forced to sell for it. wm vnng. FAMILY HOTEL Eaat side, 28 rooms, 80 boarders. Make - a,. m a,,, wiau, ixu o TO- I , evenings. 828 Goodnough bldg.. 6th and Yam- 8 ROOMS, nice modern home, close in. west i, wen inrnisnea ana Clean; price $SSv worth the money. Garland, 188 8d. 12 ROOMS. White Temple district, always full and a money maker, $645, half cash. Peters, X 0 1. (fill H, HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING HOUSES OLDEST ESTABLISHED FIRM IN CITY H. W. GARLAND. 188 THIRD. - BF8IITE8S OPPORTUNITIES SO MILLIONS are suffering with rheumatim.Mo6t : ru ports tin diseovery of the age. A herb that actually drives th most stubborn case of rhen- matism entirely out - oj the system. People wriin ns ana say uiey are asiounaea at th re sults, especially on the kidneys. Just think of the money making possibilities. ' Representatives wanted. $1.12 pound postpaid, -10 pounds $5, express paid. Rheumatism Herb - Co., Venice, Cat - - -- . ' PATENTEES. ATTENTION I Our ads have brought to our attention ever 100 clients covering assisting, originators, buy ers and sellers of many useful patents; capita Ha your ideas with our assistance Material Chasers Co.. Railway Exchange, Portland. Or., practical equipment specialists. Main 2245. INVESTORS., ATTENTION 1 Be Material Chasers Co. ad above. Patentee ar cooperating with na due to our speed.' serv ice and practical experience. Don't coniusf us with patent attorneys. Our serric is prac tical, therefor our , charges ar minimum. In vestigation will prove this assertion. - Ueo. &. Auger, manager. GOOD chance for chicken ranch, . i-acr witn 20 ft alley, 8 houaea on; can b turned into chicken houses; 2 block to Woodstock car; 48 large fruit trees, all in garden. Phon Sellwood 3478. This man want to sell. 32500, 63i0 cash. - Fred Spear Tabor 6887. ' COUNTRY general snerchandiae store and stock. located in Washington on railway and high way, 2 mile from salt water; doing fin busi ness. Vain about $6000. . Will tak part cash and some good Portland- property in trade. Call room 816 Portland hotel. "" Restaurant Best little place in city; right where all work ing people are; heart of west aid; doing fine business; on account of sickness will, sacrifice for 3375; halt cash. Peters, 18 N. 6th st FOR SALE Fruit and vegetable stand. New Central Market. ataU . 4th ,aad bill ata. . . . - . I OR SALE: About $600 grocery stock. lord will arrange living rooms in rear. East f-fth and Burnsid sts. . W. Miner. FOR SALE On account of ill health, a well equipped wood working shop; plenty of work. L. W. House, Hillsboro. Or. , NOTE this tccatioo. . Dandy oonf ectioner y oppo site North Bank depot; owner leaving, will sell right 428 Hoyt at Phone Broadway 188B. BLACKSMITH shop, beat location in Oregon; doing good business: good reason for seilina. 1385 Phone Tabor 6603. BAKERY . and confectionery fixtures tor sale at invoice. 6338 Foster zd, Tabor 8096. BUSryESS Of FORTUJtlTIES tt FOU SALE A good cleaning, pressing - shop; good location. Must tears city. X-428, Journal. . ' KOHET TO LOATC REAL ESTATE 87 CUB installment plan ia the , boat and surest : method of paying a loan. -. : $32.26 per month for 86 month, or .: ' it $21.24 for 60 months, or -$16.17 fur 80 months, payt 81000 loan and trlerest " . -' t... - Other amounts In proportion. ' ' W loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. Ne commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION -'- - 242 Stark, st. Portland. Or. $800 $400. $600. 8600. 3760 and np. low est rates, quick action. Gordon Investment Co.. 681 Ch. of Com. Main 6448. 8260. $350. ' $400. $500, $600 and larger amounts; current rates; qnick action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber ef Commerce. BUILDING loans on ctty or suburban property. money advanced as work prograases. W. G. Beck. 216 and 816 railing bide Main 84Q7. CASH paid "for ' mortgage and sellen" contracts on real estate in Washington er Oregon. . H. K. Ntble. $16 Lumbermens bldg. MONET to loan in amuunU of 3100 to $6000 A' H. BELL. Roowi 1 0-11. Mnlkey bldg. MONEY for mortgage loans. 8800 to 66000. 6 and 7 Fred S WilHama. 92 tt lit ft 3300., 85O0. 8780, $1000, no coav. quick action, ward. 101 Btninmi piag. 800 TO $3000, no com mission. Main 1168. F. H. DESHON. 618 Chamber of Commeroa. SEE OREGON INT.' MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce 4 th and Btark ' MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 1. Louis 8akgoa eV Co.. 408 Selling bldg. - -- - ' MOKET TO LOAN-CHATTELS, SALARIES , 61 DO YOU NEED MONEY? Loans made on autosrobflea, diamonds, pianos, saehol enoda at anvthina ef value. Security usually left' in your possession; ALSO to SAL- AKID PEorii on tneir notea witnout aacutiir. If your payments to' other loan companies or en furniture or automobile contracts ar larger than more money it weeeasary, and you can repay os in small - monthly payment to - auit your con- LEGAL RATES. NO DLAY ' BUSINESS BTRICTLT CONFIDENTTAI.'i POBTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed.) 806-807 Dekura bide "i -. Marshall 8286. - Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONET On abort notice to salaried or worklngmen on th$lr own notea. Weekly, eemi-weekly or monthly payments, Kacn transaction strictly confidential. IS'O MORTGAGE. NO INIKIUSER. V -. ABSOLUTELY . NO- SECCBITX , . .. W also loan on household ' furniture, pianos, etc without removal. - -CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY -UCENSED 218 Failing bMg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland Business Men to Protect the Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. FIAKOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE . City and County Warrants , Cashed for Face Value. CABBIE "MYERS HERRMAN. MGR.. 894 STARK ST. OWNERS OR AGENTS . 1 hav '., 89500 TO LOAN TODAY; WILL DIVIDE Low rate. 828 HENRY BLDG. MARSHALL 6888. MONEY to loan on diamonds, - Jewelry ; legal rates; sll 'articles held a year; established arnee 1888. Pan Marx, 2B8 Washington. " GEORGE Harvey loans, money on household goods; legal rates. Tabor 8 SOU. LOANS TVAMTED 36 FIRST- mortgages for sale, 8800 up. F. H, uesnon, oio cnamber ot commerce mag. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. 232 WANTED $1200 to $5000, no commission, 6 per cent-on 6 new bungalows. Z-14 Journal. PRIVATE party want $3000 and 82000 on unproved real estate. 0-46T. Journal. FINANCIAL 81 LIBERTY BONDS If you must sen your Liberty bonds, sell to na If you can buy more Liberty bonds, buy from us. YYs buy and sell Liberty bonds at tn market XOU CANNOT DO BETTER TOD MAY DO WORSE ' W ar today paying the fallowing price tor t.mtea etaies government .ioercy wan nonos, which are the opening New York market prices, plus th accrued interest " New York : Accrued Total Market Interest Paid. 8 Us ......... . . . .699.60 81.58 8101.08 1st 4s 95.60 rl-80 97.40 2d 4s . ......... . 04.76 .. . .13 ; 04.89 1st 44s ... 95.80 1.91 " 97.71 2nd 4ttS ......... 95.20 .14 95.84 8d 4tt - 85.88 . .85 96.73 4th 4 ttt ....-95.50 .60 86.00 Victory 4 s 09.90 ' .09 99.89 : In purchasing Liberty bonds we deduct from the above price S7e on a 850 bond and. $2.60 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty bonds we charge the New Xork market price piua the accrued Interest ASK ABOIJT THE 8IORRI8 PAYMENT PLAN Burglar and" Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes MORRIS BROS.V INC. The Premier-Municipal Bond -House Established Over 25 Years 309-11 Stark st, between 8th and 6th ata. Telephone:. Broadway 2151., LIBERTY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANT ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE BETTER PREPARED THAN -EVER. TO SERVE YOU . SEE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO.." 212 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) COR. 6TH AND ALDER STS. I WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND . ' " ' a 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (AR due coupon interest Included. 1 8. H. KEATING. 61 T BOARD OF TRADB. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH - SPOT CASH CASH FOR TOUR RECEIPTS Mail bonds to ns; we remit return anatL ' Loan mad on improved real estate. . Long er short tint er monthly payment plan. " Come to 726 Gaaco bldg., 6th and Alder, CELLARS-MURTON CO. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 TEAM Bay horses, 6 year old, weight 2700: wall matched. Team of 4 year olds, weight 2600;. well, broke. Bay mare, 7 years old. weight 1400.- These horse must be sold re- rirdlese of prie. Week' trial allowed. 234 rent stable foot of Main 'street JUST RECEIVED. Freeh load of horse from 1200 lbs. to 1700 Tba. - Th best bunch ' I have had - this season. 246 Front t ; - ...:-'-- G. . WU,LUHBU, TWO choice of black team, weight 2800 and fliSOO an from 6 to 9: also 3 other good. big work horsea. Will sell reasonable. Call at th old .dairy sara,.2ui ih x-owen auy roaa.. MUST BE sold by3 Monday. 7 head of good young work horses; suitable for all kinds of work. Also few seta ef single and double har ness and 8 wagons- Woodstock car to Powell st. 8 blocks esst to 896. v $176 TEAM. 2200 lbs., brother and sister, a and 6 years old; also pony. 6 Tears old. good driver and extra good to saddle. , Woodyard. 21 rrons u DOUBLE harness, $22.60; single hsrneas, $liT, good horse, weighs 1025 Ibv ; canvsa-topped wagon and harness. $102.- 65th sv. and 67th at" Brentwood. Fred Spear. Tabor 688T. TEAM of horses, weight 2600 lbs., for sal cheap, or trad for Ford ear; to be seen at stable - corner of East , 8th - and Hawthorne. Phon East 6106. - " - - 2600 Ll TEAM, good workers, single and double. Wiu sen cnean at weeararu stabVee. earner East th . and . llawtborn. Phone . East 6106. WANTED Farm wagon ; tires 2 tt to 8 in. ; wneeis go to o m. nign; gooa snap. Apply Phone Tabor 418. ' . - - - - "-'.-- - - 2400-Ih. TEAM black mares, with good heavy barnesa. 8166. SVZ Know st, tt block east of Union av. GOOD working mar, work single and . dooblej 12 inch Phrw harrow, wag a, caltivator. 142 em Bin nionn. HORSE and aen. 81.60 per day; 2 hones and wagon, aa. J. conen.- m rront Mam zzos. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. CaU Wood wn -2P.- -Portland Rendering Co. FOR SALE Big work team, cheap. 430 Haw thorn ave. WAGON' and harnc, 181 E. 81t No. Tabor izan. - - - . GOOD young bora, gentle in every way; 1160 it. an na. icnsn xsor u rnqnt WMm. estt. ZEAMl fox aalav. Call-labo. 64. 18 FOR 8ALE or exchange, 2 teams small mules, 4 or 6 year old. suitable tor small ranch or mail route. They cannot ; be beat New harness and ahod. ready to hitch to plow or any vehicle. Guaranteed sound. One span mule . $276. with barnasa. . Ono.apaa mules $300. with ' harness. . : $70 worth of harnees on each team. CROWN STAB EH, 286 Front St -: , PHIL KUETTEH. SPAN of borsee and ' harneae, weight 2400 lbs., good worker and gentle, in good condition. Price $180.-, --.,. -i ... Also span of marea. weight 2200- lbs., suit able . for any ranch work. Several eats of single and double harness, buagiea, light and heavy wagons. To - be seen at th wood raid stable, cor. of E. 0th st . and Hawthorns a v. phone East 6106. TEAM ot black horses, weight 8800.' ere T and 8, guaranteed to pull two cords of wood any place. Also 1000 lb. sorrell mare. genU for a woman or child to drive; .good harness and 2 -seated buggy.. CaU at 662 E. 28th st 8. Woodstock car. . . T-i. - - FOR. SALE. EXCHANGE OR HIRE by th day, week or month, any kind of horse tliat-yeu can find for logging, ranch or express driving. Any kind of harness and wagons. ' CROWN STABLES. 285 Front at , , PHIL HUKTTF.R. ' 2 TEAMS and harness, weight 8200 each: we hav no further us for them and will sacri fice: no liberal offer refused. Andrew .A Conover Fuel Co., . 86th and Sandy road; or call E. 8462. 3163 BUYS pah- bay marea, weight s 2200 lb., age 7 and 8 years, work and ride, fat and sound; good' heavy harness and light wagon, 6824 86Ur - at Mt Scott car. Tabor B034 CARLOAD of Eastern Oregon borsea. 1600 1600 lbs. Some smaller saddle horsea. To be sold and guaranteed aa represented. All young, from 6 to 7 years old. Matched team Star Stables, 608 Front st FOR - SALE Small team, harness and spring wagon: for sale or will trade. What hav yon. Tabor 2083. 9411 Foster road. LIVESTOCK 86 ITTW'TIflK BITT G-DD . . .VJ - ' WXC1VO A1,(111U,1 ' .One span, of bay mares, young, sound and vary genu; in good condition; weight 2300 pounds. Am going to quit ranching and will sacrifice team and harneae for $190. 0-929, Journal. ' - , . ., 10 FRESH COWS, mostly aH large cows.' 4and -:5,year old, Durham and Durham Jerseys. 4 to 6 gallons. 1100 Macadam at , South Portland car to end of line, 8 blocks south to Pichanison ave.. 1 block east in pasture. -FOR SALE Three grade Swiss does. 2 giving 2 quarts daily, and 8 fine doe kids, all for 8146. or 8140 if taken at place.- L. E. Wor nom. 37th and . R ate., Box 844, Vancouver, Wash, : REDUCING my dairy herd, 4 fresh cows, 2 ex" tra good Jerseys, one large Holstein, on lean pe Guernsey Durham. 1 480 Macadam. Ful- ton car to Idaho st. one block east GOATS AND GOATS' MILK Fine Toggen- burg and Saanen buck kids (either breed) and goats' milk for sale. 295 E. 68th N Montavilla ear. ' - FOR SALE Four cows, roan Durham, JiolaUla and Jemey; pick out of 8. 142 E..81at st N. Montavilla car. Tabor 7678. FOR SALE Fine young Guernsey Jersey now. ' Better than 4 gals, a day when fresh. 6615 66th st S. E. Mt Scott car. -$80.-' FOR SALE Milking doe and 3 months hom lesa do, kid. 830. L. E. Wornom. 87th and R ata.. Box 844,' Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE 10 head dairy and family cows. Price from $50 and up. Montavilla car to Eaat 22d. 761 East Ash. ' FOR- SALE 1 fresh" "Jersey eow. Take Van eouver ear to Buasett st Heavy - milker. L. G. Stafford. TWO fresh Jersey . fsmUy cows, $75 and $85. Cal CoV 888 or 1227 Lombard. FINE Swiss buck, 18 months old. Will sail cheap or trade. Phone East 6661. 60c LB. for pullets; 28c to 83c fof fat hens; vac eggs,' case tots. Boggess, 181 Front FOR SALE First class dairy cows; can pick out a bunch. By M.- Seon. Tualatin. Or. FOR-SALE A dairy store cheap If taken at once. Phone Columbia 946. 664 Lombard at FOR 8ALE Registered NubUagoat Tabor 6088. ..... .. - FRESH family cow for sale. Tsbor 6684. SHOATS FOR BALE. Sell, 2454. POULTBT, PIGEONS. PET STOCK 87 WHITE Leghorn are the. moat profitable breed of poultry. If you are in the business -for profit you will eventually have ' them. - Early broilers, early layers, early profits. We sell only . White Leghorn baby chicks from heavy laying Hoganized hens. Safe delivery of full count liv chicks guaranteed. Price per 100: May and June delivery, 312.60; July. $14. The Pioneer Hatchery, 406 6th it. Petaluma. Cl t m. a -v k-i Progressive Hatchery -".-.. BABY CHICKS Rhode Island Red. 825 per 100 1 hatches off tuT. V ' 18' l8- SIC-1 Whit Leghorn l. w per xuu. Secure orders now. ' 1634 V. 19th -- V rt. tin BAR. CHICKS for sale: White' Lgho"rns. Brown Leghorns, BUck Minorca, May and Jun de- ,uu nwii ior iuw aeuvery only; ..ntT, rriTSu" Mcn week; pries reasonable " - xsox aiz, Hawm. or. ARF YOU RFAnV? Wa mrm. t hnw mm, A ..n 11 .ii ' .. ? a"l br4jedin atoc.:, fc at otir nw loctv- t lnM 9 AA Vm mt If. - I ar.- ... BY CHICKS for wl: " WkJU leghorn. Brown v.SZmT wV J "Is:,"mOTCli T am -ium am- lMrlsr Mrl wmm9 . . W . i - "7 ,7, MvKMM im ,ua. aeiivery eniy; -7 wees; pnees reasonaoie. C. N. Needha i hn 119 r. CURTIS White Wyandotte "Eggs Uist HATCH TH'iR,CG HBliID White Leghorn chicks. May Wt M-M m MM MA S. ' MM M , - " rc iiunnm w aVQ CWO, 3 O 1117 flLa ftalr-vwA 8 Ct . -w. .vwmw a rv A O, THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca Batching ears. Mammoth strain. Columbia 868. 1600 DAVE 25 snow white fsa tail masons, thoraueh. breds; will give party taking all a bargain. an wain pan evenings. BROWN LEGHORN baby chicks, 12 days old; north. Rose City ear. - - - SELLING out 800 White Leghorn hen and Mrkflrala. . ". II flrtvi4 w it wmlna t " . m v. -..-., wV EW ZEALAND and Flm.h GUtU- nbbiu .of 1468.- - , ; , r 8ia mi i ma ml. zji . : w arsriMa--r t.ii 6S K Belgian do. 1 Flemish do and 1 buck! all for 610; ox trad for puliata,- Woodiawn 8910. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn chicks, ready wmx. eacn. wo uw av. Bell. 1818 THOMPSON Ringlet Barred Rock hatch inTaggs! w yf wfiwni. a mVwt mxjiwo 9ft "rt A C Wta(4V. " laW s"".iJa ' ' "Te'V. o-uwtiua v Vi F1lF.!lIiH' x?i-NTS '-' - . pedigreed'. BARRED ROCK eggs, fertility guaranteed. UrZ a,vars. ana . lximoam. Woodiawn 1856. BARRED ROCK and Leghorn chicks, hatching BS". iijers aaoffr t m if, , WHITE Holland tnrkeys. Buff Leghorn ecce anil Whit. SilkiM In, mmIm. rT 7S ON'T forget the rabbit; all "grad7Cosett 164 West Kiilingsworth av. - ' Zr -x- S''lTi "' 11 for 81.15. also mMmg. Mmws mwmm. WHITK .Leghorn laying pullets. Master lnee WHITE, Brown. Buff leghorn pullet, 1 year - old. 6346 4th t S. E. TabVr 9460 12x16 TENT and New ln4 rabbiU cheap at vJTTf 1I1 SV, FOR SALE IS It L Red laying , oull.U. " 1 cockerel. 8 BO Sandy Blvd., Rose cttv ear. FOR SALE Hen and 22 chicks, month old! 850 Sandy blvd.,' Roa City car.- DOGS. BIRDS. PETB ETC. -46 THOMPSON'S Bird Store bos a ad sella baby m w. v-ti ww. s mw hi saiassippl v rw nHiF a, ut. THOROUGHBRED Fox Terrier pups for sale! ,o.i aw ivm ave. o. Tj. CHOICE canaries at "Tb'e Canary Bird r,op." Singers guaranteed. 1161 E. 28th N. " C-2217. FOR SALE Fun blooded Pitt dog, reasonable? Call 1183 Minnesota v. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 1916 HUDSON SUPER SIX - speedster, with : oord -tires: an arsalllil. -' Most aaerUtea: taraaa ff rtred. Address. O 824. JeurnaL BUICK bg. exoaJlent condition, newly painted; goon tires. auo. in? is. gun st -w. FOR SALE or trade, elaaay Chalmers bug with rrencn top ana, gooa tires. Mar. 8441. lOB SALE.- Maxwell rnna boat, 2 cri. Owner, a4k ' A. eev . a v a a v v . m wwf v m upvuvgi, ttHj 1916 FORD roadster.. Just try it. $38. Jar" n roues le, Broadway z6q. CHALMERS -6 passenger. 1 9 1 3. WiU acU for gaoo caan. pnone Main 4296. - - - WILL sell my 1917 MaxwsU aa A-8aX journal. 91 CHEVROLET for sale, eash or terma. 701 Jetiervoa 1818 FORD for gala. Old on la irada, Hi Grand av.-ri. :-" - '-: 5 ' T- FORD dilirery fog sale, in A-l ahap. rhoa Sellwoed 677. . - i DEXJVERTbody and top for "1 H ton CMd HORSES, TEHICLES, ETC t tea. DBiw Auto tvo., park ana Coucb. AUTOMOBILES AWD ACCESSORIES 44 ' BEST BARGAINS TN LATE MODEL USED . CABS IN THE CITY ' LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT FACE . -. : . . VALUE 11018 11919 .'. - tire 11916 11918 11918 1 1918 11817 1 1918 1 1917 1 1918 2 1817 .2 1918 1 1917 1 1918 2 1918 1 1918 11817 1 1918 l-e-1917 11916 1 1918 1 1917 Col 8. Aero type, 4 -pass. Studebaker Big 6 . with 6 cord Jordan, - , Bulek.' 6-cyU, S-pase. Col 8 chummy roadster. Buick Big 6. 7 -pas. . Buirk roadster. , ' Buick roadster. Hudson Super 6. ' Ford, 6-pass. Fords. 6-pass. Fords. 8-paaa, Hupmobil. Hunmobtla, MaxweUs. Chevrolet : ' Oakland. j - a . i , . j j i - Oakland. Oldsmobil .chummy roadstsr. Stuts roadster. W in ton tonring. Col 8. 7 -peas, touring. LEWIS E. OBYS MOTORS CO., INOL " ; Distributors PATTERSON LIGHT SIX .. - -. and ACARON TRUCKS , Broadway and Couch ' Open .'Evening, and Sundays A USED CAR OF GOOD MAKE AND IN GOOD CONDITION, IS USUAL LY A BETTER INVESTMENT THAN A NEW CAR AT APPROXIMATELY TUB SAME PRICE. " KIS8ELKAR ; SEDAN 1916 mods). a popular family enclosed car, finish and , upholstery in excellent condition, cord Urea, good condition with extra. Price 81800. DODGE BROTHERS SEDAN 1917 - model, newly painted, upholstery In good condition, good tires, A-l mechanical condition. Price $1275. Terms and eichang will bs eonsidersd on th above ears.. - , OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS COVEY MOTOR CAB CO. Washington at, at Slit Main 6244. UBED car bargains i trr eriana 83-18 1 Dodge . 1 Oakland 8 1 Studebaker 6 , . 1 Overland 88 ... 1480 Chevrolet 17 l- -Overland - 76 , . 1 Ford . . .. a, . . , ...8 760 , , , 7l 7ft 6()(l 4 511 450 450 '400 87.1 t 1 Ford B . . . , 1 Overland 88 ... 875 ... 8'J.I 2M5 200 , . , , , BOO 42B ..... 8x5 . . , , 800 1 Maxwell.. ... 1 Ford R 1 Buick roadster . . , . . , , '-'-' -. BUGS 1 Franklin bug 1 Oakland bug ......... 1 -Chalmers bug . 1 Studebaker bug TRUCKS 12 Vk ton Geralx 1 2 ton Reo ........... 1 2 ton Reo ". . 11 ton Leppert Stewart . 1800 , 900 75" 850 4 is.. ' LONO A SILVA. 463 Hawthorne. Fords New arid Used Ford Parts and Service. ' William L. Hughson Co. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 821. AUTHORIZED FOKD lEALER MODERN ' - CONSTRUCTION CO. " 818 E. lltht East 6114. DODGES 1917 Dodg touring, at a bargain price. . 1916 Dodg touring, also at a bargain. CART, 828 Alder at CaU Broadway 2492. 1818 PHAETON Hudson Super-Six, T pesaea ,fr. 'equipped with cord tire, on extra. Will consider smaller car In trade or part pay ment; terma if deal red. 0825. Journal. BIO STOCK USED CARS PRICKS JtlUMf - f Mlareprssaatatioa. - Covey Motor Car Co. w STUDEBAKER 1917 light lour, looks like new. Will sacrifice or consider smaller car : In-trad. . Prio 6950, terms. 80 Grand av. ' a iinai nuinwm. CASH ptid for old can, ooadition o oivjMtl . ' ---- -. v-naem. vawt7ri J-UIA JDsS chnt. 1 29 LownMdml At 10tb and WMbinftoA, IIrarl HAIta - CHEVROLET 1918 tourinavr-bnlv run aufiff miles,, in perfect eonditioo; will sac st floe at 8775. with terms. . 30 (Grand ava, K. . near Burnside. ' ITaXWELLS '1$ and '17. Thee looT ' strtti m.rm titmt 1.a Maaka-iMiin U7i . $6767 " SMITH AUTO CO., PARK AND COUCH. i91 OAKLAND' SEDAN CORD tlRS AS'ft mr. i,u oritur i; a JiAKUain at 31060; f"AHIf HP TV. nua ae-w rials am mJ - - - -- ......... ...... ... .... , u yr ' I , m avin sr. nAia warhinuton, WEST SIDE. 181 6 DODGE TOUhINU This car k' ia dandy ahap and 6 good buy, 8h ha th looks, too. SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUCH. 1916 MAXWELL touring, ia perfeot ootid - tlon. Will nonalder trad. o. rl .- balance terma. . 80 Grand av. N. aaer Burrn aid. .'""' - r n l5Ti ear is right; good paint 8 w eord tirss; $1630. FranJilla 1916s enrd tieM mHmm t mnnlr, mAmm. llA&n BdW,; 2. 22 ll, 'Bdwy. ' 7 llAVgLIM Hir. model 1611. ..rU 6. laU.t robin-egg blue, and Hudson Sna let. 'II model, fully equipped, at a bargain. lon Broadway 3664. at 36 Third st stNOX valve in head bug, godtiree, new ntinf. we, . HAiMviai i worm car pnoa, BUO. See tt at Linntoa xarac at Linn to M mtt Helena romA. . . 1UVE to rais some cash. Will tea 364 for my 1917-76B Overland roadster. Will aera enstraie. 6 nearly new tire. Kf. Arbuckle. Broadway 2656. - . - . " MAXWELL Late 1916 modal, uoeilent en". - oisae ,- i or case or terma. Would consider ' TT D.. aiAtarmMl. mAA mmm 1 4mmJI v . . - thia. -Woodln. 6762. 1089 Gantenbeln av. IT nHwl fltffri-rMk8 4 M ..! ., excellent shape, Cary, 828 Alder st Phone rtroaqws geaa. DUBRfTTLLE " '", i . . TOP COMPANY ttb at Oak. Broadway 1 864. HUPM0BILE 1817; exeailent condition, eon! tire, new paiat; $1000. mon jnroaaway 2. 23 N. Bdwy. LIBERAL TERMS On a tram her of good used ears. Call me up. CART. 623 Alder st, Broadway 2492. j - . . MMMMI MM . . M M tltl . .... , V. f. . Itis auvwJ irr eiw, sex jaaaw.ii ,uii cneaper. sary. ma siqw r . prqwy vw LATE 1918 Ford, first-class eondition, 6475. 8206 down, 10 months balance, equal pay ment. 168 Chapman. Main 1167. i486 DOWN- BCfg l9li CHALWERn TOURING CAR. Al CONDITION; BUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALfs EAST 1902. BARGAIN ' W bar two good CbevroUta." which we writ sell cheap. Cary, 628 Alder st Bdwy. 2492. liooT)6wiruTa ri8 afixwELir tour; 1NO CAR: REPAINTED. Al CONDITION. CALIs TABOR 630. CHEVROLET lOlO light delivery, almost new. perfect condition; a bargain at 8976, with taraaa. a urana ave. is., near nrnaioe. $200 DOWN ' BUYS MAXWELL TOURlNii n CAR. A-l CONDITION AND GOOD HUB-7 BER. CALL EAST 1962. - IF YOU ar looking for a bargain m thi 6 naaa. ear. A-l eondition. 6788 86th at. Fnont Taoor man. $1 88 REGAL CAR Suitable to remodel tor bug. - Ala Ford truck body with top, cheap. Weodyara, e a I rront t LATE 1917 Maxwell touring. Just overhauleX run 600 mllea. :11 Main 6403 I M I 4-1 Portable and Perma iteat I (Si 2M I House of All Klada AComUa I'Uovils ,$;.