THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY , MORNING, MAY 25, ,1919. HOmiEEPWO BOOMS S" FltttSlSHJJD AND CKFlJliMSHED CLEAN, airy and comfortable furnished room, - with bo and cold water, electricity, Ha., tot lady or coupte employed during day, who desire to do lis lit konfkwptai : eaay walking distance. IxJ Mont. 167 Burnt St., Mar 20th and Washington. ', -; - - - 1HO lovely housekeeping rooms, completely fur nished, $3.60 wL Aim large tront parlor housekeeping room (4 week. . Free bath, lights, hot water, telephone, etc; very close in. 450 Yamhill at. These ars dean and food. - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 7 FURNISHED AND UNFURNIHK PRIVATE FAMILf ' 3. OR 4 nicely furnished H.. K. rooms; private f root aoJ beck porch, yard and rosea; ne children or dogs, $ 18 month; liht and water Included. Have garage. 188 7UJ st I. M-V ear. ! : Til HE E fine. Urge, furnished H. K. room for - rent m naa rsnaenoe, -i- ruua are. Mississippi ear . to presoott west as Preseott to store. TO couple firing good reference, 8 largo clean onluniisoed housekeeping rooms m gooa us trid. walking distance. 170 N. 18th st., call "Sunday or evenings. LARGE front, room with small kitchen, com - . fortsbly famished for housekeepmg. $4.25 weak; fine neighborhood, suiubla for student of others. 473 Main street - . - ilOUKEKKEPLNO Single room $2.60 to $8 - per week, close in. , C'U a. m. to 8 p. m. Main 1520. ' - $23 THREE larga furnished housekeeping jootn,. -.642 aat 27th st. ;: Richmond car to 27th, 1 block south. ------- TWO large, light housekeeping rooms with bath, kitchenette; close in. cast side.. 701 E. . Tay- lor st. H-1370. TWO large front H. ' ' rooms on first floor; water in apt. 620 IS. Morrison st. BC8 IN ESS : lady may housekeep in pica modern home. ' East 78 6 0. ,- -.- ' - -NICE furnished II- K. room In private family? 412 loth st. West side. 2 ROOMS turn W fo7housekecplng, -11 E. ' 14th at. V., near Ankeny. FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeeping rooms. 812 per month. 4SQ K. Sherman st. r W ( eleanly furnished housekeepiiig rooms, heat, - lights, gas. 698 Johnson. SINGLE housekeeping room, desirable location; - walking distance. 87B-t4th st. , ' FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent. 744 Aibma are. THREE furnished K. rooms, olosa in. East 398 HOUSEKEEPING room for rent. Adults only. East 456B. 803 K. 11th K. NEWLY 'renovated front housekeeping suite. , private, walking distance: - 32Q. 4W E, Oak. 'it7" ROOMS furnished complete for housekeeping. H E. 14th st. north, near Ankeny. FOB BEST HOUSES UNFURNISHED IS METER eV FRANK'S . DEFORMATION AND RENTAIi BUREAU , Reliable, op to " data lists of desirable vacant bona, apartments and flats with definite Infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this burse, ef great value in helping them get properly and suicsly located. ' EIGHTH FLOOR FOR BEST 2 story house, 8 rooms" bath and toflet, 1 Mnrk from Willamette lleights car line. HQo I'pshur St. Rent 823. K. E. TATLOH CO.. Insido Property Dealers. Ground Floor, Henry bids'. . Mar. Ak for Mr. Deknm. FOB RENT $30 8 room rooebern bunaalow with fire place, ran, built-in conveniences. 298 E. 734 st N , MontarUla car. 8204 room cot tags, nearly all famished. 1024 Mississippi are. OTTO A MARK SON REALTY CO.. . 418 Chamber of Comerce bldg. TO LEASE IS room home, suitable for S families. H block ground, all kinds fruit and berries, na Nellwood earline. Free rent and Income for someone. ; " W. A WRIGHT. 417 Abington bldg. " Ties. Well. 1355. Office. Main . FOR RENT Absolutely modern 7 room - house : with fine large billiard hall, all built-ins. fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors pared 'street. H4 blocks to ear. Rose City district, west, of 424. Apply forenoons, 1142 Francis are. POUR acree 8 room house, lance poultry house. nam. ngns as ueua-er aiaoon. au piowea. Ask for Morse ranch. Geo. Morse, 809 C of Main sous. WILL RENT fine house, furnished or nnfnr-nished,- or sell all. house, lot and fine tnr- nlture, including piano, on easy terms. Pay rent to yourself. Particular. East 2811. 8 ROOM modern -house, 28th at Ev Main; real bargain, easy terms; possession June 1; eom- plete furnishings can be rented. Owner, Tabor 1922 J20247 N. 16th st. 7 rooms. 10 R28T E. 33d at 8. E . 4 rooms. Hoth bouses open for inspection Sunday. . ' STANLEY 8.' THOMPSON CO., 802 Oak. .10 DATS' free storage. East eBurnside Trans- - fer Co.. 480 East Bumsida at East 6870. -. Before moving get our price. - WHEN TOO MOVE, USE NORTH WESTERN ELECT UIO LIGHT SERVICE Tenth and Washington. Broadway -680 IARGE 12 room residence, close-in. west aide, on orrnr, 100x100, beautiful grounds. Rent 8100. R. J. Daly, Z21 railing mag FOR RENT 8 room modern country home, with 2 seres of land, 7 miles out N. A Schanen. S87 Hawthorne ave. BY June 1. small unfumVlied bouse, Richmond or Snnnyslde. No children. Steady tenants. Tabor 804 8 Monday. 6. 7 AND 20-KOOM houses, adult, fine loca- firms. East 6222. fcMALL 4 -room house for rent, $10.80 month. - 802 Pat ton ave. OverloojluflUt FOR RENT 4 room bungalow, $20; adults ' only. Call Bellwood 848. 6 ROOM house, close in. west aide. Graham, " 724- Chamber of Commerce bldg. 816 6 ROOM house near Piedmont ear barns, 84 Jessop st 2 lota. Woodlawn 60. FOR RENT B room house. 882 1st st Mar- shall 4888 798 E. PINE ST. 7 rooms, $30. Tel. Mon- dsy. Main 804. A-l' BUNGALOW, furnace, fireplsee, 958 Tan- couver'ave.; 840. Woodlawn 198. FOR RENT 7 room house, close In. east sidet Bent 687.60. M. E. Lee. BOS Oorbett bldg. FCRNI8HED house. 6 room house, cloae in, large yard, garage. Call East 8009. MODERN , unfurnished garage. East 1441. 8 room house with HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE t ; . . FOR BALE 88 HVK room house for rent furniture for sale, at $300 cash if taken at once. 2 rooms let out pay rent-and $10 besides. Call between 1 and 6 p. m. Sunday,- Main . 3161. 730 Kear luey str nasr 23d. Wert side. 4 ROOMS, rent $15; close In. west aide, all furnished for 2 suites of housekeeping and . new furniture ; snap, $200. Call 188 3d. . $7.60 PER month; furniture for sale. Depot ears). - 6 room house, fruit soms Call 2201 E.-Ash MV.. FURNISHED HOUSES 8$ SPLENDID Irvington home, particularly wall built and easily heated; completely tarnished: ft- large, exceptionally well lighted rooms; ' 4 , Ideal bedrooms, full concrete basement and fruit cellar, large floored attic, large screened back porch, every convenience, fireplace, fumsce, 2 toilets,- piano, motor washer, electrio sewing ma chine, la fa vacuum cleaner, large garage; rent . for year or sell. Main 87. East Bo6. , 13 ROOM modern residence, beautifully fur nished, garage, hardwood floors, 8 baths, ball room, exclusive west aide neighborhood ; refer ences; for lease, $175 per month. E. I. Daly, 221 miinr bKtg. FAMILY of 3 adulta wanta furnished house or apartment by June 1. within walking - dia . tance of E. Morrison and Grand are.. Phone Main 1823. . -f v POR RENT 7 room modern boas, all fur niahed; rent 346: 8 oo and 60 chickens fr.r sale that are paying 8166 per monthw Call - 824 Chamber of Com. bldg., 10 to 12 a ta. MODERN . fumUhed room house, 887 . E. Franklin, 2 blocks north Powell Valley road. ! BM ALL 3-roota furnished cottage, la rear. $18, close in. 61 E. 7th at between Oak and Pine." ; NICELY furnished 6 room modern house. 1 s block from T , car, for sal by owner. Wood-lawn-4849. '. y: - --. - - FURNISHED S room house, sleeping porch - and garage, good district $40 per month, no children. Sell. 128. jEAIALL 6 room furnislied house for rent Rose City Park, June 15 to Sept 1. Garage and jvnm. Kent 64Q. Taoos 4049. SHIPYARD district elegantly furnished House: fruit tree, garden, high elevation; reaaon- BDie. xoz vioca. FURNISHED bungalow, across Columbia BeachT $20. Main 7066. SMALL 2 room house, partly furnished. Ia Newell. Jennings Lodge. Or. - ' JT" ROOM furnished house, gas, L.L, 113 E. . ii Urn - ' . . , ..... - "88 COMPI-ETELY furnished 7 room modern home, sleeping porch, fruit flowers, $55, including phone and water. 1039 Division st Tabor 4180. FOR RENT FLATS 18 5 ROOM npper flat ' hot and ooki water: gas for cooking; electric lights, - sleeping porch; Clean like new, : inquire 478 Grand are. No etumren. FOR RENT FIYE ' ROOM " FLAT, VERY REASONABLE. 9 BL'CHTEL AYE., NEAR THREE room unfurnished apt and private bath, rent $16.60. near Wdln. and Vancouver cars. "mi. mmx . I , irea y et. ill, w y. 1. COMFORTABLE- modern 6 rooms, with bath and sleeping porch, all for 618, near Broad way bridge. Phone East 7320. THREE large, unfurnished rooms hot and cold - .- water, with bath, phone, laundry, closets; rea sensbie to adults. 309 N. 17th st Bdwy. 2997. SIX rooms and bath, corner, upperHat . newly papered- andosinted, central loeatioo. - Call East 872. :W " i - ELDF.RLY man cart for lawn, garden, chickens. Steady place. Can give reference. Willing to please, Q-829, Journal. ' FOUR room upper flat .privatg bath. 491 Co- himbia st Msin 2302. . " ' A FOUR-ROOM-FLAT, -including lights, water, , use of phone, 322.60-. Broadway 8467. -V , FCBSISHEP FLATW ' ' 66 SIX lovely rooms with sleeping porch; modern: central west side. Will rent furnished or sell furnishings,' with terms. Phone Main 4864; FOR KENT Nicely furniiUied . 4 mom flat Modem. Few minn tea' walk from heart of town. Call at 428 College st - f THREE and 4 room modem fltts, mostly fur nistied. 816. 63 4 HOth at MonUvilla ear, or 216 Lnmbermens bldg. LARGE 0 room furnished upper flat walking (iistanoe, rent reasonable. 673 E. Salmon. UPPER, clean neatly furnished 4 room flat modern. 800 E. 6th st N. Can Monday. 3 ROOM famished Oat, also 3 II. K. rooms. 552 Mill st ; AFABTiENT 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED VERY desirable unfurnished apartment 3 rooms. dressing room and bath, including phone, heat and water and some fctoney to man and wife In exchange for janitor Work ; man can have short he tin work downtown; also place for garden; good propesitieei to right couple; no children. I "hone East 8593. LARGE ROOM with alcove, well lighted, close in, light sunshiny and airy, children welcome. Free light water, phone and bath; will take part in light service; rent 818.50. Marsh. 285. 886 6th st near Montgomery.- VERY desirable furnished S room, dressing room and bath apartment; strictly modem: while enameled tile bath, disappesring bed: party had to leave for Omaha today and win rent for the summer. Phone East 8583. : . SINGLE" furnished housekeeping" room. Light, . sanitary, close In. roaming water, phone, bath water, . light free. AU or part in light service if desired. Marshall 285. 386 8th st, near Montgomery. LARGE furnished room and sleeping porch, suitable for 2 s June 15 to Sept 1; reason able. Main 3449. STXnFIELD Apt. 204 Porter st; shipyards; 2-roora apartment, completely furnished; reasonable. BANNER Apartments. 489 Clay, near 14th; moUern 2 room furnished apartment. 817. Call Sunday afternoon. ONE room and" kitchenette, bathhared'byone , person; one person only. 448 Clay at, after 1 p. m. THE OHOVER. 5 minutes' wsla from N-W and Columbia ttiipyerdi; l and 2 room furnished H. K. apt. 181 Growr st. Call sfain B0. UFURNI8HED 4 room steam heated apartment wiuj bath. Modem. Walking distance. $33. Cottel Drug Co.. Main 72. - TWO and 8 room furnished apartment, reason able rent, in the Gladstone apts. 71 Grand are. N. - . . . THE JEFFERY 2 room furnished apt, $17; comer of Russell and Kerby, between Missis sippi and Williams aves. Phone Kast 1504. ONE desirable furnished 2 room apt Rent $30.n s- parucuiars nng SI sin 7732 between 8 a. m. and 1 :80 p. m. THE DUN FORD APTS. 2 2 room apt, rur- nmn-q. rj. union are.- Tel. East 2298. FOUR desirable furnished rooma in ansrtment-- Mershail 1132. Call Monday. FIVE room furnished flat, 25th and Northrop. June 15 to Sept 16. Adults. Main 5 168. GARFIELD, 3 and 4 rooms, 361 East J'silingT 1 block west Union ave. . NEW YORK apts.. E. Belmont and 7th. E 238. SUMMER RESORTS &a CAMPERS. ATTENTION NEW MANAGEMENT . . iu . ecu -aj me oea- offers the most ideal camping grounds- at very reasonable rates. Good pure mountain water piped throneh- --- --" wr uses ana sireama, llr , . oe" ocean beach on the Clatsop shore. All kind of sea food for the taking. The bis luscious razor-back clams are more plentiful ti sesson than ever before. Come out prepared hi .u,b a iem.M r or particulars rail or write. m COLUMBIA BEACH COMPANY. . 212 Lombe rro ens bldg. Broadway 1612. SEAVIEW. WASHINGTON Te. rent for the season, a fnrnished 8 room modem house, running water, bath, etc., large grounds; one of the finest nouses on the beach: terms reasonable. 0-422, Journal. - R rTxr riTT oronoro Tillamook Beach, modem cottages, ' large and "?!, ,clef;n- coxy, ready for tenants. Mrs, ", a win nuti, vr. SALT AIR HOTEL, on Tillamook beach, is " i.ew nwniieman. itooms ana rd, reasonable rate. Geo. Morse, Owner, 809 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6008. BOARD on farm near Portland wanted for 2 or 8 months by man, wife, 2 children 4 and 6. 0-9. Journal. , WANTED TO BENT WE. WANT TO RENT s 6 room np-to-date dwelling in select neighbor- DOOtL - .- - , ' Also nooses, fist and apartments. If yon bave any vacancies, phone Heave Together, care nwuawe CTTT-l .st., mam 1I1B, WANT to rent a house on some suburban line; prefer a place not too far oat Call Bellwood 8321 before- 12 o'clock or after 6 p. m FOR 8 ALE -Cheap. 20 acres good land 11 mile out Pacific highway; will consider some wuc eq wwsmwo evoe slier w o clock. WANT to rent unfurnished 4 or 5 -room hoax before Jtrts 1 : mr)nlrst narmsnsMf TKuu. Main 4178. Apt 6. . - WANTED, by responsible couple. 8 or 4 room modern apt Bell. 507. : WANTED Small furnished bungalow, garage " possiDie; aauita only, uau Alarsbau 4742. SMATX) furnished house in good neighborhood. by June 5. Tabor 8911. WANTED 2 or 8 furnished rooms. Jane 1, west side. Call Woodlawn 466. REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 44 GET A BEACH HOME now at Seaside, Or., In beautiful "CARTWK7GHT PARK" at reduced prices; 826 to $700? easy installment. 6 per cent; soon "to be connected by all paved high way with Eastern and Southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 ft " pier. . will make "'Cart wright Park1" one ef the most attractive spots on Pscifie coast Whitmer-Kelly Co., 414 Pit tock block. AGATE litACll. where ths agate grow, near Newport, most beautiful beach, in Oregon. Lota 60x100 $100 and up. Abo acreage,. 1 to 250 acres, at reasonable prices and easy terms. a. jvnspp. 2i Board or Trade. FOR SALE o trade by owner, a good home, also 13 acres under cultivation nA anm choice lota in Ocean Park. Wash.; will eonside sgvosHwue, pni, or any article ol value .1 can nee. 8. 8. Slingerland. 460 E. Davi t BEACH property; salt air; Tillamook; sal or rent; nicely furnished 3 room bungalow; d re place, Hghta, water; 2 blocks to beach. Phone cast goon. za tage st $60 for the season, at Bar View. Bungalow 12x . ". n noose 12x14, -nearly famished. Or sell E. P. Marcher. 880 B. 1st st N. FOR RENT OR SALE Seaside cottage. "Phone East 3497. - . - . . v BUSINESS FROPERTT - 66 BARGAIN 100x100 ft. 8d and Jefferson gbu . TT7. desirable: owner wiU sacrifice. - Inqeire '. J. Johnson, 814 Spalding bkig. Main 6652. TOR SALE HOUSES 1 FIVE room modem bungalow. 1 block Union sva. and Ainswortn, full lot nrst-elas loca tion: trnderpriced at $1826; $520 wiU handle !" Woodl' 34, evenings, Wood- $1750 BUTS 5 room bungalow on good 50x100 - ra. oiooaa on . carune, Woodlawn. $250 eash, easy terms.' -. v . Can 625 Henry Wdg. - Marshal! 6858. ACRE with 4 mem shack for $1400. $50 eash. balance $20 per month; on good auto road and 2 blocka from station. Gss, electricity 82150 BUYS 6 room hoius tvnrihi T; 'rented $20 month; 1 block south Myrtle Park station. Mt Scott car. Main 7142. Ne agents. A FINE 8 room and sleeping porch. Holladay! colonial, at Rose. City Park; price $5500; easy terms. Schaefcr. ' Broadway 6167.'- B ROOM house, H i acre, close to Oregon City car and Jennings Lodge station. $8 SO; $150 cash, terms L. BrackeU, Jennings Lodge. $850 buys 8 room . bosgalow, - west side, larxt) lot $100 cash, hair $20 per month. M. E. Leo. 605 Corbett Ud,v . - F17RNTSHED HOUSES REAL F.8TATR FOR SALE HOUSES 81 $375 .Terms$375 $375 Ferms$37.50 ARTISTIC REAL CLASSY BUNGALOW T LARGE ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH ROUE CITY CAR E. 37TH ST. - ROSE CITY CAB E. 87TH ST. HARDWOOD FLOORS ELEGANT . FI REPLACE BEST FURNACE : fi EAT LARGE LIVING iROOM Best enamel plumbing, full cement basement majestic buffet, white enamel kitchen, mirror doofk, beaming, etc Every nook and comer in perVset cotwiitiom, like new. Ground 60x190, east frost, very well kept; paving, sewer, taxes, etc, all paid: no mortgage to assume. ELDKRLY COlTi'LE RETIRING- MOVING ON ACREAGE ' - 81000 to 61250 cash required. The style of architecture will appeal. See it Sunday. Our office open all day Sunday to - accommodate those desiring to take this advantage. ..Auto at your service. - G. C tfOLDENBERO, ABINGTON BLDG. "35 YEARS IN PORTLAND" . MAIN 4803. ,28.000 . $18,600 HAWTHORNE "AVENUE ; HUME. 8 large rooms and finished attic, ' : 3 large lots on corner, beautiful view, modern in every way: fine basement; -2 fireplaces; double garage. The owner of. this property Is forced to sell, there fore has authorized us to accept ' I $15,000 cash for the place, which Is the value of the ground alone with the house as a gift If yon are looking - for a high class property at away below actus f value, this is it Can give immediate possession. - C. H. WOODWARD. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. : 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. , UNIVERSITY PARK - $4000 ' - Strictly -modem' 6 room ' bungalow, 100x110, free of all. debt; $70. bal. to suit - .$3200 8 room modern house, street improvements in and paid for; $800, easy payments. i . .V $3000 5 roora bungalow, 100x110, with shrubbery and fruit, free of all indebtedness; $500 down. , $2800 8 room house, modem enough for anyone, fruit and -shrubbery, ree of incumbrance; small payment baL easy. $1900 Nearly new 6 room cottage, free of debt; $500 down, baL to suit. , - 81150 ' 100x100, with large fruit tree and old house; small payment, easy terms. WILBUR F. lOUNO, . 820 Henry bldg. $7300 LAURELHURST $7800 Here is a wonderful bungalow, very modem, unusually attractive; has large front and side porches, living room with fireplace, bookcases, French doors leading into large living room and dining, room which has a 7, foot buffet, ideal Dutch kitchen with breakfast' nook, 2 large light airy bedrooms with laundry . trays; house is equipped with Rector gas radiators; entire house Is finished iii old. Ivory, hardwood floors, very artistio lighting fixtures, best white enamel plumbing with separate shower room; on full comer lot just east of Laurelhurst park; can arrange some terms. See FRANK L. M'GDIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068, Main 5156; Office open Evenings and Sundays. IF YOU want one of the swellest homes in Ladd addition, walking' distance to the business center, close to Hawthorn ave.. close to 12th st., where yon can get a ear every 8 minutes, this is the description of the- residence: A per fect 6 room bouie comparatively new, hardwood floors, full cement basement fireplace, furnace, in a locality where all the residence are fine, alleys are paved aa well aa the streets, an Im provements made and paid for. This high class residence is in a high class residence district; it is a perfect home With a 'low class pries: about $5000. No. more. - Take the whole thing, M. J. Ctoheasy. 415 Abingtoit bldg. BUNGALOW NOW BEING ERECTED Strictly modem 8 rooms: all on one floor aQ built-in features; beautiful fireplace; hard- J wooa uoors;- imtcn Kuerten; rarnaee; cement . basement; corner lot; seeded for lawn; im proved street all paid: 2 blocks to car; gar age; inspect the construction of this home and nuke your own. selection of color for the in terior finish, - ; Office Opeir" Sunday. STANLEY 8. THOMPSON CO., 802 OAK - , ' . HOMES. J ' " -We bare 4 large- number of food bouse boys; some are now being completed. They range In Pricee from 1 1000 !up- Before buying-. It will be to your advantage to call at our office and get particulars. : , Open -Evenings and Sundays. - -' Stanley 8. Thonmsvju Co. $02 Oak. DEAL WITH OWNER 82400. 6 room noose, lot 48x136, garage, fruit garden and chicken run. . Fremont at. near Williams eve. - $37041. -Modern T room house. E. Sth. near Beacon. . ,$3400. 6 room house, 100x100 corner. Commercial st, near Jefferson high school. Either of the above can be bought with rea sonable payment down, balance to suit E. II. FITZGD3RON, 401 Board of Trade. Evenings Phone Wdln. 410 $2400 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2400 An unusual bargain in a 6 room Hawthorn bungalow; has very attractive lines; porch ex tending across entire front of house; .. living room, solid paneled dining room with plate rail and attractive leaded beveled glass buffet, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooma, white enamel plumbing, electrio lights and gas, good cement basement; easy term. See : . FRANK L. WGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. I - ' Abington bldg. Main 1068 Main 6156. Office open Evenings and Sundays. Fine . Large - Bungalow WOODSTOCK CAR . 8 rooms, large floored attic, extra large living and dining room, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, highly improved 60x100 lot with fruit and gar den planted, lovely lawn, rosea in abundance ; can use vacant lot next to it; 4 blocks car, 2 blocks school; price only $2800, on terms; let as show yon this. ' Open Evenfni GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 YEON BLDG. ' flFOdJNSIDS PROPEBTYIITOO- $200 DOWN - - -816 PER MONTH - Good . substantial ' 6 room burmlow-tviMi rnfc. tage on a corner lot 50x70 feet good plumbing.. k ugma ana gas; practically walking dis tance, being in ' E.- Sth and Caruthers; house newly painted;- no mortgage or street Hens to assume; $200 down and the balance like rent aoe . FRANK L. M'GUIBE. , ;-- To Buy Your Home. - v 4 Abington bldg. -Main 6158. Main 1068. -' Office open Evenings and Sundays. - ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW " $4500 Buys 6-room modem bungalow, nearly '- new, in the best part of R. O. P. below the hill and only one block from , .v Bandy. French doors; hardwood floors; s- ' fireplace: buffet: Dutch kitchen ; fur nace; full cement basement; garage: , Improvements all in and included in v ; prfce. Sunday call East 2544, Tabor I 8090 or Tabor 6881. -J. At WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Ride 62160-TYPlCAL BrNGArwXZSTa Avery attractive bangalow. with low rambling lines ; porch .extending across entire - front of house, living room with fireplace, built-in book cases, paneled dining room with bufflt, Dutch kitchen, large, light airy bedroom; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; full lot Price $2150; $300 down. -. West of Piedmont district SEE ' - , i ' FRANK L. M'GUTRE, ; TO BCY YOUR HOME, Abington Building. - Main 6156. Main 1068. vui tpen ervenings ana Bundays. HAWTHORNS C32SO Her Is one of the niftiest oom of the most ntue enngalowa one could . lmaeine. Hardwood floors, . fireplace, bookcases, buffet 4 w itco sutcnen witn canopy over range, cement basement wash trays, . eta. This 1 right up to the minute In every respect 2 blocks from Hawthorne. Let ns show yon. - ' :a O. TEEPB CO., 284 Bhvrk Bt. nirv 84. . Main 8092. Main 8516. PIEDMONT PIEDMONT PIEDMONT. -S 5 00 0 Boys - wonderful tmngsjow of 6 rooms ' t breakfast - room, with attio; large plat glass : windows: - hardwood floors: - fur- . . j nsce; fireplace; all ; builUns; garage; aUeyi Imprutement all paid. Terms. Sunday call Tabor 3090, -labor 6881 or-JCart 2544. J. A WICKMAN CO. ? 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. ' -BLOCK TO MT. TABOR CAR v Xmodem ; 6 room bungalow, newly furrdsliad well built and complete tittle home, hard ood floors, built-ins, elegant bath, full cement base tnant; owner's circumstances compel thia sacri fice. Only $2050, including new furniture. Esey tt-rni. - , - - - f .. ... .. i JOHNSON. 212 Lumbermen bldg. .. Bmadwaa Mill: Ra aat al. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 61 $2300 A SNAP AH improvements la and paid for. - Five room dandy house , with attio and full basement lot 50x100. Lo- - catad on earline. Excel lent neigliborhood, $3000 8 rcoms, '. modem home; on comer . , lot White enamel, full basement,- con- wenient in all . details. - . Garage, lota of fruit trees, a bargain at thia price., dose ' . - a p $3000 Five room modern bungalow with, hardwood floors and up to thai minute conveniences. This is an inside lot located on Division street, but seta np - high, giving an excellent view and a domestic sec hi- sura. If yom want to bay this cozy home " 1 . yoa mastt harry before the price is raised, $2750 Modem bungalow in every i respect Hardwood floors and all built-in! effects. A wonder at the price. Close 1 to two '- - earline. . Terms. i -- $3100 boys a modem home with large floored attic, suitable for spacious bedroom. This home has six rooms, all of which are large - and airy. Absolutely modem in every possible way. ' To really appreciate this value you must? see it Will give terms. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ATTRAC TIVE HOMES IN EITHER SELLWOOD OR FCLTON, WE HAVE THEM. ALSO ' WE ARE PREPARED TO SHOW YOU HOMES IN ANY DISTRICT IN POBT- LAND. : i BUSINESS SERVICE. 317. Henry Bldg. . ( Main 6797. T MB. AND MRS." HOMESEEKER Just look at these for dose in and desirable homes. ' ' ' '! Strictly modern 7 room residence in Irving ton, full 60x100 lot, hard surfaced street ail in and paid for, and only $3950. 6 room modem bungalow, hard Surfaced street, all in and paid for, south of Hawthorne earline. in fine residential district; only $3500; 6 room cottage bungalow, bathj -toilet, electric lights, hot and cold water, full cement base ment, hard surfaced street all in and paid for; only $2750. 1 have tusny others from $2000 to $20,000 each in desirable residential, districts on which I can quote very reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama bldg. WEBSTER STREET This la one of the most attractive bungalows in the city; has 5 large rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, large builtin buffet, book eases, fine electric fixtures and many other con veniences too numerates to . mention ; the lot ia 100x100, all in beautiful lawn and shrubbery; really, friends, this is soma bungalow, so don't fail to look it up. Price $5000; very good terms. J. F. IiIL 898 Wttlisms ave. East 288. ROSE CITY PARK $4500 REAL MODERN BUNGALOW GARAGE We know that .this is just the type of home yoa are looking for. It is ruttter up to the min ute the last word in bungalow construction. You will appreciate the reaUdownrishi value in this splendid home. Street and sewer assessments paid. Located in the best part of Roee City Park- Hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, French doors, buffet, full cement basement furnace, etc Let us show yoa. A. G. TEEPB CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 8092.. Main 8616. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN Attractive, modem home, six rooms and sleeping porch, bunsalow type: in best part of R. C P. Full cement basement furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, all buiit-ins, Dutch kitchen large porches, beautiful - lawn and flowers; paved street ' An exceptional buy. Terms. Owner. Tsbor 3688. - CHICKEN ranch. $2350: $300-cash. -One sere of finest soil and 0 mom. 2 story house, Oiie- third acre - of strawberries, A smaR for tune could be made her if a person will give it' their attention. Come out to SSd etreet ai.d go south to Panama Grocery and inquire for Mr. Griffin. This propel ty ia at 6930 71st ave. 8. E. Tabor 7710. OX CHAPMAN et. on the west side, close in to the business center, with a lull lot with two good house bringing in a monthly rent of $60. Thia place is of fered . for sale in order to close an estate. The price is about the price of the lot $4760 takes all. 810D0 eash will be neces sary. M. J. CLOHKS8Y,41 ABINGTON BDG. StfSO CASH handles home, of rooms, Dutch colonial type, 4 rooms and large pantry, down. 2 nice bedrooms, '- bath and large hall npstairs; fruit and berries. House nearly new and double constructed; sidewalk and curb in. One block ' to ear ; three, block 'to Pennisular school Owner Woodlawn 1017. $3000- 6 room modern home, full concrete basement built-in features, ; fireplace, level lot 50x143, in half surfaced street convenient to 3 carhnes and school, house in fine condition; eash or terms. Owner, Woodlawn . 6310. 393 E. Jeesup. WE have a good buy close in in Hall it; I t room house, 1 block from car line, for $4000, With $1200 cash; good terms. It yoa want a good house or a farm, call and see us; we hsve plenty of good boys. OLLIE BENNETT AND C GARDNER. 812 Broadway Bldg. i Main 2507. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. $4150 6-room attractive bungalow, artistio bull tins; strictly modem except furnace; street improvements all in and paid ; garage. Let as show yoa. Sunday call Tabor 8090. East 2544 or Tabor 8881. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 iRy. Exch. Bldg. $4500 East 18th st near Washington, walking dis tance; 7 rooms and bath, full cement basement furnace, fruit trees, lot 40x100. 81500 cash, balance 8 years at 7 per cent WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO. J' 85 Fourth st. RICHMOND HOME, $3250 Very attractive, well-built 6 nn. mdn. house, with furnace and fireplaee, on 36th st; easy terms: photo at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open evenings and Sundays. 6 ROOMS and S. P.. cement basement oak floors, fireplaee. furnsne, beautiful view, 16th st, Westmoreland, vacant and new, for less than cost of house. $3750, .third cash, bal. essy. Owner, phons Main 2534 days,- East 2 1 B evenings. - ... : : P ROSE CITY v New 8 room bungalow, all modem except far race; $3350, terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Call Broadway 1658. - r ' $4000 I ---In Willamette boulevard; beautifully situated: 7 rooms, corner lot 50x100. furnace, fruit trees; terms. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO., 85 4th st " $8000 ; " Desirable 7 room house on Lovejoy near 19th street Garage. Fin 50x100 corner lot Im mediate possession. Terms can. be arranged. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO.,! 85 Fourth 8t FOR SALE -.In the heart of Gresham, 2 lota 25x175, 'good buildings, electric lights, city water, living rooma above, garage ; below. Price $2000; $500 down, balance easy terms. Mrs. M. M., 810 2d st. Portland. Or. $9500 . ' Beaumont bungalow; Knott sfc, 8 rooms, mod em with , garage, lot- 100x1001 ! $3000 l eash; balance on contract or mortgage.') -WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO.. 86 Foorth st $75 CASH down, price $800; large lot witn new shack 14x84. oa earline, some cabinet work, electrio lights,, gas.' sink, toflet woodshed. etc.; St Johns. Phone Tabor B148 Monday. THE house yoa bay is much; more . -attractive with Eng-Ban Co. ugnong fixtures. J. C. ENGLISH CO.. j 148 6th at VANCOUVER Attractive S -room bungalow, full concrete basement garage,- rosea, fruit, berry boshes, extra lot. if desired. Terms. ' Cor ner 80th and Grant Phone Vancouver 985-1. 7 ROOM house, 175-100 feet land, fruit, gar den, flowers, shrubbery, chicken lot- etc: if you are looking for a home, calif at 169 E. 75th N. Phone Tabor 4157. PricS right-.--11 FOR SALE A nice modem 6 roonf house with sleeping porch and all improvements, on. the west side,-near 2 car line. 50x100 foot lot Phone Marshall 1637, FOR SALE 'by owner, -a 7 room modern house and garage in restricted district A bargain. Most sell on account of sickness. Phone Wood lawn 2337. - , - - ' - - - - - . AN IDEAL HOMB FOB 8ALB A 2 -sere garden trace, wen improved with 4- roora house. Two bloeki -from Mt Scott ear line; Address Box 720. Route 3. Lenta Station. FOR SALE Close - in 6-room 60x100 lot; - garage; roses, fruit berries, . Eaay terras. Tbpot 8875. r ... v SNAP - - 6 roora noase, walking distano to shipyard, west side.. - Graham. 724 Chamber of Com, bag. NEW S room bungalow and batik, garage, comer, 66x100; snap; leaving town.: - 653 E. 79th at N. Rose City Park. DEAL with owner. T room plastered house, 2 lots, ga aid light garden and fruit; cheap. 2047 E. Salmon. 6 - ROOMS, vacant S4S X. Jersey at. $150 down- - X20 . ner month; balance. Bee this Sunday after 9 a. m. 8 ROOM house, lot 100x100, 15 large cherry trees, chicken house. 1 block to car;' $2500, terms. ' 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 115S. $5fM) 2 ROOM house. Woodlawn 3157. 1433 Delaware ave. FOR SALE 8 room home on paved street 30 East Lombard st, Kenton ear. FOR RALE 4 room cottage, lot 50x1041, easy term rhone Tabor 12, . . REAL'ESTATB FOR SALEHOUSES 81 - BUILD YOUR HOME IN WALNUT- PARK v Many are- building fn WALNUT PARK, why not you? - Now is your opportunity to own a new home and get exactly what yon want Finan cial assistance, if desired. Stop paying rent bat pay it to yourself. Extra inducements offered to home builder In WALNUT PABK, Port land's fine restricted residence section.. Some of the advantage of WALNUT PAKKt Five ear lines. Jefferson high school, library. WALNUT PARK Ia a park in itself, paved street paid tor, St'xIOO -lota with alleys. 25 reduction on former prices. Yoa wiD mske no mistake by carefully investigating WALNUT PARK before buying elsewhere. Call or phone. , Opea Sun days and evenings by appointment Office, 1149 Union ave. N-. Woodlawn 3804. W. M. KH.LIN OS WORTH, OWNER HOMES, EASY PAYMENTS 5 room modem bungalow, sleeping porch, ga radiatort, garage, on car line, EV 28th st: $3250; 81000. cash, balance to suit. 6 room cottage, comer lot 50x100. im proved st; extra nice shrubbery; 1 block car in Sell wood; $2000, $500 cash, baL easy- 6 roora bungalow, modem, 100x135 feet $1700; $350 eash, balance $15 month, in cluding 6 per cent interest; snap. ' 8 room modern bungalow, fireplace, full basement corner 60x100 feet 1 block ear; $2800; 380O cash. 7 -room modem house, furnace, fireplace, paved street, on earline, close in; $3700, $700 eash, baL easy. 8 room house, neat and clean, nice built. Ins; $2000, $500 cash, baL easy. R. M. GATEWOOP A CO.. 165 H 4th st WANT EASY TERMST OPEN TODAY 1886 MISSOURI AVE. $4000 With only $300 down and balance 840 monthly,) including interest, for a house that should rent for $40; strictly mod em in every detail; large living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen and den or breakfast room first floor; 3 real bed rooms second floor; hardwood floors in 8 rooms and entrance hall ; fireplace, t buffet furnace, wash trays, beautiful lawn and shrubbery; a real home; vacant; move right in. J. A. WICKMAN CO. Main 1004. 204 By. Exch. Bldg. $2700. ON EASY PAYMENTS Fine modem house of six rooms, big lot fenced off for garden or chickens. 40x130. Emerson st, near Union ave. ; this house is secant and can be occupied at once. R. E. MENEFEE' A CO.. 416 Railway Exchange. MAIN 4036. IRVINGTON No. 611 E. 8th st N. Modern 5 rooms with 1 room finished attic, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitch en and many other modem improvements. Price $4250, $750 cash, balance easy. J. F. HILL 696 Williams Ave. East 268. $-1 01 $500 cah, 6 room house, modern, 4 rooms and bath on first floor, lot 80x125 feet and 20 ft alley. $1350, $S00 cash; might take $300.-4 room, gas -in. 80x100 ft lot fence, trees. I acre orchard, 40x30 house, frnred In, $2800, $1000 cash. H acre, $55M, $100 cash. 1 acre fir trees, 2 lots cleared, mall house, $1200. 1 acre in Jack fir, $1300, $300 cash, or $1200 all cash. Modem bun galow, 712 Mississippi ave. near Fremont st. $2800. $500 cash. Lot 3. block 19. Irving Harbor View addition. 86000 eash, on Benton st. Spear, 65th ave. and 67 th at 8. E. Tabor 6887. $5780 Dandy? np-to-date home; nine rooma with sleeping porch; thoroughly modem and in ex cellent condition: five blocka from Broadway bridge on Williams ave. R. E. MENEFEE A CO.. 416-417 Railway Exchange. MAIN 4035. 6 ROOM modem house, H acre garden, fruit tree in bearing, on improved street $2500; $500 cash. 5 room modem bouse In Firland, full base ment gas and electricity, on . improved street $2600; $500 cash; house is now vacant. 6 room modem house, 2 lota on improved street, 42200: $500 cssli. 6 room modem bouse, large corner lot, on Improved street. $1500. $20n cash. 3 room house, near Arleta school, large lot in iTuit ana uowers, sooo: gioo cash. NEIL. SMITH. 6514 FoBte road. Tabor 1981. $1000 EAST TERMS 4 ROOM COTTAGE has good sized basement; concrete foundation. 60xlOO comer lot; 12 large fruit trees; roses; flower and garden. Office Open Sunday." STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO., 802 OAK $1800 Eastmoreland Car - 5 roora bungalow, attic, fine bath. Dutch kitchen, builtin buffet, basement sewer,' right on -earline, superb view; a pleasant nifty home mighty cheap; easy terms; make a date to see it Open Evenings GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YBON BEDG. $1300 $200 CASH, CROWN PLACE 75x100, cherry trees, garage, 5 rooms and bath: no fixtures; electric lights, large closets, newly painted outside and In. 6!kl 0 65th st S. E., 4 blocks south Mt Scott car. I bave H acres and acres with small and modem houses. Help "Spear" put the B in Brent wood. Tabor 5887. 65th ave, and 67th st Mt Scott car to Tremont sts.r 8 blocks south, 4 west 1 south. . End "of Woodstock line, 10 blocks east, 4 blocks south. ROSE CITY PARK , ALAMEDA DRIVE $3750 5 rooms and sleeping porch. We Suet want the privilege of rhowing yoa this beantiful prop erty. Hardwood floors, - fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, cement basement furnace. Triple French plat dressing mirrors -in on of tn bedrooms. Let us show yoa. , A. G. TEEPB CO., 264 Stark st, near. 3d. Main 8092, Main 8516. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) $2200 Woodlawn ; $2200 ; Neat 5 room cottage r bangalow, fine bath, Dutch kitchen, nice cement basement beanttfol full lot, with shade and 8 bearing f rait trees; berries, grape arbor, 2 blocka Woodlawn car; can move right in; very easy terms. Open Evening GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEON BLDG. $2750 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Besides it has large attio with finished room. Good basement Full lot Ne street bond to as una. Convenient to car and school. Only 2o minutes out Terms. We deliver the goods in choice home buys. See ni before yoa decide. A K. HILL CO., 14 Lumber iqns Bldg. . Broadway 421. BEAUTIFUL bangalow of 6 large room In com munity of good homes. Reed college district Every modem convenience, hardwood floors, builtin bookcases and buffet paneled dining room with beam ceiling. - Dutch kitchen. Splendid fireplace and furnace. Very large floored attic can be finished into 2 or 3 rooms or suitable for billiard room. ' Lawn and roses. No -unpaid street ass essmentv Price $8750. At least $1000 cash. Might sell furniture if desired. Owner, 6386 45th st S. E. Sellwood 8 8. 1 Block Mt. Tafoor Car. 8 ROOMS. EAST MORRISON ST J 8 rooms, double constructed, bath, Efotch kitchen, built-in -buffet, full cement basement laundry treys; beautiful 50x100 lot, fruit tree and berries; garden all in; $3160, term. - Open Evenings. - GEO. T. MOORH CO., 1007 Yeog bldg. -EASY TERM BUY i NEAR 8. P. SHOPS : Six room, good full basement; paved street in and paid; dose to ear, school and stores; $400 cash, balance to nit Price $2000. O. A, WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEAR ALBERTA-SCHOOL Roomy 6 noose, concrete' foundation and basement, bath and toilet electrio lights, full Vlot 10 or 12 bearing fruit trees. Price $1275; zov casn. zu montniy. . rrea w. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com. Open evenings and Sundays.- .-..-- - . ,. COUNCH, CBEST HOME. $1800 $500 cash, $16 monthly buys strictly mod ern 8 room house in this beautiful part of Port land; house Is double constructed, garage, fruit and berries; : $500 eash, $15. monthly; , some snap. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. - Open evenings and Sundays. ON MARKET street dose, in on the west side, w can give yoa choice of good 6 room cot tage in which the lot alone, without any of these evittagea, is worth more than the prine wired '"f the noose and -lot $3150 to $3500 with $1000 eash payment down.. AL, J. Ci-UHESSV, 413 ABINGTON BLDG. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. $3800 Bays 6 rooms and sleeping porch; , strictly modem except hardwood floors; - street Improvement all paid; sewer In and paid; garage. Terms. Sunday call East 2844, Tabor 3090. J. A WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. ONLY $3500 for a good 6 room house near E. Broadway, c!ose in;- the houe t modem in every re-r-ct. 1."MI t h f'l it M. !. CLOHESSY. 415 ABpiGTON BLDG. . REAL ESTATE 'OK S41K- HOI 'KK8 1 6 ROOM modem bouse, basement lot of clothe eloseta, bath- and glassed-in veranda; ha large windmill and private pumping station, on rock rood county), Just across city - line, 5 blocks to Woodstock Una, baa 1 acre of ground fenced, fruit and all kinds of shrubbery; $3800. $1200 cash. .-- , , 1 acre with shack, fenced; oa rock road; un der plow; $1700. $300 cash. Sellwood 181. acre. 200x120 and 20 foot alley; ha 8 kcases on, 45 large frait trees, all kinds of NUiui fruit 1 his p.ace ail in garden, 2 block to rock road; $230O, $500 cash. Sellwood 8478. 80x128 . and 20 foot alley; modem boose; 60 feet to rock road; 8M blocks to Woodstock ear; 8250O. $600 cash. Fred Spear. 66th ave. and C7th st S. E. ; Tremont station on Mt Scott car. Foster road to 62d. south to 65th ave., east to rock road. Phone Tabor 68g7. Bring this ad. CN COLUMBIA at, almost in the business heart of the city, is a 13 room house. 2 complete flats with separate entrances, full plumbing tn each of the Oats, The upper flat has 7 rodknr and the lower flat haa 8 rooms. This xs prop erty, that will be always occupied in good times or bad. There is -at p rwnU a monthly income of about $50 per month. Leave oat this big boas and the hit alone, which ia about 40x100 ft. ia worth more than the price asked.. $4500 a ill take the whole thing. $1500 in cash, the balance on easy term at 6 per cent Would consider a email furnished bouse in part pay ment of the purchase price. This is very close in property and Quick action necessary if yoa wsnt ' to tax advantage of thia price. M. J. I'LOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. . GREAT OPPORTUNITY $1650 $1650 $1650 5 room cottage, 50x100 comer lot hard paved street good plumbing, electrio hghta. lota of fruit garage,-etc Thia property ia located in E. 46th st near Division st J. F. HILL . 698 Williams sva. East 208. 5 ROOM BUNGALOWS On on Hancock, near 83d. 60x90. Modem and good neighborhood. Only $2800. $300 cash. One in Richmond district, on Iron, near 89th, with 'modem improvements. $2600. Eaay terms. -. -- - One on Russell, near Union ave., 60x100, among the dogwoods, for $2700. $1400 cash. A swell one on npper Corbett st, overlooking river, mountains and city;, over 100x100, with garage. .$4800; easy terms. JOHN P. -WILCOX, 414 Ptttock block. $950 sJVlt. Scott Car $950 A neat, substantial 3 room bnngalo -eottagw on 80x100 lot. with fruit tree, berries and enough ground .left for marketable produce; a imall farm in town for $150 cash, balance monthly ; come in and let show you. ' Open Evenings GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Itu7 YEON 7JTJX3. . "YOU HAVE THE BEST BARGAINS In the city." - This is the verdict of practically everyone - to - whom we have the pleasure of showing houses. We advertise a house entirely upon its merits. We do not want to disappoint you. and if yoa look at any of the home w have for sale yoa will find thm just a adver tised. If yoa don't find what you want in our ads., call and see us. We have it. I. A. WICKMAN CO. Main 1094. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. "Autonipbile First Payment . 7 room doable constructed residence, 4 blocks Woodlswn car. dose to school. This fa a fine, substantial, modem home; fine lot with fruit trees; will take automobile In a part of first payment; full price only $2500; ask us about it Open Evenings GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEON- BLDO. BUILDERS. NOTICE I If yon are not - making money In good chunks, yoa had better see me at once. If you have a few hundred dollars and know how to build a house, I will famish the lot and get yoa a good building loan. : Never such a chance in Portland before. Come out to Laurelhurst today. Office E. 89th and Giisan sta. MR. DELAHUNTY. Tabor 3433. or evening East 2086. IX)TS OF FRUIT . . Large 5 room house with concrete foundation, bath and toilet, comer lot 75x100. large assess ed bearing fruit trees, berries, grape, eta.: hoase in run-down condition but remarkable buy at the price and terms, namely 81900, 8100 down, 820 monthly, )-ted at 2090 E. Market st. corner -28, Mt Tabor, WESTMORELAND HOME Six rooms and enclosed sleeping porch; mod em conveniences such aa furnace, fireplace, oak floors, garage, ete. ; fine view of Mount Hood and St Helens; lot 60x100. on level street: all street improvements in and paid at this price, $4250. Offer your own terms; possession soon. P. B. VAN NICE. 401 Concord Bldg. Marshall 6454. $1550 RODNEY AVENUE $1886 Three room house, good bam, garage, full lot fruit trees, paved streets; close to good car service, school and stores; $650 eash will handle, WATCH OUR ADS, WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER, . RITTER LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board f Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. - ' ' Modem 6 room bouse; 50 foot" frontage; all improvements' in; cement basement, furnace, fireplace, built-in features. Call and ses photo and let . us show you this fine . home bargain. Terms,--. - Stanley S. Thompson Co. , 802 Oak. Open. Evenings. " $2750 7-room modem house, lot 60x100, Alberta district half block to ear; strictly modem, built-in effects, fireplace, beamed ceiling, lota, of rose bashes, good neigh borhood. Must be seen to be appreciated. Offered at sacrifice. - See Mr. St Johns, 817 Henry bldg. Phone Main 6797. Sunday. Marshall 782. , - NEa""CO-NER BUNGALOW WAVERLY HEIGHTS Fiv rooms, good , cement basement furnace; paved street tn and paid; fine location. Price $3150, terms. O. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONLY $2000 for a 6 room house right in the heart of tb city en the west side on Caruth ers between Front and Water at. This I a sacrifice price and it is a' home close in to the business center. This property should be worth twice what it is of fered. for. M. J. CLOHESSY, 416 ABINGTON BLDG. FOR BALE BY OWNER 5 room bungalow, with aleephig porch, white enamel plumbing, white enamel kitchen, large living room and dining room, full basement; sll in first class condition; 60x100 lot; garage with eement floor; 100 feet from Alberta car.. Call 1065 TB. 22d st N. EASTM0R ELAND H6MB t Near municipal golf links; 7 room modem house, fireplace, steam heat - and osoal built in; lot 75x100; fin nativ trees; all street improvements in and paid for. Price $4500. P. B. VAN NICE, 401 Concord Bldg. Marshall 6454. INCOME PROPERTY CASH $1000 I have a good modem 8 room house, located in central east Portland on 100x100, well im proved lot on hard surfaced street We have l icturo to show. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. 88500 . ' E. 23d st N-, between Thompson and Bra, 7 rooms and sleeping porch; Rudd beater; boose in splendid condition; terms can be arranged; fine lot 60x100; shrubbery, flowers, ete. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO.. 88 4th st . MODERN 6 BOOM HOUSE EAST 26TH ST. . Improvements all in and paid,. Only 82500. terms. HERMAN MOELLER -1025 Gaseo bldg. Main 1480. $2760 6 room house and fall lot.. S blocks from St Johns car; e good home, reasonable terms. Owner. . 814 Spalding bldg. Telephone Main 8652. .vr--:.. -d.,. ... BY OWNER One block Hawthorne ear, 268 Fast 46th, 5-roora modern, sleeping poroh, alt built-in conveniences, large Dutch kitchen, fireplaee, fall eement basement ianndry trays, st improvements all in and paid for. $8230. Tnhor 9865. A 6 ROOM COTTAGE EAST 8TH ST. i ' : -" 82000 " - Small payment down, balance lfk tent HERMAN MOELLER ' 1025 Gasco bldg. Main 1460. $3800A SNAP-$3800 Beautiful furnished bom to be sacrificed; practically new: strictly modern; 8 rooms. Owner, Woodlawn 4720. ROSE CITY PARK $900 CASH , ' ' : New modem 6 room bangalow, in white enamel, .oak floors, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, cement basement on 88th t nr. Sandy: will trade for good acre tract Price $4800. J0HN-BON-DOPSO.V CO., 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. BUNGALOW 5 ROOMS $4000;' Greeley at- near Holms st; 8 rooms, lot: 100x100; terms. f WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO.,' 88 4th t 17 500 : 181 East 16 th st, near - Belmont1 Seven moms. Garage. - Lot 80x100. Liberal terms. WAKEFU:LD. FRIES A CO.. 86 Fourth St ENGLISH lighting fixture in a hoase denote - a higb. standard of construction. w T C. ENGLISH CO., 148 5th st (upstairs) ; ' ' ' FOR SALE or rent 4 acres, cultivated, aoaua; - ' snap. Cottages, bungalows, lot almost given away. Tent for sale.. Inauire 6128 - 62d st Woodstock car. ; - ... i FOR SALE- Modem 4 roora dwelling with bath, fireplace and built-in convenience, ju't be ing eomp-fiBd. 1172 E. 13th st, X. Wdla. 3074, HEAt F STATU FOB SALE HOUSES 41 KINGS HEIGHTS ' Would yoa like to own on of the Choice modem homes oa beautiful Kings Heights. 1 am selling a modem 7-room bouse, com manding the best view site In Portland. ' This modem bom ia in the best of condition ud is extra - well built - and to equipped with all the latest cdAvenience. Hardwood floors, fire place, furnace and built-in effects,. 1 am ask ing $7800 for this home. v PORTLAND HEIGHTS Do yon want - a 6-room modem home oft the hills overlooking Portland t Ha double constructed floor and walls. .Is modem in every way. - Hardwood floors, . f urn see, fire- rlace, - clothes, chutes, enclosed ' oilers,. waah ubs and other conveniences. This- home com mand a fin view of the mountains and the Willamette and Columbia rivers. sjarsce ' n place. This home in being sacrificed at $4500. To responsible party will give terms. PORTLAND HEIGHTS A brand new home in thia choice' residence district .Home of 7 rooms and sleeptug porches. Double garage. Hardwood floors, shower baths, cement basement excellent locks. One of the show places ef the city. This home is for immediate sale. If you want a choice home on Portland Heights make ar rangement with us to Inspect this home. BUSINESS SERVICE! , SIT Henry Bldg. Main 6797. S1200w-UT. SCOTT $160 DOWN Poor room cottage, plastered ; corner lot 4 Ox 100; woodshed, gaa, toilet A well built home, " $1600 HAWTHORNE CAR . Only $200 cash, balance like rent A pretty 5 roora California bungalow, chicken house, woodshed, nice level lot Stop paying rent buy one of these. COB A. MeKENNA A CO., MAIN 4522. 82 4th t. Board of Trade bklg. LOOK at No. 1038 Vernon ave., H block from the Alberta -earline, 2 blocks from the Irving ton car. This plpoe is en of the best and pret tfrat hi thia section of the city. There is a new 7 room bangalow, sleeping porch, fireplace, fur race, beamed ceiling, Dutch kitchen, wash trays, awnings, screens, eement garage, a- variety of choice fruits. There is a full lot and immediate pewesaion can be given. The location is first class. It was built for a home by the present owner,, but on awount of removing out of th city he offers Oils place at a great bargain.' It is up-to-date and a very beautiful home.. $4200 is the price, half cash Is all yon need. M. J. CLOHESSY, 416 ABINGTON BLDG. - A REAL BARGAIN . Modem 6 room house nn Borthwick st. near Sharer st, has furnace, good plumbing, electric ity and gas, fine large basement; the lot is 60x 100, running to an alley; all kinds of ehoin fruit and shrubbery: this is a splendid home and should be seen inside to be appreciated. Price only $2700; $600 cash, balance like rent tM. F, HILL-- p 696 Williams ave. East 268. $2500 PPp' p Vacant' Bungalow -a: 6 room modem bangalow, fireplace, budtin buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement laundry trsys, lovely lawn with roses, fin surroundings and beantiful view of mountains; 1 block to Mont nils car: no liens against property; $500 cash, balance easy. Open Bvenmgs . GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 TEON BLDG. iBLS?SM?...... : $1700 o3l&sM8... .$1700 K. E. DARING 284 Oak Mgr. 786. . READ THIS NOW VACANT SOUTH PORTLAND ' Ten raomj. hVsev fireplace, good basement ground nyftsgm, abundance of nice roses, shrubbery and Tfuit trees, and a beantiful river view; two blocka to oar; clear of all braneea. Price $3500, eaay term. See us about Uda,-. - V ' - - , ' ' 0. A. WAHRINEB, '' ' ; , " BITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-8-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg. - $2600 BUNGALOW, KENTON DISTRICT Half block from Kenton (L) earline, ,2 blocks from Kenton school, on a full lot, w offer a very artistio typical bungalow; . whit enamel plumbing; electrio lights and gaa. You'll liks it What time may I send we of our machine over to show yoa this? SEE FRANK L. MoGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. '- Main 6166, Main 1068. Of floe Open Evenings and Sundays. Best Bargain in , Portland 7 room modem house at 686 Michigan ave.; 1 block f rrgn Mississippi ave. ear, H block from Shaver ear: close to school; house in good con dition, no incumbrance - Improvements all in and paid; will sacrifice for $2400, on good terms. See CI. G. McCormlc Co., 418 Fen ton bldg., for details. Sunday phone Mam 9818, . BKJ LOT, BUNGALOW 81975 . 77 - Near Columbia park, 8 blocks St John car, $r have a nice bungalow with big living room, large kitchen with builtin, 2 bedroom and bath; lot 65x112. nice chad tree, good garden space. .Owner .will take $200 down. Better hurry If you want this. COB A. MeKENNA A CO.. MAIN 5422. 62 4th at. Board of Trade bldg. , . - ROSE CTTYHrARgTP - ,-., FTve room modern bungalow, 1 H blocks to Sandy road, on paved street This bungalow haa all modem conveniences and can be han dled oa favorable terms. PRICE 83800.00. SEE MR. BROWN, - With Paul O. Murphy, Sales Agent -' . 276 H Stark st. .Main 1700. or evenings Tsbor 69. - ALBERTA C0RNERBUNGAL6W ' Five rooms and floored attic, fireplace, trail in bookoees and buffet, fall lot, clear of all en cumbrances; two blocka from car, one. block from paved etreet. 61000 eash will handle, balance term. tl. A WARRINER. BITTER, LOWE A CO.. - 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. . $3000 : T 't BUNGALOW E. 29th st. N.. - H block off Alberta earline; 8 room and bath, hardwood floor in living room and dining room, full eement basement Dutch kitchen, garage; $RO0 cash will handle, balance at-6; lot 60x100. . WARKnr.LH, FRIES CO.. 88 4th st ROSE CITY PABK; JUST COMpi-ETED MOOen i o room bungalow, built-in con venience, - doubt constructed, hardwood floors, fall eement basement 732 E, 65th N . 1 blocks north of oar. See owner of piece or call Broadway 767. - - i$TrTr0WN7"5NTllXYTTPRlCE Boy neat 8 room oottage,- close in. Union venue, on paved street city water, Fred W, German - Co., 782 Cham, of Comm. Open nif, ami ounaay. BOUT H PORTLAND ' If yoa want to boy a home in South Port land, call and see m. a 1 handle that prep, erty exclusively (1200 and np. JOHN SINGER. 420 Cham, of Com, bldg. - -,.--.- 85000 -. - - -East Salmon st near 28th St. 6 room and bath. . Hot water heat Lot 60x100. $1000 cash. ' WAKEFIELD, FRIK CO. 85 Fourth st - tsass ? --. - ., .: ..... ..- 1 H story house, Wi.,od floor in 8 nmiisij lot 60x50; terms, , WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO.," 86 4th- t ROSSMUE HOME Call at 600 E. 36th st N., or phone Tabor 6975. ' A modem 7 room home, sleeping porch, 60x108 lot, all clear, $4400; $1000 cash.' FOB SALSi House and 2 lots, Beaverton, Or., 3 blocka from R.R. sta.; prio $1000.' Ad dress t. fi. Uonneuy, Koote 4, BherWood. Or, . r, t ,T. tt sc i . , .. . y ; r W l W V v ,vm, vwksm,w, 9CS porch screened in, a, block and a half off sns-rui in. tttw ,wi,. ni.ninwn o .ill. OWN our horn. Buy now at bedrock. Lot 66x92. cor.' 8th st and Com ave.; shack with garage; after 6 p. m , Tel. Sellwood 8181. DANDY home, $2780, term, direct from owner: i - . AO,AA . s. w, ,wmw, avw vvasw, I nMfc, roses, no gravel, block car.' Evenings Main 1877. liuxtl lor sai py owaer $1200, $1700 . tsAOA- hnilftin i nnM , ..M . ,' pruM a. x-ewe. e srnai. SIX room colonial hens, near Ladil's ' addf - HMl KAvIAH MMU. waah. ... I . t Bargain for quick sale. Owner. Q-8 2 7. Journal. ItVLSGTON Will all' ni delightful T-ruuto ""w e t Tw m . r.-i zgtt 7 ROOM house. 2 krt. U kind fraft. in Selt -ws w !. .. neuwooa 24 7 n. LOSE CITY PARK Fin 6-room bungalow at r-ROOM house, at 1038 tleveland gve." vVood- - lawn 4178. .,...- . -- - $2000 827 Wnilsm ave., 6 room cottage; terms. Q. F. Higbee. Turner, Or. FOUR room houseboat good repairs cheap. - Gucther A LUck. Manhsll 4 A BFAL ESTATE FOR HALE HOI St.S $3500 - A strictly niodrm )nmse of seven rooms and two steeping ponhus, full eement bssement, wa h trsvs. fur nace and fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in bookcases, cutineta, clotlies chut and all modern ronvenieuces. Tins home is one of Port laud s show places, affordjng an excellent unob structed view. I situated st th head of Hawthorne are., conveniently located to beautiful Mt Tsbor psrk ami surroundings. lit ' Is full sice and has fine skips. Ieath tn family reuses owner to sscrilic this beau tiful home for pnoe fsr below its relative vahte. r'or antmiiitmcnt ' call Mr. SU Johns. 81 T Henry Bldg. SAN RAFAEL ST. N FAR Wn,LLM3 AVE. Modern. 6 rooms with alcove, furnace, attic, electricity, white enameled plumbing; tills htm is in the very best condition and ia in a splmnii l location; only 2 Alocks 4o Broadway and ia with in easy walking distance of the west side; lot is 00x150 street psved and paid. This is an e eeptiinsl biiy . Price $3800; very easy terms. J. F. HILL 696 Williams ave. East 263. CANT B Bfi KATP " NOW LISTEN Her I a strictly modem semi-bungalow, six rooms snfl ),. !-, . - i i . lower fhior. two and sleeping porch above; hsr.l- wn, iusin, mini in Dooacasna, mil ret, )as pun try and Dutch kitchen; full eement basement. A-l furnace, corner lot 60x100; all pated atreefa in and paid for; nice lawn and shmhii.-rv. fine residence district: all for $4,000; $10ui) cash will take posseesion, balance essy. Now vacant Now where . ran von beat thief C. A. WABRINKlt, - , ' 201-8-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg. $365pKenton District $3650. : . - ' : Beautiful 5 -room bungalow, with large floored Bttie. doubly ronstraele.1. large living room. Jiutch kitchen, built-in buffet, extra fine plum! ing, full cement basement, fine furnace, lot ' full lot bearing frnit trees, berries. 100 bushes; H block Kenton car; paved street H paid; 3750 cash, bal. monthly. Plum appoutment " ."- Ojien Evenings. GEO. T. MOtikil CO., 1007 Yen bldg. a os oa Small payment down, remainder like rent, will put you in ,modej-n ft room home 1 block from car, comer lot. lawn, berries, roses, beautitul view, large, ' sunuy rooms, fireplace, gas, eh..--tricity, exr-ellent plumbing, cement bssein-i i : some furniture for ssle. Phone Sellwood 1 M7 . ONLY $1800 fi a good 6 room house oiT"ti . Montavilla earline, evment sidewalks in and s round the house. All ' the city convetilcnnK, Dutch kitchen and a very comfortable ht.u-. With it goes , acr. This place ia located n 8d at. No. 28H. $500 cash will handle it. aJLjr. CLOHESSY. 415 ABLNGTON IIUMi. IIAWTHORNE cars; " nit- rooms, furnblie,!; .- psved street: $2000, terms. 4 -room furnished bungalow, furnace; pared treat; $3000, terms. -4-room bnngalnw. Alberta car; $1600, terms. - MUTUAL REALTY CO. Msln 1643, 1 2 19 N. W. Bank bldg . ClOHINO ESTATE T" ' Beautiful Piedmont houu; will be sold fr.r , $S200, 7 room and sleeping purnli, fine cor ner lot, hsrdsnrfsce streets (paid), terms if ti.-. . sired. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., N. W. Bank bldg. - - ; - . , WEST HIDE $300 cash, nice 5 room buaas'-' low, lot 40x70. full bssement bsrd surx.d street included in price, furnished $2700, untar nished $2600: rents 3a per mouth. Jobiisiin iKHisonCo.. 634 NW. Bank' Bldg. . i,. COME OtnCK A SNAP Sroom bungalow with bath, lot 60x98, gsr-' den in, just 10O feet from esst line of Irving'"", for $1800; terms; no -phone informstlon, Mc- Leod at Tsylor. 830 Bailwsy Erchsnge. FOH SALE -8 mora niodMi-n hfms7larg s!e,t- ing porch and gsrsgn full sixed lot and bear ing fruit trees, 10o feet from earline; pn. e $4000, terms; would consider trad for acreage. Pbon Columbia 746. $500 CASH $2850 $25 monthly: 8 roTsa cottage, west side, block to oar; streets hard surfaced and paid; good basement; 42 1 110 lot; good location; a good buy, Johnson Dodson Co.,-634 NW. Bank Bldg. ONLY $2600 for a 7 room brink house on the Mt Tabor earline. Thia house I not m. n- house, but in gotfl condition. The price should sell It on sight $100 will be neremary. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. ; , FOR SALE 1208 E. Msin st, 8 mm hnu s . and 2 lots. 1 4 Urge friut trees snd gxl garden apace: pric $2800: all tmprovem-n paid: terms, $700 cash. Pbon J. F. Miller, Tsbor 4404. ' $2100 4 block to car, 8 room house, strPt pahl, fine orchard, slot 80xt25: owner Is leaving city; a real snap at $2100, c-l.. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 634 N. W. BANK BLDG.- ; OWNER will sscrifice house, 4 lots, finSOOT located E. 71st, 6 blka. "MV'' esrhtu , $1800: terms, $500 down, $10 per mnmh. Particular phone Tabor 1844. Address 14) E. 60th t. North. -F0R8AT;E; BY"OWNEft iSD Bt'ltDWi"" Modem ' 4 room house and bath, full base ment, laundry tubs, lot 60x100 eomer, eahtnc kitchen and living room ill whit enamel. Woo-1-lawn 6171, 688 Jerrett st. Alberta ear 14th st. BUNOAIjOW $8000 B. Harrison at near 41st at; 6 rooms, tot 88 1-8x100; terms - WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO.. 85 4th st ', A BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOMB If in tb market for new, strictly mmicrn horn that will cost you $15,000 to duidicats get price and terms. . 1421 Northwestern Bsnk bldg. ! FOR SALE 8 room house. 1 acre of land fruit trees, berries, city water, gas; in Mt. Scott district, Bel) for $1600; half cash; no interest on rent. Call Mr. Heytlng. 6706 71st v. WHY NOT -BUILD? . Get ah artistic horn by an established irri . reetural firm at low cost We build snrtlu' ,; fnmish the money tf desired. L. It. Bsiley Co , Inc.. contrscting archtfects. 924 N. W. nsns. FOR SALE cheap, f room house, ehesp, wt' 'i - from. 1 to 4 lots, to suit purchsseri Mo. s from earline; terms. Lots all in bearing frtm. 44 8 Dekum ave., or 712 Saratoga st Vlu.i Woodlswn 886. p. . big vAl.tti? ; 8-roora house, 4 lots 60x100 each, corner near car, tn Sellwood. 62000; $200 cash, $16 rr-onth, 6 per cent . . R. M. GATEWOOP A CO.. 188 H 4tb st. 1 BOOMS, 5"blocks from scKool and car, 1 60x100. paved street good little barn un place; all for $2600, terms if desired. Owner, Esst 4060; M(jfJE"RN bungalow,' lot 60x100, ga,. siertrp flrepla, large cement basement in restrict-1 district; 6250O. $1800 cash. Call after p. t... 1221 East 27th st. N. 1LKA8ANX and eonvenUmt 6 room bunui,, all elesr. all modem; near ear and t,-i snrfae; $2150. 6 room hooae, $2600, Tso r 6469. A BARGAIN. Modem 6 room cottage, toil i t lot, on earline; hard snrfae streets, 8 b r. ing tree and berries. $2300. 783 East is st South. Phone Sellwood 891, j "FOR SALE " " acr, good six-room bous, chicken h-, berries, fruit trees, 1 block from itsis . u. I'hon Sellwood 1616. iiODEUN 6-room house, fireplac. porch, buffet, etc, 1 block off hard ur- ,; all improvement paid. Price $2700. 1 r 4942. FOB SALE 4 room bouse, lot 100x10", bearing fruit trees, Pric $900. Take Km more land and Erroll Heights cars to end line. Inquire at store for Itelnemsn pise. ust '-yovb hcxaAiWg ANiTTiorr.: ; with m. t will sell thsm. W. A, WRIGHT. 417 AWngton BMg. Res. Sell. 1351V. Office Msln 8 BOOM Alameda home, corner, paved street- ( - street improvements paid; hardwood floor downstairs: garage; $1300; terms. 193 Bn.rl way, Heilig Theatre bldg. - - - - FOR SALEA modern 6 room house i;a sleeping porch; 15 minute walk to pnstoffice. ; bargain; $4500; by owner.' 812 Sherman at. West side. 4l650 Modem 6 room house and lot, 4i5 Kos st, only diocks irom nroaowvy on-n-, $300 eash, balanc terms. Inquire 423 1. . nn et n. RKAUTUX'L BCNGAIXlW ' Store building, 2 cres, elect line, va'1- town near Portland. 944 Caruthers. B. 14-. Bsrrsin . MODERN 7 room bouse and garage, lot 12'" -120,. 20 ft alley, H kindi ol fruit ml berries, nice lawn and lots of rosea. 6604 8 v j ave. 8. E.. near 67th st. ' FOR SALE by owner: 6-room modem en ' Woodstock earline. $2600. Terras. fcv .,- wood ' 2378, f BARTIaIN by ownerf"wo lots and smell bo', east front $760; eash or terms. 4bU4- 6jd , 8. E. $4750 MODKKN & room house; uiu-'trVe .- to be appreciated. 84th St., near Jiawr.hoi. Call Tsbor 602 , FOR- SALE 1 good 6-rooui iiouse, lot 5 On J froit treesr aU in good shape. By owner, 'i geltwood 2129. MODERN 4iom cottage, Dutrh k,U:i,n,. i being' and 2 beilroorns; clre - to car; 40x 1 20 Owne'iftetlw'od 2204. FW pieces h'swehoid furniture tor se. East 6&81 Tuesday. . '