THE OREGON DA ILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. OREGON. 18 SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1919. - abhors to CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY TO BE OF E New Significance Is Added This - Year by Reason of Heroes Who Gave Lives in France". HONOR MEN OF THREE WARS Tho$e Who Fell in '65, '98 and '19 Will Be Remembered in Sermons to Be Given Sunday. Full honors will be paid the nation's dead tomorrow in nearly all of Port land's churches, with special services and music A new significance will be added to the day this year, as the nation will now pay tribute to the young men who recently perished in Franco while bravely defending- the cause of liberty from the hand of the Hun. Many pastors have announced that they will pay respects in their ser mons to the heroes of '65, '9S and '19. A large number of churches will dis pense with their evening service in order to allow their members the free dom of attending: the union memorial service to be held at The Auditorium for all allied soldiers, who perished dur ing the war. ; A memorial service for the dead sol diers whose names are inscribed upon the honor roll of Trinity Episcopal church will be held Sunday morning: at It o'clock. Bishop Paddock, who has just returned from France, will be the speaker. Men who have been in . the army or navy are invited to attend the "service in uniform by the rector. Dr. A. A, Morrison. A select musical pro gram suitable to the Bolemn occasion has been prepared. The evening: service will be omitted in order to give the choir and congregation an opportunity to join in the memorial service to British sol diers at The Auditorium. VICTORT MEMORIAL DAY Sunday will be- called "Victory Me morial day" at the First Methodist church. In the morning: Dr. Stansfleld will preach a' sermon on the prophecy and program of the church of God and In the evening he will conduct a "world's memorial service. All returned sol diers and sailors in the city are in vited to this service, as well as veterans of former wars. Special memorial, na tional and international, music has been arranged. -., The George Wright, Lincoln-Grant and Gordon Granger posts of the Grand Army of -the Republic will attend serv ice Sunday morning at Wilbur Meth odist Kplscopal church, which meets in the assembly room of the Multnomah. The pastor, Dr. F. B. Short, will preach and the whole service will teem with patriotic fervor. The music will be one of the pleasing features, and will be furnished by the famous Wilbur Quar tet. with Professor William Mansell Wilder, organist. ' On Sunday evening, June 2t a special "fireside memorial service" will be con ducted in the lobby of the hotel, the en tire mezzanine floor will be used. This will be in recognition of the sac rifices of our Civil war veterans and our World war heroes. TWO TO BE HOSOEED The two young men of First Christian church who perished during the war wTJJ be held in affectionate remembrance at the Sunday morning service by the Rev. H. H. Griff is, pastor of the church. They are Harvey Palmer and Reming ton Kelly. Due respect will also be paid to the other 73 young men and women who are represented on the serv ice flag: of the church. The pastor has prepared a special address and in keep ing: with the hour a special musical pro gram will be rendered by the church quartet." The evening- service will be suspended in order that all members may feel free to attend the union me morial service of the Allied British so cieties at The Auditorium. Friday the Rev. Mr. Griff is will go to Turner to deliver the Memorial day address to the Pearl Masonic lodge. Sunday evening's service at the Sun nyslde Congregational church will be of a memorial character, held under the - auspices of the Men's league. A pro- gram of unusual strength has been pre pared for the occasion. Two men. Messrs. Burgess Ford and F. J. Glass, returned from the advanced sector of the great world war, will make vivid the memory , of the khaki-clad heroes who fought and won in the last battles of the great conflict. A bugler will give . tome of the leading calls so familiar in the routine of a soldier's life, and the . choir, under the direction of Professor ' J. H Cowen, will render choice 'patri otic selections appropriate to the spirit ot this service. The Grand Army chap- .r ter of this memorial will be vividly por trayed by a specially Inspiring serial from the famous motion picture, "The V: Son of Democracy," -entitled. "A Call to Arms," picturing that tensest moment In Lincoln's life when, for the preserva tion of the Union, he called for the first 75.000 volunteers and received the mem orable reply: We are coming. Father Abraham." The public Is cordially in vited to attend. MEMORIAL IK SPIEIT The services on Sunday at the Hieh- . iu -waiiKregTauonai cnurcn will be in keeping with the spirit of the Memorial season.. In the morning the pastor. Rev. MEMOR AL NATUR First Congregational Church 1 PARK AND MADISOBT STREETS .WALLACE W. WILLARD, Acting Pastor WILL SPEAK OX' ! "An Historic Highway: The Crux of the Eastern Question" CIVIC FORUM X MEMORIAL BAT ADDRESS BY - WALLACE W. -WILLARD COMMUNITY SINGZNO AND OPEN PORTTM NON-SECTARIAN NON.PARTIS IN OMNLHraAN ALL "WELCOS'JI , ' , , 4V! Ration's astor !to JRemain Key. C. V. Fowler 'Prosperity has marked the life of 'the Brentwood Nazarene church during the past two years under the leadership of Itev. C. U. Fowler, according to reports read at the recent annual business ses sion, so he was called by the congre gation to serve for a third year. Re ports indicated prosperity in every de partment of the church. When the little church was first built in Brentwood it had a hard struggle, as few people lived near it. Sergeant Charles L. Fowl er, son of the pastor, recently returned home from service, and is helping his father by furnishing special music for the church services. The annual con vention of the churches in Oregon will be held at Newberg on June 18. Miss Louretta Stodghill and Miss Bertha Riser were elected delegates to this as sembly. ' Edward Constant, will preach on the fol lowing topic, "In Memory of the Brave and True." The members of the Canadian War Veterans' association of Portland, of which Mr. Constant has" been made an honorary member, will be in attend ance at this Bervice. All who served on the Canadian forces are invited. Ap propriate music will be rendered by the choir under the direction of Miss O. Rose. ' In the evening Ralph C. McAfee, director of religious work in the Y. M. C. A., will give an address on "Heroes of Yesterday and Today." Special mu sic will be furnished at the evening serv ice by the Forbes quartet. Atkinson Memorial Congregational church will conduct a commemoration day service Sunday night. This will be in honor of returned and enlisted sol diers who went out from the church and community. Thirty-seven stars are on "Sw Bervice flag of this church. A ma jority of the boys have returned and will attend in a body and be addressed by the pastor. The singing of war songs will be a special feature of the service. Memorial services will be held In all the United Brethren churches of the city." At First church Sunday evening Bert A. Powell, a returned missionary from Korea, also a Y. M. C. A. secre tary for 10 months in France, will have charge of the service. At Second church Sunday morning Mr. Garver, a returned soldier, will tell the congregation what Christ meant to him while in the trenches. The pastor will give a memori al address In the evening. At Third church the Rev. K. O. Shepherd will hold his memorial service in the morning, while at Fourth church It will be held in the evening, where the service will be addressed by G. A. Prentiss, a vet eran of the Civil war. SPECIAL PROGRAM Memorial day will be observed by a special program at Our Savior's Luther an church Friday, May 30, at 8 p. m. Music will be furnished by the Bethle hem church choir and addresses ap propriate for the day will be made by visiting clergymen and delegates to the young people s convention. A special memorial service will be held Sunday morning at Centenary Methodist church by Dr. J: C. Rollins. In the eve ning the results of the Centenary drive will be reported. The morning service at Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church will be a memorial service. In the evening the new moving picture machine will be dedicated with the film, "The Son of Democracy." The G. A. R. of Ben Butler post No. 27 and the Women's Relief corps will attend the Sunday morning Service at the First United Presbyterian church, when the Rev. H. F. Given will preach a memorial sermon. Kenllworth Presbyterian church will observe Memorial day Sunday morning with a fitting sermon and music No evening .service will be held as the church has accepted the Invitation to attend the union service at The Audi torium. The Rev. 3. Lee Gray of Millard Ave nue Presbyterian church has announced his Sunday evening- service as a me mortal service. Sunday morning Chaplain Bronson ot Vancouver barracks will conduct a Memorial day service at the Third Bap tist church. The Rev. W. J. Beaven. pastor of the church, is in Denver, at tending the Northern Baptist conven tion. The evening congregation will at tend the memorial service at The Audi torium. " i j It Luncheon Is Postponed The lunch and entertainment to have been given Friday, May 23, by the women of Grace Memorial Episcopal church to returning soldiers and sailors of the parish, has been postponed until Friday. June 6, the committee an nounced. . , SB fcsw.wovwJ5, . -.ryf,-f.- ; ?-::::" a y-,'r ""l!LJ!lJi V v f- CI I Bead -Wilt CHURCH SEEKS TO RETAIN CONVERTS Committee of Northern Baptist Laymen Opens Campaign to Instruct Workers. New York. May 24. Realizing- that the average church does not pay enough at tention to new members, the national committee of Northern Baptist laymen, of which F. W. Ayer is chairman, has inaugurated an educational campaign to instruct religious workers in general how to 'care for the convert. Dr. Fred P. Haggard, director of the committee, believes that Baptist churches should be conducted along business lines. He holds that pastors, their assistants and leaders In church work should follow up people who have manifested religious in terest, just as business houses have their salesmen keep In constant communica tion with prospective customers. JfF.GLECT IS APPARENT This campaign which is being conduct ed by, the Northern laymen is not a financial drive, but a movement to keep new members interested in the churches they have joined. Lamenting that there Is abundant evi dence to show that the average church does not properly care fr the convert, the Rev. W. K. Monbeck, who is one of the most active workers in the new movement, today pointed out that there are hundreds of Baptists who at one time professed conversion, but are not making any effort to live a Christian life. The large percentage of Inactive, Indifferent and even worldly church members existing today is another strong argument that the churches are not car ing for their own. said Dr. Monbeck. SOMETHING RADICALLY "WROJfp As a third Indication he deplored the lack of Baptist loyalty among profess ing Baptists, which, he said, was an other argument to show something radi cally wrong in the care of converts. "The new convert must be enlisted in definite Christian service." said Mr. Ayer. "Members of our churches must be led to see that they are not banded together for social and intellectual amusement, but for worship and service. As long as they feel that the church is a charitable institution to be kept alive by alms they will have a passive, apolo getic attitude toward the world. They must realize that the church is not a poorhouse, but a powerhouse giving light and life to the community." Iff Veteran to Speak L. D. Mahone, of the Spanish-American war, will be the speaker at Patton Methodist church Sunday evening. His address will be in keeping with Me morial day. The public in general is Invited to the service, which will be at 8 p. m. DIRECTORY Rogation Sunday Uniform Sunday School Lesson "Repentance." Jonah 3:1-10; Luke 18:1-5; Acta 2:37. 88. Golden text: "Repent ye, and belie re in the. gospel." Mark 1:15. Young People's Topics Baptist Union: "Rtrengthenins the Rural Church." Matt. 9:35-38. (Conquest Mission ary meeting- ) Christian Endeavor: "God's Precious Prom ises." 1 Kings 8:54-61; 2 Peter 1:1-14. (Union meeting with juniors and intermediates). Kpworth League: "How Do Men Confess Christ and How Deny Him?" Horn. 10:9; Luke 22:65-61. Baptist First Whit Temple. 12th and Tajlor Iter. William A. Waldo. -11. "A United Church and a Belierlnc World." by Rer. James Reid. Ph. D., of Ban Francisco; 8. "The Call of the Cross by Rev. Darid R. Peterson. Kt Side E. ?Oth and Salmon Rt W. B. Hinson. Rt. Herbert T. Cash, Assistant. Freachinc by the Rer. M. Cash; 11. -."Quietude and Certitude;" 8, 'Christ or Nothing." Third VajrmTer and Knott He. Webley J. Beaven. 11, preaching by Chaplain Bron son of Vancouver barracks; 7:80, evening serv ice at The Auditorium. Montaviila 11. 7 :a0. Arleta Hev W. C. PrlvT. temporary naitor. 11. "Community Boys' Work." by P. Ij. Newmeier: 8. "A Working Church," by Hesse mer, Loois, Rirketts. 'alrary k. "'h "d runt -Rev J K. Thomas. 11, "The Merciful God;" 8. "The American Patriot. -Irncoe K. 4."tli and Vain Tev. P. C. Laslette. 11. address by W. 8. Hale, ez-su-penntendent of reform school. 7:45. service us charge of the Highland evangelistic team. Sellwood Bethany lie v. T. J. BroonUield, 11. 7:80. Grace E. 76th and Aih. 11. 7:30. University Park Rev. 8. Lewrence) Black. 11. 7:80. Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rev. T. G. Sjolar der. 10:30. 7:30. 8t. Johns Rev. Sfr. Burton. 11. 7:80. Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Preaching by Dr. E. P. Borden. 11. 8. Cathello , St. Peters Lent Her. P. BeutgeB. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Pro-Cathedral 15th anu Davis Rev. E. V. O'Hara. 6. 7:18. 8:30. 8:45. 11. 7:48. 8L Lawrence 3d and Sherman Ksjt. J. C Hughes. 6. 8:80. 10:80. 7:80. St. Francis E 12th and Fine Rev. J. H. Blaek. 6. 8. 9. 10:30. 7:80. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams aad Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 6, 8. 9. 11. 7:80. Holy Rosary E. 8d and Clackamas Rv. E. a Olson. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 7:30. St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rev. 3. O'FarrelL 8. 10:80. 4. ' St. Andrews E. 9th and .Alberta Rev. J. Kiernan. 8. 10:30. 7:80. Toe Madeleine E. 24th snot Siskiyou Rev. George f. Thompson. 7:30, 9. 11. Ascension E. 76th snd Yamhill Franciscan Fathers. 8, 10:80. 7:80. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and BlinilsTia Rev. F. W. Black. 8. 10:80, 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Rev. C. Raymond. 8. 19:80, 7:80. St. Ignatius 8220 43d St. 8. E. Jeruft Fathers. 6:30. 8. 10:80. 4. St Stephens E. 424 and Taylc? Rev. War ren A Waitt. 6. 8:80. 10:80. 7:80. Holy k Redeemer Portland bird, end Tinrog. vr ave. Rev. William J. Devise. 6. 8, 10:80. 7:80. " . St. Phillip Nerl (Paulist Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory Rev. W. J. Cartwright 7:80. 9. 10:80. 7:30. St. Clements 8. Smith ave, and Newton Serbite Fathers.. 6. 8. 10:30. 7:80. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rev. O Rob. 8. 10:80. 7:30. ;. Agatha E. 15th and Millar Rev. 3. Commlnsky. 8. 10.80. 7:30. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and FaO tng Rev. F. Matthew. S. 10: 80. 7:30. St. Joseph , (German) loth and Coach Rev. B. Durrer. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Re 11 Saleetra. 8:30. 10:90. 7:80. r St. Clares Capitol Hill Father CaDlatran. O. F. M.S 8. 10:10. St. Charles E. 8 3d and Alberta, Rev. 3. P. OTlynn. . 10:80. All Saints Ks. 4 9th and GUaan Rev. Father William Crania. 8. 10:80 - . . . St. Patricks 19th and Sarler Rev. Charles M. Smith. 8. 9:15, 1040. 7:45. Christian . trrtl "", Chmbie -Re. RaroM W. Griff is. 11. "Life's Higher Memorials;" 7:48, n evening service. - .. Ea 4rte K i2Vnd Tevlor Rev. R, H. Sawyer. 11. "What Business Hss Mas in the Church;" 8. "The Apple of Eden." Marine? Avenue af-nev arvrt fHwtt Xer. X. F. Ghormley. 11, "Then and Now;" 8. Me morial service, addresses by Lieutenant C W. I u v. xiiormieyi eionuvula K. 7tju iml uiiwa Bev. Her bert U Bjdtr. 11, 7 30. Baid WLork 3fs for Sll Returning Soldiers ail Creeds Sire asked to Cooperate Various war welfare organizations and the war time commission of the Federal Council of Churches have ap pealed' to the churches of the nation to back up the plan of the army and navy department of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew' for the appointment of a church welcome committee by every congregation ' to greet and serve re turning soldiers and sailors. Many such committees have already been ap pointed. In order to prevent the churches from losing time while working out plans, the. brotherhood has developed a working schedule, which may be secured from the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, 105 East Twenty second street. New York city. Churches are advised first to secure the correct name and address of every man In their community who entered the service, and then to send letters to his family Informing them of the ex istence of the organization. It is sug gested that members of the committee call at the soldiers' home to learn of the young man, so that his ambitions . may be satisfied when he returns home. Visiting Pastor to Preach Here Sunday Rev. James Clement Reid, Ph.D., of San Francisco, will deliver an address on the interchurch world movement Sunday morning at the White Temple. This address will be in the Interest of the movement. In the evening at 8 o'clock Rev.'David R. Peterson, who has been assisting the pastor several months, will speak. The Temple quartet will render special music. An organ recital will be given 15 minutes before the eve ning service by Miss Nellie Kennedy. The pastor. Dr. William A. Waldo, has invited the public to both services. The young people's meeting at 6 :45 o'clock will be led by Miss Mary Ayres, who will tell of her work among the Russians and also her experiences in rural churches in this country. Special music has been arranged. Men's Club to Give Dinner on Tuesday The Men's club of Central Presbyterian church will give a dinner prepared by the women of the church, next Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock in the church par lors. Former City Attorney Frank S. Grant and James E. -Brockway, execu tive of the Boy Scouts, will speak. Mr. Grant will explain the "measures to be voted on at the coming election, and Mr. Brockway will talk on "Juvenile Delinquency." Mrs. Freeman McNary is arranging a musical program. All friends and those interested in the subjects to be discussed are welcome. OF CHURCH Woodlawn E. 7th and Liberty -Rev. Joseph V. Boyd. 11. 8. Vernon E. 15th SBx' Wygant Rev. R Tlbb Maxey. 11. 7:30. Ohrlst'en Sclet-ce Lesson subject r "Soul and Body." "rst lth snd Everett. ll.o. Second E. 6th and Hoiladay 11, 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, 8. Fifth 62d and 4 2d ave. 8. E. 11. Sixth Masonic Temple. 368 Yamhill 11, 8. Seventh Holbrook Jiiock. St. Johns. 11. All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. Congregational First Park arx Madison. Or W. W. Wfl lard. 11. "A Historic ' Highway ;" 7:45, me morial service. Suunysidi E 32d ami Tsvlor Rev. J J. Staub. 11. "The Real Meaning of Christian llucipleship ;" 7:45, memorial service, addresses by Burgess Fotd and F, J. Glass. Atkinson Memorial Le. 2th and Everett. Rev. E. E. Flint. 11,, "A Christian Citizen ship;" 8, "A Tribute to the Heroes." Highland E. Htu and: Prescott Uev. Edward Constant. 11. "In Memory of the Brave ana True;" 8, "Heroes of Yesterday and Today." by Ralph C. McAfee of the Y. M. C. A. Wav.riey Height E. 33d snd Woodward Rev. Oliver P. Avery. , 11, "Light on ti zling 8criptures;" 8. laureiwuud 49th avel and 65th at. S. K. Mrs. AUce M. Handsaker. 11. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Robert Murray Pratt. II, "The Naked Souls of Men;" 7:45, "The Crossroads of the World." a chalk talk. ' Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore Uev. Sam uel Kevala. . 7:30. University "Park Haven and Lombard Rev. C. H. Johnston. 11, 8. St. Johns S. Ivsnhoe and Richmond Rev. J. T. MerrilL 11, 7:80. Danuh-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Rev. Ole Torgeasen. 11, 7:SO. First Genua E. 7th and Stanton Rev. George Zocher. 11. 7:30. Second German E. Stli and Skidmore Rev. Henry Hagelgans. 11. 7:30. Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Rev. J. H. Hopp. 11. 7:80. Parkxoue Rev. P. IX Holfman. 11. 7:80. , 'Kplscopal Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr 13th and Clay Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop. Sundays. 7:45, 11. 7:45, Holy days. 8:30. Trinity 19th and Everett Kev. A. A. Mor rison. 8. II.- memorial service, aermnn hv IgBuhop Paddock. si. uaruu tu. ltli ana Belmont Uev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:80, 11, 8. Si Harm '1-t and Mar Hail Rev. J. O. Hatton. 7:30. 9:45. 11. 8. 8t. Andrew Hertford at.. Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 11. 7:SO. Grace Memorial E. 17 th and Weidler Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John- Dawson. 11. 8. St. Michaels and All Angels E. 43d and Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. 8. 10. 11. 6. Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st St. S. E. Kev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:80, 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 7, 9 :30. til. Pauls Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. All Saints 25th and Sarier Rev. Frederic K Howard. 10. 11. St. Julius Memorial E. 15th and Harney, Sellwood. Rev. H, Clark in charge. 11,. 7:30. St. Mathews Corbett and Bancroft Rev. W. A. M. Breck. vicar.) 10, 1L ' Evangel less First E. 6th ant) Market Rev. E. D. Hora schuch. ' 11. 7 .80. I Carson . Heights 9th and Hume Rev. F. M. Fisher. 10:80. 11:80. Clay 8treet 10th and Clay Rev. H. Schu knecbt. 10:45, 8. , Free Methodist Central E. 55th and Flanders Rev. W. N. Coffee. 11, 8. kirn E. th snd ViU Rev. A Beer. 11, "Things That Are Worth While in Life;" 8. "Fundamental Principles . Necessary to Suc- Alberta E. 80th and Wygant Rev. K. I. Harrington. 11. 7:30. - vPffHfg First E. 85th and i Mail Cox. 11, 8. wwleh -Rev. Homer I Cnnereaation Bath Israel 12th and Mail Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath semeee rriday it 8 p. m., Saturday. 10:80 a. am. 8nnday. 10. In Portland academy- bMg.. . 18th and Moos gomery. Religious sclioo- Bible classes at Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays. Congregation A ha via Mbolem Park and Clay rta. . . Babbi R. . Abrheon. Friday. 8 . . sa.; Saturday. 9:30 a, SB. - Congregation Kevah Zedeck Talmud Torso 6 th and Hall Rev. Abraham X Roeenerants. Friday, 8 p. m.; Saturday. 9 a. m-, Sunday. 19 a. av, religious aoheoL i v Latter 0ar alntg . '. ' Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 25th and MsdJaon. 10, 7:30. 4 Lutheran gt Janes W. Park and Jefferson Rev. Wm. E. BriEiman. 11. T:30. ? j in The schedule also advisee the appoint ment of learned business men and law yers on the committee, so that compe tent advice may be given the soldiers and sailors- upon their return home. Others are urged to study government rules and regulations covering Insur ance, allotments, compensation, etc., in order that all questions may be properly answered. Get-together banquets for returned service men are also recommended as a means of getting in better touch with the men. It is recommended that the commit tee see that seats are always ready for assignment to returned men and their families, especially In churches where pews are rented and the family have no regular sittings. The committees are warned against duplicating the work of secular organ izations or with trying- to compete with them. Church committees are advised to always keep in mind thai their ob jective is the winning of 'the returned service men to the lire ana memuer ship of the church. Story of Garden of Eden Pastor's Theme Sunday night the Rev. R. H. Sawyer of the East Side Christian church will tell the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Much of the religious unrest of today, according to Mr. Saw yer, is due to "private Interpretation" of the Scriptures, or the practice of re ligious leaders denying to the people the right to read the Bible as they would read any other book, accepting the plain, simple meaning of the language em ployed. "The mistake of Eden is one 'very common to the human family." said the pastor, "and the average man and woman may learn a valuable lesson from a frank, honest consideration of it." Two Pastors to End Labors Here Sunday With the convening of the Oregon conference of the Free Methodist church at the First Free Methodist church on Wednesday, the pastorate of two local pastors will close. Rev. Alexander Beers of First church and Rev. W. N, Coffee of Central each has servid his church three successive years, which is the limit allowed in one charge by the law of the church. Bishop William Pearce of Philadelphia will preside. The convention will last over next Sunday. Both preachers -will occupy their re spective pulpits Sunday morning and evening, when their farewell sermons will be preached. SERVICES IN Kranse. 9:80. 10:80, preaching; 8. sacred concert and -address by the pastor on "The Best Church Choir." t Our Saviors-l-E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. A. Christensen. 11. sermon in Norwegian. Trinity Wniiama and Graham Rev. 3. A Reinbach. 9:15. 10:30. 7:80. Rethlekem Norwegian 14th and Darts Rev. Wilhelm Pettersen. 11, 8. Grace. English Mason and Atblna. Rev. C. H. Bsmhard. 9-45, 11. Hamilton Chanel E. 80th and Glissn Rev. F. J. Epling. 10:4. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod ney. Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ris Rev. U. P. Kioller.' 11. 8. . St Johns Peninsula and Kilpa trick Rev. L. Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and niisan Rev. C. J. Ledin. 11, prayer; 7:30. "A Lost Treasure," service in English. Swedish Augustana Mtanton and Rodney He v. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7:45. Immanuel 19th and Irving Rev. A V. An derson. Methodist episcopal Centenary E. 9th and Pine ' Rev. 3. O. Rollins. 11. "The Greatest Victory"; 8, Vic tory service. Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. A R Maclean. 11, 8. Clinton Kelly K. 40th and Powell Rev. Jorm ParBon-o. 11, 7:flO. Ep worth 2 flth and Sarler Rev. J. Stanford Moore. 11, "God Memorialises Man'a Sacri fice"; 8. "Possess Ye Your Souls." First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua S tans field. 10:30, "Good Tidings"; 7:45, memor ial service. First Norwegian uantah 18th and Hovt Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11. "The Dawn of a New Christian Epoch"; 6, "Hastening the Kingdom of God." Garden Home Rev. A. B. Calder. 10:30, 7:45. Laurelwood B. 6 3d and Foster Rev. A- O. Brsckenburv. 11, 7:30. Lents Lucie n B. Jones. 11, 7:80. Lincoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A Ginn. 11. Montaviila E. 80th and Pine Rev.' Hiram Gould. 11. 7:30. Mt. Tabor B. 61st and Stark. Rev. E. OHo Eldridge. 11, "God's Hand in Modern History"; 8. "Centennial Victory, and How Obtained." Rose City Park Rev. D. Lester Fields. 11, 7:30. Sellwood Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11. 7:80. Bnnnyside K. 35th and Yamhill Rev. W. F. Ineson. 11. 7:45. St. Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Rev. J. H. Irvine. 11, 8. Swedish Beech and Burthwiek Rev. Abel ESlnnd. 11. 8. University Park Flake and Lombard Ray. J. T. Abbott. 11. 8. Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid more and Vancouver. Rev. C 3. R Tuning. 11, 8. Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 8. Wilbur-r-Multnomah hotel Rev. Francis Bur gette Short. 10:80. Woodftock E. 84th and Woodstock-Bev. L. O. Poor. 11. 7:80. District superintendent, Rev. William Wallase Youngson. IX. Dl. 691 E. 62d at. N. Tabot 3790. M. C. South Fiist Union and M nit no man Rev. James T. French. 11. "The Challenge to Faith"; 8. "The Truth of Truths." Nazarene First E. 10th and Weldler fc. C How ard Davis. 11. 7:80. Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Preaching by Luke Rader. 11, 7:80. Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th St. Rev. 0. V. Fowler. 11. 7:30. Highland Park E. 14th and KilUngsworth Rev. W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 8. Scandinavian Rev. J. BringedahL 11, 7:80. Presbyterian Firsts 12th and Alder Rer. John H. Boyd. 10:3a. "Does the World Situation Justify Op timism T"; 7:45. "The Outlook for Religion Pagan. Protestant. : Catholic, Roman and Greek."" ' Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Rev. Edward H. Pence. 11. 7:80, Central E. 13th and Pine. Rev. Orlando B. Pershing. 11, "The Twentieth Century Atone ment"; 7:48. "The Problem Illustrated. Calvary 11th and Clay Rev. Frank 3. Meyer. 10:80. . Mt. Tabor E. 65th and Belmont Rev. Ward MacHenry- 11. "In Memoriam"; 8, "The So ot Democracy." Vernon 19th and Wygant Rev. 3. R. Lands borough. 11. 7:30. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Rev. A. L. Hutchinson. 11. 8. , . Fourth First and Gibbs. Rev. Levi Johnson. 10:80, 8. Kenllworth B. 84th and Oladstooe Rev. Paul E. Rataeh, 11. "Memorial Day": 8. s evening, service. ' Hope E. 78th and Everett. 11. T4D. ' Rose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11. "PrayeMBd the Reign of Law"; 8. "Joseph's Dream" or "Youths Visiou." Forbes Grahana and Gantenbein. 11. . Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Kev. Theo dore P. Smith. 1 1, "Present Day Regard for Human Life": 8, "The Power of Choice. " :. Anabel 11. 8.- . ' . ' "Millard Avenue Rev. W. Lear Grey. -II", "The Wounded Christ"; 8. "The Supreme Sac- JBortland ANNUAL BUSINESS E3 Christian Endeavor Union to Elect, Install and Hear Re ports on Tuesday Evening, The annual business meeting of the Multnomah County Christian Endeavor union will be held Tuesday, June 3, in the First Christian church. Park and Columbia . streets. The session begins at 8 p. m. At this time the annual elec tion and Installation of officers will' be held, followed by a consideration of the coming year's budget. Those in charge;! of the meeting have also arranged a program to help liven the session- Miss Faye Steinmets is county president Reports of the various department heads show that successful work has been done during the past year, even though the necessities of war deprived the society of many of its ablest young- men workers, Many of the young worn' en also left home to engage in war work. Following are a few of the points to be reported at-the business meeting: "The quiet hour drive in December under the direction of Mattie Cleland gathered over 100 members. The co workers' drive in January under Mary Parkinson, the tenth legion pledge in February under Edna Canning, and the life worker recruit drive in March under Mable Galey, were also very successful. Interesting and enthusiastic junior and Intermediate rallies have been held un der the direction of Miss Mary Jones and Miss Elma Rehbault, respectively. Prospects are reported good for the state Jubilee convention to be held in Portland, June 19 to 22. Mrs. Bowrene Will Sing in Afternoon Mrs. Marguerite Moore Bowerene will sing Sunday afternoon at the Warren vesper service in the First Presbyterian church. A large audience of young peo ple is in attendance each Sunday after noon at the service and program, which Is from 4 to C o'clock. Entrance to the room Is 454 Alder street Young people who are strangers in the city are espe cially invited to this service. Evangelist Announces Subject Evangelist L. K. Dickson will speak Sunday night at 7 :45 o clock in Christen gen's hall. Eleventh street between Mor. rlson and Yamhill, on the subject, "Why Christ Must Come Again." This will be a Bible lecture and evidence will be given for each position taken. These services are held under the auspices of the Portland Seventh-day Adventist church and are for the public. Special musio will be directed by Professor I. C. Colcord. Seats are free. PORTLAND Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Rev. A. J. Hsnna. 11. Mizpah E. 19th and Division. 'Preaching by lr. Arthur F. Bishop. 11. "The Kingdom ?I ?odJ : "What WiU You Do With Jesus r" Music by choir. Seventh Day Advemtst Note Regular services of this denomination are held on Saturday. Central E. 11th and Everett L. K. Dick eon, pastor. 10. 11:15. Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery E. H. Emmerson. minister. 11. Montanlla E. 80th and Everett Elder 3. A. Gerhart. 10. 11. Lenta 94th at and 68th ave. Elder W. 0. Huntington. 10, 11. St Johns Central ave. and Charleston Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 10. 11. Albfna SkWmore and Maliory Elder A. A. Meyer. 10, 11. Scandinavian 550 Alberta Elder O. S. Lee. Salvation Army Corps No. 1243 Ash at Adjutant Frank Genge. 11. 3, 8. Corps No. 4 128 H 1st- Adjutant Joseph Harrison. 11. 8, 8. Swedenberglan New Church Society 831 Jefferson Rev. William R Reece. 11, "Recovered Certain ties. Unitarian Church of Onr Father Broadway and Yam hill Rev. G. Elliott, Jr. 11. 7:45. United Brethren Conference superintended Rer. G. E. Me Donald. First E. 1 5th and Morrlon Rev. Byron J. ("lark. 11, "Memory's Garden"; 7:30. address by Bert. A. Powell, a returned missionary from Korea. Second E. 27th ' and Sumner. Rev. Ira Hawley. 11, "What Christ Meant to Me in the Trenches," by Mr. Garver; 8. "We Shall Not Forget Them." Third 7th at. and S2d ave. 8. E. R. K- O. Hhepherd. 11. "Life. More Than Years"; 7:30. "Found by Seeking." FiMrth 'lreniont lev C. P. Plan-hard. 11, "Love"; 7:30, Memorial address by G. A. Prentias. United Evangelical First E. lth and Poplar Rev. J. A Goode. 11. address by Daniel A. Poling; 8. "Value of the Prophetic Word." Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Rev. 1L H. Farnham. 11, 7:80. St Johns Rev. A. P. Layton. 11, 8. United Presbyterian First K. 87th and Hawthorne Rev. H- T Given. 11. Memorial service, topic, "Was It Worth While!" or "A Glorious' Heritage Pur chased by a Great Sacrifice"; 7:30, "hoidiers." elm-el' l the m ranger itrauu aud V cj Rev. S. Earl Du Bois. Kenton 12 it Wert Lnmbsrd Rev. George N. Taylor. 11. Romans ix. "The Potter Chap ter"; 7:45. "When the Crowd Awakea." Miscellaneous Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 11. 7:80. Realization League 188 5tb Rev. H. Edr ward Mills. 11. 8. ' Christedelphiaa 621 E. Washington. 10:80. Church of God 868 Failing. Harry NeaL 11. 7:80. Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark. Men'a Resort 4tb and Burnside Rev. Levi Johnson, superintendent. 8. ' Divine Science Tillord building Rer. T. M. Iflnard. pastor. 11. Universal Mascianlc 818 Abington building. 11, 8. "Man Is the Light." Pentecostal Firrt aud Washington Rev. Will C. Trotter. 11, 7:80. Glad ' Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246 1st 2. 8, 7:30 week day except Monday and Saturday. 8 p. m. Pentecostal church E. 20th and Ankeny A' W. Smith. 11. 8. 8.- . Volunteers of America, Mission 224 Burnside Meeting every evening except Monday at 8 'clock, and Sunday, 3 p. m. . First Spiritualist E, 7th and Haeaalo Rev. A. Scott Bledsoe. 8. 7:45. . . Second SpiritueHst Aliaky Ball Be. Max Hoffman. 8.8. Calvary Temple E. 24th and Broadway Rev. Dawson MscCullough. 10:80. 2:30. St Pauls K. 12th and Clinton Rev. A. MEMORIAL SERVICE TRINITY CHURCH TH AUD ETERETT 8T8. , - (tplaoopwl) , Stradsor mernlna; t 11 o'clock for the Gold Star soldiers on the Honor Roll. Bishop Paddock. Just returned from France will make the address. Army and Navy Men are specially requested to attend In uniform and the genera! public Is cordially invited. ' A select musical program is being- arranged. No. evening service this Sunday. : MEETING UN Churches on 25 tk Anniversary Rev. G. F. Ghormley Sunday, May 25. will be celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the coming of Dr. J. F. Ghormley i to Portland and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the ded ication of the Rodney Avenue Christian church. Dr. Ghormley will speak at 11 o'clock, taking for his theme. "Then and Now." Special music for the occasion will be given by the large chorus choir, under the direction of Mrs. Maud Springer Sammons. The evening Bervice will be a piemorial service fn honor of the heroes of our country. ' The chief speakers will be Lieutenant Carlos W. Huntington of the famous Ninety-first division, and Dr. J, Carlos Ghormley, assistant, surgeon of the navy. - Monday evening a reception will be given the pastor and : his wife in the church in recognition of their long term of service in Portland. Sir. Poling to Speak In Church of Boyhood Daniel A. Poling, associate president of the United Society of Christian Kn deavor, Boston, who is an Oregon boy will preach in the church of his child hood on Sunday morning. . This is the First United Evangelical church, Kant Sixteenth and Poplar streets, of which the Hev. J. A. Goode is pastor. "He needs no introduction i to people in the land of his nativity," said the Rev. Mr. Goode. "There will be many present Sunday who will think of him as 'Dan nie.' From the spontaneous Impulses of his heart produced by his varied experi ences In the war sone, i we are expecting many rich things In his message." The pastor has invited the public to this service, and also to the Sunday evening service when he will discuss the-value of the prophetic word. Dr. Milligan Will Give Evening Talk ejBSBweammjssssssssssBamae . Sunday evening Dr.! Robert H. Milli gan will preach the first of a series of evening sermons on "The Life and Char acter of Joseph" at the Rose City Park Community church. The first of the series will deal with Joseph's" dreams. Walter Jenkins will lead the singing. This Sunday morning iDr. Milligan will continue his subject of last Sunday morning, namely, "The Effect of the War Upon the Practice of Trayer." W. S. Haleto Fill Pulpit at Glencoe As Rev. F. C Laslette, pastor of Glen coe Baptist church. Is absent from the city, attending the Northern Baptist con vention at Denver, varied services wilt be held Sunday in the church.. At 11 o'clock W. S. Hale, formerly ' superin tendent of the state reform school, will talk.- At 7:45 o'clock the Highland church evangelistic team will have charge. THCi First Congregational Church PARK A1TI MADISOIT STS. REV. W. W. WILLARD, D, D. Aetlnf raster , 11-.00 A. M. u A H istoric High way" Dr. W 11 lard will discuss oar reeponsfbillt-4 snd opportunity in Armenia. Come snd . Hear About It. ... .714 P. M. .- - , CIVIC FORUM SPCOIaL WCMOKIAL DAY SgrtVIOC s-ftlDAV. MAY 80. 11 M. tj CVCRVSOOV WELCOME ' ''' ' " y'-.; Z o""-. II . - y'"r w "ill II ' - "s i II FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALDER STREET AT TWELFTH REV. JOHN H. BOYD, D. D. ; i ' L . . PASTOR ' . . . i ' ' ' : -; v ' - !: A. M. "Doe the World Situation Justify Optimism?" i' 7tU T. K. "The Outlook for Religion - and Catholic, Roman THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, MEETS AT 13 :1& VISITORS ARB . MOST WELCOME. AN OROAN RECITAL WILL BE GIVEN AT 7:0 P. M. BT IL'E. COURSEN. gunc 7' YOUNG PEOPLE LUTHERAN (MCI! WILL MEET HERE .,' " ...... - Delegates From Washington "and Oregon Coming for Convention in Portland May 30 to June 1. OPENING SESSION SOCIAL Stereopticon Lecture on Missions, Papers on Christian Duty, Ad dresses and Music on Program. The Oregon and Washington Young People's Luther league annual conven tion will be held in Our Savior's Lutheran cnurcn. cast iciiia aim uniif eurri. May 30 to June 1. Young people from both states will gather to lay plans for the coming year's work. j The convention opens at 8 - p. m Memorial day. This meeting will be of a social nature, when the delegates and visitors will get acquainted. A short memorial address will be delivered In honor of the nation's soldier dead. The convention business session .will be held Saturday morning, and in the afternoon a paper will be read on the theme. "After Confirmation Wliat?" This reading will be followed by a dis cussion. A stereopticon lecture on mis sions 'will be given- Saturday evening. The Rev. George Henriksen of Silver ton will -preach the convention .sermon at 11 o'clock Sunday morning..'1 At the closing session Sunday evening a' paper will be read on "The Call of the Hour to Christian Young People." ' The committee in Portland Is doing everything possible to arrange for g addresses, and music. They have chosen hymn number 382, "Come. Holy Ohom in Love." as the convention hymn, and psalm , 100 for the convention - psalm. The Rev. M. A. Christensen is pastor of the entertaining church. Rev. Mr. Chrlstennen j president of the Oregon and Washington "league ; Ir. L. Chrtstopherson of Silverton, vice president; Miss Slgrid Pettersen of Portland, secretary ; Rev. O. Thompson of Chinook, Wash., corresponding secre tary, and Miss Martha Oppedal.of Sil verton, treasurer. 9 Bible Conference To Open on June 1! The third annual summer proph mhU fnnfreinr for Oreaon will oncn June 1 in the Salem district and June 3 in the Portland district. These meeting will continue until Rose fesllval week and will be held in the Hunnyslde Con gregational church ; Reformed church, Twelfth and Clay streets, and Swedlf Baptist church. Speakers who have been secured for the conference by Dr. Wt ter Duff are Rev. John McFarlane of Minnesota, Rev. J. L. Kanutsen, Dr. Mark Mathews of Seattle snd Dr. A. L. Hutchison of Piedmont Preisbyterisn church. Dr. Hinson Absent; Associate to Speak In the absence of Dr. W. B. Hinson from the city, the pulpit of the Kast Side Baptist church will be occupied Sunday morning and evening by the as sociate pastor. Rev. . II. T. Cash. Dr. Hinson is attending the Northern Bap tist convention meeting In Denver. He will return during the coming week. The young people of the church are planning a memorial service and excur sion to Bull Run park on May 3D., ip "Why Christ Liu hi tome again EVANGELIST DICKSON will show from the Bible the ne wlll show from the Bible the neces sity of the personal, visible coming of Jesus Christ to the world again. Chriatensen'm Hall llth ttu. Bet. Morrison and Yamhill ; Sunday Night, May 25, at 7i4e o'clock. RPKCIAI, KOXO RKRVICE Prof. I. C. C'oleord, Director. BEATS PEEE PUBLIC ISVITr3 Pagan, Protestant and Creek"