THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, " MAY 19, 1919. 13 CARGO SUFFICIENT TO COMPEL USE OF WOODEN STEAMERS Ample - Tonnage Available for Both Flour and Wheat Says Grain Corporation Office. TEST PROVES SERVICEABILITY Twelve-Thousand Ton Steel Steamer Steadfast Will Take Cargo Wheat From Columbia. Additional tonnage for the grain cor poration of the food administration, which has been promised by the ship ping board, will make it unnecessary to utilise the wooden steamers, it is be lieved. According to the Portland office of the grain corporation enough ton nage Is now available for the handling of both wheat and flour. No word from the government re garding the practicability of using the wooden ships as flour carriers has been received at the local office, although an investigation along this line was started several weeks aKo. a practical test as to the serviceability of the wooden steamer having been made' in a uhip , ment of rice" from San Francisco to the east coast of the United States. The 12,000-ton steJ steamer Steadfast, which la the first vessel assigned by the shipping board to carry a cargo of wheat out of the Columbia river, will finish loading about the end of the pres ent week. The steel steamer West To tant will start loading flour Tuesday in Portland." and will finish the cargo at Astoria. The steel steamers Weet Oherow and West Quebec are new ad ditions to the flour fleet of the gov ernment. , It is expected that more steel ships will be assigned as wheat carriers in the near future, the idea being to take on wheat when flour is not immediately available. SHIP TO BE READY TUESDAY City of Eureka Finished Nine Days After Launching. Mote than meeting their promise of equipping the 880-ton steel steamer City of Eureka 10 days after launching the vessel, the management of the Columbia River Shipbuilding corporation expects to have the ship completed by Tuesday, Just nine days after the launching date. Although all details connected with the' main equipment of the ship will have been completed by Tuesday, it is not expected that the trial trip on the river will be held until Wednesday. LIULINE DUE FROM HOXOLULUj Norwegian . Mot'orship Trolltind to Load Barley for Europe. San Francisco. May 19. (I. N. a) The Matson Navigation comoany's liner Lurline is expected from Honolulu to morrow moraing shortly after sunrise. She carries? a full passenger list-and a hold full of refilled sugar, raw sugar, pineapples and other semitropical products. The new Norwegian motorship Troll tind, recently constructed in the north, is on the way to this port. She will load a barley cargo for Scandinavian P RAVEL We wprwnt aQ BtMmchIp Companies, iu tu Meer evsUabla tfem oo ear Mmbm W u; lui. iauise tram oi oXflo the . rrcaMOHip TtoKrra- braad. ee eiiaclae lUt friaadi or nhtln. tm fiesi the old eoaatrr, shoakl take adraataea of apartaaead intonatioa -nqaa of caafae. MWRMAU TRAVEL AND IMFORMATIOM BUREAU : V ' OOWS1T aV. aIT, sunaaar Tta Jaeraal las. - , . Tatanhanai laranan NIW YORK TO LIVERPOOL ' Rent Oaoree ................. .June 17 Orduna.... Maf 2X and June. 24 Oareela May 4 and June 1 Oar man la ...Mai Z4 NEW YORK TO LONDON V luonla . . .May SI NEW YORK TO SOUTHAMPTON AauKanta June 2 en4 June XS Mauratanla .June 10 MONTREAL TO SLACOOW ' tat urn la May XS and July S Oasaandra .June SO COMPANY OFFICE, 118 Oharry St., Saattla OORSEV B. SMITH, Journal Bld., Rortiane' Service Resumed S. S. ROSE CITY Between Portland and San ITanlsoo Only : FREIGHT A2f D P ASSE1TOEKS FBOK POETLAlfD 3 P. M., MAY 24 AKD ETEBT SATS San FraaeiaeO A PortUad 8. B. Uii Ticket a OenaatWatae Ticket Orfloa. Third an Waahlneton. -. :" Rhenaa Main SSSO. A441f a Fratghi AlnaworUl Dock. Breadway X68. . . A-1XS4 STEAMERS TLe DaDea and Way Point Sailings Tuesdays,' Thursdays and Saturdays, 10 P. M, - DALLES COLUMBIA LINE Ash St. Dock. - Broadway 3454 s w iy HOW NAVAL "V'S W " W - ? f'' jUIWIJ. t- V " t I. - $? - - '- t 5. , I - St ' ' " 1 .TPS ports, under charter to Comyn, Mack all & Co. The steamer Charles Christensen, which left this port May 14 for Willapa harbor, broke down off Grays harbor at & o'clock yesterday and was towed into that port by the tug Gleaner. The cause of the trouble was a broken tail shaft. The transport Sheridan arrived at Honolulu yesterday, en route from Manila for thfs port. MORE SHIPS" USE PANAMA XANAL Ocean Commerce Fast Getting Back to Normal Conditions. Indications of the gradual resump tion of normal shipping since the sign ing of the armistice are found in the number of Ships of various nations which are now using the Panama canal. Forthe week ending April 12 last 18 vessels passed through the canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Of these the following nationalities were reprer sented: British 10. American 6, Chilean 1. Rus sian 1, Japanese 1. The Russian shist operates under the Russian Volunteer Fleet association and carries a general cargo from New York to Vladivostok. For the same period 30 vessels passed through the canal from the Pacific to the Atlantic, divided as follows: American .18, British 8, French 1. Dutch 1, 1, Peruvian 1.. Gr$ek-h "Records for. the week ending April 19: Atlantic to Pacific, total 23. Na tionalities : American 9, British 7, Japa nese 2, Danish 1, Norwegian 1, Chilean 1. Peruvian 1, Russian 1. Fourteen car ried general cargo. Pacific to Atlantic week ending April 19: Total 27, as follows: Ameri can 14, British 6, French 3, Swedish 1, Chilean 1, Norwegian 2. j The American ships include three vessels which were built in Portland. They are: Steel steamer Wes Imboden, bound from the Columbia river and Pu get Sound with flour and salmon for Italy ; steel steamer Point Adams. Hono lulu to Philadelphia with sugar ; wooden steamer Dalana. built by the Supple & Ballin yard, bound from Iquique to Wilmington, with a cargo of nitrates. BIG LUMBER CARRIER PLANNED Charles R. McCormick Co. to Build Vessel at St. Helens. St. Helens, May J9. The Charles R. McCormick company, which owns and operates the St. Helens Shipbuilding company's yard, plans to build a steam schooner with a carrying capacity of 1,500.000 feet of lumber. The vessel will be used in the Mexican, South American and Atlantic coast trade. The McCor mick company operates a fleet of steam schooners on the Pscifio coast but is now reaching out for foreign trade. It is thought that the building of the new steamer is only, the first step in devel oping that trade. According to Superin tendent Carl Christensen of the yard, work will begin at once and 100 men will be given employment at the yard. N ews of the Port Arrival May 19 Willamette. American steamer, from Sa Fran c'jco, passengers and general. Arrival! May 18 r Colonrl K. I. Drake, American cteamer, from Sat red to. oiL . Departuret May 19 - Port 8nellirc, American ateamer, for sea trial trip, ballast. Departures May 18 West Nohno. Amertaui steamer, for trial and Newport News and Earepe, fkrar. BA1LT BITEB "READINGS TATIOXS x - '.' - -J 'iVJ- , - ' ,'. ' ' -' S '4, ' A , , - . t ' "7 M iao a G.SjS 40 122.9 . 22 ( T. -0.1 I 25 12.6 ! 40 18.0 -. 10 i S.I i-o.v 20 J 4.3 -O.l 20 S.R -0,4 12 4. -0.1 13 10.7 O Wenatrhee . . . Lewiston I 'mat ilia ..... Til. 1 Miles ... Eacetw Albany Salem Or fan City .. Portland .... o.oo 0.00 0.00 o.oo o.oo 0.00 0.02 O.Ol o.oo () Kisina. (-) railing. It ITER FORECAST The Willamette river at Portland will rise lowly dorioe the nwl three days. MARINE ALMANAC Weather at River's Mouth North Mead, .May 19. Conditions at tha STEEL STRUCTURAL SHAPES . ' PLATES ;: ARS RIVETS MOLTS UPSET RODS FABRICATED MATERIAL ' far BRIOCES BUILDINGS TANKS TOWERS SHIPS NORTHWEST BRIDGE & IRON CO. , PORTLAND, OREOON. ' P. O. Bos SSS . . M,n 11as FLYERS SPEAK WWW. 9 ? fs fir?.'. 7 "i It " - 5x 'VeOTo"" a.V8(K.f j ieutenant H. E. Metcalf equipped with exact . replies of apparatus aU lowing giant transatlantic fliers to communicate with, each other dur ing flight. Captain Addison . Clark, representative of manufac turing firm, now in Portland, to have modified type of same instru ment installed on emergency fleet vessels. mouth of the river at noon: Sea smooth, wind south 8 nibri. weather cloudy, humidity 43. Tides at Astoria Tuesday Hieh Water Low Water 4:22 a, ni 7.9 Jeet 11:40 a. m. . . 0.3 foot 604 p. m....9 fee 11:43 p. m. ..3.7 feet AT NEIGHBORI3TO FORTS Astoria. May 19. Sails!, at 2:15 a. Di strainer West Nohno. for Atlantic aast. Ar rived, at 11:30 a. m..' tu Fearless. ArriTed, at 11:50 a. m., steamer Shaota, from Baa I"edro. San Francivco, Maj 18. Bailed, at 1 a. m.. steamer Anrelia. for Portland via Rnreka and Coos Bay. Sailed, at midnight, steamers Wapama and Oelilo. for Portland. Arrived, tranter Wabk-eeMa, from San Diego for Port land. Arrived, at 10 last .light, bteamer Huse City, from Portland. Astoria. May 1H. ArriTed, at 6:30 a. m. and left np. steamer Tirerton. from San Fran cisco. Sailed, at noon, rt earner City of Topeka. fo Ban Francigeo via Kureka and Coos Bar. Sailed, at 3:30r. ra.. steamer Cotteral, for trial trip. Sailed, at 9 hut nieht, ateamer W. F. Her rin, towinc schooner Monterey, for San Fran cisco. Sailed, at 12:1 S p. ra-, steamer west Nohno. for trial trip. Left up. at 7:30 p. ra , steamer Willamette, from San Fraoeisco. Sailed, rt 10 last night, steamer Flavel, for San Pedro. Left up at tt last night, steamer Colonel E. L. IXake. from Sas Francisco. Ran Pedro, May 18. Arrived, at 7 a. ra.. stesmer Daiv Matthews, from Columbia river. Seattle. May 19.--L N. S ) Arrived V. R. S. Iris, from San Fninriscn, 10 a. m. ; J. A Moffett. from Point Wells. 8 a. m.. May 18; SS. Carscao, from Southeastern Alaska at noon; Admiral Nicholson from Sontheastern Alaska, 8:30 a. m. ; West 11 em brie, from Tacoroa, 8 a. m. Sailed -May 18. SS. Melvra Mars far Vladivostok. 9 p. m. ; Tanginak and Pater son for Akutnak, 10 a. a.; If. 8. Waktns, lor British Colombia porta, 1 a. m. Seward, May 1 8. (L N: g. ) Sailed 8S. Northweateni. southhmind. 8 a. m. Ketchikan. Mj IT. (I. N. S.) Sailed SS. Admiral Rodman, northbound. 4 p. m. Honolulu. May 17.--(I. Jf. S.) Sailed 83 Totter L Maru for Seattle. Victoria. May 18. (L K. S.) Sailed SS. Beni. Brewster, for San Pedro. 5:8 p. m. -May 19. arrived SS. Tyadarens from Sing apore. Vanconw, May 19. L N. 8.) Arrired os. Marmion from Tacoma. Prince Rupert, May 15. (L Jf. S.) Safled SS. Anyoz, towing barge Baroda for Seward. 10 p. m. Port Townsend. May 19. (I. jr. 8.) Passed in 88. Johan Poobxm for Seattle. 9:30 a. m. May 18, arrived: SS. Wert Maiimnm from trial trip and proceeded for Honomhi at 11 a m Passed out; SS. Qaeen for San Pedro, at 2 P. m. Everett, May 18. L, N. 8.) ArriTed SS. Ay aha Maru from JDairea; Admiral Oewey from tacoma. Tacoma. May 19- ( L N. S. ) Arrived S3. Mayfalr from S. F. . f""cisco, May 19. (L N. B )At ried Miy J8: Tng Relief, from Port Arthar. at 12:50 a. m.: Wahkeena. from Loa Anceleat at 5:05 a. m.; Pasadena, from Albion, at tt 10 - aa.; Britiah ateamer Bethanga, from Victoria, at 6:20 a. nu; Jacoi. from Hilo, at 8:20 T m.; Helen P. Irew. from Greenwood, at 8:40 a. m. : Richmond (with barge 95 in towl4 from Seattte. at 10 a. m.; Spokane, from Loa Aa geles, at 10:45 a. a.,- barkentine Pnkao, from S3""-", -11:80 a. m.; Iaisy Putnam, from San IKegd. ax 1 p. m. ; Japanese steamer Toy ama Mars, from New lork. at 2:10 p. m Ad miral Sebree. from Oean Fans, at p. m. : Vanguard, from Eureka, at 8:05 p. as. rgailed May 18:, Celilo. for Portland, at 12 :20 a. at. -Ehaabeth, tor Baadon, at U -.30 a. m. ; fr-i A. F. Lucas, for El Segundo, at 9:05 a. m.; barge Fullertatt. for Port San Letia (in tow tug Sea King), at 11:45- a. m.; Humboldt, for-Lea Angeles, at 10 :50 a. bl: Homer, for Santa Bar bara, at 12:40 p. m. ; Aureiia, for Portland, at 1 P- m. ; Standard Arrow, for Hongkong, at 2 i. m. ; Bradford, for Piaagua, at 2 p. m. ; H. B. rfTejoy. for Seattle, at 6:15 p. m. ; Norwegian steamer Goversor Forbes Afar Cllao, at 5:30 p. m. ; Wahkeena, for Seattle, at :60 p. m.; J. A. Cbanalor. for Gaviota. at 10 3O p. m. 1 . San tYanctsco. May IS, (L N. S.) Ar rived: F. H. Loop, for Seattla. at 1 :25 a. -m.; British steamer Cordelia, from Port Loboa. at 12:10 a. m. : G. C. Lindener. from Loe Ast elea, at 8:40 a. m.; Carmel. from Lea An re lea, at 11 a n.: 4 Governor, from Paget Sound, at 1 p. ra.- Sailed Whittier, for Port San Lsia. at 4:55-s. m. . : - Tb Brazilian state of. Bafaia. pro duce a third of the world's cacao and as much totiaoo-s Cuba. . . -- - X" , RADIOTELEPHONE USED ON SEAPLANES INVENTED IN WEST Successful Demonstration of X New Instrument Pleasing to Capt. Clark, Visiting in City. TELLS OF WAR TIME SECRETS Communication Made Possible . From Planes Despite Noise of Engine or Exploding Shells. Svaassssamaawaarssssvassraw f ' There was one man .in-Portland who felt especially exuberant over the news of the success of the transatlantic air flight. This man was Captain Addison N. Clark, recently returned from overseas duty, now sales manager of the com pany which, during the war, produced a wlrelss outfit by which it was pos sible for airplanes to communicate with each other and with their ground sta tionsthe Magnavox company of San Francisco. It was the Mamovox intercommuni cating radio telephone that made la pos sible for the NC-1 and NC-4 to keep in touch with each other and with the ships along the course to tlie Azores. All of the Transatlantic fliers were equipped with it but the NC-3, and early news re ports indicate that it had become lost. GBEAT THIHGS ACCOMPLISH!? Captain Clark, who has a remarkable war record as commander of the gigan tic railway and naval guns on. the Ver dun sector during the lattew days of the war, is In the city explaining the pro twmm! installation of the MagnavOx "anti-noise" telephone in the merchant ships or the emergency rieet corpora tion. Thev make intercommunication between noisy parts of a ship possible and have already been instanea at oan Francisco. i With the enormous use of airplanes as a fighting factor in Europe devdopinff more each year, the neea ior rapia ana efficient intercommunication became more pressing. New reasons con stantly developed for a more satis factory means of talking while in the air. SECRET 19 TRANSMITTER The- possibility of overcoming motor noises, known in telephone parlance as "side-tones." set thousands of engineers to work for Uncle Sam. Confronted with such a problem as this, Edwin L. Prid ham and Peter L. Jensen, engineers of the Magnavox company of San Fran cisco, finally invented an anti-noise tele phone transmitter, eliminating all sounds but the voice. At the end of hostilities every United States seaplane was equipped with this device and every Handley-Paige bomber was either equipped or being equipped. It was not until the war was over that it was known that a Pacific coast firm was responsible for this one of the greatest inventions of the war. MARKSMANSHIP AIDED Another appliance used in connection with the anti-noiso transmitter, the voice amplifier, invented by . the same men, was used successfully in address ing a crowd of 60,000 people in Chicago from an airplane 3000 feet in the air. This was done by Lieu tenant H. E. Met calf and bis speech was uninterrupted by the thunder of his twin Liberty mo tors. Captain Clark, it was learned from his friends, was in charge of a battery of United States naval guns firing shells weighing three quarters of a ton, a dis tance of 23 miles, which fired the allies' last shot of the war. This shot was fired at Thlerville at 10:58V& a. m., November 11, and landed in Longuyon at 11 a. m., exactly to the minute with the time the war ceased. EM PLOTS SECRETARY HERE ' Captain Clark has engaged Miss Alice Sunstedt of Portland as his private sec retary. She attracted his attention two months ago in Butte, Mont., when she was at the head of a party of 15 women investigating the cost of living in the Northwest for- the bureau of labor statis tics as an aid to Professor William F. Ogburn of the. University of Washing ton. . Miss Sunstedt attended Reed college and " later the University of Washing ton. She recently has been doing post graduate work at Heed, doing special work in the employment management course recently given there under the auspices of the government. Miss Sun stedt left Saturday evening for a short visit with her mother in Seattle and will begin her work in San Francisco on June 1. , Auto Accidents Numerous With Wet Pavements Slippery pavements, due to the rain; caused a number of motorists to come to grief Sunday and 22 minor accidents were reported to the police. Only two persons were Injured, both being boys who dashed in front of moving cars and were knocked down before the ma-: chines could stop. The majority of ac-; cidents occurred on corners, where driv ers, attempting to turn, loafj control when their machines skidded. ; j Howard Maloney, 135 Curry street,' knocked down an unidentified Italian boy. about 9 years of age, 1 at Williams avenue and Russell street Sunday eve ning, when the lad, breaking away from his father, dashed in front of; the ma chine. The boy was thrown out of the path of the car My the fender, iand was not seriously Injured. ' j j ' , Sam Shatz. who lives at First and Sherman streets, was struck by a ma chine driven by K. A. Ginty of 725 Tilla mook street, while playing in the street in front of hie home. The boy was not badly Injured, and was taken homo by relatives. 1 - Alice Hudson of South Bend Sought; Eeward Is Offered . - - w;;: The sheriff of South Bend, Wash., has aked th Portlam nnllna ilino,f..4 help him locate Alice Hudson,! who dis appeared from South Bend on May 13. The woman is reported to b slightly deranged. A reward ,of $25 has been of fered for information leading" to her ap-: prehension. The 'woman is said to tell wose sn meets mar sne a est res to go to Rnrlanit ST ! ifuWh o, ( rears nM S f 1 iivhai un dark hair, large bine eyes, and is dressed' in a DiacK velvet suit. .Anyone seeing her is asked . to notify tha police de partment. - - . i ' Police and Doctor ; Save Woman's Life In Spite of Herself j awawamsmsmsaasasawaaBBwaw, '' - V The services of two .policemen and a city physician were necessary to bring Mrs. Gussie Cos well back from the brink of death, Sunday night after neigh bors had reported that the woman had taken poison. The police and doctor rushed to thet woman's home at 292 y Russell street in the patrol wUgon, and found -that she had taken lysol. The combined efforts of the three men were required to force a stomach pump into her mouth, and to bring her out of dan ger. She violently resisted the efforts of the doctor to help her. AMERICANS WILL BE E Gen. Pershing Tells President All Will Be Out of Europe July 1 Except Army on Rhine. Paris, May 19. (I. N. S.) President Wilson was informed today by General Pershing that practically all of the American soldiers, save those in the army of occupation in Germany, will be out of Europe by July 1. President Wilson and General Per shing had lunch together at the Parisian White House. , It was then that General Pershing informed President Wilson of his plans. The American Rhine army will move according- to- schedule arranged by the war department at Washington and ac cording to orders left by the president when he returns home. TWO REGULAR ARMY DIVISIONS TO RETURN Washington. May 19. (L N. S.) The Sixth and Seventh divisions, composed of regular army troops, have been re lieved from duty to prepare for return to the United States and will embark late in June, the war department an nounced this afternoon. . . At the same time the war department received from General Pershing the fol lowing schedule of the order In which other divisions are to be Bent home: May Eightieth, Thirty-sixth and Thirty-eighth. June Ninetieth. Fifth, Eighty-first, Fourth, Sixth and Seventh. Officers Selected By Cowlitz Indians Chehalis, Wash.. May 19. Saturday afternoon the Cowlita Indians at their tribal meeting here elected the following oincers: u. a. Flomondon. Castlerock, president : John Johnson, Toppenish, vice president; Mrs. Mary Senn, Cheha lis, secretary ; Charles Pete, Castlerock. treasurer ; Charles Pete, Joe "Northover of Toppenish, Mrs. Mary Longfred of Oakville and Dave Ben of Oakville, ex ecutive committee; Frank lyall of Top- penisn, representative to Washington, D. C. The tribe will urge on congress in special session the passage of the bill for a settlement with the Indians of the Cowlitz tribe at $6000 per member. 1 i i' Good Spellers in Sublimity School Salem, May 19. The Sublimity school carried off three victories in the annual Marion county spelling match, partici pated In by 17 grade schools here Sat urday, which were won by the following contestants: Fourth grade, Mary Shep herd, Marion ; fifth grade, Theodore Wolf, Sublimity; sixth grade, Henry DeBorst, Woodburn ; seventh grade. Hilda Starr, Sublimity; eighth grade, Anna Wolff, Sublimity. Both Hilda Starr and Anna Wolff have won first place for their grades in the contests for three years. A1 gold medal is award ed the winner in each grade. Britishers Fly From Victoria to Seattle .Seattle. May 19. (U. -P.) The first airplane flight from British Columbia to Washington state was negotiated yesterday afternoon when a Curtiss bi plane, piloted by Lieutenant Robert Hideout of the Royal Flying corps and Lieutenant W. E. Brown, landed on the municipal golf links - after hopping off at Victoria. Eddie Hubbard of the Boeing Airplane company, heretofore has covered the same route in a hydro airplane, but the flight of the British airmen marks the first made by a plane not designed to alight on water. Chiirrh. Quota Reached St. Helens, May 19. The quota of $5400 in the Methodist centenarja drive assigned to the church here has been reached, according to Rev. A. S. Hieey, the local pastor. TJCILDIKO PERMITS O. T. BMm, erect irtainin wall. 403 Alta trl. Wilis met U bird, and Edison, builder Same. C0. , . T. ; rHeh, repair chicken coOp, 783 Vsnehn let. 23d and 24th,. lira. Sollers builder. S25. B. V. Bemick. erect fcarasa, 314 Morris bet. Rr-rfne and Williams, builder same, $29. K. J. Alien, erect residence, 441 44th E. bet &ar.d; and Tillamook, J. 11. Neuraaa builder, 3700. K J. ABert. erect earase. 441 K. 44th bet Psndr and Tillamook, 3. H. Neuman builder, 00. Florian FiM-hs. erect oarage. 6S0 RelraoHt bet K 16th and 17th, builder same. $110. O. Braner, erect caraae, S6 K. 20th bet Wfcant and Going, builder same, SSO. A. Strong, erect carace, 161 Moral Court, bnilder same, $250. A. Stronc -erect restdenee. 181 Boral Court, boilder aame, $4500. P. A. Mowers, erect aarace. 1067 "B. Slat N. bet. Alberta and Sumner, bnilder same, $35. Smith Hotel Co.. repair hotel. 236,6th bet Sahnon and afain. J. H Abrrr bnOder. $3SO. E. B. Haaedont, erect residence, SSO Braze bet lth and 20 th. Rica Construction Co. builder. $7500. , T. W. Theilade. repair dweH'n. 1121 Al berta bet 37th ajd.38U. E. C. Ljmdea buOder. lSO. 8. B. Bomolst, erect caraae, 1149 E. Slat N bet Emerson and Killinesworth, builder same, $25. M. Levenson, repair residence. 91 1 Wand ward are bet 30th and Slat, F. M. Moors builder. $300. , 3. O. TKarnam. repair residence; 1029 15. Sh K. bet Albert and W riant, baikfer sasne $SOO - C. A Bmnp. repair residence, 6427 14th ave. bet. 84th and 65th, S. JL Lewis buiMeT, tin. . P. M. Moot, erect aarace. 445 E. Sahnon bet 7th and Stih, builder same, 7S. F. M. Moore, erect carmce, 443 K. Salmon bet 7th and 8th. builder same, $7$. HEW TOD AT NORTHWEST RUO ' ; COMPANY.- FORMER ADDRESS 153 TJNIOM AVE. New Rugs made from all kinds of old carpets. Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, Re sizing Rag Rugs woven all sizes. . Mail Orders Solicited. EAST SSS 183 11 ySTli B-1230 BED HOM HBW TODAY ? Journal "Want" Ad RATES t -- irr.:---li-.4-:-In any classification. Daily! or Sunday, Journal classified rates are: . , - ; ' cents per word per inser tion. . . 3 CONSECUTIVE INSER TIONS FOR THE PRICE OF TWO. 7 CONSECUTIVE INSER TIONS FOR THE PRICE OF FIVE. '.J Copy for Daily must be in the office BEFORE 10:30 A. Mj of day it is intended to run, and copy for Sunday must be In the office before 6 o'clock Saturday night r - - i FOR BEST RESULTS Clre detailed description In your ads and order to run for at least 7 insertions. - - k For Contract Rates phone for solicitor to call. " THE JOURNAL IS THE BEST RESULT PRODUCING "WANT AD MEDIUM IN PORTLAND. PHONE YOUR "WANT ADS TO THE JOURNAL . Main 7173 or A-6051 GARAGE LOCATION Two-story and basement brick build ing In front of entrance to Columbia River and Northwest. Steel shij.huUding plants. Half-block frontage, plenty of room to enlarge building and expand business. Splendid location - for 'garage and automobile repairing business. Will sell this property cheap and on very favorable) terms. Will make interesting proposition to responsible party who means business. See R- W. HAGOOD Main 4958, A-605L 600 Journal bldg. Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Ruga aid Wools Clotsisg. We Hake Reversible. Haad-Wovea Fluff Rugs Tliey Wear Like Iron. , ag Rags Wove. All Slses. Mail Orders Se ad for Booklet, - t Carpet Cleaning txlt Rags, Steam Cleaaed, il.5$ WESTERN FLUFF RTJO C0. 64 Union Ave. Jf. i East 651ft Phone B-147S Kalearoosis Wnl Park and TankUl At 10 A. M. Tomorrow MEETISO NOTICES 41 ITSKHOB LODGB Ho. 1. KalaMs f Prthiaa, asaeta every Taeaday evaalaa to tU eastle ball. 11th and Ajder sta. Ttsmns Knigbta are weioeoMu TBAD L GRATES. K. R. S. OFEGO? FIRST S81. L O T.M . meet 1st and 8d Thnra. each mo.. W. O. W. hall, 11th st. EUBLEM JEWELHT a apeciaUy; buttona. plnar charms. Jaeger Bros.. 18I-1SB tft st. -r- tJithl statistics mtrises.Blrtbs:Dca1bs. MAERIAGE LICENSE! Ianiel W. MitrheU. legal , 847 Williams ave nue, and Nellie Shelley, legal, 908 Rodney ave nue, j Carl Lerow Witbrsw, lecal.. 27J Madison street, and Katie W. With row, lrgsli same ad dress. ' J. Clyde filocum. WaL 616 Petty grnva street, and Baael H. Wheeler, leaal, 8100 Fiity-aintb avenue sontheast. - Adam E. Leichner. legal, 93 T Minnesota ave nue, and Beasa B. : Cladwyn, legal, flS7 King street. - Clarenre A. Rnfswald. 24. SSO Water street, and Lucy Tiedemann. 2S, 6S4 Water street. Joseph C Wilson, legal. 211 W Madison street, and Eon ice V. Eraeraon, legal, 41SS Sizty-fonrth street sontheast. : Hubert J. Scott. 21, fpokarie. Wash . and Edith Thompson, 22, 932 East Sherman street. ltolljr Jones. 2, 834 Hall street, and Isabel 8. Allen, 19, 226 Twelfth street. j: Nathan Brounstein. 2 1 . 6S Hoyt street, and Annette Karland. 18. 730 Hoyt street. . Iave Ladernt. legal. Linn hotel, and Asa lea Arbor, legal, same address. Arthur C. Ianieto, 29, Seventh anil Jeffersovi streets, and Alice U. Betfield, 24 Imperial hoteL f BIRTHS BCBTON To Mr. and Mra. Howard B. Bar ton, 117S K- Main, May 1 .S, a son. ClUMtNOS To Mr. and .Mrs. G.l I. Cnts- minKs. S601 4 2d, May 10, a daughter. KEN NET To Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kenaey, 1322 Willamette bird.. May 13. a son. 6IEVEBSON To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur hieveT- son, 550 Lafayette, May 13, a son. SALVES EN To Mr. and Mra. . Salvaaen, 288 K. First at.. May 8, a daughter. PFAKF To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ffaff, 9 Hemlock, May 14, a daughter. MARVIN To Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Marvin, 197 V.. 7 nth St.. May 12, s son. J M'LVTTBE To Mr. and Mra. D. At Mclrrtyrs, 1112 E. Washington St., May 10, a jlaush- ter. " KElASOm To Mr. and Mra. A. A. Nelson, CO E. rourh St.. May 8, a daughter, r LTNCH To Mr. and Mrs. Caaa. H. Lynch. Msy 4. a son. . GUST To Mr. and Mra. Jaavee jGnst, 309 Third at.. May 14, a son. L MF.HWEREAU To Mr. and Mr. , Egbert W. Messereaa. 953 Bryce, May 10, S dsnghter. STRANGE To Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Strange. Kelso, Wash.. May 11. s daughter. - HEATHS AH D FtTHKRALg 7a GILBEET At the family residence.- 1275 Bel mont St.. May 18, Helen Lea -Gilbert, aged 47 yean, wife of Thomas H. Gilbert, asother of Franklin S-i Isabel Lee. Anna Qroft, Sarah Venter, Ada Lewis, Thomas Harry and Mary Helen Gilbert. Privata funeral services will be held at the chapel of Breesa A Saook, Bel ment at 35th at., Taaaday at 10 is. as. Ia terasertt ML Seott eeraetery. -J MANSION At "residence, 307 N. 29th street. May 17.- John J. Mannioa. aged 7 yean, beloved hashaad of Eveleea Maasrioni and father at Margaret. Ann. Itotwthy aad John H. Man sion. Uemaina are at MeEatea A Kilers parlon, lth and Everett streets. Funeral feotie later. XEARNS In this city, Msy 17. 1919. W. L Kearns, lata of 8804 Forty-siTth ave. S. E. Friends Mivitad to attend tl)e funeral services, which will be held at Holmaa'e funeral parlon st 2 .30 p. m. tomorrow Tuesday) 'May 20, 1919. v DEAL la this city. May IS. 1919, al tha ' family rrskleneav SSS Hemlock ati Aaaha M. Deal. Bcvnaina will be forwarded by. the Ed ward Holman Cad. Co. to Provo, 1 tah. today (Monday) May 19 1919. wbw aervioea will be held and interment made - - i r T- L1XDEX In this city. May IS. Jules M.' Urn- Amm m-t Ml SIS V. PUnla. at. Tha funeral aervScea will be held Tuesday, May XV. at Z o cKwa p. na., -at gutters. MrrtgoBMry at 5th. Fnetida invited. locin eraUua at tha PurUaad cnaatonaaw - IUCJavl 7 WILSON At the residence 1355 Milwaukle ava.. May 18. William Henry Wilson, aged 48 rears, beloved husband of Minnie Wilson, brother of James. George and J. C. Wilson of Seattle. Wash., aad Mrs. Minnie Clarke i Libbv. Mrait Fdbm1 serrlcaa will be held Tuesday, May 20, at 2 p. ra., at the Portland cremstorium. - under tha aosrice ' of the Car penters' union, locaat 228. - Friends invited. Arrangements in charga ot Miller xracey. - . WILSON la this city. May 18, William Hen ry Wilson, an 48 sears.' beloved husband of Mrs. Minnie- Wilson.' brother ot-' Georce and James Wilson, 1. C. Wilson of Seattle, Wash.;' Mrs. Minnie Clara, of Libby. Mont, jjaceusea was a member of the Carpenters' union. Local 228. Funeral notice later. Remains at the residential parlon of Miller A Tracer- ". "' BOBLIN In this city. May 17. at his late rvsi " dence. 882 E. 57th st. William B.-Roblin. aged 47 yean, husband of Mrs. Iajrme Koblin and son of Mr. and Mn. David U, Roblin of Buffalo, N. T. The remains are at Finley'a, Montgomery at Fifth. STTZPATRIC: In thia ctty. May 18, Hugh Fitxpatric, aged 74 yean; beloved husband of Lillian Fitspatrle. Funeral notioe later. Re inalna an at the Residential parlon of Millar eS Tracey. , MORRISON Alma Morrison. Good Samaritan hospital.; May 16, 32 yean; acuta nephritis, DC RANT Ale na Bertha Durant. St. Vioceuta . hospital. May 19, 23 years; peritonitis. GILBERT Sarah Catherine Gilbert. Good Samaritan hospital. May 14. 9 1 yean; epi thelioma of right leg. MURRAY John Murray, Good Samaritan hospital. May 8, 58 ysars; carcinoma of heart. FXORI8T JAPAN FLORIST 190 4TH ST., NEAR TATLOR AO kinds of pot flowcn and bed ding plants. 10o aad up, ' Border plants, S5o doaen and up. Beautiful pans tea. 80s pa doasaw Vegetable plants, 3 dosvn I be aad un. -- - CLARK BROS., fioruta, Matruoa at. bet. 4tb and 5th. Phones Main A-1803. Fin flow er and flonl designs. No branch stores. ' MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists. 854, Wash ington. Main 29.' A-1289. - FioSters fur all occasions artiwticaUy arranged. ' LIBERTY MARKET FLORIST. 6h and Tarn hill sts. Cut flowers, plants aad designs. Sell wood greenhoui-e S49 Nehalcm ava.. Sell 1520. PORTLAND'S Flonl and Bird Sbon. Designs' and decorations. Main 4878. 228 Morrison. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. De signs and decoration. Phone Marsha 11 8932. SWISS FLORAL CO. FLOWERS AND PLANTS LALANE Flonl designs, decontloaa, ' Opposite postoffiee. Main 5545. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 flth t- FTJWEHAL DIRECTORS HOLMANUNDERTAKING CO, FUNERAL DIRECTORS Third and Sainsaa Streets - Main 507. A-1B11 Progressive Funeral Directors Main 9 Montgomery at Bth A-1S90 WILSON & ROSS EAST 1TH AND MULTNOMAH Funeral Directors East 54 C-8I88 DUNNING & McENTEE Broadway end Ankeny Sta, Lady Assistant, Phones Brosdwsy 4 80 A-4B58, F. S. DUNNING, Inc. THE GOLDEN BULK UN DEBT A EES S 414 E. Alder t ' Phons East 62. B-524S. A. D. KENWORTHY & CO. P802-6H04 92d St- 8. E-, LenU' Phone Tanor 6287. Horn Phona D East 781 P I I FRPH Irch B-1888 I. Li ULnon ' Assistant UNDERTAKERS E. 1 1 th and "Hawthorne IjfctcENTEB as EJLER!?. funeral parlors wit all tne privacy or a nome. jns ana several sta. Phones Broadway 2181. Home A-2H3. CHAMBEB3 COJCPANT. 24 S and 250 KUlinssworth sv-, near WfHtsnts sva. woocii-wn saos. - oiiss. MILLER as TRACK Y, Independent Funeral Pi rectors. Prirea as low as 820, 840. $80. Washington at Ells. Main 2891. A-7. - - P A!i 1157 Kerby street. VVII5UII Ot VV USUI I W31n.W0. C-1155 U AnIll THM 178 tZ W-uaan st - Fu- I rniviiu.1 J nenl servieea. 'labor 4913. BREEZE & SNOOK Tabor 125S, B-2548. TA. fi. ZellerCo. ew C-10"S 0'i,,.,rt UNDERTAKING CO. Main 4162, OKcWcS A-2321. Corner 3d and Clay. "C D I OCAKI Undertaking parlon. 445 Mor- L-1 1 1 uOU 1 1 riaba st. Broadway -2584. R, T. BYRNES, new residence establishment. pot Vfuuants are. wooaiawu vawa. "MOKTJTtfEH'TS PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 288 4th St. Opposite CHy HaB. Wars Bros. ftBLAESlhG GRAttrTE Co U aS7-3RD ST. AT MKOiSOr4., ' io8T inn FOfJirii SI LOST Pocketponk with 2 Liberty bunds. 2 Rav ings Stamps and 310 cash: also soma other camera. Printed hwida In gold letters. 'San Joeauum Valley National Bank. Tha hones finder kindly return book to 82 H K. 5th St., upstairs. it vrjrrl. . . - - LOST Working giri'a black patent leather puma containing week a salary, name ana aanress and keys, at O.. W. A K. Co. 'a wash room. Hat urday eveniug. Please retnrn to Ames, Hartia, Nrvillo V , or phone Broadwsy 1240. t LOST Oc4d watch bracelet, oa 93d and VWa4 or Linn ton road, Beward. Marshall lnzt). WILL tha party in the automobile who picked up lady's hat on North Union avenue Hatur dsy night at 11:45, call Mrs. Pearce, Wood lawn 5680 i - " REWARD for return of large golden yellow male Collie dog. Ift my house Msy 15. Phone IV 125 7 or Tabor 3222 or return to 65 E. 88th rt. Fred Ickley. LOT fJold etiff link, with sstall diemond set in center. Pleax retnrn to J-nny DabL 791 North rap st, or phone Main 9357 and reerive rtward. LOST A black leather pun containing name and add ma and a bo bank book. Have moved since to 915 E. 30th N. Keep money and retnrn puna ana outer contents. LOST May 14. near cor. Union are. and Tillamook St.. or eor. 2d and Alder eta., pair gold pinch nne eyeglasses in Hendrickson case. Phone East 2363. Beward. . LOST Between Woodburn and Oregon City, a reed suite a containing children s and la dies' rlothiBg. If found verify it. C. Kosher, Woodburn. Or. Receive reward. . LOST Black Boetow bulldog, white breast. white streak down center oil head,- wearing harness with owner' nam, IL Anderson, 921 Belmont St. Reward 310. Phon Tabor t53. . LOST- In South PortlarML white colli, brown spot on forehead and spot on esr. answen to name of Bex. Reward. Oibson, SIS Oregonian building. LOST Smalt black pun containing one 810 bill,, on aiiver dollar, two rings.' cameo and ether amaB change." Betura to 1573 Union av. N. Beward. WHEEL 1i on East YamhiU between 50th and 63d. call at 94 E. 54 tb st. to chum. - i LOST Between 650 Wasco st. and Ponua- ican church, gold moss agate piaw Finder rail East 1287. Reward. FOUND 1 Jersey cow can be had at 4 2d and Killingsworth by paying tor thia ad. Olson. Woodiawn 6679. . " LEFT on Woodstock ear Saturday ev., 1 man' brown aboa with new half o!a. Call ScW wood 4. .- - LOST Auta license tag 62163. 6944. Beward. - East HELP WAHTED-MAIS WANTED Saleaaaaa to work MuHnatnah, - Clackamas cowntiea: can make 3 ltf to 815 per day. Call Broadway 6278. ' WA XT Ef Experienced union atrip floor bm chanies. Write Injaid Floor Co.. Beatti. Wash.' - ' - -V-. -1 - ...... MEN wanted, between tb aaw of 21 and 96 for eonouoten ana motorrnen. Apply ftftt Electric bldg. r P. B.. L, P.' Co. WANTED Reliable man for wanhous work. Must be steady. Simon. 1st and Alder at. WANTED Milk driver; only- experienced men need apply. 483 Union are. N. -j.-. WANTED 20 palnten (or the Staadicr wooden slriprard, Vsncoaver. Wsxh. FURNITURE ftniahen wanted. F'reeUad " Fur- nitnre vs., 97 Macadam aU WANTED Young nan to learn electrical trade. Y-vlOH, Journal. - - . . ' .. W ANTED Eanerienced wrrenmu - for knob aad two worn. M-3, Jonmai. - , . . 5oOD futun for man with ahiUtr. State all . , paxticuiax fallj-' -kl0, JirvaaL - DEATHS A7TD FUNERALS BF.LP W11TTED MALE APPROVED by all bankers and business n, t oi toe city. Calculating-Maehinea, Adding Machines, ' Bookkeeping Maehinea, Comptometer Machines. Thia la the enlT aehanl auecialiiina on this work, y- Courses an abort from 4 to week only, tindustes secure best position in the business world. - tenter now- for vacation work. ' " THE MILLER SCHOOL. Calculating and Bookkeeping Machines. 9Q3-W04 Yeon building. MEN ' WANTED AT WEST LINN PAPEH MILLS. 42C HOUR. 8 HOUR -DAT. SEES MR?" RV ' A. ' 8WAFFOBD AT MILL OFFICE ACROSS RIVER FROM OHKGON CITT. GOOD HOTEL PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS. 20Ci BEST MEALS, 850. WANTED 20 PAINTERS SUndifar Wooden Ship Tarda Vancouver, Wash. THE OLDS. WORTMAIf s EINO STORE r quires the eervicee of aa experienced outside collector. Mnat undentand running aa automo bile. Apply, 9 to 19:80 a. tn, Superintend ent's office. -., B.VN"D MASTKR WAN TElTTM M Kl HATKi.V Experienced band master wanted whj nmler stands tha fact of. teaching brass hanL Iwche boys learning snnstc. who understand tha buai r.ess. - Call at Broadway 2798 or if ym went to talk with me personally coma to 464 N. 224 st. Mr. P. II nuke. , WEAVERS E XFKRI1NOKD, STEADT WORK. GOOD WAGES. PORTLAND Wvjv e , &v m e v e w - nuux.n ssi i.i lis, WANTED Several middle-aged men to do light labor work on night shift, 4 p. m. to miduigL't Take Kenton car to stockyards, Nortrt I'ortland Box company. WANTED Married man, experienced in lian dling milking machine, Applr Ongon Dairymen's- league. 409 Corbett bldg., or phone Main 2851. WOODCUTTERS wanted to contract 2000 cords wood, to cut and split; close, to Portland. Apply 285 Front st. WANTED -2 men about 45 years of age t work in secondhand baa department. Apply Ames-Harris-Nevilie Bsg Co.. 15th and Itnvt. BOY oi 16 yean, with wheel to deliver pack - age, good wagae. Apply Hibbard Station- ery A Printing Co.. 381 Oak st. OFFICE boy. Opportunity for advancement in established wholesale houaa. State age. re( erencea. Phone number. A-263, Journal. HETTP WANTETV MISC. BIGGER JOBS FOR AMBITIOUS A CCXJUWT A NTS BOOKKEEPERS COST CI JERKS : OFFICE MEN ; LEDGER CLERKS CASHIKRH STENOGRAPHERS t can lay before you a vary definite and attractive opportunity to employ a part of your leisure time I a way that will bring to you seversl times as much as tha compenaatroa you era bow re ceiring. I should like, to talk with you about thl matter aotsjy froa th stand- . point of your own Interests. If It de velops 1 cannot aerve you in th way I have in mind. 1 wlU tell you so frankly. - - business associates I have helped many men and women to double or treble their income. Probably I can do aa much for you. A 10 of l6-minut Interview will -. decide th matter one way or tha ether. No interviews will be granted except to those who state in writing their ag business experience, present position. If possible, .give telephea number. All information aunlidantiaL Aiiiirsa l 618. JournaL AUTOMOBILES, TRUCKS. TRACTOltS ' ' t"n to b a nrst-eiaas Mechaulo and Ca Engineer: rebuild, operate gnd repair Automn bOea, Trucks and Tractor. ThLi is tint an En gineering School, Smachintf THEORY ONLY; neither is it a GARAGE, but a HEAL, PRAC TICAL SCHOOL, where you Wm th bnl. lies by ACTUAL WORK oa the Machines. W bars more and better Equipment than all rthor Bohools in Oreann Combined. SPECIAL, TRADES Machinist, Aeetylen Welding, Vul canising and Retreading. Day and Kwsing Claesea, Write for Catalogue. HAWTHOU.ViJ AUTO SCHOOL. 482 Hawthorne are. WANTED Returned soldiers, shipyard work ers and others to take advantage of onr special Inducement offered at thia tiro by at tending tha night or day clauses in gas tnnto and automobile engineering; only hort time required. Call for Ire catalogue and Informa tion. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 707 Hawthorne ava.. Branch Office: 124 N. 6th st. Bear Unlaw . lepot.' sv Business - Typewriting. bookkeeiina. eomntnmeiev aiws all other mr-dent birsiuess couraes. Day and night school. Aliaky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Msin 334. LEARN ADTOS AND TRAOTOKS FIVE DATS' FR KB TRIAL ; PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED - We teach auto, tractor, gas engine and an'o el-etrleai work; BIO 100 PAGE CATALOG FREE. Addrea Aden Ante aad Tractor ftrhrxil. Dept. J, Union are. at Wvsco at. Portlaad, Or Plmne East 74 46. ST R A Vf BE B R Y PICKKBS WANTED White Malmnn stnwberry picking season will begin about June 1. Pickers and packen wanted. Bring camping outfit. Write for 'further infor mation to White Malmoa Growers' Wanhou, White Salmon. Wash. - - IF YOtPliav been tnated fog rheumatism sn-I failed to he cured try my medicated eannr treatment- It I a wonder. Eonal to Hut Spring, and will save yau money snd time. Dli. FEUD F. METEH. NATUROPATH, 261 GEULINGER BLDG. . STUDY LAW AT'UOMI TTnivenity Eatension Method. Degr LL. R. cwnf erred. We guannte to pas you on the bar exsmination In any state. For fail par tieuUn apply room 447, Morgan bid. BURSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS RCHOOi.- Individnal inatrnrtian. High! methods. J-- heraMna bldg-, 6th and Stark. Bdw. 344. Miss F. Bnrsell. Principal, DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. LEARN TSLvtOBAPHT . Young men and wnuwa wanted. rS S18 Railway Exelianga bldg. Splendid MppnrtnnHe te learn a well paid prnfeaslim. Free booaiet.. BeBwa Telcgnpb IrMrHfpte. POSITIONS ASKtflKD EVERY, GTtADtJAiS OV BEUNKE-WAUES Businas OoUeg. Portland. Enroll any tinM. TeMgraphy, stenography, banking. boVsrwg. erterial. Free ca u Vthi COI.N'O Vaast or Mouth t Household goods mniw ped at reduced ntaa; moving and packin. Pscifio C-east Forwarding Cov. 40. Hoyt st Bcw 703. - BARBER A IV f I ' hona will give your roi the right edge, 81. 5fT earh.' 282 3d st. . JACOB MILLER BA RBE RS SUPPLY CO. fro becom a practical Oxy-AcorWn welder apply at L'nlTsrsal Welding VYU, 2d aol Flander. ' . . - - EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Resins Bsv-kel's private school. Indi vidual Instruction. 122 M Onnd av. East 4 J7. ROCKY. MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGESC? Frank K. Wellea, eT-aimt. State flnpt.. net , T W. BanV - bkl. Teacher placed pmmt'Hv. FIRFMEN, braxereen. tl50"-200 monthly: ex. perienc unneeeseary; writ, send stamp. Railway Aanoeiatkm, ear SX-244, JournaL HELP -vFAlTTED TEM ALE HOUSEKEEPER wanted, one that wants a home more than, wag. - Address John Potter. Homewtead, Or -' . WANTED-fl3 , to 14-year-old achoolau-l" t;t light housework In exduuive for good bo rue. Hose City Prk district.' C-1374. WA NTED ioor iniiidle aged .woman, t.,.t work, good bom and ' wmfu.- Writ Mra Ifnmflect. Neverstil, Or. v" WANT a pubtte stenographer, good opportunity for right . person. . Buai neea abrvios, 317 Henry bldg. JtiFD several wontew ta do hebt work on o, y shift Tske Kenton ear te stockyards. Notui pr.rtlsnd Boxr Co. WANTE I Experienced mark en, also oW exrarienced help wanted. National Laurie rr Co.. K. 8th and Cuvy. EXPERIENCED saleslady for crotrkerv otrc- ment. -Apply Mr. Gilbert, Simon's btore. and Alder. GIRL, to do cooking, 640. 617 Johruua au Proedway 28QO. ; GOOD cook aod for general housework; iu washing. 205 K. 21st st E-eIUENCED, eormyetat girl, gri.eral li.n.,--work: no cooking. 735 Irving n-st 2 21. WANTED Giri'fot general houscwot-in", - family. 69tl NorOirun t.. GOOD girl for general housework. - lawn 129 - .