THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PO RTLAND, - SATURDAY, MAY . 17, 1919. 8 '-. " ' " r ' GET A TRUCK AND BE YOUR OWN BOSS Still Have a Few Left But They Are Going Rapidly. Btudebeker panel $ 850 MuvfII express ..,.,....,. 7ftO Oadlltae 1 ton . , ........... .-. 450 Republic It toa . . , . . 860 Brand new 1-toat Denby with express body 1 600 Denby 6 too ........ . 4O00 These trucks are all in good condition and ready to go to work, Easy terms to respon sible buyers. LET US SHOW YOU THESE TRUCKS AND EXPLAIN OUR PAYMENT PLAN TRUCK dept; Park and Davis Sts. Phone Bdwy, 3278 DEE THESE TRUCKS TODAY AH overhauled and in first class conditio. Republic 1-ton $1250 Itepublle -ton . M. C Kisaal Maxwell Ford worm drive 1050 850 8( 00 1000 Mack . ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., Park and Everett. Broadway 1369. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 Will Pay Absolutely THE HIGHEST PRICES IN THE CITT FOR ALL LATE MODEL USED CARS. BEE MR. KIPPER AT THE Lewis E. Obye Motors Co. BROADWAY AT COUCH. VTB PAY CASH Bring your auto to me. I will do It quick. An; style. We need some low price, light cars at once, MAXWELLS. CHEVROLETS. OVER LANDS. DODGES. TOURING or ROADSTER. 6-'5 Alder st. A-l AUTO WORKS. YOn GET MORE OUT OF YOUR CAR IF YOU LET US SELL IT FOR YOU. WE CET YOU THE CASH. CONLEY'S t'RED CAR CENTER S W. COR. 15TH ASP WASHINGTON CASH PAID FOR LATE MODEL CARS. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 WASH INGTON ST. WHERE WASHINGTON AND PURNSIDK MEET. 80 ACRES of white land at White Salmon Will accept light car. good mechanical con dition as part payment. Address Bog 47. R. 2. Battle Ground. Wash. CORNER lot 50x143. sidewalks and plumb ing all in and paid, and some cash to trade for 5 -passenger automobile. Phone Woodlawn ,8034. DODGE WANTED Cash for late 11)18 from owner if in new condition. Phone Tabor 7184. WE BUY and sell used cars. Bring it to the Pacific Auto Co., 14th and Couch and get the rash, or phone Broadway 4408. 1918 NEW $800 player-piano. Will trade for auto of equal value; no junk; mfcy consider late model Ford with some cash. L-651, Journal. WILLrAYCASH "for any lightcaTonditkn no object Apply 285 Front St., ask for Rob- rts. j CASH FOR FORDS AND CHEVROLETS 8EK B LIZARD, 8BD AND TAYLOR. ARMY OARAGE. MORTGAGE for $225 and some cash for light auto or bug. Engleman. 605 H Main Vancouver, Wash. 'WANTED A 5 or 7 passenger automobile in exchange for city real estate and cash ; value not over 8800. Phone Woodlawn 1054. FOR SALE 1 lots at The 7illea and seme cash to trade for 1918 Ford. 389 E. 57th N. MAXWELL' and Ford specialist. 757 Division. Sellwood 8755. lllGHEST prices paid for automobiles, condition no object. 121 N. 3d st. Broadway 2629. WILL pay cash for late model -ton White; state price. O-601. Journal. FOUR room modern home on improved street from good auto. Sellwood 1240. SUNNY Florida, 10 acres orange land $500"; trade for auto or furniture. 1328 Burrage st. SPOT cash paid for used cars. Dealers' Used Cat Clearing House, Grand ave. and E. Stark. AUTOS FOB HIRE it AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING A ROBNRTT CITY GARAGE 86 loth St, Near Stark. Broadway 840 NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE OARAGE BDWY. 2408. 15TH AND WASH K'EVV ears for hire without drivers. Mill st. garage. 2d and Mill. Main 6352. MOTORCYCLES. IUCVCLEH Motorcycle Headquarters For the "CLEVELAND" 83 Broadway. For the "EXCELSIOR" 86 Broadway. For tha "NATIONAL BICYCLE" 86 Broadtray. New and second hand bicycles ami motor cycles constantly on hand; cash or terms. Ub rty bonds O. K. Old cycles in trade. WHY LOOK FURTHER? v Merriil-Strine Cycle Co. DAYTON motorcycle, 2-spced. Just overhauled; haa good tires and equipped with - tanderrt. rtrestollte and speedometer; all for $120. 1570 ,. 18th at. Phone Sellwood 1504. HUDSON bog. $200: good running order, or will' trad for good motorcycle 654 hk E. Burn side st. Phone 69 East. " HABLEY-DAVfDSONf MOTORCYCLES - Motorcycle and Supply Company. 300 Third St. Main 7889. KXCELSIOR 2 speed motorcycle and sidecar for sale, A-l condition; U-rraa. Wdln. 5109 eve nines and Sunday. ALMOST new tires. Presto lamp; tandem, li cense. 1914 model twin: excellent shape. Bargain. $58. Tabor 1523. FOR SALE Excelsior motorcycle. Presto-lite. tank and rear tandem. Cheap. 4111 Ogaen ve. Phone Sellwood 2532. LAUNCH KS AND BOATS tl 24-FT. 4-cyL pleasure boat, canvas top. elec trio light ; looks fine; for sale cheap. Tauop 16ST. WANT someone to go" 80-50 on motor boat. Yoa need $25 cash. Write Z-813, Journal. ilOLE 2dftlunch. Tabor8182: PIAWOS. ORGANS, MUSICAL IX ST Kl'ME'fTS PAY CASH FOl " USED PIANOS 31 Phonographs and record; exchange musical instruments. 254 Market -it. PIANO $165. a Standard make, goou coriition. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th et. Mara H3f. PIANOS for rent. Columbia Grafonola shop, 429 . Washington . KIMBALL piano, at a bargain. Fine condition. BEIBERLINO-trCAS MUStO CO., 125 4th. WANTED Phonograph and records - for cash. J-293, Journal. FOR & in good ooodiUou.' $75 eavh. inquire evenings. 1106 Vernon- ae. WANTED--Good piano, cash, ,. Marshall tTOST TRUCKS Alfp TRACTORS OREGON fiaxos, organs, musical ISBlBUHExlTS St CLOSING OUT THIS WEEK 2 parlor organs, $28 and 446 cash. 1 aquara piano. 7 octaves, $35 each. 2 snail upright pianoa, $66 and $75. 8350 Schubert tare upright, rash. $185. $875' Lyon A Mealy upright, cash. $160 $450 new. stored, 'tt ami upright. $265. $4 7 new. .to red. '18 mod. upright. $200. $650 new. stored. '18 mod. p!jtr. $39 To first caUer. Piano bought and sold for cash only. Stong 60c weekly. Security Sir rage Co sou 4n at. at Washington. PIANO BARGAINS CHiCKERING BAILEY V KIMBALL CA RLE-NELSON STERLING Ana others from $165 up. Each one a good buy. Tern gi-cn. Bonda accepted. BEIBEK-LTNO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 12$ 4tli at. New Columbia, $00 Mae $40.00 Second band machines. $10 to S5.00 Y. M. C. A.. Hl'HUCE DIVISION. WAREHOUSE. S0 HOYT ST.. HOURS It to 1; 3 to 6. TRADE YOUR PIANO Or organ for a new YUtTOia and lecords. Our prop-wiri.n 1b (he best. We will gladly tell you about it. SF.IBEHLINO-LUCAS MU8I0 CO.. 125 tlt t. Main 8586. IT R E C O RD EX CHANGE. Phono- graph. Bought TBf TX! rgsf.Tsil7te4i Solil, Rented. Ke --X"" paired. 142 H 2d near Al'Vr, niitelrs. Main 7244. $5 OR $10 In records, purchased send, to mat home any new $20. $32.50. $50. $00. $90. $100 or $115 type phonograph, balance 50c, 75c. $1.00. $1.25 or $1.50 weakly until fully Paid. Schwaa Piano Co. Ill 4th tt. PIANO WANTED We pay the beat cssh price for used pianoa. Get our bid. REIRERLING-LUCA8 MUSIC CO.. 125 4th' at. Main 85S. MUSICIANS, now ia piano action. Beat polishing ia the city Yamhill at. the rime to restore that regulating, tuning and tigroid 8. Gilbert. 384 $15 CASH. $8 monthly send new $875 np right piano to yonr home for $21, subject 1-t exchange within one year, allowing full aoount pa "1 Kchwsn Piano Co.. Ill 4th. EXPERT electric player pianoa, rewir'ng. tun- ing: work guaranteed. V Kremar. t54 Mer- ket st. j bkunswick. phonographs, latest models, a week's free trial in your own home. Get any selling plan. Nat Ardrey. Sell. 8155. SO.W Z hiuarn." in pianos-: and organs or rale; wjniire pino $4J5; gorni opportunitt o l-uy. 2A4 -'rtV1 St., opposite The AudiLonu SWICK plionopraph witti recordti at a bargain. SEIBKRI.ING-LLCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. Main R586. FOR SALE $325 Gaylord piano in fine con dition; owner lea ring city. Cash price $150. Marsh. 5450. BOrSEHOLT) GOODS FOR SALE U Desk, table, filing cabinet, safe, swire chairs, straight chairs, arm chairs, etc. Y. M. C. A., 8PRTJCB - DIVISION ROOM 804. Y. M. C. A. BLDG. NEW heating stove for coal or wood, dining room buffet, library table: writing desk. 2 rocking chairs, one rug 9x12, 2 email ones, 2 bedroom dressers and one double bed with spring and mattress; three small tables. All in Tery good condition. 841 Sumner. Alberta car to 6 8 th. one block Nortru TiAWRN" gas range,- M0.only used short time, has automatic lighter and white enamel Tintsh; new ones cost $62. White iron bed stead, springs and mattress, all for $20. 1025 E. 8th st. N; ., I WANT to get In touch with someone fur nishing up hotel or rooming houses. Car pets, fumed oak dressers, everything complete. Owner, 1531 Knowles are. i'OR SALE Practically new household furni tura; mivt be sold before June 1. at 027 F 21st kt. . OAK chiffonier, $5; large oak rocker, $3; Lot of lino- Scotch rug, good. 10x14. $11. leutn. $4. Main 3301. rOH BALK Furniture for 6 room house. From 10 a, m. to 2 p. m., 4847 62d St.. 8. E. f' Tabor 5330.. FURNITURE 2 room house; also baby buggy, tub nnd cradle. 4428 42d ave. Wood stock car. LEAVTNG city-, will sell furniture of 5 room flat, comnlote. very reasonabla; flat for rent. 12 V4 E 18th tt. FURNITURE for sale, 5 room flat for rent. 420 Jllth st. Slarshall 4879. HOUSEllOLD goodafor sale. 189 N. 21st St. Main 7507. TYPEWRITERS 11 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter, "all taakes." sold on monthly payments. Send for price list. The Wholesale Typewriter Cel. retail dept.. 821 Washington st. A LI. makes of typewriters rented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Type write! Co.. 94 6th st. TYPEWRITERS rented, repaireo, exchanged. Typewriter supplies. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 88 BroadWy MACHINERY- 81 FOR SALE BOX FACTORY EQUIPMENT Callfomio Saw Works cleat machine. Cali fornia Saw Works circular resaw. California 8aw Works cut-offs (2), Ames ft Harris automatic printing press.- No. 2 Fisher Machine Works band resaws (2), Fiher Machine Works Auto matic hand-hold machine, multiple boring ma chine. No. 95 Yates Machine Works planer and matcher, H. B. Smith Machine Co. rip-saw. Row ley & Harmance edger machine, Rowley tk Har msnce Universal cut and ripsaw. Olive band Scroll saw. shafting, boxes, hangers, collars, couplings, pulleys, belting, saws, ms bins knives, filing equipment, blower system, truck, etc. This is a complete equipment for a modern box factory plant and is offered for sale in its entirety. In quire Edgar 8. Hafer, Med ford. Or. FOR SALE MI3CELLATEOCS 19 CORDWOOD f. o. b. Portland. $6.25. $6.75; , i "?"' :.CMall with orrier- 1L J- Uam- FOR SALE McDougatta kitchen cabinet, al most new, and rabbits at 86 W. Sumner et. RANGE stove for ssle, reasonable; almost new? 65 E. 80th st. .22 WINCHESTER rifle. $5; 592 Mary st. Brooklyn car. FOR SAEE 10x15 Oordon press, $8s! 635 E. Morrison St. FOR SALE- Ladies' Elgin gold watch: other iwu iiwn oi jeweiry. .jail Tabor 138. ONE WHITE LILY washer. 1 baby buggy; 1 Crown lawn mower. 635 K. 70th st. N. ACUUM clesners runted Kroadwsv 2649. vacuum cleaning. FOR SALE sjciipse 6-hole steel range with uwraDmenr. l u L a ti. 1 3tn St. Is CREAM separator, liand or -power drive, prac- m-Bjr new. j. it. aiinerg. aoa uitsan. BABY'S grey reed carriage; nearly new: cost .0- i '',1'2rh1J'J Z'b" 1 S. VACUUM cleaner sold, repaired renledT Jv changed, bought Bentley Co. East 7050. UNCALLED for tnilor msda suits, '$12.60 up. Taylor, the TaTfor. 989 A Burnside st. CEDAR wood at mill. 1.50 a load. 1350 Macadam st Phone Main 6218. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Davis Co . 212 8d st Matn 767. Stark- CHOICE potatoes $2 a sack delivered. Call Broadway 454. evening Sellwood 2189. FOR SALE, chesp. leather babv buazv Call 452 Failing. Woodlawn 2150. r " , . , ; ; 7 BRINGING UP FATHER (Copyright. 191t. International News Service. ! f 1 HERE'S THE 1 I TAKE IT TQ MV HERE f PUT tT Irt THE CELLAR iSO II WHE LETt -jEE 1 " 1 -WHILE YOU'RE UP ff TZ 'r 1 TRUNK VOVJ WANTEO ROOM AMD WHILE. Tl- ORiN, UP THP UrVRfJE c Dp& OH'.TAKE Hi J THERE OP.lrw, CXTWM ;8; tf. ' Vr t'; A-hR OOT OF THE OUREOpWrE LLlJ j DOWN LjU -TH, 'SfV?Tt UTHAT iTOVE -, - I 7fa&f S Jtr CELLAR- J BRING DOWN T JZD THERE : KSJ J ATT CT J W gJ ' CUJV P - C V t VA"E ,j . j e, - rT&f- A "- il'! .M'.T 1 --JTrT ' ' - ' j , - -" at . s T . ' . ' , I i - ' .1 - 1 - 't ' ' - r"- -' - '- ''T -." , 't "fob salemiscellaiteoc it SEWING MACHINES We bare real bargsina im these three P tacti cally new nutchtnea which were held for storage : LATEST SIT-STRAIGHT DROPHEAD WHITE. $85 MODEL, FOB $87.60 GOLDEN OAK, DROP HK AD, SINGER, $2". LIGHT OAK7iROPHEAD, SINGER. $22.50. KEW MACHINES RENTED, $3 PER MONTH. 4th Street Singer Store Main C838, 198 4th at. Moose bldg. MLVAGI EVrtjIpment of Spruce divinon, T. M. C. A. Hardware, stoves, gasoline lanterns, tools, ateet cots. Ford delivery, tires, tabes, chains, phono graphs, wrapping paper, tafelea, chairs, eta. Y. M. C. A., SPRUCE . DIVISION. WAREHOUSE, 896 HOYT ST.. HOURS 10 to 1: to 6. 8EWING machinea new and sec ond Band, sola for lees: no s rents .employed. Complete Tins of parts for all makes. Machines repaired and ranted. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM lOO 8d near Taylor tt Inl Tennessee and Port Orford cedar, copper trimmed; latest designs; factory prices. Factory B. Glison. bet, 75th and 7th. Tabor 808. WE SAVE yoa mossy. Hooe wiring. lighting fixtures, electrical repairing, wpp lies. Third St. Electric Store. 224 H 8d St., near Salmon. Main 8058. Electric Motors Bought, aold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 418 Burn we corner lots. Broadway 5674. SAFES Fire and burglar proof sates, new and Second hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. . N ORRIS SAFE AND LOCK CO.. 108 Second street. Phone Mam 201 5. Din Dn rEN drophead sewing machines with 4 I KJJJ attachmenu. ail are to very good condition. Sewing machines rented at $3 per month. Phone East 2359. or B-S307. EL B. Steen. 183 Grand ave., near Belmont. "MUSICAL iSTKUMKNTS, Typewriters" and "Household Goods" are nmnu rUifl- eatirna. Ail advertisenients of these goods are published nnder their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES' or boats are separate clarifications. A largs nVting can be found under these diiferent elaaai f iestions. $12.50 to $15 USED DKOPHF.AW SEWING MA CHINKS Guaranteed We Kent and Repair 172 8d st. near Yamhill. Main 1845. A-l 8 18. Malt, Hops, Crown Caps Corks, patent bottle stopper, band and power cappers, filter bags, thermometers. 91 Grand ave. APPAR.EL EXCHANGE LADIES: GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO CET SLIGHTLY USED GARMENTS AT LOW PRICES. TABOR 2825. REVOLVES and Kodak (new), guitar and shot gun, fine condition: not sifts hnt mm,hi priced; no dealers. Marshall 5539 evenings; mornings until 9 a. in. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof f We repair and rubber bond all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 77 76. S A FES DITBOLD ' New end second hand; prices right. PACIFIC SCALE dt SUPPLY CO.. Phone" Broadway 1966. 48 Front a. ORDER YOUR BOXWOOD No waits; hnraedlatea delivery. FULTON WOOD CO.. Main 7890. A-2899. OUT FREIGHT RATES en household goods shipped east and sooth. Man ning Warehouse A Transfer Co.. 9th and Host. I'hf-ne Broadway 70S. A-l 793 I'.OT water tanks, all sizes, in good, serviceable conoiuon. o ami., ai; u gax, go. 201 Ad-ros st. East end Steel bridge. East 8516. ?& Nelson Ladder WkStI Second. Steps and Extensions, Sreen Doors and Screens HIGHEST prices paid for diamonds, watches and jewelry. Repairing a specialty. Reiner leweiry t;o.. 449 H Washington st. 1000 FEET of 6 inch pipe at reasonable price. Call 200 Front st. corner Taylor. Albert inns: Co.. 200 Front st, FOR SALE- Garlord piano in fine condition. Cash nrice 8130. Also 13 Whitjt Wvamtntu chidrens. Mar. B459. TAN wicker folding baby sulky; one fine screen: 4 doc. Mason fruit Jars for sale cheap. Tabor 6637. 3284 Halsey. GOOD drophead Singe? sewing machine for $15, or exchange for dresser of equal value. Phone Tabor 9265. BEAUTli'UL gowna and auita. slightly worn; attained from ladies who know how to dress. Main 067. FTJRWITTfRE 'WATVTED T4 WE WILL BUY FOR SPOT CA8H YOUR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL Wnx. BRING US TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE, OUR VALUATION IS HIGHER THAN THB OTHER FELLOW'S. THERE'S A R BA SON. BECAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. MARSHA. 5QR1 n Phone GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY 185 First Stmt WE PAY MORE PORTLAND FURNITURE EX CHANGS 208 FIRST STREET. MAIN T728 Will buy your odd pieces or your complete fur nishings at TOP CASH PRICES Call us for prompt courteous service. THE MAIN FURNITURE STORE. 312 1st Pav the Hiehest Prices For second-hand roods of an descriptions, fur niture, carpets, clothing and iunk of all kinds. PHONE MAIN 3907 OB MARSHALL 8 3 S3. OWL FURNITURE CO. 204 FIRST We want your used furniture, stoves, carpets and pianoa; we pay highest cash prices. Call Main 4627 WIGHTMAN-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 88-90 Grand ave. East 7766. Highest prices paid for used furniture, car pets. stoves, ranges, etc. We call promptly. TK buy esed furniture from private parties only. W pay the highest prices obtainable. Call Main 6677. 173 -First at I AM in the market for furniture irora private parties only. 409 Jackson st CALL MAIN 2117. WANTED, furniture for 5 rooms; must be cheap for cash. Inquire evenings, 1106 Ver non sve. WANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WILL PAY CASH Phone Main 8332. PHONE East 7815 when yon want to sell your furniture; we will come st once and pay yon CASH. M. R. SKATER, 880 Hawthorne ave. P A QU paid for furniture.! stoves, ranges, heat Onon era, carpets, rugs, dressers, etc. Phone Mar. 2678. Hartgell Furniture Co. 841-45 1st FURNTTTJRE WANTED Will pay all that tt ia worth. Main 32 a u. rteuu aumnure ua. 140-142 1st st mm e T WE WANT! Year sued furniture, gags; carpets stores, ranges, tools, eac We will Pay the Hishest uasM ' prices for same. We specialise im bnying and selling boosebold m and therefore can pay more. CALL MAIN 3052 and our courteous buyer will t 0DC. . . -j. See) us before you seTL mimm. cm. Levin Bros. Office 2 Baflwmy Ex. Bldg. 0aaJMfOOni 233 : IffOBC St Read Important Read We carry a greater assortment of new and aed merchandise than any store in the city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and sail. We specialize in shelf and heavy : hardware, storting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you bar anything to boy or Mil. call or phone Main 90T2 - A-T1T4 UCVIN HARDWARB A FUHNITCRB CO. 221-3-6 Front St.. cor Sslmon. FURNITURE for sale and Sturgia go-cart. 29S B. 48tb st 8. 8 WAP COIiTTMST Si TO SWAP 13 acres in cultivation for good second band auto, about $1200 value, one mile from R. R. station, 4 miles from Monroe, in Lane county. Write J. F. Kinyon, Aurora, or. TRADE or sell 1-A Ansco. like new. fitted with B. A L. compound ahntter and lens. F 8.3. $35. Want auto tent, rifle or what have your fc BIT, Journal. TO EXCHANGE 3 A-l bowling alleys for auto; must be m first-class condition. Call Sunday or after 8 p. m. week days. Sellwood 1 862. TO TRADE Fine 6 pass, car; for : what have you; value $750. O-602, Journal. WAKTEDMISCElLA"""EOT"S Full Cash Value Paid for SHOWCASES. CASH REGISTERS. SCALES, SHOTGUNS. RIFLES, CHECK WRITERS TRUNKS, SUITCASES? HANDBAGS. ETC MERCHANDISE AND FURNITURE. Newman's 1 28 1 st. Main 4495 WANTED -People of Portland to know that I pay highest cash prices for second hand house- Poid goods. No amount too large or too staau. r.cmpt attention. N. M. S EATER, Pbrne East 2203. i 143 Russell st CASH FOR OLD FALSE TEETH (broken ol not) We pay $2 to $35 per set Also cash for WATCHES, BRIDGEWORK. OLD GOLD. SILVER and PLATINUM. Send at once and receive cash by return mail. Maxer Bros.. B-2007 S. 5th street. Fails, Pa. $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits Meyer, the tailor, pays most for clothing and shoes. We call day or evening.; Marshall 1229 or 283 Madison, near 3d st. RHEUMATISM relieved by my asocial medi cated treatment It may mean your bappi- tnsuttation tree. DR. FERD F. MEYER, Naturopath, zoi Uerlinger Bldg, SAFE I want to buy for cash a small fire- prool sate. What nave yoa T B-687. Jour nai. CLOTHING WANTED Call B'way 355 Top prices for clothing, furniture and trunks. WANTED - Rifles, shotguns, cameras, le Hochfield, 85 3d st Phone Main 8581 WANTED Gasoline dragaaw. No junk. G-801 Journal i WANTED Cash register, show : cases and other store fixtures; pay cash- Bdwy. 1024 WANTED Talking machines or records; pay spot cash. Tabor 6798. Main 4415. GOING East or South? Ilousenoid goods shipped at reduced tatse; moving and packing. Paeifie Coast Forwarding Co., 408 Hoyt st. : B'way 70S BICYCLE wanted. Mam 4495. Tabor 6798. PERSONAL n U ILL the lad who wants a suit : coat dress waist or petticoat at wholesale prices call at Peterson's Manufacturers Outlet t SECOND FLOOR TAKE ELEVATOR 205 P1TTOCK BLOCK Mail Orders Promptly Filled. CHRONIC and mental diseases treated by special druKless methods, such as lungs, heart, liver, kidney, stomach, bladder, paralysis, diseases of the eyes. ears. etc. Many affidavits on me. Consultation free. Dr. PoIImen Druelesa Insti tute, 323 Washington bldg. GLASSES AT A SAVINU I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thousands if satisfied patrons. Charles W Goodman, optometrist 209 Morrison street DETECTIVE United Service Detective Bureau private and commercial matters investigated by skilled, experienced operatives; strictly confi dential. 607 Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and lamniu. Mairr aiz I MAKE a specialty of rheumatism. My treat- ment may be the stepping stone to your nap piness. JJlt. FBRD F. METER, NATUROPATH. 201 GERLINGER BLDG. ' GEORGE RUBENSTEIN, the optician. wtH save you from $2 to $5 on any style of eve elaases. He is an expert optician, and his prices are rea- sonacie. vo Morrison at., near 2d. Main 291, COME IN and get both your feet fixed no good for $1 by Dr. Eaton, the CHIROPODIST that dcesn t hurt yoia: 5 years in Portland; exam. free. Globe Theatre bldg.. 1 1th and Wash. Bdy. 2824 RT'IKITIIMSM HaaHinirs eircWa, Tons 2; Wed.. 8 p. m. Rev. May A. Price. 728 pstton ra. x Vs bis. w. from JJ car. asar. 2559. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts, removed by 10 needle method; trial free. Josie Finiey 614 Bush & Lane bldg. Call Main 6368. WILL HUBBARD, you are wanted at 862 Vaughn st, Portland, Or., in regards to your son. Peart. ; MLLE RAY, a guide to all spiritual. Adviser and teacher. 401 Raleigh bldg., 827 Wash ington St ' ; MRS. OZIM Splritnaltst, palmistry and phreaol ogy. Moved to 405 Stark, bet, 10th and 11th sts. Phone Brdy. T72. LADY BARBERS Shave. 15o; haircut, 25c face rmuwage, 85c, 325 Gtasan, near 6th. MME. GRENELL. ' scientific face andT treatmenta. 280 Filed ner bldg. ; Consultation FREE. All LdWVCl 612 SeUing bldg. Vain 4998. LAWYER Cases not opposed. 835. Main 5199. WANTEDSaby at birthT iO-4ul Journal. NOTICES ! 2$ PORT OF PORTLAND ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 3d day ef June, 1919, concurrently with the state election on that day, and at i the same polling place provided for said election in the pre cincts lying in whole or in part within t boundaries of the Port of Portland, a special election will be held by the .Port of Portland for the mimosa of submitting to the legal vot- !- nt M rxirt the Question Whether the Sliall authorise the issue et i,uu,uvu ot water transportation bonds of the Port of Portland. County of Multnomah. State bf Oregon, which election will be held at 8 o'clock In the morn ing and will continue until 8 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. MAX H. HOUSER, President of the Board of Commissioners Of the Port of Portland. : ; J. D. KENWORTHT. Secretary of the Board of Commissioners ef the Port of Portland. . , : TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I will not be responsible for any debts my wife. May L. Barry, contracts, after this date. May 10. 1919. John Tilford Berry, Bay City. Or. FUKITITTJEE VTAIfTBIf 4 HOOD RIVER i ' HOOD RIVER This ranch will net 840O0 this year. SO U yon are really looking for a fine ranch that will immediately pay bigv, returns on the investment tbia is it., 4U acres, V acres ataaaara vanexie apples, 8 acre -pears,- 8 acres strawberries, good bouse and barn, on good road near town. Fine soil and good water. Sprayer, team, cow, poultry, and implements go with -place. Price $15,000; tlO.tHJO cash. TVUtKK ac HrMUSAJJ.. 601-503 Spalding bldg. CHEAP ACREAGE S acres $250. $10 down, $5 per month, boys 6 acres of land between Portland and Centralis, on the main line of three railroads. 1H to Sa miles of good little town: sawmills and togging ramps in immediate vicinity ; soma or xnia isna It partly cleared; running stream; some wium land, some bench. This acreage priced irora $25 to $75 uer acre. Can give you any. kind of a place you want. 818 Railway Exchange bldg. OWN three acres in tha heart of Portland; an investment that is good a long as Portland stands. Must sell; going at $5500. $350 ner acre for 35 acres, well drained. fenced and cultivated, young orchard and some' buildings, 4 4 miles from Portland limits, close to school and hard surface roao. uwner, jwi Ne vers til. Of. FIVE acre in Willamette valley. 29 miles south of Portland, only few hundred feet from Ore gon Electric; level land. fiue'1lack soil, all in cultivation, under fence and clear of incum- hnnra N'n hnildinra. Owner here from Call fonria for short time only. Investigate now and get this good land direct from owner at rea sonable price. Write J. Jr. uaaaiu, uenerai un livery, Portland, Or. - SNAP 40 acres, $25 per acre, running warer, deep oil, close to live town; work plentiful, good wages, between 2 nignways; water, rau ana auto transportation. If interested make . arrange ments to examine Sunday. F. K. Sterns, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 8517. " WHICH would you rather be, your own or someone's hired sunt The same amount of work out on your own place that you are giving someone, else would put you en easy street in a few years. I can put you next to some fine little tracts on easy terms. Box 226, Forest Grove, Or. ON acre. 7 room house, bath, gas and elec tricity: applea, pears, peaches, grapes, prunes enc, berries; barn and garage; clone to Haw thorne car and Mt Tabor park; terms. 2614 67th st. S. E. Tabor 953. 16 ACRES of easy cleared bottom land on north fork Lewis nver, about eight mill from Woodland. $800; half cash, balance to suit Write or see O. W. Beachem. 1954 Woolsey St. , DABNEY PARK For beautiful home site, on Columbia River high way. See us. Dabney Investment tfe. room 1 Worcester bldg. BARGAIN For sale or trade, 120 acres land on Mc Kenzie river highway. Excellent hunting and fishing. Call or write. 1224 Montana ave., city. $2600 3 ACRES, fine soil, fruit trees, ate, on Terwilliger blvd. this side Tigard, 5 r. house, large barn. CHA3. RINGLER A CO., 225 Henry bldg. ACRES, on Hillside drive; beautiful view good ground. Fine for chickens, $1000. R. 214. Lil-mer hotel. $7.50 ACRE, worth $15 acre; section land. K-4B4, journal. BASE LINE road, close in, 5 acres or leas; $350 acre. Owner. Bdwy. 4407 FOB SALE FARMS 1? 20 ACRES BOTTOM LAND AH under cultivation, fenced, family orchard. 6 room house. Good well. About 6 miles from MolaUa. Only $4200. Half cash. 10 ACRES. A BARGAIN 6 under cultivation, all fenced. Family orchard. 4 rooms. Barn 24x30. One-half mile to school, 2 miles from Oregon City, $1750. $1000 cash. S. 0. DILLMAN, 8th and Main St Oregon City, Oregon. FOR SALE'S OWNER This farm of 27 acre all level, all in cul tivation, deep sandy loam soil, no gravel; new even-room house, full cement basement fur nace heat, modern bath, hot and cold, water on every floor; house all bard nnianed. big new bam; 8 chicken houses, large hog bouse b-iilCiDgs newly painted; 8 acres in strawber ries, loganberries, raspberries. Himalaya ber ries; 4 acres bearing orchard; school, high school churches and stores Sid st car 1 mile away; 5 miles from Vancouver on good road. Located on the Glenwood road. Price $10,500; some terms. W. S. Johnson. Vancouver, Wash. Route No. 2. Bog 1 00. TILLAMOOK DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE by owner One mile from school and cheese factory and 1 tt miles from general store. Good T room house, fair bam, 48x54; ether neces sary buildings: 32 acres under cultivation and 20 acres under irrigation; 14 eowa, 8 yearlings, 8 horses and 5 hogs go with place. Mountain stream runs entire length of ranch. A beauti ful home and good dairy proposition. Price $10,000. IF INTERESTED WRITE MRS. F. E. B LAN CHARD, HEMLOCK. OREGON. $50 DOWN, $12.00 MONTHLY Fine, level 20 A. tract ef unimproved land. V tt miles from Hillsboro; $87.50 per acre; fine soil, running stream, good shack. Fred W. Ger man Oo., 782 Chamber ef Commerce bidg. Open evenings and Sunday. 72 ACRES, near Corvanla, ail in cultivation. 20 acres clover, rest in grain and com. House, barn. silo, hen house, hog house, machine shed, good fences, on road, at station. Price, includ ing stock. Implements and crop, $7000. 0. O. Lee. Scio, Or. R. F. D. NOTICES 88 PROPOSALS for wood. Office deputy son sup. ply officer, Seattle, Wash. Sealed proposal will b received here until 10 a. m.. May 28, 1919, and then opened for furnishing and de livering soft wood for fuel required at military poets, etc. ta the state of Washington, during fiscal year beginning July 1, 1919. Further information on application, Cir. 849. 1 WILL not be responsible for any bills COT tract ed by 017 wile Ell. Robb. O. M. Robb. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ANTIQUE and ALL KINDS OF FTJRNTTUBJL Stern Salvage Co., 633 Washington st BARBERS' SUPPLIES LEWIS:STENGER BARBER SUPPLY CO- 401 Morrison st, the place to buy barberr chain and supplies. Stock and furniture always on hand at right price. BEAUTY SPECIALIST SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by mul tiple needle method. 504 8 wetland bldg. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLMAN, INC., 109 2d st. blank book manufacturers. A-3188. Main 188. ACREAGE A TTRACTI VE FARM AND A CREA GE OFFERINGS AND EXCHANGES FOB SALE FARMS 17 Highly Improved Small farms At Low Prices Thi. iMM n MttlvVin WfWA A nflm 'bungalow, 2 chicken houses, woodshed, tore- room, well, about 10O bearing Trait trees, vari ety of berries, well fenced and located 2 miles irom Oregon ctty; sidewalk ail tna way to tna place. Price $2000; terms. Well imoroved 15 acres. good 8 room house. barn, chicken house, hoghouae, well, S cows, 2 calves, hens and about 500 chickens, separator, wagon, buggy, mplstnenta a ad took.; located by a xuuu roaus. nine irom railway auiitou vn the main line between Portland. Taaoaaa and Seattle; rural delivery and close to goad school. Price $3500: terms $1000 cash, balance in 9 years at 8 per cent interest 1 Twenty acres, all in cultivation, except one acre ia good timber: about 6 acres in bearing apple and peach trees and about 400 young prune trees; ft room house, uarn, chicken house, hoghouae. water Piped from a ".spring to the house; all well fenced; located on main road. 2 miles from New berg. Wtfl! consider Portland suburban home up to $2009 as part payment Price $4000; terms. ; Well imuroved 16 scree. 5 H miles frosa Portland -TjostofI ice. 7 room nlastered house. city phone, barn, chicken house, roothoase and otner outDuliaings; aoout i ivwv trees ox various kinds; 1 hone, 2 cows, chickaaa, wagon, huen and harnesses: all kinds of farm impie- ments and tools; all in cultivation, except about 8 acres in yard, building site ana amau umner. Price goooo; terms gzooa casn, saiaoca on s per cent interest i E. A. LINDCREN, ' ? SAVON LAND CO.. 985 N. W. Bank Bldg. SOME SPECIALS FRUIT RANCH ? 10 acres, within 18 miles of Portland, all in fine fruit, 8-year-old trees, on pavea nigoway; near S. P. carline: win secntiee u tacen at on $1500 down and terms to suit the buyer on re mainder, i HOG RANCH . 50 acres. 8H miles from Lenta, in Happy Vallev well fenned with boa-tight fence, good house and barn and other' buildings; on graveled road; will sacrifice at $200 per acre. 4 acres located tt mQe from Tigard, suitable for country home. This is a buy at nuu. BUSINESS SERVICE. ' S17 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 6797. LOWEST OF LOW PRICES This 145-acre orchard of apples and pears with 5-room bouse, new barn, an old bam, gran ary, chicken house, well, etc; located about 8 mile from Roaeburg on good auto road in one of the best ' fruit sections in the state, is now offered for the almost unbelievable price of $16,500. If you are looking for a real bargain or a safe investment here is your chance that cannot be duplicated. Stands: Investiga tion, i E. A. LTNDGREN. SAVON LAND CO.. 986 W. W. BANK BUILDINO. 1 -ALFALFA AND HOGS SURE WINNERS 473 acres rich volcanic ash soil, a foil paid up water right, all under cultivation, 25 acres now in alfalfa, balance used for raising grain, all can be put in alfalfa; good barn and out buildings, 4 room house, near government out range. Price only $68.50 per acre, j Will take in trade up to $15,000 in Medford. Ashland or Portland property. When tills place la all put In alfalfa, it will readily bring; $125 per RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 809 Oak St Broadway 4188. GREAT FARM SACRIFICE 16J4.MI. OF PORTLAND 19 acres, all in cultivation and in crop; can all be irrigated ; 7 room plastered I house, big barn, hoghouse, chicken house, eto. ; 2 acres bearing fruit; located on good auto road. Price only $4200. See us qtitckif you want it RELIABLE INVESTOIENT CO.. , 809 Oak St Broadway 418$. ' ALFALFA AND HOG FARM Irrigated farm Bear Bend, 80 acres level land. 50 acres' has paid-up Water jright, fine for alfalfa, grain or potatoes; ail fenced, fair set buildings, school on land. Price butchered to $3250 to make immediate sale; $500 caah will handle. Here ia a chance to get started, LTJEDDEM AN N COMPANY. 918 Chamber of Commerce. 160 ACRES. $12.50 PER ACRE., A-l soil, no ,rock. 28 miles N. W. from Portland. 6 miles from , Willamette river, rail road and highway: on county road; in good farming belt; 8 acres cleared, large portion eas ily cleared: some timber; all can be cultivated; 2 springs, good Creek, small house and barn. $1200 cash, balance time to suit at 6 per cent 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON as McHARDY. MEXICAN FARM LANDS Have 6000 acres out of 12.000 sold Oregon farmers living there. Two crops annually, .Wonderful productive soil. California climate. On main line Southern Pacific Title to land perfect Prices very low. Small Investment to start farming on big scale. Write 'or call tor full information. ANDERSON A M'CLELLAN, 800 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE Good Oregon. farm. Box 9, Tuner, Professional and Business Directory CARPKT CL8ANINQ E. 8880. B-1280. FLUFF RUGS from old carpets. Carpet cleaning and refitting. Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Msil omen solicited. NORTHWEST RUG CO.: Former Address 158 Union Ave. EAST 3580 B-1280 188 B. 8th. Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Bag Bugs, All Rises, Mail Orders Prompt Send for Booklet 9x12 Rugs Stesm or Dry Cleaned, 81.60. FLUFF ECO CO. ! $4-88 Tjntrm Ave. N. East 8618, B-14TB CHIROPODIST DR. KIMMELL. lady chiropodist. removes corns. 207 Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. CHIROPRACTORS j DR. LAURA E. DOWNING. Broadway bldg. Dregless physician; 10 years' experience ebirs practic, electricity, vibratory, massage and diet DR. MeMAHON. 100 per cent adjustment mad easy, carefully, permanent Phone: 81 $18 COAL ARO WOOD NATIONAL FUEL CO. Order yeor summer slabweed How, save 5 per Cent : East 8041, 1HII 17 A PRIZE WINNINQ FARM The potatoes that were awarded a prise at the exposition in Portland, 1905, were grown on this 173 aero farm of which 75 acres are w . under cultivation. 50 acres already la crop; 8 acres Italian prunes; 8 acres apples, room bouse, S barns, hoghouse. chicken house. cellar, woodshed, IS eowa, 6 calves, 16 hogs. 8 horses, harnoas. Implements and tools : several springs and a creek on the place. Bxoeption aUy won adapted for a large dairy or stock ranch as the re as uiinmitM outrange, ijocAtea 1 tt miles frosa a nearest railroad station, in Benton county. Price only $10,000; terms. THE ONLY REAL BARGAIN IN OREGON 443 acre farm, about 285 acres cultivated, good T room house, outbuildings, all year run ning creek; located about 8 mites from Ross burg ota good auto road. Thta land lies tine and haa a natnral dralnam. Th Price for this splendid farm ia only $13,000, or $29.85 per acre. Whomsoever is looking for a farm at bargain price should .look np this proposition without delay, as tliero ia no similar offer any where, at any tune. E. A. LTNDGREN, ' Savon Land Co., 985 N. W. Bank brag. EXCEPTIONAL" VALtE W GOING WHEAT FARM For sale On ef tha finest wheat ranches in eastern Wash., consisting Of 1800 acres, all under-cultivation. 1000 acrea seeded to wheat, and looking fine. With the prospects for a crop and the guarantee price the crop should make $30,000 at the least figure; the balance of the land ia in summer fallow for 1919; buildings consist of a large S-room modem bouse, . barn, 40x100. machine shed, 14x120. water under pressure, all buildings nearly new and well painted. With the place there is tha following personal property : 94 besd nf haav mnlaa and hone with harness. 1 60-borse gas tractor, 1 18 ft -com bine harvester with gas angina attachment 4 new drills, 5 S-bottom gang plows. 4' wagons, harrows, cultivators, weeders; in fact all ma chinery and tools necessary to operate this bia farm. This ia considered one of "the best improved and best located and beat kept farms in east ern Washington. If taken before June 1st. we can make a very attractive price, and give good terms; coma in and see photos; if taken now the whole crop goes with the farm, and we caa give immediate possession. May con sider small amount of trade. New York Land Co., 303-6 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 7678. 89-ACRE dairy farm, 9 miles from Portland ; fully stocked and equipped; good bid., auto road; including everything; price $23,000, half cash, balance u per cent 208-acre dairy farm. 18 mile from Port land, fully stocked and equipped; good bldgs. ; auto road: everything first class; price $i7St per acre; terms. Dairymen, her is a chance and either one ia a bargain. 72-acre farm, about hall in cultivation, close to Vancouver, fine orchard. 600 orune. 65 cherry, mostly Lamberts and Royal ' Ann ; about 00 apple. 45 pear and 20 walnut trees. Mod ern bouse with bath, toilet, lavatory, sink, etc.. tankhouse, root and fruithonse ot hollow tile, cemented on both sides, brick silo, good barn, etc. good team, 5 eowa, 5 heifera. wood sawing machine, gaa engine, and all. farm ma chinery and tools: price $12,000. half cash. Will take some good city property aa part payment Herman Peper, 807 Buchanan bldg. 817S. Grain land; good improvements; plenty of No trade water, soo -per acre wiui crop. taken. It is a paying farm. Writs for par- ticulara. O. M. CORKINS. LAKEVIEVV. OH. 120 ACRES FOR $7500 120 acres, 81 acres in high state of cultiva tion, balance, in good pasture, fair 6-room house, large bam that will hold 75 tons of hay. -80 apple trees, 40 prune,.' and 9 large cherry trees. There is - running water on the place all th year, and large spring.- This is located three miles from railroad, close to tore and school and is an ideal stock ranch. Price for a quick sale $7500. Can give imme diate possession. $2500 cash and make your own term on balance. DRYER A BLAIR. "The Acreage Men" 608-9 Lewis bldg. STOCK RANCH 440 acres, over 110 in cultivation good 4 room house, all kinds of out buildling, plenty of water, fine spring,- all fenced; fine out range; $650 per acre. This ia one ot the best stock ranches in the country. FOB SALE BT OWNER Call Tabor 6819, Sunday, and evenings. Weak days Main 703 1, i37 ACRES. 40 acrea in crop, 7 -room house, barn 40x100; horses, cattle, farm imple ments. A fine stock ranch. Price $7600; half casn, balance term. Geo. Wilkinson, Ariel, Wash. ; 22 ACRES 5 miles Oregon City, 12 in cuItivA tion, more easily cleared ; 60 fruit trees, 1 8 prune trees, fins prune land; creek, spring wster, some bottom land, timber. $2600. terms. Mill ership. Alder hotel. v RANCH for sale. $2000, Southern Oregon, 14 miles from Medford. Would trsde tor small acreage, near good town. Write owner, 3. E. Reed, Wellen. Or. , LINCOLN country partly improved stock or dairy farms will prodnce . green feed for butter's t entire season without expensive mill feed. Mor- gan, 508 Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland, Or. LINCOLN county ranch. 177 acres with stock, $8500: without stock. $2000. For particulars call at 8928 42d. Professional and Busfnesa Directory CONTRACTORS Union"" BUILDING ' CONTRACTING " C6" builds cottages, burutalowa: reoain and nsint- tng. 209 Aliaky Bldg. Main 2315. , DEWTI8T8 DR. I E. LA BABRETDESTIST, 805 Gel linger bldg.. 2d and Alder. Office hra. 9 . ra. to 6 p. nv, evenings by appointment. TsL Mate 6808. DO Q AND CAT MOSPI DR. G. H. HUTHMAN hospital, 416 E, 7th st.l cor. Grant East 18471 it-1902. W cup-T dogs and horses. KDUOATIONAL OANOINd MISS IRELAND TEN LESSONS 88 809 TVrwm blg. Personal attention. 1 to w. MKS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 109 2d st Ball roosa and stag dancing) elaai Tuesday and Friday evening Main 8100. Private lessons. aU9IO SCHOOLS AMD TEAOMER8 L, CARROLL DAY, piano, vocal "tessona. wHk " practice piano. 1 hour day 95 mo Bdv 258.1 VIOLIN, piano, -mandolin, guitar. "banT Kol Kenbecs. uy lamhin. f'vof T. E. LAWSON. 29 rears' experience Piano lesson at your home. 76o. Tsbor 7206 rwRS TO ORDER, remodeling, cleaning, upstairt prises. The Fur Shop, 606 Swetland bldg. By George McManus FOB SALE FARMS 17 AT SACRIFICE PRICE 80 acres. 60 acres in mlllntlns KiUnr. seeded to grass, young orchard, good 8 room honsa, yoot cellar, etc.; aU fenced, 2 miles of town and 2 railroads. There are now 43 acres of good alfalfa and 5 acres of wheat on the i'lace. Tine place Will produce not less than 12000 of crop tbia year. We can sell this now or only $5000, $2150 cash, balance In seven yearly payments. This is an unusual ranch bargain - don't overlook it. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 0$ Oak St Broadway 4138. . COUNTRY HOME 10 ACRES An fenced and in cultivation, very choice soil, planted to 9-year-old apple , and eherrv trees ; Itt miles to good town and R. R. Th fruit from this orchard this year should almost psy for tha place. Price only $1100; $400 east), balance good terms. Investigate this at once, , RKIJABLK INVESTMENT CO., 809 Oak St. Broadway 41SS. 200-ACRE FARM - I got this farm under foreclosure of a mort gage, the time of redemption having expired. I am entitled to a deed any day I call for it. See Biy friend at 610 C. of C. bldg.; ha ran tell you all particulars. B. Flynn, Anlauf, Or. 75 ACRES. Linn county, all in culUrat ion . good improvement, near school, station, rural route, only $4800. A snap. Bos 92, Uohlen dale. Wash. - FOR REWT FARMS II 1 00 ACRES, mostly pasture, bouse, barn ; on hard road. River Ry. station, near Portland. Suitable for small dairy or stock. Owner, Parker. 422 tt Washington. 20 ACRES, V-lose in, 4h t, elecric 8&TEast 10th st North. FARMS WANTED RK XT OR HTJY $ FARMS FARMS FARMS WE SELL THEM ANY SIZE. ANY PRICE WE ARE ALWAYS IN NEED OP MOTt! FARMS TO SELL. OUR LISTINGS AUK LA RUM BUT NOT LARGE ENOUGH, IF TOI' WANT TO SELL OH TBADF) YOUR ACREAGE. RANCH, A FARM, TFLL 18 ABOUT IT. WE WILL DO THB REST. , COME IN AND 8F.M US, BUSINESS SERVICE. 817 nenry bids.. Main 6797. WANTED To rent with privilege to buy, a small suburban acreage, from 2tt to 10 acres : soma improvements. U-4, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 A SAC1UF1CE" v 40 acres homestead rsllnqulshmsnt 88 miloe from Portland, level hind, best ef soil, elnse to neighbors; roads and sawmill, good bunch ef timber. Price $160 cash if sold soon. 014 Chamber ef Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON 4c. McHARDT, . WANT HOMESTEAD RElInOTJISHMENT' - Givs full details, prlc and location In first letter. H 67. Journal. f TIMB KB f 6 ELI. or trade Umberhvad'or Umber only, on ryl .near river, 8 miles from Portland; cheap. Parker. 422 tt Washington. EXCHATTOE REATj ESTATE 84 Foil BALK or exchanga for acreage or larger place farther eat. 200 acrea equipped, al falfa tock ranch; 70 acre in cultivation, free water right and outrange located five mile north of Cambridge, Idaho; 8 bones, 8 cows, fl calves, 1 sow. 10 pigs, all machinery and household' goods? price $8600. 709 Alleghany street, Portlsnd. IWURBArr-lTOMlS'lrdU iiif rTMioTEOTr 1 tt acres, half cleared, roses, lawn, berries, gsrsgs, paved road, attractive house of eement plaster;' doubly constructed, all bnlit-ins, three bedrooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, with tile mantle, furnace, gaa, telephone and cement baa ment. Abstract to date. Owner, Tabor 8 55, WANTKDTo trade ST room modern houe, large kit, Sellwood district, lor larger bnus on east side. 1 will assume or pay difference in cash. Givs price and street number in snwta, r-1 6, Jmirnsl. , 6 ACRES for sal or trade en Red ear 4 th st line 2 blocks frfxn depot, 40 minutaa' rid front Washington st i also 2 loU la Capitol bill; will exchange for suburban horn. U-423, Jour nal. - . 11 ACRES, near llilisboro, ail under cultiva tion, for lota. In a district with street Im provement in, and good locality; will give good deal for lots suitable to erect residences on. F. I.. BLANCHARD, 819-620 Railway Ex. blrt. FOR SALE or trsde, Imncan's opera liuuse lot ,n ,h WHUmetta valley; building 60g 108, on. lstst in main part of city. Addrese TV B. Ittnean, Newbergi T. O. Duiwan, 3f K ICth t, portlsnd. Or. Fl V E-ronmhungsiow, firenlsce, city wster, fire lot in West Linn. Will tak let model 6-pewenget ear in good condition team, wagon, implements or what you hav. Price $2500. Owner. 118 East Ash, Bast 484. 10fCJ" ifalra.rofted at White Bluffs" V"-. . rrW 81600; $700 down. Will take good light roadster or late model Ford as part payment AX-367. Journal lLL trad 8 room modern bungalow In Salejn, alue $1600, as first payment on 6 or 7 room hemse Jn city. Address 670 Depauw. FOR ALB OR-E XCHA NG E Medera 7 -room -.- boose, for ranch near Vancouver, Charles piianiv, axe vy. a oui st, Vsncouver, Wash. j voom bnnfrw for from 1 to 6 wnrmm. wzn K. BU ft 00 PROPERTIES toMlPaBd ta A 1 nhkCu, Send for say list Bos 876. Sales. Or. Professional anrl Business , Dir trtorr WAIL SDVERTI6IW8) grsphlng, mimeographing. 622. orrios supplies iU2BRP 8TATIOKKRY A PAINTING" ('(T", "Better Service." 851 Osk st Bdwy 8a JgAjNTIWO. TIWTIWO, fAPtRHA WBIWa H. CLIFTON, painting, tinting, papering. 16 W. 17th st Broadway 4414. Woodlawn 81 2 - PATgajT irrntv GOLDBERG. 820 WoreesuTTTdg.' ' 2 6 2 57 . PHV8IO,Af48 Lit b. a, pniLLips7Sdway"ldg;''fcL. "t'tn- naeh. bowel, lting, liver, kid- b.ila"r, r"ntL nUUc.. female dlsor- mmm sliecxlOUS. High blOOd pressure. 8TB r i na-cm munr WE, are equipidwith JnaneaToiToTgTa plastering, eeiaent - and kalsomininas wt twn155fi46.4 - li0 . PR,WT,WO, EWORAVIwa. BMe,N4 NT NG - W, BAL'itS A CO.. 14 lit I I I1U and Osk sts. M. 165 A.tiiix 500 liberty Prlntery, 266 tt Alder SALTED ARO SMOKED PI9H ALASKA HE It KING A IMPORTING Col' dtsT tnbuton of tailed and tmoksd fiab. UU TmhiU st. Portland. Or. 8HINQLE8 . SOU1H PORTLAND 8HINGLK tft." Mstiorscttlrers of all grade of Red Cedar Bbingls 1869 Macadam t Phone Main 8218. TRAW8FER A WD STORAAR OREGOiTTTOSFlT Established 1870 Transfer and Forwarding Agent STORAGE FREE TRACKAGB Olfice and Storage 474 I8th and Glisaa. Breedway 1281, A. 1169 iiOODS SPECUL1ST Storage, packing, ship ping and moving. Horse and auto vans. Spe elal fsts to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 2d and Pine. Broadway B96. A-1998. GORDON Fiano and Furniture klnvtne. Packing and Crsuig for shipping. i a. mx in sl, comer trench. Office Plu Bdwy. 1024; re,, aMwy. 1676. STORAGE ANDTRANSFER . CLAY S, MORSE, INC .428 FLANDERS ST. WillametteValley Transfer Co - General Transfer and Forwarding A ! TRACKAGE, STORAGE AND TRANSFER. 280 ASH ST. BROADWAY 464; PACKIN'i- -MOV1NU STORAGE . KECUIilTY STORAGE A TBINSIfcK CO 106 Psrk St Mam I5i A-105L Fireproof STDRAfJir C IC OLSON TRANSFER CO. 84$ I'lM FOB- SALE FARMS