4 - - - - ' . . - : . ' - ....... - - , 14 J . I Lll : THE ORGQN' DAILY rjPURNALf PORTLAND, MONDAY, MAY 12, " 19 IS. ' . ' ' i ' . ... -HFli WATCTED -FEMALE - 9 i - . . rnR RVTnnrnFn' f dp at. vm-rMT-m S . f - T . . dvat ranira - I .-. . -. t T '. " .. t " , , , . . : ! 1 Tw-7fnViiHRT7 - V:. r ' Vr : r , keai btitb I - REAL ESTATE f - ICBTO WOMEs To Wrn WMTtnc. Prafav- pw uom DTtai aM rortUml Wooln WEAVER ft K ZFCRtlHOZD, STEADY WOIK. GOOD WAGES. PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS. WANTED A woman who nndantaads amoloT' tnnt work aod who to trpait. - Qir r(er vimm, t, wlanr wanted and general mora 4ion. P-17. Jmirnal. HELP WAHTrD MALE AKD FEMALE t r . ' MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays ywu white learninc; gtraa m act o tools; rantiona aacund. Write for eaUlorua. 284 ItmM at, or photta Bmadway 178t. MEN, WOMEN. learn Barber trade; wacea wfttle learntnc; position naranted Mfr. 22 Teara ' experience, Oregon Baiber Collete. 288 Madtooa. 1 PORTLAND BARBER COU-ECB teachea trade 2 , , in 8 weeka; par while learning: poeition rar- ' anteed. 284 Cwieh at. , . . t glTPATIOHB MALE ROOF ATTENTION. If your roof leaka at n.fntin hefora the abinclea are warped ' and cheeked with tbe hot rammer ran. nat call on the Economy oof melon, toe oea naint put on. 1 cent per loot. rout. ir UxtVi WORK "Window cteaninc wanted, la etotiei, and ' rrirate home. Beet reierences furniahed. Let me aire you an eiUmate. - H , jonrnai. ' " I WILL paint or enamel your old lawn mower v i,b r,wm n no brine to me with tl. Fred Spear. 66U t. 67th at. 8.' E. near Naaareoa , church. ia .inl A-l farmer, drive any team and tractor, repair tractors and taa j engines; will p on a steady place mr ov, roam and. board. 11-817. Journal l aT'TO mechanic. 2 years experience, wanta a place in first-claaa shop to finish trade. H- 880. Journal. . ; DISCHARGED soldier wanU clerical position. general office work, typewriting, etc.; 1 yra. exiierience. fine penman, neat. S-233. Journal. GET your carpenter work and repairing done by a nil that know how and la reasonable. 8-221. Journal. VACfJUM cleaner for rent. 81 per fay. Dehr ered reasonable distance. Central Transfer A Storage Co.. 272 4th st. Main 7878. B. A. ANDERSON, plowing end harresting. E. 7720. Call from io iw p. m. CALCIMININU. psinttTig and h roof psint inr; clean, nest work. Call 811 wood 2810. PtOrS reshingled, a specialty. I'hone H esc hen. Manhsll 7l. NOW is the time to spray your t! for good Irnlt. Jau Mam una. RCGS racuum clesned In your homes. Can . Tsbor Z0" CAHPENTEB will build your house of do joax eerwJr work reasonable. Tabor 7194. PAINTING, psperhanging and kslsominini i by ex- nerteneed workman. Phrae Tsbor 4950. PAPERHANGER, Tinter and . work: references. Phone Esst 8183. EASTERN painter and decorator, day or eon- ' tract. 1'lione East 7988. (iARl)F.XEa Sellwood 2049. FTflAVATING work done! Call East 4784. ' lOWING and hsrrowfng. Call Tabor 8727. SITUATIONS FEMALE ELDERLY lady wishes position as helper in housework; Alberta district preferred. Wood lawn 2160T . . T0tJNGlady wants poslUon filing assistant office or mailing dept. Tabor 258. LACK curtains hand laundered, called for, by expert. Jgast 6106. " ANTED Day wnrk Wdln. 6182. TIRE88MAKING 48 r.RKSKNf AKINO in. all its branches. Orders completed at short notice. Ret city refer "enees. Call Main 4 574 for sppointment. PI A IN sewing done st reasonable price at my home. 142 E. 87th N. Phone Tabor B34v NURSES 68 "rrtrrjnrvr-irn nnru. best of references. Will take patient in my home. Maternity cases preferred. Kveryuung inrnisneu rruur.. E-8668. FURNISHED ROOMS .mrur PERKINS HVTTKL. wte.k WuhlnitnB Atreeta. Right in center of Portland's activitlea. te .how wn our accommodations. Bates 88 Per week UP. Hart Ants, and Laurel Hotel Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and leep ing rooms. 32.80 and up. Second and Yamhill. HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH 81 a day up. Free tub and shower bath. 82. Bo AND UP.inl keeping rooms, by week or month. 293 I'nion avenue. ONE small furnished room in private fjmUy. very close in. .82.75 per week. Main 6878. ttm-KT. SAHCKNT. Hawtliorne and Grand. Starting point special car for Vancouver. FURBISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY A NICE sleeping room In a strictly private family, all modern conveniences: gentleman preferred. East 4897. 534 E. Oak st. 82.80 PEK WEEK, furnished housekeeping. 2 room suites: all outaiae - nran . i""" 480 H Belmont, cor. 0th. VERY1 desirable room, suitable for two; large ' closets: communicating wun oam- i eiepnouo. 628 Everett and Trinity. Phone Main 4574 NICELY furnished room for lady, with privilege of doing own cooking; 310 per month. SeU- wood 8059. FITRNISHED room to rent, with bath. Call at 948 Divilon; iticnmonq car. WELL furnished room, walking distance, bath and phone. East 4007. 331 Hassaloat. T5VINGTON Modern room, breakfast, 14 block I or B car: vacant June 1. East 419. FURNISHED room for rent Call Broai way 1875 FVRNISHED room for rent. 826 Benton st. ROOMS AND BOARD IS THE HAZEL "Not like the others." comfort; home cooking. 8B 8d st. Every 1KB MARTHA WASHINGTON, 880 10th. for bustnem girls and students. Marshall 1251. BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY. 7t MOTHERLY ladv wishes children to board. Main 1148. 481 Taylor t. ELEGANT rooms, also breakfast. Phone Mar- shall 5188. : GOOD room and board for two: nice single room. "... Also have garage. 454 E. Conch, cor. E. 8th. ROOM and' board, 2 young men: home privi leges. 428 H Mill st, Marshall 2515. ROOM and. board for woman employed, wood 1984. SCI SeU- SOARD and room. 1 block from Vancouver ears. Phone Esst 8386. WANTED BOOMS AND BOARD 89 WORKING lady wants place for little boy to stay ' during . day time while mother works, place to be near 15th t. N. and Ainsworth. Phone Woodlawn 6805. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AND .UNFURNISHED $16 PER month, well furnished 2 H. K. rooms. bath, light and place to wash: no objections to children; also bachelor quarters, $10 per month, outside rooms. 293 H Union atenue. 3 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, must be seen to be appreciated. Bent only $20. Adults only. - Apply at grocery. 374 11th st. TWO housekeeping, rooms completely furnished, 1 Bleeping room, 1 12x14 housekeeping tent. 828 Main at, . - ONE large front corner, completely furnished housekeeping . room, reasonable; close in i Bnahmark, 863 Washington. TWO nice single rooms hot water for hatha and laundry 686 Fkandera. H. C and sleeping room. 310 per rionth. walk mg omiaec. un bibs. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, dsle st. - 141 Lowna- HOUSEKEEPING rooms, very reasonable. 850 Couch st. ,block - off 1 6th and Washington. FURNISHED-H.- K. rooms. East Side, near Broadway bridge. Phone Eat 8386. - , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - 7 FTJBXISHET AND UNFUBNISHKD - PRIVATE FAMILY WOMAN alone, will rent L. H. K. room to emp, woman, reasonable; gas. bath, homelike, clean. 626 Jefferson. :. i ' : , THREE nice, clean rooms, furnished for honse r keeping;, all outside rooms, near car. 762 Albtna ave. - Woodlawn 8888. ONE small attic sleeping room: also - house- keeping , room on second floor. 682- i: Flanders. " FOR RENT. 1 housekeeping room, $3.50. suit- able for husband and wife; use of laundry. 221 13th. cor. Salmon. - HOUSEKEEPTN.- rooms reasonable to right parties. , Inquire publie stenographer. 21 Bus 1 bldg , 4th and Morrison. - sell HVO furnished housekeeping rooms. - Stark t. ; ' . 640 East TWO - fumixheoi " housekeeping rooms, conven iences. Phone Esst 324. 574 E. Couch st 3 NEAT furnuhed housekeeping rooms. Johnson. 693 FOR RENT OR SALE TERMS. Modern hooae, 10 rooaa and bath. Pine lawn, garden. . and fruit, i Facea two improved atreeta. -Let 84x100, two block from Union arenue near- Irrington.1 Phone, in bouoee noura. uroadway 7. 4 BOOM houee. 80x800, fruit and berrlee; tong jeaae; good chicken tens; VIO mo. Stanley station. Main 7927. WHEN YOU MOVE, CSE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRlil LIGHT SERVICE Tenth and Washington. ' Broadway 580 4-ROOM houaa for rent. 1 with garden. wood 1188. -.-. .Sell FOB RENT 8 room hooae. fruit, flowers and garaen apace. Tabor SS43. 6-ROOM house for rent, on West Side, haa no oatn or Hints. Inquire 7SB Reed st. BOOM house. 892 Grand are. N., near Broad way, 822.80. Woodlawn 4746. WEST 8IDE; 6 ROOMS. GOOD CONDITION. 8 room house. 5 minute walk to Portlan hotel. Phone East 2820. BOUSES FOB REIfT FCBNITL'KK FOB SALE nt FURNITURE for sale, 1215. House for rent 6 rooms. 820 ner month. Clnae in. Phniu 1 soor 4S7. FUBNI8HEP HOUSES 54 8-ROOM furnished . bonse. $50. second floor. Will rerent rooms en second floor for 860. Large yard and fruit. 888 Grand arenpe north. FURNISHED 2 room hooae, good piako. adulU only. Call Woodlawn 8698 from 9 a, m. to 6. 1076 East 15th N. FURNISHED house for rent. 102 Stanton St.; no small children. APARTMENTS 43 FTTRNT8HE1 AND CyFCK.TlSHEK NICELY furnished front apt., walking distance of business district. Call between ft 30 and 8:30 Monday and Tuesday evening, 700 Flan ders st. BUSHMARK. 865 Washington Completely fur nuhed 2 room apartment, modern, close in reasonable. THE JEFFBY 2 -room furnished apt.. 816: cor. Ruiwell and Kerby, bet. Mississippi and Williams ares. Phone East 1694. MAGNOLIA apartments, furnished single and double housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rnema. Telephone Eart 212. 2 ROOM furnished apt 5 th st. Harrison Court, 304 3 ROOMS, bath and phone. Ms nth. 2282. NEW YORK apts.. E. Belmont and 7th. K 23a. FOR RENT FLATS IS PLEASANT well furnished 4-room flat, light and garbage for 823. 401 E. 50th st. FURNISHED FLATS 86 FURNITURE for sale and 6 room flat for rent! completely furnished. 248(4 ft.A. Main 8000. 620 FOUK room furnished lower flat. 642 E. 27th. ruenmona car to 27th. 1 block smith. WOTFla 84 rvo. haiis 8 room hotel In Cnlver. Oregon; on Dallas-California hiehwsv will .v. ' or Portland property in trade. Call Tabor 665 or write George H. Osborn, Culver. Oreson HOTEL in good town, close to Portland; all iuiohom; rmi cneap. ueorge Morse, 309 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED TO RENT WE WANT TO RENT : , 8 room up-to-date dwelling in select neighbor hood. Also honsea. fists tnit have any vacancies, phone Heave Together, car AT once, on Broadway, Irvington or depot and Morruon carlines, modem bungalow or apart- i' v- -rx x OA.. TWO adults want to rent 2 to 4 room unfur .h"B!;L,M?, ;-0 Answer, giving price BY June 1, furnished cottage or housekeeping rooms by couple employed; no children: near ", 'i-on, jtHiiTiai nawtnorne; permanent. Y-5, Journal. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 15 IYI 'TP XT T Warehotua. South Pnrti. brick, strongly builtL two rnri . n . . Bet income more than 12 per cent of price. Se . w. 1UUUU11 BOO Journal bldg. Main 4968. A-6081 BARGAIN Quarter block Bear business center ,"w"'r ,7!! sacrifice. Inquire J. J. Johnson, 314 Spalding bldg. i TO LElKK si 7-ROOM house to lease- Call tomorrow. Tabor 7-ROOM house to "car tomorrow. Tabor 5913. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 EAST 26TH STREET. 6-room modern house. $2500. terms. Worth easily S3 Ron HERMAN MOELLER, 102S Gaaco bldg. Main 14S0. A EEJs?.'RMl ?,TPO- PORCH, HOLLA DAY, COLON'L, IN ROSE CITY PK.; PRICE $5600; EASY TERMS. SCHAEFER, BOTT 0167. EAST 6TH AND BEECH STREETS ' . $2000 6-room cottage, 60x100 lot. Small payment down, balance like rent. HERMAN MOELLER. 1025 Gasco bldg. Main 1480 $2100 VACANT ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Modern 5-room bungalow, well built, gaa, elec, tricity, bath, etc, full cement basement, large floored attic, nice full lot. 8400 cash, $25 per month including fait. 6 per cent. Tabor 6559. BARGAINS in real estate in Brentwood and other parts of the city. I have at present one grccery with email stock, store 14x22, large bouse back, 40x100 lot, S. E., Mt Scott car 10 blocks. Fied Spear. Tabor 8887 $2400 By owner. In Hawthorne district, 6 room modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, ivory enamel finish, garage, sleeping porch; garden in, $500 cash. 1151 E. Lincoln st. ST. JOHNS Save money by living a little farther out, but in nice surroundings. See my new 5. r. bunga low on Leonard St.. first street north of Lombard, near Buchanan. Call at 1010 Leonard. ATTRACTIVE 5 room bungalow, screehedn porch, fireplace, built-ins, attic, chicken house could be used for garage; roses and vines, close ? M0"1118 o; terms. Call after 5 p. m. Tabor 9290. WHY NOT BUILD T ,a1, ,rti-,,Je home by an established archi tectural firm -at tow cost We build anything; furnish the money if desired. L R. Bailey C Inc.. contracting architects. 924 N W Bank Yhi?EJT5 room?, 10 Waverleigh Hta.. 1 block to W-8 car. 2 blocks to oahool; Improve mertt ill In: near 8. P. shops; $2750; some Es'h Apply 851 E- K"U t. near " . ' . Toom cottage, imtch kitchen, bath, i ....... . - i 2 sleeping rooms, attic, small : 40x125; terms. Owner, Sell. 2204. Also 6 room bungalow. S26S0 GOOD 7 room house. 3 lots. barr and chicken roc; $800 down. Will take i00 in trade: balance the same as rent. Call -mornings and evenings. 527 68th S. E. Tabor-7381 FOR SALE 4 room shack, nice lot, fruit and .berries; all improvements in; on carline; terms to suit. Tabor 1463. J. F. Waite. 1485 E Glisan. ONLY $2350, TERMS & room house.' hi block from W. S. car oa East 33d at. and Gladstone ave. A bargain. See owner at 611 Mulberry at. East 1096. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW For sale by owner at a bargain, a lovely 8 room bungalow, beautiful yard and flowers. -fot lea than cost. Can see this at 327 E. 33d rt. 4.1Tne,V tncllT modern 5 room bungalow 6i1i,?t7a. 'odern 7-room house.' AZ med district. Price 82600; worth $4000. J. D. Kennedy. 829 Salmrn. Nj.W. 4 r?"m modern bungalow. 81600; 8 00 Knifes rt ho mhom?T-?N-Vm delightful 7-room .,homeata argain. Eaat 2838. Eastsis40" 5""0m lwt a 'bargain: BMAhOth tod PoweU-Talle, road! T ROOM house for sale by owner. 1088 fu. land ave. MHim iia . ' iwso Cleve- ROOM home, strictly modern, hardwood rw, furnace, fireplace, Ounn ivS,: t)TTAtjE 4 rooms and bath 1 t.iC," -William J. Hvlsnd. AO E7th It&Ss? I0-ROOM house near E. 12thdSiF Inauire at 602 KiHot. .JL Sv?!'? H'Thorna: : -w - - wn soot. Inquire at 692 EiHott ave. Phone liT-P I'OR SALE elieau, new modern a ranm EOOil house for salg, 32Bto"jrtr"" " I . M K HAI.K HllliHKN 1 I ITIIK HI LV.Hni : m t n T n ' ' I . . n . r I FOB SALE HOUSES WHAT is your answer? Now or never f Pay ing rent to the landlord and renaming for ever homeless, or pay the' rent to yourself and own a home of your own f - Why not hare the satisfaction of living in a new home and get exactly what yon want? We are offering very choice Iota in Walnut Park, Portland s first class restricted residence district, at pncea very at tractive 60il00 lots with a Hers, pared atreeta paid for, beet ear service. Jefferson high school, library, in fact everything desirable for- a bowse . Yon will like Walnut Park. You will make no mistake by . investigating Walnut Park before buying elsewhere. . Other are- building- in Walnut Park, why not youf Financial s wrists nee If desired. Call today. Open Sunday, and evenings by appointment. Office 1149 Union ave. N.. Woodlawn 8804. J W.' M. KILLINGSWORTH. Owner. THE EVENINGS ABB LONG -Let ' as take you out some evening - after work and show yea some real home bargains. We axe open every evening. "THE McGCIRE SYSTEM" makes ft easy to find the home you are looking for. Over 600 photographs of homes that we are offering for sale are arranged in their re spective districts in one display room. I have personally inspected and appraised every bouse. Every property we offer is a good value. Come in any evening and we'll drive out and look at a lew or the best out of 600 bomea. ur XECESSABY. I'LL HELP YOU MAKE lOUit FIRST PAYMENT. See FRANK L. McGt'IRE To Bui Your Rn. Abington Bldg. Main 1068; Main 5156 BIG SACRIFICE IRVINGTON HOME How tvn!d You Pass This CpT WIDOW MUST SELI HER HOME Worth 5(100. Sell for 38900 81300 CSrfkh and ajllm mnrtjn-. Loan value on this It xftoftn ri.n irith firs- place, lerss livim. room- dininir mom hMinMl psneled, maesive buffet, hardwood floors, . fur nace. 3 bedrooms and Bleeping porch. You'll never beat this. CLEVELAND RATtR TTrvTVirijal-iV 212' Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 6752. OVERLOOK 33800 TERMS . w HEBE IS A BARGAIN Modern 6 room bnmralow imnmtMl mirmM cement basement, hot air furnace, hardwood noors. au ouilt-m rmtures. A wnnIW nl hire oianuey s. THOMPSON CO. 302 Oak Open evenings. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3000 Five room modern bungalow, near Hawthorne car, hardwood floors, fireplace, leaded glass bookcases and buffet, builtin kitchen, linen closet, extra nice electric fixtures. Rooms all good sued; good sued basement with concrete floor -mc lot- Priced low, 81000 cash, balance 5 J?ii.tormvBUk.e.ll-RltT Co- 109 ten Bank bids'. Tebor 8583. day and evening. K VinDIVUi tnf T 84000 TERMS A BARGAIN INVE8TTGA TV. 6 room modern story and half bungalow twiioM? """" ,na fooi room cottage, all STANLEY' S. THOMPSON CO. 802 Oak Open evenings. WALKING distance to Bniadway bridge, nesr Mississippi ave., 6 room house, basement, gas electricity, fine corner, 100x00. room - for 2 ;i.cre houses. carline. hard-surface street; erry, pear, apricot and prune trees; same ten snt 2 years at $20 per month, 46 Shaver t .o"k leaT'n eit; sacrifice $2500. furnished $2650. Owner, 505 E 27th N Piione Eaut 4663 $2800- A RIG SNAP 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, lull cement basement, close to car n-ii . ..-SKE T,,IS Ol'W-'K i. offlpe. K. 39th and Glisan sts or Phl"e Tabor 34-t8 or evenings. East 20R $1500 Peninsula Park , , r,ct 4 roon double constructed house, fine hsth mmnu. rw..u . . - - , . ......... .v. . . 1. ii .mi iitrri . omit- ; n"l.,bUiffhJ.'3h.tl' ..W?er' ..cemt basement, StllOO- . Uesley Ureen school, only - - - , -iaiiii.?. Open Evenings. GLO MOORE CO. 1QQ7 Teon bldg. 2hi? np"' 4 room bunnalow. with Jrfwo(K4 floors, built-in buffet. bookca.es s nd td, full basement, large attic and porches, on comer 50x50. 1 block from M.baUC829.$1000 CaSh' bajince PhoSS F. T. RT.tvrnipn 619-20 Railway Eichange' bldg Irvington District $3575 Amc',U1und,r7 trays, street improvements paid. A good location and splendid buy for the money. GEO. T. MOORE CO. - -ITU f wnings. 1007 Teon bldg. 5-Room Housp! 6 interest $ C'Sh' 115 month nd WILLIAMS REALTY CO., Grays Crossing. i934 OWN YOUR HOME .,JL ""'H"1.8' weD boJlt nd modern in fj ,"!pect- FnU "ment hasement, good heat ing plant, north alope of Mt Tabor. Price rea onable. terms to suit See . R. W. HAGOOD 800 Tonrnai bldg. Main 4958. A-6051 $2100 Columbia Park 9J100. Well worth the money. Open Everiintrs. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon blrt. $1600 AI.RrBTi maToi. 7 rooms. Welt MnLl m.tl jH a . . . . lntm f .; , : - ,u auou conoiuon, lots of fruit and shrubbery, gas. electricity and KTi'"1-.2--8 from A1"erta car. A - -- - a v ej a t y v . ... J. G. GL'STAFF, 410 Henry bldg. Main 7248 Tr L'O c ci . r -; ' . 0 our cnance, buy from owner: 8 en? ftoVfon , ?C,7 tray"' cement base- ent. 80xI0O lot. fruit, berries. erri.. f sidewalk. Mf .u ,I . . . . : . ".raea Bail, ii" i. . ri UH lion, cor. . "vmb A sa.tjrjr XV . V. 1bafAKIFlc"Er-icnt' 6 n,c : DaXZL. fUll Ofs.vmt Kasassswiu aa car 'SZJTU rS7(i7, Ha1f"Xb ec" cr. .Owner. Main i4a 1377. ' WMUVHI.U AUellU oTxrvTrn ZTiti rrn : . sleenirur norch f7,w " "e moaern o room house with dnnhl c.. ""'urniBnea Mas . I . I . . . . ..... , i r i in,. :r: - mb.bbc n, im, nuTan.. -r-. me unauer modern lunnw nr . payment. Kn-ct liin m " vri. LAUKELHURST Dandy mofi.rr, a r, h -- galow. 84100. terms H.l a . ." ;ry..b"rlo hardwood floors builtinT 4th It you- Hitchcock. 80 TWO room house, full lot. ,800. ? ,B nouse, cor. lot, $1100 Eight room modern Km,.. j. . surroundings, $4500. ' "VLMCK, mce Wr-STENGARD. 312 Wi,nw.,'),, $50 Down, $10 Monthly Buys 3 rnrvm ali.V wte.i. . i . . J PHAPER MA R8TERS. 20 1 Wi7. $2fvJS2- bo,e. 3 lot,": ,ri, cnicten honu. i vn. near I niu.i . : view: $30rt "ine; beautiful : . Mar-Oiall 2681. s&-v. a i.:w RKATTTTInf. rttv' a ....T . -- , eiriu. earrSSd.2 9. fl ZEJ??. lot: ?od ' house semi- BY OWNER MnJ. a . . -- . . lot. ., , " 7 uouse, ouxioo 1 tot. east front, large garage, paved street, a I ta, "OkN ifi.Jroom no,J"" od 6 Iot on 8t. John carline ,Jr sale heap or trade for cs r H 5 "t T t' tHera S- owe?';tHe6l E -atn st- S.. or call Sellwoorf tit - P 05O- BLOCKS R. C. PARK CAR Terms. Tabor 6559. 5"B,.H cott'. fruit, steel 26th st: r;i . P"-. : car in . Call Fearl O'NeiH, 38. "tfofe B-'IKI IUI1VT ".a" X . $1900; $caAh,nV20 pS motSS b.teret. ' WoodtowrTkefl Tft """f1 including TATt?TV at . " " $i500 Laurelhun, Imm. . - . 840AA -";r-.'7 'oeeciosed on offer, cash ortS' Tiau'Si nimrtTea Main 2002 or U'dl. a f7 T ; Phone $2750. $500 or $1000 cash, bungalow wtih GOOD 2 room shack for sale cheap," for garage or KllituK). hundred 1W ,,,"7'.,,'': "1 ... .... , , 0 xjrraoeo st. RY mwrn Furnished bnngalow. S ruoma; bargata for scmeuae, Woodiaws) rgam tat 81675 will buy a 4-room modern bungalow. Just being built in Piedmont district. Lot 88x 109; street improvements ' paid for.: Terms, eevv uuwu; oaianee easy payments. K . 84200 8-room modern hooae With full base men hhi garage, all built-in conveniences. Terms, 82000 cash and' balance on easy terms. 8 000 Here's dandy: 6-room modem in oun unncL pavea r street. Beautiful lawn. 8750 cash will .Jtandle. , j...,, , -' These are lust few of them. We have Bstinga covering an parts of the city. Before Buying -aee us. . BUSINESS SERVICE S17 Henry bldg. Mala 6797 SIX ROOM BUNGALOW ' NORTHWEST COR. E. 4 1ST ST. , ! AND E. MADISON ST. j A large, roomy bouse, located en corner, with fine garage. Streets all paved. 1 block to Haw thorne ear. Take a look at it. hut do not dis turb occupant. This can be sold on reasonable cash payment and acceptable term for balance. MR. BROWN. ' I Main 1 700 or evenings; , Tabor 69. " ! LAITRELHURST CO.. ' 270 4 .Stark at , ; 7 roon house, 100x100. ........... .82400 f room nouse, moaern .............. 3000 8 room modern bungalow .......... 2000 t room house, modern ...-. .'....... ..1800 5 room modern bungalow 1700 7 room partly finished .............. 1200 3 room house ........ . 750 1 room house, sewer in ............ 700 100x100 with large barn... 1400 Suitable for garage, on paved street. IDA It. COOPER, 1765 Derby at., Kenton. i FOR SALE 6-room cottage, lot 54x100; gas electric lights, bath; close to Franklin High school. Price 61750; 8SOO cash, balance 820 per month. 5-room bungalow, corner lot, close to Anabel; a fine home. Price 32800; 8500 cash, bal ance 823 per month. F. I. MITCHELTREH j Office at Anabel. Open Sundays, i-none laoor zio. FOR SALE BY OWNER New 6 room bungalow, sleeping porch and breakfast alcove on first floor; large attic, full cement basement, full lot, window shades and electric fixtures: one of the most modern bun galows in Portland, at 905 E. 21st. N Irving ton, or Broadway car; owner on premises from 1:30 to 7 p. m. Sunday; price $3850; on terms; discount for cash. Call Woodlawn 2653 after 6 p. m. for appointment. . ROSE CITY PARK 83500 TERMS Modern 6 room house, fan Mnume ment, furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, built-ins. paved street, close to Fernwood school. See this home. It's a good value. STANLEY Sv THOMPSON CO. 302 Oak. Open Evenings, FOR SALE AT A -BARGAIN 'BOO o room bungalow, batb and toilet with built-in effects; basement combination, electric light and gaa fixtures: full at tic floored; sidewalks in, cement walks in around house; in good location, 2 blocks from Firland station. See LAUER m WINTERS. 5018 72d at. S.'E. . Phone Tabor 0142. ? ASH takes 4 room house and 40x100 lot; $100 buys a 3 room house, yard fenced barn fruit. 10 blocks to car. $800 balance, $10 or J15 per month, 6 per cent: $S0Q. 5 room Z story house. 40x100 lot, $100 cash and $10 or $15 per month. I have at the present time aso'Si 1 hard"nrface street from $450 cash to $8000 haK eash. Fred Spear. 65th ave. and 67th st. Tabor 5887. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Modern bungnlow at 1031 E. Lincoln. 4 rooms and bath, cement basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, newly tinted throughout, cherry trees, vacant. 32150. t-rms. Owner.; Tabor 40117 SI'BURRAV nnMir lji acres close in. part cleared; roses, lawn, berries: garage; on paved road: attractive hnnu " "ment Piaster, doubly constructed, all builtins. . . , , . . --- -. " . .... ui, "2S UJSS"- " men heeement. Ab- - ... .MTjiinK porca; xirepiace wita tile street to date. Tabor 855. i A HOME FOR ONLY , $3200. TERMS Good -5 room house, electric, gas. good bath, concrete basement ,- cherries, apples, pears, grapes and small fruit in i abundance: 3 full w",i eMt front- clr view. 2 blocks from " uiMmraoa i ana crancu avea. mi JiuiDerry st. Phone East 1096. ROSE CITY PAloT niiiiiriiD One of the most artistic and attractive homes In this desirable district: 6 Urge rooms, finished in ivory enamel, sleeping porch, cement base enti ?"?. hardwood floor, swell buffet. Dutch kitchen; in fact, modern in every detail. Owner. Tabor 6569. $1500 North Mt. Tabor 6 rooms 50x100 lot, 5 bearing fruit trees, garage, chicken house, etc.. S blocks to ear Terms, Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon bldg. $2750 6 room house and full lot, 8 blocks from St. Johns car; a good home, reasonable wrm"- wner' 314 Spalding bldg. Telephone Main oo52. 83700 FOR a modern 5 room bungalow with garage; a fine location. 1 block from Haw thorne car on E. 30th; 81200 cash. bai. terms . handles. Paved streets; investigate. Phone Marshall 829. Call C W BIskMlav F. L. BLANCHARD, 519-20 Ry. Ex. blS. IXICTORS r.x5E;NI)iD-. J -BOOM HOME SANITARIUM, iJYlg . ITION ; HOT. ANI COLD . "iVt. i'iai'f.AHr, CLOSE OARS. TWO SLEEPING POROH8S jhst JUST ri r. r.n i lfll.ti. EAST 278 FOB SALE OR RENT Trnu ! Modern house, 10 rooms and bath Fine lawn, garden and fruit. " Faces two improved streets. Lot 84x100. two block from I'-iS avenue near Irvington. Phone, in business hours. Broadway 679. $4400 for a fine 6 room bungalow with hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet. Very attractive. On corner 63x70. Pared streets, in fine district. 1 block from car. F. L. BLANCHABD, ' 519-20 Railway Exchange. $2650 $600 cash. Urge.: 7 rooms, bath and halls (bsth has no plumbing), S lots run ning from 67th to 68th at., large barn and op portunity to buy on either aide vacant Iota, 4 blocks to car, 4 to school, Millard are., Mt. Scott station. Fred Spear. Tabor 5887. $3300 for a 5 room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, paved streets, fine lot. $1000 cash, balance terms. This is a fine tuy. F. L. BLANCHARD. 510 Railway Exchange bldg. - FOR SALE By owner. rm. cottage, large : attic, modern, fruit, close to two carline, S3000. Woodlawn 2926. , FOR SALK-tOTS ts LOTS SNAP IN"CrrY LOTS Close in. ' Right at east side of Laurelfaurst good lots for $400. small payment down, bal ance easy monthly payments. There will soon be a big demand for close-in lota and you will double your money perhaps in less, than one year on these; They are handy to car, school, and all modern conveniences. Hurry. ' Only a few left at this price. Ef W. Hughes, 807 Journal bldg. Phone Main 2858. WHY PAY more for lota 6 or 8 miles out Sightly acres, 4 aerea, acres. $10 down, $1 week. Water. No gravel. 2 'tracts with mall houses. Alberta car, Kennedy school. Gary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. BUY city acre instead of lot; city conveniences. Taxes only $12 year. School near. J.i D. Kennedy, 829 Salmon. J t i 50x100 CORNER lot, aithi bearing iruit tree, 2 blocks from car. Write J. M.. Box 477-C, R P. D. 1. Milwaukie. Or. i WALNUT PAMK snap; non-resident will sell well located. full-sird lot for 81100, only $300 eash required. Hitchcock. 80 4th at. FOR SALE Two lota on : paved street, B28 Mississippi ave. WILL sacrifice lota 3 and 4, block 1, Gregory Heirhts (Rose City). Broadway 1025. 50x100. restricted district, paved., $475. Must have money. Tabor 2102. ' LOTS Snap; R. C. Park dlst. Tabor 6559. ACREAGE i 87 FOR SALE Splendid 4 M aere tract, edge icily limits, on 52d street, near carline; small house, barn, city water. $5500, with terms. Bee i E. 8. JACKSON. 207 Ry. Exchange bldgi 230 ACRES ia Sherman Co. for sale or trade. $20 an acre, S miles from the railroad. Will take home up to $2000. 1025 25th at.! N. Wdln. 1802. . f I DABNEY PARK For beautiful home site, on Columbia River high way. See us. . Dabaey. Investment Cow room 1, Worcester bldg.. ' ; ' 100 ACRES, part or elL to settle estate, near Garfield. Claekamaas county. Or. ; bargain. , . 3. J. JOHNSON, axeestor. j 314 Spalding bldg. ; m Tel. Main 8652, 240 ACRES logged-off land, rich soil, easy to clear, running ' water," good wheat, . potato and fruit land, $10 per acre. G. C. Sale, Clatakasie. Or.. Bo 117. - - 40 ACRE tracts, rich soil, easy to clear, good po tato and fruit land:, on highway: 8800. '. i. C. Ste. Clarskanle, Or.. Box 117. f ATTRACTIVE acre with new 4 -room, inexpen sive bouse; near car: reasonable for oiuck sale. Main 295. FOR aale or trade, 14 acres, unimproved, V sniie from car. Clarke county. What have you? Main 6997. . BASE LINE road, cVm in, 5 acres or leas; (350 acre. Owner. Eiwy. 4107., A BARGAIN Five acres on Powell Vallwr road. all im high state of cultivation; 8 room hooae, barn, eta fruit and berries, close to car; might consider some trade. - lO acres at Beedville, 8 room house, 8 acres cuinvateo; win sacniice on account eT all I nee 31800, easy terms 404 Ry. Exchange, ACRE. Portland Heights, graded st-. eUv water i , ., .81250 acrw near iira. wim snack., , . . uoo 10 acres Germantowa road. ....... . 1650 2 acres, 4 room huuse, only 2 mile from - city- hmite ....... , i , . . ... . . 10f0 wiMTKXtiABP, 312 Worcester bldg 40 ACRES with creek. $1250. or 40 acres. 8 aoree cleared, with comfortable bouse and out buildings, 32230. All can be easily cleared. No rock, no gravel, 2 miles from station on eonnty road, within 30 mile radius of Portland. E-824. JournaL 8UBUBBAW ACREAGE 78 LOTS AND ACREAGE Dr. Estook, Multnomah, station. - ' ' Main 9410. REAL ESTATB SUBURBAN HOMES 81750 BUYS a new 4 room house, city gas. store house, large chicken hooae. 1 . acres, part young orchard, garden, balance in oats; located t ft minutes out on S. P. Electric, near new, high. wy. Terms. Address - owner, -. 3. B. COUGHRAN . . R. P. D. 4. Beaverton. Or. FOB BENT Neat Multnomah station; two acres good tillable land, with bouse, bars and garage. City water en the place. For par ticulars call Main 9328. . SUBURBAN home, Wichita, close to city limits! $1800. H acre, nearly new 4-room bunga low partly furnished, gas range and light, chick ens, wood, etc. Part cash. Tabor 7439. FOR SALE FABMS 17 WHEAT RANCH NEAR7G0LDEND; WASH. For sale 240 anm. 12 milaa fn n.u... dale; 180 acres under plow; 65 acres fall wheat, 60 acres spring wheat. 60 acres more tillable; So of this easily cleared: now. in nnuavw.)- balance pasture and fuel timber. Small house. two barns, well and spring, art north slope land. Prico includes all crops, estimated at XAOOO- also sow with pigs, and implements. Price un usually low at 832.50 per acre; good terms. Ed ward Abeling, Goldendale. Wash. BACK TO THE T.AVn Since war, people want independent life and to meet this demand we have secured a choice piece oi cutover land, well located, well water. excellent soil, near good town, close to hard- uiiscru rcau. loesi location lor small ferms only $25 ner acre on reunnahl, trm. - ...i.n did chance for several families, forming a col- 01IJ. F. K. STEARNS. 202 Wilcox Building. Corner Sixth and Washington. A SNAP 160 acres of alfalfa land OA -if.i 10 acres ready to seed. 20 acres fine pastors; 4 room house, barn for 20 cows, good well, electric lights In house and barn, on good main ruma. n. r . u. Dy toe aoor. only 8 mile from town : peidup water right for 142 sores, good feedyard; $150 per acre will buy this place; buy now, and get this year's crops; come and see a. jssnes at. njie. Htanllelu, Or. DOUGLAS county farm for sale. Prunes, sheep, turkeys, clover and corn. 265 acres, 100 acres under cultivation. Balance pasture. Wfell wa tered. 11 acres bearing prunes, two-ton dryer; big house . and bamf water piped to all build ings, 3 H miles from R. R. on highway. Will sell with or without stock and crop. $7600 will handle. Balance $7500 easy terms. Long time (no agents) . For particulars write to Geoge L. Steelsmith, Drain, Or. 500-ACRE valley stock and dairy ranch, 7-room house, toilet and bath, hot and cold water, large barn, dairy house, hog house, chicken house, brooder house, blacksmith shop, implement ahed, stock shed, about 70 acres in cultivation. 300 acres slashed and goated for about 14 years, easily cleared, . balance timber. 3 miles from town. Will 111 on easy terms. Might take part trade. M-815, Journal. 703 ACRES, at Dufur. Or.. 350 tillable, 150 good wheat, balance all plowed. Good house, barn, water works and fences. R. R. through place, family orchard. 19 young horses, har ness, harrows, plows, drills, wagons, header, grain boxes, mower, rake. Ford, 26 head cattle, 15 hogs, 17 ewe, all goes for 833,000. Rea sonable terms. Can rent for $2500 per year. M Hayne. 268 East 35th. Tabor 1555. FIXE FRUIT AND POULTRY nivrin ." 60 aerea in famous Goodnoe bills; 4 miles from main line railroad. 50 acres good land under plow; lies nearly level; 7 acres bearing imuuui mnu ipnroa; nee sloping. Large house barn, large poultry house, 2 wells. Price only vovvu, ri inw beiaia. mmn A Deling, tiol CANADIAN FARM T.Avrua Cheap land; remarkably easy term Land seekers excursion party leaves Portland for Cal gary. Atta., Saturday May 17. Reduced ratoa. or further particular see Canadian Pacific t d tv itaisway cxenange bkig. . iiiuiuiun. ununcc represents tiv FARM for sale, fine valley farm of 400 seres. . u irom cugene, au good tillable land, good buildings, K. R, station and siding on niare Per VnJ P.rt or "Jl- Would consider some Aioena iana u .properly- .located. HX-816 j tnimsj. 200 ACRES. 8 miles southeast of Tnrn.r u. era! -fine oak groves, plenty water, well fenced, good 5 room house, just papered. Good large barn with hay fork. Several pumps and troughs over piece. runner particulars inquire of B, a wuson. bu acuta pine at. Beseburg. Or. 350 DOWN. 812.50 MONTHLY Fine, level 20 A. tract, of wnlmnroveif SH miles from Hillaboro; 887.50 per acre; fine son. running stream, gooa anacg. r red w. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Open evening ana ounaay. FOR SALE: This 40-acre farm, new buildings, good well, young bearing orchard, 80 acres in cultivation, au uiiaoie, la mile north Van- o&uver, 1 mile west Pacific highway. Owner, fiA xr r u t ' ... v. v. ... u i ni, . .iKUttipi, 1.I3U. 40 ACRE farm at Barton, on Estacada Una, house and bam, on good road, just' 44 nric: $500 will handle. Owner, room 607, 45 4th ku rnone awy. j ooo. FOR SALE. 160 acre in Eastern Oregon, land all fenced, 4 room house, barn, implement ncuae, son water u it.; no rock; cheap for can. j-iuo, journal. RANCH for sale, $2000. Southern Oreeon 14 miles from Medford. Would trade for small acreage, near gooa town.- write owner, 1. E. neea, Venen, jt. FOR SALE 6.17 acres improved beaverdam. an in crop, n mne eoutn or aifton. Wash H Kutiedge, irrcnards, waah., Ht l. Box 14 EQUIPPED farm, $4500. Swank. 617 Henry bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 FIVE duplex flat, in good neighborhood, only 15 minutes from postoffice. Price $9000. Will trade for good stock ranch rip to 815.000. ! 34 acre dairy ranch, 8 miles from Albany on Macadam road. mile from O. E. station. I reeent owner arvua v row ana nas an esiao- lished milk route bringing in over $500 per montn. i-nce siu.uuu. wiu trade for mod ern nouse in city or Portland, 280 acres in Klickitat Co.. Wash ISA acres in timothy and grain, 180 acres of good moer vntn oox laetory one mue; line outrange; o room ceuea nouse; 2 earns, auxo and 04x80 good well at house and at both barns. Price Slo.OOO. ThU place was appraised by federal land loan appraisers last year at 319,800. Will traae lor income Dearmg property for equity, which amounts to 89000. Have you timber to trade for ranch prop- ernes i TUCKER A SHRECK. 501-502 Spalding bldg. WANTED To trade 5 room modern house, large lot, Sellwood district, for larger bouse on eaat side. I will assume or pay difference in cash. Oi re, price and street number in answer. i -j o. journal. . EXCHANGE for a smaller place or for Seattle property, modern nearly new bungalow, extra well built, 5 good rooms, hall, bath, hot water neat ana ail moaern convenience first floor. luii casement, tot dviiw. u-suo. Journal. FOR SALE or trade, Irancan's opera bouse for acreage in ids wuiamette valley; building 50x 103, on let st., in amain part of efty. Address r. 15. mincan. Newberg; X. u. Duncan. 867 E. 10th t.. Portland. Or. LIGHT Oakland or Buick touring car wanted I or one oi beat .Lexington Heights large resi dence lota, worth 8650. CM. Thomason, '.nil r v&ucr roaux. WENATCHEE. Wash., district, stock ranch., part cuiuraiea. noiinings, tunoer, soil, water, range, school. 88500. terms or trade. 6 room modern, good, location. Owner. 271 N.'21st st. MUST sell cheap on account of moving on the farm, 5 lota and 6 room houee in St. Johns ustnet, or wiu trade tor truck or livestock or Term article. tau neuwooa 117. 6-ROOM house in North St. Johns; full Tight uwraiiiL, inn jot, i run ana snade trees; trade for H. K. rooming house to 31000; terms on balance, or cash and terms. 163 i6tbJ 10 ACRES "in alfalfa, located atWWteBruff Wash.- Price $1600: $700 down. Will take good light roadster or late model Ford as part payment. AX-267, Journal. 20 ACRES of timber land to trade for Ford auto in gooa coDuiuon. tvnariee Berg, ttoute 1 Hillsdale. On ? V FOB i SALE or trade 10 acres choice apricot , land in bearing; aear Llndale, Wash. Phone Tabor 6396. . - HAVE you ranch or income properties to trade -: for timber t - i TUCKER A SHRECK. . - , 601-802 Spalding bldg. ' . EQUITY 7-room Seattle reaidenee, well located' for Portland or acreage; would aasuma, jZ 465, Journal. 600 PROPERTIES to seU and to exchange! Send for my list. Box 276, Salem. Or. UNIMPROVED Umi. close in. to trad for house and lot, 404 lUtilway Exclinge, EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE 7. BOOM house, eleclrie. lights, city water, batb. toilet, bam, fruit. 8 ground. : 5 blocks from postoffice. in Dayton, Or. 38800, or exchange lor i-ortiana reawiince. Hlppey Mitchell, 208 WAKTET REAL ESTATE tl IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list your house with ma. I handle houses only and "; ouyers. au usungs glvsn proper at- . WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. WARRINER, RITTER. IXWB CO., 201-8 5 Board of Trade Mdg. ws nave several ohente waiting for a good boy in 8 and 0 room bungalows. Rose City iswhto rsra preierreo. IMt with uV ww car sen tnem. GEO. T. MOORB OO. 1007 J Yeon bldg. VO TOO want to sell your house? Then list re wiu mc nave eaan Duyera. J. w. Stan ley. 306 Fen ton bldg. ELDERLY lady wants to buy a small 2 room uwm, amau ini. jaioerta district preferred; can pay 3100 down, $10 per month. Phone WANTED From owner, small home, good lo- cva. nine .; xruii., nemes preferred state reasonable price. J-419. JoumaL DON'T WOIiRY I can sen or trade anything anywhere. Layman. 147 Park st ROOMING HOUSES l AN exceptionally good buy in a 10 room rooming house,- only $950; terms 8650 ,85 on" e"r- Near PortUnd hoteL ai T;,BikF -J BLASCHARD. FOR HOTELS, rooming houses and apartments. close in. West Side location, see J. L. O'Far reU, -with F L. Blanchard, Si 9-20 Railway Exchange. Marshall 28. Evenings, East 1857 ILlU V .vn n- . : - . Jl... your neaa off when , you can get - "j OT f uu uiat are paying $800 per month f 1219 N. W. Bank bWaV OR LE Booming house, 83 rooms; income o5S ' '"ou- ao ents. East MUST SELL 27 housekeeping rooms.' Broad- "J OVOIT, BUSINESS .OPPORTUNITIES 16 mm FM SAL! Capacity 68,000, mOl and logging equipment very complete: timber for two-year run. both water and rail out let. Don't pasa this up. if you want a tie proposition. H-819, Journal. PATENTEES. ATTENTION I ., Onr d have brought to our attention over 100 clients covering assisting, originators, buy ers and sellers of many useful ps tents; capitalize your ideas with our assistance Material Chasers Co., Railway Exchange, Portland. Or., practical equipment specialists. Main 2245. INVESTORS. ATTENTION I See Material Chasers Co. ad above. : Patentees are cooperating with us due to our speed, serv ice and nractical exnriincM. T w.r , .Mir... us with patents attorneys. Our service is prac tical, therefore our charges are minimum. In vestigation will prove this assertion. Geo. R. Auger, manager. STOCK of drygoods, mostly underwear and .shoes, about $1500; will inventory, or sell in lump; goods were purchased 50 per cent less than market value, with discount; must be sold before Thursday: lease exnires Msv IS Stevens Store, 6827 92d, cor. Foster road. ljents. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY Fuel business, established 20 years, owner clearing $30 a day above expenses; positively never offered before; New GMC trucks and machinery; rent $30 1 month on lease. Price f 7000. Terms. WetengaTd. 312 Worcester tidg. STOCK of drygoods, mostly underwear and shoes, about $1500. Will Inventory or lumn goods were purchased 60 less than present market value. Will discount. Must be sold Del ore Thursday, lease expires May 15. Steven's Store. 6827 92d St.. cor. Foster road. Lenta. MUST BE SOLD IMMF.niATrr V .Stock of groceries and fixtures, to he sold to highest bidder for cash. Stock invoices for about $883 and fix tores $268.60. For. details see or call Hoehfeld Bros., 174 First. Corne? xamoiii. aiain e. ' FOR SALE Good restaurant in good -town couziLy seav; gooa Dusiness; quicg sale on ac count or sickness. , Address P. O. Box 823 avaiarea. wasn. : 25 M. CAPACITY mill, full equipment, with arxnu l minion leet amber, at a bargain. Other timber close. . Part cash, balance good security. j--u. jonrnai. FOR SALE Complete photo studio outfit. For particulars inquire at 521 North & St., after a p. m.. jicjamniuie, ur., or at vaugnn u, i-ortiana. Bee list ot articles and price A CASH GROCERY . Extra good location; no delivery and alj cash trade; ha 4 living rooms; inruicee'"3140O. t all rHm 401. Heknm bldg. AS I have other businesa, I will take $250 for my eoiiee nouse ana restaurant at S89 hi. Alder at. if sold soon. INVESTIGATE Close in East Side cigar and confectionery businesa for sale, $2200 cash. 816 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE -Carpenter shop, well established business; some stock; ana tools; cheap rent. o-lT, journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WAN's KD 8 IF YOU WISH" TO BUY OR SELL List your hotels, apartments and rooming hcusea with us. . we get results. DORCAS A CO.. S20 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Grocery tore with at least 6 Ur ' ing rooms. Phone Wdln. 8452. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 CUB Installment plan is thebestand rarest method of paying a loan. $82.26 per month for 86 months, or 821.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 90 months, pays 81000 loan and iriereur. Other amount in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st . PortUnd. Or. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rat of Interest. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce $800.. $400, S50O, oo. 7oo ami ui. low est rate, quick action. Gordon Investment Co.. 681 I ft. of Com. Main 6445. CASH paid for mortgage and sellers' contracts on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermens bldg. 3250. 8850, 840O, 8500. 8600 and larger amounts: current rates: autek action. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce, BUILDING loans on city or suburban property. money advanced as work progreasea. w. f). Berk. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. MONEY to loan in amounts of 8100 to 85000 on city property. A. It BELL. Room 1 0-11. Mnlkey bldg. MONEY for mortgage loan.. $600 to $00O. 0 and T. Fred S. William. 92 hi lt rt. MORTGAGE loans. 0 and 7. Louis Salomoa St Co.. 4Q8 Welling bldg. $300. $5O0. $750, $1000, no conw quick action, ward, 407 Spalding bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 22$ Chamber of Commerce 4th and Stark. $300 TO $3000, no commission! Main 1166? F. H. DKSHON, 016 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE funds to loan on real 'estate security. first manga re. r-ii. journal. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, - SALARIES 67 Salary LOANS I Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On abort notice to -salaried or workinemen on their own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payment. Keen transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSEE. ABSOLUTELY, NO SECURITY We also loan en hooae hold furniture, nianoe. etc, without removal. CALL AND FNvESTIOATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY VJCENSEDi 218 Fairing bldg. PORTLAND -REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. . Eetabliahed by Portland Bus! nee Men to Protect the Borrewer LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, PIANOS, . ' HUtlHfiltOliil rVKHlTbgE ,. City and County . Warrants Cashed for Face Value. CARRIE MYERS HERRMAN. MGR., 894 STARK ST. OWNEBS OR AGENTS . . I hava $9600 1 TO LOAN TODAY; .WILL DIVIDE Lew xsto. - 25 HENRY BLDG. MARSHALL 8858."- MONEY loaned on furniture, piano and other Been ri tie. W. A. Hathaway, 208 Washing- toe bldg. MONEY to loan oa diamoads, jewelry; legal rate: all articles held a year: eatablishad rlnce IMS In Msrx. 23 Waihinrton. yjtU-rZ Jinrtey lisna - moiiy en bouihoid g-'y' ; !- ! r T0"ir i sn1. MONKT.-TO LOAN CHATTELS. BALAHIKS 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY? i; Loans made on autasenhlUia. HikmAnH household goods or anything of value. Security usually left in your possession; ALSO to 8AL- auisvu rcurut on uieir note without seeuiity. If your payments to other loan companies or en furniture or automobile eon tracts are larger than yon can make, we will pay them Up, advance yon more money if necessary, and you can repay u u inuu hwduuj varawsi to suit your con venience, - LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY BUSINESS .STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY ( licensed.) 806-807 Dekum bids. - Manila 1 8386. IOAN8 WAJTTED $6 FIRST mortgage for aale. 8800 on, r. a. Deehon. 616 Chamber ef Commerce Bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 382 vinaviniffif w VtTt niwjgvjwj, Ui gxntl BTJIrB. FINANCIAL LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OP BONDS 5.!!.R' .EURKITT, PRESIDENT. tiiiS? MORTGAGE CO. 312 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) COR. 0TH AND ALDER 8TS. I WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND at . . - 99 PERCENT . OF FULL CASH VALUE All due coupon interest included.) 3. H. KEATING, 617 BOARD OP TRADE. BEFORE BELLING YOUR Liberty Bonds Secure Our Prices We buy and sell all issues - O.-K. MILLER A CO., 206-6 Northwestern Bank Bldg, Mala 4196 BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT OASB CASH FOB TOTTB RECEIPTS Mall bonds to use: we remit return maO. Loans made on imDroved real tta inn.. time or monthly payment plan. vKsmt to 120 uaseo Bldg., 6th and AMet. OELLABS-MURTON CO. HORSES. TEHICLES. ETC 16 BEAUTIFUL black mare, 5 years old, weight 1 SKfl wnaV V. . mam - "j " . .njniwi,, j.i i' w , tun. nay l-.crse, 7 year old, weight 1700 lbs., true and gcptle: nrice 3185. Itiack Ilam. a m weight 1250, block y built, sound and true, safe anyone to drive; price 875. Team of blacks. 6 and ft vmk nlH Tn k in any harness; price $246. Also 7 sets of heavy double harness, 4 single, 8 spring wagons ami 8 farm mrnni llu 9 hu.iri.. v 28th t. 8. Woodstock carT " KOH HIT L' II IT 1 Tl Of best mares that have been in Portland this irom v ro l year old: weight 18fio to 1000 lbs. Well match1 will ...1..,.. 2 t.biin! J??ti1,e y.-week or month. Crown Stables, 285 Front st PHIL SUETTER A9AD rap Lewis horse, ranging from 1000 to 1250 pounds, aged from 6 to 9 year: price from 335 up, from well mated learns; 8 norae can D seen and bought from barn man. at 7xn 1 . bu i,..t to Porter st.. 2 blocks sooth. -TKA M of bay mare and' hamesa, full aisUr. 4 !, old; weU broke and gentle: weight 2700 lb.; have no further use for them. Wood. stock rtr to 34th St.. 6 blocks couth to qnar FOH Situ Four good young mares, 4 to 7 yean old; weight 1300 to 1500 lbs.; well matehtd; week' i luonra. o r ront, staoies foot of Mala street. SEVEN head of young farm bones, weight from l" ouw in,, an gooa worker and gen tle, for sale cheap or exchange for cattle. Call at the old dairy barn, 29th and Powell Valley " vtfu.ux-. car. LARGE team and harness. 8200 lbs.; man got .arm broken j must sell. Several other good n.-Bvo., an size. V. 8. 8TABLB8. 248 Front St FOR- SAI.1 Teamn liarnaaa wmvnn. 1 M.H neavy in loal; 1 single horse. 1 eonaenack wagon, 1 lumber wagon. 170 E. Killingsworth .ti.. TOfurr m St. ON ACCOUNT of sickness T mud n . Iiaa o',mr,l'.li?,ht 'rm wagon and plow; all for it ff ? wu,or ave., Mt. Scott car. - wjaeajay I UH1 n BJ. FOR SALE- Good team, 2650 lba. un3 winu and Jimb. and good heavy hamesa 8176. , a "t30'8 l,ot,r nd saddle, $20. 6838 82d HORSE, weight 1100; sound and good worker; buggy and harness, and spring wagon. Will ' (,r' enable: have no more use for it, at . w . ... g.- y, ooosiocai car. TWO fine horses, weight 950 lbs., ride, drive ,. "r,"0' '"le miggy and harness; also 2700 ii,:1" work anywhere. Wdln.-1890. jova uaim ave. nt. Jofin car, MARK buggy and harness; gentle for lady or COIld to drive; ftiiiMl m!1 lin I.'. 8 th. Hwthome Wood yard stable. FOR SALE, cheap. 4 2 -wheel dump carts "and harness: mm dirt ntm. one heavy road plow. 226 Russell. FOR sale cheep, one horse, light wagon and bar noes, or trade for imnathin. ' Van hu a.a reeiey mi tvooaiawn 1408. 1160 LB. horse, rubber tired buggy and good naroesa, low. aiso o-montns-oid neuer. $35 av,A a ... , . . nvm o. r. vooa.socK car. 2200 TEAM mare and hone, well mated; price $139. at East 9 th Hawthorn WinfnH , . i . .IN A'l condition, 2 hi ton gooae-neek furniture wagon for sale cheaD. S811 40th in oil i aoor .bad, i: i I'O-Lli. team, guaranteed good workers and sound: orice S250. Also amvi work tor sou. ivu r.. vm rt. TWO big team of logging horses, weight from ioou to iboo each, for aale cheap, at East uui, nawinorne vvooaysra stsoie. ONE Shetland pony 850. 3 HnUtaln ancin.... Take Vancouver ear to Columbia boulevard twuun, id a oiuc. .on. HORSE and wagon. $1.S0 per day; 2 horse nd wagon, ae.. j. t onen. B4 front. Main 2208, DEAD horse and animal hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD bone. taken quickly; cseh paid for eows and crippled hor?e. Tbor 4 203.- IVEXTOCK $$ HAVE SOLD FARM MUST SELL ST6CK" Therefore will sell at auction aale. 2 wiilaa west of Woodland. Wash., Thursday, May 15, at ix a. at., to mncn cow., an road grade Short horns. 4 full blood Jersey (86 have freshened this year), 4 springers (all big cows), a lot of 6 and 7 gallon cows, 10 2-year-old roan erada cmonoorn netiers, jersey nun, B northern bulL Stock tuberculin tested: certificate with each head. All stork loaded en boat free of charge. One span emau nones, iota maenmery. I'utiip Jones, owner. Col. W. S. Wood, auctioneer, Vancou cr. Wah, , FOR SALE 3 large, yeung Holatrin Tnirh.m and Jersey cow. All are fresh and wfth e,la . .i , . , r i u . . K. , ' . or i r ii-ii r ni. t . , .. nariow. r nnn n ,-iain a ni Bt. Johns road, vanoonver. Wash. Phone 680 J. WILL sell cheap or trade for stock or a light true a iwio rora in imveiaa eorxlltkrm. 4 new tires, rum like new. 662 E. 28th at. 8. Ptrne Bellwooo 717. GOATS AND GOATS' M ILK Fine ' toggen" burg and Saanen bitty, kids (either hraadi and goat's milk for sale. ' 296 E. 69th N.. city. 4. , . FOl'R good fresh cows, heavy, rich milkers; 2 of them Guernsey; will sell regard lea of price. Woodstock car to 34th L, 6 blocks south to square red barn. , - tXlW wrtli calf beside her, $76; 4 H gal. v 1 cow, u: ootn nen miur, : Woodlawn ear to 22 t, 720 Liberty at. GOAT bred to Toggenbnrg. fresh, end of June, 825; snap, -1328 Burrage st, St. Johns ear to Holman. FOR SALE Good fresh Jersey cow, fl jears old, extra rich milker. 9411 Foster road. Tabor 2038. . , . FOR SALE -Good Jersey brown cow. good rich milk. 6 years old. . Joseph Martin, J 304 istor st, E. St. Johns. PIVE gallon cow for sale cheap, young and gen tl. Oregon City carline. Silver Spring ta tlon. Phone I30-M. Oak Grove. FOR SALE 4 days old .Hoistein male calf cheap. 796 F- 78th st. N. Tabor 6659. NICE fsmily cow, rich milker, and calf76f2 j66th 8. E. Woodstock ear. FOR"8A"LE. fine Jersey cow. 3 V4 yeamhL Marshall 6459. FOR SALE Pigs, jast weaned. Phone ti-J', Milwaukie. 8 HEAVY milch cows; wiU take beef cattle ia ', exchange. 8X Oak Grove. - - .. -- fTOATS' milk for aale at 255 tamhiii. fresh daily. Also a fresh milch goat for sale ebeap. I OR BALK Yon ng fresh dairy and family cow. all breed. 761 Keit Ash street, - FRESH milch goat with doe kid, 1457 Meade, South Portland car. 253 T I' D g -" 1 C'i l -I ti? - LITEBTOTK ii IO51PW8' -U Ju ,reh. 4 to 6 gsls. per day;" ., "! ot beef cow in exchange. 1 1 eu Macadam at. South Portland car to end ef line. 8 block south to Richardson ave.. 1 block east In pasture. . ' FOR SALE 2 big teams with harness, 1 cow. aooo fresh. Call at tor. Grand, ave. and s, Steven, or room 108 Hciler bldg.. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. POULTRY, PIGEONS. PET STOCK 87 OLB STOCK ARE BRED TO LAY EVERT PAJ-0JL.THJE YEAR. WHITE LEGHORNS. a'valH.T.?.1! OUR YEARLINGS LA YED AN uYI,"AGSn.PF 208 " G8. WE HAVE A STtH.rf0M.I;VS 0,rr MAY T WHICH WILL r-vnSHS.MB.A'K- ORDERS TAKEN NOW. rifSi? PSHTHT A RM, RT. 1. HILLB DALE. OH. PHONE MAIN 7669. miTllrLR?.8ARK W "GST PROF- Tl iuwiry. ii you are in uie 15.11'? proflt- eventually have th.ra ael. iiTi: . er, early profit. We Svtae ?THh'.UiBhor, bb el.ix from heavy eoiSf 1." ",d h,M' 8'f delivery of foll Arr7l M?. Cb,5 franted. Prico pet 100 I'KllU hI.k"1 Jun.". delivery. $13.60. The jloneer Hatchery. 405 6tl. t .. Petaluma. Csl 1 MAGUIRE'S' DAY OLD CHICKS Rrnmm lM.Kil tOU HATCHING Brown If 1mrn WhU. tltthr, ti ?rred Rock R. L Reds Hogantaed stock of highest quality noH.tche off Ma, 7, 14. 2a' and 29. Order J- R. MAOUIRH. 787 Oreeon t i East 18 05. Progressive Hatchery . - , , BABY CHICKS J 100 M.h "d S"?. ml B" Rocks. $26 per J.UO. Hatches off May 14. 18 20 2 Secure orders now. ' ' 8, 28 r lata st. North. Woodlswn 14 65. T6 Hundred Rabbits young. Tabor 1011 BEEPER'S more-egg tonla'm.k .v.. era out of eommon barnyard ben; $1 pack ;, rcki guaranteed. For salebi A. N. G.brlelsnn, 1071 E. 22d N.. PorthSd! Or. BARV rHTftfl WMi' -a a ighormT. Red. r:r "f.. . . SJirV.Jlntti': !"' ua'ranued. a ... via, riaiem. Or. i cnni.ia tnn-nMijMi wki.. , . i : r Chicks, hateh. "l" """rn . - C 1. Parkin. Ttil 1 pne roUOMMa, Vl.1- " 1887 Burrsge. Call Woo.1l.-r 1H18. Burrage. Call WoodUwn CinCK E nswantetT" 4 2f J eUlV."' 'T bena and pullers. 1M Front t. EirtTSlAn nli.ii.-r.-.T' fc - a. WOTJ Ull i. . T"R0UGHB!lED BUck UjTii: Ffcke. IQ "rain- Columbia 896. 1600 R. "nJVJ.3A- A, Hodrdon-; TKn. S5 V, . a"1 .niun W i t leghorn. 173 Grand ave - Phnn. Es.t BB24 ruuiiiSMII o. A. O. eCflES. S ? KA rv.v .. t '. . 1246 HaJsey at "-':"V'n: chicks for asle RunJ.V mm. H. C. Wulff. Bh.v.r ,U, lTr Rose. c.h.,cS 'or a... fro. lm.l eve. R 7 ahan""" 'u' MlssU- GOOij rabbiU and chicken for aale- h. n,i ,.J! V?h.i "2S R lth at. N. Phon. Vi ood- w ou.o rni evening or any time Sunday. WANT 6 or 8 Urge la vine ' nil t law Ilual Rock or Rhode Island lied. 1065 K. Sal- toon. , MY pen of mafednBrownfhom ni Large bird. 5631 89tb ave. S. E. Tabor dNR-H- 194 bor oVs""1" .""s t00d U'ln; -fT- DOOS. BIRDS. PETS, ftp s. .-t'rAS i'U "dares. 957 Missivipol ava Portland. Or. Miasiuippl gva. CHOICE singers for saleT SH r'iands'r: . Broadway 1098. Afternoona I , J,n1"- lo.? itftrits1' bhrcH.p7-c.- A 36I63E 1",er d toT ebeap, East FOR SALE Two dost. htnk a-i no i." Ii,- 1 1 an . . , ... i.n ii 11 11 ii n , OKS Young grown. Flemish Giants for. sale cheap. Tabor 4941. ' WANTED A few ranarie.- 620 Washington st. Broadway 2?8C SINGERS for sale. Cail Main 468. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 4 GRANT SIX Only run 875 miles; must sell for owner today. Cash bargain, i Ask for Mr. Harris at Talbott A Casey, Grand and East Ankeney. , i . . . CHEVROLET, 1918, touring. In fine condition -looks like new. Will sacrifice at $776 and give terras. 80 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. 1918 MAXWELL touring, only run 2000 mil; In perfect condition. Will sacrifice at $860 and give some terms. 80 Grand ave. North near Bnrnaide. . I - CASH TALKS Mutt have money; $785 buy a fine Hudson Six er a Light Six touring ear from owner. Inquire Richmond Garaae. ilia IHrhion t Tabor 4166. 1918 ' LIBERTY ! Almost a new ear at 81600. Ak Ur r.r, for term. 628 Alder. Bdwy. 2492 XBrUuTELY-SEW ' 5 PAS8E.V'GIjRoR, With factory , guarantee; never used. Deal er' price 31095. Buy from private party and save 376. A-266. Journal. ? P KACT I CTt L TTi r a ndi n w Maiwell, run " Kut very little; $800, $860 cash, bai. Urm. Will tske diamond for any part. H. u, Oliver. 122 2d at. , FOR SALE 7 passenger auto, 600. Good shape, good tire. Will trad for 5 paen r. Inquire of Wacher at a U Boss Auto mobile Co. 1918 BRISCOE. 1 Pine condition ;practically a new ear. Alder. Mr. Cary. Bdwy. 2492. i 28 MOTORS, gearings, bearings, wheels, axle ' and trailer: we wreck all makes of car and Mil their good part at hah? price. Iiavld Hodee Co., Broadway and Flanders at. Bmadwsy 196. 1918 HUps6N"SiX 40 in beat of inhanicVl condition; appearance very good; 0 aim out new-tires, 3 Goodyesr cords. Will sell very rea sonable, a need cash. Tsbor 0610. lU'OHON HI FKK HIX, 1917, in perfect con.ll - tion, newly fainted. A bargain at $1550; some terms. 30 Grsnd ave. North, near Bum- side. - FOR SALE- G oodT -paasenger Chandler, 1818. In perfect condition. Extra -ovemire cord tire. Will sell reasonably. East 2062. 689 B. Broadway. i 1916 FORD sedan, just like new, good tiTes'and extras; terras to responsible party. Call after 9, 82 E. 89th, cornrBtark. East 6652. 1918 CHEVROLET touring. In flnT oonditJon, - used privately, a bargain at $776, tome terma 80 Grand ave. N. near Hurmdde. MAXWELL, 1918, touring. )ut hke new. Will ell at $77a and give term. 30 Grand ave North, near Riimaide. I T95TUiHT 6 peas, car, la A-l condition ; with good tire. Ask barn man. j 285 Front St., between Columbia and Jefferson. fi;i('K. 6 paaaemer. good condition. 326 763 Hood at., Honth Portland. 1918 FRAN KA IN carr"iik'e " ew." tialiE.t BilV. . i LATE Dodge, at a bargain ; look and rune like new. r.aer uziia. -oeii k. Morrison. 210 BL:YS good passenger auto. Owner, ? Vi N. Ptn at. 8260 DOWN buys 1.1 Briaeoe. So hurry 661 K. Morrison. Et r08 7 WANTED One 1918 or IQlO'Pord touring rev rtoay; pay easn. a. B. Knox. Olex. Ot. ?5aViB'i.M JB.r tour. 5725; n.w tirea 174 W. Mlnchel et. Kenton car COLI3 8, fine . condlflon, cord Urea: liberal terma fary, 628 Aider. Bdwy. 2492. 918 FOUD. Will sacrifioe for 84 75, cash or term. 581 K. Morrison. Kant 6203. 918 -LIGHT ix OMrolle; terms. Cary', 623 Alder. Bdwy. 2492. i 6 PASSENGER ear for". $200 cash. '883 Ben ion vt. I 86x4 V,. $15; Z Htthi, $28; 1 32x47"$lT WoodUwn 4706. 1407 Conaresa st. BUICK 19i7, 6-paas. touring. V-cviT. sood condition. 168 4th. GASOLINE 21 CENTS A GALIX)N. OILS AM) nr.r. i-Mt.r.r.K PAIST til, 1 S9 1ST. WILL sell my 1917 Max well chean. A-fiia eotrmai. 1917 MAXWELL, ia good condition. Wood- lawn r27: or 11sr, iietrolt ave. 6 FORD touring, cheap for cash. 75 Grand ave. 1918 FORD delivery with open eiprei body and top; A-l condition. Woodlswn 14 27. 1916 5-PASS. Ford, new lirtw, $33, c.-n isin eiMrt. Ft. I rpr, i i pkk1 r.i ..h N. I . -I f ,r