THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL' 18 SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1919. t PORTLAND, OREGON. -Most Severed lUoman in Wl ill pe Honored in Churches Sunday Portland . .; ... ; ...... ? , MOTHER S DAY TO BE OBSERVED BY : OLD AND YOUNG Some Churches Have Arranged to Have Aged' Mothers Brought to Worshipping Places in Cars. SPECIAL SERVICES PLANNED Devotions in Nearly All Places Will Be Shared in Honor of ;. Best Friend Man Ever Had. '4 1 The mothers of the nation will be hon ored .tomorrow by both old and young with special recognition In both religious And secular circles. , The second Sunday In May has. according to custom, now fixed Itself in the calendar of the year "Mother's Day"' and Is observed as such now Jn all parts of the nation. The day was given official recognition by congress In 1914. If your dearest friend oh earth is still living you should wear a red flower to morrow In hr honor and If she has passed Into the great beyond wear a whtta blossom In her memory. Mothers will be honored in nearly all J'ortianas cnurcnes tomorrow. OTine congregations have even made arrange ments to have the older mothers brought to'chureh in automobiles, and many Sunday schools will bedeck every mother with flowers who .attends her place of worship Sunday morning. Children of the White Temple are asked to sit with their mothers Sunday m .rnlng during the service by rr. W. A. Waldo, when he will preach a special - mAthaM'a - sarmnn will aso give special music. Sunday afternoon f Dr. Waldo will present "A Tribute to Mothers" as a part of the Mother's day program at the men's mass meeting at the Y. M. C. A. This service begins at 3 :30 o'clock. Special music has also ; been arranged for this occa sion and the official Mother's day pro gram; will be followed out In Its entirety. Men-away from their home will doubt less find it. necessary to at least write their mother a note before leaving the building. t TOtSO MOTHEBS 1XTITED The Rev. R. H. Sawyer will deliver a i special MOiner i aay aaoress si utsi Kast - Side Christian church Sunday morning. lltUlIICI O Jl. Ul5 V fiJ 1VJ lull aiv. the home department have been espe cially Invited to attend the Sunday morning- service at Piedmont Presby terian church by Dr. A. I Hutchison. Special provision has been made to care fqr young" children, so mothers can en joy the preaching service, v The Mother's day service at Highland Congregational church will include suit able music by the choir, a selection by the quartet, a solo, "Mother Dear" by Miss O. Rose and several brief addresses as follows: "Mother and the Teachers," by Mrs. Holbrook: "Mother in the Home," by H. Brandenburg! "A Sol dier's Dream of Home and Mother." by .1. K. McBrlde of the Forty-second High landers, who went through the war. ' The young women of Fourth United Brethren Sunday school are entertain ing their mothers this afternoon in the church at Tremont station. Mrs. J. W. Hawkins is to speak. Refreshments of lea cream and cake were served. MAXT OTHERS US LIST All of the United Brethren churches .will observe Mother's day In their serv ices Sunday morning. Other pastors who have sent The Journal announcement of a special Motfier's dav service are : The Rev. J. J. .Krauh . ett Siinnvulitu (Innmratlnnal .church. Rev. C. J. Ledln of the Swedish tabernacle. Rev. D. Lester Fields of 'Rose City Park Methodist church, the : Salvation Army corps at 243 Ash street. :Rer, S. Earl DuBois of the United Pres byterian church. Rev. W. J. Beaven of the Third - Baptist church. Dr. J. r . Ghormley of Rodney Avenue Christian church. Dr. R. M. Pratt of Pilgrim Con gregational church. Dr. J. T. Abbett of University Park Methodist church. Rev. T. P. . Smith of Trinity Presbyterian church. Rev. E. E. Flint of Atkinson rremorlal Congregational church. Rev. P, E. Ratsch of Kenilworth Presbyterian church. Dr. J. C. Rollins of Centenary Methodist cnurcn, nev. j. js. 'inomas or ' C ilTary Baptist church and Rev. W. Gray of , Millard Avenue Presby terian church. ' TRINITY CHURCH ' . ItTH AND EVERETT STS. : (CpltOOpAl) THE MEANING OF THE SUPREME SACRIFICE . U Uie Subject of the Mornlna Sermon KVKNINO IUUIOT "EVEN SO IN CHRIST SHALL ALL BE MADE ALIVE" A CORDIAL WELCOME FOR - CVCRYONC If you tike a dignified, reverent wrrtce come to Trinity A. ., 11 A. M.. S P. M. Sunday Scheot S:S A. M. REV. DR. A. A. MORRISON RECTOR Modern Prophets True and False Evangelist L. K. Dickson . in this'lecture will focus some very strik , Ing Bible illumination upon some modern ; Visms." This lecture will be built largely 'upon Scriptural prophecy, and will be a real eyeopener, - . - - CHRISTENSEWS HALL F.leveatb St BeU Morriaea mad Tamhill Sunday Night, May 1 1 , at 7i4i o'clock THE WTRIO WILT BE IHSFIRATIOXAIV ' EVERYBODY INVITED. SEATS FREE c n .-. - : '.h 1 Sr. ST. W- poyl to (Sive p i pastorate ere Slbout 3Tuly 15 Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor of the First Presbyterian . church, will give tip his present work about the middle of July, according to an announcement made by his assistant, Owong to the short lime before leaving for Chicago to take up his new line of work with the Mc cormick Theological seminary,' and his desire to be with his congregation dur ing the remaining days of his pastorate. Dr. Boyd will not ; attend the session of the general assembly of the Presby terian church at St. Ixufs. Neither is he accepting invitations to address out of town meetings. Lieutenant Thomas Henry Boyd, son of Dr. Boyd, recently returned from France, will speak on his experiences in the army Sunday at 12 :15 to the members of the Bible classes of J. J. Ross, and .Mrs. Helen Elkln Starrett. FROM RECENT WAR John C. Reid of San Francisco Discusses Interchurch World Movement Now in Progress. John C. Reid spent yesterday in Port land. He is associate secretary of the Interchurch World movement of North America, with headquarters In San Francisco. " He spoke at Albany college a day or so ago. From Portland he goes to Olympla. then to Spokane, where he will, speak at the Inland Empire Inter church Sunday school convention.-From there he goes to Seattle, thence to Cor vallis, where he will speak on May IS. From Corvallis he goes to Weston, thence to Bakor, where he will speak oh the 19th. of this month. "We have taken a lesson from the war." said Mr. Reid. "When the Home and Foreign Mission council of North America met last December in New York they decided that the time had come, for cooperation of the various churches ; that if unity of command won the war, then the time has come for the churches to quit fighting each other and fight for a common cause. We have been wasting our resources and dissi pating our energies In the past. Ours is not an effort toward organic union which would compel the - abandonment of the doctrines, mode of worship or form of government of the various churches, but It Is a. strictly Interchurch movement, which without interfering with denominational autonomy will join in a unified program and cooperate in carrying it " out. In other words, the day is coming when we must cut out wasteful and un-Christian competition and substitute unity and cooperation. The day Is coming when there will no longer be five or six struggling churches of various denominations in a small community, but through cooperation we should decide which particular denomi nation should place a church in a com munity and then have the community pay an adequate salary to the pastor and support the church work. The elim ination of duplication will enable sup porters of the church to pay no more money toward the church support and yet secure better results, for the com munity will be supporting but one church instead of half a dozen. Vesper Services Grow in Interest The membe'rs of the Warren Vesper class of the First Presbyterian church were specially favored with an excel lent musical program last Sunday. Miss Astrid Roal, soprano of the church choir, rendered a touching solo, "Beyond the Dawn." The Warren Vesper orchestra, led by Miss Christine Brakel, rendered three overtures, which were most heart ily received by the young people. The program closed with a contralto solo by Mrs. Virginia Spencer-Hutchinson, also a member of the church choir, who sang with great tenderness, "May My Walk Be Close Wtth God." The Vesper serv ices are growing in interest and attend ance. The introduction social which fol lows the program Is under the manage ment of young men and women from well known families, who can be found assisting Mrs. Angela L. Ford Warren at the door of the classroom every Sab bath afternoon. Visitors receive a cor dial welcome. 'Iff Rev. B. W. Huckabee of Dallas, Tex as, is at the Central Free Methodist qhurch in special meetings, which be gan Thursday, May 8. He will speak on Sunday and during the coming week. EN'S EETING "A TRIBUTE TO MOTHERS" BY Rev. Wm. A. Waldo Paster Walts Tent ale SPECIAL MUSIC Mothers' Day Sunday, May 1 1 ... itssr. nr. i n c. a. LESSONS LEARNED ASS Strong Religious program TKSillpe presented at Sunday . . s ft ft .ft ft' ft "ft. ft ft ft ft ft ,ft-ft ft iHeetings WBxW Pegin at Corvallis on tEliursday and Conclude Sunday JSight Speakers Hill include JHen of international Jfame as Hell as of Eocal iSote TV' fe:,,.,,,,,-.,,.,.,, ..-.- ' V,- X 1 ' jjf fc Jj One of the strongest religious pro grams ever presented in the state has been arranged for the Sunday school workers of Oregon for the annual con vention at Corvallis, Thursday" after noon to Sunday night of the coming week. . Several men of international fame, as well as prominent home talent, will assume the prominent parts. The out-of-state speakers include : Professor M. A. Honline of Dayton, Ohio, educational superintendent of the International Sunday School associa tion : Professor A. M. Locker of Chi cago, organization superintendent of the International Sunday School asso ciation ; Charles R. Fisher of San Fran cisco, general secretary of the Northern California Sunday School association ; Dr. Francis Clement Reid of New York city, representative of the inter-fchurch world movement ; Rev. John H. Mat thews of Seattle, Northwest representa tive of the Congregational Kducation so ciety ; Mrs. I, M. Ormsby of Boise, gen eral secretary of the Idaho Sunday School association. and Rev. J. E. Squires of San Francisco. Pacific Coast Sunday school worker, for the Methodist Episcopal church, South. Dr. J. Earl Else of Portland is presi dent of the state association and will preside at the business sessions. U. S. Burt is secretary. Harold T Humbert, DIRECTORY Third Sunday After Easter Uniform Sunday School Lesson "Sin and its consequences," fJen.. 3:1-24: Rom. 1:18-28: Jas. 1:1ft. (May be used with temper nee apiiliration. ) Primary topic, "Disobeying Our Heavenly Father;" Junior topic, "How Disobedience separates us from God;" L Intermediate topic. "Destructtxe Power of Bin:" Senior topic, "The Nature and Kesults or am. Golden text: "The wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Rom. 6:28. Young People's Topics Baptist Union: "The Lore of the World." 2 Tim. 4:10; 1 John 2:15-17. Chritsian Endeavor: "The I.wre of the World". 2 Tim. 4:10; 1 John 2:18-17. Epworth league: "Anniversary Sunday." Special programs. Baptist' First White Temple. 12th and Taylor Rev. William A. Waldo. ll."Home and Mother;" 8. "A Great Savior Christ." East Side E. 20th and Salmon Rev. W. B. Hinson. Rev. Herbert T. Cash, assistant. 11. "What To Do' When the Anchor Drags;" 8, "You Ought to Do This." Third Vancouver and Knott Rev. Webley J. Beaven. 11, "Mother' Day Home as the Cradle of Character;" 7:30, "Spiritual Bobbers and Their Ways." MontavHla 11. 7:S0. Arleta Kev. W. C. Driver, temporary pastor. 11. 8. Calvary E. "th snrt Grant Re. J. E. Thonia. 1 1 , "Four 'CV tor- Too and Me to Beer" 8. "Mother." Gleneoe F 45th and Main Rer. F. C. Leslette. 11, The Art of Friendship ;" 7:45. "The Dj-namite of God," followed by the or dinance of baptism. Se'lwxwi Bethany Rer. T. J. Broomfield. 11. 7:30. Grace E. 78th and Ash. 11. 7:30. University Park Bev. S. Lewrence Black. 11. 7:30. Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rev. T. G. BJolar der. 10:30, 7:30. "St. Johns Rev. Mr. Burton. 11. 7:30. Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Preaching by Dr. E. P. Borden. 11, 8. Cathoile . St. Peters f Lenta Rev. P. Beutgea. 8. J0:30, 7:30. Pre-Cgthedral 1 5th anl Da via Rer. E. V. OHara. 6. 7:15, 8:30, 8:45. 11. T.46. St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Bev. J. CL Hughes. C. 8:80. 10:30. .7:30. St. ' Francis E. 12th and Pine Rev. J. H. Black. . 8, 9, 10:30. 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary Will isms sed SUnton Rev. W.-A. Daly. 6. 8, 9; 11. 7:30. Holy Bosarjr E. 3d and Clackamas Bev. . 8. Olson. 6. 7. 8. . 11. 7:30. St. Rose Ev B8d end Alameda Rev. J. O'Farreil 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Bev. J. Kiernan. 8. 10:30. 7:30. The Madeleine E. 24 th and Siskiye Rev. George F. Thompson. 7:30, 9. 11. . Ascension E. 78th and Yamhill Franciscan rather. 8. 10. 30, 7:80.- Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandsna Rev. V. W. Black. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Holy Oiuse 7 74 Bowdoin Bev. C. Raymond. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St. " Ignattus 3320 43d st. ' 8. E. Jesuit Fathers. . 6:30. 8. 10:SO, 4. 8t Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Rer. 'War ten A. Waitt. 6. 8:30, 10:30. 7:30. Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and Vancou ver ave. Kev. William J. Devioe. ft. 10:80. 7:30, , St. Phillip Nert (Psulist Fathers) E. 16tb and Hickory Rer. W. J. Cartwtight 70. 8. 10:80. 7:30. St. Clements 8. Smith are. and Newton 8erblU Fathers. . 8.-10:30, 7:80. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Bar. O. Bob. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St. Agatha S. 15th and Miller Bev. J. Comminsay. 8. 10 30. 7:30. St. 8tanisbu (Potiah) Msrylaad and Fail tag Bev. F. Matthew. 8, 10: 80, 7:30. St Joseph t German) 13th and Coach Bev. B. Durrer. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Bar. U. Saleatra. : 8:30. 10:30. 70.- First" Spiritualist s Church . . East Sartatli and. Hassmlo Stt, " STJ5DAT ETE3TINO O'CLOCK - ' Hear Mrs, Inez Wagner Th 2ftd Medium t 1a9 Aarcle Ksds tealed questioag. . - SEATS FBKE .-" ' Left to right Prof. M. A. Honlcne, Prof. A.M. general secretary, has arranged for the larger part of the program.. Following is the state convention pro gram : Thursday Afternoon 1 :46. Histrtion of delegates , Sftrrice of song Walter Jenkitn OonTocatJon prayer .... ReT. V. W. MacIIenry Announcements Keynote Messages '. "The Church School and the Kunday School Association" Prof. A. M. thicker Rrtiwpert and Prospect Edwin Uawden IHnsional conferences: 1. Keiwral officers conference. Presbyterian church, Ir. t. Karl Klse, presiding. . "The Association Task" . . . f.'lias. R. Fisher "A County Mp"....Dr. Frank F-. Brown "A District Organiaatior" . . . . Kllton 8haw 2. Cln'dren'a dmrion. Congregational t'hurcU, Mif fJeorgia Parker, presiding: "Cradle Rol' Demonstration" .Mrs. Carl Smith "The Purpose of Music" Mis - Bemice Adams "How Can We Teach Reerence?" . . . . Mrs. A. R. Slauson "The Prayer Life of the Child" Mrs. Clara Emob S. Young People's dirision, Baptit Church: "The Fourfold Ufe" Paul Newmeyer "The Class Organised" ...... C. It. Fnher Children's diruion luncheon, A. A. - More pre siding : "Our Cradle Roll." "Our Beginners." "Our Primaries." "Our Juniors." Thursday Evening, 8:00, Serrice of song Walter Jenkins OF CHURCH St. CUrea Capitol Hill Father Capistnn. O. F. M. ; 8. 10:10. St Charles E. 33d and . Alberta Bar. . J. P. O'Flynn. . 10:3O All Saints Is. 69th and Glisan Rev. Father William Cronin. 8. 18:30 -, - . , St. Patricks 19th and Ss Tier Rev. Charles M. Smith. 8, 0 15, .10:30. 7:45. Ohrlitlan First Park and Columbia Rev. Harold H. Griff is. Preaching by Rev. S. M. Conner. 11, "The Kingdom of God;" 7:4 5, "Interpretation of Prophecy." East Side E. ' 12th and Taylor Rev. R. H. Sawyer. 11, "America's Mothers;" 8. "A Lost Church or a Lost People?" Bodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Rev. J. F. Ghormley. 11. "The Debt We Owe to Our Mothers;" 8, "The Word of Reconcilia tion." Mont rills E. 76th and Glisan Rer. Her bert E. Ryder. 11. 7:30. Woodlawn E. 7th and Liberty Rev. Joseph D. Boyd. 11, S. Vernon E. 1 5th an Wygant Bev. B. Tibbs Mazey. 11. 7:30. Ohrlrtlan Sclecca Lesson subject: "Adam and Fallen Man." -irsti 10tb and Everett. 11, 8. Second E. 6th and .Hoiladay. 11, 8. Third E. ' 12th and Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11. 8. Fifth 62d and 42d ave. S. E. 11. Sixth Masonic Temple. 368 Tamhill. 11. 8. Seventh Holbrook block, St Johns. 11. All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. Congregational First Park and Madison. " Dr. VV W. Wfl lard. 11, "The Practice of Religion;" 7:45, "The Domestic Relations Court," by judge Stapleton. Sunnysida E. 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J. Staub. .11, "My Debt to Mother"; 7:45. "My Mother," with motion pictures on the life of Abraham Lincoln. Atkinson Memorial fi. 2th and Everett Rev. E. K. Flint 11. "My Mother's FaKh;" 8, "The Truth of the 'X' and the Story of the War." by Frank J. Meyer. , Highland E. th and Precott Rev. Edward ConsUnt. 11, preaching by Rev. A. T. Sullen; 8, Mothers' Day service, with siiecial program. Waverley Heights- E. 33d and Woodward Rer. Oliver P. Avery. 11, 8. Latrrelwood 45th ave. and 63th at 8. E. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Bev. Robert Murray Pratt 11, "The Living, the Dead and the Unborn;" 7:45, "The Hand' that Rocks the Cradle is the Hand that Rules the World." Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore- Rev.' Sam uel Nevala. 6, 7 :30. University Park Haven add Lombard Bev. C. H. Johnston- 11. 8. 8t' Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond Bev. J. T. MerrilL 11. 7 :8. . Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Rev. Ole 'forgessen. 11. 7:30. First German E. 7th and SUnton Hey. George Zocber. 11. 7:30. Second- German E. 8th and Skidmore Bev. Henry Hagelganz. 11. 7:30. . Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Bar. J. H. Hopp. 11. 7:30. Parkrose Bev. P. D. HoUman. Il.j7;80. ptaeopaj ' Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr 18th and Clay Bt. Ber. W. T. Sumner, bishop. Sundays. 7:45. 11. 7:45. Holy days. 9:30. Trinity 19th and Everett Bev. A. A. Mor rison. 8. 11, 70. . St Davids -E. 12th and Belmont Rev. Tbomaa Jenkins, rector. . 7:30, . 9:30, 11, "Christ's Commission to the Church;' 8. Chriit the Priest and the Meaning of Priesthood.'!' St Marks 21st and AUisuaU Be. J. G. Ha Won. 7:30, 9:45, H. . . , ! St Andrews Hereford at. Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge, 9, 11, :7:SO. Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Bev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. , , Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Bev. John Dawson. 11, 8. St Michaels and All Angels E. ' 43d and Broadway Bev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. 8. 10. 11. 8. ' f-i - , Church cf Our Savior 60th are. and 41st at 8. ki. Bev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 730, 11. Bishop Mania Memorial Good Haaearitaa hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 7. 9 :30. Ht Paula Woodmere Kev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. - . I . All Saints t25th and SaTici" rBev. Frederic K. Howard. 10. 11. St. Johns Memorial ' E. 16th iod Harney, Sellwood. Bev. H. Clark in charge. ! 11.: 7 :80. St Mathews Corbett and Bancroft Bar. W. A. M. Breck, vicar. 10, IL - y Evangel Ices . i First E. 6th and Market Bev. VE. D. Horn schuch. 11, 7:80. . i Carson Heights 9th and Hume Bev. F. M. Fisher. 10:30. 11:30. j Clay Street )0th and Clay Bev. H.; Schu knecht. ' 10:45. 8. - . , Free Methodist . ,r - . ' Central E. 55th and Flanders Rev. W. N. Coffee. 11. 7:45. preaehinc by - Bev, B. W. Huekabea of Dallas, Texaa. .- First E. 9th and Mil; Bee. A. Bers. 1 1 , ."The Lost Art of Holy Service;" 8, "Tha Expensiveness of Sin, v . -i- Aiueitai' B. SVtn and .Wygant Ber. ! K. X. Haxrington. 11. ?:3. : Firat E. 85U and ilam Eer. Homer I Locker, Charles R. Fisher, Harold F, Ptsyer Rer. C. H. Hilten "The Voice of Corrallis" A My. A. C. Mehlbrede "The Voice of Oretfon" . .A. A. Morse The Voice of Idaho" . . . . Mrs. I- M. Ormsby "The Voice of California" C. R. Fisher "The Call of the New Age". Rct. Francis Clement Held Friday Morning, 8:00 Divisional conferences :. County officers. Presbyterian church. Harold F. Humbert, presiding; A. M. I-ocker, speaker. "How to Organise the Country" "How to Arrange a Convention Program. " "How to Advertise a Convention. " Children's division. Congregational church, Mrs. Clara O. ICuHon. pn&riding: "How to Svcnre and Hold Teachers" .Mrs. L. M. Omnliy "True Expressional Work" . .Mrs. S. E. DuBeis "Knowing the Child" ....Prof. M. A. Honline Adult division. 'Christian church. Rev. H. H. Karnliam, presiding: "The Cla. That CounU" Charles R. Fisher "Publicity" Mrs. L. M." Ormsby Round table conference Assemfcly 1.... Music Walter Jenkins Prayer Rev. J. Cronenberger Association neasion : "A Backward and . a For ward Look." "Pointers From the President. .Dr. J. Earl Else 'The ChUdreu's Division . . Mi Georgia l'aiker "The Young People's Irtvision" Harold Humbert, Mrs. F. N. Rogers "The Adult Division" .... Rev. H. H. Faruham "The Educational Division" Mfea Violet W. Johnson S.iiecial music "Counting the Cost R. N. Parka "A Picture of Oregon". . . .Harold F, Humbert "Religious Education and the Sunday School Association" Pn.ftasor A. M. Locker SERVICES IN Cox. II. 7:45. Jewish Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Ms In Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath services Friday at 8 p. m., Saturday. 10:30 a m. Sunday, 10, in Portland academy bldg., 13th and Mont gomery. Religious school. Bible classes at Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays. Congregation A ha via Sholem Park and Clay sts. Rabbi It Abrahamson, Friday, 8 p. m.' Saturday, 9 :30 a. m. Congregation Nevah SCedeck Talmud Torah 6th and Hall Rev. Abraham I. Kosencranta. Friday, 8 p. m.; Saturday, 9 a. m. ; Sunday, 10 a. m . religious schooL Latter Dar SalnU Church of Jesua Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 25th and Madison. 10, 7:30. Lutheran St James W. Park and Jefferson Bev. Win. E.Brinkman. 11, 7:30. St Paul E. 12th and Clinton Bev. A. . Krause. 9:30, 10:30. 8. Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. A. t'hristens'-n. 1 1 , sermon in Norwegian. THnitvWillim ind f Oralis IB Kev. J. A Reinbach. 9:15. 10:30. 7:80. I Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davis Res. Wilhelm Pettersen. 11. 8. Grace. English Mason and Albina. Rev. C H. Bernhard. 9:45. 11. Hamilton Chanel -E. 80th and Glisan Bev. F. J. Epling. 10:45. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Bod ney. Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ris Rev, U P. Roller. 11, 8. 8t Johns Peninsula and Kilpatrlek Rev. L. Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Glisan Rev. C. J. Ledin. 11, "Sorrow or Joy A Little While"; 7:30. "A Mother s Calling and Influence." Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7:4.5. Immanuel 9th and Irving Rev. A. V. An- dersou. ' Methodist Episcopal Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rev. J. O. Rollins, 'il, "The Enduring Influence of a Good Home"; 8.. "If I Were a Girl." Central Vancouver and Fargo Bev. A. B. Maclean. 11. 8. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Bay. John Parsons. 11, 7:30. . . , Epworth 26th and Savtar Bev. J. Stanford Moore. 11.8. First 1 2th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stana. field. 10:30, preaching by pastor; 7:45. preaching by Dr. Bert rand M. Tipple of Borne and Chalain Thomas Tiplady of London. First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev. Kliaa Gjerding. 11, 7:45. ' Garden Home Rev, A. B. Calder. 10:30, 7:4 5. Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster Bev. A. C. Brackenbury. 11, 730 Lents Lucien B. Jones. 11, 7:30. Lincoln E 52d and Lincoln. Bev. F. A. Ginn. 11. "Stewardship." Monta villa E. '80th and Pine Kev. Hiram Gould. 11. 7:30. Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Bev. K. Olia Eldridge. 11. 7:30. , . ' . Rose City Park : Bev. D. , Lester Fields. 11, Motlier'a day service; 7:30, "Arbor Day." Sellwood Rev. W. 8. Gordon. 11. 7:80. Sunnyside E. 85th and . Tamhill Bev. W. F. Ineson. 11.. 7:45. St Johns W. Leavitt and Syraouse Rev. J. H. Irvine ! 11. . 8. Swedish Beecn . and Borthwick Ber.' Abel Ekl'ind. 11, 8. University Park Fiske and Lombard Ber. J. T.-Abbott - 11, Mother's day; 8.- "The Cen tenary." .... . Vancouver Avenue Norwegian -Danish Skid more and Vancouver. Re; O. i. Rynning. 11. 8. tVestmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 8. Wilbur Multnomah- hotel Rev. Francis Bur gette Short 10:30. Wooditock K. 34th and Woodstock Bev. L C. Poor. 11.7 :80. District superintendent, Rrv. William Wallas Toungson, D. D.. 691 E. 62d st N. Tabot 2790. M- K. South First Union and Multnomah Ber. James T. FTemJu 11, "Beholding God's Glory"; 8. ""Lavine Foundations" : 8, "Whom Do Men Say I Am" by Evangelist Stem ' - Nazes-en 1 r First E. 10th and Weidler ster. C How ard Davfa. 11, 7:80 ' , Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Preaching by Luke Bader. 11, 7:80. --j-.r, Brentwood o 6th ave. and 67th at Bar. X V. Fowler. 11. 7 JO. . Highland Park E- 14th and Ktllingsworth Bev. W. P. Keebangh. 11, ,8. . Scandinavian Rev. J. BringedahL 11, T:30. Prasbytarlan First 12th and Alder Ber. John H. Boyd. 10-30 "'nc Most Terrible I -aw Binding Man's 'Nature"; 7:43. "The Great Adventures " Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Bar. Edward H. Pence. 11. 7:30. Central E. 13th and Pine. . Ber. Orlando B. Persliing. 11. "The , Ascemaon"; 7:45, "Needed at Howws." ' ' " Calvary lltn and , Clay Bev " Frank J. Merer. 10:30. kt Tabor EL 55th and Belmont Bar. Ward lwtn ana wygantKsv. u. lus borougu. 11. 7:3(1. School Convention -ft", ft ft ft ftl ft - vp yv JWywyr-y vo. 1 - y: , v j, aj A - - - -- I 'X I ill Ifl Humbert Friday Afurnoon, 12:18 County Delegation Meetings Assembly . . t.wv1ee of song Waiter Jefkins I'ruytr Hevi C. P, tiates "Ihe Mini-Ur and the Church School" Rev. A. A. IeM "Demonstration; The Iin-Cushion BlarkbrJ" Rev. John H. Hoyt .a ioneLTUcuve Btuay o! tun Ola Testanienl Professor M. A. Honline Vt illamette quartet. "They Shall Not Perirh. , Rev. 3. J. Handsaker Visit to Oregon Agricultural College. Friday Evening, 6:00. Convention luncheon. Young People's division in charge. v Crt.neral session Presbyterian church Service of song Walter Jeukin Prayer Re v.; J. E. Snyder MUSH t ....... , .V Community Plan of Training for Service" I'rofessor A. M. Locker Music . . s . "A Community Movement in Religious Edu cation ' Professor M. A. Honline Children a division sew ion. Congregational Church: i Song service L ....... . Religio-.ui Education: A Challenge-? .C. R. Fi her Song .Corvallis children Stcreopticon address. "Up From Childhood" '. Rev. John j H. Matthews Saturday .Morning, 8:00 Divisional conf orehees : County officers. Pre-bytcrian church. Professor A. M. Locker, learler. "A Through-the-Year Program for Association" "Uotv to Raise the Budget" "How to Secure Repot ts." the Cnnty - PORTLAND Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Rev. A. I Hutchinson. 11, "Home and Mother" 8. sermon by the Rer. P. o. Bonebjrake. Fourth First and Gibbs. 10:30, 7:30. - Bev. Levi Johnson. Kenilworth E. 34th end GladstoiM Ber. Paul E. Ratsch. 11. "Mother's Day": 8. ad dress by Miss Glsdys Hannon of the National Hope E. 78th and Everett Bev. Floyd E. ( S. A M. 8 . a3 Ve - Rose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11, "The Christ of the Kermort cn, the Mount"; evening, "Heaven's Consciousness j of Death." Forbes Grsbanx and UVatenbein. 11, Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rer. Theo dore P. Smith. 11, "Mother's Day"; 8, "Do Men Live in God's Presence?" Anabel Rer. John E. Nelson. Ill, 8. Millard Avenue Rer. W. Lee Gray. 11. "Our Mothers"; 8, "Selected 'Men." Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Ber. A. J. Hanna. 11. ' -. f Mizpsh E. 19th and Division. Preaching by the Rev Arthur F. Bishop. 11. "Mother"; 8. "The Kingdom of God"; good music. " Seventh Day Adventlrt Note Regular services of this denomination are held on Saturday. ; Central E. 11th and Everett- L. K. Dick son, pastor. 10. 11:15. Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery E. H. Emmerson, minister. 11. Monta villa E. 80th and Everett Elder Jj. A. Gerhart 10, 11. 'ji Lents 94th st and 58th ave. Elder W. D. Huntington. 10, 11. St Johos Central are. and Charleston Elder A. K. Folkenberg. 10, 11. Albina Skidmore and MaUory Elder A. A. Meyer. 10, IL. ? Scandinavian 550 Alberta Elder O. S. Lee. 10 lis -i . Salvation Armr Corps No. 1 243 Ash st Adiutant Frank Genge. 11, holiness meeting; 315, "Mother": 8. memorial service for Mrs. Harriet Hagar, Corps No. 4 128 1st Adjutant Jeneph Harrison. il, a, , 8wedenborgian -New Church Society 831 Jefferson Ber. William R. Reece. dl, "Immortality as Taught by the Bible." by Carl B. Wintler. reader. Unitarian ii Church of Our Father Broadway add Tam hill Rev. G. Eliot Jr. 11. "The Roman Catholic Church It's Place ins Christendom"; 7:45. open forum led by Eugene E. Smith, topic. "The Industrial Unrest United Brethren Conference superintendents Bar. G. E. Mo Donald. First E. 15th and Morrison Rev. " Byron 3. Clark. 11, "Mother"; 7:30. gospel team as sisted ny u. a. numerun. Second E. 27th and Sumner. Rer. . Ira Hawley 11, "Mother"; 8. "God's Men Always. Bucressrni. Third 67th st and 32d ave. 8. E. Bev. & O. Shepherd. 11. Mothers' jj day program; 7-30, servi.-e conducted by Reril J. T. Connor. Fourth Tremont Her. C. P. Hlao.'tiard. 11, "Carnation, or Mother's Wages"; 7:30, service in charge -of F. A. Glass and Carlton Glass. . - " United Evanaalica First E. 16th and Poplar Rev. J. A Gtode. ' 11. 8. ,.- ., . I Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gtr Ber. H. H. Farnham. 11. 7:30. St Johns Ber. A. P. Laytou. 11. 8. United PresbyUriao First -E. , 87th and Hawthorne Rer. H. i. Given. 11. "An Unseen Enemy"; 7:30, "In telligeat Obedience." - y . Church f the Stranger Orscd and Waee Ber. 8. Earl Du Boia. 10:30. "Our Moth ers"; 8. "The Night Cometh When No Man Can Work - : v I: - Kenton 120 West JLombard Bev. George N. Taylor. 11. 7:30. ij - Mhwallanaetis " Christian and Missionary AUtanee E. 9th and Clay Rer. John E. Fee. 11, 7:30. Realization League 186 5th Ber. H. Ed ward Mills. 11, "The Power of Strong Be hef" by W. J. Wirti; 8, "The Main Objec tive" by T A. Harper. i Christedelpuian 21 E. Waaliington. - 10:80. Church of Uod 363 FaiUng. Harry NeaL 11. 7:30. - Gospel Hall E. "29th and Stark. Meo'a Beaort 4th- and Barnrlde Ber. Lev) i'ohnaoa, - superintendent-- 8. - Dirina Science TUford building Ber. T. M. Minard, pester.. 11. . . Universal Messianic 318 Abrngton building, 11. "The Spiritual Science of Life"; 8. "SeU-realisatioar-Mans Salvation" ! Ponteeoatal Firsthand Was&mgtos Bar. WiU C. Trotter. . 11. , 7:80. i , t Glad Tidings ( Pentecostal Mission) 246 H 1st. 2, 3,- 7:30 week days escrpt Monday and Saturday, 8 p. m. --- Pentecostal church E. 20th and Anktcy A W. Smith. 11. 3. 8. Volunteers of America Mission 224 Bumside Meeting every evening . ezoept Monday at 8 o'clock, and Sunday. 8 p. sn. First Spiritualist, E, 7th and Hasaalo Ber. A Rcett-Bledsoe. 8. 7:45. Second Spirit ualwt Allsky Hall Bar. Max Hoffman, 8, 8. . American Church W. 0. t XT. halL E. 6th and Aider, ' 8. . Calvary Temple E. 24th and Prwsdway Bar. Dawson MacCulloufh, . 10 JW, 2 , Jf ormer SCravelihg esman rdained Georro N. Taylor, was ordained to th ministry at the Kenton United Pres byterian (community) church, I Thurs day evening:. The Rev. 8. Karl Du Boia conducted the ceremonies,- and the Rev. H. V. Given, preached the sermon. Mr. Taylor was appointed about a year ago to take chargre of the work In tho Ken ton church, and since that time has filled the pulpit. Prior to this he was connected wtth the .Oreeon Ant,I-Saloon leag-ue. Before . coming- t Oregon Mr. Taylor . represented a Chicago - manufacturing- concern in the Southern states for several years. : It was while serving as a traveling, salesman that he first became Interested in religious Work and became convinced that he should make It his life vocation. - Fred LoolSey Will Talk at Westminster ' VOver There and Over Uere' will be the topic of Fred Lockley'e talk tonight at 7;4S o'clock at the Westminster Presbyterian church, Kait Seventeenth and Schuyler streets, Mr. Jjocfciey, now on the staff of The Oregon Journal, spent several weeks in war work across the seas and knows whereof he speaks, Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller will be soloist of the evening. Ir. Pence, . pastor of the church, will occupy the pulpitin the evening:, his sermon 'topic being; "Babes, Stars and Men." Mrs. Jane Burns' Albert, noprano, will sins a solo at the mornlnsr nervine. It will be Bruno Huhn's "I Will Exalt Thee." lcunsj People's divtlon, Bsplist church, Mrs. I M. Ornuby, nreiddinK : , . ", ''l'riricijiles cf Teen Age Work" . . . frofewor M. A. Honline A'-crertiUrt Bible Ktiiily ' . . ilrt. J. K. r'rcuson "fhe Cultivatiou of IteveTenee". .......... . . , Professor V. ti. Dubach l;.itnl Kuud&y f$ htol conftreiire, 'nisre4aUnai clmrrli. Ttev. John H; Hoyt, Uev. t P. Allen and Ir. (.',. W. llayas, kadert. i - : , , freiieral aasemhly, rcbytcrian rhurch: Stu-ia ................. Willamstte quartet J'rayer .............. .Bev. II. H. Farnham State Associatiou Hour; Bull Call ami Recog nition of Counties, ... ...Harold V. Humbert Keport of committees ..,.......(..... . , "The Cost and Iteward of leadership". . lie, w. yr. WUUrd Luncluon. ----" . i , - Saturday Aftemeon, 1 :4S, Service of scna '. i . . ..... ,. V t . . , 'The Young People's Hour" :.;...!. r "The Kind ot a Sunday Hchool I I.iiie-' .... - .Miss Ardtth f.reenJ "What ti Sunday School Can IH for a Boy." , . ..Ixisan i snn "An ideal (Sunday School Tfaelier. .licll Titirow Music . i . . j . . . .Charlie Williams "The Older Oirls' t'-onferetice-'. . , , .i. . i . . Miss Marsaxvt Kt-ott "The Oiili-r Hoy's UespoiikibfUty I tor the Yonnsxr Boy" ............ Iorte llouck "A Constructive Si oily of the Old Teitauicbt" ............... . .VrMenor M. A. Hcnline Music Willameltej Ulee Club Ltivuiortal conference--: ' I - Cluklren'a division. Conareeational church, Mist lieomU Parker, presidios". -.1 It Is Written" ......!......." '-The Place of the Story hi the Child's Ite- iiaiou. Kilucatiou" ..Harold Humbert "Why aitd How to Teach Temperanee", , . . . .-. - 11 rs. 1. II.. Zvlirung Mucentiras, Uewrd, Itesults". , . i. . , ... . ..i Miss Violet Joiiusoo tilden Thcuiits'' .. , Icons People- s division.. Baptist clutch, Mrs. V. i N. Itosen, iireidine. V - ! What a Boys1 Class Can IoS , j& 4 In a Hural School". ...... . , .iKbT Pries "in a City Schrol" .......... J. 7i . Wmninu the t;iil" ..... .Mrs. Ui M. Oruuby General officers' divMoo, Christiaa church, Mr. Elltnu Shaw, presidinc: "Building up the Sunday School" . . lUr. J. H.' Matthews "Y ha Training -of Teachers" . . Rev. 1. E, bnuiret Adult division, Presbyterian church: i " The Training of Parents" . . Prof. A. M. Locker Saturday Kvenlng, S:00, Assembly session: Kervtea of song ....'.;..,.....;....,. Prayer .v Rev. J. p. Clyde "A National Program lor Religious Education ' ,.Prof. M. A. lion hue Bfusie Willamette tiles Club- The Soul of America ............ r ... . ............ .President Carl tiregc lioney Sunday Mornlnt, t:45. Sunday School sessions in vark us churches. Crief messages from- visitors. ' i : Services of Worvhip iu Cotvallis churches. Sunday Aftamoon, 2:46. isOfbhr searion, Presbyterian church: XusiOy ,, ... Prayer Dr. (ieorre It. Vsrnay "A Constructive Study of the Old Testament"' . . ................. .Prof. M. A. Honline Vi illamette Quartet "I Know One Helpful Thing for a Sunday School" .......................... Min Ucoraia Parker, Charles Htsver, Dr. J. Far Else. Mm, Clara G. Esson. Mrs. Ella Fisher, . John Mintun, Mrs, I. M. Ormsby and ctlitra - Sunday Evening, S:00. . . . Closing session,' in Prasbyteritan and Methodist churchi'a: - , Seiice of song . ..................... I-rayer Kev. E. G. Decker addruset, "Religious Education and World Brotherhood" ..................... Prof. M. A. Honline and Rev. II. II. Grttfis. , FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALDEB 8TKEET AT TWELFTH REV. JOHN H. BOYD, D. D. PASTOR SUBJECT FOB SUXOAV, MAT. 11, lllll "The Most Terrible Law Binding 'y Man's Nature" 7i4S P. M. "The Great Adventures of Life" At 12:15 the Sunday School con venes. Visitors are most welcome. At 7 :30 p. m. an organ recital will be given by K. IS. Coursen. CIVIC FORUM SUNDAY NIGHT! COMMUNITY SINGING PARK AND MADISON STREETS 7:45 o'Clock Sunday Evening ' - : ' - - ADDRESS DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT Bjr Judge Ge. W. Stapleton Judge Stapleton is Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court and Is in a position to speak with authority on his subject. 805G, "LITTLE WHITE HOUSE, BT CEO. W1LBEB BEF.D . . . f" .... - Open Forum for Questions From tho Floor NON-PARTISAN . NON-SECTARIAN OMNI-HUMAN , , Com and You Will Come Aialn NOTED MEN ARE TO SPEAK SUNDAY Oil CENTENARY DRIVE Chaplain Thomas Tiplady, Pop ular British 'Padre,' and Dr. n . . t .. . i a a "w . i , . i oenrana m. nppie xo ipeaK. DriTiJ : t . riopT ' m rruftniPT wwivi ri , iiiivi IIV.IIIVI-'IWI Purpose of Visit Is .to Explain in -Detail War Construction Pro gram and Disposal of Money. To place, emphatically befot-rt the American people the war reconstruction program of the Methodist centenary. An uiittn f: finA rinn nMt, rt k-.,.. i II OS. 000, 000 world work, program Is to ? be expended, the Joint centenary com mittee has invited to America Chaplain .Thomas , Tiplady.. the most popular, arid best known "padre" of the British ex peditionary forces, anl i)r iijrtJrand M. Tipple, president- of the. Methodist col lefte at Itome and director of the Metli-A odist' centenary' fund In" Kuroprf. ' Both men will . sreak at- the First Methodist Episcopal church. Twelfth awl Taylor streets, Sunday ' hlsht. It had been hoped: to make acranKcments for them to stpeak at a man iiioetlns, but The Auditorium whs not available. ?haprain, , Tiplady, while wl,h the BHtlBh forcas, , was tho author of two popular books, "The Cross U the Front" and "The Soul of a-Soldier." He was an l?ritrliHf .'Wesleyari and came to the United States to aid in raining the Methodint $105,000,000 centenary. Bo fore he entered the army, Chaplain Tip lady devoted himnelf to work in tho east fnd of London, laboring amonu the poor, the deKraded, and the down-, and-out, where he acquired the sympa thy with all humanity which enabled him to write his famous books. Dt. Tipple will conduct to Kurope th famous .Methodint mlHHion ship, which M will bear a $3,000,000 cargo of plows, tractors, eeeda and portable houses, this being the new type of missionary en deavor undertaken by the church. H prepared the surveys on which the Methodist centenar; will expend money in all the countries of Europe, as he Is considered an expert on , Ruropeari conaiuons. tie nas ions been affiliated with world' mission movements.- The public is invited to hear these men speak Sunday evening:. .. Sunday morning Dr. Joshua rUansfleld,, pastor of the church, win discuss ths centenary rnovemehtJu hls-frmon. Try slabwood and imlds wood, greeri stamps for 'cah. HolmanKuel Co.; Main 353 j A-3363 ; A-49S5. Adv. J UiJ THE TEACHERS' SALARY MEASURE TODAY (Air. by -Citizens' Educational : League, i Clarence Euhanks, Mec.. Journal Building, Portland.) D Re S H O R T Mas Jut returned from California, and will speak tomorrow morning at 10:30 , WILBUR METHODIST CHURCH (Multnomah Hotel) SUBJECT "MOTHERS TO WHOM THE HE J WORLD OWES A STAR OF COLD" SPFCIA1V MU81C A Mil QUAETE 1 VOTE It 1 1