The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 09, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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G. 0. P. SOW TO
V - . ' - ' : ,1 . y ...... . r . ' . - . .... . v . . . . ...... - . . ' . i.'- .' f -
: . . t . .
Republican Senators Will -Mark
Time While Waiting for Offi
cial Peace Text and Message.
Hope to Find a Way by Which
Treaty Can Be Considered
-. Apart From league Pact. .
. ' ' By J. Bart Campbell.
Washington. May . . ( I. - N. 8.) Sen
ator Borah, progressive Republican of
Idaho, served unmistakable notice upon
the Republican leaders of the senate to
day that he would bolt the Uepublican
party unless it lined up In out-nnd-out I
cpposltion to the United -States entering '
the proposed League of .Nations. ..
Borah declared that he did rot ap
prove - of , any decision that - Senafora
Lodge, Penrose, Smoot and Curtis and .
other Republican leaders might have nr- '
rived at ' regarding the peace treaty 1 o
which; might result in any further, delay I
Iri establishing before the American peo
ple the" exact attitude of the Republican
party relative to the modified League
covenant, ,
Washington. May .(!. N. 8.7 While
awaiting. the official text of the peace
treaty and 'the special1 message 'Presi
dent Wilson la sending congress with re
,gard to the international situation ; re
volving around the ' voluminous docu
ment. Republican leaders of the senate
will pursue the historic Wllsonian policy
of -watchful waiting.".
This,, was determined upon today at a
conference between -leading Republican
senators like Lodge jot Massachusetts.
Penrose of Pennsylvania. Smoot of Utah,
and Curtis of Kansas.
While no official announcement was
forthcoming as a result of the confer
ence It was ascertained from an au
. thoritative aourre that the mooted ques
tion o. whether the modified League of
Nations covenant can be considered sep
arately, from the rest of the peace treaty
a procedure which . some Republican
senators strpngly favor should be, left
open until the official text can be: prop
erly studied.
It was -explained that such a course
was. the natural and logical one to pur
sue for even those Republican senators j
wno oeaitfl o pui me covenant asiae
until other provisiona of the peace treaty
are disposed of. '
Senator Lodge, who Is to be chairman
of the senate foreign relations commit
tee as well as the Republican floor leader j
of the senate, was said to be among
those Republican senators who wish. f
possible, to test the administration chal
lenge, as voiced by. Senator Hitchcock of
Nebraska and other Democratic leaders,
that opponents of the amended League
of Nations covenant would find it diffi
cult to take the league out of the treaty, j
Republican senators tike Moses of New j
iCQnpehlr believe that a way can be :
found jto. do so, but It was declared Sen- j
atora tjodge PenroaeSmoot and Curtis, I
for. example, were . agreed ' that nothing
could really be accomplished toward that, i
end until the treaty's exact text was i
carefully gone Into. Once that huge task j
was out of the way, some definite plan
could be formulated whereby the league !
covenant could be considered separately, j
unougn oniy in uia , eveni inm 11 ww
found to be not inextricably interwoven
with the treaty proper, it was stated,
i "But how are we to know Whether we
can separate the league covenant from
the rest of the treaty until we have seen
the official text of the entire document?"
was the. pointed question asked , by one
senator Who participated In the Repub
lican conference. ' His inquiry was re
flected by the attitude of his colleagues.
And it can be Stated authoritatively
that their attitude, la one that is likely
to stand until the- senate foreign rela
tions committee returns, following the
convening of congress. May 19, has re
ceived the official text of the treaty and
has begun to frame the resolution of rat
ification by which the senate is finally
to dispose of the momentous document.
In the meanwhile Senator Lodge, Sen
ator Penrose and other leaders of the
slim Republican majority Jn the senate,
were busily engaged on organization
plans by which It is expected they will
control next, week's Republican sena
torial caucus. '
Senator Penrose was In conference
Thursday night with a group of his
friends, immediately' following his re-
. turn to Washington. He was "back on c
the job" at the capltol today for the first
time since his departure after the ad
journment of the last congress.
One License Issued
Oregon City, May 9. A marriage li
cense was Issued Thursday to Amy Kl
nora Shaw, 18, and George V. Clester,
21, both of Molalla.
- Hoggans sells quality groceries for
less. Save money trading at Hoggans.
Read Hoggans' ad on market page.
Groceries for less.
nr lessons
Ladies $2.50
Gentlemen $5
At DeHowey's BeaaUfa
Academy, 214 aad
"New classes for beginners start Hon.
day and Thursday evenings this week.
Advanced classes start Tuesday and Krl
'. day evenings this week. - An Daaees
. i taaght Ladles, Geatleaea IMO te
' 5?L ;Jo,, these classes tals week.
Take one or four lessons a week. Tick
. eta are good until used. The only school
. teaching from 8 to ll:o. Plenty of prac.
tic. No embarrassment. Separate sten
room and extra teachers for backward
puplla, A thorough printed description
of ail dances free for pupils. We have
' large and select classes and the social
feature alone is worth double the price,
and this la the only school where they
guarantee to teach you to dance, pri
v vate lessons grren ail hours. Avoid ln
- t erior teacher - who dance and teach
only a few elmplo ballroom dance.
' Learn correctly from professional fn
t structors who can dance and guarantee
1 to teach you to dance. Leant the aingie
UP fox trot and new Jssa-steps. Call after
noon or evening. Phone iialn 7e$i. -
- . - . - .'
The sales in this ad have been especially hoarded up for the' climax of this, first
great Anniversary week. With but one or two exceptions, every offer is of new mer
chandise never before shown and all are special purchases of reliable goods.
Unless otherwise ad-'
vertised, previous lots are
on sale v where assort
ments have . not been ex-,
hausted.. .So come Sat
urday I for, even greater
values than you have had.
1 80 Smocks
All New
-H a n d o m e hand-embroidered
smocks of ; new crash," beach cloth
and fine voiles. Slipover and open
front models .with or -without collars-
and ties and belts some with
sashes and cords. The prettiest lot
of smocks we've seen at any price.
Sizes 14 to 44. '
th Anniversary
Llpman, Wolfe & Co., Fourth Floor.
Children's Ribbed Silk Hose
"Seconds" 1 200 Pairs-89c
Fine ribbed pure silk stockings white, pink and a few cordo
van, grey and blackwith double n-eels and toes.
With stockings of such quality on sale at less than half regular
price If. will be well to be here early if you plan to supply the
children's needs. Sizes 6 to 90; '
69th Anniversary--Lipman, Wolfe & Co., Street Floor
Saturday Sale or the New
Ribbon Camisoles $3 .95
A most unusual Birthday Offering the Ribbon Section.
Beautiful Camisoles made of finest quality moire, satin and surah
silk ribbons.
Beautiful pastel colorings, trimmed with laces, rosebuds and
two-tone ribbons. Charming for colored Georgette blouses.
69th Anniversary Sale Lipman, Wolfe & Co.- Street Floor:
Infants' Fine Silk Hose
"Seconds" Very Special 59c
Another unusual offer in hosiery even for this great' Anni
versary sale! Silk stockings in white, pink and sky. -
They're made with double heejs and toes and are here in sizes
4 to 6. Imperfections are so slight as not . to be found without
closest scrutiny.
69th Anniversary Lipman, Wolfe & Co., Street Floor
Waistcoats and Vests $5 to
The most exquisite Waistcoats and Vests ,in our regular stocks
have been reduced to make the Anniversary Sale attractive to all.
Tricolettes and Novelty Silks fashioned in the most beautiful
way with or without collars. Fancy trimmed and plain tailored
styles. All at ONE-THIRD OFF. '
69th Anniversary Sale -Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Street Floor
c 1
a . en
ire r
. I V
There were over 2 5 00 ties
in this sale at its outset this
morning, and if they go to
morrow like they did today.
you will have to be h
early for a share. Fine silks.
all new fore-in-hands, and I
1 - V iL.!. lit,.
yuu lure accn iiicii iiic
for pattern or quality in
rears at such a price. ' i
A Sample Line of Men's
Finest Quality Belts
Worth Double and More
Just 400 of these belts so come at once. '
To say that they are worth double is mild as
you will see upon inspection. Fine leather
many styles and effects. Chiefly size 32 and 34.
69th Anniversary Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Washington Street Entrance.
Just 75 Trimmed Model Hats
of Exquisite Lisere at $7.50
A XderW Saturday Anniversary Sale
J Beautiful model hats that are shown for the first time Saturday,
. . "offered at a small part of their real worth ! (
. .., . ... ...
je nats witn drooping Dnms ana straignt - Dnmmed style,
medium sized hats on poke shapes, small hats with side rolls and
flare backs with trimmings that are the very newest note in
smartness-glycerine-ostrich flowers wreaths and novelty rib
bons. Black and colors. ' .
. i i
The untrimmed shapes are worth more than this special Anniver
sary price YouH understand thisafter seeing the hats!
69th Anniversary Upman, Wolfe & Co., Third Floor
As Sketched S7.50
I lllj ilhn, , y( .
l mm a . m it m . m 9 mt w j mw
W Mrm . M E N
? 1 k WWW VjSf I I Nt ow two package.
5 l I ff hil ' cuatoraar!
I Al ' Fill S5Cn - 69th Anniversary Sale
" r I 'Hi Oil iSSv Lipman, Wolfe & Co.,
I I li j' llA Street Floor
- i Ik Will . U :-; ...
g : .-- ; t H ill . - . : -I';;;:
Weather Is Here
Call at our Kodak Depart
ment (just inside Alder street
door) and receive a
on ,
"Successful Snapshots"
A. A. Bailey, Jr.
Only a limited number on
hand; come early.
our developing, printing and-
69th Anniversary Lipman,
Wolfe & Co., Street Floor
1 ,000 Painting ; and Drawing Books 39
A special'that the kiddies will enjoy I Sets that Include a 75
sheet beautiful drawing book with colored models and six col
j ored crayons or eight different colors for -water color work "
i complete with brush and pan. Both educational and pleasing
for the young folkl On sale Saturday at 39c!
69th Anniversary Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Toydom, Basement.
Boys Porosknit Union
Suits 8 to 16 Years 85c
Famous Porosknit union suits In high "
or V-neck, short sleeve, knee length
style. This is a garment all the boys
know! Time to buy liberally for Sum
mer -if you're thrifty!
f l I I I.
As Sketched J. 95
A Wonderful Offer of Junior
Girls' Lovely New Gingham
Street Frocks Special $4.95 .
Five of the most beautiful models we have seetrfor Juniors at this,
price and all are easily worth much, much more than 14.95!
Beautiful, fresh colored block or pin checks and pretty new plaids
in the loveliest combinations. ; Som;e have white organdy collars anl
revers, others have fancy pockets! and belts, and many have novel
tunics. Blues pinks, ; greens and lovelyt plaids.
These are for girls t4Jand 16 and they are
so beautiful and unusual that the entire lot
will be sold before many hours.
69th Anniversary Lipman, Wolfe & Co., Fourth Floor
Unusual Sale
Dresses $2.95
Quaintest at y let
Prettiest colon
Beat fabric '
Such lovely frocks for the smaller
grris you win love to nution tne
kiddies ino them ! The daintiest -colorings
- m a 1 s e and lavender.
Kreen one model In plain colors ;
with Inverted pleats and pearl but- ,
ton trimmtngr. with black stitching
on collar.; cuffs and .neit. i
The' "other 'model " Is quaint whh
round neck, wide g-lrdle and fancy
pockets, ' with featherstltchlngr In
black. In ma ise, preen, blue, with
brown, green and Copen contrast
ins trimming-.
69th Anniversary
Lipman, Wolfe & Co., Fourth Floor.
As Sketched $2.95
Under wear Offers Toilet Goods
Set of Six
Genuine Gillette blades,
everyone knows the regu
lar selling price of these,
so there's no need to say
more about them! The
Gillette factory is co-oper- .
ating with us to this extent
to make our sale "go!'
Greatest Clothing Sale
We Have Ever Held
75 All Wool New
Suits $24.75
Seventy-five all wool suits purchased from
our chief maker at an enormous concession
brings to you the biggest bargain of the season
for they have been marked at an Anniversary
profit which is practically "no profit at all. "
Cheviots, flannels and cassimeres in browns,
greens, tans and greys. ' . .
Waist seam styles both double and single
breasted all quarter lined. '
Sizes 34 to 40.
Come early.
Combed Yam Ribbed
Union Suits, 85c
Suits tof the best combed yarn obtain
able. , Irl low neck, sleeveless, tight knee
style, finished with band top.
38, 42. 44.
69th Anniversak-y Lipman, Wolfe & Co
Sizes 36,
Street Floor
A Sale of Trousers
All New-All Special
-Another instance of the cooperation we have re-v
ceived from manufacturers to make this the great-, ,
est sale in the history of Portland!
Corduroy and
Knickers $1.95
Thcv have lust been red
and are dandy, good troU
Made oi extraoramaruy
welaht, wide wale corduroy
mouse color only. Full cuo
taped seams, double seats
pockets and belt loops.
to 15.
-69th Anniversary Sale-
250 Corduroy
Straight Knee
Trousers 98c
. Good sturdy trousers of wide
wale corduroy in mouse color.
And shepherd check trousers In
straight knee style. Excellent for
little 'fellows 2 to 10 who are
active and need 'lots of clothing 1 .
They're very, very special 1
Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Fourth Floor.
sers !
Theatrical Cleansing Cream for auto
- trips, pound. I5
Purola Foot Powder....
Tourist Itoll-Ups. good assortment
at ...y,.,50
Ashes of Roses Itoune. ........ .A Of
-Alysla Powder, all shades, .... .fjue
Santlseptlc Lotion to prevent sun
burn ,.4!ie
Revelation Tooth Powdar,..,...J45
Woodbury's Hoap. 1 for... H5c
Hudnut Three Flowers Talcum BOc
Sepol . Shampoo, to check falltnic
hair 50lf
Herplclde Hair Tonic. .50e-S1.00
Ivory Soap Flakes, for fine laun-
J derlnjr j....... 10?
Tonsito, for removing su&erfluouH
hair 91.25
Moth Balls ...........
Plnaud s Tlvoll Powder, all shades -
. at 5o
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream
t 400
Notions' on Special Sale
I)re Shields flesh and white, size
a only, pair. IOC
Boae Hair Plas assorted sizes, am-
. ber and shell, box 15
Halt aad Coat Bsltoss excellent
' values, card ................... . 10
.Bias Tape 6-yard pieces, assorted
widths, bolt j
Hese Bpporl 4 to. 12 years, llak
or white, pair ................. J 5.
MTe Elastic black and , white, as
follows : -
4 and 4i-lnchV yard 5
and -lnch, yard.......
and 1-Inch. yard. .......... ..IOC
Middy l.aces Oood quality silk In
white, navy, green; palr......,15
Coin m Ma Walit Sspporteri all
sizes , aO
Belting Remaaats band, plain ami
silk, both black and white, each &c.
69th Anniversary-
-Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Fourth Floor.
a-inch single face and 7-lncjh double face records,' Including the newest
songs and dances. Just 600 alt this special price!
Full belted, high walst
ed styles In . pretty
checked, striped and plain
colored ginghams. Some
have white or contrasting
colors ami all are In sizes
2 to 14 years. .
' Plain colored percales -
or fancy plaid ginghams.
? Waist styles -with. "V
necks, belts and pockets;
gathered skirts or Billie
- Burke styles. Others all
unusual. to 14 years. .
Middy skirts at S1.49 for girls from 6 to 14 years. Made with
deep elde plaits or JEAN cloth wide hems in white only.
These jtre ' easily the
prettiest , plaid gingham
dresses we have ever
shown at such a - price
and there are many
style, each prettier than
the next. Sixes from to
14 years.
W t ; 1 IS
: Serge Capes
-Full sweeping capes for
girls with two pockets,
veateo front and belt. ;
1-Arge oollara. feottes
trimmed. Others hare
large aeparate collars of
Victory I ted silk poplin.
- Economy Basement ", .
Upmaa, WoUo c Co.
White Composition
Ivory Toilet Ware
' Choice $1.00
Choose from our big sate as
sortment, including Picture
Frames, Crumb Bets, Cloth and
Hat Brushes, Trays. Buffers,
Jewel Boxes, Perfume Bottles,
Combs, Baby . Seta. Manicure
- Sets, etc. -
How Tou Gonna Keep 'em Down on
the Farm.
Chong. -
i Johnny's In Town.
Can You Tama Wild Wimmen?
Till We Meet Again.
Don't Cry, Frenchy Don't Cry.
' Tackln 'em Down.
Tears of Love. '
1 I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles.
I'll Say She Does A1 JoIson.
On the Road to Calais (Al Jolson).
Tickle Toe. : - .
Going Up. '
'Arabian Nights, f
Behind Your Silken Veil.
-XX ()rf -' '
i i