The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 08, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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-- Trarakra ta an aolnta of the Vnlt4 stataa w
sbraad should take edrata of ipiitiee4
foraMtioa and aarrie off.raJ Umik The Om
a on Jovrnai Tral Bar m p.raoa.1 ehan. ef
Vol j- B. Smith. Railroad ttcfceta and a
able, booatnsa arraaawd. fords, .xehaase awal
lBerMtjC S WOKUlX MPefU . .
Portland and Vicinity Tonight and Friday
llr.' aeuthwonterir winda. "'.
Or.on Toetaht ana Fr)dr (air: saoladaU
eothwaKteriy wind. , . .
WjliirUn Tonight and - rrida probaWr
- Oreeoo Tonight and a'rider ; .saoaawau
aauthwaaterly wind. ,
His ri ur - arrraita (ram - Montana. cast-
Ward ta m Atlanua asMt- IM mane raaa.
sr. 1 th. Lake region ana vpvt Ma
aippi .alley. Onf aao.t of. tha ramaiade. of
tha country tba prur ia saodaraUlr lew. Pra
ripHatioo baa onomd r bait TMcbtns (roa
Now Mnu and Tuw to the MldiiU Atlantic
eoaat, a ad in part at North Dakota, Montana,
nrathern California and British Columbia. Th
hrarMKt rainfall rportfd was on inch, at Meat,
phia, Ta. -The araathcr 1. much warmer J
Northern ad and on tha North Atlantic
toaat, and i saiwh ookier in lower I.a ra.
gton. Tha tamparator. U gcnarallr batow Bor.
anal on tha WUactta and Pacific alopee. KilUnc
(roat b wporled from Wfoeaias, Montana and
North Dakota, and light froa from Waatcra New
Tork and fttrulhaaatar n Idaho. .-..
kker. Or. . . . . .
Hilling j, Mont. .
Hotaa. Idaho
Itoatsn. Maaa.
Ueiaary. Aita.
Chicago, lit
I rrnwet , CIO. . .
Ilea Molnaa. lews . .
Galveatop, Texaa . . .
Honolulu, T. IX ...
Huron. . D. ..... r
.aia City, Ma. -. .
j..w!ton, IdailA . , . .
t Angrle, C'al. . .
S.arslifield, Or.
Medfurd, r
Memphis. Tena. . . .
S.wr orlnina. ia. ...
? w York, K. Y. . . .
Nona. Alaaka
North Haad. WA .
NrUh Pwtte. Neb. . .
Oklahoma City, Okla.
Phoenix, Ariz. . . . . .
Pi tU bora. Pa. . . . . .
Portland. Or. . . . . .
Roaeburs, Or
fit. Ixjoli, Mo.
k;.- Paul. Minn. '. . . .
alt laka City. t'tah
Un liege, Cal
Man KrancUeo, CaL .
8atti, Wash
lJ-katM, Wa-ih.
1 aroma. Waah. . . . .
T'mpa. Via ......
t aneouri r, B. C . -.
Halla WaUaa Waah.
V aahlngt-Mi. I C . .
WmiatoB. W. D.
';. c
" 2 II
i! if fl
70 40 I O
62 SS .04
1 6 O
0 66 0
60 as o
0 44 O
66 40 0
B6 46 0
78 79 .J
0 80
B4 44 . 0
fig 4 .26
... 42 O
A3 54 0
60 44 0
76 8 0
TH 66 1.00
S6 "ii 0
60 6 .8
56 . . . . O
62 46
64 a O
56 48 ,48
0 62 0
T 64 ,02
70 60 O
79 42 O
66 50 .43
64 40 O
66 4H 0
62 90 .0?
60 fjt J 0
70 48 . 0
70 44 O
72 46 O
a o
68 4
7 4S O
76 64 .12
50 80 .02
Aftarnoon raport of prooadiui day.
9a Sato a
Boiinaa Ottica, Tba Journal.
Erery Sandaj yoa at tor!ei In th
Sunday Journal tailing; about the beau
tiful trips and the siarhts to be seen
within easy auto dlatanca from Fort-
land. Do you own a car in which to
ret out, and enjoy the things ? If yoft
Coxx't you are denying yourselt and your
ramlly lmmaasurabla pleasure and
healthy enjoyment which you might Juat
uraru of The Journal "want" ads are
literally brimful of eood oars which may
' be had at low price and on easy terms.
wlA them tonigh. and select your car in
time to drive out Sunday and ret really
acquainted with Oregon's beauty. Adv.
Doll Dliplay ta IMbrary There is an
interesting- exhibit in the ' South Port
land ttbrauiy. First and. Hooker streets,
this week, the work! of the pupUs of the
Fulton Park school. There are examples
of design, drawing and manuar training,
Including a- doll's house, completely
furnished by the little ones. In addition
there la a case of "dolls of all nations.1
and the small South Portland "mo there"
win come to a special atorr hour on
Prlday, carrying . the favorite f their
aoil families.
Tore it Service Beeefpts Grow forest
arvtc receipt for the month of April
totaled $lI.840.4l. according to IMs-
mct ' jf'praarer waorge vecu. lie-
ceipte for April, 1918. were 13I,I17.1I.
Total receipts' for the year to date are
a5J2.145.74 against I49M78.S7 for last
year. : Moat of the money comes from
gracing permits, amounting to $11,000,
followed by timber sales to the extent
of 140.000. Other receipts are for spe
cial use, water power and trespass.
Breeders to Meat The next meeting
tha riMarAn hrsnrih MarlAMol Tl aa.aal aai'
w v w)uw av aayeseaf v vvu -a- vwk a
K Fanelers association, will be held
In The Journal auditorium tonight, at
o'clock. -An interesting talk on "Breed
ing," using live specimens of rabbits as
illustrations, will be given. The Ore
gon branch extends a oa4iaI Invitation
to. an. ;
, Rebee Leetar Toaight "Benjamin
Franklin and Jonathan Edwards" will
be the subject for discussion this eve
ning in the. lecture given by Dr. Rebec
on "The Hletory of American Ideals"
at th Central library at t o'clock. The
public Is invited. ' ?
Find Whiskey, en Porter Twenty,
Many people were serely disap
pointed last year when they were
too late to get a supply of Gasco
briquets and. had to buy substi
tutes. I know, because I wis one of them.
Now, In order to prevent the pos-
UbilUy of having to -disappoint
you again, we adyise you to
order now. .' . ;
If you don't want to pay for them
now, you etn arrange with our
credit man to pay monthly.
For, like all the rest of us in the
Portland Gas & Coke Company,
he has only one desire and that is
to please you.
Meet Me '
Face to Face"
four pints of bonded whiskey were found
on the ' persons of Thomas Johnson and
V uliam Smith, train porter, who were
arrested Wednesday - morning by Of
ficers Teeters and Rudolph of th war
emergency squad, i The pair readily
secured their release on bail, ,
The y Who W itaeseed the dispute
between the conductor and passenger
relative to change of is f 8 or 95- bill on
the Twenty-third street car, eastbound,
about 9 o'clock p. m-, April 21, and who
leit the car at Thirteenth street, wlu
confer a apaciat favor and be paid for
her trouble, by calUa- at room COS Stock
jttxenenge ouiiainu. or phone Marshall
2J, A-4337-Adv. - -
Bed Cress Talks at Beasoav-Dorotby
E. Wysor and Captain ,Martln Hawkina
will tell the Oregon Civic league about
th home service of the Bed Cross at
the Benson hotel Saturday noon. J. C.
English, chairman of the home service
section, will speak. ' A. R. Cephart will
preside. '
Hen's Factory Work Shoes at ITt,
honestly made to fit, of the best oak
tanned leather, may be had at Sadler's
Shoe factory, Seventeenth and Marshall.
ave measure here or ecniMength and
width of foot, with $7.80, and have a
pair mailed yoa ' Each pair guaranteed.
AdV. . - --Ji-i
Xertare on Forest Service An Illus
trated lecture on "Fighting Forest Fires
and Other Work of the Forest Service,"
wilt ba art van bv A ' fV .TtVun Ar ih.
educational cooperation department of
me lorest service at the x . M. C. A. at
7.J0 tonight. , ;
Snaalah riata C : TABlaitllv in,m
Warrington will meet the Ppaniah class
univeraity or uregon scnooi or
commerce Thursday evening at 7 :S0 in
room 426 Oraran tinlMlna' Tha Ba.nn.I
class meets at 8:30. Visitors are wel
come, jur. warrington is recognised as
an efficient instructor.
l.aar In In rail ivha Vmtlm . a virir
of lea fell on P. Winnlngton of 5031
.aax i weniy-aecona street, at the Crys
tal Ice ac Storage company early this
morn ins and mvmW 1nliir y,tm io-
Ile was removed to Good Samaritan
noapitai ior medical aid.
Master Plant bare ta . HraU.vtM
Dlumbcrs of Oraa-nn will ra..t im A
Saturday. Charles Fulylam will pre-
eiae. iners win pe two sessions, with
a trip to Seaside and a banquet in the
evening at ths Welnhard hoUL
V'anted First class typewriter sales
man, wooa prepoeiuon to an experi
enced v wire, 'Noiseless Typewriter
Distributing Co 1 Fourth st Adv.
Steaner Jessie Harkias for Camas,
Waah.ougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday, leave Alder street dock at
3 p. m. Adv. ; ....
Steamer Iralda for St. Helens and Rai
nier, daily at 2:30 p. m., foot of Alder
street. Sunday, St. Helens only, 1 :30
p; m.-Adv. ,
Dr. Joseph T,. MeCool has returned
and resumed bis practice at 909 Stevens
building, Portland, Or. Adv. -
Had ley A Silver tailors, make depend
able clothes. 100 Sixth street, corner
Stark. Adv.
Camp Oat Beautiful Rock Island,
$10 per month. 3SS Morgan bldg. Mar
shall 4195. -Adv. ;
A Barber Shop you will like. Tha
Market, 187 Fourth, at Yamhill. Adv.
Daaee K. of P. ,Hall. 409 Alder street.
Saturday, May 10. Prize waltz. Adv.
Pc Jeasea, Chiropractor, Raleigh Bldg.
Looks for Good Times i -i
That food prices will be high, but Chat
times will be -better than durinar the
war and- that 'ther will be plenty of
employment because of a nation-wide
building program during iha coming
year is tha belief et;E.; B. McOovem.
canned salmon broker from Seattle, who
Is at the Benson after a, trip to East
em cities. .-x-- : ; .. '
"In practically every city in the coun
try,, large and small. " said Mr. MeOoy
ern. "one cannot get a room or find a
house, and the feeling In the East is
that we are due for a building program
which will employ all available labor.
New Tork Is badly overcrowded. ? I re
served a room a week ahead at-the
largest and newest hotel In the city,
but upon my arrival had to wait from
early rooming until late, afternoon for
my room."
During the war building tradesmen
were either in the service or turned to
other forms of employment, according
to Mr. McGovern. and th actual build
ing was not even enough to care for
the normal needs, let alone the abnor
mal conditions 'Incident to the war.
With labor employed,' Mr. McGovern
sees no chance of a decrease in food
prices. "It has been so after every war,"
he said. "Prices have always been
higher at the .close of war, and we are
now In a maelstrom from which low
prices cannot be expected. As to sal
mon, packing- costs will justify the same
prices as we obtained last year. Some
of the producers seem to be of tha opin
ion that on account of the agitation of
labor, lower prices will obtain, : but I
do not think so.
A brother. Lieutenant John Francis
McGovern, and who enlisted and went
overseas with' th old Third Oregon, is
still in France with the first replace
ment division, according to Mr. McGov
ern. Lieutenant McGovern enlisted as a
private - and obtained - his commission
overseas, where be was mads dispensary
of floor for the 41st division. - H has
been overseas for IS months now, and
does not expect to be home before
"turkey time." -
a . . a
Start en Fishinjj Trip
With all the paraphernalia, incident to
a fishing trip. Dr. J. M. McCorkle, C C.
Harding and Walter Edwards of Port
land ; Calvin D, Hoatson of Eugene,
Thomas and Chester Hoatson, N'. J.
Bond, W, J. Trevaithen and M. J. Ban
dersteln of Calumet., Mich left the
Seward in automobiles this morning for
a week's sport down at Tillamook. "I
like this country," said Thomas Hoatson.
"I believe I would like to live here. In
fact, if I find th fish so plentiful as
these folks tell me they are, X don't
know but I will move out here,?
' ; , a a a j.-
Many Outf of Town Visitors
The 316th infantry attracted many
out-of-town persons to Portland today
and the hotels were sprlnkle.d with those
who had come to meet relatives and
friends on board the troop train. Among
the visitors, Mr W. W. Carlton Smith
of Salem was at the Imperial, having
eom to meet her husband i Mrs. John
P. Bauer and Mrs. Paul H. Pengier of
Corvallis are at the -Seward, and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Thayer of Camas are
at th Benson.
a a i . a
Visiting Old Comrades
Colonel A. W. Gowan of Burns, Or.,
was in Portland Tuesday and called on
many of his old friends of the G. A. R.
Colonel Gowan is a member of Sum
ner post of this city snd was at . one
time tn the Tnlted States land office at
Hums. K ,
. . in a.-v . ' - -
. " Shoe Salesman Here .
Willis I. Goodwill ia, coast representa
tive of tha Tweedie Boot Top company.
Is sojourning at, th Portland all this
week. He comes to Portland to renew
the acquaintance of his old time friend.
J. J. Cbeavers, manager ..of tha Royal
Shoo company,.,,;,,!,-,
a . . a a
Boston Wool Buyer Arrives t
Oeorge H. I Sharp has arrived at th
Portland from Boston, having come wast
to Jook after bis numerous interests,
among them a larga fruit orchard at
Hood River. Mr. Sharp Is. a wool buyer
in Boston. . j , .. '
- a . .!; ,
' At the Hotels
James H. Hawley Jr.. son of former
Governor Hawley of Boise, Idaho, Is a
guest at the Portland. ... ;'
C. B. McCullough, who is a bridge
engineer at Salem, is vlsiUng at the
SewB-rd. Mr. McCullough was formerly
connected with the Oregon Agricultural
college. '" .. !". "'-
r s. Shaw of Astoria and hia brother,
J. R. Shaw of Mills City, are spending
a few days at th Imperial.
Miss Ruby Alexander of Junction City
is reglsUred at the Carlton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sheiton of Wasco
sre at the Cornelius. Mr. Sheiton Is In
the etockraising industry.
W. J. Sanderson, stockman from Rex,
Or., is at the New. Perkins. '
John Tait, prominent laundryraan from
Astoria, is spending a few days at'th
Mrs. M. II. Abby. who operates a
hotel at Newport, is a guest at the Ore
gon. Mr. and -Mrs. Frank P. Walter and
Misses Glrtle Kull and Edith Navar, all
of Monroe, Mich., are among the guests
at the Portland. Mr. Walter is an-
Abolish -City Fish
Market; Venture
Financial Failure
The" municipal fish market at 1 87
Third street was abolished Wedneaaday
by the city council and tha purchasing
agent directed to advertise for bids for
sal of the fumituro and 21,250 pounds
of fish. Increased rental, decreased
space and failur to secure a suitable
location were offered by Commissioner
Bigelow as causes for tha retirement of
the city from the business. That the
fish undertaking has been a financial
failure to the extent of $3000 was as
serted by commissioners. .....
Card of Thanks
I wish to thank my many friends for
the floral offerings and deep sympathy
shown me at the loss of my son, Law
rence & Collin, Mrs. M. J. Collin.
Initiated Measures
Get Big na Straw
Vote in Tillamook
A strong sentiment in favor of the
reconstruction measures to ba voted
on at the special election June S, is In
dicated In Tillamook county by the
following straw -vote taken Wednesday
on the streets of Tillamook city. The
vote on four pf the measures was aa
follows: -- . J
Five million dollar reconstruction
bonds, 181 yes. IB no.
Irrigation drainage bill. 247 yes, 17 no.
Market roads bill, 206 yes, 3 no.
Roosevelt highway, 281 yes.' 1 no.
EastSide Problems
To Be Considered
Important community matters will be
discussed at a business meeting and
smoker of the East Side Business Men's
club at 8 :30 o'clock. Tha proposed teach
ers' salary measure will ba taken up.
General debate will be asked whether a
bridge or a tunnel should be built across
the Willamette at East Morrison and
Burnslde streets, and whether a viaduct
Is needed at East Morrison from Grand
avenue to the river. A Monday or
Friday neon luncheon as a permanent
affair will stand or fall by the decision
to be reached at this meeting.
Man's Leg Broken
When Hit by Auto
W. A. Mlxon, 400 Hall street, ia Id
Good Samaritan hospital suffering- from
a broken leg, which ho says ho received
whan atruejt by an automobile on Front
street. Up to a late hour this morning
the. accident had not been reported -to
the police, according to Captain Harms
of the traffic department. "The law
provides that all accidents must be
reported within 12 hours, and when
persons are injured the report must be
made at once," said Captain Harms.
If the driver of the machine does not
appear the captain said he would serve
a warrant on him charging failure to
report an accident.
The Latest Novelties
in Fine Footwear
for Women
Daily arrivals, by express
enable us to show the
same smart models
that arc being, dis
played in the finest
eastern boot shops..
Select your siynmer
footwear here, and
be assured :of the
highest quality and the newest style
Men's Shoes $2.00 the Pair
Below Downtown Prices
Wo GiVe S. & H. Trading Stamps
129 Tenth St.. Bet. Washington' and Alder
Soldiers' Prize Dance
CotilUon HaU
iday, May Stir
Soldiers in Uniform, Half Price ;
Floar west op 0e en the barrel yesterday therefor these prices are
lower than wholesale prices. a
Superior Floor, 4ts, barrel, Sll-TRl sack So!.
White Rose Flour, -4fs, barrel, Wll.OO; ack.... f 2.
White Rose Flosr, 98s, barrel, $10.75; sack.. S'Ka
White Rose Floar, f4Vis, sack. ....
White Rosa Floar. Is-lb. sack.. -7i
Soperlor Graham, s, fine, barrel,
Superior, uranam, ts, coarse, o
H.ilo. IVk.l, Wkaat. hurrl.
Raperlor Graham, flae.L 1-lb. sack "'"M.
Superior Graham, coarse, la-lb. sack....... "Z5e
Seperlor Whole Wheat, 10-lb. sack -J7.
Superior Farina, 4-lb. seek. 3.10
Snperlor Fariaa, l-lb, sack.... , ,,....8te
trrel, 11.75j sack...... 2.05
barrel, 11.75 sack f 2.95
I. Sll.OOl saeh 2if5
a e V
. . . , 9
la Oar Restaraable
Oherklai, 1 galloa , li3f
Gherkins, i gallon , 7707
Gherklaa, plal 35
Pearl Shortealag Has Raised Oar Old Prices SUIT Prevail
Peart Shortealag, Jfo. SS cans
Pearl bhortaalag, No. 14s, each
Pearl onorwaiar, no. as, eaea .,
Pearl Shorttnlag, o. 8s, each
We Bought These at a Rig Redaction Ton Share
, Saving -
small sweet uneraiBs, is-trauon aeg
small sweet
Small Sweet
Small Sweet
Don't wait pretty soon yoa will net be able tp get these goods at all.
Better lay la a sepply.
Dried Grapes, lb, box S7.SQ: per lb 16e
Dried California Frvnes, 64-lb. box S5.00: per lb 12
Beaton Seeded Rallies, l-os. carton, per des. S1.43S ; each .14c
Seeded MsseaUls la 8S-lb. hex. S3.2K
Heeaiess unbieaeaea nsttaaas ia z-ib. oox..
Seedless Uableaeked Saltaaas, bulk, per lb
Galvanised Wash Tabs, No. 1......:
Galvanised Wash Tabs Jfo. S..
Galvanised Wash Tabs, So. 8..
i ! MILK .
tibby Sink, 48 large caas tn ease, 96. OO; per dor.....
Federal Milk, 48 large cans la ease, $0.O4Jt' per des..
Carnation Milk, 49 large rasa ta case, 6.35 f par d
Bordea's Milk, 48 larga cans la ease, (6,26 1 per dos..
gaged in fh lumbering Industry. '" - "
" F. a. Foster and W. B. Hutchinson of
Hoquigra. and Harold Blake of -Aberdeen,
lumbermen and contractors, are
registered at the Benson, t- , ;
Mr. and Mrs. Thcmas F.- Wren art)
visiting at the Portland from Spokane.
Mr, Wren Is vice president of the First
National bank and has large mining in
terests in : Hustern; Washington and
Northern Idaho. i ;
Miss Lenta Kavanaugh of Salem - la
registered at the Carlton... . .
Mra R" J. Hendrlcka of the Salem
Statesman Is staying at the Seward. - "
Mr. and Mre. - A EV Wolf e - of San
Francisco are at the Benson on their
return home from a visit to Seattle,
Victoria and Vancouver. Mr. Wolf ia
an importer and exporter. - -
Mrs. M. Xj. Thompson, whose husband,
ia a prominent lumberman and mer
chant at Carson, Wash..- is visiting at
the Corne!iua.'; a . --U
. S.-R. Norgren. merchant frpm Clat
skanle, la registered at the New Perkins.
, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchtel of Salem
are guests at th Seward. Mr. Buchtel
i aTnember of the public renlce cr
miaalon. ...v .-- -
Joseph IX Richardson,- state treasu
from Salem, is staying at the Orf?wi.
- Mra F. Romero Breene of The IjrU
accompanied by her daughter. M!hs
Breene. and sister Mrs. J. Romero t
New York, are visiting at the rortla:
Mr. and Mrs. James G. CampbeH
McMinnvllle and Mrs. Flora Macdonal ;
Mrs. J. IX Gllkeson and Dupald Camr
bell or Eugene were In the ctty to m?
the troop train this morning. They t
at th Seward. .? -?-:i : .
Van Camp's, with Tomato Saaee,
Is, per dosq 01.5OI each. 15c
Vga Camp's, with Tomato Saaee,
' Is, per dos 82.251 each.20e
Van Camp's, with Tomato Sauce,
Ss, per dos., $3.50l eaeh.30c
Van Camp's Spaghetti, Sa, per
do., 92.25; each., 20c
Brown Beauty Beans, medium.
per dos. 01.65; each. 159
Helns'S, with Tomato Sanee, Is,.
per dos 91.65; each 15
Relss's, with Tomato Saaee, Ss,
per dos S2.20I each.... 20c
Bslnc's, with Tomato Sanee, Is,
per dos 83.501 each....30c
Helm's Plain Beaas, 2s, per dos
2.251 each 20c
Haias's Red Kidney Beans, Is. per
dos fl.651 each. ...... .15c
Vegetable . Beaas, Is, per dos
' 91,651 aeli .6e
Oebhardt'i Chill Con Carae. If,
per dos SI, 85l each. ...16c
Gebbardt's Chili Coa Carae,-Con.
rostrated. Is per do...S34.00
Gebbardt's Chili Cos Came, ci.t
ceatraUd. 10s, 4 for.,... 6.50
Eael $1.75
Gebbardt's Frijeles la Gravy, 10a,
4 for 8-d.SaDt each.,,. 91. 2 5
Gebbardt's Mexlcaa Frijoles, Is,
per dos 91.40; each., ..13c
Walker Chill Con Carae, Is, per
dos 81.65) each 15c
Gebbardt's Deviled Meats, V4s,
per dos 81.45 each, 15j?l
I for .....25c
Uaderwood's Deviled Ham, Y,
per dos 82. OO; each....20c
Underwood's Deviled Tongue, V;
per doses 82.00I each...24C
Raviell Ever Ready, V, per dos
92.00; each .... .....20
Periled Meat, per dos 81.251
.each 12c
Deviled Meat, very -best grade,
44s, per dos 65c t each 6o
Chip Beef, Rosedale, s, priced,
each .....84.10
Dried Beef,' medium, glass, per
dosea 82.001 each 17c
Dried Beef, large slse, per dos
94.751 each 40c
Vlenaa Saasage, He, per dos
81.75t each .......16c
Corsed Beef, Is, per dos 85.50;
each SOc
Corned Beef, Is, per dos 810;
each w ...95c
Toagae, Hs, per dos 94.25;
aeh 35c
.Lamb - Teagae, Is, per dos
. 86.HO each 55e
Rysea BaklBfBook, valaed at fl. Free with Bysea Perfect Baking Pew.
As9r la .! MMflfStrMtlMaaiaMlM 40 i
Cream of Wheat, per dos. 92.7&J eaek...i,...,. .....23e
-f: " .-.:K.TABLB FRUITrv.',.-- ; ,
Apricots, Pyle's Extra, Is, par dosea, 93.251 each.. .........30c
Aprleots, Helmet Bread, per dosea, 82.75l saeh.,,.. ........22c
Peaches, Pyle'e Extra Lemoa Clisg, IVaa Pr dosea, 83.751 each 32c.
Peaches, Rosedale Slieed fellow Cltnf, SHs, dosea 83.40I eaeh...30
Peaches, SUverdal Yellow Free, IHs, per dosea, 82.75) each. ....25
Peaches, Brook dale Tallow CUag, IVs. per dosea 82.75; eachf. ...25f
Plaeapple, Ubby's Select, grated 8s, per dosea, 82.40; each... ...22c
Pyle's Clearbrook Brand String Beaas, 9s, per dosea 81.75i each 15c "
Pyle's R'Best Brand Extra Strlag Beaas, 2s, per dosea 82l for SOc
Preferred Stock SoUd Pack Tomatoes, 2H. per dos, 92.001 each 18c
Clearbrook Tomatoes, tVaa, per dose 81.65, eaek....,..,. ,,.14
Corn, Iroeaels Brand, per dosea 81.85 1 S for.. ,,.50C
Cora, Oaarga Brand, fancy, per doses 82.651 each.:. .25c
Asparagus Cats, Brookdale Bread, la, per dosen 83-00, aacfc,(.,.27c
Okra, Tabasco Brand, Ss, per dosen 82.00 9 for.t... .......50
jCoffee by MaU at m With
a Gixarajite--H5atisiVction or Yoiir Money , Back
this coffee is not satisfactory we
will refund the full amount of th
purchase price.
Itn resular 75c per lb xtt
special,. per lb ....i-... UUC
OUTF-Tows riopLE TJkxe M-ncuus NOT10C: All snail eeaars WIN
be fuled carafsMr an pramajr M tiasae law prtcaa, - .
208-210 Third St., Between Taylor and Salmon -
Spaclat MaN Oeear Saraloa Wilta fe nSanthty SMae' Hat , Statribae araatar PmUv
awodatloB Whc4aaaiara e Private Families, Hotels and Restaurants ;
We w01 deliver Free f of Charge to
year 1 nearest j shipping v point : or
by parcel : post, Jino Coffee , at
Our Prices on Drugs and Allied Lines . Are the Lowest in Portland
Specials for Friday and Saturday
$1.00 Paraffin 03 (heavy) . . .
50c WiDiW Pink PilU.
60c Sloan's Liniment ....... .
25c Revelation Tooth Powder .
$1.20 Hood's Sarsaparilla. . . . .
25cPhenoIax Wafers ......
50c Santiseptic Lotion
25c Sassafras oark .......
35c Freezone (for corns)
25c Blue Jay Corn Plasters
Ot?- 4tn a
. -. .79c
.... 39c
. . 49c
.... 19c
. . . .98c
. . . .19c
. . . :19c
. . . .29c
. . . .19c
. 19c
at .... a
BLADES at ...
$1.00 Nuxated Iron .... . . . . . .7C:
Lydia Pinkham's , Compound. . . . . CCc
$1.25 Cadomene Tablets (for ' loss
of yjtality);............ C2z
85c Jad SalU ......... CZz
$1.00 Danderine , . . . .... ...... . . 70
$1.00 Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur. . . CCc
50c Lysol SOc
60c 3 D. D. D.f for Eczema. . . . . . 30c
1 doz. .Aspirin Tablets .14c
i 1 i 1 1
Why Pay Fancy Prices
for a TRUSS?
Expert Tr u s s
Fitting from
$2.50 and Up
Regular $2.00 Hot
Water Bottle
Made la one piece.
V seams. Sejaart lXi
sis. Special at. .. iUt
. Lowest Prices-
Combination Water
Bottle and Syringe
t'Csart : mold,
ed, faU eapae.
Ity, extra
Heavy gang,
fall r els forced,
metal stopper,
rapid- flew,
plala - tablag,
metal sknt-of f,
I serew pipes,
lnf eats' reetal
a a d vaginal.
Rtgalarly II, ,
-Best Quality
Sanitary Donde
Large e e r e d
balb, adja stable
shield, hard rah
her " beat pipe,
throws wblrllBf
spray. Reliable
and safe. Regs
lar II ajaallty,
SpecUl f
Reg. $2 Fountain
t.ssart- slxe. Tnll
length tnbe, hardfjn
rebW attachm.nts. J
Special at oaly...
MortwsoN St5m Por:ti-an d. Oregon
New Lenses in
60 Minutes!
Who said that ?
" Wadid. .
And we mean it t
Nine times in ten wc
can have a new lens
' ready within, an hour of
; the time we receive the
. order. ' f . . Jz ,:
t Speed? Wellwhy
V. not! That's what all this,
i improved equipment is .
Phone and we'll send a -'
messenf er quickly. Mare
shall 819.
145 Sixth Street
Floyd F, Browef, Mf r. -
An 8800-ton ship has Just been completed in 374
days. But it takes longer than that to build a pair c.
eyes. Are. you giving
your eyes ample prt
tection? -
No Charge for
STAPLES The Jeveler-Optici:
266 Morrison, Between Third and Fourth
Unprecedented opportunltfes await the man who Is res'"-'
and trained for a business position. Bookkeeping r, i
Htenograpbio soboola run throughout tha summer.
Earoll JTew sad Be Beady for Employment Early Is the Fall ,
; For detailed information call at or address
Di. A, Y, M. C'A, Department of Education. Portland
Reliable Dentistry
sr. .earaataa ear week fat-' 1 . '
taaev W e wUI aaaaslae swat taetb
sad taU Knewhat tef
aaeatee a4 aat H wttt east, . ,
a4 ninna...,.fi.eo a o
. .IMHMt
ens aa a Teeth fen. ... .eS.e
Saialeat Sataaataia,., ,.... SSe
tfe riwss...........M
I sss swans I ettasBae m
pBV H, P. FKWTOS. rn
Vaeu ,
'W nwejajr9g
Boston Painless DentuU
eenseen ass anal St aa Wjassa) St.
Phone your "Want" ads to
The Journal - Phones Main
7173 and A-6031,