THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1319. V OtCOTT APPDIHTS TAX COMMISSION Farrell, Hurlburt and Day Mem bers of New Body; Ad visory Power. - fixture .firm. A" letter addressed . to Lenora ' Simpson, r Orlando, CaL, -waa found. It asked her "aprgivenesa for pre suming to - dream she loved him. . . ; Salem, May 6. Oovernor Olcbtt Mon day announced appointment of J. D. Far- retl, W. H. Murlburt and L N. Day as member of the tax supervising and con servation - commission for Multnomah county, created by act of the a 19" legis lature. The appointments were made by Governor Olcott on the recommenda tion of the taxpayers' committee of 100, of Multnomah county. No compensation ts allowed members of the commission, but 12500 yr or clerical help and other assistance is available. Mm . 1 1 1. . n. ITiiltitjunfllt county ,-Jn that . it affects - counties of 100.000 or ' more population. Tne diii was known as house bill No. 231. intro duced by Representative lwis. By pro vision of the law, which differs widely from the bill as Introduced, the commis sion acts only in an advisory capacity and the tax, levying- power of the coun ty commissioner remains Intact. One effect of the law will be to legalize the wotk ox investigation uiai nu own uuho up to this time by the citizens' advisory budget committee in preparing budgets prior to annual tax levies. Under the bill as introduced by Representative Lewis. It was Intended that -th com mission should have power to require 1 all departments to which Its relation ex i tends to manage their affairs as directed iby the commission. Multnomah county commissioners are -required to furnish office room for -the commission, either In the courthouse or at another convenient place, and the. ' publlo is to have access to it records. ; An accurate account of public moneys : expended during the year is required of-the commission. Originally the bill 1 provided that members should be elect ed by the legislature and .that they : should serve four years, their terms be- i vinnlnv Ilia firm Ho-.. n inrll fAlln. ; ing their election, the first commission i As it appears in the session laws, mem- bers are to be - appointed by the gov j ernor. serve four years and take office : on the first Monday in June. The commission has advisory juris diction over all county boards, school boards, common councils of municipali ties,, and all other public and quasi public corporations that have power to levy taxes upon county property. No Vote on Herd Law Until 1920 PndIetnn. M mv -S TVij. ffrnnm .in the herd law enacted by the last legis lature and applying to Umatilla county, cannot be voted upon .until the next general election November 1920, accord- is- :w. a aecision. given by Attorney General Brown In answer to a. request rrom JUistrict- Attorney K. I. Keator. Telegram of Success 'Finds Inventor Dead I Chiciro. Mav'8. fTT. T.i -Snmvtaa tvu a trifle tardy and Oustave Hehrlx lies oeao nere-tooay irom hanging. Henrlx, who. invented ma automatic- -lighter aud beggard himsejt n advertising, was f ound dead In his room bya messenger- boy. oeanng a telegram, calling: for a i large number of fixtures by a large gas! Boy of Nehalem Is ' Pneumonia Victim Nehalem, May 6. James Reddawav. oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M- Red daway, died at his .home fln Nehalem Friday of pneumonia, following an at tack of grip or Influenza. : He was born 18 years ago in this city and had re sided here all his life. Three weeks ago he left for Alaska, but took"' sick in Seattle and returned home. He Is survived by his parents and a younger brother, Floyd. : Ten Months' School Term in Pendleton Pendleton. May S Instead of the nine months school session which has been the rule heretofore, Pendleton 'will have 10 months of school next. year, according to the decision of the school board. This applies to both the grammar and high schools. New York Suffers -; From Hottest May ; Day Ever Recorded New York, May 6. The hottest May day New York ever suffered from pre viously was like an afternoon's stroll in the shade . compared to. the, one New York sweltered under Monday. At 2:30 In the afternoon the thermometer regis tered 85 . degrees, beginning its abrupt climb at 11 o'clock, when it was 78. The perspiring populace made a mad dash for .the haberdashery emporiums and by noon Manhattan was blooming with straw "Kelly s" severjrl days be fore the sartorial customs-set fori their appearance. But no courage waa re quired today to wear these, and white flannels were reported to have been worn. Thunder storms last evening broke the heat. Weds in Shoshone, Idaho Free water. May 6. Miss Hasei Tay lor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Taylor, waa married in Shoshone, Idaho, to Bur 11 Samuels, son of Mr. and Mrs. C R. Samuels of Milton. ' HAWLEY LEAVES FOR ASKTON Believes Astoria: Will , Get Base for Americanization of Canal and Against Asiatics. ialera. May 8. Congressman W, C. Hawley left Monday afternoon for Wash ington, D. C, to attend the special ses sion of congress which he believes will be called shortly. J ' Before leaving, Mr. Hawley declared that he believed a fully equipped naval base will be established at Astoria and that river and harbor Improvements for Western Oregon will be adopted as rap idly as reported favorably by engineers. "I intend to bring up again the mat ter of Americanization of the Panama canal." said Mr. Hawley "American enterprise, engineers and money built the canal on American soil, and there is every reason in the world why it should be operated in the Interest of American producers and 'shippers. -, 'I will oppose immigration of Asiatic races to the Pacific coast, and believe an amendment to existing - immigration laws should be made that will cause the selection, of persona to be admitted Into United States to be made by American consuls or through other American offi cials abroad, before they are allowed to embark for the United States." Airplanes Are Held For Peace Service Washington, May . U. P.) The war department Is holding at present a good supply of airplanes and aviation equip ment. Acting Secretary Crowtll an nounced Monday, so as to be ready to organize the air service to meet any possible peacetime army needs. Sid Chaplin In Collision Atlantic City, N. J., May S.(U. P.) Sid Chaplin, brother ' of Charley, nar rowly escaped injury here Monday when an airplane in which he was riding along the ground collided with the auto mobile which had brought him to the field. . FOREIGiJ CONTRACTS TO BE AUTHORIZED Shipping Board' May Take Action to Allow for Work for Outside Concerns. Washington. May 6. (WASHINGTON BUREAU. OF THE JOURNAL.) Chair man Hurley of the shipping board Mon day confirmed Information received by The Journal Saturday that steps are contemplated to permit steel shipyards to take, con tracts on foreign account. -, Details are not available and a for mal statement of purpose may be ex pected later.- Hurlee merely Indicated that plans along this lne are' expected to go through. The inference Is drawn that the government will establish cer tain requirements to prevent interfer ence with the American building pro gram of big fast ships. Confidence is expressed In shipping board circles that American yards "ca pable of efficient work on large types of vessels will be kept busy for a long time to come. ' Secretary Baker To Witness Parade Washington;! Mayt , (U. P.) Secre tary of War Baker will remain over In New York to witness the parade of the 77th division,Acting, Secretary of ' War Crowell stated Monday afternoon. He ar rived at New York today on the trans port George Washington which entered the bay at 4 :E5 p. m. Trial r Dr. Wilklns Set Mlnepla, I. I., May . (I. N. S.) The trial , of .Dr. Walter , Keene iWilkina, SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES- AIleB'a FootKua. the antiseptic powder to b ahakca into th ahoea and aprtnktod In the foot bath. The PiatUburs Camp Manual adrtaaa sua in training to us Foot-Eaaa la thair asoaa each morale. It praraott bliaua and aor apoU and raUarea painful. awoU.U. amartinc faat and. taaaa tha atins out of eeraa and bonkmi. A canals TUrt for sweating. eaDeaa, , tirad, aehtn tt. Always e AUene FoeVEa to biaas ia Bw ahoca 1 Sold Trjwhr. Ad. ; c charged with the murder of his wifo Long Beach, , was set Monday for t first Monday in June. How You Can FIa!:e . HairiQuicldy Dissppc-r " (Helps to Beauty) Even a stubborn growth of hair wi:i quickly vanish from the face, neck or arms after a single treatment with del. tone. To remove the hairs, make a stif f paste with a little powdered delatone an 1 water, apply to hairy surface and aftc about S minutes rub off, wash the nk! and it will be left-free from hair t i blemish, - To avoid disappointment, 1 quite certain you get real delatone. Adv. HILDREN Should not be "dosed" for colds apply . the f V ICRS "YOUR 0DYUARD"-30r. 60.4 RS OLSON SAYS SHEWOULDGASP FOR HER BREATH Four Years' Indigestion Re lieved by Tanlac Gains 25 Pounds. . The past winter Is the first one I have gone through in five years without a serious illness and I give Tanlae the credit for keeping me well." said Mrs. TMIena Olson, residing at' 2435 Warsaw street. Seattle, a few days ago, in a statement in which one of the benefits mentioned is a gain In : weight of 25 pounds. - ',Torthe past four years." she con tinued. "I liad suffered terribly from Indigestion and disordered kidneys. I would bloat so after eating that I would have to loosen my clothes and the gas would press on my heart until it would thump and beat so hard you could al most hear it. I dreaded to go upstairs aa X was afraid I would never get to the top, and these spells would come pn me even when I was not exerting Tnyself In the least. ' Sometimes while sitting in a chair this awful palpitation would com i on and I would simply have to gasp for breath. I was forced to live, on -the lightest kinds of food no meats or vegetables and yet I suffered. Many a time, after a very light meal. I have been seized with terrible grip ing pains that would almost draw me double, and I, suffered almost constant ly with headache. ."My .kidneys and bladder also bothered me a great deal and my back couldn't have hurt me much worse if someone had beat me with a stick. I also had rheumatic pains all through my body and there was a dull, aching pain In my arms and legs all the time. My complexion was pale and sallow and I had lost weight until I didn't look like myself. Naturally my nerves got into a. frightfully shattered condition and I hardly knew what a night's sleep waa. The greater part of the time I could not So one bit of my- housework and was often right down In bed for a week or two at a time. Then when the Influenza epidemic came on I was taken 'down with this trouble and was left In worse condition than ever. ' "Then I began taking Tanlac, as it was .so highly recommended, and .It has built me up and put my whole system In good condition. My stomach Is now In such a good condition that I can eat all- kinds of meats and vegetables or Just anything else, without suffering a particle from shortness of breath or any other disagreeable feelings after wards, and my appetite Is Just fine. I can go up and down stairs now as easily aa I ever could and all my headaches have left me- entirely, and my kidneys never bother m at ail iurv strong and steady and I sleep every night like a child. My complexion is clear and healthy looking and I simply feel like a new person, I have galneo twenty-five pounds in weight and all ray friei.ds say I haven't looked 'so well In years. will always praise Tan lac for giving me back my health." ; Tanlac ia sold in Portland by The Owl Drug Co. Adv. - , S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before the 10th of Each, Month Get Your Stamps Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the BasementShoe Shining Parlors in the Basement Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors on the Second Floor Tea Room. Fourth Floor GLENWOOD BUTTER 2 Pounds $1.20 Fourth Floor No deliveries except with other pur chases made in the Grocery Department. This is our famous Glenwood brand always uniform in quality.. Priced special Wednesday, 2 lbs. S1.20 SUMMER STYLE BOOKS ARE NOW IN GET YOUR COPY AT PATTERN COUNTER- The Standard Store of the Northwest Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods PORTLAND AGENCY FOR HOOVER AND OHIO ELECTRIC CLEANERS Demonstration of One inute Washers The 'factory representative will take pleasure In showing you the One-Minute Electric wasner ia oper ation and explain its 'many superior features. Come In and see the wishers.- Housewares Dept., 3d Floor. le T 2. Stamos ?ui25 All Over tie Store This Great Double Stamp Offer Applies to Mail Orders as Well as to Purchases Made in Person Our Thousands of Out-of-Town Customers Are Urged to Take Advantage of This Opportunity to Supply Summer Needs and Share in Double Stamp Offer Filled Books Redeemed in Cash, 3dTlr. SEMENT UNDERPRICE ST01 DOUBLE STAMPS WITH ALL BASEMENT CASH PURCHASES WEDNESDAY SAVING SALES DOUBLE STAMPS -WITH ALL BASEMENT CASH PURCHASES Extra Special Offering for Wednesday j- Muslin Underwe ar Special $1.49 Basement Night Gowns,, Combinations, Envelope Chemise and Skirts in a great assortment of. dainty styles, trimmed with laces, embroi-. deries, ribbons, etc. Exceptionally good quality materials and well made in every particular.; -Women will be delighted with these gar ments and nodoubt many will buy to last them the entire-jgl yiQ season, 2,00, Jt2;45 and $2.50 qualities, Basement Sale DJLsTCa7 Extra Special Offering for Wednesday - Women Extraordinary Values at Basement Silk Dresses in many charming styles also more prac tical frocks of wool jersey and serge. Many are embroidered in smart de signs, -others are trimmed with buttons and braids. Full range of sizes. Basement Special Sale $15.95 Dresses $25, $30, $35 Women's Coats $15o75 Over 500 Coats to Select From This Season's Smartest Styles THE BASEMENT STORE announces another sensational sale of women's and misses' coats. This time. there are over 500 garments many of them have been in the house but a few days all are from, the best makers and all are thoroughly up to date-in every respect. Any number of smart belted effects with small or large collars, also' loose styles! Coats for street, school, motoring or dress occa sions. Made up in serges, velours, poplins,, bedford cords and mixtures. They are here in black and all the leading C rTf colors. $25. 00, 27.50, 30.00, 35.00 garments at D1.0miO 1 -) Extra Special Offering for Wednesday Boy School Suits Special $5.98 Basement Boys' Norfolk Suits with loose or stitched belts splendid well-made garments that will give excellent service. Parents who have boys to clothe will find this a good opportunity to save. Made up in sturdy mixtures and plain materials in desirable colors. Just the thing for school and vacation wear. Sizes 10 to 17,'' QK (p Priced special In the Basement Sale for Wednesday, a suit DOO Extra, Special Offering for Wednesday 1500 Yards Fancy Silks Basement Special, Yard Basement Fancy Taffeta, Messalines and Foulards In beautiful patterns and colors ,for dresses and waists; also plain silk in good colors. Make the most of this sale and buy your summer silks in the Basement Wed- j nesday at a very great saving.'; Shop Early, . H M59 ILi Basement Underp f Double Stamps tVith All Cash Purchases v , . ' 1 - rice Store "DOLLAR SALES" for. Wednesday In the Basement Wednesday All items in this space will be on sale Wednesday only at prices quoted. DOUBLE STAMPS. Towels 4 for $1 Basement- Plain white Huck Towels, size 18x36 inches very desirable for general use. Reg ular 35c grade on sale Wednesday special 4 for J. " Men's Hose 3 Pairs $1 Basement Men's Fiber Silk Hose in black and white with rein forced .heels and toes. 1000 pairs on sale Wednesday special at 3 pairs for wl Veils at 2 for $1 Basement Women's Motor Veils of excellent quality . chiffon black, white, copen, rose, pink and sky. Basement Wed- t1" nesday special at 2for.V-" Child's Vests 3 for $1 Basement Children's Summer Vests - of mercerized cotton. Sleeveless 'style with tape trim med yoke. ' Sizes up to 16. Wednesday speciar at 3 1 for DJ- , Sauce Pans at $ 1 Basement Aluminum Sauce Pans with cool wood handles. 3 j4-quart size. , These sell in the regular way at 1.35. I" Wednesday special at each 5X Men's Gloves 4 Pairs $1 1 Basement Men's Heavy Canvas Work Gloves with leather palm and leatherette gauntlet. Limit four j" pair to customer. Wednesday special 1 4 pairs 5J- In the Basement Wednesday All items in this space will be on sale Wednesday only at prices quoted. DOUBLE STAMPS. Corsets at $1 Basement Splendid quality cou til corsets of well known make. Low bust, long skirt, rust-proof boning. Front and back C" laced stvles. Priced snecial DAl Pillow Cases 6 for $1 Basement Medium size Pillow Cases of good quality bleached muslin. Not more than 3 dozen to a customer.' On sale J" Wednesday at 6 cases for DJL Women's Vests 4 for $1 Basement Choice of several styles. Low neck and sleeveless, with neat crochet or taped yoke. All sizes up to 42. Priced. for Wednesday special 4 for . Children's Hats $i Basement Only a limited num ber in this sale. ' Fine quality hemps trimmed with ribbons and ornaments. ' Also a few (gl rough" straws choice 'for ' DA Girls' Dresses $1 Basement -p Smart little tub frocks for gfrls 2 to 6 years of age. '- Made up in ginghams, in fancy .plaids and plain col-. ors. Basemen Sale at only wl Longcloth 5 Yards $1 Basement -English Longcloth of fine soft , quality for underwear and infants' apparel. Limit; 20 yards to a customer. Wed- &" nesday special 5 ? yards for- 0X. fW) In the Basement ' Wednesday All items in this space will be on sale Wednesday only at prices quoted. DOUBLE STAMPS. 6 Cups, 6 Saucers $1 Basement American semi-porcelain Cups and Saucers similar to Haviland's Ranson shape. On sale 'Wednesday ; "in Base- J" ment 6 cups, 6 saucers 0X Remnants $1 Each Basement Remnants of Wash Goods and Domestics several hundred pieces in - good useful lengths on' sale Wednesday ; 45" in" the i Basement at each IwX Men'sVWork Shirts $1 Basement Black Sateen Shirts of good qualify. Cut in full standard sizes! and well; made. Sizes iSyi, 16J4 and 17 only. l$l.2S shirts special .? Camisoles 2 for$l v Basement Women's Camisoles of dainty Wash Silks in flesh color. Trimmed with laces and ribbons.1 : All .sizes. fWed- P" nesday special at 2 for only :D-L. Child's Aprons $1 Basement Gingham Aprons in attractive styles trimmed - with pockets and belts. - Sizes for girls 8 to 14 years. On sale 42" Wednesday special at only'X Collars 4 for $l " - Basement '-Odd . lines Women's Neckwear , in good styles 'and materials great . assortment 'to select . from.' On sale,I" Wednesday E special 4 for .0J- &s at '.1S1 In the Basement Wednesday . All items in this space will be on sale Wednesday only at prices quoted. DOUBLE STAMPS. Women's Hats $1 Basement Turbans, droops and sailors trimmed with flowers, rib bonssome are faced with satin. Smooth or. rough straws. (1 Special for Wednesday at Center Pieces $1 ' Basement Shown in beautiful new . drawn-work patterns also with embroidered designs. Don't fail o see these. Priced special for Wednesday Child's Hose 4 Pairs $1 Basement Excellent quality ribbed cotton hose in black or white. Double heels and toes. Full range of sizes up to Q1 10. Wednesday s pairs for DA Toilet Paper 20 Rolls $1 Basement- Good quality Crepe Toilet Paper put up in standard size' rolls. Limit 16 rolls to a customer.. On sale Wed nesday priced 20 rolls for Ribhons 3 Yards $1 Basement Fancy Ribbons for hair bows, ' bags, millinery, etc. Plaids, checks . and floral .effects In alf the wanted."- colors. Q" Priced special at 3 yards for fl. ' .' 3 Baking Bowls $1 Basement Brown : and "'white Crockery Baking Bowls In 3 sizes 7, 8 and 9-inch. Limited num ber of these sets, will, be offered Wednesday at only ilUIIl- i Slj In the Basement . Wednesday All iUmi in this space will be on sale Wednesday only at prices quoted. DOUBLE STAMPS. Men's Hose S Pairs $1 I Basement Men's heavy Cotton Socks especially , adapted for working men. Limit 5 pairs to a customer. On sale Wed- , nesday special at 5 pairs fot Crash 7 Yards $1 Basement Bleached Cotton Huck Toweling of good quality soft and very absorbent. Limit 14 yards- to a customer.' Priced : special 7 -yards for Union Suits 2 for $1 Basement; Women's :; Summer Union Suits low neck, sleeve less styles with tight or lace trim med kneel Sizes 3 6, 38 and Q" 40.; Wednesday, 2 'suits for Child's Aprons 2 for $1 Basement- Good 'quality percale Aprons for girls 2 to 1 0 .'years of age.; Plain pink or blue. Also neat stripes. v; On "sale Wed- Q" nesday ' special 2 'for 51 Men's Work Shirts $t Basement Men's lue Chambray Work Shirts aoo of them to go on sale Wednesday.' ; Full, roomy styles and well made. While Q" they last priced special at P A "Brassieres 2 for $1 Basement Front fastening Bras-' sieres trimmed - with embroidery also bandeau back-fasteirtng styles. 1 Sizes 34 to- 50. Q" ' Priced special at 2 for only :.wX. 1 In the Basement j Wednesday " All items in : this space will be en sale Wednesday" only - at prices quoted. DOUBLE STAMPS. Garment Bags 4 for $1 Basement Moth-proof, dust proof Garment Bags for preserv ing furs, woolens, etc. Limit 4 to a customer.' Shown In P1 2 sizes. Special 4 bags for f -- Bed Pillows $1 Each' Basement Filled with'cleah, san itary feathers and covered with good quality- ticking. , Size 2lx 27 inches.' Priced special Q" for Wednesday at each Hosiery 2 Pairs $1 Basement Women's Silk Lisle Hose of fine quality and -ffnlsb. Full fashioned. Black, white, brown and ? ftiy Special for " Wednesday 2 pairs for Men's Shirts $1 - - Basement Men's Dress Shirts of splendid quality percales and other materials. Soft or stiff cuffs. Neat designs. 1.2$ P and 1.35 grades special jt yJ- Women's Hose 4 Pairs $1 Basement It will pay you .' to buy , at - least, a half dozen pairs at this price. White, brown and gray. Full range -of sizes. Q1 Priced specraj at 4 pairs for A Hat Braids $1 Bolt r " Basement -Tbe Basement Mil linery' offers a great lot of straw braids at a Very low price. Black and" colors.- -Priced -very Q-f special Wednesday, ,bolt for 3JL In the Basement !:: Wednesday All , item in this space f will b on sale Wednesday -only at price quoted. DOUBLE STAMPS. Percales 8 Yards $1 Basement Light, .medium and dark colors many attractive patterns suitable for dresses and aprons. .'On sale for one Ol day priced special 8 yards Handkerchiefs 8 for $1 Basement Men's White Hand kerchiefs In full size with K-inch plain hem. Grades such as usu ally sell at ; 15c. , Wednes- CI day priced special at 8 for . Muslin 5 : Yards $1 Basement 36 inches wide and fine quality Just the right weight for underwear. Choice of bleached or 1 unbleached.' J Priced- special 5 yards for 3 ' Table pamaslc 2 Yds. $ 1 Basement 60-inch half-bleached Table 'Damask' of extra heavy quality Several 'neat "patterns to select from.' Priced spe- Cf cial for Wednesday 2 yards j Women'. Waists $1 Basement Fresh ; , new models just in by express. Dozens of pretty styles. Sheer voiles and other , materials ; In - white f" and colors. Priced at only - t Poplins' $1 Yard - Basement 36-Inch ' Silk MixeJ Poplins for summer dresses and skirts. .Shown in a splendid assortment of colors.; Wed- C" nesday special at only, yard