The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 06, 1919, Page 20, Image 20

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TUESDAY. MAY 6. "1919.
Mrs.. James Christensen, Prom
inent Texas Club Woman Now
of Portland, Answers Critics.
No Place in This Country for
Those Who Are Dissatisfied
With American Government.
Much inrensed over what sh declares
Is an unseemly and untimely attack on
fret-Went Wilson fromone who should
not be so d"eply concerned with Ameri
can politics as seems Dr. Arthur Walwyn
Kvans, nephew of the English premier.
I.lcyd George. Mrs. James Christensen.
prominent Texas club woman, who Is
making her home in Portland, scores Dr.
Kvans in a statement to The Journal.
"I have read many criticisms on Mr.
Wilson from all sorts of people, dis
irruntled politicians, all-wise senator,
camouflage! Americans, and even Bol
shevik! agitators, and have tried to pos
pet s my soul in patience," said Mrs.
'hristensen. "but when it comes to. an
i-lucted lOngliBhman having the' ef
frontery to publicly disparage the efforts
of Mr. Wilson and Ins great work for
humanity over there patience ceases lo
U a virtue.
"i wonder who gave Dr. Kvans the
right to voice the opinion of the Ameri
can people? I am not the nephew of any
premtnent man. only an American
mcther. who gladly gave her only son vo
the service of his country, but I feel that
jerfcap my opinion might be worth as
miirh.M any younff Englishman's opin
ion. "I.-deny most emphatically the asser
tion that the American people as a whole
ar not standing by the president, and I
luve no reason to believe that he has lost
the support of either England or France,
Jf-Mr. Wilson were the selfish individ
ual that Dr. Kvans describes, he would
: noz at this time be on the other side
fating the most gigantic task ever un
dertaken by any mortal man. trying to
bring order out of chaos, making a su
preme effort to establish the permanent
peace of the entire world.
"The League of Nations as conceived
by Mr. Wilson may be only a straw, as
Dr. Evans . claims, but the fiber from
which it was constructed is so firm and
resilient that it will ultimately serve as
a foundation to uphold the peace of the
"Mr Wilson has never professed per
fection, but why go about discussing
Ma mistakes at this critical moment?
What shall be said of those who not
' only refuse to help, but insist on getting
In the way and trying to hinder?
"The great menace to the Bafety and
peace of the world is the spirit of greed
and' selfishness, showing itself in every
rart. of the globe. Our own country could
not expect to entirely escape its sin
ister influence. There is Just one rem
edy, and that is for every citizen of the
United States to become so thoroughly
Americanized that adverse criticism of
our government will not be tolerated,
either in public or private places. The
war may be ended In a way, but the in
fluence that brought It about is still
working over time. There is no room in
this country for those who are dissatis
fied with .this form of government, but
the world is a big place and there is
.plenty of room on the outside for peo
ple who are looking for trouble."
Australia Prepares
To Build Tip Trade
With Pacific Coast
- "Australian firms are going to make
a campaign for 'the establishment of
commercial relations with the Pacific
coast In a few months," said Albert
Goldie, commercial representative from
Sydney, Australia, who spoke at the
Portland Chamber of Commerce at the
members forum Monday noon.
. "Wars shifted the commerce of the
world .first from the Persian gulf to the
Mediterranean and then to the Atlantic
ocean and now the greatest war of all
: has shifted the trade of the world to
the Pacific ocean," continued Mr. Goldie,
"and now is the time for the countries
on either, side of the Pacific to capital
ize on this circumstance."
: "Wool is our greatest export and Ore
gon is best suited to take this raw ma
terial and use it in their plants." Mr.
Goldie said that he had commissions
from the Los Angeles Chamber of Com
merce and other ports of the Pacific
coast and urged that Portland get ready,
to take part In this trade.
To Take Up Kates on
Port Orford Cedar
Application for reduction of rates on
.carload shipments of Port Orford cedar
t, from Marshfield. Or., to eastern trans
; conUnnental territory will be considered
t by the Portland district freight traffic
", committee, together with a number of
other applications, on May 2j, at 10 :30
i a. m. Interests desiring to be repre"
! sehted are asked to notify the commlt
1 tee before that day or submit their
t viewa in writing. .
Portland Symphony Orchestra Concert at the Heilig Tomorrow Evening, Carl Denton, ConductorPopular Prices
- I ' . . . '. ' ;'.t. .'-'L 'It J ' . ' - " ' ' i " ' "' - ' "' .." ' II . J ' . ' ' " ' ' 1 ' " " 'T I 'i ii J ' . - 1 iii i i i i
The Quality Store
62 Years In Portland
No matter : where you see it ad
vertised or hear of it, the Meier &
Frank store ells the same or bet
ter quality for as low a price or
less than It can be bought else
where in Portland.
i i
I ii
62 Years
In Portland
Just Received by Express
In Time for Anniversary
50 New. Short Velveteen
Sport Coats
For a Wonderful Special While Any Remain
Full belted models. Tuxedo
or notch collars. Plain or braid
edged. Fancy tricolette or
moire silk .vests. Sizes 3ti to 44.
Early shopping is advised if
you would share in this sale of
the much wanted short velve
teen sport coats at $20.
Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor.
If A'1
MM1L.. tt
ASale of Hair Switches
Very special values are offered in this Anniversary Sale of gray
hair switches made of fine wavy French hair on three separate
stems. 22-inch gray switches, $10.50. The 24-inch gray switches,
113.50. The 26-inch gray switches, $18.
28 Inch Hair Switches $3.49
All the natural shades except gray. 28-inch wavy switches
made of good quality hair on three separate stems.
24-inch wavy switches special at $2.29. ,
Meier & Franks: Hair Goods Shop, Fifth Floor.
36-inch voile and organdy
dress embroideries in neat and
elaborate designs for women's
and children's dresses. Scalloped
edges. Extra special for Anni
versary Sale at yard 59c.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
(MaU Orders Filled.)
Kiddies' Waterproof Aprons. 1 Q
black and white- checks LSJs
Kiddies' Braid and Hairbow Fasten
ers, several patterns, priced 2 1 (?
for IOC
Kiddies' Hose Supporters, 1Q
black and white, all sizes....
Face Veil Hair Nets, all shades of
brown and black, special 3 25 C
Crfniped ' Celluloid Hair Pins,
shell color 6 in pkg OC
Safety Pins, nickel plated, No. 1 ft
2, two cards 15, card aVC
Invisible Wire Hair Pins, jet and
bronse, assorted cabinets, 2 for I rt
15. each 1UC
W aterproof Household (Q
Aprons, blue checked patterns OSC
Tubular' Shoe Laces, black, white
and cordovan. 36. 54, 63 and 7J OP
inches, 3 pairs 3C
Mercerized Darning Cotton, black,
white, tan and gray, special, 4 1 C
for .'. . IOC
. Betweens Needles, 10 in assorted
package. 2 for 15. package
Gem Dress Shields, Crescent Shape,
silk lined, sizes 2 and 3, at
pair OC
Columbia Waist Hose Sup
porters. 4 to 8 yrs.. pair IOC
Corset So-On Hose Support- 1Q
ers, white, pair JL27C
Given Names, on tape, strips "1 "
of 12. two for 15. strip XVrC
Lingerie Tape, white, 4 yard 1A
piece lvPC
Thimbles, silver plated, 3 for C
10. each OC
Black Sateen Oversleeves, at Ofi
pair OOC
Asbestos Iron Holders and
Cover Lid Holders, each OC
Stocking Darners, black f
enamel. 2 for 15. each lvC
Curling Irons, maple wood I
handles,' each -ivfC
Elastic Sanitary Belts, me. OC
dlum size, each...-. OOC
Sanitary Napkins, package nn
of six
Meier & Frank's : Main- Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Sale of Good 45c
Pound Paper
Tan Color Only
Good quality pound paper
72 sheets paper to package.
Envelopes to match. 2 5 in
package, 10c
60c-80c stationery, 24
sheets paper and 24 envelopes
to box. 39c.
l-l.60 Stationery, 24
sheets paper and 24 envelopes
to box; a variety of tints, but
limited quantities, box special
at 69c.
Other good specials in sta
tionery not advertised.
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
(MaU Orders Filled.)
Sale Armour's 15c
Toilet Soap
Dozen Cakes 79c
Lurline Soap, limited quantity
at 6 cakes 25c
Mt. Hood Floating Castile
Soap, the bar 39c.
Venetian Talcum, can priced
at 6c.
Abonita Tooth Paste, priced
Abonita Lilac Vegetal, priced
at 49c
Abonita Liquid Face Powder,
, priced at 19c.
Abonita Liquid Green Soap,
at 19c
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
(Mall Orders Filled.)
New "Wirthover" Waists
From the makers of the famous
Wirtlimor and Welworth waists
come these new "Wirthover"
waists on display and sale tomor
row at $1. These new waists rep
resent the maximum of value at
$1. They are carefully made on
full, generous lines of good serv
iceable fabrics, in wanted new
styles. The sale of "Wirthover"
waists, as of Wirthmors and Wel
worths, is confined to this store
in Portland.
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor.
(Mall Orders Filled.)
35c-40c Bungalow
Nets 23c
A fine new selection of ex
cellent quality bungalow nets.
A wide variety of patterns in
white, cream and ecru, 38 and
42 inches wide.
Meier & Frank's : Seventh Fir.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Artist Extraordinary
paint landscapes in one of our
Morrison Street windows be
tween 10 and 12 or 2 and 5. His
pictures are for sale on our
Fifth Floor.
Three sizes at SI, $2.50 and J5.
Picture framing quickly and
expertly done.
FREE Corset Talks
Mrs. A. L. Craig, an expert instructor from the Nemo Hygienic
Pashion Institute, New York, will be in our Corset Shop daily this week,
explaining the merits of
We are principal Portland agents for Nemo corsets. Complete stocks
of new Spring and Summer Nemos now on display. Come and consult
with Mrs. Craig tomorrow. Meier & Frank's: Corset Shop, Third Floor.
Our Lower Price Downstairs Store has long been noted for its sales of
women's house . dresses and aprons. For our Anniversary sales -we've
planned this sale of 1 000 ;
Housedresses and Aprons $1.19
Made of fine ginghams, percales, madras and chambrays in stripes,
checks, figured designs, etc. colors guaranteed FAST. Included are odds
.and ends of the well known "Mina Taylor" garments. The illustration
will give you fair idea of the variety of styles came early for best selec
tion. All sizes 36 to 44. Dresses and aprons that sell iun the regular way
at 1.49, 1.98 and $2.49 on sale at 1.19; ' r
... at, I Ob I iA. B UVfVCA . A IVO UkVIVf M(CJ'AU vawwa '
Summer Underwear Sale
Men who contemplate a change to lighter underwearand the days are 'at hand when
every man will are offered an opportunity to. select from standard lines in this Anniver
sary bale at the most remarkable savings. These arc extra values ;
Athletic Union Suits at 89c
New athletic union suits Just received are featured in this
Anniversary Sale at 89c instead of $1.50. Of nainsook, full cut
and well made, with elastic ribbed waist. Sleeveless, knee. length.
Regatta Union Suits $ 1 .45
Athletic union suits of this famous make are big Anniversary
values at 1.45 we bought them to sell "special" at 1.69 and
they are worth more than this price, but we have still further re
duced them, for Anniversary. Of fine checked nainsook, with
elastic ribbed waistband. Closed crotch. Sizes'' 3 4 to 50.
Shirts and Drawers at 49c
Two of these garments for 90c. Less than rresent wholesale
cost for these Balbrjggan "Last Long" undergarments. Mill runs.
Shirts in long sleeve style, drawers ankle length. Shirts 34 to 4 4.
Drawers 30 to 44.
-Meier & Frank's : The Store for Men. Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Entire Center Aisle Bargain Squares Main Floor Given Over to This
Great Sale of 6000 Books
This extraordinary Anniversary disposal of 6000 books takes rank with the greatest events- of the
kind we've ever held. We secured this immense assortment of books, at a big concession that Is why
we are able to offer these good books at such astoundingly low Anniversary prices. The collection In
cludes fiction books, mystery and detective stories, romances popular novels of all kinds. . Publishers'
reprints and a quantity of original editions. The entire lot of ' 6000 books divided into three groups:
. 25c
39 c
35c to 75c Values
This lot comprises original edi
tions and reprints by hundreds.
75c-$1.00 Values
In this extra special lot are
books of almost every good kind.
75c-$1.50 Values
Original editions and reprints.
Novels, books on gardening, etc.
This is a real opportunity to secure good books for vacation and Summer . reading books for men,
women and children. All are in perfect condition and are most unusual values at our Anniversary prices.
Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle Bargain Squares, Main Kloor.
!a 4GaM
2 Col
Stone Jars for Egg Preserving
Every year about this time MEIER & FRANK'S holds a great sale of stone jars for
egg preserving, of which people eagerly avail themselves. This is a very timely sale, as
in all probaility eggs will not be appreciably lower this year. Preserve your eggs now
in water glass and have them when you need, them next winter. The process is simple.
Nine diffierent size jars specially priced as follows. Jars hold about 3 dozen eggs to the
gallon :
2 gallon Stone Jar A "
and Cover, special fxJL
3 gallon Stone Jar f A
and Cover, special OfxC-
4 gallon Stone Jar TQ
and Cover, special I Ov
5 gallon Stone Jar OPT
and Cover, special XJtJVs
6 gal. Stone Jar d - : Q
and Cover, at tPJLJi
8 gal. Stone Jar I A
and Cover, at tPXOrx
10 gallon Stone QQ
Jar and Cover t)Xc0
12 gallon Stone QA CQ
.Jar and Cover tP9t
15 gallon Stone djO AQ
Jar and Cover tpOvlc
Water Glass for Egg Preserving
Pint. 20. Quart, 35
Aieier tt r ranic ; oasemeni. i
N. B. Fresh eggs are on sale in Grocery, Ninth Floor, at 50 a dozen.
Half- Gal.. SO Gallon.
Meier & Frank's; Basement. (Mail Orders Filled.)
$1.35 Stamped
Pillow Slips
Just 100 pairs of these at
tractive pillow, slips stamped for
embroidery on good muslin. 42
and 4 5 inches wide.
Library Scarfs 89c
New library scarfs stamped in
pleasing designs - on tan needle
weave. Regularly priced to
j 25. - " '
Meier Frank' : Second Floor.
Catsup, Del Monte, pint bot
tles dor. 2.35, bottle 20c
Beans, extra quality stringless
green beans, doz 2.10, 3
v cans. 55c, can 19c . 'i.
Tco Pancaka Flour, 3 pkgs.
for 30c
Tea, Ceylon or uncolored
Japan, in bulk, lb. 63c
Crystal WhiU Soap, box of
100 bars 5.75, 10 bars
for 59c
Cold Duet, washing powder,'
large pkgs., dozen 2.90,
per pkg. 25c ,
Meier 4b Frank's! Ninth Floor.
(MaU Orders Filled.)
- ?. ; -
Women's Smart
Pongee Vestees
New , models ; in apron front
pongee vestees . with collar at
tached. Neatly embroidered in
colors. ; For suits and dresses.
Vestees $4.95
Novel silk fiber Jersey vestees
in plain and fancy weaves with
detachable collars.
. Meier & Frank's : Main Moor.
' , (MaU Orders Filled.)