THE .OREGON ; DAILY.' JOURNAL, P ORTLAND, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1919. , - 15 yVANTETJ AOENTS t WANTKrvLIYE AGENTS CAN UUK BIO MONEl-ONLT OHH in evert town la Mult nomah, Yamhill, Marion. Polk. Washington and Clackamas counties: moat b well equainiaa. but no Aperients necessary. The latest inven tion In fruit gatherer. Bells Itself. It'a a. mar vel and cheap. , Answer quick. Prefer agent wh is fruit grower. The Conert Fruit Gath erer, 208 Broadway. Portland. Or. ' WANTEIV Saleswomen t aell the wenVkaowa HA88LER SHOCK. . ABSORBERS to Ford owners in Portland. : Ambition hard worker will jnaka good money No others seed apply. Call 104 12th at. before 10 a. la. - . WANTED Salesmen to aell the wall-known HASSLES SHOCK ABSORBERS ta frf owner fa Portland. Ambition hard workers wtll make money. - No ether Deed applj. ' Call 104 1 2th st. before 10 a. m. SITUATIONS MAIE MSCHA ROE D soldier want to locate with some good, reliable firm in city; hare rood bnst fwnw experience and about 8 or Tear' office eTperienee; married man and can furnish A-l reference; give full particular ta letter. H-829, JrnrnaL - T 1 tOROUGHLY experienced competent aalce- nia carticnlariv familiar with . farm imple ment and stock; .graduate , of training school; open for ,j position ; recommendation on request Address Cewls Wallace, Woodburn. Or. GENERAL merchandise man, married, desires permanent position fat good country town, thoroughly experienced and reliable, capable of ; managing; reference. X-819. Journal. I wilf enamel your old lawn mower like new If you bring to me with $1. Fred Spear. 05th are. 67th at. 8. E. near Nasaxena i church. VACUUM cleaner for rent. $1 per day. Deliv ered reasonable distance. Central Transfer A Storage Co.. 272 4th st Main 7878. CONTRACTOR and builder; repair and new - work in the city or country. K. I. Crowe, 141 K. 52a at. Tabor Ssz NOW fa the time to repair your roof before tinting ; we guarantee to atop all leaks Foe re liable work all Wdln. 6HH4 8 year In r-ortiana. ; CARPENTER Houses buift by contract: all kind of rr pairing; also sidewalk and all kind of cement work. Phone Tabor 6879. WANTED Situation as first or second millet .up to- S0O bbl. mill, had long experience. HB. Smith. R. 2. Box 187. Muwankle, Or. tX)fCijiWS building, spading, gardening, call Broadway 1441. ROOFS rvshingled, a specialty. Phone Beachen, Marshall 706. . FAINTING, fieperhanging and kalaomining by ex perienced workman. Phone Tabor 4988. HAVE that tinting done now; fair prices. Tabor 7628. AljTO meehaaio repairs ears at private garages; work guaranteed; price reasonable. East 9 7 0. PLOWING and all kind of teaming done. East M 99. - BOOM tinted. $2.80;" quick ear-rice and aatla- faetion. WickeU. Broadway 2S2S. PARPEN ER Seliwood 2049. FOR tinting and painting, rail Bdwy. 144 L 1U1WIXO and harrowing. Call Tabor 8727. SITUATIONS FEMALE LADIES' underwear And house dresses made neatly and quickly. 187 Grant st. SITUATIONS WA!fTEI-MAlll ANP FF.WAtB tS UAN and wife would like position as cook in camp. 6-811, Journal. NURSES 6$ EXPERIENCED nurse, beat of references, "will take patient in my home. Maternity cases pre ferred. Everything furnished reasonable. East 3698. FUBNTSHEt BOOMS .. NEW PERKINS HwTXU ' I Fifth and Washlngtaa 8treeta. Right in center of Portland's aettvitiea. Let. show yon our accommodation. Rate $8 per week up. . , Hart Apts, and Laurel Hotel Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and (leepinc rooms, $2.60 and up. Second" and Yamhill. . -. - HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH $1 a day up. Free tnl and shower bath. COOt, quiet sleeping room in private family; ' ' electric light and bath. 1 block from earline; gentlemen preferred. Call 19 to 5, 234 8 1 th at 8. E. ' NICE, airy front sleeping room, employed oouple. with prirlleae of lanndry, or 2 gentlemen. 906 Main at. HOTEL eABOENT, Hawthorne and Grand. Starting point special ear for Vancouver. r . FURNISHED BOOMS PRIVATE FAM1LT 7 ..8 ROOMS, 1 large front room for 1 or 2 ether smaller; use of parlor and piano. 131 K. lain at. .ast D37o. .ROOM, suitable for one or two gentlemen, all modern conveniences, running water, bath, phone, etc., west aide; close in. Main 4574. FURNISHED room for rent 821 6th, corner or Jisy. SINGLE furnished sleeping room, $15 per montn. 149 I3tn st. Broadway asoo FURNISHED room, bath. $10 a month, Weal, aiae, tot genueroan. maw ism. UNFUBNISHETtBOQ3IS 1 TWO large fin unfurnished rooms; make nice housekeetAn. includina caa lhthta and tele phone, $15 per 'month, or will give free for lignt aervtcea, 878 Vancouver ave. Wdln. 401 BOOMS ANP BOABD 1$ TUB HAZEL "Not like the others.' Every eomfonU home cooking. - nf8 8il st. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 880 10th. for nwslnea gira anq-stndents MarxhaU lZol BOOMS A.-U HOAnD FBITATE ' FAilILT 71 2 FITRNISHED rooms, suitable 3 people; board ootional : near fi. Portland indnatriaa. 431 3d St. LARGE, well furnished room, suitable for two. with. board; gentlemen preferred. 400 Monroe t. Eaat B0H. BOOM and hoard for two .gentlemen,, private lamiiy. at per montn. f-aztt. jonrnal. HOT'HKRLY lady wishes ' child ran to board. Main 1148. 481 Taylor st. ELEGANT rdoma and breakfast Mar. 618it WANTED BOOMS AND BOABD 39 LADY .employed during day wishes to rent to married couple who would room and board . her and pay small rent. B-3104. 24 E. 17th N. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 3 FUHNIsnKP ANP UNFURNISHED $3 VEEK Completely furmabed housekeeping rooms; suites. $4.80; every convenience; hot water at all hours; absolutely dean; save cer- lare. 1 ne ladtiiac, q near jetterson. TO one or two adult, few weeks, large, well furnished room, kitchen, hot, cold water, li(bt. heat, private phone, near buainea center. 9J montn. Minn. znT2 alter noon. - NICELY fnmihed room, steam heat, bath. pnnne, ii. r u preierrea. rem tlx. s t olnmbia st. Phone Main 7384. ' SHIPYARD district apartment, cottage, houae- aeeyinK, lumuueu, uuiummnea; reneonaoie. Apply 252 Oibba. ON K or two furnished houaakeepinc rooms. g4fc 4th st. near Taylor. NiCK. lioueekenping room and . ateeping room. 876 Yamhill. & ROOM flat. 867 Durham ave. Phone Wood- lawn 6257. FOR BENT Housekeeping rooms. 885 Tarn hill st. LARGE front ' room and kitchenette, two- single room, convenient; reasonable. 658 Flanders. HOUSEKEEPING "ROOM 73 FUBMSHED ANP UN VUli NISHKD Fill v ATE FAMILY THREE' room apartment, aleeplug porch, kttcb- enete. mrge -living room : aiao x large front houeekeepinc rooms. 98 ft N. 13th at. Broadway ouos. FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms, reasonable, on the 23d and 8. -carlins. 763 ft ThntM.H TWO , close-in. well-fumished housekeeping . room, water,. bath, lisbta. 10. 96 KnoU st MiMSBwippi car. - - - 3 FURNISHED 'housekeeping ' rooms. Phone C-2338 26$ KnoU at. near Williams ave. 2-KOOM hoosekeeping suite. $4 a week. 41 - Ella at.; near Washington. 1 " - -TWO large IX. K. rooms, one bedroom, one . a, v ... . r i . . 73 a. Bm I'll WUII. FOR RENT -r- Furnished ., housekeeping . rooms. ' 827 Hall at - 'Vy . j . - : FOUR fur., b. it. room; gaa. alee., telephone and . bath fin. 749 Front at 2 FURNISHED housekeeping room,, 640 E. Stark it ? - . ..... 3 FURNISHED housekeeping room, desirable location. 098 Jehnson. at, clean. hTOB BENT ROUSES JJIHiHUISMKl) 2 ROOM houae $4.80 mo- with water, chicken house. Mt Scott ear. j 4 room house- $16 mo., garden, berries, fruit, range, . 12; fare, Stanley station. . Main TOO. . - ....... WHEN Yon MOVE ' rsu VnoTH. " WESTERN ELECTRItT LIGHT SERVICE Tenth and WasJiinpton. f Broadway 680 6 -ROOM modern, $330: good furniture, for Sale. Terras. Wdln. 1624. . 1 0 5-rojia Louse, 617 Henry biclg. HOUSES FOB JRENT FURNITURE FOR SALE - S T. BOOH house for rent and furniture for gate. Call 104 Stanton at v -; ALM08T new oak rurnitara ef room, house for rent B22 Delay at. near Morria. HOUSE near A"" ferry; fine view, cheap rent. Household floods $176. Main 4864. FUBNI8HKP HOUSES i 4 . ROOM kouse, not fncludlng pantry; kitchen fornished, gas, water on tskle; garden. 914. 1498 AUantto at. COM I i.ETELT furniahed home, everything mod arn and in the beat of erdrr. Call before 11 :30 a. m. or after 2 p m. 858 E. 12th at. X. LOVElTf burnished' cottage and nouaekeeping rooms. 689 Pettygreve st. UH.NISHED bouse for rent. S36 per mo. Will consider one child. 703 Vancouver a a. $36 APAHTMB5T8 4S FUBNISHEP ANP UNFUBNISHEO ONE 2 room apt., gaa and lights. $0 week; X ingle houae keeping room. $4 week. 89(1 N. zotn st. UAGNOUA apartmena lurnisiied aingl and . doable honsekeepini rooms, alss ateeping Telephone Kast zis. ONE 3-room furnished apt. 894,8th St., Ha? rlaon conrfc ONE B room apartment, $22, and one 4 room apertrr-Pt. $20. Call Bellwood 128. TWO front apartment, 2 room each, cheap. 40O Clay. . 2 ROOM apt., private entrance, elegantly fur niahed. Day, week or month. 825 V 18th, 2 ROOM famialied apt, 394 SU at.; Harrison Court - APARTMENT with bath. weU furnished. Cal 1145 AlblnA are. 4 BOOMS. $V2. 1840 E. Clisanl NEW YORK apt.. K. Belmont and 7th. E. 23W. FOB BENT FLATS 18 UNFCBNISHED rpper flat to rent. 4 rooms, bath. $18. 1176 Albina ava, near KOlinga- wonn 4 BOOM flat (or rent. Part furniture for sale. w rt nin at. inquire morning. FUBNISHEP FLATS St wash trays, nice piano, no children, walking distance1. 867 Vancouver eve., near Broadway. $20 Modern S room partly furnished flat. 990 Mi Commercial, near "Jefferson high scnooi. $23 FOUR room lower furnished fist! 573 East 27th it Richmond car to 27th. one block south. PARTLY furnished, clean. 4 room flat; bath, gas, separate entrance. 674 ft Mississippi are. Adults. $16.60. S ROOM flat. 1043 Gantenbein, corner Al berta, William car. FOB BENT MISCELLANEOUS : COMPLETE butcher outfit Call Tabor 2380', WANTED TO KENT 7 WE WANT TO RENT a 5 room up-to-date dwelling in select neighbor- bood. Abe houses, flats and apartment. If yon tare any vacancies, phone Heave Together, car of Northwest Steel Co.. Main 1193. WANTED To rent famished house la Ful ton district; 4 adults. Marshall 1106. WANTED To rent, 6 room unfurnished hoase, modern, good tenants; state location and terms; would buy if satisfactory. Call J. Walsh. Bellwood 2041. WANT To rent small modern house, wflling to buy furniture. Main 2411. BEAL ESTATE BUSINESS FBOPEBTT 66 12 PES CENT Ws rehouse. South Portland, railroad frontage, brick, strongly built, two stories and basement: act Income more than 12 per cent of price. See B. W. HAGOOD 600 Journal bldg. Main 4958, A-60BV WEST SIDE FACTORY SITE On waterfront, paved street and trackage. rtargara. owner, 1421 Northwestern Bank Bid. FOR SALE roud income property; fine E vestment Owner 427 Eaat Broadway. BUS IN ESS corner, Albina ave.. at Humboldt. 81975. Owner. East 2lto. 844 Graham. FOB SALE-HOUSS 1 $5000 PIEDMONT . For sale at bargain 8 room modern bunga low, furnace, hardwood floor, fireplace; death term. Woodlawm 6203. MODERN 6 room bungalow, fireplace, foil ce ment basement laundry trays. Dutch kitchen. built-in buffet. 50x100 let, garage, 2 blocks irom 'Car., saouu, souu to SluuO down, bal ance easy Terms. Hid K. zuta H, 1 ftd.i "rt a nnnif nnbiriv AH in cultivation, fenced, bearing fruit frees, gas and water, near Maplewood. west side: $1200; easy terms. a. a. AtKKHiioy, 4 1 Henry Bldg. BARGAINS in real etaAe in Brentwood and other parts of the city. I have at present one gnteery with small stock, store 14x22, large bonne oace, iuiiuu ioi. a. ri. , nit ecoU car 10 blocks. r.eq peer. xaoot onl. ROSE CITt PARK beautiful baagahrw. 5 rooms" attic, strictly modern, with all built-in con veniences, fine condition, screen, linoleum in k ... . 1 J , ...... wu-nvn, niu, .umt iwm, paul , price fllBV, nr. mi $23756 room. 1 bedroom down; story "anl half bung.; lot 87x126; $400. $30 per uiuuui, irictmuii inireeu t. A. WIUKMAN. Main 1004. 204 By. Exeh. nnntr riMf trthH' 7 room 'bunoalow. corner, below tK nin modern in every way; garage. Let me show you irus up-io-aaia nome.- r . vaaduyn, 815 Chamber -of Commerce. Main 1QKlt A MODERN bungalow ready to move into. narawooa iioors, nice garage, -lot 00X110, Woodlawn 1194 mornings for particulars. Price tlKAD fivip nr mxrujva Cnsre. 2.iKm. hniui mm hnnu .tKS. airtrt down. See it at 1011 E. 83d at. Alberta dia- " t3jix.iv tuniii. mooevn i room nouae. t. c , . . - i . .. . . w . ..vH. v.- , -m tow, imv nvwTjT vearum fruit trees on place. Call 448 Dekum ave or FOR SALE S-mnm modern aitnfiu kin low. 983 E. 24th st N.. close to car. close to v ernoo scnooi, as a nargam. . ajau after o p. m. - i OK sale by owner, a 5 room home with 2 lots. urst-ciasa conoiuon, iuii eaaement; terma. 2047 E. Taylor at bet 80th and 82d. Mt j aoor car. 7 ROOM modern house, close lni $4800, .easy wilu. u room vungaiow, ; 3 room bungalow, $900;-6 room nouse $1280. $280 3 ROOMS. 2 lota, 100x106; aom fruit tree chickMTl hfttMnw nA ham OaA 1 A A i . w..ww, u-wvy, f avy UUWU, like rent balance. Will take Liberty benda. Cheap for quick sate. Call A-3626. BUY from owner on terms thi lovely hornet rauuiui tiowecn, near para,. Km 68 ISaet 31st St. Snnnvakla cat. 5 ROOM modern bungalow. Boss City, Park; easv terma. and enrtk Tabor out.. SMALL 3 mom house. 2 lots, garden, fruit berries, chicken house; easy terms; alee fur- ior sate, sova Q4tn st s. Si. BARGAIN Bx OWNER home"W03'8T,Mmd A SNAP if taken at once, house and lot lo- By owner. E-urt 2141. SUNN Y8 IDE 7 room honae. 1 or 2 hmim, on Mmr na-nrl atww.. .; j V RJtnit i-AUAb, fffatrUflEa. Phone JE-aawe, ajy v U, 4NS, ? ,oom modern cottages, close in. good dMtrict; easy paj meats. 6 per went Interest. 1625 5 Urge rooms, batb. panel dining room. fruit And berri. Eyenings. call Main 226. Calw, 401 Board of Trade. . - - CORNER lot 80x110. 6 room tent houae. new. ag"t. VT" wncr te"ai 2 SMALL houses. 1 lot 60x100, i" studded ....f . . , . rZ oernes ana otner rrmt; for $880. Owner st hnnse. 83 E. 67th N, $3600 8 ROOMS, near school and car, good Call owner after 6 p. rn.. East. 4050. 1 ACRES for sale or trade for and helane -.) - ft... and orchard. 1626 Drviaion at Price $7000. MODERN 8 room house. 82d near Hawthorne'! this hi a bargain, labor 2081. BEAUTIFUL west side lot to eichane ' for .. wwtnwu;, jtoington bldg. 1. 1 . . . . T FOR SALE By owner. 7 room houae. Phone Woodlawn 1626. FOB SALE 6 room modern house.. $15 66 caxh. 1765 E. 10th st, SejhJoodTTV8"'' FOB SALE 5 -room house and 2 lets, "phoni Woodiawn 6ill7. evnins. t ; . MODERN 7 room near Franklin high; 342591 FOB SALE 7 room houae. at ioift n..i.d mww.j Mwaro. woouiawa ills. SQVrp bTl room. atrieUy modern. IrTingtoifc ? V V" gl FOR ' SAXJS 7 -room , Kauae. ail modnrn enn- veniences. $1800. -Tabor 85. AO. TWO small houses. Fulton and Montavilla. Bea- - .aay terma. Jtrooam tSBJi, 100 X. - BRAti ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES GEO. T7M00RE CO. : 1607 TEON BLDO. We offer voo as per list -below five piece KM property, an personally inspected by n. which w recommend a good boy:: " MT. TABOB BTJKOAIiOW Beautiful view property, 6 room, fireplace. hardwood floor, furnace, awell Dutch kitchen $960 eaah. bal. only $20 ; month. , inclndinc tnterest; full price $3800. . WEST BIDE RESIDENCE On Fulton car line, with beautiful view ef river and aarrewitdlaa. rooms tn goon etmai- tion. " extra well . built, modern conveniences. BOxlvO Jot, rmproved at: fan Price $81 BO. To a responsible person we will make the very easy term of $200 down, bal, monthly. 6 lb Why bother about renting? FUBNISHED BUNGAIXJW Near Union av. ear lines, 6-room double constructed modern bungalow, completely fur nished with high trade furniture. Inclndinc piano; owner leaving, must sell at once; full prto ,only $3100. If yon don t need the fur niture we wul buy it of yon. SPLENDID 6-BOOM HOME ' Wfth large sleepina porch. Iota ef plumbing. 80x100 lot, hard surfaced street, fruit tree and berries; 1 block Missimippi are. car; full price $2060; $800 down, balance terms. $176 ROOM HOME $1700 '.' Double constructed, bath. Dutch kitchen. riant, ana. water, full basement: 4 blocks St. Johns ear; house alone would coat more; $300 down takes it. Our office ia ooen every evening until 8:80 which enables the man unable to see us , in daytime to Inspect our photographs and get roll deaeruTUon of different properties. . GEO. T. MOORE GO. 1007 YEON BLDG. A BTJNOALOW AND TWO ACRES At Tigsrd. on hardHntrfaced highway, beauti ful BO minute drive via Terwuiiger oouievara into Portland, bungalow has S rooms, not and cold water, private water eyitem. electric lights, eond r a rare, with electric Hchfs., nearly 100 vouna bearinc fruit tree, principally Seitae fi ber' apples, fine garden soil, chicken beuae and run. -rnis ia a very atcractave sunaroan sow Price fsfluv. THE CROSSLET-VIGARB CO i 270 Stsrk st. Mam 3052 $3000 ' .i FOB SALE Bt OWNER " Thia eosr 6 rooms and bath, modern bunga' low; fuQ cement basement; in fact, first-class M every detail; a real home in every- sense 4m lot 60-ft front. 18-fh. retaimna' wall cement walks, bitnhtMe pavement; only 3 blocks from Alberta and Union Ave.. In best neigh borhood. CH me wp. any evening after 8:80, My phone No. to Woodlawn 4128. . ForecIosOre, $950: 6-rm. home; full plumbing ' and ba" t ' concrete foundation; 26x100 lot; on risk at near toL park. Worth $1600. Widow will , waive re demption for $450. G. C, Goldenberg 215-216 Abmeton bide.. 106 W 3d si. "83 Years in Portland." Main 4863 FOB SALE BT OWNEB New 6 room bungalow, sleeping porch, break fast room and large attic ; full lot and f nil cement "basement, electric fixture and window shades. The very latest In a modern bungalow. No. 90S K. 2st st. N. Irvingten or Broadway ear. Owner on place from 1:30 to 6:30 p. m. Sunday. Call Wdln. 2683. after 6:30 p. m. : or appotnTmenia. OWN XOUB HOME 6 room dwelling, i well built and modern in every respect, s oil cemenx basement, good Heat ing plant, north slope of Mt Tabor. Price rea sonable, terms to suit Bee R. W. HAGOOD 800 Journal bldg. Main 4968. A-6051. WITHIN easy walking distance 8700 cash - balance monthly installments, buy house-'-1 roomsL cement basement with trays, furnace. electricity and gas, 7 bearrng fruit trees, gar den; lot 50x100; price $3700; would also sell additional 60x160 corner on easy terms. 888 E. Salmon, corner 29th st Tabor 780. : TIN LAURELHUR8T . . 9 . .' , ROOM HOUSE In A-l condition, modern, garage: close to car; $7500; can be handled with $10t0; shown only by appointment. - Tabor 8483. Evenings. Tabor 09. - $2800 - 'm- BUNGALOW 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace; 2 blocks from car. on 62d at; $600 will handle; better I nan paying rent, MR. DELAHUNTT. Bain 170O. Sunday and evenings. East 2086. TTRORlvFblsTRlor Modern buMalew at 1031 E. IJncoln. 4 rooms and - bath, cement basement laundry trays, Untca. kitchen, newly tinted tbronghemtt cherry trees, vacant. -$2150. term Owner, Tabor 4097. PENINSULAR DISTRICT 81280 VACANT $1260 Neat' S room cottage, full baaement, home newly pa in tea inside- and outside, walla rjapered. ocrner lot. nice shrubbery. I am the owner and want quick action. If ymr want a bargain, see me. Tsoor 4iy tnis lorenooruejT evening. NEARLY AN ACRE 154200 at 82d and Schuyler sts.. 6 room Bouse, city water, gaa, etc, garage, acre chicken run; fruit and berries good soil, cheap with-1 terms. Main 2729. Sundays and eve- nings. ' dwy.- -76, week days. - . -u. v.. A a Ann - Fun Z story. room. Bleeoina oerrrth tiie. 2 toilets, all built-ins. hardwocd floors, Dutch ancnen, moaern mrougnout. Beantiful abmn brry; -real home at a bargagn ; leaving Portr land. 448 E.'47tll rt K. r . i' . i ' i DANDY house, 3 room. - bath, pantry, large . basement concrete foundation? nvwr W n paved street; 8 frutt trees; near school and vara. am am euiKung on sarrra let Pros ----- .. a .u. tuvvi' senna. OW1VUW IP!.. - - ' - ? t- EAST . 6TH AND BEECH STREETS a Ar room cotUre, 50x100 lot 8 mall v7ment taVflJI. awwlanlUVJ Jwt5 'FTftllv Tl f B A A f arxr w -rk -v. -i i-. rx..wa jm-.-m MUr.lA.11. IX 1025 -Gasco blag. Main 14 SO. 3270O TERMS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION . 6-BOOM MODERN BUNGALOW -BOSR CITY PARK WAY .. E. E. DARING. 284 OAK. MAR. TB6. ...... v w-jvh vuxsww, iui two mrrs room above, white" enamel kitchen and bath. Rooms - .j . i . . . y-.ij iibwh. . r,iwi juiins in ana ' paid xox pa im iriifc wexHawn atn FOB SALE House and 2 lots, with J18 iarg . fruit tree and : good ', gardening ground, at izva jk. main ex. - muss celt to close an aetata. Price S280O, For appointment see J. F. Mul- ler. ia nor . SAMS, COMMISSION Direct from owner. 3 room eattage. aicotrie . light and nlnmbino fruit trees and garden; well kept np; also rar- ase. Jan Hnr fvuv casn. ail woodlawn 2CU45-or some ana see iv iww e. xwtn st Pi. $1800 6-room house, walking distance, oa East . 11th st; -no mortgage, no atnwt II... on three earline. gas. electricity, basement, small payment oowa,-an uaa renL. vwnar, u lev bona Tsbor 4882. . BY owner, 6-oom modern house, ia .fine neigh- . . ...... ... ....... suiuaw, cement basement, built-in cupboards, good gar asm. - 224 Glenn ave.. a hlnrki nnrth f liiorae kvb. Mraonm llDor euve ll'II 4 k-nn n t' rr . ....... .n. uv i wBatwtaw aiciml- wemm iirm a. cosi. we nulla anyuung; fnrnish tie money if desired,- It. B. Bailey Co., ii:c. ronuacimar aremtena ; vf .v. W. - Bang MODERN. 7 joom bungalow, 100 ft from Af bertav cartine and xaaved street. Splendid eon- oitaoBLv uneap a aTao. 50O.caah. 907 Sumner st; or Wyodlawn 4119. - ; - $1800 LOT, 1 00x100. -7 room hoMav partly ... ,iu. uvriui, aaruen piani- ed; Mt Scott earline, get. off at Archer place. 2 . ' " m... o ; w.Ag Bl in Ttl. 2590--10-room modern house. In good condi tion. double crumbing, aui table for 2 taml. lies, , Buy from owner and save enmmisaion: teww. Jhone- East 6686. ' . TWO 4 room houses with.. garage, to each,' on . I.Ik m mA a A.K - . T . n . nr. ' -. . - - am iviimi ana for wther bargains in, honsea apply William J. n;ano, t avam om aa. - rootle Tlwr 812, $1650 Dandy 8-room cottage and lot, only 4 blocks- from Browlwa lirid aoaa .k balance or, monthly paymenta. 423 East fith rt North. FOR aale by owner, 6 room np-toedate tKmseTz ".BO-foot lota, fruit tree and berries.; Call at mmia v a. is. l aae woodetock ear. ISOO- Leurelliumt borne, to beJoreelosedoia 8400U mortaaee: . will t.k .1, ki. affer. cash pr traded 8-249. Journal. $2680 SEVEN room plastered house, 8 lot, j krtl, -chicken bouse and runs; $600 down. wgm. mrnft. ...! VDU H, H. S. TIDOr iaSl MODERN 7 room home on Eaat 8th near i7 a"j'.v " ' " ..- i p. irww, r ibawiooon. 4 ROOM bungalow. 100x100 lot, fruit tree and . berries. $1400. - Vary easy terms. i..tnitiin iuam .wo, a i way NICE room bouse tor sale, also furniture; . cement ba&ement, garage. 1314 Corbett st on oar . i iia. . . ' HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES ,. in ipy Kin EXTRA INDUCC-MENTS OFFEBES IN PORTLAND'S FIRST -CLASS BESTBlCTEP RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. . ; : Best ear service; Jefferson high school; large pnbUo library, paved streets, block with alleys, giving inside lots the convenience of Corners. NO FINER LOCATION FOB A HOME IN THE -: CITY -- Wa are offering a limited number of choice lot at prices, everything considered, very at tractive;, financial assistance if desired. Tea will .make no mistake in building your home in Walnut Park. A number of other - are building in Walnut Park, why not yon! Call today. 4 - . OFFICE, 1149 UNION AVE. N.. WDLN. 8804. W. M. KILLING8WORTH. OWNER. ; SPECIAL. $3900 . ROSE CITY PARK: ' Here is -v something special. A beautiful 7 room home, heated by hot water;" there is a radiator in every room. Thia home -has every eonvenienee. The living1 room is large. - There ia a den or sleeping porch and bath room on upper floor; lavatory on lower floor. A big screened porch, a pretty lawn, fruit trees, on rear of lot We forgot to mention tne fireprae. Please do not forget the hearing plant It would cost almost $1 000 to install a heating plant of thia kind. If you can pay $1000 cash, don't miss seeing this heme. OOE A. McKENNA & CO.. Main 4522. V 82 4th st. Roam or Trade bldg. 3-Room House, .Plastered 1 Lot 40x100 Four block to car. $909, $1 SO cash, balance 6. 1 ' acre, 3 houses. 2 Tenting for 329 per month; lota of fruit, own water system, well (eiiced. fir trees for shade. 6 blocks to car; 8800.$1200 cash, balance long time at 6ft interest e -v -Three modern houses on 82d street; small pay jn'nt down, balance at 9 ft . -- WILLIAMS REALTY CO., Grays Crossing, Tsbor 4934. $600 CASH. -BEAUTIFUL LAURELHUBST BUNGALOW -This lovely home has 5 rocans and bath. The living room ia large ; in the dining room ia a handsome buffet; the' kitchen has all buflt-tn. The plumbing fixture are high grade; the floors in living and dining room are hardwood; trie lighting futures are beautiful. AU room are finished in ivory. The price ia $3350. We have never seen a prettier home for the price; you'll aar so. too. - COK A. McKENNA A Co.. Main 4522. 82 4 th st ' Board of Trade bldg. TRVINGTON DISTRICT $3000 for a modem 7 room residence bit E. 27th st, facing east, near corner Thompson st: all hardwood floam, D. . furnace, fireplace, 2 toilet, bookcases' and1 built-in conveniences, with garage. ' Thia is an exceptionally good buy. Oct-of-town owners; now vacant Phone Mar slail - F. L. BLANCHARD 519-20 Railway Exchange Blag. 8ncessr,to Blanchsrd A CTfmson. ;' , DON'T MISS THIS $36006 rooms and sleeping porch bungalow tvrtA hnm. A ve fim. .nn.,rwi. Ii rtm in m. f highly improved district." close in, one block from ear; entrance ball, large living and dining renm, fireplace, furnace. 8 bedrooms with large closets; full concrete basement, lot 60x100. $1000 cash and balance $38 per month, in chiding interest. Blake Realty Co., 109 over Citizens bank. Tsbor 3583 day and evening. $525 CASH, takes 4 room house and 40x100 lot; $100 buys a 3 room house, yard fenced, barn, fruit, 10 blocks to oar, $800 balance, $10 or $15 per month, 6 per cent; $800, 5 room 'J story house, 40x100 lot,. $100 eaah and $10 or $15 per month, I have at the present time houses oa h&rd-surtsee streets from $450 cash-to $8000, half cash. Fred Spear, 65th ave. and 67th st Tabor 5887. MT HOME must go- in a few days or I win be compelled to rent it; am going into the country; will take part cash, balance $20 per month and only A per cent interest. Phone Monday morning Wdln. 2662. .. , WOODSTOCK ' 9 room bouse on ft acre. Only (8000; aenrr : STANLEY 8. TBOSfPSON CO., 802 OAS. $4000 WALKING ' distance: 8 r. and atrie: furnace, fireplace, cement basement, elose to wasn. hign, Benson and grade schools, corner lot.; no ratg. to assume; st paved ana paia; art own oy appointment only, eawv, u or more per montn. - J. A. vVICKMAN CO.. 204 Sy. Exchange. Main 1694 $3800 FOR a fine modern no to data ff room bunsralow. h'dwood floors, frrenlam. Hmmt. pasement, wasn trays, good attic, paved streets, tin lot, good neighborhood; $1000 cash, beL terms; it you want something good for the money see this, phone Marshall 829 or Tabor 7190. F. L. BLANCH A HP. 619-20 By. Ex. bidg. DOCTORS MAGNIFICENT Irt ' ROOM ' BRTT-ffr'ir vrusar; risusx Tiuau tlllt BOARDING. OH iron Tvw'TdB rtiaowvn i iv tjuu ave Cold water all booms, two sleep ing PORCHES, BEST LOCATION. ATTRAO- T1VJS. IHYlGTOJi. EAST 273. HEMDMAN. FOR SALE City lot. (6x92, Corner - 8th st and Cora are.; cement sidewalk, newer and water are in: steal shack with garage underneath new stands on property: price 8680. small cash navmrat. balance on time to right party. Might consider rmAm 1. 1. M..t . ... ' Tl." It , A . CUTE DOUBLE GABLED BUNOAL75w 6 plastered, tinted, nart hardwood floored nle-a sized rooms and bathroom, electric lishta peraoua porcn, cement waias, garaen spsce, good surroundings; looks swell; only $1800; $300 down; come on Mt, Scott car to Kern part. See io. eoin. opposrte.. LARGE 9 room howe practically modern, full cement basement close in in crnnnnode dis trict Price- 32400, $400 cash, balance easy terms; pared streets an rn and paid.- This Is a real snap. - i ... ... . NEW TOBS -LAND CO., 9C3-B Stock Exchange bide. 'Main 7676. GOOD, well-built 6 roomed bungalow, full ce ment basement: bath; hot and coki water, eaa and electric, close to- car and conveniences. Z4W. partly rtrrnttheti if desired. I'JBO i4 cash, balance terms. . Owner 6228. 89th are. ana Anaoei a. n. 3SOOO- ROOM modern home; full concrete insvunuv; soima iixtures, zirepiace. level lot 60x143: on hard 'surfaM stMet ... aiunw ana scnooj ; noose in ime cooaiUoiu cash or tarana. Owne Wnwll... iltn aaa jasaup St. - $7500.00 - Lot 80x100. Modern -room' hmise with araee. 31800 eaah will ntti Line! tnm on paianee. WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO.. 85 4th St MODERN 6 room house: with sleeping porch. furnace, double cemftit earaee- ivslkintr i-- tance; corner; terms. Will-take smaller modern house or good lot as nart payment Owner, 1910. $2780 BARGAIN 82750 room modern, corner lot.- paved St.- nonk-- bnffet Dutch -kitchen, cement hamn wwimini cnaa in. in aiir be., nan t.nn. A. IL Ackerson. 410 Henry bldg.. Main 7248. FOB SALE Good 6-room houae, full lot, near car and boulevard, toward St Johns; desir- aDie; gooa - nome, gooa price, good terms. uwner. ueiepnone Mam 865Z. except Sundays. BAEGAIN 4 acre. IT fruit trees inbear ' ing and berries, old bouse, chicken : house, etc.; $2000; easy terms. Tabor 2013. 4009 BY OWNER Modern a room hcme. lOxtOd -ww, Mvui.. w,A Sy. IIVWI aUa-gbBs n, cmrlines, cIom in. food district. $3000. 491 E. 1 atrK a - Twiaat-.. : m 60x100 LOT, fine condition, maUt house, & - bearina fruit trees, for sale chean. Jmm i.r... Call eveninga week days or all day Sunday. 1410 Boston ave. Telephone Woodlawn 6390. WEST . side home far sale, modern 5 room House, oatn, full basement and a garage; lot 30x100. for sale: 82850: by owner. 470 v 23d st ... ? $2000 FOR SALE by owner, cottage and tw lot, each 60x100: ft . block nra etrHi fruit and berriea; all street improvements paid. Inquire 1763 E. llth. Seliwood. BIG SACRIFICE Small house. 2 lots, best aardsn soil, eloae fa. ear and ecbool. graded street, cement sidewalk: t vw, (aw-Ftria. vvrnrr, -Ahier. i 6-KOOM hotiet modvra except heat, 1 block frDIB TVIllaUlMnUa KeJaHf 1M r Ynl-flknr1 . FOR SAIaE Only $000 0 room hoaar3ci te.WH . TtA .MmMif k.lW. . .--" - v UWIKt. Seliwood 128. - - ... -.. ALAMEDA PARK Modem 7 room swati-baa Slow, fin view; leaving city; $5000. Phone owner evenings. Woodlawn 6698. - " . SEVEN room bungalow,- all modern, up to data. 120 E 43d and Alder at.. Jast $3500. Sea pwiicti i n . Ti, am as FIVE room bungalow. furnittherL S - nw4 25i- V"40- -CU Woodlawsi 1944 any time afrew E-SnV i - TOUN'G man who can handle ail kind -of cars BDfi An m Inn. ..lui.ti.. Smith Auto Coh, ran ana uoucn ts. $24iOO,v$SOO or $1000 cash, bungalow within . aba. eV.k . .. wi. : . .... . m. . viw. .ui usiraga ata ETM 4 ROOM modern house, garage, fireplace. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES THE EVENINGS ARE LONG Let -US take? you out some evening after work and show - yoa some real bom bargains, W are open every evening, - - "THE MeGUIBE SYSTEM make it easy to find th bean yoa are looking for. - Over 600 photographs of home that we axe offering for sale are arranged ia their re spective districts in one display room.' I have personally inspected ' and appraised every house. Every property we offer is a -good value. Come in any evening and we'll drive trat and look at a few of the beat out ef 600 boms. IF NECESSARY, I'LL HELP YOU MAKE ' IOUB FIRST PAYMENT. j FRANK U MeGITIRJS. ' .' To Buy Tour Horns. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068; Main 8186 BEAUTIFUL home, close in, corner lot. 6 rooms, bath room; assessments all paid. Price 32850. Easy terma. William . J, Hyland, 40 East 84th st Phone Tabor 812. FOB SALE LOTS 1$ TWO BIG BARGAINS - 60x100 Mississippi and BUndena; paving and sewer paid. $760: $50 cash. $15 month. Garfield neaf Skid more, 60x100; all paring and sewer paid. . $850; $50 cash, $10 month. If yoa are a judge of value you'll buy these. COB A. McKENNA. A CO. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bidg. Main 4522. HAVE two fine corner, lots, one in Laurelhurat and one in Mornings ide; the best offer by next Tuesday will get en or bath. They must be sold by Tuesday p. m. Call Eaat 6839,. VERY attractive lot, corner 33d ana : Emerson sts., ft cash, balance easy, terms. Marshall 266. f 2 rLOTS on earner, good locality and car service. Broadway 2299 FOR SALE or trade, one lot, ocean view, TUla - - mook; value $400. Phone rlell-.rood 634. NUMBER lota. 43d and Diviaion, 9500 each. ' Cash or Liberty bonds. Owner. Tabor 8301. LOT for aale. 80x147, E. Gliaan at; take Ford as part payment. 84 ft 10th at. ACREAGE 57 2-63 ACRES, 16 minutes' walk to station, on board walk, sli- cult, good land, small grove, family Orchard. 6-room rdastered house, two more good rooms in antic, cement basement city water, hot and cold, bath toilet, electricity, phone. 'Would cost at leait $3000 to duplicate the house. A fine country home. Price $3300, terms. 2 acres, ft cleared, bal. timoer. 19 minutes' walk to-station, on good board walk, first class house. 4 rooms, downstairs, well finished, two Upstairs but not completed, city water, bath, toilet, gas for cooking and lighting. In fact a very attractive and complete home. Price $3000. $500 cash, balance good terms. . 4 acres. 1 ft mile from station on rock road, good soil, well, small orchard, 5-room house, barn, chicken house, shade trees in yard and chicken park, high ground and well drained. Price 81800, $1000 cash. Tucker A Shreck, 502 Spalding bldg. CUT down the high coat of living by owning an acre In PsTkrose: all under cultivation and fine soil; 3 blocks from Columbia highway and car. one block from hard surface road: bearing fruit trees and berries; good 3 room house and outbuildings; gaa, water, lights and walks in. Price $2500; $1800 cash, balance easy. Phone Seliwood 398. No agents. $1750 BUYS new 4 room house, city gas, wood shed, large chicken house, good brick well, 1 "4 acres of land, part in garden and orchard, balance in oats; located 35 minute out on Red 8. P. Electric, near new highway; terma W 224. Journal. $209 DOWN ft acre located just outside the city limits, 6-eent car fare, all iiatfer' cultivation, 3-room house, city conveniences, macadamized road, price $1050. See Mr. Brooks; with John Fer gnson. Oerllnger bldg.. FOR SALE By owner, 10 acres, all In cul tivation, new barn 24x80, 1 mile sonth of Monmouth, on Pacific highway. Price $2000. Write for terms. Jesse V. Johnson, Monmouth, Or. 9 ACRES, just outside city limit, well improved, good houae. barn, chicken corrals. lays tine to- subdivide. Choice, good land, price $0500. A good etlance to make money. Henry -. Cover. 64 Union ave. FOR SALE by owner, 21 acres, all clear, no buildings, in city limits of one of the beat Kitle manufacturing towns in the Willamette valley. Cash 'or term?. Phone Tabor 6674. address IS East 63d rt. 240 ACRES logged-off land, rich soil, no rocks, running water, lots of outside range, good wheat potato ana fruit land. $10 per acre part term. , G. C. Salo, Clatskaine. Or., Box 117. BIGHT on paved highway, 7ft mile out. 38 acres; o room noose, earn, large orcnara. Sell all or part; $200 Per sere. Fitagibbon, 401 Boara oi xraae. MUST seil to settle estate. 100 seres near Gar- field, east oi Ettaeada. oa good road, part or all cheap. J. J. Jamison, executorw 31 4 Spald- 111a mu. roruaou, nr. ieb main oo. CHOICE river front acreage, also river view acreage and other acreage nekrRisley stav- non. ti. j. Btarxweatnar. ouz Broadway bldg. Main 0199. DABNEY PARK For beautiful home site, on rnmbia River bigh- way. See us. jjsbney investment (A. room 3, Worcester bidg, 10 ACRES near city oa paved road, creek on land, small house and barn. Will take part ia trade for city property. - East 986. $100 CASH, $100 yearly buys 10 acres fine land, near car, school, postoffiee, highway. uraper, zui Tvueox Drag. 10 ACRES, house, lots of water, timber, $A BASE LINE road, close in, 6 acre or less; $360 acre, trwner. Bdwy. 44QT SUBUBBAN AGBEAGE 76 J4-ACRB tracts from $250 up; near Sbahapta. - Oregon Electric Railway. 6e eovnmutatioa f are. v, Easy terms. House built if desired. Msin 2182. William-Borseh. 2ft ACRES at Multnomah, cleared, so build in tx - on macadamised road, water, lights. gas, ciose m ana a gooa buy at gszuu. Term. or. Katnca, Multnomah. Or. Main 9410. SUBUBBAN HOMES 7 FOB SALE Beautiful suburban home, 6-room modem . bungalow with large sleeping porch, fireplace and all built-in convenience; Bull Run in bearing fruit and berries, half block from Cap itol highway, on good rock road, 4 blocks from Multnomah station, 15 minutes out on Oregon Electric. $2600, $300 eaah. balance $18 per month and interest Phone Main 7o9. - GARDEN HOME - Particularly beautiful building site at Garden Home, 330x132 ft frontage; 1 acre, finely im proved, at a bargain, uail uiiman. Main 84SU, evenings. FOR SALE SUBURBAN1 HOME : Good houae and six lots, with good orchard in Gladstone, one block from car line, elose to school. James Petty, Gladstone. C-ROOM oottage. lot 120x200, .city water, part fenced; small amount down. baL Ilka rent At Oswego, i'il JH. 23d st FOB SALE FABMS 17 120 ACRES, $2000 . Just listen to this: 10 acres now In culti vation, with a good 4-room house and out building, close to milk route and a splendid school. 6 miles from Timber. Or. Let ue tell you more about it; well worth investigating. GEO. T. MOORB CO., 1007c Yeon bldg. 200 ACRES. 3 mile southeast of Turner. See- era! fine oak groves, plenty water, well fenced. good 3 room house, just papered. Good lane barn with bay fork. Several pumps and trough over place. Further particular inquire of B, A Wilson, 430 Sooth Pine st, Rosebnrg, Or. $50 DOWN. $12.60 MONTHLY Fine, level 20- A. tract of unimproved land. 3 ft mile -from HiUaboro; $87.60 per aaroi fine soil, running stream, gooa shack. Jrrea W. Ger- ea Co., 733 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Open evenings and Sunday. S-ACRE farm for sale. 26 miles from Portland, ta Willamette valley; a large nouae and barn. aom fruit; just the . place for chickens sad dairy; part cash; 0 years on balance. (Jail evenings between 9 and M for Mr. Peters. 411 wniiam av. HIGHLY IMPROVED 10 ACRES AQ in cultivation ; 5 acres 0-year-old apple trees; good Si-story House, tin well, on hard surfaced road, close to Newberg. Full price only $3500. Terms. - GEO. X. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bid. 86 ACRES, near Newberg, 11 in winter wheat, 9 in oats and vetch. 6 in spring oat. 6 fa bearing prunes. 4 ia oak timber, good house. bam, garage, all livestock and- Implements, $5500, $3O0O cash. 732 Pattoa road. Portia na Heights, city.- ; - -, . FOR SALE 2 farm of 80 acres apieee, 1 witb stock and implements, evarvthiaui m the place, 2 seta of bmldinga. Yoa eaa take i, 11 1. (mi - . vihu. sm a .uiia.- tau oodUwn 1068. -' ' - 40 ACRES. 2 ft mile good town, 9 aeras cul- ttvated: orchard 3 a room hoase. water trfned- barn; poultry house; -lota of . outrange. . Price $1660. $600 eaah. Terms. . Geo, Morse, 309 Chamber of Commerce. 40-ACKB tract, email' house and chicken park. pars cieareo. . res sou, bo rocka. run nine water. $900: easy term. U fl gala .'i... akanie. Oregon, Box 117. ?-'-:J': 40 ACRE farm at Barton, oa Estacada line; Boas, barn: ea awl madr Inst 14 an.. $500 will handle it Owner, room 607.- 45 4th t. Phone Bdwy. 1886.' ' aVOB SALE Improved farm on Pacific high way. i'xir deaerrptioa write Young and West fali. Sherwood, Or. Id ACRES for sale, 20 jniles out, 2 room house, t sere cleared, A-l -soil, about 30 cord wood. 77 York st ... Jl W. Wagner. ItEATi ESTATE FOB SALE FAHMS 17 WANTED Owner wishes to deal directly with party wanting good farm proposition "in CI rke county. 80 acres. 12 miles from Vancouver. 13 acres - in high state of cultivation, tile drained; - 35 acre partly cleared and in excel lent pasture; bavlanoe scattered timber, partly cedar; aU well fenced. No better soil - any where, aii tillable; no hillaide. rocks or hard pan; good houae. - bam and other building; bearing ; orchard and small fruits; completely stocked and equlppeH; $9300 take everything; prefer cash, but can arrange terma for half. I4 W; M.i Vancouver. Wash. HERE-, is a real buy: 41 acre dairy and fruit farm; yost out ef the city 1 waits ef Balmier: 8 - room honae. modern , in every , respect? with bath-and toilet ; barn, chicken honsea and other outbuildings fin fresh spring water, gravity water system, piped to house and outbuildings! farm machinery, 100 bearing fruit trees and oUier small berries: IS acre in cultivation and oa county1 road; good (pan of work horses end harness go with place: all for $5000:, would like all casbi but $3000-down will handle the prop osition; no trade conaideredV Address C A. Nutt, BIDS on a Vancouver dairy farm of 272 acre. 125 acres in plow and meadow land, rest good pasture.: Good buildings; farm haa alwaj paid. Owner in-, ill health. Place must be aokl; 8 mile below Vancouver fat choice dairy district Place known a, the Joseph B. Higdoa farm, between --Shillapoo lake and Columbia river. Sealed bida will be received on this place up to May IS. Certified check of $1000 to accom pany bid. ' Right is reservsd to- reject any or all bids. Leave or mail bids to B. C. Sugg. U. 8. 3arA bldg., Vancouver. Wash. 670 ACREa near Eugene, Oregon; auto road; 409 aeras dear., half in cultivation, balance timber and pastnr. - Wall, several spring: 2 eta buildings. 10 and 4 room house 40x80 and 60x70 barn, granary. 2 ehickenboueea, large silo, good fences; 80 acres ta orchard. Prion $60 per acre. Take half ia city prop erty and $6000 cash, balance to suit, 6. HERMAN PEPER. 807 Buchanan bldg. Main A GOOD home at Mt Pleasant 84 acres, about 32 under cultivation, good 4 acre family or chard, 2 acres in prune trees, crops all in. 1 large barn, 7 room house, running watbr through the place, all necessary farming implements. Place all fenced. Mail route at door, also phone. Good soil, flue view of Crown Point North Bank highway goes by place. . H. W. Bellinger. Wash on gal. Wash. MUST SELL , Font acres, all cleared, good botue, bam, chicken house, plenty of fruit, ft mile from Sherwood, on S. - P. line 16 mile from Port land; also 20 acre joining; 2 ft acre c!earl. pasture, running water." good house, barn, chick en house, plenty of good timber, plenty of fruit price reasonable. By owner. John Yates, Sher wood. Or. , - 23 MIXES OF PORTLAND ' 20 acres, well improved, good soil, fine spring and well, 4 mile School, church and town, 6 acres prunes, 1 ft acre small fruit, good house and bam. Full equrpment. livestock and imple ments. $2000 will handle, bal. easy terms. GEO. T. MOORB CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 777 160-ACRE FARM " 260 acres, 90 acres in cultivation, mostly in crop 2 0q sheep large team; 2 cow. 6 hogs. all kinds of farming implements: river front; good road. 1 miles to school, postof floe, atore and electric railway station. In Molalla valley. 30.000, terms.. W. I Mulvey. Oregon iL MILES NEWRERG Beautiful level 10 -acre - tract with 4-room house and splendid weU of water; 8 acres bear ing fruit trees, different varieties: close to school and church; on hardsurfaced road; $500 will handle. This is a snap. . GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1607 Yeon bldg. 10 MILEM mnM onsTf.iiln . 10-acre tract, fine level land, oa paved high way to Newberg; auto passenger and freight service daily from Portland. Would make a beautiful suburban home. Can be bought at a sacrifice. See it , at one. GEO. T. MOORB CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. BY OWNER The moat beautiful farm in W iT lunette valley; 1C8 stre-, all U crop; situ ated near Newberg; all stock and implements go with place. This place will immediately pay big returns rn Investment For full particulars call Tabor w970. or'addrea 874 E. 87th t North, Portland. t. EASTERN OREGON stock rsnch, improved, un unuted free outrange. $10,000; unlncum bered. Sale or trade. Daring. 284 Oak. Mar. 766, FOB BEST-FARMS DAIRY farm for rent 885 acre. 180 culti vation; 8 miles from Portland; personal prop erty for sale: 70 head .of cattle including 80 milch cow (some thoroughbreds), soma 2-yesr- ohi iieiters a no some calves, ho head of pigs and hogs, 4 head of good horse. 1 ton truck, all kinds of farm implements-: 6 room, house, all furnished; all for 37500; come, take a look be fore too late. Telephone Main 2930, Mr, Alex, or call 297 Morrison t. Portland. ' FOB SALE Lease orl farm of 163 acres. 6 mile from Grays Crossing: 18 cows and 9 one-yeer-oht heifer, farm tools and crop, team and hirneas. milk sold at ranch. s WILLIAMS REALTY CO. Gray Crossing. Tabor 4334. DAIRY farm far rent 360 acres. 120 clear 8 mile from Portland; aU kinds of good building. Telephone Hilktboro 7-B-9, or writ ...nft.criou, nonce SB. : w FARMS WANTED BENT OB BUT 88 WANTED A dairy or stock farm; no objection to aarge farm partly unproved. If it ha birildinga, fruit and water. I have clear eity property to exchange for this ia part or for th whole. No agents. Address owner. J-417, eowraai. WANTED To buy from owner, 15 to 25 acre place of good land, on good road, within SO miles from Portland, with soma in cultivation and small buildings ; writ fuU partJealara. price. lacauon, etc U-40P, Journal. WANTED to rent, farm, prefer furaLved, eaah or snarea. K. were, 110 uewego St. HOMESTEADS , 47 EXCEPTIONAL good thing in a elose-in homs stead location. $100. .For deUil Write U-417, journal... - TIMBEB . 38 40 ACBES heavy timber 20 Bailee from Part. hxnd, value $1600. for sal or trad for few acres witn improvement. Phono Bdwy, 2604. FOB SALE Old growth saw timber; abo pil . ng. Ue and turning; timber. Xoung Wst .17 - - - r-v . 1 EXCHANQE- -BE Aii ESTATE fl FOR SALE or exebanga 11 acre farm. 7 acres Improved good aew barn and also 2 -room honse and woodshed, all fenced, 3 mile north of Cam, Waah.. on Fern Prairie road, to be sold on aoconnt of OKI age and sickness, or will ex change for hoase and lot ia Portland. Address Dennis Murphy, Camas, Wash., R. F. D., Bouts a, pot v.. - - . ; - A BARGAIN Five acre on Powell Valley reaa, aii ia ruga star 01 cuitivauoa;, a room bouse, barn. etc. fruit and berries, close to car; mignt consider some trade. 10 acres at Beedville, 3 room bouse. 3 acre rniui.twi; wut aacniice on account of slc-a $1800. easy terms. 484 By. Exchange. FOB sale or trade for Alberta land, 1 70 acre ta neait of Willamette valley, all tillable land, 7 mile from Eugene on R. H. aiding and sta tion on place; tekpfaone, daily mail; fenced and eras fenced; price 383 per acre; no buildings. jA-z ig. journal. -, 10 ACRES, at Orecoa Citr. aU 4a hiah atat. of cultivation. Will trade for houae. 10 acres In Clarke Co.. Waah., to trade for house, 7 room modern house to trad for farm. 7 room nouse ana a iota to trade , lor acreage. ; 404 FOB aale or trade for city property, choice . 0-acr tract in Arcadia Orchard, all apple. Just coming into full bearing; plenty water owned ny aatoer peeking nouse. User Far. Wash. W. A. Johnston, Bickreatl, Or. FOR BALE or trade. Duncan's opera house for - acreage in th Willamette valley; building 60x 103. on 1st at., ta main part of city. Address T. B. Duncan. Newberg; T. C Duncan. 367 AV ICth st.-Portlsnd. Or. , . 6 BOOM .modern houae, 2 lots, garden, lawn, - berries, in Grants Pass. Or.; title dear: trade as part payment oa houae and lot In Portland. 1 an -laoor iun. 60 ACRES unimproved level land, good soil, near LaCenter. Wash.. fn . hmana . mnA l Woodlawn 4885. or write Mrs. Conway, 1168 Moor st,' -. . ROOMS, bath and toilet, on paved street. Tillamook. Or. ' Throua-h tho lleMuina Rv 44th 8. E. Sell. 8083. . WILL trade equity in 7 room modem lioua for good ear in good tannins order and am. ash. 253 E. 70th at- N. M. V. ear. 40 ACRES, right near towa Eastern OregoaTul . first payment oa bouse or. business property. Portland or vicinity. H-48. JournaL 6-ROOM houae in Portland for an in SeatUe. Tabor 1347 er East 8088 iOO PR0PERTDZ8 to seU and to exchangeJ Send for my last. Box 278. Salem. Or. vyAlTTEIV-.BE A I. ESTATE SI HATE jot a bargain ia a room hoase, mod ern, eioee to ot Johns earline I Prefer na fruit: also -basement ' Small ranunl down, bal easy term. - U-420, JoamaL - WANTED A lot 60x100 or torger, eaat front shad trees, sidewalk, newer and pared, good district: mast be a snap: cash or monthly pay atenta. J. T. Higgin. 1081 E. 16th N. WANT 6-room modern bungalow. ' Will giro eaah ' and 8-room temporary bouse in Boas - City Park. Tsbor 4856. v, , - . t DON'T WOPRY I eaa acfj -or trade anything anywher. . Leyman, 147 r-ark t. WANT TO BUT a 4 or 6 room house ana Urge lot, do : to ear, r on easy terms. O- 318. Journsl. WANT 0 or 7 room house;' mast-bo view prop erly, -.lam BB3. - WA?.' TED Lot from owner, shack Ituus con- luereu.' oooiawa 111. - . . BEAL ESTATE - WANTED BKAL ESTATE $ WE HAVE several client waitina tor a aond buy in 5 and - 6 room bungalows; Bos City park or Aiameaa rarx preierreo. List witn us, we can sell them. - - - - - , GEO. T. MOORE CO.. -1007 Yeon bldg." - WANTED 3 or 6 room house with tirepmee, - furnace. buOt-im,' hardwood floor, garaire. or -place for same. - Price must be reasonable. Prefer to deal with owner. Mar. 1980. WANT ' bungalow R rooms; ha v4 lot In Floral Park worth '$800 to trade, balance cash; no BOOMING HOUSES Al 17 BOOMS, beautifully furniahed, beautiful home, close in. net 3160 incrudina piano leaving city; $1950 cash will handle; no dealers. r-45. Journal. FOB BALE By owner; 15 room brick transient - ' rooming bouse. 1 floor, central location $1200 cash; clears $100. U-404, JonrnsL EXCEPTIONAL buy in good paying ' 1 0 -rooui -.rooming houae. Call at once..: 223 W. Park st Main 4985. - GOING East Must aell 2 good 11-12 rooms housekeeping in heart city, all fulL good money makers. Aune, 8680 Main -at. - FORCED to sell ! 7 housekeeping, room. Broad- way 3489. il ROOMS, , always full, money makerT ahall 482. Mar- MU8T SELL Nine -rooms, H. K., in good loca- uon; ny owner. Main uzs. BUSINESS OPFOBTUNITIE8 2$ WANTED Partner to finance manufacture of newly In vented animal trap. Moderate capital required. Have orders from' largest and most reliable trap dealers in Amesica. Order must be filled at once. Am without necessary funds. Part ner must be absolutely honest reliable, indus trious and good manager. jjaxue witn ' necee aarv fund considered as quickly a gentlemen. Thia offer is genuine. Trifler need not an swer. Address, Paul C Thayer, Umatilla Ageney, Pendleton, Or. STOCK of dry goods, ladies' and Gent's furuiah ings. shoes etc. . Will sell in lump or in vvntorr and disconnt: stock about 81600: fix tures $450. Must be sold this week, leas expires. National cash register, counter cases, window fix tures, etc.: Someone gets bargain. Good loca tion can be had. Bu-dnea established 6 yeara. tevens store, bdzt via st. . r... Lma. I WANT TO MEET A MAN with business abil ity and aom capital to act as distributor or district manager In restricted territory. W of- for a good substantial business proposition with nr. limited possibilities. , No get-rich-quick scheme. Very extraordinary. No competition, Will stand close investigation. Call for J. -. F Lloyd at Hotel Renson today. - - ' FOtt SALE A dairy store and delivery route, doing fine business. Will sell one or both reason for selling, leaving city. Excellent chance, $500 cash. AiiDlr after 4:30 D. m. 664 Lom bard street THE ONLY GROCERY STORE in a prosperous community near Reed eo liege, stock of $2500 and trade of $2000 per month; $1600 handle it; rent only $20. which include living quarters. Seliwood 1929.- FRED F. HUNTRESS. 1469 E. $lst st COMPLETE watchmaker's outfit and some ma terial: solid mahogany hand-made bench i $200 takes everything. Call 981. Hawthorne ave., Boom 6, between 6 and 6 p. . m., or Sunday forenoon. . FOR SALE- Country store, doing general mer- chandise buainea. 34000 stock: cheap rent t very pleasant place to live. Good reason tot Ulng. Blair Bros., Jasper, Or. WANT LIVE MAN to join me in my old es tablished business; must have $600 to $1000 good salary; will stand thorough investigation. Main 6865. ------ BOOM ING HOl'HE. restaurant candy and cl- gars. near ship yard, doing good business: good terms. 300 Washington st, Vancouver. Wash, UNION AVENUE business lot 60x100; 8 room house, in a store, will taka part Ja trade. r.asi woo. FOR SALE Hemstitching, pleating and button business; long etabUslied and paying well owner rearing; 4tou. x-gin, journal. CONFECTIONERY and cash grocery, streetcar terminus; will stand thorough Investigation. 414 ueriinger bldg. Mam 880ft. WELL established grocery atore, 30 years on location, nock ana fixtures, low rent Johnson, 700 E. Stark, cor. 20th st $500 RESTAURANT, rant $25. c holes loca- ticn. 622 ft Washington. COMPLETE Butcher's outfit jCall-Tabor 2880, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . WANTED IF YOU WISH - , t TO BUY OB SELL list your hotels, apartments and rooming be uses with us. we get results. . DORCAS A CO.. -20 N. W. Bank bldg. MONET TO LOAN BE Alt ESTATE 17 CUR installment plan . is th best and surest n ethod of paying a loan, $82.29 per month for 86 mMktha, or . 21.'t4 far BO month, or ' $16.17 for 90 month, pays $1000 loan and merest. " - . - Other amount In proportion. We loan on improved city property-. . : Or for building purposes, Ne commission chsreed. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION Z4g mark at . Portland. Or. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security st going rsu or interest OTTO A HABKSON BEALTT CO., 418 Cbsraber of Commerce. $800 $400. $300. $600, $760 and up, lew' eat rate, quick action. Gordon IaeastaMat CO., 81 Ch. of Com. Wain 6445. CASH paid for mortgage and sellers' contract on real estate In Washington or Oregon. . H, E. Neble. 816 Lumbermen blda. - " $25tf! $880, $400, $600, $600 and larger amounts; current rates; quick action. - Fred W. Gerraan Co., 732 Chamber of Com marc. WE HAVE $3000 to loan on good city prop erty. 7 per cent. ' MeCSure-Schtaaach, 306 waiiway y.xcnange Ping. BUILDING loans on city or auburban property, money advanced as wrrrk progresses. W. G. Beck, 218 and 216 Failing bldg. Mala 3407 MONEY to loan In amount of 3100 to $5000 i oa ctty property. A. H. BELL, Room lO-ll. Mnlkey bldg. MOVEY for mortgage Joans, 8600 to $000'. and 7. Fred 8. Williams. 92 ft lat st MORTGAGE loans. and 7 Loub SaJomoa A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. BEE OREGON INV. A MORTQAGE CO., 222 unamner 01 jommeree. - 4tn ana Btartt. MONET TO LO A N CHATTELS. 00 YOU NEED MONEY? Loans made an aatomobilea, diamonds, pianos, household goods or anything of vara. Security MMislly left in your, possession; ALSO to SAL- a m cis rr-vrts on toeir notes wiiaoni sec ax icy. If year paymenta to other loan companies or oa furniture or automobile eon tract ar larger than you eaa make, we will nay them no. advance son mora money if neoeaaary, and yoa eaa repay us in smaii xeoataiy payaaenta to sun your eon- veaienee. . LEOAfc BATES. NO T)ET4T BUSINESS STRICTLT CONFIDENTIAL - PORTLANTX"AN T'OMPANY (licensed.) 8OO-807 Dekum bldg. ' Marsha II 8286. ; Salary ,LOAN8 Chattel W LOAN. MONET On abort ne-tioe to aalarled er wnrtktngmen on their own aotoa..- Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly paymenta. Each transaction strictly eonfid-TitUL NO MORTGAGE. NO INIXRSR. '--.'r- ABSOLUT ELT NO SECURITY Wa abo loan on household rurnltara, piano, etc.. wiUbouf removal CALL AND 7NVESTIOATH ' . i COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED 218 Falling bldg. , PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN A38N.V Establiiiaed by Portland Buiines Men ito Protect the Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE City and County Warrant Cashed -tot Faca Value. CABBIE MTEBSHERRMAN. MOB.. . 894 STARK 8T. , MONEY to loan oa diamoada, jewelry; legal ratoa: all articlea held a rear! . ashliah fnoe 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Waahlngtoa. LOANS WArTTFJl MUST HAVE CASH ViUICK SS0O at 3 per eatfit; only want for ahnrt rime. o win pay faiiboau beside; real estate security. H-44, JournaL . $75-MJU10K Farm for sermritr: Head Is hlv aruf n-t. for short tlms, so V private parte win pay 8 and expense . H-48. JonrnaL -- . - - WANT loan of $400 on 2 ft a. oa county road - and near station. Gardaa Homo, at T rroiok I9V1. 8EB OREGO.V INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 235 ,"r' vi tx7Tnmv-n-f, fTj mna Btatrm. FINANCIAL 61 I WILL BUT ANT LIBERTY BOND - 1 99 PER CENT - OF. FULL CASH VALUE - (An due coupon interest fotaded.) -3. H- KEATING." 617 BOARD CV THADI. FINANCIAL LIBERTY BONDS CASH - PAID FOR ANY 1SSUH OF B0NH FULL MARKET - l'lilCli REE E. BURRITT. SrrRFTARY OREGON BOND A 3IORTGAGK CO, SIS rJELLLVt IILIMJ. .(SM'OMi FLOuft) COR. 6TJL AND ALDEii STS. . BEFORE 8ELLINO T0CB ; Liberty Bonds : , Secure Our Prices V bay and aeil all Issue - O. K MTT.LER A CO., 20S-8 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 418 BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH BPm CAS3 CASH FOB TOUB BECEU'Td Mall bond to us: w return mtl Loan made ea improved real estate, lui Mtim or monthly payment plan. to 126 Ueo Bldg.. fttn nd Aider. CELLAHS-MUUTON CO. . . HOBSKS, VEHICLES. ETC. T TEAM, ' weiaht 2600. lbs., bick msr and . - dapple gray; both- 6 year old, sound an., plenty of life; block y and wall built; nmka nice team for any kind of work; names i' wagon go with it; also a good family cow, 17.". 662 By 28th 8. Woodstock car. BAY mare, buggy, harneen, light dlivery me'm : . borae weiglia 950 lbs., age 9 years, fine hii'V. ncrse, look well, fat and round as a dom-t. good eaddle hone any place) for sal at r-n- . able price. Call from 3 to 6 p. m.. liiOii i.-y at St. Johns car. . CAltPTEWIS llORSES 78 head must be cold in tli next three regardless of price: ranging in weight from lu 1 to 1800 lbs.; in ag from fl to; nearly all well broke; five fine ssddle horass. Can be seen at Union Stock-yards. CHOICE of ouni farm team, -wtl ' 20OO2si-t - lbs., sge from 5 to 7, gentl and true w r k -ers, extra good : jiarnes snd 2 farm xumn; also a black nrse. weiirht 1250 lb'.. M-w built, price $06. Woodstock car to. 6UU 1.. atn sr. . $EAM" of Shire marea, 7 year old. Weight I . and 8. weinht 2loi: team of geldings, 0 these horse ar right out of hard work; 1 n 1 wide tire Bain wagon: these horse mint be ..).. regardless of cost 284 Front st Stables tmn of Main t. - - ' . 8)85 BUYS ' good sorrel teni, well mati 1,. i mare - and gelding, weight 2400 lbs., v-i' i harness and 8ft inch Molina wagon; been ' ing all spring with them. C6U4 86U1; iit. Scott rsr. -Tsbor 6034. T3WloTNI) " horie. " good." strong tiarneas " ' wagon, $88. Coma and try him. Mr Bitcherdoon, 892 Knott st, ft block eatt of Union ave. : Woodlawn or Alberta cars.- FOR SALE f-yVarold mar7weiglit 1000 il-'. wagon, harness and saddle, all in good emxiu tinn. an for $100. Call after 6 o'clock, evening. I860 B, 2 1st at Seliwood. FOB SALE tiURADE 1 horse. 1700 ibi.. 10 year old; on 3 year old, 1300 lbs, A I 9th and Hawthorne, wood yard. The uoi are true to pull. $163 BUYS nice, fat, chunky span of mirn, 1 gad 8 years lhL wltn good liarnes. weigh 2300 lbs.; guaranteed; I rial allowed. Transfer Barn. low k. vtu n. V. S. STABLES. 248 FRONT ST. A few bone left from last carload. 1 bone. wt 1600, good work horse; will sell cheap, , 280O LB. TEAM, harnesa and ranch waauu, ii mod workina order: have nra use for it: um i selL Apply t Modut Stable, E. 10th am "lenders. Mrs. ureen a. outfit FOB s8A Young horse, buiigy ud lmrn-, good driver and worker, Waight 1050 li;i. Call Tabor 7010, 20 SETS of heavy double and1 ingle ham.-.. cneap. tug roweii v alley roao. voooto-K. FOR aale cheap, one horse, light won ami harness, or trade for sometliing 1 can tun. i 989 Greeley st, Woodlawn M.'" GOOD gentle mai, buggy and harnesa; wpivl-t 1160 lbaj RiUvt Sell. At At 9th and Haw thorne, v ' , ONE team, weight 2500 lba; msrbed (Terse an f mare; price $188. Corner (if , Situ ami Hawthorne. Must U by Tuesday. ' ONE team, mar and horse; fast and soiiui, weight 20OO lbs.; for al at woodyard stai,i B. 9tU and Hawthorn. FOR- 'SALE Teem, 3400 lbs, 1 dump wasori s i harnea, fSOO. 19ZS E. Alder at, Tal.ur Tl HORSE and wagon, $l.i0 tier day; ii ho, v ,." wagon, $8. J. C-ohen; 641 Front. Main : DEAD horse and animal hauled away free, tn.l Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co ONE bay gelding, weight 1850 lbs., broke kini?; and double. $175. 7089 Powell Valley r-t. borne taken quickly; eaah paid for ru - nd eritrplea horn. Tabor 4Z(). ALL kinds of b orsea, wagons, harnaa and iu. uz. rronv treet. Wjt5fTEl ioat Earned and liuggy. ' " Ai"-i - 378 Salmon at., bat. 3d and 4th. PA1U of burro cheap at exoliange. 803 i t.,,,''. LIVESTOCK 3. 10 FREHH cow, 4 to 5 gallon per day, tin " rich milk. Durliam. Jersey and Guernseys: wM SeU or trade for beef onw. 1160 Hac.i-lum at. South Portland car to end or line, lnr.-i block south to Iticharuaoa arc., and on bio x. east in pasture, FOR SALE Fresh Je rsey now, young. gnt. about 4 aaUona rtca milk daily: mil it. New Zealand Red rabbit, $2 and np; h---v be $6 colony, 691 Clinton. S'Uwond foi. LAlUaE Jersey and Bwi. fresh ii wM-ka, ii,,b - Ing better than $ gala. dy; also 8 y. ' t net far, a ft gal. e day. pric goo. fja 2th at Houlb. WOodstocg car. T:OW. fresh from 2 to 10 days. '4 of l. " Jersey, the other 2 Durliam. 4 heavy, rich ru. - era, will sell regardles of price. Woodstock c . r to 84th at, 5 block outh to qnr red bam. TWO fresh, cow with calves, heavy uuiacii, heavy sprioger in good' condition, 1 1. 1 aronnd 870 each. E. 8t.h and Flandem. ' A GOOD young family cow, 4 ft gallons ri 'u iu rsr day; a 10 nav ner calf, 4 waeks otd- v.. , cheap for cih. 6742 65th St. S. E. - A 1916 FORD, ia best mechanical cmul, ran ok new; aell cheap or trade for livw- stock ora Hgbt truck. ' fall Seliwood 71 7. GOATS Fin Toggenbarg and Haauen diiy , for aale. Come and them, juldresa. E. 69th at N , Portland Or. IOI: NO fresh dairy and family cows, ai H-gallon now. f reali two day. Montaviiia t Kat 23d. 71 Las Ash. FOR BALE or rent ' to raaponaible party, si 1- lon- Jersey cow; gentle; rich milk; tciied. Seliwood 304 8. Call after 6 p. m. Ilill HALtv young Jersey etiw, heavy u . t. Hucb - Ito carta. Jennings - ixidg. oa m ,.,.,n City line. ' ' YOUNG cow, HoUtein ami Jersey, Jit . f.'..r B41t BNtB avarl, t.. Hellw.KKl 32HI. FOR 8ALE 2 jijg. 4 os. old, $20. In 7, n. oJiyr at. .,- 1 - - ' - 2 FRESH cam. 1 with calf, I jielfer comnitf f re-11 in August a i.rove. FRESH Jersey. 4 gal, per day, Cu Lcnbard nt - BIX MONTHS old ftmal Swia goat, clsp. W4LW ISUJ. FA MILT row for sale; rich milker. phone Tsbor 8813. 0"NE JTeycoW, 4 gK per Amy. 'Phone !7T- iiui.Dia zsi. 1ZZ7 LAmnam t A FRESH COW for aale. Tabor 7845. FOCXTRT. PIGEONS. FET STOCK 87 YXnNTLgtto laying hena and puileta. $r."Yf, each; large English-type bans, $2 each, 787 Oregon t ltoe City car, - FOB SALE Vary reaonablTi5 BaTrd'H k - chick. 7 week aid. and a knockdown chick- en houae-Jeaving town. Call MrhU 252. THOROUGHBRED Bfack Minorca hat' hii g egga, Maauaotki at rain. Columbia 593. 1 60U FVke. FOR egg- the year round get T. A. HoUi- i--n B. C Rhode IsUod Bed and English Aht'e leghorn. 172 tirand av. Phone Eaat. 6.12 4. 10 BRED FlerahOt doe, cheap, also bi. k. n i l New iiealaods, Elliott. 82d and Division, 1 a-br-f 2261. . WHITE ROCK chickens, including r.-'-r, at verv low uri: 2 xan PlvmouLh km K. 181 Front at. Wi: pay the highest prioe - for all kini of chicken and eggs. 151 Front at Ms In i 1 WANT - Incubator; will trade camera -ami equipment Woodlawn 842. 2 LARGE young R. L Red hena, aooil $24 for all. tiBO Bandy blvd. Rose Ci'v r. OH SALE C. KIkmI Lnd Bed a ir hatching. Woodlawn 686. BARRED Rock batching tag $1.60 pet, .;..".". per 10O. Tbor 4e,&H. VOH SALE 192-egg Petalum incubauir, . Phone Sell. 24 8. BLACK Minorca baby chicks, ai oihi .,- .n. i. - Cot 695. IBOO ltsK. ALL kind of live- and dreaaed rabi.u, t , - .. Stall 7, 2d and Yamhill sta. Tel. m j 1 1. -, GOIJiEN SEABRIGliT baataiu for a. Vw.i- lawu 83MO. FOR SALE Muervy duuk, lu nu'" k-ni.- 1164 K. lUth !. - SUClLlAN ButtVreup IXf 5 per ctvla7 beat layer. Tab'.r K..i7.' iiAliiiilrl, U era- - V,ir eti. 14 IV. iCoaUuv