THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, MONDAY. MAY 5, TRAHSSEA FLIGHT AGAIN POSTPONED Mid-Atlantic Weather Conditions U nf avorbale . and B ritish Airmen Wait. St.' Johns, N. F May 6. Ths trans atlantic IMigtot was abandoned again Sunday by the British aviators here. Conditions In the morning were Ideal for a "take off and It was expected en or .both airmen would set away. but later mtdocean weather conditions were reported as unfavorable. This forenoon a west wind prevailed. giving rise to. the belief that the ven ture would be attempted. F've American . destroyers. Nos. 10. 73, no, lit and 147, arrived at Trepassey this morning- and a large cruiser is In the offing. It Is understood that all these vessels, and others which will follow, will remain at Trepassey until the N. C. planes from Rockaway Point, N. Y arrive, after which the flotilla will proceed to its definite positions along the route to the Asorea, which will be followed by the American naval fliers. .The steamer Dig-by, which is under stood to be bringing the big Handler- Page machine, another entrant for the transatlantic flight, left Liverpool Fri day afternoon for St. Johns, and Is due about the end of the present week. Linn County Road Bond Election m June Is Assured Albany, May 5. Whent the Linn coun ty court convenes Wednesday a peti tion for placing on the ballot - at the coming June ' election a proposition to issue saoo.uuv in oonos ior tits improve ment of the roads in the county will be presented. County Clerk R. M. Russell has finished verifying the names upon the petition, which was found to con tain sufficient signers to make it obli gatory upon the court to call the elec tion. j ' Hotel Mortgage Taken Up Albany, May 6. A mortgage for $30.- 000 on the Hotel Albany property, given to an insurance company when the building was constructed, has been can celled and the Indebtedness has ben re funded by the issuance of bonds, all of which were taken by local people. Capacity Operation Assured Albany, May 6. The big-plant of the Hammond Lumber company at Mill City Is to be operated to Its full capacity commencing May 13.- The plant has been running at about half capacity for several months but arrangements have now been " completed whereby full ca pacity business is assured for the sea-eon. Albany to Clean Up Albany, May 6. "Clean-up week" vill be observed in. Albany commencing Tuesday. " For three days the equip ment efthe street department will be utilised in hauling trash and rubbish to the dump, the city being- divided into districts and one day assigned ta-fcach district. Astorians Will Test New Purse Seine Law Astoria, May 5. A test case, to obtain a supreme court decision on the 1917 purse seine law was started in the justice court Saturday. The law prohibits fish ing with purse seines in the Columbia east of a line from the shore end of the north jetty to the knuckle of the south Jetty, four miles from the government dock at Fort Stevens. With a view of making more clear the law, which does not specifically pro hibit the placing of this class of gear itr the water, the Norblad purse seine law, prohibiting the placiner of gillnets in the water east of the given line, was passed by the recent legislature. To settle the question, the Union Fish ermen's Packing company rigged out a purse seine craft and dropped the net within the restricted waters. A com plaint was sworn to by Deputy Game Warden Larson, and the defendants rined'935 In the justice court. The case was immediately appealed and will be taken to the circuit court where, by agreement, a similar decision will be rendered and the matter nlaced wfrr the supreme court. Funeral Is Held for .South Bend Woman South Bend. Wash.. May 6. The fu neral of- Mrs. Josephine K. Cassels, prom inent pioneer woman of this city, who , died Saturday, was held this morning. Mrs. Cassels was 60 years of age and came to this City with her husband, Ueorge Cassels, 80 years ago. For 15 years they had conducted the Cassels hotel, one of the best known hostelrles in Southwest Washington. Mrs. Cassels . leaves her husband and three daughters. Misses Myrtle and Ada Cassels, and Mrs. Florence McCartney. - " Fund Raised for. Apparatus ' Lebanon, May 5. An entertainment given at the Tennesee school house, hear this city, the proceeds of which are to be used for the purchasing playground apparatus, netted $ Miss Ruby Curtis is t:.e teacher. Adler-i-ka Did It! "I had pain In the pit of my stomach, no appetite, sour stomach and very much gas. Doctors could not help me. The FIRST dose of Adler-i-ka helped ro."! (Signed) Henry Welp, lake View, ; Iowa, "Adler-i-ka expels ALL as and sotir i neesi Stopping stomach distress IN STANTLY. Empties BOTH upper and lower bowel, flushing ENTIRE alimen tary canal. Removes ALL foul matter which poisons system.,. Often CURES constipation. Prevents appendicitis. We have sold Adler-i-ka many years. It is a mixture of buckthorn, eascara, glycer he and nine other simple drugs. Skid- r snore Drug Co. and leading druggists. . Adv. Child Wakened . After Four 'and Half Days' Sleep . aaaasaasaaa--ymm Dallas. May 6. What is believed to have been a case of sleeping sick ness is reported from the home of Mrs, Addle Coon, In this city, where Mrs. Coon's little grandson, the child of Mrs. Viola Williams of Portland, slept for four days and a half. Local physicians succeeded in wak ing the . infant and it is now. re ported to be on the wsy to recovery. Source of Water Supply of Dallas Is Visited by Hawley Dallas. Or., May 6 Congressman W. C. Hawley Saturday, in company with W. V. Fuller, state representative and county fire warden, : visited the head waters of Canyon creek, about 12 miles west of this city, which Is the source of Dallas' water supply. Mr. Hawley sought frst-hand Information as to the needs of the city in placing the timber in that vicinity In the federal forest re serve as a protection to the water sup ply. He Introduced a bill to that effect m the last session of congress, but it waa defeated, and he plans to reintro duce the bill. DALLAS CAPTAI3T, VICTIM OK SHELL8HOCK, AT HOME Dallas, May S. Captain Edward B. Hamilton, who was In command of com pany A, 3d battalion, 20th engineers, in France, is spending a few days' fur lough with his family in this city. He is en route" to Letterman general hos pital, San Francisco, where he will con tinue under treatment for shellshock, which he sustained while at the St Mihiel front while in charge of a con voy of replacements. Captain Hamil ton, who prior to his enlistment waa manager of the Willamette Valley Lum ber company's branch at Monmouth, was in a hospital in France for many months, but is now rapidly regaining his health. Funeral Is Held for Brownsville Pioneer Brownsville, May 6, Funeral services for Mrs. Hattie Maxwell were held April 28. Mrs. Maxwell was 72 years of age. She is survived by. 11 children, 26 grand children and eix great-grandchildren Mrs. Maxwell crossed the plains with her parents In 1862 by ox-team, the fam ily settling about three miles from Hal sey.. ROLL OF HONOR ARAIY CASUALTIES''" KILLED IN ACTION Privates inVPJ F. DONALDSON', Cushiu. Okla. JOHN C. ELLIS. Fitchbur. afass. CEPH K. HILL. Troy, iU DIED OF WOUNDS Wagoner MUXDT CAKES GALLOWAY, BrownrlUe tvu .. . uiu9u.i, watsins, is. J KUmL-t!Le'no"- PftEVIOUSkV PORTED WOUNDED SEVERELY " Prlal DONALD A. MILLER, Cppias. N. D K,Ll? 11 OTON. PREVIOUSLY PORTED WOUNBID (DEGREE UN DETERMINED.) RE RE ,ALES 8. U SELL. New York. N. T. IL.I ACTION, PREVIOUSLY RE PORTED MISSINQ AOTION Oorporw IRA SAVELL MO.NTGOMEBT. Birmingham n IB, Privates WILLIAM J. HC11T, Pari. Twin. KABL KARCH JH st j b w D HABVKL D. PRESCOTT. Calais. Yt. r GET RID OF YOUR RHEUMATISM "Bites Kati. Herb Tablets are without doubt the best medicine for rheamattam I aver used." S. W. MiUs, East Lynn, W. Ya. ''I am strftnt tnS healthy at WTenty-fonr thanks to Bliss Nstiro Herb Tablets. " S. O. Martin, JSteTensburc Ya. Bliss Native Herb Tablets for nr thirty year have relieved theosands of snf toren from rheumatism, lirer and kidney trouble, and con tips tidn. Gentle and effeo tira in actaoo, and economical in price. On dollar per box of 200 tablets. Insist on BlUs. and jfotl will Set tta. tenaine. Look for trade-mark on box. SeM hf leadinc drag-gists and local a (rents eTtrjrWher. - For Skin Tortures nil i i Dont worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy akin by using Zetno, obtained at any drug store for 35c or extra large bottle at $1.00. Zetno generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eczema ami ring worm and makes the skin clear and healthy, Zetno is a clean, penetrating; antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for eaclt application. It is always dependable The E. W. Rose Co Cleveland. (X Bar Soldiers' Shite Willi Cuticura Soap The Healthy Up-To-Date Cuticura Way MA MMIsf - SftfSsaSl ff 1 jsllralL nam when alTd twice daily. Ona soap for aa pse abaTins, bathing sedaban poems, Doabses rarer affieaeact, net to nSkSt vaitte in srocnotuia akin party. sUncam. iott and akin beaka duata aVdibal frairrant Cuticura taedlcatioa. iwnst aeUu akin soap iaths world. W Cutkig Toilet Trio - Consistins: of Soap, Ointment and Taletnn are indapenaabie adjuncts oi & daily toi health. By bruitmc these deticatHrmedi' cated nollienta ia freqsect contact with your aki a as m ttso foe ail toilet purposes, you keep the skin, scalr bafr and hands rlear.aweetandoea:Uur 23cea.everrwhera. - -. - off com pell fciran r'acts teat .aire teoifflgeir thairi .FictloiziH : .. - , . & Romance itliat Fascmattes Stories off that TIbirili B eamty. F&sh ion 9 HealtJhi ScaeiaKse ' . :. ' ' and AirK Talks jiflst briin to the ffemlniEne heart " I Love Him and He lves Me" Betty says of her fiance. Governor Gen eral Harrison : "1 have ' made him my hero ever since I was 13 years old. My mother thinks it is wrong to marry a man who is divorced. I think it is better to be divorced half a : dozen times than to live with one one hates and - well How Betty feels and what General Har rison and Betty's parents think are told in this Philippine romance in real life. Death Has No Attraction for the Deadly Cootie m l in I ih.11. , n nunim nria-m i. itmmrmmrrtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ' js -' t'- ' - rw 1 -! ' , ' S v 1 1 III I III - Un s p e ak a b 1 e D egr a -dation Faced the Beautiful Princess Olg 4,1 . She prepared to die rather than join tho ranks of the noblewomen who. were lead ing lives of shame in Petrograd. - Read how this delicately nurtured. Princess dis guised herself as a rough peasant woman and escaped from the clutches of the ter rible Bolsheviks f of Russia. Learn how clever woman wit saved this beautiful Princess. The story in all its graphic details told in an interesting way. The cootie, the soldier's pet. is not merely, an annoyance He is a frightful menace. If an infested person is attacked by fever, the cooties will desert him A dead man ii quickly abandoned by cooties Read how long the human race would have to suspend existence on the earth to rid the cooties. Princess Olga Pattey "Fine Feathers" s pain tin sr in oil done especial ly for the frontispiece by Henry Clive will be reproduced in color on the front cover of The Jottrnal's Sunday Magazine. If the Bathing Beautie of Long Branch could hark back 200,000 years and frolic with the cave man. the Magatherium and Echinauras. the other ethnological mon sters that cavorted on these . sands? ? Learn what science has unearthed at this fashionable and popular New Jersey re sort. The mighty interesting story with illustrations, a feature of The Journal's ' superior Sunday Magazine. Madame Madamoiselle The Hostess and Housemfe Shapely Armo Permit us to introduce the "Eternal Sav age," "Divination," "Tu M'Amuse" The fetching, fanciful, charming crea tions of the Lady Duff Gordon, the famous Lucille of London Next Sun day's Journal, of course. How to put the "good things" and the dainty dishes over in a new and pleasing way. A new lot of surprise recipes by Mary Lee Swann Published in The Journal's Sunday Magazine Ladies is this one of your heart's desires? Lina Cavalicri, herself one of the fairest of her tells the most intimate to- sex, crets of the boudoir, exclu&ivcly to Journal readers. sm " - mm 1 The Functionary, a snappy short story by Vincente Blasco Ibanez, author of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Remember The Sunday Journal also publishes four pages of colorful comics. Havo a smile Sunday with Jiggs f and the rest of our funny folk NEXT SUNDAY IN THE t '" " -r - M 1 V I .11.1 1 ----, I , ..... - Mil ' - - - , f ORDER A: COPY.TObAY ASK.:y6UR NEWSDEALER OR CARRIE n