THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 4. -1919? t REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOC8E8 CI $450 ROSE CITY PARK 4650 Kew 6 room bungalow, space for 2 room n ettle. located en 43d ft, north oi Hntt st I want yow ttml weH built doubly eot-traci-d well arranged 1 ose -reoinethinr cat of the ordin-ry. Have gitum awey (rem the stock i s turn so commoti. lltn eliminate th cheap tfm effect It iu th large living room ' J duilnc room, facing the street. ftrshl tbwjb et la whit ea ivory enamel Beeutifnl buffet, mantel, etc Our wall decorations ere eiquisite. ornate, arti-tie. I know jroa will lik - tt Strictly modern, ar, etc., pared itrtet, near ear. cut front. Hons open between 8 and 6 today. Eaet 646.. Tebor "748. rouR bcxGalow home Tiara it l, 609 Eut 65lh st- N. near the car and tit AUmUt boulevard. Vary sightly location In th heart of ltoe City Park. Near. y new. fireplac, furnace, boilt-ins, and all the rest. Tapestry paper. Noii-reklent owner of fer this home considerably under ita value. No liens or mortgage. Fair payment down, bal aaee easy at No Impaction on Sunday. J. O. CORBIN CO., 805-6-7 Lewis bldg. 1UVINOTON DISTRICT $5000 for a modern 7 room residence on E. 27th at,' facing aat, near corner Thompson at. ; all hardwood f loom. I. 8. furnace, fireplace. 2 toilet, bookcase and built-in convenience, with garage. This- to ' an exceptionally good buy. ft.t-of-tfiwn owners; now vacant. PUon Mar shall OSS. " V. U BLANCHABD -519 20 Railway Exchange Bldg. Rwewit to Mlanchard At Clemson. ROSE CITY PARK 6 room with sleeping porch, donble con structed, -bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in effects, fireplace, Janndry trays. ' 00x 1 00 lot, street and klewalk fn. 4 Mocks ear. Full price (3450. Term. ... Open Eventrurs. GEO. T, MOOHK CO.. 1O07 YEON BLDO. $2750 MODERN 7 ROOM BUNGALOW Full lot, convenient to car and beet, high school in city, ilere'e a real bargain you bad better look up before it's gone. v A, K, HILL CO. 214 LUMBERMEN'S BLDO. Bdwy. 421. ROSE CITT PARK v VACANT BUNGALOW 5 room, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, ce ment bane merit, builtin buffet. Dutch kitchen, large living room, attic; all room have been freshl tinted and painted, east front.- 2 block of ear, 50 ft. lot. House is vacant, move in at one, uzv Et B7th it. north, win- d on tlx premise alter 1 1 o'clock thi morning. ONE BLOCK TO MT, TABOR CAR- Modern 0 room bunoalow. newly furnished. Wfell built and complete 1 ttle home, hardwood floors, built-ins, elegant bath, lull cement base ment; owner' circumstances compel this aacri' fice: enlr $2650 including all new furniture easy term. Johnson, 212 Lumbermen bldg. Broadway 181 2. ; B ROOM modern house, now vacant, full base ,' ment, large attic, garage, chicken run, 'i large fruit tree, lot 50x100, in restricted dUtriot; 2500. f 300- cah. ' 5 room modern house, corner lot 50x100. near hard turfaee street and car line; SI 500. (150 cah. NEIL NMiTH, 514 Foty road. Tabor 1931 IEV1NGT0N. TUi home will be sold Monday . SG00. If you want a real home. -sea this one. Living room and fireplace, dining, den with fireplace, kitchen and pantry, 4 bedroom?. ', whits enamel, fresh painted and papered: splen did location; everything paid; not a snap, but a good home for the money. Eaet 2870, owner. $950fnsula Dist. $950 S rooms, 50x100 lot. clone to- Ockley Green ' srhool, 4 blorks St. John car. Kuil yric (950. Tens. Batter see thi. Open EvenintTs. 8 GEO. T. MOOHK CO.. 1007 YEON BLDO. PENINSULAR DISTRICT $1230 VACANT $1280 Neat o room cottagp, full basement, bow newly painted inside and outride, walh papered, ot-rnar lot, nice shrubbery. I am the owner and want quirk action. If you want a barcain, see' vw. Tabor R4 1 9 this forenoon or evening. . 1U A1T1H L home for only H30. S5O0 cash. -balance $25 per month; a modern, wull-kept B, room house with sleeping porch and all built in; lawn in perfect condition, with border of choice ruse. Tills hoU'se could rent for $50. Let show yon this. JOH.NSON-DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. BANK BLDO. EAST PINE ST. COTTAGE, $1700 Good 5 room cottage electricity, bath, base ment; paved btreet, sewer and all city liens paid: on E. Pine St., near 28th. Price $1700, on easy terms. Vacant, ready to occupy. GRUSSI A BENNETT. 81 i Board of Trade. Main 7452. CUTE DOUBLE GABi7ED BUNGALOW 5 plastered, tinted, part hardwood floored, nice lied ' rooms and bathroom, elect rio lights, gas pergola porch, cement walks, garden space, good surround. ngs; looks swell; only $1500; $B00 down: come on Mt. Scott car to Kern park. See No. 6618. opposite. :- . VANCOUVER AVE. SNAP : room home, nicely arranced, full basement, nice lot. 50x110; all kind of rose bushes and shrubbery, good garage, with cement runway; price $3300; liberal terms. 1IOAGLIN & BIRD. East 3505. BfW Williams are. NEARLY AN ACRE 104x200 at 62d and Schuyler era.. B room house, city water, gas, etc, garage, ' acre ebiukert run; fruit and berries!' good soil, cheap with terms. Main 2721), Sundays and eve nings. Bdwy. 75, weak days. 3 i!OOMTTiurialT;3'pantryr4dxl00 lot, fenced. 2 large cherry t rees, small fruit, flowers, a nio hone; 10 blnc-k to Tremont station, Mt. Stiott car: $700. $100 cash, $10 or $13 ptr ncith; owner. See pansy man.' ttSth ave. and 67th st. (Brentwood.) Phone Tabor 5 887. VANCOUVER A VKw BUNG ALOW 5 rooms, modern, on Vancouver ave., near Sktdmore st.; very good location; price $2350, tarms. It. 3. McGUIRB REALTY CO. 64 5 Union ave. N. LREGORT HEIGHTS We have many bar gain in sins 11 liouses ranging from $1000 to $i600. If you are looking for a good horns in a sica dittrict. lrt tti show you some of thee Miape. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 634 N. W. BANK BLDO. 4 ROOM plastered double constructed bungalow style, 40x100 corner, not quite finished in side: hot and cold water, toilet and sink, gas; $1200; terms, or bargain for cash. By owner. 6443 85th st. and 63th ave S. E. Tabor 82 0 3. FIVE room bungalow, new, neat and clean, hardwood floors, buffet, bookcases, high-grade plumbing, very attractive homo, modern in every re-pect: price $4000, $1000 cash, JOHNSON IMiDSON CO.. 034 N. W. BANK Bf,DO, BY owner, 6 -room modern house, in fine netcu borhood ; hardwood floors, fireplaca, furnace, cemrnt .basement, built-in cupboards, good gar age. 224 Glenu ave., 8 block north of Haw thorne ava. Phone Tabor 4003. $2850 FDYH rooms, terms, a bargain; hard wood floors, bookcases, buffet, disappearing . bed, paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen, ee cirnt basement; 1 block to car. JOHNSON IMMtgON CO,, 634 N. W. BANK BLDO. Eka VINti. eity. will sell modern 5 room bun galow, hardwood floors, at $2200; $750 : rash, $23 per month; act quick, as this, is a real snap. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., B84 N. W BANK BLIH. $2600 ROOM MODERN HOUSE -100x100 lot. fin location, east front, 600 feat from St. Johns car; some terms. Phone Wood lawn 8986 aU day Sunday. CHOIOf CORNER BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PABK B rooms end reception hall, southwest corner E. 48th and Brass Its. Phone Tabor 6396. MOUNT TABOtt WAY BOslOO lot, near 63th st. Lot adiointng held 1200. Will sell this one for $430.A beautiful lot with fir trees on rear of lot. J-423, Jourr.aL 7 ROOM house and 2 sleeping porches, beauti fully furnished, full basement: (oaks ma an . offer.easy terms. Wocdiawn 337. 1651 E. 6th N. ' BIG SACRIFICE Small house. 2 lots, best garden soil, close to .- ear and school, graded street, cement sidewalks; S'fP. terms. Owner. 883 H Alder. I OR sale by owner 8 -room modern house, 1 adraof ground, lots of fruit trees, la rue barn, fio car fan; terms. This is a bargain. Phone Tabor 819. 8150O HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $1500 Grove land prk, comer, a lots. " all asess mmtB in, cor-63d and K. Sherman. Weller, ivi g..- nm s lancr siij. tllurTUAUvr ntuiintnm Five room house- and sleeping porch, full ce , ment basement, all built-in convenience. By A SiNAP if taken at once, house and lot lo- HAWTHORNE modem 6 room home.' "paved . -.cti. iuu m, ueepins porcn. Dearooms. hardwood floors, bargain. $3250. Tabor 8861. 1200 DOWN u4 ret on terms buy .a 6 - iwra nou-c, rot 1UOX3U, ana chicken bouse S25 E. 45th st. ,'KOSS City Park; the first time advertised; 8 room bungalow - unfinished upstairs ; ga raga and drive. 886 E. 44th K. No agents. LOT 50x100. 3 room cottage; $550 cash. $650 tarna; lota almost given away. Inquire tflCT OW U TTqpXSlOCa Cr. NEAT 5 room double constructed house and - . garage; BOxlOO comer lot; prioe $1200. By FURNISHED HOME SACRIFICED Neat modern eettage. fine fnrnitnre. mini-. vner, 1 r,t p Pq SI. O. B. aiaU QZgl. SUNNYSEDE -T room bouse. 1 or - lots, on comer; pavea street, : inut. garden. A'none ;East 6808. ' ' - . - . - FOTt SALE- By owner, 6-room ' house in Haw , thorne. all the built-in. Woodlawn 1205. tCI lTl in 7 room. striuUy modern, IrvingUMh Last 664$. - RRAL ESTATE f OB SALE HOUSE 1 mm DUC5IENT8 O S3 TEA TNDUC 5IENT8 OFTEEED El mmm mm PORTLANDS FIRST-CtA8 BE8TB1CTED KESIDKXTIAL DISTRICT. Beet car aervtce; Jefferaoa high (chool; large public library,, paved streets, block witii alley, giving Inside lot the convenience of cornets. no finkil location vou a hoke in the ;itt We are offering a limited number of choice lot at price, everything considered, vary at tractive; financial if desired. You will make no mistake in building your home in Walnut Park. A number of other are building iaft Walnut Fart, why not you? Call today. OFFICE, 1140 PNIO AV43. N.. WDLN. 8804. W, M. KILUNUSWORTH, OWNER 3-Room House, Plastered 1 Lot 40x1 00 Foot block to car. 00, 9160 cash, balance 1 4 acre, 8 houMW, 2 ranting for S20 per month; lota of (ruxt. own water system, well fenced, fir tree for (hade, ft blocks to car; 370C, 11200 caslj. balance long tuna at ' interest. Ulsree modern houses on 82d street; small pay ment down, balance tt WILulAUH HKALTY CO., Grays Crossing. Tabor 4034. KBV1NGTON PABK $4000. T. TERMS. FURNISHED Modern 0 room bungalow. 1H story : ; builtin bookcase and buffet, fireplaca, cement base ment. 60x110 lot: fine lawn and rote; good garage. Thi house is double constructed, and it lias only been built a couple ot years. STAN LET B. THOMPSON CO. 802 Oak. 8 IS Board of Trade. Main 74 52. WOODSTOCK 9 room boos oa M acre. Only S3000; easy terms. STANLEY 8. THOMPSON CO. 802 Oak. 4 ROOMS. 40x100, 11 blocks to car. two to nerd street. 6525 easta. o 100 cash. 10 or S16 month: $800. $10U0 bath and 4 rooms, gas, 4 0x100 lot, $200 cash. S17O0. 3700 eash. 2S fruit trees, grape amor, 43 ft. long. barn, chicken run. fenced. 80x124 lot and 20 ft. alley, 4 rooms. $2650. $600 down, 7 rooms, 3 lots. $1250, $150 down, 3 rtrnis. 80x128 lot and 20 ft. alley, fruit and beriies. See the pansy man (Brentwood), 65th avo. and 7tn st. 'labor 0SS7. ROSE CITY PARK Attractive 5 room bungalow, larg sleeping porch, 1 8 windows, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, plate gla." windows, large Dutch kitchen, 1 block to car. Price $4250. Terras. Will sell furniture (new) . This is a beautiful home and, will surely please you. Main 0882. 97-1 Corbett st. C ROOM BUNGAIOW PAVED STREET $2350 On Prescott st. We have a California bun galow of B - rooms and bath, big, full cement basement, waaei trays. The street is paved and paid for. If yon want a home on a paved street, sea this quick. Owner wants $400 cash. COE A. MKENNA & CO.. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bklg. - Main 4522. Sunday phone Tabor 8159. ROSE CITY PARK $500 DOWN. BAL. EASY. 7 room modern, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, fur nace. 2 closets, full basement. Good sub stantial home. Excellent condition. On 41st near Braaee St.. 1 block to car. $4750, $500 down, easy terms. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. TSxlOO; $100: $200 cash; you that have nicney can get a good buy and help a needy man that has 9 children, the smallest one a bai in anus; this property has a garage and 5 room ceiled house, newly painted outside and in : 3 blks. from Oregon City road, 4 blocks to Mt. Scott car. Help the pansy man put the H in Brotitwood where the B belongs. 65th are. andJITtn St. 8. K. Tabor 5887 PORTLAND HEIGHTS You canriot find a better buy on the Heights. S room bungalow, near Montgomery Irrire, fac ing west with many fir trees nearby, for the price of $2250. Easy terms. Mornings and etenings. Main 882. Week days. Main 5456. 1011 Yeon bldp SUNNYSIDB HOME $4000 TERMS 8 room modern with garage, 3 bedrooms and large sleeping porch, furnace, full basemeut, all the built-in conveniences, in fine condition; good value. at the price. East 2 2d st. near Stark st, $4000, $1000. $1500 -down. bal. easy. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. 100x100 $1200 SELLWOOD COTTAGE $1200 Neat 8 room cottage, electric light and gaa, sink, patent toilet: very easy terms. SEE FRANK L. M'GUUtE To Buy Your Home, Abington Building. Msin 6156. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK, Five room bungalow, built 1 year ago, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, extra large bedrooms, fine large bathroom, best of plumbing, builtin effects of all kinds, good attic, all rooms finished in white enamel, garage to match bouse, with full cement run way. Located 348 East 49lh st. N. Call any time after 11 a. ra. today. PRICE $2523. MT. TABOR CARLINE $500 CASH Good, modern 5 room heuae, newly tinted and in excellent repair, near car and close in, cement basement. This place mu."t be seen to be appreciated. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 N W. BANK BLDG. 6 ROOM COTTAGE $200 CASH Nion 6 room cottage, electricity, bath, cement basement, in first class condition, on Minnesota ave. near A ins worth; price $1800. $200 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI tc BENNETT 818 Board of Trade bldg. Main 74 52. $100 LOT 75x100, garage. 5 room, newly Pointed outside and in. $200 cash, balance 20 month. $2000, $1000 cash, thoroughly ntrxlcrn bungalow. Grays Crossing. $700, $200 eash, on county hard surfaced street, 10 blocks to car. S rooms. See pansy man, 65th ave. and 67th st. S. E. (Brentwood) Tabor 6887. $4400 $750 CASH Bungalow, 6 rooms, and 2 sleeping porches on second floor, hardwood floors, paneled dining mm, bookcase, buffet, fireplace, furnace, ga rage; hard-surfaced street included in price JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 634 N. W. BANK Bl DG. - ALBERTA COTTAGE. $400 CASH! Nice 4 room cottage, nice bath, cement base ment, gas, cabinet kitchen, nice corner lot 4 Ox 47; liens ail paid; some fruit: On E. 25th and Emerson: price $1600; $400 cash and $15 per montn. GRUSSI A BENNETT, PORTLAND HEIGHTS 0 large room, furnace and fireplace, on car line and Montgomery Drive. Will gill furnished or unfurnished on very ea.-y terms. Main 54 56, 1011 Yeon bids. ROSE CITY PARK Full 2 story, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, attir, 2 toilets, all built-ins. hardwood floors, 1 hitch kitchen, modem throughout, beautiful shrub bery; a real' home at a bargain; fearing Port bind. 443 E. 47th t. N. PAY OVER 15 PER CENT " New modem flat building, best location and car service in the city, double-constructed, dis T.nesring beds, first class in every way. income $91.70 month; price $7000; anyone with $2500 ranjtanlde this.- Phone Woodlawn 1149. I H -STORY 7 room house, light, gas, sidewalks plumbing, basement, near cars and school; price $2300. $230 cash, balance $25 per month. per cent intere-t. JOHNSON-DODSON CO . 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. 40x100 LOT. 2 ROOM HOUSrI RENT PAYS FOR THE HOME s $300 CASH, BALANCE $10 MONTH TOTAL PRICE ONLY $550 SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EX. $3250; HAWTHORNE PAVEITDISTRICT" 5 room bung lew. large attic, full basement, furnace, built-ins, oak floors, etc.. best plniab-' ing. . paved-street. 1 block to cur. Call owner. jaifui- nc7, wra nays aim azv. l"OR sale by owner, a S mem house with 2 lots. i.rt-cias c-onaioon, lull basement; terras. 2047 E. Taylor st bet 80th and 82L Mt Teber ear. TWO T room honse and garage. 1 modern, the other entirely renovated. 386 San Rafael at ne- Union ave; price $6000, half eash. Owner. r.r50 Union ave. N PUT fHE B is Brentwood, where theB be longs, ine pansy man (Brentwood), 5ti ava. and 67th st. Tabor B887. ALAMEDA PARK Modern 3 room semi-ban-galow, fine view; leaving cff.v- $5000. Phon owner evenings. Woodlawn 6898. I OR 8 ALE Eight room bungalow, lot B0 by . - V. ir i. """"" "-"J. i' j owner. Addrr-s M. R. Vn Fman. Cornelius, Or.. R. -2. SEVEN room bungalow, all modern, un to date. 120 B. 4Sd and Aider st., just $3500. See owner. 132 E. 47th t . FOR sale by owner. 6 room up-to-date ltoo-e, 2 50-foot lota, fruit trsw and torriea. Call at evtn st. w. n.i Talc Woodstock ear. HOUSE (or sale, term, close iu. 0-416, Jour $1C THREE lota. 3 mora houe. rm? fruit, gsrden all in. McMillan, Maple wood,' Or. REAL FSTATB FOR KALE HOI HEW TB-YINGTO! HOMES 43 0O -Term, 7 room nnnsual Irrtngton bargain; reception ball, living room with fireplace, solid paneled dining room, btult-in buffet, beamed ceil ing, den, large kitchen, with every ' built-in convenience. - foil cement basement, laundry trays, furnace and fruitroora ; 8 bedroom and sleeping porch on 2d floor; linen , closet, etc. $4500 -$500 down; 6 room substantial heme, fnrnace, fireplace, built-in conveniences; K Uth St., near Thompson. $00C 7 room, eery modern; fnrnaee, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in effects; terms. - $5500 6 room, very modern, attractive home; E. 20th street, near Knott. $5900 8 room, unusually attractive, very . modern bungalow; E. 25th st, $6500- 8 room modem home, deeping porch, double garage; .E. 19th tract, near Knott. 70004 room, very modern bungalow; every built-in convenience; 24th at., near Stan Urn. 85007 room, very modern, attractive home; E. 16 to street. 10.500 Fun H. block, with all street liens paid; 8 room new, modem, attractive home; best material and workmanship, hardwood floor throughout, hot water heating sys tem; sleeping porch and sun porch. SEE FRANK L. M'GUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington Building. Main lots. Msin 5150. Office Open Evening and Scnda. mmhiMi UUO Just completing new bungalow, one block from Alberta car line. 60x100 lot.- east front, strictly modern panel dining room. Dutch kit chen, builtrins. wash trays, plumbing complete, street liens paid,' large porches and full base ment, electrr fixture, close to school, etc. A new house is like a new auto, you get all the good out of it. See this today, owner there. 12 to 5 dally or Main 5124 for appointment. Take Alberta car to 22d st., one block south. KENTON INDUSTRIAL CENTER 6 room nearly modem bungalow, 2 blocks Kenton car, $1750; half cash, balance 2 or 3 years; with furniture $100 more, 6 room modem bungalow, 4 blocks Kenton car, $1000; $900 cash, balance 8 years; furniture for sale if desired; good buy; possession at once, " B room modern bungalow, 4 blocks Kenton car, fine fruit, $2100 cash, $25 per month. 4 room real house, 6 blocks Kenton ear, $1600; $130 cash, $12 per month. T room real house, modem, 5 blocks Kenton car, $2000; $200 cash, $20 per month. Crma look over our new S room bouses, $950; $50 eash, $15 per month. All BOxlOO lots, street improvements paid, 6 per cent interest and all worth the money. A. C. McDonald, agent. 304 W. Lombard st Take S", Johns car. Woodlawn 6273. Not open Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK NEW BUNGALOW $3750 Just the home you want Here, truly, is a nifty bungalow with large living room, and all the modem improvements and refinement one expects -tS find in a real new bungalow. Lo cated in the paved district with sewer connection. $500 cash will handle. There is no doubt but that thi will be sold today you better hurry. Oh yes, of course it has hsrdwood floors, fire place), buffet, cement basement, washtrays. etc And a large attic, too. Some bungalow for $370. F A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. . Main 8516. Brando offlce 50th A Sandy. (Open Sunday.) I HAVE a nice 5 -room bungalow in Hyfand Park addition, strictly modem, hard wood floors, fu!.l cement basement with trays in basement, 50x 100 lot $3100. Can be handled for $800 cash, balance $20 per month. Best buy in the city. Nice little 4 -room house, 50x10 lot. Rose City Park addition. $1000, $3'' cash. Thi place lias gas, electric lights, wato.' and sink in the house. CHARLES GARDNER, 812 Broadway Bldg. Main 2507. DO YOU KNOW A SNAP WHEN YOU SEEONEr Near E. Morrison and 20tb. S room resi dence, upper floor . arranged in dandy apt, oc cupied by owner, while lower apt. brings $40 monthly rent from permanent tenant Price all clear only $4000. Leas than half down will handle. Wonderful chance for great snap. W. B. STREETER and J. H. KEATING. 617 Board of Trade. Main 163. ALBERTA 6 ROOM SNAP Good 6 room bouse, electricity, gas, cement basement, good bath, garage, 8 bedrooms, city liens all paid; lot 40x100; in E. 28th. just north of Alberta; price $2250. $400 cash and $15 per month. GRUSSI A BENNETT 31? Board of Trade.. Main 74 52. $13 00N EAT COTTAGE $1300 " ' On a 100x100." just H block from Wood stock ear. is a neat 2 room shingle cottage. Practically your own terms. Just east of Reed College. SEE FRANK L M'GUIRE. , To Buy Tour Home. Abington Building. Main 5156. Main 1068. Open Evening and Sundays. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW New and nifty, strictly modern B room and attic Large living room, paneled walls, cove and beam ceilings, ivory enamel finish; hard wood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, rosea, trees. On 57th, 2 blocks to ear; new garage, 410. $1650 cash, baL $25 a month. J. C. CORBIN CO., 805-6-7 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE City lot, 66x92. corner 8th st and Cora ave. ; cement sidewalk, sewer and water are in ; steel si lack with garage underneath now stands on property; Jrire $050, small cash payment balence on time to right party. Might consider trade on late model auto. " Woodlawn 4057. , HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1300 Very neat 6-room cottage with 80x100 lot; assorted orchard .ist coming into bearing; nice garden: good chicken house and yard; good cess pool; electric light and gas. $200 cash, $10 monthly. Fred. W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. - $2400 WAVKRLEIGH HEIGHTS $475 CASH Five room . bungalow, gas, bath, electricity, btffet nice lawn; immediate pos?ession given; can buv furafe-hed if desired. JOHNSON-DODSON M).. 684 N. W. BANK BLDO. COZY 6 room bungalow, rooms light and eon . venlently arranged, 50 feet from good hard snrfeced street: can have free use of 100x100 enjoining; $2400, $400 cash. $25 per mouth. JOHN 80N-DODSON CO,, 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. ' . SIX rooms and sleeping porch, nice electric fix tures, grade street, sidewalks, full plumbing, bookcasea, buffet fireplace, cement basement, double constructed. 50x100 lot: price $3100, $1000 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 X. W. BANK BLDG. ' $1600 4 ROOM BUNGALOW $200 4 rooms and bath, electric tights. 40x20 lot .' block off Macadam st 4 blocks from carline. $200 cash SMITH-WAGONER CO. Stock Ex, COZY bungalow overlooking the river, on good carline. gas, bath, electricity, laundry trays; hard-surfsce street included in price. $2600. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 684 W., BANK BLIXi. $2500 $660 CASH ' Five room bungalow, gaa, bath, electricity, lot 4Sx216 feet, nice lawn, fro ft 1 JOHNSON DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. BANK3LDO. 7 ROOM modem house, elosa in, $4800, easy terms; S room bungalow. $2200;' S room bungalow, $800; 6 room house, ;$ 1250. $230 cs-ih. -404 Ry. Exchanoe. - ! : FOR SALE Only $2000, (1 room bouse., nice lawn and cement . walks, in good district Bell wood 1 2 s, - HAWTHORNE district $8500.' terms, new S room bunealow and garage, strictly npVto-date, by owner, , Tabor 4912. 31 E. 43d. TiLBKTTis. i-treet,-near E. 28th. 5 room ml - $. Must be anirt fvr traded, Kt 2871. HI BRAND 111 IIKAIW . TERMS IF DESIRED REAL ESTATE JMK HA LK UOC .HEN 1 FIVE room cottage oa E- Davis st.. fine fruit trees, berries, flower and shrubbesy. 3 block from streetcar. Large garage. - Price $l$Ot. Oood terms.- 5 rot m fumUlied pottage. lot 50x107. ouTt in buffet, bookcae, Dutch kitchen, window seat, ti blocks from M on ta villa ear. Price $lb10. Gooc terms. - Furnished 9 room bungalow, in Uontamtls Paneled room, built-in china w linen closet, large garden plot, all planted. Ouuilliiius will dor for a garage. X block from car. Price $2000. Good terms. Best biiy (h Alberta. E room modern bun galow, full cement basement, fireplace, furnace, large attic, 2 blocks from streetcar, no incum brances. Price $3000. McCLURE A SCHMAUCH CO., 806 Railway ExclianM bldg. Main 1503. Sundays aikl eve.. Mar. 1417. GOOD BUYS IN HOMES 74400 Modern 6 room House, close in on east tide, furnace, builtina and good base ment: H down, bal. terms. $2700 St. Johns modern home, builtin and basement, lot 53x110. good garden s)jaej; easy terms. 2500 East side, 0 room modern home, 60x100 lot, large garage; easy terms. 2300 Woodstock, modern 5 room bungalow. large basement, 50x120 lot, (rait trees and garden; easy terai3. $2500 West side cottage, fine condition. 6 rooms, walking distance, close to ship yards, beautiful view, large lot; easy terms. Many Other ;ond Buys Also Farms and Lots. SCHINDLER es BOSS. Main 2411210 Stock Exchange Bldg. Call Monday. FOR SALE at a bargain 2 6-room bungalows, Jupt finished, painting one; located 2 blocks from Laurelliurst, good car service, good view, & large rooms on first floor, and 2 in attio r.rt finished; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, fill! basement; extra fine built-in and inside fin fch $4 000. terms. One in Sunuyiide district, best ear service, 5 rooms and bath, full , basement, lot Box 112, street fared on both ends of lot, close to school; would consider a late model me dium priced car as part payment; $3000; teims. Call owner at Tabor 7548. A. J. De I.ano. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKEH. jurt look at this for cloe-in and reasonable priced prop erty: 5 room cottage bungalow in good condi tion, bath, toilet, electric lights, hot and cold water, lull cement basement, nice lot with lawn and roses, on 34th, close to Hawthorns csrline, and only $2750. I have many ethers from $2000 to $20,000 each, and can quote a homeseeker very reason able prices and terms. J. B HOLBROOK. 214-213 Panama bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER New 5 room bungalow, sleeping porch, break fast room and large attic: full lot and full cement baseniept electric fixtures and window shades. The very latest in a modem bungalow. No. 905 E. 21st st. N. Irvington or Broadway 'car. Owner on place from 1:30 to 6:30 p. m. Sunday. Call Wdln. 2553. after 6:30 p. m. for appointments. HQME FOR THE OLD FOLKS Fulton cottage. $1500; well built plastered cottage, S large bearing fruit trees; lot 42x100: street work all in and paid: for $600 cash, bal ance monthly; located at 87 Nebraska st. block from 2 carline. Fred W. German Co.. 732, Chamber of Commerce. Open evenings and Sundays. $2800 SELLWOOD HOME $2300 Here is an unusually attractive 6-room mod ern home, like new. Full lot $300 will handle. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, TO BUY TOUR HOME. Abington bldg:, Main 5156, Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sundays. FINE home in Mt. Tabor district. 5 large rooms. Bleeping quarters in attic, full cement base ment, hardwood floors, large fireplace and all built-ins, beautiful trees, fine lawn, shrubs, roses, paved streets, sewer, all improvements. Phone Tabor 1350. No agents. $4400. BEAUTIFUL gTounds and modern room bunga low, built-in conveniences, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, garage, chicken park: all kinds fniit; .87 of an acre. Sell alt or part One block to Hawthorne carline. Price right Owner. 2805 71st st S. E. - DANDY house. 3 rooms, bath, pantry, large basement, concrete foundation; comer lot on paved street; 5 fruit trees; near school and park. Also large building on same lot tree and clear title. A. snap at $1700. Terms. Sellwood 2615. 7-ROOM house on Eugene st. H block from Union ave.. placa for working man's family, street improvements all paid, nice back yard, cherry trees and berries, dandy cement base ment price $2700. $600 cash; balance easy terms. 6. Call Sellwood 77ft. EAST 6TII ANDngEECH-ST BEETS $2000 6-room cotlag. 60x100 lot Small payment down, balance like rent HERMAN MOELLER 1 02 5 Gasco bldg. Main 14 80. $5000 For sale, good 7 room two story house, well buflt and modern, fireplace, built-in buf fet, full basement, furnace, finished attic, good screens, well builtx house, nice lawn, X block from Hawthorne car. 425 E. 57tb; good view of Mt. Hood; terms. WHY NOT BUILD? Get an arUstic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything; furnblr the money if desired.' L. R. Bailey Co., lie. contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank: MODERN 6 room house with sleeping porch, furnace, double cement garage; walking Ins tance; comer; terms. Will take smaller modern house or good lot as part payment Owner, East 1515. $2750 BARGAIN $2750 v 8 room modern, corner lot paved St., book cases, buffet, Dutch kitcHen, cement basement, washtrays; close in, in 31st st ; part terms. A. H. Ackerson, 410 Henry bldg. , Main 7248. FOR SALE Good 6-room house, full lot near car and boulevard, toward St. John; desir able: good home, good nrice. cicd tTmi. Owner, Telephone Main 8652,except Snndays. BARGAIN , acre, 17 fruit tree in. bear ing and berries, old house, chicken house, etc.; $20001 easy terms. Tabor 2013. 4008 7 6th at S. E.. corner of 40th ave. BY OWNER Modern 0 room house, 50x100 lot east front, large garage, paved streets. 4 car lines, close in, good district $3U00. 401 E. 16th st. ner Division st 50x100 LOT, fine condition, small house, 8 bearing fruit trees, for sale cheap, eaay terms. Call evenings week days or all day Sunday. 1410 Boston ave. Telephone Woodlawn 6390 WEST side home for sale, modern 5 room house, bath, full basement and a garage; lot RO100, for sale; $2go0: by owner, 470 N. 28d st $2000 FOR SALE by owner, cottage and two lots, each 60x100; V block two csrlines; fruit and berries; all street improvements paid. Inquire 1763 E. ilth., Sellwood. IRVlNtiTON snap on Broadway, about 19th; 7 rooms, garage, 200 feet of roses and berry bushes, $1000 cash, balance terms. East 41. ALBERTA district bargain; modem 6-room bungalow, double constructed, large attic, full cement basement, lot 50x100. Price $2450; terms Phone owner, Marshall 3264. 6 AND tt loom modem cottages, close in, good district; easy payments, 6 per cent interest Woodlawn 2177. $1525 5 large rooms, bath, panel dining room. fruit and berries. Evenings, call Main '2295. Caiway, 401 Board of Trade. CORNER-lot 60x110. 5 room tent house, new, and furniture if desired; owner leaving city. 1323 Willamette bird. 2 " SMALL, booses, 1 lot 50x100, 1 studded chicken house and park, berries and other fruit; for $550. Owner at house. 82 E. 67th N. 7 ROOM modern house, corner lot ; furniture included, large garage. $4000; terms. Wolfstein, 114. First $26008 ROOMS, near school and car, good home, garage; any reasonable term given. Call owner after 6 p. m.. East 4050. 1 4 ACRES for sale or trade for modern house and balance cash ; fine trade and orc"hard. 1626 Division st Price $7000. PRETTY bungalow, hardwood floor?. Dutch kitchen, all built-ins; fine condition; one block from Alberta car. 667 Sumner st., cor 18th. MODERN 4 room cottage. $1600; 50x100 cor ner lot near S. P. shops. 1 block from car. Sellwood 819. 7 ROOM modern house, lot 100x100. garage. fruit trees, west side; $4000. on terms, by owner. Main jt 132. . $10502 BLOCK8 B, C. PARK CAB Nice 4-room house. Tabor 6559. GOOD-1 0-room-bouse, close in, for sale. Term if desired. Phone Tabor 6100. LADD addition, modem 6 room house for sale. Terms if desired. Phone Tabor 6100. 4 ROOM-house, lot 75x100. frnit trees, west aide, $1600, 'on terms. Owner. Main 4132. SELL cheap, 1 acre, 6 room house. Take auto first payxpent Owner. Tabor 4573. MODERN 8 room house. 82d neat Hawthorne; - this is a bargain. Tabor 2051. FOR SALE By oner. 7 room house. Phone Woodlawn 1626. - , FOB SALE 6 room modern house, $1500 cah. 1765 E. lth at, Sajhrood. FOR SALE 5 jooui honse and 2 lots. Phone Woqdlawn 6i:17, evenings. ; HOUSE for sale. -Call mcrnings, 9 to 12, Tabor ROOM bonse. lot 26x100. Hawthorne eddi- ' turn ;$2 000 ; termsr Wolfstein. 1 1-4 Vint MODERN 7 rooms near Franklin high; $4250", easy terms. Tabor 2082.- - . FOR SALE 7 room house, at 1038 Ciewdand ave.; modern. Woodlawn L8. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES & MOD MODERN HOMES The lot is 100x150, located in select neighboraood. improved with choice sltrnbbery. sunken garden, parked drive. ImiSI mlM- THE HOME i Contains all the conveniences found in the best ot city ltoraea, Raoeptioa hall with tiled floor, den. large parlor with fireplace and large gaa log. The din ing room, breakfast room, butler' pantry and splendid kitchen afford perfect cul inary arrangements. Three large bedroom. numerous closets, large sleeping porch and a full tiled bathroom with pedestal plumbing, complete the second floor plan. Extra large full eoncrete . basement with store room and a fine hot water heating plant Terms. PRICE $11,000. HOSE CITY PARK The lot is 50x100. in the better dis- - l.t. All improvements in and paid. T HE HOME , Is double constructed. 2 full stories and attic. Attractive design. Contains large reception hall, living and dining rooms have liardwood floors, fireplace and built in buffet, etc.. cabinet kitchen. Three bedrooms, bath- and sleeping porch. Full concrete basement with modem hot water heating plant Terms. PRICE $4500. IRVINGTON The let is a corner S4xl00, very se lect location. THE HOME Contains all improvements found in up-to-date houses. There Are 6 large rooms, including living and dining rooms, ktteh nn bedrooms, bath, sleeping porch. rH- ,ermcrt!te basement, furnace, etc. ..'?1,.for "I"" sale, on terms and with all city liens paid In fulL PRICE $6500. OTIS C. BECK. B25 HBY gSr MARSHALL B858. GEO. T. MOORTCO" iu .ibus BLDO. t.f!" T,ou " Pr U "'low five piece of property, all personally Inspected by us, which w recommend as good buys: . 41 MT. TABOR BUNGALOW y.rri?, TleW .properC3'- 6 rooms, fireplace, IMOiil furnace swell Dutch, kitchen: fit b1- on1y 20 month, including irfterest; full price $3500. ,WEST SIDE RESIDENCE On Fulton car line, with beautiful view of river and surrounding. 8 rooms in geod conxli- soinX W built- modffm convenience,. T i 2. lot' "proved .; full price $3150. to a responsible person we will make the verr easy terms of $200 down, bat monthly. 6. Why bother about renting? v. FURNISHED BUNGALOW m?ir .lUon JT'- tcr llne3- 6-room double T r , ..t Duusaiuw, completely lur- .Jilsbed with high grade furniture, including icating, must sell at once; fail Price only $3100. If you don't need lie fur niture we will buy it of you. SPLENDID 6-ROOM HOME With large sleeping porch," lot of plumbing, 50x100 lot hard surfaced street fruit trees and berries: 1 block car; full price $2650; $500 down, balance tertnd. $1700 6-ROOM HOME $1700 Double constructed, bath. Dutch kitchen, lights, gas. water, full basement: 4 blocks St Johns car; house alone would coot more; $300 down takes it Our office Is open every evening until 8:30. which enables the man unable to see us in daj-time to inspect our photographs and get a mil description of different properties. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 YEON BUDG. HOME BARGAINS Sis room cottage, corner lot 60x100, improved street, extra nice shrubbery, 1 block car in Sell woo.!, $2000; $300 cash, balance easy. Five-room bungalow, modem, 100xl85-ft $1700, $350 cash, balance $15 month, includ ing 0 9 interest Snap. Six -room modem bungalow, fireplace, full batment. comer 60x100 ft., one block car; $2800. $800 cash. i Seven-room modem honse, furnace, fireplace, pared street on car line, close in; $3700. $700 cath, balance easy. Six-room house, neat and clean, nice built-ins. i'000, $500 eash, balance easy. R. M. GATE WOOD ot CO.. 165 4TH 8T. , ..... ...... , vj. ow -. e w On the north slope of Mt TRbor we have a 6 room very artistic bungalow, like new, living room with fireplace, solid paneled dining room, white enamel Dutch kitchen, 1 bedroom witii laige closet 2 bedrooms on second floor, with 2 sleeping porches; each sleeping porch has a dressing room. It is a very substantial, double constructed house, built by day labor, for a Korea Many built-in conveniences. This house wa built on a site where an old farmhouse once stood and is surrounded by beautiful trees that would take years to grow. This property ?lUbe handled on $500 down. FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE . . TO BUY YOUR HOME A.bVnfn Bld- Main 108. Main B1B6. Or FICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS POSSESSION MAY 15 Snappy 4-room bungalow, hardwood and fin Oleum, floors, Dutoh kitchen, cooling closet gas range. Ruud heater, built-in disappearing bed; a complete home. You must see this. price $2500, terms. Come in Monday morning. Mr Spsckinan. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO 284 Oak st Mfivv. vmiu'r iv 5 rooms and bath, 50x100 lot on car line. 30 minutes out If you want a nice well built bungalow home, this U it Let us show it to you. Come in Monday. It must be sold first of week. Price $2000. Can make terms. Mr. S pack man. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST CO 284 Oak st IN LAURELHURST ROOM HOUSE In A-l condition, modem, garage; close to car; $750'0; can be handled with $1000; shown only by appointment Tabor 3433. Evenings. Tabor 59. IF you want a modem 7 room bungalow new and up-to-date, with a full lot in the best lo cation on E. 26th st.. for a price very ranch under i's value, here is one. The bungalow has hardwood floors, fireplace, every conceivable builtin effect Call and .ascertain the price M. J. Clohessy, 413 Abington Bldg. ON Market st., close in to the business center not any farther ort than 14th; a lot,, 30x100 feet, with a good 5 room Iioush) modern and in fine shape. The lot alone is worth $1000 more than the price asked. Only $3500L with very easy terms, buys this property. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 5 -room houe. bungalow type; full cement basement and laundry trays; good carage; on large lot on paved street; $2500, on terms. We have several bungalows that we can sell for $2600 and up. P. M. Madden Realty Co. 1028 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 9355. ALBERTA $-2500 6 room corner home. 2 blks. to car. bath, gas, electric lights, fruit; eaay terms. Open Sunday. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 By. Eg. bldg. Main 1094. $2800 BUNGALOW 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace; 2 brocks from car, on 62d st; $500 will handle; better than paying rent MR. DELAHUNTY. Main 1700. Snndays and evenings. East 2086. A BUSINESS corner on Albina are., capable of producing everlasting income. No better lo cation for business to be found in this section; there is a store building, always rented, with 2 lots. About $6000 will buy this property. It is close to Killingsworth ave. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington Bldg. WHAT'S the ' matter with this place on ET Taylor st. 7 Not as far out a 27th; a mod ern 6 room house, with a full lot, a full base ment, furnace, all streets paved and paid for. Th price Is only $3500. $1500 cash will han dle it M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington Bldg. 6-ROOM modem, nice lawn, lots rose and shrubbery; fruit and berries: cement walks, gas, electriaity. a alee home, $1760. $575 cash, $25.00 month including interest 6 per .cent Owner 4109 66th st 3 ROOMS. 2 lots, 100x100; some fruit trees; chicken house snd bam; $800, $100 down, like rent balance. Will take Liberty bonds. Cheap for quick sale. Call A-362S. TAKE your choice- Two modern 5-room bun - galows, in same block, $2750 and 13000. Terms. All improvements in and paid. 871 E. 31st st . Sellwood 8203. - ONLY $1650 for 2 lots with 6 room -house. modem and in good locality, close to the ear line on E. 74th st; cash. M. J. Clohessy, a I a jsoington stag. ONLY $230O for a corner lot with a B roots house near Borthwiek st $500 cash will handle it. M. J. Clohessy, 41B Abington Bldg. ONLY $3500 for a good 6 room modern bouse close) to E. Broadway. $1500 caefe win han dle it M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington Bldg. 6-ROOM hoobe, modem except heat 1 block from Willamette blvd., near Portland bird.; terms. -Woodlawn' 1712. FOR SALE Modem 4-room bungalow; fniit berries and place for eiiickens : also 6-room house, is acre land. Tabor 8498,- SEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES INDUSTRIAL CENTER New boulevard to Broadway bridge shorten distance 1 mile. . . Dandy little 4 room modem bungalow, H block to car, $1600; $100 cash and $13 per Bonth. .. . .. ' ... S room modern bungalow. H block to car, $2200; $200 cash, $20 per month. 5 room bungalow, 2 blocks to car, $1800; $600 cash. $20 per month. 3 room absolutely modern bungalow, except furnace, 2 blocks to car; loft 100x109. garage, near Willamette blvst. $3700: $1300 cash. $25 per month; or 60x109 lot, $3204. . 6 room modem bungalow, Vi block to car, $2050; $500 cash, $25 par month. T room modem honse, S blocks to ear, 79s 100. $1800; $130 cash. $15 per month. 4 room bouse, lot 72x100. t block to ear, 1450; $150 cash, $12 per month. Come look over oar new 8 room bouses, $830 to $950, $50 cash and $13 per month. All let Ci&t interest A. C. M DONALD, AGENT. 304 W. Iximhard St Take St Johns car; Woodlawn 6273. Not Open Sunday. PR KM EXHIHIT SIX HUNDRED PHOTOGUAt-HS OF HOMES At the cost of several thousand dollar w have secured photographs of approximately 60O homes that are being offered ' for sale. Each Iwme has bean personally inspected and ap praked by an expert appraiser and each photo graph arranged in ita reiapectiv district with prioev terms and full data regarding -hum, on the wails of our display room. You are invited to call and insiect Uieaa photograph. We have acme wonderful bargains. Compare them with other homes that have been offered you before making your decision. Nine experienced real elate salesmen with auto at your service, if you should care to see any of these homes. We have sold over 141 homes since the first of the year, ami over $500,000 worth in 191. Btcauaa we have the bargains. Office open eve tutiga and Sundays. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY' YOUR HOME Successor to. H. D. McGuirs Co. Established in 1880 "Thirty-Nine Year of Service" Abington Bldg. - Main 1061, Alain 6156. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ONE of the finast 6 room. strictly modern bungalows, on lot 50x100, large, full cement basement furnace heat fireplace; all built-in effects. Price $3350. Also 5 room strictly modem bungalow, full cement basement: furnace heat fireplace, all built-in effect. 'Price $3160. 5 room modem buncalow. lance rooms, good attic, on -ot 100x100 arouxd, with lots of fruit and berries, chicken house, .luce 3UV. - 3 room cottage on corner, lot 50x100, paved street Price $1100. 3 room aback, lot 50x100. Price $530; 75 ca?h, $10 per month, a 5 room practically new cottage, lot 50x100. I'Tice i:oo. If vou will call at our office Monday morn ing we will take ' our autoa and show you any of this property. NEW YORK USD CO., 303-5 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7676. FURNISHED 3 ROOM BUNGALOW Surely thia snap was overlooked. It is a S room double constructed bungalow with full basement and furnace heat, laundry trays and woodlift Fine Dutch kitchen. It is neatly and completely furnished, has two big lota, on hard surface street Has several fine bearing fruit trees, berries and fine garden; chiekenbomse and yard. It ha modem bath, lights and gaa. Handy to school and Franklin b,igb school and a genuine snap for $2600. My auto is at your seme to show you, E. W. Hughes, 607 Journal bldg. Main 2868. 100x450 ADJOINING MT. TABOR RESERVOIR On Division st at 84 th, 2 blocks from the Hawthorne car, on a paved road, we have a very substantial 7 room home, with music room, good cement basement wash trays, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. Abundance of fruit of every variety, over 60 trees; beauti ful flowers and shrubbery, bam and chicken house. It would take a lifetime to grow th trees and shrubbery that are on this place. Price $7300. fVe George P. Henry, with FRANK L. McGUIRE For Country Homes and Acreage Abington Bldg. Main 1068, Main B1B8. $75 DOWN BALANCE LIKE RENT $1250 NEAT COTTAGE $1250 On a large lot 65x160 feet, we can sell vou if taken at once, a very neat 4 room plastered cottage, ideal placa for chickens and berries. Take Estacada car to Kendall station, cross bridge, turn left on first street to second house on ngnt-band side of road. Key next door. Bargain. DON'T DELAY. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE t TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Main 6156. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS $2200 HOME BARGAIN 12200 On E. 72d M . 1 block to M. V. car, 1 a 6 room bouse, partly furnished, belonging to a man in California, which is offered at a very low price for quick sale. $2200 include fur niture. No street liens to assume. Coiner lot. iruit ana uowers. fc.asy term. Sea FRANK U McGUIRE To Buy Your Home, Abington bldg. Main 6156. Main 1068 Office Open Evenings and-? Sundays. DON'T MISS THIS $3600 -6 rooms and sleeping porch bungalow type house. A very fins appearing noma in a Highly Improved district close in. one block from car; entrance ball, large living and dining rcom, fireplace, furnace, 3 bedroom with large closets; lull concrete basement lot 60x100. $1000 cash and balance $85 ner month, in cluding interest Blake Realty Co.. 109 over itir.ens ban. rsbor at83 day and evening. $2100 ADJOINING LAURELHURST On E. 29th st. near E. Pine, 1 a good sub stantial S room plastered house; white enamel plumbing, etc; Fruit flowers and berries. This w walking distance. Practically your own terms. Act quickly. The lot is worth the money. Sea FKATSK. I. McCUIHE To Buy Your Home, Abington bide. Main 5156. Msin 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sunday. $1275 COMFORTABLE HOME $7275 Five room plastered bungalow tyiie home, on a large lot; has sink, hot and eokl water, gas. living room, dining room, kitchen and 2 bed rooms; rooms are large and airy; on Boise St., 1 block from ear: easy terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Main 8186. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS $1250 100x100 HOME $1260 Just north of the Mt Tabor car we have a 100x100 6 room house, bam, chicken house, pknty of fruit etc.; $300 down and $10 per mon tli.' SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Main 511 56. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS $3000ONE of the most beautiful homes in thi desirable district B rooms and breakfast room and attic; strictly modem in every de tail; garage. Require only 61000 cash. Bed ney ave., near Killingsworth. A pleasure to how you. J. A. WICKMAN CO. Main 1094. 204 Ry. Ex. bldg Open Sunday. SlOO--BUNOALOW BARGAIN 2100 5 r. modern bungalow In Terrace Park, re stricted district: reception hall. Using room, beamed and pantiad dining room. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, full basement with- wash trays; ewer, sidewalk, etc. included in price. $500 raah, $15 per mo. with 6 per cent interest Lot 50x100. R. F. FEEM8TER, 3Q9 Abington bdg. MODERN BUNOALOW, FURNISHED $1660 Thia nifty 4 room bungalow ffiaodern, aim art new and completely furnished: has white enamel I Hitch kitchen, full modern plumbing, two nice bedrooms, lovely front porch with swing seat full cement basement 60x100 lot; $500, balance $20 per ma, including 6 per cent interest R. F. FEEMSTEB, 809 Abington bldg. PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. $37007 rooms, 2 atory horoa on Haigbt ave.. near Killingsworth; beautiful 60x100 lot Surrounded by beautiful homes; t imp. alLta and pd. Terras. - - . . ... 3. A, WICKMAN CO. Open Sunday. Main 1094. 204 By. Ex. bldg. LARGE 9 room house, praoCcaliy modem, full cement basement elose ia in Sunnyside dis trict Prioe $2400, $400 each, balance easy terras; paved streets all in ad paid. Thia Is a real snap. NEW YORK LAND CO., St 3-3 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7676. UNINCUMBERED B room modern: bungalow, large attio, full basement fireplace, garage, on Vernon ave, near Alberta; will cot pries far below cost and give terms, and immediate cosseaeion, ... . SAMUEL DOAK, ''-'1202 Northwwtem Bank bldg. 2600--BEAUTIFUL bungalow, only 1 blk. to car, 5 rooms, bath, gaa, electric lights, (nil basement furnace, buffet Dutch kitchen. Let ns show' yon. - J. A. W1CKMAT C Mala 1094. 204 By. Ex. bldg. - - Open Sunday. 6 It BUNGALOW -$1600 ; Wonderful bargain is this modem r. bun galow; has high grade plumbing, full basement with wash trays. BOslOO lot $500 cash, bal nca easy terms. R. F. FLEMSTER. 809 Abington bldg. GOOD, well-built 6 -roomed bungalow, full ce ment bunt. bath, hot and cotd water, gas and electric, cloe to car sad 'emvaeuenees, $2400. PsrtlyfBmjshed If desired, $250, i cash, balance terms. Owner 6223, 89ih ave. and Anabel S.-E. -....(-.. i FOR SALE 1800 4 mom bungaiew, 60x100 lot on E. k3d st, near Bumside; easy terms. Oregon lav. A Mtg. Co., 222 Clumber oi Commerce bldg. REAL ESTATE FOB SATE HOUSES r 1-2-S-4-8-6-7-8-9-10 M-12-1.V14-JS-16-17-18-19-20 21-22-28-24-23-20-2T-1S-20-80 l-32-3-34-35-8-87-38-3i)-40 . 41-42-48-44-43-46-47-48-49-50 S1-63-63-S4-BB-56-57-68-60-6M 1 l-63-63-4-63--eT-6l-69-7 71-72-TS-74-76.76-77-T8-79-80 81-S2-83-84-89-88-87-88-89-90 91-U2-a-4 03-90 -07-8-f-100 101-103-103-104-105-106-107-108-109-110 i 111-113-118-114-114-110-117-118-119-120 ! 121-122-123-13 123-126 127-12!-1 29-130. 181-13J-l3-184-435-l$-137-13-18tt-140 141-142-148-144-1 45-148-14T-14S-149-1 60 161-1 62-1 33-J 54-1 58-1 66-1 87-1 5H-1 69-1 6 161-162-163-164-166-1 66-16T-168-169-16T 171-1 72-173-174-175-1 76-177-1TK-1 70-1 "0 18 1-182-183-1 S4-1 83-1 86-1 8T-18S-1 89-1 0 191-193-193-194-195-190-197-1 9S-1 99-200 201-a02-203-204-205-206-207-20-200-210 211-212-218-214-215-216-217-318-219-220 2a 1-222-228-224-225-226-227-228-220-230 281-23 J-283-234-2ai-230-237-2as-23U-140 241 - Ye. 24 1 homes were sold since January 1 , 1919, by our office, and we wul increase wis percentage if we eau get modem heme to sell at the right price and tinns in good distriuta. convenient to streetcars. wrtir Hecauac w sell homes exclusively. We make a specialty ef this branch of real estate business and bave the most efficient selling organisation in this eity cotnuosea of V experienced real estate sales raen. each with an automobile t his disposal. Each house luted with us is personally photo graphed, inspected and appraised by an expert appraiser. Each photograph is placed on dis play in our duplay room, in its respective dis trict It to not pigeonholed and forgotUn. List your house with us today. If your price is right w will make a quiok r nd satisfactory sals (or you. Office nwn evenings and Sunday. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home, Successor to H. 1), McGuira' Co. '39 year of service." .bington bldg. Main 6160, Main 1068. Office tpen Evenings and Hnndsys. ROSE CITT PARK 8 rooms snd attio. Look at this house, ask gny contractor what he would eharge to dupli cate it then judge for yourself if it isn't worth the price. Located on an extra large lot B0x 110 ft. 1H blocks to car. east front; large rooms, hardwood floor in main rooms. full basement excellent furnace: $5000, half cash. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th snd Stark," Main 208. MOUNT TAB0B $350O7 rooms bath, on East Tsylor st., near 63d. House is old but well built; lot 50x166; imp. paid;-plenty fruit; terms. ' J. A. WICKMAN CO. Open Sunday. 204 Ry. E. bldg. Msin 1084. - EOR SALE LOTS 1$ LOT BARGAIN 4 Lots, BOxlOO ' ft each, making comer 100x200. or 20,000 sq, ft 8. K. comer East 86th and Glisan st. on streetcar line. All street improvement in and paid to date. nee tins nrnnoft and make us an offer. Will sell single lot or together. Big sacrifice price. - Reasonable terms. Inside Property Dealers Ground floor. Henry bldg. ATTENTION BUILDERS- 2 MORTGAGES. TERMS r- Rose City Park and Mt Tabor lot, on very i hniM.M' i.mi Come and' talk to 11 about them. J. U HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chamber . . , . ... , 4i,, IT .in 1 1 M n 1 Mitnunw Dios.. wlii mi ouw. ... - BARGAIN LOTS 4 Irvington district each ......... 4 West Side, each 1 near Peninsula Park. 1 Hawthorns 1 uu It v. rW ' .$100 ,$50O .$700 .$400 . 7&0 Builder souce wa nave' a - located lots on which w will take 3ond mort gages. See us.- JOHNSON-DODSON CO. W. BANK BLDG. BEAUTIFUL BEAUMONT $850 Just think, where can you buy in A re stricted district surrounded by (hie homes and congenial neighbors, an east front lot only 2 blocks to carline. on E. 40th N. near Braises all liens Included: some terms. , RITTER. LOWE eV CO . .. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. ; TWO BIG BARGAINS 60x100 Mississippi and Blaudena; paving and sewer paid, $730; $50 cash, $15 month. Garfield near Skid more. 60x100; all paving and sewer paid. $850; $50 cash. $10 month. If you are a judge -of -value ycrB'11 buy these. COB A. McKENNA tt CO. 82 4th at. Board of Trade bldg. Main 4522, I Li Wf HO RNB DISTRICT 7- ITRO EASY TERMS East 64th. just south of Hawthorne, dandy lot on carline, macadam st. csunent walks, no liens, owner says sell, make offr. RITTER. LOWE A CO,, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SEVERAL lots, beat soil, just east of Mt. Ta bor, on and near Base Line road (hard sur face) and E. 87th st: also some fine ones just over city limits, E. 96th st. Price $200 to $1000; easy payments.-' Sea them Swnday. Geo. W. McCoy, owner, office X.T. 88 car to 88th St.. then 4 blocks north, 1 east ROSE CITY TAKE YOUR CHOICE East front on East S8U1 or west front on East 87th. both near Tillamook. SOxlOO, aU improvements in and included in prioe of $950; any reasonable terms. Cash offer solicited. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. eOl-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bklg. UNION AVE! NEAR GOING 1000 Dandy east front lot all improvements paid. This property has future business value. Most sell. Take a look. - . RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON SNAP 100x100 on E. 16th near TUlagnnok, every thing paid, $8100; or BOxlOO (or $1600: just think, in th heart of thia beautiful residence district Call at office; no phone information, HITTER, LOWE A CO. 201-8-S-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY $900 E. 88th near Tillamook, 50x100, pared, fin east front residence lot HITTER, LOWE A CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. - ' : TOrcONf"HACTORJ sndVuilder. 18lota. aU of them full lot adjoining Westmoreland. This is a sacrifice price; these . lota formerly old for $1000 each. You can buy them all for $200 each and assume the street assessment M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. A REAL 6NAP E. 24th and Alameda, BOxlOO, right on rar Hne, paved street everything , included. $850 ; thi is a bargain. RITTER. LOWK A CO. 201-a-B-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' 8CUTIC Portland. Only $900 (or 4 lots. 60x1 oo', one block Corbett street and 2 blocks new TerwiUiraf acbooL $9k eash, BIO per month. Kaser A Rainay, 823-6 tieaco. Bldg., MarshaU IRVINGTON DISTRICT . Tillamook, near E Sth-. 60x100, paved, all paid; $600: terms. . .- . BITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 2 ACRES at Multnomah, cleared, no build ings, on macadamised road, water, light, gas, close ia and a good buy at $3200. Terms. Dr. Estock. Moltnoirah, Or. Mam 4i. ONE of the best lots' oa 'Ladd avenue, where the price for adjoining-' lots is $2500 each. Ton can buy this lot for $1650. M. J, CLO HESSY. 41 B ABINGTON BDG. SOxlOoTMHAHD ave"3 bl-oks east Mt" Scott car, 400; trtnis. . Sell without pay ment down to party wanting to build. Main 6947. HAVE two fine eorner one ia Leurelhurst . and one, in Moraingvide ; the best offer by next Tuesday will get on or both. They tqust be sold by Tuesday p. in. Call East 63S9.V HBTiUlLJRCaTNOT Bos City Park near Sandy. Inside ef 46th st; most be sold this week at a sacrifice. Owner, East 84 58; Main 8.4 29. , - aTKERTALOT 50x100, near J8tJ andAt- pertar t ell at jonoe; half price takes it Phone Woodlawn 4919. VERY attractive lot eorner 83d and Emerson sts.. H cash, balance easy terms, Marshall 266. . . rOR SALEr Lot 23 1-3x100. University Park, in Fisk :st; street improvements' In; 225 cash. K. O. Stacy. Aloha, Or. COR. 100x100, Shaver and Mallory; also lot on Aim worth near ? Union: improvements) paid. Pboa East 839. - - . 2 LOTS on - eorner, good locality ami car servieev Broadway 2296. - - -'v- . 6ne act for sal, ehn In near school. Call at 4529 67th st g, E. any day except Sunday. FOR SALE or trade, one lot "ocean viewT TillaT moox; vain .. pnone HvUwood 63 FOR SALE -Good, clesr bnUdiiig Jot 60x1 Ool 8 blocks to car. Woodlawn 1147. KUMBEIi lots, '43d and iHvisioo,- $Vod ' tmciu Cash or Liberty bonds. Owner. Tabor 6301. Eadt employed during day wishes .ro rent to married couple who would" room 'and board her and pay small rent B-3104, 24 K. 17UN. MEAESTATE FOI HALF LOTS LOT BARGAINS OLM8TEAD PA KK ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT No. 1100x100 OLM8TEAD PARK Alameda Park district 8, W. corner of Glenn ami Dune ley avenues. Fries only. $2500, with,, 11 street improvement paid. No: -9 ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT VIEW; PROPERTY. 4 lots, 20.000 sq ft Will soil single lot or in block. Pricj entire' property $3500. JSo strei-t assessim-fiU dn- ' This property fact. on two streets, and shoui I sell now for $6500, These are genuine bargains. Inside FrooartV Daslrra Ground floor, Henry bldg. ACREAGE , 1 2-63 ACRES. IS nilnutos' walk to station, cm - board walk, aU cult good land, small grove. family orchard. 6-room - plastered house, two' mora good room In attic, cement basement (-it y water, hot and cold, bath toilet, electricity," phont! Would cost st least (3000 to duplicate th house. A (in country bam. Price 43300, terms. - 2 acres,' H cleared. bL Umber, 10 minute' walk to station, on good board walk, first class house, 4 rooms, downstairs, wall finished, two" Vustairs but not completed, city water, bath, toili't.j gas for cooking and lighting. In fact a r-rr. attractive and complete boms. Price J8000. $590 cash, balance good terms. ' 4 acres, 1 H mile from station en rock mad, good oiL well, small orchard, .B-rbom house,' bam, chicken house, shad tree in - yard and chicken- park, high ground and well trained.: Price 1800, 1 000 cash. Tucker Slireek. 603 Spalding bldg. , - ' FACTS '" . . . Concerning this tract ' ol - , 10 ACRES ' Exceptional lit every p rtwulsr.tonateil about V mile southeast of Portland eity limits in a s lert neighborhood and cm fine road, lies prrfo't. good virv, all clear, good building, fine family orclainl, all kinds berries, woven wire fences on' painted posts, soil the very richest; will sell im term, or take residence up to $6000. . , PRICE S00O - ' OT14 C. XttCK ' 62$ Henry bldg.- s Marshall .5 S3 8. MODERN HOME .' Witl. 8 aeres. only 20-minnte drive out Trwf t Valle road. H in cultivation, berries, ehici house t and fencing, fine grove; private water tes ter with gas engine and water. piped in house. Six rooms, fireplace, bath, big Dutch kitclwur a very attractive place, big garage. Owner 1-t-im for California sacrifices for $4500 on good, terms. - . . - KABER A BALNEY, j. 82s- oasoo nr.iMi. Marshall siss.. 10 ".j. ACHES, STOCK AND FURNITURE. t e-sv . Lor ted 80 mile from Portland, 1 srris eleared, balance burnt over; 2 room house fully furnished, barn, chicken house, small tools., horse, good cow, chickens. Priea $1400; cash. j t.ET)r,KMANN COMPANT, , ' 918 t'Ua mber of Com merce. ' CUT down the high eoel of living by owuinu " an acre In Parkrose: all under cultivation n i fine oii; S block from Culurabla highway and car, on blot from hard surface road: buariim fruit tree and berries;, good 8 room house nl outbuildings; gas. water, light and walk in. Price $2500; $!800eash, balance easy, l'hune Sellwood 808. No agents. 2 ACRES. NICELY IMPROVED Ground all highly improved, 200 fruit treos. all kinds berries; near 4 room house, electric lights, good road: everything sple and span; ile fare. Price- $2750. LCEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber or t ommerc. $17110 BUYS new 4 room house, city as, woi. shed. Urge chicken bouse, good brick well, 14 seres of land, part In garden and orchard, balance in oats; located S3 minute out on lii ti. P. Electric, Bear tiw highway ; terms. V 224, JournaL ). , $200 DOWN . .- i acre located just outtid the city limit", 6-oent car tar. aU under eultivatinn, 8-romn house, city convauienoes. macadamised tmul, price $10ft0. - See .Mr. Brooks, with John J-ci-guin, Gcrlinger blilg, , FOR 8ALE-Byowcr. 10 sure, all In tuT tivation. new barn 24x80, 1 mile south of Monmouth, on Pacific highway. Price $2000. Write (or terms. Joss V, Johnson. Monmouth,' Or. - . -;. r : ;-- FINE 40 -ecres; bargain st $600; 6 niilt town with 3 Una of It It. and boat landing. 20rod from rock road; H. F. D. and teieph""" lines rat placer some cs-rara bark; H laiin , from school. Olew Holt. Kslama, Wash. $4800 -ONE acre and 7 ropro-"house, baiii" gas, electricity; apples, pears, peaches. grp. prune and - berrimv Barn, gsrsge, elmt tu Hawtiiorn car and lit. Tabor Park. Terms. 2614 67th st. B. -E. Tsbor 953. SUTHrporUsnd. V acre. Z f!x-k car lin". . u Corbett street and 60-foot frontage on M1v.11 road Lay good and wonderful view. Walking distance shipyards. Very easy terms. iKss-r &. RAINEY. 823-6 Gasco Bldg. MarshaU 8125, 9 ACBfc S, just outsMs city limit, 'well improved, good house, barn, chicken corrsU, la fin to subdivide. Choice, good land, .price $6500, A good chance to make money, lk-mr V, Cover, 64- Union ave. IOK SALE by owner, 21 acres, all eii-ur, no buiklings, in eity limits of on of fh hc-t liitl manufacturing towns in the WiUametts valley. Cash or term,- Phon Tabor 0074, address IB Esst 6d st. RIGHT on paved highway, 1 Vi mile out, ,1s ere; 5 roont house, bam. larsa orchsr-1. Sell all or part; (20 per acre. Fiugibbbn, 401 Board of Trade. - - STOCK'RANCir. near Molalla, on good r . :'. 160 acre, 20 acre in cult, good buildiiu.--, princ snd creek, $35 pr. acre. Terms. J. R. Wolff, 228 Henry bklg. MUST sail to stttle esUt. 100 acres near Gar field, cast of E tacada, on good road, part ' all cheap, 1. J. Jamtson, executor, 3 1 4 ."..lin ing bldg., JPortland. Or. TL Main 80V! 2. EEVFRAL Try ttratii' c'ose in n-ree-e rjfc i7" Ositicns at rest bargain and on easy toru s. SAMUEL DOAK 1203 Northwestern Bank Bldg. CHOICE river front . acreage, alontr acreage and other acreage near Hisley Hon. II. O. StarkweaUtar, 802 Broadway LiJi:. Main 6199. 50.00 PER ACRE buys 28 acres of g . land near Moilala; bonse, barn, timber for 2000 cords ot wood, all tillable; this is a Tal bargain. Jf R. Wolff. 228 Henry bid g. 500 EASY terms buys fin suliurbaa kJ acre, close in, near earline. nciti.i.toura, 214 Abington lildg. Main 4141. BEAUTIFUL- 7 acre on Capital highway, H miles from PortUml; bungalow, chicken lioiiu-,' barn, young orchard, all in cultivation. phuoe Woodlawn 371. J-273. Journal. DABNEY PABK For-beautiful home aits, on Columbia River t !ih way. See u. Dsbnay Investment Co., room 1, Worcester bldg. 7, ACRES ( od garden land and a 'good 1 .. '" for. chickens, near Sandy river, for $000. Csll Main 701. Ask for Air. Morse, SuuuV afv-moon or evening. FOR SALE by cwnr, choice acreage, gixl'aiitj' rood, gas, electricity, (r-a Pori.iand deliver. R, J. I.lodell. MUwaukie, B. 1. No. 165. l.a.t. 628Q.- Sunday..) to 8. 40 ACRES. 2iTpr acre: (irst-clas suii. run ning water. Make arrangmntjt Uxiay to evamine propartx tomorrow, F. . Stearns. 20 J Wiicog bldg. . CHOICE ACRE TRACTS FOR SALE- -From 6 to 15 blocks of car, E. H2d st, ehrvt limit; $550. $50 cash, HO per month. Main 2558. 11 A. Brewer, 248 Stark st. w k ACRES. a in" ulUvatIou. close tVil, iametto valley - town, main count v road, rl shot aoil; only $500. $50 will hsndla. John L. Howard, 818 Chamber nf Cnmtiurt. BOslOO, tarii and Tillamook; 86x100. K.i near North rup; 60(100, 5th . near Lincoin ; cheap. M-oadway -32. $1000 1 acre iniprovwt, village, )'g cab.n, rooms, aurnisbed, garden fruit clilckens, 620'i raMi. Terms. Greham. R. A. Bog 12". 10 ACRES near city on pared r.d, crwk t.u land, man hone and bam.- Will take part la trad for city prop-rt, East 956. . 7 ACRES near Tigard in a hih Ut of cui'iV ration, good building. Bat $3100. Terms, Wilbur r.f eonnoy i 20 ite-rybldg. H YOUwant a" nw,moderir"6roouru7i5aiiw and acre gmund near electric or acreage of any kind ealWolinson, Main 62fr. , BY OWNER -Cliicken ranch, large liouses, 5 aires, eottage, orchard, newly seeded t.s. Oregon Electric, F-827, lantn I.- - - FOR garden snd chickens: 150x141. best den soil; : 6 Vi cent csrfsra. $575; es-y terms. U. It Caiway: evenings, call Main 22'.)r. $2 50O ' FOU 2 seres t MuitliMiuiTiTBbh s s from atatkm. 1 Bnil Burt"; wt-r. gas, el ino light; part terms. M. Barron, Multnomah. ' TOO CASH, $100. yearly buys 10 cr land, near car, school, postoffice, huhttsy. Draper. 201 Wik. bldg. 160 ACHES, house, lots of water, tiuiher, ' acre. H-805. Jourtiat' ' li&hV. LINE fruad, cice hi, 5 seres or !..; . . acre. Owner. B'iwv. 4 4 07 CRA N f 1" f: K Y LA N i to 17 acres, $rfv0 per wt. ' 4 '