The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 03, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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astors to
. ?w t..
Gathering Place of Twelfth Year
ly! tvW Meth
' odist' bliurch in ' This ' City
.4 v-,
; - 'V. - i ii S - i;
Pennant. Will Be Awarded Ghap
't ter Having Largest Average At
' tendance Starting Next Friday.
May, , 10 and U. the twelfth' annusi:
conventioVof the" Portland , district Ep-
- worth league will be held at the First
Methodist church, . under the direcUon
of Miss Delia M. Milligan. district pres
ident This convention, alone with many
- others being held throughout the nation,
will be one of the greatest held, as It
marks; the thirtieth, anniversary of the
founding of the Kyworth league In the
Methodist Episcopal church.
-The Portland district includ'" the
churches In Portland. Garden Home and
all Columbia river cities and towns to
aeaslde. Out of town leaguers who de
sire entertainment should write at once
to Miss Pansy Full of Milwaukee. Or.
Leaguers residing in cities near Port
lands but' not Included In the district,
have- been given an urgent Invitation
to attend the convention.
"the district cup, which was given two
years ago by the district superintendent
and' held by Monta villa and Central
'chapters, will be awarded this year to
the chapter having the most points In
the Centenary drive. The district pen
nant will be given to the chapter having
the' largest average "attendance at the
roll calls of the convention.
" The Saturday eventng meeting will be
a great patriotic jubilee service at which
time all Methodist young men who served
In the army or navy are asked to ap
pear in their uniform and tako seats
on the platform. This convention has
been named ."The Victory Convention."
The program ia:
- Friday, 7:48 P. V. ,
Social Nlsht Ta chare of MIh Lttfa Gill,
difttrtet fourth' vice president: a, cop will b
Siren tbe chapter havinc the best stunt. Judge:
Tr. A. K. Maclean. Dr. W. F. lneson and A. 8.
' ' ' ' Saturday, 10 A. M.
Woll Call of tearuea.
Welcome Miaa I'shsv Full, president of First
Church, lessor. .
Rraponae Miaa Delia M MUUcaa, district
Devotions -afiss Delia Vinson. 8 t . J h n s
' chapter. .
- The Work of tha Junior League Demon
strated by various Junior teacues.
"The - Epworth Iaue" -Miss Jessie McDon-
aid. Central chapter.
"Why Do We Prayt" Mirt Humphrey, San
uysfale -chapter.
;Why Do We Pray '"-Margaret Manny. Sell
wood chapter.
"Why Do We Study t" Balph Schleacel,
Rese- City Park chapter. .
. "Why Do We Worst1' Heba TaJmadte. First
Church chapter.
.."Why I Am a Muaionary" Mrs. Mark Frea-
man.- , .
Puet Irtna and Ezma Griswold, University
I'ark chapter. , .
Appointment of Committees,
s , '- Saturday. 11 M.
- Noontide Prayer Miaa Nellie M. CurtlM, su
perintendent of Deaconess' home.
Saturday, 1:11 r, M.
. Roll Call.
' UeTotlona Clifford Zollinger. First Church
Report Frpm Our District League Deaconess
Miaa Nell V-i Johnson.
i Kpecial Mumo Swedish Church chapter.
Report of District Officers.
"The World Surrey" 1. Edgar Purdy, Area
Centenary secretary for Epworth leagues.
Departmental Conferences in Charge of Dis
trict Officers; Pastors' Conference in Charge of
Dr. Toungaon.
Dst Ruth Workman and RatpB. Speelmon,
Kpworth chapter. .
Election of District Officers.
' "Oregon Kpworth League Institute" Presi
de Tit Ernest M. Smith.
Short Addresses Donald Johnson. Woodlawn;
Mrs. tiey Shadinger. First church; Florence Van
t;iider, St. Helens; Bess Spioer. Astoria, and
Cecil Shotwel, Centenary.
"or Quota" Reporta of chapter presidents.
. - - Installation of District Officers Dr. Touag
on, .
, . Saturday, 7:30 P. M.
Song Serrica Robert T. Jacob, leader.
Roll Call.
(Awarding of district $up and pennant.)
Patriotio Serrioo Ralph Speelmon,- chairman.
The following Epworthiana will tell of soma of
their experiences in-th service: Phil Bartholo
. mew, Sunnyside; Dallas Mark. Centenary; d
Norene, Lenta; James Oases, Central, and Charles
Spaekman, St. Johns. . ,
Address: "The Challenge of American Tooth"
' Dr. Cart O. Doney, president of Willamette
Sunday. 10:SO A. M.
CoBTeation Sermon Dr. Joshua Stansf ield,
lie-itor of the First ehorch. ,
.Sunday. :S0 f. M.
Sacrament of the Lord's Suaper and Life Work
Serrica Under direction of our' district superin
tendent. Dr. William Wallace Toungsoa.
Sunday. B:30 P. M.
Light supper served by entertaining chapter,
aftef. srhkh Kpworth iana -wili go to their ewa
, HcarDr. Huckabee
loaat Soatbcra Preacher
ait ?latk aad.Mlti Sts., P. M.
"At 8 P.vir Tomorrow llis Last
Sermon la Series, of . ; Meetings
Rev. 'Ai' Beers.' Pastor. Win Preach
in the Morning at 11 A. on
t : . . .
iscuss Unemployment Situation at Request of iepartment
Scaconcss presides
at Co TLJ (Mattering
Hiss Dells Milllflan
churches for the thirtieth anniversary league hour
and evening service.
The district cabinet in charge of the
convention includes: The Rev. Matthew
Simpson Hughes, resident bishop ; Or.
W. W. Youngson, district superintend
ent ; Miss Delia M. Milligan, president ;
Miss Cora E. Uarr, first vice president ;
Miss Althea L. Kisaberth, second vice
president ; Miss Pansy Full, third vice
president; Miss Lulu Gill, fourth vice
president: Miss Pearl Sinfield, recording
secretary ; Miss Irene Johnson, corre
sponding secretary ; Miss Joyce Savage,
treasurer; Miss Ruth Benton, Junior
league superintendent, and Miss Nell C.
Johnson, district deaconess.
A set of hand-colored motion pictures,
entitled "The Holy City." will be used
in connection with the Sunday evening
service at the Sunnyside Congregational
church. This will be the first showing
of the films In the city. DrJ. J. Staub
will deliver a short message and Miss
Marlon Bennett will sing the familiar
selection, "The Holy City."
The National Holhleks Missionary and
prayer convention will be held May 4,
6 arid 6 in the Peniel Mission hall at
268 First street' Services will be held
at 3 and 8 p. m. on Sunday and Monday
and ' all day Tuesday. Special music
has been arranged. The speakers are
MIbs' Catherine Flagler from Shantung,
Chlaa. and the Rev. E. N. Arnold.
: During the present month a Sunday
evening forum will be conducted at the
Atkinson Memorial Congregational
church, under the direction of the Rev.
Elbert E.- Flint, minister. The forum
this week will deal with the employment
problem. The speaker will be S. C. Pier,
recently appointed city commissioner.
The subject of education will be dis
cussed Sunday morning at the Mount
Tabor Presbyterian church by the Rev.
W. W. ' MacHenry. The evening service
hour has been changed to 8 o'clock.
Dr. Arthur F. Bishop will again preach
Sunday morning and evening at the
Mizpah Presbyterian church. Good mu
sic has been 'arranged.
Congregational singing will follow the
Sunday morning sermon at Grace Lu
theran church, according to the an
nouncement of the pastor, the Rev. C. II.
Bernhard. Catechetical lectures will be
given Thursday nights at 8 o'clock.
Rev. Howard A. MacDonald will
preach Sunday morning at Church of
Our Father (Unitarian), Broadway at
Yamhill street. At the Sunday evening
Open Forum, 7 :45 o'clock, David W.
Hazen will speak.
Evangelist to End
Successful Revival
Rev- B. W. Huckabee, evangelist,
from Dallas, Tex., closes his .series of
meetings in the First Free Methodist
church. East Ninth and Mill streets, Sun
day night. Rev. Mr. Huckabee is an elo
quent preacher and a man with a mes
sage. He has preached for two weeks in
the First Free Methodist church, and his
sermons have stirred the people deeply.
Rev. Mr. Huckabee will preach at 3 and
8 p. m. The pastor. Rev. Alexander
Beers, will preach In the morning, the
sermon being one of a series he is
preaching before the termination of his
pastorate, which takes place Juhe 1.
Donald L. MacPhee will sing.
, Visitor to Preach
The Rev. A- Christensen of Oakland.
Cal., will preach Sunday morning at
the Norwegian-Danish M. E. church.
Eighteenth and Hoyt streets. The
evening service will be in charge of the
minute men. - -
"What Must I Do
To:fe Saved?"
:. .HEAR!
' Evangelist U K- Dickson
answer -this qiesUno from the Scrip
tures. Does salvation come by "hlttlna
mJ? tIaU."'? Yhat ths in
dividual d who Is seeking to be saved?
Christensen's Hall
llth St. Betweea Meriiaos aad Tamkill
Sundtry Night, May 4 t
At JHi o'clock: ...
; 1.
. -it:
11;;- . -- - -3n
It"-- - , . , i;
I-.- " ' - "i a
t I - 4 -- j- r H
. 1
Brotherhood of St. Andrew Doing
Effective Work in Getting Men
Into Churches of Home Towns.
Chicago. 111-. May X Every sailor
who is discharged from Great Lakes,
the largest naval training station in the
country, receives a kindly pat on the
back and a letter goes home ahead of
Chaplain Frank Thompson sees to It
that no man leaves the station without
a friendly goodbye. As he passes the
mustering officer he is given a card
with a kindly word from the chaplain
and the person to whom this last touch
with camp Is entrusted is George C.
Mudoch, Brotherhood of St, Andrew
secretary. The letter that goes to the
sailor's home is addressed to the pastor i
of the church to which he belongs or
has stated a preference.
So successful has been this Great
Lakes plan and so widespread has been
the commendation of it. that other dis
charging camps and stations are putting
It Into effect.
The letter which goes from Secretary
Murdoch to the home town says In part:
"You will not findhim greatly changed,
evangelized. transfigured spiritually.
Neither, we think will you find him
debased and deteriorated. He is just
the same old fellow, but he Is par
ticularly ready now, since everythirj
in his life is in a more or less fluid
8t-te, to respond to tactful and wise
guidance religiously. We know that
he will receive this from you."
The real worth of the plan is shown
in the letters which come back to
Secretary Murdoch and to the brother
hood secretaries In other camps. The
letters are from pastors of all denom
inations, from active laymen who have
carried out the suggestions made in the
letter to the boy's home church and
have given him a ready welcome on his
return as a preliminary in the work
of showing hfm that he needs the
church and the chnrch needs him."
Special Service for
Boys Is to Be Held
A special service for boys will be held
Sunday night at the Centenary Method
ist church. A boy "minute man" will
speak on the Centenary movement of the
denomination and the Sunday school or
chestra will assist in the service. Dr.
J. C. Rollins will speak briefly. "Care
for the Boy" has been adopted as the
church slogan.
Second Sunday After Easter
Uniform Sunday School Lesson
"Man Made in tha Image of Ood." Gan.
1-26-28; 2:7-9: Kph. 4:20-24. Primary topic,
"od tha Creator and Father;" Junior topic.
"What iod Expects from His Children:" In
termediate topic. "Loyalty to Our- HeaTenly
Father;" Senior topic. "Tha Dignity and Worth
ot Man." ,
ftotden text: "God Created man in his own
image." Gen. 1:27.
Young People's Topics
Baptist Union: "Our Tt1ation to God." (5)
Serring. Matt 20:20-28. (Consecration
meeting. ) ,
Christian Endeaw: "Our Relation to God."
(5) Barring. Matt. 20:20-28. (Consecration
.Epworth I.esrae: "Our Relation- to God
Obeying." John 15:12-17.
First White Temple, 12th and Taylor Re.
William A. Waldo. 11. "Baptist Principles
and World Democracy;" 8. "A Great Sinner
East Side E 2 0th . and Salmon Re. XT.
B. Hinaon, Rev. Herbert T. Cash, assistant 11,
"Does Uod Prajrf" followed by the ordinance
of the Lord's -Supper;" 8. "The Price of a
Third Vancouver and Knott Rev. Webley
J. Bearen. 11. 7:80.
MontaTiHa 11, 7:30.
Arleta Her. W. C. Irirer, temporary pastor.
11. 8.
CaWary E. 8th and Grant Ref. J. E.
Thomas. 11. "A Very Bad Count;" 8. "Fol
lowing On." .
Glencoe K. 45th and Main Rev. F. C
Laslette. 11, "An Underworld Experience for
All the World:" 7:8, Ordinance of Believers'
Baptism, sermon by C. E. Dodge.
Sell wood Bethany Rot. T. J. Broom field.
11. 7:30.
Grace E. 76th and Ash. 11, 7:30.
Unireraity Park Her. S. Lawrence Black.
11. 7:30.
Swedish 15tb nd Hoyt Rev. T. G. SJolar
der. 10:30. 7;S0.
St. John Rev. Mr. Burton. 11. 7:80.
Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Preaching by
Dr. E. P. Borden. 11. 8.
St. Peters Lents Rer. P. Beutgsn. 8,
10:30. 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral 16th and Darls Rev. E. T.
O'Hara. 6. 7:15. 8:30. 8:45. 11. 7:45.
St Lawreoce- 3d and Bherman Rev. i. C.
Hughes. 6. 8:30. 10:80. 7:80.
St Francis E. 12 th and Pine Rer. 3. H.
Black.. 6. 8. S. 10:30. 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams aad
Stanton Rer. W. A. Daly. 6. S. 9. 11. 7:30.
Hohr Rosary E.' Sd and Clackamas Bev. E.
S. Olson. 6. 7. 8. . 11. 7:30.
St Rose E. 53d and Alameda Bav. J.
O'Farrell. 8, 10:30. 4.
St Andrews E. 9th and Alberta -- Rer. J.
Kiernan. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Rev.
George F. Thompson. 7:80, 8. 11.
ascension E 76th and Yamhill Franciscan
Fathers. 8. 10.30. 7:80.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena
Rev. V. W. Black. 8. 10:S0. 7:30.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Bar. C Raymond.
8. 10:30, 7:80.
St Ignatius 3220 43d st S. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 6:80,8.10:80.4.
8t Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Rev. War
ren A. Waitt S, 8:30, 10:30. 7:30.
Boly Redeemer Portland Mid. and Vaneon.
ver ay. Rev. William f. Define. 6, 10:30,
7:3. -
St Phillip Neri ( Psulirt Fathers) E. lth
sad Hickory ReT. W. J. Cartwright 7:30.
ft. 10:30. 7:80.
St Clements S. Smith aye. and Newton
Serbite Fathers. 6, S. 10:30. 7:80.
Sacred Heart E. 1 ltb and Center Bst. G
Bob. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
8t Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. J.
Commimky. S. 10:30. 7:30. .
St Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fail
ing Rev. K. Matthew. 8. 10: 80, 7:80.
St Joseph (German) 15th and Conch
Rev. B, Durrer., 8. 10:30. 7:80.
Bt Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rev.
II. Balestra- 8.30. 10:80, 7:SO.
St Clmrea Capitol , Hill Father Capietraa,
a F. M.: 8. 10:10.
St Charles E. 33d and Alberta Hev. J.
P. O'Fryna. '. 10:30. - - i
A3 Saint , th and Glisan Rev. Father
William Crontn. 8. 10:30. . ,
St Patricks . 18th and Sarier Rev. Charles
M. Smith. 8. 9:15. 10:30. 7:45.
' ' - V ChrtrUan -.
First Park and Columbia Rev.' Harold H.
Griffin. 11. "New Horisona ia Beligioa;" 7:45.
"Miracles of Unbelief."
Eeav Side K. Uta and Taylor Rev. JL.. fi
gs wyer. 11. 8.
Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Rev. 3.
V. Uhortnly; 11, 7:45.
lion ta villi B. 76th and Gliaan Rev. Her
bert E. Ryder. ' li, 1:30.
. Woodjawn E. 7th and Liberty Bev. Joseph
D. Boyd. 11.8. .
Vernon E. 18th Wygent Rev. R.
Tibba Jlaxey. 11. 7:30.
- .- Christ !n Selattce
Lesson snbject: '-"Everlasting Panishment'
"irst 10th end Everett. ; II, 8.
Second E. StU and HoiUday. 11, -
Tlurd hV 12th and baltnoa. - 11, 8.
Churches on
Employment Sunday will be observed
at many of Portland's churches Sunday
in accordance with the request of Sec
retary of Labor Wilson. Especially Is
it desired that the , attention of ! the
church congregations' be drawn to .the
functions of the United States employ
ment service. Data dealing with this
subject has been mailed to every bishop
minister and religious work director in
America by the government.
The national headquarters of several
denominations have supplemented the
government suggestion by sending : out
literature of their own. The great; or
ganization of Methodist minute men will
lay aside their great Centenary campaign
for one day and will speak on the na
tional problem. The minute men have
printed a special edition of Missies, their
20 page information paper, on the em
ployment situation. In. many churches
employment Committees will be formed
Sunday to cooperate with the govern
ment employment bureau.
Acting at the request of the national
committee of Northern Baptist laymen,
the organization in charge of the $6,000,:
000 Victory campaign, local Baptist
churches will ask their congregations
to urge upon employers here the advis
ability of keeping their needs listed with
the offices of the United States employ
ment service for returning soldiers and
sailors. Employers belonging to the
Baptist church will be asked Sunday to
provide employment for returning serv
ice men.
In response to the department of labor
Dr. DeBusk to Talk
To Forum on Sunday
Dr. ' B. W. DeBusk of the department of
education in the University of Oregon
and a' specialist in child psychology will
address the Sunday Evening Civic Fo
rum in the First Congregational church.
The child welfare movement is to
the front in the nation as never before
and large plans are being formulated
for an advance movement all along tine
line. Oregon is waking up to this move
ment and has splendid representatives
In the field. ' All interested In child wel
fare from any point of view, and the
public generally, are Invited to attend.
There will be community singing at
7 ;45 under the direction of Professor
Becker and the address of the evening
Fourth Vancouver, ave. and Emerson. 11. 8.
Fifth 82d and 42d ave. S. E. 11.
Sixth Masonie Temple, 36S YamuUL 11, 8.
Serenth Holbrook block, St Johns. 11.
All churobes Wednesday, p. m.
First Park and Madison. Dr. W. W. Wil
ls rd.. . 11. "Roads to Reality:" 7:48. "Child
Welfare," address by Dr. B.' W. DeBusk.
Snnnyside E. 3 2d aDd Taylor Re. J. J.
Staub. 11. "The Promise of Power i' 7:45.
"tihrtst'e Description of the Life .to Come,"
illustrated with motion pictures on "The Holy
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett
Rcr. E. E. Flint. 11, "ChrUt's Ansvter to
Empty Pews;" 8, "Greater Oregon," address
by Mr. Pier.
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Edward
Constant 11. "Seven Strong Words;" .
"Industrial Serrice," addresses by L. C. Do
lultevue and W. S. Hale.
Waverley Heights E. 33d and Woodward
Rer. Oliver P. Arery. 11, "The Right Use of
Scripture;" 8.
Laurelwoed 45th are. and 65th at S. E.
Mrs Alice M. Handsaker. 11.
Pilgrim Missouri and Sharer. Rev. Robert
Murray Pratt- 11, "The 8ecret of Tomorrow;"
6. "The Drama of Job."
Finnish Mission 107 Skidmare Rev. Sam
uel Neyala. 6, 7 :30. - -
University Park Haven and Lombard Hev.
C H. Johnston. 11. -8.
St Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond Rev.
J. T. Merrill. 11, 7:80.
Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Stunner
Rev. Ole Torgeasen. 11, 7:80.
First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev.
George Zocher. 11, 7:30.
Secenfl German E. 8tu and SkidmoTO Rev.
Henry Hagelgana. VI. 7 :30.
Zion German E. 0th and Fremont Rev.
J. H. Hopp. 11. 7:30.
Parkrose Rev. P. D. Holfman. 11, 7:30.
' episcopal ' (
Pro-Cathedral ot St Stephen the Msrtyr-i
I Sth and Clay Bt. Rer. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Sundays. 7:45. It, 7:45. Holy days, 9:80.
Trinity 18th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor
mon. 8. 11. "Whatsoever. Is. Not of Faltb
fcs 8in;" 7:30, story by pastor.
St Davids E. 12tfa and Belmont Rev.
Tliomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:30, 11, ''The
Good Shepherd;" 8, "Friendships With God "
St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. a.
Hatton. 7:30. :45, 11.
8t Andrews Hereford st, Portsmouth -
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 11, 7:30.
Grace Memorial E. 17th and W'eidler Rev.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8.
St Michaels and Ail Angels E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. S, 10,
11, 5. t
Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st
st 8. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:80. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 7, 9:80
St Paula Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4.
All Saints 25th and Savier Rev. Frederic
K. Howard. 10. 11.
St Johns Memorial E. 15th and Hsrnev,
Sellwood. Rev. II. Clark in charge. 11, 7:30.
St Mathews Corbett and Bancrofts Rev.
W. A. M. Breek. vicar. 10. 11.
Evangel less
First E. 6th and Market Rev. E. D. Horn
schuch. 11. 7:30.
Carson Heights 9th and Hume Rev. F. M.
Fisher. 10:30. 11:30.
Clay Street 10th and Cly Rev. H. Schu
knecht 10:45, 8.
Free Msthodlrt
Central E. 55th and Flanders Rev. W. N.
Coffee. 11, 7:30.
First K. Sth and Mill Rev. A, Beer.
1 1 . "A Personal Acquaintanceship with a Person
al God;" 3 and 8 p. m.. preaching by the Rer
B. W. Huckabee of Dallas. Texas.
Alberta-T-E- 30th and WygantRev. E. i
Harrington. 11. 7:30. "
First E- 85th and Main Rev. Homer L.
Cox. 11. 7:43.
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath services Friday
at 8 p. m.. Saturday, 10:30 a. m. Sunday. IV,
In Portland academy bldg.. 13th and : Mods
gonery. Religious school. Riblo clssses at
Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays.
Congregation Ahavia Sbolem Park and Clay
eta. Rabbi R- Abraham son, Friday. 8 p. sa;
Saturday. 9:8 a. saw
Congregation Nevah Zedeck Talmud Torsh
6th and Hall Rev. Abraham L Boeeneraata.
Friday, 8 p. nu; Saturday. 9 a. m- Sunday. 10
a. m., religious school. ' -
, Latter Oar Saints ..
Church of J us Christ of Latter Day Saints
E. a 5th and Madison. 10. 7:80. i
SL Jamss W. Park and JaKersen Rev.
Wm. S. Brmkman. 11,7:30.
St Paul E. 12th and Clinton Rev. A.
:. Krsuse. 9:80. 10:80. 8.
Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev. M.
A- ChrisUnsen. 10, 11.
Trinity Williams and Graham Rev. J. . A.
Reinbach. 9:16. 100. 7:10.
Bethlebean Norwegian 14th sad Davis- Re.
WilBelm PeUersea. 11, 8. .
- Grace. English Mason and Alblna. . Her. C
H. Burnhard, ' 9:45. 11. "Homeward Bound";
7:3. . . -s' . I - .
Hamittoa Chanel E. 80th sad GHsaa -Hsv.
r. J. F.pUnc 10:48.
- Bethel Norwegian - (Free) Wygant and Rod
ney. ' . - " " i.
Bethany Denbh Evangelical Union, and Mcc-ruw-Kev.
U P. f'Jl. 11. . -
4 ' "
ent to
appeal. Sunday will'be observed as Em
ployment day .t the First Christian
church by the pastor, the Rev. H. H.
Griff is. The first Sunday in May Is
generally recognized by this denomina
tion as American Missionary Sunday, so
the two topics will be blended into one.
In the morning service the pastor will
discuss the duty of Americans to the
returning soldiers and sailors as an ele
ment of home missionary work.
Dr. A. L. Hutchison, pastor of the
Piedmont Presbyterian church, will re
spond to the call for. the observance of
Employment day by speaking Sunday
morning on "Our Homecoming Army."
Patriotic music will be sungL In the
evening be will speak on the League of
In compliance with the request of the
government arrangements have been
made to hold an industrial meeting at
the Highland Congregational church Sun
day night. C. L. DeBelleVue, who went
through the war in the Canadian army,
will speak on "Ready to Work," and
Will S. Hale, a secretary of the indus
trial department of the Y. M. C. A.,
will talk on "Soldiers In the Industrial
Ranks." Special music will be fur
nished by E. O. Rudio, a returned sol
dier. The Rev. Edward Constant is
C. . T. Webb of the industrial depart
ment of the Y. M. C. A., will speak Sun
day evening to open meeting at Kenil
worth Presbyterian church. Men in the
community are .invited to attend the
will be followed by an open forum for
questions from the floor. Rev. W. W.
Willard will preach Sunday morning.
Minute Men Are to
Speak at Lincoln
W. W. Savage and J. Oliver, Method
ist minute men, will take part in the
Sunday morning service at Lincoln
Methodist church. They will speak for
five minutes in behalf of the Centenary
movement. The Rev. F. A. Ginn will
preach. A junior league will be organ
ized at 3 o'clock and will be followed
at 4 o'clock by the Epworth league meet
ing. Sunday night the Rev. Mr. Ginn
will preach at the Westmoreland Meth
odist church, which meets In the old
Midway engine house."
St Johns Peninsula and KUpa trick Rev. Ij.
Ludwig. 10:45. 7:80.
- Swedish Tabernacle N 17th and Gliaan
Rer. C. J. Lelin. 11, "The Good Shepherd";
7:30, "Who Is She. That Cometh From the
Wildomesef "
8wedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney
Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7:4 5.
Immanuel 19th and Irving Rev. A. T. An
derson. Methodist Eelsoopai
Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rev. 3. C
RVUtns. 11, "One of the Fundamentals"; 7:45.
"If I Were a Boy."
Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. A. R.
Maclean. 11, 8, missionary talk by Mrs. D. J.
Abbott of Raipur, India.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rev.
John Pardon. 11, 7:30.
Epworth 26th and Sarler Rev. J. Stanford
Moore. 11,8.
First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stana-
field. 10:30. 8.
First Norweglsn Danish 18th and Hoyt
Re 7. Elias Ojcrding. 1 1 , sermon by Rev. A.
Christensen of Oakland. Cat; 7:45, service in
charge of the minute men.
Garden Home Rev. A. B. Calder. 10:30,
Laurelwood B. SSd and Foster Rer. A. O.
Brackenbury. 11, 7:80.
Tents Lpcien B. Jones. 11, 7:80.
Lincoln E 62d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A.
Ginn. 11. "A Victorious Life."
Monta villa E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram
GonM. 11, 7:80.
Mt Tabor E. Cist and Stark. Rev. E. Olio
EKrtdcu. 11, 7:30.
Rose City Park Rer. D. Lester Ficlas.
11. 7:80.
Sellwood Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11, 7:30.
Sunnyside E. 85th and Yamhill Rer. W.
F. Ineson. 11, 7:4 5.
St Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Rev. 3.
H. Irvine. 11. 8.
Swedish Beectt and Borthwiek Rev. Abe
Ekhind. 11, 8.
University Park Flake and Lombard Rev.
J. T. Abbott It.. 7:30.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid
more and Vancouver. Rev. C. J. Rynning. 11, S.
-v Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 8.
'- Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. Francis Bur
gatte Short 10:30.
.'Woodstock E. 34th and Woodstock Rev.
L C. Poor. 11. 7:30.
District superintendent Rev. William WaTIaea
l-Toungson; D. D.. 691 E. 6 2d at N. Tabor- 2780.
M. at. South
First Union and Multnomah -Rev. Jamas T.
French. 11. 7:80.
First E. 10th and Weidler jiev. CL How
ard Davis. 1 1. 7:30.
Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Preaching by
Luke Rader. 11, 7:30.
Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th st Rev.
C. V. Fowler. 11. 7:80.
Highland Park E. 14 th and KUlingsworth
Rev. W. P. Keebaugh. 11. 8.
Scandinarian Rev. J. BringedahL 11,
First 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd,
10:30, 7:45.
Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Rev.
Edward H. Pence. 11, 7;30.
Centra) E. 13th and Pine. Rev. Orlando B.
rrnhin. 11. 7:43.
Calvary 11th and CIsy Hev. Frank J.
Meyer. 10:80.
Mt Tabor E. 55th and Belmont Rev. Ward
Marlfenry. 11, "Education, Religion and De-J
mocracy ; s, ine vnnsuans imuoio Portion
of Joy."
Tamon 19th and Wygant Rev. J. R. Lands
borough. 11. 7:30. ' -
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Rev. A. I
Hntrbison. 11. "Our Homecoming Army"; H,
"The League of Nations Covenant, in Bible
Fourth First and Gibbs. Rev. Levi Johasoa.
10 .80. 7:8.
KenQwortb E. 84th and Gladstone Hsv.
Paul E. Ratsch. 1 1 . "If Our Church Is to Grow
TVhat?"'8. address by C. T. Webb of the in
dustrial department of the T. M. C. A.
Hope E. 78th and Everett Rev. Floyd E.
Dor-is. 11. 7:30.
Row City Dr. Robert H. Milligan.
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. 11.
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Re. Theo
dore P. Smith. 1 1 . 7 :80.
Ana be) Rev. John E. Nelson. 11. 8.
Millard Avenue Rev. W. Lee Gray. 11.
"Seeing the In risible"; 7:45. "Understanding
the Times."
as-r-.n Street, 17th and Marshal) Rev. A.
J. Harms. .11. - - .
Mispah-!-rE, . 19th and Division. 11. preach
ing by Artlur Bishop. "The Optimism of , the
Christian Life"; S. "How God Commends His
Love to Us." '
. . Seventh Day Advantist
Koto Regular services of this denomlnatioa
are held oa Satarday.
Central E. lit and Everett L. K. Dick
son, pastor. 10. 11:1A.
' Tabernacle Sth and Montgomery E. H.
Emaemia,' mrnister. 10. 11.
MontavUla E. f 0th and Everett Elder G.
A. Gerbart 10. 11.
Lents 94th at and 58th are. Ildsr W, IX
Huntington. 19, 11.- . ,i :
St Johns tVntrsf ave. and Charleston
Elder A. K. Folkenberg. 10. li. -
AIWbs -SkiHmore and Mallory Elder A. A.
Ueyer.. 1.- i 1.
Scsmdinaviast 850 Alberta Elder O. B. Lee.
Corp Ko, i 243 Ask) at Adjutant Freak
Gtnge. XX, ;li. .
Dr. Waldo of White :TmpjevSees
Great Results From .Personal
' Workers' Campaign.
Sunday , morning Dr.. William y A.
Waldo, pastor of the White Temple, will
give the hand of - fellowship to 43? new
members, who have been received dur
ing the month of - April. The f major
portion of these have come Into the
church ' on profession of faith and bap
tism. Early .In the, yearShev pastor or
ganized a personal worker's ''campaign,
in which about 100 undertook special
work under the direction of captains.
Since January 1, Dr. Waldo has received
109 Into the church.
The pastor has also led the church
In putting across the Victory campaign
drive of the denomination. The church
has raised $6300.35 for world-wide mis
sions, the largest offering ever made.
Easter -Sunday, the church was crowd
ed and the offering totaled S625. At
the present time all bills are reported
paid, with a surplus In the hands of the
treasurer. Three missionaries represent
the White Temple In the foreign field.
They are the Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Marsh,
who have been in southern India for
about 25 years, and Miss Kate W. Fail
ing, who Is now on her way to southern
India as a missionary.
Sunday morning Dr. Waldo will ob
serve "denominational day" and In the
evening will begin a series of Sunday
evening discourses on the general
theme, "Seven Great Things." These
Bermons will be delivered extemporane
ously. The Temple quartet will render
special music appropriate to each dis
course. The seven topics are : May 4, "A
Great Sinner Self": May 11, "A Great
Savior Christ" ; May 18, "A Great
White Throne Judgment" ; May 25, "A
Great Gulf Fixed "Separation" ; June
1, "A Great Eternal Gain Heaven" ;
June 8, "A Great Eternal Joss Hell" ;
June 15, "A Great Invitation Come,"
Will Address Men's Meeting
Dr. Edwin Constant, pastor of High
land Congregational church, will ad
dress the men's mass meeting at the
Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon atx3:30
o'clock, his topic being "The Man and
His Job." Walter Jenkins, T" song
leader, will lead a program of com
munity singing. All men are Invited to
Dry slabwood and Inside wood, green
stamps for cash. Holman Fuel Co.,
Main 353 ; A-33C3 ; A-4955. Adv.
Corps No. 4 128 1st. AdjuUnt Joseph
Harrison. 11, 8, 8. '
y?8" Church Society 831 Jefferson Rev.
Will is n: R. Reece. 11, 'Symbolism of Garment
in Sacred Scriptures" by Carl B. Wlntler, reader.
Church of Our Father Broadway and Tarn
hill Rev. G. Eliot Jr. 11 "The Commonplace
and the Romantic" by Rev. Howard A. MarDon
ski; 7:45. open forum led by David W. Hazea.
topio, "With the Oregon Boys on the Western -
United Brethren
Conference superintendent Bt. G. E. Mo
First E. 16th and .Morrison Rev. Byron 3.
Clark. 11. "Christ's Message to the Church;"
7:80, service in charge of Rev. R. G. Snmerlin.
Second E. 27th and Sumiwr. Rev. Ira
Hawley. 11. "Cursing the Tree": 8. "The Gos
pel in Song," service ia charge of toe women of
the congregation.
Third 67th st and 32d ave. 8. E. Bev, B.
O. Shepherd. 11.7:80.
Fourth Tremont Rev. C. P. Blan:hard.
11. "While the Children Are With Us"; 7:80,
anniversary day.
UaKod Evangel leal
First B. 16th and Poplar Rev. 3. A.
Gtode. 11, 8.
Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay
Rev. H. H. Farnbeni. 11, 7:30.
St Johns Rev. A. P. Layton. 11; 8.
United Presbyterian
First E. 87th and Hawthorne Rev H. F
Given. 11. "The Story of a Prince and Patriarch
of Old"; 7:30. "The Bible as a Textbook of Re
ligion." Chnrch of the Stranger Grand and Wasco
Rev. S. Earl Du Bols. 10:30; "Attendance Upon
and Beliavior in God's House'.'; 8, "The Funerol
of Jesus A Contrast"
Kenton 120 Wert Lombard Rev. George
N. Taylor. 11. 7:30.
Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th
and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 11. 7:30.
Realization League 166 Sth Rev. H. Ed
wart Mills. 11, "Realizing Salvation"; 8. "The
Attributes of God and Their Significance" by T.
A. Harper. .
.Cbristedelphian 621 E. Washington. 10:80.
Church of God 363 Failing. Harry NeaL
11. 7:30.
Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark.
Men a Resort 4 th and Burnaide Rev. Lev)
Johnson, superintendent 8.
New Civilisation 407 TUford bldg. Dr.
Beth Northington. 7:45.
Divine Science TUford building Rev. T. M.
Hlnard. pastor. 11.
Universal Messianic 318 Abtngton building,
11. 8. "Mortal and Immortal Mind."
Pentecostal First and Washington - Rev.
Will O. Trotter. 11. 1, 7:80.
Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246 H
1st 2, 8. 7:30 week days except Monday and
Saturday. 8 p. m.
Pentecostal church E 20th and Ankcny
A. W. Smith. 11.8.8.
Volunteers of America Mission 224 Burnaide
Meeting every evening except Monday at 9
o'clock, and 8unday, 3 pm.
Pint Spiritualist E. 7tli and Hassalo Rev.
A. Scott Bledsoe. 3, 7:45.
Second Spiritualist 'Alisky Hal Rev.
Max Hoffman. 8. 8.
American Church W. O. W. hall. E. Sth
and Alder. 8. -
Calvary Temple E. 24th and Broadway
Rev. Dason MaeCullough. 10:30. 2:30.
I Ty yi J
sM,?ni---ii,f Tir
'.. DenominatioBal Day :
- - Ktrxt In a Series ;
A Oraclous Rovlvai In Prooresa COME
: r&
Portland porker
tEo preside at Jflee t
4 w
Dr. i. , Edward Else
United Brethren to
Have Varied Services
Dr. Byron J. Clark, pastor of the First
United Brethren church, will occupy his,
pulpit Sunday morning. In the evening
the Rev. R. G, Sumerlln will preach.
Dr. Clark has received 05 new members
into the church within the pant few
The women of the congregation will
have charge of the Sunday evening ser
vice at the Second church. In the
morning the pastor, the Rev. Ira Haw
ley, will preach.
Visitors' day ; will be observed by the
Sunday school In Third church Sunday
morning. The Rev. E. O. Shepherd will
preach in the eventng.
Anniversary day will be observed
Sunday evening by the Christian Kn
deavor at Fourth church. The Rev, C.
P. Blanchard, pastor, will preach Sun
day morning.
Endeavor Convention
Plans Nearly Rgady
Definite plans have been made for the
annual Christian Endeavor convention
to be held this year In Portland, June
19 to 22, and before many days the com
mittee hopes to be able to announce the
program. The convention was ' post
poned from last spring, when the Influ
enza epidemic was raging. Rev. Paul
Ratsch of Kenllworth Presbyterian
church has been appointed-chairman of
the convention committee. Members of
the committee are: Travers Babcock,
LeRoy Robtnnon. Molly Telling, Frank le
Coykendall, Jennie McKlbben and C,
Dr. Morrison Will
Continue New Plan
Last Sunday evening In Trinity Epis
copal church. Dr. A. A. Morrison Intro
duced a novel method of teaching by
telling an original story instead of the
usual sermon. Those who attended
seemed to be intensely interested and
after the service many expressed pleas
ure and appreciation. This Sunday
evening there will be another story. The
subject of the morning sermon is "What
soever Is Not of Faith Is Sin." - f
Missionary Will Be
At Central Methodist
Mrs. D. J. Abbott, a missionary fresh
from her field of work. In RalDur, India,
will speak at the Central Methodist
Episcopal church at o'clock Sunday
evening. Dr., Abbott Is the district su
perintendent of a large mass movement
area in the central provinces and Mrs,
Abbott has been bis co-worker In this
great field. Tho morning sermon will
be preached by the pastor. Rev. A. R
Maclean. At 8 !45 the Sunday school
will go over the top in Its centenary
Ssbjeeta for Sesdsy, May V11
- A. M. -- .
'The World Task and IU Fulf illment
'The Terrible Art of Making Men
Without Souls'
At 12:16 the Sondsy fleheol - nests
with deperUaetUs Snd classes for sJl. -Visitors
are welnon, t this., sctivs
sod eothiistsetie school. . - ' "
- At 7:0 .: as. sir Orfaa . Red tsl
will be fire a by K. JC Coursen. ,
; 7:45 o'Clock Sunday Ersninf
By Dr. De Busk
T)r. Ds Busk Is a Professor In The University' f Oregon, and ha
'given much time and thought to his subject, a eubject that Is ot
interest to all, .- . . - -'j ,
, " ;" - Open Foram for Question From tK Floor
;. j-. . : Com mcI You ' Will. ' Come Again '
of llabot
Tvyin State Meetings Are to Be
Held at Uorvallis May .15-1 G
and at Baker May 20i22.
'Religious Education and New
Age' to Be General Theme of
These Two Annual Gatherings.
"Religious Education and the ' Ncw
Age" Is the theme of tho twin Oregon .
Sunday school conventions . to ' be held
at CorvalliS May 15 to 18 and -at Baker
May 20 to 22. Harold F. Humbert
general secretary ot the statef asnoela
1 : .-. ' ' - I
tlon. Is preparing a great program rot
Dot n gatnenngs. At ootn cities we ses
sions will be held In churches of vari
ous denominations. The First Presby
terian church will be the main con
vention church at Corvallis. The chil
dren's conferences will be held in th
Congregational church, the young peo
ple's conferences In the Baptist churcr
and the adult department conferenoot
in the Christian church. . At Baker tlir
Methodist church will bo the conventlor
church, with the children's, worker?
meeting at the Christian church, th
young people's workers a' the Baptlwi
church, and the county officers' confer
ence at the Presbyterian church.
Dr. J. Earl Else of Portland 'will pre
side at Corvallis and Rev. Wllllanc
Baird of Baker at the Eastern Oregor
meet. C. A. Sehlbrade Is chairman ol
the Corvallis convention, and U. St Bert
secretary. J. T. Culberson, chief ol
police ,at Baker, is chairman of th
Baker convention.
Any Sunday school in Oregon maj
send delegates to the convention. Lodg
ing and breakfast are to be furnished
by the convention cities. The registra
tion fee will be II.
Noted speakers who are scheduled t
be present are: Professor M. A. Horn
line of Dayton, Ohio ; A. M. Locker ol
Chicago, from tho-staff of the Interna
tional Sunday School -association ,
Charles R. Fisher of San Francisco ; Dr
Francis Clement Tteid, Pacific Coasl
associattonal secretary of the inter
church world movement; Rev, John II
Matthews of Seattle? Dr. Carl Q. Done
of Willamette university. Salem , Rev
W. W. Wlllarrf. Rev. H. H. Urlffis, Dr
Joshua Stansfleld and Walter Jenkins
the song leader.'
iff -
St. Davids Parish ,
Will Meet Monday
t Monday night at o'clock the annua
parish meeting or u uavias r,pisoop,
church will be held in ths parish house
for the presentation of tbo year's reporti
and thj election of ths vestry for tin
ensuing year. All members of the par.
lsh who are of age have the right oi
voting at this meeting. Other im ports. rr
business will also bo considered. Sun
day morning and evening the rector, thi
Rev. Thomas Jenkins, will preach. Tin
evening serrice hour has been changec
to 9 o'clock. The school made the larres
Easter offering in Its history and, closer
with a most prosperous ? year. Th
branch school at Fiftieth and Dlvislor
streets, held Sunday afternoon ftt i
o'clock, is also growing.
-. -. "
Community Sing to
Precede Services
A community sing will precede "tin
a.4. . avtnlnr aarvlAS at the MillSTC
Avenue Presbyterian cht?rch, accordint
. . Ua n.utA, h.
to TJiO gnirooncTOwm w w
n... nr t &A T A Tfnlllnarwarth
choir director", will lead the singing. Fol
lowing tho singing the pastor will dl
cuss briefly the necessity or understand
ing the times. The song service will "
continued throughout the summer sea
on, . ' : - : -'-' - -