THE OHUOM LVAIUY JOURNAL;, PORTLAND, FRIDAY MAY 2,. 1919. RK At ESTATE FOB SAL BOUSES 1 I"""'. 'W; '" ROSE err lEK ;1 V ' Very attractive 1 H story 6 foots bungalow; thoroughly modern, 8 nice bedrooms, fireplace, furnace,, hardwood, floor. good neighborhood. 60x100 lot. Tlu is a nearly new borne, con atructioa flrst-claae and a decided bargain at $4100. W have km photo of this beaati lul modern home In oar office. -. BOSKMEHE BUNGALOW Just north ot-Ktodr sa Stb at. ! noma large, .light and airy, (tea neighborhood; paved street (paid); everything first-claa. J at the kind of a, thoroughly modern, roomy homo that ia hard to- find for the price, $4760. It would cost at least $1000 : mora to duplicate this property. - - i HOSE CITY PAHK : On 67th aC 'near Bandy, Nearly new, thor oughly modern and very attract! 1 H story bungalow. On of the prettiest homes in Hot )ity Park.. Tery large living room and recep tion hall, larga dining room with French door opening onto, large front porch, roomy 'kitchen, two bad room downstairs and three nice large bedroom on second floor: trice Mix 100 lot. The pnes of this beautiful horn ia 84250 and la a great bay at that price. SOUTH PORTLAND ; , 4 room eottace on : Hamilton 1 ave '-- nemtt afreet (paid), corner lot, garage, 1 block to ear; good c large rooms. Price only. $1600. This place 1 convenient to shipyards and all weat aid Industries, $350 cath and balance like rent, : - i . THE CROSSLEY-VIOABS CO.. 270 Stark St. Mam 8052. PIEDMONT PIEDMONT PIEDMONT miJtoJ01 ,wn Piedmont Hornet "5000 -Beautiful bungalow, large plate glass windows, strictly modern In every de tail. rooms, bdwd, floors, all built-in, large mirror door; everything the Tery .. best: garage: imp, pd. 97500 Beautiful corner , bungalow, T room and billiard room, double- gsrAge. 10OX 100 corner; imp. pd. ; no mortgage. You have undoubtedly admired this home -while driving around Piedmont. A pleasure to show this bom. By ap pointment ONLY. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 .By. Bxch. bldg. Main 883. HAWTHORNE 14100 ' Soma bungalow, folks. Don't overlook thia one. 8 rooms and breakfast room. Tills Is right : UP to the minute in every respect there is not one single thing lacking to make thi the Ideal bungalow. Ton would exneet to nav aa much more than present owner ia asking. Lot ouxiou. no assessment to assume. Bight on the Hawthorn earlin. Ton can't afford to pea thia tin. Hm It nnMir ti . m an. predate the real downright value In thia beau- uiui oungatow home. a . A- (i- TEEPE CO.. 264 BUrk t, nea 3d. Main 8816. nrancn Offlce: 80th and Sandy. ' HAWTHORNE, $3250 Tbi fa a wonderful bungalow for the price, i ," llrln worn with handsome fireplace, dining room with buffet, a white Dutch kitchen. uiwn, nu dui bowii ana A bedroom upper floor. It has hardwood floors in 1 i VI n mA 4inS 11 . - " j iuw. miu on: it nas a team beating ylant with radiator in each rfWWfl. J Out fhl.lV n ...!.... - 1. , with steam for $3280. The street to paved and ..... u usiini, aee wns noma to appre ciate Us value. $1000 cash hand leu. COB A. McKENNA A CO.. Main 4822. o. -mm ax. . jmni or 'rnds riwtr . EA.T "Ut. BUNGALOW BARGAIN 3150 Here is a bargain, a truly wonderful buy; S room bungalow, thoroughly modern except furnace, in perfect con dition, inside clean and attractive, liv ing room across entire front of house, Isrge .bedrooms, hardwood floors, fire plsce, all built-ins,. full cement base ment, wah trays; improvements all paid; in Westmoreland. Can w aend . a machine Tor you to see this 7 . ... J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 883. 204 By. Exch. bide. REAL rAUBEIJIUBST BARGAIN BUJ OAIXJW TYPE $1009 cash, balance $28 month and interest, . $4000. litving room, fireolace. hnnkr-KM din ing room paneled, buffet, hardwood floor, fur nace, garage, kitchen, breakfast room and bed room down. 2 up and sleeping porch. Can you ucat ii i tswners lesvtng city. CLEVEIiAND-BARK-HENDTCBSOtf CO. 3la By. Exchange bWg. Main 0752. IIAWTHORNW! RrrviiAT.nvv' $800 Cash. Bal. $35 Month, Inc. Int. r - - yui i'la V IS, ua floors, turnmrt. tir-rtlmf hnffart- tuiAkAas ... ing room bm$d nd panrled, full cement bf wnt. twuhtnM iAvinn i.- v .- -bvw Mb yfm. v tTa gal iti paid. Yric9 f 4000, on 48th vL, close to the CLEVELAND-BABB-HENDERSON CO. xi j y. fccnange bldg. Main 6762. .$3150 West Side $3150 - laciag mo nver, wun Deau- tifnr view of river. 60x100 lot h.rri fare street. This house is exceptionally well built and Would' make a delightful home; will accept as low as $200 down, balance 6 in- w. no moresssa on inta nrnnertv . Open Evenings GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 YEON BLDG. $2K0O " A " RIX - Boom bungalow with sleeping pnreh. on cor- VlV . i r4 . W- - . cash U1 handls. balance $28 per month, includ ing intereat. MAIW 1700, TABOK 89 EVES. ..- 1 A TJB E LHCtt S T CO.. 270 Stork st. ... WESTMORELAND B'VNGAIOVV $300 DOWN, Balance $27 Month Inc lnt 8 rooma and. rMMiHns K.H cement basement,, waah trays.' street paved and Said; price $3000. No. 1241 E. 19th. n. ok dirtni tenant call us if interested. ULEVELAND-BABK-HEXDERSON CO. 212 Br. ftTfhanff. HU. u.j- afKn 3 BOOM cottage, on corner lot 60x100, paved 8 RVtia ahk- 1n XA.1AA. . . . n - -rr- " """vi iru.-e euou, io cash, balance $10 per month. A room nr.fti. n Price $1600; easy terms. ... , , KW YORK LAND CO.. wm. main I v i o. $3100 Furnished $3100 . 4 blacks Cnlon are., near Ainsworth-; 6 raw., tL",00.' Ui!? tUf bth- 60x100 lot The furniture i good grade and plenty of it; must be aold; $000 down, balance $JS month. vtb .evenings. GEO. T. MOORB CO.., 1007 Yeon bldg. KOfiE CITY PARK Beautiful bungalow.- 6 room and attic, strictly modern, with all builtin feature linoleum In kitchen, bath : heavy screens for all window and doors; per fect condition: street paved, paid; nice lawn and roses; was built for home. Price $4600. Call evenings.- Tabor 6441. MODERN house. 6 large rooms and sleeping r"c, also 8 dormes rooma upstairs, 2 closets bathroom, cement basement and furnace, garage with alley ; improvements paid, close in on east aide; all for less than cost to bnttd bouse: price 4900- terms. Oarner .2486 or Broadway 181. ' . COTTAGE. zuytgrjiBod " Sellwood oar. 5 rooms and bath, newly pa pered and painted,, big lot, 60x200, with bearing fruit trees; a fine place for garden and chickens, $260 cash." balance like rent. COE A. McKENNA A CO. . Main 4522. 82 4th 8fc. Board of Trad Bldg. $260 BUNGALOW, 5 BOOMS, MODERN. IBAR LACBELHCRST PABK, $760 CASH. 41380 Bungalow, 5 r. and garage, 2 lots. $2200 Morris at, 8 room house. $700 Woodlawn. 4 room cottage. CHA8. B INGLE R tt CO.. 225 Henry bldg. TO fiUVr-Tr'K! I'QTiTP $2880 Ukes a $4000 home, 17tb it near Ladd'a addition, 80x100 lot, 4 fruit trees, lawn and shrubbery. 6 room house with fur nace. Thia will go qnickly. CHAS. RINGLEB & CO.. 228 Henry bldg. BEATS PATlNO BENT $1380 .$1380 $1350 - YTnma tw. X ma v a- vvV Acaca UilgaU Al CObU VOTBer 77tQ t od 48th T. S. E. - JHA. KiyGLER, Main 8123. Tabor 2952. FINE Botnti in Mfc TahAt i.Bw-v k t - ' , - . """'"Vi v wine rwou. MlaMmillB flUAWtafw .in nftU h1T A. 1 neat, lurfwood floora, large fiwpUc and all built-iaa. beautiful trees, fine lawn, shrabs, P- atreeta. wtwr, all improrements. mvot jv. ro agenrs. auu ft BOOM modern bungalow, hard floors, fur Tiac. .fireplace, beautiful lneaHui' n... i- Hawthorne, $3780. -Term. 602 Piatt bldg. Aig. auaiu ovU. $3860 East Ankeny near 20th. takes 7 room moueru uume, lurnaoe. Itreptace, hardwood floora; in fine condition. $600, $88 per month. Phone Tabor 6441. BY -OWNER Mod.rn 6 room bouse, 60x100 lot. east front, large garage, paved streets, 4 carlines. close in, good district. 83800. 401 S. , iUtll Dts BW XS1T1EUOI3 BX. IKVINGTON Mian on Dnud... id.v'. - T room, garage. 200 feet of rosea and berry bush. $1000 oash. balance terma. East TtnSR! HTtT UlBff n A tr? . T 11 - By owner. 6 room bouse complete in everr il with a n VnmMA -. . , . n - rr .o,.., 1U'V, iBium -- ijuh j.iwr mull for particulars. FOB BALE Modern 6 room house, fruit rose . Dustiee ana nice iawn; cement sidewalks; 4 block Sellwood ear; will trad team, wagon and cow. T6S Harold ave. 1-OR SALE 8 room bouse, doe in, Fargo at. Woodlawn 8871. - - 3 BOOM furnished bouse, chicken house act jGeod terms. JiOl Third st . -- A 8NAP 2 room house, large lot, berries and fruit trees; tee this. Main -4224. 4 BOOM house, lot 75x100, fruit trees, west aide, $1600, on terms. Owner,- Main 4132, HEAL ESTATE FOB. 8ALE--HOEJSES 1 Main! 5433 ' i 6th and Washington j SPARKS-STEVENS CO. t onus oii-lz-10 vrucox nuig. RESIDENCE FOR SALE . A ; sice 4 zoom bouse, furnished complete : chair, tables, range, cast range, bed, all furni ture ; have 00x100 all itv garden; all goes for $1400; $750 cash, belaud $19. per month and interest at 6 per cent Let us show you thia heme. . :: . ' ': v-j 4 "ROOSMtOUSE Price $1250, $800 cao. balance. fl per cent; sewer, ceanpool. city "water, cement sidewalka, good plumbing, toilet and bath,' Hee this. i - 8 BOOM HOUSE "Yot 25x75, 2 stories, bath anC toilet on both floors, all furniture on first floor and basement and linoleum en second floor goes with place, ail for $3200; $1600. cask, balance $25 per month. Look at it. 8 BOOM HOUSE Price $6600. half cash, balance 0 per cent; hedge fence, bearing walnut trees, well kept lawn 4 rooma, hall first floor, 4 rooms and bath second floor, price include an carpet and most furniture. Good value, beautiful home.., i 7. ROOM HOUSE 2 i stories, price $3200, $700 cash, monthly contract - on balance; cement foundation, full basement, city water, paved street, sidewalks, bath, furnace, electric lights, lot 50x100, 4 blocks to school and car. - A dandy buy Main 8433 6th and Washington - j SPARKS-STEVENS CO. STJITE 611-12-13 Wilcox Hldir THE EVENINGS ABB LONO Let us take you out some evening after work and show you som real bom - bargains. We are open every evening. "THE McGUIBS SYSTEM" make it easy to find the borne you are looking for. Over 600 photographs of home that we are offering for sal are arranged in, their re spective district in one displsy room. I have personally inspected and appraised every house. Every - property -w offer as a good value. Come in any evening and we'll drive out 'and took at a few of the best out of 600 homes. IF NECESSARY, I'LL HELP YOTJ MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT. See FRANK L. McGUIBE. To Buy Your Home. Ablnrton Bldg. Main 1068; Main 8186 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 7 BOOM BUNGALOW (4280 VERY LIBERAL TERMS We want you to aee this splendid bungalow, located 1028 Stephens street, 3 block south of Hawthorne, near 84th. Full 60x100 lot and all assessments paid. You wilt appreciate the in terior finish, the expensive fixtures, the massive buffet, paneled dining room, costly plumbing and exceptional lighting fixtures. Of course, it has hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcase, fur nace, etc. Immediate possession. A, G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st near Third. Main 8816. ranch Office: ,5tkr and Sandy. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PASS THIS UP. READ EVE11V WORD OF THIS AD. 8 ROOMS AND DEN $2850 Just think of it, folks, ben ia your oppor tunity to buy a modern bungalow of 8 room and den, with hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, fur nace; wash trays, etc. Located near 81st st There are no-assessments to assume. Surely, you will aiipreciate the real downright value in this home. Liberal terms. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main 3516. SPECIAL 3i00 ROSE CITY PABK Here is sn exceptional buy in thia beautiful district A splendid -2 story bungalow type home of 6 rooma and sleeping porch, fireplace, big ce ment basement, wash tray, all builtin features, fruit trees in bearing. There is a hot water heat ing plant that would cost at least $1000 to in stall;, there is a radiator in every room. We be lieve thia is the very best buy in Bose City Park. Terms. Our auto will take you out. COE A. McKENNA As CO. Main 4522. ! 82 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. WE have -clients waiting with ready money. List your business with uk. BUSINESS SERVICE, 317 Henry Bldg. ONE of the finest 6 room strictly mofiern bun galows on lot 60x100, large, full cement bailment, furnace heat, fireplace, all built-in cflefcu; price $8350. Also 5 room, strictly modern bungalow, mn cenwnt basement, furnace heat, fireplace, all buill-in effects; price $31B0. room modem bungalow, larg rooms, good attie. on 100x100' ground, with lots of fruit and berries, chicken bouse; price $8000. S NEW YORK LAND CO.. 3035 Stock Erehange bldg. Main 7676. $1600 Sellwood $1600 We offer you a swe- little 4-room bungalow; bath, Dutch, kitchen, -60x165 lot. 18 bearing fruit treea, very best of soil. 1 blocks to car. Price only $1600. terms, i i Open evenings. OEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. LANK SET.LS TO CLOSE AN ESTATE ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 33500 Located 1 block from Sandy, splendid loca tion; 6 rooms with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc. Let us show you. a A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Rd. Main 8516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. ROOMS NICE RtTNGAl.nw Fine 6 room bungalow, electricity, gas, fire place, all built-ms, cement basement, laundry trays, cabinet kitchen, 3 bedrooms; all on one floor; sttic; lot 50x100. Price $3100. $1000 cash. $25 month; on K. C8d st, near Glisan. N. Mt Tabor. GBUSS1 A BENNETT, 81 8 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. 74th St., Near Car Line 5 room modern bungalow, 60x100 lot, lovely yard and fine fruit trees, must be seen to be ap preciated. Thia excellent home must be cold at a nacrifice to settle an estate. Here's your chance for a nice home. 024 Chamber of Commerce. neiween l ana p. m. ROSE CITY PARK 33100 " 5 room bungalow with sleeping porch. J Hard wood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, eje., lo cated on paved streets, 2 blocks from Rote City car. Let us ahow you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st near 3d. Main 3816. Branch office 60th and Sandy. 8100 DOWN 3 LI 78 Here. Mr. Bent Payer, buy this, and pay rent to yourself: A 8 room cottage, partly modern, woockhed can be used for garage; cement side walks; Hawthorne car, 65 th st The room are small but it is a real pretty place. COE A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4523. 82 4th St, Board of Trade Bldg. TAKE YOUR CHOICE MOVE BIGHT IN 621 and 833 Halsey St., strictly mod. homes on fine close ia corners, garage, choice location. Look them over, then call me up. The price will surprise you. , RUTHERFORD, 518 Fenton bldg. Bdwy. 637. SACRIFICE SALE $2500 SIX ROOM HOUSE, PERFECT ' ORDER CLOSE IN, 2 BI.OCKS FBOM SCHOOL. BETWEEN 2 CARLINES, CORNER LOT, 50 xl00; IMPROVEMENTS ALL IN. OWNER. WDLN. 870. TERMS. NO AGENTS. $2200 Woodlawn $2200 5 -room modern bungalow, 80x100 lot fruit trees; S block car; $500 down, bal. monthly. Open evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. $5000 For aale, good 7 room two story house, well built! and modern, fireplace,' built-in buf fet, full basement, furnace, finished attic, good screens, well built bouse, nice ' lawn, 1 block from Hawthorne car. 425 E. 57th; good view oi juu nooa ; terms. $2300 SELLWOOD HOME 32300 Here ia an unusually attractive 6 room mod ern home like new. FuB lot $300 will han dle. See FRANK L. MeGTJIRK. Abington bldg. Main 108, Brain 5156. MODERN 6 room buncalow. flrenlace. full ment basement laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, 60x100 lot. garage, 2 block from car. $3500. $500 to $1000 down, bal ance easy terms. 1113 E. 20th N. A MODERN bungalow ready to move into, hardwood floors, nice garage, lot 60x110, some fruit, located at 809 Veraon ave. Can Woodlawn 1194 mornings for particulars. Price $3500. piedm6nt corner- : A good borne in fine location, low price $4000, 7 rooms, 2 fireplaces, furnace, bathrooms, old ivory finish, terms. 1207 Rodney ave. Wood-law-r 2699. ; $300 DOWN MOVE RIGHT IN $2100 " 5610 64th st. S. K.. west of Woodstock ear line, close to school ; modern 7 room bungalow, large lot; price $2100; easy terms. BUTHFORD. 518-enton Bldg. Bdwy. 637. FOR SALE House and 3 iota, with IS larg fruit- tree and good gardening ground, at 1208 E. Main st Must re 11 to close an estate. Price $2800. For appointment see 3, F. Uul- ler. Tabor 4404. ' C-BOOM house, modern except beat, fruit trees, fcerriea. cement sidewalks, 82800.- Soma terras.- 4217 65th st 8. E. : FOR SALE By owner, 8 room bungalow 1 block to car. $1800, some terms; also furni ture. Call 7103 63d Ye. 8. E. 6 AND 6 room modern cottages, close in, good - district; m easy payment. per cent interest Woodlawn 5177. . - - S : . CORNER lot 50x110. 6 room tent house, new and furniture if desired; owner leaving ' city. 1823 Willamette Mvd. i " 3 BOOM bona and '$ lot $900; 6 room mod em house $1250. 404 Railway Exchange. SELL cheap, 1 acre, n room house. Take auto first payment '. Owner. Tabor 4573. REAL ESTATE FOR KAI.F. HOrSES 61 ROSE CITY PARC $3480 $3600 $$850' - Look ft ere, folks. If tip to you to see these new bungalows. , We realise tt fa diffi cult for you to conceive of buying an absolutely new 1919 model bungalow with larg living room, plat glass windows, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cabinet kitchen with breakfast alcove, cement basement, wash trays, etc., on a paved etreet in Rose- City Park, with sewer connections. All we ask of you i to investigate be as akeprJcal as you wish. A great many believe, because - a house is newly boilt it ia poorly built. Com sea for yourself bow these are being built You will notice that every on ia thoroughly double constructed. See for you rue If the grade of ' building material used. During the past week Vw averaged nearly two sale. day- and too, we aold them to critical buyer buyer who- bav looked and looked snd then find that they can buy an absolutely new house at a lea price than many are asking for bouse 6 and 0 year bid. And another thing yen da not hav to pay taxes on the new bouse until 1921. Then too. you may select your own interior finish let your new home reflect your , own good tast and Judg ment indeed, your own personality. Will you do yourself a favor ? Then investigate, A. O. TEEPE . CO.. 264 Stark at. near 3d. - Main $316. r Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS OFFERED tH PORTLAND'S "FIRST-CLASS RESTRICTED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Best ear service; Jefferson high school; larg Pub lie library, paved streets, block with alley, giving inside lota the convenience of comers. NO FINER LOCATION FOB A HOME IN THE CITY Wa are offering a limited number of choice lot at prices, everything considered, very at tractive; financial arsktance it desired. Yoa will make no mil tax in building your home in Walnut Park. A number of others are building in Walnut Park, why not your Call today, OFFICE, 1149 UNION AVE. N.. WDLN. 8304. W. M. KILLING8WORTH, OWNER. NEW MODERN B US G A LOW I Vt ACRE OF GROUND $4000 We have a complete surpriae for you. Let us show you this new, modern bungalow of 8 rooms and large attic. Hardwood floors, fire- Jilace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen with break ast alcove, cement basement, wash tray, etc, on Vt acre of ground, lust outside city limits, within 3 blocks of car and right on hard sur faced road. Hplendid soil. 6c car far .with transfers. Some one will buy thia quckly better hurry. Very liberal terma, A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 8d. Main 381. lOR SALE at a bargain 2 6-room bungalows, just finished, painting on; kcaUd 2 blocks from Laurelhurst, good car service, good view. 5 large rooms on first floor and 2 in attie not finished : hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full basement; extra fin built-ins and inside fin ish. $4000. terms. One in Sunnysid district, best car service. 5 roomt and bath, full basement, lot 60x 112, street paved on both ends of lot, close to school; would consider a late model me dium priced car as part payment; $3000: U-im. Call owner at Tabor 7648. A. J. De'o ' HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3000 TERMS Large 6 room bungalow; fireplace, built-in book cases and buffet; white enamel finiah irx; iarg airy Dedrooms; Dutch kitchen; cement oasemetit. ouxiuu lot; large attic. . A GOOD VALUE Stanley S. Thompson Co. 802 Oak. FORECLOSURE Total price $950 terms. Mod. 5 rm. bun galow, 25x100; widow will sell right to re deem, worth $1600: Fisk st. nr. Col. Pk.. conv. to car. haa concrete bast, best enamel plumbing; "liens paid. G. C, Goldenberg Abington Bldg. Main 4803. "35 Tears in Portland." MR. AND MRS. UOMESEEKER. just look at mis ior cioee-m ana reasonable priced prop erty: 5 room cottage bungalow in good condi tion, bath, toilet electric tights, hot and cold water, full cement basement nice lot with lawn and rote, on 34th, close to Hawthorn earline, and only $2750. I have many other from $2000 to $20,000 each, and can quote a homeeeeker very reason able prices and terma, J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-218 Panama bldg. Mt. Tabor Bungalow Beautiful view property; 5 rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, swell Dutch kitchen. For quick sale, $3500; $885 cash, balance only $20 a month, which includes the interest Open evening. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1O07 Yeon bldg. $1800 WALKING DISTANCE 31600 On E. Couch, between 29th and 80th. Just wast of Laurelhurst. there is a very attractive 4 room modern bunealow on a reared street: $300 down, balance like rent; no mortgage or street Hens. FRANK L. McGFIRE, Abington bldg. Main 1068, Main 5156. WEST SIDE 6 room cottage with all improvements in and paid for, walking distance to town. 385 Front st Will give good terms. WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO. MAIN 14. 85 4TH ST HOUSE AND 100S127 , RODNEY AVE. Nice, large 5 room cottage; large attic, room for 3 mere rooms; furnace, china clout, laundry trays; boilt for a home; good barn for garage; good chicken house and run; some fine fruit large garden space: on Rodney ave., near Port land bird. Pr-'- 00; eav termw. OBUS8I A BENNETT, 31 8 Board o. . r.ue bidg. Main 7452. MT. SCOTT district. 6c fare back to the soil: About an acre, own your own home. $20 down and $10 per month interest 6 per cent on de ferred payments, $1250 and up. Two tract have small houses. . Same monthly payments. Inquire 414 Pittock block. Phone Broadway 784. or 404 E. Alder St., phone East 640. FOR SALE By owner,- corner, 100x100, with well-built house, in - good location, 5 rooms on ground floor, 2 rooms in attic, full base ment, fruit trees, berries, etc; 1 block from car; $3000. terms if desiredT or win sell 100x150 with house for $3700. Broadway 64 u4. $1250 100X100 HOME $1250 Just north f the Mount Tabor car we have a 100x100. 5 room bouse, barn, chicken house, plenty of fruit, etc; $300 down and $10 per month. Sc FRANK L. McGCIRE, Abington bldg. Main 1068. Main 8186. $3750 A PICKUP $8750 FIVE ROOM Modern bungalow, comer lot Improvements all in and paid. -Not farther out than 36th st $500 cash will handle. SEE THIS QUICK. Office E 89th and GHsen st. TABOR 3483 OR EA8T 2086 EVES. JQQQjtjj "in mil , MAGNIFICENT 10 ROOM RESIDENCE, CHEAP: FINEST THING FOR BOARDINg! OR FOR DOCTOR, DISPENSARY ROOM, HOT. COLD WATER ALL ROOMS. TWO SLEEP ING PORCHES. BEST LOCATION. ATTRAC TIVE, IRVINGTON. EAST 278. HERDMAN. OWN YOUR HOME 6 room dwelling, well built and modern in every respect Full cement basement, good heat ing plant, north slop of Mt Tabor. Price rea sonable,, terms to suit See B. W. HAGOOD 600 Journal bldg. Main 4958. A-6051. ALBERTA district bargain; modern 5 -room bungalow, double constructed, large attic, full cement basement, lot 60x100. Price 2 4 50; teims. Phone owner, Marshall 3264. ACRE, 5 room house, barn and chicken house. Oak Grove st. , 8 block couth on river road, red barn. Go and see; if interested call at 42d ana Aiperxa. ajoerta asary. FOR SALE Only $160O buy a clean S room house on paved st. close - to Irvington. car; terms, $678 cash, $15 per mo., inc. int 673 E. 11th st N. FOR SALE cheap, 5 room furnished house, 6623 39th ave. S. E. bet. 66th and 58th ata, 1 block N. Archer Place. Mt Scott car. 8-ROOM house; in good order, plastered walls. Value. $2000; 2 blocks from car line. Will seli or trade. 882 North JeTreyy st St John. FOR SA1F-LOTS 1$ CAPITOL HILL Has city water, school, electricity, gas. telephone and 5c carfare, . WEST SIDE We, at the original owner and offer th fol lowing bargain:.-- - - Choice single lot 60x100 for $300 .; 2 for $600. . , Ow group of 10 lota, about 1 aer in area, $1000. On group of 6 lot. $780. Two good lota, $450. '- SMITH WTLSOJf. 301 McKay bldg. Main' 1004. T-y ACREAGE VI IF YOU want a new, modern 5 room bungalow and aer ground near electric or acreage of any kind call Johnson, Main 6295. 160 ACRES, houee. lota of water, timber. $5 t acre. - H-805. JonrnaL : CHEAP for cash, 2 acres at Garden Home. 4 blocks from station,- East 5860. BASE LINE toad, doe in. 5 acre or lea; $350 - aer. Owner, Bdwy. 4407. .... . BE AL ESTATE ACREAGE $7 8 ACRES GLADSTONE $2100 - Only 3. minutes' walk from station on board walk; dty water, small house: about S acres in cultivation, fine garden land; 1 aer-- higher ground; dandy building spot; elnae to school and church. Thi b a snap. Be it ; - ' v t ACRES OAK GROVE $2680 ." Nice t M acre tract, close to station, good 5 room house, good well, about 40 nice fruit trees, lota of berries, shrubbery, etc. ; garden planted, everything looking fin. - A dandy little home. $1250 cash, balance terms. NEAR ROTHA STA-. OREGON CITT. CAR Beautiful 5 acre tract, all cleared, fin black oil; raise anything; nice building place: about Vi mile from ear, good roads. Th is one of th best tracts we bav. With proper ear will produce enough to support an ordinary family. Price only $2400; $600 down, baL long time, at 6 per cent TUCKER KHRECK. . 601-502 Spaldrng Bldg. Cheap Close In Acreage 19 H acres, located clos to Bonita station, Oregon Electric station. 9 mil from Portland. No stones, all good land, famikf orchard, 5 room house, larg barn, 50 ton ailo. windmill, large hog bone and several outbuildings. This land is all under high state of cultivation. With the place goes X cow, 2 brood sows and all farm machinery. Price $287 per sere, $2000 easBt will handle. Balance on easy terms. See Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. $1750 BUYS new 4 room boose, city gas,, wood shed, large chicken bouse, good brick well, 1 i aerea of land, part in garden and orchard, balance in oats; located 88 minute out on Bed S. P. Electric, near new highway; terma W 224. Journal. V LOGGED-OFF LANDS " Tract 5 aeres up. located within SO miles of Portland on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty water; work nearby. Buy on your own terms. Lneddemana Co., 918 Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE By owner, 19 acres, all in cul tivation, new barn 24x80, 1 mil south of Monmouth, on Pacific highway. Price $2000. Writ for terms. Jess V. Johnson, Monmouth, Or. 4900 ONE aer and 7 room house, bath, gas, electricity; apple, pears, peaches, grapes, prunes and berries. Barn, garage, close to Hawthorne car and Mt Tabor Park. Terms, 2614 67th st S. E. Tabor 953. CHOICE river front acreage, also river view acreage and other acreage near Bisley sta tion. II. G. Starkweather, 602 Broadway bldg. Main 6109. 15 ACRES of fin soil, cleared, 18 miles from Portland, on electric line, right at Cottrell station; $2500; terms, Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. 7 ACRES, all in cultivation, on Capital high way. S miles from Portland; 4, room bunga low, barn, chicken bouie, young orchard; Phone Woodlawn 571 or K-438. Journal. DABNEY PABK For beautiful home site, on Columbia River nigh way. See us. Kabncy Investment Co., room 1, Worcester bldg. $2600 FOR 2 acres at Multnomah, 8 blocks from station. Bull Bun water, gas, electric iignt; part terma at Barron, Multnomah, Oi $100 CASH, $100 yearly buys 10 acres fine land, near ear, school, postoftice, highway. Draper. 201 Wtlcok bldg. CRANBERRT LAND ' 1 to 17 acre. $300 per acre. Wdln. 4088. SUBITRBAW ACREAGE 76 ONE acre. 1-3 in cultivation, fruit trees, 30 minutes from city. 5 minutes to station, on S- P- red cava Owner. U-407, Journal. STJBTJRBAW HOMES 7$ SUBURBAN HOME- FOBD OAtt 2 H acres, all in crop, for cannery; good 4 room house; chickenhouses. You can bav electrio lights, city phone and gas; located about 4 miles east of city, close to Mt Hood electric A good Ford touring car with new tires goes with that home. - CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Bxch. Bldg. Main 6752. FOB SALE FA RSI S 17 80 ACRES. 3800. unimproved. V, cash; trout stream, nearly 40 acres of bottom, fine out range. 40 acres timber, level land, $1200, 1 mile to highly developed neighborhood, H cash. 8400 . 140 acres, nearly all level and in cultiva tion, seeded, large house and barn in good order, some timber and creek; will subdivide in 20, 40 or 50 acre lots; good terms. 40 acres. $1400; good house and barn. 10 acre, in calti)tion, all bottom land, on Ocean highway to Tillamook ; terms. 40 acres, $600. half cash, outrange, clos to school and church. Address PJSTEBSON'S CASH GROCERY. Grand Ronde, Or. ALFALFA LAND THE MONEY MAKER ONB CROP PAYS FOR THB LAND 40 aeres of alfalfa mean plenty. 80 acres means wealth. Crops are certain only on irri gated land. I offer 40 acre tracts near Bend, Oregon, jiiitt tremendous development Pay $7 per acre down, no more for 2 years, then 10 years on balance of $63. Deep, rich soil, level, free from rock; rural mail delivery, telephone, school, fir." rocri ar4 splendid climate. See me or write for bargain list $35 to 870 per acre. Water rights alt paid. G. S. Ehle.- 614 Swet lsnd bldg. WANTED Owner wishes to deal directly with party wanting good farm proposition in Clark county. 80 acres, 12 miles from Vancouven 13 acres fn high state of cultivation, tile drained; 35 acres partly cleared and in excellent pasture: balanced scattered timber, partly cedar; -all well fenced. No better soil anywhere, all tillable No hillsides, rock or hard pan. Good house, barn and other buildings. Bearing orchard and small fruits. Completely stocked and equipped. 3950,0 takes everything. Prefer cash, but can arrarlge terma for half. 814 W. 17h at. Vancouver. Wash. LAST CHAVr'tc- 1 a a jttt-'e . -. . . . 1.1. ,. l'J - - 80 acres, black loam sqil, 85 miles from Portland; 4 miles from It. K., rock road to land, close to school, neighbor and highway; 15 acres ha been cultivated. . Some prune trees balance easily cleared. Some timber. A good .T.9creek- ;i0..rock- Pric $1500 cash. Ad joining land $60 per acre. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON & McHARDT I his Is a Bargain of a Lifetime 1 . AT '"eI- deep, rich soil, water right cojt $1600, all paid; seven mile from Bend, on good road, rural mail, phone, etc. Owner must sacrific qufck for $1050; pay $650 rash and $40O on term or $1000 all cash; remarkable &l bi. a Ehte (bmi- oniy)- 61 A pOD home at Mt Pleasant 64 acres, about , 8 under cultivation, good 4 acre family or chard. 2 acres in prune trees, crop all in. 1 larg barn. 7 room house, running water through tne Place, all necessary farming implements. Place all fenced. Mail route at door, also phone. Good soil, fuie view of Crown Point North Bsnk IWaeh o Plce- H. W. Bellinger. Wash- . DAIRY RANCH : 810 acres. 1 mile iron, whitesen on R R. fine spring water, 2 seta of buildings, ailo. cows horses, hogs, goats, implements. 800 cords of wood in pile; fir and oak for 3000 cords; 110 crops.' C-n stone road. $75 per acre: $5000 cash and 1 house or 80 a. of timber Have asthma. 1296 E. Salmon. Tabor 862L 160 acre farm in Northern California, all fenced and cnl'.irated. house, barn," granary, ma chin and blacksmith ship; tools and farm im StFiJJ! .Possession st once if desired. Cash 2600, balane at 3 per cant Price $8000. U- " . wtsuiuai. 9!t urr ta Ap'pftAT, . 11 - 20 acres, well improved, good soil, fine spring and weU. mil school, church and town I and barn full equipment, livestock and imple ments; $1500 Will handle, bal. easy terms GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 VecS bW FOR SALE By owner. 10 acre ranch,' i .ere cleared, 4 acree in crop and family orchard ? ,"T,re ,redyito Plow. 2 horaes and harness and saddle. I light wagon, 2 bnggies. I Jersey cow fresh in Uy, 3 dox. chickens and farming .tfcafi iVa00- 188 E- m 10 SflLES FROM PORTLAND 10 acre tract, fin leva! land, on paved high way to New Berg; auto passenger and freight servic daily from Portland. Would make a beautiful suburban home. Can be bought at a aacrifice. See it at once. ai a .GEO T. MOORB CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. 200 ACRES. 8 miles southeast of Turner." gev erai fin oak groves, plenty water, well fenced, good 8 room boua. lust papered. 'Good large barn with hay fork. Several pump and troughs over place. Further particular inquire of R. A Wilson. 480 Sooth Pin st. Roseborg, Or. " 120 ACRES. $2000 Just listen to this: 10 acre now in culti vation, with a good 4 room house and out buildings, clos to milk route and1 splendid school. 8 mile from Timber, Or. Let us tell you more about It: well worth investigating. ) vtE.vj. i. awas w,iiwi 1 eon bldg. 6 -ACRE farm ior sale, 28 miles from Portland, in Willamette valley; a large houd and barn, som fruit: Just th place for chickens and dairy; part cash; . 8 years on balance. Call evening oetwecn 6 aad for Mr, Patera. 411 Williama ave. - $50 DOWN. $12.50 MONTHLT . V Fine, level 20 A. tract of unimproved land, 8 miles from Hillaboro: $87.50 per acre; fine soil, running stream, good ahack. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 782 Chamber of Cooimarce bklg. Open evening and Sunday. STOCKRAISING farm for sale, $4000; good - soil: 6 hours from Portland. Washington cwinij. rnium giiegier. tvi i Clinton 40 ACRES for sale; good terms; no trade. Ad dress Albert WoHhagen. Boring, Or.. R. 3. , 60 ACRES for sale. 44 in cult. ; good terms; no trade, i Albert WoHhagen, Boring, r., ..R. g. REAL ESTAT15 FOB SALE FARMS IT Aeres, all in. cultivation, 6 . room nous, wan, good well and spring, oa Pacifio highway; team, cow, chicken and farm . implements; . $4200. $2400 cash. - ' 20 Acres, all good land, some cleared, good new barn; $1600. i . i- 40 ' I - Acres, all good land. 5 acre cleared, fenced, baildingt ; $2500; part rash. i 130 .- ' Aerea, 78 ia crop, good boos and 3 barna. 75 aheep, cows, hone, best of f araa maentaary. oa good road 6 miles from Oregon City; price $116 per acrei i 62 Acre. 35 in cultivation, fair house and barn, SOO bearing trees mostly prune, 30 acres in grain; team, cow and farm machinery; $6000, $3000 cash, balance long time. 8. O. DILLMAN. 8th and Main sta,, - Oregon City, Or. I HALF CASH i Best bargain in Willamette valley: 67 acres, $5000, with th crops, i 4 10 acres fine timber, 17 acre in oat. 4 Vt acres in wheat, 20 acres in tarn grass, 1 sera in clover, 1 y acres oat and vetch, 1 acre in potatoes, 1 acre in kale. 86 bearing fruit treea, mall fruit for family use. small stream in pas ture, 7 room bouse, neat and clean, 2 wells with pump, woodshed 12x20, 2 chicken houses, lshog bouse, barn 50x50, 4 stalls; 10 patent stanchions, on fine road; land adjoining school aad church, 1 mil to 2 stores, P. O., black smith shop, garage and Catholic church;, will sell also with tools and stocked; owner on place. PETERSON'S CASH GROCERY. Grand Ronde, Or. GRAIN AND CATTLfc MAKE WEALTH For the producer when be ia located on cheap rich land with good markets, where taxes and interest do net consume the proiita. Be a pro ducer and grow rich. Thousands are now doing so. W have the 'proof. We can show you. The very-best of farms, implored, - $15 TO $40 AN ACRE Easy terms. Reduced rates. Write or call for facts. UNITED, GRAIN GROWERS SECURITIES ' CO.. LTD., 624 Henry bldg. IN THE SUBURBS. : 30 acre of good soil. 8 mile from the courthouse. 7 room house with fireplace ; ia well furnished: horses. ' cows, hogs, chickens, timber, pasture, running water, fall grain up fine, garden is up; I arm is fully equipped. Price, $7000; half. cash. Phone 8F2, Oregon City, and I will come and get you and show you the ranch. A. E. L., R. 1. Box 83, Oregon City. Or. FOB BENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT On acre, 8 room house, barn. chickenhooae. Oak Grove station, oa the river road, 2 blocks west and 8 blocks sooth to the red barn. Go and see if interested. Call at Alberta Dairy, 42d and Alberta. Bent $8 per month. FARMS WANTED RENT OB BTJY 88 WANT to rent from owner small tract of land with buildings, close to Portland, suitable for chicken raising or general farming. Pay cash. 17-403, Journal. WILL pay cash for a good farm near Portland. Call at 814 Stark st. near 6th., Portland. Or. HOMESTEADS 47 jIOMESTEAD. A STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH IN THB CENTRAL OREGON EMPIRE In the land of opportunity; the fastest grow ing and most rapidly developing country in the U. S. The home of the big bunch grass, fine grain fields, great herds of livestock, general prosperity, new Ry. construction, great irriga tion projects, etc. Will you come now or wait until too !ste? See nie or write for )rticuiars. j; 8. EHLK. 614 Swetland bldg. LAST CHANCE For Sale Homestead relinquishments, 36 miles from Portland, 120 and 160 acres. A-l soil, some timber, some open land; creek and road on land; one mile from county road; neigh bors handy. JOHNSTON A McHARDT. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 160 ACRE improved relinquishment in Eastern Oregon, level and some Mater for irrigation ; also ttock and tools; trade7 for touring car or clear vacant property. 8630 64th st. S. E. COUPLE of good homesteads to qualified set tlers. Tillamook Co. H-441, Journal. TIMBER 39 40 ACRES heavy timber 20 miles from Port land, value 81500. for sale or trade for few acres with improvements. Phone Bdwy. 2604. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 91 EXCHANGE 210 acres, 100 under cultivation: all fenced; gasolia lighting system; 0 room bouse; located about 11 miles from Eugene, Or., on main road. Price $15,000. In exchange for an apartment bouse, hotel or store. What1 have you? 8. O. Dillman. 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City, On 80 ACRE farm, 9 miles from Estacada, 13 acres under plow. 40 tillable, good young orchard, barn and outbuildings; no house; good team, farm implements, value $3000, for clear house and lot in Portland. Inquire 19 11 E. Irving St.. M-V car. GOOD 5 room house, lot 50x100; Vt block from WS car near Gladstone ave. Now is the time to buy. as my tenant is moving. I will take Liberty bonds and give terms on balance. Rob't S. Co Jr., owner, 384 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 4726. Price $2850. Itllt SALE or trade, Duncan's opera house for acreage in the Willamette valley; building 60x 103, on 1st t In main part of dty. Address T .B. Duncan. Newberg; T. C. Duncan, -367 E. IfVlh st. Portland. Or. ACRES, all in cultivation, trade for bouse. 1.0 acres in Clarke county, bouse, barn, etc, 6 aerea in cultivation, mile from station ; will consider some trade. 404 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. FOR SALE jor trade. Equity in first class Al berta firm for small fruit r.-nch or city prop erty. Montgomery Apts.. apt 37. East eth and Morrison rf after 5 p. m. East 051. ACCEPT auto or lot and $550 cash aa first payment on 8 room, mod. bungalow. 1271 Gay st, corner Ainsworth. St John car. SALE OR TRADE Astoria, 2-3 interest fine view lot. Alder brook add. J-271, Journal. 402 ACRES Stock ranch H mile gov. re serve, for place near Portland, Vancouver or Oregon City. X-olZ, Journal. A GOOD Studebaker 4. 7 pass.. '17. to trade for acreage any place in western part of state. J-275. Journal. 40 ACRES, right near town Eastern Oregon, as first payment on house or business property, Portland or vicinity. H-43, Journal. EXCHANGE 40 acre farm, all in cultivation, good buildings. Wolf stein, 114 lit. .. 500 PROPERTIES to sell and to exchange Send for my list Bos 275, Salem, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATB $1 200 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 69 SOLD LAST MONTH 42 FIRST 13 DAYS OF APRIL $500,000 WORTH IN 1918 Naturally we need houses to sell. We have been established since 1880. We advertis ex tensively, am in touch with ' majority of buyers, have 10 experienced salesmen each with an auto at bis disposal. Most efficient selling organ isation in the city. List your bouse with us for result. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 5156. Main 1068. WANT desirable home of 6 rooms, or 5 room and sleeping porch, in good part of city; must bo paved street, with or without garage, but room for one; will pay a bigh as $4000, but not less than $3250. Pay $750 cash and $50 monthly. H-45, Journal. WANTED A 6 room modern bungalow or cot tage, on or very near a streetcar. Holla day addition preferred. Che. Hirst el. 104 Sherlock bldg. DON'T WORRY - I can sen or trade anything anywhere. Layman, 147 Prk t WANTED 5 or 6 room modern bouse witE two lots, not over $3000. Full particular and location first letter. X-ols, Journal. i WAVE a client who wants a lot between V 25tb and E. 60th artd Hawthorn ave. and E. Lincoln. N-628. Journal. TEXAS land wanted; give legal description, name nearest town and cash price. George Walling. 841 itn st - WANTED 1 to 5 acre Improved. Must be a bargain. U-240. JourtiaL K OR H acre on Capitol lull or Ryan. Phone East 8726. ROOMING HOrSES St JAPANESE, TAKE NOTICE 42 room place, completely - furnished, ftewly renovated throughout, lease, rent $73, clearing $200 month. Can lease to Japanea. Trie $2500. Terms. ' . - - . J. BRUCE GODDARD, -i ; . V 502 Couch bldg. WANTED -Widow or ainsle woman that haa furniture for 10 room house to operate right seeing hotel at beautiful resort rent free. Writ H. A. Phelps. 268 E." 46th. 10 ROOMS. $700 Genuine bargain. - . J. BRUCE CODDAHD, 602 Couch bids. HOTEL for rent, furnitar for sale, in coed liv town, eheap. - , GEORGE; MORSE, 809 "-Cham, of Com. 33 H. K. rooms, income $216; rent $40, No egent. Price. $1400. East 8629. 7 MUST sell 27 H. K. . rooms; good location. Phone Broadway 3459. ; $$ FOR SALE OR TBAIJK . . ' T8 reran, lobby and restaurant, furalahed. About 16 miles south of Portland. Thi i a money maker. - Only $5500. Good terms to experienced hotel people. - - i . - : " S. O. DILLMAN, 8th and Main sts. Oregon City. Or. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $ GROCERIES, confectioneries, ' cigar tores, ho tel i and rooming houses. - Cobs and talk with as. Man wanted to buy half interest and drive 8 H ton truck. Hav contract that wijl pay at least 428 day.' Thia is good. $1100 required. See Mr. Tydeman. , . BUSINESS SERVICE. i 317 Henry Bldg. $6000 WILL buy a half interest in a well established business. Doing $2500 and bet ter per month. This is a proposition that will stand the test Experience not essential but must be able to give references. . Hav a lady wanting a' partner In business; a . real money making proposition. Will re quire $700 to hand! this, but money is to be used in the business. SPARKS-STEVENS CO., Suit 611-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. Main 6433. . 6th and Washington. FOR SALE OR TRADE Sawmill. 60.000 capacity and 30,000,000 feet of good green saw timber, together with oamps and camp eauipment and logging outfit complete and ready to operate. Will consider trade and partial payments. Bail or water ahip menta. R-449, Journal. WANTED at once, .well experienced well driller with a little) money, to take interest in a Star gasolin well drill, running now and lota of work ahead. Tell where experienced and bow long and age and if married or single. Address C. E. Lewis. wallula. Wash. FOR SALE Country store, doing general mer chandlae business. $4000 stock; cheap rent: very pleasant place to live Good reason for selling. Blair Bros., Jasper, Or. GENERAL merchandise man. married, desire permanent position in good country town, thoroughly experience! and reliable, capable of managing; references. X-819. Joifrnal, FOR SALE 1 H -tn truck and established transfer business; a bargain. 143 Front Ask for Wat kins. After 6 p. m. call Wdln. 2302. GROCERY. STORE SNAP I bar two of tliem. west side, real bargains. J. BRUCE GODDARD. ' 502 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE Dr. Stone s drug store. Salem. Or.; established 22 years and run on a cash basis.. Dr. Stone has saved over $100,000 from the store.' Must retire on account of age. FOR BALE Hemstitching, pleating and button bnsine-s ; long established and paying well; owner retiring; $4000. X-818, Journal. GOOD buy in Seaside buslnes property, paying 6 per cent net; $25,000 will handle it. bl- aoee easy terms, r-oio, journal. WELL established grocery store, 30 year one location, stock and fixtures, low rent A. FOR SALE Laundry, doing tine cash business. auto ueuTery. run sias equipment iv 440, Journal. OLOCERY STORE for sale; stock clean and staples; good location; doing a good business. tor particulars, tunmbia 187. SUNN YSIDE grocery, stock and fixtures: new, desirabl (tock; $1500. Tabor 1811. W. II. - . ix: u ... luuiiiiwuiiiim utlSllienH . requires auto and $500. 604 SpauWing bldg. HAVE client with cash wanting a busiiies7"Whst have yon? Main 6305. 14 RTVL'll - t ..... ; , j . CARPENTER. $600 per month guaran.teed; only $2000 required. Main 4 190; NICE small business, money maker; will aacri flee account other business. 201 3d. JUST on market today: Grocery, confectionery. Evans and Absher, 414 Gerlinger bldg. OMPLETB cutcher's outfit Call Tabor 2380. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . WANTED $8 IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL List your hotels, apartments and rooming he uses with us. We get result. DORCAS A CO.. 920 N. W. Bank bide. MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 7 OUR installment plan is th best and surest n:ethod of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $16.17 for 90 months, pay $1000 loan and irierest Other amounti in proportion. W loan on improved city property. Or for building purpose. No comrataeiou charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION zsawtarx St. Portland. Of. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rate of interest OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. $300.. $400. $500, $800. $750 and up. low est rates, quick action. Gordon Investment Co., 681 Ch. of Com. Main 6445. CASH paid for mortgage and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermen bldg. $250. 3350. $400, $500. 3600 and larger amounts: current rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loane on city or suburban property, money advanced aa work nroaresses. W o Beck. 215 and 216 Fairing tildi. Main 8407. MONEY to loan in amount of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. II. BELh, Room 10-11. Mnlkey bldg. MONEY for mortgage losn. $500 to ' $6000. o inn rrea a. W illiams. z H lt st $300. 500. $780. $1000. no ' com.; quick etion.1 Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE loans. 6 snd 7. Louis Salomon Sc Co., 408 Selling bldg. SEE OREGON 1NV. It MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and 8tark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES $7 DO YOU NEED MONEYT Loans mad on automobile, diamonds, pianos, household goods or anything- of value. Security usually left in your possession : ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them up, advance you mare money if necessary, and you can repay us in small monthly payments to suit your con venience. LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed.) 806-307 Dekura bids. Marshall 8288. Salary LOANS Chattel WB LOAN MONET On abort notice to salaried or workingmen on their own note. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. .Each transaction strictly confidential. NO. MORTGAGE. NO INDOKSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, piano, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED - f 218 Failing bMg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL IX) AS ASSN. , Established by Portland Business lien to Protect the Borrow e LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE City and County Warrant Cashed for- Face Value. CARRIE MYERS HERRMAN, MGR., . 894 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry ; legal rates; all articles held a year; established sine 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. FINANCIAL $1 LIBERTYBONDS CASH PAID FOB ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. SEE E. BCRKITT. SECRET ART OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO ' 212 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) COR. 6TH AND ALDER STS. BEFORE SELLING YOUR . . - Liberty Bonds Secure Our Prices , W buy and eell all issues G. E. MILLER ft CO.. 205-6 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Mala 4198 BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH . . SPmCASB V , CAS it FOB YOTJTt RKCEIPTO Mall bonds t use; we remit return aaaO. ) Loan mad oa Improved real estate long time or monthly payment plan, v Car to 723 Case Bid., 8th and Aldet. CELLARS-! Ult TON CO, - LOANS WANTED 8 MUSt HAVE CASH UUICK , $500 at - 8 per cant; only ' want for hrt time, so will pay fair bona besides; real estate security. -4. Journarr LOAN wanted, $1200 on house and lot in South , Portland, ;7 3 years. CaU Main oai, SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 233 Chamber of Commerce, 4 th and Stark. ROOMING K3TJSES SI 81000 WANTJSD. 7. . Oa 10 A. Irrigated land. lota, boos and large barn, near gtanfield. - Fred W. Genua Co. j 782 Cham, of Com. .- ' -' - '- - - - - HORSES, -VEHICLES. Bta 1 A PAIR of black mares. 4 and 8 year bid. 8750 lb., sound and gentle: a-6-year-old dark gray mar and 6-yeer-old sorrel horse, $2800. Th best pair of iron grays la the state, for anybody and everybody to handle, 6-years-old, 2800 lb., sound: also bar a number of. heavy bones - I hav taken in exchange; all kind of harness nd wagon. I hire by th day, week or month to responsible .people. All stock guaranteed as rep resented. -,..-! CROWN STABLES. 288 Front t PHIL SUETTER. TEN sets of double and single work harness, 8 farm wagooa from 2 inch to 8 inch. 10 head of mare and geldings: all good worker and gentle: weights trom 1000 to 1500 lbs. Also a few cheap horses fr ranch work. 'Wood yard stable. East 9th and Hawthorne, or phone East 8106. ' TEAM bay mare, weight 2700 lb., full sisters, 4 and 8 years, old. bias face, kind and gentle, guaranteed sound sod best of. workers. No further use; will sell reasonable. Wood stock car to 34th st, 5 blocks south to square red barn. - GOOD BARGAIN Bound express wagon and harness, new iron cultivator, 1 8 inch bone plow; must be aold very cheap; all new. Charles Lohksmp, R. 2, Hillsdale, Or. FOR SALE 7 -year-old mare, weight 100 lb., wagon, hartMwa and saddle, all in good con dition, an Tor $100. Call after 8 o'clock.- v nings. 1550 K. 21st at.. Sellwood. I HAVE 10 head 1 to 8-year-old horses, Eab ern Oregon. Could us Ford delivery, truck. some cash. 654 East Salmon t . East 6933. YOUNG horse and a eheap one, sell or trade for cattle. 252 E. 60th st N. North of Tboweys. HORSE and wagon, 31.60 per day; 2 horses and wagon. $3. J. Cohen. 546 Front Main 2208. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call woooiawn ao, Portland Rendering Co, DEAD Loraes taken quickly; cash paid for cow Mil crnpieu xaoor ecutf. TEAM, wagon, harness. 029 E. 80th at Phone Sellwood 505. , . LIVESTOCK J FOR SALE On fin bred 2-year-old Jersey eow; fresb Jan. 1st, $100. Day-old White Muscovy ducks, 60c; flock of bantams. Whit Rock cockerels, $3, or will exchange. 1740 Ytayiana st prion Columbia 407. FOR KALE Fresh Jersey cow, young, gentle, about 4 gallon rich milk daily; pedigreed New Zealand Red rabbits,- $2 and up; honey bees $6 colony.. 691 Clinton. Sellwood 666. 6 COWS, fresh from 2 to 10 days, 4 of them Jersey, the other 2 Durham, 4 heavy, rich milk er, will sell regardless of price. Woodstock car to aetn st, o oiocas soma to square red barn. 3 FINE young 4-gaL family cow; also young heifer. 614 B. 8 1st N. between Bras and anott. nroaqway car, FOR SALE Fine graae Jersey-Durham 8-year-old eow giving 40 lb, milk par day. D. E. aaenaennsu, uiucaaa, ur. FRESH dairy and family cows, all breeds. Gentle family eow. -855 to 875. Take dry nd beef cows in exchange. 751 East Ash'. 25 CHOICE Jersey cows, fresh and springers. 287 E. 0Vt N. Tabor 8924. -E. H. Myers. GOOD family cow, $6fH 735" E. 76th at near Sandy road. 1M TOGGRNRKUG buck kid goat 810; worth 2Q. 124 5 Halsey t Tabor 0408. 6 DAIRY cow, give from 4 to 5H gala.'' 82 as lirove. CHOICE doe kid and Toggenburg buck kids. Tabor 5460. FOR SALE Pig ready to Wen. Phono 95 J, Milwaukie. FINE Jersey cow. fresh; also bav rabbit. 1343 Glenn ave. N. Alberta car to end of line. GOATS with kids for sale. Main 74 9T POULTRY, PIGEONS. PET STOCK 37 WHITE LEGHORNS ARE THE MOST PROF ITABLE breed of poultry. If ybu ar in th business for profit you will eventually hav them. Early broilers, early layers, early profits. W Rel: only Whit Leghorn baby ehlx from heavy laying Hoganixed hens. Safe delivery of full count live chix guaranteed. Price per 100, April. Alay and June delivery, $12.50. The Pioneer Hatchery, 405 6th st.. Petaluma. CaL Schneller's Poultry Farm Orders taken now for May hatch. Single Comb White Leghorn baby chicks. 1540 E, 18 St. N. Phone Wdlwn 1198. MAGITIRE'S DAY-OLD CltlCKS EGGS FOR HATCHING -Brown. Leghorn White Leghorn O. A. C. Barred Rock It 1. Red Hopunized stock of highest quality. - ' Hatches off May 6, 7, 14. 23 and 29. Or der now. i J. It. MAGUIRE. 787 Oregon st East 1803. CURTIS White Wyandotte. "Eggs that HATCH from HENS that "Lay?' $2 per 15. M. E. Curtis, Hillsdale. Or.. B, D. 2. Box 242. Main 8280 and lain 8389. , FOR SALE One Rhode Island Red cockerel. 6 hens, rose comb breeding strain. Light spring wagon. Mount Scott ear. 97th at, 3 block outh. last house to left - REEFER'S more-egg tonic makes champion lay er out of common barnyard hem; $1 pack age; every package guaranteed. For sal by A. N. Oabrlclson. 1071 E. 22d N., Portland. Or, BABY CHICKS FOR BALE. Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minorca, beat stock j prices reasonable; safe delivery guaranteed. C. N Needham. Box 412, Salem. ,Or. WHITE LEGHORN pnllet for aale. 8 month to 1 year old. 6343 84th st B. E. Tsbor su PERKINS' Whit Leghorn chirk, splendid stock; natcnes oil assy v ana l. c Lu jt era Ins, 1837 Burrage. Phone Wdln. 1618. WHITE leghorn setting eg. O. A. C. (train. a.uu per hundred. Bolton (West Linn) W Lite Leghorn Ranch. Went. Linn, Oregon YOUNG leghorn laying rjen and pullets, $1.78 each; large English-type bans, $2 each. . 787 Oregon st Roso City car. THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca hatching .eggs. Mammoth strain. Columbia 695. 1600 Fisk. - WHITE Leghorn baby chick; larg English and Tancred strain, hatched today. Call after P. and Sunday. Tsbor 1 603. 100 OR more thoroughbred White Leghorn chick for sal or trade for tent or -fly. U 401, Journal. I'OU egg the year round get T. A. Hodgdon's R. C. Rhode Island Red and English Whit Leghorn. - 172 Grand ave. Phono Kast 6824. fHOROUGHBRED Flemish Giant rabbits'," '(tee! gray and black, for sale eheap. Call after 0 p. m., wooaiawn z7. 1070 union ave. N. BARKED ROCK baby chick and egg.' Tabor liB. AO I n. BIST r. . WANTED Second-hand portable chicken bouse. vau rssc oaov. WHITE Leghorn chick today; alao later hatches. Master Incubator Co. Wdln. 4844, MOHT Brahmah eggs, 82 per setting. 4788 pum su. p. is n wy X19. RHODE LSI. AND RED egg for setting for aale. Tsbor 1060. r FOR SALE Whit Leghorn baby chick. t. W V A A BARRED ROCK eggs, incubator lot snecfaitv! Mr. Evns. 668 E. Lorn hard. Wdln. 1658. BAKRED Rock hatehiniegga $l.S0per aetttngT $8 per 100. Tabor 4658. RHdDE Island Red and Buff Orpington egg for Mmwvr 009B. ALL .Vn.dof Ut and dressed rabbits, cheep. Stall 7, 2d and YamhDl sta. TeL Main 1185. FOR SALE One incubator, good, cheap, if sold war Phone Belt 8474. ClllCkS for sal. Tabor 4670. ' ' SETTING hens for aale. Phone Kant 2844. O A. C. Barred Rock eggs. Tsbor 6550. DOGS. BIRDS. FETH. ETC. 46 RABBITS- Selling out 2 New Zealand. 2 Bel, gian does with young, ' 1 New Zealand buck ; also other ages, well bred, 3 laying Whit Leg horn hen go at reasonable price. Phon Wdln. 8 C' H" Cna-eric. " W. Jeswrp st. CANARY bird sr worth from $3.00 up. Com - ad bear my $15 St Andrea berg singer; sll yellow, too, J. A. Denaatt 220 Fargo st waits. 4 3 1. THOMPSON'S Bird Store buy and sell baby birds. Call or address 967 Mississippi ava. i-OTXiana, jr. WANTED St Andre-berg Roller;.' must hav oft. perfect song. H-806, Journal. AIREDALE Black and Us; pedigreed. $15; U-406. Journal. - - 7 CHOICE canaries at "The Canary Bird Shop." Singers guaranteed. 1 151 E. 28th N. C-2217. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 191$ FOlfo, good condition, $475: term to suit, CkU 190 Chapmaa et Phon Main 1167. ' - - - ; WINTON six; excellent mechanical 'condition -almost a give-away If taken at nc. . U-241, THREE peed twin Indian equipped, praam rsnnem; a pertain, j;a, HHS -Zil st OVERLAND for i by owner, $250. . Good ctwibmhiw tires. i'J.Yt ff, mt St 1 BCICK roadster, 1 Dodg. 8, Chevrolet. 2 : Maxwell. 28$ 2d t: ' - . . STrGAIN Best Hap 32 to PorUand. ' Ttor 1809. - - - - - -. - FOR RALE Ford bug. Call Wdln. lOTiT BUG bodies built to order. 439 Vancouver ve. jfrlS FORD delivery; A-l condition. B! 7004. 191 8. DODGE, SJJijfiu. bniitii Auto Co. LOANS WANTED AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 1 There's Just One Place ;to Go - When Looking for a. v Used Car You wil always find - plenty of ears her, and the ear you want may be ber now. No Need to Have All Cash A Small Down Payments and -We Trust You for the Rest But fiurry let us know your want. He th aatiif action of dealing with a huua ahicU specialize iu car of merit only. The. Portland Used Car Store The Biggest and Busiest Cor ner on Broadway at Burnside Open Evening for Your Convenience Phone Broadway 616 VARIETY Her It is. any kind or typ you may waatl 1918 NATIONAL. " 1918 HCPMOBILPi. 1917 HUPMOBILE. . . 191T GRANT, . 1916 GRANT. ' . . .' 1$18 MAXWELL. 1918 DODGE. ' . 1918 CHEVROLET. 1917 FORD ROADSTER, ' 1914 FORD TOURING. . MAN LEY AUTO CO. i BURNSIDE AT 11 TH ST, BRQADWAY 217,, Light Car Bargains 1918 Ford roadster, aepa1nfcd,"overtiuU(5, A-l condition ,,.$3R 1917 Ford roadster, lik new, new tires... 40 1918 Ford roadster, demounlabl wheel. , xtra tir and - rim. tool box, ped ometer .......,..,,..... 47, el tc trio lfebta and Urter5 fin hap. ,-, 450 Chevrolet baby grand, iu good cotulition . , ' 600 WIILAM U HUGUbOX CO.. ' 80 N.' Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 821. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. PORTLAND AUTO ... RADIATOR SHOP . W xaake and repair bdi, . feBder. radiators, wind hieMi, '.lamp, ga tanks, oil psns. sin. . Speedster bodies nepclalty. Alt work guaranteed. 835 Alder t f cor. 17th. Phon Bdwy. 641. 1918 CHEVROLET , . , t , . $ lio-i . 1910 . Chevrolet 4 f 1917 - coupe , ,,,., 6 'mi 19F7 Dodg . . ....,;,,..,,. I'l'l 1916 Ford touring - .j ,,.,,.,,,.,.,. a '! 1914 Ford delivery H'i 4 Studebaker 4 i. J. ; -e .'. ,. 640 Com early. All ! anarMi, i . 445 HAWTHORNH AVE, ' ' ' v- . DON:T .TABS THESE UP ' ' ITudsoB four ... $ -199 Studebaker four.....,'. . ' -J9 Coi "Z0l . ....... ir. i .. . 193 CONLEY'S T'SED OAR CENTER, I. W. Corner Washington and 16th St. DIVISION GARAGE 1372 Division St. t Phone Tabor 5918 Expert Auto Repairing V"lJ I J '11 J I l.l . la i r. iiiouei com. iooa jise nw.' fern sorbers, fancy - pressed steel dash with i iustments connected, ga saving devic get ai high a 26 as ilea per gallon; Visible dash (1 gauge and ga atauge. N on rattle equalising steer age, cutout, time whistle, speedometer. A fn-T liUl'carv Only $'490 cash. Phone Hell. lr..t 191$ - MAXWELL . -.- .You ' know a Maxwell if bj. "good .shape. 2The fic i -right i ' ' COPLEY'S USED CAB CENTER, S. W. ' Corner Washington and 16th Bit. I NEED a little money and need it ba l. V i let ray Studebaker 7-pas go for $350. 1 .t electrio starter and light, good tire, good car; half eash, balance in 10 montlia N. v. c,r. 14th and Couch st Broadway 440$. 1918 CADILLAC Perfect mechanical condition, for aale at a aacrifice. Call Bdwy. 8 12 7. Ask for Mr. Klppsr. NEW AND USED FORDS Tea can get a new or used Ford of Willi m l: Hughion Co., authorized Ford dlr, at bu FORD aedan, lust lik new; beat hand starter, instrument board, speedometer, electrio rlr-k daah light lock, headlight intenaifier, etr 8750 rash. Ask for Woodruff. Eat 8770. FOR SALE? OB TRADE 1 ton truck with de. livery body and top, in good condition, good tires. Call at 6604 46th ave. S. . after P llinr, I nurwiay enq g ruiay even. 7 sat Studebaker, 191810 month. Bmt wieenanlnal ennditiAtt' all mrA L-.. . -1 J-270. J ml ma I 0 MOTORS, gearings, bearing, wheel, axiee ai.l trailers we wreck all makes of ear and ! their good part at half price. Ivid Hodee Co . Broadway and Flanders at. Broadway 1 1 VA1!.!18?. touiTKm r, oil ev uT.LT.rr tV.AJ?D J1.9..1 MAXWELL AUT0MO- . ' tHM lAGOOb fJAft 1 iwmr ! aksl 11 f r) B.tLT 9. AVTUa 4tll kl.t-all -1 ' -I s '"' cueep ear rn- trade; must bav $2oo eash. Tabor 1H9T. AT acrifice, 6 cylinder Saxon touring ear lS Trust bldg.. or phon Mln 1792. MAXWELL tonrifjg. just Uk new. $6Bd.3"f dowB. $82.60 per month. . N. W. Cor. 14 j nd Couch. Broadway 440$. 1300 DOWlTBT B kfAJtWELL " tot,r A.iyVi? AND GOO UL. FOR SALE 1917 Ford, extra. A-l eiu.',..a' .9H.2.,bo5 o 100 after ft;8tf p. aa. aod buu. Main 2974 during dty. - MI ST sell my nearly new 181d Maxwell tour- ln, e.e. A-l t.M U.flAT t , WINTON 6-14 roadster, $Idgood ' khie" wvm. . am aval. nl lor trxer. iliHT Six Buick. bmilh Auto Co., I'srk a 1 Couch sta. ' . . 1H7 MAXWELL. $600 will bny thi car,' ' tl tS. Morrinon. Phone East 6203. . FOUD PracUeally new, '.at aaie. Owuer. i2 2 let at. N. Alberta car, . , TTT. FORDS,, lot of 'em again, mit& Auto Co., Park and Conch at. WILL, sell ny 1917 MaxweU eheap. X iii, . Journal. SPOT cash 'paid lor ued car, beai.r' I -l C Clearing Hou, (.rand av. and K, IJ luu want r. oariain ia a jjii hri Andrews, 1161 E. Morriwn. Phone r. h t f ? f'- i . 1918 FOBD sedan ia firt cls oon.l.n.m v.,.J xtr. good tire. Phone 1 t 6f. 1H7 CHEVROLET. fcaaiUi Auto Co., 1 1, a.,1 tf'wlch are. ' ' (Coatiaaed oa loiiowuis k