THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, MAY V 1819. Burnished houses . IiOIiKHN 5-room huuaakiw mad aleeping porch, ! j $25. Tabor- 7888.,, . . FURNISHED bow, wood, water, rent fraw for 3 cc of 2 eliildren. 1252 Belmont- , rBf8TarnUJd'riWn od -. 120. 10O Grand ave. N. CL'irxTaifEfD &-room botu. 888 Grand v. N. I APARTMENTS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED f Hart? Aoartments iLf- Frwly tu rota bed. modem booaekMitec and frig room.1 62.6Q and UP Second and Yamhill. 1AGNOLIA ierUneBta - tarnished single and double boueeaeeptng , nom iw imt'iHi .fflUUU. Telephone 212. 1AMLET ApsrtmenU. S6 13th st tare unfufntahed airy outside rooms, n- modern. LARGE. Clean, light front room, weU furrilsbe i aiTeueneue. awv ; range, w 117 Ottt r A , m iwii imnvniw .' i - ... . ... . . . ' .. t . AAA 1 ( 0. Tl m ill v locatMj waiarag uwmcp. 7s wHftcTSMS. bath andphon. 838. " 18S"K. -2351 f st Marahsll 2232. '.,-'- -..-.-, V . 8 OK 4-BOOM funi-hed aiOwlth private bath. J HO rain near wwnmi. na7' jNEW YORK apte. K. Belmont and 7th. B. 288. . FOR RE NT FX ATf vmB vifluirh ' rmwr 111 tA rent 4 room. 1 bnth.'$is. 1111 AIHna are., - KlUinw- JMODERN, 6 room; beat. U and phone. TabnT ZBlo, ft. ROOM flat for rent, Pari furniture for eafc. .. T FURNISHED FLATS 88 tF.AUTIFUL 8-room furnished bungalow flat-1 ia Meal new modern home, elegant new ana t i.erv : thw must be seen to o arHrociatra. For appointment call Col. 998. - ' HOTELS 5HOTEL for rent, all famished, at Saltair beach. I 19 rooms, a good propoaition to right party. tmnrr. . ' - i (tEUKGE' MOKSrr, Iff t;iim. 01 jom. ; TOR RETTTmSCEATTEOPS 88 4'OMVLKTE butcher ootfit. Call Tabor 2880. WAITTEU-TO REKT 1 1 WE WANT v TO RENT j a 5 room up-to-da U dwelUns in select nciffhbor bood. v JK8W HnBn( I IW BIIU BlMiuuimwa, via turn any vacancies, phone Hear Toxetber. ears of N'orthwmt 8teel Co.. Main 1188. TOCNO man and mother wamt amall famished bxnue) or flat wtth modern 'oonTetuencea; cent, not more than 880. U..W. Jones, alter 4;30 t m.. V enable hotel; both phones. , WANTKU To rent or 7 room hou, fur nished;, adults; must be modern and reason able rent handy to -car; would consider suburb an home with some aroands. Phono East 8400. WANTED 18 or 20 vacant rooms suitable for raoiamt house.' -Call Main 264. ACOCPI.E want nicely famished house. Phone VANTE1 8 room nnfaraished bunslow; ref erences. 8 in family. Tabor 8853. ' WANTBD To rent a ft or 6 room house for 'one year. Call East 4482. ' HEACH PROPERTY CANNON BEACH lots in first block to ooean, '. inside, 8278; corner ! lot. 8880; one small furnished ' home. 8800. ' Bellwood 2308. . ; .RBAI. ESTATlr BUSINESS PROPERTY 88 12 PER CENI " vTarehooae, Sooth Portland. raDroad frontacel crick, strongly built, two stories and basement: net income more than 12 per eent of price. See fc . H. W- -HAGOOn 800 Journal bine. Main 495. A-80SJ BUSrNE.S 'corner Albina are., at Humboldt, 1 u Y A. owner, ftast 3IH0. B44 ursnam. FOR SAtF HOltSES 81 A MODERN attraetire bnnealow in Walnut Park, choice residence district, within 2 blocks 'off S eariinesr urine and dining rooms. 5 bed rooms, den, sewing room, kltcnen, pantry, 2 baths. 3 laratortes. storeroom, cement base merit. 'hot water heat. . Call at 1099 Garfield are. tfStSt 1fi00 EASY TERMS Look at 89 KUlineaworth are., just east of ' . Vnioa? are;, 6. rooms and bath, 9 roqma i ' i down -and 2 upi plastered; easy terms. if tin .-l:,-.. S04;.Hy. Exert hW. 3 - .''I . TO SETTLE ESTATE 82880 Ukes, a 84000 home. 17th t near lAdd's - addition. 00x100 lot. 4 fruit trees, lawn and shrubbery, S room house with . for ce. Tola, will go qniecly. . CHAS- RINGLKR -& CO 2S8 Henry bldg. FEATS PATISQ BENT . 81880 . 81850 8180O Komer sweet ' heme ft rooms, large - garden; garage, 81 00 less than it cost. Corner 77th t ' and 48th are. 8. K. CHAS. RINGLER, Main 8123. Tabor 2882. 82650 boys 7 r. stone house worth 84500. 82060 buys 7 r. fine house worth 837S0. . These are not erery-day bargains. .'Jump at them now. Homa terms. - 3. t. KENNEDY, 829 SALMON TAKE TOUR CHOICE MOVE BIGHT IN -. 821 and 883 Halser St.. strictly mod. homes on fine close in corners, garage, choice location. !ok them orer, then call me up. The-price i 11 surprise you. i RITTHEKrORP, Bl Fenton bldg. Bdwy. 87. 8 ROOM8 andl"re pantry, 40xlo7To?TfencedT . 3.. l.ree ' ehrrv r,.M . n.11 frnit m ne .home! 1 0 hMl tA Tramnn aaMn M "Kcotr car; 8t0q. 8100 cash, 810 or $15 per i v ii.i. am pansy man, ooin are. ana 7th st. ( Brgntwood. ) Phone Tabor B887. 4' LA RGB rooms and closet, electricity, gas, ; water, large bam. lot 80x128 and 20 foot alley, a blooki to school. 5 to ear (Mt. Soott) , 100 feet to rock stirface St.; 81700. 8700 cash. Sea Pansy Man, 65th are. and 7h at. S. E. rums Taoor- oost. NEAT LITTLE LENTS COTTAtiK 12nn " $100 down $18 monthly buys neat' little eot taga. with bath and toilet; 10 or 12 large bear i rag f roMf trees; elosa to car. red W. German Co; 782" Chamber mt Oonuneroe. Open ere- niags- and Sundays. SIX ROOM HOPSE. .PERFECT ORDER f VCIiOSB IN. 2 ' BLOCKS FROM SCHOOL. BETWEEN 2 CA BLINKS. CORNER LOT, 60 xlOO;-vlMPROVKMENTS ALL IN. OWNER. WW.JI. ,8T. XKHMB. NO AGENTS. 140x00 5 room house. 81150; .Multnomah ; vv-terftth, "i-sti ' H. FiUgfbbon, 401 Board of Trade. - - '. ' ' . By owner : ' i B-Room furnished bungalow, . nicely located. jwriram. -nooaiawn 0S02. 8800. TERMS, buyg good 2" room' house; lot 60x100; chiokeDhonse. fruit. - berries, near St.-Job.rMu . Inquire OOtf B. 21st N. - EXCEPTIONALLY well buUt-6- room house. complete., on SO ft. lot. 8 -blocks from K. O. r. 83200; easy terms. ' Tabor 8SS. . BARGAIN acre. 17 fmit trees in bearing and small fruit, old house, chicken house, 4c: 82000. .terms. Tabor 20.18. --. KSJ1VTON "Jf0?1 lot 25x100. $650. Terms. MX-, vqoprr, 4 ioa uervf sc. nd batsnc- uh; n tnde nd orchard. Una tm: ' . n i awmha t-riT imum ku rnw I UUO 73x200 garden tract, in cultivation, with 8 room house, price 9t0, $75 cash. " MARSTERS, 201 Wilcox Bldg. OWNER offers for sale modern room home, pleasantly located. Price $3150; liberal terms. Discount for cash. 4421 B2d are. H..K. BOUSE for sale by owner; B room bungalow in Bose nty park. . For farther information, call UMBIi A AW '. ir ii' I.m.ii1. ' " '- ' . ' 1 - "' irosH, Derrtea ana , other fruit; lot 80x100; all for $380 cash. $2 K. 87th at.. MontarUla car. . , - Z "1 S eS'ton - . - i'5-Iloon modern bungalow, comer. $2000; wwrcn (jsuu. iaa k. uxmr, lies ueny-a& "TY .bungalow, -hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, all builUins; fine condition; one block iuw aiuthw BUI-OUOHr SS, OOT XOtll. TWO 5 room cottage, bargains, east aide; price $1875 and $2200. terms. Tgbor S8S or B.-'" - " ' - "- '- ' VOR -SALE By owner. 5 mm bungalow 1 block- to ear, 81 80,-some terms; also furni- Tvre. ch 7ioa ta are. s. E. ft AND 8 room modem eottagea. close in. good district; easy paymenta, e per cent InUrest WoodIawn 2177.- ' COItNEB 1st 60x110. S room tent Jionse, new, i asid furniture if desired; owner leaTing city. 1823 Wlllsmette bird. - . $2000 Modern ; 8 - room bungalow. ' ftne lot. irviiuu, nomnoca, cteuwoea 139a, GOOD 10 room house, class in. fog sale. Terms if desired. Phono Tabor 6100. MODERN 5' room bungalow, near school. -stores arm canine; price ziun. Uall 4804 04th. Iadd addition, modem 8 room house foe sale. Terms if desired. , Phone .Tabor 6100. NEAR Benson Polytechnic, reasonable. owner. . uau evenings. H ROOM house and lot for sale. 6810 86th n. i-J . , nr,i vvui . rr. . mi ckjii cir 3- ROOM, alisck. lot 50.100 $S00;. terms. - Broedwa y 20 Oregon bid;. 1'OR KALK 5 room house, close in,' Eargo St. Wootltawa 0371. REAt, ESTATE 3S OB BALE HOE8E8T" BOSE affractire IV CITY PABK Very affVactiro 1 H atorr G room bungalow: thoroughly modem, $ nto bedrooms, fireplace, furnace, (hardwood floors, good neighborhood, 50x100 JoC This is a nearly new home, con struction first-class and decided bargain . at 84 lOO. ) We hare a large phot, at .thin beauti ful modern home in our office. ' . f ROSE MERE BUNGALOW lust north of Sandy on 4Bth at.; looms large, light and airy, fine neighborhood; pared street' Csid ) ; everything first-class. Just the kind of a thoroughly saodera, roomy home that is hard to find for the price, $4750. : It would cost at j least 81000 more to duplicate this property. .. - - , . - .. J. , ROSE CITY PARK On 57th at, near Sandy. Nearly new, thor oughly modem and very attractive 1 H story bungalow. One of the prettiest homes in Rase City Park.' Very large living roosn aad recep tion halL large dining room with French doom opening iosto large front poreh. roomy kitchen, two bedrooms downstairs and three nice large bedrooms on second floor; nice 50x100 loU The Price of I this beantifnl home is $4250 and 1 a great buy at that price. j SOUTH . PORTLAND " 4 room cottage oa Hamilton nee., pared street (Teidl, corner lot, garage, 1 block to car; good largo rooms. Price only $1600. This place ia convenient to shipyards and all west side industries, $850 cash and halinne tike rent. f HE CR088LEY-VIGAR8 CO.. (270 SUrk St. Main 8052. j " SPECIAL 88000 ! BOSS CITY PARK Here is an exceptional buy in thU beautiful , . mwmj mmiaiDw lype nome fm' sleeping porch, fireplace, big . , .acu.cui., ,au uaya, ait Duut-ln fea tures, fruit trees in bearing. There is a hot water heating plant that would cost at least 81000 Tto tosUU; there is a radiate i" Jvery ito-TCT.. wTZT 9 reTJ " boy in ' mam. Terms. Our autos will take 8, M KEJ?NA 4523 83 4th st. Board of Trade Bldg. - A 4 EOO .modem bungalow, must be sold at tiZHVii,, m!nnte,l r4d" f'om 8d and Morrison. toandieth 'U tb"' U n9c' Mioel Httla a ' ' ... ' t. . ' . .wm, IHIUKJ, u u sat. neou r :ne. 46xi0O rot; BBOOand aobd t,rm7 CHARLES GARDNER SI 3 Broadway bldg. Main 2507, - HtAirTIIPlTf. DtTM, i t ftm -4 . $3150-Hem is a bargain, s truly wonderful modem except fumace, in perfect con dition, inside clean and attractive, liv- large bedrooms, hardwood floors, fire- "sm mi Duiu-ioa, iuu cement pea n snent. wash trays; Improvements- all paid; Jn West morels nd. Can we send a machine for you to see thisT Mam 688. . 2I4 R. gJ-reJ, lIO K PThn TUP T n Wr vta . v.. , v&m svuilo ralSW I tlKAA. 1, 1 1 - cottage, 5 large bearing fruit trees; lot 42x100; street Work all In and paid; for $600 cash, bal ance monthly; located at 87 Nebraska at-, hi Mpck from 2 carllnes. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. . Open evenings and Sundays. $3100 Furnished $3100 4 blocks Union are., near Ainsworth; 6 ran., all oui one floor, large attic, bath. 60x100 lot The furniture is good grade and plenty of it; must be sold; $900 down, balancs $25 month. L- Open evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10O7 Yeon bM. ' $100 DOWN 81175. Here, Mr. Rent Payer, buy this, and pay rent to yourself: Aft. room cottage, partly modem, woodshed can be used for garage: cement aida walksj Hawthorne car, 65th at. The rooms are small j but it is a real pretty place. COB A. McKENNA A CO. M. 4522. 82 ;4th st. Board of Trade Bide. BUN0AIJOW. has ft large rooms, on of them 204x14. with fireplace: bath roof (no-fixtures), water and gas, lot 80x100, 10 blocks to Twmont ear (Brentwood), MC Scott carline. 5"LThe Pansy 3Ian Pansy Plants. 2 So per dos.. th l a ve. and 7th st 8. E. Tabor 5887. mavvj .., SZOU CSSJI. rwwiifAoa-'" rKAP; FINEST THINOJBR IWARDINg) OR FOB DOCTOR, DISPENSARY ROOM. HOT LrSAEt8 ALL OOMS. TWO BLEEP. IJO PORCHES. BEST LOCATION. ATTRAC TIYE. IRVINGTON. EAST 278. HEKDMAnI i OWN YOUR HOME 8 room dwelling, weU built and modem in fTrrT respect 'Full cement basement, good heat ing plant,, north slope, of Mt Tabor. Price rea sonable, terms to suit See -L. . 5eW- HAGOOD BOO Toomal Idg. Main 4BB8. A-6051. ROSE CITY PARK Beautiful bungalow. S rooms and attic, strictly modem, with all builtin features; linoleum In kitchen, bath; heavy screens for all windows and doom; per fect condition: street paved, paid; nice laws and rosea; was built for home. Price $4600. Call evenings. 1 Tabor 6441. $1800 WALKING DISTANCE $1800 On K. Couch, between 29th and 80th, just west! of Laurelhurst, them is a very attractive 4 room modem bungalow on a paved street $800 down, balance like rent; no mortgage or street liens. See i ' FRANK L. MeGUIRE. Arlington bldg. Main 1068. Main 6156. MODERN - house, 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, also 3 dormer rooms upstairs, 2 closets and i bathroom, cement basement and furnace, garage with alley; improvements paid, close in on ' east side; all for less than cost to build house; price $4900; terms. Owner, Marshall eon or pnawway jsi, $2860 BUNGALOW, 8 ROOMS. MODERN, NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. $750 CASH. $1350 Bungalow, ft t. and garage. 3 lots. 1 $2200 Morris St. room house, S700 Woodlewn. A mnm nMm CHAS. BINGLEB ex CO.. 226 Henry bldg FOR SALE by owner, a nifty acre in Park Rose, all under cultivation, 8 block from Columbia highway . and ear. 1. block, from hard surface road, good 8 room house and outbuildings, lights, f" -and water, bearing fruit trees and berries. 82BO0; $1800 cash, balance easy. Phone Sell wood 898. . 82300 SELLWOOD HOME $2300 Here ia an unusually attractive 6 room mod era homo like bow. Full lot, 8300 will han dle. See , .,....... FRANK L. McGUIRK. Abfagton Building, Main 1068. Main 6156. SIX room .house, close in on. east side, in very sooo. conoiuon, rtrepiace largo reception hall, large bathroom. 15 minuteV walk to business center. Price $8750. Small payment down, bsl. monthly if desired. 1 , , jn. iv. mooke. 817" Board of Trade. $2200 Woodiawn - $2200 5-room modem bungalow,.-50x100 lot, fruit trees; 2 block car; $500 down, bai monthly. Open evgninga. .,.-.- GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 100T Yeon bide. MODERN 6 room bungalow, fireplace, full c raent besement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet. 60x100 lot, garage, 2- blocks from car, $3600. $500 to $1000 down, bal- 1 r r GREEN HOUSE. 4 acre." A-i soil, ft room raodera bungalow, good bam, variety fruit, fenced. 4 blocks to car; $4000 : easy terms. - SLETTEN V JONEsT Maih 2558.- - , - -. 24 1 PIEDMONT CORNER vnrgl hi nil, in fin. In ;,.-. 1 . , ... iiriacea, rurnace. z bathrooms, r.wSS 2T Rodney are. Wood- B ROOM modem bungslow. hard fkora7fur. naoe, fireplace, beautiful location; corner lot. SlSSno'l."0' S 'fife hnllKsw fl Wsasrs aa wwl . ' -m a . f?i i'I--'1" fc - N$200adowr:; $3650 East Ankeny near 20th. takes 7 room modern home; urnsce. fireplace, hardwood floors; in fine eondiaon. Iff 0, $35 per month. Phone Tabor 6441. - ; 4f ... . . BY OWNER Modem. 6 room house, 50x100 IJt east front, large garage, paved streets;- 4 earttnes. close In, good district $3900. 491 E. Jm wwl ssv. sirmi irgBHlB BT i - - j KENTON : 4 Eoom hotts,; iwoxioo lot; pear, prunes teiayHr-n BUY from owner and save eommisaion. 7 room modem house, large fat. and porches, garage. tool house, flower . borders and rosea. House not, built to ecu. Good terms. Main 8879. fOU 8 ALE roo m modern, nttnctlvobungat ; low. U8- E. 24th st. ,N.. close to csr. ose to Vernon school, at a bargain. Call sfXerS p m. - " . - - i -i WEST SIDB, WAUCLNti DISTANCE ' 5 room house, $2200. ' i . GRAHAM. ' T24 Chamber of Commerce. - .' Main 1484. FOR" SALE House and 2 lots. $1800," terms, at . T :CLr Bnrul lu hU nd 1 lot garden fn.ri?hene 085Y. 613 W. 81st st, Vaneoufer; Vrasn. ACRE, 6 room house, barn end chicken house Grove eta., Mocks south on river mad! red bam. Go and see; if interested 11 at 2d and Alberta. Alberta dairy. """-- 4 BOOM plastered bungalow bath, electricity. gs, cement basement, . in good condition; lot 50x1 .00 ; fruit, 3 blocks to car, 20 minute to 3d and Morrison sta. Tabor add. Woodiawn 2583. 5 ROOM house, bath, toikt, aosue liuitE.ttiUj Uaut 6b9. RE A I. ESTATE FOR ALE HOUSES 81 I BOSE-CITY PARC . . ' $8450 $8e $3850 -Look here, folks. It's up to you to see these new bangs lows. resKie it te diffi cult for you to conceive of buying an absolutely new 1919 model bungalow with large living room, plate glass windows, hardwood floor, fireplace, full cabinet kitchen with, breakfast alcove, cement basement, wash trays, etc.. est paved street in - Rose City Park, with sewer eonnectiona. Att we. sek of you is to investigate be as skeptical as you wisb. - A great many believe because a bouse is newly built it is poorly built. Come see) for yourself how these am beteg i built, t You will notice that every one) is thoroughly double constructed. See for yourself the grade - of building material used. During 'the past - week we averaged nearly two sale a- day and too, we sold them to critical buyers buyer who havu looked and looked and the find that they can buy an sbsohitely new house- at a less price, than many are asking for houses 6 and year old. And another thing you do. not have to pay taxes on the new bouses . until 1921. t Then too. you may select your own interior finish let your new homo reflect your own good, taste and judg ment, indeed, your awn personality. Will you do youraelt a, favor t Then investigate. . A. G. TEEPK CO.. 264 Stark st near 3d. Main 8516. Branch Office : 60th and Sandy. PIEDMONT PIEDMONT PIEDMONT Do You Want a Piedmont Hornet $5000 Beautiful bungalow, largo plate glass windows, strictly modem in every de . tail, 6 rooms, hdwd. floors, all built-lns, large mirror door; everything the vary ..... bt: krage; imp, pd. $7506 Beautiful corner - .bungalow.- T rooms and billiard room,' double garage. lOox 100 corner; hup. pd. ; no mortgage. You have undoubtedly admired this home while driving around Piedmont A pleasure to show this home. By ap pointment ONLY. J. A. W ICEMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 583. HAWTHORNE $4100 - Some bungalow, folks. Don't overlook this one, 6 rooms and breakfast room. This is right up to the minute in every respect there is not ena single thing lacking to make this the ideal bungalow. You would expect .to -pay so ueh more than present owner is asking. Lot 60x100. No assessments to assume. Right on the Hawthorn carline. You can't afford to pes this up. See it quickly. You will ap preciate the real downright value in' this beau tiful bungalow heme. n,M A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st near 3d. Main 3516. Branch Office: 50th and Bandy. . LAURELHURST $3350 -Her is a lovely little home. H has big Hving room, with splendid fireplace and built-in bookcase; a -large dining room, with handsome buffet; a white Dutch kitchen. 2 pretty bed room and bathroom, with high-grade plumbing fixtures. The rooms an beautifully finhed in ivory. The lot is 50x120 feet Just think of buying a home in Laurelhurst for $8550. Owner leaving dry; requires $800 cash. May wo show you today f - COB A. M-KENNA sVCO. Main 4522. 82 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. $2800 A SIX Boom bungalow with sleeping porch, on eor nvt, east aide, cement basement furnace. $600 cash will handle, balance $25 peg month, includ ing interest MAIN 1 TOO. TAROR no Ertrsru LAURELHUR8TCO.. 270 H Stark st Mt." Tabor Biinp-fllnw Beautiful view property; 6- rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, swell Dutch kitchen, f 5. ouick -800: $885 cash, balance only 320 a month, which includes the interest Open evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg, . ROSE CITY PABK BUNGALOW $3500 Located 1' block from Sandy, splendid taca non; 6 rooms with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet cement basement furnace, etc Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St. near 8d. Main 3516 orsjicn rfiioe. wtn ana Bandy 2 50 ADJOINING FRANKLIN HIGH" On a full lot on E. 62d st, facing on Frank lin high, school campus, we have a-, very un usually attractive typical bungalow with 5 rooms, fireplace, paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, etc. It may be bandied on very easy terms; bargain. Bee , t , FRANK L. MeGUIRE, Abington bldg. Main 1068. Main 51 B. $1600 Sellwood $1600 We offer you a swe little 4 -room bungalow; bath, Dutch kitchen, 50x165 lot 16 bearing fruit trees, very best of aoil. 1 hi blocks to car. Price only $1600. term. - Open evenings. , GEO. T. MOORK CO., 1007 Yeon Wdg. . WEST SIDE '5 room cottage with all improvements in and paid for, walking distance to town. 385 Front st Will give good terms. ' WAKEtflEI-D, FRIES CO.. MUM A 85 4TH 8V $2875R. G. Park $2875 6 room bungalow, bath, batltln effects, fire place, furnace; a very nifty home; 60x100 kit. tt block from car; $800 down. Open Evenings GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 YEON BLDG. X? JIO A V A r" 1 VT "HT'V IT AIL- 9 t9 rl On Holgste street, 1 block from Woodstock car, we have a 5 room attractive Bungalow, whits enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; vacant; very easy terms. See FRANK L- MeGUIRE, Abington bldg. Main 1068. Main 8186. P.AT.T. 11(19 X! UlTllsnv D'T HOUSE OPEN AFTERNOON MAT 2 6 ROOM BUNGALOW MODERN Good lot, hard surface paid; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement Price $3150: $500 cash, balance easy. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK E. EAST DAVIS ST. 7 ROOM. SNAP Good 7-roora 'house, on 50x100. paved st. sewers and all paid, lot 50x100; a snap at $2350; $500 cash. On K. Davis near 29th. GRUSSI dt BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. . Main 74 52. MT. SCOTT district, 6c fare back to tho'soil": About an acre, own your own home, $20 down and $10 per month, interest 6 per cent en de ferred payments, $1250 and up. Two tact have small houses. Same monthly payments. Inquire 414 Pittock block. Phone Broadway 784. F0R 8ALK By owner, comer. 100x100, with wwii-BUM nouse, m gooa location, a rooms on ground floor, 2 room in attic, fun baae raeptr fmit trees, berries, etc. ; 1 block from csr; 38000. terms if desired, or will sell 100150 with house, for 33500. Broadway 4 94. ; $3750 A PICKUP $3730 I FIVE ROOM Modem bungalow, corner lot improvements all in and paid. Not farther out than 36th at $500 cash win handle. SEE THIS QUICK. TABOR 8468 OR EAST 20K6 EVES HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1500 Very neat 5-room cottage with 8 Cxi 00 lot; assorted orchard just coming into bearing; nice garden: good chicken house and yard; good cess pool: electric lights and gas. $200 cash, $10 monthly. Fred W, German Co., 733 Chamber of Commerce.- . ONLY $1275 Six 'room modem bungalow, large porch, basement garage, almost new, electricity, gas, garden in; bargain; hard-surface street near' school; owner must sell. Mt Scott car. 4827 8 2d at S. E. Part cash. Phone Tabor 8175. $800 DOWN MOVE RIGHT IN $2100 6610 64th st. S. E., West of Woodstock ear line, close to school ; modem 7 room bungalow, large lot; price $2100; easy terms. HUTHFUKU. 518 Fenton Bldg. Bdwy. 637. FOR SALE House nd 2 lots, with 13 large inns trees ins smea gsraening gTuuutf. at 1208 E. Main st Must cell to close an estate. Price $2800. For appointment see J. F. Mul- ler. Tabor 4404. , . s $21 DOWN. $21 MONTHLY PRICE $1051 3 rau cottage, sink, patent toilet, connected with sewer on paved et, close in, 8th and Beech sta. Price $1050. Fred W. German Co.. 732 unamo. or uom. - open' evening and Sundays. $6500 WILL buy. our double flat, in fine eon- drtion, easy terms; good location; always rented: modern: close In; fireplaces, 4 blocks from grade and high school. Owner. 630 East Alder, East 8243. WHY NOT BUILD? : . " Get an artistio homo by an tstablMied archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything; furnish the money if desired. L. R. Bailey Oo., Inc.. contractlng-architect, 924 N. ' W Bank. C-ROOM modem . house in finrt-etass condition, j U clear, full cement basement choice w near car, 82600. $1000 cash. $25 monthly. Also 5-room bungalow. I Inquire .1911 E. Irving et., M. V. car. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN By owner,- 6 room bonee complete in every detail with garage, an honest bargain at 84750; terms. - Phone Tabor ,6807 for particulars. FOR BALE Modern "5 room house, fmit" bnahea and aiae lawn : cement aidewalkx. a block ScUwood car; will trad team, wagon and cow. 766 Harold eve. .,-. - MODERN 6 room double constructed bungalow, A-1 condition, lot 50x100, for sale or trad for 10 acre tract near good road; price $2300. iz.i is. gitBx. n. BOOM house, full eoncret basement, 60x100 22d 8. Phone Sellwood 8099. 4 ROOM modem - house, : cement basement, r $1400; small payment, easy, terms; 4 block to Mt. Scott car. Tabor 8S61. 8 . ROOM furnished bouse, chicken bouse act Good tevuMi 201 Third st. SNAP! room house, large lot berries and Iru trues; see Uua Maui 4224. . REAL "ESTATE FOH MI.K HOUSES 'll-YWi'SMl EXTRA INDUCEMENTS OFFERED IN ' TIWM PORTLAND'S FIRST-CLASS RESTRICTED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Best car service: Jefferson high school; large public library, pa fed streets, I blocks with alleys, giving inside lots the convenience of comers. NO FINER LOCATION FOB A HOME IN THE ; CITY W are offering a hmited number of ' ehoice lota at prices, everything considered, very at. tmctlTe: financial assists nee tf desired. You will make no mistake in building your horn ia Walnut. Park. A number of others are bunding in 4 Walnut Park, why not you! Csll OFFICE, 1149 UNION AVE N., WTLN. 8804. - W. M. KILLINGS WORTH. OWNER. THE EVENINGS ABB LONG ' Let as take you out rau evening after work and show you some real bom bargain. W are open every evening.' "THE MeGUIRE SYSTEM" V make ft easy to find the horn you am looking for. Over 600 photographs of home that w are offering for sals are arranged in their re spective districts in ono display room.- I havs personally inspected and appraised -every - house. Every property wo offer ia a good value. Com in any evening and well drive out and look at a few of the best oat of 600 homes. IF NECESSARY. I'LL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT. FRANK L. MeGCIRE, To Buy Your Home. -Abington. Bldg. Main 1068; Mate 6166 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT T.KOOM BUNGALOW 84250 VERY LIBERAL TERMS - . We want you to see this splendid bungalow, located 1028 Stephen street, 3 block south of Hawthorne, near 84th. Full 60x100 lot and eU assessments paid. You wiB appreciate the in terior finish, th expensive fixtures, the massive buffet, paneled dining room, easily plumbing and exceptional lighting fixtures. Of course, it has hardwood floors, fireplace, book esses, fur nace, etc Immediate possession. ' A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark t near Third. Mate 3516. Branch Office: 60th and Sandy. 8 BOOM BUNGALOW, $2000 SLBJSKTA DISTRICT Located .pear Union 'and Ainsworth uvea. Entrance halL good size living room with fire plaeo. dining room with buffet. 2 bedrooms, built-in kitchen, large attic Price reasonable to close estate, $000 cash, balance term to suit ' BLAKE REALTY CO.. 103. Over Citisens Bank. Tabor 8588. Day and Evening. 8 9? Bungalow, fireplace, modem, Patton's .addition1. $8700, $700 cash, balance terms. 5 rooms; Jonesmore addition, 1 lot full base ment. $2300. 7.rJoomf'Jth furnace, concrete basement,' lot CJxlSO, $2500, $300 eash. balance monthly. only ,E,oao: T 104 S5X16' PlMtered- TUCKER A 8HRECK, oui-ouz Spalding Bldg. $3150 West Side $3150 8 room residence, facing the river, with beau tiful view of oaks, etc; 60x100 lot, hard sur face street This is not a new bouse, but is ex ceptionally well built and would make a delight ful home; will accept as low as $200 down, balance 6 per cent interest Them is no mort gages on this property. Open Evenings GEO. T. MOORB CO. 1007 YEON BLDG. $10 PER MONTH 1U9 11UW.N $1200 A REAL BUNGALOW 31200 A real modem plastered 5 room bungalow, attractive lines, built just previous to war, whim enamel plumbing, elee. and gas; you can't build th" house for less than $1800; 2 blocks to car. FRANK L MeGUntE. To Buy Your Hoane. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Main 5156. . CLOSE TO HAWTHORNE CAB 88000. Term. 7 room modern bungalow. 100x100 lot; fire place; reception hall, built in effects; enam eled bathroom and on -bedroom on first floor. This horn face east, and ha a fin view of Mount' Hood. STANLEY 8. THOMPSON CO., 802 Oak. 74th St., Near Car Line -, 6 room modern bungalow, 60x100 lot, lovely yard and fine fruit trees, must be seen to be ap preciated. This excellent home must be sold at a sacrifice to settle an estate. Here' your chance for a nice home. 924 Chamber of Commerce, Between 1 and 4 p. m. $1250 100x100 HOME $1250 Just north of the Mount Tabor car we bar a 100x100, 6 room house, bam, chicken house, plenty of fruit etc; $800 down and $10 per month. See FRANK L. MeGUIRE, Abington bldg. Main 1068. Main 6156. GRAND AVE. HOUSE SNAP- Good 6-room house, comer lot 50x100, on Grand are. and Skidmore; value $4000. Will seU for $2600 with paved street and all city lien paid; any reasonable terms: big snap. GBCSSI eV BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade. - Main 7482 Sellwood car, 5 rooms and bath, newly pa pered and painted, big lot 60x200 with bearing fruit trees; a fine place for garden and chick ens, $260 cash, balance like rent COB A. McKENNA V CO. M. 4622. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. ' SEVEN room Irvington home, 50x100 foot lot, 2 fireplaces, furnace, fnll cement basement bathroom, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, doe to school. $4750. Term if desimd. L. K. tAKAi wrwtuo KA,AA Woodstock district, 2 blocks from car. Nice corner lot fmit trees. $150 cash, balance terms. 8MITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 3 ROOM house and 3 lota $900; 6 room mod ern house $1260. 404 Railway Exchange. FOB SALE LOTS 16 CAPITOL HILL Has city water, achool. electricity, gas, telephona and 5c carfare. WEST SIDE " - We are the original owner and offer th fol lowing bargains: Choice single lot 50x100 ' for $300 ea. : 2 for $500. One group of 10 lota, about 1 acre in area, $100Q. - One group of 6 lots, $750. - Two good lots, $450. SMITH A WILSON. 301 McKay bldg. ! Main 1004 EQUITY in fin acre. 8 blocks from electric line ;J will sell cheap for cash or giv terms; would consider good trade. Main 2879. FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 lota in Richmond. Cel. Tabor 1035. ACREAGE 87 2.81 ACRES ERROL STA. Nice level tract all cleared, fine fruit and berry land, small - house, water . piped from spring, fine roads, 7c car fare; will trade Jor Portland house and lot up to 83000; price $2600; terms. ! . TUCKER SHBECK, 601-602 Spalding bldg. NEARLY 2 ACRES. $85 CASH 8. E. side, near paving, good car . service. Level, high and sightly. Very easily cleared. Move right on and put up temporary nous, build better later. Lot just over the Una sold st rat of $1500 per aero. Price $840, your own terms. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 806-6-7 Lewis bldg. $1750 BUYS new 4 room house, city gas, wood ' shed, large chicken house, good brick well, 1 A acres of land, part in garden and orchard, balance in oats; located 85 minutes out an Bed S. P. Electric, near new highway; termsT VV 224. Journal. . r FOR SALE By owner, 10 acres, all in cul tiration, new bam 24x30, 1 mile south of Monmouth, on Pacific highway. .Price 82000. Write for terms, i Jess V. Johnson, Monmouth. Or. - - 1 HIGHLY improved acre, facing hard surface at, 7 blocks to Tremont station, Mt Scott ear; ha 2 story modem house; $5000, $8000 cash; nice home. See pansy, man. 65th. At, and o i ui sr.- 'laoor obb 10 ACRES, all in cultivation, ideal country nome; - amuse, obxt.- cbhssb pars, aaeonment fruit dose to electric ear. 819BO, SS00I down. - MARSTERS. 201 Wilcox Bldg. - ' CHOICE -river front aAraege, alao river view acreage and other acreage near Rialey sta tion, v v etarsweatner,. uvs xsroaaway Mdg. siain oiww. 1ft ACRES of fine soil, cleared, 18 mues from joruaaa, on electric line,' rignt st Cottrell station; $2500; terms. Broadway 1658. 208 Oregon bldg. - - 7 ACRES, all in cultivation, on Capital high . way, 8 jnUes from Portland; 4 room bunga low,, chicken house, young orehard. Phoa Woodiawn 871 or K-438, Journal. . - DABNEX PARK TT- For beautiful home sits, on- Columbia River high way. .See fis. . Dabuey Investment Co., -room 1. Worcester bldg. $100 CASH. $100 yearly buys 10 acres fin lamf, -near ear, achool,' postoffice, highway. uraper, zui ' iicoxr nidg. CHEAP for cash. 2 acres at Garden Home, 4 oiocxs irou STsnou. rst nu. BASK UN'S road, close in, 5 acre of leas; $350 sore. Owner. Bdwy. 4401. REAL F STATU 1CREAGB 3$ 6 ACRES at Garden Home. 2 H acres vsted, 2 M acres timber, new 6 roosn bunga low, family orchard, spring, city water, electricity end gas aivalebie; price $4009; terms. 2 . acres near Huber oa ddewaQt, . small or chard, logan -and blackberries, good lawn, and ornoanewial shrubbery ; well built house, 4 rooms downstairs and. 2 mom upstairs not finished, modem, with oath, toilet hot and eoM water, city water, gaa for cooking and lighting; eanbi natkm wood and gas stove, very complete nicely located, near station, good garden ground and city conveniences; price $80OiTiA30O cash, bal ance good terms, y .. - 4 ' - - ' e i , t u . .. - .a. vated, good well, 4 room house and outbuildings oneet i2, gouu.caan, baiancs to suit mrwmm li. tl. . . ..... .IT mM. vstd and fenced. 6 room house with, hath and toilet, good bam. outbuildings; price $3500; 10 acre 3 miles from town, no house but good: bam (house burned), good well, under fine state of cultivation; one of the well improved places of that country; price $3000; terms. 2 it acres, all cultivated, fenced. 8 room house, ii mile school, mile of station; price $800. $200 cash: balance to suit TUCKER & SHRECK. 501-503 Spalding bldg. ' ! 3 ACRES. JUST OFF I. FOSTER BOAD An under cultivation, fenced, with family orchard. 6 room house, bam, cement root house, chicken house and hi acre fenced with chicken wire This is a bargain at $3000, and we can take' in a small houte and couple- lota up to $2060, but would rather have about $800 cash and terms on balance. STEWART A BUCK, - : 1 816 Northwestern Bank bldg. -7! ACRES OAK GBOVE 1 ACRES ZOOU TKM8 A; dandy little suburban home, 6 mom house, good well, about 40 nice fruit trees, berries, chicken yard, garden all planted and looking fine, lots of shrubbery, shade trees, etc; about 4 minutes' walk from Oregon City car. This is an exceptional buy; half cash. bal. terms. TUCKEB A SHRECK, 1 601-602 Spalding bldg. CRANBERRY LAND 1 to IT acres. $300 per acre. Wdm. 4088. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 78 6 ACRES $675 Adjoining city limits of Oregon City, fin soil,, not in cultivation and no modem bunga low on ft. This place is conservatively worth $10O0 and land in the immediate vicinity in boom times has sold for as high 'as $500 per aero. Do not forget we said $675 for the whole B acres. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chsim. of Com. Open evenings snd Sundays. SUBURBAN" HOMES 79 1 ACRE home, $750; all in cultivation, neat 8-room cottage, nicely painted; com fruit trees just coming into bearing; all fenced; bam soxau. nomta, ile commutation rate. $250 cash, $12.50 per month. - Fred W. German. io (juamoer or tjommerce. ONE HALF acre at station, hard surf seed road. smau auaca. lenceo, iruit, i Oil, glow caau, $15 per month. , . SLETTEN & JONES Main 2558. 248 Btark st LARGE 6 room bungalow. 65th st, $15237 "no- aiway. iui uoara ot Trade, MAPLE WOOD bungalow, 100x100. $1400; icrma. Tjaiway. evening, Main 22o. FOB SALE FARM S 17 GRAIN AND CATTL s ' MAKE WEALTH . For the producer when ho to located on cheap rich land with good markets, where tax and interest do not consume the profits. Be a pro ducer and grow rich. Thousands am now doing so. We have the proof. We can show you. The very best of farms, improved, S1& TO S4D AM APRV Easy terms. Reduced rate. Writ or can for facts. - . UNTIED GRAIN GROWERS' SECURITIES J , LTD., '; 624. Henry bldg. AN OPPORTUNITY 24 acres, most all in bearing prunes, cherries ana pears., x mue or station; estimated crop pro duced last season over $4000; big crop pros pects now and high prices; 2 good crops should pay for this place: located in Salem district: cameries, packing houses, fruit nnion and fruit juice plants; high prices on contract for sev eral years aoeaa. Tins place V a money maker; $1000 cash down and crop payment to right man. See owner, 215 Lambermens oiag. j Cheap Close In Acreage 10 14 acres, i located close to Boaitsv station. oregon t-.teetnc station, it miles rroni Portland. No stones, all good land, family orchard. B room house, large barn. 50 ton silo, windmill, large hot house and several outbuilding. This land is all under high state of cultivation. With the Pisco goes 1 cow, 2 brood sow and all farm machinery. Price $287 per acre. $2000 -cash will handle. Balance on easy terms. Soe Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlin- ger oiag. WANTED Owner wishes to deal directly with party wanting good farm proposition "In Clarke county. 80 acres, 12 miles from Vancouver. 18 acre in high itat of cultivation, til drained; 35 acres partly cleared aAA in excellent mature: balanced scattered timber, partly cedar; all well icuww. owner sou anywnere, au uuaole. No- hillsides, rocks or harrroen. Gt hnnu bam and other buildings. Bearing orehard and small fruits. ComDletelv stacked arid mantmmA 59500 take everything. Prefer eash, but can .nance terms lor nail. 814 W. 17th St., wsncouver. Wash. IN THE SUBURBS. 30 acre of good soil, 3 miles from the courthouse. 7 -room bouse with fireplace; is w.H fnmlaluil. ft..wu.. k. 1. 1 i . ....... u, . uuw., uuii, cHKiena, timber, pasture, running water, fall ' grain up euuvu ui, , tinn is luiiy equippea. 1 nee 87000; half cash. Phone 3F2, Oregon City, and I will come Slid get you and show you the ranch. A. E. L.. B. 1, Box 88. Oregon VI . T.AaT rilivApr i a a TTm7rrT' "m-mm a. i.siaaivu. an. DAVItlC AV-XL 80 acres, black loam soil, 86 miles from Portland; 4 miles from R. B., rock road to land, close to school, neighbors and highway; 1ft acres has been cultivated. Soma prune trees, balance easily cleared. 8om timber. A good live creek. No rock. Pries 81600 cash.' Ad joining land $60 per acre. 914 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. J JOHNSTON 4s McHARDT A SNAP Forty acres at $26 per acre, between 2 best . . 2 , . j . . . , w w vrrcBun . xirst-ciass son, running water, green grass all year, work plentiful; terms $100 cash, remainder 6 per rent F. K. STEARNS 202 Wilcox Bldg. 6th and Washington Sta. TiAIUV U.vAljf 810 acres, li, mile from Whitesen on R. R. SSL!11- watr- '- ft of buildings, silo, cow.! "f-. hogs, goat, implements, 800 cords of wood in pile; fir and oak for 8000 cords; 110 I1, cpoP- On stone road. $75 per acre: $5000 cash and 1 house or 80 a, of timber Have asthma. 1296 E. Salmon. Tabor 8621. ' 10 MILES FROM IORTLAND?1 10 acre tract, fine level land, on paved Hei way to New berg; auto passenger and - freight service daily from Portland. Would- maV a beautiful suburban home. Can be bought at a sacrifice. See it at once. GEO. T. MOORK CO. 1007 Yeon bldg. L . 23 mile86fp6rtTa-6 and well. mile school, church and town. 6 erje pranes, Ihi acres null fruit good house ami barn, fnll equipment livestock and imple ""k 150.?' r,- Hk terms! P " a. hwmi i.u. iuuj xeon bide. 12ft ifnvo eonnn !!S?1' J cr" culti- vZnr . nouse ana out buildings close to milk rout and A splendid ehool, S miles from Timber, Or Let MteU ' .;,h:wra "orth Investigating. r- is.. -w. j.vug 16W1 Ptqg. 200 ACRES. 3 miles southeast of turner. Sev era! fin oak groves, plenty water, well fenced. E?" JL,?0?" bou" PkPered. Good large bam with hayfork. . Several pumps and troughs VVlmCa. Further particulars inquire of R. A i Wilson. 630 South Pine st. Roseburg? Q ACHES 12 cleared, lO acre in cherry or hrd, good for 12-1 ft tons yearly: good 6 room new bungalow, bam; 1 mile to E. H, sta. Hon and Columbia river; in Columbia, Co.. Or Price $4250 ; H cash. Albert Hrikt' 5u9 . stvvtK lwtti xeon Old AT .v wn ig, , 6-ACE Isrm for sale, 28 miles from Portland, "luauwit vsuey; a large nous and barn. Iruit; Just th place for chicken and dairy I part cash; 6 year en balance. Call evening oetween 6 and 8 for Mr, Peters. 411 160 ACRE stuck and grain farm. 27 emltJwaterf" 4. i level, n county road, 200,000 feet saw tim I ber, bouse, barn, granary., outbnildinen nhmu. ViS ?fidwtr right creek, achool. Price $8200. Consider house and lot to $2000 trade, B, W. Morgan. Wasco Co.. R. 1, Wsmic. Or. H 50 I6WN. $12.60 MONTHLY ;Fm. level 2t A. tract of unimproved land. hi mile from Hiltonoro; $87.60 per acre; fine soil, running stream, good ahackT Fred W. Ger n Co., 782 Chamber of Commsrc bids, - Open v-vuuew mwA liaa hnurv iii' u'Avnl - 16 acre of rich bottom Und. aU in euhir. tiou, good sis bck, 1 Va milea from Taibot etation, on Oregon Electric. - Total price 3120O. Fred VT German Co.. 73- Chamber of Coas- rec . rrwn c.mnp aea BTiwqays. su irnra a k x " i.t ...... . 1 vv y n ciuuvaum, near raii- road j house, guru and outbuildings, 8 Urg springs, ; plenty , of government range; pric BTOCKRAISING farm forvaale. $4000; good w,,,. . v iroiu . jroTTtana. .vssningxon county. Phiilu Zietler, 1077 Clinton st Rttr4cpTATB jEtTH sale varus AR3IJ NlTHE NCTMAN M IS WITHIN BEACSl OF s nuasu r 200 : acres of eooii lend " short war from Kelso, Wash.; all 'under good fence; SO acre now in crop: comfortable bouse, with bath and ether conveniences; - good bam and other out buildings: 7 cows, good team horses, 26 chickens. 2 suosv heck read cart notato planter and digger. 2 plow, hay fork and truck. cream separator . and i milk : cans; gooa family ore nam and year' wood now cut; altfor 86Q00. $2000 cash, balance at 4 per cent We can take in house at cash value up to $2500. but must have some cash.1 i STEWART ABUCK. 316 Northwestern Bank Wdg. . HOMESTEADS 4? ' s IVAST f CHANCE :: :-'" ; ': ' TV., a.t. tt , . . .n. ...I-...., se miles from Portlaad. 120 and 160 acres. A-l aoil, sors timber, some open. land; creek and road on land; en mil from county road; neigh bom handy. - i JOHN8TOJ A McHARDY. -914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 40 HOMESTEADS snd reUnquishssents. Large portion tillable. ' Eastern Oregon: splendid rock ranches, water and timber oouvenieot Some good timber elafma. Lived in, that cows try for nam. Call J to , evenings or Sun dsy or write W. ?. Lester. Burns, Or. TIMBER 28 40 ACRES heavy timber 2 6 miles from . Port Und, value $1600, for sale or trade for-few acres with improvements, i Phone Bdwy. 2604. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 HAVE good business property in good town, close to Portland. Will trad for farm to 67500. Must show a value i equal to the property we have to offer, ! STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO.. 802 . Oak gt .80 ACRE farm. 9 mils from Estacada. IS acres unuer piow, eu uiiao-e, gooa young orensrd, bam and outbuildings; no house; good teem, farm implements, value 88000, for clear house and lot in Portland. Inquire 1911 E. Irving sa-v car. GOOD ft room bousec lot 50x100; hi block . from WS car near Gladstone are. ' Now is the time to buy, as my tenant is moving. I will take Liberty bonds and giv terms on balance. Rob't S. Coe Jr., i owner. 384 hi Hawthorne ave. i-none Kan 4726.- Pries 82350 FOR SALE or trade. I Tuscan's opera bouse for ... 1,1 lkm .THiesneTie .alley , ouuaing oux 103, on 1st st. in main -part of city. Address T B. Duncan. N-wberg; T. C Duncan. 307 E. lf-th st.. Portland. Or. 9 ACRES, all in cultivation, trade for house. L0 acres in Clarke county, house, bam, etc, 8 acres in cultivation, 4 mile from station; will consider some trade. . 4Q4 RAILWAY EXCHANG E. 40 ACRES, right near townTEastem Oregon, aa first payment on house or business property. v,aww v iicinnj, irig, journal. NICE lot in Vancouver, B. C, to trade for someming nere. t iouo 1 .a nearer st FOR SALE OR TRADE 200 acres of South iasota ind. H-252, Journal, 500 PROPERTIES to seU and ' to exchange. Send for my list -Box 275. Salem. Or. WANTED HEAL- ESTATE 81 , 200 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 69 SOLD LAST MONTH 42 FIRST 13 DAYS OF APRIL Naturally we need bouse to sell We have ku. ....Wll-I a .a.. - vroi. wiwjmuru since iiuu. we aaverttfe ex tensivelv. ere in tmuh wltk w v-.- " BMnur ja uujen, hav 10 experienced salesmen; each with an auto at hi dUposal Most efficient! seUing organ isation in the city. List your bouse with us ava, itwVUVe. OtTTJ - FRANK L. MeGUIRE. To SeU . Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 6156. Main 1068. SHACKS? AVn aunt, unirco wiv?ire-n Price must be right and very easy terms. We w.rc eiww oouses in trie last year. I i'i" "ru" f u. reo . w. tierman Co:. 732 Chamber of Commerce Open Sundays and v . . .,.iib-. T"?ITIMATE EXCHANGES WANTED Desirable listings, no junk, hp ir or In 1 131 FJkf 1 TalllM wsrfll Ksa vu s r a r . ------ ' a.raxsuvjcBrwa. orsv 31 T. X1UTTJ. with Fred WV German Co.. 732 Chamber of WANTKn A a ww v. ' -rrr - w oww iuiajciu L'unsjsiow Or or wry near a atreter. HoUaday addition nnfrrt-H rh xiw-i iaj ai c. Ijj mm , . weewa as. eVS ,-a, AVI OUCIIUCA .' i DON'T WOlf RTt I can sen or trad anything anywhere. Layman, 147 Park st WANT HOUSES TO EXCHANGE f6b" : RIlRi'iiniwiioDirinD J. C. CORBIN CO;,. 803-6-7 Lewis RMg. 1 ,fAYE "client who wsnU a lot between E. 25th and E. 60th and Hawthorn- area, and Marino. i.-T?o. woumai. TEXAS land wanted: give legal description, name . , , . TI w c,su Price, ueorge Walling B41 14tn st YOUNG married man with good position will buy small modern hours paying 835 a month n-riumiia nice rest. k-i.t, Journal. H OR acre on Capitol hill or Byan, Phone nrnst alio, ROOMING HOUSES (8 HERE 1 a 'snap, if taken at once: 1 6 well furnished room, besides the kitchen, dining room and office; in a . good locality; feeding aoous x or iv per meal, wnten as served cafe teria sty Is: th furniture is wen worth $1500; can do naa tor siuuu, witn good terms. CHAS. GARDNER. , 812 Broadway Bldg. Main 2507.V I WANTED Widow or single woman that has furniture lor 10 room bouse to operate sight seeing noui at beautiful resort rent free Writ ti. a. rneips, ago y.. 4Bth. HOTEL for rent furniture for sale, in good lire town, cneap. . GEORGE MORSE. 809 Cham, of- Com. MUST sell 27 H. K. rooms; good location. r-none nroaoway a op. r BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 26 BUNGALOW GROCERY GROCERY-STORE AND LIVING ROOM Building and garage. 84500, stock and fix tures will invoice about 81000; 88500 cash will handle all. Makes a clear orofit of 62 B A month ly. Just put mn the market, and will not last long, investigate. CLEVELAND-BABB-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Main 3752. WANTED at once, wen experienced well driller with a little money, to take interest in a Star gasoline well drill, running now and lots of work ahead. Tell where experienced and how long ana age ana tt snarnea or single Address C. E. 1 e wis, wauuia, Wasn. FOR SALE Country store, doing general mer chandis business, $4000 stock; cheap rent; very pleasant place to live. Good, reason for selling. Blair Bros., Jasper. Or. FOR SALE 1 hi -ton truck and established trsnsier rasinees; a oargarn. 148 Front Ask for W stains. After 6 p. m. csll Wdln, 2302. FOR SALE: Dr. Stone's . drag store, Salem, Or.; established 22 year and run on a cash basis. Dr. Stone has saved over $100,000 from the store. Must retire on account of age. FOR SALE -Hemstitching, pleating and button business; long e-iblihcd and paying well, owner retiring; $4000. X-818, Journal. NEED snore money to finance big garage now ) opening, low rent, long lease. K-280 Jour nal. HAVE clients with cash wanting a business. What have you f Main 6866. CARPENTER, 6600 per month guaranteed; only 8Z0UO required. Mam 4lo. NICE small business, money maker; will secri fice account other business. 201 3d. JUST on market today: Grocery, confectionery. Evans and Absher, 414 GerHnger bldg. COMPLETE catcher, outfit Call Tsbor 2380. J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES) i WANTED 68 .' - IF YOU WISH t - TO BUY OR SELL List your hotels, apartment and rooming house with us. W get result. DORCAS A CO.. ' - 920 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED A small reaasnrant or lunch 'counter , .. . i . - mWa. iiiu price and particulsr ia first letter. K-231, LMONTST TO LOAN BEA1V ESTATE 91 MONEY TO LOAN on real esute security t going rat or mtevesi. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO.. 416 tjnamper ot commeree. $300 8400, $500, $600, $760 and up. low - sat rates, quick Action. Gordon Investment Co.. 681 Ch. of Com. Min 6446. CASH paid for mortgage and seller.' contract on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. FJ. Noble. 616 teBwtweM orag. $250. 3350, 8400, $500, $600 and larger , amounts; current rate; quick action. Fred W. Centun JO-w ynsmoev ot mnmwrzm. BUILDING loans on-city or suburban property', mosey advanced as work progresses. W. G. Bees, 215 and 216 Failing bHf. Mafn 8407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 :w city rroperty. ' A. ri., woom ip-ii, ssnisgy pro.. MONEY for- mortgage loan. $50O to $600O. and 7. Fred S. William. 02 H 1st st $800. $500, $750, $109Oe no com., quick eetten.. Ward, 407 SpsMing bMg. .r MORTGAGE loans. 8 and 1. Louhr Salomon A Co.. 409 Senitig bldg. - - - : - 6E OREGON 1SV. A MORTGAGE" CO.j 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MOIfET TO I.OAW REAL rfSTATE 11 CUR instanment plan is. th best and surest nrethod of paying a loan. $82.26 per month for $6 months, or $21.24 for IO months, o ' $15.17 for 90 months, pay 81000 loan and trterest -' - - ;-:-.- - ... Other amounts to proportion. t W loan eu improved city property. , Or fog building purpose. . , ... r N eom'misMon charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN A8SOCIATIO z nrsra st rwrtianci. or. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. nai.A ltir.s D0,Y0U NEED MONEY3?1 Loans made en autotrobiles. dismonda. pi household goods or anything of value. ' Seeuri UHUeliy left in your poaseseion; ALSO to BAI AK1ED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or en furniture or suto mobile contract ar larger than you can make, we win pay them up. ad ranee you more -money if necessary, sad you can repay us in small monthly, payments to suit your ou venieoce. - - LBGAL RATES. ; NO DELAY " BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ,; PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed.) 806-807 Dekum bldg. '' -r MsrshaU 3286. Sslary , LOANS Chattel 6 WE LOAN MONEY ' On abort notice to salaried or worlrmgmen on their wn notes. . Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly eonfidentisL NO MORTGAGE. NO INHOKSEB. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY ; W abb loan on . household furniture, pianos, sta without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE - COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY . - LICENSED ' 218 Failing bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. ' Established by Portland Business Men ' ' to Protect the Rorrnwet LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWKLBY. PIANOS. , . - City snd County Wsrrsnta Cashed for Face Vslne. CARRIE MYERS HERRMANT MGR.. ' 894 STARK ST. MO ft BY to loan on diamonds., jewelry ; legal rates: all articles held a year; established since xbbb, isn Hsrx, ana wsantngton. LOANS WANTED 36 31000 WANTED, 7 7. On . 10 A. irrigated land. 6 lots, house snd large bam. near Stsnf ield. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. ' - - MUST HAVE CASH QUICK . ' L" 3500 at 8 per cent; only want for het time, so win pay fair bonus besides; real estate eority. H-44. Journal. - LOAN wanted. $1200 on house "and lot in South Portland. 7 . 3 years. Can Main 5810. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. 232 FINANCIAL 31 LIBERTYBONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. SEE E, BCRKITT. SECRETARY OREtJON BOND A MORTGAGE OO. 212 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) COR. 6TH AND ALDER STS. BEFORE SELLING YOUR Liberty Bonds Secure Our Prices Ws buy and sell all issue G. E. MILLER A CO., f 205-6 Northwestern Bank; Bldg. Main 4196 v BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH CASH FOB YOUR RECEIPTS MaQ bond to use: w remit return mafl . Loan mad on improved real estate, long time or monthly payment plan. Corns to 725 Gaaco Bldg., 6th and Aider. - CELLARS-MURTON CO. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 16 A PAIR of black mares. 4 and 6 years old, 2750 lbs., sound and gentle: a 5-year-old dark gray mar and 5 -year-old sorrel hone, 32800. The best pair of iron gray in th state, for anybody ana everybody to nsndle. a-years-eld, 2800 lbs. sound: also have a number of heavy horses 1 lisve taken in exchange; all kinds of harness and' wagons. I hire by th day, week or month to responsible people.' All slock guaranteed a 'rap- resented. - - . CROWN STABLES, 285 Front it PHIL 8UETTER. J ITHT mejk. keek from lAeTern Ar.,nn h... teams of well built horses, weight from 2800 to 6600 lbs a span. AU young, fat and geatle ana nonest workers In every way: 6 -set of hemes, 4 wagons, buggy, plow, harrow; one sow with pigs: also 3 good milch -cows, heavy milker and gentle. Will sell very- cheap or tno tor i'ortiana property, ceil at tne oia osiry nam, 29th and Powell sta. Woodstock ear, TEN act of double and single work hi mess, 8 farm iwigona from 2 inch to 3Vs inch. 10 head of mare and) geldings; all good worker and gentle; weights from 1000 to 1600 lbs. Also a few cheap horses for ranch work. Wood yard stables. East 9th and Hawthorne, or phone r.asT. oiuo TEAM weighing 2100 lbs., harness and wagon, sound and good workers; trial allowed; to be oia at any reasonable offer. Take : Woodstock car to 54th at. go 5 blocks to first white hous on S4Ui ave. and 04th st, AS I HAVE .moved to city I must sell team w i years oia, wen mitca, wcigning 2ouu, with good harness and farm wagon; also It 00 lb. horse. $25.00. 209 G.lbb it Mr. Pat terson; South Portland car. FARM outfit complete, team, mar and gelding, weight 2400 lbs.: good harness and 9 hi inch farm wagon, $185. for a quick sale; going sway, iuu r.. tn . ask Tor Mrs. Oreems. FOR SALE One large team, harness and i?i,., j.uu, lira j in foal; on single hone, 1800 lbs, harness a nd wagon. vvoouiswn 2 '111. A GOOD little chunky team of mares, young ana souna. weight 2800 lb. ; good worker. Pric $135; also a sorrel gelding, weight 1800 ids., gov. Kest Pth and r'Unders. 1000 SETS of work harness, must be sold in - th next 80 days regardless of cost Closing out enure stock ii ziu jst st. I HAVE 10 head 1 to 8-rear old horses. EasU - era Oregon. Could use Ford delivery truck. ervme casn. do l-.aat salmon st Kast 6088 1 HORSE and wagon. $1,80 day; 2 homes end - wagon. $8. J. Cohen. B46 Front Main 2208. DKAD liorse and animal hauled away free. Call Woodiawn ZO. Portland Rendering f.o. DEAD horses taken quickly; oaah paid for cow ana crippled norses. labor zo. TEAM, wagon, harness. 929 E. 39th at Phone Sellwood 60S. - , ' ' 1600 LB. work horse, aga 7 years, lost mat; a bargain if told at one. East 4807. LIVESTOCK Si THREE good, young, fresh cows.. mUkinsr from '3 to 5 gala, a day; gentle for, a woman to handle: also a yoUng farm team, weight 2800 lbs., .both 5 - years old; - harness snd- wagon, cheap. Woodstock ear to Franklin st.. 2 blocks east. 1 block south to 662 28th at B. 1XJR SALE On fin bred 2 -year-old Jersey cow; fresh Jan. 1st. 8100. Day-old Whit Muscovy ducks, 60e; flock of bants ms. White Rock cockerel, 63, or win exchang. 1749 Wayland at Phono Columbia 407. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey row, young, ' gentle, about 4 gallon rich milk daily; pedigreed New Zealand Bed rabbits, $2 iand up; honey bee $6 colony. 69 1 Clinton. Kenwood 566. 6 COWS, fresh from 2 to 10 dys74 ofthem Jersey, the other 2 Durham. 4 heavy, rich milk ers, will U regardless of price. . Woodstock ear to 84th St., 5 block soutli to aqnsr req psrn. . 2 FINE young 4-gsL family cows; also young heifer. 514 K. Slst . b between Brssew and Knott Broadway ear. FOR SALE Fine gran Jersey-Durham 3-year old cow giving 40 lbs. milk per day. D. K. aienaennam XMTaeaos,- or, FRESH dairy and family cows, all breed. GenUe family cows. 868 to $75. Take dry and beef cows In exchanged T61 East Ash. FOB SALE 2 - heavy milch cows, i Holstein 4 gals.. 1 Jersey 3 H gals., 3110 and 890 for quick sal. 3813 64th t S. E. 25 CHOICE Jersey cows, fresh and pringers, . . . .... W L. .1.1 .W W. , z.l r,. Tr ... - , m. rt. A-ijwm, GOOD family cow, $65, 738 E. 76th at near ' Sandy road. 1H 6 TOGGENBERO buck kid goat $10; worth 1ZS. r iz.i wwy wc, vapor vv, $ DAIRY-eow, sir from A to 5 gali. J 8 1 tjk orove. - i CHOICE doe kid adV Toggenburg buck kids. Tsbor 6459. WANTED Chester White Boar, 4 month old. j. Btemonng, ient. gam v. ana i2d it FOB SALE Fig ready to wean, 1'uone 83-J, FINE Jersey cow, fresh $ also hav rabbits'." 134$ , Glenn ave. N, Alberta car to end of line. GOATS with kid" for aslc Mf749l'." POULTRY. PIGEONS. PET RTOrv T BARRED Rock hatching egg $1.50 per setting. $8 per 100. Tsbor 46,68. : RHODE Island Red and Buff Orjngto egg for naicoinf, laimr acisi. t .- ALL kind of live and dressed rabbits, cheap. Stall 7. 2d st d Yamhill at. Tel. Main' 1 185. 8. I' 'HOI- ' IjA.ND liKD egg ut sttung Vooi.wn . . . . 4- POULTRY. PIGEONS. PET FTOrTC sr WHITE LEGHORNS ARE TUK Woo pinF ITABLK breed of poultry.'' If you are in me busincsa for profit you will eventually hav them Early broilers, -early layers, early profits. e sell, only White. Leghorn baby chit from hesvy huing Hoganised -i hens. Safe delivery of full count live ehlx guaranteed. - pric per !''. April, May and June delivery. $12 80. TI.m rtooeer Hatchery. 406 6th st. Petalmns. Cat. CURTIS Whit Wyandottea, "Eggs that HATCH - from I1EN8 that DLayT1 82 per 13. M. E. . frtis. Wllsdale. Or . B. it. 3, Bo 242. Mam .nq .urn sseiiT. FOR SALE On Rhode Island Red cockerel. A hens, rose comb breeding strain. Light spring wagon. Mount SeoU car. 97thf' st. 8 blocka smith. REEFER'S more-egg tonle make champion lay- H w waiinuw wernyaru uenai a para ge; every package guaranteed. For sale by AN. Gabrletson, 1071 B. 22d N., Portland, Or. I, : BABT CHICKS FOR SALE i Leghorn, Beds, Rocks. Minorcas. bwt stock; prices reasonable i. safe delivery guaranteed, C. N Needham. Box 412. Salem. Or. WHITE LEGHORN pullets for sale. 8 aiemti to 1 year old. 6348 84th st 8. E. Tsbor 8480. -. - - .. ; . . THOhOUGHBRED Black ' Minorca rlstehlng . eggs. Mammoth atrain, Columbia 603. . 1600 Fluke. . - - - . . HEAVY, layings strain White Wyandotte eee. 61.50 per setting. -22 E. 47th 'st. 1- bor 281. - - S .,'-.'" FOR egg the yesr round get T. A. Hndtrlnn's' H. C. Rhode ltlahd Reds and Engliah Whit Leghorns, 1 7 2 Grand are. Phone Kant BB24 . THOROUGH BRED Flemish Giant rabbits, steel : gray and black, for sale cheap. Call aft 6 p. as , Woodiawn 2574; 1070 Union ave. N . i 'BARRED RtM'K bshy cl.i.-k. and eggs. tabSf . u . , " I r.. nin .v. r.. WANTED- Sennnd-'liaad portable ehiokeu Uou-i. CaR East 6350. ; - WHITE Leghorn chicks today; also later hatche. Master Incubator Co. Wdln. 4844. BARRED-SOCK egg, incubator lots specisltyT Mrs. Krans, 388 E. Lombard. Wdln, 1636, i FOR 8ALEortrede 6 Flemish rsbbiuT cost $36i sell for $18, Woodlswn 848. . - O. A. C. leghorn eggs. IB for $1. -Tsbor 44. DOGS. BIRDS. PF,TI, ETC. 48 RABBITS Selling out 2 New Zealand, 2 Bel-. gian doe with young, I New Zealand bnek; also other ages, well bred. 8 laying White Leg horn hens go at reasonable prioe. Phone Wdln. 5289. C. II. Olngertch. 6 W. Jessup at. CANARY'birda are worth from $3.00 up. Coins and hear my $16 St Andresberg singer; all yellow, too, J. A, Dennett ,220 Fargo st. Wdln. 4581. THOMPSON'S Bird Store buys and sells bshy birds. Call or address 967 Mississippi a vs.. Portland. Or. WANTED St Amlrerherg Roller: must bse soft perfect song. H-809, Journal. CHOICE canaries at '"The Canary Bird Shop.:' Singers guaranteed. 1161 K. 28th N. C-221T. PAIR of linnet. 68, Tsbor 7868. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES t .. . NEW TIRES , What brand of new tires do you pre far T We 1-sv them, aU make and sixes ;,slo we make U.e famous O-V-O Double Tread (sewed) tire, and do all manner tf tire repairing. . Oregon Vul canizing Co., 988-835 BumMd near Broadway. , GRANT SIX 1918 -model; new battery, new rear end, new bearings, new univenal joints, new generator; we did this work ouraelres; will sell for; $600 and give terms. D. O. WARREN' MOTOR CAR CO. 58 N. 28d St . ,-' Main. 780. 118 CADHLAC- Perfect mechanical . condition, for sale t sacrifice. CaU Bdwy. 8327. Ask for Mr. Klp- per. - ! , y ; . r - SAXON- BIX A nifty, light 6-peaa., 2 first-elaa tlr, t cords; a ear you will he pleased to own. Easy term. ; ' ' " D. ft. WARREN MOTOR CAB CO. B N. 28d St. . ' - ' M,in 7l. Manufacturing and repairs; 8000 guaranteed springs in "tockjjpricee reduced. 84 N, lfteh M. MAXWELL,- 6-paas.. $450. Run less than i o.- 000 miles. Good tires, paint almost new. Ex-' eellent condition in every way. leaving elty so must salt . CaU Woodiawn 8786, or see car at 996 Grand are. N alter 6 p. m. .rdcK USED CARS I? No MtsrepraMQtsttou. ' . " - - ; Covey Motor Car Co. x $650 BUYS a Chalmers Six in very best nlr , chanlcal condition, 4 cord Urea, with 2 . traa. Will giv: good terms. Cxn be keen st Funk' Oarage, 'corner of E. 6th N. and Mult nomah. Kft 1818. Mr. Campbell , 1918 BUIC'K SNAP" -First class 1918 7 passenger Bulok, aplen.tid mechanical condition, 6 tires; price $1478, $800 down, balanc monthly. JC B, Hyatt, 850 Alder. , - .HUDSON SUPER SIX 1818: painted gray; khaki tops run 10.000 i-Diilet; tire good; floe mechanical condition. Mar- gain for ear of this kind. Wberty bond taken. No limit H-808, Journal. -FRANKLIN A late model, just overhauled and painted. Has been ift prirste service snd had excellent ' care. It's a bsrgsin at $1230; terms. Gill, Main 4984. A-2457. - Evening. Mar. 8400. LFORl) tcuring car, in good condition srery wsy; iaie niiKisj; ince eio eiirw aown, osiancek, monthly. Cnme snd try it out to your own sstta faction. 625 Alder st A-l Auto Works A 1'slnt- ing.Co. i I HAVE the best 917 ft pass. Cherrolet n town for $460, This car ia in fin shape and is a bargain. $225 down, $26 par month. N, W. Cor. 14th and Conch. Broadway ,4408. .- . ' , "haynes -.. On 4 pes. 1916 model; cord-tires. On. 6 pass. 1917 model; new tire. A. (1. Steven.' He ne distributor. 16th snd Wash. Bdwy. 1614 ' bTSyraTd- A-grcat car for the money, $650, $828 down, $32.60 per month. ; N. W. COR 14TH AND COUCH. BDWT, 440 WILL SACRIFICE late 1618 Ford. This car ha trajrelsd ' abont -2000 miles, top, leather, paint and aide curtains like new., 661 E. Uorn- aon. Phone Fji.t B20B. $726 BUYS a very good ft paw. Ohiamohne i . ' good mechanft-sl eoodltinn, wtth- good no1---. Can be seen at Funk's Garage, corner of E. ) i N. and Multnomah.. Fast 1818. Mr, Ctnid,..ii. T " PAIE"T6l7 : " I Late model, good tires, car Is la perfect con dition, $1100. ea.y terms. .. 14TH AND-COUt'H - Brnadwiy 440. CASH paid 'or old cars, couJimm im u i ; parts for an make of car. Oregon Aut i.. change, 129 Lownsdal at 13th and Waal; rm. liroadway goon. 1916 Chevrolet A-l mechanical eundiiiou. a.niv - run since Jnry,, 1916. An excellent buv st $650. TERMsf. Regner Ia Fields, Chevrolet Agency, 12 OQjiid vs, f ast Hi. 19lo Fprd coup, just as grvxl SS ne. l.ilra and r.ew tires. Most sell. Easy terms.; Wood lawn 1427. . DCBP.r?r,L,-i "" TOP COMsAafX. mrh at Osk. Broadway 1S. fjAwtJIlV W Vw.V.e umw'Si wire wbaplsv A snap. So Cary, 623 Alder w. . A.e .... ST. - DQwy, mWA-; - - - LHATfDLEB touring." driven only 9000 miles. This is a snap and it will pay you to see it Smith Auto Co., Prk at' Couch. LEAVING city. Overland touring csr, electric light and starting, for ouick sal $460; bar gain. East 1922. .' ABGAIN V 1918 ClULMEBS StX, RUN AND LOOKS LUCE NEW. . CALL TABOkt 630. 1818 BRISCOE touring, good .condition; lib eral terms. Mr. Cary. Broadway 2492. 623 AlneT st CASH FOR FORDS AND CHEVROLET.. SEE B LIZARD, 3RD AND TAYLOR. ARMY OAKaUK. 14fH and Couch, th temous ' corner for used MM' , hmvt IiHm, I.M. IMM tAJifm Atlfti. Co., Broadway 4408. BARGAINS i fn' Studebaker and Beos: easy term. Mr. very, nnenv.7 .tv.. - pan iqex. WILL eU my 1917 MaxweU cheap. A-613. Cry, Brodwy 2402. 628 Aider, fCT-iXE fiunaUii. in go4'em4iuon. .45 ay vu ttm I, Msrguerite sve. Tsbor 624 7, SPOT cash paid tor Used cars. Dealers' Used ar leering How, orsna sv. ano k. nrsrs. 1912 'FoRD, Atwater-Kent equipmeat, Bou4 res; pric -.o. vm r..trmt w. IF YOU wsnt a bargsln itt a J917 Brisoo a Andrews, 66 K. Morrison. rnon r.m ut-n. GASOLINE 21 CENTS A GALIXiN, OILSAnD :RF.AKh. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 1 ST. lilt buick" Light six's vTJ7iifrt. O. BLEASDALE, 17 III Al ALUtlt RRTATTrgri30, to be remnvetTat oooe. 894 Hsrrison.Erenlngs 4 .80 to 8. ' sTnEED a light car and will pay cash for it kui pries most be right nroedwsy aaos. ,918 FORD lik new, sell cheap. Owner, labor 4678. BUICK Light Six, Smith Auto Co., Park at Couch. - 1916 FORD roadster, equipped with shork ah- sotbers, go, imn Auto io.. rant at oin-n. 1V(l bodies built to orler. 439 VsiKuuver i.e. GARAGE for rent 674 Quimny at. C0htUBl sV FoliOnlilsT r se