OOmV AXt BOAnV ! . .Aft MTATB BEAL ESTATE 1; - .US.:. - . .- TATE : ' , ,1 S . . ' wa nTta . .1 , lUi-.- (-- ' --.-. ---. eomfort, HM cooking.- 88 - htrg St, 111S Martha Washington . 880 10th, f . gvrl -nd student. Msrsfesil 185.. - 1IOUSEKEKP-t BOOMS r u n "isiiKn and KiryuKmwHCP THESE AltB VERT REASONABLE AND Very clean. 1 arse room uit. 84 :,nt-I,. large room, all crtnpletely fumiUt for bo 'kmini. elo 1 nica room for sleeping, owj 11.75 Call Matn 4 557 for particulars. Well frath-d housekeeping roorL $18 to 0 it month and bachelor quarter; nl0 aragl 'living room, $2.60 and P by month. .M1. union iw. cot. r fV - -in 2 room front Parlor writ ot room. tuni-h-d tor honaekeeirftig,, P snd Martwon. Water in room-; $-5 ft mj". Ir.-mr Main 4587. Alo on lrf?fW2"J ! $3 WEEK"7";-" Completely furnished house-; keening rooms; suite $4.80 opj every eoo-en- l-nce; ho. wt -it all boar-. avs -srter-. I ne t.-aauiso. aa . !! . - . 53.NK clean, li-bt IL K. room. lklng aIunBc K'lectrio light, bath snd vhonm. 4 13. Bth out H. .., 1 1 " .1 tTr-STxiicutr. . l.mn-MoiiiK room. 1 naF 2 rooms; r-tonbl no objection to 1 or children. ' Telpfron Kut H4. A I-A IWiE, brighTil. K. room for r-nt, SOI ltn nr., comrr iyiur. I.IK J, J fuiniaMKi. ciMB iun--UKP-n nwn. r ob)ioJo;Hdjrm2yN.J fVTd front roomi. ttouiwkseplnir. chp; look them orr. 490 Ct-y. M)n 5367. . fURNIKHElPll. K wo-w, HI .o-i-j-l. HOrKKKKF.PIKTW KOO.UM IS IUETTY ho.ii-rwr.in -uit. S blwk north Phon ni tih fr. TO N. 14th. B-lwyagl. fv"6tc houwk-epin- rooms, 195 Monroe rt. C.11 or plipn. -fter S:0 T.n.n-. ,Ph-t- i..,.r i nun, furnhihad for honse- ..i.- -if iitls . room, neat car. ti -il Wnnrilawn '8HR3. TWO h. k. rooms, fumiehed.il?. On sinfla h k room. $10. Hot and cold wnir, ... hn Included. 2 SO N. Zlt. Brtwy. ovvt a NICV.CY furnished houseksepinc rooms, mod- em, $ T week. 2 Front t. . oH s rooms, bath, lur. , lot H. K.. $lS. 150 K. th st . ' 3 H. K. ' KOOilS; also front -ieepin, SIS Morrtaon, pot. irnn. Zir'r.t.V fornilil room, reasonabJe. Call Broadway ereniniw. 2 JtKMS, weU fur. for U . Jp .prhoB 1 i ght. MT er month. oZ r lyior. fwff'hru front. ,"weiruniii-ed It K. room. 163 3-d St., coir, lrrinc. ' - Nj; AT t urnlslied" Tl K. rooms, S blocks from Morrvm st, 3u rars si. WVFXT furnUhed tioukepW rooms. B80 PettrcroT st. tsas, nain- snq ihtomc 5FATL-furnUed -tT-Clronm suitably tor oru nerson employed.- am mui Vu-rt f,.mlht housckeepinc rooms. 640 East BUrk. FOR RRWT HOUSES WHEN TOiOVB, CS-'NORTH.- WEHTEKW KLECTBIO LIUHT BKBVICB 10th snd Wsnhlnaton. twj. 1-ixMil ho-ue,' fruit, csrden. . btanley SUUon. Main 737. $10 a month.. - , & fXObMi. WEST HiUH. 83 19TH Bf., Oi-. WAHIt. . TvCVi-Rvii5iir.ij house for reDt, 19S watt r.ntnn Hall Bfl Prttyfror. FooM house, bath, $15: 6 cent far Oregon F.)eetrf. Hbh. if tip r ItOOM houoe, clo Main 4100. rAR 'nti -p' ad "td A t r'--.l nri trtirk with d5- T-erybSdy. end top. in ,ood J.! tie.. IT n II II an -anil! BW7 J - - - o'clock, Thareday snd Fridsy eren, 'VlHr"ltKNT r room modern house, fumiturej for sale, $100 close In: 2 oarlines; rent $10.'! T.AnA. Journal. - ..-!,.!- a! ft rooms. $380 cash, haUnoe $162 in payment- ' 22 Delay a, neer Morns. FTTRWISMKT HOtTKKW - . $80 RENT U t'mttt of money. A matl first p3rment. Iiove in: interest only 15 per month, bal, is area., .-. ; , i Se FITZOIHBU-" t i..in, .. .4.1 Board of Trade. Ti1iFe9UlKF.il will ahara her modern home with oongenW cotjple;. no children. 884 E. 10th st. N.. eor. Mason. 6 ROOM furnished house. 682 Haw-borne, cor. Glenn. East 8028.. -- APABTME5T8 4$ rUTflTIHHED ANT U5FURingHEP 1 1 -. S An(4mAnto And Laurel nail nym uiionio Hotel Newly furnl-hed. modern housekeeping and sleep ing room. $2.80 and op. Second nd TttnhUl. i ROOM apartmnt, weU fumished, large, clean and reasonable: adult. 955 Interstate- ava. Miss, car to Prescott. west oa Prawott to InUrr stats. -' ' -' '" .- ' UXiNOUA apartmen-s. lurniahed single and double housekeeping rooms, also . sleeping rooms. Telephone Esst 312. .- . ;- HASLET Apartment. 868 18th at, 8 large untarnished airy outside rooms, all modem. Main 8063. - ti ROOMS, furnished. 820. 2 rooms furnished. $15, neat N. W. Steel plant. Call Bell wood 128. . - ' ' , 8 ROOM apU for rent, unfurnished. 14 Grand are., cornet K. Rummlde. , ' ; 2 AND 3 room furnished apartmenht, centrally located, walking distance. 802 H E. Burnside, liroOMS, bath ami phone, $85. 186-. 224 et. Marshall 2262. -; - - ' -; NEW YORK aplo.. H. Belmont and 7th. E. 28S. FOR XlF.yT FLATS 1 UNFCRNlteHED upper lUt to rent 4 roomiC bath. $15, 1176 Alblna are., near Killiur- worth. : ' ....... - ...... liODERN, 6 rooms best, water and phone. Ttbor 2515. 4 ROOM flat for rent Part furniture for sale. 462 H 6th t Inquire mornings. - , rPBmSHEP FLATS - 6$ BEAUTIFUL 8-room furnished bungalow flat is Ideal new modern home, elegant view and .ecei.ery; this must be seen to ' be appreciated. 'Koi appointment call Col. 988.' ' HOTELS 54 HOTEL for rent, all furnished, at Saltair beach. - 19 room. cood proposition to right party. Se owner. GEORGE MORSE, 809 Cham, of Com. FOB BF.IEJ MIRCELLAWEOTJS St COMPLETE butcher outfit. Call Tabor 2380. WASTED TO BENT - ...WE WANT TO RENT W e , a B room np-to-date dwelling lo select neighbor hood. - ' ' ! Abe houses, flats and apartments. If you have any vacancies phone 1 leave Together. . care of Northwest Bteel tjo., Main llga, HAN would like clean room in private family where no other roomers. Fririleg. of cooking preferred. .0-450, Journal. WANT ED 15 or 20 vacant rooms suitable for rooming house. ' Call Main 204. A OOfPLK want nicely furnished house, rhoo C-1183. 1 . VVANTED 6 room unfurnished bungalow; ret erwncea. 8 tn family. Tabor 9S53. WANTED To rent a 5 or. 6 room house foe one year. Call Esst 4482. BEACH PROPERTY H CANNON BEACH loU in first block to ocean, inside, $275; comer lot, $350: one small furnUhed houe. $000. Sellwood 2803. !? STATl- BIT8INESS PROPERTY 66 12 PER CENT Wirehouss. South Portland, railroad frontage, brick, strongly built.- two stories and basement; net income more than 12 per cent of price. Sea K. W. HAtiUUU - - -, 800 Journal bldg. Main 4988. A-6051. $60.000 COMPLETELY furnished apartment-. paying lO per cent net, cash; terms, -ratio, 1210 N. W. llsnk bldg. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 GOOD 1 0 room house, dose in. for ale. Terms if desired. Phone Tsbor 6100, - iiODEUN 5 room bunrralnw,- near school, stores snd carline : price gL'SUtr:;- Cell 4 804 B4th. Ladd addition, modern tt Sbom houae for sale. Term if desired. Phono Tabor 6100. BY OWNFR, lot. 1st anrancroft, I $10 txr aronth. Msrxhsll 44S1. . NEAR Bmiob Polytechnio, reasonable, modern. owner. Kant 602 7. Csiftevenincs. 2 I U'- iliouse and lot for-e. 6814) 80th at S. K., nr 66th ave. int. Scott car. 3 KO I t..-k. lot fiOiAOO; $500: terms. Pr"-ij IMS. 200 Crcgon bldg. 1 1 0.i 0 2 BLOCKS RJ C. rAKK CAR Nice 4 roou house, fulljot. Tatiur 6359. ---- ' " !. .- . -f-i 1 1 1 ." -' ...-'..' - ' "i -- -. ' "' ' I:,r ';,ri" ','r".' ' OB HAVE HOUSES ROSE CITT PAElT $3450 $8600 (3850 Ixx- here. folk-. It' p to p to m Uhm -iicw bunt-loir. We resUM tt U diffi ruJt for rou to eonecrro of bujrini en (.beehitely new iviv laoael , oancaiow who irre ioiui mom. plat (lea window!, ' hard-rood floors, fireplace, full eebtnet kitchen with breakfast alcore, ectnent baaement. wash traya, etc, on a pared street In Roso City Park, with aewer connection-. Ail we aak of yon la to toeeitJcata he a akeptical a you wish. 'A crest many belter because a hbuao t newly built it 1 Doorly built. Cotn for yourself how these are being built. Yoa will Botlc that erery en ' Is thoroughly doable constructed. See for Ton melt the crsde of buildins materiat osed. Jarins the pest week we areraced nearly two 1 (ales a dar and too. ws sold them to critical buyer buyer who hare looked and looked ' and then find that they can buy a absolutely new house at a lane price than many are askinc for house !i and 6 year old. ; And another thine you do not hare ; to pay taxes on the new Cooae until ia.lri .Then too, yon nay eleet your own Interior flnmb let your new bom reflect your own cood taste and foda nent, indeed, your own personality. .Will yon uo yourself a larorr Then fnreatlcate. A. U. TEEPJS CO., 2-4 Stark at. near Sd. - Main 8318 Branch Office: 50th ' and Handy. PIEDMONT PIEDUONT PIEDMONT Do You Want a Piedmont Homer $0000 .Beautiful buncalow, large plate class winoows, strictly modern in erery de tail, 8 rooms, hdwd. floors, all built-in, large tnicror door; -rreTythlng the very bot; erge; imp. 'pd. $7500 Beautiful corner buncalow, 7 rooms and ' billiard room, double aaraee, 100s 1 00 comer; imp. ' pd. ; no mortaace. You hate , undoubtedly admired this home while dririnc around Piedmont.' A please re to show Chi 'home. By ap pointment O.VtT. J. A. WIC&MAN CO., 204 Ry. Eicb, bide. Main 53. . . HAWTHORNE 8410O Some bungalow, folks. Don't overlook this one, 0 rooms and breakfast room. Thia la right up to the minuts In erery respect there is not on single thine lacking to make this tb Ideal bungalow. Ton would expect to pay so much more than present owner is asking. Lot fiOxlOO. No assessment to assume. Right on the Hawthorne carline. You can't afford to pass this up. Bee it quickly. Ton will ap preciate the real downright value In thia beau tiful bungalow borne. ... . - A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st, near Sd. Main 8S16. Branch Office: 60th and Sandy. SPECIAL $3900 BOHB CITT PARK -Hens fa an exceptional buy in this beautiful district. A aolendid 'J mtnrr Mnuilmr tmm hnm. ot 6 rooms and aieeoins- norch. flrenlare. bis cement basement, waah travs. all hnilf In f.-i. tutea, fruit trees in bearing. There is - a hot water heating plant that would cost st least $1000 to install ; there is a radiator in every room. We believe this la the very best buy in Rose City Park. Terms. Our autoa will take you out. COB A. McKENNA & CO., Main 6422. 82 Fourth t. Board of 'Trade bldg. PIEDMONT. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT N " $3500 Beantiful corner home, 6 rooms, bath, ' hardwood floors. 2 fireplace, 1 in bedroom- full cement basexnent, brand new Fox furnace; comer lot; ia 2 story - double constructed home on corner lot; imp. pd., clear of incumbrance; $500 - will handle; worth much more. Phone and auto will can for yon. 3. A. WICK-IAN CO., Main 688. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. CLOSE TO HAWTHORNE CAR $3000. Terms. 7 room modern buncalow. 100x1 On place; reception hall, built in effects; enam eled bathroom and one bedroom on first flaov This home faces east, and ha a fine view of Mount Hood. STANLEY 8. THOMPSON CO., 1 802 Oak. i ACRE tract, right in the city, on. B 7th St.. . good 4 rocgn house and barn, good soil, all in fruit and berries ; price $2500, $250 cash m usanie mis place. Also , H acre, near Hawthorn car. 6 iimm-, jois oi Derrick, chicken house; price v.owv, e-ov cssn win nsndls uus place. These are both good bnys. NEW YORK LAND CO., 808-6 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7876 $2800 A SIX Room bungalow with sleeoina norch. on cor ner, east side, cement baxement, furnace. $600 casn win nsnaie, bsisnce $25 Vr month, includ 4ng intereet. MAIN 1700. TABOR 59 EVES. LACRELHnitST CO., 270 Stark st. $1600 Sellwood $1600 We offer you a swe- little 4-room bungalow; bsth, Sutch kitchen, 50x105 lot, 16 bearing fruit trees, very best of soil. X A blocks to cat Price only $1600, terms. , -Open evening-, ' GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Toon bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Ground 150x280, large well built 8 room modem house, bam, chicken house. 1 block from Hawthorne car. Quick action needed. Price $480O. Terms. C. A. WARRINER, BITTER, LOWE A CO., 01-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. - ALBERTA COTTAGE. $400 CASH Nice 4 room cottage, nice bath, oement base ment, gas, cabinet kitchen, nice corner lot 40x47; liens all paid: soma fruit; on E. 25th and Emerson; price $1600; $400 cash and $15 per month. . GRUSSI A BENNETT, 81 Board of Trade. Main 7462. 1 ' MODERN BUNGALOW ONLY $2750 . Be sure to see this bargain. Then are 6 rooms besides 8 finished room in attic. Full lot; located on East 62d St.. convenient to car and high school. Will sell on terms. A. K. HILL CO.. 214 Lumbermen bldg. Bdwy. 421. kT. SCOTT district 66 fare back to the soil: - About an acre, own your own home, $20 down and $10 per month, interest 6 per cent on de ferred payments. $1250 and up. Two tracts have small houses. Same monthly payment-. Inquire 414 Pittock block. Phone Broadway 784. or 404 E. Alder St., phone East 640. . .. . LAURELH fJRST HOME $4000'' - Modern, 7 room and sleeping porch, 60x100 ft lot with garage, oak floors, fireplace, fur nace, buffet bookcases, a pleasant home and a mighty good buy at $4000: terms. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. $8000 6 room modern -tome, full concrete base went,, built-in features, fireplace level lot 60s 143, on hardsnrfaced street cohvenient to 3 carline and school. House In fine condition. Cash-or terms.- Owner, Wood lawn 6310. 803 East Jessup st, . . EAST PINE ST. COTTAGE, l700 Good. 6 room cottage, electricity, bath, base-, ment; paved streets, sewer and all city liens paid; on E. Pine at. near 28th. Price $1700. on- easy terms. GRUSSI BENNETT. 818 Board of Trade. Main 7452. COTTAGE 2 LOTH CIKnn Sellwood car, 6 room and bath, newly pa. pered and painted, big lot 50x200 with bearing fruit tree; a fine place for garden and chick en. $250 cash, balance like rent COE A. McKENNA A CO.. M. 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade Jbldg. FOR SALE By owner, comer. 100x100. with well-built house, in good location, 6 rooms on ground floor. 2 rooms in attic, fun base ment, fruit trees, berries, etc; 1 block from car; $8000, term if desired, or will sell 100x160 with bouse for $3560. Broadway 6494. 6-KOOM "bung-low. Albert and Union, $2500. - Terms: would take 6 passenger car. -Owner lectins city Saturday. .-. . - EVANS A ABSHIB Main 6365. 414 Gerllneer. MODERN 6 room bungalow, fireplace, full ce " ment. basement laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet. 50x100 lot, garage. 2 blocks from car, .-$3300, $500 to $1000 down, bal ance easy terms. 1118 E. 20th N ,. $2000 Modern 5 room bungalow in fine condi tion, electricity, gas. bath,- etc, good base ment, full lot paved street; no assessments; 1 block car;-terms. Owner leavinc city. . Tabor 6559. .; - ' YOU can save $1000 by baying in St, John Instead of Rose City, etc See my new bun. galow, built-in ef facts, full lot fine tree, one block north of St John carline. 1010 Leoo ard near Buchanan. 6- ROOM . modem bungalow on 8 6th near Di vision, good condition, all improvement paid: $2500, $300 cash, $25 per month. , . ' - SLETTEN A JONES, . . .-. Main 2S58. -, 248 Star at " PIEDMONT CORNER " A good home ia fin location, lew price $4000, 7- rooms. 2 fireplaces, furnace., a hathronrti-. oW .ivory finish, terms. 1297 Rodney are. Wood- Large 6 room ,hou-e, half block car, fruit! roses; snap at '$2500, $500 cash. . Appoiat- meni oniy. iziw N. W. Bank bldg. OWNER must selL only $2000. 0 rooms base ment nice lawn, -paved streets, cood district; a real bargain. Sellwood 128. . 6 ROOM hotua, full concrete basement, 60x100 lot. no, incumbrances. Pries $2900. 644 E. iid S. Phone Sellwood 8099. -AN EIGHT room well built house, .' full lot . fruit and shrubbery; wiH sell at a sacrifice. Owner. East 4 84. 4 ROOM modern house, cement basement 451400; small payment, easy terms;! 4 block to Mt, rlcott car. Tabor 3551. CORNER lot 60x110, 6 room tent honse. new. and furniture if desired; owner leaving city. 1823 Willamette blvd. v $200 Modern 5 room bungalow, fin lot! 100x100. Woodstock, Sellwood 1333. - THE OREGON. K I f .... .... ma m . h k a . , f. .1 , V j . M - V , I " ' AT Wi i ItM W .,.-.."... '. -..- ........ - , " .. . " - i 7 ROOM modern bungalow with lot 100x100. lissrthorne district. I bloc iron car; pnos $3000. . - . ' ft toon modem bunrnlnw. 60x1 00 . lot. . Haw thorn district: price $-50H. . . 5 room jsodern tnincaiow, .. . corner, parea street; price $2600. -, .5 room modern bang-slow, -fonts riHa oi trict; price $2900. . .4 room Bungalow, jot TJloo, jaoniai-ua district: price $1600. t A room modern bungalow, sloea in. Seuwood district, lot 69x102, 1U of fruit and berrtes. nice little barn, garage, chicken house : price 6 room strictly modern bungalow, with fire Dlaee. furnace heat, full cement basement, lot 60x100. well located, Woodstock district: price $Slo. Ihts is a big snap. . . . . 5 room modern cotlaas. larra tot, 60x108 large sleeping , porch, garatre. ohicken house, pared street, . close to William are.; price $2700; if taken at ono Immediate possession . 6 room modern eottage, lot 40x100, pared streets, eiose to WilHsm are.: price gzavu. All of the above bungalows and cottages, on any good reasonable' terms. If any of these places appeals to you. call in our office and we will take our auto and show you. NEW YORK rAD CO.. 808 Stock Exchange bid. Mala T676. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 7 ROOM BUNGALOW $4230 VKRY LLilKKAl, TERMS We want you to aew this splendid bungalow, located 1028 Stephens street, 8 block south of Uswthorne. near 34 th. Full 60x100 lot and all assessments paid. - JTou will atipreciate the in terior finish, the exnemlre ftxtares. the inaflsire buffet, paneled dining room, costly plumbing and exceptional lighting fixtures. Of course, it has hardwood floor, fireplace, bookcases, fur nace, etc Immediate poeseaaion. ' A. O. TEEPK CO., 264 Stark st. near Third. Main 8516. Branch Office; 60th and Sandy. BEAUTIFlSt, BUNGALOW BARGAIN -$31&0 Here is a bargain, a truly wonderful buy; 6 room bungalow, thoroughly modern except furnace, in perfect con - dition, inside clean and attractive, liv ing room across, entire front ot house, large bedrooms, hardwood floors, fire place, all bum-ins, full cement base ' ment. wash trays: improvement ' all paid; in Westmoreland. Can we send a machine for you to see this? J. A. WICK-IAN CO., Main 688. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. HERE S YOCU CHANCE If yoa have a good lot in a cood district It will be considered in part payment fur this nice borne. 6 rooms, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, woodlift. garage) macadam streets in and paid. Close in. east aide. Price $3000. Will consider lot to $1500, balance long tune at 6 i per cent This needs quick action. C. A. WAKKINEB. RfTTEK,. LOWE A CO.. 20-3-g-7 Board yf Trade bklg. MODERN Bf'.VGAtOW $2650. Fine modem 5 room bungalow, with attic, full basemnt, laundry trays, bookcases, fireplace, window seat, buffet, Dutch kitchen and other uuutra conveniences; locate-, in tne oest poruon of Hawthorne ave. district on E. 8 7 th, 3 blocks to good carline; lot 44x100, rose bushes and berry bushes, also fruit tree ot various assort ments; an exceptionally good place to live. J. L. KARNOPP A CO.. 1 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main 665, $3100 Furnished $3100 4 blocks Union ave.. neax A In worth: 6 rmi, an on one floor, large attic, bath, 50x100 lot. The furniture is good grade and plenty of it; must ,be sold; $900 down, balance $25 month. Open evenings. ; GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. $lO0 DOWN: $100 BALANCE I.IKE RENT Ground 100x100. about 25 eojd bearing fruit trees, 4 room shack and barn, 1 blocky from hard surface street. Now vacant. Imme diate-(oasesaion. .Price $140(1., " C. A. WARRINER, RITTER,- LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade oldg. LANK SELLS TO CIXSE AN ESTATE ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $3600 Located 1 block from Sandy, splendid loca tion: 6 rooms with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 284 Stark St., near 3d. Main 8516. Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. $1300 $200 CASH: $200 8 rooms, bath, floored attic, fireplace, built-in Dutch kitchen, semi-cemtut basement, full lot, east front terms like rent. WATCH OUR AOS. WE GET RESULTS. C A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade hldg. Mt. Tabor Bungalow Beautiful view property; 6 rooms, fireplace, hardwood floor, furnace, swell Dutch kitchen. For Quick sale, $8500; $885 cash, balance only S20 a month, which includes the interest. Open evenings. - . GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. WEST SIDE 6 room eottage with all improvements in and paid for, walking distance to town. 385 Front St. Will give good terms. WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO., MAIN 14, 85 4TH ST ROSE CITY DISTRICT 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $3000 5 rooms and reception hall, oak floors, fire place, buffet, bookcases, 60x100 lot several fruit trees. 2 block- to car. A tare buy at $3000, terms. CLEVELAND-BARR'HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exch bldg. Main 6752. $3750 A" PICKUP $3750 FIVE ROOM Modem bungalow, comer lot improvements all in and paid. Not farther out than 36th at $500 cash will handle. SEE THIS QUICK. Office E 30th and Glisan sts. TABOR 3433 OR EAST 2086 EVES. $3000 Six room modem home, full concrete base ment bult-in features, fireplace: level lot 50x148, on hard-surfaced street convenient to 8 carline and school: house in fine condition; cash or terms. Owner, Woodlawn 6310. 393 K. Jessup st ONLY $1275 Six room ' modem bungalow, large porch, basement garage, almost new, electricity, gaa. garden in; bargain; hard-surface street near school; owner tnuat sell. Mt Scott car. 4827 9 2d it S. E. Tart cash: Phone Tabor 8175. A MODERN attractive . bungalow in Walnut Park, choice residence district, within 2 blocks off 5 carline ; living and dining rooms, 5 bed rooms, den, sewing room, kitchen-, pantry, 2 baths, 2 lavatories, storeroom, cement basement hot water heat. Call at 109j--Garficld ave. TO SETTLrVESTATE $2850 takes a $4000 home, 17th st near Ladd's addition. 50x100 lot 4 fruit trees, lawn and shrubbery. 0 room house with fur nace.' This will go quickly. jCHAS. RINGLER A CO., 225 Henry bldg. 9j EAST MAIN ST. FURNISHED BUNGALOW Neat (mm bungalow; furnace, garage, fire place, only $3500; completely furnished;. $3250 unfurnished. $ 1 000 cash. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. BEATS PAYING RENT $1350 $1350 $1850 Horn, sweet home 6 rooms, large garden ; garage, $1000. leas than It cost Corner 77th st and48th ave. 8. E. CHAS. RINGLER. Main 8123. Tabor 2952. MORTGAGED AND LOST $2650 buy 7 r. stone house worth $4500. $2650 buys 7 r. fine house worth $3760. These are not every-dity bargains. Jump at them now. Some terms. J. D. KENNEDT, 329 SALMON $300 DOWN MOVE RIGHT IN $2100 5610 64th-st S. E.. west of Woodstock car line, close to school; modern 7 room bungalow, large lot; price $2100; easy terms. RUTHFORD. 513 Fen ton Bldg. Bdwy. 637. $3650 East Ankeny near 20th, takes ? room modem home; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floor; in fine condition. $600; $35 per month. Phone Tabor 6441. BY OWNER Modern 6 room house. 50x100 lot east front large garage, 'paved streets. 4 carline. close in. good district $3900. 491 K. 1.6th st near Division st; x MALL, neat plastered bungalow on eood oar- den lot; rooms large: sidewalk paid: leavinc city. Price $825. $225 down. Coma on Mt. Scott car to Kem Park; See Nd. 6618. ODOosite. FOR SALE 5-room modem, attractive bunga low, 83 E. 24th t N., close to car. close to Vernon aenoot, at la bargain. Call after 6 p. m. WEST SIDE. MflLKING DISTANCE o room noose, g ami. GRAHAM. 724 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1434, FOR SALE Hook and 2 lota. $1300. -term, at o per cent, or wtu sell nouse and l lot garden In. phono 8S5-Y. 51i W. Slst .st. Vancouver, vraso. 4 ROOM plastered bungalow, bath, electricity, gas. cement basement in cood condition; kit 60x100: fruit 8 blocks to car, 20 minute to Sd and Morrison sts. Tabor add. Woodlawn 2583. - MODERN 8 room double constructed- bungalow, , A-l condition, lot 60x190. for aalo or trad for 10 acre tract Bear good road: price $2500. 1221 E. 27th st N. TWO 5 room cottages, bargain." east side; price $1875 and $2200. terras. Tabor 385 or 8S6. 1 6-ItOOM bungalow near Peninsula school and near car. $1850; hall cash. . Phone owner. Wdln. 4282. - ' ' FOR SALE By owner, 8 room bungalow 1 block to car, $1800, som terms; also furni ttirv. Can 7108 68d ave. 8. E. S AND ft room modem cottages, dose in. good district; jsi-v payments. per cent Interest Woodlawn 2177. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY,.:- APRIL ' EXTRA INDUC-JIEXTS OFFERED IN ( f AR PORTLAND'S FIRST-CLASS : RESTRICTED H8ItKNTIAL DISTRICT. - Beet ear service: Jefferson high school; large publio library, paved street, block wtu Slier, m.in. 4a-4. int. the iti,en tne of eornsir-. NO FINER LOCATION FOB. A HOME IN THE CITY - W are offering a limited number of choice lot t itrtaM- evervthimv considered, very at tractive: finano-ll assists oce if desired. You will make no mistake in building your home in Walnut Park. A number of others are building in , Walnut Park, why : not yonf . Call today. OF-'ICE. 114 UNION AVE. N.. WDLN. 8804 W. M. KILLINGS WORTH. OWNER. THE EVENINGS ABE LONG ' Let oa- tax: yoa out some evening after work and show you some real homo bargains. We are open , every evening. "THE McGUIRE SYSTEM" make it easy to find the home you are looking for. Over 600 photograph of home that we are offering for sale are arranged in their re spective dietriets In one display : room. I have personally inspected and appraised every house. Every property wa offer is good value. Come in any evening and we'll drive out and look at a few of the best out of 600 homes. IF NECE88ABJT. I'LL HELP YOU MAKE ' YOUR FIRST PAYMENT. See . FRANK U McGUIRE, To Buy Tour Home.,. Abington Bldg. Main 1068: Main 5166 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. $2000 ALBERTA DISTRICT Located near Union end Ainsworth- avea. Entrance hall, good ai-e living room, with fire place, dining room with bullet, 2 bedrooms. built-in kitchen, larg attic. Price reasonable w ciooo esiaie, ovv casn, . oaiance imj w suit. BLAKE REALTY CO.. 109, Over Citizen Bank. Tabor 8583. Hay and Evening. 5 ROOM bungalow, fireplace, modem. Patton's aaoiuon, 3700, 70l cash, balance trm. 6 rooms, J one-more addition, 1 lot. full base ment, $2500. 1 7 rooms, bath, furnace, concrete basement, lot ovx.au, czoiiu, $oo cash, balance monthly. 6 room", Hoiae at-. Jot 85X145, plastered. oniy iuvu. nee TL'CKEB A SHHEGK, 501-502 Spalding Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $500 CASH. BAL. $85 MONTH. INC. INT. Modem 8 loom bungalow, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, buffet, book caae. dining room, beemed and paneled; cloak closet, mirror door. 2 bedrooms and bath, lower floor; 8 big bed rooms upstairs: streets paved and paid; on 48th st., close to. Hawthorne.' It is a buy at $4000. The term are easier, than rent CLEVELAND-BARR-SENDEKSON CO. 212 Railway Exch bldg. Main 6752. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN Pay $300 down and the balance monthly with 9 per cent interest: 5 rooms, modem conven iences, newly painted outside and refiniahed in side, in 65th st. S. E., about 6 blocks from, car and close to Arieta school; corner lot, 80x101; price $2500. See E. M. Brown, with NEILAN A PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermen Bldg., 5th and Stark Sts. ADDITION $2500 Eaey Terms 6 room bungalow, fireplace, good basement 60x100, comer lot lawn, roses and shrubbery, street improved on one side. A good buy. STANLEY 8. THOMPSON CO., S02 Oak. COMPARE this with other prices: 50x100. fine lawn, roses, ornamental and fruit trees. 200 ft. from car. 18 minutes from business cen ter. 7 fine, large, airy rooms and ball, full base roent, wash trays, first-elaas plumbing, bath, two toilets, two lavatories, good light fixtures; this home. is in good condition inside and out; price $3500. Neal Btown. 207 Panama bldg. $100 DOWN $1175 Here,, Mr. Rent Payer, buy thia and pay rent to yourself: A 6 room cottage, partly modem, woodshed can be used for garage: cement side walks; Hawthorne car, 65 th st The room are small but it is a real pretty place. t-ur. a. MsONA dc CO. Main 4522 82 4 th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. DOCTORS MAGNIFICENT lO ROOM RESIDENCE, CHEAP: FINEST THTNfJ VHtn Rnmnlvr. OR FOR DOCTOR. DISPENSARY ROOM, HOT I3S-,1,?.CHEa' BEST LOCATION, ATTRAC TIVE, IRVINGTON. EAST 278. HEKDMAN. OWN YOITtt HflUE 6 room dwelling, well built and modern In every respect. Full cement basement, good heat ing plant north slope of Mt Tabor. Price rea sonable, terms. to suit See -K. W. HAGOOD 500 Tournai bldg. Msin 4958. A-6051. ROSE" CITY PARK Beautiful buncalow. 5 rooms and attic, strictly modern, with all built-in features; linoleum in kitchen, bath; heavy screens for all. windows and doors; per fect condition; street paved, paid; nice lawn and roses; was built for home. Price $4500. Call evenings. Tabor 6441. $2850 BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS, MODERN, NEAR LAURELHCRST PARK. $760 CASH. $1350 Bungalow, 5 r. and garage, 2 lota, j $2200 Morris t, 6 room house. $700 Woodlawn, 4 room eottage. CHAS. RINGLER A CO.. 225 Henry bldg. FOR SALE by owner, a mftv acre in Park- Tts-u. all under cultivation, 8 blocks from Colombia highway and car, L block from hard surface road, gooa a room nouse sua outbuildings, lights, gas and water, bearing fruit trees and berries. Price $2500: $1800 cash, ba-uice mit. Phnn. OVUWODU OVO. ONLY $1600 EASY TERMS -Look at 396 Killingsworth ave., just east of tnion ave.. 6 rooms and bath, 3 rooms down and 2 up; plastered; easy terms. ' J. A. WICKMAN CO., . Main 688. 204 Br. Exch. bid. TAKE YOUR CHOICE MOVE RIGHT IN -i and 883 Halsey sr., strictly mod. homes on fine close in comers, garage, choice location. Look them over, then call me op. The price will surprise yon.r RUTHERFORD. 618 Fenton bldg. Bdwy. 637. FURNISHED complete. Including cow, good milker, ou 1 chickens, wood; 4 rooms. sKaall bam, near car, ready to move to, $1750. $80O cash. SLETTEN ft JONES, Main 2558. 248 Stark at FOR SALI House and 2 lots, with 13 largo fruit trees and good gardening ground, at 1208 E. Main st. Must cell to close an estate. Price $2800. For appointment see J. F. Alui- ler, xaoor 4404. $6500 WILL buy our double flat in fine con- dition, easy terms; good location; always rented; modem; close in; fireplaces, 4 blocks from grade and high schooL Owner. 650 East Aider. Kast 3-40. $2200 Woodlawn $2200 6-room modem bungalow, 50x100 lot, fruit trees; s diocks ear; govu down, bat, monthly. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. WHY NOT BUILD T Get an artiatio bom by an established archi tectural firm at low cost, We build anything, furnish the money if desired. I- R. Bailey Co., inc., eonrracting arcniiecrs. -4 n. w. 0a US. $1900 Terms $450 Down 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, FRUIT TREES Cement sidewalks, sewer in. S blocks from car. $20 FKK MONTH. PHONE TABOR 5196. C-ROOM modem house in first-class condition, al! clear, full cement basement choice lot near car. $2600. $1000 cash. $25 monthly. Also 5-room bungalow. Inquir 1911 E. Irving St.. M. v. ear. ROSE CITY PARK BAROAIN By owner, 6 room house complete ia every detail with garage, an Honest bargain at $4 TOO; terms, rnone 'labor psu j lor particular. tWO 6 room cottage by owner. Just painted inside and outside, 1036 Macadam st. 107! Water st $20q down, balance as rent. Walking atstance. a Dlock irom canine. Maniiaii 44 al. 6 ROOM modern bungalow, hard floors, fnr nace, fireplace, beautiful location; corner lot Hawthorne, $3750. Term. 602 Piatt bldg. Aiarsnau ouo. . .- BY OWNER A nica nous for man and wife, brand aew. See it at 1011. E. 33d st. N., $200 down. oat- use ren , BY OWNER t 6-Boom furnished bungalow, nicely located. Bargain.' Woodlawn 5852. 1 ACRES for sale or trade for modem bouse and balance cash: fine trade and orchard. 1626 Division st. Price $70OO. 75x200 garden tract in cultivation, with 9 room nouse, price nww, io casn. i MARSTERS, 201 Wilcox Bide. -TWO small house, chicken house, berrie and outer fruit; lot ouxioo; au lor $so caab. gS E. 417th st.. Monta villa car. ' BEAUTIFUL modern buncalow, choice location1. - eneap. snap .or quicc aaia. ivs js. sa is Alberta car. Owner. NICE 6 roota eottage, first elaaa condition. Broad- way ear; a snap at $2650. half cash. Show oy appointment only. is. w.- Bankj, Bldg. -lAi-' atKE, iwnu, cnamesj apple, pear. 1 Dernes, nair diocx to car; aouu casii. 1 emu. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. LARGE lot with 3 - room semi-modern. ' shack ; - your rent will pay for thia. - Get particulars on tnis. air. neuter, -jaoor I43. PRETTY bungalow, hardwood floors, Dutch - fcitcnen. au Bmit-ins; tine condition ; one block Irom AiDerta car. . o sumner st.. cor ibth. $2600 SUNNYSIDK; $260 OAS HKATINtJ SYSTEM Kera .in a eoav littls 5 room eottaga. full fsemi-cemant basement. wah tray, nica lawn. fruit trees, abundanro of Berrtes, mo oeaw tiful sleeping porch- This will have to O seen to be ar-prresatedL- Word cannot explain. $1200 caab will handle. - - ; A. tfARRINEB, RTTTE.R. IXWE -s CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bhlc. FOB 8AI.F IOTS It VACANT LOTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY 2 nice bits, all In cultivation, right at Lenta. Price $250 each. - 8 lota, close to Hawthorne car. sidewalks, curbs, water and gas' In. all in col El ration. $1000. takes all 8 lota. Wa also have 49 lota all In cherries and fruit, 2 blocks from Hawthorne car, fine district, rang ing from $400 to $700 each, according to the Anv of the lota can bo handled on very easy terms or will buud bungalow to suit ir de- "reL NEW YORK LAND CO. 803 5 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7676 CAPITOfc HILL : Haa city water, school, electricity, gss, telephone and 6c carfare. WEST SIDB W are the original owner and offer the fol lowing bargains: Choice single lots 60x100 for $360 ea.; 2 for $500. One group of 10 lots, about 1 acre in area, $1000. One group of 9 lots, $750. Two cood lots. $450. SMITH A WILSON. 301 McKay bldg. Main 1004. $650 BUYS a fin comer lot. 1 block from ear. 18 minutes from 2d and Alder; right among cood! homes ; lot covered with bearing fruit; best residence lot for the price in Port land. Neal Brown. 207 Panama bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, $375; fractional lot. close in. $375. Main 1963. ACREAGE 6T 5 ACRES at Garden Home, 2 acres eulti vated, 2 acres timber, new 5 room bunga 14w, family orchard, spring, city water, electricity and gas aivalable; price $4009; terms. 2 scree near Huber on sidewalk, small or chard,' logan and blackberries, good lawn and ornamental shrubbery: well built house, 4 rooms downstairs and 2 rooms upstairs not finished. modem, with bath, toilet hot and cold water, city water, gaa for cooking and lighting; combi nation wood and. gas stove, very complete nicely located, near station, good garden ground and city conveniences: price $3000, $50O cash, bal ance good terms. 2 acres. 3 blocks Hnber station. W culti vated, good well, 4 room house and outbuildings. price $1325, $500 cash, balance to suit. 6 acres mile of Beaverton. all culti vated and fenced. 6 room house with bath and toilet, good bam, outbuildings; price $3500; terms. 10 acre 3 miles from town, no house but good bam ( house burned), good well, under fine-state of cultivation: one of the well improved place of that country; price $3000: term. 2 acres, all cultivated, fenced. 8 room house, H mile school, ft mile of station; price $8000, $200 cash, balance. to suit Tl't'-EK & HHKH.1JK.. 601-502 Spalding bldg. COUNTRY HOME SITE 80 acre on Section Line road. 11 mOea out all under cultivation and in crop; new bar.i 32x48, potato cellar 24x32, small shack ot house: fenced. Bull Run water to Place: high- class surroundings for country home. This is one of the finest building spots on east side; fine view, cood soil, rood roads and car semce. If you are looking for something fine-, this is it Don't pass this up; $24,000, $8000 cash, balance terms. V. H. WOODWARD. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-7 Board of Trade bide. CHEAP ACREAGE 6 acres $250. $10 down. $5 per month, buy 6 acre of land between Portland and Centralia, on the main line of 3 railroads. 1 H to S miles of good little town; sawmills and log ging camps in immediate vicinity; some of this land is partly cleared ; running stream ; ome bottom land, some bench. This acreage priced from $25 to $75 per acre- Can give you any kind of a piece yon want. CHARLES DELSEL, 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. 9 ACRE8 BEAV E KTON All in cultivation, good Al soil and wll located, best buy in Beaverton district: if you are looking for land priced less than it cost to clear same, this is what you want: this ia posi tively the best buy we have to offer: we can Mil this tract for $2300 with $500 cash, balance terms. C. H. "WOODWARD. BITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 1 ACRES OAK GROVJ3 1 ACRES (-800 TERMS A dandy little suburban home. 5 room house. good well, about 40 nice fruit tree, berries. cnieaen yam. garaen all planted ana looking fine, lot of shrubbery, shade trees, etc; soon, 4 minutes walk from Oregon City ear. Thia is an exceptional buy; half cash,. bal. terms. w TUCKER Ot SHHECK, 601-502 Spalding- bldg. 2.81 ACRES ERROL STA. Nice level tract all cleared, fine fruit and berry land, small house, water piped from spring, fine roads. 7c car fare; will trade for Portland, house and lot op to $3000; price gzsuu; terms. TUCKER A SHRECK. 501-502 Spalding bldg 1 V. ACRES GLADSTONE Nicely -located tract and beautiful building spot all cleared and fenced, small shack, this is owned by non-resident and this is extra low price; $ 1 50 cash. , C. H. WOODWARD, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 40 ACRES $1650 Rich soil, spring water; land lies flno. On rocked Toad, green grass year round; don't for get to look this up. See A. K. HilL 214 Lum bermen bldg. $1750 BUYS new 4 room house, city gas, wood- shed, large chicken house, good brick well, 1 acres of land, part in garden and orchard. balance in oats; located 85 minutes oat on Red S. P. Electric, near new highway; terms. ' W 224. Journal. FOR SALE- By owner, 10 acres, all in cnl- tivation, new bam 24x80, 1 mile south of Monmouth, on Pacific highway. Price $2000 Write for term. Jesse V. Johnson, Monmouth. or. ACREAGE and suburban homes. I have them from 2 to 10 acres, close in; some with fins homea; consider cood Income property In ex change for some of these places. Neal Brown, 207 Panama bidg. 10 ACRES, all in cultivation, 'ideal countrv home: house, bam, chicken park, assortment fruit close to electric ear, 11. SO, $500 down. MARSTERS, 201 Wilcox Bldg. IS ACRES of fine soil, cleared. 18 miles from Portland, on electric line, right at Cottrell station; $2500; terms. Broadway 1658. 299 Oregon bldg. 7 ACRES, all in cultivation, on Capital high way. 8 miles from Portland: A room bunga low, bam. chicken house, young orchard. Phone Woodlawn 571 or K-438. Journal. HABNEY PARK For beautiful home site, on Columbia River high way. See n. Dabney Investment Co.. room 1, Worcester bldg. $100 CASH. $100 yearly buy 10 acres fine land, near car, school, postoffice, highway. Draper. 201 Wilcox bldg. - BASE LINE road, oiose in, 5 acres or lass; $350 acre. Owner. Bdwy. 4407. "CRANBERRY LAND 1 to 17 acres, $300 per acre. Wdln. 4038. 12 ACRES, by owner. Phone ScUwood 72$J SUBURB AW ACREAGE 7$ " RAISE CHICKENS : 3 tt acres, with creek,, rich soil, modem style bungalow, modern chicken buildings ; going at a big sacrifice for quick Rale. 19 acres, nearly aU under cultivation, on main highway. This would bo splendid for prunes. Pries $4600.- .-,-. . 8 acres, highly improved, near city limit. $5000. A. K. HILL CO., v 214 Lumbermen bldg. 8TJBTJRBAF HOMES 7 SPECIAL PRICE $200 DISCOUNT $200 " ' : - 2 fine acres less than 4 blocks from Greenberc station on Oregon electric, pretty tattle 4-room bungalow, ceiled and papered, no baaement water piped into house, well fenced, all cultivated, 45 fruit tree bearing, berrie-, lawn, eh rubbery and flowers; ws are making a special price oa thia of $2300; $200 lea than originally asked; can gire immediats possession; $.750 cash, balance easy. . - i - . C. H. WOODWARD. HITTER, LOWE A CO.. ; '? j 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ' . A REAL BARGAIN - ' 6 acres fine black day soil ia cultivation, goo? fences, .well and, 7 -room plastered house ia fair condition; . 70 fine young, sturdy -fruit tree: small ' bam. sheep 'bam and hog-house: 100 yard to school and-store; fin creek oa place which give the place special value Look this up. . Price- $2500; $500 cash, balance easy. , C. H. i WOODWARD. ' . BITTERL LOWE A CO.. T - 201-7 Bord of Trade bldg. AT MAPLEWOOD '4 room bungalow, sleeping porch. 100x100, $1400.- Your own term, J-269, Journal. , , . -... . t - , , ' ; - ' in: B1-, H'RER Ti:ATATIM . 8 acre under plow, Al black loam soil. us-t foiling enough for good drainage, all fenced, wire and-plank; e) .block from station on good county road. 13 mile from Portland. 6 block to scl-joL church, etc, K. F. D., telephone, cood well. rrxm painted shack, 8 chicken fcoumft, a fin cl'scc to get a good piece of land for lea than value; $3000., $700 cash, balance long time 6 IMf cent C. H. WOODWARD, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-8-6-7 Beard of Trade bldg. SUBURBAN HOME -'Two acres, in cultivation, cood 4 room plas tered house, outbuild-gs. fruit, berries, shrub bery and flower, including chickens. toots. wood, etc.: gas, water: graded school ; Fourth Street Electric. 3 blocks from station and Pa cifio highway. Will sacrifice and give good terms to responsibl person. ' See photograph. owner, K. is. untcn. room ail. city utu. ' " TIMBER F SS 40 ACRES heavy timber 20 miles from Tort: land, value 8150O, for sal, or trade for few acre with improvement-. Phone Bdwy. 2604 FOB SALE FARMS J7 GRAIN ANTJ CATT-Jh MAKE WEALTH For the producer when he i iocs tad ear cheap rich land with good markets, where taxes and Interest do not consume the proiita. Be a pro ducer and grow rich. Thousand are now doing so. Wo have the proof. We can show yoa. The very beet of tarmv improved. ' $16 TO $40 AN ACRE Easy terms. Keduoad rates. Writ or can for facta. ; UNITED GRAIN GROWERS' SECURITIES CO.. LTD., 624 Henry bldg. AN OPPORTUNITY 24 acre, most all In bearing prunes, cherries and pears. 1 mile of station; estimated crop, pro duced last season oVer $4000; big crop pros pects now and high prices; 2 good crop should pay tor thia plaoa; located in Salem district : canneries, packing house, fruit union and fruit Juice plant; high price oa 'contract lor sev en! year a head. Thia place u a money maker; $1000 cash down and crop payments to right man. See owner, 215 Lumbermen bldg. ' - Cheap Close In Acreage 1 0 St acres. located close to. Ronila station, Oregon Electric station, 9 miles from Portland. No ttnes, all good land, family orchard. 5 room tinnaa larra b-j-u. SO ton silo, windmill, large hog house and several outbuildings. This land is all under high state of cultivation. With the place goea 1 cow, 2 brjod' sows and all farm machinery. Price $287 per acre. $2000 cash will handle. Balance, on easy terms. See Brooks, with John Ferguson, .Gerlin ger hjjig. WA$Jf KI Owner wishes to deal directly with party wanting good farm proposition in ciarae county. 80 acres, 12 mile from Vancouver. 1 3 acres in high state of cultivation, nie arameu . 85 acres partly cleared and in excellent pasture: balanced scattered timber, partly cedar; all well fenced. No better soil anywhere, au uiiaoie. No hillsides, rock or hardpan. Uooa nouse. bam and other building. Bearing orchard and small traits. Comoletely stocked and equipped. $9500 takes everything, preler casn. out can arrange terms for half. 814 W. 17th at., Vancouver, Wash. 20 ACRE FARM RICH BOTTOM ON BANK OF RIVER Here Is an ideal farm and home combined. located only SO mile from Portland, close to good town, both rail and water transportation, land aU improved, crops in. For a few days we are authorized to offer thia choice little farm for only $3000. Come in and let us tell you aU about it. A. K. HILL CO.. 214 Lumbermefts bldg. Broadway 421. SPLENDID 50 acre farm, about 35 miles from Portland, 2 miles from R. R, less than mile to pos toff ice, -tores, church and school, on good gravel road, SO acre high state of cultiva tion, 20 timber, all good soil, in fine dairy dis trict; fine spring water piped to buildings; good 5 room hou.e, hot and cold water, bath and toilet: everything in farm building, and aU in fine condition. This fine farm can be had for $5250. Must nave $3000 cash. NEAL BROWN. 207 Panama bldg. IN THE SUBURBS.. 80 acres of good -oil, 3 miles from the courthouse. 7 room house with ftreplao; is well furnished : horse, cows. hoc, chickens. timber, pasture, running waier, fall grain up fine, garden 1 up; farm is fully .equipped. Price $7000; half cash. Phone V3F2, Oregon City, and I will come and get you and show you the ranch. A. . L.. R. 1, Box 88. Oregon City, Or. DAIRY RANCH 167 acres 1 mile from Gobte, the county seat of Cowlitz county: 18 acres in cultiva tion; aU of the balance seeded and good open pasture. Two dwellings, barns and outbuildings, 2 wells and a fine stream: all good land; $-000, ! cash: will keen 60 dairy cows. Main 6483. 6th and Wa-hingtoari SPARKS-STEVEN a CO.. Bttito 611-12-18 Wilcox Bldg. 25 MILES OF PORTLAND 20 Scree, well improved, good soil, fin spring, good well, within 4 mile school, church and town, 6 acre prune-, 1 V4 acres small trait good house and bam, full equipment livestock snd implements; $1500 will handle, bal. easy terms. . GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yon bldg. A SNAP Forty acre at $25 per acre, between 2 best markets in Oregon; first-claas soil, running water, green crass an year, work plentiful; terms $100 cash, remainder 6 per rent. F. K. STEARNS 202 WilcoX Bldg. 6th and Washington SU. " " 51 ACRES Black loam garden land. 1 M mile from Wood bum, all in cultivation, fenced and in prime condition: no better land in Ahe state; worth double the price asked; $5000, half cash, balance terms. Main 6433. , 6th and Washington. SPARKS-STEVENS CO. Suite 611-12-13 Wttcox bldg. 120 ACRES, $2000 Just listen to this: 10 acre now In cultiva tion, with a good 4 room house and outbuildings, close to milk routs and a splendid school. 6 miles from Timber, Or. Let us tell yoa mors about it; well worth investigating. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon bldg. 200 ACRES. $ mile southeast ot Tamer. Sev- ersi fin oak grove, plenty water. Well fenced, good 6 room house, Just papered. Good large bam with bay fork. Several pumps and troughs over place. Further particulars inquire of R. A Wilson, 430 Sooth Pine St., Roseburg, Or. 6-ACKE farm for sale, 20 mile from Portland, in Willamette valley; a large house and bam, some fruit; just th place for chicken and dairy; part cash; ' 6 years on balance. CaU evenings oct ween 6 and 8 for Mr. Peter, 411 Williams ave. $50 DOWN. $12.50 MONTHLY Fins, level 20 A. tract of unim proved land.' 3 tt muss from liuisDoro; ga7.au per acre; im soil, running stream, good shack. Fred W, Ger man Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Open evening, and Sunday. ' 80 ACRES, 15 acres in cultivation, near rail road; house, bam and outbuilding-, 8 -arcs springs, plenty ot government rang; pries $1250. Draper. 201 Wilcox bklg. STOCKRAISING farm for sale, $4000; good oil; 6 hour (rom Portland. Washington county. . Phillip Ziegler, 1077 Clinton t HOMESTKAPS 47 640 HOMESTEADS and reUnqubih merits. Large portion tills bis. Eastern Oregon; splendid stock ranches, water and timber convenient Some good timber claim-. Lived In that eovm try for yean. - Call 7 to 9. evenings or Boa day or writ W. T. Lester, Burns. Or. EXCHANGE BE AL ESTATE 24 80 ACRES, 10 mile from Vancouver, fo Clarke county, oa good hard surface road, about 25 or SO acre in cultivation; fair house and bam and outbuilding, aU stock and ma chinery, all good land, will sell for $6600, or exchsng for city property. ,- . Also 80 acre-, 7 mile from Woodland, good 4 room house, bam, and on -building-, about 18 or1 20 acre in cultivation, good soil. Price $8500. or will trade for olty property. New York Land Co.: 803-6 Stock Exchange bldg. Phona Main 7676. 80 ACRE farm, 9 mile from Estscada, 13 acre under-plow, 40 t-llabls, good young orchard, barn and outbuilding: no house: good team. farm implement, value $8000, for dear house and lot in Portland. Inquire 1911 E. Irving ,. M-y car. GOOD 5 room house, lot 50x100; tt block from , WS ear near Gladstone ave. Now is the time to boy. a my tenant is moving. I will take Liberty bonds and givs term on balance. Kob't, t$. Co Jr., owner. 884 tt' Hawthorns ave. Phone-East 4726. Price $2850. HAVE good 7 room booss, not far out and wwll ced. to trad- for mall suburban home suitable for chicken ranch ; must be a good. borne and bars plenty of water.,. . Neal Brown, sm Panama bldg. - ' i'OB SALE or trade, Dnncaa'a opera .boos for acreage in the Willamette valley; Douaiag aux 108. oa 1st t.. in. main part of city. Address T. i B. Duncan. New berg; T. C. Duncan, 867 J-. If.th st.. Portlsnd. Or. ' 40 ACRES, right near town Eastern Oregon, as first payment on house or basin property. PoStland or vteinrty. 11 -4 J, Journal. NICE tot in Vaaeouvrr. B. C-. t trad for son-Kthlng here. 1 500 Lancaster St. ioo PROPERTIES to aeU sod t exchange. Send for my lut. Box 276, Salem. Or. WANTED-BEAL ESTATE tl 4 - . DON'T WOfcKY , I can sen or trad anything anywhere. Layman. 147 Park at - 200 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 69 SOLD LAST MONTH . 42 FIRST 15 DAYS OF APRIL- : $500,000 WORTH IN 1918 Naturally w need fionee to selL We bar been established since-1880. W advertise ex tensively, are in touch with majority ef buyers. have 10 experienced salesmen each with an ante at hia dUpeomi. Most efficient selling organ- ixatioB la the city. . List yoor boua with m for results. Se - FRANK L. McGUIRE. ' To 8U Your Home. ' Abington Bldg. ' Main 6156. Sain 1068. 5 ROOM bungalow near 8. P. car - shop that can be bought for $2500. 2 bouse on Mt Scott carline. close-in. up to $1200. . ? STA N LEY 8. THOMPSON CO.. S 02 Oak. WANTED A 6 room modern buncalow or cot- - tage, en or very near a tree t oar. Hoiladay addition preferred. Chaa. HlrsteL 104 Sherlock bldg. . - IF you want to cash your bom In, see us. We will do the rest. CLEVELANTt-BARK-HENDERSON CO. 212 Ry. Exch, bklg. Main 6762, 1 HAVE a client who wants a lot between E. 25th and K. 60tb and Hawthorn aves. and E. Lincolu. N-O 2 8, Journal. H'E have cash buyers for all kinds of homes. Do you want to sejlf .We get results. Evana A Absher. 14 Peril nger bldg. Main 6865. TEXAS land wanted; gtv legal description, nam nearest town and cash prioe. George Welling, 841 14th st. i YOUNG married man with good position will buy small modem house paying $36 a month lrclnding interest. R-447. Joumat : ' ; WANTED Ix ia Hawthorn. Main 6040, Sellwood 1367. i OH H acre on Capitol hill or Ryan, Phone East 8726. - BOOM1.SO HOUSES $8 81 rooms, brick, steam heat, close in. . . . $2R0O 84 rooms, brink, housekeeping zmo 15 rooms, brick, transient . . . . 700 20 rooms, t Housekeeping, west side, close la 21O0 9 rooms, housekeeping ............... ttOQ 13 rooms, housekeeping A sleeping.... 475 16 rooms, good furniture, housekeeping. . 1250 Good grocery storsi - well located, brick i hnildine 950 Ask for J. K. Low, with New York I -and Co.,' 303-5 Stock" Exchange bidg.. Mam .7676. Get In My, Automobile And I will show yott the best buy in rooming and apartment houses m Portland. 602 Couch bliig. WANTEIX Widow or single woman that has furaitnra for 10 room house to operate aight- seeing hotel at beautiful resort rent free. Write II. A. Phelps, 268 E. 46th. HOTEL for rent furniture for sale, in good live town, cheap. GEORGE MORSE. 809 Chasn. of Com. MUST eir$"7 MT'K. rooms; good location. Phone Broadway 8459. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIEM i Well eHabllshed business in the Yeon bldg , 2 room suite, rent $86. fully equipped with of fice furniture; price $400, $250 cash, balance can be arranged. Thia business will net from $850 to $500 per month. CaU at 505 Yeon bldg. between 1 and 8 p. m. GENERAL MtSE. 8f OftlT" The best money maker in Multnomah Co. Owner has made a big fortune, now ready to retire. Thia store lias never changed hands. Ground 150x170, mod. 6-room bungalow, large store bldg., carrie from $7000 to $9009 stock: sale over $400O monthly. Consider Portland home to $4000: clear; investigate the bent store in the country, just put on the market today. Clear $50(10 to $ 8O00 yearly. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO. . 212 Ry Exch. Bldg. Main 6762. COUNTRY store st station on West Side elec tric line, 88 miles from Portland; 8 passen ger, trains daily; no competition : business in creased nearly last year; stock will invoice about $2000; wiU sell or rent the buildings, which include living apartments. With this sals goes the express, S. P. ticket and postoffices, which pay living xpensea; good, farming and fruit locality, newcomer and sawmills are com ing in. Address Postmaster, Cove Orchard, Or. WANTED at one, well experienced well driller with a little money, to take interest tn a Star gasoline well drill, running now and lota ot work ahead. Tell where experienced and - bow long and age and if married or single. t Address C E. Irwi, Wallula, Wash. ' T ySur opportunity . . A good, industrious man with sales abfltty can buy all or tt interest in established local, man ufacturing concern; no take. Call at ones. - 87 1 E. Morrison t . FOR SALE Country store, doing general mer- chandue business. $4000 stock: eneap rent: very pleasant place to liv. Good reason, for lung. Blair Broa., J -a per, or. FOR 8 ALE Dr. Stone' drug store, Salem. Or.; established 22 year and run on a cash bast. Dr. Ston ha saved over $100,000 from the store. Most retire oa account of age. $950 BUYS fine grocery store, aleaast-ck, good futunes. .doing a dandy rasin-vcloss to .-i i -r i . . i - i. See Mr. refiu-i. . ... . u lagoon! 687 Pittock block MR. BUTCHER Her ia your chance to make good;' a good location for snoo near ship yard, between two restaurants; - low rent CaU SeUwood J 28. . $825 RENT $25. On of Portland' beat ooff lunch . locations, west aid, downtown. Investigats this. Apply 622 tt Waahingtoa. NEED tnore money to finance big garage now opening, low rega. long lease. J--SU Jour nal. INVEST $25 and your spare time snd alia re profits of business. Be Mr. cary, 1-1- is. W. Bank bldg. HAVE client with cash wanting .b-inens. what havs yon t Main 6865. . JUST on market today: G roc. ry, confectionery, Evans and Absher, 414 Gerlinger bldg. SHINE stand for sals or for rent Call at 90 tt N. Bth at . -. - . . COMPLETE pntcher1 outfit Call Tabor 2380. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL list your hotels, apartments and looming he uses with us. we get result DORCAS AGO, 920 N. W. Rvnk bldg. WANTED A small restaurant or lunch counter in a sood location at a reasonable price. Give price and particulars ia first letter. K-231, Journal. ; - - : - MOKET TO LOAy BEALESTATE 7 t'l'K -astallment plan is the bwssand surest method of paying s loan. $$2.26 per month for 86 months, or ' ail 94 fnv AO months, or 0 $16!l7 for VO month, pays $1000 loan end lrterest - Other amounts in proportion, Ws loan on improved city property. Or for building purpose. , Ni efmrmta&Wm eliarifed- EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st. Portland. Or. MONEY TO. LOAN on real eataU security at eoin rata of interest OTTO A HAHKRON REALTY CO., 418 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN on improved city property ' . . . . m. - ... .. T Mt ...., 1. I . 1U I j w- auw , .. .. . w. , agent. 824 O. of C. bldg. $800,. $400, $600, $600, $750 and up, low est rates, quick action. Gordon Investment Co., 681 Ch. of Com. Main 6445. CASH paid for mortsage and seller-' contracts on real estate tn vtawiingioo or urego-. . B. Noble. 8t Fimbermens 6M. $250. .$350, $400, $500. $600 and larger amounts: current rate quick action. Fred W. -German Co. , 732 Chamber of Commerce. Ml:lTTtXt- loans on citv or suburban pmperty, money advanoed a work pioansaes. W. G. Keck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $6000 oo eity property.- -A. H. BELL, Room 1 0-11. MuTfcey t)Mg. MONEY for mortgage loans. $600 to $6000, 6 end 7. Fred S. WilMsms, g-ttlt st. $4100, $600. $750. $1000. no coo., quick action. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE toaas. 6 and 7 Sr. Louis SV-ui A Co , 4UB Belling piog. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce. -4th and Stark. MONEY TO LOA!T CHATTELS. SALARIES - 67 Salary , LOANS ... .- . Chattel --..ii-'-' ffl LOAN MONEY -v- 'ft On abort notice to salaried or workingmen on their own note-, , -Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly paymentsi Each transaction atxietiy eonrxientisi. N. MORTGAGE. NO INDOKSER. f artSOLUTELY NO SECURITY ' Ws also loan on household furnilur. piano. etc.. witbotrt remerval, ,iv. -.v CALL AND TNVE8T7GATB - . COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY . LK'KNSEO . -' - 218 Failing bklg. V, - PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. . EatabliMl-ed by Portland Business Men ta Protect ths Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FUK.Nir.UK . , ' City and County Warrants Cashed - for Face Vain. CABBIE MYERS KERR MAN, MGR.. 994 STARK ST. MftVEY Trt t.AATC -fITATTELlt. MA LA RI KM C7 WYOTTNEED MONEY? Loans mad on auton-obilea. diamonds, planns. household cood -or anything of value. Security Usually ten tn your possession: A1-3U1 to BAle ALIED PEOPLE oa tlteir note without aoeurily. If your payment to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile eon tracts am larger than you can make, w win pay them up, advance yoa mare money If necessary,, and you can repay a la small saoo-hly payments to. salt your coo-vtnie-tce. - " . LEGAL RATFS. NO IVF.LAY BUSINESS BTIUOTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN OtlMPANY i licensed.) 806-807 rteknm bldg. Marshal! 8286. MONEY to loan Mi diamond. )wiryt regal rate;, all article bM a year: esisbUabed rtnee 1 888. Dan Marx. 28 Ws.hlngton, " LOANS WANTED $ - MUST HAVE -CASH QUICK $500 at 8 per cent; only want fot-hort time, so witt pay lair bonus beside! real aauts security. H-44. Jourasl. SEE OREGON INV. MORTOAOB CO, S.$ Chamber nf Cnmmere. 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL $1 LIBERTYBONDS CASH PAID FOR A NT TSSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICK. , - ' " . ,;; . .. ." SEE E. Rt'RKITT. RKCRETART OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. ' 212 SELLING BLD. (SKCONI FLOOR) COR. 6TII AND ALDER STS. . BEFORE SELLING YOUR Liberty Bonds Secute. Our Prices W buy and sell all i-roea G. E. MILLER A CO.. .05-6 Northwestern Bank Bids. - - Mala 419$ BONDS BOUGHT - '. SPOT CASH ' ""' SPOT CAIB s CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS Man bond to use; w remit return mafl Uomf to 725 Gasco Bldg., 6th end Aider. . . CEIXARS-MURTON CO. i HORSES, VEHICLKS, ETC If FOR SALE. EXCHANGE OR HIRE A V- . . . .i. 1 . . I . ... 4 L. . i UTa . wv hmu V uw mi. uinmmm w . , . . - - ona and harness of all kinds. ; A dark mare, ft yrs. old, 180A lbs., and -black gelding. 4 yr., 1260 lb., with a good harnaas, wagon as good a new, $400 for outtlt. owner let. ranen ana left word for me to sell. It is cheep. CROWN BTAB.ES. 2S5 FRONT ST. PHIL BITETTER. JUST got back from Eastern Oregon: liavs 8 teams of well built florae, weight irom gouu to 8600 lbs. a span. AU young, fat and gentle and honest workers in very way; 6 set of bsrii, 4 wagons, buggy, plow, barrow; One sow with pigs; also 3 good milch cows, heavy milkers and gentle. Will sell -very cheap or trade for Portland nreoerty. Call at- Hie- Old dairy barn, J.' 0th and Powell sta. Wo-d-te-4c car. TEAM ot black Percberon nre. weight 300O lbs,, low set -nd heavy boned, earning 6 year old; also team of bay tnare. biased face, full sisters; weight 2760 lb.; biocky buUt. 4 and 6 years old; aU sound and: good workers. Have no further un for them. If -you wan firs class team tak Woodstock ear to 34th street 6 blocks sooth to sonar red barri. . -TEN teti of double and singl work barrtett, 8 farm wagons from 2 inch to 8 tt inrli, 1 0 head of mare and geldings! all good workers nd gentle; weight from looo to lauu to. Also a few cheap horses for ranch work. Wood yard stables. East 0th and Hawthorn, o phons Esst 6106. - AUCTION sals every Monday and Thursday st 2 p. m.; we buy acd sell all class of horses, wagons and harness on b eomukiasloa ; if yott have anything to sell or want to buy, call and ee a.: John 8. Williamson, proprietor and auo tionoer. Sur Stable. 808-10 Front st TEAM weighing 2100 lb., hsrnsss and wagon. srmna ana gooa workers: trial auoweq; ia na old at ny reasonable offer. Tsk Woodstock ear to 54th St., go 6 blocks to first Whits boms on 64th ave. and 54th St. - ' - , - LfLiVE moved to city I must aeU team n ana 7 years oh, well mstea. weigmng, ., with cood Ittmm and farm wagon ; also 1100 lb. horse, $26.00. 209 Gibb st Mrs. I'at terson; South Portland or. ' ' f"ARM " outfit complete, team, mar and gelding, weight 2400 lbs, : -good hames and - 8 tt inob farm wagon, $185, for a quick aalo: going away. 100 K. 9th N. Ask for Mr. Greoms. FOR SALE On large team, hames and wagon; one sum, young, sound, heavy in foal; one single borfte.- 1800 lbs, harness and waarm. - Wrwl.-n Oftft A GOOD little chunky team of mares, young ana sonna, weight 28O0 rrxL : goad worker, Price 8185: also a scmrl seldlna. weight 1800 lbs., $60. East 9th end Flanders, - 100O SETS of work harness, must be sold tn the next 80 days ragardlea of cost Closing out entire stock t 210 1st st. . - - FOR SALE 4 -year-old .Shetland ' pony mere, weight 200 lbs.; perfect pet; pric 850. 786 E. 76th at N., hear Ssndy road. ' ' i. l. . . . . "3r?T"n -av,o ira wiion ti.vv nayi Dfrr-es anisi wagon, ga, j. Cohen. 84 J Front. Main 2208. j EAD horssa and animals kuiu.'sd sWay free. CaUl ..i. wti ... rvniin. n.nomnf w. 1 DEAD horse taaea quickly; cash paid for sows ana ennniea norses. Tsbor 4Zts. 2 Alt. wagon, harnsse. 924 E. 39th st. Phone Sellwood 605. , ' TSOO LB. work horse, see 7 years, lost mats; a bargain if sold at ones. East 4807. A LIGHT wagon and harness. 161 E. 81st U N. LIVESTOCK - 8 THREE good, young, fresh cows, milking from 8 -to 6 asls. a dart gentle for a woman to handle;, also a young farm team, weight 2600 lb., both 5 year old : baraea and wagon. cheap. Woodstock car to Franklin art,, 2 block east. 1 block south to 662 28th tt. S. foS-UTjS 6ns fins bred 2 -year-old "ierssy cow: fresh Jan. 1st. $100. " Day-old Whit Muaeovy ducks, 60e; flock of bantams, Whit Rock cockerel-, $3, or will exchange. 17 4 Wayland at. Phone Columbia 407. ! FOR RALE Fresh Jersey cow, yoang, gentle. ; . about 4 gallons rich milk daily: pdired; New Zealand Red rabbit. $2 and up: honey ' bee 88 colony. 691 Clinton.' -. Sellwood 66.( 6 COWS, fwiT7r5ra 2 to 10d"y. 4 c?theril Jerser, the other 2 Durham, 4 heavy, rich rei-M ers, win sell rexaraies 01 price. Wood. tor cart to 84th st., 5 block south to square red barn. FOR SALE Fins ,grsd -ersey-Durhsm S-yr- om cow giving 40 ids. miuc par day. v. J,l Mendenhsll, Estacsas, r. FRESH dairy and family down. aU breeds. Gentle family cow. $56 to $75; Tlks dry and beef cows in exchsng. 751 East Ash. - i J. a. l a.- 1.. 1 .'-' . ill 11 1 l I bU-is iuk xoggenotug ana easnen cuiy m - for sal. - Com and see them. Address 295 E. 69th N., Portland, Or. " - FOR SALE 2 heavy milch cow, 1 HoUi-int 4 gal., 1 Jerx-y tt gals., $110 and $90; for quick sale. '3812 84th St. B. E. J 25 CHOICE Jeney cows, frenh and epringen 287 K. 6t N. Tabor 8 924. E H. Myers.! GOOD fsmUy cow, -35. 785 E. J 5th st near! Sandy, road. : - . - ' i . PIGS for -ale. to 4 month old. 794 j Taoema ave. Lf.l TOGGENRERG buck kid git 10; worth $20. 1246 Hataey t Tabor 9468. : 6 DAISY cows, glvs from 4 to 5 H gal.. ' ', Oil ?,- ! CHOICE doe kid and Tog genburg buck kid. Taoor f4r. WANTEIX-Cheater Whit Boar. 4 month old J. Bteinbrlnk, Lenta. 4 6th av. and 102d tf .iv: GOATS Willi kid foVliaic Miiln 7491.:;. FOULTBY. .FIOKOJTS. PET STOCK ? itEEFER'S aiore-esg tonle tnake ahamploa lay-i sr out of com moo barnyard bat: $1 pack-r ago; every package guaranteed. For sal by! . A. N. Gabrlelson, 1071 E. 22d V., Portland, tfr.j BABY CHICKS FOB SALE ""ji t-.li.nu KAm. Rneka. Minim-- beat gt-Cg t i price reasonable: aafs delivery gusrant-ed. - 2J r. Ne1hsm. tx. l waietn. ijr. ' rOR egg th year round set T. A. Hodgdon's R. C. Rhode Island Red and Eagllah VTbHm foghorns. 172 Grand sve. Phons Esrt 6$24. THOROUGHBRED FlemUb Giant rsbhlU, trl gray and blade for mis cheap. Call after tt p. m.. Woodlswn 2574, 1070 Union sv. K. I ris' ni -lknrrnr i . Flembh Giant, the good kind. $1 to $25- each. - 6528 46th ave. &. B. Arieta station. BARKED ROC-v babycJiick aad egg., Xabo 1269, 161 E. 8lt st N. ' WHITE Leghorn chicks today;' slso Uter hatches Master Incubator Co. Wdln. 4344. BARRED ROCK" egg, incubator lot specialty. Mm. Evans, 865 E. Lombard. Wdln. 1656. fiBODE-fSLAND BED setting mm. $2,651 Northwest- corner 42d and Kllllnwortb. 4 CHICKENS and vooater, also whits dos, aU for $8.00. 4SI9'82d st . K. FOR SALE or trade 6 FlemUh rabbit, cost $3(T, aeU for $16. Woodlawn 848. t ALL kinds of Mv and-dreweA-rabbits, elur-p- . Stall ,-2d, Ysmhill tsv Tel. M sin 1185 - 8. O. RHODE 1SLA.ND UKD sgH ir HWul. SVowl-iwn 8S5, . , . A, C. l-thonmnn, 18 for $t. Tsbor 4 .Ml, iCvnUne.eil oa Foiiowlny Fmge)