Till! Oiii-GOiJ , DAILY. .JOUIUaAL, .. P GAT LAUD. TU Z JPAV, Al-u . . 1 ' REAL ESTATE FOH bALKHOLbES - ! : : KO.iE CITY PARK - I , , ,; 83430 $3600 $3860 Look bens, folk. It's up '),' these new bungalow. ' We realise It Is dUft. cult for you to concelva of buying an absolutely now 1919 modal bongslow with laree living room, piste glass window, hardwood floor, fireplace, full cabin kitchen - with breakfast sleovs, cement bssetusnt, wash tray. to. oa a ftaved street In Boa City Park, .with eewer ' connections. All wa ask of you is to investigate be as skeptical as you wish. A (mat many believe because a .bona la newly - built it is poorly built. Coat -see for yourself hqp three ere being built. , Tou will not tea that every on la thoroughly double constructed." See for you naif tbe grade' of building material used. , During tha past waak we averaged nearly two sales a day and too, wa aold them to critical - buyer buyer who have looked and looked and -then find that they eaa buy an absolutely . new house at a less prica than many are asking for houaee 6 and 6 yean old. And another tulng- you do not bare to pay taxes oa tbe new -noose until 1921. Then too, you may elect your own Interior finish-let your new home reflect your owns good taste and Judg ment, indeed, your own personality. Will you do yourself a favor T Then investigate. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 (Stark aU near 8d- Main 8510. Branch Office: BOth and Bandy. OTM 'YOUR -OWN EI TEA INDUCEMENTS OFFERED IX PORTLAND'S FTRST-CLA8S RESTRICTED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. : Rest car service; AJeffcrson high school; large public library, paveor streets, blocks with alleys, giving inside Iota the convenience of comers. .. WJ FINER LOCATION FOR A HOME IN THE CITJf We are offering a limited number of choice lota at prices, everything considered, very at tractive; financial assistance if desired. .- You will raske no mistake in building your borne in Walnut Park. A number of others are , building in Walnut Park, why not you T Call i today. "--. OFFICE. 1149 7JNION AVE. ?V. WDLN. 8804. W. M. KILLINGSWORTH. OWNER. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 7 ROOM BUNGALOW $4250 VERT LIBERAL TKHMS We want you to see this splendid bungalow, located 1028 Stephens street, 8 blocks south of Hawthorne, near 84th. Foil COzlOO lot and all assessments natd. You will appreciate the In- terior finish, the expensive fixtures, the massive outlet, .paneled dining room, costly plumbing and exceptional lighting fixtures. Of course, it has hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, fur nace, sto, Immediate possession. I A. U. TEEPK CO.. ! 284 fitark St. near Third. Main 8518. urancn Office-: Both and Sandy. BEAUTIFUV BUNGALOW BARGAIN $3150 Here Is a bargain, a truly wonderful buy; 6 room bungalow,- thoroughly , modern except furnace, in perfect con t ditlon, inside clean and attractive, Uv " ' . ing room across entire front of bouse. Urge bedrooms, bsrdwood floors, fire place, all built-ins, full cement base-. r- .' - meat, wash trays; improvements all paid: tn Westmoreland. Can ws send , ; a machine for you to see this . ' . J- A. W1CKMAN CO.. Main 683. 204 Ry. Bxch. bldg. , SPECIAL. $8000 .HOSE CITT PARK Hers is an exceptional buy in this beautiful aismct, A splendid 2 story Bungalow type boms of 6-toouu and slseulnc norch. firmly-. biff cement basement, -wash trays, all built-in - reaturea, trail trees tn bearing. There is . a hot water heating Dlant that would ncmL mk Ineat $1000 to install: there is a radiator in every room, ws Believe this u the very best bay in Rose City Park. : Terms. . Our autos wiU take you outi COK A. McKENNA eV CO.. Main 5422. 2 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg. "$i450 BfJ.VdALOw hr&ntiii4an 5 -room Dlastered . bnniulftw with afctM.tlw lines, large living room, dining room, kitchen and a oeuroom. wnits- enamel plumbing, lull Jot, a block from M. V. par. $800 will handle, $700 unuer iia Tame, nee -- -. FRANK U McGTJIRE, f r Ahington Bldg., Main ,1088. Main 5158 - - ""BEST BUY IN I'ORTLANli 7 room plastered bouse on Millard are. Large oarnr ana cnicken run for 2UO chickens; garden. Price $2850, $600 cash, balance terms or would, take good car td $750. , 6827 8th st S. E, Tabor 7381. - - Wonderful Bargain e Near Laurelhurt, nearly aew 7 rooms and m(iina porcn, rirepiace, lurnace. II you want a real snap, see inn, price S3UUP, term. B. P, Otbnrn, ttlO McKay bldg., 8d and SUrk. 0.l,Y $1600--EASY -TERMS ' " 'k It l Killingsworth ave.. lust nit f - union ave., ft rooms and bath, 8 rooms ! down and 2 tips plastered; easy terms. Main 583. 204 R. Eich. bide. ONLY $1.75 Six room m modem bungalow, - large- porch, basement, carage, almost new, electricity, gas, garden .in; bargain; bard-surface straet, nesr school; owner must sell, - Mt Koott cak, 4827 Sd st. S..E. Part easily Phone Tabor 8175. FIVE room Mtiua t aiH. 1 1.. . and 884 per month beside, on an investment of 4C00. 32500 cash. The. ROSS CO. Aft, Cliaraber jof Commerce bldg. Main 78S0. A MODERN attractive bungalow in WahTut Park, choice residence district, within 2 blocks off 8 carl toes; living and dining rooms, 8 bed rooms, den, sewing room, kitchen, pantry, . 2 baths, 2 lavatories, storeroom, cement basement. hot water heat. Call at 100 Ga rfieid ave. . SIX room houseboat, fully furnished, including gas range, electric lights, city water, large llv. lag and dining room. ST bedrooms, breakfast room, bath, large front porch, etc This it a bargain. CaU at Houseboat Not 12, Oregon Yacht Club. , " " KENTON 4 rooms, gaa, elect., bath. 8 block from Kenton banks on paved straet, larso lot. - Why live in sn apartment?. Get tbe fresh air and havs a garden. $400 down, bal term. -Pearl O Neill, Woodlswn 4088. MODERN . 5 room bungalow, hardwood floor; fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment and laundry trays, dose to 2 earlines. n.al. u.a,u4 nimA . ; . . I n n A ,1 cash, balance monthly payments. Pbona Wood- fwM OOJ1 : vii'ivt " " Cosy 6 room eottage, lust painted outside and inside; walla papered; comer-lot, near Greely and Portland blvd. No mtg. Price $1400. Good terms. Phons owner. Tabor 6418. this forenoon or evening. . . ROSE CITY PARK FpU 2-story, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, attle, 2 toilets, all built-ins, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, modern throughout; - beautiful shrub bery. A real home at a bargain. Leaving Port land. Owner, Tabor 4175. t 1100 DOW. $18iarjiLj 19 seres of rich bottom 'land, ail in eultlva. Hon. good size shack, . 1 H mile from Talbot station, on Oregon Electric. Total pries $1200. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com merce. Open evenings and Snndavs, - MORTGAGED AND LOST . $2B0 buys 7 r. stone house worth 84500. 2850 buys 7 r. fine house worth $8760. These ere not every-day bargain. Jump at them now. Home terms. U- EENNE1Y. 820 SALMOV YOU can aave 31000 by buying In St. Johns instead of Rose City, etc See my new bun. gtlow, built-in effect, full lot. fine tree, ons block north of St. John car Una. 1010 Leon ard near Buchanan. . ' Very Attractive New .bungalow, 5 rooms, attic, oak floors, fireplace, built-ins. For price and term see owner, 1 230 Sandy blvd.. Tabor 8825. - ! I . . , PIEDMONT CORNER ' ' A good home in fine location, low price $4000. 7 rooms, 3 fireplaces, furnace, 2 bat brooms old ivory finish, terms. 129T Rodney ave. Wood- 1W X aOVV, - HAWTHOKNE DISTRICT Modern bungalow at 1031 E. Lincoln, 4 room and bath, ca ircnt basement, laundry trays, Duteit kitchen. r; ly tinted tlimusliout. cherry trees, cj,t 2150. term. Owner. Tabor 4097. C"V $3500 Eaot Ankeny. near 20Ui. takes 7-room modern home; furnace, fl replace, hardwood floors; in fins condition. . 8800, 835 per month. Phone Tabor 441. t'OR 8 ALE 5-roont modena. attraotire bunga low, 98J E. 24th at. N.. close to ear, close to Vernon school, at a bargain, ' Call after ft P wi- " - ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW Southwest comer E. 48th and B razee, 8 rooms and receHion hail; $2000 will handle. Phone Tabor 6896. WEST SIDB. WALKING DISTANCE - 0 room bouse, $2200. - GRAHAM. - 724 Chamber of Commerce. Xftin 1434. F0RSALE House and 2 loU, $18"00, Urns, at 6 per cent, or will sell house and 1 lot. garden Phone 985-Y, 612 W. 81st St.. Vancouver. vV 8A h. ' 7- i - MR. DOCTOR OR TRAINED NURfefi ' Irvington need maternity home; see this 18 rcoid beautiful home, Just in . right place ; bar gaii. Eat 418. -. . - , , 4 ROOM modern house, , cement basement, 8140O; email payment." essy terms j 4 blocks to Mt. Scott car. Tabor 8551. - COKNEll lot 60x110. 5 room tent house, new. - and furniture if desired; owner leaving city. 1 823 Willamette blvd. - $2000 Slodern" S room bnngalow, fine lot. 100x100. Woodstock. Eeliwood 1335. , REAL T STATU - FOR HALF) KOIKES 81 7 ROOM modern bungalow -with lot 100x100. Hawthorne district, 1 block from ear; prica $8000. - ' - - . . - 6 room modern boneaJow. -80x100 lot. Haw tb ome dutrict; price tiSOO. " s. o room modern bungalow, corner, paved street; price 82600. ' ft room modem bnnralow. M on ta villa dis trict; price f-JOOO. 4 room bungalow. lot 07X100, Moutanua district; prica 81800. - - 5 room modern bungalow, 'close In, Sellwood district, lot 85X102. lute of fruit and berries. nice little barn, . garage, cuicaea bouse; pnee 8280O. 6 room strictly modern bungalow, with fire place, furnace beat, full cement basement, lot 60x100, well located. Woodstock district; price $8150. This la a big snsp. - . 6 room modern cottage, - large lot, 60x108, large .sleeping . porch, garage, chicken house, pared . street, close to Williams ave.; price $2700; if taken at once immediate poaeeaidon, 6 room modern cottage, lot 40x100, paved streets, dose to Williams are. ; pries $2600. All of the above bungalows and cottages, on any good reesonabjs term. If any of these places appeals to you, call is out office and wa will take our autos and sbow you, NEW YORK LAND CO.. 803-5 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7878. GOOD T room bouse, fun basement, 60x120 ft. lot. aome fruit, some berries; earn be got ten if taken at once for $2600; $1000 down and $ood terms. . Strictly modern 5 room bungalow, California style, builtrin beds in the wail, lot 60x100; situated at 63d St., Rose City Psrk; 3 blocks from tbs cartine; 81000 cash will handle this. CHAS. GARDNER. j 812 Broadway bid. Main 2607. . 8 ROOM BUNGALOW. 82000 ALBERTA DISTRICT Located near Union and Ainsworth ave. Entrance hall, good aise lrrmg room with fire place, " dining room with buffet, 2 bedrooms. built-in. kitchen, large attic Prica reasonable to close estate. $600 cash, balance terms to suit. BLAKE REALTY CO.. 108, Over Cltisena Bans. Tabor 8583. Day and Evening. WE HAVE IT, BUT JOT FOR LONO $3700 A WONDERFUL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 8 large rooms, sleeping- porch, attic, oak floor, fireplace, furnace, all built ins, paving paid, eleoant terms. O. C. OOLDKNBERU, Abingtoa BMg. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. PIEDMONT. VACANT, MOVS BIGHT IN $8500 Beautiful corner home, 8 rooms, bath. hardwood Doors, 3 fireplaces, 1 in bed room, full cement baseznent, brand new Fox furnace ; corner lot; a 2 story double constructed home on corner lot; imp, pd., clear of incumbrance; 8500 - will handle; worth much more, phone and auto will call for you. i. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 683. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER " Large bungalow, aa good aa new. 1 block eact Laurelhurst, on paved street, beat car service; a bargain at 84000, term. Lock it over. Five room ' cottage, in good condition, lot 50x112, paved on both ends; a bargain st aouuu, terms. Look and convince yourself. In Bunnysuie. A. r. PR UNO. TABOR 7548. $20O DOWN $1600 PRICE FREEMONT NEAR TJNION. 6 room cottage, white enamel -plumbing, eleo- inciiy ana ga. price oruy giouu, si: oo down, i per monui. mis is close in. see PRANK L. McGUIRE, . To Buy Your Home Ahington Building. Mate 5158, Main 1088. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $2800 A f4-I-T: -.Room bungalow with sleeping porch, on cor ner, eat siae, cement naxement, fnmaee. $600 casn wui nanoie, balance 820 per month, includ ing interest MAIN 1700, TABOR -89 EVES. LATJREIJIPRST CO., 270 H SUrk et PORTLAND HEIGHTS " NEAR MONTGOMERY DRITIt - Two beautiful level kU and small 8 room house with a-ae. electric liehts snd fliev mmtr This has 12 young bearing fruit trees and all kinds of small fruit. Will sell to responsible people lor azzuo, on montnly basis of $26 with small payment down. J. J. MCCARTHY. Abinaten bide. 0 nTYT 6 C AS HA N" D-B A LAN C E$ 20 PER siurs in I have a neat 6 room house on 6 2d st. and Foster road that I will sell on above payments. There Is no mortgage against this property. The monthly payments are all that Is necessary. Price is only $1,500. You rent payers better hurry a this kind of 'a proposition doesn't appear vug... . . mxtrwj, animion oiag. $3100 Furnished $3100 4 blocks TJnion ava near Aimworth; 8 rms., an on one floor, larae attic, bath. KnvlflO lot The furniture is good grade and plenty of it; muse pe soia; sou down, balance $29 month. Open evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. ADDITION 82500 WJesv Terms 8 room bungalow, flreplacs. good basement, 60x100. comer lot. lawn, rosea and shrubbery, (treet improved on one side. A good. buy. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO.. 802 Oak, Mt. Tabor Bungalow Beautiful view property; ft rooms, fireplace, hardwood - floors, furnaoe. swell Dutch kitchen. For quick sale, $8500; 3886 cash, balanca only 820 a month, which includes tha interest. Open evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. $3760 A PICKUP 83750 , FIVE KUOM Modem 'bungalow, corner lot, Improvements all in and paid. "Not farther out than 36th St. $500 cash -will handle. SEE THIS QUICK. Office E 80th and GIin st. TABOR 3483 OR EASX-2088 EVES. 88000 Sis room modem home, fun concrete base ment, built-in features, - fireplace; level lot 60x148, on hard-surfaced street, convenient to 8 earlines and school; house in fins condition ; cash r or terms. Owner. Woodlawn 8310. 888 m. jessup si. MT. SCOTT district. 6e fare back to the soil: About an acre, own your own home, 820 down and 810 per month, interest 8 per cent on de ferred payments. $1250 and up. -Two tracts hare small houses. Same monthly payments. Inquire 414 Pittock block. Phone Broadway 784, or 404 E. Alder St., phone Esst 640; ROSE CITY-PAkK ' Modern bungalow. 6 large light rooms, re stricted district; to appreciate this, see the owner forenoons, 726 E. 61st at. N. Rose City car. $3200. $800 win handle. FOR SALE By owner, comer, 100x100. with well-built house, in good location, 5 rooms on ground floor. 2 rooms in attic, full base ment, fruit trees, berries, etc ; 1 block from car; $3000, term if desired, or - will sell 100x160 with house for $8500. . Broadway 6404. IRVINGTON residence bargain. $3000 for a 7 room modem up-to-date, witb all hardwood f oors downstsiis, built-in conveniences, good gar age; location, 480 E. 27th st. V cash; out of town owners. The price is below value; investi gate. F. L. Blanc hard, 518 Ry. Ex. bldg. Phone Marshall B30. Residence. Tabor 7100. $21 DOWN, $21 MONTHLY PRICE $1058 8 rtn. cottage, sink, patent toilet, connected with sewer on paved at,, close in. 8th and Beech sts. Price 81030. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamb. of Com. Open evenings and Sundays. WHY NOT Bnir.nf Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cort. We build anything, furnish the money if desired, - L. R. Bstiey Co., Inc.. contracting architects. 824 N. W. Bank. FOR SALE Nica- 6 room house, fenced and im - proved large lot near Woodstock carUna, 82506 on time; also 4 room house, large lot, for $1800, easy terms; also H acre land nearby.' H. A. fcseppier, 314 Henry blag. A 8TKICTLY modern house. 1199 Milter st, 83260; a semi-modem house-, 1005 E. Wash ington st., 33000; a 8 room cottage, 281 Cherry st, 32000. These are bargains, Henry F. ('over, o union ave. MODERN 8 room bungalow, fireplace, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet. 80x100 lot. garage, 2 block from car, 83500, 8600 to $1000 down, bal ance easy terms. 1118 E. 20th N. $2200 Woodlawn: $2200 B room modern bungalow, 60x100 lot, f raft trees; 2 block car; $600 down, baL monthly. GEO. T; MOORE CO., 100T Yeon bldg. BUY from owner and save commission, 7 room modem house, large lot, and porches, garage, tool houses, flower borders and roses. House not built to sell. Good terms. Main 2879. 7 rooms, white enamel, glass doors, glass en closed sleeping porch, garage, perfect condition, $5750. terms. East 419. -SUNNTSIDE HOME- . 6 rooms, furnished, close to ear and school; Improvements paid. Bargain at $2860. Terms to sutU --Owner. 1000 E. Taylor. NICE 8 room eottage. first class condition, Broad way car; a snap at. 82650, half cash. Show ny appointment only. izig N. W. Bank BMg, HALF ACRE. 8 roomv cherries, apples, psMrs, - berriea. half block to car; $500 oash. Terms. 191Q V W 1as.,W kU. a a aw v. a.esaiigj, J rJgfre PRETTY . bungalow, . hardwood floor. Dutch - kitchen, all built-ins; f lmvarrmdi tion ; one block from Alberta car.-: 667 tAmuer St., our lbUi. REAL ECTATB' KOR. 8ALK -HOUSES $1 THE EVENINGS AHE LONG ; Let ns take : sou out , some evening after work and show you some real home bargains. Wa are oocn every evening. ' "THE McGUIRE SYSTEM" makes It easy to find tha home you are looking foe. - Over 800 photographs of homes that we are offering for sal era arranged in their se spective districts in pt display roam. I havs personally inspected and appraised every house. Every property we offer Is a aood value. Come in any evening and we'll drive out and look at a few of trie nest out of 800 borne. ' IT NECESSARY, I'LL HELP YOTJ MAKE YOUR FIRST, PAYMENT. '-Sea .v.;-.;-;:....- FRANK U McGCTBE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton BMg, Main 1068; Main B158 HAWTHORNE 34100 one, 8 rooms and breakfast room. - This is right up iv u sranr w every respectmere m not one single thins lacking to make this the ideal bungalow. Tou - would expect to pay so much more than present owner is asking. Lot 50x100. No ssaesements to assume. Right oa tha Hawthorns esriinsv You can't afford to pass this up. See it quickly; You will ap preciate the real downright value in this beau- vuuiwv some, -... - A. G. TEEPE CO.. 284 SUrk st near Sd.- Mala 8518. Branch Offioe: 60th and Sandy. 82800 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 82SOO If you are looking for a 7 room attractive bun galow at a bargain I can show you one. It be- linea, full lot, cobblestone retaining walls with ntxnfwt Man V a 1 1 i ' rr-w ft ufwi iwuw,- uirung room, Dutch kitchen. 4 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, only 1 block to Iione City car; price 32500, easy terms. You will admit it is a ml hamin h.n .. v.i. Wh Unie can you got I'll have a machine. eass MM UVUTHT, ijvjaj FRANK L McGUIRE . . To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Building. Main 5158. Main 1088 Office Open Evening and Sundays. H ACRE tract, right in the city, on 67th at-, , good 4 sxn hoase and bam. good soil, all i,'"1 .nd. ,brrio: Price 82600. 3250 eaah wiU handle this place. Also acre, near Hawthorne ear. 6 room house, Iota of berries, chicken bouse; price $1600, $250 cash will handle this place. Thaa are both good buys. NEW YORK LAND CO., 303-6 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7876. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 8300 Terms. Large 8 room bungalow; fireplace, trail tin bookcases and buffet, . white enamel finishing, large airy bed rooms. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, 60x110 lot. large attic A GOOD VALUE. STANLEY 8. THOMPSON CO. 302 Oak. LANK SELLS TO CLOSE ANESTATL ROSR CITY PARK BUNGALOW $3500 Located 1 block from Sandy, splendid loca tion; 8 rooms with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc. Let us ahow you. A. G. TEEPE CO 284 Stark St.. near Sd. - Main 3318. Branch Office, ooth and Bandy. SOUTH PORTLAND BARGAIN 4 'room house, 1 block from "8" car. on Hamilton sve, corner lot, good neighborhood, beautiful view, garage, paved street raid: orice only $1800; $380 cash, balance very easy, like yent. '-itits x convenient to all west aid indus tries. -THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO. 270 SUrk st. Main 3052. $100 CASH, balance monthly buys a very at tractlva 6-room modem bungalow; basement; feuiltin features; lot 60x100; plenty of fruit. $100 eaah, balance monthly buys 6-room plain, substantial home and 2 lots, with a vari ety of fruit; ready to move in; doa't overlook uus. - $350 cash buys shack and 60x100 lot. HOUCK, 1 10 Tenth St. EAST MORRISON ST. COTTAGE. $300 CASH Good 4 room cottage, electricity, basement, plastered, fine lot 64x00. on U. Morrison near 43d. nice location; price $1600. Subject to about $65 city liens; $300 cash and $25 per ini iim, including interest. GRUSSI A BENNETT 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. $1800 WALKING DISTANCE gl800 Oa East Couch, between 28th and 30th, just west of Laurelhurst. there is a very attractive 4-room modem bungalow on- a pared street. $30O down, balance like rent. No mortgage or street liens. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Msin 1068.. Main 6156. MAGNIFICENT j 10 ROOM HKSlTjKNCie CHEAP; FINEST THING FOR BOARDING OR FOR DOCTOR, DISPENSARY ROOM. HOT. COLD WATER ALL- ROOMS, TWO SLEEP ING PORCHES, BEST LOCATION. ATTRAC TIVE, IRVINGTON. EAST 278. HEKDMAN, - - own yourShome room ' dwelling, wall built and modem' in every respect. ' Full cement basement, good heat ing piant. nortn aiope o( aft. aabor. Price rea sonable, terms to suit. See R. W. HAGOOD 1500 Journal bid. Main 4988. A-6051. MORRIS ST. FIVE ROOM COTTAGE Good 5 room eottaae and aleenina- ooerh m basement, bath, etc.; lot 40x125, city liens in and paid, on Morris bet. Union and Rodney ares. Price 82230, 3600 cash and 825 per month. incjuuing interest at o per cent. GRUSSI it BENNETT 818 Board of Trade. - Main 7452. $1600 " Sellwooo' $1600 We offer you a awe- little 4-room bungalow: bath, Dutch kitchen, 60x165 lot, 15 bearing iron; trees, very pest or soli, 1 H blocks to car. Price only $1600, terms. Open evenings. - GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. ROSE CITY PARK Beautiful bungalow. B rooms snd bath; strictly modem, with all builtin features; linoleum in kitchen, bsth; heavy screens for all windows and doors: per fect condition: street paved, paid; nice lawn and roses; was built for home. Price $4500. Cal' evening). Tabor 8441. FOR SALE by owner, a nifty acre in Park Rose, sll under cultivation. 3 blocks from Columbia highway and car, L block from hard sort ace road, good 3 room house aud outbuildings, lights, gas and water, bearing fruit trees snd berries. Prica 82500: 81800 cash, balanca easr. Phone Sellwood 898. HOME FOB THE OXd' FOLKS $1600 Very beat 6-room cottage with 8'n00 lot: assorted orchard just coming into bearing; nice garden; good chicken house and yard; good cess pool; electric lights snd gas. 8200 cash, $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Com meres. FOR SALE LOTS 14 VACANT LOTS IN ALL. PARTS OF THE CITY 2 nice lots, all in cultivation, right at Lents. Price 3250 each. - 8 lota, close to Hawthorne car, sidewalks, curbs, water and gaa in. all in cultivation, 81000 takes all 8 lots. v We also have 49 lots all in cherries and fruit, 3 blocks from Hawthorne car, fine district, rang ing from 8400 to $700 each, according to the size. Any of these lots can be handled on very easy terms or will build bungalow to suit if de sired. NEW YORK -LAND CO., 808-5 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7676 - CAPITOL HILL Has city water, school, electricity, gas, telephone and 6c Warfare, WEST SIDE We are the original owners and offer aha following- bargaina: Choice single lots 60x100 for 3300 ea. ; 2 for 6500, One croup of 10. lots, about 1 aero in area, $1000. One group of 6 lots, 3750. , Two good lots. $450. SMITH & WILSON. 301 McKay bldg. Main 1004 ALBERTA LOT $300, $25 CASH Nice east front lot 40x100, L. 21, B. 11, Elberta. on E, 32d sear Wygant, $300, $25 cash, $10 month. -- GRUSSI Sc BENNETT 818 Board of Trade Bids. ' Main 7452. BARGAIN - FOR HOME BUILDERS Corner lot, all clear, nicely located, 31st and Klickitat, in Ivingwood. value $1250. for sale for 3750. Inquire East 7829. EQUITY in fine acre, 8 blocks from electric lights; will sell cheap for rash or give terms; wonU consider good trade. Main 2879. SACRIFICE $500 eai-u or Liberty Bonds, lot at 43d and ClintoV Call Tabor 5361.- PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $873; fractional lot. close in, $375. Main 1968. IRVINGTON -corner lot, 60x100, near Irving ton and Broadway ear, bargain. Rat 419. ACREAGE (7 CHICKEN ranch for sale; -terms. Take Liberty . bonds as part payment; near Vancouver. . - r BOGOES8 St CO., . ' ioi rront st. 10 ACRES, ail in cultivation, ideal country home; house, barn, chicken park, assortment fruit,. close to electric ear, $1930, $500 down. MABSTERS, 201 Wilcox Bids. DABNEY PARK For beautiful home site, on 4.oiumbia River fcigb way. j See us. Dabney Investment Co.. room 1. Worcester bldg. $100 CASH, $100 yearly buys 10 acres fine land, near ear, school, postoffice, highway. uraper; svi Wilcox tiog. TEN acres. 6 room house. $1750; 30 trait trees; on cartine. H -mile from Boring. John tVnDIK, DDI Husset c ' 1 to 17 acres, $300 per acre. Wdln. 4038. 12 ACRES, by owner. Phone Sellwood 728. - REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 87 FIVE acres, 2H acres creek bottom and culti - rated, oa boulevard , and cartine. Fine creek and apring. Near school snd store. Only 12 miles from Carutbers, For sake cheap or will exchange for home in the city. . . , . Hie ROSS U0. 10 Chamber of Commerce. - Main 7880. FOB SALE By earner, ' JO acres, all In eul titation. new bara 24x80. 1 mile south of Monmouth, on Pacific highway. Price 32000. Writ tot terms. - Jesse V. Johnson. Monmouth. Or. '- TWO acrea, SO bearing cherry trees, apples, peaches, pears, prunes, grapes snd berries: 7-room house, bath, garage, barn, chicken house and yard; elose in; a real .bargain. 2814 7th 8. B. Tabor 063. By the owner. FOB SALE Fine -little place, 2 Vi acres, fine scil, S room house, net and eoW water, all kinds , fruit, large poultry house, greenhouse. Oregon City ear to Glen Echo, mile east. J. D. McFarlane. Telephone 497R. BASE LINE road, elose in, 5 seres or less; $350 acre. Owner. Bdwy. 4407. BTTBURBAW ACREAGE 7$ 6. ACRES 6675 Adjoining city limit of Oregon City, fine soil, not in cultivation snd no modem bunga lows au H. This place is conservatively worth 81000 and land in the lmmediste vicinity in boom times has aold for as high as 3500 par sere. Do not forget we said 8675 for the whole 5 '-acrea. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. Open evenings and Sundays, SUBURBAN HOMES SUBURBAN HOME Two acres, is cultivation, good 4 room plas tered house, outbuildings, fruit, berries, shrub bery and flowers, including chickens, tools, wood, etc.; ras, water; graded school; Fourth Street Electric, 8 blocks from station and Pa cific highway. WiU sacrifice and give good terms to responsible, person. See photograph. Owner, K, K. Britch. room 211. City HsU. 1 ACRE homa 8750. all in cultivstion; neat 3 room cottage, nicely painted; 8 fruit trees Just coming into bearing, all fenced, bara 2 Ox 80. near Bonita, 11c commutation rate. $200 and $12.50 per month, Fred W. German. 72-3 Kj oamoer oi vommerce. 1 ACRE, 6 room house, old but comfortable. some furniture and cnicken and garden, on good road and prominent comer for gasoline station, etc., on Ores ham It. F. D. ; price $1000; term if desired. Also office building on comer. Brown tc Cleveland, Graeham. Phone 981. $1200 4-ROOM COTTAGE 160x120, all in cultivation, fenced, 12 fruit trees, on West Side. 20 minuter out; terms. A. H. Akerson, 410 Henry bldg. Main 7248. FOR SALE FARMS 17 FARMS NEAR GOLDENDALE, WASH. 120 acres, 12 miles from Goldendale, 15 acrea under plow, 6 acres alfalfa, 4 acrea apring wheat, family orchard, all kinds of berries, 75 acre more tillable when cleared, several hundred cords of wood; good 4 room house, barn and outbuildings, good spring snd creek; only $15 per acre. $800 cash, balance good terms. 120 acres, 8H miles from Goldendale. 53 seres fall wheat, 15 acrea spring barley, 20 acres alfalfa, 12 acres summer fallow. 20 acres bunch grass pasture, large 8 room house, large old bam. outbuildings, well; land lies well, black loam soil. Price includes all crops and equipment. 3 hones, cow, wagon, hack, weeder, disc, drill, harrow, 2 sets harness, hayrack, disc plow. Price 88500, good terms at 6 per cent. anwABii ABtibLiO, Goldendale, Wa-h. 10 ACRES, all-in bearing prune, good small house, garage, on good road, 6 rude from Vancouver. Indications are for a big croo this year; last year's crop $2000; price $5000. half eaah, balance terms. 47 acrea, 37 acre in cultivation; 8tm modem house, 3 years old; water piped in house, stationary tubs: new bara and ailo, other out buildings; family orchard and small fruit. 2 acres in walnuts; hi mile from store, school and church, on good road, 1 2 miles from Van couver: price with crop $9000. This is a good buy; cash. W. W. Wilson Co.. 611 Wab. St., Vancouver, Wash. GRAIN AND CATTUs MAKE WEALTH For the producer when he is located on chetp rich land with, good markets, - where taxes and interest do not consume tha profits. Be a pro ducer and grow rich. Thousands are now doing so. We have the proof. We can sbow you. TJie very best of farms, irapioved, $15 TO $40 AN ACRE Eay terms. Reduced rates. Write or call for facts. UNITED GRAIN GROWERS SECURITIES CO.. LTD.. 624 Henry bldg. ;AN OPPORTUNITY 24 acres, moat all in bearing prunes, cherries snd pears, 1 mile of station; estimated crop pro duced last season over 84000; big crop pros pects now and high prices; 2 good crops should pay for this place: located .in Salem district; canneries, packing, houses, fruit union snd fruit juice plants; high prices on contract for sev eral years ahead. Thia place is a money maker; 81600 cash down and crop payments to right man. See owner, 215 Lumbermens oiag. LOCATE NEAR THE AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. It will not cost sny more to buy a farm near Corvsllis than other places in the velley. WeXhave them of el', kinds, at reason able prices, Toll na what you want. Mr. Kin ney -will be at the Imperial hotel until Wednes day. Better call and ace him. KINNEY A CO.. Agents. Corvanis, Or. Home of the Aggie College. 40 ACRES 22 culUvsted and seeded; no build ings; 31900. 33 acres, 31 cultivated, 28 seeded; buildings; 83500. 195 acres, cultivated, 85 seeded to fsH grain. . New bam. 8 room house. Owner Uvea in Los Angeles, $11,000. Pay $3500 to corer this year's crop, baL to suit at 6 . Hugh Magee, Scotts Mills, Or., or A. W. Estes. 202 McKay bldg. Evening phone East 840. IN THE SUBURBS. 30 seres of good soil, 3 miles from the courthouse. 7 room hou e with fireplace; is well furnished; horsi-. (inn. hog , chickens, -timber, pasture, running v.aH-r, fall grain up fine. g-rUci is up; farm i fntlv equipped. Price $"000; half cash. i'lion'e 3F2. Oregon City. I and I will come and get you and ahow you i ne rancn. a. c 1,., K. 1, Box 8. Oregon City. Or. A SNAP Forty acres at $25 per' acre, between 2 best markets m Oregon; fust-class soil, running water, green grass all year, work plentiful; terms $100 eaab. remainder 6 per c-nt. F. K. STEARNS 202 Wilcnx Bldg. Otli and Washington SU. GRESIIAM DISTRICT 2HnaT; 109 acres with 1H mile frontage on electric litis. 25 acres in crop, large house. 2 bams, sll kinds fruit, trout stream snd springs; binder, mower, all farm implements; old age cause for offering at $6500. terms. S. P. Osbura, 610 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. 200 ACRES, 3 miles southeast of Turner. Ssv eral Ine oak groves, plenty water, well fenced, good 6 room house, just papered. Good large barnwith . hay fork. Several pumps snd troughs overWace. Further particulars Inquire of H. A WiMn. 430 South Pine st. Rosebnre. Or. 80 ACRB3. 4 mile northeast of Hillsboro, 8150 per acre; all clear; fine soil; no build ings; $1000 wiU handle this CHARLES GARDNER . 813 Broad wsy bldg. Main 2607. 5-ACRE farm for sale, 26 miles from Portland, in Willsmette valley; a large house and bara, some fruit; just the place for chickens and dairy; part cash; 6 years on balance. Call evenings between 8 and 8 for Mr. Peters. 411 Williams sve. 850 DOWN, 812.50 MONTHLY - Fine: level 20 A. tract of unimproved land, 8 miles from Hillsboro; 387.50 per sere; fine soil, running stream, good shack. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Opea evenings and Snnday. - 160 ACRES in Lincoln county, partly improved; 94 acres in Benton county, with some im provements, balance fine piling and tie timber; an good soO. Sen cheap snd might take some property here for part Morgan. 600 Railway Exchange bldg. ; FOU FARMS, all sizes, 1, 2, 6V 10 acre tracts. bouses and lots in and around Gresbam. Tbe gardes spot of the west; highways and schools unexcelled ; prices and terms are right.. Brown A Cleveland, Gresham. Phone 981. 80 ACRES, 15 acres in cultivation, near rafl road; house, bara and outbuildings, 8 large springs, plenty of government ranga; price 31250. ; Draper, 201 Wilcox bMg. ' STOCKRAIS1NG farm for sale, 84000; good soil; 6 hours from Portland. Washington county. Phillip Zteglcr. 1077 Clinton st. NICE little fsrm of 16 seres, 12 miles out en the Oregon Electric, 10 acres in culUvatiosL Inquire 248 Salmon st. i- - EXTRA FINE 40 acre. 16 in cultivation,' in wheat, all fenced, buildings; t miles of Gresham; 85250, terms. 804 Spalding bldg. HOMESTEADS 7 LAST CHANCE . .. . .: 80 acres - homestead relinquishment. Linn eeunty. 6 miles from good tows and railroad, otf good -road, adjoining neighbors, sawmill and mail route. 4 miles from good town, Al soil, living spring, a valuable bunch of timber, mo brash, a real home site; price $200 if sold' soon. 914 Chamber of t'ommerr bldg. JOHNSTON McARTY. , - DON'T WAIT TOO LONG . If yon want a good piece of land foe a little or nothing, .close to rood roads, schools, neigh bors, mail route, telephone and such, coma and see us. Humeeteed relinquishment at a bar gain. 814 Chamber of Commerce Mdg. JOn?iHTO.H i ot HrtUKDI. WILL sell any improvement aod relinquish 320 sere homestead in Lake Co., Oregon, for 8250. S room house snd basement. 40 acres cleared and plowed. 80 acres fenced. All can be cul tivated. Call 138 E. 6 let,, city. Tabor 2845. REAL ESTATE HOMESTEADS Ti ll OK SALE 320 acrea deeded lead; 60 sere in cultivstion, 160 mors - can be cultivated, balance good pasture land; alt fenced with good new 4 wi feriee. Also relinquishment of 640 aera stock rawing homestead, and 40 acre desert claim, all adjoining; also adjoins tha-forest reserve. $60O0 takes this place with some stock and farm - machinery: terms. Address R K., Crook County Enterprise. Prineville. Or. 840 HOMESTEADS and reHnqnishmenta. Large portion tillable, Eastern Oregon; splendid stock ranches, water and timber convenient. Some good timber claims. Lived tn that coun try for year. Call 7 to . evening or Sun day or write W. T. Lester, Bums, Or. TIMBER WANTED To cut or buy green cbittim or cascara bark in small or large tracts. D-237, EXCHAKOE REAL ESTATE 84 BENTON. LINN AND POLK COUNTIES 75 Berts near Salem, all cultivated, lays- fine, 87000 worth of improvements, complete water and lighting system; new and modern bouse. Will trade for city Vr farm property worth the money. Price 313.000. 240 acres, 5 miles from Ha'rrieburg, 235 seres cultivated; 85000 worth of buildings: well located, good land. Owner wants smaller farm or good city property up to 818.000. Price 3100 per acre. 160 acres. 130 cultivated, nearly all in crop; 7 miles front Corvallis. Price, including stock, implements snd crop, $12,000. Will accept smaller farm up to 88000'. Mr. Kinney will be at the. Imperial hotel until Wednesday. Better see him. KINNEY Ac -CO.. Agents. Corvallis, Or. 80 ACRES, 10 miles from Vancouver, in Clarke county, on good bard surf sec road, about 25 or 80 acres in cultivstion : fsir honse and bara and outbuildings, all stock and ma chinery, all good land, will sell for 86600, or exchange for city property. . Also 80 acres, 7 miles from Woodland, good 4 room house, barn, and outbuildings, about 15 or 20 seres in cultivation, good soil. Price $3500, or will trade for city property. New York Land Co., 303-6 Stock Exchange bldg. Phone Main 7676. BY OWNER A good sere room house, modem conven iences, good outbuildings, lsundry, bara snd chicken houses, sere ground, beat of garden soil, bearing fruit trees and variety of berry btuhes, paved street; price $8600; win consider smaller place as part payment. 9638 Foster road or phone Tabor 0745. Bring In Your Trades If you can't sell forVash. you can trade what luu have for what you want. See me. , J. BRUCE GODDAHD 802 Couch Bldg. 20 ACRES good improved land and 81000 in cash to exchange for a good house and lot not to exceed 84500. You can have posseskion of house and land in 10 days. Henry F. Cover, 64 Union ave. FOR SALE or trade, Duncan's opera bouse for acreage in tbe Willamette valley: building 50x 103, on 1st St., in main part of city. Address T. B. Duncan, Newberg; T. C. Duncan, 367 L. ii. tn sr.. rortiana. or. FOR SALE or trade 2V room hotel, furnished, property included, in Eastern Oregon, value $8000, for farm of equal value. What hsre youf Chris 8iebert. Portland. R. 2. TRADE or sale. -820-scre Central Oregon wheat and stock land, price 82500. Take Portland house and lot or rooming lmue J Mrier, 566 1st st. CLEAR Portland lots to eachance for mer chandise, cutlery, hardware and fishing tackle. Portland Cutlery Co. . 86 6th st ' TRACKAGE, 100x100, 4 honses. trsck in front! warehouse proposition; what have you? Geo. worse, u insmper of Commerce, 40 ACRES, l'ight near town Eastern Oregon, ks uie, i.tiuriH vu noun or ousiness pronertv. n.im " . , iu 1 1 1 1 1 j . , iuu rn 1- 14TH and Couch, the famous corner for uted vbct, um uncts, tiesi terms. Jr-acuic auto . v. nniaawty WW 4 ROOM house, 4 lots, to trade for acreage; 10 acres at Oregon City to trade for house. 404 Railway Ex. fEX X acrea, near Sacramento CU1 inn. ,. for Portland home. Room 11, The Manitou.' lycj lot in Vancouver, x. c, to trade for somerning nere. I BOP Lancaster at. 600 PROPERTIES to sell and to exchanged Send for my list. Box' 275. Sslem. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE in 200 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANCART 69 SOLD LAST JiOXTH 42 FIRST 15 DAYS OF APRIL $500,000 WORTH IN 1918 Naturally we need bouses to sell. We have been established since 1880. We advertise ex tensively, are in touch with majority of buyers, have 10 experienced -salesmen each with an auto at his disposal Most efficient selling o ion ization in the city. list your bouse with us for results. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To SeU Your Home. Ahington Bldg. Msin 5166. Main 1068. 5 ROOM bungalow near S. P. ear shops that can be bought for $2500. 2 houses on Mt Scott carline, close-in up to $1200. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO.. 802 Oak. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN - ACREAGE WANTED Ws hare continual demand for ft sere and acre tracts, with bearing fruit trees, convenient to internrbsn. Price must be right and terms easy. Fred W. German C- , T32 Chamber "of Commerce. Open Sundays and evening. , SHACKS AD SMATX-HOMESr"W ANTED Price must b" rtbt snd very easy terms. Ws bars sold over S.0 bouses in the last year. If you want action sc. tw Fred W Gsrmaa Co 732 Chamber of Commerce. Opea Sundays and erenings. BUNGALOW WANTED Bungslow wanted. Irvington or Albins pre ferred but would eon.-iuer any good district if priced right. Ii. J. McGuir Realty Co., 64 6 Union ave. N. JUST moved from the Selling building: in the market for property to sell; list your property with me; if the price is right, can sell It. F. L. Iilanchard. 519-20 Rsilway Exchange bkig. fMHW .i.aii.fl ii o ;j . T.RnTTTAf ATS! V-Vr-tr ivrra irivpt-t. "" Desirable listings, no Junk, hot air, or to- TS' wiiwuerrq, tee ar. nuru with Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. IF you want to rasn your hum iu. see us. Wa wi.l do the tct CLEVELAND-BARK-HEXDICRSON CO. 1, 1 1) .. U 1. 1- 1 .1 . , 1 rt m- cji-m. Vina. .-null) YOUNG married man with good position will buy small modern hou paying 835 a month liTlnding interett. R-447. Journal. DON'T. WOiiRT. I can sen or trade anything anywhere. -Layman. 147 Park st. $100 CASH, good land, for home in Port land. F-621. Journal. ROOMINO HOUSES 31 rooms, brick, steam heat, close in. . . .$2600 34 rooms, brick, housekeeping 2900 1 5 rooms, brick, transient 706 20 rooms, housekeeping, west side, close in 2100 9 rooms, housekeeping 600 12 rooms, housekeeping & sleeping..,. 475 16 rooms, good furniture, housekeeping. . 1250 Good grocery store, well located, brick building , 980 Ask for J. K. Lowe, with New York I-and Co., 303-5 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7676. 40 Room Modern Apartments Easy to run: good furniture ; lease calls for heat, hot water, lights, janitor service, etc. Clears 6200 a month. Price 83830; terms. Exclusively with J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. 11r-R00MS 11 Faces psrk, rent only 330; new furniture, located where rooms are alwsys fun-, on seeount of sickness will sell for $846, on your own terms. PETERS. 15 N. 5TH ST. 14 ROOMS WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT Rent $2A-; $950. sums terms. Newly reno vated throughout, completely furnished; clearing $80 a month besides good home, - Exceptional. GET IN. MY AUTOMOBILE And lft me show you. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. 24 ROOMS 24 - Brick bldg., on one floor, steam heat, good furniture, dandy transient, all for $1250; tenma. PETERS. 15 N. 5TH ST. SEETHE RENT lO rooms, rent 160. on one floor, clears 81000 moj all H. K. ; $445; terms. - -i raT rTs a ' a vr v?. rrrr gm r j i iim, a r win ox, EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN 8 ROOMS $575 VERY CLOSE IN CLEAN CLEARS' 848. AND OOD HOME J. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. HOTEL for rent, furniture for sale, la good live town, ehesp. " ' GEORGE MORSE. 808 Cham, of Com. WHY wort for wsgesf . Buy good paying room ing' house -and b your own boas; '10-21 rooms. Owner, 809 Main st. Can week days. lo ROOMS! fine location, in suites, running water, rent $35, well famished; cheap. $630. Other bargains. - trarlsnd, IBS SL ROOMING hou for sale, 16 rooms: special bargain if sold this week.- Broadway )278. West Side- . TO BUY or sell your rooming bouse, sea Gar- land, 188 3d. Msin 3669. . ITCRJFICING good, weU, paying 10 room room-r ing house; call today. 228 W. Park. ; Main 4985. . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - 88 ' ATTEi Wen established business in the Yeon bldg.. S room suite, rent 835. fully equipped with of fice furniture ; prica 3400, 8260 cash, balance can be arranged. This business will net from 8850 to 3500 per month. CaU at 806 Jeou bkig. between 1 and 3 p. as. Owners Take Notice - I can aeU you store and business when all others fail. I have the buyers waiting for me to place them. List yours. Mam 4057. BRUCE CODDARD 602 Couch Bkig. WANTED at once, well experienced well driller with a little money, to take Interest la a Star gasoline well drill, running now aad lota of work ahead. Tell where experienced and now long and age and if married or single. Address C. E. Lewis. Wellula. Wash. Get in My Automobile and 1 will show you the beet buys in grocery, confectionery stores and restaurants da Portland. BRUCE GODDARD 603 Couch Bldg. ALL or half interest la a fine Woodyard busi ness. Here is your chance to make rome money quickly. The ROSS CO. 10 Chsmber of Commerce. Msin 7580. FOR, SALE Country store, doing general mer chandise business. 34000 stock; cheap rent; very pleasant place to live. Good reason, for selling, oiair ere., jasper, or. FOR SALE Dr. Stone's drug store, Sslem, Or.; established 22 yesrs snd run en a cash basis. Dr. Stone has saved over $100,000 from the store. Must retire on account of age. MR. BUTCHER Here is your chance to make good; a good location for shop near ship yard, between two restaurants; low rant. CsU Sellwood 128. t FOR 8ALF Garmte and service car, near Port land. It yea want a good paying buslneess, call Columbia 1187. Very reasonable. NEED snore money to finance big gsrage sow opening, low rent, long lease. -230 Jour nal. BEST commission laundry route in city for man with car. Commission averages $60 week. Price $500. J-289, Journal, BARGAIN 3 room bungalow, 1087 E. Alder, $500 down, balanca to suit. Inquire 1141 E. Tsylor t. INVEST $25 and .your spare time and share profits of business. See Mr, Cary. 1218 N. W. Bank bldg. FOIt SALE Tailor shop, cleaning and preas- init, in good location, pborm East 4634. CaU 863 Sandy or ONE whole restaurant outfit, counter, tables, e'lisirs, crockery, etc Inquire 248 Salmon st. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop. tool, stock, building and lot. W. A. Husbands. Mosier. Or. COMPLETE ontclier s cutiit. Call Tabor 2380. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL List, your hotels, apartments and rooming bouses with us. Wa get result. DORCAS CO.. 820 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED A "small restaurant or lunch counter in a good location at a reasonable price. Give price aud particulars in first letter. K-ssi. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 CUR installment plan is tha best and surest n:etbod of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 86 months, or $21.24 for, 60 months, or $15.17 for 80 months, psys $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission chsrged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st, Portland, Or. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rste of interest. V OTTO ei HARB.SON llKALll CO.. 4-13 Chsmber of Commerce. BY PRIVATE PARTY $3000 or smaller amounta to loan on city or farm property. Liberal dealing. No commissions. Prompt service. Phone Tsbor 4481. MONEY TO LOAN on improved city property at 6 snd 7 per cent int. J. B. Wells Co.. agents, 824 C oi C. bldg. $800.. $400, $500, $600. $750 and up, low- est rates, quick action. uoraon investment Co. , 681 Cn. of "m. Blarn U44l CASH paid for 'mart gage and seller contracts on real estate in aningtpn or Oregon, tl. E. l Die, 316 l.llmMUMH flKlg, $250. $850. $400. $500. 600 and lsrger amounts; current rate ; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 78'J Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Peck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. ' . A. II. BELL, Room lo-ll, Mnlkey bldg. MONKY for mortgage losn. $500 to $8000, 6 and 7 ft. Fred 8. W illisnv. 02 H 1st st. f-SOO. $500. $750. $1000, no com., quick . - . ,T I .AX 1 II. , t I - Set ion, sm, itll rimi:irng uiUB, MORTGAGE loan. 8 snd 7 . Louis Salomon at Co.. 408 Belling bldg. REE OREGON 1NV. "at MORTC.AOK CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY? Loans made on automobiles, dismonds. piano household goods or anything of value. Security u-naUy left in your possession; ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. I' vour psyments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them up, advance you -more money if necessary, and you can repay us in smsll monthly payments to suit your con venience. LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed.) 806-807 Dekum bldg. . Marshall 3288. Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONET On snort notice to salaried or werkinamen on their own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payment, eacn transaction strictly eontidentiaL NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSE!. 218 Failfnd bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland Business Men to Protect the Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS, noi;sa.riuL,u ruttfiTUKr, City and County. Wsrrsnts Cubed for Fsee Value. ' CARRIE MYEBS HERRMAN, MGR.. 894 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry ; legal rates; sll articles bald a year; established stnee IBS. Pan Marx. 23 Washington. LOAItW WANTED 86 MUST HAVE CASH QUICK $500 at 8 Per cent; only want for short time, so win psy fsir bonus besides; real estate security. ri- . journal. SAFE INVESTMENT 8820 Hease contract. Bears 7 per cent. 826 monthly. Diaeount.v W-460, Journal WANTED $'800 loan. 6 room hmise.Woodlswnl 484 Claremont ave.. near 13th and Dekum. SEE ORKUON 1NV. ac MORTGAGE CO., 23 Cbsmber of Comwteree. 4th and Stark. FIXAlfCIAL 1 LIBERTYBONDS CASH PAID FOR ANT ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. V SEE E. BURKITT. SECRETARY OREtiON BOND A MORTGAGE OO. 213 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) COB. 6TH AND ALDER STS. BEFORE SELLING YOUB - Liberty Bonds Secure Our Prices Wc buy and sell aU issues O. E. MILLER A CO.. 208-8 Northwestern Bank Bids. Mate 4108 BONDS BOUGHT ' SPOT CASH SPOT CASE CA8H FOR TOUB RECEIPTS Mafl bonds to use; we remit return taafl, Cosae to 125 Gsseo BMg.. 6tb sad Aider. CELLARS-M V RTON CO. ' HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 78 1500 LB. work horse, ags 7 years, lost mats; a bargain 'if sold at one. East 4867, A LIGHT wagon and harness." 161 E. 8 1st "STW. ONE new faraa wsgoa for sale. 380 Front st. IB " FOR SALE. EXCHANGE OR HTBJS 80 head of tha best horse in the city. Wag- one and harness of all kinds. A dark mare, 5 rra. old. 1300 lbs., and black gelding. yrs., 1260 lba. with a aood harness, waroo as good as new. 3400 for outfit, i Owner left ranch and left word for me to sell. It is cheap. , CROWN STABLES, 285 FRONT ST. ; PHIL ' KCETTER. - JUST got back front Eastern Oregon ; have 5 team of well built Dor, weight tram ioou to 8800 lbs. a span.;, All young, fat and gentle aad honest workers in every way; 6 seta 'Of harness. 4 wagons, ' buggy, plow, harrow: ana sow with pigs; also A gorfa milch cows, heavy milkers and gentle. WUI sell very cheap or trade for Portland orooertv. - Call at the eld dairy barn. 29th and Powell ate, Woodstock car. TEAM of black Percberon mares, -weight 8000 lbs., low set and heavy boned, coming 6 fears old; also team of bay marea, biased face, ult siatersr weight 2750 lbs.; bloeky built. 4 and 6 years old: aU sound and good workers. Have no further use for them. If sou want a first class tesm take Woodstock car to 84th street. o blocks south to square red barn. ON ACCOUNT quitting business in Southern Oregon have shipped snd must sell 16 bead of m ft res sad horses, ranging in age 6 to 8 yesrs, sound and best of workers. I have several well matched teams, slso few single horses, 2 fsrm wsgons and harness for all horse. It you are in need of horses come snd try this stock be fore you buy. H. D. Lock, K. 9th and Flanders. TEN sets of doubls and single work harness, 8 fsrm wsgons from 2 inch to 3 H inch, 10 head of mares and geldings; all good workers snd gentle; weights from 1000 to 1600 lbs. Also a few ehesp bones for ranch work. Wood yard stables. East 9 tit and Hawthorns, or phone East 8106. I EXTRA good double names 840, 1 8H-in, wide tire Mitchell wagon in extra good con dition 330, also good steel tire top buggy and hsrneas 840, 1 steel tire buggy 620, also 1 new 10 in. plow. 351 Russell at, Vs block west Union sre. MCE blorky pair of mares, weight 2600 lbs.. 6 end 6 years old, well nistcbed, aound and true. I will guarantee them to be absolutely right la every respect; trial allowed; with or without har ness. Joe Christopher, 8th and Hawthorne, niwurorstf BTaoiea, TEAM welshing 2100 lbs., harness and wagon. aound and good workers; trial allowed; to be sold st sny reasonable offer. . Take Woodstock car to 54th at. go 5 blocks to first white house on 54th ave. snd 64th st. ONE of the best 1450 horses in the state; 6 years old, coal black, aound, low down and bloeky built; will buy mate or aeU ressonsble. Come see him if in the ' market for Oils kind. Hawthorne Stables. 6tb snd HswUJorn. A3 I HAVE moved to city I must sell team 8 and 7 years old, well mated, weighing 2600, witb good harness and farm wagon; also 1100 lb. horse, $23.00. 20ft Gfbbs St. Mrs. Pat terson; South Portland car. U. S. STABLES. 248 FRONT ST." 80 head of good young horses and mares, from 1200 to 1700; everything sold with a guarantee aa represented. G. P. WILLIAMSON. - FARM outfit ooniplvte, team, mare and galduig, weight 2400 lbs.; good harness and 8 Inch farm wagon. $185. for a qnick sale; going away. 100 K. 9th N. Ask for Mrs. Greems. FOR SALE Tesm. 2400 lbs.; also tesm, 2100 lba; Black Percheron 8-year-old colt. 1000 lbs. Heavy set of work harness. Must sell, 293 17th and Columbia sts., room 5. 1800 LB. horse, good, strong ; single hsraess' single wsgon, new 10 In. plow; outfit for 885. 302 Knott H block east of Union ave. Wood lawn or Alberta ear. FOR SALE One large team, harness snd waffoh: one mar, vouhv. sntnad hm in foal; one single horse, 1800 lb, harness and wagon. ooaiawn zuu. A GOOD little chunky team of mares, young ana aouna, weignt 3CS9V In. ; good workers. Price $1.85; also a sorrel gelding, weight 1800 lbs., $60. East 9th and Flanders. YOUNG horse, buggy snd hsmeas, good driver sni worker. Weight 1050 lbs. Call Tsbor 515. 10OO SETS of work harness, must be sqld in the next 80 days regardless of cost, r, Closing out enure toes- st aao 1st st ONE matched pair of sound mares, 6 and 6 yesrs old; 2800 lbs, 880 Front st, Abo inirv iw. rwrMi, eonrm ann anna worrer. 100-LB. horse,'' buggy snd harness, 855; gen- lie i or women or cnuaren. xoi Meads St. S. P. car. HOUSE and wsgon. 81.50 day; 8 horses aad wagon. 38. J. Cohen. 646 Front. Msin 8208. DEAD horses and animals ba tiled awsy free, UsU wooaiawn go. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses taaen quickly; oash paid for cow! ana ertppieg norses, IS nor 4208. BARGAIN 1 pair of mule. 2400 lba., with harness. $230. - 880 Front st. - Trial allowed. BARGAIN $75 takes good family mare, buggy ana names, a so ront st. Trial allowed. LIVESTOCK 3t THREE sood. youna. fresh cows. . mil kins from . 8 to 6 gals, a day;. gentle for- a woman' to nsncue: also a young farm team, weight 2600 lba, both 5 Tears old; harness and wsgon, cheap. Woodstock csr to Franklin st., 2 blocks w. -i oioca souio u z sin st. o. JERSEY, gentle family cow; milks about 4 asL rich milk; price 335. 6 minutes' wslk et of Lents junction on McKay and Foster road. Atkochunea place. 1 . A I? : IT fl.l,. l.,ia. . .! A ..L. ..1.1 1, . .... 3 pigs. 6 weeks old. 6742 66ta t. S. Er wonnn car. K. si. Vsn Alft. YOUNG, gentle. Jersey Holateia oow. fresh 6 weeks, reasonable. Woodlawn ear to 22L 7ZW yjberty st. FOR SALE Flna grade Jersey-Durhsm 8-year- oia cow giving so ids. mux -pet osy. D. E. steiui en nan, utacaaa, or. SiRG-atT Ani- . .. tlu' 1 k i . '.. . ..miij wm., .11 DfQTll Gentle family cows, $55 to 878. Take dry sou urn cow id s-sooange. mi r.ass sin GOATS Fine Toggenburg and Baane billy kids lor sale. liMH and nee them AdilrM. Sun fK. 69th N., Portland, Or. FOR HALE 2 heavy milch cows, 1 Holstein 4 ffK, 1 Jersey 8 gab)., 8110 snd $90 tor qnica sale. 3313 04 to st. H, K FOUR fresh milch goats, kids by aide, "very reasonaoie. sot neaae St. a. 1'. csr. 35 CHOICE Jersey cows, fresh and springers. ZB7 E. tw N, Tsbor 8924. E. H. Myers. PIGS for ssle. Sto 4 months old. 794 Tseoma sve. ONE Jsrsey-Hoh-tein cow, rich milker, beef price. 142 E. 61t N. MontevilU car. WANTED Chester W"hlte Boar, 4 months old. J. Stelnbrlnk, Lents. 45th are, snd 102d st. JERSEY cow for ssle, giving 4 M csllona. 208 B. 47th at. N.. O-W, R. aV track. rOULTBY. riQEOKS. FET STOCK 87 WHTTB LEGHORNS ABE THE MOST PROFITABLE breed of poultry. If you ar to tbe business tor profit you win" eventually have them. Early broilers, early layers, early profits. Wa sen oxdy White Leghorn baby cbix from heavy laying Hogaaised bena. 8a f de livery of fun count live cfals guaranteed. Prise per 100. April. May and June delivery. $12.60. Tbe Pioneer Hatchery. 406 6th st, Petslusaa, CaL CORVALLIS ' (train White Legbora hstchlng eggs for sale, 81,60 per setting, hundred lots t reduced rates; HogsolKed stock on free rang. Wisteria Poultry Acrts, 1101 Siapsoa it., pbona vtooaiswn szew. CUHT1S W lilts VVysndott. , "Eggs that HATUlx front HENS that Lsy." 82 per 16, M. K. Curtis. Hillsdale. Or.. B, P. 3. Bos 242. MsU 8289 and Main 8889. REEFER'S more-egg tonic makes champion lay ers out of common barnyard hens; $1 pack age: every pseksgs guaranteed For sale by A. S. Gsbrlelson. 1071 E. 22d W., Portland. Or. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE' Legbora. Reds, Recks, M 'Dorcas, best Stock ! prices reasonable t safe delivery guaranteed. O. N. Ktedham. boy 412 alem, or. FOR eggs the year round get T. A Hodgdon's R. C Rhode Island Beds and English White Let hern. 172 Grand eve. Pbona East 6624. THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca batehing eggs. Msmmouth strain. Columbia 806. 1600 FlPke, THOROUGHBRED' Flemish GUnt rabbits. ' ateel gray and black, ror sai cnesp. can srter i. ra., WoodUwn 2574 1070 Union arc K. FOR SALE Whita Japanese Silkies: also White Holland turkey eggs for hstchlng. Wdln. MAGUIRE'S DAY-OLD CHICKS 1 Rhode Island Red chirks,-April 29. $25 per . 00. 787 Oregon st. East 1805. - HIGHEST prices psid for all kinds chickens, young arm old; frean egg by the ease. BOOOESS A CO., 181 Front at. WHITE LEtlHOHN pullets tor sale. 8 months to 1 year old. 8848 84 tb st, S. E. Tsbor 94 NO. RHODE ISLAND. RED setting Itea for sale. 91. IB. neuwooa zvti. , SICILIAN BUTTERCUP eegs, $1.76 a seUiag, best layers. 1 soot 807. RHODE ISLAND RED . setting " sens, 32.80. or tu west corner 4Zd sod Killingsworth. 4 CHICKENR snd rooster, also white do, sll for $6.00. 4310 82d sr. S. K. - - BABI chick, now ready, Every Day Chicken Foundry, 194 E. 22nd st. N. Boa City car. ENGLISH White Leghorn and a few Browns. 736 E. 76th-st. V near isndy blvd. FOR SALE, er trade 6 Flemish rabblte. cost $30, ; L Woodlawn 848. - ; LAYING Leg bora hinassd pufleU. $1.76 eactk! 787 Oregon st. - Kose taty csr. ALI. kinds of live snd dressed rabbits, cheap. StaU 7, 2d, Yamhill sts. Tel Msin 1186, BARRED BOCK chicks. 26 canto each. . Taber 4070. - ' 1 -"i- v..;; S. C. RHODE ISLAND BED sggs for setting. Woodlawn 585. - , ,- -r . . , O. A. C. Leghorn eggs, 16 tor 31. Tsbor 4941, 8ETTING HENS. $3. Tsbor 7143. HORSES, VEHICLES. KTC. 'POOS. EIRDW. PF.TJa. FTC. 48 s'OH SALE. Flemish rsbbits. fine stock, U agesi reasonable. J. D, .McKsrlane, Or. City ear to G leu, Echo. milt) cast.- TeL Ore. CiLy 4E7-R. - FOR SALE AU kinds rabbits cheap and sl'O nut Legaom sggs.. t setung. SOS 24th st. FOR SALE Cheap. Flemish rabbits. " Phone 1545. 1008 Michigan ave. CHOICE canaries at "the Cansry Bird Shop.'7 dingers cuaranteeo. ilex E. X8tn T. O-xXIT. SO RABBITS for sale, v Ioquira 632 Msrshsll it. PAIR of linnets, $5. Tsbor 7308r: AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 Classy Bug Bodies ; 5 ,c-.r I a i Burness & Martin, 15th snd Aid- sts, g ; New Fords Used, Fords i ' W are making prompt 'delivery on sew Ford touring end sedans; also special buys in good used Fords; easy teTBia, TCTT.T.f A f T. VlITCWsnN f!0. .' 80 N. Broadway at Davis.- Bdwy. 21. Autnortsed orq liesierv. GARAGES $38, 340.80. $59.50 Ready Cut Houses MILLMADK CONSTKUCTION . COMPANY 1801 Union Ave. ffi woodlawn asyt, ONE Buick truck, $580; one Repub lic. 1 ten. $850; worth $200 each more than asked. Smith Auta Co., Park at -Couch st. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do you prefect Vti bar them, sll makes snd si sea Also w saskg the famous O-V-O Doubls Tread (sewed) tires) sna aa sll manner or tire repairing. . uregoa van csnlsing Co., 888-886 Bumslde near Broadwavj WANT a Ford f ' Read this: Five passengen, perfect condition, 6 good tires, spotllglil, shock absorbers, .anti-rattler reinforced wishbone Noglare trates, s)oedometer, cut-out. Atwates Kent ignition system; 8300, half cash, balance 810 per mouth. Broadway 4403. W, cot - ot 14th and Couch. T . GRANT SIX 7 1016 model, new battery, new rear end. new bearings, new univarsal Joint, new generator: we did tliis work ourselves; will sell for 8600 and ' give terms. , -i D. C. AVARREN MOTOR CAR CO j ' 58 N. 28d St Msin 78f). - 1910 EMPIRE ROADSTER - . i Sport model, wire -wheels, one extra. This Is practically a new ear, run only a little here In the city; a snap for soma one. SmaU payment down, balance monthly, I 1 A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING- CO. f . . 625 Alder St. - I FORDS C Several good buys in Ford touring cars, $8 DO to $500. Price on these 'cars era lower by $50 than any other place in the city. Com In and look them ' over.v- Chevrolet Agency, - 13 Grand ave. N. t ' FOUNl -Automobile owners, eava thia ad, save money. Automobiles, gas engines, marine ws tors, tractors, repaired ' at your home, city ar country, day o might, emergency eUa high way, prompt seryloe, Leave orders. B-ertoa, oso sui st. i-none slain 7028, - f MY beautiful Saxon Six would pas for brand new; electric "light and starter, aenuina leather upholstering, runs smooth and quietly; forced la sell ; would take Ford that could be " made into true, rnosi neiiwooa ibov h MAXWELL, fi-paa.. $460 bun' less than it "... -- - uww. vuw, sui swwi.nn, eeUent condition en every way.- leaving eity.' so must sell. CsU Woodlawn 8766, or see car nnn Mttu , t ,i- i . i . .... at ms 'irsna ave. r.," alter o p. m. i 1 CAN USE YOUR FORD, CHEVROLET OR MAXWELL AS PART PAYMENT ON? BRAND NEW 1919 MAXWELL AUTO MOBILE. CALt, TABOR 830. f OakuSnP UtiU'f BIX j . Yss,; It has an overhead valve motor, 8678. CONLET'S USED CAR CENTER' I S. W. Cor. 15th snd Washington. 1 DODt'.E TOURING CAU f 1917 model, fine condition, extra tire, Htt0. SSeo cash. 848 per month. Tabor 1868. 408 E. 40th N. . f CASH paid for eld ears, eoodltton no objseti parte for all makes of asm. Oregon Auto " change. 139 Lownsdab. at 18U aad Wsahlag ton. Broadway 2668. - t - BARGAIN V 1918 CHALMERS' sbC feCST AND LOOKS LIKE NSW. CALL TAJpVsI , 830. ' -- f ' -..'-"V-i- . y, t . CAM " tt " YOUR 4-CYil I cAb AS JPAuf - PAYMENT. ON A NEW 1918 ELGIK 8U. MAIN 7448. "; : . ' 1 i . BARGAIN I" 1918 CHALMERS SIX," RUN" AND-LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL. TABOR VPVs ' .--. f 3800 DOWN, BUYS 1918 MAXWEl.L' Tftl'ftJ - .Vt-.?iB i. REPAINTED, A-l CONDITION CALL TABOR 680. , ' . - 680. DUB BTTILLK . ' TOP COMPAJfl. i tMh st Oak. Broadwsy 16$4 AUTO TIKiil We ssve you asooey oa sts and . sued tires; vulcsnicias snd retreading. Vulraa. Tire Shop, 41 Grand see. Pbee East 4606. (TvlSRliND in , strictlyNo. 1 condition, sod 4 brand fevr non-skid tires. 3876, Easy terms. N. W, cor. 14th snd Courh. t FOR SALE, cheap. 1016 Ford , touring, ih naintari and nverhauled. Moor. 809 E. II lieu, atoore, . uu th FORD TOURING Fina. running shape I sll good tires, shock sbsorben. eta.; $876; terms, j A-l auto wunan, o sgr - , 1W1 BRISCOE touring, good condition; lib- eral terms. Mr. cary, uroauway s. BAK'fAINo - - i in Studebekers and Iteo: assy terms. : Mr. csry. nroaowsy sir.. 9 sww. 1017 MAXWEL New battery, 'good rubliei aU round. Will sacrifice for $800, B61 E, Morrison. East 5203. - " ff FORD 1917 louring; A-l condition; good Ureal Must selL .218 4 tH St. nsar SarmoA. Tuerday, , I to u p. m., weanesnsy sum v:, tnnrrt. FORD t 1 Good car. with gear transmission ; easy teruu. Mr. Cary, 628 Aider. rirosdway 1917 CHEVROLET Looks and run ke new; 6A88t terms. A-l Auto Works A Paint ing Co., 828 Alder at. - ? ' HERE is your ehsnca to get an extra tire rheap, 1 86x4 'A, 1S; 1 86x4, 812 0; 3 84i4. 812.60: 1 84x4. $12.50. Woodlawn 4706.? ' LIGHT BUt BKUAM - 1 r'..- Studebaker sedan, '19 scries: a snappy buy. Sea Mr. Cary. 523 Aider. , Broadwsy 24 88. MYLITTLE FORD 8 passenger tor ssle. L's3 " - . . - - i.ii, i. ,i i i i: SX'ICK 4. 1817, Just ovsrbaul!; rang Amf looks liks new, 1876. Wdln. 6438. t 21S ftslmnn St. - -.-- ? LATE I917 Briscoe. WUI sell cheap, sea Andrews, oni k, stemson. cam ozus. t ; WILL seU my 1917 . Maxwell cheap. A-ilt, Journal. LATE medal Buick. 4 cylinder, $880. A dandy. Auto Hales Co., 9th and Couch. Bwdy. 664. FOR SATiEunslou'trin" condition. ,448 Msrguent ave. : raaor 6347. 1 IF you want a bargain In a 1618 Ford,, see Andrew. 861 E. Morrison. East 8203. I SPOT cash said for sued cars. Dealeri Used" Car Pasting House. Grand ave. gnd at Stark. MUST sell say nearly new i 918 MaswsU tout ing ear, A-l snspe. st-auT, journal. CASH for Fords and Chevrolet. "See Bhsant, ' "d ana Tsyior, army i.arssw i IB 12 FORD, Atwater-Kent eauipmeul, $ooA . 1 6nnc aTaaa a - ,A fjrw; pnet t-.o trm kj vf sot su QRKASES VIOWECT PAINT CO 4 ! It. -8 AIVaV,qBrf W IV-' s aw. v-i BEST Ford In city for 8400 eaah. See' ear at Coo as Miss, arc, rnonc woeoiawa ivnn. LATE Ford, fine abape, cash or terms. Ofner ilr-RXfcK. light stx pAss,. Hltl r-eao. - owrirm i. , BLEABDALE. 17TH AND ALDKK. , V' BABiTuraod; a ibt'prica 86lO, EMyTermX Bdwy. 4408. -, ' I - FCRf ABLE garage 830. to be removed at poo, 894lUrrisoa. ErcBlngs -4 :30 to, 8. ; tHAVE a new Ford. Coma to me Monday If you want tC Phoua Wdla. 2470. STUbEBTKER for $228; "aaw Ores and ' rues welL Wdln. 6438. v-- I 490THEv';s a dandy; must sell; f4 90,, easy ' 4tfO illJCV., a oa mi; nw mi; tiv,ii terms. N. W, eor. 14th end Conch. I To 16 LOZIER. . A real bur at $928. 'a uto Sales Co , pu ana tjoncn. - wrosowsy im. 7-PASS. Olds, most new. A bargain. Call, Col - S85, evenings. I NEED a light car and wiU pay cash for it, but prie muet be right. Broadwsy 4408. - HUDSON- JAgbt Six, excellent eouditioa, ' rar bergsln ; Speedwell gsrsge. 18th sndMywi lOiTTORD like new, seU cheap. Owner, Tsbor 4878. -'- ' ( tCvbUaited V olWmlBf Ff t) TS Prices 886 snd I P , V