the Oregon; daily journal, Portland, honday, april 28, ma: PEOPLE IN ORIENT LOOK FOR GUIDANCE TO NATION OF VEST Charge Purchases Today and Balance of Month Go on Bills Dated June 1st. Two-Day Month-End cfol CO j? O nan vvoue cvr vo. "Merchandise of eMerit Only" Dr. J. M. Taylor, Evangelist and Missionary, Delivers Lecture to Methodists at Auditorium. cum LIBERAL COLLECTION TAKEN Speaker, Who "Has Travel eel Nearly Half Million -Miles, Tells of Hardships. - ' , An. earnest plea for help for the suf- ferine millions of the Orient wu the keynote of the address delivered 8unday night at The Auditorium to a contrrega tion of about 2500 Methodists by Dr. J. M. Taylor, celebrated, evangelist and missionary. All of the Methodist churches of tho city closed their doors Sunday evening and the various congre gations gathered at The-Auditorium to listen to the address. From the standpoint of travel, few men can equal Dr. Taylor's record. He has covered 450.000 miles, and In the past year has journeyed 75,000 miles. - In his address -last night he dwelt principally on conditions in China and the Orient. The meeting, a part of the church's hundred million centenary campaign. , was opened by Dr. Young-son. Before ?r. Taylor's address a unique collection, fathered on tin pie pans, was taken up and several hundred dollars gathered for the city extension work of the church. , The funds gathered will go to swell the , salaries of poorly paid local ministers. . LIFE IIC THE FAB EAST ' Few men have better knowledge of actual conditions In the Orient than Dr. Taylor. ' Assisted by stereopticon slides, .he portrayed life in the Far East and .the hardships and privations of the few ministers who are now attempting to spread the gospel among them. A num ber of first hand incidents showing the squalor, poverty, superstition and ignor ance that surrounds these people were given by Dr. Taylor. -America is the Big Brother of the poor peoples of the Orient, declared Dr. Tay lor, and all took to America for help and guidance. : A selfish democracy that sits : back and considers itself safe as long as - its present dangers are gone cannot save Jthe world, he declared. Only by help and ktndneBS, and without force and vio lence, are the .people of China to be saved., . CHRISTIANITY AS WEAPOJT Bolshevism was rapped by the doctor ; but as a means of combating it, he ad- vocated education and Christianity for the poor and downtrodden. As, long as education and the power to( think prop erly, and Chrlstiaplty, with Us power to think right, are kept from the poor, the Red Flag will continue to wave. Pre pare the rising generation for decent citizenship, he declared, and the future of the world will be safe. The awful conditions under which the ' people- of China live, their superstitions, ignorance, poverty, -filth and hunger , were discussed -by Dm, Taylor. An earn- under way and assistance for the unfor tunate Oriental peoples and the mission aries serving thera was also made by Dr. Taylor. : -,.. -. : :. Irving Ackerman Is Strong Booster for Wilson and League Irving Ackerman, law partner of Mu nicipal Judge Morris Ottenheim of San Francisco, head of the Ackerman & Har ris theatrical circuit which operates the local Hippodrome theatre, and Demo cratic politician, arrived in Portland this morning, stopping off on his way south . to take part in the Victory loan rally here tonight and help the boosting. Mir. Ackerman is on his way home from Denver where he concluded negotiations for a new theatre site .and from Spokane where he arranged for the building of a Hippodrome theatre. In the latter place tho theatre structure1 will be bjiilt for . 7 the concern, which Itself will . expend $110,000 in interior fittings. Mr. Ackerman, who was one of the electors who chose President Wilson, is as ardent a supporter of- the president now, as ever. "Every move that our leader has made has proved, right in the past and I believe that his attitude on the Flume question "will be indorsed I by the Italians themselves when they recover from their attack of hysteria. ; "California trusts him : : Implicitly in handlinjf the Japanese matter, as was evidenced by the action of our legisla ture. The 'League of Nations sentiment . is a fair idea, of how people come around to Mr. "Wilson's idea of thinking." - - Ackerman A Harris have branched out of their regular channel of business In SSn Francisco to give a revue after the style of the Winter' Garden. Follies and .Passing Show. ; JCitty Gordon heads the performers.. It has not been determined whether the revue will be sent on the road or not. 88th and 89th Are Preparing for Early -' Return to America Washington. April 28. -(I. N. S.) The 89th and 88th divisions were released April 25 and 26 for preparation for re turn to the United States, the . partment announced : today. This re lease, officials explained. Is now equiva lent to designation to early convoy, which now may be expected In the course of a few weeks. , The 89th is composed of Kansas.' Missouri and Col orado " troops, and the . 88th of Minne sota, Iowa and North and South Da kota men, , i.. . I Three Ships Sail Washington, April . 28. (I. N. S.) Three troopships two of them German vessels, bringing home 6000 Yankees, sailed from France on April. 25, the war department announced today. - The Wil lie! mi na and Cape Flnlstere from Brest are due in New York May 5, the former bringing 1724 officers and enlisted men and the latter 1052. The Huron, from Bordeaux, is due in New York about May 7. with 8265. Li OOP Cctrettlif is! Beillif Pt r- rv Irttoi Marine for Red. LW WJ oess. Soreness Granule. . tion, Itching and Burning cf C-S Cyes ct Eyelids -2 Drops" After t-9t avi .- Hotor!n or Golf will wis your ton-asacs.- Ask Your Druggist for Uurina M Lisle Union Suits Globe Fine Mercerized HALF t I OC Price.. M ' -Half price for these splendid high-grade mercer ized lisle union suits. There are three styles short sleeve, three-quarter, full length sleeve garments., All are cut full and are perfect fitting. There are all sizes in the lot to begin with. But you'd better make a mental note to drop in early r Men's Store, Just Inside Wash. St. Entrance. These sales are store-wide and right in line with the policies inaugurated .last February. However, these sales are, wider in scope even more remarkr able than the previous two month-end sales because they bring quantities of the most .desirable new wanted Spring merchandise at especially good savings. Read this page carefully. While many items have been given b and type were many times their size. If you attended the previo While some lots are large enough to last throughout two days, m stances there are but one or two items of a kind. Much of this merchandise has been in the house but a few weeks and the prices are reduced only because under our new policy we prefer to "turn merchandise over" quickly that is where assortments are incomplete and lines and sizes broken we take a reduction in price right awayand use the proceds for buying new, fresh stock. ut small space, they are quite as important as though the space us sales, you will appreciate the importance of shopping early, any will not be here for more than a few hours and in some in- Reductions On Spring Cottons About 3500 yards of choice Spring cotton fabrics Reduced far clearance. Spring Voiles Special 39c Good designs and colors in broken lines of desirable voiles. Galatea Is Special at 39c Striped and checked galatea for the most durable dresses for children. Good colors 15 patterns. 32-Inch Ginghams 35c Plaid, checked and striped ginghams, as well as plain colors. All colors included in this special group. 32-inch Cotton Shirting at 29c Wide and narrow striped cotton shirtings a real bargain for shirts and blouses and children's wear. 36-inch White Wash Goods 19c P 1 a i rj' and fancy striped wash fabrics for shirt waists, and gen eral summer wear re duced for clearance to 19c. v. Second Floor, Llpman,. Wolfe & Co. $3 1 50 Worth Of Hand-Painted China Every Kind Included H OFF! Dinner, Breakfast, Tea and Bread and Butter Plates, Fruit Saucers, Oatmeals, Tea Cups and Sau cers, Chocolate and After Dinner Cups and Saucers, Teapots, Sugar and Creamers, Large and Individual After-Dinner Coffee Sets, Chocolate Sets, Coffee Pots, Choco late Pots, Teapots, To m original most of Salad Bowls, Fruit Bowls, Handled and Unhandled Bon Bons, Pickle Dishes, Olive Trays, Spoon Trays, Mayonnaise Sets. Whipped Cream Sets, Mint Sauce Boats, Covered Water and Cream Pitchers, Mar malade Jars, Con densed Milk Jars, Mustards, Salt and Peppers, Handled Cake Baskets, Cake Plates, Handled Nap pies, P a rty Sets, Dresser Sets, Comb and Brush Trays, Powder Boxes, Hair R eceivers, Ring Trees, Hatpin Hold ers, Jewel Stands, Cheese Dishes, But ter Dishes, Covered Muffins, Cheese and Cracker Trays, Sand wich Trays, Tea Strainers, Vase$ Lemon Squeezers, Oyster Plates, Celery Trays, Compartment Trays, Relish Dishes, Rose Jars, Nut Bowls, Syrups, Jam Jars, Placques, Manicure Sets, Chop Dishes, Nut Dishes, Pin Trays, Comports, Ice Bowls, Ice Plates, Olive Sets, Bon Bon Boxes and others. ake this sale all the more remarkable, all pieces are marked at their betore-tne-war pnees which are now cut one-third. This brings them to about 2-3 the present wholesale costl Just consider thatl There are 5000 pieces in this sale including Besides this, there are other exquisite and eight Royal Norataki sets all in fine hand artistic patterns in hand-painted china. A rare wrought designs. opportunity for you to buy gifts! Sixth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 96 Collars and Vests For Clearance 69c Odds and ends of collars and vests that have become slightly soiled from handling. Included are fine piques, linens, satins and corded silks. All greatly reducedl Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 1100 Yards of Fine Inlaid Linoleum .23 These are in pieces from 10 to 30 yards of a pattern. All are good standard quality fine linoleum, and there's t large variety of pat terns. Very special at $1.23 sq. yard. Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 1 f Women's Plain and Fancy Handkerchiefs 5c 'More than 1100 handkerchiefs in this lot all kinds, fine Shamrock lawn and mercer ized cotton some with colored borders, some plain white and many initialed. Broken lines. Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 360 Emmerich Feather Pillows 49c These famous feather pillows, made with fancy patterned art ticking. Good for home use and splendid for outings and beach cot tages. Size 16x23j4 Inches. Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Solid Gold Rings at Vz Now SI to 7 for lid ?old rings set with beautl ul doublet and genuine stones topa. garnets, sap phire, amethysts, etc. Street Floor, Lipman. Wolfe & Co. 536 Rolls of Wall Paper i Now 20e 25 30 Oc BO for Papers for lTvin? rooms, dining rooms and bed rooms. Paper your rooms now lor one-half! Fifth Floor. Lipman. Wolfe & Co. 600 Yds. Fancy Silks Left From Big Sales $1.35 We have held several large and exceedingly-successful silk sales this season. Naturally there were many short pieces left each time. So they have been grouped and repriced for clearance at $1.35! Included are 35-inch self striped Messalines heavy quality navy, bottle green, grey, plum, Copen, wine and white. Also 35-inch Louisene plaids in some of the very best color combina tions we have shown this season. Light and dark colors. While any remain only $1.35 the yard. Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 300 Fine White Wash Skirts Month-End Sale $2.85 I Beautiful skirts of fine quality white pique and cot ton gabardine K)dds and ends of higher priced lines reduced for this two-day clearance. Every one is in perfect condition and -well made. Some are slightly mussed and soiled from display. There Is a wide variety of styles. Some are buttoned down the front with large pearl buttons. Others are in straight-line effect and most of them have novelty pockets and detachable belts. This' sale brings excellent savings on good tub skirts I Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Odds and Ends f Auto Hats $1.69 Auto hats of sllka. patent leathef and duvetyn In brown, blue, array and two- -tone effect. Lovely combi nations. , " Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe 4c Co. Odds and Ends Flowers 25c Fine quality flowers se lected from broken assort ments. Both, Imported and domestic flowers roses, foliage, etc. . Tnlra JTlOOtt Lipman, Wolfe Co. Odds and Ends Corsets $3.95 Just 78 corsets in this group and all of them are popular brands. such as Modart front lace, La Vida and Etoile de France. Sizes from 20 to 36 but not all sizes in every'style. Low, medium and high bust models, with medium and long hips. Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Boys' Wash Pants at 25c-43c Half irlce for white pants and a few colors for boys 2 to 18 years. Not very many pairs of a kind and size -only one of some! Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Allover Lace and Nets at 25c Half price for beautiful white and colored nets and all overs. Also a few lace flounces and some black laces and dotted nets. All kinds. Second Floor, ' Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Laces of All Kinds At Greatly Reduced Prices WASH LACES AT 10c YD. Fine English Vals and two-thread laces and insertions special 10c yd. IMITATION FILET CROCHET AND CLUNY LACES, 25c YD. Laces for brassieres, curtains, pillow cases, trim mings, underthings, etc. VAL LACES, 15c YD. A large assort ment of different kinds of Val laces. Just in time for your late Spring and early Summer Sewing Days laces at worthwhile savings. ' Not large assortments of every kind. Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Stamped Needlework And Models A Sale STAMPED NEEDLEWORK AT THESE SPECIAL PRICES Crash Pillow Tops, Laundry Bags, Hot Water Bottle Covers 25c Combing Jackets, Pillow Tops, Utility Cases, Repp Centerpieces, Laundry Bags, Bath Towels 45c. Cuddle Dolls and Shirt Cases 25c. HAND EMBROIDERED MODELS REDUCED to Considerably Less Than Half Price. Couch Covers. Luncheon Cloths, Bed Quilts, Scarfs, Baby Kimonos, Dresser Scarfs, Baby Bath Squares, Garden Aprons, Pillow Tops now 75c to $9.00. Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 68 O.D.Wool Blankets $4.95 Regulation O. D. Wool Army Blankets two pieces spliced. They're Just the kind of blanket you will want for camping, out ing and auto use. They are 64x84 inches and are very specially priced. The lot is limited so early shopping is advised if you want one of these. Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. " 800 Yards of Pro-Linoleum At 59c Fine quality Pro LI noleum In seven different patterns for your selection. All de sirable for' kitchen or bath room use. Very special at &9c yd. Flf th Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. " Picture Frames Trays Mirrors Reduced 20 Antique Vs; o I d French Trays special jat OSC 29 Stand Military Frames special at 69 1 Fancy Antique Stand Mir rorsspecial at S2.0S " Sixth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe Co. fta Of Fabric Remnants iSilks Dress GoodsWash Fabrics This Spring's Stock Very, Very Low! wmMmm Thousands of remnants f desirable spring fabrics silks, dress goods and wash materials of standard quality the accumulation both up stair and Basement Sections, marked at exceedingly low figures to be featured in our month-end clearance event. Silks include messalines, taffetas, satins, crepe de chines, fancy silks, foulards, and black silk in nearly every weave as well as velvet and brocades, t to $-yard lengths. Prices are way below regular. 1000 YARDS LACES AND INSERTIONS REDUCED TO 10c YARD This lot of better ' quality laces and insertions includes Venise, Cluny, Oriental, and net tops. White and cream. Another lot of fine laces and trimmings 2000 YARDS VAL LACES ODDS AND ENDS, REDUCED TO Ic.YD. - '. Odds. and ends of white and cream Vat laces that are so much wanted now for the adornment of hand-made undergarments. This is but a smalt fraction of their former price. Come early I CLEAN-UP KIDDIES' CLEAN-UP KIDDIES' UNDERWEAR STOCKINGS Low neck vests, with or without sleeves, - . Ribbed wWte cotton stockings of abso- . lutely first quality in sizes 7 pairs for 25c. and knee pantalettes. 2 for 25C. All sises in the lot. The goods are essentially new, the accumulation of but a few weeks in fact some of the pieces having been added as late as yester day so you see this event offers real money-saving opportunities to you on new and desirable spring merchandise. Dress Goods include fine serges, poplins, Wash Fabrics include ginghams, voiles, perr checks, grinite weaves, Melrose and plaids; and black cales, Devonshire, batiste, dimities, Flaxons, nainsooks, goods of many weaves. You'll find many pieces of the soisettes, madras, etc. in white and an endless variety season's reigning shade, navy blue. 1J-4 to 4-yard pieces. of colors in plain and figured weaves. . 1J4 to S yards. 27-INCH STRIPED AND PLAID GINGHAMS SPECIAL 22c YARD A plenteous assortment of light and dark shades In the pret tiest and best quality gingham you ever saw i for 22c yard. Better buy now for future needs you'll be glad you did! 2000 YDS. MILL LENGTHS SOISETTE, MADRAS, ETC., AT 25c YD. , . Also plain zephyr and gingham in this lot of 2 to. 5-yard pieces at this much reduced price. You'll be repaid for the little effort it takes to secure these amazing bargains. JEFFERSON UNDERWEAR MEN'S BETTER SILK TIES REDUCED TO $1.95 REDUCED TO 25c mFbrok"n dWf2f Tod 'IVmUel -Four-in-hand tie. In update quantity of these. of floral, stripes, dots, and Ombre effects." to 10. -ECONOMY BASEMENT, LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. Georgette arrd Jersey Dresses Broken Sizes $17.50 Navy, Copen, taupe, grey, henna, Belgian blue and flesh tinted Georgette frocks designed on smartly simple lines and enlivened by colorful touches of em broidery. ' . , Jersey Dresses that have been, selling right along rliiHerl in this lot at $17.50. j js iiauvti iv w r . r - - Colors, styled and sizes, are broken, but the values arc-wonaenuny gooa. . ; Economy Basement, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. . rs-f ' yes need Care. h-im -5 I isrssiar Com Clsasa ' ' - : ',"-