THE OREGON DAILY .JOURNAL, P ORTLAND," MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1919. 13 ' HKI.V WA5TEO--MAtB 1 WANTED A sheet meUl wrtf( J ol 2. met man preferred. f! iMer Bliwt Metal Works, 650 Washington. Broadway 2089. - HELP WANT i M1SC 4t -- AUTOMOBILES. TBUCKB. TBACTOKg ' Learn u bi fin-claas Meclianio and Gas Engineer; rebafld. operate and repair Automo biles. Tracks and Tractors. This is not an Kn" gir.eering School. teaching THEORY ONLY; neither ia it GARAGE, but s HEAL, PRAC TICAL SCHOOL, where you learn the busi ness by ACTUAL WORK en the Machines. We hn mora and- better Equipment Una ell other Schools In Oregon Combined. SPECIAL TRADES Machinist, Acetylene Welding, Vol; rs nixing and Retreading. Day and Ernitol Classes, Write for Catalogue. HAWTHOKNK LEARN AUTOS AND TKACTOK8 FIVE DATS' KKKo TUIAI. PAT TUITION WHEN SATISFIED We teach auto, tractor, gas engine and auto electricai work; BIO 100 PAGE CATALOG t UKE... Address Adcox Auto and Tractor School. IepL J. Union a. and Wuco at., Portia nd. in. Phona Kant 7449 "Wanted OWE HUNDRED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPH OPERATING. SPE CIAL OPPORTUNITY TO FIRST 28 AP PLICANTS. APPLY HEMPHILL TRADE! SCHOOLS. '124 8TH ST.. N. BURN ELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL Individual1 instruction. Right methods. Lnnv kcimam bide. 6th and Stark. Bdwy. S44. Mi- P. Bur-ell. Principal. , PAX SCHOOL LEARN Tk-a.-OiiAPHY Young men anil rtjt wanted.. 'Call 21 Railway Exchange bid. Splendid opportunitj to learn a well paid profession. Free booklet lirllwifr Tep-grapb rr"rrt POSI1U-.VS AttKt'KKIt EVERY GRAD'.'Ai M Oj? PEHNKE-WALKER Buair..s CoU"ti. Portland. Unroll any tiire. '.". rnphy, stenography, hanking. bookV--lr. wr-tari-,!. Free catalog. PRIVATE RUHlNESi COLLEGE SPEC. AT. COURSE IN COMPTOMKTKES A LI SKY BLDG. 8 D AND MORRISON "t.G.NG East or South! Household goods ship lied 'at reduced rate: moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 403 Hoyt st p,wy., 703 ROCKY MOUNTAINS TEACHERS' AGENCY Frank K. Welles. ex-est State Sunt-, mgr., N. W. Bank hldr. Teachers placed promptly. 11KLP W AN TED-FEMALE t WH WILL .PAY A GOOD SALARY TO A LIMITED NUMBER OF GIRLS BETWEEN THE AGES OF 16 AND 80 YEARS W1IILB WE TEACH YOU TO OPERATE. A POWEB MACHINE: STEADY EMPLOYMENT AND GOOD WAGES PAID TO pUB OPERATORS. ' APPLY. AMES nABBIS NETILLE BAG CO. 15th A BOYT STS. WANTED B XPIBIEN.OBD WEAVEBfl. STEADY WOBK. GOOD WAGES. APPLY PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS. A GIBL-or woman wanted to help with houae- work. No wasliing. A pleasant rwfiued home with our priraUi liath. Phona Wdln. 4847. If not at, home phona Eaat 8. WANTED -Waitreaa, roust be experienced; good wagea. room and board, Mallory hotel. 171 I.ownwlale. W ANT ED Beliable-i girl for general homework, family pf Ji. Call at 689 E. 17th N. WANTED Girla at Stephen's Button ehop. 219 Piltork blork. MlllLE-AGEI) woman for general honsework. , Sellwood 819, or call at B41 Kenllworth ire. WANTED Girl for houaework. 1885 MiasU- aippl are., corner Portland bird. Kenton car. WANT- Idy houMceeper. 779 Minneaota are., corner Beech at. ' - - WANTED BOOKKEEPER, one who can ban- WANT EIV A dependable woman cook, araal) cafeteria at once. W-430, Journal. GIRL wanted answering phone. 273 8rd. after 8 a. m. ; lilll.DLE aired, woman to do housework for 8 at tha bearfi. Call Woodlawn 1,794. PIK8T claaa hand irouer at one. Multnomah i- Hotel laundry. SEWING machine operators. T67 lot at. . . HELP WANTED MALE AND " ' FEMALE ' . 99 T' : Mor.KR BARBER COLLEGE rare you while learning; girea you act of tools; i ..,iti7na secured. Write . for catalogue. -.234 nimide at.i or phone Broadway 1781". POUTLANH-BABBEB COLLEiiE teaches trade it 8 weeksi pay while learning; position guar- MUeed. - 234 Conch at. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade; wages while learning poaitinn gna ran teed. Mgr. 23 years' experience; Oregon Bather College. 238 Madison. WANTED AflESTS SALESMEN Kxpenenca not required; physical apecialist estraonlinary, Mulkey bldg. 'Jd and Morrison. , BALKHIjADIKS Kaperience not required; phy- . aical specialixa extraordinary. Mulkey bldg., , gd and Morrinon. SITUATIONS MALB t WOULD like ciil. structural or mechanical , drafting work ereninga. especially mechanical dwign and patent office work. Phone Main 47ft S. Contractor and builder. rpar and new work -in the city or country. u. I. Crowe. 441 K. 02d at. Tabor 7NZ . VACUUM cleaners for rent. -81 per day. Deliv- ered reasonable distance. Central Transfer A Storage Co.. 272 4th st Main 7575. NOW la the time to repair your roof before tinting; we guarantee to atop au leaaa. ror re . Itahle work call Wdln. 6094. 8 yeara in Portland. PLA STB RTN('), kalaomining and cement work, 54 E. 12th st. SeU. 462. 1007 E. 83d at. N. Woodlawn 3554 EXPERIENCED auto mechanic will repair your JlfSU. EXPERIENCED timber cruiser will take on small jobs. See me any time. 820 Tills - n.ook it. CABRIAGE woodworker, experienced all-round man, . go anywhere ; state wages. . D-258 Journal W POSITION wanted specialist upright drillmsn. Phone Msln 1140. Call room 12, evenings. VACUUM clesnera rented. Vacuum cleaning". Broadway 284 9. BOOKS rahlnald a specialty. Phone Bsacham, Marshall T08. ' ' - ' - PAINTING, paperbanging and kalaomlng b,y ax ' " perienced workman. Phone Tabor 4956. 'CARPENTERS, .contractors, genoml jobbing. .Shop. 823 8d st Phone Main J441. CEMENlTwork by day or contract. East 7888, 4. : A. Butler. - J BUGS vscuura cleaned; save all that hard -work. Tabor 258, evenings. KALSOMININO. Fainting. Plaster-patching; rea sonable. Main 9888. PLOWING done. 1075 Schiller at. Woodstock car to 4 8th ave. MAN wants spading. H-250, Journal. GARDENER Sellwood 2049. PLOWING and harrowing. Call Tabor T27. SITUATIONS FEMALE 8 WANTED Lady wishes to nurse children in Portland for room. board and small wages. Mm. Huntington, Madras, Or. A1IDDLKAGED woman wants housework. Call or address 1056 B st, McMinnville, Or. "VOUNG lady wants position, assistant office, fil- ing or mailing dept. Tabor 258. . CURTAINS to lannder. A-1B05. ' ' - ' - ' . NURSES -- 8$ NURSE Maternity case' specialty. , J31 8th st Main 7542. FURNISHED FtOOMK "NEW PERKINS BVTKl, : Fifth and Washington Stream, -Right In caster of Portland'a activities. Let as ahow you our accommodations. Mates ft per week up. , HOTEL FRANKLIN ' - WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH 1 daay up. Free Tub end Shower Bath. HOTEL Sargent. Hawthorne and Grand. - Starting point special car for Vancouver. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY TO FOR RENT Neatly furnished room in private family, nice location. - west aide. 5 minutes' walk from poatoffice, very reasonable. Phona Mar-hall 2582 or Main 6873. 256 11th at. PLEASANT front room for 1 or 2 persona, .uae of piano, walking distance, k 181 E. 19UT st East 5376. - ROOMS AND BOARD ' K THE HAZEL "Kot Ilk the others.4 " Every comfort. Home cooking. 888 Third et BOARD and room can be had near Broadway bridge for gentlemen only. East 6223. - I'TiP U.nha K.h,wir fun, y f.-f ftnllntt girls and studenta. Marshall 1261. v r ELEGANT rooms, also breakfast. Mar." 6188; ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE ' . -FAMILY ... If tin month, car and board, 14 and under. 611 lit Jtiood st, Oregon City. BOOMS 'A3fD BOARD PBITATK ' FAMILY - - ?S WANTED One or two children to board, beat of care, reasonable. 482 Miller are. BOOM and board, home pririlegee, (8.50 per -.- week. 804 Commercial at.- . ' 4 HOUSEKEEPIJIO BOOMS FTJBTIISHED AHD UKFUBNISftED CITT TIEW HOTEL. Well famished housekeeping rooms. $15 to 820 per month and bachelor quartans also single sleeping room, 82. SO and-up by -week or month. 293 hi Union are, eor. Clay.' 117 PEB MONTH Furnished Ji. k. rooms, suit able for 4; steam beat, hot and. cold water, laundry, yard. Phone East TO8. 498 Van couver are. --j - - Unfurnished fe. k. rooms, . 2 or 8-room suite, electricity and gas, on earline; adults only. 8141 45th are. 8. E. TWO room housekeeping flats. 8 wtek. nee vt rront ar. rrRNISHED H. K. rooms. 141 Lowmdsle. HOUSEKEEPITTCr ROOMS 7 FUBSilSHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY LIGHT, clean room, small house, kitcuen prirt legek to sensible, congenial working woman past 80, 84.60 month; no phone. 148 N. 21 at near Hoyt. - WIDOW lady will rent part of her modern heme for housekeeping, with garden. 810 E. Lib erty. Take Woodlawn car to 16th at. 2 HOCSEfCEEPING rooms, clote n, west side; 822 month. Elm View, 835 11th at., phone Marshall 6484. TWO light, airy furnulied H. K. rooms, ary large cloaets, modern home, fine location; no children 770 E. 8th 8. Phone Sellwood 121. PRETTY housekeeping suite, 3 44 blocks north of -Washington at.; 825 month; linen, fuel, phone and lights free. 70 N. 14th. Bdwy. 3221. LOVELY furnished housekeeping room;. 688 Pcttygrorw at. Gaa. bath and phone. 2 FUBNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern, gaa, etc. 890 Esst 1st St. N. PLEASANT 8 room suite. 641 E. Madisrfn at TWO furnished h. k. rooms. Call Eaat 4919. SI'lfE 8 rooms. Imnwkeeplng. 80H th at. FOR RENT HOUSES IS WHEN TOO MOVE. USE .NORTH WESTERN KLEGTB10 LIGHT SERVICE 10tb and Washington. Ildwy. BOO. UNFUBNIHUED tiouie for rent. 192 Watts St., Kenton. Call 688 Pettygrore. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 89 COMPLETE furniture of well furnished S room flat; flat for rent- East 6008. " FURNITURE oO rooms for sale; almost new; house for rent. 622 Delay tC. nesr Morris. FURNISHED HOUSES tt EXCLUSrVE ATTRACTrVB HOME FOB RENT '.. 7 rooms, furnished, modern, excellent condi tion, lawn, fruit, flowers, close in, walking dis tance; S blocks of 2 earllnea; restricted district; sdultit; references. E-414, Journal. PBACfiCALLY new. beautifully finished, well furnished and well located modem 8 .room honse for $85 per month, and might build garage or reduce rent for ertra good tenant House csn he seen today at 285 E. 18th 'at. N. FOR RENT 5 room house furnished. 8 S3 tf. 25 th st. S. Woodstock car. ' , - FTTRN1TURE for sale and house for rent. 608 Mississippi are.' APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Hart Apartments Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and sleep ing rooms. $2.60 and up. Second and Yamhill. MAGNOLIA apartments, furnished single and double housekeeping rooms, also aleepiug rooms. Telephone East 212. 4 ROOM8, furnished, $20, 2 room furnished, $15. near N. W. Steel plant. Call SeU wood 128. . FOR REJTVThree nicely furniahed lio use keeping rooms, now recant 304 H Eugene sf 8 ROOM apt- for rent, unfurnished. 14 Grand arc, corner E. Bumside, 2 AND 3 room fnnilahed apartments, centrally located, walking distance. 892 Vi E. Burnside. FURNISHED FLATS SO MODERN furnished flat for rent. 1209 E. Main st. near 4 1st. HOTELS HOTEL for lent, all furnished, at Saltair beach 10 rooms, a good proposition to right party. See owner. , - ' OEOKtJK MORSE. 809 Cham, of Cora. SAtf MARCO hotel. Rooms, 50c np; specie rates by tlie week. 422 H Washington. WANTED TO RENT WE WANT TO RENT a 6 room up-to-date dwelling in select neighbor hood. A!sn honsea. flat and apartments. If you have any vacancies, phone Heave Together, care of iVoTthwft Steel :o.. Mam uva. WANTED -To rent a furnished 6 or 6 room house on east side. Parties expecting to leave city for six months or a year and desiring to leave home in care of responsible people can arrange. Phone Tabor 44 MAN would like clean room In private family witere no otner roomers, r-nvuege, oi cvnuut preferred. G-450, Journal. WANT to rent at once, small cottage at Seaside furni.vlied; adults. Will give references. Call Broadway 204 8. WANTED ftne or two housekeeping rooms where there is a yard, by lady and child of 8 years. Mrs. L. J. Parks, Edison hotel. BEACH PROPERTY 44 FOR SALE Saltair, Tillamook beach, 3 room bungalow, fireplace, lights, water, nicely fur-rl-hed, 1 block from station, 2 blocks to beaeb; $800 cash or Liberty bonds. Phone East 8668. CANNON BEACH lota in first block to ocean. inside, $275; comer lot, $850; one email furnished houe. $600. Sellwood 2308. REAL ESTATb BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 12 PEB CENT Warehouse. South Portland, railroad frontage, brick, atrongly built, two stories .and basement; net income more than 12 per cent of price. See II. W. HAGOOD BOO Journal bldg. Main 4958, A-80B1. $60,000 COMPLETELY furnished apartments, paying 10 per cent net, cash; terms, trade. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. TO LEASE $s FOR LEASE- 152 acres, 25 under cultivation; creek and well. 5 room house, tjaro. Price $150. S. O. Dillman, 8th and Main eta., Oregon City, Or. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 63 Extra Inducements Offered to secure eight new homes in Wal nut Park, Portland'a first rlasa restricted dis trict Best car . service, also Jefferson high school and large publio library. No finer lo cation for a home in the eity. financial assist ance if desired. CaU today. 1149 Union ave. N Woodlawn 8304. , W. M. KILLINGSWORTH. Owoer. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 HALF ACUE, 5 rooms, cherries, apples, pears, berries, half block to car; $500 cash. Terms. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. PORTLANDHEIGHT8 5 r. bungalow, 60xS0 ground; $2600, installments. Owners, 615 McKsy bldg., or Marshall 4 569. LARGE ( 6 room house, half block car, fruit, -rbseB; snap at $2500, $500 cash. . Appoint mru L Bmy. lAtw c. . . . omnm mutt. MODEBN 5 room bungalow near school, stores and earline. Price $2800. Call 4904 65th st. SEVEN room house. Alberta district; $2300, $300 down, $1!5 month, . Call at 484 Clare- riM-nt. near lath and Peknm. MODEBN 5 room bungalow with built-in con venierices. Richmond district Owner. Sell wood 2027. BOOM house, gas, electricity, " etc., $10 per month, interest 6 pel cent, $1000. Payment flown. Owner, Bgli e,tn st 8. IS. 4 BOOM house with bath; smsll fruit and gar den. $1500. Terms. H. King. 6027 ,66th ave. 8. E. A SNAP $1800 boys modern 4 room home, large basement, lawn and garaeo. 2 Va blocks from car. 447 5th st 8. K. 6 BOOM house, full concrete basement, 60x100 lot, no incumbrances. Price $2900. 644 E. 22d 8. Phone Sellwood 8099. AN EIGHT room, well built house, full lot. fruit and shrubbery; will sell at a sacrifice. Owner, East 484. - -- - UNIVERSITY PARK, 8 room, partly modern, 100x100, 18 large fruit trees, berries, garden; 850O down. baL time. Phone CoL 1069. FOB BALE 5 room house, lot 100x175; lota ot iruit Phone Main B49. . - ' e TiIOM B i. n ' k 1 uuudcw u , oiuuerai . sawvenieneea. Tjbor 5560. MODERN 7 rooms. Hawthorne district 5 lots at oswego; muet sell. - Pbone Tabor 2082. BY OWNER, lot, 1st apd Bancroft. $10 ir : - ironth. Marshall 4481. - - viv;-. FOB SALE Three room house. 548 E. Emer- son atjlberta district. i . - - - S BOOM honse, Sunnyside. close to car, jlT5Q; terais. 404 Railway Exeh. $1800, $150 cash, modern 6 room house near - Alberta oar; see this. Woodlawn 334. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES CI rose cmr PARK , $3350 $3500 $8750 v Look here, folks. It'a p to yon to see these ner bungalows. We realise ft is difficult for you to eoneei re of buy ing an absolutely new J919 model bun galow with large Bring room, ptata gtaaa windowa, hardwood floors, fireplaee, full cabinet kitchen with breakfast alcora. ce ment basement, wash traya, etc., on a pared street in Rose City Park, with sewer connections. All we ask of you is ta inreatigate be as skeptical aa yea wish. A great many beliere because a house fa newly built ft .is poorly built. Corn's, see lor yourself how these are being built. Yon will notice that every one is thoroughly double constructed. See for yourself the grade of building ma terial used. During the past week we ' areraged Dearly 3 sales a day and. too. we acid them to critical buyers buyera who hare looked and looked and then find that they can buy an absolutely new house at a lase price than many are ask ing for houses 8 and 8 years old, . And, another thing you do not hare to pay taxes on the new house nntil 1921. Then, too, yen may select your own interior finish let -your new home reflect your own good taste and judgment, indeed., your own personality. Will yon do your- self a farort Then inreatigate. Yon may 'call at our branch office today or drire to 61st and Siskiyou, where our represents tires are on the ground pre pared to gire you all the desired informa tion. You will not be nrged to buy. 40 various locations in Base City Park to select frrsn. A. O. TEPEE CO.. 284 Ptark t., near 3. Main 3518. Branch Office, 50th and' Sandy. (Open Sundays.) Mt. Tabor Bungalow Beautiful riew property; S rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, swell Dutch kitchen. Por Quick sale, $8500; $885 cash, balance only $20 a month, which includes the interest Open evenings. GEO. T. MOOBB CO.. 1007 Teon bldg. OXXY. $250 CASH AND BALANCE $20 PEB MONTH I hare a neat 5 room house on 82d st. and Foster road that I will sell on above payments. There is no mortgage against this property. The monthly payments are all that Is necessary. Price is only $1,500. You rent payers better hurry as this kind of a proposition doesn't appear often. J. J.eMcCarthy. Abington bldg. $3100 Furnished $3100 4 blocks Union are., near Ainsworth; 8 rms., all on one floor, large attic, bath, 60x100 lot. The furniture is good grade and plent of it; must be sold; $900 down, balance $25 month. Open evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Teonajrtdg. ADDITION 82600 Easy Terms 6 room bungalow, fireplace, good basement, 60x100 corner lot, lawn, rosea and shrubbery, street improved on one side. A good buy. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO., 302 Oak. OWN YOUB HOME 8 room dwelling, well built and modem In every respect. Full cement basement, good Heat ing plant, north slope of ML Tabor. Price rea sonable, terms to suit. Bee B. W. HAGOOD 600 Journal bldg. Main 4958, A-80.M. $1600 Sellwood $1600 We offer you a swe- little 4 -room bungalow; 'bath, Dutch kitchen, 50x185 lot. 15 bearing fruit trees, very best of soil, 1 H blocks to car. Price only $1600, terms. Open evening. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Teon bldg. $3750 A PICKUP $3730 FIVE ROOM Modem bungalow, corner lot, improvements all in and paid. Not farther out than 36th st. $500 cash will handle. SEE THIS QUICK. Office E 39th and Gllsan at. TABOR 8433 OR EAST 206 EVES. ROSE CITY PARK Modem bungslow. 6 large light rooms, re stricted district; to appreciate this, see the owner fi-renoons. 728 E. 61st st. N. Rose City car. $3200. 800 will handle. KENTON 4 rooms, gas, elect., bath, 8 blocks from Kenton bank, on paved street, large lot. Why. live in an apartmentT Get the fresh air and have a garden. $400down, bal. terms. Pearl O'Neill, Woodlawn 4088. UpDERN 6 room , bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplsce, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment end lsundry trays, close to 2 csrlines, newly painted and tinted; price $2600. $650 cash, balance monthly payments. Phone Wood lcwn 2241. 8 ROOM home close in on csrline. full ce ment basement, walk and curb, plenty good fro,:;; place damaged by fire, 725 E. 28th St., Jt blocks trom Clinton Kelly school, near 8. P. shops; price $1500. 4,'all and see Sundsy, or 44 2d St.. room 50. 4 BOOMS $1750 4 -Room cottage on full lot; plenty fruit; near ear and school; very close in. $150 cash will handle. B. 3. McGUIBE REALTY CO., 545 Union avenue North. VACANT Coxy 5 room cottage, just painted outside and inside; walls papered; corner lot, near Greely and Portland blvd. No mtg. Price $1400. Good terms. Phone owner. Tabor 6419, this forenoon or evenings. BOSE CITT PARK Full 2-story. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, attie, 2 toilets, all built-ins. hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, modem throughout; beautiful shrub bery. A real home at a bargain. Leafing Port land. Owner, Tabor 4176. YOU can save $1000 by buying in St. Johns instead of Rose City, etc See my new bun.- Salow, built-in effecta, full lot, fine trees, one kick north of St Johns earline. 1010 Leon ard near Buchanan. MR, RICH MAN let me show you Irvington beautiful home; cost $27,000; $5800 and trade will handle. Enjoy life. Eaat 419. $100 CASH Bal. $20 month buys 5-roora modem bunga low, 4 blocks of car. Price $1600. B. J. McGUIBE BEALTY CO., 645 Union avenue North. ST. JOHNS Modem, brand new S. H. bungalow, full lot, 1 block north of St Johns car, on easy monthly payments. Keys at 1010 Leonard are., near Buchanan. WHY NOT BUILD f Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low coe.t We build anything, furnish the money if desired. L. K. Bailey Co.. Inc. contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. FOB SALE A 7 room house. 28 fruit trees. a big barn, 8 lots, on comer, 87 W. 8k id more and Concord; 2 blocks from Russell-Shaver car; improvements all paid: good bargain. W-17. Journal. GOOD, well built, small bouse; 8 rooms and hall, plastered and kalsomined; 2 extra lots for garden; fruit and berries; $150 cash, bal ance terms. 6929 43 ave.. Kern Park. 8.E. BY OWNER Modern room house. 50x100 lot. east front, large garage, paved streets, 4 carlines, close in, good district, $3900. 491 E. 16th st. near Division st KENTON S room house, fall lot, close to ear and school. Why pay rent $800 will handle. Pearl O'Neill. Woodlawn 4038. KENTON 7 ' room home, 10 'lots, house arranged for 2 families, plenty of fruit This place will pay for ibwlf. $2500. terms. Pearl O'Neill. Wdln. 4038. $32506 room house, electric lights, gas, fur nace, full cement basement, floored attic: 1 block from earline; paved streets; no incum brances. TWO 5 room cottages by owner. Just painted inside and outside. 1038 Macadam it. 107'. Water st $200 down, balance aa rent Walking distance. H block from earline. MariliE.11 ,44 81. 1 OR SALE By owner, - 5 room modem eot- tage, lot 60x120. fruit trees, 25 minutes' walk to west ride, handy to a to res, near 3 car- lines. 014 Monney ave. 4 BOOM cottage on E. 3d and Broadway : must structad ea property. Phona East 145 or East T f . 5 ROOM modem bungalow in Alberta district, $800 down and $20 per month. Price $1900, or trade Chevrolet, Ford or Maxwell. Wood lawn 6430. BOSE CITY PARS BUNGALOW ' - ' , Southwest comer E. 48th and Bruce, 6 rooms and reception hall; $2600 will handle. Phone Tabor 6396. . -.. MR. DOCTOR OR TRAINED NURSE " frvington needs maternity home; see this 16 room beautiful home, just in1 right place; bar- gaih iasr f is BUY from owner land save commission. 7 room mouera nouee, urge jot, ana porenea, garage, tool houses, flower borders and roses. Honse not built to sell. Good terms. Main 2879. ' " LAUBELHTJRST HOME -7 rooms, white enamel, glass doom, glass en closed sleeping porch, garage, perfect condition. $5750. terms. East 419. . - . - SUNNYSIDE HOME TT 5 rooms, furnished, close to car and school ; Improvement paid. Bargain at $2 850, Terms to sun. vwner, ioo- K. Taylor. NICE 6 room cottage, first class condition,- Broad . way ear; av snap at $2650. half cash. Show by appointment only. -1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. 103ft 2' BLOCKS R. C PA HIT .- iA H '' Attractive 4 room limwo. NW 50x100 lot; good buy. Tsrma. Tabor 8559. REAL ESTATE I FOB SALE HOUSES 1 Stop Paying Rent, but Pay It to Yourself, Wife and Children Walnut Park, Portland'! first elsas restricted residence district offers exceptional opportunities for eight new home- builders. We will assist financially, if desired. ' Call today at the office. 1149 Union, are. N. Woodlawn. 8304. W. M. KILLINGS WORTH, Owner. $4100 BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW $4100 BOSE CITT FABK 5 -Room strictly modem bungslow, complete In every detail, very attractive living and dining room combination with hardwoed floors; large fireplace with damper, and beautiful buffet; this place has a fine garage and all street paving assessments are paid in full. $100,0 cash will handle. Call at 1$1 Sandy bird. 4-R00M MODERN 1 Lot, 40x100, 82d St., close in. Price $1500. BsL, easy monthly payments at 8. Will sell lease on 180 acre ranch; 15 cows, 9 one-year-old heifers, milk sold at ranch, good pasture, no hard surface road. 4-Room house. 1 lot 50x100, $400. $40 cash, bal. at monthly payments. Williams Realty Co.. Grays Crossing. Tabor 4934. lOB SALE BY OWNER . Large bungalow, as good as new, 1 block east Laurelhurst, on paved street, best car service; a bargain at $4000. terms. Lock it fer. Five room cottage, in good condition, lot 50x112, paved on both ends; a bargain at S000, terms. Look and convince yourself. In Sunnyside. A. J. DE LA NO. TABOR 7548. Half Way to Sellwood 735 Harold ave. Only 15 minutes from Wash, st, 5 rooms, Dutch kitchen, buffet, full basement; lot 60x 124. Must be sold at once: owner leaving city; $125 down. $25 month. Full price $1990. Open evenings. GEO. T. MOORE' CO.. 1907 Teon bldg. 2.-0U A SIX Boom bungalow with sleeping porch, on cor ner, east aide, cement basement, furnace. $600 cash will handle, balance $25 per month, includ ing interest. MAIN 1700, TABOR 59 EVES. LAURELHURST CO.. 270 4 Stark st. PORTLAND " HEIGHTS NEAR MONTGOMERY DRIVE Two beautiful level lots and small 3 room house with gas, electric lights and city water. This has 12 young bearing fruit trees and all kinds of small fruit Will sell to responsible people for $2200, on monthly basis of $25, with small payment down. J. I. MCCARTHY, Abington bldg. FOB SALE! By owner, comer, 100x100, with well-built house, in good location, 5 rooms on ground floor, 2 rooms in attic, full base ment, fruit trees, berries, etc. ; 1 block from car; $3000, terms if desired, or will sell 100x150 with house for $3500. Broadway 404. IRVINGTON residence bargain. $5000 for a 7 room modem up-to-date, with all hardwood floors downstait. built-in conveniences, good gar ace; location, 499 E. 27th st. Vt cash; out of town owners. The price is below value; investi gate. V. L. Blanchard. 619 Ry. Ex. bldg. Phone Marshall 820. Residence, Tabor 7190. AT PRE-WAR PRICE 2 modern 8 room houses. EAST 26TH ST. Only $2500 esch. Would be cheap at $3500. HERMAN MOELLEB, 1025 Gaec bldg. Main 1480. SNAP 4-room house, lot 100x100, Wsh and sightly, 16 bearing fruit, trees, all kinds berries, 3 blocks from Eastmoreland school, 'J enrlines. Will sell cheap for quick sale. Take Sellwood csr, transfer to Eastmoreland, 3 blocks east. 2 blocks south. Kstacada line to Berkeley. 1181 Maiden are., owner. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND 7 room plastered house on Millard ave. Large harn ami !iii-t mi fnp lAft ,hi.bana. -. I Price $2650, $500 cash, balance terms or i would take good car to $750. 5527 68th at. S. E. Tabor 7381. SIX room houseboat, fully furnished, including gas range, electric lights, city water, large liv ing and dining room, 2 bedrooms, breakfast room, bath, large front porch, etc. This is a bargain. Call at Houseboat - No. 12,' Oregon Yacht Club. PIEDMONT CORNER A good home in fine location, low price $4000, 7 rooms, 2 fireplaces, furnace, 2 bathrooms, oM ivory finish, terms. 1297 Rodney ave. Wood lawi 2599. $2200 Woodlawn $2200 5 -room modem bungalow, 60x100 lot, fruit trees: 2 blocks car; $5O0 down, bal. monthly GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Modern bungalow at 1031 E. Lincoln, 4 rooms slid bstb, ce rrent ba'ment. laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, rtwly tinted throughout, cherry trees, vacant; 2150. terms. Owner, Tabor 4097. VANCOUVER jCveTcottage Five rooms mod. on 50i02 lot Price $2350 Terms, 800 cash, bal. to Butt H. J. McGUIBE REALTY CO.. 545 Union avenue North. FOR SALE By owner. $1800, some terms. Modern i-6-roont house and sleeping porch, partly furnished. Garage, chicken house apd garden. Must sell at once aa leaving city. Call E1502. 7 ROOM house and garage with 100TT6oTn fine condition, cement walls, walking distance, all kinds of shrubbery, fruit trees, grapes, etc. Will sell at a sacrifice. The owner, 104 Sher lock bldg. FOR SALE Nice 5 room house, fenced and Im proved large lot near Woodstock 'earline, $2500 on time; also 4 room house, large lot, for $1800, easy terms; also H acre land nearby. H. A Kaeppler, 814 Henry bldg. A STRICTLY modem house, 1199 Mixter st. $3250; a semi-modem house. 1005 E. Wash ington at. $3000; a 5 room cottage, 291 Cherry at.. $2000. These are bargains. Henry F. Cover. 64 Union tin. OWNER must sell, only $2000, 6 rooms base ment, nice lawn, paved streets, good district; a real bargain. Sellwood 128. FOR SALE LOTS 18 CAPITOL HILL Has city water, school, electricity, gaa, telephone and So carfare. WEST SIDE We are the original owners and offer tha fol lowing bargains: Choice single lots 50x100 for $300 ea. ; 8 for $500. One group of 10 lots, about 1 acre in area, $1000. . One group of 6 lots, $760. Two good lots, $450. SMITH A WILSON, 301 McKay bldg. Main 1004. Build Your Home in Walnut Park Can today and select your lot aa they are selling fast. Extra inducements offered- for eight new homes. Financial assistance, if de aired. No finer location for a home. W. M. KILLINGS WOBTH. Owner. 1149 Union avenue North. Woodlawn 3804 BARGAIN FOR HOME BUILDERS Comer lot, all clear, nicety located, 81st and Klickitat in Ivtngwood. value $1250, for sale for $750. Inquire East 7329. , EQUITY in fine acre. 3 blocks from electria lights; will sell cheap for cash or give terms; wouLi consider good trade. Main 2879. SACKIFICE $R0O cash or Liberty Bonds, lot at 43d and Clinton. Call Tabor 6861. IRVINGTON comer lot, 80x100. near Irviug ton and Broadway car, bargain. East 419. ACREAGE SJ TWO acres. 80 bearing cherry trees, apples, peaches, pears, prunes, grapes and berries,; 7-room house, bath, garage, barn, chicken honse and yard; close in; a real bargain. 2614 67th 8. ti. Tabor 963. By the owner. 9 ACRE tract, 8 acres cultivation, good rock road, 1 M mi. paved highway, 13 mi. Port land, sightly; .oweat priced land near Portland. $1500, terms. Bdwy. 1413 business hours. East 7538 ever.ings. Owner. 811 Boss st. 4 hi ACHES on- Oregon Electria line. Green- knr. at a 1 1 nm Ti ir, nHart small fanit-. plowed for spring cultivation, good 4 room house; price $2150, cash or terms. Mrs. H. L. Bunnell, Tigard, Or. . - - - FOR SALE Fine little place, 2 H acres, fine scil, 5 room house, hot and cold water, all kinds fruit, large poultry . honse, greenhouse. Oregon City car to Glen Echo. . 4 mile east. J. D. McFarlane. Telephone 457R. CHICKEN ranch for sale: terms. Take Liberty , . bonds aa part payment; near Vancouver. , BOGGESS CO.. y 151 Front at, 4 DABNEY PARK For beautiful home site, oa Columbia River Men way'. Sea as. Dabney Investment Co.. room 1, Worcester bldg. FOB 8 ALE 6 acres. 9 miles on Oregon Elee tric; house, furniture and farm implements. $1500. Must be sold. Owner. East 7533. TEN acreai, (i room house, $1750; 80 fruit trees; on earline, H mile from Boring. John Knhik. 552 Knsset st '- ' ' -' CBAN BERBY LAND T 1 to IT acres. $300 per acre. Wdln. 403. BASK LINE road, close in. 5 acres or less; $350 acre. Owner, Bdwy. 440T. ' - 13 ACRES, by owner. Phone Sellwood T297 REAL EETATE SUBURBAN HOMES 79 SUBURBAN HOME : Two aeree, in cultivation, good 4 room plas tered house, outbuildings, fruit, berries, shrub bery and flowers, including chickens, tools, wood, etc. ; gaa, water; Tailed school; Fourth Street Electric, S blocks from station and Pa cific highway. Will sacrifice 'and give good terms to resporuibls person. See -photograph. Owner, K, E. Britch. room 211, City Hall. 1 ACRE. A room house, old but comfortable, seme ' furniture and chickens and garden, oa good .road and prominent corner for gasoline station, etc. on Gresham K. F. D.; price $1000; terms if desired. Also office building on corner. Brown A Cleveland, Gresham. Phone 981. $1200 4-ROOM COTTAGE 160x120. all la cultivation, fenced. 12 fruit trees, on West Side, SO minutes oat: terms. A. II. Akenon. 410 Henry bldg. Main 724 8. IF TOU want a home at Garden Home, easy terms,' price right, see Mrs. Mixner, Garden Home. Ore. Elee. By. FOR SALE FARMS 17 ALFALFA- LANDS FUR 'SALE - 2000 acres of irrigated volcanic ash soil, with fully paid water rights. Lo cated 189 ml. east of Portland ea mala line of Union Pacific system, near prosperous town with good blgh schools, churches, stores, banks, cheese factories, creameries, etc Fanners oa this project are pro ducing 8 to 10 ttna of alfalfa per scrs and other crops in proportion, and owing to climatic conditions this proj ect has the longest growing season of any Irrigated section in either Oregon or Washington. Terms $25 per acre cash, balance over term of 10 years at 6 per cant Can at office and see actual photo graphs or write for particulars. ' 3d and liain $ts,, Vancouver, Wash. 10 ACRES, all in bearing prunes, good small house, garage, on good road, 6 miles from Vancouver. Indications are for big croo this year; last year's crop $2000; price $50.00, half cash, balance terms. 47 acres, 37 acres In cnltivstion; 8 toom modem house, 3 years old : water piped in house, stationary tuba;? new barn and silo, other out buildings; family orchard and small trait, 2 acres in walnuts; hi mile from store, school and church, on good road, 12 miles' from Van couver; price with crop $9000. This is a good buy: hi cash. W. W. Wilson Co., 611 Wash. St.. Vancouver, Wash. GRAIN AND CATT1.19 ' BLAKE WEALTH For the producer when he is located on eheap rich land with good markets, where taxes and interest do not consume the proiita. Be a pro ducer and grow rich. Thousands are now doing so. We have the proof. We can show you. The very best of tarms. imptoved, $14t TO $40 AN ACRE Easy terms. Reduced rates. Write or call for facts. UNITED GRAIN" GROWERS' SECURITIES CO., LTD., 624 Henry bldg. FOR SALE Ideal country place, 9 acres, best soil, family orchard, berries. - Attractive five room house, good barn, hi mile to Pacific high way. West Side Electric static n, church, school. On oiled road; all conveniences; 6 miles north of CorvaUis. Price $3000; terms. Also: Wheat ranch, 480 acres. Eastern Washington; all in cultivation; 160 fall wheat; abundanoe of water; 2 miles, two towns, elevators. Price $10,000; terms. A. M. McAndrew. Route 1, CorvaUis, Or. LOCATE NEAR THE AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. It will not cost any more to buy a farm near CorvaUis than other places in the valley. - We have them of all kinds, at reason able prices. Tell us what you want Mr. Kin ney will be at the Imperial hotel until Wednes day. Better -call and see him. KINNEY A CO.. Agents, Corvallis, Or. Home of the Aggie College. IN THE 8UBUBB8. 80 acres of good soil, 8 miles from the courthouse. 7 room house with fireplace; is well furnished; horses, cows, hogs, chickens, timber, pasture, running water, fall grain up fine, garden Is up; farm is fully equipped. Price $7000; half cash. Phone 8F2. Oregon City, and I will come and get yoa ind ahow you the ranch. A. E. L., B. 1. Box 88. Oregon City, Or. 41-ACRE IRRIGATED FABM 40 en in cultivation, good fence, 4 room honse, woodshed snd storehouse, beeoning bonne, beg house, 2 poultry houses, large frame bam and garnary, grain stacking shed, farm im plements and some stock, $7000, $1500 cash, balance time up to 6 yean. 8 . Write W. A Johnson, Route 1. Box 42, Kerby, Or., Jose phine county. CANADIAN FARM LANDS ' Cheap land remarkably easy terms. Land seekers' excursion party leaves Portland for Cal gary, Alberta, Saturday, May 3d. Reduced rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pa cific Railway company, 208 Railway Exchange bldg., I.. P. Thornton, district representative. 200 ACRES. 3 miles southeast of Turner. Sev eral fine oak groves, plenty water, well fenced, good 6 room house, just papered. Good large bam with bay fork. Several pumps and troughs over place. Further particulars inqnirs of It. A Wilson, 480 South Pins st, Boscbnrg. Or. 6-ACRE farm for sale. 28 miles from Portland, in Willamette valley; a large house and bam, some fruit; just the place for chickens and dairy; part cash; 6 years on balance. Call evenings between 6 and 8 for Mr. Peters. 411 Williams ave. $50 DOWN. 112.50 MONTHLY ' Fine, level 20 A. tract of unimproved land. 3 hi milee from Hilleboro; $87.50 per acre; fine soil, running stream, good shack. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bklg. Open evenings and Sunday. T3-SETTLE ESTATE 320 acres. Wilhoit Springs, 40 fa cultiva tion; old buildings; about 5,000,000 feet tim ber. Price $5100. B. J- M'GUTRE BEALTY CO.. , 04 o nion avenne w. 160 ACRES in Lincoln county, partly improved; 94 acnes . In Benton county, with some im provements, balance fin piling and tie timber; all good soil. Sell chesp and might take seme property here for part, Morgan. 608 Railway r.xcnange Dtag. FOU FARMS, all sizes. 1. 2. 5. 10 acre tracts, bouses and lots in and airmnd Gresham. The garden spot of tha wast; highways and schools wnexceHed; prices and -terms sre right. , Brown A I levelana. 1. reins m. pnone VI 1 40 ACRES. STOCKED. 93250 . 89 acrea in wheat, fair buildings, all fenced, 60 milee of Portland. R. J. M'GUIBE REALTY CO., 546 Union avenue N. STOCKKAJLSING term tor- sale. $4000; good soil; 6 hours from ; Portland, - Washington county. " Phillip Ziegler, 1077 Clinton et NICE little farm ot 18 acrea, 1 2 miles out oa the Oregon Electric, 9 acres la gulUvgUoa. Isquirs 218 Salmon st. JMm REAL- ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 FABMS NEAR GOLDENDALK WASH. 120 acres. 12 miles from Goldendale, 15 acres under plow, 5 acres alfalfa. 4 acres spring wheat, family orchard, all kinds of berries, 75 acres more tillable when cleared, several hundred eords of wood; good 4 room noose, barn and outbuildings, good spring gnd creek; only $15 per acre. $800 cash, bs lance good terms. . 120 acres. ' 3 hi wiflee from Goldendale. 53 acres fall wheat. 15 acres spring barley, 20 acres alfalfa, 12 acres summer fallow, 20 acres bunch grass pasture, large 8 room house, large ok! bam. outbuildings, well; land lies well, black loam sail. Price includes all crops and equipment. 8 horses, cow, wagon, ; hack, weeder. disc, drill, harrow. 2 sets harness, hayrack, disc. plow. Prioe $8500. good terms st 8 per cent EDWARD ABELINQ. Goldendale, Wash. 40 ACRES 23 cultivated and seeded; tut build ings: $1900. . 88 seres, 81 cultivated. 23 seeded; buildings: $3500. 194 eeres, hi cultivated. 85 aeeded to fall gram. New bam 8 room honse. Owner Bves in Los Angeles. $11,000. Pay $3300 to cover this year's crop. baL to suit at 6 . Hugh Msgee, Scotta Mills. Or., or A W. Estes, 202 aicnay mug. evening phone East 840. EXTRA FINE 40 acres. 16 in cultivation. In wheat, all fenced, buildings; 7 miles of Gresham; '85250, terms. 804 Spalding bldg. FARMS WASTE D RENT OR BUY 83 WANTED TO BENT 5-acre farm with house and outbuildings. E-273, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 IOU. SALE 420 acres deeaed land; 50 seres in cultivation. 150 more can be cultivated, balance good pasture land; au fenced with good new 4 wire fence. Also relinquishment of 640 acre stock raking homestead, and 4 0 acre desert claim, all adjoining; also adjoins tha forest reserve. $6000 takes tbia . place with some stock and farm machinery; terms. Address K. K.. Oronfc County Enterprise, Prineville. Or. LAST CHANCE 80 acres homestead relinquishment Linn e runty. 6 miles from good town and railroad, on good road, adjoining neighbors, sawmill and mall route. 4 mile from good town, Al aoil, living spring, a valuable bunch of timber, no brush, a real home site; price $200 if sold soon. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON A McARTY. IKJN'T WAIT TOO LONG If vmt want, a good piece of land for a little or nothing, close to rood roads, schools, neigh bors, mail route, telephone and such, come and see us. Humestesd relinquishments st a bar gain. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON A. MrUHUI. 640 HOMESTEADS and relinquishments. Large portion tillable. Eastern Oregon; splendid stock ranches, water and timber convenient Some tiood timber claims. Lived in that coun try for yoars. Call 7 to 9. evenings or Sun day or write W. T. Lester, Burns, Or. WILL sell my improvements and relinquish 320 acre homestead in Lake Co., Oregon, for $250. 3 room houte and basement. 4 0 acres cleared and plowed. 80 acres fenced. All can be cul tivated. Call 138 E. 61st, city. Tabor 2345. TIMBER 29 SMALL logging, milling or cordwood proposition near Portland; railway; river. Parker, 422 hi Washington. U ANTED To cut or buy green chittim or ct."cara bark in small or large tracts. D-257, Jrurnal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 BENTON, LINN AND POLK COUNTIES 75 acrt near Salem, all cultivated, lays fine, $7000 worth of improvements, complete wster snd lighting system: new and modern house. Will trade for city or farm property worth the money. Price $15,000. 240 acres, 5 miles from Harrisburg, 285 acres cultivated: $5000 worth of buildings; wrll located, good land. Owner wants smaller farm or good city property up to $13,000. Price $100 per acre. 160 acres, 130 cultivated, nearly all in erop; 7 miles from Corvallis. Price, including stock, implements and crop. $12,000. Will accept smaller farm up to $8000. Mr. Kinney will be at the Imperial hotel until Wednesday. Belter see him. KINNEY & CO., Agents. Corvallis, Or. BY OWNER A good seven room house, modem conven iences, good outbuildings, lsundry, barn and chicken . houses, ' hi acre ground, best of garden soil, bearing fruit trees and variety of berry bushes, paved streets; price $3500; will consider smaller place as pert payment 9638 Foster road or phone Tabor 0745. WELL improved 8 acre tract up Uis valley near Albany; new bungalow, large barn. 3 chicken houses and large runs, fine orchard for family: fenced and cross fenced with woven wire good level land, no stone; exchsne for Portland property. G. U Webb. 414 E. Stark at 160 ACRES nesr Bend. Or.; good unimproved . level land, can De irrigated wtttt little ex pense from fine stream hi .mile from the land : owned by a man 75 who can't work it; will exchange for house er lots, or whst have you to oner? P.u, Box 204. Portland. FOR SALE or trade. 24 a., ihi mi. North Plains: several a. cleared, soma cedar and fir timber, county road, soring water. Price $50 per a. ; hi cash, or house in Portland about same value. R. Kanford. Lmnton, -ilr. 20 ACRES 'good improved land and $1000 in cash to exchange for a good hou&e and-lot not to esceed $4500. You can have possession of house and land in 10 days. Henry F. Cover, 64 Union ave. FOR SALE or trade, Inuican s opera house for scresge in the Willamette valley: butlding 50x 103. on 1st St., in main part of city. Address T. B. Duncan. Newberg; T. C. Duncan. 307 E. lCth St.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE or trade 2o room hotel, furnished. property included, in Esstem Oregon, value $3000, for farm of equal value. What have your Chris Sicbert, Portland. R. 2. TRADE or sale. 320-acre Central Oregon wheat and stock land, price $2500. Take Portland bouse and lot or rooming house. J. Sfi,!er. 566 1st st. CLEAR Portland lots to exchange for mer chandise, cutlery, hardware and fishing tackle. Portland Cutlery Co., 86 6th st. WILL trade, 100x100,- with 5 room modem house for 4 or 8 acres improved land, with rmsll honse. Tsbor 1402. 7802 66th sve. 8. E. STORE and dance hall. Exchange for resi dence or living rooms and store. 412 Holla day are. Phone East 6834. 12 CULTIVATED acres at Oreneo fur rent or exchange; also 320 wild. 434 Morrison st, or Marshall 6945. TRACKAGE, lOOxlOO. 4 houses, track In front; warehouse proposition; what have you? Geo. Morse, 800 Chamber of Commerce. 4 ROOM house, 4 lots, to trade for acreage; 10 acres at Oregon City to trade for bouse. U4 itauway r.x. TEN acrea, near Sacramento, Ca!.. some caahT for Portland home. Room 1 1 . Tl.e Manitou. NICE lot in Vancouver. B. C, to trade for something here. 150O Lancaster st. $2ff00 EQUITY in mansion for wheat land. E-274. Journal. 500 PROPER TIES to sell and to exchange. Send tor my list Box 275, Salem. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 BUNGALOW WANTED Bungalow wanted, Irvington or Albina pre ferred but would consider any good district if priced right B. J. McGuire Realty Co.. 645 Union ave. N. JUST moved from the Selling building; in the market for property to sell; list your property with me; if the prioe is right can sell It F. L. III. tic hard. 819-20 Railway Exchange bldg. Pi nna Marshal 829. IF you want to cash your borne in, see us. We will do the rest. CLEVELAND-BAHK-HENDEBSON CO. 212 Ry. Exeh. bldg. Msin 6752. WANTED To buy of owner for cash, good 4 or 6 room house, about $1000. Phone Tabor 3334. DON'T WOfcRY I can seTI or trade anything anywhere. ' Layman, 147 Park st. - $1200 CASH, good land, for home in Port land. F-621. Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 68 HOTEL for rent furniture for ssle, in good jive town, cnesp. GEORGE MORSE, 309 Cham, of Com. WHY wort for wages J Buy good paying room ing hoose and be your own boss; 10-21 rooms. Owner, 805 Main at. Cell week day.. 15 B03 fine location, in suites, running water, rent- sou, weu luroinucu; cnesp, fouu. Other bargains. Garland, INS 3d. BOOMING house for sale, 18 rooms; special bargain IX sold this week. Broadway 1278. West Bide. TO BUY or sell your rooming house, sew Gar land. 188 3d. Main 3669. SACRIFICING food," well paying 10 room room Ing hones call today, .223 W. Park. Main 4985. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEST corotniaaion laundry route in city for - man with ear. Cnnunission averages $60 week. Price $500. J-289, J on ma 1. BARGAIN S room bungalow, 1087 E Alder, $500 down, balance to suit. Inquire 1141 K. Taylor et. INVEST $25 and your spare timo and share profits of business. Sea Mr. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank mac HALF Interest m email factory jnst started. - doing good tmstness. - Price $1400. Inquire at residence, 14Z9 Martrona St.. Portland. FOR SALE Tailor shoo. . cleaning and ti ing, ta good location. , Call 865 Sandy, or phono-East 4634. : r.:---..- .. - CONFECTIONERY arM lunch eonnter for sale; wiU take Ford car in trade, vail Sell. 715. ONE whole restaurant outfit, counter, tables, ; chairs, crockery, etc. Inquire 24 W riahnon st FOR SALE Blacksmith shop,' tools, stock, . building and lot. W. A. Husbands, Moaier, Or ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES f GENERAL MDSE. STORE The best money, maker In Multnomah Co. Owner has made a. big fortune, now ready to retire, Thia store - has never changed hands.. Ground 160x170. mod. 6 room bungalow, large store bldg,. carries from $7000 to aWOOO stock: sake, over MO0O monthly. Consider Portland home to $4000;. clear; investigate the best store in the county, just- pat en tha market today. Clears $5000 to $8000 yearly. CLEVELAND-BABM-HENpEBSON CO., 213 By. Exeh. bldg.- Main 8.752. t BARGAIN. $875 i-v Small cash grocery and confectionery, clean stock i 3 - fine living T rooms, bath, not. eoid water; cheap rent - Rooms all furniahed. This is a dandy bay for lady or man and wife. This must be sold on sccounr- of sickness. - Owner. 69 E. 80th at. N., Montavilla car. WANTED at -once, well experienced well driller - with a little money, to take interest in a Star gasoline well drill, running now and Iota of work ahead. Tell . where experienced and how long, and age and if married or single. Address C. K. Lewis. Walmla. Wash. '- : . FOR SALE Country Uor, doing general mer chandise business, $4000 stock; -cheap- rent; very pleasant place to live. ' Good reason for selling, Blair Bros., Jasper. Or. . - WANTglVTo see . party with few hundred dollars who is willing to go into good paying repair business: shop just started. For particu lars, call at 554 Savier st, Sundays or evenings. FOR BALE Up-to-date 1919 snotocycle. bicy cle and eletrical repair shop, first class loca tion. 1369 Hawthorne ave. near 49th. Come and look it over. FOB SAIJ-j Grocery stock and fixtures, good building with living rooms, fine location, good rash trade. Important businesa forces quick sale. some terms, t all Tabor 87 on, owner. MR. BUTCHER Here Is your chance to make good; a good location for shop nesr ship yard, between" two restaurants; low rent Call Sellwood 128. FOB SALE Garage and service car, near Port land. If you want a good paying buslnesss, call Columbia 1187. Very reasonsble. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL List your hotels apartments and rooming In uses with us. We get results. DORCAS A CO., 920 N. W. Bsnk bklg. grocery Wanted Have a buyer for grocery with living rooms. Will give as hteh aa $1000. R. J. M'GUIHE REALTY CO., 645 Union avenue N. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE ti CUR installment plan is the best and surest n:ethod el paying a loan. $32,26 per month for 36 months, or $21124 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 90 months, pays $1000 loan and interest , Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes.. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st , Portland, Of. MONK V TO LOAN 011 roal estate security at going rato of interest. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. BY PRIVATE PARTY $3000 of smaller amounts to loan on city or farm property. Liberal dealing. No commissions. Prompt service. Phone Tabor 4481. MONEY TO LOAN 011 improved eitTpropi-rty st 8 snd 7 per cent int. J. S. Wells Co., airents. 824 C. of C. bldg. $300,. $400, $500, $H00, $750 and up, low est rstes. quick action. Gordon Investment Co., 681 Ch. of Com. MAin B445. CAKIi paid for mortgage and sellers' contracts on real etatc in Washington or Oregon. . H. B. Ionle. 31 Ijumbertnens nUlg. $250. $350. $-00, $500. SHOO and larger amounts; current rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber eif Commerce. Bl'ILDING loans on city or suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. O Beck. 215 snd 216 Failing bldg. Main 3497 MONEY to his n in amounts of $100 to $6000 on city property. A. H. BELL. Boom 10-11. Mulkey bldg. MONEY for mortgage loans. S500 to 46000. 6 afd 7. Kred R Williams. 92 H ll st $300. $500. $750. $1000. no com., quick action. varo, 4t warning wag, M HTGAGE loans. 8 and 7$. Louis Sakemon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg.. ' SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 87 DO YOU NEED MONEY? Loans-made on autorr-nbileft, diamonds, pianoa, household goods or anything of value. Bsenrity visually left in your possession ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or on lumiture or automnniie contracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them nn. advance you more money if necessary, and you can repay us tn small mommy payments to suit your con venience. LEGAL RATES. NO DET.AY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND IOAN COMPANY (licensed.) , 1 806-307 Deknm bldg. Marsha II 3286. Salary IOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On short notice t" salaried or wnrklngm'en on their own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO rNDORSEB. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY Ws also loan n household furniture, pianos, etc., wfthoul removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY , LICENSED 218 Fatltne bldg.- PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland Buarnesa Mcp to Protect the Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD PURXITURB City and County Warrants Cashed for Face Value. CARRIE MYERS HERBMAN, MGR.. 894 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates: all articles held a year; established since 1888. Ton Marx, 283 Washington. - LOANS WANTED SAFE INVESTMENT" $820 House contract Bears 7 per cent. $25 moiiuiiy. -inH-ESini. J on ma L WANTED 1 805 loanTS'room IV ones. Wood lawn. sine v laremont ave., near 1 8 til ana Dekura. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE t!o., "4 23 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL $1 BEFORE SELLING YOUB Liberty Bonds Secure Our Prices Ws buy and sell ail issues G. E. MILLER A CO., 205-8 Northwestern Bsnk Bldg. Mala 4195 BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH BPOT CASB CASH FOB TOUR RECEIPTS Mail bonds to use; we remit return mall. Come to 725 Cssco Bldg., 6th and Aider. CELLARS-MUKTON CO. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC 18 U. 8. STABLES, 248 FRONT ST". SO head of good young horses snd mares, from 1 200 to 1 700 : everything sold with a guarantee as represented. G. P. WILLIAMSON. BUTTERMILK, - cheese, egg route; wagon nice for camping, light soring wagon, buggy, single and double harness. Make offer. - Will take horse or chickens, 1918 East Stark at. Montavilla csr. FOR SALE Team, 2400 lbs.; also team, 2100 lbs,; Black Percheron 8 year-oid colt, 1000 lbs. Heavy set of work harness. Must sell. 295 17th and Columbia sts.. room 6. 1300 LB. horse, good, - strong : single ' harness, single wagon, new 10 In, plow: outfit for $85. 392 Knott.'s block east of Union are. Wood lawn or Alberta car. . ' THREE bay farm chunks, weight about 1150; young, sound snd well broken; eery cheap for cash, as we have no use for them. Call at Woodyard. foot of Taylor. YOUNG horse, buggy and harness, good driver snd worker. Weight 1050 lbs. Call Tabor 7515. . - - HORSES, wagons and fresh cow for sale, Kalk Bros. Woodyard, 84th and - Division. Phone Sellwood 843. " - . "' - 1000 8ET8 of work harneaa, must bav sold tn : the next 20 days regardless of cost. Closing ..... Mu a 41A ... . - ONE matched pair of sound jnsfwa, t snd 6 years old; S600 lbs. 3H0 Front st Also I xuv in. nnrse, smina snet gnot worker. 1100-LB. hbrse, boggy and harness, $55; gen tle for women or ebildiea. 251 Meade st S. P. ear. BARGAIN 1 pair of . mules, 2400 lbs., with harness. $250. 880 Front t Trial alloWeil. DEAD horses tea an quickly; caah iaid for sows and crippled horses. Tabor 4203. - HOK.Se. and wagon, 41.6U Oay: 2 horses and wag-wt. i. Cohen, 64 Pvot lm DEAD horses and animals iisuled awsy -. CsU Woodlawn 1M; Porlnd Kenderirtg Co. BARGAIN $75 takes good family mass, buggy and hamees. 86Q Front st. Trial allowed. A LIGHT wagon and harnesfc 161 K. at.' tf. WANTED Siiellaud pony colt. f?us CoL fzS nORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. . a. v ey. v imv.iivg afcasw - a ' TEAM of black Perohecnn mares, weight 80 J ? lbs., low set and heavy boned, coming !' fall sisters; weight 2750 lbs,; block y built, 4 an t years old; all sound and good Workers, Have no further use for them. If yoa want fir class team take Woodstock car to 84 th street, 6 blocks south to square red barn. ww a , R .1. . ' m aw..... v" oas.c, utnanui, uh 111ns j Aft S,atal .t - a . , , , . l . - ... vi -mm- esss Horsea ins . vnr. Wagons and harness ot all kinds, 1A dark uatej W, 1809 lba. and black gelding, yr,i ..wv tum.. wun s.goea narnesa, wagon aa gixxi as-nsrw. $400 for outfit. Owner left ranch and I..TT In, taa. . 1. 1 . 1 ... , ;'" 1 w wen. 1 1 is ciiesp. CBOWN STABLES, 285 FRONT ST. : - PHIL 8UETTEK ON ACCOUNT quitting business in Southern Oregon have shipped and muat sell 15 hssl of marea and horses, ranging in ages 8 to 8 yeaivt sound and beat of workers. I have several wed ' matched teams,, also few single horse. 2 farm wagons and harness for all horses. It yoa in) , In need of homes come end try this stuck be. i: fore you buy. H, D. Lock. K. 9th and Flanders ; TEN sets of double and single work harness, $ farm wagons front 2 inch to hi inch. It head of mare and gelding ; all good workers and gentle; weights from 1000 to 1600 lb. Also a few cheap horses for ranch work. WowV yard stables. East 9th and Hawthorne, or phons Ka 6106. , ' ' - SEA UTiFUL team of low hlocky dapple' grail . 5-8 years old, weight 2600. No better team In Portland; also one bay Clyde horse. 135Q. This stock must be sold at ones sa ws are replacing them with tracks. CaU at Wood yard. foot ot Taylor at. L iTEXfllA good "double harness "i 4 6.' I'lU'-in wide tire Mitchell wagon in extra good cort-. dition $50. also aood itMl tire ton hnux ami ' harness $40, 1 steel tire buggy $20. s1o 1 new 10-in. plow. 351 -Russell st. hi block wast i nion sve. NICE b lucky pair of mares, walght 2800 lba., ar.d 6 yesrs old, well matched, sound and true. I will guarantee them to be absolutely right- in every respect; trial allowed: with or without har ness. Joe Christopher, 8th and Hawthorns, . IHwthorm Stable. ONE of the best 1450 horses in' the state; 5 year old, coal black, sound, low down snd Mock bulH: will buy mate or sell reasonable. Come see him if in the market for tills ktn4 Hawthorne Htebles, th and Hawthorne. - ONE new farm waann for sale. 8K0 Front t LIVESTOCK 31 DAIRY, for sale. 15 cows and good retail route. place is 48cres; can be rented; 14 acres In crop. Inquire Kelly's store, top of Canyon road near Smith s dairy. f : SEVERAL heaA of young cattle, beef strain. -Thin ones preferred. Writs Phil Steiner. Hoff. Or. . a - LARGE Swiss Jersey and 4 -weeks-old calf; alto. 8 pig. 6 weeks old. 674 2 08th St 8. S. Woodrtock car, B. M. Van Alft J YOUNG, gentle. Jersey HnlKtein cow. fresh "H weeks, reasonable. Woodlawn car to 220. 729 Liberty st f FOR SALE Fine grade Jersey- Durhs in 8-yafc old cw giving 40 lbs. milk per Jay, Jit Mendenhall. Estapsda, ur, FOR 8ALE8everal good fresh fsmily asl dairy cows; all heavy milkers. E. Baumab.. Gresham. Or. TT FRESH dairy and family cows, all breed. Geutln familv cows. $55 to $78. Take Aty and beef cows In exchange. 751 Eat At.: I PtiLB fresh mTlch ' goats, " kkls by side, vefy reasonable. 251 Meade st 8. P. csr. 25 CHOICE Jersey cows, frsli and springers, 287 K. Bst N. Tshor 8924. K If. Mvers. PICS for sale, Tscoma sve. 3 to 4 months oldT 1f4 ON K JerKcy-Hnl-tein cow. rich milker, beef Price. J42 K. Mist N. Mintavllls csr. t- ..,(.-i',, vu. lur iMlie. Rlf MIS m s gall' 208 E. 4 7th st. N.. O-W. It. A N. track COW for sale. Col. Seb" T7" ' "fo u i?j it vrr i u "k roN htv k th toc k! WHITE LEGHORNS" ABB ""T11 "TTWOS'I5 PROFITABLE breed of poultry. If you srt In the business for profit yoa will eves t us II y hsve them. Esrly broilers, esrly Isysrs, ssrly profits Ws sell only White Leghorn baby chlx from hrivjr laying Hogs nixed hens. Bate de livery of full ooont live ehis guaranteed. Price per 100. April. May sod June delivery, $12.60, The pioneer Hatchery. 406 6tb U Pstsluma. - , I Progressive Hatchery i' BABY CHICKS ' I Rhode Island Beds- and Barred Book $9f per 100; hatches off April 28 28-28. May B.if fECt:UE ORDER K0W , ff ,584J?i12HlJ!t- . ,v ?4lu. 148. CORVALLIS sOM"nvhlte Ijeghorn hstcldri eggs for sale, $1.50 per setting, handred kts st rednred rates; Hnsanised stork, en. tree rniic. Wisteria - Paltry Acres. 10 1 6imp-oq st. pheoe UKliFEl't ii-moramig lonle makes ciisBiplim' inf -- ers .out of common barnyard- hens; $1 park age; every packsge goi ranteed. For sale -by A. N. Gabrielsnn. 1071 K. 22d N Portland, tlr. CURTIS White Wyandotter. "Eggs that HA lcfl from HENS that Lay," $2 per 16. M E. Curtis, Hillsdale. Or.. It D. 2. Box 343., Maia 62ao and Main $889 '-. . -- 4 Progressive Hatchery i Rhode Island Red baby chicks on hand. ."IS E. 12th n. Wdl. 1485, i - . . BABY CHICKS FOR SALE - , . Leghorns, Beds, Rocks, Mfnorcaa, best Stork Prices reasonsble; safe delivery guaranteed. iO. N- Needham. box 412 Salem. Or, r J WHITE LEf :iIORN tnilCKS, strong. Iiaaltliy. vigorous iciiiowa, easy to raise; money makers. Master Incubator Co., 415 Jsssup at 1'lgjpe Woodlswn4844. I TnOROUGHBRED Flemish Gisnt rsbhiU.' s.M-t gray and black, for ssle cheap. Call after fi p. m., Woodlawn 2574. 1070 Union ave. N.I f ifftODE .ISLAND- RED eggs lorateTtinaTtrap nested, stock; 91.50 'per 16. ' 956 WjlliaHis ave. C-1781. .. - - . I j VV H IT K Legbnm settings for sale. $1.60, fmi 200 egg , bens. fill Mississippi gvs. .-.East 20.80. . .- :- . . FOR eggs the year round get T. A. Hcdadnn's R. O. Bhode Island Beds and English White Leghorns. 172 Grand sve. Pbone. Eaat 65B4. LARKED Itoek eggs from heavy winter layers,, $1.60 per 15 Exhibition egg tfn.00 per 18. Address M. B. Bt. A., Box 844. Orsshsm, On TftoTtoTfGliBliCD BTSci Minorca halclfTng eggs, Mammonth strain, Columbia 80S. 11 0W Pl-ke. . . . - , I i FOR SALHT White Japs "iiTiwTIlJ" l." ,.r.r; . Holland turkey eggs for hatching. Wdia. 2979. ' " BAlttltll'.B PS iw I 111 tvn i Rhode Wand Bed chicks, Anril 29, 928 W .'00. 787 Oregon sr. East . 180 8. JL I BAItRICD ROCK V.GHH, incubator lute a spi- ciaMy. air. r, vans, aoo js, laombara. : PttoOo Woodlawn' 1666. j t KGTlESTTSIces rild for all kinds" chickens, young snd old; fresh eggs by the esse, i , BOGGESS A CO., J 51 Front at. J 1 SICILIAN BUTTERCUP ejrgs, $1.76 a setting. best larera. Tabor 6697. y - . - . i TKOBOUGii B P.KD Barred Itock baby chicks! for sale; O. A. C. strain. Phone Main- 956.1 CRACKED WHEAT for baby-chlck and Uritg hen-v 41.: Jesanp- nt" Woodlawn 4344. f MODlTSLANb ;D setting .een, 'j2.&ST Northwest comer . 42d -fnd.- Killlngawortlt. f BABY ehieks juTtehadBoder 1 hmTltti3,1& 8622. ". - '- r..:-v--..- ( f. WHITE and dark "Coraisa Indian agga for aet- ting. Sellwood 1198, - j THOROUGHBRED New Zealand1 rabbits and1 hatches. Am leaving, town. Wdln. 269. iclliCKENS snd rooster, atso wijits dog, t& tot 98.00. 4319 92d st H. E. ; ALL' kinds of live and dressed rabbits, Chun. ' Stall 7. 2d, Yamhill ste. Tel. Main 1165 1 BA BY etileka, now readV" Every Day Chieken Founary. 194 E. 22nd st N. Base CRy -car. ENGLISH White Leghorns and a few Brown. 735 E. 75th at X. wif Bandy brvd.y f i LAYING Leghorn bens and pullets,' 91.79 esch. in i minn n. nose caty ear, - t BARRED BOCK. cbicksTTll cents eaot Tabor 4070. I . SETTING HENS. $3. Tshor JU42, - POOS. BIRDS, PBTW.- ETC. 49 FOB 8 A I.E. Fteroieh rabbite, fine stock,' all ages, reasonable. J. l'. McFarlane, Ore. City car to Glen Echo, hi mils east. - Tel, Ore. X-'H FOR SALE All kinds rabbits eheap And alio w mis uegnoru eggs, i setting. pt,a n. 24U st - - - -'-' . I 1 LiJlioiCB eanariaat 'a 'Ha 4Mmr RlrA ' Miu.n ' Singers guaranteed, 1181 E. 28th N. C-2il. AN ENGLISH Pit BuU, female. iO BioMths" oli for sale cheap. ' East 6569. - - ( i ATil6ROUGltBR'EI Vox Terrter'pup or sai. Woodlawn 2012. - - - "-- - - fOB SALE Cheap.' Flemish '-rabbite, Phoae : 194 a. ivutt sitcnigan ave. - i IHPraBEITS for sale7Inqnlre' 882 MsrshsT. st. FOB 8ALI? Good sinsers. Calf Main 46 8T"7" AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 1918 MAXWELL, like new,; must bar eask; ana, mtt niumma at f IF you want a bargain in 1918 Ford, see Andrews, 661 E. Morrison. East 203. MUST sell my nearly new 4918 Maxwell iuur- Ing car, A-l shape, M-867, Jowrnsl. CASH for Ford and Chevrolet. See BiuuuiL 8rdand Taylor. Army Garage. - j JEST Ford In city for MOO cah. See ear at Cook A Mies, are. Phone Woodlawn lOJo. LATE Ford, fine shaj, .cash ot terms. Owner. N-430, 5 Jotirnal.- 1 - . roTTIgALEMUchen. 324 4th st S' FOUD for ale 7 92 BelJff.wt st-: tCwnUneed oa ioliowinff Fge