10 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORT LAUD. SUNDAY LIMNING. APRIL 7. 1C1D. TtFJLL TESTATE COR SALE I'AItMS 17 so mm. mm 80 acres in cult, mor easily put to fult, good new 1 room house, good barn, with stan- , ctiions for 15 cows; room (or 1 bead of horses, , good granery, hog bouse, 2 good chicken bouses, .rim pympi water to house and . barn, with a rg .tank house and tank. .All kinds of fruit. ' Fine Urine spring branch on tit place. Team, - 1 cow, 2 beifere, 2 wagons, 2 acta of harness. iwr, binder, disc, riding and walking plows, Iisrrow, hay rsk. all kinds of other tools, and lots of stuff that is handy and food. Fine frvit and berries. This la 0 miles of Oregon City. i No if rem want a place you can make it on and have all of the time you want, bera it is. We will sell it tor SI 2.000, IS 000 down. all the time yon want on the bal. at 4 per cent. E. P. ELLIOTT A SON. , - ' 7th and Main st., Oregon City, Or. ' i-ou male ok exchange' T ' 80 acres, 40 acred in high state of cultiva tion, timber for family use, very beat of rice ; loam soil, all fenced and cross fenced; smsil iring atresia through Dlaee: Iarg family oi- , chard Jn full bearing. 2 aere of bearing Italian prunes, aU kinds of small fruits, and berriea; , new (J-roonv bungalow, with full basement, eream bouse with cement floor; water piped to house ' end barn; good barn with 2, silo, machine sheds, hoghoose, chicken house and park; part of place fenced with woven wire fencing; only 8 mil from railroad station, in thickly - settled com ' muiilty, with all rural advantages, on good "auto road; only 0 mil from Vancouver; price ' ft 1.000; wilt accept mcdern refidence in Pert land or .Vancouver an first payment. Thompson, riwan at Thompson. 3d and Main sts., Vancouver, ' Wah. ' M IMJIUI All level, about 70 acre in cult., baL has been slashed for 1 5 yrv all in pacture. every foot tillable; about 40 acrea bottom land; ft room house, barn and outhouses. This la Jl hft - mllf-v this side of the town of Molalta, on main road, M mile to electric line. Thia ia a bargain. Land all aronnd thia it selling from $125 an acre to 1150 an acre. Thia is a real bargain at $88 an acre. It la rented. We will sell it Ira If jroit, want to leave the renter on till fall or will give possession Cow, -i'art cash, bal. Jirae. ' . Ti. P. ELLIOTT A SON, " 7th and Main at., Oregon City, Or. f;, "YOU WILL BUT THIS 28 V acres, the very finest of land, all cleared and iu crop; fine large orchard of as- Sorted fruits; beautiful running stream, almost r new 7 room house, large barn, garage, chicken ,-end hog houses; 5 fine cows, good, team, 2 ; wagorci, harness, several hogs, chickens, cream : separator, ail kinds of tools and machinery. This - iiUire in located right in a good town, with bank. blah school, rtores. It. K., etc., and only 22 mi. ' from Portland, and ia one of tlie finest faros - lu mm In the country and a money maker. Price "S7000, very eay terms. THOMPSON, 8 WAN aV THOMPSON. 8d and Main at.'. Vancouver, Wash. 18 AC II KM. 13 acrea in high state of cultiva tion.' family orchard in full bearing h good 7 "" room bouw,' new barn 24a40. new woodshed, . chicken house; together with 2 plows, harrow, . wanon, mi. to small town. 6 mi. from rail road; fine mountain, stream running through ; one corner of place. Price S41!ft0. Will ac . cept Portland or Vancouver residence as first t payment. v THOMPSON, SWAN tt THOMPSON, . - d and Main t. Vancouver, Wash. FOR RF.TtT -FARMS 14 t WILL rent my 4 acre farm, consisting new 7 room house with other necessary buildings, 14 acres nnder plow, - 10 aerea pasture. 1H acre - orchard, good water, etc.; 3 milea Oregon flty, 12 from Portland; on good roads. Terms. S185 year in advance. Desirable tenants only. . Ap ply J. llaigh, 8137 42d are. -8. ., ML Scott '70 ACltKH. some in fruit, fair buildings. Good Drouoitiun to hustlili tnsrrieH man 897 E. 1 OUCH St. Foil RKXT 40 acre farm, good potato ground, close to Portland. Call Woollawn 6100 n - Hodney avenue. FARMS WASTKD-RETfT OB BUY 89 WANT VALLEY-FARM. 60 to 75 acres, well improved, with good bouo and outbuilding, machinery, tools and livestock. Mut be good going farm. Party ha modern Portland 8 room house, sleeping porch and everything, good location, value S0O0O. Alo a good 4 room and a 2 room home on 5 . lota at West Linn, rented, value 82500, and 100 'acres. partlyimproved, with some buildings, mortly timber, o milea from Clatkan;e, value ' S4300. Mfalit awnme nnali amount. W:STKRN FAHM COMPANT, . 4 02 Stock Echaie bldg. lb MA LI, improved farms, stocked and equipped, are in demand. We sold 8 last week and have buyers for more. Hend us detailed description .f your farm, omitting nothing but high price. Inflated values w Ilk. receive no attention wbat- etr from us or the Tnr?rs. j E. A. Lindgren, 1 SAVON LAND CO.. 89 N. W. BANK BLDO O.NK ,to 10 acres, Oregon City line .ir -axt id roniana; good nnd. water and buildings. , fttnte whether cash or exebanga for good resi-d-nce property.' State all particulars fully. N 4 1$, Jcurnal. WANT Improved or partly improved and well located land. Have cash and clear city prop arty. A. K. Hill, 214 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED. TO RENT 5-acre farm and outbuildings.' E-278, Journal. sith ho HOMESTEADS 47 160-ACRE relinquishment, 85 miles from Port land; lies fine, Al soil, aom fine timber, creek and springs; price $250. 820-acre homestead, 100 acres of wheat land, balance fin bunchgras; spring water; 4 miles from town; price 8150. 120-scr relinquishment. Tillamook Co., 4 mile from the ocean; some easy -cleared: fine creek; Would make a good atock ranch; Al soil' price 8250. BUNDT. 411 HENRY BLDO. I OR SALE 320 acres deeded tand; 60 acres in cultivation. 150 mora can be cultivated, balance good pasture land; all fenced with good ' new 4 wire fence. Also relinquishment of 640 ' acre .stock raising homestead, and 40 acre desert claim, all adjoining; also adjoin the forest reserve. $6000 takes this place with aome 'stock and farm machinery; terms. Address R. K.. Crook County Enterprise. Prinevllle, Or. ' LAST CUANCB - 80 acres homestead rrlinqulabment. Linn runty, 8 miles from good town, and railroad, on good road, adjoining neighbor sawmill and mail route, 4 milea from good (aire, Al toil, living spring, a valuable bunch of timber, no brush, a real horn site; price $200 if sold soon, 814 Chamber of Com mere bldg. JOHNSTON as McARTT. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT 160 acrea within 10 miles of railroad. Ball Toad will be within 4 mile of place. All good plow tand. Five acres cleared; fenced on three aides; 80-foot bored well; 50 acrea cab b ir , rigated. Trie $600. a . A. C. HOWLAND. 8th and. Main at.. Oregon City, Or. DON'T WAIT TCu l rwV 'J. TCP W,,,,t ,ood P1" f land for a little or nothing, clos to rood roads, schools, neigh bors, mull route, telephone and such, com and see US; Homestead relinquishments at a bar . gain." -94 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - 1 J0HNST(jN A MrHARDY. 640 HOMESTEADS and relinquishments. Larae" . portion tillable. Eastern Oregon; splendid atock ranches, water and timber convenient. Borne good timber claims. Used in that coun '' J;' Ca 7 to . evening or 8un . dsy or write VT. T. Lester. Burns. Or. WILL sell my improvements and relinquish 825 . 5re bomestead in Lake Co., Oregon, for $250 n-rHL ?UM,B?nd bnt 0 aerea cleared and plowed. 80 acrea fenced. A I can be rnl. it- CH 138 E. 6ft, rity. "Tabor 2343: HOMKSTEAD relinquishment, 1 60 acres' good lounc. lencmg. etc. Ocean view. 2 railroad. Prevjounly held at SSOOr'itt half price for quick sale. 453 E. 18th at. N. - P FOU 8AI.K or trade homestead relinquish Jnent. Washirgton county, 80 milea from nu. to COUPLE of good homesteads to qualified set tiers. Tillamook Co. R-441. Journal. TIMBER SHII'V(kK ITTL'VTInv Your opiHjrtunity after your work is over 10 acres unimproved Umber, 12 mire from Port land, 8 milea to nearest station, f re from incumbrance, good neighborhood, good tillable , tand when cleared.. Pric 81400. Timber alone worth more, than half the price. FF.KD PRK1SINGER. - ' SMALL loElng. milling or cordwood proposition near Portland: railway; river. Parker. 4 2 w vANTED To cut or buy green chittim o'r Mr bark ia) small or large tracts. - D-257. . Journal. . ' , FIFTY M. sawmill and exchange for real estate. logging outfit to W-226.' Journal. EXCHASCEREAIi ESTATE 14 22 ACRES 1 V miles Ridgerield. 15 milea Vsn" couver, 1H cleared, fruit treer small boose and, barn, some good (timber, free of incum brancer pric $1700. terms; would trade tor t.mail hoiw. J. Mathiemn. 4407 61st 8 E "irt' i ... . i.. t i T . irr- - " " vniiSKftUW or UOUSO IOT UX i V COT- ner on William eve., with 6 rm. bouse. 8 55 00. Good location , for gang, etc. Main f FINE lot in' Richmond with comfortablo house, city imm. all in and paid. . Fruit trees! Tsbor 2574. I OVEiiLAND for acreage or lota.. Tabor 5940. c3ar - truvtauuiiavis HEAL ESTATE EICHASOE B.EA4. ESTATE ti 10 ACHES at Does. - Clackamas Co.. " Ore.. . milee of electric it., a, nice piece of land with some good treee en the same. Price 3100-per acre.-.- . - 80 acre. Washington Co., 1 " miles of the P. B. N. and United Ry 2 mile of Portland-Astoria highway; 40 acres of good timber and near large mill. $1500. What bar yon to offer for the above f ,-. 87 H acrea, highly improved, wttb atock and implements; . miles of railway, is Washing ton vo., fivvu, - y ant suourpsn Home, l to I eras. 160 acrea. 8 miles of railway. In Wash. inrton Co., SO acrea in cultivation; practically ell level; fair buildings, at S35 per acre. Want at to l u acres, Between Portland and Salem. waLTfcK lUJSWtlia, Forest Grove Or. ISO ACRES in Washington. 100 miles west of boos ana. in tna ifier Mend mmifn tnr us voniaso. '- - 'r U. acres In Lkraalaa conntv. Oreaon. SO acres ciuuvatea. Mianc nan iimhor. Cne xn Und. ;- -j .- ,. ,- " 800-actw atock ranch en th lfesrnca rim ona of the beet. Will taka aome-city property 40-aere . Clark county ranch.' well -improved. win iaa p room Dungs low pert payment. nna rancp, clone to HarrfcibuTg, 83000 flrtt payment. i (iesnet nuy m the valley. RICHARDS A COLLIER.- Main 7809. Ala i.n.. vm. HILL EXCHANGE for uuU bom 4n Por land or for home in good country town, or will take good light 4 or 5 naiiaetiase mtn part payment for 80 acre of good land, lying "j wwmpip une, west of Tamhill, 4 milea by road.. Thia land is covered with a fine stand of xecond growth fir timber; the timber i worth from 830 to 840 per acre; mot of the tend lie almot level and would make a f t,rm "" cleared, only one mOe . .iinnu Biaing. school or a mile, R. , F. 1. pasre place, two good springs. If interested v.rite owner E. F. Magoon. Yamhill. Or. WANT IMPROVED vir I l-v ijivi-i" OR IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY very fertile, Sonora. Mexico. I? -A guaranteed. land level, on Southern Pacific railroad, plenty of water, on river; well adapted to wheat, corn, beans, oranges and fruit of all kinds. California climate. American farmers own adjoining ranches. Will- consider clear property to the full value of 88000 or smaller property and cash. N. B. ANDEI1SOV 800 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAVE 400 acres fertile LunH i K..ii,.r r. .a iZ, r,,r?a- Pienty water, on river, well adapted to wheat, corn, beans, oranre and fruits "f all kind. California climate.: Will consider - pr'frt full of 58000 or small prop erty and terms. This ranch ia situated in the Mate of Sonora. Mexico. Title guaranteed American farmer own adjptaing ranches. Full information and photographs at office N. B. ANLERSON. K0O Charilher of Cnmmanu km. 8 EVEN room modern houe. full cement ba.se .1 J2rt- i- TP"0,' 'irfPIce. water, gas. wired for Jjill?ht"i lot100xl50: 18 bearing fruit trees, plenty of small fruit, garage, 2 hen houses. J 2 maple trees, 100 feet of hedce. This ia just outside of city limita, with an city conveniences, cTi c f,re For Mle o' exchange on cash f t Jli i 0,ild ,mu ,,rm n" Portland. Castle Rock or SUver Lake. Wash, I am owner, no agent, no commission. Address. Box 402 route 2. Milwankie. Or. ALFALFA RANCH 860 acres, located 1 mil west of Deschntes, "r 8 milea from Redmond: paid water right; 480 aerea can be irrigated and cultivated : good buildings and fences; 100 acrea under cultiva tion; all nice, level land, no rocka. Price 818,- linger bldg. """" r eru'n. er" CENTHAL OREGON ALFALFA LAND 50 acrea. located 1 mile from Detchutes. 9 a"nSe.fi.edrd- 480 KrM be irrigated and cultivated. 100 acres nnder cultivation. Good h"''dm f'. All nice level land, no roca,. Tbt is a pumping proposition, with pump and pii.Jine im.talled. Price 818.000; incum brance. 45000. Want city property. John Fer- A TW1"t",iLbrick.buUdm "tore". nw& P.lcture Aow' fuUy oulwed; doing splendid business, which can be shown; also 0- s?an,on,n01tr,l1 dwei"ln' "Ok-lOO-ft. t: value 823.000. paying interest on this m3Uot; win wstfgatton Property will ..tand fall .n- R. M. OATEWOOD CO fn.tu ..t. Kf aV i' X3 tr a mi Ti ' 5 llt 51 eulUTUon. good elcae in district. Price "sib.oSa fn iiT !I? nntnenmbered and is offered for income Portland nronertv iv.,m u nM' ldences. This is extra choice. SAMf'lcr. 11 1 v 1.202 Northwestern Bank bldg. - a r"CbLN COCJiTT" STOCK RANCH ower,rasrk8:02 Vottom iVnd'inmd" lo'esa.", hnl.V!? rHl PP. Pears, prunes and plums) fou.5?1' cL?r: wi" toke bom 5" Portland for H. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 50OO PROPOSITIONS to exchange, farms'. Inflated values or heavily mortgaged i-operty not eonsidered. We do not make "xc.ianieVV tides for speculative purposes. If y.m int to aed or bu, a farm, call at 402. Stock Exchange WESTERN FARM COMPANT. . . BY OWNER A good seven room Wk, m n,t Hencea." good outbulldinirs. humor, k. 2?Sf 2?"' "nnd. best of gsrden soil, bearing fruit trees and variety of berry bujhes, paved atreeta; price $3500; will RWI6. Her Place pert payment, 3038 Foster road or phone Tabor 0745. WELL improved 8 acre tract up the vallev .,"(!' Alb"n,J ",ew banealow, large barn. S S!nehoU8? ,,5a u"e n,ns- n orchard for il- V i j " c" enco wttn woven wire: gooa level tand, no stone: exchange for Portland property. G . I Webb 414 E. Urk st. G duiefi ood "nt, and extra building ConiuJer something choice without " SAMUEL DOAK 1502 Northwestern -Bank hM- i.T enu. ur.; SOod unimproved H tond. cn Jrrited with little ex Ptf.m.f",e 8tTm m the land: owned by a man 75 who can't work it; wili Sff., ". ' t,0"' ,oej'' "hat hare you to offerf P.O. Box 2664. Pnrtl.n, 1AA A f'Dfa . Sltli icres' weU mPr"ed in every wa T,TtJft. ? in on road. Will make Pric right and accept Portland residence as p.rt pay and give long time on bslsnce. HAMi7F,r. nnik- 1.202 Northwestern Bank bldg. WE8T. SIDE home, fine view. 8 rooms. hsrtT- furT "r,- bis f!!fpta'- hot "t" heating 1.1.! !i ?Ple Tnd for two more houses, select location; price 815.000; consider good clear property to 39000. remainder easy! te?mX L. g. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. REAL KSTATE iHFvro" I Tour Bond Ready for May 1, 1919 f You Have to Have One. WK WRITE THEM FOR TO0 SMITH-WAGONER CO.T STOCK Elm 'i.!- . C"f.trd"; 2t ' mi. North 4 1 tains; several a. cleared, soma cedar and fh timber, county road, spring water. Pric $50 Per a. , H cash, or bouse in Portland about same value. R. Ssnford. I.lnnton. Or. 20 ACRES good improved tand and S1000 in caah to exchange for a good house and lot not to exceed $4500. You can bare pZos house and tand in 10 days. HerTt" Corer, ijnion ave. lO TRADE One acre of ground with S room frame house, rents for $10 per month; 27 miles south of Portland on O. E.. one block from depot. Will take Ford car to part r merA Address C. J. Johnson. Bend? Ore FOR SALE or trade, Duncan's opera house for ina""1? I" Wiun buildinTsoi J3- " 1,1 . In main, part of city. Address ir.rh st.. Portland. Or. CALIFORNIA and Oregon, free and clear, prop" erty to exchange. What have you? WU- T.bor,8l",1,,d :Sut 67th PW F SowE-,.iI!lJa ? ocm notel- furnUhed? ..'"H" included, in Eastern Oregon, value wi, "' Q1 value. What hare you? PORTLAND property, f re and clear, to ex hi,itfr,or ?eT, f 0T$ or New England prop Tabor Sis" HyUnd 40 E' 87Ul t. PhoS TKADtTor saleT 820-acre Central Wheet miUt .V 1 i tv.i. S ",, " --i xaae Unto, 866 1H ;r nous. - J. IF YOU are going to Vancouver. B. a trede Jo,?i propert heI or otar. there, A-26o! VAb5T iiS" .1.?,miBut' rid .rrom South" uk ' .model ante or f'VFTivj. ritone rJaiix 1. CLAlt PorUmnd Jota to chmn for mr- EXCHANGE for late model Ford, market vara clear lota; one Hawthorn district, two Peninsula dietrlct. E-277. Journal. . WILL consider trade for choice . MontaotandT ; Com where you ean anak"aonyrM f aL Apple. Lewiston, Mont. : money. , n. Ja. WlL.1, exchange nous and lot for good car' D-178S U natt ' ;! per xnont cia 'toaM,7',,.U,i00' modern 8T? i?1,iJ;DC h,U" Exchange for reC - dene or hving rooms and store. 413 HoUa day ave. Phone East 6834. 5I-!5. to Vancouver. B. C. to trad for -"""""a ivu Lancaster st Z'9a EQUiTY in mansion for' wheat lamE ; c-s. journal. 600 PUOPERTI ES i ii 1 . Bend for my list. T Box 27$. Salem. Oc HEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 14 Swetland Bldg. - 28,000 Excellent ' corner lot, 100x180. . .j.' with three modern bouses, one 7 rooms t ' with fin basement, ' large attic. tur ' i nace, garage, etc., another of rooms, . with alt modern plumbing, furnace, etc., another of 1) rooms with mil con ' . venieneea, rent 81B0 per monUi. Ex change for good farm in Yamhill or n. county and will $22,400 640 acres 18 miles northeast of Bend, near Sisters. Crook county. 20O - . acrea nnder cultivation. 80 aerea irri gated with wated paid for, and only about 80 acres that cannot be irrigat ed. 2 miles from Tnmaio reservoir, good improvements, plenty of timber for wood aotn equipment. Exchange for city property up to $4000 and give good terms on balance. 815,000 Ideal ranch of 122 acres. 1 u miles from Camas, Wash., good im provements. ' in good ahape, 7 good spring on place and water fct piped to buildings, small orchard. Exchange for close-in acreage. , $12,000 160 acre near Bend. Crock ecrhnty, with 100 acres under cultiva tion, balance easily cleared. . good im provements, exchange for bom or close-in acres g of same value. $10,000 60 aerea back of Mt Scott cem- 1 - acres under aulUvation. fair Improvement. 2 good springs on place, only 12 miles from center of Port land, will exchange. ' $8500 Choice Of 81 acrea near R.mi- Ground, Clark county, Wn., 80 acres under cultivation, 4 1 acre of good aeeond growth timber, all stocked and equipped atui in excellent condition. Win trade for smaller farm in Wil lamette valley, New berg preferred. $f 500 Oood house of 11 rooms. on 80x50 w mouera conveniences Ex change for smaller house or close-in acreage. 86000 040 acres. 1U mil.. - - Stanffer, Lake county, good level land. 0 acres nnder cultivation, timber clos at hand; exchange for house or other property. 8C000 20 1 acres 3 H milea south of Sher- land and set to 8-year-old apple trees house improTements'" exchange for $000023 acrea 3 miles from Eugene. Or. improvement. 14acres of or- ;lui " acres gooa oak Umber, 1 mil from street car. good rock road; ex change for houea in Portland. 50"C2;:x1,!,,,t.20 cre Co Or- -." county, all level and under cultivation, fine garden acre age, fair improvements, some equip Exchange for house up to 8B0U0 and give own terms on balance. 8f000 20 acres in Multnomah miles from Portland, on gravel road to Foster, good level ground 17 acres under cultivation, good hnprove- ohWair Piped to. '""Wings, family orchard. 15 acres of fall wheat goea with place, equipment and atock. Ex- S'ooo "ood pUc Up to beut 84500 Good 16 acre farm 1 it ti north of Orchard. Clarke county on paved road good 6-room plastered house, good barn 30x60, 14 acrw un der cultivation, family orchard, all ne cesnsry equipment; exchange for nous, in Portland, prefer North. ' $3750 20 acres near Gervais in Mar- f J' mUe tTom Oregon Elec tric and IS. P. R. K.. all nnder cultivT tion and most all in crop. Good im- entS' K1 from reUrisd atation; exchange for city property. 2302 2 lu 1 boxue in Kenwood Park , "-win noase, aug basement e ectric lighbt. gas, etc. ; exchang" for close-in acreage. ,or sffj, FV?a J.T.HE STATE FOR "Al.h AND CAN SHOW vnn PLACES FROM ONE ACRE vv LIST TOI'R y.T.VVa SS. l.H vnn m-icVr " ""a ;-i ; v ow"J,,i. AS IHR '--"''.'- f U DAT FOR Tf- ITED CES ARE CNLIM- AGENCY- Wv??'LSK'ITH PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 514 SWETLAND BLDG. Marshal 8080. ... "ERE IS A BARGAIN 350 acre biehlv imom.o v. river, 8 miles from GrVnfx T pi 4 ri vef bnt" m.tl jtet Fine targe bgafow.' ba uuiunmni8. 'rtlT in alfalfa. tr-- 1 per acre part Pyment. Price 8100 OHNEWDARB3CH O, -3 ACRES, 3 mile from Eugene on vt road; 6 acre, in Spitmberg .ppfe.. S Bartlett pears. fuU besrlnir In? nl An"e herrt: blnce in pasture mode K:," pUce s improved with new modern 5-room bungalo. with aU built-in' f . .does "t wish to rent place, will i??; 'or- "nproved Portland property; 'price 85500; will accept or pay differencee. reason able amount Hawthorne Realty Co.. 39th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. 12?tA.CRES 'Jjoining; the town of Irving on the uJ'L, r,ehi across the from the high school, all under cultivation: 8 acres in ou"!. cox'mercial orchard, just in bearing, inost jy sppres. Good semi-modern house. 2 good hams and sheds, garage and water system An Jn crop and equipped with a fine team, harness, wagon plows, harrows, mower and rake; ahS several Jersey cows. This all goes for 8140 ST'..0' 1 would uk mu "creage near Torttand up to 85000. J- O. GORDON, with JOHN E. HOWARD. 3 It? CHAM. OF COM. 5 A?,ES e?'t01 town fin 5 room bungalow fireplace, builtm effects, good water, barn and SgfpSSlUW Cre' in tivathjn; balance baA chrhiXitdte tra ta,nd,lfom.;,r.Vo40000: e"h" . JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com 50 ACRES 2H mUes from IrvmTTnd 6 miles" i rT tug"e- ,n xxi road. Good 5 room bungalow and good barn and outbuildings. 45 ?n lic.C,0aPirIne medow "d. Good school cn place. 8100 per acre, or would . take small place up to 83000 in exchange J. D. GORnnv h JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 CHAM. OP COM. rOR sal; or trade. 238 a. stock or dairy farm. 8 milea from Marshfield. Coos county. 30 acrea w,!, fUw,UT,ti0,"-, house' D orchard? Would take email farm near town or would sell on good term. Price 812.000. u J. T. flAnruiiu JOHN E HOWARD. -818 CHAM. OF COM. 1-0 ACRES, fair buildings, lasting running water, food family orchard. Pric 87500. 230. d wiU exchange for $5000 Portland house. . SAMUEL DOAK 1.202 Northwestern Bank bldg. COO ACRV.K CHOICE FRUIT LAND In Southern Oregon, right at town and rail road; lies fine; a tin place to subdivide. To ex change less property. KPNPY. 411 HENRY HLTXJ. 1 HAVE 64 acres south of Forest Grove. 15 under cultivation, house, bam and otrtbuild trd ety Property; prefer house and lot F. L. Blanchard. 519 Railway Ex change bldg. Phone Marshall 829. 6 acres, all in cultivation, no building some fruit, close in on paved road, and will "change for $3000 Portland residence. SAMUEL DOAK 1208 Northwestern Bang Jldg. HAVE good 7 room bouse not far out and well ..,- 1 ' trlde for small suburban borne suit-t.lf-,0.r c.t,cken Ph: mtwt be a good horn and tldg Brown, 207 Panama SEVKKAL very choice Portland lota and good clos0 to " C 10 trd for Proved acreage : " " SAMTTET, nnir V 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. TEN acre tract, improved. o from Vancouver. Wash., at electric station. $1000 mtg. Want n!! bouse with plenty ground. Marshall 243S 6 PASS. auto, cash and H acre with t room aon rar email rancb with stock. 1458 Fern Wood lawn car. 10 ACRES on Base Un road, all clear ttrJT rn house. Bull Run water and gas. 8iooo For small flat or farm. P-462, Journal aau a vacant lot In Alberta, st. for first -payment on nous and lot nr win .j r vacant kfc Tabor 6838. mr lllACKAGE. 100x100. 4 houses, track in front" warehouse proposition: what have von ? Vnn. una nh.ZXZ- OUT Geo. . - ... .... . v. viwjicroe. 4 ROOM bouse. 4 tote, to trad fo, . ' - 404Pluiy.ytEgr''On Clty to ' SACRIFICE -Equity 166 acres for loi. utoor piano. Windsor. 32 E. 87th St. N ' - iiiwiw wnum OUfUB 11. Til afaaitnn. EXCHAKGE HEAL ESTATE 14 VALLEY RANCH 8 acres, 42 acres bottom; aU tillable, in the heart of valley town; good eraeck through place; - pric 86500. Clear of incumbrance. WiU accept home in Portland no to 85000. Balane payable $100 per year at 6 per cant wiereai. . . STOCK RANCHES W have atock ranches from HO acres up. Owner will trad for good city property. BEAVERTON ACREAGE 20 H acres. Pric $4500. 14 acrea in crop, balance open pasture; all tillable tand, and the very best family orchard and berries. Will take home in. Portland up to $3000. . STANLEY 8. THOMPSON CO.. 302 Oak BENTON, LINN AND-POLK COUNTIES 76 acre' near Salem, all cultivated, lays fine, $7000 worth of lmurovement. complete water nnd lighting system; new and modern house. Will trad for city or farm property worth the money. Pric 15,0OO. 240 acres, 5 miles from Harris burg, 235 acres cultivated; $5000 worth of buildings; well located, good land. Owner want smaller farm or good city property up to $13,000. Pric $100 per acre. 1HO acres. ISO cultivated, nearly au in crop: 7 miles from Corrallis. Price, including atock, implement and crop. $12,000. Will accept smaller farm up to $8000. Mr. Kinney will b at the Imperial hotel until Wednesday. better see him. KINNEY A CO.. Agents, Corva-U. Or EXCHANGE FOR AUTO Will take good late model auto as first dst- ment on 1 3 acres of very fine tand. all in cul tivation, buildings, etc., only 6 miles from Van couver: joins school and railroad station. See this at once if you want a good deal. THOMPSON. SWAN & THOMPSON ' 3d and Main St. Vancouver. Wash. ATTRACTIVE modern 6 room residence on good corner, garace. etc.. to exehanm for 25 or 30 affres worth $5000. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Rank Bldg. 10 ACRES of tand in Eastern Oregon for lot or part payment on lot. East 2705. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 NOW IS THE TIME The time to sell is when people want to buy. NOW ISi THE TIME. DON'T WAIT TOO LONG. We have sold over 100 homes since January 1 of this year and over million dollars' worth in 1918. Because we hav the most efficient selling organization in the city, composea or w experienced real estate salesmen each with an automobile at his disposal. Be cause we advertise extensively and are ia touch with the majority of buyers. Because w never paa prices. We only charge the usual com mission fixed by the Portland Realty board. The buyer and seller know exactly what w are making. Every house listed with tut i nr- sonally inspected, photographed and appraised by u niirri appraiser. ine pnotograpb of your house is arranged in our display room in its respective district with price, terms and location oif same. When you list vour house with thi on ice you are not listmc it with one real ... vate man au I' M ITH TEX. SEE FRANK L. M GUIRE. To Sell Your Home. , Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. Established In 1880. "39 Years of Service." Abington Building, Main 1068, Main' 5 156. i B"9ut 5 acres on Powell Valley or Foster .uu wiium io mues oi city. Must have good house, bath, pressure water, electricity, and would kb. jiuit oe a cnean out. K. A. BROWN. G. C. GolHenberg Co., 215 Abington bid WE have several nice niece of !,- be traded for Portland rKH.n.. . n-. , . - . .... ... . .l UJCI l. , c plfo hare clients wsjtinff far bijisU house and lot "ui iruil, eic. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WE WANT ACRVACIF. Improved or unimnroved- v.t e .u. tributary to Portland. If you really want to , 1'iione your orrertnes. - -ynaiM uu.. aoo-8-7 Lewis bldg. BUNGALOW WAV-rim Bungalow wanted. Irvimrton a Kln. ierrea Dut would consider any good district if priced right. H. J. McGuire Realty Co.. 54 5 Union ave. N. SU500 TO (3000 cash to o fhr i" em 5 room bungalow: miM be a uun nH no -war pricei considered: east front and Hawthorne uuiirici preieraoie; tnis is no real estate roan s u. i want a nome. riu Wood awn SltSi l.nx attracuve. unincumbered. nll.inntxi modern 810.000 Irvinrtnn change for larger place with attractive grounds: SAMUEL nOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN ACREAGE WANTED We have continual demand for H acre and acre tracts, with bearing fruit tiees, convenient to interurban. Price most be right and terms easy. Fred W. German V- . 732 Chamber of commerce, yrpen Sundays and evenings. SHACKS iND SMALL-HOMES-WANTET Price must b - right and very easy terms. We nsve sold over a."0 bouses m tli tast year. If "i scuon se? us r Ted w German Co. 7d i Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays and . 'nil II,., f ACREAGE WANTED Close in acreage, with livable buildings and some under cultivation. If priced right aud icrms, we can aeu u lor you. John r-rsruson tJerlinger Bldg. JUST moved from the Selling building; in the market for property to sell; list your property v-ith me; if the price is right, can tell it. PI. Itlanchard. 519-20 Railway Exchange bide Ptoni Marshall 829. WANT good, close-in 20 to 30 acres for unin cumbered lots and good amount in cash ; gooa proposition. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg WE WAVT I1TO We will turn your lot into cash or contract jout price anu terms are right COE A. MeKENNA A CO.. Main 4522. o- atn st,. noara of Trade bldg. HAVE you an acre or niore on Portland Heights. . ',1 Ainsworth school district, on which you will build me a modest but comfortable bouse Edward B. Starting. 1304 Northwestern Bank bldg. LEGITIMATE EXCHANGES WANTED Desirable listings, no junk, hot air. or to. ? . -Ttllw"s will be considered. See Mr Hold with Fred W. Genmsn Co.. 782 Cham., of Cos! CALL Main 3787. We will call and appraise your property - If the value is ther we can u 't-JOHNSpy-DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. AM LOOKING for a 6 room bungalow on a f"Ier 'ot with double garage in Laurelhurst district. Must be strictly modern and priced right. Y-986, Journal. ONK hundred home wanted for working roe-i. Uust be worth all asked for as positively no coir mission given or taken. P. Q. Box 90 , WE have several clients with $1000 to $2000 t pay down on a first clans 5 or 6 room bunga low. List With vm. V en i. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. IF you want to cash your home in, see us. W win an tne rear. CLEVELAND-BARK-HENDERSON CO. 212 Ry. Kxch. bldg. Main 6752. WANT 2 or 3 lots, not over 6 blocks from car, either Lanrelhurst. Rose City, Alameda, Rossmere or Hawthorne car. Will pay cash. E 275. Journal. HOUSE selling our specialty, 9 autos, sales- . JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. WANTED- Lot in Wilburton block number, lowest price, nal. give lot and R-476. Jour- WANTED A good lot, in improved afreet, not over 8800. for ruh' give full description. N-631, Journal. WA N TED Wet Side house south of Madison at. Handling Wast Side property ia my spe cialty. John Singer. 420 Cham, of Com, bldg. BEST 6-room modern houa $2500 will buy; not too far out: $500 down, liberal pay- place is for sale and will stand an tn ve ligation proving it to be vjorth what yon ask fot it. write P. O. Box 901, City. WANTED To buy of owner for cash, good 4 or 5 room bona, about $1000. Fhen Tabor 8884, NINE autos, 0 experienced salesmen. W can sell your house. JOHNSON -DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. Bank ,bldg. Main 8787. DON'T WOI RY . I can aIt or trad anything anywhere. - I-ayman, 147 Park at. HAVE caah, buyer for the best 6 or V room bun galow that $3400 buys in Overlook. -238. Journal. , TO SELL your bouse see us; 9 salesmen; 9 utoa. -JOHNSON-DOISON CO., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. IF TOU ' wish ' to buy a certain property and want to find the owner call and a us. 416 Stock Ex. bldg. Main 8270. - WE want 1 00 homes in Portland absolutely no enmsnisninn. P. O. Box 001, i.'ityi WILL PAY the higWit rash -price for Laurel hurst lots. Phone Broadway 687. . WANT to buy 4 or 8 room bungalow at Mult Trfanah atation. Call Main 2661. WANT MODERN BUNGALOW Owners onlv. J-2H7. Journal. WANT THREE ROOM COTTAGE lit.: Seott car. J-2S0.- Journal. $loo CAST good, land for bom ia Ton. REAL ESTAT WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTE1 2 to 6 room cheap cottage And bttn calovnt from $500 to $3000; there is a big demand now; we get resnlta, aa bona selling haa been oar specialty for 16 years. . List your bows nt.w. while selling is good. ' - GRUSSI t BENNETT. - ' SIS Board of Trad Bids. Mais 7462. I WANT bouses. -s 1 hav the - buyer. Houa selling ia my specialty. Your houa will b given proper attention. , . -" WATCH OUR AD8. WE GET RESULTS. C A. WAR BIN ER, . -BITTER, LOWE V CO.. 201-8-8-7 Board of Trd Bldg. 10.000 . OR more people passing by our oifice risilv W have the most desirable location in Pnrttand. Pleas Bst year bouse with , us for Immediate sale. THE BOSS CO. PORTLAND-PACIFIC BOOSTERS 10 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7580. ROOMIKO KOTJSES $$ H4iWETiLllilLI. SEASIDE HOTEL I HAVE ONE OF THE NEATE8T. WELL FURNISHED. WELL FILLED HO- TELS iIS A FINE SEASIDE PLEAS URE RESORT. 37 BOOMS. MOD-. ERN. BEAUTIFUL ' SCENERY - AND SURROUNDINGS. FINE ROADS AND FISHING. 60.000 VISITORS DUR ING SEASON LAST YEAR. OWN ER IS RETIRING AND WILL SAC RIFICE FOR 89500. WHICH IS LESS THAN THE COST OF BUILDING AND FURNISHINGS.- LOT 90X100. THIS IS AN ' EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. WILL BE SOLD THIS WEEK. 35500 HANDLES. $75001 HAVE THE SWELLEST SMALL MODERN BRrCK APARTMENT HOUSE IN CITY. 19 2-ROOM APTS., 3 3 ROOM APTS., PRIVATE BATHS, CORNER. ELEVATOR AND FINE FURNITURE. PRICE ONLY $7500. OWNER LEAVING FOR THE EAST. BETTER SEE THIS SOON. HERE IS A NICE ONE $400033 ROOM HOTEL. MODERN, MANY PRIVATE BATHS. BRICK w P. LOG,, LEASE. MODERATE RENT. GOOD LOCATION.- RECEIPTS $650 PER MONTH. $2009 HANDLES. BAL ANCE OUT OF RECEIPTS, EASY. $2650 HERE ARE 34 ROOMS. TRANSI ENT ANU H. K.. BRICK. KJSXT ON I. X $60 PER MONTH. FINE LOCATION, RECEIPTS NOW $350 PER MONTH. A GOOD BUY. AT THIS PRICE. A BEAUTIFUL HOME $3000 A BEAUTIFUL HOME WITH 16 ROOMS. CLOSE IN, FINE LOCATION. BRINGING IN $266 PER MONTH. RENT ONLY $85, LONG LEASE. THIS PLACE IS ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, PIANO, ETC., WOODWORK FIN ISHED IN POLISHED MYRTLE. THIS IS A BEAUTY AND CATERS TO THE BEST CLASS OF PEOPLE. PART x IS ACCEPTING A POSITION IN SE ATTLE AND WILL SELL AT THE LOW PRICE OF $3000. $2100 HAN DLES. BELIEVE ME. THIS IS A SNAP. COME AND SEE THIS. READ, THEN THINK $25f0 15 ROOM MODERN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WITH RENT ONLY $50 PER MONTH. 11 TABLES IN DIN ING ROOM AND CLEARS S400 PER MONTH ABOVE ALL EXPENSES. OWNER OFFERS BUYER PRIVIL EGE OF HANDLING THE CASH AND BOOKS THIS IS A BONA FIDE PROPOSITION AND NO CAMOU FLAGE. OWNER GOING INTO THE LUMBER BUSINESS. SATISFY YOURSELF HERE. PRICE ONLY 32500. $1250 DOWN. $2250 $1250 CASH TAKES 27 ROOMS H. K . GOOD FURNITURE, CLOSE IN. LOW RENT. THIS IS A GOOD - ONE. $160081075 CASH TAKES 17 ROOMS. H. K.. IN A CLOSE-IN IOCATION. HOT AND COLD WATER IN EVERY ROOM. 2H YEAR LEASE AND RENO ONLY $50 PER MONTH. THIS PLACE CLEARS GOOD MONEY AND IS WELL FURNISHED. $1000 $1000 CASH TAKES 20 ROOMS. H. K.. GOOD FURNITURE, VERY CLOSE IN. RECEIPTS $186.50 PER MONTH. ILLNESS NECESSITATES SELLING. ASK ABOUT THIS. LOOK HERE ROOMS. A ERY H. K.. NICELY FURNISHED, CLOSE IN, REASONABLE RENT. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ALL FULL. PRICE $650. TERMS. CLOSE IN HOUSEKEEPING $900 13 ROOMS. H. K.. GOOD RUGS, CLOSE IN, NEWLY PAPERED, GOOD INCOME. A VERY GOOD PROPOSI TION TO MAKE SOME MONEY. RENT $25 PER MONTH. $750 $350 DOWN BUYS 8 ROOMS, H. K.. VERY- CLOSE . IN. CLEARS $60 AND 2 LIVING ROOMS. A SNAP FOR SOMEONE. $550 6 ROOMS. MOSTLY FURNISHED. CORNER. CLOSE IN. INCLUOES FINE PORCELAIN BATHTUB. HEAT ER AND TANK. RENT ONLY $17,50 PER MONTH. SINGER SEWING MA CHINE. ALL AT THIS PRICE. I HAVE MANY GOOD BUYS LV SMALL APARTMENT HOUSES. I HANDLE NO JUNK. IF YOP WISH TO SELL QUICKLY AND PRICE IS RKVHT SEE LA MONTE (WITH) PACIFIC AGi'NCY, INC.. 514 SWETLAND BLDG. COR 5TH AND WASHINGTON. MARSHALL 8989. BUYERS TAKE NOTICE Before deciding what rooming or apartment house you buy GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE and let me take you around and show yon som real bares ins. J. FRUCE GODDARD, 602 COUCH BLDG, 14 Rooms $1000 Terms Kent $25: newly papered, tinted, painted, etc; well furnished and clearing 875 per month be side providing good home; yard, rosea, etc; nice west side location; this la a good tmy. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BsLDG. Reduced F rom $1 500 to $900 12 beautiful rooms, modern house, very good furniture; must sell at once, bene this offer; aom.' terms. J. P.RUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDO. WE HAVE -several good modern paying hotels listed, well located in the best part of the west side, from 80 room to 75, at attractive prices. If you are in th market for a hotel tt will pay you to call ana look over our ust- GILSON REALTY CO.. 431 Cham, of Com. 10 ROOMS 10 All on one floor; rent only $16; all H. K. ; clears over $100 per month.. You can not lose with that rent. Price $645. on your own terms. Peters. 15 N. Bth at. SIXTEEN room board and rooming l.ouse: must be sold at once on account of siikness. $1000 will handle. Charles Gardiner, 812 Broad way. Main sou i. HOTEL, all furnished, at Salteir beach. 19 rooms ; a good proposition to right party. Be owner. GEORGE MOKSE. 809 Cham, of Con. MONDAY'S SPECIAL 1 11 ' noiiu. OB west aide. Bandy location all full and a money maker. Price $745; terras. Peters, 15 N. 6th t. ' HOTEL for rent, furniture for sale, in good live town, cneap. GEORGE MORSE. 809 Cham, of Com. HAVE two rooming bouses; cannot handle both; also 7 room bungalow, will sen reaaonaDie. Call 122 Union .ave. - . , WHY work for wages! Buy good paying room ing nous and be your own. boas: io-zi rooms, owner, sua Alain ax. :au weea oaya. 11 ROOMS 11 On Park st.'. in heart of west aide, close to depots: new furniture, cheap rent; all for $650, half casn. reters, f. am e. I WANT to buy a small rooming or apartment l-ne direct from owner. I have the caah to rav for one; will not deal with agents. Call Sell wood 2552. Ask for Mrs. Morses $650 GETS 14 room house, all housekeeping, , , - -iA. . 1 .- u- A r ii close in oa west aid. See Mr, Gray. 529 Henry Mdg. ' 15 ROOMS, fine location, in suites, running water, rent a JO. well lurntsnea; cneap. 86oO. Other bargains. Garland. 188 3d. ROOMING house for sJe, 16. rooms; special bargain if sold Una week. : gtroadway 1278. West Side. -' TO BUT or sell your rooming bouse, see Gar- tand, 188 so. sum soe. SACRIFICING good. wR paying 10 room room ing nouae; cau tooey. zz w rare- Main 4985. ' APARTMENT house, 22 rooms,. Price 81 I ' in town. 193 W. Park at Bantam. 60O. s: These Are Real Bargains 73 rooms, lovely transient, modern, money mskinfi- hotel, best possible location, cleanng 75 per smath above every - expense; many batns and first etas furnishings 88000; $5004) down and tarsus ; a snap. . APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP 4f ToomsJ lights, hot water. Janitor, etc.. fnr na-hed under the lease; a good home and but profit. $3800. aom terms; exclusive. . 48 ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING $2500 Bi-nt $80 on. leas; half cash; clear $200 mntb; a winner. , - . & rooms. $550; 8 rooms, $630. " : 1 & rooms, very elegant, modem. $800. 19 rooms, one floor. $1000, terms, ? 4t room. $8500, terms to rait. PLACES OF EVERY SIZE. , TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT, LIBERTY BOKDS TAKEN AT PAR. . - . Get In My Automobile , t will show vooV PRUCE CODDARD, 501-2 COUCH BLDG. 44 ROOM "modern hotel, close in, on West Side, a fit class place and a money maker. Rent $200. Pric $4500 32 rooms. N. W. heat, rent $60; central west side -at splendid bay .......... 8009 18 rooms, rent $50. H. K., a good boy clears nearly $100 per month .....1500 11 -rooms, H. K. . good 800 8 rooms. H. K-. good 600 Give us a trial to nlease you. Gilson Realty Co., 431 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4127. 45 Rooms $2500 Terms Ntwly Y renovated throughout, clean, completely f mihed for housekeeping, 1 , 2 and 3 room apartmenta: rent on lease is $75 per month in cluding targe storeroom, which is used for stor- business; this is a nig money maker; first tiro offered; eay terms. " ,: J. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 COUCH BLDO. MONDAY'S SPECIAL 4 8. rooms, brick bldg., in heart of west side, rent $60: clean over $200 per month; brand new furniture and clean aa a pin, for $2350. easy term. Peter. 15 N. 5th st. Machine to 1 1 aim vnt msilwt in . SMALL apt. home for gale very cheap, owner leaving city. - Call at 73o Everett. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES" 89 COUNTRY store at center of irrigation activity in interior of Oregon with well established tsrictly ranh trade; merchandise stork and realty arc und $ 1 0,000. Contracts already let assure ver active year. Property includes hotel fa cilities. Owner ha ' too many irons in fire and bealth i breaking. Rare opportunity fur inrfit but will take aome real money to swing it. NX-435. Journal. BARGAIN. $675 Small cash grocery and confectionery, clean stock: 3, fine living room, bath, hot, cold water: cheap rent. Rooms all furnished. This is a dandy buy for lady, or man and wife. This mnst be sold on account of sickness. Owner. 09 E. 80th st. N., Montsvilla car. Wonderful Opportunity F'lrl business, established. 20 years, clearing 850 a day and over above expenses, positively never before offered: new GMC trucks and machinery, rent .$30 month on leaje; price -SOO: terms. WEKTKNGARD. 312 Worcester Bldg. WANTED at once, well exierienced well driller : wttn little money, to take interest in a Star gasoline well drill, running now and lot of work ahead. Tell where exiieriem-ed and how long and age and if married or sftigle. Address C. E. Lewis, Wallnta. Wash. A BUSINESS chance of a lifetime. I am the inventor and owner of valuable U. 8. Detents that will save hi your fuel bill. No ashes, dirt, dust or -trouble. To the roan who will finance mfg. I will make valuable concessions. P-468, Journal. MECHANIC would like to get in touch with some one who would take uu the metal spin ning business: no competition in the state! Write to F. Schwend. or call 1405 Height ave.. Port land. WELL paying greenhouse business with fine retsil trade: 200x200 feet sous re with 7.500 feet ot glass; house, barn, workhouse, etc. ; $5000 casn will handle; open to investigation any time. M A. Schuster. 1287 E. 14th st. N. FULLY EQUIPPED THEATRE For sale; will stand closest investigation. We sell everything for the theatre. OENEBAL SUPPLY at RKPAIR CO.. Main 2518. 213 Fourth st. near Salmon. BLACKSMITH shop witti 2 lots and dwelling houte. close to Portland, plenty work for 2 men. On account of sickness will sacrifice for $1600 on easy ttnns. Call 15 N. 5th st- Mr. Lamberson. MODERN barber shop. 3 chairs, 3 baths, the most central shop in Vancouver, in the best office bnilding in the city, doing a fine business. THOMPSON. 8WAN eV THOMPSON 3d and Main St. Vancouver. Wash. " Thave two restaurants At real low figures;, must be sold thia week; in business district on west side. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 Couch bldg. FOH SALE" to a "young, active and enterprising man. a on third interest in an established business: only $200 required. See Mr. Stokke. Business Service, 602 Oregonian bldg. THE PLACE to have your clock repaired is at the Portland Clock Co. at 17th and Wash ington st. They make a specialty of repairing, calling and delivering. Broadway I sol. PHOTOGRAPHERS. attention: Have fine paying business to offer a fir-t etas? man. Will be at impesjal Hotel until Wednesday, r . 1. Kinney. PHOTO studio, well located, doinj a g-od busi ness, picture framing in connection. $5O0 will handle. Would lease to good party. 584 Umatilla ave. Hell. 2160. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop with good trade, lots of camp work; living rooms and lot 50x 130, excellent location for garage. Sell cheap for cash. T. J. Mct'ariand, Iluxton, Or. FOR SALE 50 bbl. flour mill, also 20 M capacity sawmill run in connection with flour mill; good reason lor selling. inquire w. ti. Baker. Flora. Or. NEAR shipyards, rooming house, restaurant. oandy. cigars; all full; best of business. Cheap for cash or terms. Owner. 300 Washington at. V ancouver, War.h. FOR SALE Country store, doing general mer chandise business, 34000 stock; cheap rent; very pleasant place to live. Good reason for selling. Blair Bros.. Jasper, Or. CALL and see us. If there is any business matter yon don t understand or need help concerning we win Help yon. 410 stock jut bldg. Main 8270 I HAVE an established business of tO years' standing; have au equipment inclining good ear. Am alone ana Been neip. 111 euOMier a partner. Investigate. H-42, -Joornal. A CARPENTER or plasterer with $1000 ean secure a choice 1 u acres under gov. irrigation and get plenty of work at bis trade. For par ticclar address Hall J. Brown, Orlard. Cal. HAV8J year round contract to haul cedar posts. also wood and ties; 3 miles, good road, for anyone who will buy my truck. See Murchi at 60 N. Broadway. FOU SALE millinery store Well established good paying millinery store on east side; must sell Immediately account ill health; good opportunity for some one. 596 Williams ave. WAN TED To see party with few hundred dollars who is willing to go into good paying repair business; shop just started. For particu lar, call at 554 Savier st., Sundays or evenings. FOR SALE Up-to-date 1919 anotocycle, bicy cle and eletrieaU repair shop, first class loca tion. 1369 Hawthorne ave. near 49th. Come and look it over. 1 FOR SALE Grocery stock and fixtures, good building with living rooms, fin location, good cash trade. Important businesa forces quick Sale. H.me term. Call Tabor 87SB. owner. 36 ROOM apartment house, paying 10 per cent on $14,000. Must selL Pric $7000, mort gage $3000; or trad for a close-in farm. B-677, Journal. - (950 buys my dandy grocery store, fine loca tion. good stock, fine fixtures, furnished liv- ing room. Snap for someone. 910 E. Gliran. FOR 8ALF Garage and service car, near Port tand. If yon want good paying butinesss, call Columbia 1187. Very reasonable. WANTED To contract removal about 25 yards dirt from cup logging railroad 'grade near Goble. Or. Clark ak Wibon Lbr. Co.. Cot 25. NEAR Oregon City, 10 acres, improved, with house and barn. ; Call at 208 4th U Vain 1806. 3325 Rent. 825 month. Downtown, wast side business district. Coffee, lunch, soft drinks. Applr ftl'ZH Washington. BE8T commission laundry route in eity for man with car. ' Commission averages 860 week. Price $500. J-289, Journal. BARGAIN 5 room bungalow, 1087 E. Alder, $500 down, balance to suit. Inquire 1141 E. Taylor t. - ' ' HALF interest in small factory just started. doing good tmsinasa. Price $1400. ' Inquire at residence. 1420 Madrons st .t Portland. -FOU SALE Tailor ahop. cleaning .and press- ing. in good location. , Call 863 Sandy or phone East 4634. A CASH GROCERY ''".' - .'.' Take in 850 day. all cash and no delivery; has 4 living rooms. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. GOOD buy in Seaside business property, paying 6 per cent net; 325,000 will handle ft. bal ane easy terms. P-8 15. Joornal. CONFECTIONERY and lunch counter for sale; will take Ford ear in trade. Call Sell. 715. FOR SALE or trade,' dunce pavilion, located at Oak Grove Beach. East 8442. GROCERY and meat market for sale-, close to Portland; doing good bnsineas, P-46B, Joornal, SEEING- ia believing. Well .located cash grocery. confectionery at invoice, nz i. zui st.- OSE whole - restaurant . outfit, counter, tables, chairs, c lottery, : etc. ' Inquire 248 Salmon st. FOB SALE Blacksmith shoo, tools, stock. - building and lot. W. A. Husbands. Mosier, Or. ROOMI5TO HOUSES BTJSITf ESS OPPORTUNITIES Jt ClHGACDYslXG. 114'SiETiMilLi. PICTURE SHOW x 31000 ONE POWERS MACHINE MOTOR DRIVEN 2000-FOOT REEL-PIANO AND COMPLETE EQUIPMENT. 30O SEATING CAPACITY. CHEAP RENT, GOOD LOCATION, $750 CASH, BAL ANCB MONTHLY, 'SHOE REPAIR SHOP $600 -SHOE REPAIR SHOP, WEST SIDE. CLEARING $8 TO $10 A DAY; SICK NESS COMPELS SELLING OUT; t CHEAP RENT; LOOK mTHIS OVER. - " CONFECTIONERY, SOFT DRINKS AND CIGARS. $8000 EAST SIDE LOCATION CLEAR . ING OVER $400 PER MONTH, 3 YEAR LEASE AT $35 PER MONTH. STOCK AND FIXTCIOSS WORTH THE MONEY. - . v ' : - $3000 CANDY FACTORY : LA8T YEAR'S BUSINESS OVER $12,000: LOW RENT; OWNER DESIRES TO RE TIRE TO RANCH; TERMS H CASH. $2500 WASHINGTON STREET CORNER LOCATION, CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT GROCERIES : THIS IS A REAL BUY. DOING A BUSINESS OF $50 PER DAY UP; NEW HIGH CLASS SODA WATER COUNTER AND FOUN TAIN. AND OTHER FINE FIXTURES; HURRY. THIS WON'T LAST LONG. $1500 OLD ESTABLISHED. VERT BUSY EAST SIDE LOCATION; RENT ONLY $15 PEn MONTH: CLEARING $200 TO $300 A MONTH BESIDES LIVING. $1006 CIGARS AND SOFT DRINKS; OOOt WEST SIDE CORNER. RIGHT DOWNTOWN: $850 OF STOCK ; IA)W RENT: THIS IS A VERY ATTRACTIVE PLACE. $900 EAST 8IDE CONFECTIONERY, GROCERY AND BAKERY: RENT $15 PER MONTH. SOME BUY. POOL, ROOMS $800 VERT .GOOD SUBURBAN LOCA TION, 6 GOOD LIVING ROOMS UP STAIRS. GfiOD BUSINESS, 3 'TABLES, 8 SHOWCASKS AND OTHER FIX TURES, ABOUT $250 STOCK: $20 , MONTH LEASE; THIS IS WORTH IN VESTIGATING; SNAP. $1000 AND INVOICE; STOCK ABOUT $500; GOOD LEASE; CLEARING OVER $300 PER MONTH; 3 POOL AND 1 BILLIARD TABLE, BACK - BAR, ROOTBEER BARREL AND LOT -OF OTHER FIXTURES ; A REAL BUT Vs CASH HANDLES. $1300 4 TABLES AND GOOD STOCK OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO, PROMINENT CORNER LOCATION IN VERY BUSY WEST SIDE SECTION. DOING $85 TO $50 A DAY. $2800 NORTH END LOCATION, DOING $75 TO $80 A DAY; GOOD STOCK OF CIGARS, CANDY AND FTH'ITS: 5 TABLES; THIS IS A LITTLE GOLD MINE. $3500 WEST SIDE POOL ROOM; SOFT DRINKS, CIGAR8 AND FRUIT; OPEN FRONT CORNER; 8 POOL TABLES. SODA FOUNTAIN. COUNTER, SHOW CASES AND OTHER FIXTURES; SOME TERMS. $6000 WASHINGTON STREET CORNER. DAILY RECEIPTS OVER 8100: IJNO LEASE; STOCK WILL INVOICE ABOUT $1500 TO $1800. FIXTUBE8 $6000; WILL SELL FOR $6000 AND INVOICE: OPEN CORNER. BIG CIGAR AND TOBACCO BUSLNESS; THIS 13 A MONEYMAKER. GROCERIES . $2300 GOOD WEST SIDE LOCATION IN APARTMENT HOUSE DISTRICT, DO ING 850 TO $100 A DAY CASH BUSINESS AND NO DELIVERY; GOOD BRICK BUILDING, LOW RENT AND LONG LEASE; WILL INVOICE. $1500 FINE SPBURBAN EAST SIDE LO CATION; NEW, CLEAN STOCK; 2 GOOD LIVINO ROOMS; PRICE IN CLUDES HOUSEHOLD FURNITURES GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT DISCOUNT $10.000 GOOD COUNTRY TOWN. 76 MILES FROM PORTLAND; FINE, CLEAN STOCK; NEW BUILDING; WILL INVOICE AT 80 CENTS; DO ING A 840.000 A YEAR BUSINESS. GENERAL STORE AND TICKET OFFICE 84000 A FINE COUNTRY STORE AND 8 LIVING ROOMS. LOCATED 10 MILES FROM PORTLAND ON PAVED ROADS AND ON THE ORE OON ELECTRIC LINE 20 MINUTES FROM CITY: 4 ACRE OF FINE GROUND, CHICKEN HOUSE, GOOD BARN AND WELL; STORE WELL BTOCKED: A "FINE PLACE TO LIVE: NO OPPOSITION; TAKING IN 3800 PER MONTH NOW. COULD BE RAISED TO 31200 IF PERSON WOULD DELIVER ; MAN IS ALONE AND CAN'T HANDLE; A GOOD IN VESTMENT. GARAGES 83000 BUYS Vt INTEREST AND MAN AGERSHIP OF ONE OF THE BEST PAYING WEST SIDE GARAGES IN THE CITY: PLACE WILL INVOICE 87000; WANTS A CLEAN MAN WHO IS A GOOD SALESMAN FOR A PART NER: THIS WILL STAND THE CLOSEST INVESTIGATION. $2300 60x100 CONCRETE BUILDING, EAST SIDE LOCATION, NO COMPETI TION FOR 2 MILES; RENT ONLY 835 PER MONTH: 26 CARS IN STOR AGE. GOOD STOCK OF ACCES SORIES. NEW $50O PUMP AND GOOD SHOP EQUIPMENT; A ME CHANIC HERE CAN CLEAR $500 A MONTH. PRESENT OWNER IS DO ING NEARLY THAT WELL AND DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT AUTOMOBILES. v $100f SPLENblD WEST SIDE LOCA TION; STORAGE CAPACITY FOIl 100 CARS; RENT ONLY $75 A MONTH, 3 TEAR LEASE; COME EASILY IF TOU WANT THIS. WE HAVE EVERY GOOD GARAGE Iw TOWN THAT IS FOB SALE ON OUR LIST, ALHO SOME CHOICE LOCA TIONS WHERE OWNERS WILL BUILD FOB RESPONSIBLE TEN ANTS. PiM5.IFDG itGENCY. 1KB. iMSWETUM'i ' e WANTED Partner not afraid of work for one of the largest propositions in Montana. Big :vvv requirea. $650 CASH Dandy paying restaurant, good location, rea sonable rent; a money maker for the right Prt. CBOCEBT $950 Take dandy well equipped and 'stocked light grocery, confectionery and fountain; good loca tion; cheap .rent- i.MJLlKK 147 PAKK HT. COUNTRY store at station on West Side eiec tne noe. SIT miles from Portland; 8 pa si en - ger trains daily; no competition ; bosinese in creased nearly last year; stock win invoice about $2000; will sell or rent the buildings, which include living apartment. With this sal goea tbs express. 8. P. ticket and postof fie, which pay living expenses; good farming j and fruit locality; newcomer and sawmills are com ing in. Address Postmaster, Cove Orchard, Or. - GENERAL STORE General merchandise store, doing good btisi- whicn can be snows, logetner . wtth store building and living rooms, also raons . nented for photo ahop; una place as in on of b van- best 'suburbs of Portland : price, ariud. ing stock and fixtnre. 835O0; Will make good terms, or take good property op to $2000 as paA payment. . R. al. - uatcwwu inaa 41b et. FOR MALE- OR TRADE ' 75 rooms: lobby and restaurant, furnished. About IS miles south of Portland. Tbi J a money maker. Only $5590. Good term to experienced hotel people. " P. ill I. LAI a,:, v 8 th and Main atv y - Oregon City, Ot. BUSINESS OPPORTTJWITIES MAIN 633 ' ' Tit AND' WASHINGTON . . ; ' SPARKS-e.TEVF.N8 CO.. ' . SUITE 6 1 1 -1 2-1 8 W lUXkX BLDG. West - sfd. location, SO-fost Counter. UblesJ chairs, two gas ranges, large cook stove, aiwwi case. - register, new - linoleum on floor, a a nexes. everything goes for quick sal tt 690 Owner ha bought farm nnd wants to mm, , i BAKERT Country location, sata . riallvarv. 2 barrel mixer, cook I machine, targe stock, fully equipped and a high class place, briucina excellent tti turns Will sell on trial to prove business. Price i' -1 ; RESTAURANT . -fWiJ- High class 'place on Waahingtoa street, full: quipped wtth table, counter glass, to - bor everything in best of condition. Receipt av-tr ago eivo per oay. stem, aiou witn long Price 84000. : , 4 laaaa. Easily BAKERY LUNCH Close in on Washington, rent 170. EaaiV worth double. Place will sell Itself if w earn gat you to look at it. 4Pric 82000. : CIGARS, FRUIT VCOXFECTIOwEBrT Established 25 rears, good cases. od fruit- - tain and everything needed.. Good working peo : pee- ple iraue, a ateany sure income, stwu inv ment. Price 8700. , CANDY KITCHEN Washington street location.- Full line 'ixtu Ad candy making machinery. Good atock caa- die. syrup and we invite investigation of this.' Pri" 81300. i , I -SOFT DRINK A POOL Down town location,- on Fifth , street. Fix tttre good., consisting of pool tables, founts n coimter. register and all necessary equipment. Rent 875 month. - Very reasonable. Profits w .1 irmy inr iiiu in wry snore utue m t 1 1 . -. y i well established and making from 810 to 83 J A dally and opportunity to step right In large Pay ing place right at the Jump-off. Prio only 815Q0. i MILLINERY STORE I In the shopping district. Rent,' $60. This place will stand strict investigation a it l)i . very sb,owy place, well advertised. iCstebli ltd -14 mm. Workins 8 neonle and all bilsy. If : you are looking fee a liul mint thia i it. -- This Is positively the best buy m a milliner shop hs.'e ever had. . Price 81100 cash. WKLDINt J A- PLUMBING r Ttecetpts $800 to $1 200 per month. Net profits $500. Bent $25. Very - iarg gsarirt ment of tools Including Ford truck and $BJ' acetylene generator. Haa Iarg - business wsll located and business Is . widely advert isefl : oeptional opportunity to acquire well estab lished place. Doing fine. Heat of tann for selling. We invite investigation. Prio $2750. : GARAGE f Old ntabllshed place, very cheap rent, ron crete bnilding, concrete floor. Very full lln tools. Cadillac car. This is high etas place en tering to best class people. Always full. Goo I storage and work at top prices. Very anxions to f sell. Price 88000, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS MORRISON i STREET LOCATION Two-year lease. Room 20x60. Steam heat stock all new and fresh. Excellent money maker. Price $4000 and worth it. I APARTMENT HOUSE " ,1 35 rooms. Close in location on car fins. Rooms all filled. Clearing $250 per month. Rent only $60. This will be quick. Price $46(1,1. PICTURE SHOW j Good location. Bent only $80 per month. Doing a good business. Owner goiug Eaat. Will sacrifice for $750. . ' I RESTAURANT I Dandy 2d street location. Brick buildinir. Rent $25 per month. Clearing $800 per month. Full price $700. I Feed and transfer ) Country location. Pric $1200; rent $Zf month. This is a going business snaking good money. Two trucks, one wood wagon. ) STEAM LAUNDRY' I One of the best valley towns in at; tin competition; baa community of 10,000 peo1 to pull from wtth targe factories and mills. Price $4500, on terms. Thia place will pay or itaell in less than a year, and pay you sal ary, w ill stand every investigation. : - i GARAGE Present owner 8 years:- owner eomned sell in next few dava: food brick In awnll loew- tion; fine stock, aceeiaorie, tools, gas pump, service car- and everything needed. - Thia iat a real garage and a good money maker. Fnc . very cheap st $2000. j GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS f 25 miles from Portland : did $88,000 last year: . in a good farming district: fire-proof building. Wila sell at invoice and give trial. I INTEREST. WHOLESALE AND R3TAIL BUSINESS I In large market, 8 stalls, 5 -year I: on 'of owners is -going to Europe; will guarantee this place cleared $1200 during March; will stand every investigation and sell on trial, GENERAL STORE I - In good town, elose to Portland: raeeinta $5000 and over per month; practically rB cash good building, $50 month rent; long lease: stock, groceries, gents', children and ladies' furnishings, notions,' shoes, rubber goods, light hardware, dishes, and everything needed 'in gen eral store; good community and territory Iarg. Wilt sell at invoice or on trial and say yota a salary to prove the business. 1 CENTS' FURNISHINGS. CLEANING AID PRESSLNO I large room, ean be made big business ; bn -Wsshlngton street; good, clean stock; price. $2700. or invoice: rent $60. with lease. I;"" MEAT MARKET f . T-.it,lwc: R vesrs: doine eond busin-sa. Tnis : place will make all money asked tor it Jl these months. OARAGE ,i, rni.M tirick in hesrt of west side, rent $1 1 .vm r 1m. which csn be renewed: tnte cars go with place: net profita at present $450 per rncnth. Owner has rbenmstism and .inabtauo attend to basin; place will invoioe I. rice asked. PARTNER WANTED f Soft drink and card, good west ride lofs tlnn. cost $2500 to equip', doing Iarg business. Wilt sell interest to good rustler not afraid of work for 8700. - I AUTO AGENCT AND OARAGE I 80 miles -from Portland. Agency for Over land, Wy!!-Knight, Studebaker and Chevrolet. Has sold 85 Overland this spring. 5aragei Is situated In heart of best farming Jistriot 5n state. Owner is compelled to move, maaing en onportnnity for eomeon nst nss tasen ion time to build up. Will sell for 3 1001 nd n nin. PartlM bnvina should bar 85000 itn make the most out of this buMness. This la s r hish class business making targe profit and it open for every investigstion. MEAT HAHAlSi: - Country location. Very finely equipped. " entire trade. No eompelition. corner location , swell front. Equipped to make lee, n tact, the be equipped shop In th west for the six I of town. Will sell entire Plant, building, bind and . sll free and clear for $3000 and in vote ateck on band. I MTT.LINEHT STORE I Nice, neat little place, doing a big woatnass; AM 81 AMR hut month. This ia a money maker and win bear close tnvWtUtation: location one vf the best. Must eTl at once, and only BHINGLJ5 lll.l 1 PMawatev shfnsla mill on Columbia liver, ra- rlheity at present tim 800,000 shtniles per dav. .Can be increased I75.OO0 dally. Mam building approximately 16.000 feet floor spare. Dry kiln .2.280.000 shingles capacity. Load di rer on ocean vessel. . Have loaded 000. 000 shinele on on vel. Take coast rate in lh R. k. tariffs. Well Mtnated ' for smptnerrrs ro any point at advantageoo rate. On holding of 80,000.000 . feet almost wholly d cedar: very accessible gnd also that open market, both fete? of river to pull from. This plant rr exr-l-len hap and will stand a . thorough revestl gation . will sell Interest or th whole. Th loi fct'on i the very bet possible to be had, Avsilshle timber ia nnrimtted. Call or write aa4 w will h etad to give yon everv nformtloJU MILL AND LiiIBK IsRU f - tn fhrivinsT Oreron town. Want man !) ha had experience. wborwiU put in wms money and assist in the management. " Thia- tile mls - excellent ovrportnniMes. Wsll ednmped with Vo. chmerv. ood yard, lomber hd. and hand!- all kinds bnilding material. - 85000 vmyment -will put yon In equal owner. Man' nbility oa side red more than th wiovtee. MAIN 8433 ni nAnnijiiirt). SI'AKrtH-siTKvr.'Rn i- . i .-: S r-TTE 61 1 -1 2 -1 8 W HX'OX BT.DO. FIRST CISS7TNFECTIONElftt J One of the most comolete store in Port land, slwsys doine a big buine. nave tie nest of reasons for selling; brick - bniMinsT. . vwnt 5 per month. It will invoice anew r-airuo. Will 've om term. ' " . I COUNTRY " TOWN ONKKtrJ lOI .'.UX f T. WatA In one of the best town m fine state ef Oregon, good brick build Inr: fire-veer lea-e at $90 per month. Price $60'I0. -sonsble term. - ,.! . ' NEAT LITTLE fKtH'rTKX AS" . W-VfAJ- , TION KM . t One story brick with living room. ? nt 130, two ) ear leae. price $1100. - ' I A nAituAi. -rutt none . i Blacksmith and garage, tools in each. 1 In cluding bnilding. gronnd. plenty fruit jand rfine Iimim' ill fur k'2O00: term on all WATCH OUR .ADS. WK GET aESCLTS V. K1KBISJ., , BITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-7 Board of Trad B Ida. xi-E ' .uihntnn a .carburetor for ford ear which is guarantee! to give oouoie wt viie-- gg fyver' any otner caronrexor ever rorainjrwn regardless of nam, make or price. W are pew ready to furnish carburetor also for Dod end Maxwell ears. -Will furnish them for other fee re tn a short tim. : Money refunated if fifteen iday . pnet trial doe not prove it. t-ntireiy new pnn- eiple imnl plain tub not a , moving nrt. Guaranteed to start in aero weather wit boot beating or priming. Tremendous demand, 10,000 . now in use in Chicago territory. Reliable, ener getio man who can guarantee sale and carry : stock of $500 to $2000. depending on demand, ean secure sxclnsiv territory and will easily; net $20,000 tbi year. ' No special experience neces sary, , , I . .- Frank A. Urwn. '"-'"I 609 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, UT. - $50,000 ' . GOING OBOCKBY BUSINESS I " AT A DI8COINT f Clear. weTl balanced, salable grocery stodt, ea- ' Ubliahed 12 years, on railroad and seaport, annual sale $10.000. march ale $18,800. Good fixture and $ delivery autos. Well locat ed, in heart of town of 4000. with payroll over $150,000. Other town and nig mrroundtng country to draw f torn. Practically no competition. Cheap rent and freight rates. Excellent res son for n-Tling. Price 840,000, See Mr. McCle'tan. 800 Clamber of Com mere bide- - i