THE OHHGOII CUIIEIY JOimNAL FOUT LAIiD, SUNDAY UOHNING, i APIUL ; 7 im. V i RRAIi FSTATB ACKEAOK ORCHARD TRACTS 20-ACRE WALNUT TRACTS 17 acres in tree 10 years old. In fin con dition: lair building on HIuml orchard swatlng. laratad adjoining eity , limits of nJl town; price 12.OO0. 4 20-acr appl orchard, on of ' th bett equipped plant lit th veltoy. Km buildings and several ' thousand dollars' worth of e'luipment. Trd orchard produced 8000 boxes in 1013, 16.000 in 191T;-propecte good for this year: .price included drier, vinegar plant, etc; pries $12.400. -J ' , . 20-acr prune tract. 12 seres bearing prunes ehsap buildings; 4 mile of CorvalUs; pric tasoo: tieoo cub. r Mr. Kinney will bs at Imperial bjtl UntU - K IN NET 4 CO. Affent. ComlHs, Or. 10 ACRES 1 mils from Ridgefield. Wash. ; lev.-I and fins soil; on county road; pries 1760; (7 rath anil mnnthlv navments. 18 acre mil Ridgefield. Wwh. house anc barn and other improvement ;' 800 cords of wood and eorae piling; 810O0: terms. 10 seres Joins city limits of Kslams, Wash. ; a dandy chicken rancb ; city water, siso weii, house and several chicken houses, food bearing orchard and fin vegetable land; 11000; term. 6 acres near Boring, Or.; 1 acre cleared, 3 cSirkcn braes, larra rnoinh for 20O chickens: on county road; price $660; $60 cash and, $10 per soorttn. A. W. E8TE8. 202 McKay Bldg. ' ' T 1'300-CASH 3 acres at Courtney station, on th Orefow City lins, well improved; a dandy bar for $27vv. . . 200 CASH 6-room house, wired, gas la. 1 sere of ground; well improved; a dandy place at Wwt- son station on th Ertaeada lineTnc $2400 ,. (250 CASH 10 acres bordering- on -river,' all In eultlva- tlon; good road; a dandy plaoe, near Boseburg, ttr - nrlcw S2000. Many others to pick from in acreage and farms, .- j . LATMAJC-A SPOOR, 147 Parlt St. i -' - - Open evenings and Sundays. Columbia River Highway 10 acres with trout creek through on ide; ISO ft. falls on comer with the finest view on highway; mils from depot; for quick sale - siu ta 7ao. $30tf casn. oaianc per cent. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO.. " " - - 803 Oak TWENTY ACRES, CLOSE IN, $600 CASH ., No finer piece ol ground aoout in city; ' gentl south slope, grand view of valley and mountain. 17 acres under cultivation, it acres orchard, best of soil, no rock or gravel, a little timber; close to stores, ehurcbe and school; on . main - macadamized road leadine to Daring 8 mile away; no building, but good spring; east Ids. 48 minute drive of 4 to and Washington, inter and summer. i- C. 1 CORB1N CO., 305-6-7 LEWIS BLDG. CHEAP ACREAGE S acres $260, $10 down, $5 per month, bays 6 acres of land between Portland and Centralis, on the main line of 8 railroad. 1 to 3H miles of good little town; sawmills and log ging Camp in immediate vicinity; some of this bind-is pertly cleared; running stream; some bottom land, rome bench. This acreage priced from (23 to f 75 per acre. Can fir yon any kind of a piece yon want CHARLES DELSEL, 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. FIVE ACRES. SUBURBAN HOME EASY TERMS . - Southeast side, near 82d rt , paving, ho rock or araveL sightly location, about 12 minutes' Walk to car, 20 minntes' drive from center of town, open and light brush; 81870, lOi per cent cash, balance to suit. Do your own im proving and save two-i hints of What it would iwi to buy property improved by th other fel low. -J. V, CORBIN CO.. 05 T LEWIS BLDG. 0 ACRES WITH TROUT 8TRE M ' Located up Scapponse creek and accessible toy auto or train In 1 H hours, mile irom tion, several .acres fine bottom land along creek, bal ance 'Bright slope, no rock, gnod roil, no un- pmvemsnta. Price $oau; $50 down, easy monthly payments, A. J. STARKE. Chapman, Or. Bo 3. , COLUMBIA 11IGHWAT Fifteen acres near the highway, between Cor bet t and Chanticleer; spring creek, some choice timber, rtoh toiU lies fine, good view. . Listen I Non-resident rscrllees for $1500; terms. K ASER . RA1.VEY B28-0 Qco Bldg. ' - Mawhan 8125.- " 1T60"E5CATES tOU "OX 3 AC RES . Located 8 miles from Portland by t'o-vull val ley mad, covered with trees; fin country home site or chicken ranoh; electricity and eas avail able. . Price- $1175: terms $100 jash, balance easy monthly payments. H'EDDKMANN COMPAXT. ' 018 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES ' $1050 , Rich soil, spring water; land lies fine, on rocked road, green irn year mtrnd ; don't for get to look this up. See A K. HiU. 214 Lum- petmen Mdg FOR SALE By owner, nifty acre in Parkroo, all . under - cultivation. . 8 block front Co lumbia highway and car, on block from hard surface road. Good 8 room boue and -out-- building, light, gas and water. Bearing fruit tree and berrie. Price $2500: $1800 cash, balance eay. Phone Seflwood 898. 8 ACRES; 5 room house, three chicken houses, - barn; Wichita station on place, half way be tween Golf Junction and Ients, tc fare, by tickets $10 a month. Only those experienced in . chicken business need apply. Evenings and Sun day: first house left of station onaO-W, P. CHOICE summer homesitea, . consisting of 12 1 lots, nearly an acre, at: Gladitone. near Clackamas river and railway, on paved high way; best of soli; bargain at $860; would take uto or piano at $350; balance 1 very easy. . Evening and Sunders, East 6778. 8ACUIFlCEIe40scres" 'logged eff "land33 miles from Portland.-quarter mile from sta tion: 4 acres cleared, good water, no vock or gravel; 2 miles west. of Gaxton; no debts. Price $475. Owner, 321 cor. 20th and Quimby its., i'ortlsnd. - I 14 MILKS FROM POUTLAxli . 8 acres, located 1 mile from YlillshTra, Or., til under cultivation, county road, t, mil from rlrctrio line and station. 1 Cheap house. Price $789, $330 eash. Sea Brooks with Jjiin Fer gufcon, Gerlinger bldg. .SEVEN acres, best soil, good buildings, fine water, nice orchard, in splendid close-in dis- tiict; only $3250. terms. Good place and extra food, bargain, - SAMUEL DO AK 1202 Nnrtjhwetern Bank Bldg. yWO acres, 80 bearing cherry tree, apples. ' peaches, peers, prunes, grapes and berries; 7-room house, bath, garage, barn, chicken house tnd yard r close in; a real bargain. 2614 67th .8. E. Tabor 833. By the owner. FOR SAL&- Fine little place, 2 V acres, fine sMl, 5 room lieuso, hot and cold water, all kinds fruit, large poultry hoove, greenhouse. -Ore-nn City car to Glen Echo. mils east. J. D. McFarlane. Telephone 457B. - 8 H ACREd. 3 room honae, bam. chicken ,houMs, granary,-some fruit, good well, living wtter, 6 acres nnder plow, 1 mile from Dayton. Only 1150. Phone !5et 291$ ; CHICKEN ranch ror.aale; terms. Take Liberty bonds a part payment; near Vancouver. . . - BCXJOESS A CO., - 151 Front t. - - F 10 ACRES, trade or rent, IO mile Hawthorne bridge; paved road, orchard, meadow, 8 acres pasture, 400 cords wood, house, barn, out bullding, running water; terms. 120 Broadway. FOB SALE 234 acres' of fine, smooth land. 8 miles east of Salem, paved road, well drained, timber enough to pay tor the place; $00 per acre, eay term, jr. Ij. wood, Box 67. Salem, LEAVING city May 1- 1 acre cU in. al most half price.1 $650. 1 828- Main at. Room 4. - - ONE or two acres eultivsted. H mile to 6taa ley, Eetaojda line, very good soil, 3700 per acre; term. Call np Sell. 1714. ask for Miller. liOL'SK and acre, all set with fruit of ail kinds, . on Pacific highway. Jut below Linnton. Price (1200. 785 E. 75th ot. N. (1100 1 ACRE of fruit, garden, chicks, old house.-6 rooms country Tillage; terms. Own r. (ire-ham. Or.. Route A, Box 120. FOR SALE 5 acres, 8 miles on Oregon Klx , , trie; house, furniture and farm implements. J 81500. Mwt be sold Owner V..f t,V2 " U i 't E ' ' 1 . , 1 i . 11 "i v iv oanEi -as m-rw at Aioua, oeiween Beaver- ton and Reedville; right at th station, cheap Terms to suit buyer. Inquire at 488 E. 9th st. 8. $1250 1 acre land, 4 room hSuae, brn "and tool house. Evergreen at., Oregon 3ity line. 'wn t yuimrry et- i none rawy. 357 40 ACRES, railroad and highway to Portland 1000 cord 1st growth fir.' i. Scott. R. 1" Sherwood. Or. - T TEN acres, ff room house, (1750; 30 fruit irrea; cn r-anine, -y mil irom UOnug. John rimuic, 00 j rtusseE sc. ' PRUNES My beautiful 5 sere home near Van? eouver and electrie car. $2300; terms. : 1651, uenver eve. w 00a lawn eaus. BIX highly improved acres, fin buildings, water, gas. all kinds fruit, bargain prio (10,000; terms. Tabor 2874. . BEAUTIFUL. 9 acres, fine improvements, city water. IS. lays right, priced right, swell, a humdinger. Tabor 274.' - . . 261 seliei 40 ACRES of excellent soil, psrtly improved. near Sherwood, 1 8 miles from Portland: 83000 buys it; terms. J. R. Wolff, 228 Henry bldg. 1 OR 2 acre at Metsger station; running stream all year. Main 6852. 976 C0rbett.1t. TIGARD ACREAGE, near station, clear, en creek. - Kat B874. - ' - ; BASE LINK road, close in. 5 acres or leas; (350 sere, iiwntr. bowv. ot. ACREAGE near Portlaiul for sal on easy terms. M. E. Lee, 805 Corbett bldg. - . s- TtEAIi ESTATE ACREAGE 7 A 8ACHIFICE : - 80 acrek - In Jackson Co., 2 A miles from rood town and railroad, on graveled road, mail and milk route, doe to neighbor sod school. 1 tV seres in crop, 1 5 seres easily cleared, bal ance fir timber- and.. psuctthr, mostly tli level, good creek, 4 room home, large barn, sosse vrir : fence. Price -- (1600; part time; clear title. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON t McHAHDl SOME good bargains near Multnomah Station: . 2-8 acre and ft room house. $1250. - 1 acre, all in fruit. 8800. 100x141. .$$80. . r 10 acres, 1 cleared, near Tigard, $178 pet acre, t Easy terms. We hav a number of good bare sins in this locality. FTTZGIBBOIf A CALWAT. : 401 Board of Trade. - " HALF ACRE. CLOSE IN 5 -room houss and sleenine tmrch. 'avsement. 8 block to car line; 27 fruit tree, teas, elec tricity ana caw water, t'nc only sauuo, eiuuu MT.DDEUANN fioMPANT. 818 Chamber of Commerce. 9 ACRE tract, ft acre cultivation, good rock road, 1 V mi, paved highway, 13 mi. Port land, sightly; Uwtnt priced land near Portland. $1SOO. terms. Bdwy. 1413 Ttnutneas hours, Et TCaa ever.mga. Owner, 811 Koee at. 4 H ACRES on Oregon Electrio line, Green burg stsUrm, nice orchard, small fruit, plowed for spring cultivation. good 4 Toom house; price 12180, cash or term. Mrs. H. Ix Bunnell. Ticard. Or. FOR SALE -S7' acres, 24 miles from Beaver creek. 1 mile J from elec rsilwsy; 4000 cords of wood, also large and small cedar poles; a bearing -orchard and' a good spring. Prtc $2000, eaxh. Woodlawn 1135. SUBURBAN ACKfcAGE PORTLAND HEIGHTS A very choice , acre, only 4 blocks Council Crest car. All kinds of pretty trees, unobstruct ed view, spring which never goes dry. Can be mad a beautiful plaoe. faces on paved road; no. assessments against it. Will divide nicely. A Wure chance to make a big profit by buying it at sacrifice price of 82000; terms. KASER A BA1XEY. 828-8 Gasco Bldg. Marshall 8125. 5 ACRE8 $675 Adjoining city limits of Oregon City, fine soli, not in cultivation and no modern bunga lows on It. This place is conservatively worth $1000 and land in the immediate vicinity in boom times bas sold for as high as $500 per sere. Io not forget we said 8875 for the whole 5 acres. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. Open evenings and 8undaya. RAISE CHICKENS . 2H acres, with creek, rich soil, modern style bungslow, modern chicken buildings; going at a big tacrific for quick aalsv See A. K. Hill, 214 Lumbermen bldg. SUBUItBAX HOMES COUNTRY HOME, HILLS BORO 85 acres, all in cultivation, 20 miles from Portland.. 8 acres fruit in full bearing, 70O addi tional apple trees. 3 years old ; 1 5 acres of bottcgn isnd. of which 10 acres U beaver da a; good 10 room house with bot and cold water, furnace, fireplace and electrie lights, mountain water, 3 story barn with full cement basement, chicken iKjuse with capacity for 250 laying hens, 2 acres in lawn, a wells snd windmill, spring, new fences. This plsce will make an excellent country home and fnmiab good revenue at th same time. Will take good city property as part payment. Price $10,000. C H. Woodward. BITTER, LOWE A CO., . 201 7 Board of Trade Bldg. BKAUTIiUL COUNTRY HOME 20 acres, on electric line, close to paved highway, 17 miles out. Kins modern hou-e -with bath, toilet, electric light?, water pressure sys tem throughout building: snd grounds, concrete floors in bam. chicken and hog huuot, fine oil, trout stream, home orchard and thousand of roses, flowers and all kinds ot shrubbery and many beautiful trees. This place represents an investment of $11,000. For ;uick sale 1 am authorized to sell it for $7(0(- JOHN E. IKvV A:D, 818 Chajiber of 3oimerce. (2500 buys 5 acres, close to Portland, 6 room new house, barn, hog house, family orchard, good well, 8 acre under cultivation, some farm tools. $500 cash, balance like rent s ' JOHN BROWN 324 Railway Exchange Bldg. 1-5 -ACRES 4 blocks of station, new 4 room house, good outbuildings, Jersey cow, spring r."' on- , fralt tree and shrubbery; (2900; $650 eash. terms. ' "JLV . room uouse, outbuUdings. good tow 8025; 8150 cash, 15 per month, at Jennings Lodge, Oregon City ear. , . Sunday at Jennings Lodge. Week days. 800 Chamber of Commerce. $1450 100X200 COTTAGBTiSO Just east of Reed enll0A - . . 4 room shingle cottage on 100x200 feet of ground. Cement sidewalks and graded street in. Abundance of fruit and berries. Can arrange term. See George 1. Henry with FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abington Building. Main 1068. Main 5156 Office Open Sundays and Evenings. ,.,. mrThomeseeker " Wouldn t you like to own . a nice little sub urban home, where you can enjoy the beauties of the country life and raise your own vegetables, fruit, chickens and eggaf I "have some nice suburban tinm f ..1. .j , " - ow. muu Hcuun, i.Ti. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama Bldg. OIRTCHEAF .BUHf."1 few Metager on Oregon Electrie, all in cultivation, he f hie close to station. Price c-my $3r0. J. D. GORDON WITH JOHN E. HOWARD, ' 31& namber of Commsree. 5 ACRES fine river 'bottom garden land, fronts on Tualatin river: 6 room cottage and com plete set furniture; hen house, barn. Why go to mountains when you can get a place on the river for an all th year home: 12 miles from Portland. $1600, $1000 cash. Oscar Frey tag. Gladstone. . COUNTRY HOMES wI xr2nWfili. home,on the Oregon City car line I win locate you from a house and lot un t"""0": o vacant acreage from $500 to $2000. Mrs. P. M. Young. Alder. Brook, Ri. rBrn"piv"nui-o 1 sere rustic 8 room cottage .'. , 1 acre sightly 4 room house . , . . 1 acre modern 5 room houe. . . , 8. O. DILLMAN .(1600 . 2900 . 8500 8th and Main et. Oregon Citv. n. 1 ACRE home $750. all in cultivation; neat 8 room cottage, nicely painted; 8 fruit trees Jtwt coming into bearing, aU fenced, barn 20x 1 2tSr.5onlt",',,,r commutation rate. $200 "1'"-8? P rrt.h. Fred W. German, 723 Chamber of Commerce. N-I:T Wgiereof lsndinsuch sharX " ? ? beautified by any person wishing to buUd Zlfc"' M- 3' Clohessy, 415 Ah- IF you are looking for improved or unimproved Place on either side of the river, facing the rher. I can satisfy you. 1 am satisfied, accord"! to your taste and your idea of investment so Mndly call on M. J. Clohessy, 415 AbingtoS 1 ACRE. 6 room bouse, old but comfortable, mm fiirniltiM . nrl Mi,i.v . 1 . : --- ..- ..i.iv mens ma garuen, on good road and prominent comer for . gasoline v... vu.. vii vjivoiuin f v. j7 . 1,. ; prioe elOOO' terni if desired. Also office building en comer' Brown A Cleveland. G res ham. Phone 081. IF you want 10, 20 or 30 acres of land. U in 4 Vxla'.0.S.. tll WOTt n the famous rich district of Wltehaael. dose to the carline. at 200 per acre, call at the office and hear about it M. J. Clohessy. 418 Abington bldg. ONLY $2500 for 5 acres" ot land; no prettier lying land to be- found. On the road to the Columbia highway as well as on the elec tric carline. $1000 in cash will hsndle this. at.; J. utAitiKaay, 4in Abington bldg. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, about 4 acres, fine modern buildings. Must be sees ta appreciate bargain. Telephone appointment to inspect! Mendonholm. Oak Grove, Or. Tel. Oak Grove x 93-M. $1200 4 -ROOM COTTAGE ' 100x120. all In cultivation, fenced,. 12 fruit tree, on West Side. 20 minutes out; terms, A. H Akerson, 41Q Henry bldg. Main 7248 ABOUT M acres of, choice land, about half in cultivation; all fenced, running water, good county road; Just beyond Gresham., Houck, 110 rust st. 5 ACRE chicken ranch at HUlaboro; all in eulti vation; 9 room house and fine chicken houses; orchard, etcr bargain at (2500; terms. J. B, Wolff, 228 Henry bldg. ; (3000 BUYS a fine 10 acr home near Tigard; 8 room house, bam. orchard, good auto road; nlendid buy; good terms. J. B. Wolff. 228 Henry Bldg. ; - -- ;' . y . .. M -ACRE tracts , near Shahapat station, on Oregon Electrio, (250 and up. Hous built if desired. Main 8182. - Wm. Borsch, $2100 takes lovely suburban home of 8 rtM-maT lawn and large fruit trees. Close to carline. isoor 10111 (S0O0 BUYS H acre. 5 room house, steel . range, etc.. H block ear; let the fruit ray Interest; (500 cash. Main 1648.. Main .1377. 7 R06Mhouse. K acre, at StanleyUonT Eataeada carline, all modern; ' com- out or jf.iv. r. jauier. IF YOU want a horn at Garden Home, 'easy terms.: nri rlvht am . u tr:. . - i " rw .ir"'3 -;-.- HALF ACRE, fertile garden land. 5 room housed right in city; tear term. & it at 6414 48th ava. 8.' K. . . EKAt EWATB KUBUKUAN HOMES 79 OS the West Side, on the Capitol highway, ar ' nearly , 8 acrea ' e land,- improved mont beautifully. ' Of Q suburban home, this seems s b situated, so far a paved street and eity eonvenlenoes, as well a reeasving the full benefit of an ideal country bom beyond anything ta oompare. Fruits,, large and. small, of th bast varieties, in orer-abundance. The re is a good bam, chicken house and living spring on the place. There is a bungalow, small, of 4 rooms, and unpretentious, on this land. The location ia ancb that it should attract out of IO who da sirs a pretty euborbaa. home ; every inch of the land is in high state of cultivation, - The owner has been holding a price of (7500 on this place np until the present time. He fa leaving and offers it all for (5750: (3000 cash will be re o Hired. U. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. v.- ' ON the base line road, only 7 nslles from the corner of 8d and Morrison sts. ; yon go ail the vty to the fate on A pared street) there yon trill find this big 6 acres of land, highly improved, fiuit ot the choicest variety in full bearing. This land also fronts on th electric ear Una and sta tion riaht then, - On thia land is good, sub stantial 6 room house with a full cement base ment; there fa a big; barn, garage, chicken house, cream bouse with cement foundation and ce ment floors. There fa city weter. gas and lc iTic lights on the street. Did you ever hear ot anything like this before T For $5800 pays ia fnil the purchase price of this. It ia 14 at least v.bat land in the same vicinity can tie bought for, not so well improved; H cash to all you wilL hav to put up. as this place will pay the balanc of th purchase price in a very short time. . M. J. Clohessy, 4 1 5 Abington bldg. TX you want a beautiful boms on the river with all of the eity conveniences, nn the west side in the best part of Riverdale. There is 1 big acre cf land with a 0 room modern, np to date house., This fa very valuable property; it fa anch a place as people of means are looking for. The owner of this place fa a non-resident and be offers it fcr much less than ita value. 7SOO i th price, $4000 cash will have to toe paid down. J in an investment or tuts Kind tber is no wsy in which it can prove otherwise than one of big profit, as well as a very desirable place to live, lou know, of eoune, that there is only f 3 much river froutage, and 00 more can be made, and tbese river places are not for sale every day. Call and make inquiry about this place. M. J. Clo hssy, 415 Abington bldg. HERE fa one that defies comparison in price or location: 10 acres of land with h crop of fruit, berries of all kinds galore. The irtcoane from the berries alone at . the present contract price will nay the entire purchase price of this land in less than 10 years. This year's trop alone will amount to $1500 of the fruit on the plsce. All of this lies on the Base lins road on the main artery to the Columbia highway. The distance out ia only 7 miles. The price we will say without quoting is hk what this place should sell for. $2000 eash will handle it. There U a house, barn and big chicken and poultry honses, ur to date in construction. M. J. Clo hpssy. 415 Abington bldg. ' . ONLY $4000, for more than one big acre right where; you want it, on the Riverdale road, 00 the Red carline, on the river and every other desirable situation that you could suggest. The grounds are artistically laid out. There 'to a 4 room bungslow on this place, every city con venience is in this bungslow. This price is about one half what you could buy a similar place out in thia restricted and. high class district. There to where everybody likes to live, but heretofore the prices have been to high for property that it ha excluded a great many; $1200 will satisfy. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. 3.6S ACRES, in cultivation, acre berrie, fruit, extra choice land, no rock or gravH, 7 -rnorn house. on paved road. Ha .-ar faie; $0000; good easy terms; this is cloe in. 10 acres nice level land. 6 acres cultivated, balance brush; V-rnom plastered bouse, close to school at railway station; paved read, 4- min ute out by auto; $3000; (1000 cash, balance mortgage. 64 acres, all in cultivation, -4-roron louse, barn, horse, cow, chickens, buggy, harniiss, plow, lianrvw. small tools. $2500. half cash. . R. M. GATEWOOO A- CO.. 165 H 4th t, ONLY $1600 for a big H acre oTTand, over- llowinc with full bearing fruits, flowers and shrubbery. This hi acre lies so beautifully that no reasonable person could miuge.t au improve ment: close to the carline snd station, with 5c carfare: on a hard surface street leading into two boulevards. On this land ia a new smsll bunga low, with all city .. conveniences, such as city vatar, irn and electric right there; close to a city school. What more do you wantT Only $800 cash fa required to close the deal. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. A HOME IN GRESHAM Modern ' bungslow, 5 large rooms, closets, vestibule, center hall. bath, veranda, sleeping porch, double constructed, well finished; no re vs irs or additions required; acre tract. Bull Run water, woodliouse, henhouse, 20 Bartlett pears. 13 apples, plums, prunes, cherries, grapes, cur rants, berries. Is an. roses, ornssnental trees; public library, high school, churches, lodge, raved road; city privileges, country advantages; fJOOO. A home built and -occupied by owner. N. O. Fuller, Greshara, Or. MULTNOMAH STATION A BIG BARGAIN H of an acre, on Capitol highway, all in high state of cultivation, lota of fruit and berries, good house, bam, chicken house, woodshed and good well. A dandy buy in the best suburban district around Portland RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 Oak at. Broadway 4133. IF you want highly improved 1. 2 or 3 acre. with up-to-date, modem bungalows or houses, on the carline and on paved street, every thing modern with profusion of fruits and flowers, on the Oregon City carline at Court ney and Oak Grove, and other districts as far south as Meldrum station, I have a large list of such places, ranging In price from $8000 to $0500. Call and we will show them to you. J M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Abingtou bldg. OUT Greahara way, on a good road,, paved, you might say almost to the gate, are 10 big, beau tiful seres, all of it cleared, all of it in cultiva tion. On this land is a new 5 room bangalow.with a full cement basement; there is a bum, cliieVen house and garage; -everything goes for $5250; and if you have a bungalow in a good residence district in the city to the valne of $2500. that can be applied on the pnrchsse price. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. . ONLY $1400 for S big lots, acre of ground; with all kinds of fruit in full bearing. On this H acre is a good substantial 8 room house, with city water, gas and electric lights right there; city school only 4 blocks away ; walk on a cement sidewalk to the station, with 5c carfare; ride in a machine to the gat on bard surface street. Can you beat it? This must be all cash. M. J. CLiOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG, ONE big. beautiful U acre of land, very highly improved. Urge assortment of fruit in full bear ing. There is a new 4 room bungalow on this place, every city convenience to be. found, only 1 00 feet from, a city school, close to the station at Capitol Hilt and the price for all of it fa only SZ5O0: one naif cash will bsndle it, 11. i. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $3300 tor 5 acres of land. aU In culti vation, adjoining West Portland park, close to Multnomah station. This adjoins laid that has sold for $1500 per acre. It Is In pretty section of the west side. M. J. CLO- HESSY. 415 Abington bldg. 6 ROOM house, bath. 6c fare, Oregon Electric, $1600; terms. Mar. 1874. FOR SALE FARMS 17 10 ACRES, all in bearlDg prune, good small house, garage, on good road. 6 niilvs from Vancouver. Indications are for a big croo this year; tost year's crop (2000: priee $5000, half cash, balance terms. 47 acres, 87 scree in" cultivstion: S-room modem house, 3 years old; water piped in house, stationary tubs; new barn and silo, other out building: family orchard and small fruit. 2 acres In walnuts; H mile from store, school and church,- on good road, 12 miles from Van couver; priee with crop $9000. This is a good buy; H cash. W. W. Wilson Co.. 811 Wash, st,, Vancouver, Wash. SEE THIS PRUNES 13 Vi CENTS A POUND 0- acres, all level and all in cultivation. 3 acres in full bearing Italian prunes; 4 room plastered house, bam, chicken houses, etc ; only 6 mi. from Vancouver, on auto road; Joins school and mi. from carline. If you hurry you can buy this for, 62400, on very easy farms. Might rent to responsible' party or take good auto a first payment. THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON, 8d and Main sts. .- Vancouver, Wash. $100 DOWN, $15 MONTHLY 10 acres of rich bottom land, all in cultiva tion, good size shack. 1 Va miles from Talbot station, on Oregon Electric. Total price $1200. Fred W. German Co., ,732 Chamber of Com merce. Open evening and Sunday, "" PRUNES PRUNES ' ' For sale, 155 acres, 82 i:res 4-year-old prune. 2 acres walnuts and other fruit, bal ance high state of cultivation; good bnildhnrs, fences, road, etc.; bargain. $25,O00: cash; no agents. 1: y, box ua, 1 anag, tir. HIGHLY IMPROVED 10 ACRES All in cultivation; 5 acre 9-year-old apple trees; food 2 story house, fine well, on hard surf seed road, clos to Newberg. Full price only $3500. Terms. OEO. t. MOORE OO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 62 ACRES, all in crop, on blghway, 8 miles from McMinnviBe. New buildings. Join school, arms fruit. Win sell aU or part, Owner, Ira Barber. McM'InBvflle,- Or. FOR SALE 8 44 acres, suitable for loganberries, 4 miles to cannery. At Hubbard. Or., on Pa cific highway. Fair building and orchard. A snap. Addreffl H. J. Koedel, Beaverton. Or. 40 ACHE farm at Barton, en Enaoada line. House . and bam. On good road. Just M price. Room 607 4ft 4th tt. Phone Bdwy. 1836. 200.ACBE farm for sale. Will take house and ; kit as part payment. For particular write T. Dhooghe. MohUla, Or,. R, 3. . NICK, little farm of 16 acres, 12 miles out on the Oregon Electric. 10 acre in cultivation. inquire 2ts naimon St. FOR SALE Equity in good valley (ram; crop - u. sjanwiau . alter a p. m. - . - .-.-...'., BEAL ESTATE FOK SALE FARMS 17 JsUia (433. 6th and Washington. SPARES-8TETEN8 CO.. . SUITE 511-12-13 WILCOX BLDG. WHEAT BANCH 800 acrea in Crook county. Oregon. 800 rn cultivation. gOO aeraa good pasture. All fenced and cross fenced, watered by good. wU with windmill, gasoline engine and pump. Bona 16 x24, barn 50x60; blacksmith shop and well house, chicken house and yard." With else goes k personal property consisting of S horse, yearling coil, wagon, tbree bottom gang plow, four sec tion harrow, subsurface packer, 12-foot disk bar row and small tool. Pnee $14,000, half cash, balance lone time at or will take modern kdwelling in Portland as first payment. If clear. IV , DAIRY AND HAT BANCH 340 acres fin black loam soil on the Cow- tits nver in Iwis county, Washington. 200 acres in cultivation and in meadow, SO acres slashed and partly surface cleared, nalanee heavy tatn berltong tb river, easily logged; all fenced and cross fenced. Frame bouse, 2 good barns, milk house, granary, chicken bouse and melt house; 8 good wells and several springs; right on navi gation and 5 miles to railroad and live town : on R. F. !.. telephone and milk routes. Pric $17,600. Never offered at this price before. Owner very old and in ill health-; must sell. G A EDEN LAND 50 acres near Woodbtirn, all la high state of cultivation; improved with house, barn and out buildings: all fenced: plenty good well water, Vs mile from It. B. station on S. P. and 1 miles to station on Oregon Electrio line; just a fins garden; will raise onions or loganberries and of fered for $6000 oa terms, or will sell in 10 acre tracts at (150 pet acre on easy payment and low rat of interest. ORCHARD AND NUT TRACT . 15 acres. 12 acre in fruit an) Enalish wsl nnta, 8 acres fine grove where buildings are lo cated; bouse 16x32; 8 miles from a nice town or. the 8. P. B. R., about 88 miles from Port land, on a good road. A nice home and a money maker and offered for (6000 on teams. , ONION LAND 13 acrea, 1 mile' from good high school in a good little town 30 miles from Portland on hard surfaced road; improved with small house, fine barn, fences; well only 17 feet deep, all ce mented up with pump in ; concrete water trough in barnyard. All kind of fruit and berries. Land in very pink of condition and covered with a heavy growth of green foliage, just ready to turn under and plant to - onion. This year's crop Bnouid pay for It. Offered at 2-3 of its value rBd (600 cash will handle, long time on balance. KERNSDALE LANDS 27 aeres rich black second bottom garden land with 12 acrea in cultivation, balance easily put under plow; right at the station on the Estacada carline, only 27 miles from Portland. Will divide and sell or sell all together for (150 per acre and give terms. SUBURBAN HOME 2 acres, best of garden land and all in high state of cultivation: will raise anything, com, beans, tomatoes, melons, peanut, loganberries; all kinds ot fruit; 23 fruit trees now in bearing; 3 room house with large closets and pantry; fenced and lias iron gate; close to carline, on 6r carfare Price $3000. DAIRY RANCH 896 acres, 250 in cultivstion: abundance of outside range goes with place: 60 hesd of high grsde milch cows; elegsnt improvaments snd only $18,500 buys this place; some terms; close to 4 cheese factories. Main 6438. 6th and Washington. SPARKS-STEVKNS CO., SUITE 511-12-13 WILCOX BLDG. 24 acres in cult, bal. nothing but pasture. The cleared land meet all sandy bottom land: fine lsrge new barn. 5 room house, good gran ary, chicken house, cellar, all kinds of fine fruit; living trout stream on place; wagon buggy, mower, harness, 2 hogs, cow, plows, harrow, cream- separator, email tool, lass than H mile to store, sawmill, electric - line and sta tion, school, grist mill; 10 miles of Oregon lty; food location. Price $4500. $2500 down. This is a cheap place. Can't, be beat for the uuuev. E. P. ELLIOTT Se SON. 7th snd Main street. Oregon City, Or. VALLEY FARMS 87 acres 2 acres cultivated, balance tim ber and pasture; family orchard, 5 -room wood house, barn and outbuildings; fully euip.idd and 4 norses, l ooit, 7 cows, a heiters, 1 .teller calf, 1 brood sow. Chester White, 5 shoais, lot ot chickens and turkeys, all kinds tools and imple ments, i-nce, including everyuung, U,O0O; without personal. $9000; terms. .This fa worth investigating. 515 acres 49 acres in wheat, good stand 6-room new bungalow, new bam; :ood road. race, including crops, $9000; iod, easy terms. 80 aeres All in crop, choice Jand; good urge Dam, email nouse; $4000. good term. 103 acrea 75 acres cultivated, ome tim ber, rlo waste; running water. 7-room house. bam and outbuilding, family orchard, 3 young norses, a cows, cmcKens, lull set tools (tnd farm machinery; fully stocked and This is an extra nice place. Price Sia.fjOO-; terms, R. M. GATEWOOD Sc. CO., 165 H 4th t all tillable, 80 acres in cult., bal. all slashed off. burnt and in tame Destura: not hanl to clear: good 8 room, double constructed house, bam 4 6x1 20 ft., hog houre. granery; chicken house, garage; all kinds of gwod fruit; 3 homes, 5 cows, 2 heifers, chickens, hogs, mower, binder, rake, drill, disc cult, plow, wagon, hack, huggy harness. all small tools; living water. This i a dandy farm, located near Mnlalla nn id road and H mile to high school and store; price $13,000. $5000 down. bal. long time. Her n a uanuy place reaay to more in and go to farming. E. P. ELLIOTT A SON. 7th snd Main St.. Oregon City. Or. ACROSS FROM HOOD RIVER 80 acre fruit ranch. 50 at res in Newtown. Spitrenberg, Rome Beauties and King apples, be sides D'Anjou and Bartlett pears from 4 to 14 years old; 5 -room plastered bungalow with bath and toilet; cost $1800. 2500-box apple house and bam; located 8 miles from White Salmon, Wash. This is not an abandoned, run down place but an up to date, well kept, paying fruit ranch which is just now beginning to bear and be a paying proposition. Plsce has cot owner $21,000. We are authorised to sell it for $14,000, $4000 -cash, balance to suit pur chaser. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL FARM BARGAIN Stocked and equipped, 102 acres; 60 acres in cultivation, crops all in: 3 acres hearing ap ples, ' acre prunes, 40 acres timner and pasture-: running water; 8 -room house with fire place; bam 50x60; other. necessary outbuildings; 3 M miles to R, H. station ; M mile to store, school, church, etc.; 1 good team, 4 rows, u milking: 4 heifers, coming fresh; (i smrc, 1 brood sow with 9 pigs, some chickens, foil Mrt of farm tools and implements, practically new. Price for everything $10,600, $3000 'rash, balance long time, 6",. This is a good, live 'arm and a money maker. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 165 hi 4th t HERE IS A THURSTON CO., WANE, FARM. 8 V MILES FROM CAPITAL OF STATE '50 acres, black soil, lav level: no mrk .n fenced and cross fenced; two county roads, one on eacn side of place; good n room hone, phone, hot and cold water; bam and other outbuildings; some fruit and berries; 2 wells, fine water; gas engine, wood saw. 1 farm wagon, 1 spring wagon, x euggy and implements, 1 horse. 2 cows, 1 doa. chickens. Price (6000, good terms. We can take In a small place, close in. Op to $4000. STEWART A BUCK. 815 Northweetem Bank bldg. - GRAIN AND CATTLE MAKE WEALTH For the producer when be to located on cbesp rich land with good markets, where taxes and interest do not consume the profits. Be a pro ducer and grow rich Thousands are now doing so. W have the proof. rV'e can show you. Th very , best of farms, improved, $15. TO $40 AN ACRR Easy terms. Reduced rates. Writ or call for fsct. - UNITED GRAIN GROWERS SECURITIES CO.. LTD.. 624 Henry bldg. OWNED BY ESTATE MUST. ELL 234 acres 1 mfle from 8. P. station, ,'n I.ane county, 125 acre cleared, balance k imber and pasture; new buildings, including good 8 room bungalow, 2 bams and other oattvulding ; fenced and cross-fenced. . Ia fin oeignbor-iood. BcVngH to an estate, and they will sacrifice for $83 per acre to make quick sale. , LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 918 Chamber of Commerce. ' LANE CO., 40 ACRES. 373 PER ACRE Have 23 in cultivation. 15 acres ash pasture, black soil; neatly new 5 room bouse; bam, new henhouse; good well end running water. Price 80OO; term. Land all around this selling for $lOO and up per sere. STEWART 4k BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bsnk bldg. FOK SALE 29 sore rich t;iom land near Canby. Or., la miles from Kraft station. IS acres in growing crops, balance pasture;, could t cultivated if cleared; good, new improvement, laige bouse. 2 barns, cellar, granary. 5 - chicken house . good gravel road, rural route, school and church; bur direct; no land agents; 84000. Bub Keller, Canby, Or. , , 10 MILES FROM' PORTLAND-" 10 acre tract, fin level land, on paved high way to Newberg, auto passenger and freight serv ice daily from Portland. Would make a beauti ful suburban home. Cast be bought at a sacri fice. See u at once. GEO..T. MOORE CO. - 1007 Yeon Bldg. 127 ACRES, located at head of" Scoggin's vaBey. 25 acre in cultivation. Balance ia timber and pattnre: lot more land, easily cleared. Good for building sehoolhotue on place. Well watered, with good tront stream: $50 per acre and easy payments. Harry Ball, 431 Lum ber Ex. - . . 8TOCIIBA131NG farm for sale. (4000; good ami; o nours from ' Portland. Washington eounty. Phillip Zlezter, 1077. Clinton U w mm 11 1 s mm , about REAL ESTATB FOB. SALE FARMS 17 RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 3Q9 Oak St. Broadway 4133 A WHEAT RANCH :; MEANS A FORTUNE : 625 acrsi, 470 aeres cleared, balanc pas ture, volcanic ash soil, small farmhouse, aU fenced, good- spring of water, nine milea from railroad. Only (14 per acre. , Don't overlook this bargain. ALFALFA AND HOGS' WIN . 190 acres, 100 acres cleared and In cultiva tion. Volcanic ash soil, good 4-room house, barn 40x60, other outbuildings, all fenced, 4 miles from town, thickly settled district, a paid-up water right for 144 H acre. "40 -acres now ready to sow to alfalfa. This can all be put in alfalfa. Think what this means as an income producer. Pric only (60 per acre, on good terms. Will take some'' income property in Portland as part payment. A-COUNTRY HOME AT A REAL BARGAIN 1 9 acrea, all in cultivation, most of it gown to clover; will cut at least 50 tons of hay this year. Nice family orchard.' good fences, a nice 6-roonv plastered bouse, good large barn, chicken Iwwn, etc. Ijocated 1 6 m miles from Port land, on good auto road. Price only $4000, if taken, soon. It is sure a fine bargain. A FINE STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH x 20 MILES OF PORTLAND 658 acres; between 250 and 800 acres of choice bottom land, balance hilly 'but fin soil, will grow th finest kind of grass; no rock or gravel. All fenced. 80 acrea in cultivation, 2.000.000 feet of good timber. 7-room bon. large barn, targe silo, and other buildings. Why pay from $200 to $800 per acre for other land not any better than this and same distance from Portland? This we will sell you for only (33 per acre and give good terms. RELIABLENVESTMENT CO. 309 Oak Stf Broadway 4133 84 . ACRES in Clarke county, 2 H miles of La . i center, boat landing and Pacific highway high school, church and four larare stores V mile to school;. 55 acres in cultivation, 22 acres pai-ture, 7 acres timber, orchard of 100 trees, also some small fruit, good rich soil, producing grain, hay and potatoes; a fine, brook crosses Place, also spring and well; 6-rooin house, good hern, hen house, root cellar, barn holds 70 tons o hay; place is fenced with hog wire with barb wire at top; same household furniture goes witn place, also 4 cattle. 4 horses, 3 doa. cnicsens, i neavy wagon. I light wagon. 1 mew ing machine. 1 dice, 1 drilf, 2 plows.. 1 Shovel ruiUTiwr, l .ore. tiara spraying machine, 1 bar row, l nay rake, price (9500, Vi cash, balance- i." J' P" cent- tor particular! sddress Jiicnaei aiauey, Lm. Center. Wash. R. It. Ko. . oox it. FARMS NEAR GOLDENDALE, wAsiT" liU acre. 12 miles from "Meiul.le IK acres, under plow. 5 acres alfalfa, 4 acres spring ""--. uiir urcnara. ail Kinds or berries, 70 acres more tillable when cleared, several hundred cord of wood: good 4 room house, barn and outbuilding", good spring and creek; only (15 per acre, avu casu, oaiance good terms. l-'O acres. 3tt miles from Goldendale. 53 acres fall wheat, 16 aeres spring barley, 20 acres alfalfa, 12 acres summer fallow, 20 acres bunch grass pasture, lsrge 8 room house, large old bam. outbuildings, well; lend Hen wen. Mack ivam sou. j-rice includes au crops and equipment, .1 nones, cow, wagon, hack, weeder, dtv., drill. 2rw' 2 harness, hayrack, disc plow. .Price eou"". RTHKi terms at a per eent. EDWARD ABELING. Goldendale. Wash. 10 5 ACRES. All- under cultivstion: 6 room house, bam S0x5O, family orchard. Oood water. Team. cow. few chickens. Some farm implements. About 12 miles from Oregon City, rrice liiuu.uv. t" acres, 85 under cultivation. Well and spring. Oood orchard. 22 acrea in wheat, I in oats. 4 room house. Barn 4 8x60. Stock horses, 1 cow, chicken. Farm implements. a iouu .soing piace. r-nce ssauu. 00. S. O. DIIXMAN. Sth and Main st Oregon City. Or. 4 0 ACHES, 100 under plow, 116 open pa ture, 25 heavy timber; no waste land; almost level, aeep ricn redshot loam; running water 10 room nouse. J. barns, granary, machine nouse, is bead beautiful Durham cattle, 3 horses, complete set farm machinery, tools, abundance hay, grain and potatoes. Cream route. This fine stock or dairy ranch is ready for buyer to step risht in and go to making money ; it will grow anything that can be raised in this climate.' You get it for $16,000; $8000 caen, Daiance as you like. Uscar Freyta. Glad- stone. Or. Phone, Oregon City 289-J. 50 ACRE FA"B3T" BARGAIN Close to Oregon City. 25 acrea cultivated. 20 sagebrush and a few scattering old stumna E facres in timber. T room house, bam 50x60 and 1 or a outbuildings. All fine soil. 1 mils from store ana mile from school. Price $7500, $2000 cash, balance 6 fr. on or before 5 years. oeo c. ai. nrown witn NEILAN A PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermen bldg.. 5th and Stark sts. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS FOR THE MONEY 4 3 acres, short way down the Columbia in Wah.. 10 acre nnder cultivation, 20 more siasnea; good o room bowe. small bam; all fenced: fine trout stream by the place. This is aider land and the soil ta fine. Price (1750, nuns terms. tnis is a Bargain u there is one in ui country. STEWART A BUCK. 3 1 5 Northwestern Bank bldg. CLOSE TO PORTLAND 120 acres, fine developed farm. nodem buildings of all kinds; live stock and machinery SOOd School. flaor mttfn nn farm. b... .1 pty house to be paved highway 'inside of ? H montns; gooa roaas now. Federal luan of $7000. Price $200 ner sere, will accept other good ptupcrLy to tiv.uuu. WESTERN FARM COMPANY, 402 Stock Exchange Bldg. THIS modem 12 or 32 acres farm level, all cultivated ana planted wneat. oats, clover ganien, orchard; a fine modern 10 room house be-t water, garage, gaa, lanre barn, chicken nouses, beautiful location, 3 milea rst of eity limits; worth $20,000. will sell cheap. Some casn, otners on a or. 4 years' time. Fine for stock, chickens, or everything. Am going to teave uregon. laDOT 3U3T, Un Section Line roau, comer 01 jsarxer road. 20 ACRES All level land. A-l soil, some fruit; bam cost eouu; price aioou. 40 ACRES All fine roil, 5 room bouse, outbuilding. 8 Wrea in rnltivation, living steream. on good roaoi auu, tiuuv casn, balanc 6 years 6 8. a DILLMAN. Sth and Main sts.. Oregon City. 76 ACRES: 20 in cultivation, seeded; 60 till able; orchard, running water piped to 3 room house- and barn. This ranch is c.--pedally adapt ed to hog raising and poultry on account of this splendid stream running water; fine deep redshot toam; on cream route; near school, store and canine, ror Quick sale, "to close estate. 8S500 terms. Oscar Freytag. Gladstone. 15 ACRES At - Clackamas station and a mil fmm ih. city limits 01 r-ortiana. All cleared and has bean eultivsted. No buildings except an old barn. Price (3000. (1500 cash, balance on Urn 6&. See E. A, Brown with NEILAN A PARKHILL, 210 Lumbermens bldg., Sth snd Stark sts. WINLOCK. WASH. " " 80 acres, one half eultivsted. jrrain, hay and onhaad. 6-room house, bam and cutbuildtnsr. necessary machinery, plenty of water, now rented $200 per year. Price (8500; vould ac cept small r-orriana noma for part, WESTERN FARM i'OMPANY, ' 4 02 Stock Exchange Bldg. 1H MILES NEWBERG " Beautiful level 10 acre tract, with 4 room house and splendid well of water, 2 acre bear ing fruit trees, different varieties, close to school and church; on hard-surfaced road; (500 will handle. This fa a snap. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1 007 Yeon Bldg, FOU SALE- 80 acre farm on Pacific highway. 85 acres cultivation. 1 o a. timber, 5 a. stump; 6 room house, good barn, running water, 8-0 a. seeded to grain and clover, family orchard,. 3 horses, i 5 cows, 00 chickens, farm toots; price $11,500, $6000 cah. Phone 1718 Sherwood. Young A Wertfall, Sherwood. Or. 714 ACRES -" 8 acre in cultivation, living stream, all kinds of fruit. 4 room house, barn, 2 H mile from my office. A. C HOWLAND. 8th and Main : St., Oregon City, Or. TO SETTLE ESTATE " 820 seres. Wilhoit Springs. 40 ia cultiva tion; old buildings; about 8,000,000 feet tim ber. Pric $5100. B, J M'GUIRE REALTY CO.. 648 Union avenue K. PRUNES, eherries, pr, big crop, big price. near canneries, packing bouses; estimated crop pi educed last year over $4000; will take $1000 cash down, balanc crop payments, or will con sider to take boue and lot a part payment. 2 1 8 Lumbermens bldg. -i60 ACRES In Lincoln county, partly improved; 94 aeres in Benton county, with some im provements, balance fin piling and tie timber; all good poll. Sell cheap and might take soma property her for part Morgan, 606 Railway Exchange bldf. - f - - 40 ACRES, STOCKED. 3250 '30 acres in wheat, fair building. all fenced, 60 mile of Portland. . R. J. M'GUIRE REALTY CO.. r 1 545 Union avenue N. TWENTY" acre at Merger. Or.; good well. none cleared, nn buildings, rpring; if taken tfcj week, $s96. $80O eah. Wogdlitwn -4076. 59 - ACRES, some cleared; house. barn, on . county road. . school JbH across road: ' $860. $80Q down. Draper, 201 Wilcov. bldg. - 100 ACRE dairy raiichTTrwTll pay 20 per cent on fn vestment. N-423. Jonrna t 110 ACRES. 60 improved, buildings, on eounty --road. - A bargain. . A.. H, BclL 14 Second. BEAU ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 104 ACRES. U MILES k'ROM PORTLAND, i ALL STOCKED, (125 PKB ACRE. 149 acrea in cultivation. 50 acre in fine creek bottom: good 6-room house, bath, toilet, barn and good outbuildings: fine orchard : lies fine : ereek.-- aosn tin ash timber: 3 hones, new harness, wacoo. new binder, all farm tooa, 2 eowa, 8 hog. 100 chicken, lots bay; every thing goes; haU cash, .bafanc to suit at 6 per cent interest.' ' - 94 ACRES. ALL STOCK AND CROP f 60 acrea level bottom land, 83 acre in culti vation: new - 7-room - house, large bsm. other outbuildings; good orchard; 1 team, 7 eows, all fresh.- 5 yearlings, 20 goats, 16 pigs, mower, rake, plow, disc, harrow, 2 wagon, baca. all farm tools and machinery, all crops and feed, all furniture; en rock road. mile to school, telephone, R F. IX, cream route: S0O sacks of potatoes; everything awes for $8000; $5000 cash, balance to suit. BCNDY, 411 HENRY BLDG. TWO food little ranches for the money 20 acres 8 acres in prunes, also soma apples, pears, and cherries, and small fruits; small house, barn, chicken book and prune dryer; good spring. The owcer mad over on thousand dollars from his Ibis eroD of prunes. The land .is alignuy rou- ing; on a good county road. 8 niUe fmm two good town. Price .for a short time, $30WO. ood terms can be had. 19 acres, 6 in cultivation, balance timber and pasture: good well, nice little house of 4 rooms, good bam and chicken houses, email family orchard, on eounty road: 4 miles from tewn; price for a abort time, (1500. Terms Further particulars, Henry Ambler, Philomath, Benton eounty. Oregon. ' HIGHLY uncrored 40 acres. 27 miles from Portland, on fine road, 2 miles from good town, best of soil and. lies fine, well fenced, tin well, gasoline engine, good family orchard, very good 7 room house, fine larce new .barn, build ings all painted; (2500 will handle this. Also 260 acres, 40 miles out, 3 miles to railroad, all good soil, well watered. 1O0 acres bottom land in-cultivation. : some rolling paaturek eome tim ber; good stock or dairy rawch; $70 per acre and good terms. Havana good list of farms irom 20 to 1000 acres. Come and get par tfcnlars. Neal Brown. 207 Panama bldg. GET BICH FAST BEAD THINK ACT Half a million prosperous and happy Amer ican tanners are growing rich fast in Western Canada. Thousand f them started with a few hundred dollar. You can do the same. This is no dream. It's a fact that we can prove. Splen didly improved farms, $15 to $40 an acre, on easy terms. Best markets, towns, churches and schools. Write or call for information. UNITED GRAIN GROWERS SECURITIES CO.. LTD.. . 24 Henry bldg. 40 OR 48 ACRES The 40 acres has 25 acre in cultivation. 20 acres in fall grain, 5 acres plowed for potatoes and corn, 14 acxes of timber first growth. 1000 cords of wood. Orchard. large fine team. Binder, mower, wagon, buggy, harrows and other tools. 2 miles from electric carline. 5 miles Oregon City. Pric $5600. Part eash. The 4 8 acres joins Uii. 36 acres in crop. Family orchard. Price of 48 acre $6090. A. C. HOWLAND 8th and Main tta.. Oregon City, Or. SPLENDID .10 acre farm, about 3.1 'miles from Portland, 2 Vi miles from R. It,, less than mile to postoff ice. stores, church and school, on good gravel road, 30 acrea high state of cultiva tion, 20 timber, all good toil, in find dairy dis trict; fine spring water piiied to buildings; good 5 room house, hot and cold water, bath and toilet: everything in farm building, and all in fine condition. This fine farm can be liad foe $15250. Must have $8000 cash. NEAL BROWN, 207 Panama bldg. JOB SALE ideal country place, 0 acrea, best soil,- family oiciiard, berrie. Attractive five room house, good bam, 14 mile to Pacific high way. West Side Electrio station; church, school. On oiled road; ail conveniences; 6 miles north of Corrallls. Price $3000; terms. Also: Whest ranch. 480 screa, Eastern Washington; all in cultivation; 160 fall wheat: abundance of water: 2 miles, two towns, elevators. Priee $10,000; ttrms. A. M. McAndrew, Route 1, CoTvallte. Or. (50 PER ACRE WITH STOCK 160 acres, 50 acrea in cultivation. 50 acres of timber. 20 acrea of fall wheat, 20 acre spring oata, 10 acres In clover. 15 head of cattle, team, pig, chickens. 150 bushels of wheat. 60 bushels of osts. Binder, mower, rake, everything to run place. Price (8000. cash, balance long time. A. C. HOWLAND Sth and Main ets., Oregon City. Or. 77 ACRE tVfttM 20 miles from Portland, down the Columbia river on the Washington side. 1 H miles from It. R. station and Pacific highway. 15 acres cleared, 20 acres slashed and seeded to grass. Fairly good buildings, running water, over (1200 worth of personal property and 12 acrea in crop. Price $3600. See E. M. Brown with NEILAN A sPARKHILL. 210 Lumber meiu bldg . Bth and Stark sts. ROGUE riverfarm. will sell on"""foodtermior trade for food home. 150 acres, right on river. 3 V, miles from R. R. town. Box bouse. 6 rooms, Oood bam; about 00 acres in cultivation, 20 acrea in or chard, balance rolling. This will make a good farm, or fine summer home for anyone. Price $6000. Place fa free from incumbrances. Can g vs immediate possession. Stewart A Bock, 815 Northwestern Bank bldg. 4 0 ACRES 22 cultivated and seeded; no bui'id ings; $190O. $3500?" 91 cuKiTuT'28 ied; buildings; 105 acres. cultivated, 83 seeded to fall grain. New barn 8 room hou..e. Owner lives in Lo Angelea, (11,000. Pay $3500 to cover this year s trop. bal. to suit at 6 . Hugh Magee. Scott Mill. Or., or A.. W. Estes, 202 nu-iaj oiog. evenings phone East 840 41-ACRE IRHIGATs-n Vi nl 40 acres in estivation, good fence. 4 room house. woodshed ' and storehouse, ba coning houne, hog house. 2 poultry house, large frame bam and gamary, grain stacking shed, fsrm im plements and some stock, $7000. $1500 cash balance time Up to 6 year. 6. - Write W. a! Johnson, Rout I. Box 42. Kerby, Or.. Jose phine county. 60 ACRES NEAR HILLS BORO " A fine piece of land, slightly rolling, 40 acres under cultivation, 12 acres more ready for the plow; every foot can be cultivated; 3 acres or chard, good spring, fine well of water. 7 room house, close to first-class schooL Prio 8130 per acre; easy terms. t.fc-O. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 200 Acre Farm $5000 I got this farm under of a mnri. rage. The time of redemption having expired u cuuiicu u.a, oeea any day I call for it. See my friend at 610 C. of C. bldg. He can icu ytu au particulars. - ff, Fl.YNN. Anlauf. Or. HAY FA AM 60 acrea. level, all in hiah .t-t- ...iti.. uon. on nam roaa. . mile from chnni .,.-. t-and three milea from good town, 25 miles m. i-omano. '.ooa nouse and bam, fair fences: crops worth $2600 goes with, fsrm. Price $IG0 Fr acre; snout nan casn. Balance to suit. Phone evening Wdln. 806. L-037. Journal CANADIAN FARM LANDS Cheap land remarkably easy term t an seekers' excursion party leaves Portland for Cal- arary. aiomi, oaturaay, May 3d. Reduced rates. For further particulars see Canadian f-- cific Railway company, 208 Railway Exchange . , ,t ,. . , . -i , . : . . . - ...I,., ... a. iiK'fnwn, uistnci representauve. 120 ACRES, (2000 ' Just listen to this: 10 acres now in mill... tion. with a good 4 room house snd outbuildings, close to milk routse and a snlendid school, n mil.. from Timber. Or. Let us tell yon more about it; well worth investigating. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Toon Bldg. 200 ACRES. 8 miles southeast of Tamer. Sevt era! fin oak groves, plenty water, well fenced, good 8 room house, just papered. Good large bam with hay fork. Several pumps and trouglu ever place. Further particulars innmr of H A Wilson: 430 8outh Pin st.. Bosebura. Or. -ACRE farm for sale, 26 miles from Portland, in Willamette valley; a large house and bam. some fruit; just the place for chicken and dairy; part cash; 6 year on balance. Call evenings oetween and 8 for Mr. Peters. 411 ave. ABOUT 17 acre bearing orchard tract on tlte mam nurnway, about lsvu fruit tree: a tew minute f rem Monroe, Or.; ail kinds of fruit; n ideal location; ' This is an exceptional aood huv at (5000; term. A. K. Johunen. 114 t Heion st. Aberdeen. Wash. 24 0-ACRE stock ranch, 70 acres in cultiva tion, rest m timber - and Pasture : rood ..r- ehinl. springs and fences; fair buildings; 1 mile from school, 4 mile from railroad station. 'Jood auto road to place. Price $8000. Term. vrtt to K. A. Taylor, K.-1, Lyons, Or. 00 ACRE stock and grain farm. 21 cultivated. level, en cunty road. 200.000 feet saw tim er, nous, bam. granary, autbnildinn. nhitn. ovviliard, paid water right creek. wbooL Prioe 3'im. i owioer nous and lot to 620OO trade. B. W. Morgan. Waco Co.. R. 1. Wamic. Or. POLK COUNTY FARM : ' 200 seres. 140 in cnltiratich. aH ean h. plowed, toed .hou. large bern, orchard. 2 ntfle tc, station, gotvr road. An all around farm, (70 per acre. J. H. Moran. Monmouth. Or. "REAf. ESTATR AnfeMTBT Is Your Bund Ready for May 1, 1919T You Have to Have One WE WRITE THEM FOR TOtf BMTTH-W AGON E R CO.. STOCK EXCHAXGE FINE farm, 160 acres. 5 miles from Salem. main highway, nearly all clear black anil. well fenced, good buildings, spring tester, sTight ly rolling; (125 per acre. ' F, L. Wood, Salem, Oregon.-- - FOR SALE, 110 acre. 40 acre in cultivation. r mile nortn sf Vancouver, all rtock and farm implemTstA Included. Rout 5, Box 189, Vancouver, Wafh.- -- - 21 ACRES, 5 acres cleared, small house, near Sherwood,"- only $21 OO. easy term. 617 Cham, of Com. Mar. 2432, or Sell wood 8682, EXTRA FINE 40 acres. 16 in cultivation, in wheat all fenced, buildings; 7 uulei of G res ham; (5250. term. - 804 Spalding bldf. REAL ETTATS rOB SALE FARMS ALFALFA' LAND Fit SALE. 5000 acres of irrigated volcanic ash soil, with fully paid water right. Ley mU4 189 al. cast ot Portland on" main 11 n of Union Pacific system, near prosperous town wltk good bigb-.. schools, churches, store, banks, chaes. faetorfaa, cregmeriee, eve '--';' . ' v farmers .on this project ar pro ducing 8 to 10 Uw of alfalfa per -acre and ether trope In proportion, and wing to elimaUo condition thia proj ect baa th longest growing season ot any irrigated section in cither Oregon or Washington, Terms (25 per acr cash, balance ever term of 10 years at -6 per cent Call at office and see actual photo graph or writ for' particulars. 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash, NO OTHER SUCH OFFER IN OREGON 443 ACRE FARM. ABOUT 285 ACRES CULTIVATED: GOOD 7 ROOM HOUSE AND OUTBUILDINGS: FAMILY ORCHARD AND ALL YEAR - RUNNING OREKS; tiOCATKn ABOUT 8 MILES FROM BOHEBUBO ON iOOD AUTO ROAD. .LAND LIES FINE AND HS.S GOOD DRAINAGE. THE PRICE FOB THIS FARM IS ONLY $13,000, OR $2f,S5 PER ACRE. NOW. MR. LAND BUYER COMPARE THIS OFFER WITH THE LOWEST PRICED LAND OF SIMILAR KIND ANY WHERE. AND AS WELL I-OCATKD: YOU MMST ADMIT. WHETHER YOU WILL OR NOT, THAT THIS IS THE BEST OFFER IN FARMS VOD EVER SAW OR HEARD Or TllEHEFOHE. IF YOU ARE IXKJK1NG FOR A REAL BARGAIN IN FARMS, YOU BET TER LOOK INTO THIS OFFER AT ONCE, AS THIS AD WILLr NOT ARPEAR AGAIN. E. A. LINDGREN, -SAVON T1ND CO., 038 N. W. BANK BLDG, l.l.y.P thinkiux. far seeing men are now looking to Mexico, the war being over and condition settled, and are buying up lui agricultural lanuv They predict -on of the greats t .laud devel opment in lustory will take place in Mex ico. We have rich staTuraltural land, deep soil. sufficient rainfall for two crop a year; will grow most anything; delightful climate, cheap labor, splendid transportation facilities, on th Southern Pacific railroad and adjoining Ore gon farmers who are living there farming their tends. Our price are so a man can start fann ing on a large scale on much smaller capital than in this country where people know land val ue. Do your thinking now and write N. B. Anderson. 800 Chamber of Commerce building GOOD STOCK RANCH -flA ... 1 4 a 1. f.Ul. ft Lincoln county; 4 miles from railroid. Edilj- vllle. AH of this land can be seeded to grass. 23 acres in grass. 6 spring, some ot the 'and can yyt irrigated. 4 acre cultivated for garden and potatoes. Good young orchard. House 20x24 wood shed 24x28, barn 20x28. store Hons 12x 14, all good lumber, frame . construction. Good road to place. 1 mile from rural route, tele phone and school. Price $1200 ca.-.ii. As sessed valuation $1000; well worth $25-t. We will go with you to this ranch, any time. John Ferguson, tie rllnger bldg. 20 ACRE FARM - RICH BOTTOM ON BANK OF RIVER Here is an Ideal farm and home combined located only 80 . mile from Portland, close to good town, both rail and water transportation land all improved, crops in. For a few days we are authorized to offer this choice little farm for only $3000. Com in and let us tell you all about it. A. K. HILL CO. 214 Lnmherrhcns Bldg, Broadway 421. - CHEAP ACREAGE r "! 5 acre $260. $19 down, $5 per month, buy 5 acre of land between Portland and Centralis, on the main line of 9 'railroads, 1 V, to 8 H mile of food little town; sawmills and logging ramp in immediate vicinity; some of this land fa psrtly cleared; runlng stream; soma bottom bind, some bench. This acreage priced froiu $25 to $75 per acr. Can give you any kind of a pfec you want CHARLES DELSEL, 318 Hallway Kcbnge Bldg. ?1X)D RIVER - 10 acres, all pfanted to commercial varieties of apples, beard, cherrfas, strowberrle and call fruits, in the heart ot the beat fruit dis trict of the Northwest A comfortable 6-room house, good bam and abundance of irrigation vster. Price $8500 and terms. We know the Hood River valley - and any orchard property w can intelligently appraise, which we might submit for your consideration Tucker A Shreck. , J501-502 Spalding Bldg. - 2TMILF8 FROM PORTLAND 825 acres highly improved ranch, 100 acre in wheat, good orchard, first-class 6 room house, tors bam, . 20 oows, 7 horses, implements, eta. Everything goes tor (110 per acre. On of th beat proposition w hav on our books. Better investigate, t GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1Q07 Teen Bldg. ELEVEN MILES FROM PORTLAND (8700 22 acres, all fenced. 20 cleared and now being plowed. 7 room house, bam, good well and creek, 14 miles eaet of Clackamas, on -good road; (1000 cash, balance to suit of will take some cash and a hnwe in Portland. K. A. Brown. Q. C. OOLPESBKRO CO., 215 Abington Bldg. 114 ACPES. loexied ' m!e otbwet Cor valhs. Or., 8 mile from Philomath, 25 acr tinder cultivation. 65 acre can be cultivated, balanc good pasture, some timber. Good honws, bam, orchard, spring. Price (2fl83, $1291 ce balance at long time, John y.irgusun, (kirlmger bldg. ' - . HAVE 62 acre 4 ' mile from town, " Yamhill eounty, 42 in cultivation, 14; acre in bear ing prune, good houie, 2 bams, other bldg., Plenty . waten . small fruit. 2. bones, 4 eows, chicken, full set farm implement, 2 wagons, hack, bnggy, cream separator, 37000, $350.0 cah. 732 Patton road, city, Portland Heights, $50 DO WXf( 12. 00' MONTHLY , Fine, level 20 A. tract of unimproved land, 3 H mile from HUlaboro; $87.50 per acre; fine oil, running stream, good shack.. Fred W Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Open evening and Sunday, -. : . a . ., - 1080 ACRESin valley, 800 acre cleared, 1 50 acre under irrigation. Water for 850 aeres more. Gravity ditch. Good house, barns and other outbuilding, i On Pacific highway. 1-8 cash. Or owner would exchange for ; income property. M. E. Lee, 80S Corbett bldg. A BARGAIN 1 2 acre. aH In cultivstion. 4 in prunes. 3 of wheat 1 V of vetch, balance ready for plant ing, miH front station, 7 room house. .Easy terms. W. V, I (tea, gnerwood. Or. 100 aScHES, dark valley loam, all 1illable;'good Mags.; 23 registered cow, team ami Imple ments; fine auto road. Three milea from town. $ 10,000: easy term. To see it is to buy it D-s! with nwwv; L-64S. Jnitmsl. FOU FARMS, all sixes, 1. 2, S. 10 acr tracts. houses and lots rn and around Grsvbam. The garden spot of th west ; highways- and schools unexcelled; prices and terms are right. Brown A Cleveland. !rehanv I "hone 981. i; I'AKMKKS.'HK.RB J YOUR CHANCE I hav several first elas dairy farai. 'oTlv stocked, at reasonabl price and term.-- Also farm -and acreage of all descriptions, eee mi, Hciman I'eper, (07 Buchanan bidg. iJalii 5175. rHiMipsoN, mm & THOMPSON'- fUEAX. "ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS FOR EAHil SEEELEAS'COXSIDEHAtlOJt i . ' " ' $2000 . I ntghly improved 8 aeres, food 4 , room bun falow, 3 chicken bouse, woodshed, storeroom, veil,, about 1 00 bearing fruit tree, variety of ber rlea, well fenced and all in cultivation. Located 3 miles from On-con City; sidewalk D jthtvwa t. to place. Term. . . : , , : $4500 f 88 acres, 100 yard from, electric lit a tion, in Polk county, in well seiUud community. - - A J rich bottom land. H eultivsted and seversl mot acres almoet ready for plow. . Six room house, barn. 1& we It, family orchard and berrie;. leans' ot horses, wagon and harness. Terms. - tii i.onn , 1 4 0 M acres. 41 aoree now in cultivation. f. room htxue, good barn, good silo, chicken house, 1-ogluMue. family orchard, 11 eowa. 3 heifers, A hones, 2 pig, . 75 chicken, hameane. -fana inipfamcats and tools of all kimfa. located ta good road, 2 hiile from Oregon. City in op of th nicest locations In th rtate. phone in honse. close to good school and store. . Term that are attractive, . ,i - . . $14,000 : A 80 acres, between 35 and 40 tors now Id cultivation, good 7 room plastered house, lie wly painted; very good bam, good large silo and other nenejtary outbuildings; SO eowa, 1 bull. horses, harnesses and all kinds of farm irupla wenta and tools. Last year average . for nilik alone was $415.73 per, month. Located on good road. 8 miles from Oregon City, Nun betfcf or equally good dairy offered fur th prioe. Good terms. .... -.v."- E. A. LINIXiRFV. Savou Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank, bldf.; HHinkTMQ unnQ Awn BERRIES PAY h ( 75040 ACRES, ft CLEARED. TOUJm FAMILY ORCHARTi. OIJ BUILI 1NGS. SPRING WATER, ln 1IIUI FROM PACIFIG HIGHWAY. N. P. It . AND COWLITZ RIVER. COMM QUICK IF YOU WANT IT. . j (1500 10 ACRES WITH BCNGALOvV. XiAIt.-v AfiU RUNNING, WATElt IDEA T LtiCATION. IMMEDIATE iTi9 POSSESSION. (1500- 14 ACRES. uoor Momr.nv Rntryt INUS. WHICH COST (2000 TO BUILD. ALL FENCED MCUl TfftMT: THREE MILES FROM ESTACADA. J - $2500 10 ACRES. 5 CLEARED. ASSORT. KD FRUIT, 4 BOOM HOUSE. BARN,, SPRING AND WEI4, WATER. (UOOj lJL'-vJI08 MORTGAOB A h PER CENT. j,( (380680 ACRES IX . F1.NR OEOWlSfj M'ROP. 4 ROOM HOUSE. . BAB: 40x60. GRANARY, CHICKEN lIOl'Btfl (V?,ll- FJSK.. T'ARGE SPRING. - IS MILKS FROM PORTION D ON GOOD BOCK MO All. DAMASCUS. TERMS. (150025 ACRES. 7 CLEARED. BALANCB PASTI7RB. FINE SOIL AND OOOO orjtimii WA1KH. A. W. LAMBERT V SONT. 8 15. CORNER GRAND AVENUBJ AND KAlT PORTLAND, OREGON. OiPILETI Fill - a 118 acre, 85 teres in cultivation; 13 acres in fall grain, 15 acre of fin piling timber i rich black soil; ! acres sowed to clover and 8 serve seeded this aprtng; running water;, fenced- with woven wife and plank, barb wire; 10 room hou with hot and cold water and bath; fond well, pump, windmill and elevated tank. Bam, 60x75, with room for 60 head cattle; 2 chicken houses and " yard fenced tight. Cement milk and fruit cellar ;f food woodhouse: 8 acres ,of igbt-year-old Walnut trees, and a amaU t jsmuy orenaro. on mil to school, fiv miles to Canby, and fa on tele phone and rural route. Pric $180 Pr acr. Neighboring property to being held at $200 to $250. Tliis to part .of an estate and heirs wish to? sell. JJ.SANDSNESS, Canby, Oregon. - - I THE best 15 acre m th stat of Oa,gosi;a clear and in wheat with a big agveu roena cotontal house, three fireplace, hot and old water, some -orchard, lota uf hn4u - i east of Oregon City; $4000 will handle thia H 882 aeres. 60 acre in miiH,.(M, .1.1. i' bunchgraas land; about 100 acre cast b culti vated r all fenced and cross-fenced; county road run in front of yard; good 4 room farm honr - rustle oa th OUtaid. naintad and in mnnA .1...... small basement, double walls and filled In baA tween witn ,aawnni; a good well; food cigHtf months school a mil from the plan; lots of neighbors, 3H mile to th clrweat town. Th Strahom railroad lust misse tb ranch fir mile whan it ia eomuleted. Tham .m ., tog tools would let go with the ranch and honssw now gooa. i ru ,l ;er acre. Would trade .foe Portland property. i . , . , 118 acres, nin milea narth f Hllihn-' r.a aeres ln cultivation, about 80 mora could be cul tivated: th very best of red hot land; fair six room hous. good barn and lot of fanuinn t such as gsaolin engine, ensilage eutter, new ror rouer, gooa ante plow; also 10 bead of eattl. 0 head ot horse and a good milk rout nnnine into th Hillsboro coitdensary. This plac-xul clear $4000 jr year above all running expense. Receipt on the place to show. 8600a will die this farm. , CHAS. GARDNER, f" Msin 2507.' . - 812 Broadway Btt ' BENTON. UXN AND POLK CQUJTIE- w 600 acres, 800 cultivated. 300 in eron. t.l- nce otien paature. Pric 843 un acea. 1 nrii from CorvaiUa, . t , 845 acres. 310 in ultlvation and In cLi dandy land. PH, including crop, stock aujj machinery, (40,000. , . . 1 1 60 acres.' all in cultivation. flr HnlMlninL A mile from Corvalito. rrie (100 per scra.7 ' f 90 acres, second river bottom land: 70 aeraa in cultivation; good house, fair utbuiidigsv' Pric (8300; (2500 cash, balanc term. i - 20 acre. 12 acres In prunea. fair old buildi Ings; 4 mile from Corvaiila. 'Frio (S5002 -$1000 cash. . IM "- ..... .... ......... i Mr. Kinney wit! be at Imperial hotel for a few - day. Call and see him. - i ' KINNEY A CO., AGENTS, CORVAIJJ8, OB' EXCEPTIONAL BUT 42 4are. 80 acre in cultivation. 8 arree covered wtUi nlc timber, balanc aiaslien and seeded te paatare, smalt stream through place, v aeres seeoeu m timouiy ana eiover meadow, 3 acre to cheat and v.U-h. 2 acrea rxitatoei and 8 acre corn, 2 0O good exlar pnat, young orchard in full bearing, all kinds of berries and small fruits; food barn, emipped with liar iork; machine sited, new chicken hous and prk, root cellar and woodshed. 4 room house. tow tf-tlier with 6 eows, 1 butt manure spread r driB,- plow, barrow, mower, dice, rakst tedder, root chopper, new DeLeval separator; nty 4 hi miles from good town, clos to school. hs tl mrsl advantage, very best of soil. Prio (4250. half cash. i THOMPSON, SWAN A THOMPSON t A Vyicouver, Wah. 3d and Main Mf. LOCATE NEAR THE AGBICULTTTRAI. OOTJ. LE5H. '-: It W not cost any more ito hny a farm near Corvaiila than other place' in ? th valley. W have them of all kind, at' reason able" price. Tell us what" you want. Mr. km mi mi be st the imperial hotel until Wednesw day. Better call and see him.- : I' I -4 KINNEY CO. Agents, CorvaHto, Or. A Horn of th Aagi College. I . MR. RANCHER ' AND FARMER Her t rhoic farm; 225 acr; 155 acre in cultlva, tion, on main svJunty road, excellent soil ; 7 room hen, tin bara, dairy bam, machinery, hog and poultry buildings; clos to school and railrned; telephone in th house, and ia a fin farming district, for only (15,000. . I have many other fine farm from : $8-1 $K)0 n act, anrt can quote very reasonable prices and terms. 1 .. J. , Humwius. zn-gia i-snama iag. FINE Improved valley farm, about 20 mTKTfroir Poruano, completely sroeaea. ana duiipe For price and term see M. E, Lee. 605 tor 20 ACRES, near Colombia highway, fxd and tors fine, for oo. iitio case, baianoo ta suit you. M. E, Lee, G05 CorbcU bldv t . rss ra mtM MM