THD ORCGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 7, 1919. 7 HELP WA5TED-51 A LB liTTTS A OAK, employment. 2d and Couch, want for a mill in city, -night shift, . JO luaa k bcr pitera, $4 per day. 20 yardmen. $3.60 Op. 10 ntUan, $4.20. , , -1 carriage rider, $4.40. 1 smell air trimmer, $3. . -f-v-. .. -' Hicgfng tarn. $4.60 p. . . -;i Chasers, $4.89 tip. -. V . Choker settler, $4.80 bp. ' - , . . On timekeeper. (100 per. month. v .- I-oading engineer, $6.90. '- Mill machinist, $6. - '.Mill fireman, $4. ,.- : ,r Fireman's helper, $$.00. Millwright, $6.60. ...-:. s ' " MiUwnghfg helper, $4.40.' ; KdgensMUt, $4.26. Keaw man for planer stock, $4.28. 1 . Mill and yardmen, $8.40. Itock teamsters, $3.70., , ... ', Car loaders. $4. . ' MUlhand. ' $4. FOB tJOCING CAMrS Wood bark., $4 t $4.40. Fuckers, $4 SO to $5.20. . - Fallers. $6.26, $6.60 up. laborers on logging roads (4). , On edgermen. $6. . Kpr work, mill outside city: One log haul man, $4. fat-off men, $4. It ipsa men, $4. Men on road, $4. , " Lumber pliers, $4. Dock repairing, $4. On floorman for garage. 80s aa hour. Hilt, CaL, fare advanced; one lathe puller, $6. One stock sticker, (5. Highway laborers, eut and south: Shovelers, $4 day. Mason helpers. $4.60 day. Teamsters, tf Hay. laborers, $4 day. Rnckmen, $4 to $4.50 day. Office open, all day. See Mr. Benett Re member, we are headquarters tor highway and construction work. ' ; EXTJERTENCED UtMWANTEU BT TUB V. 8 SHIPPING BOARD ' to be trained as "V PECK OFFICERS AND ENGLNEEU3 in . - MERCHANT MARINE FREE COURSE. IN NAVIGATION Mix weeks, flu for third mate's license 6r higher. Open to men of two years deck s Trience, ocean or coastwise, or quivslent, in fisheries, or on lake, bay or sound. FREE COUR8E IN MARINE ENGINEERING One month fits for third assistant engineer's Hpnsa nr hither. Onen to men of mechanical and engineering experience, including locomotive and stationary engineers, machinists on marine engines, graduates of technical schools ana bu rine oilers end water tenders. - (Men needing sea eel-rice to qualify fully for license after taking course, will be sent to aea on pay. 1 ' Navigation schools at Seattle and Portland; engineering school at the University of Washing ton, Seattle. ' APPLY TO W. J. GRAMK8. SECTKvN CHIEF 860 Stuart Building. Seattle. Wash. Al'ANTKrv Los-sins camu help. Small timber. long logs, mixed pine and fir. Average about 40,000 feet per day. Two set fellers. $4.50 and $4.75. Two buckets, $4.60. One bead log loader. $5. One second loader, $4. Address NOHDHY A SCOTT, Inc., " . ; Timber Valley. Wash. MAN to work this city reTinishing chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, by -new method; $10 daily without capital or experience. Write Gunmetal Co., 306 Elm. Decatur, 111. HELP WAVrr MISC 41 AUTOMOBILES, TRUCKS, TRAOTOH8 Learn to be a f irst-elaas Mechanic and Gat Engineer; rebuild, operate and repair Automo biles, Trucks and Tractorsr- This is not an En gineering . School, teaching THEORY ONLY; neither is It a OARAGE, but a REAL, PRAC TICAL SCHOOL, where you learn the bnsl nens by ACTUAL WORK on the Machines. Wa litre more and better Equipment than all other 'Hrhools in Oregon Combined. SPECIAL TRADES Machinist, Acetylene Welding, Vul canizing and . Retreading. Day and Evening Clamea. Write for Catalogue. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 462 Hawthorne ave. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS FIVE DAYS FREE TRIAL PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED We teach auto, tractor, gas engine and auto electrical work; BIO 100 PAGE CATALOG HEE. Address Adcox Auto and Tractor School, Dept. J. Union ave. and Wasco st, Portland. Or. Phone East 7445. 7 WANTED - ONE HUNDRED MEN AND-WOMEN" TO f EARN TELEORAPH OPERATING. SPE CIAL OPPORTUNITY TO FIRST 25 AP PLICANTS. APPLY ' HEMPHILL TRADE SCHOOLS, 124 6TII ST., N. UUR8EI.L' PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL , Individual Instruction. Right methods. Lum bermen bi'ig.. otn and Stark. Hdwy. 84Q4. f i V. Btrrwll, Principal. DAY SCHOOL, MW T r!l'MMI,. - - LEARN TEioxOilAPHY -' Yonng men and wou.n wanted. Call 21 Railway Exchange . bldg. Splendid opportunity tr learn a well paid profession, - I tii booklet. Jlrtlway TeK-graph Institute. - POSITIONS ASSURED l:VERY GRADUAjH Or" BEHNKE-WALKER BusmeAi Crtlrge. Portland. . Unroll ' any tie. 'iWgraphy, stenography. fanninr. oooKe-niri. wrstarlaj. Free catalog. f4atn KCKKR'S PRIVATK EUSINESS COLLEGE SPECIAL COURSE IN COMPTOMETERS A LINK Y BLDG. 8I AND MORRISON t.wlM; East or South r Household goods ship- .pei at reduces rates: moving and packing. J1PUU coast forwarding Co.. 403 Uoyt st Di'we. 70S. - STEEN C'TINO SCHuuL Bleek'e aystem of - ladies tailoring and dressmaking taught; pat terns cut to measure. Phone East Z30, K-S807. 162 Grand are., near Belmont. iiOCKY MOUNTAINS TEACHERS' AGENCY rrsnk K. tveiiet, ex-awt. state 8upt, mgr., -N: W. Bank bldg. Tesrhers placed promptly, HELP WASTED-FEMALE WANTED dS X P E R I E N.C E D WEAVERS. - STEADY WORK. GOOD WAGES. APPLY ruttlLAND WOOLEN MILLS. WANTED A girl or woman to take care of -baby and- light housework in apt.; good post von to ngiit party. Apply after 10 a. m.. Jiuena it Ant ism at Harrison, apt. F-5. r can aiam evuv. I.AK1ES to. hsre eld hats itiade new. Blseklne. 76c; trimming, 25c up; hemstitching, 10c per yaru; button-hole making, plaiting and braiding; Tirat dens work; prompt attention given maiL Mack s Millinery. 542 Union ave. N. East 2381, - WANTED 5 bright, capable ladies to travel , demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to $50 : per week. Kallrosd fare paid. Write at once. Oooaricn Lrua Ca, Dept. 70O, Omaha. Neb. A GIRL or woman wanted to help withhouse- work. No washing. A pleasant refined home with sour privste b-h. Phone Wdln. 4647. If not at home phono East S. AVANTED Girl tor light housework In small family, Smn convenient honse. Good wages. in family. rJ. 37th N. Tabor 7546. i.V'ANTEIv Waitress, must be experienced; good wages, room and board. MaUory hotel. 171 l-ownadale. iilDDS.eVAGED woman to work 4 boors, mostly cnamner work, tor board husband and aelf, zm Main at. ERICAN mechanic, 34-, one child, own home. close in. wishes woman house keener. Giro foil partieulara. N-6S0, Journal. WANTED Woman for laundry work. In quire today at New Bratem Wet Wash. 507 r,n f iinqpn. r.ast psij. iz.Lt iti tor general Housework., No . washing. , 0 per month. Must be good plain cook. Pbone East 6245. fe t: 1 WI NO for children in exchange for piano lessons by experienced taaehr Call Sell- -wooa, see. WASTED Reliable girl for general housework family of 2. Call at 580 E. 17th N WANTED Errand girl for gown shop? 753 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED A dining room girl. Kenwood hotel .118 Kilpa trick., Kenton earline. . """- WANTED Girla at Stephen'a Button shop. 219 IIUDCI PHJTI. WANTED Thoroughly experienced finishers on . gowns. 802 N. W. Bsnk bldg.' ELDERL lady to take care of house during owners soflence V Sil 1 soor 1 v'ANTED Marker and-sorter, Fortland Laun - dry Co., 8th and Conch. ECHOOL girl wanted to do light housework for board. Call Tabor. 2026 evenings. Al 1 1 1 Lk-AG L D woman for general housework. BeHwood 8 10. or call at 841 Kenilworth ave, WANTED Typist; $50, per month.. G-462. Journal. DRESSMAKER wanU experienced help. TfJS FTeidner bldg. I'lANiST, suburban theatre 23 boura weekly. '8. ?-4 61, Journal. - M'ANTED Girl for housework, 1385 Miasis sippi ave., corner Portland blvd. Kenton car. WANTED BOOKKEEPER, one who can bao dle typewriter -F-201. Journal WXiMAN-for housework, small family, pleasant ' h me and good wages. Broadway 1460. ..VANT young woman for , general housework. 780 Orerton at. WCHf AN to care for Invalid lady dayaT" TSTi today, 880 E. - 1st st N. CSIAMBEUMAID wanted. East 8357. HELP "WAWTET FEMALE LTJ-MAN, WOLFE A CO. redurre ONE ' HUNDRED- SALESLADIES for ALL DEPART MENTS; COMMISSIONS: excellent salaries; temporary peeiuona but opportunities for per manent employment with advancement to those who "make good." .. EXPERIENCED salesladies particularly ' de aired in the women' ready-to-wear department. Apply at office of SUPERINTENDENT. 7tb floor, bet. 9 and 10:80 Monday morning. WE WILL PAY A CKID SALARY TO A LIMITED NUMBER OF GIRLS BETWEEN THE AGES OF 16 AND 80 YEARS WHILE WE . TEACH YOU TO OPERATE A POWEB MACHINE: STEADY EMPLOYMENT AND GOOD WAGES PAID TO OUB OPERATORS. APPLY AMES HARRIS - NEVILLE BAG CO 16 th A H0YT STS. , WAVTicn Will pay $40 to $60 per month for capable gin or woman lor general House work ; well furnished and comfortable room. taebt work: only 4 in family; no email children. For the ngnt person her is fine place. Call 961 Bryce ate. Monday between 0 a. m. and 12. To get there take Broadway car to Bryce ate. and wain diocxs east, , . THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of experienced sales women for domestics and white goods; experi enced saleswomen for women a suit department also young woman who haa had experience in credit omce. Apply superintendent's omce, to 10:30 a. m. YOUNG LADIES WASTED FOR TELEPHONE OPERATING. PAID WHILE LEARNING. TELEPHONE COMPANY ROOM 601, SIXTH FLOOR PAR AND OAK bTREETS. L1TMAN. WOLFE A CO. require a number of girls between the ages of 16 and 18 years . act as cashiers, wrappers and messengers. EX I'F.RIEN'CE not necessary, but best of references must be furnished. Apply at office of super intendent. 7th floor, bet. 9 and 10:30 Monday morning. COULD YOU FIT YOURSELF TO BECOME AN EMPLOYMENT MANAGER? SEE DISPLAY PAGE LII'MAN, WOLFE A CO. require the services of a first class and experienced chocolate dipper for their CANDY KITCHEN. Apply at office of superintendent, 7tb floor, bet. 8 andr 10:30 Monday morning. WANT 2 bright women, neat appearing, well educated,, teaching, nursing, or demonstrating experience preferred, but not necessary; perm nent position, chance for advancement; only those unemployed and ready to" accept a position at once need apply. Call Monday from 11 to 1 J see Mr. Berkley. 622 Henry bldg. WE wish to hear from lady interested in literary work. Send us a story, article or poem for examination, typed or band written. If accept able, we will Py you cash: if appointed on our staff, will pay salary. submit your ttia to Editor. Woman'a Natl Magazine, Desk 707 Waahington. D. C ROOM and board to young lady in exchange for light services. 654 Couch. HELP wanted male asd . FEMALE t HOLER BARBER COLLEGE fiavs mn while learnina: aivea Ton set of toots positions secured. Write for catalogue. 2$4 Bnmside at., or pbone Broadway 1731. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in S weeks; pay wliila learning; position guar anteed. 284 Couch st. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade: wages while learning; position guaranteed. Mgr. 2 J years experience. Oregon Batber College, 233 Madison. WANTED Cornet, aaxaphone, cello, trombone and trap drummer, players for orchestra. Call Sunday Woodlawn 4200. WANTED AGENTS STOP HERE Sell the riisen Regulator for Ford headlights. Going like wildfire every where. Gives splendid driving light at low speed; keeps bulbs from burning out; operates automatically. Wanted for every gsjeru. tug profits quick. Listen: Siler, Okla.. sells 12 daily, profit $20; McFarland. Neb., made $3420 hi 17 weeks. No experience necessary. We show vnu how. Not aold in stores. Sales guaranteed. No capita necewary. Write today for special offer. Address Kisen Instrument Co., 720 val entine Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. MAKE $30 NEXT SATURDAY. Agenta-Ssles men; brand new invention, selling like wildfire everywhere. Sell Speederatnr for Fords so good iff used by 17 officials lord Motor company. Makes any Ford run like a . Packard. Put on an irk: no tools, no holes to bore. Instant sat bf action. Big profits quick; sell 10 to 12 a day osr. McAllister, III., aold 4 first afternoon profit $12. , Exclusive territory to hustlers. Write quick for details. - Address Perrin Metal C 1 L. . J. , VVtt ' '-f-J - .Hi 111 I -T . I ' 1 , HIIU. World's largest manufacturers. Establlahed specialty line. Liberal commission and bonus. Traveling expenses advanced. A money maker for salesman with auto. References required. Would consider man with retail store experi ence, tjaradkne Harvest Hat Co., St. Louis, Mo. D. 02. -now to start in Business for Yourself" is a little book sent free by a largo hosiery manu facturer selling its entire output through special represeniauvea airect to the wearers; it shows you bow to build "for keeps" and how to make up to $2500 a year aa some are doing. Write lor i xoaay. Clows Knit Hosiery Co., Philadelphia, Pa. AUTHORIZED Negro War Book, 700 pages,' by ij juiiivr vi tvasuingion, jj. u., and an as sistant .of the war department: best book for coi- orea people ever written; over 100 pictures. mce oruy .-.ou; selling like wild fire. Big agent's outfit free; get the big book; act quick Austin Jenkins Co., 443 So. Dearborn St.. Chi- V"fW, all. VORUS run 34 miles per gallon with our 19i uaxBuretors. use cheapest gasoline, half Vk . i ti muriate. start easy any .virac voser. oiyiea I or ail motors. Runs slow high gear. Attach yourself. Big prof Ita for agents. Money back guarantee. 30 days' trial. Air-Friction Carburetor Co., 1465 Madi- ARE you making $10 to $220 dailyf Man or woman, start anywhere: no experience neces-rT- materials cost you 78 cento for 90; retails 50c each, ear $45. I make and sell 6000 weekly; nude $220 one day. $1250 one month. Craycroft, Fresno. CaL . . ' - side use : Salesmen Leara hn uui., - .v- 2", hi.hi" lin." specUlty than on his main line, r . Ulk Dd Pocket samples free. - Responsi- bil bouae. ' On irk aftian. ErbkuM l ated. Dee Moines, Iowa. AGENTS 200 f profit. Wonderful little arti- . cm.. Bomeimng new; sells like wild fire. Carry right .in .pocket. Write at once lor free .ample. Albert Mill. General Manager, 119 American pme-, vmcinnsn, unio. 8ALESMAN. experience unnecessary; new atront a'ivvwwwu, iik mie io general r-jiau trade In Oregon. 385 WeeklT iilnn. for expenaes. The Continental Jewelry o. 137 17 Continental hide.. Cleli w v . . : AGENTS Big pay and free automobile, intro ducine wrmdarful new mnlin. . . ... vioui, ie fear Bfmfs piage, ana wtrnr ec onomical auto necessities. Outfre free. Lv Ball wey, 622 SUtion F, LouitTille. Ky." ' TRAVELING salesman -wanted for longest na tionallv advertised muni ltna w..w'. and children's shoes. Territory, state of Oregon. Only experienced men with established trade need SALESMEN to handle fast aelBng Goodyear guaranteed raincoats. Make his nu Hn.m. your spare -time. Sample coat free. Write - for particular!.. Goodyear Mfg. Co.. 127 Ulli. hkl. Kansas City. Mo. - - . ' AGENTS 1 pound of oar . herbs drives the most stubborn ess of rbenmstism entirely out Of the system; never faila, Pound 50c;. Postage 12c. - Los Angeles Rheumatism Herb fti.- fi BlLfcSMb.N ixpenence not reouired: nhv.iril i-'x; i . . . . ' specialist . extraorfiiiui-r .... 1 r, 7k. . 1.1.1.. j and Morrison. . " SALESLADIES Experience not required; phy sical specialist extraordinary. Muliey - bldg . 2d and Morrison. : .. WAWTETe-AOEITTS SALESMEN New Carburetor foe Ford Cars. Ample not. a moving part; installed in thirty minutes; guaranteed to double Your mileage and start - in aero weather without beating or prim ing. 15 day free trial. Our Kt Lania man sold 1400 in 6 months. Salt Lake City man inaae jsv in one week. Write V. A J. Car buretor Cow, 606 W. Jackson bird.. Chi cago, ' ..;....:-...- . SITUATION'S MALE THE T. P. . A. deatrea to swear . positions for several experienced salesmen. Phone Main 4648, A 3821, or call 330 Morgan bldg. WOULD like . civil, structural or mechanical drafting work evenings, especially mechanical design and patent office work. Phono Main 4768. - Contractor and builder, repair and new work in the city or eounfry. R. D. Crowe, 441 E, 32d rt Tabor 7982. VACUUM cleaners for. rent. $1 per day. Deliv ered reasonable distance, Central Transfer Storage Co.. 272 4th st. Main 7675. NOW la the time to repair your roof before I tinting; we guarantee to stop all leaks. For re-n name work call Wdln. 6084. 8 years In Portland. TO private car owner C 1 will repair your car in your own private garage; work guaranteed, prices reasonable. East, 6643. PAINTING, kaleowining, etc., experienced paint er: reasonable. 6709 41st ave. 8. E. Main 6S04. - EXPERIENCED auto mechanic will repair your car at your garage; prices reasons Die, East 3780. EXPERIENCED timber cruiser will take on small jobi. : See me any time. 320 Tills - P.QOk St. y FIRST cUks plumber wants job in or out of city. Experienced and references. Pbone Msin 4478 or call 209 8 wet Is nd bldg. . CARRIAGE woodworker, experienced all-round man. go anywhere; state wages. D 258, Journal. POSITION wanted, specialist upright drillman. Phone Main 1140. Call room 12. evenings. .VACUUM cleaners rented. Vacuum cleaning. Broadway 2649. SHINGLER Chimneys re flashed, gutters re paired, reshingling done. Call Marshall 1072. SHLVGLERSWhen you wantshingling done, Call Woodlawn 5206. RoOFS retthiogled a ftpw.-ialty Pbone Beacham. Manhail 706 DI&CHARGED soldier vranti to learn dry clean in? work. Call Marina!! 2893. 862 Marshall st. EX-NAVY ftrtindii tvauii marine boiler to fire. Phone Main 5223. stationary WANTED Work tor Main 2I8. : Vi ton truck. Phone HI(;.I school boy wants work after school rnd Srt'iiday. H-251. Journal. PAINTING, papernanging and kalsoming b,y ex perienced workman. rhon Tsbor 4WS 1iRPh.MhHS, contracture, general jouoam Shop. 323 3d st I'hone Main 1441. WANTED Plowing, near Portsmouth. Inquire 862 Oberlin st Phone Columbia 847. CEMENT work by day or contract J. A. Uutler. East 7638 RUGS vacuum cleaned; save all that bard work. Tabor 258, evenings. GROCER would like position clerking in city or Vancouver. Calll Wdln. 6199 KALSOMINING, Painting, Plaster-patching; rea sonable. Mam ZBoa. PLOWING done. 1075 Schiller st Woodstock car to 4Sth ave. MAN want spading. H-250, Journal. GARDENER Sellwood 2049. PLOWING and. harrowing. Call Tabor 8727, SITUATIONS FEMALE ALL FORMER Meier A Frank employes not now engaged are invited to assist us during our Anniversary Sales in progress this week in the sections In which they have bad experience. Come tomorrow morning at 9 a. m. ready to go to work. We have permanent positions for experienced women in the following departments: Saleswoman for glove department, saleswoman for corset de partment, sewers for drapery department, coat workers for alteration department Apply Employment Manager, Sixth Floor, Meier & Frank Co. REFINED lady wants position; would keep house: must have full charge; excellent house keeper and cook: have girl 12. Pbone Broad way 2100. Room 208 st, north of Broad way. MOTHER and daughter want position to oversee apartment bouse, or to rent rooming bouse or apartment house for summer. K-282. Journal. WANTED Lady wishes to nurse children in Portland for room, board and small wages. Mrs. Huntington. Madras, or. WANTED Position in cafeteria after school hours and Saturdays by polytechnic girl; bad some experience. sellwood 24 88. LACE curtains laundered carefully at home by experienced lady. Phone East 8783. . Call and aeliver. HI--LIABLE woman wants cooking in small res taurant, on boat or in camp: state particu lar, etc., in first letter. IS-U32. Journal. POSITION as housekeeper or companion to elderly person or couple by refined middle- scec widow; quiet home. B-676, Journal. SCHOOL GIRL desires work in Rose City Park; experience - with children. Tabor 0637. HA IK dyed iat home, reasonable, by experienced iany. Maw am v. YOUNG lady wants position, assistant office, fil- ing or nailing dept Tabor 268. URTAINS to launder. A-1595. SVE8E8 6$ NURSE: Maternity case specialty. 231 6th st Main 7342. X1SHETV ROOMS HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH 81 a daay inp. Free Tub and Shower Bath. FOR RENT; 3 partly furnl-hed rooms; light and water. Ill per month: 07tn at. lit Scott car. Call Sunday afternoon or evenings after 8:30, Main 701, ask for Mrs. Morse. CHOICE rooms in old home, with beautiful grounds. References. Meals arranged for if de sired. 631 Iloyt st Broadway 680. CLEAN NEW ROOM. $1.75, for one man. newly furnished. The Star. 230 K Larrabea st., near Holladay ave. NEWLY furnished room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. borne privileges: references. . 1063 E. 18th St N. Woodlawn 324. HOTEL Sargent. Hawthorne and Grand. Starting point special ear for Vancouver. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY To FOR RENT N eatly furnished room in private family, nice location, west side, o minutes walk from postoffice. very reasonable. Phone Marshall 2382 or Main 5878. 256 11th St. PLEASANT front room for 1 or 2 persons, use of piano, walking distance. 131 E. 1 8th st. East 6376. NICE large front sleeping room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. 242 Broadway, cor. Main. Phone Main 4032. LARGE furnished front room, with or without board, in private family, west aide, close in. For particulars Marshall 61. BUSINESSMAN wishes 2 rooms, unfurnished or lumisnen witn nam, near to center 01 city. A-250. Journal. LADY may have nicely furnished front room and - eurnen. Dnvaie nnm. walkine flisrajlca? aill references. . East 2563. NICELY furnished room for lady - with privilege m going own cooaing. sellwood BJUO. NICE room in private home with home con- Temenoes, gtt.OO 37 E. 87th st NICE sunny room in modern borne for gentle- 1 1 - , ; . . mm wmrar uisiance. r;ast o t no. TJTf FURBISHED ROOMS 10 $12.50 4 rooms and bath, 585 Montgomery; adults. Woodlawn 441, ROOMS ATTD BOARD IS NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown bleb class family hotel; rooms en auita e ain.i. with or without board, for families and business mew ana women. we give you ail tha comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. - . . THE HAZEL "Not like the others." Every comfort Homo cooking. 885 Third at. ROOM and board, cheap, r Call 2174 East Glisan. Phone Tabor 4548. BOARD and room can be bad near Broadway prmae lor aenuemew omy. east 0222. THE Martha Waahington , 880 10th, tor nuataess MJ.1.AM- rooms, also breakfast. Mar. 5188. ROOMS AKD BOARD PRIVATE . - FAMILY . ?S FURNISHED room, $9 month; bath. heat. phone, piano and home privileges : references; breakfast or two meals if desired. worn, hi WANTED Children to room and board in pri ' -rtt family. Wdln. 694.HI10 E. 14th a. N. WANTED One or two children to board, best w igMwaiuie. - o aimer ave, ROOM and board.- home- privileges, $8.30 per uni t . L, 1 (10 per month, care and board. 14 "d under. xivua st., urcgon city, i . - - BOOMS AJSD BOABD PKIVATB - - FAMILY 7f LARGE front alcove room, suitable for two gea- uemen. : .aiam , 2804,; , B4. Columbia s eery 10th. - ; - -; j -. - MOTHERLY lady wishes - children to board. MarshaS 1240. 481 Taylor st. - "WASTED ROOM 8 'AH D BOARD S9 WOLLD like to place boy 7 years old in coun try borne for the summer. 1289 Greely at Woodlawn 6105. ROOM and board, private family, man. and 2 children. X-61I, JoornaL - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FtTRKISHED ATfD TJXFPRKI8HED Newly Renovated Throughout "THE , 8TAB," 23 V, LARRABEB ST.. CORNER Uohaday; completely furnished, largo 2 rooms for housekeeping, $4 week. One very large one, $3. One sleeping room, $1.75. CITY VIEW HOTEL. Well furnished housekeeping rooms, $15 to $20 ner month snd bachelor Quarters: also single sleeping room. $2.50 and up by week jor month. 2t3 Vi Lnion ave. cor. Clay. $17 PER MONTH Furnished h. k. rooms, suit- able for 4 ; ateam neat, not and cold water. Phone East 6039. 40 Van- laundry, yard, couver ave. FULLY furnished, large modern room, for house keeping, light, bath, hot water and wet wasb laundry furnished, $4 week. "The Tod," East 12th and Stark. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms; also airy eleepmc rooms; from $1.50 to $3 per week; 15 minutes' walk downtown. 290 M N. 31st st. FOUR furnished H. K. rooms. No obiectious to children. 1247 Wilbur at St Johns car. TL Woodlawn S401. LARUE front rooms and kitchenette, baths, laundry, pbone, very reasonable. 6u5 Flan- ders. Unfurnished h. k. rooms. 2 or 3-room suite, electricity and gas, on earline; adults only. 6141 45th ave. S. E. LARGE housekeeping or sleeping rooms, light, phone and bath; rent reasonable. Call East 6184. TWO room housekeeping flats, 344 Front st $3 week. TWO front rooms, housekeeping, clean and nice, $5 per week. 490 Clay. LARGE H. K. room with kitchenette at 733 Everett st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms very reasonable. 560 Conch St., block of 16th and Washington. SINGLE lady, employed, wishes unfurnished room for light housekeeping. W-436. Journal, VOR REJ?T,2 furnished housekeeping rooms! 800 6th st. 4 H(K)M8 and sleeping porch; partly furnished: 649 Milwaukie st Adults. $12.50. East 2042. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 141 Lownsdale. HOUSEKEEPIJfO- ROOMS 78 FURNISHED AND UNFURSISHED PRIVATE FAMILY LIGHT, clean room, small house kitchen privi lege, to sensible, congenial working woman past 30, $4.50 month; no pbone. 148 N. 21st near lloyt. i; FOUR completely furnished rooms, good fur niture, near South Portland shipyard, $85 month; vacant May 1. 745 lt near Porter. WIDOW lady will rent part of her modern home for housekeeping, with garden. 610 E. Lib- erty. Take Woodlawn car to 16th st TWO housekeeping rooms, running water, elec tric lights, gas and heat 415 Mill rt Main 5882. 2 HOUSEKEEPING .rooms, close n, west side; $22 month. Elm View, 335 11th st, phone Marshall 5464. PRETTY housekeeping suite, 3 M blks. north of Washington at: $29 month; linen, fuel, phone and lights free. 70 N. 14th. TWO light, airy furnished IL K. rooms, very large closets, modern home, fine location; no children 770 E. 8th S. Phone Sellwood 121. TWO furnished libht housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 225 E. 87th st. S. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern, gas, etc. 390 East 1st st. N. FOR RENT 2 furnished H. K. rooms; running water. $16. 41 Ella St.. near Washington. CONGENIAL couple will a lis re nice modern home with same. East 7860. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 1 and room suites. 274 Holladay ave. TWt) 'furnished H. K. rooms for bachelors, free phone, light and batn. 114 is. iota at TWO clean light housekeeping rooms, includ ing water, light, phone; close in. East 6833. TWO large, well-furnished rooms. 681 Union ave. PLEASANT 3 room uite. 641 E. Madison at TWO furnished h. k. .rooms. Call East 4919. SUITE 3 rooms, housekeeping. 308 6th st FOR RENT HOUSES 11 METER A FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, up to date lists of desirable vacant bouses, apartments and flats with definite infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quica iy iocs tea. EIGHTH FLOOR WILL RENT 5 well furnished and comfortable room house with large porch and fine yard to man and wife. Rent $25. At 764 Michigan ave. 1 block from Mississippi earline. Phone Woodlawn 174. FOR RENT Two room house; can moss in it at once; also H acre with 6 room house gas, lights, water and fruit and garden: price lbuo. Small payment down, balance like rent see laan Fowell valley road. WHEN YOU MOVE, USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE lOth and Washington. Udwy. K90. UNFURNISHED building, housekeeping suites, rooms. 7 room bouse. 4 room furnished bouse. 61 E. 15th st East 5222. FOR RENT 7 room cottage, 657 Multnomah st. 5 rooms afad bath 1st floor. 2 bedrooms and bath 2d floor; rent $50. 5 ROOM house, garage, electric lights, bath. ore paved street.- plenty fruit 46th near Haw thorne, $20. East 2563 Sunday and evenings. ROOM house with large sleeping porch, chicken house, woodshed, plenty fruit. M acre. 812 Call before 2:80. East 7817. STRICTLY modern, large Irvington bungalow with garage. $65. Fred S. Williams. 92 First st FOR SALE, 14x20 tent house, lots for rent. close to Vancouver shipyard: train service. In quire 131a; Delaware ave. 12 CULTIVATED acres at Orenco for rent or exchange: also 320 wild. 434 Morrison St. or Marshall 084 9. FOR RENT A 7 room modern house in very good location, in the Hawthorne district 254 E. 16th, corner Madison. Phone East 234. SMALL house to rent. family; is bachelor. Woodlawn 588. 7NFURNI8IIED house for rent 192 Watts St., Kenton. Call 680 Pettygrove. HOUSE at 341 E. 45 th, near Hawthorne, part- Jy furnished. sellwood 3652. FOR RENT, modern 6 room house. E. 19th near Hurnfide, $25. East 5733. 5 ROOM cottage. 733 4th st. $15.50, includ- mg wat-r. Mam 212H Monday. 7 ROOM house, 415 Tillamook st East 7076 FOR RENT 6 room house. Tabor 6983 HOUSES. FOR RENT FURNITURE . FOR SALE $2 FURNITURE complete of 6-room strictly mod ern bouse for sale, price right Party lea vine city; house rent $22.50 per month; no dealers need apply. Phone Eaet 601. FURNITURE of 6-room house for sale. $250 cash. House for rent: walkina distance. Call Broadway 2157. " COMPLETE furniture of well furnished 6 room oat; fiat-tor rent Kaat 5O08. FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale; almost new; iousetor rent 623 Delsy st. near Morris. FURNISHED HOUSE'S 3$ PRACTICALLY new. beautifully finished, well iuraisnea ana well located modem 9 room house for $85 per month, and might build garage or reduce rent for extra good tenant House can be seen today at 285 E. 16th st N. IRVINGTONHOME furnished, extw tine op portunity to rent sn elegant house. 9 rooms. arranged for small or large family. 853 East iztn st N. Before 11:30 and after 2 p. r. TO RENT or lease to responsible party only, modern 4 room completely furnished hunm. )w. cut glass, china and silver. Vietrola. Hoover cieaner; rent av. can woodlawn IT 51. STRICT. .Y modern 8 -room house, fnnun ut fireplace, completely furnished, near Killinars- wwin ana wiiiiams eves., rxomont district; $60 month. Woodlawn 6537. I WANT to lease my 0 room modern boose for months or 1 year.- soma furniture. Apply, 877 Oberlin at, Portsmouth. " FURNITURE for sale and house for rent. 608 snaaisaippi ave. AFARTMKNTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Z L M B HO COURT. 20th at Wash., 3 room mpu marsnau 1S4. - ROOM flat, wtfumiahed. $12, 1840. E. fVKSlSHED apti.. $16 and 0; private bath. 1 ne nerngan Annex, B3 K. ttth. eor. Davie at. 111KEE room furnished apartment, bath and i noons. , aea. - j,a Z2L. Marshall. 5262. APABTMEJTTS 43 ETJRnTSM E D AKD UNFURNISHED ..Hart Aoartments- Newly furnished, modern honsetoeplner and sleep tng rooms, and tip. Beeopd tM lienui. MAGNOLIA apartments. - rnrniahed' single end double -housekeeping rooms, also sleeping moms. TeleptioBo East ziz. CLEAN, neatly furnished H. K. Apta.. walking distance; heat, phone, electric light, bath. 66 is. otn near stars.. 443 HASSALO ST., eor. E. 7th. 2 raoma. aU eoRTeniencea, modern, porch, lawn; may be seen Tuesday. 1 - " " ' . FOR KENT Three nicely furnished house keeping rooms, now vacant 864 H Eugene St. 2 ROOM furnished apartments, furnace heat 263 Knott. ' 2 AND 3 room furnished partmenta, oentrally located, walking distance. 892 H E. Burnside. FOR BEWT FLATS U FOR RENT 4 room upper flat with bath. $15. 1176 Albina are. near KiUlngsworth. Call afternoon. , WEST SIDE 6 roomZ 32 19th. cor. of Waah ington. - t FTJBIflSHED FLATS Si WILL rent my modern, up-to-date furnished flat to responsible party for 6 months, adults. 6S5 Hoytt- Main 4795 from 10 a. m. to 4 P. m. today. . WILL rent my modern up to date furnished flat to responsible party for 6 months. 683 Hoyt St.. from 10 a. m. to 4 P. m. today. Main 4795. 8 AND 4 room upper and lower furnished and unfurnished flat, garden and garage. 854 1st st. 8. Main 4868. $30 FURNISHED lower flat, 642 East 2 7th. Richmond car to 27th, one block south. Yard, Ijfewers. r - MODERN - furnished flat for rent Main st near 41st 1209 E. HOTELS 4 SAN MARCO hotel. Rooms. 60c up: special rates by the week. 422 Washington, FOR RE XT MISCELLANEOUS IS FOR space and offices, special summer rates, in our new location,, Eilers', Music building, thoroughly modem, class A structure; everything recently renovated; apply supt. 2d fl, Eilers' Music bldg. WANTED TO RENT WE WANT TO RENT a 5 room up-to-date dwelling in select neighbor hood. Abo houses, flats and apartments. It you have any vacancies, pbone Heave Together, care of North went Steel Co.. Main 1193. WANTED Furnished house, flat or apt, must have some modern conveniences; rent not more than $30: must be suitable for young man and riother; no objection, to outskirts of city, prefer ably south. Call Mr. Jones before 11 s. m. or after 4 :30 p. m. Main C335 or A-6271. WANTED To rent furnished 6 or 6 room house on east side. Parties expecting to leave city for six months or a year and desiring to leave home in care of responsible people can arrange. Phone Tabor 8444. FIVE or 6 room modern bungalow or house with garage. Must be in good condition. Will pay up to $40 per month. Call Mam 5562. WANTED One or two housekeeping rooms where there is a yard, by lady and child of 3 years. Mrs. L. J. Parka, Edison hoteL WANTED 2 to. 4 room house, furnished or unfurnished. Give full particulars. N-417. Journal. WANTED to rent, 5 room unfurnished cottage, with or without garage. Main 1078. WANTED 2 or 3 room furnished or unfur nished apartment, around 1st N-418. Journal. BEACH PROPERTY 44 FOR SALE Saltair, Tillamook beach. 3 room bungalow, fireplace, lights, water, nicely fur- relied, 1 block from station, 2 blocks to beach; $800 cash or Liberty bonds. Pbone East 8663. CANNON BEACH loU In first block to inside, $275; corner lot. $350; one small rnrnnned nouxe, 0O. Sellwood 2308 GEARHART 7 rooms and bath, furnished; 3 lots in grove. Will accept, good auto as part payment L-686, Journal. NiCE, large beach lot swell view; owner will sell reasonable. 1880 E. Taylor. REAL ESTATtr BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 25 Interest on Investment 4 -flat building, located in Rodney, ave. near Alberta, st; price $7500; terms $2500 cash. naiance easy: para 25 7, net on money invested. LFurther particulars from owner Main 5124. 12 PER CENT Warehouse. South Portland, railroad frontage, brick, strongly built two stories and basement; net income more then 12 per cent of price. See It W. HA GOOD 600 Journal bldg. Main 4958. A-6051. TO LEASE 63 FOR LEASE TERM OF YEARS PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 2-family house. 8 rooms and 2 sleeping porches, all conveniences, garage, garden and fruit 471 Chapman at Phone (Main 3932. i 1 FOR LEASE 152 -acres, 25 under cultivation ; creek and well. 5 room house, barn. Price $150. S. O. Dillman, 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 69 Extra Inducements Offered to secure eight new homes in Wal nut Park, Portland's first rlasa restricted dis trict Best car service, also Jefferson high school and large public library. No finer lo cation for a home- In the city. Financial assist ance if desired. Call today. 1149 Union ave. N Woodlawn 8804. W. M KILLINGSWORTH. Owner. FOR SALE 8 lota with one modern 7 and one 9 room buildings, fir shade trees, bearing fruit trees, running water through grounds, wa ter right from mountain spring. This place is 48 miles from Portland, 60 feet off Columbia, high way, an ideal tpot for summer home, or resort hotel Can be had for $4000. Address Box 154. Cascade Locks, Or. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 $2200 7 room house. 8 years old. lot 80x1 "'. all kinds of fruit, 2 blocks from car; $1100 down, balance time. Call East 3270. 660 E. Madison. PIEDMONT CORNER A good borne in fine location, low price $4000, 7 rooms, 2 fireplaces, furnace. 2 bathroom, old ivory finish, terms. 1297 Rodney ave, Wood lawi 2599. REAL ESTATE AGENTS la your bond ready for May 1, 1919? You have to have one. WE WRITE THEM FOR YOU. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE. FOR SALE by owner. 7 rooms, den and bath, 3 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, built in bookcase and buffet. Dutch kitchen; price $8000. $750 cash will handle this. Pbone Woodlawn 2293. 1039 East 13th st N. ROSE CITY PARK , Attractive, white, strictly modern bungalow, 5 r. and sleeping, enclosed, 18 windows; large enough for 2 beds. $4260. Furniture fnewl for sale. Main 5436. 1011 Teon bldg. ON EAST Broadway, close in, a fractional lot with an up to date 6-roora house with full cement basement and furnace. $ 1 500 cash will handle it M. J. CLOHES3Y. 413 Abiug ton bldg. ' 6 ROOMS, gas, electricity, bath, cemeut walks. iols rosea. snruoDery. iruii ana oemea. nice lawn, handy to car, $1750; $475 cash, balance s-o per montn including interest o . Owner, nu 00m st s.m. 4 ROOM shack. 50x100. east front lot 5 fruit trees, berries, sidewalks paid: lot worth the price; near car; $700, $150 rash, balance $13 per mouth. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 N W. BANK BLDG. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Modern bungalow at 1U31 t. Lincoln. 4 rooms and bath, ce- drent basement, laundry trays, Dutch -kitchen. mwiy untea tnroncnout, cnerry- trees, vacant $2150, terms. Owner. Tabor 4097. $250 CASH. $25 PER MO. $2650 Lot runs clear through -block: your oppor tunity to own your own home. -Bee JOHNSON DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. $1000 EASY TERMS Good 6 room house, near Grays Crossing. JOHNSON. 212 Lumbermena bid., Broadway 1612. - FINE 7 room house and sleeping porch, full basement, all modern conveniences. The buy in Irvington for $4500. Easy terms. Kouck, 110 loth at FOR SALE By owner. 6 room modern cot tage, lot B0X12W. fruit trees. 25 minutes' walk to west side, handy to stores, near 3 ear. lines. 614 Rodney ave. TWO room shack. 40x100, near 28th and Al berta sts; 3690. eaty terms, small balance on street to aasnme. 617 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2432 or Sellwood 8652. FOR SALE $3400, 6 room modern bungalow. 50x100 corner lot. fully improved street, all assessments paid, clow to Franklin high school. 2651 49th St. S.- E. $1250 BUYS 4 room house, west side, berries and inut, nice garden started: terms. S2nO ea-J. balance $15 per month. M. E. Lee, 505 dirett bldg. $4i.0i BUYS S toon, modern home, w ait aid, walking distance, half cash, balance time to u t you; can arse possession May 10, 3L , Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 4 room house and halt kit, 50x 50. at Columbia Beach, 8 mile ' south of Astoria, cheap; easy terms. Inquire at 435 R. 9th st 8. - . NEAR Benson Polytechnic, reasonable,, modem. w wrier, mh 007. t.a!J evenings. EOll SALE Tent 14x15. , 13S0 Denter ata. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES $1 HOME RARfillN'S S-room modern - bungalow, attle.' basement, goe1 condition. 100x185 feet, corner. 8170U. $860 cash, balance $15 per .Month, including interest, low cannot beat it. -- 6-roora cottage, paved street, near the "Ford plart," Caru tilers street. . walking; distance, $1800; $60 cash, balance easy. This place wi.t rent tor z montn. See u. . tl-room modern bungalow, baa nice built-in, fireplace, , full " cement basement. ot COxlOO. coiner, nice , district; $2800; $800 rash, bal ance easy. 7-room nmUn liana Tf immmmtv tmQt-ha features, furnace, fireplace, lota of choice flow- en. corner lot, paved street, on car me, 10 niirutee out. Price $3700: $700 cash, balance easy. This is a nice borne, in a good iistrict 6 -room modern house, furnace, paved street; E. Taylor, near 18th street. $4400; $809 cash, balance easy. R. M. UATEWOOD A CO.. 163H 4th rt. NEW. MODERN, FURNISHED. 41700 Double . constructed, 4 rooms and r-reakfast rcr-m, full basement, concrete floor, class in, fine furniture, terras. Another good buy, fun H sere, few minutes' ride out of Portland; new 6-roora bungsl.Tw, full basement: city conveniences ; cost i-ear $4000; sell on terms at $1800. Owner here from Spokane, is going to sell H sore, near city, with fine 5 -room lungalov. Someone is going to get s snap. Homes in all parts of the city it the price and terms you want It will pay you to see Mo Reynolds, 214 Abington Bldg., Main 4141. SPECIAL $3900 ROSE CITY PARK Here is an exceptional buy In this beautiful district. A splendid bungalow type home of 8 nun and Bleeping porch, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays. All built-in features, beau tiful lawn, fruit trees in bearing. Read on. There Is a hot water heating plant in this home that would cost $1000 to install. There is a radiator in each room. You would exiwct a heating aystem of this kind only in a heme sell ing for $7000 snd upwards. Terms. COE A. M'KENNA A CO.. Main 4622. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. $2100 IDEAL HAWTHORNE BUN'JALOW Unusually attractive typical bungalow of 5 rooms, t has den with fireplace : .'eaded gists bookcases: large living room; dining room with plat 1 rail; 6-foot leaded glass buffet; Hardwood floors; 2 bedrooms; white enamel plumbing, white Dutch kitchen: electric lights end gas; floored attic; full cement basement; laundry trays and fruit nm ; paved street. rlucnt in the heart of Hawthorne district SEE , FRANK L. M (il IKE, Abington Building, Msin 1068, Main 5156. Office Open Sunday and Evenings. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW Price Only $2300 6 room bungalow, jut like new, on Haw thorne earline. Completely furnished with new furniture. Fine lawn and rosea. This is very neat and clean and the biggest bargain in the city. You will have to hurry to get it RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 300 Oak st Broadway 4133. $2623 FURNISHED HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 6-room completely furnished bungalow; white enamel plumbing: electric lights and gas; paved street. In the heart of Hawthorne district Va cant Immediate possession. Easy terms. SEE FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abington Building,' Main 1068. Mam 6156. Office tlpen Sunday- and Ev-ningi. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1500 Very neat 6-room cottage with 80x100 lot; assorted orchard just coming into bearing: nice garden: good chicken house and yard; good cess pool; electric lights and gas. $200 cash, $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. $3630 East Ankeny, near 20th. takes 7 room modern home: furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, in fine condition; $600, $35 per month. rhone Tabor 6441. $6250 EAST Broadway near cor. E. 2 2d. W room house, lot 66x100; immediate possession: easy terms. Inquire 414 . Pittock blk. Phone BaVwy. 784. 4 ROOM cottage on E. 3d and Broadway; must be removed at once; building to be con structed on property. Pbone East 145 or East 2731. - $100 CASH, balance $12 per month, 8 room semi-modern shack, 14x34', on earline, well located; investigate this bargain. $800. Tabor 6143. $ 1 00 8 room house, modem, electric lights, gas, barn, garden, chicken house, fruit, 62x 100 lot, good terms. Call at 169 East 75th St., north: phone Tabor 4157. FOR SALE 6-room modern huilt house, also the furniture; fine neighborhood close to car line; cement basement, laundry trays, etc. 521 Mar gi rite ave. . corner Clinton st G. W. Cntts. 5 ROOM modern bungalow in Alberta district, $300 down and $20 per month. Price $1900, or trade Chevrolet, Ford or Maxwell. Wood- lawn 5430. GREAT SNAP BET. 19TH AND 21ST STS Irvington home, modern conveniences. Ideal location; jus inins, oniy iovu. s-oe. Journal. 5 ROOM cottage, bath, sleeping porch, electri city: 2 lota, garage, fruit berries. Mi school. Owners only. 4929 61st st S. E. Tabor 9112. 6 ROOM house, comer lot $1100: 2 room sl eek, full lot close in, $700; 8 roomi, mod ern, fireplace, garage, corner 100x100, $5000, Wereugard, 812 Worcester bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW Southwest comer E. 48th and Brazee, 5 rooms and reception hall; $2000 will handle. Phone Tabor 6396. LITTLE house in the woods, unobstructible view, exclusive1 district, 20 minutes' ride, 7 lota. wood for e years, charming noma, excellent reads, school. B-303 1 . MR. DOCTOR OR TRAINED NURSE Irvington needs maternity home; see this 16 room beautiful home, just in right place; bar- gaii. East 419. ROSE CITY PARK bnngalow, 5 rooms, modem, hot water heating plant, garage, hard surface street all rmid for; terms; $3500. Fred S. Williams, 92 1st st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS A fire room bungalow for sale on easy terms, $2250. Look this up at once. Main 6456. 1011 Yeon bldg. ELI from owner and save commission, 7 room modern hmue.L larea lot. and norches. aaraae. tool houses, - flower ; borders and roses. House not built to sell. Good terms. Main 2879. ROOM modern house, Dutch kitchen and bath, white enamel built-in buffet, bookcases and window seat; close to station, $1700. Call Tabor 8590- " LAURELHURST HOME 7 rooms, white enamel, glass doors, glass en- clneed sleeping porch, gs-rage, perfect condition, $3700. terms, rjast iv. $1400 SIS room bouse, bath, toilet lights and city water, close in. 00 fare, beautiful view; $300 cash, balance terms. G-458, Jour nal SUNNY8IDE HOME 6 rooms, furnished, close to car and school: improvements paid. Bargain at $2850. Terms to" suit.- Owner, 1000 E. Tsylor. DANDY well built 4 room cottage, not finished. $1300 cash. Lots almost given awar. In quire 6128 62d at Woodstock car. $1350 5 room house and 4 lots : good terms. Can show you by auto. Marshall 2157. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 5 r. bungalow. 60x86 ground; $2600, installments. Owners, 615 McKsy bldg., or Marshall 4569. 4 ROOM COTTAGE, STTjOHNS $250 COST. BALANCE $10 PER MONTH. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE. FOR SALE By owner, 6 room bungalow 1 block to car; $1800. some terms; also furni ture. Call 7103' 53d ave. 8.E. EXCEPTIONALLY well built 6 room bouae, complete 3 blocks from K. C. car; $3200; easy terms. Phone Tabor 6883. MODERN, 6 room bungalow near school, stores and earline. Price $2300. Call 4904 66th at. 5 ROOM house, gas, electricity, etc., $10. per month, interest 6 per cent, $1000 payment down. Owner. 3624 64th st, 8. E. MODERN 5 room bungalow with built-in con reniences. Richmond district. Owner, 8ell- wood 2027. PRETTY bungalow; hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, all built-in ; fine condition; one block from Alberta car. 667 Sumner st. cor. 18th. 4 BOOM house with bathj small fruit and gar : den, $1500. Terms. H. King, 6027 65th ave: 8. E. $1000 SACRIFICE: 6 nice rooms; fruit; half black to car; - $2500, terms. . Owner, Main 1643. Residence. Main 1877. A SNAP $1800 buya modern t room home. ' large basement, lawn and garden, from car. 4047 5th st 8. E. 2 'A blocks 6 ROOM house, full concrete basement, 60x100 lot. no incumbrances. Price S290O .344 E. 22d 8. Phone Sellwood 3099. AN EIGHT, roam, well built bouse, full lot fruit and shrubbery; will sell at a sacrifice. Owner. Eart 484. , FIVE room cottage, lot 75x100, 10 nice fruit trees, chicken run: $1650, terms, 209 Ore gon bldg. Broadway 1658. - THREE dwellings for sale by owner, . $1200, $1800, $8800;: good locations; no commis sions : reasonable terms, p-4 66, Journal. BY-OWNER, lot. 1st and Bancroft, $10 per a-onth. Marshall 4431. THREE room shack, lot 60x1000: $500. terms. 2O0 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. FOR 8A LB A 6 room house on a corner lot 60x100. Inquire 1280 E- Salmon. DANDY S room bouse, lawn. ' fruit, roses and shrubbery, good bur from -owner. Tabor 411(1 TRV INGTON Modern '7 rooms and garaae on Broadway, ear, above 19th; bargain. East 419. i'OC SALE By owner, V room bungalow in Hawthorne.- Woodlawn 1205. . - FOR SALE Thre room house, 646 E. Eaier-" son st. Alberta district. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES CI ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOWS ; ' Thoroughly modern 1 story bungalow ' TO 1 . 60th at, north of Sandy, hardwood floors, all rooms light and airy, S nice bedrooms, 80x1 00 kit.; splendid home environment; price $4100, SI76 cash. This - is an - exceptionally nice, latdern boms foJly worth $4500. - ' Splendid, nearly new. thoroughly modern 1 H story bungalow on 67tn st, very . large Bring irom, dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms on first floor, 2 big bed rooms and , enclosed aleep ir.i, porch on 2d floor, 50x100 lot; All, rooms lery large. A most desirable nearly new home. Price $42C0. . - A DANDY ' IN ROS8MERB On 45tt at north of Sandy; very attractive and roomy 1 H story bungalow, 8 bedrooms, everything modern, 60x100 lot , Price $4760, Comfortable cottage on 7 2d sC near Glisan, 5 room and bath, electrio light, gas, etc., 76x Prt ft. lot, 14 block to car. -Price only $1600; $250 cash wOI handle. ' " - We have another nice Uttle home , on Ham ilton st . ( west , aide) . - convenient to - shipyards and west aide industries, corner lot, paved street t paid), garage. Price $1600. $350 cash, bal ance very eaay. v - a . 'I THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. 270. Stark at - , . . Matn 3052. Sunday Main 6978 or East 2725' . $2990 PIEDMONT BOMB $2990 6-room very substantial white bungalow type home ; good cement basement ; white ' ensnu-l pinching; electric-lights and gas: on a loll lot; paved street and sidewalk in and paid in ttili. Surrounded by ; beautiful -fir trees, , -lght m Piedmont, one of Portland's exclusive rveidence districts. Essy terms. SEE FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abington Building. Main 1068. .Main BlSrf. Office Open Sunday and Ev-ininj. 4-ROOM MODERN 1 Lot. 40x100, 82d st. close in. Pries $1500. Bsl.. easy monthly payments at 6. Will aell lease on 160 acre ranch; 15 cows, 9 one-year-old heifers, milk sold at ranch, good pasture, no hard surface road. 4 -Room house, 1 lot 60x106. $400, $40 cash, bsl. at monthly payments. Williams Realty Co., Grays Crossing. Tsbor 4934. GOOD BUYS IN PIEDMONT AT THE WAR PRICES BEFORE 11 room house, 100x100 lot... 8 room house, 89x100 lot... '. . ! oiooo 7 room louse, 6(11100 lot... 7 room house, 100x100 lot.., 6 room house, 60x100 lot.... All streets paved and naid. , a . . , u,uvu . . . . . 4.600 ...... .4,500 Call C-2419 for appointment. MR. alMITH. $1850 DANDY WORKING"" MAN'S "HOmE 6 room house, free from incumbrance, plas tered, papered, painted, stained and -smished, built-in buffet plate rail, paneled with beamed ceiling, hot and eold water and batb. large front and back porches, double constructed; fine piece for cow and chickens. Part lash and terms; 10 minutes' walking distance front end of oouncu crest car. owner, I-ewis Tbeiderman. I'hone Marshall 6469 for directions. RICHMOND 34000. Terms. Its story 6-room bungalow; 2 toilets, sleep ing porch,, cement basements hot water heating plant, paved streets, good district, all clear of inrumDrance ana It s vacant Stanley 8. Thompson Co. 802 Oak. JSvenlngs call Woodlawn 831. x v u story o room House, 9 bedrooms, parlor, dining room and kitchen, large attic and basement, bathroom, clothes closets, pantry. targe iront ana oscx porcnes suitable for sleep inu . rooms, plumbing, : electric lights, lot 6O1 mi. near Eastmoreland. 3 blocks from line. 6 diocks iron another earline. Price 32750. Sellwood 2525. Owner. OWN YOUR HOME 6 room dwelling, well built and modern In every resnect. Full cement basement, vand heat mg piant, north slope of Mt Tabor. Price rea sonable, terms to suit See - R. W. HAGOOD BOO Tonrnsl bldg. Main 4958. A-6051. BARGAIN ROSE CITY PARK CAR Fir room double constructed bungalow. Dutch kitchen, bath, full cement basement Would eon- aider good light car - as first payment BaL like rent obi e. utn N. Tabor 73I. MODERN 5 room bunealow. hardwood ft oars. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment ana laundry trays, , close to 2 carlines, newly painted snd tinted; price $2800, $650 cau, oaiance mommy payments, fnons wood lawn 2241. T DINING, living, kitchen, bedroom; bath, good tub and hot and cold water connections; elec tric light; concrete foundation, full basement; 50x100 t Price $1600, $50O cash. $25 montn, including Interest. 5221 86th ave. S, is. can after 5 p. m. SNAPPIEST BUNGALOW. LA UHKI.HCHRT COST $11,000. WILL TAKE $7950 FOR QUICK SALE. GARAGE. VERY FINE. IF YOU WANT HOME BY ALL MEANS CALL MB. TWO IKVLSUTON FINE. EAST 278, nr.rtiAi - - f MT. TABOR HOME "" $3800. ALL IMPROVEMENTS PAID Six rooms, large attic, cement basement bard- wooa noon, iirepiace. furnace, lnitch kitchen, built ins; finely finished, excellent condition; uvxw, una view, iron trees. 1071 K. Alder. IOB SALE live room house and barn, bath and toilet, full basement,' laundry trays in the basement; berss, grapes, apples, pears and cherry trees on place, and. 2 cows; all that for $1600; $560 cash or mora If it is cheaper; at u nurweii ave., Brllwood. ' SIX ROOM BUNGALOW $2760 Hardwood floors, , fireplace, j Dutch kitchen, full basement, with good furnace; this uouse is raonern in every way. WAKEFIELD FRIES A CO., Main 14. - 86 4th st. ROOM home close In on earline. full i ment basement, walk and curb, plenty good fruit; place damaged by fire, 725 & 28th St., 3 blocks Irom Clinton Kelly school, near 8. P. shops; price $1600. CaU and ace Sunday, or T st., room 00. 7 LARGE, light rooms, clothes closet In bed- room, very pretty electric fixtures, gas, white enamei laundry l rays in connection with sink In kitchen, $60 new inlaid linoleum included: lot 77x177; large garden, berries, fruit, on 45th ave.; aaoou; less for cash. Bell. 747. 4 ROOMS"il7Sa 4-ROftm Mtflll, nn full 1... - kImiI, . . -- .... . -, ....... 1. m u, v , ki ear and school: very close in s 1 An M,h vfi nanaie. R. t. MeCUIRE REALTY CO., 648 Union avenue North. ROSE CITY PA HE room bungalow, strictly modern, furnace, fi replace, cement basement built-in features. wnite enamel unisn; a Bargain st $3300. Owner, 41 E. 4th st, N. Tabor 4705. VANCOUVER AVE7T55TTAG! . Five rooms mod. on 60x92 lot Price $3350. aerma, bvu cean, oai. 10 suit. B, J. McGUIRE REALTY CO., . 646 Union avenue North. FOR SALE By owner. $"1800. some terms! Modem 6-room house and sleepina noitk partly furnished. Garage, chicken house and garden. Must sell at once as leaving city. Call JEi, IOU.', 16 ROOM bouse, modern e c ent f ti rn ace . heat residence section of Wood burn. Or., suitable (or boarding or apt. house, close to high school, 1 block from 'new $20,000 cannery; price $8600. iae some trade. Tabor 8224. YOU can save $1000 by baying in. St. Johns instead of Rose City, etc. See my new ban, gslow, built-in effects, full lot, fine trees, one oiocx norm 01 st, jonne camna. 1010 ard near Buchanan. 7 ROOM house . and garage with 100x100 in fine condition, cement walla, walking distance. all kinds of shrubbery, fruit trees, grapes, etc win sell at a sacrifice. The owner, 104 Sbcr- jocb bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Beautuui a room nunealow foe aala at. a sacrifice, all modem, lovely yard, with fruit ana 1 lowers. -Must oe seen to be appreciated. From owner, 327 E. 83d st seix or trade Sacrifice House, modem, 5 rooms, 4828 44th at. 8 Y... Lenox add.. Woodstnek. nun (nil Biiruooery, aojoinina 101s 11 wantea. l.all nun- aay or evenings; pltone Sellwood 1 586. TWO 6. room cottages by owner. Just psinted Miaiae ana onnn, loan Macadam at. 10m Water at $20p down, balance as rent. Wslkhig dirUnce. block from earline; - MenliTT 481 IRVINGTON ArAtela . If you want a good home reasonable eaU owner,- woooiawn zow. ' DEAL with owner. Seven inonl nlaatetwA hnm. toilet, electrict HehtA. waa. frntt hM-rlaa kn. wwb. wi a. oaimon. laoor s49. C-ROOM bungalow, gaa electricity, bath, toilet, basement, half bloek n Mil atl ... Snwi Terms. Call East 8929. NEW 4 room plastered bungalow and Quarter acre, iiouv. ti re f on t-.ijw-f ;. iniMu . t-w Grove 1-M. - 1 , ----- THIS, place must be sold, by owner. Modern 5 room bungaU-w. Mt Scott car, 62d t. Call Tabor 5583. IN THE Hawthorn district, $ room bungalow-, full cement basement, laundry trays, large let, good garage, for $2500. on terms.- Tabor 9855. UNIVERSITY PARK, room, partly modern, lOOxlOO, 18 large fruit tree, berriee. garden; 95QO down, bal. time. Phone rot. IftSO. $38506 room modern bungalow, with Va acre, ' 8 blocks from Mt. Tabor reservoir. CaU East 8270, 660 E. Madison at. ' S140W HUTS 4 room house, .west side, large lot; tJ0(feash. balance $20 per month, si. E. Le-. 605 Corbett bldg. - ? ROOM hoose, T,Uor 6569. all modern conveniences. BEAUTIFUL 4 room home. Woodstock district; modern j $1630. By owner. Tabor 6940. MODERN 3 room. Hawthorn district 9 lots A Oswego; mutt aeli. Phono Tabor 2082, IT REAL ESTATE . y , .. FOR 8 ALE HOUSES t $ t $2750 IDEAL BUNGALOW $27Vf " . : On the Sellwood car line north of V-wlmore-land district is a practically new, rery artixtio bungalow with low rambling lines, on g coiner ft Vs ' vin room with fireplace: dining room with-, buffet and plate rail ; two large airy 'bud- -"S?" witu large elof bra closets) Dutch Kit oJ ion; white enamel plumbing; electric lights ami , ga. W .noiiss) baa- been completely rvtin-jd. I var nished and repainted on the outxide. . Very ; terms. Vacant, Immediate liosseasloa. SEE : "A ! FRANK I M'GUIRE, - 5 - - Abington BuiMing. Main 1668, Main 6156. Of fin. , k. a 1 , miim.j ,r ,ltl,-s. Stop Paying Rent, but Pay It to Yourself, Wife and ! ' . Children Walnut Park, Portland's first class restricted residence district offers exceptional opportunities for eight new 'home builders. I . " We will assist financially, if desired. J Calt today at the office, 1149 Union vi.N. Woodlawn 8804. Ti. W. M. KILLINGS WORTH. Owner. ? 1 $4100BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW $4100 TtoSK i'itt pmr 6 Room strictly modern bungalow, complete in every detail, very attractive living and dining room combination with hardwood floors; large fireplace with damper, and beautiful buffet, this place haa a fine garage and all street paving assessments are paid in full. $1000 oaabi will handle. Call at 1814 Sandy blvd. y $2500 unusu'au iloiiK VALt'E-Uaoo" , Very attractive 7-room- modern bungalow! typo home on corner lot: has paneled dining room, built-in buffet, sewing mom. white Duteli kitchen; white enamel plumbing: electrio pgb-s and gas; full cement basement; 4 oeiiro3mi On L. 7btU street, close to car and school. bK ' FRANK U M'GUIRE, -7 Abington Building, Main 1068, Main 3lW. -Office Qen Sunday and Evenings. rnluL ONLY $8oO j ; 3-Koom Coltage - 3 room cottagu In a good district and clrfce L one of the best achools in Portland. Easy tr-nav Hurry if you want It t .1 RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. f 809 Oak st . Broadway 4133. $2450 VIEW BCNGALOV"$2iTrrT" On E. 87th street. H block to car., wa are of fering a very attractive white bungalow 1 wk h a wonderful unobstmcted view of Lanrelhurst. 00 the i?ast aide. Haa white enamel plumbing ; electric lights and gas, fruit and flowers. Term, SEE I ,s FRANK L. M'GUIRE. - - I , Abington Building. Main, 1068. Main, 3136. Otfloe Open Sunday and Evenines. 1 POSSESSION MAYTffiSl SnaiHiy 4 room bungalow, hardwood and lino leum floors, Dutch kitchen, cooling close, range, .; Ituud heater, built-in disappearing hnl ; a complete home. You raurt see tills. Price light Terms easy. I ' MR. DARING. . J UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A Tit CO.. 284 Oak BUNGALOW, IRVINGTON DISTRICT " ' " 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, fumaos, buiit-ins. In fact, it has everything that goes with fine home. Including garage, hard-sur faced street in and paid. Price $4100; about cash will handle. Extra well built 7 -room modem bouse on East 8th St., near Beacon, Fireplace, furnace, etev $1000 will handle. Fits gibbon A Cahvay. 4 01 Board of Trade, i -i 6 ROOM house at Kern perk; Mt Scott crlirv clear Tf incumbrance; price $1000:1 easy terms. . . I 4 room house at Firland ililfm on Mt Iflrnlt cirUne; rhjir of. incumbrance; price $12501 some . ftt-zwa. J. E. SHEARS " ' 1 1 6 06 n'EXtbLnO ALoV I tio d Attractive o-room bungalow cottaa-i! enamel plumbing; electrio lights and chicken house; fruit; $800 will handle, avenue, 2 blocks to car. HEE FRANK I M'GUIRE. -Abington Building. Main 1068, Main Office Open Sunday and Evenings. wlihe ss; 871 $2750TERMS MOVK IX MAT ITIIIHT " FIVE ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK WAX at r tiitjtv-ii UNION SAFE DETOSIT TH. CO., 284?OAk. AT, PRE-WAR I'll U K 2 modem 6 rmm houses. EAST 28TH BT. ' Only $2500 each. Would be cheap at $3500. HERMAN MUELLER, 1026 Gascc bldg. Main 5480 SNAP 4 -room house, lot 1 00x1 00, high atta.1 vniimy i " oeanng irnix trees, iu I limit berries, 3 blocks from Kastmoreland School, -2 rsrlines. Will sell cheap for ouick sale. Tafc" Sellwood ear, transfer to Eastmorelaild, . 3 blocks east, 2 bhwk south. K-tecada line to Berkeley. 1161 Maiden ave.. owner. f ' 11650 4" ROOM COTTAGB-$l630 4 rooms and bath, floored attic, cement baas' ment, 100x100 corner lot. 1 block to earline, 46th near 60th are.; $400 cash; $10 and in terest on balance. i t SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE, $555 EQUITY at a discount, 4 room "Wun," large lot; balance, $1095, payable $15 ir racnth and interest; lot alone worth the money; gat and sewer in; street paved; a bargain., 17,2, K. 45th. CaU before noon or after 6 p. m. will consider 6 passenger ante. f -i I'OR MALE BY Owkfcll . ! ' T" New 5 room bnngalow, sleeping porch, .break fast room and large attic, full Cement basement, at 905 E. 21st N., Irvington or Urosdway car. Owner on premises from 1:80 to 6:80 tp. in. today. Phone Woodlawn 2658 afler 7 pi m' csr.n oi.tuALuw, hub r -O.y ti I MIC lO-V Fireplace, -- furnace, hardwood floors, rrene'i doors, all built-in features, sewing: room, (break fast alcove, full cemeut basement, wash1 trars, garage, corner lot, improvements paid; itjuu. Ow.wr and builder, Eaat 1644. 1 JU8:fT" COM PLETED ' I !"'"': - All ready for-you to move In. 6 rn,', slespftg porch, h. w. floors, f. p., full cement liiwmim, furnace. 50x100 lot. beautiful view, $1809 cet, bah easy terms, I'M blks. to car. 18 ;U J minutes. W. Morelsnd. Call Eaat 29 IS. Bf stnBt'fDr"iRTLJiiff r t" 7 room plaetered house on Millard ave. Large bam and chicken ran for 200 chickens; garden. Price $2650, $500 cash, balance terms r would take good ear to $730. 6627 63tb at, 8, E. Tabor 7881. ' ' i BUNGALOW IBVINGTONDISTRICT7 5 raoma and sleeping porch, hardwood flooo, furnace, improved street, garage; price $41 17 reasonable terms. JOItNSON-DODSON, CO.. 684 N.-W. BANK BLDG. . ,t FOR HALE, 10 room modem house, fumialtod, ' 4 blocks from Broadway. 8 blocks to iirldue, on finished st; close in. .: , .. spta., 2 rent for $50. Owner 'occupies th other. Good buyi new and clean. East 8in. . irnnvnv tt .a-- i - ... , , . t. ... on hard surface street, with 3 carlines; n liens against this property except mortgage. Ap praised aln $4000. $2760 cash takes it r rei r. wiinams. $160 CASH BfTNflAI41W ' See this 6 roora home, with bath, ' nice leA-t lot, cement sidewalks; you can't beat U for $1460. COE A. M'KENNA A CO. Main 4522, i 82 4th st. Board of Trad Bldgr T ' ? KENTON i 4 rooms, gas, elect, bath,' 3 block! fruns Kenton bank, on paved street, large lot, Wliv lite in an aparXmentf Get tb fresh ir mild hate a garden $400, down, bai. terms, i peefrt O'Neill. Woodlawn 4088. I i SUNNlfSIDE ,. -. i. i : 3 no. modern home, Gasco heating system. Pears, peaches, grapes, rsspberrieM, blackberrian, currant and a Wealth of rosea. $2800 ft auick -sale. Part time. CaU owner Sunday j Tab.' 3121. " $2900 ROOM BUNGALOW $2Si0 -r 6 rooms and bath, modern in every' teapact S fn'.l cement basement, furnace, 60x100 lot, nke lawn; $600 will handle. , SMITH-WAGONER -CO., STOCK EXCHANGE. FOR SALE X4j5rooi" house, e need "and im proved large lot near Woodstock earline. 25u( on time; also 4 room bouse, large lot, for $lHUi, wwf wrwm , aiso acre lana nearpy. - 1 a. a. baeptder, 614 Henry bldg. - J- - ....... l t MAKE -the an offer on my 3 room cottage witn large aiuo. modem, on paved street: sen ouick. 409 Ainsworth are. near Union. , HE REFUSED to tak $10,000 for his elegant Holladay ave. bona,' but now h needs tha money and win take snouu; inn corner loi. isunwr ioi..: ing it Mixter '4 '., m room bouse, no liens; just like giving it awa r-red Wllllamji, VZVt 1st . fHUYTT.V mod. rn hmua. HBO $j325v; a semi-modem house. 1000 - K.) wasli- mzton t. isvw: a o room ot tag. i'i ;or at., f ztfuo, -T'nes are pargams. iiesry Cover, 64 Union ave. WESTMORETAND,' by owner, 6 room tuodnrti ' bunealow. hardwood floors, fireplace, banelait dining, room, built-m baffet, garage, bard urfe street pric $3500; $16410 down, , 1446 ZOtU. UtL tllCtt MIS' il. Let m show ynsi Irvington beautiful J hem ; cost $27,000 $600 and .trad wiU iandle. Enjoy life. Kast 4 IP.-'- . J'- - :- ' $1150 BUNGALOW and garage, eoay 4 room bunealow. white enameled woodwork.1 newly tinted snd Dutch kitchen; will sell furnished f r $1360: Albert csr. 1214 K, 2 2d st North. $32606 room house, electrio lights, gas, fur nace, full cement basement, floored attic ; t block from- earline : uaved streets: - ao incum- braiwes. Owner, Eait 1828. - 6 ROflM bouse and lot 60x100 ft , Price $1000; also one 3 room bone and lot, nric 8750. WU1 seU on time. Inauir at. 1070 CorbeU at, ; ,,.,'..' . - - l