THE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY, APRIL1 1319. 1 - i -HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR HALE ' 3 STRICTLY private S room lower flat, vary tral, elegantly furnished. Will acU furniture or leas fur 6 months, 950 per month. 290 ' J 2th at. - ' - FURNITURE complete of 6-room strictly asod am house for Ml, price right, party loan in city; bono rent $22. 60 per month; no dealer - I. , WW,. p : a,,-..,., need apply. Phone East 661. FURNITURE of 5 -room house for iale. $250 cash. Hooaa for rent; walking distance. Call Broadway 2157. . COMPLETE furniture of wen famished k flat; flat for rent. Eaat 600. FURNITURE of 9 rooms for sale: almost aw; bona for rent. 422 Delay at. near Morn. PUBNISHET HOUSES EXC-L'SIVE ATTRACTIVE BOMS FOB KENT .;; T rooraa, famished, modern, excellent con dition, lawn, fruit flower, close in. walking distance. 8 bike, of 2 carlinea; restricted die- tnct; adults; references. JC-H, Journal. . . PRACTICALLY new, beautifully finiabed; well furniabed and well located modern 8 room bouse for (85 per month, and aught build range or reduce rent for extra food tenant. House can bo seen today at Z K. IStB at. N. IRVINGTON HOME furnished, extir fine op portunity to rent an elegant hooaa, rooma, arranged for email or large family. 8BS Eaat 12tn at. J.. Before 11:89 and after 2 p. I WANT to lease my 6 room modern hoiue for month or 1 year, tome furniture. Apply. 877 Oberlin at., Portsmouth. - VOli RENT 6 -room furnished cottage. 141 Graham are. FURNITURE tor aale and hooaa for rant. SOS Mississippi are. $20 TWO room house, furnished. Main 4190. APARTMENTS 4$ h'r.ibhkii ash iri L KNIBHE.D Uorr A no rrmone And Laurel- i icti l nuui iiiigiiiv) Hotel Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and sleep. Ing room. 62.60 and op. Second and Ismhlll. MAGNOLIA apartmenta, lurnished eingle and doable housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms. Telephone East gIZ. CLEAN, neatly furnished H. K. Apta.. walking distance: beat, phone, electria licht bath. 66 E th near Btark. FOli RENT Three nicely furnished house keeping rooms, now vacant 804 H Eugene st FOB RENT-FLATS 12 CLAY 8T. near 3d. flat of 6 rooms and bath. Beck, agent. Failing bldg. Main 6407. WEST SIDE 6 rooms, ington. 22 19th, eor. of Waah- FURKI8HEP FLATS 2 AND 4 room upper and lower furnished and unrurnisned flat, garden ana garage, no 1st at. 8. Main 4668. 630 FURNISHED lower flat, 642 Eaat 27th. Klrhmond car to Z7tb. one block eouttt. Yard, nowera. MODERN furnUbed flat for rant. Main St. near 4 1st, , 1200 E. HOTELS '- 64 BAN MARCO hotel Rooms, 50o up; special ratea by the week. 422 Vt Washington. STORE ANT OFFICES II LITTLE store building at I'arkplace. one block from bridge, for rent or aale; living quarters upstairs ; reasonable terms. , James Petty, Glad' atone. Or. -FOR KENT Warehouse space . on track, west aide. Phone Broadway 821. WANTED TO RENT WE WANT TO RENT a 8 room up-to-date dwelling In select neighbor- ' ftooa. i Ako housea, flats and apartment It you l.tve any vacancies, phone Heave Together, care of Northwest Steel Co., Main 1198. v ANTED- To rent furnished 6 or 6 room house on east side. Parties expecting to leave rlty tor aix months or a year and desiring to leave- Dome in car m responsible people can arrange. Phone Tabor 8444. VA NTED In Irvinaton. in private family. room with or without board, by young lady employed. B-446, Journal. FIVE or 8 mom modern bungalow or house with garage. Must be in good condition. Will pay up to 840 per month. Call Main 6662. WilOW employed until 4 p. m. wants., room with refined people where a girl 10 years out hare board. Marshall 8698. ' WANTED To rent or lease a 6 room bunga- low, by responsible) young couple. L-631. Journal, WANTED to rent. 6 room unfurnished cottage, . with or without garage. Main 1078. SUMMER RESORTS S8 UEARHART 7 rooraa and bath, furnished: 2 lota In grove. Will accept good auto as part payment. L-6S6, Journal. REAL ESTATJr TO LEASE 42 TOR LEASE 182 acres, 28 under cultivation: creek and well. 6 room house, bare. Plica 8160. 8. O. Dillman, 8th and Main eta., Oregon City, Or. BUSINESS PROPERTY . 12 PER CENT Warehouse. South Portland, railroad frontage, brick, strongly built, two stories and basement; net income niort- than 12 per cent of price. Bea R. W. HAOOOD 800 Journal bldg. Main 4958. A-6051. - OENERAI, REAI, ESTATE 62 Extra Inducements Offered to secure eight new borne In WaK rtnt Park, Portland! first class restricted dis trict, car service, also Jefferson high school and large publio library. No finer lo cation for a borne in the city, iinancial assist ance if desired. Call today. 1148 Union eve. N Woodtawn 8804. W. M. KILLING WORTH. Owner. A FACTORT OR WAREHOUSE SITE 100 by 100. cloae in and handy to trackage, a bargain, 86600. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Johnston tt Mc Hardy. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 83660 East Ankeny. near 20th, takes 7 room modern home ; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, in fine condition; 3000, 333 per month. I'honeTebor 6441. - (6250 EAST Broadway near eor. E. 2 2d. 8" room house, lot ofixl 00 ; immediate possession easy terms, . Inquire 414 PUtook blk. Phona lidwy. 7 8. - 4 ROOM cottage on E. 3d and. Broadway; must be removed at once; . building to be con structed on property. . Phone Eaat 145 or East ,2781. $100 CASH, balance $12 per month. 8 room semi-modern shack, 14x34, on carline, well located; investigate thia bargain. $800. Tabor 0148. 5 ROOM modem bungalow in Alberta, district 83U0 down and gzo per montn. price sioo or 'trade Chevrolet Font or Maxwell. Wood lawn 6430. GREAT SNAP BET. 19TH AND 21ST ST& Irvington home, modern conveniences, ideal location; jost uunk, only . $4800. L-635, journal. TWO 5 room cottages by owner. Just painted marae ana ouuiae. iua Macadam at. 1079 Water at 6200 down, balance aa rent Walking . OKtarwe. tt oiocs: Trom carline. Manliall 44 31 A 6-ROOM cottage, double constructed, lot looxioo. garage and a bearing fruit trees. bus u. Btn at. N. 1'bone Tabor 3471, 4tt blocks north of Bandy. - - EXCEPTION ALLT well Ann. -.. a Wl . - ,u built. 6 H. C house, $8200: easy terms. Phone Tabor 6833. 5 ROOM modern cottage, easily worth $2800 i m goou Bargain ana gooa terms. 40 Ivy st. r none r.asx soo. iso agents. MODERN 5 room bungalow near school, stores 05th St. - . MODERN S room bungalow with built-in con- ' renienee. Richmond district Owner. Sell- wood 2027.' MODEKN bungalow, full lot and baaement" terms. Owner. 10OO E. 16th st Sell wood 1 S 4 8. PRETTY bangs low; hardwood floors,, Dutch kttcnrn, all rmut-tns; fine condition; one block from Alberta car. 667 8umner at. cor. 18th. 4 ROOM bouse with bath; small fruit and gar- am. $160W. Terms. H. King, 5027 65th ave. B. K. $1000 SACRIFICE: 8 nice rooma: fruit; half niacs to car; .siw, terms. . uwner. Main ios. Keswence. Mam 1S77. A SNIP 31800 buys modern 8 room horn large basement lawn and gararn. ' tt blocks Trom car. eosiT ooin st. b. k, . -6 ROOM bouse. tuU concrete basement 50x100 . lot no ioeumbrancaa. Price 2900. 644 E, ,-2d 8. Phone Bellwood 8099. AN EIGHT room, well built house, fufl lot fruit and shrubbery: wUl sell at a sacrifice. Owner, East 484. 1TVE room cottage, lot 75x100. 10 nice fruit T trees, chicken run; 81650, terms. 209 Ora- gon bMg. K roadway 1658. THREE dwellings .for aale by owner, $1200. $1800. 300: good locations: no ooramia siows : ressonxble terms. P-466. Journal. BT OWNER, lot 1st and Bancroft,7 1& we srdnth. MarshsU 4431. THKES room shack, lot 50x1000; $500. term, 209 Qrcgoa buis. roJwv 1658. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 81 ' SOSE CITT PARK BUNGALOWS ; A Thoroughly modern 1 H story bong alow, 701 IS. 6Urn at., north of Bandy, hardwood floors, all rooms nght snd airy, 8 nice bsdroomsfiOxlOO lot, apteadid homo - envirnnmsnt: priea 34100, 81760 cash. This is an exceptionally .nice. Modern tuna folly worth 84500. ' Splendid, nearly new, thoroughly modern 1 story bungalow on 67th St., very large living rem, dining room, .kitchen and 2 bedrooms on first floor, 3 big bedrooms and enclosed sleep ing porch on 2d floor, 60x100 lot; all rooma sery large. A most desirable nearly new home. Pries 34280. ; - i:. A DASDT IN ROSSMERE On " 4 3 1 1 at. north of Sandy; very attractive end roomy 1 H story bungalow, 8 bedrooms, erervthing modern, 60x100 lot. Pries 34780. Comfortable cottage on 7 2d it- near Glisan. 5 rooms and bsth, electric light, gas, etc., 75x P0 ft. lot, block to car. Pries only 31800; 6230 caab will handle. We have another nice little boms , on Ham ilton at. tweet side), convenient to shipyards and west side industries, corner lot, paved street tpaid), garage,: Pries 31600, 2350 cash, bal ance very easy. THE CEOSSLET-VIGABS CO.. . 270 Stark at. Main 2052. . SuiKUy Main 8973 or Eaat 2725. 4-R00M MODERN .. 1 Lot, 40x100. 82d at., cloas in. Priea 31500. Bai., easy monthly payments at 8 . a, him aeii tease on 1 bU acre ranch ; 1 a cows. 9 one-year-old heifers, milk sold at ranch, good pasture, no hard surtaaw road. 4-Room house. 1 lot 60x100, $400, $40 cash, bal. at monthly payments. Williams Realty Co., drays Crossing. , Tabor 4834. - GOOD BUYS IN PIEDMONT AT BEFORE -. THE WAR PRICES 11 room house, 100x100 lot $10,600 8 room house. 89x100 lot........ 8,000 7 room house, 60x100 lot........ 6,500 7 room house, 100x100 lot........ 4,500 6 room house, 60x100 lot......... 4,500 All atreeta pared and paid. Call C-2419 for appointment. MR. SMITH. 3150 DANDX WORKING MAN'S HOME 6 room house, free from incumbrance, plas tered, papered, painted, stained and "arnished. built-in buffet, plate rail, paneled with beamed ceiling, hot and cold water and batb. large front and back porches, double constructed ; fine place for cow and chickens. Part cash and terms: 10 minutes' walking distance from end of Council Crest car. - Owner, Lewis Theiderman. Phone Marshall 6469 for directions. RICHMOND 84000. Terms. 1H story 6-room bungalow: 2 toilets, sleep ing porch, cement basement, hot water heating plant, paved atreeta, good district, all clear of inc.! Incumbrance and it'a vacant. Stanley S. Thompson Co. 202 Oak. Evenings call Woodlawn 831. dining room and kitchen, laree attic . and basement, bathroom, clotbee closets, pantry, large front and back porches suitable for sleep ing rooms, plumbing, electric lights, lot 50x 100, near Eastmoreland. 8 blocks from line, 6 blocks from another carline. Pries 32750. Bellwood 2528. Owner. EAST 11th at, close in, a good 6-room modern house. 60x100 lot bargain at 32000, eaty terms, also a swell borne on 74 tb st. near car line. Thia place must be sold at a sacrifice to settle up an estate; good terms. Coma in ami let us tell you about this. 924 Chamber of Commerce. Call between 1 snd 4 J. in. OWN TOUR HOME ' 8 room dwelling, well built and modern in every respect Full cement basement, good heat ing plant north slope of ML Tabor. Price rea sonable, terms to suit See B. W. HAGOOD 600 Journal bldg. Main 4958, A-6051. BARGAIN ROSE CJTT PARK CAR Five room double constructed bungalow, Dutch kitchen, bath, full cement basement Won M con sider good light car aa first payment BaL like rent. i evtn J. Tabor 7935. MODERN 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment and laundry trays, close to 2 carline. newly painted and tinted: ortca S2600. XHKO cash, balance monthly payments. Phona Wood lawn 2241. DINING, living, kitchen, bedroom: bath, eood tub and hot and cold water connections: elec tric light: concrete foundation, full basement: 60x100 lot Price 61500. 6SOO cash. 25 month, includina Interest . 6221 86th , n SNAPPIE8T BUNGALOW,' LAUBELHURST; I COST 811.000. WILL TAKH 17BSO TTOR I QUICK SALE. GARAGE. r VERT FINE. IF ' TOU WANT HOME BT ALL MEANS CALL MK. TWO IBV1NGTON FINE EAST 273, HERDMAN. MT. TABOR HOME ' $3800. ALL IMPROVEMENTS PAID Six rooms, lane attic, cement hasement hant- wond floors, fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, built ins: finely finished, excellent condition; 60x100, fine view, fruit trees. 1871 E. Alder. FOR SALEr Five room house and barn, bath and toilet full basement laundry trays In the basement: berries, eraoea. smile, mn .n cherry trees on place, and 2 cows: all that for si ou: 3BO cash or more if it is cheaper; at 728 Bidwell ave.. Bellwood. SIX ROOM BUNGALOW 82750 Hardwood floors. firnW rtnt.t. kitchen, full basement with good furnace; thia bouse la modern in - every way. , WAKEFIELD FRIES ak CO., Main 14. Its 4th at 8 ROOM noma close In on carline, full ce ment baaement walk and eiirh nl,vtt a fruit; place damaged by fire, 725 E. 28th at, ft blocks from Clinton K,ll, hnnl mu , a x shops; price 81500. Call and sea Sundav. or LARGE, light rooms, clothes closet in herf. room, very Pretty electric fixtures, eaa. hi. enamei launory trays in connection with sink in kitchen, $60 new inlaid linoleum included: lot 11x177: large garden, berries, fruit, en 45th vsouu; ieaa i or caao. Bell. 747. 4 ROOM llTIn 4-Room eottase on full lot; nient Vrnif v, i .iiu mtiiiiim : mt rinu in x nil . n w.ii oavuuie. R. J. MeGCIRE REALTY CO.. 646 Union -avenue North. ROSE CITY PARK 6 room bnnaalow atrictW nwutm eM-n,M fireplace, cement basement- built-in v-atM-,' white enamel finish ; a bargain at $3350. Owner! . 4tn . N. Tabor 4705. VANCOUVER AVE rVTTlfiB Five rooma mod, on 60x82 lot Price $2350 maw caao, oat. xo Suit, K. J. McGUIKE REALTY CO., 645 Union avenue North. suit BALKBy owner. $1800. aome terms. -Modern 6-room house and sleeping porch, partly furnished. Garage, chicken house and E150' onc lering city. Call 16 ROOM house, modem except furnace, best residence section of Woedburn. Or. suitable """""i or apx. nonse. close to nign school. 1 iruw ms t.u.vuu cannery: pnee 53500 Take some. trade. Tabor 3224. TOU can save $1000 by buying in St Johns -Ka h one vity, etc see my new bun. galow, built-in effects, full lot fine frWa. on. block north of 8t Johns carline. 1010 Lean- re ofsr oBcninsn. - 7 ROOM house and garage with 100x100 in line conoiuon. cement wails, walking distance, an kinds of shrubbery, fruit trees, grapes, etc. WiU seU at a sacrifice. The owner, 104 Bher- lOCK DIUg. - HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW nruuiui w room ounralow lor aale at a acnfice. an modern, lovely yard, ' with fruit enu iiowera. aiust oe area to be appreciated. x nsn owner, o 3 f ggd ax. DOUBLE constructed 7 room house, on full tot 2 blocks to B. C. ear; full cement basement laundry trays, f ureses, fruit room, firrDlace. buiit-ina, cooling closet: a decided bargain at m terms, taoor 0893, 8100 CASH t BaL $20 month bays 5-room modern bunfa- mw, s.dhicu V car. I nrp siofllf. It J. McGUIRK REALTY CO.. 645 Union a venae North. ST. JOHNS 7 - Modern, brand new 8. K bunaalnw. fun w 1 block north of St. Johns car, on easy monthly payments. - Keys at 1010 Leonard . are., aear mn-iiaian, -. why not build? Get an artistio home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything, furnish the money If desired. L. It Bailey Co.. Inc. contracting architects. 824 N. W. Bank, FOR SALE A 7 room house, 28 fruit trees, a big barn. 3 lota, on eornar. 87 w muiu and Concord; 2 blocks from BusseR-Shaver car; aus dub: atom rnmin. . w.17 Journal. FIVE-ROOM partly modem cottage: fine lot. fruit trees and chick ew house r S 1 2 no term,- ? $1000 cash. Two blocks of Mt Scott car. OTgp 80th ave. S. E. FOR SALE 6 room strictly modern hoan. Sleeping Porch- . fill! Cement haaemen . K blocks to M. V. car. $2400; $800 cash. Tabor T744. - ' well built small bouse: 3 rooms snd Plastered and kaianaslmrl 9 b t,. for garden: fruit and berriea: USD li ki. ance terms. 6929 4Sd ave.. Kern Park. S.E. BT OWNER Modem 8 room house.-50x100 . lot. ease ironw large garage, paved atreeta. 4 carlines. close 'in, good district $3900. 491 -E- i sin st, near in vision at , - ojrsa j a. iv o room cottsre, garage. r- - axxl Mt Tabor ears. SOtltto. tnuat go. $2209. ' 171 K. Aider. FOR SALE Three room house, 818 , Emer- sua Auicna uttuicx. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 61 S-ROOM modern bungalow, wtth . Bsrdwaod floors, panel dining room, buiJt-tn buffet, bard surface streets, large sleeping porch, price 82160; Jticbmond district 6-room modern cottage, with garage, on cor ner, hard aorfaee) atreet, price 6260; Brook lyn district. 6-room strictly anodern bungalow, full base ment, fireplae. fnmaee heat, let 60x100, close to car, Woodstock district, price 83160. 6-room modern bungalow, hard aurfaea street, corner, pries 6280O; Hawthorn district. gang, lot 60x100; Woodlawm district, prioe New Tork Land Co., 802-5 Stock Exchangs bldg. Itsia 7878 . Stop Paying'Rent, but Pay It to Yourself, Wife and Children Walnut Park; Portland'a first dais restricted residence district offers exceptional opportunities for eight new horns builders. Ws win assist financially, if desired. Can today at the office, 1148 Union ava. N. Hvoodtawo 8804. W. 14. KILLING SWORTH. Owner. $4100 BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW $4100 ROSE CITT PARK . 6-Room strictly modern bungalow, complete in every detail, very attractive living and dining room combination with hardwood floors : large fireplace with damper, and beautiful buffet; thia place has a fine garage and all atreet paving assessments are paid in full. 81000 cash will Handle, call at 1814 Sandy bird. BUNGALOW. IRTINGTON DISTRICT 5 rooma, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, boilt-lna. In fact it has everything that goea with a fine home, ineludimr earace. hard-sur faced street in and paid. Price 84100; about cash win bandie. Extra weU bunt T room modern bouse on East 8th at. near Beacon. Fireplace, furnace, etc $1000 will handle. Fits- gibbon ak calway, 401 Board of Trade. REED COLLEGE HOUSE A permanent home for your children. Almost new. seven rooms, hardwood floors, living room 15x27 H feet white woodwork, side licbting, full basement furnace, two lavatories, tiled front porch, fine lawn and shrubbery: corner 80th and Bbee atreeta, park opposite, city golf links near by. All improvements paid. Will aell at cost 6620O, no agents. 'Telephone a. m. , East 1768 -50 BUTS 34O0O Mortgaged, 8660 gets it today or tomorrow only. Will rent for 830 month. 7 room stone house. 30th st N., In Irrineton Park, Hard surfaced street $H0 bonded to assume. Would coat 34000 to build, $12.50 a month will carry it See it at once. 1241 30th N.. Alberta, car. J. D. KENNEDT. 829 Salmon. AT PRE-WAR""PRICE 2 modern 6 room housea. EAST 26THS8T. On!? $2500 each. Would be cheap at $3500. HERMAN MOELLER. 1025 Os-cc bldg. Main 1480. SNAP 1-Toom bouse, lot 100x100, high and sightly. 16 bearing - fruit trees, all kinds berries, 8 blocks from Eastmoreland school, 2 carlinea, WU1 sell cheap for quick sale. Take Bellwood car, transfer to Eastmoreland, 3 blocks east 2 block south. Estacada line to Berkeley, lioi Maiden are., owner. 6 ROOM house, nice, light, airy rooms, good plumbing, ruu east front lot, concrete base ment and floor, paving and sewer paid: smaU cash payment balance monthly at 8 per cent in terest no delay about abstract and papers, pos session in 10 days. Phone owner, Woodlawn ZOO'S. FOR SALE EOTS 1 Build Your Home in Walnut Park Call today and select your lot as they are selling fast. Extra inducements offered for eight new homes. financial assistance, if de sired. No finer location for a home. W. M. KILLING 8 WORTH. Owner. 1149 Union avenue North. Woodlawn 8304 SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 CHICKEN RANCH. 14 miles from Portland. 4 mile from electric station. 5 room house, good bsrn, chicken bouse, granary. smoke house, tt sere in grapea, 2 acres in fruit, 7 seres in cultivation. Price 81500, tt cash. balance n per cent. tzs Aliegneny st. or phone Columbia 393. I 12 ACRES good land, 6 room plastered bouse! basement, barn, S tt acres in cultivation, aome fruit, balance in pasture. 4 bOta. to elec station, 17 miles from Portland. Price 83500, 800 cash, balance easy. 425 Allegheny. Phone Columbia 893. SUBURBAN HOMES 7$ A HOME IN GRESHAM Modern bungalow, 5 large rooms, closets, vestibule, center hall, bath, veranda, sleeping porch, double constructed, wen finished; no re-t-airs or additions required; acre tract. Bull Run water, woodhouse, henhouse. 20 Bartlett pears, 13 apples, plums, prunes, cherries, grapes, cur rants, berries, lawn, roses, ornamental trees; publio library, high school, churches, lodges, raved road; city privileges, country advantages: 8J0O0. A home built and occupied by owner. N. O. Fuller, Gresham. Or. SUBURBAN HOMES 1 acre rustic 3 room cottage, $1600 1 acre sightly 4 room house......... 2900 1 acre modern 5 room house.... 3500 8. O. DILLMAN. 8th and Main at Oregon City, Or. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, about 4 acres, fine modern buildings. Must be seen to appreciate, bargain. Telephone appointment to inspect Mendonholm, Oak Grove, Or. Tel. Oak Grove 103 M. - $8000 BUYS tt acre, 5 room house, steel range, etc.. tt block car; let the fruit pay interest; $500 cash. Main 1843. Main 1377. 7 ROOM house, tt acre, at Stanley station, Estacada carline. all modem; come out or phone. Sell. 1714, Ms, Miller. IF YOU want a home at Garden Home, easy terms, price right aee Mrs. Mizner, Garden Home. Ore. Elec. Ry. 5 ROOM cottage, lot 120x200. city water, part fenced, email payment down, balance like rent; located at Oswego. ' 227 N. 23d at HALF ACRE, fertile garden land, 5 room house, right in city; easy terms. See it at 5414 48th ave. S. E. HOMESTEADS 47 I OR SALE 220 acres deeded land; 60 acres in cultivation. 150 more csn be cultivated, balance good pasture land; all fenced with good new 4 wire fence. Also relinquishment of 640 aero stock raising homestead, and 40 acre desert claim, all adjoining; also adjoins the forest reserve 36000 takes this place with aome stock and farm machinery: terms. Address R. K., Crook County Enterprise. Pnnevilie, Or. LAST CHANCE 80 acres homestead relinquishment Linn county. 6 miles from good town and railroad on good road, adjoining neighbors, sawmill and mail route, 4 miles from good town, A l toil. living spring, valuable bunco of timber, no brush, a real home site; price $200 if sold soon. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - JOHNSTON tt McARTT. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT 160 sere within 10 miles of railroad. Rail- road win be within 4 miles of place. All good plow land. Five acres cleared; fenced on three sides; 80-foot bored well; 50 acres can be ir rigated. Price $600. " " A. C. ROWLAND, 8th and Main St. Oregon City, Or. DON'T WAIT TOO LONG If yon want a good piece of land for a little or notnirg, close to rood roads, schools, neigh bors, mail route, telephone and such, come and see os. -lvmesteaa reiinqunnments at a bar gain. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON McHAHDY. 840 HOMESTEADS and relinqu hmenta. Large portion uiisdw, astern uregon; splendid stock ranches, water and timber convenient Some good timber claims. Lived ia that coun try for years. - Call 7 to 0. evenings or Sua- osy or wnxe w. . ester. Burns, Or. FOB SALE or trade bomeetead relinquish ment Washington county,- 30 miles from rortisna; county road through, place: water, Woodlawn 6986. TIMBER 28 SMALL logging, milling or eordwood proposition "i rurusnoi rauway; river, l arxer, 43a tt Washington. WANTEP REAL ESTATE - SI 1 WANT houses. . I have the buyers. House selling is mi anecialtv. Tone housa wrill h given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WAREINER. BITTER. LOWE CO . 201-3-5--T Board of Trade Bldg. IF you want to cash your home in, see nv We win no xne resv,-CLBVELAND-BABK-HBNDERSON CO. 212 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 6762. WE have several clients with $1000 to $2000 to pay down en a. nut class fi or -6 room bungalow. List with , We can show result. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon bM. WAMKI ) To buy of owner for cash, aood 4 or n . room. bouse, about - $1000. - Phone Tabor 3334. DON'T WOl HI I can aril or trade -anything anywhere. Layman, 147 Park st. -SELLING HOMES OUR SPECIAL T HAVK 4T,IRNT IfOR BfalU rvmin .1 COMPTON tt ALDKRTON. IPO Abington bldg; WANTLW For ceaii. 3 to 4 room bouse- Call Alain .131. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WS have reeeral nice nieces of acreage that be traded tor Portland residence property. We also have clieota waiting for small house and lot wtta fruit,, etc GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon bldg- WANTED, beat cash price oat Roee City Park lot; priea and description. - L-638. JooraaL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 86 FOR SALE OS TRADE -- 75 rooms; lobby and restaurant furnished. About 15 miles south of Portland. Thia is a money maker. .Only $5500.: Good terms to gxperieaoed bote! people. S, O; MLLMAN. 8th and Main at ' Oregon City, Or. . BARGAIN. $675 : Small cash grocery and confectionery, clean stock; 8 fine living rooms, bath. not. ebld water; cheap rent Rooma ail furnished. This is a dandy buy for lady or man and wife. Thia must be sold on account of sickness, Owner. 68 E. 80th at N.. Montarilla ear. MECHANIC would like ta get in touch with soma one who would take op the metal spin ning business; no competition in the state. Write to F. Bchwead. or call 1495 Heighrave., Port land. NEAR shipyards, rooming bouse, restaurant candy, cigars; all full; best of business. Cheap for cash or terms. Owner, 200 Washington at, ancoover. Wash, FOR BALE Country store, doing general mer chandise business, $4000 stock: cheap rent; very pleasant place to live. Good reason for selling. Blair Bros.. Jasper. Or. - WANTED To aee party with few hundred dollars who is willing to go into good paying repair business; shop just started For particu lars, caii at 654 Sevier at, Sundays or evenings. FOR SALE Up-to-date 1919 motocycle. bicy cle and eletrica! repair shop, first class loca tion. 1369, Hawthorne Ave. near 49th, Come and look it over. FOR SALE Grocery stock and fixtures, good building with living rooma, fine location, good casn. trade, important busmen forces quick aau. Borne terms, Call Tabor 8756. owner. HALF interest in small factory just started. doing good bosineea. Fries $1400. , Inquire at reaMence, 1420 Madrons at, Portland. GOOD buy in Seaside business property, paying 6 per cent net; $25,000 win handle it bal ance easy terms. P-815. Journal. CONFECTIONERY and lunch counter for sale will take Ford car in trade. Call SeU. 715 FOR SALE or trade,. dance pavilion, located at Oak Grove Beach. ' East 8442. GROCERY and meat market for sale; close to Portland; doing good business. P-465, Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 IE YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL List your hotels, apartments and lie uses with us. We get resulter DORCAS A CO., 920 N. W. Rank bldg. rooming GROCERY . WANTED Have a buyer for grocery with living rooms. WiU give aa high as $1000. K. J. M'GUIRE REALTY CO.. 545 - Union avenue N. MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 C'UR installment plan is the best and surest n:ethod of paying a loan. 32,26 per month for 38 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 90 months, pays $1000 loan and ir teres t, Other amounts in proportion. Wa loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. BUNGALOW WANTED Bungalow wanted, Irvington or Albina pre ferred but- would consider any good district if priced right It J. McGuire Realty Co., 645 Union ave. N. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rate of interest OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN on improved city property at 6 and 7 per cent int J. B. WeUa Co.. agents, 324 C. of C. bldg. $300.. $400. $300. $600. $750 and up, low est rates, quick action. Gordon Investment Co.. 631 Ch. of Com. Main 6445. CASH paid for mortgage and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. 318 Lumbermen bldg. $250. $350. $400. $500. $600 and larger amounts; current rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Falling bldg. Main 8407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 ta $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL. Room 10-11. Mulkey bldg. - MONEY for mortgage loans, $500 to $6000. 6 and t . ' Fred S. Williams. 92 tt 1st st $300. $500. $750. $1000. no com., action. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. quick $S00 to $3000, no commission. Main 1166. F. H. IlESHON, 615 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7. A Co.. 408 Belling bldg. Louis Salomon WILL pay cash for first mortgages on improved property. fc-za, journal. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 v mmDpr oi commerce. sin ami stars. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 87 .DO YOU NEED MONEY? Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, pianos. household goods or anything of value.; Securitv usually text m your possession; AC7 SO OA lj- AKlEu PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payment to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them up, advance you more money if necessary, and you can repay us in smau. monuuy payments to suit your con venience. LEGAL KATE8. NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY ( licensed. ) avo-au i ixiom oiag. Marshall 8288. ir Salary LOANS Chattel W LUAS MONET On short notice to salaried or workingmen on their own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly or montbly r,a !.-..., , , ...,4.. uii. ! NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSEE. ABSOhLlLI HO SECUHITY We also loan on household furniture, nlanna. etc., witnout removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED 218 Failing bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland Business Men to Protect the Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS, .us nt rUKXITUKG City and County Warrants Cashed for Face Value. CARRIE MYERS HERRMAN. MGR.. 394 8TARK ST. Mlisfci to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates: all articles held a year: established rroce j nnn. i fan Marx. za Washington. LOANS WANTED 86 SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO, ilJ Bimiwr 01 snmmeree. a in ana Burn. FINANCIAL I LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANT ISSUE OF BONDS U1U "'"Mtf FKIUIS SEE E. BURKITT, SECRETART. " OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 212 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) CORNER SIXTH AND Ai nEH BTL I WILL BUT ANY LIBERTY BOND -8t . 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All doe eoopon interest -included). 1. H. KEATING. 61T BOAID OF TRAD, BEFORE SELLING YOUR - Liberty Bonds Secure Our Prices We buy and sell all issues G. E. MILLER A CO., , 205-6 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 4198 BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH - SPOT CASH r CASH FOR TOUR RECEIPTS Uga bonds to use; we remit return mail. Com to 725 Gaseo Bldg., (th and Alder, CELL ARS-MURTON CO. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 BARGAIN 1. pair of mules, 3400 lbs., with harness. 6250. 380 Front at. Trial allowed. EAD bones taken quickly; cash paid for cows and crippled horses. - Tabor 4203. hOKSii and . wagon. 31-60 day: a bona and soa. .r. . uhus, q sront. Ham Z20S. baAU ttuncs- end annaals bauled away free. ali neeoiaw o w. r-art la no Kendcnng Col - WAITED Slxet4 peojr eolL fiwue Cot ?&, IS FOR SALE. EXCHANGE OB HIRE 50 head at the beat heiress is the city. Wagons mad harases of all kinds, r A dark mare. S yrs. old. 1800 lbs. and Mack gelding, 4 yra., 1250 lbs., with a. snni harness, waaon as coed aa new, 3400 for outfit Owner left ranch and left for me to seO. It is cheap. CJROWN STABLES. 285 FRONT ST. : ' PHIL 8CETTEB BEAUTIFUL team of low blocky dapple grays, 6-8 years old, weight 2800. No better team In Portland; also one bay Clyde horse, 1850. This stock must be sold at enee as we are replacing them with trucks. Call at Woedyard, foot of Taylor at - -' - FOB SALE, CHEAP Team of well mated black geldings, 6 and 7 yeara old, weighing 2500. with good harness and tight farm wagon: alao 1 blocky S-year-o id. weighing 1400. Will sell any psrt Mrs, Patterson, take S. Portland ear to Gibba. 209. - TEAM young mules, harness and wagon: also 6-year-old horse, work single or double, and harness. Take Oregon City car. get eft Here ford, go east, strike Oatfield road, first bouse on right , FOB SALE ONE farm team, wt. near 2000 lbs., guaranteed 8 years old. set of strong harness, a Stodebaker wagon ; also, a high-bred buggy mare and buggy and harness, A-l. On farm, F. Strobel, Beaverton. Or.. R. 8. " ; BUTTERMILK, cheese, egg route: - wagon nice for camping, light spring wagon, boggy, single and doable harness. Make offer. -WiU take horse or chickens. 1918 East Stark st, Montavilla car. FOR SALE Team aeven and eight weight 3200, guaranteed sound, gentle and true; have no use for them: a good buy for some one. 3. W. Bacon. Portland. R. A. Tabor 4115. THREE bay farm chunks, weight about 1150; young, sound and well broken; very cheap for cash, aa we have no use for them. Call at Woodyard, foot -of Taylor. ' FOR SALE Team. 1500 lbs. each, extra good harness and farm wagon. 8226. Team been working every day. Mrs. Richardson, 392 Knott at. tt block east Union ave. . FOB SALE, at bargain, if taken at onoe: 6 ' year old horse, weight 12RO lbs. Take Sooth Portland car to Gibbs st, 808 Front at HORSES, wagons and fresh cow for sale. Kalk Bros. Woodyard, 34th and Division. Phone Sellwood 843. 10OO SETS of work harness, must be sold in the next SO days regardless of cost. Closing out entire stock at 210 1st st. . ONE matched iair. of sound mares. 5 and 6 yearn old; 2600 lbs. 880 Front st Also 1 POO lb. hor-e, sound and good worker. ONE new farm wagon for sale. 880 Front st. LIVESTOCK 3$ AUCTION SALE Woodland, Wash., Tues.. April 29. at 11 a. m., 4 -registered Jersey rows, 2 registered Jersey heifer calves, 1 reg istered Jersey bull calf. 8 crude Jersey cows, 27 mixed breed cows a number high grade Ayershire. A lot of these cows sra fresh 'and more to be fresh by time of sale. Ton will find a lot of good cows, 18 heifers, from 5 months to 2 years old: 2 year old registered Ayreshlre bull. Stock tuberculin tested by Dr. A. C. Brown; certificate goea with each cow. Stock loaded cm boat or ears free of eahrge. One brood mare, weight 1400, will foal by time of sale: 1 4-year-old buckskin horse, weight 1400; 1 6-year-old blue roan mare, weight 1300; 10 100-pound ahoata. 1 brood sow and 8 firs 4 weeks old. 1 dos. - chickens and . aome turkeys. tot machinery. Owing to the road being im passable Mr. Lappala having sold his place, de cided to move the stork and goods to town and hold the sale in conjunction with Mr. Ash craft A. L. Ashrraft and Jacob Lappala, own ers. CoL W. 8. Wood, .auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. : DAIRY for sale, 15 cows and good retail route. place is 46 acres: can be rented; 14 acres in crop. Inquire Kelly's store, top of Canyon road near Smith's dairy. FOR 8ALF Goat milk and registered fresh Nubian doe giving 2 quarts and over daily; also Toggenberg doe and bock kid. 359 East 57th st north. 9 FRESH milch cows; one Guernsey just fresh a week, one red cow just fresh two weeks. Will sell or trade for dry cows. 510 Kirby, A.' 8. Wilson. SEVERAL head of young cattle, beef strain. Thin ones preferred. Write Phil Steiner, Hoff, Or. FRESH cows for sale Also a horse snd buggy. Go to 47th and Fremont, take by-road running northeast. 4 blocks. I.. R. Dawson. FOR BALE Fine grade Jersey-Durham 8-year-old cow giving 40 lbs. milk per day. D. ' E, Mendenhall, Estacada, Or. - FOB SALE 3 milk sows, or will trade for good horse. . 881 Francis ave Phone Sell- wooa iiou. FOB SALE Several good ' fresh family and dairy cows: sll heavy milkers. . Ran man umuiin, .7T. COW tor sale. CoL-960. ONE JERSEY family cow. Call Woodlawn 818. POULTRT, PIGEONS, PET STOCK $7 WHITE LEGHORNS ARE THE MOST . riiunTABUi breed of poultry. If you era to the business foe nmf nn wttl .Mnfn,n. ave them. Early broilers, early layers, early ?roiua we ecu only White Leghorn baby ehlx rom hesvy laying Hoganised nana. Safe de livery of full count live chix guaranteed. Price per io. April. May and June delivery. $13.50. The Pioneer Hatchery. 405 th at. Palatums, CaL BLACK MINORCA Mammoth laying strain, Oregon '.tats -ir 1st pen, ist coca, za lien, 2d pullet -Multnomah county fair, first prize pen, cock, ben. pullet cocxerei; nest solid bird tn show, and many oth ers, grand sweepstakes. Eggs. $2 to $5 per setting. A. W. PARKS. 5619 46TH AVE., S. E. Sellwood 1670. Progressive Hatchery BABT CHICKS Rhode Island Reds and ' Barred Rocks $23 per 100;. hatches off April 28-25-28. May 6. SECURE ORDER NOW 1534 E. 12th st N. Wdln. 1485. RHODE TSLAVn F!TS Laying and prise winning strain Ore on state fair. 2d cock. 2d pullets; Multnomah county fair, lat cock, 1st pullet One cock bird weighs 14 lbs., hens as Urge as 11 lb. I ris. $2 to $10 per setting. A. W. Parks. 5619 4tfth ave. . . Bellwood 1070. REEFER'S more-egg tonic makes champion lay ers out of common barnyard hens; $1 pack age: every package guaranteed. For aale by A. N. Gabrfelson, 1071 E. 22d N., Portland, Or. CURTIS White Wyandotte;. "Egga that HATCH from BENS that Lay." $3 per 16. M- E. Curtis. Hillsdale. Or.. It D. 2. Box 242. Mais p-cw anq stain bbbp. i. Progressive Hatoherv Rhode Island Red baby chicks on hand. 1584 E. 12th n. Wdi 1485. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Leghorns, Beds. Bocks, Minoreas, best stock: prices reasonable; safe delivery guaranteed. C N. Needbam. box 412 Salem. Or. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS, strong . healthy. vigorous fellows, easy to raise; money makers. Master Incubator Co., 415 Jessup at Phone Woodlawn 4844. FOB SALE Barred Plymouth Rock eggs. O. A. O. 200-egg strain. $1.50 for 15; also O. A. C. Oregons same price. Mrs. Ernest Werner. Aurora, Or.. R. 2. THOROUGHBRED Flemish Giant rabbits, steel gray and black, for aale cliean. Call after 8 p. m., Woodlawn 2574. 107O Union ave. N. RHODE ISLAND RED egga for hatching: trap neeted stock; $1.50 per 15. 956 Williams ave. C-1781. WHITE Leghorn settings for aale. $1.50, from 200 egg bens. 611 Mississippi ave. East 2080. FOR eggs the year round get T. A. Hodgdon's R. O. Rhode Island Reda and 1i Whita Leghorns. 172 Grand ave. Phone East 6624. THOMPSON Ringlets Barred Rock hatching eggs and chicks for sale. 4904 84th ave. 8. K III one Tabor 4658. EARRED Bock -egga from heavy winter layers, 1.50 ner 15. Exhibition ea-aa as oo nr IS Address M. B. Rt A., Box 344. Gresham, Or. MOB) GHBRED Black Hinorea hashiiu egga. Mammonth Strain. Columbia 595. 1600 Ffcke. - BARRED ROCK EGGS, incubator lots' a spe cialty. Mr. Eva L, 365 E. Lombard. Phone Woodlawn 1656. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock baby chicks for sale; . a. v. strain. Phone Mam 9563. CRACKED WHEAT for baby chicks and laying hens. 415 Jesson st Woodlawn 4844. BABY chicks hatched under bens. McBwood 8622. vm IT a and dark Cornisn Indian eggs for set- ting. Sellwood 1198. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C Barred RoeS hatching eggs. $1.56 for' 15. Tabor 6359. THOROUGHBRED New Zealand rabbits and Btttcnea, .am leaving town. Wdl ..285. CHICKENS and rooster, alao white doe, all for $10. 4819 8 2d at 8. E. S C. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for aettinaT Woodlawn 685. ALL kinds of live and dressed rabbits, rhssn Stan 7. 2d. Yamhill ata. TeL Main 1186. DOGS. BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 46 CHOICE canaries at -i'Tbt Canary Bird BhopT Singers guarantee 1181 E. 28th N. C-2217. AN ENGLISH Pit Ball, female. 1 montha old. for sale cheap. East. 6560. - - - - - A THOROUGHBRED Fox Terrier pup or aal i oouwn soii. FOB BALE -Very fine setter doc. cheap. H 243. ilsnnul .--.. -.';.-:... ' . .." 2 nCA NXfe birds for aale. good singers. ! 45TS 8 2d at 8. E. GENUINE St ADdreasbera Boiler, -slter b. MarshaU 14 OS. I'OA SALE GooU aii CaU Uala 463 1" HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 till '. : ' 8175 ' ' M1E QUICK ' HERE'S YOUR CHANCE Never before and never again will you have a chance to Duy such a car as we will sell you this week only at We have just six of these spe cials, and all are worth from three to four hundred dollars, but they must go, and re sponsible buyers needn't have all cash either. We will ac cept a small down payment and easy terms on the balance There are just six of these cars, including one roadster so come early The Portland Used Car Store " - Broadway at Burnside ' Phone Bdwy. 616 FORD BARGAINS 1918 COUPE, NEW TIRES... $650 1H7 COUPE. EXCELLENT 650 1817 SEDAN. ELECTRIC STARTER. WIRE WHEELS AND EXTRAS 800 1017 TOURING. COMPLETELY OVER- ' HAULED 450 1917 ONE-TON THUOK 425 1917 ONE-TON TRUCK 825 1916 LIGHT DELIVERY 875 2 NEW TOURING BODIES. EASY TERMS 6TH AND MADISON, AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. 1918 WILLYS-KNIGHT. - Looks like new runs better. Five wire wheels. 5 good tires. Terms. Bdwy. 8535. Ask for Mr. Bender. $4500 PEERLESS. 1912 model, absolutely first ciaaa. o new com tires, driven onaer io.uvv milea. Can show you one that haa run 425.000 miles. Will sell for $900 snd give terms. D. C WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Main 780. - 68 North 28d st COMBINATION Ford roadster and de livery. Excellent condition. Good tires. Easy terms. Bdwy. S53S. Ask for Mr. Bender. $825 REAL SNAP $825 Must raise money. Win sell either of my two cars, Hudson Six 5 passenger, or classy light six touring, both in fine condition. The best buy you ever saw. Perry, owner; inquire Richmond Garage. Tabor 4158. 1917 FORD touring. Fine condition. . Good tires. Big bargain. Easy terms. Bdwy. 3536. Ask for Mr. Bender. WANTED The chassis of an old two-cylinder Buick. or chassis of chain drive B.-C. elect r- Engine or motor no object Call Woodlawn CI.H, or i :v. GERBER THE RADIATOR MAM baa model 18 Packard body. top. windshield horn, cushion!, cheap. 65 9th at. North. Broadway 1873. MOTORS. Gearings. Bearings. Wheals. Axlaa and Trailers We wreck all makes of cars and sell their good parts st half price. David Hodes io-. Broadway ana glanders st. Broadway 196 I CAN USE T0CR FORD, CHEVROLET OR MAXWELL A8 PART PAYMENT ON BRAND NEW 1919 MAXWELL ACTO- MUBll 1 ABU It 3U, 1018 8TUDEBAKER 6. da , luxe. 7 Dasseneer. 95 per cent new. touring and aedan tops go witn car ; iijvv, casn or terms, saa Ankeny, corner r roan way. nurry. CASH paid for eld cam, condition oo object., parts for all makes of care. Oregon Auto Ex change. 129 Lewnsdali mt 16th and Washing ton. B rca3 way 26 68. 1918 DODGE, $950 cash. Haa sew tup and baa ut been painted. A good bargain. Can be seen at Rodham A Volhim Auto Co., S3 N Park. Broadway 609. BARGAIN LV 1918 CHALMERS 8 IX, RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. call tabor 630. FOR SALE Baby grand Chevrolet 1916 model. A bargain; fully equipped. 835 E. Morrison. Phone E. 4564. 1917 BRISCOE This car has good tires, and la a dahdr aood buy. o3 Alder st. GERBEB THE RADIATOR .AN One Dodge roadster body, cheap at $150. oo vtn sr., rt. Droaoway . ibis. USED TIRES One 36x4 H. one 36x4. two 'Sinn, one n, one 2U n. cnean. wooaiawn tiuo. LATE MODEL FORD touring, in perfect con dition, with lota of extras, Tcrma. Phone woodlawn 1 4 7 . Can use tour 4-ctL car aS par PAYMENT ON A AW 19 19 ELGIN BIX. MAIN 7445. ONE Model 25 Oakland touring car. runuing oroer, sua casn. x none is Dor P94, or 1143 E. Harrison st 1917 FORD TOURING. IN FINE SHAPE AUTO BALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH. BDWY. 664. BARGAIN U 1918 CHALUEBS SIX. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 630. 1U1WL-U ltuas Better than new, new paint food tires. 8550. worth $650. Tabor 1627. SAXON CHUMMY. A DANDY. $685 AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH i BDWY. 584. CADILLAC roadster, in good mechanical 'condi tioa, self starter, electric lights, good tiro. 4 Fords. $225 and op. Call 42 Hawthorne ave. DODGE A pippin. Park and Couch. Smith Auto Co., DELIVERY car in tine condition cheap or trade. Main, 6289. OAKLAND Six 5 passenger car. 665Q. Tabor 8343. Good abape. BARGAIN in - ned 1018 Briscoe; good soaps. 623 Alder at Broadway 2493. SPOT cash paid lor need can. Dealer Used Car C test Ins Hons. Grand ave, and it Stark. GARAGE for rent at 1075 Stanton st Tabor 2677. Phone FORD bog. Bee this before you buy. Mallory ave. ' - " - 1140 1918 MAX WELL like new, moat have cash; $565. 188 Chapman et f QlANDLEK CHUMMY All cord tirejL 8mitl Auto Co.. Park and Couch. Bdwy 1183. MUST aell my nearly, new 918 Maxwell Uur ing ear, A-l shape. M-66T. Journal. - CASH tor Fords and Cbevroteta, See Bliaaid. id and Taymr. Army arage. tXm 8AI.E 1 ord roadsu.- Will give easy terms if aeM bfore Sunday. 1127 E. 25th N. 1 1911 CADILLAC touring car lor sale cheap ' by owner. East 4235. . - - - ;; . ' Is ' ' LATE Ford ehssafa fine shape, cash as terms. Owner. N-48. JoornaL - - . S"Uil SAUi Mitchell 6. Zil 4Ut at & $.76 AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 111 All Mill " ' FORDS ." !D' CHEVROLET! Buy your used Chevrolet this spring from the only authorised Chevrolet deal er in Port laud and you will not only save money on your inveatnent but too will be dealing with the people who . special, ise exdusire'y in the Chevrolet cars. 1818 Chevrolet touring. . .$700 1918 Chevrolet touring. . . 860 1917 Chevrolet touring... 850 1917 Chevrolet touring.,. 439 E. M. P. towing... IIS 1918 Chevrolet roadster... 660 Classy blue Ford bos 460 Ford touring. ..... . 850 Ford touring....... 609 Ford touring....... 428 Ford touring....... 47S REGNER& FIELDS 12 GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY THE ACME AUTO CO. ARE YOU LOOKING FOB A BUGf Not an ordinary riveted body, bat first class job. See ours all built at -the Portland Auto Radiator Shop, and the finest jobs in town. Bee them- choose your own color. A beauty on the floor now. ; Sold at locest prices snd term. ACME AUTO CO., . 631 Abler St. Fords, Six Good Used Ones At bargain prices. These can were "taken in aa part payment en new ( he vrolets and range in pricj from 8325 to $500. Cannot be beat in the city for the money. CHEVROLET AGENCY, 12 Grand ave, N.. East Bide. BUGS SPEEDERS 8PEEDERS BUGS SEE THEM CONLEYS USED OAR CENTER S. W. COB, 15TH AND WASHINGTON 1918 85-4 Overland. Fine condition. Good tires. Witt out-demonstrate any light aix on the market $900.00. Terms. Bdwy. 8535. Ask for Mr. Stone. NSW TIKES What brand of saw rJres do yoo prefer f - We have them, all makes and rises. Abo we make the famous O-V-O Double Tread (sewed) tires sua no an manner or tire repairing. Oregon VnV eam-ing t-o.. ana-Ban Bnnntds near Broadway. LIGHT six Stodebaker; runs beauti fully. Two new tires. Three others good shape. Big bargain at 8595.00. Terms. Bdwy. 8635. Ask for Mr. Stone. - PEERLESS 8 Btrictlv nisll grade 7 passenger car, 1918 model, first class in hath ni. . atonn. -i - - , , , , v v r jvfjfcren. . .V- WABHEN MOTOR CAB CO, aisna IBV. Eg North 23d mt 1918WILLYS-KNTG"HT Fquipred with cord tires and oo ztr. Looks use ucw. I.UT XmitBB. 523 ALDER 8T. BROADWAY 2492 1914 APFER80N 5 pass., electric light and starter; good condition. 8 t- , it, i . . s. . ko. WARBES MOTOR CAR CO. Main 780. .68 North 2 BIG STOCK USED CARS PRICES RIGHT No Misrennsastatinn- Covey Motor Car Co. ESSEX. ALMOST NEW Can be bought at discount. , M BEGNEB A FIELDS, 12 Grand ave. N. i'booa East 92. upra evenings. 1917 BCICKfittle 8 tourin. " n.n annn n. fine mechanical condition; original finish! S." DoUiht "owners and toolbox; i nnn nash - -1 . ,V,o" Smith. OUU i?tVI)KL, 'ORD tourin ar. in first class condiUon; lots of extras, o, win trade this car and a sell located huaina - t- .. worth $350 for late model Ford touring or some i imn, car. call Tabor 1665 CALL TABOR 680" ' "PKMt, DUBltUTLi,B TOP COMPANY. wtb at Oak. Broadway 1664. tsis riyhv U7'ur nnarxi'rirn i-iav-WV CONDITION. A BARGAIN. . CALX, TABOR 63Q. SMALL auto garage for rent and tools and service car for sale on account of poor health. Celi 715 Division rt Marsh. 2489. e FORD SEDAN 1918 model, wire wheels, self starter, c xiun omy zaov miles. 029 Alder st Broadway g4g. - 1918 SAXON TOURING CAR, $750, CaSH OR TIME. BUYS IT; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 1962. 1917 Ford, thoroughly overhauled, 2 new tires, $40 extra equipment for $425. Call 9704 59th ave.. near Ients Junction, evenings. 1916 BEO touring for aale cheap. Call at 651 E. 2 1st St. south, or cV SeU. 434, Can see car after 8 p. m. TRAILER cheap, look and make offer; hurry, aa I am going away: haa good too. 1001 Grand ave. N. AUTO TIRES We aave yoo money ea new and used Urea; vulcanising and retreading.- V a lea a Tire Shop. 41 Grand are. Phone East 4898. FOB snappy buy ia used ears aee Pacific Auto Co.. N. W. eor. of 14th and Couch. Easy terms and no Ted tape. SUPER BIX, Hudson; win sacrifice; cash or terms; K in fine shape; new tires, just painted. N-47( Journal. GERBER THE RADIATOR MAN One Lexington body, 4-passenger. 55 9th St., Nortn. Broadway 1S7. FOB SALE A light 6- passeogar R. C. Hupp, A-l condition. Bee. 6783 46th ave, . il Phone Sell. 1699. BUICK LIGHT SIX if you want one ' perfect mechanically, see it. SmiUt Auto Co.. Park and Couch. 1818 OVERLAND 90, NEW, $675 AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH. -4- BUWX. 684. Tsi 8mtz ": " Good condition, new tires all around. $600. Easy terms. 623 Alder at , 1917 CHEVROLET. O. K. and ia good run ning order; must selfc this week; $450 cash. R. T. Fisher, Milwaukee garages. WILL PAY $850 cash for 1917 or '18 Ford. Write to 8311 v Woodstock ave., or -phone Tabor 4573. $200 DOWN UYS MAXWELL TOURING CAB, A- CONDITION AND GOOD BUB BEB. CALL EAST 1962. $650 CASH OR TERMS BUYS 1918 feUISCOE 5-PASS. BUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 680. BUO bodies built to order; terms to suit yoo. 4s Vancouver ave. rnortn, eor. Tillamook, 1916 Mitch U roadster, in excellent condition. SAO. P hone East 8122. FORD, $3.5. Smith Auto Co.. park an3 CowCh. GASOLINE 21 CENTS A GAU.0N, OILS AND GREASES PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 1st. 1916 LITTLE' 4 Suidebaker, the one all of us like. S mi til Auto Co, J-ark and Conch. WILL aell nay 1917 Maxwell cheap. A-61&, journal. GOOIr -i 1918 Overland tounni car. . Terms, 829 Aider St Broadway 2492. 2 S-PASSENGER Reo. 4 good tires, gocd ran- Btng condition, 4". labor 4259. SNAP Beat Hup 32 in l'ertlawl. Tshov-1 HOI I'V&D for sale. Belmont AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 JRUCKSANC) DELIVERY CARS j Repoblic l-irm. ' ' ' , J " Republic 2 -ton. ' - Nash 2-ton. - - Moreland 2 V-ton. Henby 3-too. -. ..y": ... . ' - : ;. ? MaxweR light delivery, paael body. - White light delivery. Stodebaker -ton, panel body. Lippert-Stewart -Un-Case 6 passenger, new top and paint ? ' Some of these are overhauled. - The rest will be soon. We believe our prices and terms are lower 'by a good . : margin than on any second-hand : trucks ia Portland. Phone Mala 2893. Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. - SECOND AND TAYLOR STS. ' Open Sunday, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. r USED AUTOMOBILES Termy Given See our stock of used cars before you bu. We can aave you money, . - Here are a law we offer for your ap proval . . 1914 White SO. S-pasa., 4-eyl ' 1911 Pieree-Arrow 86, 5 -pass., S-cyt 1916 Mitchell, 7 pass,, 6-cyl. 1918 Mitchell. 6-psaa., 8-eyt. 1917 Mitchell, 7 -pass. . 6-eyU 1917 Mitchell, 3-1 aaa., 6-cyV. 1914 Haamee, 5-paaa., 4-eyL 1913 Cadillac, 6-paas., 4-eyL 1913 Hudson. S-pass., 6-eyl. - Several others to select from. : ; - ' USED CAB DEPT. - Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. E. 1st and Morrison Ht Phonea Eaat 73 72. 11-1216. GARAGES 840 ANT TTP Portable and - Psrmanettt Houses of AH Kinds I MODERN CONSTRUCTION fTO.I 815E.l!thst East 6114. T PASSENGER Peerless 6 CyL Tory : hsnd-ome car. Has alwaya been pri vately owned. Never off the pavement -Haa every equipment possible ta put s on the ear. Five good tires . Good year cord tires. Will sacrifice. Easy 1 Ask for Mr, Stone. GARAGKS, $44.80 and op, - ready cut and pertakls houses ef all klnea, ' Mlllmade Coestro tion Co. Phone Wdln. 24 IS. 1601 Cnkw are. North, 0 VELIES 8 . . I,?W" fhly overhauled, guar, IS?1?,!? .fr, eVS?"??-,.. pr - payment; l.nea eas,' Z"' " w . Di.S WARREN MOTtiS CAR CO. f Main 780. 68 North Sad it ISIS DODGE ia elegant condition, $' OLDSMOBILE CO. Broadway at Bdwy. 2: ' ' - 1917 HUPMOBILE - . .PRACTICALLY NEW $73 PAINT JOBS FRENCH GRAY GERBER THE RADIATOR Ulv 55 9TH ST.. N. HHIUMtviv laiil 1918 SAXON six would pasa for brand Pew"; v r " ssnuins jeauter tip- bolstering ; runs smooth and quietly. Forced to se for cssh $788. Would tske Ford aa cert peyment that could be made over Into a truck Mfa a4 ftM e aaa . - 7 -- ----. euaraniseu maa ia stock; prices reduced. 84 W. 18thet ll li6 CWIet Fine condiUon. .Good 1- tires, - $648.00. Terms. Bdw,. $686. A for Mr. Bender. FOUR - cylinder OverUnd, excellent condition" , , .!,, iL I . . . ' Ires. Oood buy and easy terms, price mUKa Main 780. 68 North 23d It. OLliS MOBILE EIGHfTBA-ginNTCj It USE A SMALL CAR AS PART PAYMENT Km'uT,.."-" VM Ul. CALL 1917 FORD touring, A-l eonditioa all arourl Spotlight, cutout side curtains, $ tires, 1 2 new. $400 cash or Liberty bonds. Call bet 4:80 P. m. and 7:80 p. m. 748 E. 15th at S or Sell. 261. Private owner. 4 CYL, BUICK. LATE MODEL, $85 " AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUC1L I . duh x. one. i 1 ai a nvrSf a wff" . V 11 1 1. 11 u . l-f AA -. . i , m , 1 tire. Owner leaving town. 626 Alder et T 1918 8TUDEBAKER SIXTCOOD AS NEV. AUTO SALES CO., 9 Tit AND COUCH ! Pff A. U ? , $450 DOWN BUYS 1918 CHALMERS1 f-t TOURING CAR. A-l CONDITION StTT " '- -' IT TT, SAfcl gl.O I Iff., GARAGE in live town close to Portland. Hen. $35. Graham, .724 Chamber of Commerce bMg. Mam 1494. TWO-PASS. Overland id A-l eondiduio.. a e w b((i aajF. . t :r TRUCK ft inn TU A r"rriuei , 1 HAVE a good hauling Job for a raapoerie TTkn ,kn i, ),!. Khw m t . - Phone Broadway 1460. ask for Mr. Goodfelkrw GM0 1 H -ton truck, beat buy in town. BralUl 1. , aiwi MSlvP. nuwy a J oo. DEN BY 1 -ton truck $$60. Saitb Aute Co.'. irk anrf IWh . rr; " Park and Couch. AUTOMOBILES tTANTEP - 1 V XovnGt?jionsi OVT or TOUR car1 if, . V O CblJU 11 B lUIJ. HE GET YOU THE CASH. p w.u;r used car center, n B. W. COR. 16TH AND WASHINGTON. !' wX PAT CASn For Tour Iite Model Light Cat, C. G. BLEASDALE . - B4fl Aide e 1 VlW DON'T sacrifice yoor oar. Let na aell peat 'ear CGaLEY USED CAB CEHTEB Cpatafi- 8. W. Cor. 16 th eod Waabrt. I WTIL sell your car for cash and do tt oaiefi ; and A wont charge yoo a cent for eommw- waiting: FaciUo Aato Ce7. N."w. eof lYuI frfc pa Btot CAsri ruh aLL LAtft MODEL CASS. LEWIS. VL iihtw i7. CO., BROADWAY $327. BROADWAY Tat couch, - -' - j CAST PAID FOB " LATE MODE. CAnT Er!lT2Ll.T;t -JSP1" VVASHLXGTON AND puninu- jsir-ci. FORD wanted; will give $150 cash and .Vine- litser musical bars, cost 8760. 868 M. St.S Broadway 1578.' - - . " . .'. ISO ACRES timber land for late model aato; wriH give or take difference. Phoao after a.nv, si a run ail izss. TO private car 1Jef- I will repair your ear price reasonable. - East 6648. - ' i TURN your car into cash today. Brini. it" ta Pacific Anto Co.. N. W. corner of l.tfc s Courb. I WANTED -To buy' autoiBobilea, any sua4ar4 maaes. vor real casa, v-313. journal. - WANT to buy a light ear for cash. Brine it to jrec Top ijo., 1 ttn and Couch. Kelly B1GUE8T prieae jteid f o. eotomoriilea, rmfi- I ion no nmfn, jsi as. no r - CKlwy. z a w. i'ORD and MaxweU veeialiat, 757 Uiriaion t BelL 376S, I f7ACRE4 rood UnA weTl lm-tedTCcwlitrCetl want siamism euro. 'iinof snzf.- - AUTOS FOB MIRE 1 S AUTOS without drivers forjiir. I I. fcolinau. Fashion iiarsge, alar. S3Z.1UUI and ism- hill. A-l 23(5. Hi II It caaueccbC Ctrr. a wmrev. udot jva, tCofitianed a I'oUow.loy Page 'mS' .Hi.