The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 25, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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ch it
Thousands Turn ; Out to Gree
and Cheer Men of Wild
West Division.
Bpokane. April 25. (U. P.) Their tin
hats gleaming- In the stia and ess mask
swinging; at their ldes ; carrying- the
rllJs that made each a fatal mar upon
the Hun in the Meuse-Argonne and Bel
glum, 4.o men and officers of Jhe Three
Hundred Slxty-f irt . Infantry. Wildwest
division, marched through the downtown
t reels of Spokane this morn! tig while
all the city lined the curbs and cheered.
Major Frank P. Doherty of Los An
geles headed the column; while' Colonel
- A. D. Cummlnes. commander of the res
iment, who '.succeeded Colonel, Da via
when that officer was killed In Belgium,
reviewed the parade from the official
. stand. "J -
The troop train bringing- the men,
practically all from "Washington and
f Oregon.' arrived .in Spokane, at -t:30
.o'clock this morning. The men were
Riven breakfast- by the Red Cross and
Salvation Army, and, ' following their
'march, had lunch at a downtown hotel.
They leave at 3 o'clock this afternoon
for Seattle, via Northern Pacific, parad
ing there tomorrow morning, before go
ing to Camp Lew la.
Negative Vote by
Bend on Strahorn i
Railroad to Stand
Bend, April 25. Unwilling to reconsider-
tha. negative vote 1 taken at the
preceding meeting on the Strahem rail
roat until such a time as a definite
proposition for construction can be sub
mltted.' the' Bend Commercial club. In
rtgTilar session at the Pilot . Butte inn ..
this no a, allowed its former vote to go
on, record as representative of the wishes:;
of the cluth The matter of. reconsiders-'
' tton was "brought up In response to a re
quest made , last week .by Secretary
Quayle of the state Chamber of
Commerce. Dr. W. H. Hlnson of
the East Side Baptist church of
Portland was" a speaker at the
club luncheon. He urged unselftBhness
in civic. affairs as necessary in attain-.
ing- that degree of cooperation oh which
.true progress depends. Dr Hlnson spoke
briefly on . the peace work ln Europe,
JtTl1 lll-crjwf ' that tVijfc ltnvtMH tuiAnU
stand behind President .Wilson in ' his -endeavors.
" "' .,: i
Sam Kolli Guilty :f
Of Manslaughter,
- According to Jury
: Sum noil I, whe shot and killed Mrs.
Betty Taug at the home of her divorced
husband. Hans Taug, on January 22, was
round guilty or manslaughter by a jury
in Circuit Judge Oaten's court early this
. Mrs. Taug was the-victim of a matrl
montal tangle. ' She had married .-Rolll
shortly after securing a divorce from
Taug and left Rolli to - return . to the
. home of Taug when she learned her
marriage to Rolll was Illegal .- - -
Rolll culminated a series of visits at
the Taug home when he shot Mrs. Taug.
s The case went to the jtfry Thursday.
Newborn Infant Is
Found Ion Doorstep
Entirely Unclothed
A baby, said by attendants, at the
Waverly; Baby home; to be .'not-more
than a few hours old.' was found, with
no clothes whatever on It. at 7 o'clock
this morning on the steps of the back
porch of Charles Gorsa's home,' 22? East
orty-nlntn .street. The tiny- naked body
was dashed with mud and rain.
Tha little spark - of life was nearly
extinct but by massage treatment it
was fully restored and It Is said this
afternoon that tha child, probably will
live. '
- (jnester jsme. who lives in the same
dwelling as Mr. Gorsa, telephoned the
discovery to the police.
When Officer JT.v S3. Wright and Mrs.
Mae Hlggeson, telephone operator at the
police station, arrived the baby was
thought to be dead, but at the Waverly
Home restoratives were ,- applied and
after ; three hours a little whimper by
the infant rewarded their efforts. This
afternoon it la sleeping peacefully
Mrs. Hlggeson said that she believed
the baby was born In Garso's backyard.
Rancher of Hood
River Subscribes
$10,000 in Bonds
Hood River. April 25. W. Vj- Perry, a
prominent rancher of tats section, sub
scribed for Victory bonds to, the amount
of $10,000, this being the largest individ
ual subscription recorded in Hood River.
The stats committee has announced
that two German officer's helmets will
be given to the two Hood River county
men or women who subscribe the larg
est amount to tfie fifth Victory loan.
Helmets Rouse Interest
Baker, April 2S.- Renewed vlaor was
put into the Victory loan campaign at
Baker by a telegram received by B. E.
Harder, Baker county chairman, from
State Director John L. Ethridee. that
the two persons in Baker countv will.h
gtven German helmets- who make the
largest suDscnptiona,
Port Commission
Of PortlandHarbor
4. - ,.
Bombers of the Port of Portland com
mission today made a trip of inspection
of the local harbor. The Darty left the
municipal landing at, th-foot of- Stark
street -on, the -tug Mccracken. The party
piannea to proceed as "far as .ne mouth
of the Willamette river The dredge Wil
Imette, Which Is at work near the Munic
ipal, terminal at 8L Johns, will be in
spected, and a generat view of the water
front will be obtained. ' ' - "
Four wooden hulls are to be launched
In the Oregon district within tie next IS
days. The Deva, built by the Sunole &
Ballln plant, will be launched fuesdav.
AS Astoria the Onteoro is ready at the
Wilson yard, and the Munra b unt
down the ways at the Rogers plant' in
few days. -,- The Laulis will be Jaunched
at the Bornmarstrom Brothers yard at
Columbia City, when certain work la
finished. 4 -
(Oontlnnwl From TW On)
were l93 men, including the l7th in
fantry, headquarters and supply com
panies and other small units. The bat
tleship Montana moved up the harbor
before noon with 1508 men, consisting
of the Eighty-third Infantry brigade
headquarters, ths l7th Infantry ma
chine gun company, medical detach
ment, Second and Third battalion head
quarters. Companies K, T, Q. H. I and
K. 68 officers and 1407 enlisted men. -
The giant leviathan. ' - bringing 12,650
troops. . including the : 140th - and . 160th
field artillery, Forty -second . ; diviion
headquarters, 848th iofantry: -brigade
headquarters, lC6th. I infantry, " 117th
slon military police company, t Forty
Becond division, headauarters v troop,,
lestsv infantry and scattered - casual
companies .-and convalescent - detach
ments, was off. Sandy.- Hook this fore
noon and due to dock before Rundown.
: Men of the' famous Rainbow .division,
the Forty-second,' formed, the largest
part of the returning, troops. They were
-welcomed by committees and frfcnds
and relatives from every, part', of the
Union. - '
Demurrer in Case
Of Finnish Editors
' Federal Judge Wotyerton today over
ruled the demurrer brought by the pub
lishers of Toveri, a Finnish publication
of Astoria, charged with conspiring to
Incite Insubordination to military forces.
The case accordingly will go to trial
next Monday.' ,
-The argument In support of the de
murrer declared that no disloyalty was
intended In articles made the basis of
the complaint. It was declared the ma
terial was furnished by a news associa
tion and was similar to matter published
in English in Portland papers.
-The defendants are: A.. J. Partan,
Jacob Kiuvela, Frana Niemi and J. .
Little Goat Most Popular of All
Showing IsPort of Humane
. ' Week Program.
,The story hour room ' of Central li
brary Is in a hubbub today. "Never be
fore has such a conglomeration of voices
floated into the reading room where the
TceeD quiet", and no talking signs lire
posted. --; :'4-::r:":-
Doga and birds, cats - and rabbits,
monkeys and goats and many other
species of pets are being Introduced to
the library and to the children. -Classes
from every school In the district, com
prising Couch. Chapman, Ains worth,
lAdd and Davis, are visiting- the ex
hibit, accompanied by their teachers,
who are as delighted with the educa
tional aspect as the children are with
the novel.: 4
All the pets have been loaned and most
popular of all is a little goat, the prop
erty of a family of five children whose
father died of lnfluensa. Such a joy
as that goat has been ! They feed - it
with a bottle and the poor goat must
surely have-the "tummy ache tonlrht.
way they are - stuffing, it so that
every cniia can see- how it takes
nourishment just like a baby.
The exhibit la under the direction of
Miss Jessie Hodge Millard, children's
librarian. Mrs. F. W. Swanton is tell
ing the animal stories and Dr. A. O.
Smith, veterinary surgeon, is telllne how
to care for the pets.
The disslav is one at ty wmt. r
humane week, in which the library has
taken an active Interest. Teachers from
over the entire state have asked f or i
numane literature, which has been sup
plied to them as well as to u tv,
schools. in Portland. -
Trenches at Hill.
, : Military Academy
Delight War Tank
t ad a nice luncheon today, our young
tank did. It fed on everything from
soup to nuts. Plowing over the Hill
Military , academy trenches at Northrup
and - Twenty-first streets at 1 :S0 this
afternoon was regular "duck soup- far
the war . machine. Rambling over nicety
paved streets was easy meat. The lit
tie fellow made "pie of an old building
at Fourteenth and Couch streets at a :30.
and tha people that saw it in action
went "nuts' over it. . ' -.
One of Its pet tricks, that of making
fun of trenches, showed that it had had
lots of practice. With those same grace
ful movements that a hippopotamus dis
plays when It walks on a feather bed,
the little Speckled devil ambled toward a
trench, balanced for, a moment On the
edge, then plunged In, raised' Itself slow
ly and proceeded on its way. The stunt
was so trivial that It didn't give a snort
of triumph.
Running Into the old shack tha
on through, talcing a little excursion to
the side her and there to show its utter
contempt for such ast obstacle. -
For the rest of the afternoon ths baby
tank . toured through the eity andl saw
the sights of the town. In spite of the
ram. It bad such a Urge following that
political campaign managers discussed
running it for office. -.
Eunaway Hillsbero
Youths Are Sought
The sheriff of Hfllsbor called; the
Portland police by telephone and asked
them to apprehend Orel Hoover. It, and
Frank .Clauson, 1 who ran away from
there Thursday night. . The Hoover boy
is said to have a gun. Police were cau
tioned to look out for Mb. . ir :.
Aberdeen Far Over Top
. Aberdeen. Wash.. April 25. This city
Went 113.00$ above' its quota of $540,000
In the first day of the Victory loan sub
scriptions. The headquarters "iave been
closed but the bank will continue to
take- subscriptions; Tho county will
also over-subscriba'its total of $1,233,000,
Unidentified Body : :i
Held at Eedohdo
titeorge .Cats, undertaker at Ttedondo,
Cal., has wired the police hero to find
relatives of a man in a Redondo morgue.
The -wire reads : "Have body of man
abot S years old. light hair, scar on
upper lip. Believe hlra to be F. A. Mo
Cormiek of Portland." The police tried
to locate relatives this morning but
were not successful. Anyone knowing
this man's relatives is asked .to notify
tho detective department.- - -
Woman to Wed Fourth Time
. Pendleton; ? April 23. A . marriage li
cense, was Issued hers Thursday to Mrs.
Katherine - Kdith - Brown and - Ebner
David Mossie. Mossia Is a member of
the polio force of Portland. This vrttl
be the fourth matrimonial venture for
ths bride, while ths groom ha been mar
ried once before. They plan to be mar
Med April SO.
Streetcar Victim;: :
: Sent to H03pifal
Andrsw Peterson, 154 Interstato aw
nue, received internal injuries this morn
ing in a streetcar aocldeat on Union ave
nue near the city limits.: Ko one la the
P. R.,1. ,P company office professed
to know anything concerning . tho ac
cident, j Peterson Is at Oood; Samaritan
hospital. - ;. - - . ... i t. . -t s 4
Charge Purchases Today and
Tomorrow and Balance of Month Go
- r.-o 1 ' . -..-.
- .
: .,.,."
On Bills Rendered May 1 st
to Take-Home!
The Hazelwdod is now equipped to fill the
demand for all the excellent .pastry for which
, ; Xbeaiitif ully white, electnclyfltted bakery has just
been completed on "the second floor of our. Washington
street building. . Here are rnadehe irmst delicious
You are : welcome ivi;ijurilakery ks well as to
purchase anything ;1n pastry, in our Dairy Storejust
around the corner, on Tenth street and at the Broad-
127 Broadway
388 Washington
I Washington. April S5. L N. S.J
Bringing home nearly 6000 more mem
bers of the A. E. .F..V three transports
have cleared from French ports for ?Jer
t'ork, the -war department announced
this afternoon.- They are
f The Neiuw Amsterdam, with 107s of
ficers and men, due May t; tha Saftta
Ana -with 1432, and tha Housatonic with
1399. both due May 7,
I Aboard the Neluw Amsterdamare the
Three Hundred second engineers "om
flete, mostly io Camp - Upton 1 Three
lundred Second engineer train. Camp
tTpton : : detachment - of 8eventy-saveBth
elvlslon headquarters.- Camp Upton; de
tachment Three Hundred Fifth field ar
Jillery, mostly to Camp Funston; casual
eompany 828, Camp Upton, and uMaJar
General William S. McNair. traveling
I The Santa Ana Is Winging the' Three
Hundred Seventh repair and ,
tompany, tank corps and the Three Hu
ired Seventy-slath and Three rfund red
fetventy-seventh training and replace
ment eompany, tank corps, to Carap Up
ton, mobile operaUng unit No. ,1, -Camp
t;pton; ordnance casual eompany for
tramps Upton, Grant, Custer. Meade and
iKeamy; hesdquarters ; array artillery,
tirst army. Camp Upten ; casual com
J. any C25. New York ; Bordeaux conval
escent detachment 297.;r;y:ife - " v;; '
On the Housatanic are the Flraf .anU-,'
1 Ircraft machine gun battalion complet-?
nd the One Hundred Thirteenth field
lattallon ; signal corps complete, boh
or Camp Sherman r air service casual
ompsny No. 5, Camp Upton; Sixteenth
nd Three Hundred Fifty-third ; aero
. ..lrc"3 and casuals. i- :
yqr Young Men ; The :Ne&
WaUtSeam Styles You Like
Just In From The Kirschbaum Shops vf Philadelphia
rjTTHESE daublc-brcasted models
Ji strike a fashion note that is
wholly new. . They arc all the work ;
- xt the Kirschbaum styling staff since
the removal of war , restrictions.
1 In evUne, trom the cxjllar of the
; v - sriiirt, original and correct!
; Now oux window and uoa.
V r 7v V;.' out: tacb, ready for selling
; , SIS.
Cepyright. 19, A. B. Kirschbaiun Cempaay
s Q
' SK
w ".miirrrr,
TsMssaos el Tears if, Iresj "Tie Cassr'-1 X-3 7 I III V RA. -TA.. " Mil 71
Fes-tr WaUsrf-Afteris Dmace Orcsestra. JL tf aW tlU '
frest "Ofcl My Der"F.x-trrt Walserf- 85c f Y (7 M Y &ZX&4& L '
Astoria Dsaee Orchestra, , J xbttfA l-B
Iotreaaclaf :City of Oreasu . . . , .1 t vjfflflffilhw VA5
Ssas!eIa--Fsi-trst--EsrlFmner'sRecterNevelty1 " (A 11 V "Nl
Orchestra - . ; , i . . . . ; . IA-269T V ' Wilv Kl LaCJllZ9 - '
Sasa Dumi Oriestat Oae-step Earl FsJler's . 85 ( -3 VWs. iTT
lesser IteveUy OrsheAra . . . ,. ) ; .. . - ilv0 . 0fiW X''l V t,
ArhuaJIfhU--!st.mci. Oae-sleo 01ssJh1 "S? Y fc nLcSI
Bs4 . . . . . , . . . . .IA-60W "i iH7 Vi7
PeNr Giak. Assts4 iress Tew Cyat.M SsJuf $t .fes k Ajff! I A J S v
Me. dsskbia Baaa . J KSri ,JfeL S )
Ths ftses of No IteaVM-Meeley Walts-l gl &Zh 71 Y. bOr")
Cehnahia Orchestra . . i . .... VwV 1 L-
lotresaciar: (2) DreaaUsg Sweet Dreasu f . 'kVS-i v-vC XJxJ I 4 -
Mether. (J) The Kiss That M.d. Me Cry . . A?f .Jm ' J QyCwt ' ' -Sfe
TiqWs Meet ,,2S "Cif JsS -" 1
f 1
For Dancing
You'll dance till da vyn and beg for
more if you : dance to the music ol
Columbia Records. Here's your
chance to give your next party an un
equalled variety-of dance; music by
world-famous orchestras' and bands.
The Graf onola never trows tired.
Columbia Records never give out.
L -J That Coat You Never Wear
Lmi - . Send it to your nearest Red Cross Chapter this week.
New Columbia Records on Sale the I Oth and 20th of Every Month
Cofumbim Otmtotfimm
Srentfer .
up t SJOQt Pmtirn
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
" Proved Safe by Millions"
. Bayer Cross"
I I on Tablets.
in) tr
LoA Tv
I 1 ' 'm
1 : f
Vv rs y
1 u
For Pain
Lame Back
In a pill box! Always M
insist , unon tbft nuinft - V
- J",T' '".- OT"'" '
"Bayer Package" which con
tains proper dosage. Look .for the
Safety "Bayer Cross" on . package.
,isk (crME.3y;r Tibft'cf.;l$Flrt3"rrG".3L
- Boies of 12 tabletsPottles of 4 Bottles of 100 Also Capsj.
"Aspbis Is the trees wtuk ef Beyer lfsssfsctors e Moueasrticsddistsr ef SalteyHsssii.
Tclb How Cuticara
Healed Her Handi
"X bad smalt watery fitple 04
nay hands which caused, them to )
1 swollen an irritated very
-much. The pitnples utw
to a head and were mostly
tn blotches, and tho skin wag
ere and red. The brtskipf
out itched and burned csus
Ing; scratch! nc; and trritaticm, "
and v could not put rpy
hand ia water, or do my work jit
also caused disfigurement for tho
time being-.
"This roubl lasted about als
months, ' Then I used Cuticara Soap'
and Ointment, ftnd I vm4 four takes
of Cuticara Soap and four boxes of
Cuticura Ointment when 1 was
healsd." ' (Signe4) Miss Verda
Hanks. Salem, Uub, Juno ?S 1919.
. Improve yow.eornpkxion by oslne;
Cotlcura Soap daily and ; Cuticura
Ointment as needed to prevent pirn
pies, blackheads or other eruptions.
rx net fsn to include tha equ!sit'1y
Scented Cuticsrs Tskitiw ia eur toilet
prepsrsUona 23c. everywhere. ' '. 4
Read The Journal HVatit Ads"