The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 25, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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APRIL 3, " 1919.
.Officials Inspect Terminals and
. Docks, and Are Impressed by
Extent of Facilities.
Astoria, April 25. A party of railroad
officials, consisting of T. C. Powell, di
rector of the division of capital ex
penditures; II. B. Spencer, director of
the division of purchases ; Max Theien,
director of the division of public ser-
' vice; Edward Chambers, director of the
division of traffic; Brica Clagg-ett. as
sistant general; II. H. A Ishtoo. North
west regional director; J. O. Woodworth.
traffic afwletant ; If. E. Bryan, preel-
, dent of the C. M. tt St- P. ; I S.Car
; roll, regional purchasing agent, and
Hals Holden, regional director, central
western division, visited Astoria' Thurfl
1ay. coming here on the early train from
Seaside. They viewed the Port of As
toria docks and local terminal facili
ties, departing: on the noon' -train for
; Pbrtland. " - '
They were aecor.-panted by I. C. . Gil
man. dlntrict director, with headquarters
in Seattle ; W. D Skinner, in charge
of the Portland office ; J. K. Davidson,,
general manager of the 8. 11 A S., Chief
Knglneer Lupfer and Samuel C Lancas
ter of the emergency fleet corporation.
Beglonal Director Aishton expressed
Vhlmself as Impressed with Astoria's ter
minal facilities and promised . every aid
in his power toward helping, the com
munity. -
. Regarding the request for, a. new de
pot, he said that the-present' Gliding
was a disgrace, but as nofunds were
available, provision eould hardljr fbe
made for a new one. .. , a
i : "We are aiming to' improve, the serr
; vics as far as we can." he said. rWe
ae . not playing c&ie city against an
, other. Every one Is ' entitled to " his
rights, and Astoria -is sure to-receive
the best of our attention.' The railroad
program Is a , mi gh'ty problem.".
Packing Houses of
' ' U. S. Furnish Much
: Food1 for Europe
' Washington,' April 25.- t. N. 8.)
Products of American , packjng houses
are going a long way towards feeding
Europe, according to figures made public
by the department of commerce today,
.s 'showing the exports of meat products
during March.
More than 150,000,000 pounds of bacon,
-valued at approximately $40,500,000.
) were shipied to Europe in that month,
of which France took 7.000.000 pounds.
United Kingdom 2,000,000 pounds, ..Bel
gium 15,000,000 pounds and Italy and
Sweden each, 14,000,000 pounds. Hams
jind shoulders to the amount of 85.700,-
000 pounds and valued at: S25.b76.000
. -were -also exported, the largest quantity,
114,000,000 pounds, going to France, while
. 24,000.000 pounds were shipped-to the
United Kingdom, 4,500,000 pounds to
Belgium and 20.700,000 pounds went to
various other countries..
Lard exports totalled more , than 8S
, "OW.OOO pounds, the greater quantity Bro
wns to France. Belgium and the United
j-Klngdom. Tha latter country , also im
i'ported more than IS.OuO.OOfr pounds at,
Amefican fresh beef during 'March.
G. 0. P. Will Find
No Graft, Tumulty
Says in Challenge
J, Philadelphia, April 25. iTJ. P.)Pres
. Idcntial Secretary Tumulty has Invited
a -Republican investigation .of the con
duct of the war. -
Speaking at the banquet of the Jeffer
Kon club here Thursday night, Tumulty
characterised the .Republican party as
having lan appetite but without prln
: ctple. "
"I Bay to all Republicans." Tumutty
Pid, "start your investigations. You
will not find dishonesty. You will not
find graft. You may find some waste,
but you will not find the itrrible things
that prostituted;1 war In the past." ?
Judge Kossman :
: Lectures -Accused
I : ! Clothing Merchant
: , Decrying the tactics used by certain
fly-by-night' men who establish
stores In the business section . of the
city for a few months of the year and
call themselves business men, Deputy
District Attorney Deich Thursday In
municipal ' Court demanded that the
court do something to protect the rights
of the citizen j of Portland. r
J. Rosenthal, a local, clothes mer
chant who told the court be is already
havln'r a closing out sale, was on trial
for larceny. r He u alleged to have re
fused to refund $39.75 to Lena Snickers,
a servant ' girl, after, a purchase she
had - made in Rosenthal's . store was
found to be unsatisfactory. : : ;
. Rosenthal merely grave her a credit
slip for the amount, but refused to. re
turn the money even after Mr.' Deich
requested him to .before Issuing the
complaint, according to court testimony.
" Judge Kossman scored Rosenthal and
"other merchant of like character" for
methods they are alleged to use In
conducting their business. He gave
Rosenthal until Monday morning to
settle the matter satisfactorily 'with
Miss Snickers.
Eealv Stagecoach
Will Have Its Part
In Pioneer Bazaar
Rambling - stagecoaches. - carrying
characters ranging from the "Bad
Gazabo Front Bitter Creek" to the ten
derfoot of th6 Ruggles type, are neces
sary to the: realistic setting of a fron
tier village, and one will figure prom
inently in the' affairs of "Jars Canyon"
at The Auditorium May 7 to 17. when
the Portland Association of Fathers of
Soldiers and Sailors will stage the Sol
diers Homecoming - Pioneer bazaar for
the benefit of needy fighting men and
their dependents. - ,
An effort Is ,being made i by Senator
Chamberlain -to : have the war depart
ment route " Companies E . and . F.
Kighteenth engineers, includmg many
Portland - men, 'through Portland on
their way to Camp Fremont for de
mobilization, as requested by the "Dad
dies" club. ...
Chicago Bayers Plan Strike ;
Chicago. April 25. (I. N, S.) Chi
cago union bakers wTtl go- on strike
at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning, it was!
announced today, and the city is threat
ened with a bread famine. It is esti
mated that 10,000 men will strike, vir
tually 1 tying .up all bakeries in the
city. The men are demanding the
elimination of night work and .master
bakers declare they cannot agree to
this demand-'. L , ' ,
' ... , , , M , - 'I '
Walking Stick Made
;;0ut?bM75 Piece?
Richmond. Mo., It has taken J. W,
Hagan of this city 12 years to complete
a" walking stick made up -of 175 pieces
of wood, including 11 different kinds.
Mr. Hagan made the stick, at odd times
and used ash, walnut. ''hickory, poplar,
cottonwood. sugar tree,: California red
wood, and four kinds of oak in Us con
structlon. ,
i sy rtUnh.rdiictJ Merit Onb- NA '
ISfew Millinery At Lipman, Wolfe's Very
Moderately Priced To Anticipate Summer Needs
tascbam-Hlgb Clothes
Hade by Lsopoid. CbJcsO
High Suits
are tailored as well as
designed for their wear
ers That is why they are
Preferred by
Younger Young Men
They're full of "pep" and
diss. Ask any, high school
fellow -eight out of ten wear
"Langham-Hlghs." The new
est waist line and other Spring
models are here. Sizes 32 to
$25 $28.80 to $50
And Langham
Suits for Men
have all the style of Langham
Highs with the conservative
air that older men want at
$36 to $60.
Fourth Floor,
Lipman, Wolfe & Co. .
As Sketched
As Sketched
At $5 At $6.50
Tailored Hats White Milans
Summery hats "of
light airy straw in open
lace leghorn straw ef
fect with Tuscan straw
edges. These are smart
y e t serviceable. In
large shapes with
straight and drooping
brims. Flower and rib
bon trimmed.
Smart tailored white
'milan hats for women
and misses. These are
of wonderfully fine
quality foreign
bleach with smart
ribbon bands. Clever
hats for light summer
frocks and very appro-
As Sketched
At $10Ctiap
eau du Jour
New models in this
popular "h a t of the
day" white with white
trimming. Milan straws
with facings of Georg
ette crepe, daintily trim
med with ribbons and
flowers. New and
smart as they can be
and becoming!
Turning Out Ships
Faster Now Than in
The War Time Rush
San Francisco. April 25. (IT. -P.) Ac
cording to figures published today by. O.
W. 3reen, ritaflsUcan for the Emergency
1 ie,et corporation, every shipyard -.In the
bay district Is building ships faster now
than during war time. ' '
Measured efficiency,- he nays, as re
placed war's feverish activity. Thefe is
twice as much tonnage' in the bay yards
row as 12 months i ago.
Green said six I bay shipyards now ,
'have 41 ships under coiiBtructlon,
Drugs And
Toiletries -
-i White- Composition- Ivory,
ureMsing uomDs avC " '
White Composition Ivory
Buffers 81.00
WMsk Brooms excellent
grade 35J
rlycerine 6-ounce sire
Hospital Absorbent Cotton,
full pound 50 -
Sempre Uiovine 49
Peroxide o f Ilyurogen
full pound size 16
LiHterine 7-ounce size
Poudre Danse face pow
der 35 8 for 81
Squibbs' Liquid Petroleum
1 6 for 5
Ijpjohn's lieef, Iron "and
Wine 87
Revelation Tooth Powder
Tooth Brushes special 2
for 25
White Celluloid Soap
Boxes 25
Fairy Soap limit 5 bars
5- for 25
Perrin's Compact Pow-
der 30
Mary Garden Rouge 50
Kversweet , Deo d o r a n t
Spiro Powder 23
Liquid D r. ess Shields
35 T5 .
Street Floor,
Lipman,-Wolfe & Co. ."
priate for tailored suits
These are but three instances of the charming new late Spring
and early Summer hats you'll find here Saturday at low. prices!
Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Women's Silk
Fibre Hose $1
Heavy weight silk fibre
stockings in white, black,
African brown, tan and
grey. Heavily reinforced.
Children's Pure
Thread Silk Stockings
$1 to $2.25
Complete assortment white,
grey,- flesh or Cordovan Bilk
stockings. with reinforced
soles, heels and toes. Sizes
4Mi to 9.'
Children's Socks'
3 Pairs $1.00
3000 pairs of children's
socks in solid colors or white
with neat colored stripes.
Rolled tops. Sizes 5 to 94..
Street Floor,
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Beautiful Fancy Colored
Stationery A S ale-49 c
When you see this excellent paper you will wonder
how it is possible for, us to sell it at such a special pricel
The result of an unusual
purchase brings to you.
In each box
there 'are 48 sheets
of paper sad 48
enve 1 o p s 1 2
each in white, pink,
blue and buff.
As Sketched
-Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
As Sketched
7-Piece Glass
Berry Sets
Just In time for the
first ' strawberries ! Co
lonial breakfast set s
deep 8-inch bowl and half
dozen deep berry saucers.
Plata Capped Berry
Sets Special 81.45
Sixth Floor,
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
New Coats, Suits, Frocks and Skirts
Received in Time for Saturday -3d Fl.
f ;T,ORGE 3. C.AtJDKTTK. New Britain. Conn.
VKUj II. KMKK, ftt'Uniu. Ho. ,
l'KTKK FH1NT. Kwnnha. Mich.
HOWARD H. HItJHAU. Jit.; Woodbury, X. 1
JIISKFH P. TJMiAN. I-hiladebihia, Pa. i
1IAROU K. MANNKItS, Nw York. N. T."
1'JSQUALE MANM.NO. I'itLsburwh. la. '
KMIIi JOHN BCHM1TT. Wlieelins. W. T.
" "VIvatM ' '
lirOROK H. ADAMS, I'hilndelphU. Pa. - .
.1 AMES AIN8WOKTII. ITeble. N. T, ' v ?
TONY KOlOT, Detroit. Midi.
EARli H. BIBT.E. Blatkfoot. Idaho.
AI'GrSTE r.LKMKNTS, Hayes, La. , .
AlITllt U W. MAHTF.KS. Flora VisU. N. Mel
HARRY J: STRKtT, Ikewood. Oliio.
KILLED IN ACTION (Pravleuiljr Reported
' bars, Ta. . . (
Mllnt : . .
OSCAR M. TATIAIK, Torn CTeek. ' ?
ILL1AM H. TAYIAJR, New Totf. K. T. i
- rrlvstas '- '..
Joseph besson. Dnmei, Mfoa.
W1UMAM A. I'ORBKTT, (edaredca. Colo.
HARLF.8 R,' FOI,KY, IndianapolM, lnd.
VII,I,IAM 3. FRKDETTK, Went Rutland. Tt.
JOSEPH KAPt'Zt'K, Thoro. Ww.
BOSOO KOV ICH. Bear Crvrk. MonU
KpRnr FK.XIOK. LecU. Kt.
ILLLVM TIRNADY. Fairfieki. Conn.
.. V An-1 Crsnuiered) t:.4s on T.IurioeCo.Qiic-
New Middy Togs For Girls
Have Arrived In Quantities
Middy togs that are so trim and so comfortable
and so much in demand for girls and misses and
women are now nere in vast assortments lor
you !
Jack Tar Middy
Dresses $7.50
All white, white and
navy and 'white and cadet
blue middy dresses. A
popular model with "deep
yokes and pleats. Sizes 16
to 20. . .
Jack Tar and -
' Paul Jones Togs
-Smart dresses for. girls
3 to 14 -white Copen,
khaki, : navy, or green
trimmed with braid, and
are priced from $3.50
to $6.50. '
New Jack Tar
Middies $2.95
A special lot ' of the
smartest new middies
with flannel collars. Reg
ulation style.
. Also other middies at
Jack Tar and
Paul Jones Skirts
Middy skirts for; girls
6 to 14. - These are of
good quality jean, Lowns
dale, Belgian cloth and
khakf materials. In waist
ed styles. $2.50 to $3.
Capes rr
Capes for ffirls4 to C $7.50 to $18.50.
Capes for Girls and Juniors $13.50 to' $52.
Coats for Girls 2 to P-$4.95. l ; '
New Slipon Wool or Fiber Sweaters---$3i05
to $8.i5p.; x. '-'S,::;- 'r: . ;
'.' Ii Fourth .Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.;
As Sketched 5
J Here's Good ? :
o Spring News for You
New Tub Silk Shirts At $5.50
Baby broadcloth or tub silk shirts in the newest and most
beautiful Spring designs. Stripes in.the prettiest and most
wanted colors beautiful combinations, of them. They're the
kind of shirts you, will take pride 4in : wearing; and they're
splendidly cut and tailored.
All sizes from 14 to 17 are included. Typical
Lipman,' Wolfe & Co.' values in the Men's Shop I
"Vassar" Union Suits
, Medium Weight $2.50
These splendid quality union suits are just the weight most
men want for this season. - They're here in" three styles with
three-quarter, full length, short or long sleeyes. - Right now,
make a mental note to ask for Union SuitslLot'No. 607
the' 're winners ! f 'f t 1
Men's Store, Just Inside Washington St. Entranced "
I, I
New Garineote
For Saturday.
A steady stream of quality clothes at
"Cash Only" prices is coming here.
Interesting things are going on "behind the scenes? of
the Garment Section box after box of smart new things
is being unpacked daily .and made ready for their, brief
stay on our racks for they don't last .long the way they
are priced! '
Tailored Suits $21.50
M a n n I s h serge,
French serge and wool
poplin are the materials
used in these smart
suits. The styles are
quite diversified enough
to please 'every taste.
AT $23.50 there are.
exceedingly clever mod
els in suits of serges,
poplins and mixtures.
Navy and a few other
Newest Capes $17.85
Full sweep capes of
French serges and vel
ours in navy, tan,
Copen, grey and henna.
Some are -coatee style
and some are effectively
trimmed wMh fringe..
AT $15 there is a
very good model in all
wool navy serge cape
vestee style. Trimmed
with black siik braid.
Silk Dresses $13.65
Ruffles, tucks and
colorful touches jf era
broidery characterize
these new silk frocks.
Taupe, navy, grey and
Copen are the colors .
from which you may
choose. .
AT $19.50 there are
the prettiest frocks of
Georgette or taffeta and
printed Georgette com
b i n a t i o n s. Several
Economy Basement,
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Hundreds of ; -Extra
$1 .25
Here's value ifor
y o u t best fine
shirts of crepe cloth,
corded madras, per-,-cales
and soisettes in -the
styles that you
wan t soft collars
attached, soft .: turn
back cuffs, and stiff
collar styles, at only
An Unusual
Offer of .
s OX
2 for 25c
Good serviceable
cotton sox ln then
wanted spring-time"
weight at th very
low price of 25c for"
2 pairs. Nearly all
Economy Basmenf,
Lipman, Wolfe & Co,
Come to the Basement on Saturday,
"Walk Through" Get Acquainted
With the Bar gain Spot of Portland
Boys' Spring Suits
$12.75, $14.75; $15.75, $?6.7S
Snappy styles all the newest "models for boys
6 to 18. . There are suits with fitted, coats,: full
coats and belted coats. Pockets are in slash and
patch style. All pants are full lined, and, have. .
double knee and , seat All are serge : or alpaca
lined Other suits up to $30. $J- v'V
w .... , - - - Boys' Shirts 1'
Little Boys' Togs and Waitta
Reefers of blue seraje. Silk, madras, repps, f
iI-clLVift-tlh . percales sndrrfqueV.
? ? Pra " : wed on and i detach
Priced to 15. able collars, 1 to f5.
Boys' Straw and Fabric Hats 75c to $7.50 ,
Complete tines of boys' tweed, cheviot, silk and straw;'
hats tor Springtime wearing:. There is every conceiv
able style for boys IS years old. - ,
Boys' Caps $1.75 to $3.00 ,
v-, Fourth, Floor, Lipman, Wolfs tt Co.,
Staple quality
, clothes for the work- ,
er who would make
every dollar cvount
are here in full and .
complete lines. The
few items listed are
Men's overalls and
Jackets, a complete
line of the kinds that
workingmen demand
here at from $1.65
to $2. Painter over
alls and jackets,
$1.75 a garment.
II ickory stripe
Unionalls the kind
that is. made to fit
arfd wear the brand
that insures maxi
mum service for min
imum expense at
. Khaki Unionalls,
; $4.00. Extra heavy
tyue Unionalls,
$4.25. Not only are
they the ""approved
bib styles that work-
ers . prefer, ,but they
"r Union mads.
Khaki pants and
whipcord pants that
. are ..well made and '
longwearing-are but
'$1.95. Blue, striped
cook .- pants are "lso
- but $1.75. '
a, - r
, -F r om thes .
price yoi will
get an- idea of
7 th way things
' !- r - sold here,
' . Economy Basement,
'Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Tots' Capes and Coats
For wee'glrK. 2 t6 6
years, there are little '.
, , coats and capes that are; v
. both practical and good
; ' looking;.- ' ;vi .
, ' Navy serge capes' in .
" round collar and arm ' .
holei tabs of silk, pop-
Hn. 'SJze" 2 r to .
I $5.65. i i -
Another model for
-little girls 2 to 6 is
, v silk poplin , in rqse, tan
. and Cope n. : t Priced - A
$5.95. .. f,
Checked coats for lit-
tie tots, 2 to 6 years. Black and white,
tan and white,' and fancy combinations;
High , waistline models. $3.98.
Girls' Coats and Capes
For girls 6 to 14
years there are smart
coats and capes at as--,f
tonishingly low prices.
For instance:
Coat of homespun ;
made' in loose flowing
style with bck pleat, '
large collar, patch pock
ets and fancy buttons. "
Navy, tan and rose.
$8.75.; n .
Navy serge .c a p e
loose sryle- with large
collar of i Copen silk
poplin. Sizes 6 to-14.
Besides the., coals and capes listed'
mere.., arc many otner. equally good
values i in aeie wanted garments.
SlipOTerSweaters$3.35 m
New 'fancy" stitch . ,
sweaters in the popular ,
; slipover; style that girls
' - wear without blouses.
; ' , Turquoise, rose, old
. . - k,ue atul tor.; All sizes , t
' to 36'. - u
4 x New middies for girls U
'. K of 'all ages of Lowns-
r . dale, Jean Paul Jones V
, and other models sev- :
r ' " ral K; different f styles. '
i Sailor collars and long
; - sleeves. 4 $1.98.;
; Economy Basement, e
" 1 " Ltpraan, Wolfe & Co.
A Hundreds of Other Bargains
j 4
i 9-
I w