ri'P 1 - 4 Ai. iu .yr.ii.i,. 1 iii taS, TiiACTGivi I.earn to be a nt-ciui Mechanic end Gas T'nKineer; rebuild, operate and rrir Automo biiem, Trucks and Tractors. This t not an En gineering School, tttchiM IHEORt ON'LIi neither k h UBAiK. but a REAL, FKAC--TICAL SCHOOL, w her you learn th bui iw by ACTUAL WOKK on tha Machines Wa 4a?a mora am better Eanipment than all thr rv-tionls in Oregon Combined. SPECIAL. TRADES Machinist Acetylene Welding. Vat. canlzing and Retreading. Day and Evening Clas-e. Write for CatAlogue. HAWTHORNE A I TO BCHOOU 462 Hawthorne are: , , LEAR! AUTOS AND -TRACTORS FIVE HATS' FREE TBUL . , PAT TUITION WHEN SATISFIED - We -teach anto, tractor, gaa engine and anto electrical work; BIO 100 PAGE CATALOG FREE. Address Adcox Aato and Tractor School, Dept. J. Union ave. ami VV'uc at, Portland. ' Phone East 744 8, WANTED ' -ONE HUNDRED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPH OPERATING. - SPE CIAL OPPORTUNITY TO KIHST 2S AP PLICANTS, APPLY HEMPHILL. TRADE SCHOOLS. 124 6TH ST., W. ' - BIUKEI.L PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL Individual instruction. Rlaht method Lum bermen bldg.. 5tb and Stark. Bdwy. 8464. Miss F, Bnrelt. principal. DAT .SCHOOL. ".NIGHT SCHOOL, GOING East or South! Houseboat cooda ship ped at reduced ratea; mortng and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co., 403 lioj-t at. BCwy. 708. HKI-P WAITED PKWAM 14 WE WILL PAT A GOOD SALARY TO A LIMITED NUMBER OP GIRLS -BETWEEN TUB AGES Of 10 AND SO TEARS WHILE WE TEACH TOU TO OPERATE A POWEB MACHINE: STEADT EMPLOYMENT AND GOOD WAGES PAID TO OUB OPERATORS. APPLT AMES HARRIS NETTLLE BAG CO. 15th A, HOTT 8TS. f WANTED E XPEHtE N.C E D WEAVER 8. STEADT WORK. GOOD WAGES. APPLT PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS. WASTED Girl or woman, liTinc in lcinity of t.. z.'d ana Yamhill, to take chart of chil dren several afternoons and evenings a week. hoc each time. Phone East 7809. WANT 4 women, neat appearing and well edu- eatnd. city and traveling position; only those who bare to work for a tiring and will work tf hours daily need apply. Call at 22 Henry bMg. EI.DEKLT woman or rlrl to ear for three yeax old girt while mother worka. Light house keeping. No entertaining. Call after noon. 246 East 0th at. WANTED Married woman to answer phone, Ti hour per day, 88 per weak. Call between 5 and 6. - B40 Washington at. No phone cans. WAN TEI Waitress, must be experienced; good wanes, room and board. Lownsdal. Mallory hotel. 171 . VA N T ED A housekeeper for father and two children, a middleaged woman prefevred. 1277 iay street. Call between 6 and S p. m. WANTED Girl for general housework, email family experienced cook not . Call Mam - - WANTED School girl to care for 2 small chill dren afternoons. Call Main 1012. WANsLKD Esperienced coat finisher. Ray . Barkhnrnt, Portland's leading tailor. 94 6th at. WANTED Thoroughly experienced finisher on gowns. S02 N. W. Bank bldg. PIANdTjBSSONS and $10 monthly given neat lady for help in home. Phone Eaat 1188. A GIRL for general housework Sn country. Good home, good pay. Inqnir East 7829. WANTED BOOKKEEPER, one who can han ille typewriter, P-201. Journal. - EXPERIENCED operator on shirt joining and aleev piecing. Mi. Hood factory, 238 Conch. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Phone Eaat 835 T, HELP WASTED MALE AS1 FEMA1E M MOI.KK BARBER COLLEGE pay you while learning; givea yon set of tools; positions secured. Write for catatonia. 234 Bnrnelde St.. or phone Broadway 1781. PORTLAND BARBER COLL:GE teaches trad In 8 weeks; pay whil leammg ; position guar anteed. 284 Couch st. - - MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade; wagea while learning; position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' -experience.- Oregon Bather College. 238 Madison. .WANTED Extra help Simons, lt and Alder. in all department. WANTED AGENTS VvANTEI--Men with Ford ear, big money, also aeent tor a fast selllna article, exclusive riant for city, county and state of Oregon and Waah- tngton. sit nttock Dioca. uroaaway isis, blX salesmen for city, sell every garage, grocery and hardware store ; pocket sample. 47 Iur hsm ave. Phone Woodlawn 8024. TWO experienced 'city and road salesmen ; men with auto preferred: pocket smyle; to trade. N-M, Journal. SITUATIONS MALE HOUSE PAINTER Paper hanging, 600 per double roll; kalao minlng, 82.50 per room and up. Telephone Main 8383. Contractor and builder, rrrpsir and new work in th. city or country. E. 52d et Tabor 70S2. K. D. Crow. 441 NOW is th time to repair your roof before tinting; w gus rente to atop all leaks. For re liable work can Wdln. 5084. S years in Portland. PAINTING, paperhenging and kalaornining don. Let ns fixure on your work. Phone. Wood- lswn 4792. ' A RESPONSIBLE man going to New York; will Use tip any representative or will car lor anybody on train. Write P-821. Journal. B. A. ANDERSON, plowing and harrowing. Call East 772Q. after 4 o'clock. LAWN mower grinding and repairing, band saw Tecnt and filed. 832 William ave. WANTD Position aa janitor in apartment or office bldg.,' understand oil burner, E. 6882. TACUUM cleaner rented, Broadway 2649. Vacuum r leaning. ROOFS reshrngled a. specialty. Marshall 706. PT"TVe P-vti-hsmT ,1 - WANTED Cesspool digging, basements and all kinds of excavating by contract. Tabor 6307. j PAINTING and tinting, best materials, eatla- f action assured. Tabor 7828. WANTED Work for 2 tt ton truck. Phone Main 6218. - WO UK for a a and 8 ton truck. Phone Broadway 821. -- - PAINTING, paperhanglng ' and kalsoming bj t perienced" workman. Phone Tabor 4986. PLOWING and harrowing. Call Tabor 8727. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 Itt'OS varunm cleaned; save aU that hard wort TiMf Jan. evenings. WOMAN want work by hour or day;' reliable ' n,nn,r- Wdin. 1 5 75. WILL car for diililren by th hour. Call Main 8R8B. Room 16. WORE wanted by the day. B'way 4190. PRESSMAKINO 4f DKK88 MAKING Alteration work guaranteed. mtlVr Belmont, Tabor S104. , - nurses 68 NURSE Maternity case specialty. 231 6th at. Main 7542. FURNISHED ROOMS NEW PERf fNsTftmSL, -Fifth and Washington Btreetm. ' l Right in center of Portland' activitieav Let a show you our aecommodauona. Ratea $8 per weea up. HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH 81 a daay up. Free Tub and Shower Bath. FURNISHED rooms, modern, close in, west side, for gentlemen. 640 Couch. Apt. 6. 1 , block off Wa-thington St.. at 17th. UUTEL barKeot, Hawthorne - and Grand. Starting point special ear for Vancouver. FURNISHED ROOMS FRIT ATE FAMILT 76 KLKdANTLT furnished sleeping room with con necting parlor; gentleman preferred. 323 U 18th st. ' . HOME privilege along with good room rea aonable to right party, walking distance. Phone East 8623. NICK front room for rent; electric lights and heth;next to 2 car line. 854 Shaver st. KlCELTfurulihed room for rent; cloa in. 474 Tamhill at - - HOOMS AND BOARD IS THE HAZEL "Not akt fort. Horn eooknW Thlnt sa. vex hhE Martha Washington . 380 10th. tog busTasse girls and atudents. MarahaU 1331. BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILT 7t LARGE front alcove room, suitable for 3 -"(Sm 89 -Co,umbl COT- -aOtaV-lUia WANTED Gentleman to room and board, pti vste family, home rrrivileges. Hav garage. 19 K. 74tJi at. N. M. V. car. Tel. Tabor eISl. liOTHKRt.Y lady . i Marshall 1240. winhes . children 4 31 Taylor at. to board. - WAyTFP-FOO?lS AND BOARD f Lu-'-J aud board by buMnees woman witb eon of 14; must be .in fcoeuuck school diatriet and private family. - Call Marshall 13a : Oe tween S and' a. nx. - " -" - 1 0UNO aian wMiei room and board, waet aid does In. W-16. Journal. HOC8EKEEPIITO BOOMS FTJBNISHED AND U NT U BNI 8HETJ CLEAN, nicely urnihed housekeeping room in . mod ateam heated '-: apartment house. - 84 week. Hot water, etc. - Free laundry. "The Todd," E. 12th and Stark. - - - TWO BOOM tarnished housekeeping suites add Bleeping rooms, rent reasonable, near ship ysrds and Iran work. 643 hi let at. S NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, close in on carline; ran and fireplace- rent 836. Call Eaat'2522. 028 E. Morrison at. ; THREE rooms, good ear service. Phone ,Wood- . lawn 22. 2 AND 8 roamed H. X., furnished, clean. Clay. Main 8867. 40 1, OB I furnished housekeeping room. 204 4th at. near Taylor. FuRNISHED'HTK. room, working people. 267 Knott t., near fjfilliama are. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 7t FUBSIoHED AND VNFUBNI8HED PRIVATE FAMILTf LOTELT fornished room, modem home, kitche: privileges, for an or two employed, ; 183 N. Z3d st.. cor. Hoyt. Marshall 043. TWO large room, lights, pboo and gaa, fisl r.ssr sua. TWO furnUbed housekeeping rooms. - S40 East Btara. - TWO famished Kifht housekeeping ground floor. 225 E. 87th at.. 8. rooms. 1'URNISHED room is private family. 821 6th at., corner uiay. COUPLE ; will share modem home, employed peoiile preferred. East 7860. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 868 8d at. South. FOB RENT HOUSES J METER ERANK S INFORMATION AND ' RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, up to dare lists of desirable vacant houses, apartment gad flat wits definite Infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find thia bureau ot great value la aeiplng them get properly and sjumty locateo. EIGHTH IXOOB WlftiN TOP MOVE. P8B N'ORTH'-' WESTERN ELECTS. IU LIGHT SERVICE 10th and Washington. lldwy. 880. TWO room house, garage and 4 large lot at ijeuta. near O-cent car and Foster 'road. Btetnmeta. o ueruager bide. Main OOS1 Unfurnished building, housekeeping uits, room 7 roonred house, 4 room furnished nouse. 04 k. 1 otn st. Kaat 52Z2. 5 ROOM ' cottage with or without gang. sum iuio. HOUSES FQR RENT FURNITURE - . FOB SALE S3 STRICTLT private 6 room lower flat, very cen tral, elegantly famished. Will sell furniture or leas for 6 months, f SO per month. 90 lztn at. FURNITURB of 5-room house for sale, $250 caan. Hoos for rent; walking distance. i an Broadway zi87. FURNISHED HOUSES St UHwuiua iiytmti lurntsitea. extra fine op- w tfvtt fv. vvs m sin I . porcunuy to rent an eieaant nnuse. n room. arranged for email or large family. 353 East i at. w. atetor 11:30 and after 2 p, 4 ROOM house, comoletelv furnished. eonf f rnture, near South Portland shipyards. 835 per month. Vacant May 1. 745 1st at., near WE hav several house and apartmenta to rent, fnrnitur for sale, reasonable. Low rents. oemnaier. .'ill atock Exchange bldg. c 11 u-1 AMU district CotUgea. apartmenta. Itonsekeeping rooms; furnished, unfurnished; NEW 8 room fornished boose, water. light. Phone, carden. 820. far.h.n ui ana ei (erson. FOR RENT 6-room furnished cottage. Graham are. 148 FURNITURE for sal and hone for rent. 60S $20 TWO room house, furnished. Main 4190". Hart Annrfmonte AttJ'i M I Sl tfk ITU) 1U Hnt.l Newly furnished, modern heaeekaepfng and aleep- ". ij.w anq, up. peconq enq yamnttl. 9 MICB clean furnished ronsna., Tmtoli kiinhan living room and sleeping porch on ground floor: 322 per month. 95 H N. i 13th st. none xsroaaway bvqs PENINSULA APTS.. 1135 Atbina ave.. con ,creu bldg., 2 and 8 room apts. Woodlawn xaaz. STRICTLT private 2 room ant., elenntlv nr. Biahed, 340. tncrading heat, light and water. pnTmte resiqencc. aBH lata. 2 ROOMS and private bath, near Woofflawn and Vancouver car; rent 820, .including water, garbage and phone. Phone East 4267. MAGNOLIA apartments, furniahed single and double honaekeeping moma, also sleeping NEW T0RK APTS.. E. Belmont and 7tb,rEait son. FQH BENT FLATS 13 CLAT ST. near 3d, flat of 6 rooms and bath. Beck, agent. Falling bldg. Main 3407. 8 ROOM flat. BOQ Mary et. fUBBISHro FLATS Si LOWER furnished flat. 825 a month; piano close in. Apply 114 First. ' 8304 room furnished lower fist KA9 8TORES AND OFFICES it LITTLE Store building at Parknlace. one Moek - from bridge, for rent er sale; llrin quarters apsiairs; iwaaonaoie terms. 4lBs fetxy, t lad- stone, JT. innr.si ironi rooms tor doctor a or rices, cen- , xrauy loraten. 14 urand ave. and Burnsid. FUR RENT Warehons spae oa track, west aide. Phono Broadway 821. VT ANTED TO BENT WE WANT TO REf 8 room ttp-to-date dweElng in aelect nelghbor- nsn. aim nouses. Rata and apartments. If ynu !! "r"'' thon Heave Together, care .-..-.-". pun Main l llfil WANTED To rent furnished 6 or 6 room now on cast aid. Parties expecting to leave cRy for six month or a year and desiring to leav bom in ear of responsible people can arrange. Phone Tabor 6444. I HAVE severs! prospect who wish to rent 5 and 6 room houses and buy furniture if price WANTED la Irvlngton, in private familv' room wHh or without board, by young )dy employed. R-445. Jonrnat WIDOW employed until 4 p. m. wante ronut with refined people where s girl 10 years can have board. Marshall 3398. WANTED To rent or lease a 5 mom tMlfira. L-631, Journal. WANT to rent a modern 5 or 6 room house close in. Marshall 668. WANTED To rent a 5 room bungalow ty May 1; 3 in family reference. -Tabor 6353. "SUMMER RESORTS 88 GEARHART T rooms and hathV furnished ;& tote in grove. Will accept good aato as part payment. L-686. Journal. REAL BSTATat BEACH FROPERTT 4S LOT for sale at Cannon Beach. Call Tabor 7154 or C-S219. BUSINESS PBOPEBTT 66 - 12 PER CENT - Ws rehouse. Sowth Portland, railroad fronUge, brick, strongly built, two stories and basement; Bet income more than 12 per cent of price. See R. W. HAGOOD . : 800 Joarnal bHg. Main 4958. A-6051. - OENEBATj BEATj ESTATE 3 Extra Inducements Offered to secure' eifrbt new bstm in Was "5 Park. Portland' firs class rwtricted dis trict. Beet ear service, also Jefferson high eehool and -Urs publie library. No finer m- tor Horn la th city. - Klnaneuu nc it den red. Call today. . 1149 Uaiovt ave. N Woorllawn 8804. 1 "W. M. KILIJVOSWORTH. Owner. . A FACTORT OR WAREHOUSE SITE " bargain. 63300. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Johnston V McHardv. FOB At,F RliTTgrg : at WODERN 8 room house, hardwood floors: Waid. ler st.. garage. Wolfstetn. 114 1st. BY OWNER, lot, 1st and Bamerart. till tr month. Marshall 4431. ' REAL ESTATE FOB SALK HOUSES Stop Paying Rent, but Pay I to Jourselt, Wite and l- Children Wamut Park, Portland's first elaasf teetrlcted residence district offer exceptional opportunities for eight new bom builders. - We will assist financially, if desired-. CaR today st th office, 1149 Union av. K. Woodlawn 8304. - W. M. KILLTNG8WORTH. Owner. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR J , - PRICE CUT TO THE BONE Beautiful 100x100, bearing trait, tree, sub stantial room Bone, targe living room, fireplace, buffet, full cement be seme at, wash trays, glass enclosed breakfast room, 9 exceptionally larg bedroom. This place lav located in th Glencoe school district, en 56th st, south of Mt Tabor ear. If you want a 380OO home for 54500. call new, lor it s a Duy. si va casn reqmrea. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 8752. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW FINE VIEW 83500 Asked, snake as aa offer. A beautiful bungalow, nestling among the trees oa the . norta slope- ot Mt Tabor, rooms and - sleeping porch, thoroughly modern, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, aU boiltins. Dutcn xitcaen. gas beater, gas stove, lin oleum and carpets in - the bedrooms go with th house. Terms. Immediate pos session. V J. - A. W ICEMAN CO. 204 Ry. Ex. Main 583 BUILD TOUR 'HOME ' NOWI ' IV LAURELHURST I hav a few choice lota close to the Park and club grounds. If you hav some cash. will tnmiah th tot and finance th building of yonr home Don't pay fancy price for aa old MR. DELAHUNTT, 270 Stsrk St. 11850 DANT5T WORKING MAN'S HOME 6 room house, free from incumbrance, olss- tered, papered, painted, stained and varnished, built-in buffet, slate rail, paneled with beamed ceiling, hot and cold water and bath, large front and back porches, doable constructed: fine piaoa lor cow and chickens. Part cash and terms; 10 minutes' walking distance fro'B end of Council Crest car. Owner, Lewis Theiderman. t-none Marshall 54 59 for directions. Rose City Park Car . West of 83th St.. 5 rm. dbL constructed bungalow, with large attic, bath, built-in effects. hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, street paved:-114 btka. school. 4 hi car. Price only 34100. This is a splendid buy. Some terms. Open evenings. ' GKO. T. MOO HE CO. 1007 Yoon bids. REED COLLEGE HOUSE A permanent home for your children. Almost new, seven rooms, hardwood floors, living room l ox.il v, I eel, white woodwork, side lighting, full basement, furnace, two lavatories, tiled front porch, fin lawn and shrubbery ; comer 30th and rtjbe streets, park opposite, citr so If links near ey. All improvements paid. Will tell at cost. Sti-uu. no -agents. Telephone a. m... East 1768 TWA storv SI mim hnn a Kmm,, .1.. dining room and kitchen, large attic and Basement, bathroom, clothes closets, pantry, larg front and back porches suitable for sleep ing rooms, plumbing, electric lights, lot 60r 100, nesr Eastmorelaad, 3 blocks from line, 6 blocks from another carline. Price 32760. Be li wood 2523. Owner. Mt. Tabor Bungalow Beautiful view property: 5 rooms, finenlace hardwood floors, furnace, swell rmteh kitchen. For quick sale. 3300; 8885 cash, balance only 820 a month, which include th interest. Open evenings. UEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ALBERTA COTTAGE. 14AO CAKH Nice 4 room cottage, nice bath, cement base ment, gas, cabinet kitchen, nice corner lot IHTHT' nwtm B 1 1 n. M. .nn. .v.... . M S" O K V. and Emerson; price 31600; 8400 'cash slid "15 per monu. ' GRUSSI A BENNETT, 31 Board of Trade. - Main 7452. $1600 Sellwood S1600 no oner you a swell 11 rue a rot. nuneaiow: bath, Dutch kitchen. 50x165 lot, 15 bearing iruii trees, very best of soli; 1H bills, to car. race only iouo; terms. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon BMf WONDERFUL BAWTHOBNE BUNGALOW" 8500 CASH. BAL 835 MO.. INCI.imiKr: ivt 7 rooms and Bleeping porch, hardwood floor, fireplace, furnace, bookcases, beamed neilin im paneled walla. Owner left city few dya ago. very anxious o seii. CLEVEIjAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 8732 $2150 Woodlawn $2150 Beautiful 4 rm, bungalow, with bath, fire place, Dutch kitohen, 50x100 lot; 2 blocks to car; 3 blocks to Union are. car; 3500 down. wsu, uwuui. ' Open Evening. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teoa Blda. 6 ROOM house, nice, light, airy rooms, good DnuDDiai. iuii eaai irons lot snnrNis hsit. ment and floor, paving and sewer rM null cash payment, balance monthly at 6 per cent ha te reel, ao delay about abstract and papers, pos session la 10 days. Phone owner, Woodlawn zoea. HOllli FOR THE OLD FOLKS glnoJT" Very neat 5-room eottase with 80x100 tot! assorted orchard lust eeminc Into besrine nie aruen; goou crucKen nous ana yard; good cess pool; electric lights and gaa. 8200 cash. 310 monthly. Fred v. German Co.. 732 Chamber ot tJommerce. SACRIFICE SALE 82500 SIT ROOM HOUSE. PERFECT ORDER CLOSE IN. 2 BLOCKS FROM SCHOOT.. UCl tTCC.-O - IjAKLl.TtS. LUB.X tM. J.I IT HO X100; IMPROVEMENTS ALL IN. OWNER. WDLN. 879. TERMS. NO AGENTS. BUNGALOW for sale. Stop looking for that home. Let ns do the work. Tell us what you want ana woere. we wiu satisfy you. Bare you use ana money. M DO WELL & WEST FALL 602 Piatt bldg. Marshall 3026. MODERN 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full cement ment and laundry trays, close to 2 carline, newly painted and tinted: price 32600, 8650 cash, balance monthly payments. Phone Wood- lawn 2241. v 4-ROOM plastered bungalow, bath, electricity! gaa. cement, easement, in good condition; lot 50x100. fruit, 3 blocks to car. 20 minute to 3d and Morrison sta. Tabor Add Wnmtisam .ooi. YOU can ssve 81000 by buying in St. Johns instesd of Rose City, etc See mv new bun ¬ galow, built-in affects, full lot, fine trees, on block north of St John carline. 1010 Leon ard near Buchanan. R. C. PARK SNAP 7-room modern home, fireplace, fine lot wfth fruit, only $2900, very easy terms. B. F. Pond neauy vo., laau ganqy bird. Tabor 8825. FOR SALE: 2071 E. Eugene St., 6 room mod ern bouse, full basement, lot 63x100-. house 4 years old, cost 83600 to build; price- 31900; 3350 cash. 320 per month. Will take light aato aa urss payment. -labor H073, BUNGALOW 6 room, modern in everv riet.il sleeping porch, fin place, turns re Hawthorn uistnci, taiou. M'DUWELL at WESTFALL 802 Piatt bldg. Marshall 3026. ST. JOHNS Modern, brand new R. R. brmsralnw. fun li 1 block north of St. Johas car. on easr monthlT I-STinenia. Acys as iuiv jeonam ave., Unrhsnsn. WHY .NOT BUILD T Get an artistic home by an established .n-hi. tectaral firm at low cost. Ws build snything. furnish the money if desired. L. K. Bstley Co.. Inc. contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. 8 . ROOM house and 6 tots, with good orchard and splendid water. Will sell reasonable. On Oregon City carline. Inquire of Jama . Petty. Gladstone, Or. . - - 6 ROOM modern plastered bouse,' new garage, chicken honse: all for in On- 13 Art e..h balance monthly; bargain. See owner at 6722 40th ave. 8. E. 81500 POSSESSION TODAY TERMS Attractive 4 room huimlnw rnmmr l- K. tcflet. etc. Woodlawn car. "1316 E. 17th N"! fXiBB, Marshall 4978, 9 to 5 p. m. - 232.JT?U bu' "ode'h -room house... lot 50x100. use of adinintnr sn-h.nl e ehtokens. Terms to auit buyer. Owaer, Har rison. Hotel Portland. Mala BAB. BUY a Westmoreland iome from owner; 5 room modern bungalow and garage; all conveniences built in; nice lawn, garden; $3500; $1500 down, terms. 1445 E. 20th st 8. Sellwood e.r 3500 CASH. beX easy terms, will' handle good 6 room hous. 3 lots, fin fruit trees, nrw age. convenient to Alberta car. Prlca 82-350. Woodlawn 3229. ROOMS Full cement basement, on ear Line, close in. east side: all street imrrromen. and paid for. except $150 bonded: price $3000. .mMi gwner ereiungs. aaarsnati 77. 5-ROOM oottaea. dnmhla rmbM w 100x100. nfi anri R kkriiu f - 898 E. 68th st., N. Phone Tabor $471. 4 ROOM modern cottage, easily worth 42800; a good bares in and mod tarns afA T. . Phone East 8465. No agents. MONTAVILLA bunealow, good condition. " t ire plaee. enodemt lsao ? Art M.K k.i SWK f iv FOR SALE by owner, 9 room honse with one r two iota, eome fruit, on 524 St.. Bear Monta TfJla carUne. phone Tabor 5956. ' MODERN bunaaUoVT iuS lot" and basement: terms. Owner. 1O0O EL lath sa 843. ,v i :J..:.i',. ,v -r:1':. . . IMVTNGtON Madera 7 rm. mnA mm Broadway car, above 18th; bargain. East 419. BOOM bouse, hath, 5e fare. Oregon Electric, 816QO: terms. Marshall 1 874. MODERN f- room buBsalow, XOal Sherman st.; as ouaae ta lore noon, xerms. -xaoor zttsl. EEAt F'TAT! FOR KALE HOUNES 41 . LAURELHURST 33700 Here is a lovely little home. It ha a big Bvinc room with splendid fireplace and built-in bookcases;, a -Urge -diniesr -reosa with handsome buffet, a white Dutch kitchen. 2 pretty bed rooms and bathroom with hish-crade plumbing fmnres. - The rooms are beautifully finished in ivory. The lot is 50x120 feet, Jast think ol buying a home In Lanrelhurst foe $3700. Owner leaving city; require $800 cash. May w show yon today t : :- - .,. COE A. MeKENNA A CO. Main 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trad bldg. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS, 3280U 2 acre home with 7 room modern house, plas tered, concrete foundation and Basement, fire place. (50 gas range already connected, bath and toilet, good barn, chicken house, hog house, gasoline engine and tank, place aii fenced and cross fenced, bearing fruit trees. 2 bifacfc from Metzger, 9 miles out. Owner refused 84SOO for this place a few years ago. $300 cash, bal ance to suit. Photo at office of Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open evenings and Sundays. MT. TABOR 32750 6 rooms, newly papered and painted. We are "the owners, - Terms easy. Located in the nicest part of Mt Tabor. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7. Chamber of Commerce Bklg-, 4th and Stark, Main 208. A NUMBER DESIRABLE BOUSES Choice modern bungalows in th best section of Laurelhurst, Irvlngton and Rose City Park. THESE HOUSES Vary in price and terms. All are desirable and many can be moved into within a short time. CALL TABOR 8433 or TABOR 59. MR. RICH MAN Ton have no leas on life, then someone wiQ break your ww Are you going to stay in that OKI Bouse or hotel f v ny not gat so mat lung out of lifef Let aae show this beautiful Irving tea home. H block of ground, trees and shrubs, 12 grand rooms, 8 baths, 3 fireplaces, sun par lor, beat of plumbing, perfect condition, coat 27.BIWI, gaooo cash will handle. East 419. $3000 Irvington $3000 A dandy for the money, 6 rm. bungalow, fire place, furnace, 50x124 lot. 1 blka. car. west of 28th at Price only 83000, with 5500 down. lUi is really a good buy. Open Evenings. GEO T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teoa Bldg. ON THE HEIGHTS $1600 ONLY $500 DOWN Cosy 3 room cottaee. 50x100 lot: fenced in abundance of fruit; nice lawn; flowers, good cement basement: fine riew'of the city. If you aon i mind a 10 minute walk from the car. call and tot us show yon this home. It a a good ouy. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO. 802 OAK". Half Way to Sellwood Only 15 minutes from Wash at: a raw. Dutch kitchen, buffet, full basement: tot 50x is, mm ae sold at once: owner leaving city; -.o aown, gia month, mil price bibhu. Open Evening. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon Bldg. HEIGHTS SACRIFICE A modern 8 room home situated an the nmwr Heights, UBobstrueted view, exceptions!? fin itrina ana auiinsr room, iimenea in f:irrassnsn walnut This home is modern to the minute and a pieaup at 3otiu. Terms. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. $3100 Furnished $3100 diss, union ave.. near A insworth - a rm. all on one floor, large attic, bath, 60x100 lot i ne rurnitnre is good grade and plenty of it must be sold; $900 down, -balance $25 month. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. TWO LOTS Nice 5 r. bunealow. elect, bath, eonem. basement, chicken house, 100x100 ground ; 25 fruit trees, small fruits: on E. Madison st. near 73d. Price 82000. 8400 cash and 825 per suh, locmoiar interest. GRUSSI sk BENNETT. 318 Board of Trad bldg. Main-7432. HAWTHORNE HOME SAftGATv' 83700 Beautiful horn of 7 rooms and sleeping pores, i urn see, lire place. x on would never expect to buy this for less than aavu; lot aoxno, lmprovenunta paid. erma. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Ex. Main 588 EAST 11th at. close in. a good 6-room modem house. 60x100 lot barcain at 32000. em terms, also a swell home on 74th st nesr car line. Thia place most be sold at a sacrifice to settle up aa estate: eood terms Oom. In sn.1 let u tell yon about this. 624 Chamber of commerce, tail between 1 and 4 j. Mt. Scott Car. Neat 4 room bunealow. wim etaumtne m.i wLite enamel kitchen, bath and pantry, electrto i:a ana sas. inn Dasemenr. luttmurr tnh . rage and chicken-bouse; 8750 will handle. 6908 f inn ave. D. Km. ACRE k. TABOR iHAA TtfiWiS A good 5 room house. 4 Mack to alt TaX ear and a full acre of the beet garden soil yen ever saw for only 33350. Lota in this vicinity sold for $500 each several years ago. Don't " u sew UUS. uo A. stCKHlDS A I'O slsin -". rourtn St.. Board ot Trade bldg. OWN YOTTft IIAVB 6 room dwelling, well built and modern in ,uu crmcm oasement, goon naat- 'b piant, nortu siope or Mt Tabor. Price sonable, terms to suit See H. W. HAGOOD BOO Journal bldg. Main 4958, A-6051. $3400 Furnished $3400 BOoB CTTl PARK BUNGALOW Street paved and paid for. west of s mt 2 blocks car. Without furniture 32950. Terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK " 6 room bune-alow. strirtlv mWIn fimiiA. fireplace, cement basement, hniltin (Minn.' white enamel finish; a bargain at $3350. Owner, v- rj. wiu bu liror s (ue. $2200 Woodlawn $2200 5 rm. modern bangalow, 50x100 lot, fruit trees: 2 blocks car; S500 down, bat monthly. r. auuiu; . 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE A 7 room house, 28 fruit trees, a big barn, 3 lots, on corner, 37 W. Skidmore and Concord: 2 blocks from Russell-Shaver ear; improvements all paid: good barcain. W-17. Journal. WESTMORELAND ( Restricted district of beautiful homes. ) Attractive 5 room double constructed bungslow. East 17th st, for aale by owner. Some terms. Phone Sellwood 90. 86250- EAST Broadwsy near cor. E. 5i2d. 9 room house, lot 65x100; immediate poseesafon: easy terms. Inquire 414 Pittock blf. Phon Bdwy. 784. BUNGALOWS W have several real bargains. ranging from i shv up. w e can please you. M' DO WELL A WEST FALL 602 Piatt bldg. Marshall 3026. 4 ROOM cottage on E. 3d and Broadway; must be removed at once; building to be con structed on property. Phone Eaat 145 er East 2731. GREAfi8NA P BET. 19TH AND 2 1ST; 8T8. Irvington home, modern convenieaces. ideal location: just think, only 34800. L-635. Journal. BY OWNER Modern 6 room house, 50x100 lot: east front, lares xarac. oared streets a earlinea. close in. good district; 8890O. 491 E. otn st. near Division st. MR. DOCTOR OR TRAINED NURSE Irvington needs maternity home: see thia 16 rm. beautiful home, just in right place; bargain. VMt 419. . TWO 3 room cottages by owner. Just painted inside and outside. 1038 Macadam st. 107a Water st $200 down, balance u rent Walking distance. H block from carline. Manlir.ll 4 4 31. $3250.00 SIX room house. Electric lights. gas and furnace. Full cement basement and floored attic. One block from carline on pared streets. No encumbrances. Owner. East 1828. SNAP BY OWNER 6 room cottage, garage. S. S. and Mu Tabor cars, 60x100, corner: gnust go. $2200. 1071 E. Alder. 3-ROOM plastered house for sale: Dutch kitchen and aaa 31100: 8550 cash. 104O Prinoeton near Marram. A SNAP $1800 bays modern 6 room home. large basement lawn and aaraea. 2 'A blocks from car. 4U47 65th. st S. E. AN EIGHT- room, well built house, full lot. fruit and shrubbery; will sell at- a sacrifice. Owner. East 484. FURNISHED 6 room home for light truck and small cash payment 6719 46th are. "Mm la park." Owner. FOB SALE LOTH 16 Build Your Home in Walnut Park Call today and aelect rear lot aa thee are selling faat - Extra inducements offered for eight new home. Financial assistance. If de sired No finer location for a home. W. M. KILLLVGS WORTH. Owner, 1149 Union aVenae North. Woodlawn 3804 IRVINGTON corner lot, 60x100. near Irving ton and Broadway car : banrain. laxt 4 IB. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, ,3375. Fractional lot. in, asia. Mata 1969. WANTED, beat cash price on Rose City Park lot; price ana description. L-68 3, Joarnal. ACREAGE 67 44 ACRES, house, barn, young orchard, 3 H mile of Lenta, near Foster road $3500. Call any day except Sunday at 8704, 69th av. TIGARD ACREAGE, near . station, clear, en BAtEl LINE toad, close in. 5 acres or less; 3350 acre, viwrwr. nawy. 44V7. 12 ACRES, by owaer. Phone Sellwood 729. RE At, FSTATE ACBHACE 57 A BEAUTIFUL country home. located oa aide walk, about 6 minutes' walk to R. R. sta tion. 2 acres aH under cnltivstiou. new room plastered faeaae. frost and back perch, good well, jrsa in house f at cooking . and Jigbting, good fixtures, mv well selected family orchard in oeanng, DtacKDernes ana strawberries m bearing., city water available; near good achool; in fact everything to make life comfortable. Can nave possession at once. Price 17aO. aswu cash, balance monthly payments it desired. Let as snow yoa this property. .. The property described below will suit yon it yoa are looking for a small country home, located shout H mil from electric R. R. sta tion, on good road, located on high elevation, with view of all the country around, in en of the well settled aeraaae and farm communities new. $ room bangalow. built up to date, with all built in conveniences, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, etc : front and back norchee. tool norma aaraea. chicken houses with runs, good walks, new well bcwisu uiviuiu sn pearuig, pemee ana snruD berv : in fact erervthine nrrrssarr Va mtl. e complete home. Two acres of land all : under cnlti ration. price 82750.. Term. Priced be low its real value. Let aa show yoa thai property. 15 acre ranch. 10 acres under cultivation. 5 acres second erowth timber. 3 acres of culti vated land, good deep swale, tiled,! suitable for onion, asparagus or any garden crops, land all well drained, 5 room house, good barn and out buildings, and all fenced, and cross-fenced, about 1 mile from electric station, mile from rock road. Price $8500; term. Land adjoining held at $500 per acre. Party most move this land and has made thia extremely tow price to have it go at once. Farm in best of condition. Crops in ous poseessioB can be nad any tune. 7tt ACRES Beautiful 7 H acres tract, good macadam road, walking distance from car. fine soil, all cuii., icnceu, Deautuut view. A snap. 3Z10O $500 cash, balance terms. Three acres, fin "fruit and berry 'bad, ao rocas or gravel, all cleared, fine road, aeai car line; very aightly. Only $1000. Small pay ment down, balance easy terms. See TUCKER A 8HRECK. , 501-502 Spalding building A LITTLE FARM, 5350 Why pay aa much for a house and lot in town, whan yoa can buy 5 acre right at edge of city and good 8 room honse. good barn, chicken house and milk house for onlv tSSOOf Good- auto road and 6c carfare. If you can pay siuoii aown you can have long tun on oaiarire. tub ts a big bargain. See it quick. COE A. McKENVA & CO., Main 4522, 82 4th at. Board of Trade bldg. A SACRIFICE " 80 acres in Jackson Co., 2 Vi miles from good town and railroad, on graveled road, mail and milk 'route, close to neighbors and school. 15 acres in crop, 15 acres easily cleared, bal ance fir timber and pasture, mostly all level, good creek, 4 room house, larg barn, soma wire fence. Price 81600: part time; clear title. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON A McHARDY. SOME good bargains near Multnomah Station: 2-3 acre and 5 room house, $1250. 1 acre, all in fruit, $800. 100x141. $550. 10 acres, 7 cleared, near Tigard, $175 per acre. Easy terms. We have a number of good bargains in this locality. . FTTZOIBBON A CALWAT, 401 Board of Trade. CHICKEN RANCH 81S0d 820O cash. 810 monthly buya 2 acres, all in cultivation, small family orchard. 6 different kinds of berries, 4 room house.' 4 or 5 chicken houses with trap nests. This place haa cost owner over 88100; hi mile from North Plains. Photoa at office of Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham. of Com. Open evenings and Sundays. - SIX acres, located in Tigardville.. AH under cul tivation. 2 H acres in apples, some walnuts. Paved road. Price 83800; $1500 cash. See Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerltnger bldg. Ihis place produced 1300 boxes of apple in 1918. $40 per cre, South Forest Grove Good land, near car and hixhway Terms. DRAPER. 201 WILCOX BLDG., 6th and Wash. FO"B SALE 40 seres, 18 in crop, running water, 12 miles from Portland. 2 electric line, good anto road; all No. 1 soil; must sell on accound sickness; terms. Address 912 Woodstock ave. L-634. Journal. HERE is a snap; 10 acres at ReedrUle, $1800. terms. 5 acres, close to Powell Valley road, ia high state of caltiTStion. $3300. 404 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. 4 ACRES on Oregon Electric line. Green- burg station, nice orcnara. amau irnits. plowed for spring cultivation, good 4 room house; price 82150, cash or terms. Mrs. H. L. Bunnell, Tigsrd. Or. DABNET PARK for beautiful home site, on Columbia River high way. See us. Dabney lnreatment Co.. room 1, Worcester bldg. $2500 FOR 2 acre at Multnomah ; 3 blocks from station, ao tare, ii mi water, aaa. elect ris lights; will make 16 tote. Part terms. at. Barron, Multnomah, or. 20 ACRES 14 miles west of Portland, near , electric line and school; few seres in cultiva tion, all fenced: price $2000, 8800 down, bal- ar-ce term. write owner, oxo nirnmnua st. 5 ACRES at Durham station, Oregon Electric, 3 H acre under cultivation. All can be cul tivated. House and furniture. Price 51575; $250 cash. See Brooks, with John Ferguson. FOR RENT -a icres, close in on good csr- line. macadam road. Hons ana outbuildings. Phone Tabor 8825. TEN acres in cultivation, good buildings, orchard. chicken park, near town, mgnway a no car. $1930. 8500 down. Draper. 201 Wilcox bldg. SUBURBAN ACRIiAGB 78 6 ACRES 867 littniniss Hfv limits of Orecon City, fine soil, not in cultivation and no modern bunga low on It IBIS piao ia oonwrfsura; worm 31000 and land m tne immediate vicinity in boom times ha sola I or as sign as aouu per a -M A. 1 M 4f ssi "P 8 fan Vls.aa acre. uo not lorget ww asuu whole 6 acres. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. Open evenings snd sands ys. CHICKEN RANCH, 14 miles from Portland. mil irom eiecinc hsuoo, u rwui uwbc, ..i v.m. chicken house. granary. smoke bouse. Vk acre in grapes, n acres in sruu, acrea in cultivation. Price $1500. H cash balance 6 per cent 4Z Aliegneny si, or phone Colombm 393. ' 12 ACRES eood land. 6 room plastered bouse. basement barn, a Yt acres in cultivation. some fruit, balance In pasture. 4 blka. to elec station, 17 miles from Portland. Price $8300, 8800 cash, balance easy. 423 Aiiegneay. Phone Columbia 393. SUBUHBAN MOMES 79 BELL ROSE STATION COUNTRY PLACE TH acres., all IrveL fiae sandy loam, 8 aere hhthhr cultivated. 2 acres Pasture. 80 assorted young bearing tree, raspberries and blackber ries, plenty for family use. all fenced with wire and borde,-2 blocks from pestorrtce, nsii mne ti school. ouarVr mile to church. R. F. Is. paved to within H mile of place and rest good gravel road, good well, beautiful 1 H story runssiow with 7 rooms, plastered, with hot and cold water, bath, etc, house ia 4 years old and ia elegant condition, good barn, for home or cow and about 3 tons of hay, size of bant 18x30, garage 18x10. small chicken bouse and wsgoa shed. The price of this property is 86500. with cash payment of 82000 and the balance can run for 5 years at 6 per cent Call at our office and ask to see the photographs of this place. r. M. wwilWaKU BITTER, LOWE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad bldg. . 4tt ACRE SNAP A real money-maker and country home com bined. Don't pass this up or you'll regret it Think of it. a beautiful country home where na ture has been overly generous and ungrudgingly lavishes her bel for yonr well being and at the same time assures you an income of $1500 to $2000 per year: 4 H acre 1 block from higb- wsy. postoffice snd electric station; 8 room hoase. bath, pantry, full concrete basement, ar tesian well, electric, pumps, tank . wooanouse. garage, splendid barn. atalla, chicken hoawe. amok house, feed cooking nouse; price i wuu, half cash, balance 4 years T per cent C H-" WOOODWARD BITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-8-57 Board of Trade bldg. 8260- DIfvCOUNT f 2SO 4 IMPROVED ACRE Owner will sacrifice this property for 8800 cash and 824 pr month: 8 room house, good well, barn, chicken bouse and yard. 10 bearing trees, small fruits, etc; electric tights snd gas. close in to paved highway, school, stores, etc If yoa want something extra good, this is the place. Come in and let u tell yoa about thia. CI. H. WOODWARD BITTER. LOWE, A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 ACRE home $750. all In cultivation; neat 8 room eottase. nicely painted: 8 fruit -trees lost coming into bearing, all fenced, bera 2 Ox 30. near Bonita, lie comnrntatioa rate. $200 and $12.50 per month! Fred W. German, 723 Chamber of Commerce. 5- ROOM cottage, lot 120x200, eity water, pert fenced, small payment down, balance like rent; located at Oswese. 227 N. 23d st FOB SALE FABMS 17 100 ACRES, dark valley loam, all tillable; good bldg. ; z registered cows, team snd imple ments : fine aato road.. Three mitos from town. 810.000: easy terms. To aee it as to bur it Ileal with owner. L-645. JoarnaL 8 ACRES. 4 room hoase, garage, outbuildings. personal property for sale, cow, chickens, rab bits, tools, poultry netting, etc. : Fine chicken ranch.. Tabor 193S Br box 83. H. 1. MUwsokie. BLOCK rich bottom lead. - in cultivation. 20 miles Portland. S 1 0 aer acre, bnildinn. terxaa. Ma raters, 201 Wilcox bldg. 6th- Wash. REAL E STATU FOB SALE FARMS 17 A RARE OPPORTUNITY ; " Splendid orchard property for aale cheap. 80 acres. 6 Bailee from Lyle. Klickitat eoonty, Washington, on the P. V 8. R. R. 40 seres young commercial apple orchard, standard varieties in fall bearing, including ample supply for family as of Peaches, pears and small traits: 20 acre of land ready for phyw a ad 10 acres tuaoer; z- nouaea. n-roem modern anagaaow ana -roosn eettage. good bars, chiekea boast aceomniodation for 50 with 4 acres fenced run. Ample supply of water to house and barn - 2 wells and living- spring. This is aa un usual barcain: owners, miue realink at sacrifice. The orchard- asiuria aa immediate return and ia a iirst class investment Do not fail to inresti gate.v price 316.000 easy terms. John Bain, gpaieang BMg.. Portland. Or. . GRAIN AND CATTLE MArTE .WEALTH . T ' Producer when he is located on cheap neb land with good markets, where tax and interest do not consume the profits. Be a pro ducer and grow rich. Thousand are now doing ao. We have the proof. Wevcaa show yoa. The ' J oesi ot turns, improved. : 813 TO 840 AN ACRE V . Kasy terms. Reduced rates. Write or eaS lor racq. UNITED GRAIN GROWERS' CO.. LTD.. . ' 624 Henry bMg. SECURITIES 20 ACRE DAIRY FARM 16 MILES FROM POP.Tt.avri 100 acres in crop, tots of clover, first class soil, good orchard, sprints and creeks, sBOdera dairy bars, large heme, ether bniliilnes. 20 cows, 7 heifers, fine bull. 3 horse. IS hoga. cream and milk route, phone line, good fence. nu row, on una ana b convtneeq. Price 911,- uwu. r.swy terms. HERMAN PEPER. 607 Buchanan bWg. ' Phone Main 6173. - 41-ACBE IRRIGATED FARM 46 acres xa cultivation, good fence. 4 house. woodshed and storehouse, bacon in house, hog bouse. 2 poultry houses, targe frame earn ana garnery, gram tacKing abed, farm im plements and some stock. 87000, 31500 cash, balance Urns us to 6 years. 6. Writs W a. Johnson. Route 1. Box 42. Kerby. Or.. Jose- ptune county. - $1T0-5OWjV.1' $12.60 MONtltttT PRICE S160A 111 acres togged-off land, well built 5 room bungalow in Klickitat Countv. Wash.: toeaina railroad runs right -through th place; volcanic asu sou; eaapiea principally to rruit raising. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open nrpinp ana Bunaays. WHEAT RANCH FOR SALE --. 400 acres; 30O acres under cultivation, bal ance good pasture, all fencec: ling-tight "fence. -ew o-room nouse. Dam and other buildings, complete Bet farm implsments. 12 horses witb Harness. Keaaon for aale, owners death. WILLIAM N1VA. CENTERVILLE, WASH. HAVE 62 acres 4 miles from town, Yamhill county, 42 in cultivatioa, 14 acres in bear ing prunes, good house, 2 barns, other bldgs. plenty water, small fruits, 2 horses, 4 cows .).k.. r..M ... i 1 n hack, buggy, cream separator, 87000, 83500 cash. 732 Patton road, city, Portland Heights. SNAP 40 acres, first class soU. at 825 per acre running water, green grass all year, close to large town, work plentiful, terms. F. K. Rte.ro 2B8 WIIcot RMi Main 3.M7- .... nines. Bdwy. l4H. 200 ACRES. 3 miles southeast of Turner. Ser ena fine oak grovea. plenty water, well fenced. good 6 room honse, just papered. Good large barn with hay fork. . Several cramps snd troushs wover place. Further particulars inquire of R. A Wilson, 430 Sooth Pine st. Rose burg. Or. 8100 DOWN. $13 MONTHLY 10 seres of rich bottom lend, all in cultiva tion, good size shark, 1 V4 miles from Talbot station, en Oregon Electric. Total price 5120O. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com merce. Open evenings and Snnrtavs. 6-ACKE farm tor sale, 20 miles from Portland, in Willamette valley; a large house and barn. some fruit; just the place for chickens and dairy; part cash; 5 years on balance. Call evenings between 6 and 8 for Mr. Peters, 411 Williams ave. 160 ACRES in Lincoln county, partly improved; 94 seres in Benton county, with some im provements, balance fine piling and tie timber; all good soil. Sell cheap and might take some property here for part Morgan, 606 Railway Exchange bldg. SO ACRES. 20 cultivated, in crop; fine orchard, 60 acres part cleared, in pasture: sun nit and creek: eood house, bin barn. Will sell on siaht. Price $3500, half cash. J. Haas, 717 Board of Trad bldg. TILLAMOOK 40 acres on Wilson river, with 8 E-822. JonrnsL cows, fresh. FARMS WANTED BENT OB BtCl 88 WANTED To buy 6 acres or mora with good buildings, within 10 mile of Portland, on good road, net over $3000, with good terms. L-644, Joarnal. HOMESTEADS 47 LAST CHANCE 80 seres homestead relinquishment. Linn county. 8 miles from good town and railroad, on good road, adjoining neighbors, sawmill and mail route. 4 mile from good town, Al toil, living spring, a valuable bunch of timber, no brush, a real home site: price $200 if sold soon. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON A Me ARTY. ' DON'T WAIT TOO LONG If you want a good piece of Jand for a little or nothing, close to eood roads, schools, neigh bors, mail route, telephone and rach, come and aes us. Homestead relinquishments at a bar gain. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON A McHARDY. 640 HOMESTEADS and relinquishments. Large portion tillable. Eastern Oregon; splendid stock ranches, water and timber convenient SosB good timber claim. Lived in that conn try' for years. Call 7 to 9. evenings or Sun day or write W. T. Lester. Burns, Or. FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment Phone Tabor 4396. TIMBEB M NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER General Land Offtoe. WasMngtea. D. O, March 6, 1919. Notice is hereby givea that object to the conditions and limits tie n of the sot ot Jon 9, 1916 439 Stat, 218), aad th Instructions or th secretary of the interior of September 16, 1917. the timber en the follow ing lands will be sold (April 26. 1919. st 2 p. m.) at public suction st th United States land office at Lake view. Or., to th highest bid der at not leas tkaa th appraised value as shows by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with aa additional sum of on fifth of ene per eaat thereof, being commi eions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale hi not ap proved, otherwise patent will hsrae for the tim ber, which most be removed witbia 10 years. Bid will be received from ertixeru of th United States, associations of such citizens and corporation organised under the law of the United State or any state, territory at district thereof only. Upon application of a .qualified porcbaaar tha timber oa any legal subdivision will be offered sepsrstely before being ineroded in any offer of a larger unit: T. 41 8.. It 6 E., Section 16. Lot 1. yellow pine. 670 M-. red fir 120 M; Lot 2. yeUow pine. 770 M.. red fir $0 M.; Let 3. yellow pine. 530 M-. red fir 100 M-s Lot 4. yellow pine 305 M., red fir 60 M ; none of the yellow pi a to be eold at lass thaa $3 per M. and none of tb red fir to be aoid at lea thaa 81 per U. CLAY TALLMAN. ejeoeasiasioner General Land Office. HE mill. 15.000- feet capacity, in operation. plenty of timber, easy logging, 1 mile ship ping point, good roads. PX-816, Journal. FOR SALE One 40 M cap. mill, 8 donkey and complete rigging and planing mill. A. A. Leuaiuann, Timber, 4. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 "MONTANA Have you acreage -or ctty property to trad tor the following Montana ranch f 317 acres, 63 acre ( which is in cultiva tion and 800 gr"ts of which can be cultivated. 4 room house. Fenced and cross fenced. Good outrange. 813 ner sere. e TI CKER A KHRECK, !0t-2 Spalding bldg. RY OWNER A good seven room hous, modern conven iences, good outbuilding. laundry, barn and chicken houses. H acre ground, best of garden soil, bearing fruit trees aad variety of berry buJbee, paved streets; price 3350O; will crimider smaller place as pact payment 963s Foster read or phone Tabor 6745. EXCHANGE Farm leas with crop. 8 cows, 2 heifers, good young - team; will exchange for unincumbered city home. S. O. DILLMAN. 8th am Slain at. Oregon City. TO TRADE 4 H acre on hard nurfae highway, close to Oregon Electric station; honse, tarn and rhickea house. To trade for Portland boas. Phone Tabor 2929 evenings, HAVE modern 3 room house and 2 tota, plenty of fruit and berries, to trade a part payment on 40 acre farm, Oregon Ctty or Mt Angel diMrict preferred. Herman Pepper, 607 Bu cfcanan bklg. Main 8175. . FOR SALE or trade. Duncan a opera house for - aereaaw ia the Willamette valley: huildine SOx 103, on 1st at. in sasia part of city. Add res T. B. Doncan. New berg; T. C Duncan, 367 E. lf-th st. Portland. Or. FOR SALE or trade . 2 0 room hotel, farbikhed. property indaded. In Eastern Oregon., vain $3000. for farm of eoual value. What have you I Chris Biebert Port's nd, R. 2. $25,000 WORTH of Portland ami suburban property trad for , stock ranch. 425 AUsj gheny at Col. 893. TRADE aood conservative storks and bonds on 5 or 6 roomed bunealow. , win pay casn au- ierenew. If -4 2 S . Journal. 10 ACRES of good land and some cash lor buoea. Phong East 433. At f'TATTi EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 34 , WANT A HOla -' 26 acre, aU fenced with wore wire. 4 cleaved. 600 cords of stand: tut mil BocissB. Or. - Oa --adaetrbs enrUnsu 20 aulsa v.-m Portland, Highly improved farme adiointng. Thia as -not hi u i jungle. Will iraoe tor aowse equity. E. A, Browa, Q. C. GoMenberg Co., na ABtngtcm Mdg. WANTED REAL ESTATB 81 I WANT hoaaca, I hav tb oayars. Hons aelling is my specialty. Tour hoase trill b given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADM. WE GET BESTjUS. C. A. WAREINER. BITTER. LOWE CO.,- " 201 -8-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg. WE HAVE buver for a' home on Portland Heights not to exeead 84500 Bad eaav for $2500 to 33500: also buyers for bungalow m gooa oistncts to uou tsug lsuua By ments. STANLEY 8. THOMPSON CO.. 803 Oak t SHACKS AND SMALL- HOMES WANTED Pries mast U right aad vary easy amaw, We haan aold ever A.IO hrinsna m tna lass, near. If yon want action e. as - Fred W. Oemiaa Cav, 782 Chamber of Conuaerca. Open Sundays and evenings. - WE have reveral nice pieces of acreage that caa be traded for Portland real oeac property, we also bars clients waiting fog small house ana lot with fruit, etc. ' GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon bldg. LEGITIMATE ETKCHANGES WANTED Desirable listing, no junk, hot air, ar ta ns ted values will be considered. See Mr. Hard with Fred W. tieranaa Co.. 733 Cham, oi Coxa, Open Sundays and eventnga. IF you want to cash your heme la. sea lav We will do the rest. CLEVELAND-BARX-HENDERSON CO. 212 Ry. Exch. bldg. Msln 6752. I AM looking for a 5-room buagatow. k good diatriet, not to exceed 33000. not leas 81000 easii payment Pleas write ma full paxtkrulara. P-231. Journal. WE have several clients with 31000 to $2000 to psy down on a first class 6 er 6 roc bungalow. List with us. We can ahow results. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. DON'T WOFRTt 1 can - sell or trade anything anywuera Laymsa. 147 Park st. SELLING HOMES OUR SPECIALTY HAVE CLIENT FOR 3 ROOM COTTAGE COMPTON A ALDERTON. 10O Abington bldg. WANTED For csah, 3 to 4 room house. Msin 4134. CsD WANTED, bungalow, fully modern, direct from owner; priced right East ln evenings. BOOMING HOUSES 68 Get in My Automobile And I will Quickly and quietly show yoa .the best buys in rooming and apartment bouses ia Port ia ml. J. BRUCE CODDARD, 302 COUCH BLDG, Here's Your Opportunity aA MMm mi)k an hnlif. tStAA' private baths, etc; beat, water and lights; fur nished under lease. J. BRUCE GODDABD, 502 COUCH BLDG. It Just Takes $500 To buy this 12 room White Temple district place clearing 860 month. Price 5800. God dard. 502 Couch bldg. A Very Elegant Place, $800 All d easy payments, t sents, strict y modern. 15 rooms and several sleeping ter in Portland. porcue Nope bet- J. BRUCE GOPDARD, 603 COUCH BLDO. TTROOMS, WHITEFEMPLE DISTRICT $950. NEWLY RENOVATED AND fiOOD. RENT 825. INCOME $125 MONTH. THIS POSITIVELY A BARGAIN. SEE BRUCE GODIJARD. 602 COUCH BLDO. 18 ROOMS. H. K. suites, modern bouse. Rent 883; well furnished. Price $700. Other bsrgsins. Garland, 18H 3d. WANTED from owner, at once. 15 tu 20 rooms on west side. All honaekeeping. H-40, Journal. BUSINESS OFPOBTUNITIES 26 PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 512-13-14-15 Swetland bldg. Buyers' headqriartera for GROCERIES, GARAGES HOTELS ROOMING HOUSES CIGAB STORES CONFECTIONERIES RESTAURANTS Ia fact anything la Business. - wa hare It Also some choice locations for hlghorsde business for lea, near 5th and Waahingtaa streets. . Get the habit of coming to see ua, PACIFIC AGENCT. INC.. 512-13-14-13 SweUand bldg. A kElAL BARGAIN Grand eonortanits for a mechanic : Oa half aere of ground, garage, blacksmith shop (tool la each of them), dwelling house, cntcaea Bouse, barn, manv f rait and berries, located in good Bsb- tioa of country, highway and good road in every direction. Less thaa 40 mils irons peruana. $500 bandies, balance yearly. UKOUEKl BTUStB $1000 stock, good buildings, mi ny fruit trees. ground 100x150 feet, toss thaa 20 miles from Portland: oric for sll 82900. I want modern house ia Portland aame amount F. BIERDON. BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 20L-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IF you can give good references and buy a SH ton tmck. I have a food hauling contract Apply H-4 1, Journal. FOR 8ALE, rent or trade A 60-bbL water. power flour and feed mill, roller system, lo cated in R. R. town, one of the best sections ia Oregon. Address owner, AX-255, Journal. GOOD paying transfer business. Wilt ssU H interest for tne money ot tn mac nine, (jau between 5 and 6. 640 Washington st. No phone calls. OPPORTUNITY swsits party swlth $5000 or 310.000. Take activ interest, handle your own Money. We should clean up $25,000 a year. P-817. Journal. HALF interest in small factory just started doing good business, price 51400. Inquire at residence, 14 SO Madron "V, Portland. SMALL general store, good location and bnslnee. cheap arent Bring rooms. Owaer wants to retire. N-49, Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL List your hotels, apartment and rooming hcuses with us. W get result. DORCAS A CO.. 920 N. W. Bank bldg. MONEY TO LOAN BEAL- ESTATE 27 OUR installment plan i the best aad earest nrethod ot vying a loan $32.26 per month for 3d months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 90 month, pays $1000 loan and irlerest Other amounts in proportion. W loan on improved city property. Or for building purpose. - "' Na i fiiiiinissiiin chanted EQUITABLE SAVLN'GS A IAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark et, Portland, fir. AGENTS OR OWNERS I have large amount of private money te loan today. Low rate. "25 HENRY BLDO.' MARSHALL 5853. MONEY TO LOAN on improved city property at 6 and 7 per cent int J. S. Wells Co., agents. 824 C.-rif C. bMg. " 3l0 40tf) $500. $600. $750 and up, tow- est ratea. quick action. Uordon investment Co., 631 Chv of Com. Main 644 5. CASH paid for mortgage aad aellera' contracts on real estate in Waahington or Oreaon. it. E. Nt hie, 816 lAimbermea aldg. $250, $350, $400, $500. $600 aad larger amount: current ratea: aulck action. Fred W. Gnh Ci 732- Chamber of Commerce. $S00. 8100O. $1500 and $2O0O te loan at r, and 7 per cent A. is. Axerson, 410 tienry bldg. Main 7248 BL'ILDING loan on city or suburban property, money advanoed a work prog rassea. . w, 'i. Berk. 215 and 216 Failing bide. Main S47. MONEY to toau. in amounts of 610O to $5000 oa ctty property. A. 1 1. BELJy. Kootn 1S-1I, MUlaey bldg. $500 '- AND up oa real estate, bo brokerage! ri wova MONEY for mortgage toam, $500 to $6000, aa 6 ' . a7-S A a-ttl(a. AA t a siw a -79 i w rrrtK o. . vf 111 ibxitt-, t 4. -y R8v 3300, 3500. 8760. $1000, ao eonv. sjaiek set ion. wsra, i npsKiing nwg. : $S00 to $3000. no commission. Maia' !!$ F. H. DESHON, 615 Chamber of Commerce, MORTGAGE loans S and f . Loux Sabmoa Ac te.,4W rieillng bldg. . h1IJ pay cash, for first saovtcagea on implored prooertr. 1230 Joarnal. . MONET TO LQAS-REAL F STATE 87 MO X K X TO LOAN on real estate security ! at aoine rate e Intere-it. .. t ' . OTTO A HARK SON REALTT CO, t - 413 Chamber ef Cemmeree. 1 ' SEE OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE COw 2-1 Chsmher of Casiimeua. 4th and Sterk. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES T DO Y0U:NEED M0NEY?1 Loaa asade ea aatoa-obtlssv. dtasMnoss pianos, household goods .or anything of value. - Secnnty UMMlly left in roar posaeerioa; ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE ea their not without serniity. If your payment to ether toan eomratnlea er oa fwraitar er antonoefh ecmtiauts at larger than yon aaa make, we will pay them ap, advane roe as ce money if naeeaaary. aad yea caa repay aa ia email monthly payment ti salt your ata- LEO.U RATES. JiO DEIJIT I BUSINESS STUKTLT fXNFIDKNTIAr. - rUBlU4.l U1A.H C4194PANY . 306-807 IVkurn bldg. Marshall 8286. Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MOXET - i On short notice to salaried or VrorkrngnMB oa their own Botes. Weekly, eemt- weekly or month I J payments. Each traasactisa strictly eoufldentioC NO MOBTC.AC.K. NO INDORSEE. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY T ' W also toan on household furrutare. tuasox. etc., without removsL , , CALL AND INVESTIGATE , 1 COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY ! I LICENSED r J 218 Failing bldg. ' . . I - PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN.i eiataoiianeo ey rDnass iiuainesn sua to PTOterf tna Howtiwef . LOANS ON DIAMONDSJEWEI.RT, PUKOS. nutsMiuui r iK.lll tXK , Ctty and Ccmnty Warrant Cashed -for Face Value. CARRIE MYERH HKRRMAN. MGR.. 804 STARK ST. MONEY to toan on diamond, jewelry: kegal ratea; all articles held a year; established rtnee 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. LO A NR WANTE D 30 BEE OREGON IXW A MORTGAGE CO $.3 Chamber ef Commevee. 4 th aad Stark. FINANCIAL ' 51 LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANT ISSUE OF BONDS ui.L! ptciuis SEE E. BURK1TT. SECRETABT. usuctrusv bv,hu as asOKTtlAUE CO.. 1 213 SELLING BLDO. (SECOND FLOORl CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER ST8. J I WILL BUT ANY LIBERTY BOND at .' 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (AH due eoapoa interest rncruaed). J. H. EEATTNG. 617 BOARD OF TRADat . BEFORE SELLTNO T0CB Liberty Bonds Secure Our Prices. Wa buy and sell all Issue O. E. MILLER A CO.. 203-6 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 4 96 BONDS BOUGHT; POT CASH SPOT CASH cash FOR Trim BKlirlPTl i MsS bonds to as; w remit return and Com to 723 Gssco Bldg.. 6th snd Aide, ' CELLARS-MURTON CO. I HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. ' 16 50 HEADHORSES Rang from 4 to 7 years ohl, 12M to 11 lbs., wall matched teams, few of tha beat gins horses ia the country. -Team, wagon and harness, 8110. Owner Bon Any ef this stuff is tor sale or exchange. Liberty bonds accepted. . 1 . Harness of sll kinds. CROWN STABLES. 283 Front st - Phil Hunt ter. - . . JUST got back from Eastern Oregon; hare 5 tea ma of well built horses,' weight front 2600 to 3600 lb, a spsn. All young, fat and gentle and honest workers in every way; 5 ' set of bam. 4 wagon. ' buggy, plow, harrow: on sow with pigs; slso 8 good milch - eows. heavy milkers aad gentle. Will sell very cheapr or trade for Portland property. Call at the old asiry cam, 29tb and Powell sta. Woodstock car. CHOICE of 2 young farm teams, weight abeul 2400 and 2700 lbs., with eood harness snil farm wagon. Also 2 good family cows. Wilt sell at a big bargain. Woodstock car to 663 rt ZBth st aouth. I 2406 LB. team, good harness sad farm wagon, 8 year old, guaranteed sound and good work ers; just BBovaa ia from tn country sna must sell; price $210 the -outfit. Mrs. Biehardsoa. ' ".not i st, or s KasaeU. t st. or 36S Bassell. " - new Studebaker wsgoa, oa 4-incfi wagon, all kind of - spring wagon, neea; also fiae 14 passenger hotel 1 .4 NEARLY toeeinai carta ha rnsas wa iv. rroni st. - , . MUST BE SOLD at once 6 year old term chunk, weight 1300; gentle, broken single aad double. Cbeap for cash. Foot of Taylor ons litis rront st airewc, wooayara. BEAUflFTT, teem of bay gsktiriga. 8 years old1, .weight 280A; sound snd gentle ; a per feet lira ttia fust be sold at once. Call foot, of Taylor street, woodyard . - I - 2100 LB. team, wagon and harness; must sen at once. For a good bur cell at one. Wood stock csr to 54th st. 6 blocks north to 64th ave., first whit house on corner. . . rt ONE of th best logging team in the' state; weight 8700 lb. Call at once for a bar gala, 896 Powell Vslley mad, Woodstock ear. T fine, big. young Mammoth jeenette, also dandv hnrro and colt: ehakB. Me tiuiini foe " . - . . . I'm. - - r .. WANTED A few cbeap fat povtiee or horses. Bene. 5UJ Inmait - - . .soaau. out miws oe coeap. " - r runt sr.. 1000 SETS of work harness, most b solt in the next SO days ressrdles of cost Closing enure stock st 210 1st sr. ONE matehed pair of sotinrj marea, 6 and 6 years old; 2600 lbs, 880 Front at, . Also. 180O lb. bor-e, sound and good worker. J m. Morej, wmnw an i goeq woraer. VIDU u .L.J.I.. iiAn' 1 irl''''Jl . - -oxih 4. " , J'TU'ia, acntias .11' I M,l...MtM . t . a ...... . 1. 1 . . . of Taylor sfreet. woodvarrl - - ' T BA RGAIN 1 pair ot mule. 2400 ths.. With narnew, azno. g Front at. Trial alVnved. DEAD horses taken aiucltty) cash paid for 6ewi . and crippted horses. Tabor 4203, - J UOHbE and wagon. $1.60 day; 2 borae and wagon, j, Cohen, 34a Front Mata 2f 0. liKAD hones and animate ba'aied away free. Call' Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. 6NE new term wsgoa for aale. aSrt-Front at. LIVESTOCK I 3 stemt nairy ana Ismiiy , eows, all breed. Gentle fsmflr cows. 855ito S7S. 'Take drv and beef cons in exchange. 751 East Ask. FOR SALE Several good1 fresh family land dairy eows: aU heavy milkers. E. Banssaa. Greaham, Or. -. - '; , " " t J 4 . FRESH milch goat, kids by their skies; eery reeeoriaoie.' zui Mad at., H. Prjrtlsne cer. FOR SALE Good eow a nd 1-yeer-ob. heater. 6020 83d St., close to Mt. fVott carline. FTVK goat with 9-week -old due kid. ehaap. HIIS IfrTI, PIGS for sale. 794 Taceaia ate.' FOTTLTRT. FIOFONS. FFT flTOCIC 7 CURTR4 White Wyasdottee, "Esse that UATCll from HENS -that Lay." $3 per 16. M, E. Curtis, Hilbdale, Or.. It D. 2. Boa 343.' Mala bzn ami sfsia 8SR BABY chick every day;' Btown leghorn. 5 wT aad B. Leghorns; other breed. Georg' CLiekea Foundry, 194 E. 2 2d st N Bos pty ear. BABY iJHICKS FOR SALE ' lmthornx. Reds. Hocks. Minorca, beet stock I price reasons ble; asf delivery aiaraDteed. 1 C N. Need bam. boy 412 Ssleat, Or. I & C WHITE Leghorn setting eggs, $160 ' for 16: O. A. C. strain, haarr la vara. - CaU East 6359. . . . - FOR eggs the year-round get T. A. Hadgdoa's ' R. C. Rhode Islaivd Bed and English Whit Leghorn,. 172 Grand gr. Pbon East 0924. THOROUGHBRED Bavck Minorca hatckln eggs. Mammoutb strain. Columbia 698. 1600 na. I! A flY CHICKS, Buff Orjjvinston, 25. Phone VI. 124. , , . .. ' ' 1 - BARRED ROCKS baby chick for eel, tall after T:0 p. m. , WoodJswn 1210. - t HIMALATAN rabbits. 4 xaoatha old. veiy' Jtin etock. 78T Oregon st ' ? SSTTfNfSHEN for sale. ' Eaat"2448." 36i J. ANDERSON. 468 GoluVmith at, Fkasult Giant rshhits fof sal cheap. ALL kind ef live and dressed rabbits, eueep. Stan i, zo, yamnui sta. in. siain iian. O. A. ", Barred" Rock ears. ' Tsbor 65S9. tCoatiaacd as FoUowiaa; Far. 4