THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, .APRIL 3, 1019. 17 SITU A no yi A LE "TioLSK FAINTER rarer hanging, 60c per daub) mil; kbo mining. $2.60 per room and up. Telephone Main 83K3. ' Ccntracto and builder, if and in eky or country. It D Crow. 441 E. B2d rt. Tibw 7li2. , . ' KOW is the time to repair yrcnr roof befors tinting; w gusrsntes to atop all leak. For re - Hsbls work call Wdln. 6084. 8 years ra Portland. 1'AINTING, paperhangtng and kalsrrminmg don. 1-rt vn figure on your work, Phone Wood ' lawn 4782. : . - - A RESPONSIBLE man t going t New York; will tak up any rerire-eritatlv or will ear tor anybody, on train. Write F-H2I, Journal. B. A. ANnElTsON, plowing and harrowing. Cali - .East 1730, after 4 o'clock. LAWS mower grinding and repairing, band aawa rerut stk! filed. A2'J Witlmnr are. GARDENING and all kinds of short Jub dona. Slingerland. I'hone East 686. - WAN"TEI Position J janitor in apartment a office Mlg., under-lands oil burner. E. 6332. VACfcUSL "cleaner rented?" Vacuum cleaning. Broadway 264 9. , HOY with Ch-velnmt , motorcycle want day work. Phone Bdwy. 2127. - 'liOOKS an. hi ox lad specialty. Pboo Beachani, UinhQ 700 PLOWING and harrowing. Call Tabor 8727. SITUATIONS FEMALE " 4 ExTeaNINO or "ironing, good work; Thursday, Friday; rw washing, no holiday, no check. Phone tonight. 7 to . Bdwy. 2397. RUGS vacuum cleaned; av all that bard work. Tabor 25B, evening. - . . - ftlLIi cara lor child reu by the boor. Call Main 8336. Honm 16. POSITION with real estate fompany; good sls- larly with ear, F-207, Journal. DRESSMAKING 46 DKKM.SMAKING Alteration work guaranteed. 990 H Mmwit Tabor K104. ' ' ' NURSES 69 NURSE Maternity "caao specialty, 231 6 th st Main 7642. furnished nooM HOTEL FRANKLIN- ; WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH -61 a daay op. Free Tab and Shower Bath. FURNI8HE5 rooma, modem, elos in, weat - aide, for gentlemen. 868 Couch, Apt. 4,1 Work off Washington st, t 17th. HOTEL Sargent, Hawthorn anal Greed, Starting point apeelal - ear for - Vancouver. FURISIIEP ROOMS PWATE FAMILY front room, modern, brick build ing, 15 minutea to city; houmkeeping priTt- jrgea; gentleman, lady or employed conple. 77 a it Milwaukle nt. Hell wood car.. EI.KOANTLY furniRbed aleeping room with eon- ' necting parlor; genueman preferred. 820 54 13th at. NICELY furniahed room for rent; close in. . 474 Yamhill t. ROOM A?f T BOARD K JuORTOS'lA ftbf ECTportlanda downtown hlih - class family hotel; rooms en suite or single. with or without board, for familiea ana buitneM men and women. f We gira you all ths comforts el a homr . Keaaonable- rate. T11K IIAZEI. "Not Ilk tn other." Rrery com Tort, Horn eoofciwg. 8a Thlrat at. TUK Uartha Washington , 880 10th, for biuli girl and stndenta. Ma'rahaU 12i. ROOMS ASH BOARD 1'RIVATE FAMII.T 71 LAHOE front alcove mom. auitabl for 2 im tlnnen. 894 Columbia, at, cor. 10th. Main 'sum. - HOTHKKLY UUy winhea children to board. Mamhall J240. 481 Taylor at. WASTED ROOMS AKD BOARD 89 lOUN'O man wishes room nod board, weat aid ciooa in. w-i, jrmrnal. I10t;SEKEKPII ROOMS ' FTJRX IMIIKll AND iryFURXISHrn 2 FU UNIFIED modern 2 and 8 room IL X. auitea, newly painted and tinted, separate en trance, porch and yard, went aide, 815 and 618. Main 24. 480 College at. 8 N1CKJY furnished II. K. rooms, close in on - oarnne: rang and urapiacs; rent-839. Call Kant 2023. FURNISHED bousefeeping, 1 or 2 room auitea Jar .working people. 274 uolladay are. East AMI H rowaed II. K.,- funiisheO. clean. 490 jar. . ftiem on o f . fTRNISHK 'H. K. rooms, working people. 28 . Knott ".. hear Williams ve. (iiiNSlliKI H. K. room. 1 4 1 Lownariale. HOrSEREEPWO ROOMS 51 FTJRS1SHED AND UXFCRJflSHKD pritatk Family LOVELY furnished room, modern home: kttrh privileges, for on or two employed. 185 M. 23d et., cor. lloyt. Marshall 843. NICELY iamUhed H. K rooms; gaa, liKhts, mint y 'i, miwwii DunnjraHia anq. 11IW inorne earn.- lO'JO B. Main, cor. 84th. TWO In rue rooms, lishta, pbon , and gas, $15. East 871Ss FL'JtNlSIf ED rooms in private family. 821 6th corner vmy. COUPLE will ahar modern horn, - employed people preferred. East 7860. FOR RENT nOtTSES 19 wims yc5tt move, rrsk noht. WE8TEHI ELECTK1U LIGHT BERYICH I nth and Washington. I'.dwy. S90. 6 IIOOUS, bath, toilet, gaa and electricity. flours, i Lit j w n nr. 7 UOOM liouae. East 7076'. 415 Tillamook at. Phone ROUSES FOR REST" FURNITURE ' .FPU WALK 3g DTjHNITURB of f-roou - house for aale, $200 n. now ror rent; walking distance. u wroaqway Z1IV7. FURWI8HJ2D HOTRES E iurai .im.uiu.. hkjoxci luroisnea, extra line op , - portunity to rent an elegant house, 9 rooms. arranged for anjaH or large family. 883 East 1x1a w. Meror ll:8Q and after 2 p. m KENT 4 room house furnished, with bath, hot ana coia wsur, eiectnc gna gas lights. 804 Fat Clay st. - , . VE,hav several bouses and apartments to rent. ior saie, reasonanie. Low rents. prntnoier. ai gtocg g.trbang bltTg. , ciiiristui, aitrict CotUges. apartments. housekeeping ' rooms furnished, unfurnished; TA RTLY" furnished bouse, 6 rooms, 841 East sain, near iiawtnorne. Phone Bellwood 38S2 EriSNIT'TRE for sale and house for rent. 508 mi'iHimippi ave. . a rAJt l iniSTS - 4J ,rrs.iiwiir. Afi y J r t ft w IWHE D ; Hart Aoartments Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and aleep- mg rooms, sz.ow and- up. second and Yamhill. 3 NICK clean furniahed rooms, Dutch kitchen, living room and sleeping porch on ground floor; 2'J pee month. 03 -N. 18th st. m none xtroaqway aotiH. . -pENINSfrLA APTS.. Hs Albina avel. ont ' t-w uiug. w ana o room apt. 1 352. WoodUwn iSiftlCTLY private 2 room art.. eleirantlv fnr. hished. $40. inrlurting heat, light and water. Private residence. 825 V 18th. " 2 ROOMS and private bath, near Woodlawn and , anconver ear; rent 320, including water. mwtvA piinno. 1'none r.asc m V i . 1URNOUA apartmenta, furnished single end double housekeeping - rooms, lso sleeping NEW YORK At lb., E. Belmont and 7 th. East 88. c ONE 2-room furnished apt. toi rent." fitb si. Harrison court, - 89l FOR RENT FLATS IS 5 ROOM flat. 890 Mary at FURNISHED FLATS Eow KB furnished flat, S2i month; piano, close-in. Apply 114 First. ' -330- t room furnished lower flat. 543 E. 27th. Richmond car to 27 th, l block south. STORES AND OFFICES II LITTLE store building at Parkplac, one block from bridge, for rent r sale; Ilvitig quarters upstairs: reasonable terms. James Petty, Glad stone, Or. , - - THREE front room for doctor's offices, cen trally located. 14 Grand ave. and Burnside. FOR EE NT Warehouse srwc on trick, west aid. Phone Broadway 821. --- TTANTED TO RENT I ,11 AVE several prospect who wish to rent 5 and 8 room hones and buy furniture if price right. J. A. ticbindlef. 210 fitock xchang bldg. Main 2411. . , , WANTEI To rent or leas a 5 room bungs low, by responsible young- Couple. L-631. JournaL HAN, works niebts, wUhes room ia private fam ily. no other roomers. - F-205, Journal.- ANT to -rent a modern 5 or 6- room house elrwe in. MsryhsU 8. - . - WANTLIi To raet a 6 room bunealow by May 1; 3 ia family; references. Tabor 9353. WAlfTED TO RENT . WE WANT TO, RENT -; up-to-date dwelling h select neighbor hood. Abe honsea, flats and 'apmrtmenta. tf you htrfl any vacancies, phone Heave Together, care of Northwest Steel Co., Main 1193. WANTED To rent 8 famished or room - hons on east aid. Parties expecting to leave city for six months or a year and desiring to leave home in care ef responsible people can arrange. I'hone Tabor 6444. SS REWARD to anyone who can locate a 5 room modem bungalow or house by May 1, by a yoong eonple. aat 488. SITMMEB RESOBTS it , , . grjuMKU KESOBTS Ocean view, modern eottagee, clean, eosy, ready for tenant. Hra. Hart. Twin Hocks, Or., Tillamook Beaah. . -- JJkEA I gSTATtr ; BEACH PBOPKRTT 4S 1XT for aale at Cannon. Beach. ; Cell Tabor 71S4 er C-82l. BURIKKSS PBOPHBTT C . 12 PKU CENT Warehooae, Booth Portland, railroad front re, brick, rtrongly built, two atoriea and baaement; net meene more than 12 per eent of price. See 800 Journal bkJg. Main 45B, A-60B1. OE?TKrtAr,HEAl KUTATE " Extra Inducements Offered to aeenre eight new homea tn Wal nnt Park. Portland 'a first rlaaa reni rioted di trietr Beet ca aerrie. alao Jeffereen high school and larg pnblie library. No finer lo cation for a home tn the city, rinaocial assist ance If desired. Call today. 1149 Union are. N. WooiTIawn 8304. . . W. M: KWINQSWORTH. Owner, " FOR HALF IIOCHES 61 FIVE room modern bungalow with larg lot 65x102, close in in Bellwood district, with a nice barn and garage and' chicken house, fruit and berries, garden. Price $2800. 6-room - modern bungalow, full cement base ment, garage, corner lot. in Brooklyn district..! L now cu4 8-room house, all in good shape, paved streets, with a lot 60x200. Price $3000. Brooklyn district. ' . KEW YORK LAND CO., 03-8 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main f7. A LAM EDA PAHiT DUTCH COLONIAL $6800 - W want yoa to ae this splendid home on that waa built by Bowman, on of Portland' best builders. For grace of line and nicety of finish, this horn is assuredly beautiful. The good, solid, honest construction will appeal to yon. The details of finish, in every instance, are marked by richness and refinement. Let us show Vritl 1 - A. O. TEEPB CO.. 264 Stark St., near Sd. Main $516. Branch Office. 60th and Bandy. r Choice Bungalows ONLY $2750 -Full lot, convenient to car and high school, haa 6 rooms beside S finished rooms ia attic Yes, it's modern, and well built. Get busy on this at once if yon want a bargain. ' v- A, K. HILL CO.. . 214 Lumbermen bidg. . Bdwy, 421. BOSK CITY' FA lilt CAn - 5 Rooms $2250 Owner haa bought a larger boose and most sell present home at once. We want yoa to see this splendidly arranged bungalow, full $0x100 lot. fireplace, etc.; very easy terms. Let as show yoa. . A. C. TEEPB CO., S64 Stark St.. near 2d. Main 8516. Branch Office, 80th and Sandy. - MB. RICH MAN . Ton have no lease on life, then someone will break your sriU. Ar yon going to stay in that old house or hotel t . Why not get something out of lifef Let true show this beautiful Irving ton home, H block of ground, trees and shrubs, 12 grand rooms, 3 baths, 8 fireplaces, ann par lor, best cf plumbing, perfect condition, cost 827.000, $50M cah will handle. East 410. $3000 Beautiful bungalow, artistically finished and beautifully decorated, 8 rooms and . - . - attic, , hardwood floors, fireplace, fnrnace, full cement basement, wash trays, 60x100 , lot; ' a beautiful place, doubl constructed - and the kind of a home everyone ia looking for. but ao hard to find tor the money. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 By. Ex. Main 683 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3100 EASY TERMS , Modem 6 room bungalow. 1 story, cement baaement. furnace, imiindrv tntt fltani.M Kii in bookcases and buffet, hardwood floors, enaea- 2, , . aiicnen. corner, street paved on on t STANLET B' THOMPSON. CO., 802 OAK ; . . . . Evenings Call Woodlawn 881 r TWO Stow- t room house, ft luutmnrea dining room and kitchen, large attio and basement, bathroom, clothes closets, pantry, large front and back porches suitable .for sleep ing rooms, plumbing, electric lights, lot 60x near estmoreiana, s blocks from line. 6 uitoss irum snouier canine. . met Z7 50. nyn .mm o o. vrwner. $3000 Irvinston $3000 A dandy for the money, 6-rra. bungalow, fire place, lurnace, ouz lot, 1 ft blks. ear, west of 28th st. Price only $3000, with $300 down. xms is reaury e good buy. - Open Evenhra GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 TEON BLDG, MT. TABDR BUNGALOW - " ' i A 8PLENDID BUY H Besutifnl - view Tirnrw,i-f . - K. mAi, hardwood floors, ftirnaoe. swell Tifr.K bit.kMi Ior quick sale, $8500; $885 rash, balance ofaly $20 a month, which includes the interest. tmen ktmi niL GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 TEON BLDG EMERSON ST. fifinSE SNAP Cood A room hou.-i. cement ha.mnt .1m. inn iiauu, iow nam. a Deo rooms, lull lot OOx iuu; city liens aU paid; price, a snap, $2000; $800 rash and 820 Mr month; on war lum. iio at it. It Is a good boy. GRU8SI & BENNETT. 81S Board of Trade. Mala 7452. $1600 Sellwood $1600 W offer von a swell lltfla a m. bsth Dutch kitchen, 60x116 lot. very best of sou; jl 7 puts, car, price only $1000, terms. Open Evenings, - GEO. T. MOORK CO.. 1007 TEON-BLDG. Mt. Scott Car lVemt '4 lYrnm hnnvsalnw Vifii alassntssal wliittj enamel kitchen, bath and pantry. ectrlo snu hm. mil mLMTnnr. tfsMnnsrt niu m- i andxhtcken-hoTise; $750 will handle. 5009 ROSR riTV t uxr 43 rOOm aSnnarnlna . arfw-awlw .. 4 " mm , .vm tuwieru. I liruSCB. ireniace. fprnpnt hiasmMt hi.ti: ..4.u ' "'l""mc' AJiiwji., oaruin at N35U. Own at . fist i v. a. nK vr m . - . $1900, Terms, $45dB 0 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, FRUIT TREES vur" iwrnmn'v Turner in ; mx. Taoor car 100 ABINGTON BLDG. PHONE TABOR 6196 FOR, SALE A 7 room house. 2 frad't.-' a big barn. 3 lots, on corner. 87 W uu. '. and Concord; 2 blocks from Russell-Shaver ear improvements -all paid; good bargain. W-17 4-BOOM plastered bungalow, bath.. ,Urtririi.b - ns. cement bssemenr in .iwl : . 60x100,. fruit, 8. blocks to car. 20 minutes to Miuiimvu sui, iaoor aoo. Woodlawn 4 ROOM cottage oa E. 3d and Broadway; must be removed at once: buildine to be st meted on property, phone East 14$ or East ,iti. : BY OWNER Modern 6 room house, 80x100 joi.; easx ironi, large garage, paved Streets. 4 cerhnes, dose in. good district: 630O0. am t a oiQ bw near, is vision ST. MR, DOCTOR OR TRAINED NURSE Irvington 'Heeds maternitv home: sm this in rm, beautiful home, Just in right place; bargain. East 419. $3650 East Ankeny near 20th, takes 7 room modern home! furnace, flrenlsna. tnini iiuum, in hub cuuuiuua; eevu, o, per moritn. Tabor 6441. .. ROSE CITY PARK Beautif.TT mt . . i .t . . : . : . m A n n . room- and attic, strictly modern, in mrf cnimuon, on awui sear oanay roaa;.pnce 4d00. jsoor Mil. . .. 8 KCM3M houn and 6 lots, with good orchard and splendid water. Will sell reasonable. On Oregon City carline, Inquire of James Petty. Gladstone. Or. - ----- 6 ROOM modern plastered house, new garage, chicken house: all far tllltfli imA .. balance monthly; bargain, : See owner at 6722 40th ave. S. E. 8 1 500 POSSESSION TODAY TERMS-"" Attractive 4 room buna-alow enriwr Int aml. tcilet, etc Woodlawn car. 131 E. 17th n! n'nn, Marsnau s i, to a p. m. $1650, Term$, $500 Down B ROOM rriTT AtZK T r i'r tiwiai vr MTv- TABOB CAR. PHONE TABOR ftii. wiu buy a modern 6-room boas, lot chickens. Terms to suit buyer. Owner. Hr- . jjotci r orusna. ss-in o a VX. BUY a WestmorelandTorae from owner; S room modern bnnffsln eiit . -. .11 : built in; nice lawn, garden; $350O; $1500 down, terms. 1448 E. 20th sr. B. Sellwood ear. , $SSOO LAURELHURST home, mortgage $4000 with interest and street liens ri! mm .u tui. month; give me offer for my eauitv. 484 (Hin. mont eve. MODERN bungalow, "full lot and terms. Owner, 1000 K, Iflth at. t SUwood l if vtx nnv -7 . Broadway car, above 19th; atargaia. Jbast 419. $ -' - - . , atua. sir. ifaravaro. oia I 61 ' TO BB SOLD THIS WEEK TOUR OPPOHTUNmr I have iastroetea my agent to -.. place prices and terms on my. 7 ' house, that will sell them AT ONCE! ' . ' $1000 $250 down. Neat 4 room bung alow . cottage; - patent toilet, - sink. " . gas, full lot and chicken house. On 41st avenue. -. ... v-.- $2506 $400 down, 'Attractive bengslow, 7 rooms, like aew, fall cement base meat, laundry trays, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Holgate street, 1 , block to car.- . $2500 $400 down. Very modern attrac tive bungalow, paneled dining room... buffet, sewing room, whit Dutch kitchen, fall cement basement, white - . - enamel phrmbmg, electric lights and gas: 4 bedrooms, full corner lot. East 78th at., . .:. $2780 $400 down, f room very attrae- tive home. Yery modera. Msny , - boilt-tn conveniences; beantiful pa- neling; full tot; paved street all,. -' paid. K. 89th street. Waverleigh Height district. $1000 under value. $3500 $500 - down. Rose City bungalow , home; - large living room with fire-" , place; bookcases, solid paneled din ing room, plate rail. 6 foot leaded glass buffet, hardwood floors, white . Dutch kitchen, fall cement basement, . laundry trays, furnace, whit enamel plumbing, 2 bedrooms and sleep- ing porch.':;" $5500 Terms.' '7 room very modern at tractiT Rose City home oa the Ala meda; fnrnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, massive 7 foot bnffet, every built-in convenience. S bedrooms . and sleeping porch. $6000 Terms. Elegant 7 . room modera horn, 50x115 -foot lot on. East . Salmon, near 20th. Hawthorn dis . trict. I will help yoa make your first payment. ' We hare 600 photographs arranged ia their respective districts, in 'our display room of oar office, of homes for sale.. W have many remarkable bargains. ' We have sold about 200 homes since January 1 this year, and over one half million dollars' worth ia 1918. Why? Be cause we have aa expert appraise every house before offering it to our clients. 10 salesmen with auto at your service. W don't expect you to bny unless thoroughly satisfied. I will help you make your first payment if necessary. See FRANK !. McGTJTBE" - To Buy Your, Home. Successor to H. II McGuire, Established in 1880. "89 Years is Service. Abington building. Main $156. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and, Sundays. Stop Paying Rent, luX Pay It to Yourself," Wife and - . 'Children '"Walnut Park,, Portland's first class restricted residence district offers exceptional opportunities for eight new home builder. i We will assist financially, if desired. Call today at the office, 1149 Union are. N. Woodlawn 8304. W. M. KILUNQSWOKTH. Owner. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS BARGAIN 8 room hons. 879 N. 81st st. near Thurman, commanding a most beautiful view of mountains and surroundings; best home environment, fine terraced let, 60x100 ft; house haa very large rooms, 2 fireplaces, 4 bedrooms, full cement baaement, furnace, wash trays, etc Must be sold quickly, and the price, $4900, will do it. Place is now rented. (Please do not disturb tenant, bnt make appointment with as for inspection.) This is great bargain for somebody. THIS CHOSSLEY-VIGABa CO., Specialists in Home Properties. 270 Stark St, - Main S0S2. ROSE CITY PABK B Rooma Breakfast Alcove- $3500- ' iW want oa to see this beautiful bnngmow. located on 49th st, in the paved district Ex ceptionally large living room, with large plate glass window, fireplace, bnffet, complete cabinet kitchen.- with, breakfast aleoee: nn,.n eent, wash trays, large attic, etc; full 50x100 t. sewer connection; $500 - eash will - handle, constructed? ,OU- Te n ta thoroughly doable A. GJ. TEEPE CO.. " 264 SUrk St, near 8d. Main 8516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. MT. TABOR $2750 6 room, newly papered and painted. We are the owners. Terms easy. - Located in the nicest part of Mt Tabor. J. L. HAB.TMAN COMPANY, No. 7, Chamber of Commerce Bldg 4th and Stark, Main 208. Rase City Park Car West of 85th st, 6-rm. dbL eonstraeted bungalow, with larg attic, bath., built-in effects, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, street never? ; 1 u. hiv. school. 4H car. Price only $4100. - This ia a spienuia nay. Dome terms. ; . Open Eventags GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 TEON BLDG, A NUMBER OF - DEflTRART.R nOTTRira Choice modern bungalows in the best sections m uureuiursi, irvington arm It rata City Park. THESR HOTTRRa Vary In price and terms. All are desirable and many can ss moveu into within a abort time. CALI. TABOR 8483 or TABOB 69. FIVE room modern hnnsalnar Alh.rt. iti,M.i .t 60x100, with garage, 2 blocks to car; af.-c-f t..vv, Five room modern - cottage, - with - sleeping porch. Alberta district,, lot 60x108. with ga rage, paved streets; price $2700. Six room modem cottage. Alberta district, paved street; price $2500. -NEW YOBK LAND CO., 303-5 Stock Exchange xiqg. mam Yfi fn. BLNGALOVV for sale. Stop looking for that ' hornet -Let -n do the work. Tell us wbst you want and where. We will satisfy you. Save f vis wuiw iu rii'irn' t. ,,, M DOWELL & WESTFALL 602 Piatt bids. sfn.h.ti anon MODERN 6 room . bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, fall cement base- niens sun launary trays, close to z carline. newly painted and tinted; price $2600 $650 csnn. oaiance monuuv navment. vrion w.wwf. lawn 2241. SACRIFICE BALE -$2500 " 8 DC ROOM HOUSE. PERFECT OTtTVRTt CLOSE IN. 2 BLOCKS! FROtf anu chit. ir.i nns.i . usnil.ta, ".lUHINKlt J1T CO Xl00: IMPROVEMENTS ALL IN. OWNER, WDLN. 879. TERMS. NO AGENTS. ALBERTA 5 ROOM COTTAGE Nice 9 room cottage, electricity, bath, base ment, garages, no city liens to assume, on E. iom, seal Ainerta, price zioo. 8500 cash. GRUSSI A BENNETT. 818 Board of Trade Md Main 7452. $3400- Furnished $3400 KUHK ;iTT Mr J KK KI),IATJIW Street navad and n$M fnr. mmt nt 4 JtHI ftf i.'tia.o mmr. uuwuk xuiTiiuurF? vvou, i erma. 'jfiU l. MUUtus W. , 1VU7 IKON BLXKi $2200 Woodlawn $2200 6-rm. modern bungalow, 60x100- lot, fruit tree, 2 blocks car. $50 down, bsl. monthly. GEO T. MOORE CO., - 1007 TEON BLDG. YOU can save $1000 by buying in St Johns instead of Rosa Citv. ere. fUa mv Kn, galow, built-in effects, full lot. fine trees, one diock norui oi bl jonns carline. lvlu ard near Buchanan.- FOB SALE 071 E. Eugene st. S room mod era house, full basement lot 55x100. bnnsa 4 years old, cost $3500 to-build; price $1900; $36A cash, $20 per month. Will take iieht anto as first payment Tabor 8673. $50 CASH. bat. easy terms, will bindl good 6 room hows. 3 lots, fine frnit tree. . age, convenient- to Alberta car. Price $2350. Woodlawn 8229. - ROOMS Full cement basement, oa carline. close in. east side: ell street fmnm,.m.t. and paid for. except $150 bonded; price $3000. pwBBi grenings, axarsnaii sizt, , . -6 ROOM eottagee by owner. Jnst painted inside and outside. 1038 Macadam at - 1ST IV. f.. st; $200 down, balance a rent; walking dis- moce, it -- oiocx irora earune. Marshall 4431. A 5-ROOM cottage. I double constructed. lot lOOxlOO. ataraea n4 & kMri,, 898 E- 8th at. N. PWim Tr ,1T1 ix vtuizmw ofTTxat oa oasoy. ROOM modem cottage, easily worth $2800; good bamrn and ami tama ln Phone East 8466. No egerrta. FURNISHED 6 room home for light truck and small cash payment 5719 46th are, "Myrtle park." Owner. - -: - ' - MONTAVILLA bungalow, good condition, fire- - place, snodera; $2500 $200 cash, bat terms. East 419. - .... FOR SALE by owner, 9 room house with one or two lots, some fruit, oa 62d st. near Monta villa carline. Phone Tabor 6956. 6 ROOM house, bath. 5e fare,-Oregon Electric. - 816Q0; terms. Marshall 1874.- MODERN &-reom bungalow, 1081 Sherman at; as shhsss aw aoreaoom Jsriaa.,. aor a(UO. FOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE FOB WALE HOUSES 61 6 BOOM bouse, just off of 60th St.; full lot; $2 200 ; part cash ; good terms. - 6 room house, hot and cold water; $2500; part eash. - Thee are both good buys. Good 6 room house, hot and cold water, good basement. Monta villa eaj-HiM. - $22O0v - Nsoe S room bungalow, good basement, mod ern with -the exception of fireplace and fnrnace, lights and gag; $2300, $600 down, $25 per month, ineradingr interest. 7 room house, eloae in on the Sunnrsid Caro line; strictly modera; $4000.. $1000 eash. good term on balance. .. ..- - : A gortd 6 room house, modern, ea E. 10th st; $2500, $100 eash, good terms. " A 10 room house, good barn, hot had cold water, gas, electric lights, good chicken boose, lot 80 m 14 feet, . Situated ia Hillsbore, Or., near 2d and Fir at. ; $3200. good terms oa part of it. - -" - v - ' '."- CHARLES GARDINER . - - 812 Broadway bldg. " ' $135) Workingman's home, big sac rifice. 5 room cottage, partly for-' nished, modern plumbing, 70x125 corner, garden and garage; 77th st, 1 and 48th ave. .... - !. - ; $2756 -acre ground. a r. bunga low, frnit trees, garden, corner 5U and 62d ave, - - $2850 S t. bungalow, 37 th-E. Wash.. $2106 -Morris st., 6 t. house, close in. $1800 Ross st., 6 r.' bonse, dose la. . : $3600 Sail Rafael St. 7 r. house,: : lot 50x160, with 8 large fruit trees, CHAS. RIXGLEB V CO 225 Henry bids. DO TOU' WANT A HOME t . DO YOU WANT. A GOOD j INVESTMENT! It yon want either, read every word of this ad. Two blocks to, Alberta ear we have a fine 8 room house with 'bsth and big, dry basement, wash trays, etc The house has just, been painted and is in good condition. On the rear of the lot is a 2 room house. With Httl ex pens yoa could make a 2 family flat out of the big house. Any builder will tell you the prop erty is worth $1000 more than we ask. If sold this week we will take $2850. Must have $750 cash. Take our word for it you'll never find a bargain to equal this. COE A. McKENNA c CO. Main 4522. 82 4th st.. Board ofTrade bldg. About renting when yoa can have a home like tbisf 5 room bungalow with sleeping porch, good district, close in. Improvements paid. Good bath and built-in features. We are pemisted to sell for $2750. Terms. McCleod & Taylor 830 By. Exchange Bldg. Phone Marshall 263S. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS One of the most attractive modern 1 H story bungalows in that beautiful location for a home, reception hall, living room, fireplace, dining room with built-in buffet. French doors, hard wood floors, convenient kitchen, large back porch, commanding a most beautiful view of the river and surrounding country, four nice bedrooms and bath, fine lot, rose hedge oa three sides, asphalt street, splendid home - environ ment; price $5250; home like this at such a low price are very scare. Inspection by appointment. - THIS CROSSLET-VIGARS CO., 270Stark St Main 806. Tl 50 3RM FURNISHED. $300 CASi." " .AW-T- "EAT, VACANT, $2J0 CASH. r Jari" RM., COMPLETE, MOD, $500 fioSS 5 MOD.. CLOSE IN; TERMS. INGDIST ' FUUEKU' 8NAP- WALK f 2500 6 RM., 120X120, FRUIT; $280 CASH CASH! BM.. ALBERTA. ARTISTIC. $500 ,2$400CASH PAVED STS MOD- BUNG., . G, C. goldenberg" 218-16 Abington bldg. - Main 4803 . "35 Years in Portland." LAURELHURST $3700 ...Re is a lovely little home It has a big living room with splendid fireplace and built-in bookcases; large dining room vfcth handsome buffet; a white Dutch kitchen; 3 pretty bed rooms and bathroom with high-grade plumbing fixtures. The rooms are beautifully finished in ivory. The lot is 50x120 feet. Just think of buying a home in Laurelhurst for $3700. Owner kwvui ciiy; require x-zooo cash. May we COE A. McKENNA as CO. Main 4622. o-s sr., noara or Trade bldg. BUILD TOUR HOME IN r7rRRr.TTrrir"r I have a few choice lots close to the Park ana club grounds. If von mrm ...h t will furnish the lot and financ the building of r- iukj prices xor an oia i i. nunaay ana. evenings, ast 2086 w . vv hi ior MR. DELAHUNTY. g ft Htark clt BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW t lNE VIEW .3vu Anted, make us an offer. A beautiful bungalow, nestling among the trees on the north slope of Mt Tabor, 5 rooms and aireping- porcn, uorougnjy modem, hard "Wood floors, furnace, fieenlac a 4 Kntltln. Dutch kitchen, gas heater, gas stove, lin4 oleum and carpets in the bedrooms go - mti.ii wis noose, lerms. immediate poa- J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 By. Ex. Main 688 ROSE CITY PARK S550O: TERMa Tn srrr Beautiful modern house of 8 rooms and mosic room with window seats built in. 3 rooms and music room first floor. 8 bea rooms and sleeping porcn second tloor. Large fireplace, built-in buffet French rlt mHn v. floors and on stairs. Dutch kitchen and built-in cooier. not air lurnace. gas and electricity, ' .111:11. uiaeuimi. ouiltsj lot STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO.. 802 OAK. OWN YOI7R HOUR 6 room- dwelling, well built and modem In every respect Full cement basement good heat ing plant north slope of Mt Tabor.' Price rea- aonaoie. lerma to suit. See R. W. HA GOOD BOO Journal bldg. Main 4958, A-6051. Are You Crazv? Why pay rent when you can buy a nice lot ana s room snscx, line place for garden, some fruit trees; price $250. Mt Scott car to Tre mont, go south to McCoy ave., 1 block west to green paintea noose. , $2100 5-Room Bunealow, Brand new. bath. Dntcfa itcbn rt-,i. ' gas, laundry trays, lot 170x140, . barn, chicken uuivc, trrmiina irun trees ana D me. .Terms. vrpen cvenings . GEO T. MOORK CO.. 1007 TEON BLDG. HAWTHORNE HOME RATlfisTV- $3700 Beautiful home of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace. Yoa - would never expect to bay - this for lees than uw; lot 40X110, improvements paid. 3, A. WICKMAN CO. 204 By. "Ex. Main 68S BUNGALOW 6 rooma. modem in everv Wmil Sleenihs oorch. fine Diane. fnrnSM-f H.ku luatuicfc, o.ov. s -.- - MIX) WELL & WESTFALL 602 Plstt bhig. MarahaU 8026. "Two blocks From hawthornh Ar" A beautiful 6 room bunccalow on K stb sr.. a reu snao. nacn. ra and i-frtcir tf.9Ka part cash, balance very easy; terms. Call Ta por nojo mrore a. m. or atter 0:3O p. m. WHY NOT BUILD T Get an srtistic home hs an aetaMf-riMl s-ht. teetursl firm at low cost W build anything, furnish the money if desired. L. R. Bailey Co., Fine snappy home, irvington. 7 room DEN, SLEEPING PORCH. CLEAN AND NEAT. GOOD LOCATION. fuR Bs?!ia. itnnn CASH. BY ALL MEANS A? ALL ME. EAST 373. HEKDMAN. 1 - . - . . WESTMORELAND ( Rest nc ted district of beautiful homes.) Attractive 6 foam double corisrructea oungaiow, -East 17th st. for sale by owner. Some terms. Phone Sellwood 90. $6250 EAST Broadway near cor. E, 4!2d. 9 rsom house, lot 63x100: immediate rjoasesKinn? easy terms. Inquire, 414 Pittock blk. . Phone navy, i8ti ; BUNGALOWS We have several real bargains. --miKuis i "in mug up. we can uiease yoa. - - M'DOWELIa A WESTPAIT -02 Piatt bldg. . Marshall S026. FIVE room modem bung)ow. paved street - Reattf-tont; Aiiri4 - riim SOISKn. ;. sj., -vM-v Land Co., 303-6 Stock Exehanse Bldg. Main (CIS. - .-- - . - - SIX room house in Sellwood-.- en E. oth at. for - 81 80. - 8300 ramb Mini i!S n mtmm. . ri. iee. DO t-WDett bide. MODERN 8 room honse. hardwood floork; Weid- rer st., garage. v otlstein, 114 1st -5 FOR RALF LOTS i 18 LOT oa East 65th. north of Sandy boulevard; feaeed. Several . frnit trees,- berry boshes aad water pipe in. Kor qnick sal $3i0. Jenks, A GOOD LOT in Bos City Park fox sale, cheap on oaa sx.. u taxes rs. - this m a splendid buy. -Cbarles GanHnee. 812 Broadway bldg. LOTS for sale; bargain. - 25x100, sidewalk, ewrbrnar ' and mttMl mtrmm . .. o.t. . e.i MarahaH 266. . ' BY OWNER, lot. First and Bancroft, $10 per IBVINGTON corner lot, 60x100. near Irving- iim nu -promtiway csr; oergsin. AsT 419. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $375. C Fractional tot. owvis, aio. main l&oa. TWO boaaUful lot, Alameda Park. Maia 6266. REAJj ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 16 LOT BARGAINS ... READ CAREFULLY. Any lot listed below , esus be handled on easy payment. Each one' Is far below market. Look them up for yourself. Any raswoaable of ler submitted. - $22560x100, Killin,. aear Bryant, Kenton - aistncx. . $250 SOxlOO; corner E. SSth and Broadway. $300 University Park. Yale, near BtanfanL $350 50x100. K. 66th near Tillamook, Roe Citv canine- - - - $400 iOxlOO, cor. E. 81st aad CQlisgsworth no- liens 1 blnek- ta m-i-Hm,. $425 50x100. E. 73d, just off Sandy. Greg ory Heights, $47660x100, S. W. eer. S. 66th aad Boyt, - oioc t as.- v canine. $550 E. 81st near Grant. SOvlOa. tra. $600 6OXJL00. west aide view lot, Corbett. war suaieT. - - WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. ttii-fKK, MJWB as CO., . , 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Build Your Home in Walnut V Park flail . iAik mvA l r. .i selling fast. Extra inducements offered for aew noraes. financial assistance, if de- um. o liner location ior a Dome. 'W. M. KIXXINGSWOBTH. Owner. 1149 Union avenue North. Woodlawn 8304 ACREAGE 87 A HATTTTlrrfT.' .....w- 1 j , walk, about 5 minutes walk to R. It. sta tion. 2 acres aU under cultivation, new 4 room plastered house, front aadU.back porch, good well, gas m hons for cooking and lighting. Saod fixtures, new well selected family orchard bearing, blackberries and strawberries in . - e w-w. ,(uww, oar ;ooa scnooi; in fact verytbing to soak life comfortable. Can have, possession at em Prln iti&a iiuu cash, balance monthly payments if desired. Let uww jus uus proper, , Ths tiwwl. - . m , r -- - wm.ww wivw wui iiui xyss :" - hhu c-ountry nom. located about H rnfle from sleetrio II. R. sta- au iou Meaiea on mgn elevation, with vtow of all the country aroand, in on of -w sciwig ana i arm communities) new 5 room bungalow, built up to date, with all .cOTTenioiieea, nrepiace, imtca kitchen - vvv yv.i ,, kju. nous, saxage, chicken bouse with runs, good walks, new well selected orchard in bearing, berries and shrnb- berv in f .Mki.. . . ... - - - - - J uvvcwKf va me a complete home. Two acres of land an under u,.i. rraa .ioi), xarms. Priced be- w ua reu Tame, iet oa show yon this property. 15 acr ranch, 10 acres under cultivation. 5 acres second growth timber, 8 acres of culti vated land, good deep awsls. tiled, suiuhle for omc-ns, asparagus or any garden crops, land all Well rlminArl K Via,,. 1 1. . 1 . buadings, and an fenced aad cross-fenced, about . -sa .e uos, L mile irom rock . sitoo " if -ana aajoming neld at 8500 tvte 1,. . . , . t , , sod has mads thi extremely low price to have ft once. Farm in best of condition. Crops v can o naa any time, 714 ACRES RuairHfiil Tlx - . . . . roa wlIki" distance from car, fine soil, all as oA T t.r . Tlew. a snap, aluo. - uauavnoe unv. Thre acres, fine fruit and berry' land, no - or gravei, , an cleared, fine road, near ment r"?- sTgnwy. uniy aiao. Bmili pay- t down, balance easy term. See rV rvr T7--r t - s - 801-502 epaldinc building ? sere $250 $10 down, 85 per mcsvth, bttys O aintsm nt lalTlft fait T SI a -t . rauroaus, x is-itt aaOes ef good , little town ; aawmills and log ging ermm in 1mmU,t. ,iT land is partly cleared; running stream; some - 1-," bench. This acreage priced - " " m ptrr acre, give you-any- kind of a piece you want - CHARLES DELSEL, ' 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. - S A frRTcSL prn siscii. 15 minutes' walk to Mt Scott car and en good auto road we have 6 acre aU ia cultiva te0" and good 6 room house, good barn, chicken hottse and small milk house; owner has cut the nnoe ta 3H0O - emoA . . ance lone time. YouTl like this place. Let us 00,5 4-,c5tli!,A . . Msln 4522. y- - wra oi xxaae bldg. t Orison JVic. culo"n-. niodern bungslow. oommutatioa fare 12Vc. only B an ii Im.41 n 1 1 . . . w,. x- cuiHun, tjernnger Uldg. SIX acres, located in TigardvOle. All under cuf tivation. 2 acres in apples, some walnut. xltTS. ""iii: 'V5 I8- $1500 cash. See --.-.. wu uaa cergnson, Uerlinger bldg. l?oIat lwced 1500 boxes of apple in HEKE is a snap; 10 acres at Reedville. $l$6o" tormM. JL,zrz?i. ri vd" high WUMI8UWU, OOUV. U-a- KA1X.WAT EXCHANGE. ACRE 8 on Oregon Electric line. Green . 7 uco orcnaro, small fruits Plowed for spring cultivaUonT good 4 room honser itriM 1-ttA v. . flT room v nV.i ies"j "X lerms. Jura. ii. For besutifnl horn site, on Columbia Biver fcigh- .winey jjivesxment Co., roam 1 Tiwivrwiirf VIUgT Z,AJ?JLE?,it.?1l!S J Portlsna. .near - , , vw acre in cultiva tion, an fenced; price $2000. 8800 down" bat i.r.. ri w xuenmond st Atituj at imrham station. Oregon Electric S 44 Ar-TM Tlnrv ivn1f.wav. All J" . A j ,T cao om cm T-irated. Hodm ann ttrmitwm - o.. $250 cash. See Brooks, with JaR ir " VOR KENT 0 .ere,, .close in on good ear- m- spa aj uetnit t,' :':v... ?;oa'1- "ottso outbuilding. "-w BUU( OCtaaaU TE!$ii:re" ln "ltivtion. good buildings, orchard "! ear! . ,T UCT. V 111. ACRES, house, bam, young orchard. 5 f- """ i-raper. zgi wtlcor bldg. j"-.. rosier roaa; eooOO Call any day except Sunday at 9704769th ave ii a a a i I'u -wri a rvm . i - . "l" W' a siauon. clear, on CHOICH close-m aereag. good goiL well ' eated: owner. Phone Broadway 48 8. BASE UNEjroad.rtdo in. 5 acres or less; 4350 v.irei, puwy. st SO i. BENT pasture. Lake Grove, Marshall 34417 8UB URBAN HOMES 7 PARKROSE ACRE TRACTS TTskar-f t I as i - ' gTawk. ' ' ? . . r.j." ,.- .. m pavement and pjUMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4 th (.waivstuaii AAV UJ Tw m&wmm ie, mlfja.iln. - a . Oerr and flows! vrlr rtxnsv klV - a WfXXl Me.! aFaUi- awMt . va 77" Sm- 'Jr t taon 'and Pa- - " Kium ana give good terms tn -Hiiriiii. V- "'. -"". see pnoiograph. Owner. K. E. Britch. room 211. City Hall, STS' 101 20x200. city water, part locitedtrr1 FOB, SALE FARMS . SI HAVE 62 acre 4 miles from town Yamhill eounty, 42 in cultivation. 14 acres li bear ing prunes, good house. 2 b. cher bldS r v- .mm impiememe, z wagons, f- $,m aeparator. $7000, $60u cash. 782 Patton road, city, Portland Height. - "1" rljr lastJerock. under cultivation, all the land can be Culti vated, new bungalow. rooms, barn, chicken aKii wshed i? v,n,n' nard. Price r!wg csa- John Ferguson. Ger linger SNAP 40 ai'i'ea. tirt taM mntl o ...., ' -" -v per acre; rtmnine water, .i : .11 . large town, work plentiful, terms. T. BL Stearns, 202 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8617s en nines. Rdwr. man . 200 ACRES, 8 miles southeast of Turner. Sev' -1-eral ftTM ASM- . ... . . . : , wen leneeo, f00" ...rPm houe Jt papered. Good large y ior. w several pump and trougos over place. Farther particulars inquire of it tm.-, wiisow, stow, pontn line t,.- rtoseburg. Or, 6-ACRE farm for sale. 20 miles from Portland, . : -m uuuw anu nam, some fruits just the place for chicken and aaaam, : year -on oaiance. Call evemngs between 6 and 8 for Mr. Peters, 411 Williams ave. -; - - Vi 160 ACRES iaUacola eounty. partly improved: 4 acres in Benton county, with some im ProvementB, balanc fine piling and tie timber; -- wum. creu Qsaoair ana mignx taae some C5E' Im hoa3' a rage, outbuildings . . r'virir wr saw, cow, emcaene, rab- ZlhTZ ivT . e, Fin chicken ranch. Tabor 1936 er box S. R. 1, Milw.uki. 15 H ACRES tinder ciimnHoSaH aC tearing nrriBaTaxa- 'faUnllV AlVhtlPwl . yiakarf ttAaiaa H . KniltTinM Is. TrailrrntawB Oea, 1 is I r-T Ml. .- - Woodlawn 107. v - ; 7 FARM for ml. 320 acres, near Gersldiae, kont" 135 seres under cultivation, . half of crop if sold before July 1. - Phone Woodlawn, C072. r 265 Skidmore.- - X IClA M OOK '-40 acres on Wilaoa rirer. with 8 cows, Jjramtw JowrgssL ,. - RE At. ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS A BARE OPPORTUNITY Splendid orchard property for aale cheap. 80 acres, . 6 mile from Lyle, Klickitat eouaty. Waahinaton. On the S P. A S. R. R, 40 acres young' commercial aptd orchard, standard vanraes ln lull aearlnaV lncloding ample supply for familV naa of nMbM m, n. nS aanall traita! 20 acre of land reedy -for plow a-ad 10 acres an umoer; s noose, s-room modem oungaiow and 4-room eottag. srood bam. chicken hooses aceommodatma for 600 with 4 scrs fenced run. Ample supply of water to bonse and bam .wens ana nving spring. This is an un usual bSntsin: seam mntt M.H m ritl The erchard assures an immediate return and i cisa mvestmeat Do riot tail to mvesti-P"'- $15,000, easy terms. John Bain. jynuni Plug., fortiana. or. GRAIN AND CATTLE MAKE WEALTH . For the producer when he is located oa cheap nek land with good markets, where tax and interest do not consume the profits. Be a pro daoIT ,Ba row rich. Thousand are now doing so.- We have the proof. W cart show you. The vsry best of terms, improved, - $11 TO $40 AN ACHE " . Esy term. Keduoed rate. Write or call for facts; . UNITED GRAIN GROWERS' SECURITIES CO.. LTD., " ' ' 624 Henry bhig. - 208 ACRE DAIRY FARM - 16 MILES FROM PORT r.xvn 100 acre in crop, lot of clover, first class soil, good orchard, spring and ererks, modera uu7 nara, targe n ousei. oust noildinga, 20 cows. 7 heifers, fin bull. 3 horses, 18 hogs, cream and milk route, phone line, good fences. auto road. See that and be rxmvtnced. Price $37.- w vv. s-o jr wiiim, i - , . HERMAN PEPER.-TV07 Buchanan bldg. : , Plion Main 6175. 41-ACRE IRRIGATED FARM 40 acre ia cultivation, good fence, i 4 room house, woodshed and store ho use, baeoning noose, cog nous, a poultry booses, larg frsms bam and garnary. grain stacking shed, farm im plements and some stock. 870OO. 81 BOA mh -rosssrbalane tint up to 6 yean, 6 : -- Write SW. A. vvuuwu, nvau , aw Aerxry, vr.. jose- puas county. LAST CHANCE 80 seres homestead relinquishment Linn CCUntr. 6 mils from amri - Inn . mIIm. on good road, adjoining neighbors, sawmill and mail route. 4 -mile from amm. town Al anil living spring,'' a valuable . bunch of timber, no uruaii, a reau nome site; price ausv It sold soon. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . ' ' : JOHNSTON As MeABTT. FARM FOR SALE ; 77 aares, 29 miles from Portland, 1 miles from Columbia river and station on railroad; 1 acres in crop, over $1200 wortn or stock ana fsra inrplements. water in-house frcga spring; price $3600; $2000 cash, balance to suit; pos session will be given at once. See E. W. BKOr?v, 219 Lumbermens Bldg. Broadway 2832. CLOSE IN FARM 130 acres, 70 acres in crop, 16 acres In whest, 4 acres vetch, - M acr rye. balance in oat, potatoes and earn. 6 room famished house,' phone, rural delivery, fine orchard, horses, cows, hogs, sheep, chickens, turkeys, and all farm implements go. - $3000 will handle and long time on balance. This farm is only 1 miles from Portland. Mr. MUIembip, Alder hotel. ,40 ACRES 81630 "Rich sofl. spring water; no wsst land, well located on rocked road, convenient to rail and water transportation. r If you want a choice piece of land .at a bargain, look this tip at once. Se A. K." Hin, 214 Lumbermens bldg., nroaqway zi $800 CASH gives possession of ISO acres of gooa imv barn,- trait tnaea, six acres in cultivation ; 60 acres tillsbl and easily cleared, balance standing timber, between 2,000,000 and 8,000.000 feel, enough to pay for place. Would rent adjoining - equtpped place to right parties. Might take auto as part payment on balance. Box 49 A, Banks, Or.. B. D. No. 2. GOOD " CHEAPFARM '. 80 aerea, located 76 miles from Portland, down the Columbia ; all the land can be culti vated; 10 seres under cultivation ; good modera house, bam, chicken boose, family orchard snd lot of small fruit Price $3600, with 1 horse, 1 auto truck, complete line of farm machinery and tools; $1500 cash. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. . WHEAT RANCH FOR SALE 400 acres; $00, acre trader cultivation, bal ance good pasture, all fenced hog-tight fence. New 8-room house, "bam and other buildings. Complete set farm Implements, 12 horses with names. rtesscsr Tor wale, owner's death. WILLIAM if NXFA, CENTER VILLE, WASH. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY $9 WANT Improved farm. ' stocked and csninoerl want to put eash. sod aood navine and wall established billiard parlor and bowling alleys in Dess sown ana vest country in west, up to $8000. close to good school and outrange; fun particular in first letter. B. P. Simpson. Pea dleton. Or.- . - - . . WANTED To buy 6 acres or more with good : buildings, within 10 miles of Portland, on good road, not over $8000, with good term. L-644, Journal. " HOMESTEADS 47 640 HOMESTEADS and relinquishment. Larg portion tillable. Eastern Oregon; splendid stock ranches, wstev and timber convenient. Some good timber claim. Lived iaf that coun try for year. Call. 7 to 9- vnina at Sun day or write W. T. Lester, Burn. Dr. FOR SALE Ilomastiead relinquishment phone Tabor 4396. TrMBEB zs NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT - timber; General Land Office. WaaMnevim. n n March 6. 1 919. Notice is hereby . gives that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9, 1916 (8ft Stat, 219). and the instructions 01 to secretary ef the Interior of September 15, 1917, tea timber on the follow ing lands will be sold (April 26. 1919. at 2 p m.) at pubUe auction at the United State lsna office at Laksvisw, Or., to the highest bid da at not lass than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sal to b subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase pnoa. wtta aa additional sum ef one fifth of one per cent thereof . baine -enmnrli- aiona allowed, must- be .deposited , 'time of sals, saoney to be retarned it sale is not ap proved. etherwis patent will issue for the tlas- ber, wnicB must P removed within 10 yes: Bids will b. received frorsv citiaens - of the Unitad Btates. associaaons of such dtixens and corporations erxanixad under the laws of th United States or-any Stat, territory of district t per 01 eruy. vpoe appueatioa of a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal subdivtsioo will be offered separately before being Included In any offer of a larger unit; T. 41 S. R. 6 E., Section 18. Lot I. yellow pine. 670 M.. rd fir 120 kf.; Let 2. yellow pine. 770 R, red fir 60 M.; Lot 8. yellow pine, 68O M., red fir IOO M.; Let 4, yellow pine 806 M.. red fir 60 M.S none of the yeDow pine to be sob! at less thaa S3 ner M. and sasa of the red fir to be sold at seat than $1 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, luioner General Land Offlea, TIE mill. 15,000 feet capacity, in operation. nl-w -JV . S -Mil - Kln- plng point good roads. FX-816, Journal. FOB SALE One 40 M cap. mill. $ donkeys snd complete rigging and planing mill. A. A tansmana, Timber, Or. EXCHANGE READ ESTATE 24 MONTANA Have yam acreage or city property to trade for the following Montana ranch f 817 acres. 63 acres rT which is la cultiva tion and 300 scree of which eaa be cultivated. 4 room house. Fenced and cross fenced. Good ootrange. $13 Per acre. ' '-, TUCKER x BHKEt'K. I 601-2 Spakhng bldg. - BY OWNER A - good seven room house, modem - conven iences, good outbuildings, laundry, barn and chicken houses. acre ground, best of garden soil, bearing fruit trees and variety of berry bushes, paved streets: price $$500; will consider' smaller place as part payment 2638 r oster road or prion Tabor 6745, HAVE modem 5 room house and 2 lota, plenty of fruit and berries, to trade as part payment on 40 acre farm. Oregon City -or Mt Angel district preferred. Herman ;;. Pepper, , 607 Bu chanan bhig. Mam 6175. FOR SALE or trade, Duncan's opera house for acreage in the Willamette valley: building 6 Ox 103, on 1st at., in main part of dty. Address T. B. Duncan, Newberg ; T. C. Duncan, 867 K. n.TJi sx,, i-oruana, t rr. TRADE good conservative stocks and bonds on 5 or A mnmed bosals. Will nv cash dif ference. ll--, journal. 10 ACRES of good land and some cash for noose. 'Phone East 433. WANTED RE AI ESTATE tl IF yoa went to cash your home in, see ua, W 4wiii en tne rest. ' , CLETELANDBABK-HENDErtSON CO. 212 Ry. Esch. bldg. Msia 6752. - - AM looking for a 5 -room bungalow, in good district, not to exceed IS00O. not leas 6100O cash payment - Plea write me full particulars. r-zii, Joomai. WE have several client with $1000 to $2000 to par . down es a first elas B or d nma Imngafow. " List with u. W eaa show result. UHAT, MOOKB CO.. 1007 TOOn bldg. WANT 4 to 4 room "hons la Snnnyside. West of $7th st ' A. K HilL 214 I-umbermcn DHig. eroaoway 421 WANTED To" cut or boy green cliittim or cas es rs. hark in . aaaall or l.raM tracts ai.B 1 JonrnaL . . '-. . DON'T WObUY . I can teTi or trad anything anywhere.. l-syman. 147 Park st. 6ELLING HOMES OUR SPECIAtTY' HAVE ;iJEN'T tXtit X HO lr rulTTAfJPI COMPTOM ak ALDEiiXON, 109 Abingtoa bid. ItEAt ESTAT1. WANTED READ FSTATB 1 WANT booses. I has th buyers. Hous selling is my specialty. Tour hows wui Ds given proper attentiaa. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. O. A. WAHBINER, R1TTEH. LOWE CO., V 201-8-8-7 Board of Trtdi Bldg. WE HAVE bunt for I home . en Portland Heights pot to exceed $4500 and one for $2500 to $3500; istao buyers for bungalows in gooa aistncts to ivv. s-arge uuiiu wr mmii. - - e . STANLKT 8. THOMPSON CO.. 802 Oak st WE have reveral nice pieces -ef acreage that eaa be traded for Portland residence property. We also have client waiting for small house aad lot Wltn fruit, etc. GEO. T. MOORE CO.; lOOt Term bldg. WE WANT acre. Improved or unimproved tknt.., tA tMrtanri -WMt fn east add. 11 you really want to sell send information includ ing price and terms. r- .' J. C COlUllJr CO., aoo-u-T ijewis emg. SOME Liberty bonds and 80 acres if timber - in Southern Oregon as r first - payment on modem 6 room hous - or bungalow. Plume East 7948.- . WANTED A mountain horns, log cabin or shack, wnere Hunting ana iisning is gooa. Jk.- 624, Journal. k - ' ' - - ROOMING HOUSES U ROnMINR HrilTR hWNFRS phone Peters, Broadway 402. If your place haa merit we will buy it. You do not have to take a mortgage, oacx u we sen yoa out, as rnrnistt tn money so ooy wiu. Is ROOMS. II. K. suites.' modera house. Rent 835; weU furnished. Price $700. Other bargains. Garland, 188 oa. WANTED from owner, at one. 16 to SO rooms on west side. All housekeeping. H-4W, Journal BUSINESS OPPORTU NITIE S 26 COUNTRY store at station on West Sid elec tric line. 88 miles from Portland; 8 passen ger trains daily; no competition ; business in creased nearly V last year; aloes win invoice about $2000); will sell or rent th buildings, which include living apartments. With this sale goes the express, a. P. ticket and poatoineee, which pay living expenses; : good farming and fruit locality; newcomers and aawmills are com ing in. ; Address Postmaster, Cove Orchard. Or. GOOD paying general merchandise business for sale; suuatea i J mues irsm rauroaa rs mous all year health resort in heart of prosper ous Bsrieuitural. mining and lumbering district will bear closest investigation. Coixsmunications address PX-448. Journal, FOR SALE, rent or tradeA 60-bbl. water power flour and feed mill, roller system, lo cated fn It H. town, on or tne oesi secrion in Oregon. Address owner, AX-88B, Jonraal. GOOD navine transfer business. Will sell Vi Interest for the money of the machine. Call between 6 and 6. 640 Washington st No phone call. OPPORTUNITY awaits party with $6000 or $10,000. Take active interest, handle your own money. We should clean up 520,000 a year. F-817, Journal SMALL cash grocery and notiont-; dandy place tor matt and wife; living rooms; small rvnt $500 buys) no agents. E-262. Journal. HALE interest in small factory just started . doing good business, price $1400. Inquire at resuience, lizo jusarona sc., x-oraana. SMALL general store, good location snd business, cheap rent. living rooma. Ownar wants to retire. N-49, Journal. WILL lease garag long terra. : K-622. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 6$ IF YOU WISH . TO BUY OR SELL, List your hotels, apartments and rooming Ik use with us. Wsfget result. -DORCAS X., 920 N. W. Bank bldg. MONET TO IiOAN REA1. ESTATE f7 CUR iustalinieiit plan is tlio beat end surest n-ethod of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 86 months, or 821.24 for OO months, or 15.17 for 90 months, iiays $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion.-. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes, . No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark at, Portland, or. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rate of interest OTTO eV HAKKSON REALTY CO., 418 Chamber of Commerce, AGENTS 6R0WNER8 I have large amount of private . money to loan today. Inw rate. 525 HENRY BLDG. - MARSHALL. S658. MONEY TO LOAN on impreveoVcity property at and 7 per eent lnt J. B. welts Co. agents, 824 C. of C. bldg $300,. $400, $500," $600. $760 and up. low est rates, quick action. Gordon. Investment Co.. 631 Ch. of- Com. Main 8445. CASH paid for mortgage, and aellers' contracts on reel estate In Washington or Oregon. M. E. ffcble, 1 Lumbermen bldg. $250. $350, $400, $300, $600 and larger amounts; current rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. -732 Chamber of Commerce, $SO0, $1000. $.600 and $2000 to loan at C and 7 per cent , A. H. Akerson, 410 Henry ning. msiii izes BUIDDING loan on city or suburban property. money advanced as wont progresses. - w. a. Berk. 215 and 216 Failing- bldg. Main $407 MONEY to loan in amounU of $100 to $5000 on city property. 1 A. It. BELI, Boom 10-11, MuTfcey bldg. $500 AND up on real estate, no brokerage, East 6861. i MONEY for mortgage loan. $500 to $6000, a ana rrm m. Williams, wif, i.t st $300. $500. $750. $1900 no com., quick action. wsm. i -rpKimg niog. $800 to $S0OO. no comml-den. Msia 118$: r. it OK8HON, 015 Chamber of Commerce, MORTGAGE loan. 6 and 1. Louis Salomon m lo.j 4W selling bldg. WILD pay cash for first mortgages ea improved properly. &-.o,, journal. SEE OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 v nam oer oi jommerce. etn and Btr. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 41 DO' YOU NEED MONEY? Loan made on automobiles, diamonds, pianos. household goods or anything of value. Security usuany letr, in your posssssion ; AIJHf .to SAL- auieu l-eoPLI on their note without security. si sour paymanis in oiner loan eomrjanlea or n furniture or automobile contracts are larger than you can mase. we wui pay them up, advance you more money if necessary, and you can repay ua m nnsu xuonuuy payments to aura your LEOAt RATES. NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed.) 806-807 Dekura bldg. aiarsnau JZ. Salary LOANS" Chattel WW Till v M-Asrvrr On short notice to salaried or worVingrnen on their own Botes. Weekly, eeml-weekly or monthly i7DTOiA nscn vranaaeuon suTctiy conrMentlaL NO MORTGAGE. - NO INDORSE. ABSOLIlTRt.'V fO .WfTJlTV "We also loan on household furniture, pianos. CALL AND INVESTTGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY - LICENSE!. 818 Failing bMg PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Estahlinhed by Portland Basinea Men -to Protect th Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRT, PIANOS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE City and County Warrant Cashed for Fan Value. CARRIE -MYERS HERHMAN, (MGR., nrft bi akb. nr. 1IONET , b bv a . rat-.- .h .LxZ. cr. . -' '.. ' 7 V, rrrr-e 1888. Dan Marx. 28S Washmetrm. - TPAWK WlXTBfl a SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE" CO Hi sJliBBIwUI uyi- tpr-rj. may ijssi. ajesj ajfnrw BmTm. FINANCIAL $1 I WILL BUT ANT LIBERTY BOND i . - 6$ ' . 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE interest included). t. TL KEATING, 617 BOARD OF TRADE, BEFORE SELLING TOUR Liberty Bonds. , , . Secure Our Prices W buy and sell all issue J O. E. MILLER A CO.."' 205-6 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ,., Mala 4103 BONDS BOUGHT . SPOT CASH SPOT CASH i' CASH FOR TOUR RECEIPTS -Mail bonds te use; w remit retarn mau. Com te 725 Gs-eo Bide., 6tb aad Aids. Ck.lia4hJr-MUa.rON CO. $1 LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR' ANT ISSUE OF BONDS - v FULL MARKET PRICK -' SEE E. BURK1TT, SECRETART, ' : OREGON BOND es MORTGAGE CO., 212 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) . OORNEJt SIXTH AND ALDER STS. RORSES, TEHICLES, ETC. It?- 50 HEADH0RSES" Bangs from 4 to 7 years old, 1200 te 1700 lbs,, well matched teams, few of th best log ging horses in the eoanu-v. learn, wagon and Harness, f 1 1 o. teener gone' w. Any of this stuff lor mat or exchange. Liberty bond accepted. Harness of all kinds. CBOWN STABLES. 288 Front t Phil Snntter. ' '- JUST got back from Eastern Oregon: have Ii teems of wU built horses, weight from 2 500 to 80OO lbs. a span. All young, -fat and gentle and honest workers ln every way: 8 sets of. harness, 4 wagon, buggy, plow, harrow; one sow with pigs; also S good mUch sows, heavy milkers aad gentle. Will sell very cheap o trade for Portland property. Csll at the eh dairy barn. 20th and Powell st. Woodntock ear; TWELVE bead of mares and geldings, all good worker and gentl, 3 logging teams, 190(1 lbs., ag from 4 to 10 years old; also 4 ehsart horses for plowing. ' a fsw seta of cheap work harness snd farm wagons from SVk to 84. Call at Wood yard Stable. K. 9 th and Hawthorns Phone East 8227. I AUCTION sale every Monday and Thursday at 2 p. m. : we buy and sell all class of horses ( wagon and on 6 commission ; 1f yod have anything to sen or want to buy, call an4 see us. jenn h. wuuamnon, proprietor sad gu 3 and aoneer. tttsr utabies, aog-io Front st TEAM, weight 100 lbs. each, with harness ana ranch wagon; jnst moved in from th country! must sell. Mrs. Richardson, 892 Knott at, half block east of . Union ave, J. Johnson, 6$ , Itussel st. CHOICE of 2 young farm teams, weight ghoul m anl - 200 afad 2700 lbs., with good harass farm wagon. Also '2 good family eow. Will sell at a big bargain. Woodstock car to 062 East 28th st south. i 2400 LB. tesm, good harness and farm wagon, 8 years old, guaranteed sound and good work, ers; just moved in from the country and must sen; price szio tne puttit. Mrs. . Hlchardso 3 892 Knott st. or 868 BusssIL NEARLY new 8 Kt Studebaker waeon. one 4-inc loggina; wagon, au sinua . ox tspnng wagnnt, carts, harness: also a fine 14 paaseugec hotel bus 802 Front st . - j MUST BE S6U at otic 0 rear old fane chunk, weight 1800(1 gentle, broken single and double. Cheap for gash. Foot of Taylt street, woodyard. t SEAUTIFUL team ef bay geldinss, ft year old. ; weight 2800; sound and gentle; a perfeot farm team. Must be sold st once. Call foot of Taylor street, woodyard. 2100 LB.- team, wagon and haras; must sell at once. For a good buy call at once. Worst stock car to 64tb at, 5 blocks north to 64th ar., first white house on corner. .-: ON E of th best , logging team in - th state; ' weight 8700 lbs. Csll at once for a bargala, 896 Powell Valley road, Woodstock car, t A fine, big, young Mammoth jaenette, else dandy burro and oolt; cbeap, or exchange (at hcr-es. 802 Front .. CNE MARE, busgy and harness,-for 865. Wood yard Stables, . 9th and Hawthorn a. Phca Esst 8227. 1 , WANTED A few cheap 1st ponies or horses i don t have to be sound, bat must be cbeei uo-r Front st 1000 SETS of work harness, mast b sold tns next so asys regsraiess of eost Clonng out entire stock st 210 1st st ' t - ONE matched pair of sound mares, 6 and A years old; 2600 lbs. 880 Front st Also 1R00 lb. horse, sound and good worker. 1 FARM team, weight 2800, young, sound am! gentle; price $185. Most go this week. Foot of Taylor street, woodyard. BARGAIN 1 pair ef moles, 2400 lbs., with harness, gzoo. 8HO Front st Trial allowed. DEAD horses taken 'quickly; eash paid for vowi and crippled horse. Tabor 4208, HORSE and wagon, $1.60 day; 2 horse' and wagon. a. J. Cohen. aJ Front. Main SSOa. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call w coo lawn zo. fortianq Henqaring Ls, ONE new farm wagon tor sale, 880 Front it. LIVESTOCK $5 FOR SALE Swis Jersey cow, 4 years old, giv ing. better than 4 gallons of extra rich tuiik, gentle for woman to milk. 6418 82d st S. K. Phone Tsbor 2689. I FRESH dairy and family cows. ' all breeds" Genti family cows, $60 to $75. Tak dry and beef cows In exchange. 751 East Ash.; FOR SALE -Several good fresh family and dairy cows; all heavy milkera, ; X, Baumaa, uresnam, nr. 4 FRESH milch goats, kid by their sides; vary reasonable. 201 Mead St., S. Portland ear, FINE gost with 0-week-old do kid, cheap. : wi am PIGS for sale. 794 Tsooma are. POfJ,TRT, PIGEONS. PET STOCK $7 WIITTE LEGHORNS ABETRBnklC:S'l' PROFITABLE breed ef poultry. If you are fa the business for profit yoa will eventual!? bare them. Early broilers, early layers, early profit. We s.11 only White Leghorn baby crux from heavy laying Hogsnlsad bene. Sal de livery of full eonnt live chic guaranteed Price per 100, April. May and June dslivsry, $12.6o. The Pioneer Hatchery. 406 6th at. Pataluma. Cl, Progressive Hatchery. . nan-r rwtrrsra Rhode Island Reds and Barred - Bocks 5 $25 per 100; hatches off April 23 25-2, May S.i HKCUKE OUOKH suw 1584 E. 12th st N. Wdln. 14S5. BABT CHICKS Booking orders up to 8500 oa White Leghorn baby ehtek. May 8th .- to 10th delivery, at 821 .ner hundred 1 one third cash must accompany order to . itwar oooklng. H. C Luhr, Lents, Or. - -. REEFER'S more-egg tonic makes eliamuloa lay- era out of common barnyard hmr: $1 pack age; every package guaranteed. For sale 'by A. N. Gabrielson, 1071 E. 22d tf., Portland, Or. a. i- .-muriveaorf, jv u rt., i uiutmii " CUBTIS White Wyandot tee, "Egg that UATCI from HENS that Lay," $2 per 16. M. at Curtis-, Hiilsdsls, Or., It D. 2. x $42. Maia am ssain mow. BABY chicks every day; Brown foghorns, ivT and B. Leghorns; other breeds. Osorre'g CUcken Foundry. 194 E. 22d st . Rose City BABY CHICKS FOB, BALE ' i -Lecborns. Reds. Rocks. Minorca, best stock t prices reasonable; aaf delivery guaranteed. .& N. Needham. box 412 ftalem. Or. ' i S.' C, WHITE Leghorn setting eggs, $1.60 tor - 15: O. A. C. strsin. heavy layers. Call East 6B. ..-!: t WHITE LEGHORN batehing eggs, Tanored .strain, $1.25 per setting, $6.60 per hundred, : B4IS rlZd st, . K. Phone Tsbor zawti. FOR egg the year-round gat T. A. Hodgdon R. C. Shod bland Reds and EnrlLsb While Leghomsv 172 Grand ave. Phone East 5634. IF YOU WANT sum cbeap rabbits, S Flemi-b Giants snd 7 New SeeJaiwl Beds snd 1 ss-k Of bay. 2 hutches, $20. 1002 K. 34th st ' V. TkOKotJGHBRE6 Black Minorca ketchlng eggs, MammouUt strain. Columbia 690. 1600 CHINEME Pheasant eggs, guaranteed to bstrK, XI latKiut. Ptuma Tnbnf 1 BB7 at RUK B 68th st. N. - ' t WHITE. LEGHORN clucks." finest Hn Amer $26 Per IOO. Master Incubator Co.. ssll Woodlawn 4$44. - ' BARKED ROCK baby chicks. Tabor 1269. 161 E, 81st st. N. BARRED BOCKS baby chick for sal. Csll after 7:80 p. m.i Woodlswa 1210. t HTmaLATAN rsbbiU, 4 month old very flu stock. : 787 Oregow gt - . f J. ANDERSON, 469 Goblsmlth st, Flemish Oiant rabbit for sale eneep. ALL kinds of live and dre-nea rabbits, cheap. Ht.ll 1. 9t. TamtilU ata. Tel. Mala 1166. t ' 2lria7jrwek oTdct ICO"., 681 East Morrisotl. East "874. ' . ? SELLING out rsbblte; aH ssoe. VloU Goaaiu, 164 West Kiilingsworta. BARRED ROCK, and Red chics, ' 26e each. . Tabor 4070. lifODE ISLA:-D RED batching eggs, good isy- ing strsin ; reasonable. Tabor 673 0, O. A, C. Barred Rock eggs. : Tabor 6569. BOGS, BIRDW, FETS. ETC. 46 WANTED Bight away, to buy long-legged Eig-. Msh rdt terrier, not more than 12 toil nv.nths eld. : Apply Fred Gsrdner, Hippodrom, dty. Mast be reasons ble. I - OTOlClTealSrfiB inger goaranteed. 1 1 l E. zttft rt. tz .it. THOMHON'8 Bird "tor buy baby birds. C3 er ddres vol sftsstssrppi av., roruana. or. CUBAN parrot for sale . cheap, East 1502. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 Sl-U f casta paid lor Used ears, . Dealers Used Car C lest ins Hons, wane sve, ana ss. start. Ml'ST sell my nearly new .818 Maxwell leui ing car, A-l shape. r M-867, Jonrasl. - . CASH Tor Ford and' Cbevroleta. See BiUerd, Srd end Tyior, Army trge. ; 9T6FOKD touring r good coodiUon, g.rfi tires, $340 if taken st one. L-643, Joureol. FINANCIAl. .(CoaUaaed ea ioiiowiac