THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1313 10 REAL ESTATTv - It KACI1 PROPERTY ' 4$ LOT for Ml st Csnnon Beach. Call Tabor 7154 or C-8219. - BUSINESS PROPERTY 12 PER CENT Wsrehbuse, Smith Portia ml, railroad frontage, srirk, strongly built, two atone nd basement; act income more than J 3 per cent of price. Sea; . B. W. HAGOOD 500 Jotrmal bldg. Main 495,. A-6051. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 3 Extra Inducements Offered to secure eight new bona In Wat nut Park. Portland's firat rlaaa restricted die trirt P.nt car service, also Jefferson nigh school and larva pontic library. No finer lo cation inr a hotue rn the city, Kin octal ai a lie if desired. Call today 1149 Union are. N Woliirn 8304. W. M. KILLINGSWORTH, Ow0r.r FOR SALE HOUSES 1 Mt. Scott Car eat 4 room bungalow, wttn sleeping porch, enamel kitchen-, bath and pantry, electric lifcht and gas. full basement stationary tuba, ea rn at and chicken-house; $750 will handle. 90 iiutr- . h. k. $5000 for a modern, uptotlste, 7 room a, with garage, facing east all hardwood floor firat ailoor, with built-in conveniences. If you wish something fin and below coat, as thia. It ts an eaceptionally good boy. Food Tabor 7190 lot appointment. SKA II Laurelhurct park, completely furnished horn, ready to more into: fine furniture, baa $ tare room, nicely finished, fireplace, furnace, fall cement basement, laundry trey, improved -"reel; lot 80x100 feet: 1 block front beat ear service In the city. Price complete only $3700; term's. lUlph Arkley, 809 Corbet t bide $2500 Piedmont $2500 5-rodm bungalow. 50x100 lot: fruit and ber ries In abundance, nice lawn and rose, aleo chicken houae; vicinity or ear. barn;, term. Open Evening V.r.O. T. MOORE CO., 1007 TEON BLPQ. Very Attractive New, well built 5 room bungalow, fireplace, oak' floor.- built-in,, cement floor in baaement. attic. ) $3350. eaay term. 0Mft " office, 1280 Handy Med. Tabor 8825. sacrifice Sale moo SIX ROOM HOUSE, PERFECT ORDER CLOKB IN, 2 BI.OCKS FROM SCHOOL, BETWEEN 2 OARUNES, CORNEA LOT, 60 100; IMPROVEMENTS ALL IN. OWNER, WDLN. 878. -TERMS. NO AGENTS. BY owner,, good 7 room house,' modern con venience, good outbuildings. . laundry, barn am! chicken houses, H acre ground, beat of taraen ou, bearing irutt trees and variety of berry bushes, paved streets ; price $3600; will consider smaller place as part payment. 0088 Fouler road or phone Tabor 8745. ' 'HOIIK FOR THE OLD FOLKS 11500 Very iteat 6-room cottage with 80x100 lot: assorted orchard )uat eoniing into bearing: nice garden; good chicken bouse and yard; good cess pool; electric lights HfoJ. ga. $200 cash, $10 monthly. -Fred W. German Co-, 782 Chamber of Commeree. ' - - $3400 Furnished $3400 . ROSE CITT PARK, BUNGALOW Street paved and paid for, we?t of 43d St., v2 block car. Withont, fuminre $l'f50. Terms. .GEO. T, MOORE CO., 1007 TEONi BLDO. ROSE CITT PARK bungalow. 6 rooms and reception hall, choice corner, east facing, $2600 v111 baadle. Phone owner. Tabor 6396. 6 ROOMS modern, with ggrage, hardwood floor. Here 1s bargain, look at this home. Price $350; terms. ' BUSINESS SERVICE Main 879T. 601-2-8 Oregon Ian hldg. J ROSE CITT PARK ' 6 room bungalow, strictly modern, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, builrin feature, rhite enamel finish; a bargain at $8330. Owner, 641 E. 40th st N. Tabor 4703. ' YOU -cm sa, $1000 by buying In St Johns instead of llo City, etc. Bee my new bun, galovaV built-in effect, full lot, fine trees, one block north of St John carline. 1010 Leoo- . a ra near Buchanan. FIXE SNAPPY HOME, IRVLNtiTON. 7 ROOMS. DEN, SLEEPING PORCH, CLEAN AND NEAT, GOOD LOCATION. FOR $5760. $1000 CASH. BY ALL MEAN CALL UK. EAST 278. HERDMAN., FOR SALE Corner of Mallory avenue and -Bver street, lot 100x100. 8 -room bouse, bath, gas and electric lights. 15 fruit trees, aide V walks and streets improved, $8000. Phone Broadway 790 or Wood lawn 1832. 8 KOOM modern Tioiise. fireplace, furnace, full basement $2100. room house 11250, $260'eash. . . 3 room bonw, lot 60x250, $00. ' 404 Railway ExeTiange. ' " AN EXTRA BARGAIN 6 room cottage, fine lot, garden, fruit, chick en parks, etc; $1000. terms. : Davie. Main 6231. WESTMORELAND (Restricted district S beautiful homes). Attractive 5 room double , sonatruoted bungalow, east 17th at., .for sals by owner. Some terms. Phone Sellwood 90. " - iTodWllLL HANDLEIT Modern A room house, 2 lota, some fruit trees and berries, end several other small places ') for fsle or rent. 8906 79th st, 8. E. . -; FOR SALE $3750 Six-room house snd fail lot: 1- block from Willamette blvd.; S blocks from St Johns car; good locality; good home; good terms. Owner. Main 3052.' except Suifc - BY OWNER Modern 6 room house, " 50x100 lot: east front, large garage, paved street. 4 earlines, close in, good district; $3900. . 491 E. lutn st ner Division st, YOUR own terms, house and two lots in Van eower, Wash., $1200; on improved street 608 E. 7th tt Inquire D.,N. Raymond. Bux . ton. Or. $3650 East Ankeny near 20th. takea 7 room modern home; - furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, in fine condition; $600, $35 per Mh, TaBor 6441. f.OSEITT PARK Beautiful bungalowg rooms and attic, strictly modern, in perfect sondltion. on 49th near Sandy road; pries $4500. Tabor 6441. $1100 BARGAIN 2"BLK8. R. C. PARK CAR ' Coxy S-room house. $250 furniture besides; good piano; nice 60x100 lot;- good location; term ; owner leaving city. TaDor as. 8 ROOM house and lots, with good orchard and splendid water. Will sell reasonable. On Oregon City carline. Inquire of James Petty. Gladstone. Or. - ' ' .... - 8 ROOM modern plastered house, new garage. chicken houae; all for $1100; $200 cash, balance monthly; bargain. See owner at 0722 40th ave. S. E. - - $1650, Terms, $500 Down 6 ROOM COTTAGE, LOT 50x103 FT. MT. TABOR CAR. PHONE TABOR 5198. $2300 will buy a modern 6-roora bouse, lot 60x100, use of adjoining orchard, room for chickens. - Terms to suit buver. - Uwner, Ha nson, Hotel Portland. Main 8693. - $2750 FOR BOTH TERMS - 2 6-room houses, gas. elect..- plumbing. 60x 100. Kenton district Metcalf. 617 Cham, of Com. Marshall 2432.- or Bell wood 3662. -' BUY a Westmoreland horns from own-r - K nmn ' 'V modern bungalow and garage; all conveniences built in; -nice lawn, garden; 83500; $1600 down, terms. 1445 E. 20th st S. Sellwood car. $8500 LACRKLHURST home, mortgaga $4000. with interest snd street liens due; must sell this month; give mo offer sf or my eeiuftyJ 484 Clare- niont ave. - $500 CASH, baL easy terms, will hand, good 6 room house, 8 lots, fine fruit trees, gar age, convenient to Alberta car. Price $2360. Woodlawn 8229. A SNAP AT $1250 .Four room bungalow, large airy rooms, fire place, splendid view, nice yard, roees and soma trait. Woodlawn 4965. - MR. DOCTOR OR TRAINED NURSE Irvington needs maternity home; see this 16 rra. beautiful home. Just In right place: bargain. East 419: 6 ROOMS Full cement baaement. en carline, close in, east aide; all street improvements In and paid for, except $150 bonded: price $3000. Call owneT evening. Marshall 4727. - 2-5 ROOM eottsges by owner. Just painted Inside and outside. 1036 Macadam st.yl079 Water st; $200 down, balance as rentf walking dts tance. H block from carrlne. MarsbaU 4431. A REAL BARGAIN C6500: modern 7 room house and a 4 flat building in a good location xwax Jefferson high school. Broadwsy 639.- A 5-ROOM cottage, double . constructed, lot 100x100, garage snd 6 bearing fruit tree. 999 E. 68th at. N. Pbona Tabor 3471. 4 Mi block north of Sandy. . - - 1IVB, room modern bungalow, paved street, Beaumont district; price $2250. New York land Co., 303-5 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main ( its SIX room modern, full corner lot. house In A-i condition; Hawthorns district 8LETTEN aV ; ?ONKS- 248 Surk at MODERN bungalow, lull lot and basement; terms. Owner. 1000 E. 16th rt. Sellwood 1343. -'t- - v .. . FOR SALE or rent unU 2 room house with -garden. 70th and Powell .Valley. 'G. W. rMetcalf. 4517 79th st 8. E. - SsONTAVILIJs bunaalow, good condition, fire place, modern; $2500. $200 cash. bsl. terms. t'nmt 419. - .- ... ' i'OR 8ALK -rooni house with on or tws lots aa preferred. Phone Tabor C936. REAL ESTATS FOR HA LK HOPSEH 1 LAUKELHURoT $370 ' " Hera la ay lovely little horn. It has a Mg living room with aplendid flrepisew and built-in bookcases ; a large dining room with hand some buffet; a white Dutch kitchen; pretty bedrooaa and bathroom with high-grade plumb roc fixture. The room are beautifully finished in lrory. Toe lot is 60x120 feet. Juat think of buying a home in Laursthurst for $3700. Owner leaving city; requires $2000 cash. May w ahow yon today! - OOK A. McKENNA CO. Main 4621. 82 4th at.. Board of Trad Bid. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW RiRRlDf $3160 Here la a bargain, V truly wonderful buy; 6 room bungalow, thoroughly mod ' rn, except furnace: in perfect condition inside, clean and attract! re. Hying room . "aeroaa entire front of house, large bed , room, hardwood floor. - fireplace, all ' - bnilt-ina, foil cement basement, wash ; tray, rmproeements all paid. In Wnt moreland. Can w aend machine for .you to are thtsT ... . . J. A. WICKMAN CO.7 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 683. SHAKE THAT BTTJFTT APARTMENT Fire room modern bungalow, lot . 76x00. block to trolley. Beat GHaan and 7 2d at., good neighborhood. Price only. $1600, $800 cull, $20 monthly. Nice little homes like 'that at auch a low price end on such eaay terms are Biightly acarre. I'fcnne fnr onr anto and see this. TUB CKOoSLKY-VIGARS CO. 270 Stark St. Main 8062. . PRICES HIGH READ THIS ' . - , ..' Client pure bailed a modern bungalow four year, ... . ago, paid $8760 and assumed street im provements, then bo built en a beautiful breakfast room, put in expensive tiaot inc fixtures, put in dormer upatairs . and finiahed 3 more rooms, making it- 8 in all; this made it cost the present owner . $5000. There , i a furnace sod fire . .place, lot 48x92, $4000. terms. A' WICKMAN CO.. 304 Ry. Exchange-Bldg. - Main 6. ALAMEDA PARK ' " TJUTOM ('OliNTAi snsnn We want yon to aee thia splendid heme one that waa built by Bowman, one of Portland's beet builders. ,- For grace of line and nicety of finish, this homo is assuredly beautiful. . The good, solid,' honest construction will appeal to you. The details of finish, in every instance, are saxaea oj nenness ana reiinrmenu - ns snow yOU. y-, , ' Ai O. TEEPB CO 284 JBUrk St., near 3d. Main 881$. crancn jmce. ootn ana Bandy. FITS room modern bungalow with large lot 66x102, eloss in Jn Sellwood district, with a wan am ssisfs ems enicaen noose, . iruis and berries, garden. Prioe 82800. . A-rooat modern bungalow, full cement base tnent, gsrsge, , comer lot. In Brooklyn, district. Pries $2250. ' : - . - . S-room house, sll In good shape, pared streets. with a lot 60x200. Fries; $3000.. Brooklyn NEW TORK LAVD CO.. -808-8 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 7678. S mere home with T room modern house, plas tered, concrete foundation and basement, fire place. $60 gas range already connected, bath and toilet, good barn, chicken house, bog house, gasoline engine and tank, place all fenced and cross fenced, bearing fruit trees. 2 blocks from Metxger, 8 miles out. Owner refused $4300 for this pises s few year ago. $300 cash, bal ance to suit Photo at office of Fred W. Ger man Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. Open BUILD TOUR HOMBTT ' : . . IN LACREUTCRST I hsvs s few choice lots eloss to the Park and elub grounds. If yon have some caah, I will furnish the lot and finence the building of your home. Don't psy fancy prices for an old bouse.. Phone Sunday and evenings. East 2086 or Main 1700 sak for MR. D.ELAHUNTT. zTtHa Btark t A GOOD room bouse, on E. 10th at. 825&A - soms down and good terms. . . I JT00!". A"'1- modem, on Bant Pin t; $4000, $1000 cash, good terms on balance. COST little 8 Tonm hnnu, -mail nnh l4wt lights, gas, lot 50x100; too cheap to civs a pries on; come and aee it Nice 5 room bungalow, good basement, tray g"! a snap at ,iiuu; $300 down, $26 per month. CHARLES GARDNER. 812 Broadway Bldg. BUILD TOUR HOME " NOWI j . . . . IN LAURELHUR8T I have a few choice lots, close to the park and club arounds. If vm b.u t will, furnish the lot and finance the building of your home. Don't pay fancy prices for sn old .house. See ; ; MR. DKLAHUNTT. , .Iafsninret office. 270 H Stark at. Main 1700 or Sun, and era.. East 2088. MT. TABOR B rooms, newly papered and painted. We are tlie owners. Term, easy. Located in 'the nicest part of Mt Tabor. - J. L. HARTHAN COMPANY, No. T. Chamber of Commerce .Bid-., sus sua siara, aaain sub. Rose City Park Car West of 85th st. 5-rm. dbL constroctsd bungalow, with larg attle, bath, built-in effects, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, fhrnsce, laundry trays, street paved; 1H blks. school. 4 H car. Price only $4100. This is a splendid buy. Some terms. Open Evenings -GEO. T. MOORB CO.. 1007 TEON BLDG. . A NUMBER- , - J DESIRABLE HOUSES Choice modern bungslows ia the best sections of Laurelhum. Irvington and Ross City Park. THESE HOU8KS Vary tn pries and terms. All are desirable and many can be moved into within a short time. , CALL TABOR 8433 or TAB0B B. ONLY $250 CASH AND BALANCE 320 PER ,, . ; - . MONTH . ... - . , t bars 2 nest 5 room houses on 82d st and Foster road that I will sell 6a above payments. There is no mortgage against this property. The monthly payments are all that is necessary. Pries is pnly $1500 each. Yon rent-payers better hurry as this kind of a proposition doesn't ' appear often. : J. J. McCarthy, Ab inrtnn bldg. . . ' ; , . - $2850 PRESCOTT ST. Here, tj a mighty good buy: A nice $ room bungalow with bath, full cement basement, wash trays; the street ia paved and paid; don't for get the district across from Alameda park and re member the street is paved and paid for. If yon can pay $500 down, Me this quick. .-. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. " " Main 4522. 83 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. FIVE room modern bungalow. Alberta district. if .B5IAP' l,rith . 3 blocks to ear; price $2200. Five room modern . cottar, with sleeping porch. Alberta district lot 60x108, with ga rage, paved street; pries $2700. Six room modern cottage. Alberta district, paved street; price $2600. , NEW YORK LAND CO.. 808-5 Stock Exchange mute. Aiain fuio ROSE CITY PARK CAR , 5 Kooma $2230 Owner has bought a larger bouse and must sen present horns st once. We want you to see this splendidly arrant ed bungalow, full 60x100 lot fireplace, etc. ; very easy terms. Let us show you. . ? -. , A. G. TEEPE CO., 364 Stark St, near 3d. Main 3516. ' Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. ' WHY NOT BUILD? ' Get an artistic home by an established archf tecrnnil firm at low -cost Ws build anything, furnish tbej money if desired. L. R. Bsiley Co.. Inc. eontrjlctinc srebJtects. 934 N. W. Bsnk. 8 ROOMS, modern, on Macleay blvd. Will sell quickly. Do- not waste time. - See thia home. Only 17350; terms reasonable. ' BUSINESS SERVICE Mala 8797. - 601-2-3 Oregon ian bldg. $2200N. Woodlawn $2200 5-rm. ntodern bungalow. ' 60x100 lot. fruit trees, 2 block cat, $50 down. baL monthly. GEO T. MOORE CO..- 1007 TEON - BLDG. ably furnished, thoroughly clean and ready" to occupy. 2 lots, choice roees. lawn, fruit and gar den space, near school and car; terms to suit rmrae jsoor bvbu OWNER will sell modern 6 room house, sleep ing porch, double cement garage, walking distance; terms; will take smaller modern bouse or good tot -part payment 651 E. Ankeny, n si st a, s - w -. ' " $f900r Terms, $450 Down ROOM MODERN HOUSE, FRUIT TREES 100 AB1NOTON BLDG. PHONK TABOR 5 196. CORKER lot 60x100, fruit, chicken yard, nice aoam, lumisnea or uniurnemsa, gas, elec- ...,-h.t. oiofiT irom cr; terms. isnor Bill LOT 54x126 H. 6 room house, near car. not B. 1 u i-v. lerss., on .1. smiu ava.. TEN 25-ft lots. 7 room house. 20 beano fruit trees, a snap. Pearl O NeiU, 181 West Kii patnek at Woodlawn 4038. " m,. v 38 IlOOM ". b""" "t. city water, caa. fruit, S"!,. $560. $75 down. Draper. 201 Wilcox bldg. ; MODERN 3 room honsa. cood district,' $3130; $400, balance $26 per month. K-623. Journal. - - . : - : 4-ROOM modern house. 1 block from car line; paved street; $190O. Pearl O'Neill. 1S1 West Kiln trick at Woodlawn 4038. SNAP 5 room house, on Overton st. near inth. $2SOO. Urahsm. Main 1484. MODERN 3 .room bungalow, reasonable term,' directfrom ownrr. phot Tasar l$Tr REAL ESTATE FOB HALE HOUSES $1 ROSE CITT DISTRICT $2830 Modern 6 room bungalow. NC 888 E. . a 48th. near Siskiyou. Vesant: ready to " . : move into. . . - -r LAURELHUR8T $4500 Modern 7 room residence, at 1186 E. s Oak, near 88th st Now vacant; ready to mv in. ' i-- . .. RICHMOND DISTRICT $8200 Modern, ft room trangaiow. Ne. 2710 K. 43d. near Clint ou. New vacant; ready . to saovs in. .- ?. e .--.! $3800 Modern ' T room residence, cornet tot, 60x100, fruit trees, improved streets, . all paid for; cood furnace and garage; : eaay terms. Monthly paymerta. ' Vacant lots in all parts of the city; win fur nish money for building. - Lot 60x160. Alameda Park ...$600 Iot, 50x100, E. Cora st,. between 38th and 40th; price $550, terms. Lot, 60x100 r E. Broadway, bttseen 37th and 38th sts.i price $885; all Uensvaid. WILLIAM . BECK. -215 Failing building. ' : DO TOU WANT A HOME? t DO TOC WANT A GOOD INVESTMENT 1 If tow want either, read every word of this ad. 2 blocks to Alberta car we have a fine H room house with' bath and bic,. dry baaement wash trays, etc Too house baa just beam painted and ia in cood condition. -Oft the rear of the lot is a 3 room bouse. With BtU expense you could make a' 2 family flat eat of the bic house. Any builder will tell yon the property t worth $1000 mors than wo ask. If sold this week we will take $2860. , Must have $750 cash. - Take our word-for it you'll never una a bargain, to equal this. COB A. McKENNA eV CO. Main 4522. . 82 4th at. Board of Trade Bide;, .About renting when yon can have a horns like this? 6 room bungalow with sleeping porch, good district, close in. Improvements paid. Good bath and built-in features. Ws are permitted to eUx for $2750. Term. McCIeod & Taylor $$0 Ry. Exchange Bide. Phone Marshall 2633. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Very desirable six room horns on 41st st splendid corner lot paved street (improvements Esid), reception hall, living room, dining room, itcben with pass-pantry, fireplace, furnace., sta tic nary tubs, -cement baaement 3 nice bedrooms and ''dandy" sleeping porch. -cood neighborhood. 1 block to ear. Thia ia a very nice home, in first-class condition. Ws have no hesitancy in oom mending this place aa an exceptionally good buy. rlce aseso, fiooo cash. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO. 270 Stark St Main 8052. ROOMS, modern, in Willamette Heights, 2 floors, furnace and fireplace. There isn't any- For only $5760, $1500 cash, balance $40 per month. 5 rooms, modern, in Alberta district a beau tiful home. $4209; very easy terms. Seo this. rooms, modern, ' on Hancock st Triple floors, turnace and fireplace. There isn t any thinc lack in- - in construction . of this house. Don't miss this buy. $2200 will handle, bal ance easy monthly payments. BUSINESS SERVICE. Main 879T. 601-2-3 OregonUn Bldg. - A BUNGALOW AND TWO ACRES at Tigard, on paved highway, beautiful 30 min ute drive 'via Terwilliger boulevard into Port land; bungalow has 6 rooms snd bath, hot and cold water, private water system, electric lights, gi.rsse with electric light; nearly 100 bearing fruit trees, principally rg apples; fine garden soil ; chicken house and run. A very at ti active suburban home. - Buy this and the ap ples win buy you an automobile. Price 33500; it's worth $5000; $1500 cash win handle. - THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO. 270 Stark 8ti Main 8052. Stop Paying Rent, but Pay It to Yourself, Wife and Chiidrerr Walnut Park. Portland's first class restricted residence district offer exceptional opportunities for eight new noma builders. We will assist financially, if desired. Call today st the oifice. 1148 Union ava. N. Woodlawn 3804. W. M. K1LLINGSWORTH. Owner. ROSE CITY PARK ' 5 Rooms Break! sat Alcove $3500 Ws want you to see this beautiful bungalow, located on 49th st, -in the paved district Ex ceptionally large living room, with large plate glass window, fireplace, buffet complete cabinet kitchen, with breakfast alcove; cement base ment wash trays, large attic, etc; fuU 50x100 lot sewer connection; $300 cash will handle. Let us show yon. Yes, it is thoroughly double constructed. A. G. TEEPE CO., 364 Stark St, near Set Main 8518. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 7 rooms - snd sleeping porch, on 48th st, close to Hawthorne ave.; fireplace, furnace, oak floors, buffet, bookcases, beautiful finish. Price $4000, $500 cash, balance $35 month., includ ing interest This is less than rent. ROOM HAWTHORNS BUNGALOW Fireplace, furnace, buffet bookcases, close to Hawthorne ave. Price 13150. with $900 caah, balance $25 month, including interest This ia $10 less than rent C LEV ELAN D-BARR-HENDERSON CO.. ' 213 Railway Exchange Bldg- Main 9752. S ROOM HOUSE, $300 CASH 'Nice 3 room cottage; gas, bath, cood plumb ing, ehickenhouse ; lot 60xl0O; no city liens; on Denver sve., near Portland -. blvd. Price $1050. $300 cash and $20 per mo., including Interest 6. GRUSSI It BENNETT. 818 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW-" A SPLENDID BUY . Beautiful view property; 6 rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, swell Dutch kitchen. For uiok ssle. $3500; $883 cash, balancs only $20 a month, which Includes the interest Open Evenings GEO. T. MOORB CO., 1007 TEON ' BLDO. . MR. RICH MAN Ton have no less on life, then someone win break your will. Are you going to stay in that old house or hotelf Why not get something out pf lifer Let ne show this beautiful Irving ton home, tt block of ground, tree snd shrub. 42 grand rooms, S baths, 3 fireplaces, sun par lor, best of plumbing, perfect condition, cost $27.000, 15000 cash will handle. East 419 100x100 ORCHARD" And 5-reom house, with woodshed and chicken bouse. - There are. apple, pear, peach, prune, plum and other fruit trees in bearing on theee lota. A fine place for garden and chickens. Price $1950, only $200 down. Cos A, Me Kenna A Co. Main 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. . $2 1 00 5-Room Bungalow Brand new, bath, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, caa. laundry trays, lot 170x140, bam, ehicken house; bearing fruit tree and berries. Terms, - Open Evenings GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 TEON BLDG.3 a DAAU rftTeiif s.too r . c."t Nioe 5 room cottage, electricity, bath, cement baaement tn first class condition, on Minnesota , Ainsworthi .Price $1800; $20 caah and $20 per month. GRUSSI A. BENNETT. 818 Board of Trade Bklg. Main 7432. . rtXVM VAtru try-..,,.. O room dwelling, well built and modern In every respect. Full cement basement, good host ing plant north slope, of Mt Tabor. Price rea sonable, terms to rait See " .. . . ., ... isr.. uiiinyin .. 600 Journal bide. Main 4958. A-6051 $1600 Sellwood , $1600 - We offer you ia swell little 4-rm. bungalow: bath. Dntcb kitchen. 50x116 lot very best of soil; ltt blks. car. Price only $1600, terms. J "v Open '.Evenings i -- GEO. 1 T. MOORE CO.. 1O07 TEON Bt.Tvs Ttt'O ttnrv a AAn. 9 1 1 , ' . . w -voc. . vnuwnr parlor, r-. dining room and kitchen, large - attic and basement, bathroom. cktbea closet. 4 pantry, large front and back perchea suitable for sleep ing rooms, plumbing, electric tight, lot 50x 100, near Eaatmereland. 3 blocks front line, 6 blocks from another carline. Price $2750. Sellwood 2525. Owner. AreYou Crazy?- Why pay rent when you can buy a nice lot and 3 room shack, ftna place for garden, some fruit trees: price $250. Mt, Scott ear to Tre mont, go south to McCoy are., 1 block west to green painted bouse. - r H CRK SNAP ' ' Lota of fruit r berries; fin garden ; good chicken house and yard; chy water and gas; habitable S-room - house on bard surface st- llendy to oariine. 4knly l00, free awlele-e See it quick; my auto at your service. E. W. nua-nca. i journal Dldg. ; , Mam 2858. 8 ROOM house, bath, 5c fare, Oregon JBlectric. $1800; terms. Marshall 1874. ; MODERN S-roora bungalow. 1081 Sherman st; at home in lorwwwi. Ternw. Tabor 2Q51. IRVINGTON : modern. 7 Tins, and garage, on Brnadrray ejr, above i0i; baTaata. East 419, REAL FSTATB FOB HALE HOUSES I :' $1850 Worklngman'a home, big rifice, 8 room cottage, partly fur- , ', . niahed. anodern plumbing, 70x125 corner, garden and gsrsge; 77th at. . : and 48th are. -.. .- ) ..W.. 'j--- i,. ; - 'i- $2750 H -acre ground. 8 r. bangs- . low, fruit trees, garden, corner 6U and 62d ava. ' $2850 S r. bungalow. $7th-E. Wash. , $2100 Morris st, f r. house, eloss in. $1800 Roes at. 8 r. house, close in. $3600 San Rafael st, 7 r. bouse, ' lot 60x150, with 8 Urge fruit trees. CHAS. BINGLER k CO., 225 Henry bide. For Sale 6-Room Modern,' 82d St, Lot -46x220 $2500 $500 Caah, $26 Per Month and interest at Per Cent . ' S-Room plastered, toilet plumbing in for bath, 100 feet from car, 2 lots, fruit trees, smsll fruit; $1200. half cash and 6 per cent Interest v 3 Lots 60x100, small bouse. 5 blocks to car; $600. $200 cash. Rooms. 3 lots 40x100 on 82nd St; soms fruit; 11800, $860 cash. Rooms Modern, furnished, lot 60x100; $1600, $900 caah. - WILLIAMS REALTY CO. Grays Crossing Tabor 4984 Choice Bungalow ONLY $2760 Full lot. convenient to car and high school; has 6 rooms besides S finished rooms in attic. Tea. it's modern, and well built Get busy on this at one if yen want a bargain. A. K. HILL CO.. ? 214 Lumbermen bldg. Bdwy. 421. $3000 Irvington $3000 A Bandy for the money, 8-rm. bring alow, fire place, furnace. 50x124 lot. 1 blks. car, west of 28th at Pries only $8000, with 3500 down. This ia really a good buy. Open Evening GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 YEON BLDO. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3100 EAST TERMS Modern 6 room bungalow, l H story, cement basement furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, built in bookcases and buffet hardwood floors, enam eled Dutch kitchen, corner, street paved on one side. STANLET S. THOMPSON CO.. 302 OAK Evenings Call Woodlawn 881. You'll 'Be Delighted With thia strictly modern bungalow. 6 rooma and sleepinr 'porch. Just what you are looking for. Only $8150. Terms. Office. 1230 Bsndy blvd. Tabor 8825. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ Build Your Home in Walnut Park Can todav and select your lot as they are selling fast Extra inducements offered for eight new homes, financial assistance, u oa siredt No finer location for a home. W. M. KILLING8WORTH. Owner, 1149 Union avenue North. Woodlawn 8304 FOR SALE 5 lots, 40x100 each; 16-foot alley; street graded; cement sidewalks; street liihta; near Hawthorne car; half block south Powell Valley road; some fir tree: east front: improvements paid. $300 each for cash. By raster, no agents. 3629 67th st 8. E. Take Hawthorne car. LOT on East 65 th. north of Sandy boulevard fenced. Several fruit trees, berry bushes snd water pipe in. For a nick sals $350. Jenks, Sandy Blvd. and 68th. C-1553. LOTS for sals; bargain; 25x100. sidewalk. curbing and graded streets. Only $110. Marshall 266. LOT North Sandy blvd,. fenced, baa some fruit trees, berry bushes andf water piped in on lot; for quick ssle. $850 easn. K-Z81. Journal. IRVINGTON Corner lot. 60x100, near Irving ton and Broadway car, bargain. East 419. BY OWNER, lot First and Bancroft $l6per month. Marshall 4431. GOOD building lot Alberta district; on easy terms. Tabor 5788. - FIVE lots st Oswego, close to lake. $600; terms; phone Tabor 2082. TWO beautiful lot. Alameda Park. Main 6265. ACREAGE $7 CHICKEN RANCH $1800 3200 cash. $10 monthly buys 3 acres, all Jn cultivation, small family orchard, ft different kinds of berries. 4 roam house, 4 or 6 chicken house with trap neat. This place has cost owner aver $3100; mile from Nosth. Plains. Photos st offioe of Fred W. German -Co. . 732 Cham, of Com. Open ovepincs snd Sunday. JENNINGS LODGE 3 seres, 1 sere berries. 6 room house, all modern conveniences, on main road, fine grove, furniture, etc, included in price of $4100; $2500 down, balance to suit LUEDDEMANN COMPANT. 913 Chamber of Commerce. JENNE STATION BARGAIN 5 seres, fine soil, partly cleared, near station. 4 miles from city limits of Portland, fine view of valley; price $950, terms that you can handle. LUEDDEMANN COMPANT. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 5 acres located 0 miles from courthouse, close to Oregon Electric, all under cultivation, new modern bungalow, commutation fare 12 He. only 80 minutes out; price $3500. $1500 cash, Sea xtiooKg, witn jonn avcrguson. usrumw bms. 4 H ACRES on Oregon Electric line. Green- burg station, nice orcnara. - small I nuts, plowed for spring cultivation, cood 4 room house; price $2150, cash or terms. Mrs. H. L. Bunnell, Tigard, ur, "1250 CASH. $10 MONTH sere, all cleared and ready to plant, 8 room house, partly famished. Close in on cood rock road. 6c fare. Wdln. 4076 after 6 o'clock. Pries $850 HERE is a snap: 10 acres st Reedville. $1800, terms. - 5 acres, close to Powell Valley road, in high stats of cultivation, $3300. 404 RAILWAT EXCHANGE. DABNEY PARK For. beautiful home site, on Columbia River high way. See ns. Dabney Investment Co., room 1. Worcester bldav 2(. ACRES 14 mile west of Portland, near - electric line and achooPasfew acres in cultiva tion, all fenced: price $2000. $800 down, bal ance term. Write owner, 626 - Richmond st 10 ACRES for ssie, about J mile from Mult nomah station, 4 blocks from paved road, nice creek running through the place. Price $2800. T-896, Journal. BEAUTIFUL homeaite. 12 acre on . west aide Pacific highway; house, barn, - fruit , trees. $400O; easy terms- Tabor 730. 10 ACRES, 1 mile from Boring. Or., all fenced partly. 871 Castle are., phone C 2763. - TEN acres in cultivation, good building, orchard. . chicken park, "near town, highway and ear. $1960. 1 5Q0 down. Draper, 201 Wilcox bldg. CHOICE acre ground with fruit Mount Tabor district Speer, 182 E. 39th st Tabor 385-. tTGARD ACREAGE, near station, clear, on creek. East 0874 CHOICE ka n. acreage, good soil, well , h . . . ' E A .lit BASE LINE road, dose in. 5 acres or leas; $350 RENT pasture. Lake Grove. Marshall 3441. SUBURB AX ACRFAOrV 76 8V ACRES 8675 .t Adjoining city limits of Oregon Cfry. - fine soil, not in cultivation snd no modem bunga lows on It- This place is conservatively worth $1000 and land in the immediate vicinity in boom times hss sold for as high as $500 per acre. Do not forget we said $67$ fox the whole 5 seres. Fred W. Germsn Co.. 782 Cham, of Com, ' Open evenings snd Sands y. ' SUBURB A If HOMES 79 - PARKROSE ACRE TRACTS : 1 - ! . ir.ssv fsrni. Ono fine tract on pavement and cement sidewalks ; 2 blocks to car; ground aQ cleared, rm only aiusu. J . n. naniouin COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg-. 4th snd Stark. Msin 208. . ; .- WILL be in Bend, Or,, all this week locating -t several customers on 1 the best . stock and graia raising homesteads in the- U. 8. Work guaranteed accurate. Land, of bic bunch craaa, rich soils, fine water snd close to New 8tra horn railway line now building. New country. Tremendous development - Splendid land op portunity. Write for partifulara er call on my return next week.. G. 8. Ehle, 614 Swet- land bldg. SUBURBAN HOME . , Two seres, ,in cnltivation. good 4-room plaa tered house, outbuildings, fruit berries, shrub bery and flowers, ineladina chickens, tools, wood etc ; gas. water; evaded .school; .Fourth Street Electric. 8 block front station and Pa cific highway. - Will aacrific and ' give cood terms to responsible person. See photocrapa. Owner, K. E. Britch, room 211. City Hall., 8 1 200 COTTAGE AND HALFIcRE ' On west side. "0 minutes out 4 rooms, with gaa, water, fruit trees., all ia cultivation. Eaay terms. Msm f 24 S. . - . T A. H. AKERSON. 410 Henry Wdg. tt ACRE tracts for $250 op; O. E. Ry., 6e commutation fare; easy terms; bona built if desired. Phone Main ,2182.; William Borsch. 5 ROOM cottage, lot 120x200. city water, part rts?-u, c ri res is Hjiuriii aj'?fit, raistUCw aUsVO JTCUIJ located at Oswego. 227 J. 23d st REAL ESTATR FOB SALE FA RMS 17 , A RARE OPPORTUNITY ' Splendid orchard property for aale cheap. 80 seres. 6 miles from Lyle, Klickitat county. Washington, on the S P. V S. R. : R. 40 scree yonng commercial appla orchard, standard varieties in full bearing, irwtnding ample sopply for family use of peaches, pears and smsll fmits; 20 seres of land ready for plow and 10 acres in timber; 2 houses. 6-roora modern bungalow and 4-room eottage, good barn, chicken houses accommodation for, 600 with 4 acres fenced run. Ample supply of water to house and barn - 2 well and- living springs. This a an as- oargain; owners mast realize at aerifies. ine orchard assure an immediate return and. is iim cusa investment ; Do not fail to invests. R55;.p,1? 13.000. easy terms. John Bain, $07 Spalding bld.. Portland, Or. GRAIN AND CATTLE , . . , - -MAKE WEALTH . For the producer when ho is located en cheap rich land with cood markets, where taxes snd interest do not consume the profit. Be a pre ducX. "d stow rich. Thousands are no doing so. We have the proof. We can ahow you. The very best of term improved. $16 TO $40 AN ACRE- Easy terms. Reduoed rates. Writ er can tor facts. - : UNITED GRAIN GROWERS' SECURITIES ' CO., LTD., 624 Henry bldg. REAL BARGAIN 20-Acre Farm ' ONLT 13C0O Here s a little farm home that's oe to make you prosperous snd happy. It ia all improved and in crop, rich soil, class to town and only 27 miles from Portland by ear; nearer by anto road. Will be offered for few days only. ' A. K. HILL, 214 Lombermens bldg. Bdwy. 421. 4 1-ACRE IRRIGATED FARM . 40 acres in cultivation, good fence, 4 room house, woodshed and storehouse, baconina house, hoc hones, 3 poultry houses, large frams barn and garnary. grain Stacking shed, farm im plements snd some stock. ,$7000. $1600 cash, balance time up to 6 years, 6. Writ W. A. Johnson, Routs 1. Box 42. Kerpy. Or".. Jose phine county. LA8T CHANCE 80 acres homestead relinquishment Linn CCUntV. d BiIIas frnm vorwt tmam wt ilcu A on cood road, adjoining neighbors, sawmill and mad route. 4 miles from good town, AI soil, living spring, a valuable bunch of timber, no reai some site; price 9299 II sold soon. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JUHSSTON at eAKTX, $800 CASH gives possession of ISO acres of good -land, barn, fruit trees, six acres in cultivation; 60 acres tillable sad easily cleared, balance standing timber, between 3.000.000 and 3.000.000 feet enough to pay for place. Would rent adjoining eqiilpped place to right parties. take auto as part payment on baianoe. Box 49 A, Banks. Or.. R. D. No. 2. STOCK and dairy farm for sale, by owners. 231 seres, 8 miles east of Creswell, Lane Co., Or. About -70 acres in enltirstion hsisnns imI tore. Good 8 room house, good bam and other ouiouiiainga, ' on good road, eloss to school snd church. Running water year around. Small or chard; Will accept some trade. 855 per acre. Reasonable terms. J-281. JonrnaL GOOD CHEAP KlRU 80 acres, located 75 miles from Portland, down the Columbia; all the land can be culti vated; 10. acres under cultivation ; cood modem house, bam, chicken bouse, family orchard and lots of small fruit Price 33600. with 1 m 1 auto truck, complete line of farm machinery at vul tula tl t AA W T 1 wss . . 7; L, T' o" ou aerguaon, usr- BY owner at a bargain A fully equipped wheat and stock ranch, 400 in crop, 600 summer fallow; balance in bunch grass, 2880 seres, 12 miles N. K.'of Roosevelt Wash. Pries $50,000; part cash. . This includes 50 head stock, an new machinery, at least $10,000 crop; no trade. Phone Woodlawn 4588 until Monday eve. After '"una- n. r.. 10 wen. Bixprong. w an. WHr.iT itivrtn xwn a 1 rTxs 400 acres; 800 seres tinder cultivation, bal ance good pasture, all fenced hog-tight fence. New 6-room honso. bam and other building, complete aet farm implements. 12 horses with harness. Reason for sale, owner's death, WILLIAM NIVA, CENTERVTLLK, WASH. 5100 DOWN. $12.00 MONTHLY! PRICE 11600 . Ill acres logged-off land, well built 5 room bungalow in Klickitat County. Wash.; logging railroad runs right through the place; volcanic ash soil; adapted 'principally to fruit raising. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open evenings enq ounaay. 43 ACRES, located 8 miles north of CssusrosT Wash., on macadamized road, small amount under cultivation, all the land can be cultl- vaiea, new oungsjow, rooma,- bam. chicken house, woodshed, eood famllv orchard, srh. 81850, $925 cash, John Ferguson. Geranger utu. SNAP 40 acres, first class soil, at $25 ser acre: running ' water, green grass all year, close to targe town, wore plentiful, terms. r". K. steams. 203. Wilcox Bldg. Main 8517; oings. savy. ivfu. 3500 CASH. BALANCE- EAST 20 acres, 4 acres cleared. 600 cords of wood, all fenced with woven wire fence, every foot can be cultivated when cleared: mile from Bor ing on electric carline, $1700, terms. E. A. Brown, G. C. GOLPENBERO CO.. 215 Ablngton Bldg. 200 ACRES. 8 miles southeast of Turner. Sev eral fine oak groves, plenty water, well fenced, cood 8 room bouse, just papered. Good large barn with bay fork. Several pumps and troughs over place. Further particulars inquire of R. A Wilson. 4 SO South Pine st, Roseburg. Or. $100 DOWN. 116 MONTHLY 10 acres of rich bottom land, all in cnlti ra tion, good sixe aback, 1 tt miles from Talbot station, on Oregon Electric. Total price $1200. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com merce. Open evenings and Sundava. 6-ACRE farm for sale. 26 miles from Portland, in Willamette valley: a large house and barn. some fruit; just the place for chickens, snd dairy; part cash; 6 years on balance. Call evenings between 8 and 8 for Mr. Peters, 411 Williams are. FOR SALE 160 acres; level, ail fenced; cood. soft water 12 ft from surface; 4-room house, small bam, implement boose. Eastern Or. Wfil sell cheap for cash. N-810, Journal. $25.000 Well improved Newberg farm. 247 acres. 175 acres cultivated, waterpower avail able., stock, implement. Terms, part cash, part city improved. 816 Chamber Commerce. IStt ACRES under cultivation, 7 tt a, bearing . prunes, fsmily orchard, good house, all out buildings. 6 minutes to electric ear. Phone woocuawn lui. 40 ACRES, hoc tight fence, one mile of ata tion. is acres cleared, lots aiaabed, fair house barn. 1000 cords wood. $2500. X-621, Jour nal. FOR SALE 74 sere fruit farm, worth $7000. As my health does not permit me to work tt will sell for $5000; easy terms. Phone Tabor 1 068. or write v. B., 645 E. 62d N Portland. FARM for sale, 820 acres, near Gerald! ne, Mont" 185 acres under cultivation, half of crop if sold before July 1. Pbona Woodlawn. 6072, or 265 Skidmore. , PLENTY of good pasture, 80 miles of Port land; $3 per head per month, U-253, Jour nal. 40 ACRES all uuder plow, cood houae. modem; good bam, some tool. 2tt miles of station: $4200. X-622. Journal. TILLAMOOK 40 acres on Wilson river, with 8 cows, fresh. E-822, Journal. FARMS WAHTEI) KEKT OB BUY 89 WANT improved farm, atocked and equipped: want to put caah, and good paying and well established billiard parlor and bowling - alleys in best town and best country in West, up to $8000.' close to cood school snd entrance: fnll particulars in first letter. R, P. Simpson. Pcn- ojeion, vr. HOMESTEADS 47 640 HOMESTEADS snd relinquishments. Lerge - portion tillable. Easts rn . Oregon; splendid stock ranches. - water and timber convenient Some cood timber claim. ? Lived ia that eoun try for year. Call T to 8: avenlnaa or gss. day or writ W. T. Lester, Burn. Or. TIMBER S3 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER ........ General land Office. WasHnstm. n. n March 6, 1919. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the set of Juno . 1916 (39 Stat,, 319). and the instruction of the sscretary of the interior of September 16. 1917, the timber on the foil ow ing binds will be sold (April 20. 1919. at S p. aw ax punue suction ax toe united States land office at Lakeview, Or., to the highest bid der at not lea than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sal to be snMset ts the approval of the secretary of. the interior. The purchase price, wttn an sdesuonal sum of on fifth of one per cent thereof, being , eommw siona sTJowsd. : must be deposited at time mt sale, saonry to be returned if sale- is not aa- provao, oinerwiee patent wiu tans for the ttaa ber. which must be removed wtthtn lo year. Bids trill be received from atlasns of the United States, associations of such crtisens and corporations organised under the laws of the United States or any state, ssiiltuiy or dMrtex thereof only. Upon application of a ejalified purchaser the ttmbec oa any legal subdivision will be "fend separately before being included fa any offer of a larger unit: T. 41 8.. R. 6 E.; Section 11, Lot 1. yellow prne. 670 ML, red fir 120 M-; Lot 2, yellow pine. T70 M.. rsd fir 0 M.2 Lot $. yellow pine. 630 M red fir 100 M.1 Lot 4. yellow pins SO M. red fir 0 M-j none of the yellow pine to bo sold at less than 38 OSS' M. aaat bos of the red fir ta ba sold at lass than $1 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, - - ejsanBissioner General Land Of flea. IDE , mill, 15,000 feet capacity, in operation, plenty of timber. eaay kieeinc. 1 mile shh- plng poiut, good roada. l'X-816, JonrnaL HEAT' FSTATB TIMBER t FOR SALE One 40 M. cap. mill. 8 donkeys and complete rigging and planing mill. A. A. Lausuann, Timber. Ot. EXCH AlfGE REAL ESTATE 34 TRADE two 6 acre tracts adjoining. 5 room eottage on one, 4 room heuae other; aR un der cultivation, lota fit fruit and berries,, barns snd chicken house oat both, in ssaall town. 2 blocks to depot high school.' 18 mites to city, paved road. This is weU worth $3000. Will trade for house and tot eg what have yout Call 1228 R. 81st st S. TRADE 86OO equity In ' le-seres good land for 1918 Ford anto. 2500 cord of wood. 111., MW t .u. w . , .w ,i, fnvpwv ww wheat ranch, land clear of debt, -for honsa and lot; win assume. Address 211 tt second st, mem 16.- FOR SALE or trade Duncan's opera bona for acreage in the Willamette valley; building 50x 103, -on 1st st, is aaain part of eity- Address T. B. Duncan. Newberg; T. C Duncan, 307 E. ICth st, Portland, Or. FOR sale or trade. 6 room bona, tot 75x100 feet, 25 foot alley, for improved farm with stock and equipment, not over 86000, not over 50 miles front Portland, not ever 8 miles from railroad town. Add res owner, 1188 Atlantic at. ' SOME CASH Clear house and 3 vacant lots for grocery snd meat market - GRAHAM. Main 1484. 10 tt ACRES at Oregon City, aU improved, close to car. Trade for house. 6 room modem hows, trad for elose-in acreage. 404 RAILWAT - EXCHANGE. FOR SALE er trade for residence property, a - store with 3 living rooms and S rooms up stairs. Up-to-date, with a garage ia connection. 826 Alberta st - - - FOR SALE or trade 20 room hotel, furnished property Included : in eastern Oregon value 30UO, lor larm 01 equal value, moat nave yout Chris Siebert Portland. R. 2. PORTLAND property, free and clear, to ex change- for New York or New England prop erty. William J. Hyland. 40 E. 67th. st Phone Tabor 812. CALIFORNIA and Oregon, free and clear. property to exchange. What have you? Wil liam J. Hyland. 40 East 57th st N. Fbons Tabor 812. ; ' - FOR SALE 820 sens of level land ia northern Lake county; free from inenmbrsnca. In quire 786 Reed St WILL trade. 100x100, with & eom modern honse for 4 or $ acres improver! land, with small bouse. Tabor 1402. 7802 56th ave. S. E. 40 ACRES, fenced, 5 room how, to exchange for city property. Graham, Main 1484.. IF yoa are going to Mpls., trade your property her for ours there. Sellwood 1090. 0 ACRES aesr Sacramento; CsL, email Port land home. Boom 11. The Ms niton. WAKTF.T REAL ESTATE . 81 I WANT houses. I have the buyers. House sellinc is gay specialty. Your house will be given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARR1NER. HITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN ACREAGE WANTED Ws have continual demand for tt sere snd acre tracts, with bearing fruit trees, convenient to intern rban. Fries must ba right and terms easy. Fred W. Germsn On . 733 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays and evenings. TSHACKS AD SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must tv right and vary easy terms. Ws hsvs sold over 800 bouses tn the last year. If you want action see us. Frsd W. German Oo. 733 Chamber of Commeres. Opsa Sunday and evening. LEGITIMATE EXCHANGES WANTED Desirable listings, no iunk. hot air, or In flated values will be considered. Sea Mr. Hard with Fred W. Genua Co.. 783 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays snd evening. SOME Liberty bonds and 80 acres cf timber in Southern Oregon as first payment on modem 9 room house . or bungalow. Phone East 7943. IF you want to cash your horns in, see us. Ws win do the rest CLEVELAND-BARK-HENDERSON CO. 212 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 6782. I AM looking for a 6-room bungalow, in good diatrict. not to exceed 83000, not less 81000 caah payment Fleas writ me full particulars. P-231, Journal. WANT 4 to 6 room house in Snnnyside, west of 37th st A. K. Hill. 214 Lumbermen tide. Broadwsy 421. . ' WE WANT LOTS in Rose City Park district B. F. Pond Realty Co., 1230 Sandy Blvd. Tabor 8829. WANTED A mountain home, log cabin or aback, where hunting and fishing is cood. X 624. Journal. WANTED To cut or buy green ebittim or caa cara bark ia smsll or large tracts. N-814, Journal. DON'T WObRY I caa sen or trad anything anywhere. Layman, 147-Park at. - ROOMING HOUSES . $8 $ 6,500 7,000 . 10.000 8.600 7,500 4,500 2.900 8,000 , l.r.00 800 COO us. of Com. 96 ROOMS, mod., a splendid place . 7k rooms, mod., fin furniture ... 73 rooms, street lobby, A-l 71 room, street lobby. A-l. elerstor. A8 rooma, first class ............ . 44 rooms, first class 60 rooms, H. K. and rooming- 82 rooms, N. W. beat dandy 18 rooms, JL K., wall furnished 11 rooms, H. K., weU furnished .... 8 rooms, H. K.. well furnished (We handle no junk.) List with GILSON REALTY CO., 481 Chain. Main 6127. A FINE MODERN HOTEL 96 rooms. 24 private baths, fine brick build ing, well located. 4 floors, elevator, nice and light rooms, very nicely furnished, fireproof build ing. This Is a very good placs and they get cood prices. Owner wiU sell for $1100 and give terms to responsible people. SEE LAMONTE (WITH) PACIFIC AGENCT, INC. 614 Swetland Bide ANOTHER GOOD BUT 17 rooms, h. k.. good location, hot and cold water in all rooms. 2tt Tear lease, mod erate rent, good income, owner going on farm and will take $1600.- $1075 down, balance to suit ' FEB LAMONTE (WITH) PACIFIC AGENCT. INC 514 Swetland Bldg. LOOK AT THIS S rooms, h. k clearing $60 and 2 living 'rooms, moderate rent and good location, close in. , $750 takes it 8B5U down, balance zo per month. SEE LAMONTE (WITH PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 814 Swetland Bid. ;. HERE'S A GOOD ONE 34 rooms transient A h. k., rent only $60 per month, receipt $350 per month, brick bide. Look this up. . - ' SEE LAMONTE (WITH) PACIFIC AGENCT. INC. - 514 Swetland Bldg. See the Rent! Ten rooms, an on on floor, rent only $16. clear over $1 00 per month : if sold at once. $645. eaay terms. Machine to show yoa around in. Peters. 1 5 fN. 5th St. . - Transient House Fourteen rooms, brick building, in heart of west side, (team beat clean as a pin, always fuU; if sold st once. $845, terms. Peters, of . M ... , TOurrs, X9 om in.. i FURNISHED rooma, besides kitchen, dining -...-I -...4 AlfU., Iin. m - r. shmil IA persons per meal, in good locality, cheap. $1000. t nariea varaner, pi is xtroaaway oiaa. FOB QUICK-SALE 8 room well famished, low rent cad fins close in location. A snap at $650. Terms. gee La Monte, 64 Swetland bldg. W'ANTED from owner, at once. 15 to 20 rooms on -west aide. AU housekeeping. H-4Q, Journal. BUSIKESS OFFORTTjyiTIES t$ BUSINESS SERVICE Main 8797. 601-2-8 Oregoniaa bldg. CaH at oor office; we have what yon desire. BUSINESS SERVICE. Main 6797. . 601-2-8 Orecotuan bldg. FOR SALE, rent or and A SO-bbL water power flour and feed mill, roller system, lo cated in R. R. town, ons of the best sections ia Oregon. Address owner. AX-2 58, Jonrnsl. WANT to meet soms people who would like to tn on pre-organixatioa stage of oil com pany. Have man in Texas locating and excel lent prospects. U-282, Journal. GOOD paying transfer business. Will sell tt - interest for the money of the machine. Call between 5 and C. 840 Washington st No phone esus. OPPORTUNITY awaite party with $5000 or $10,000. ; Take active interest; handle your own . money. We should clean np $25,000 a year. P-81f, Journal. - SHALL cash grocery and notions; dandy place for man and wife; living rooms; small rent; $0O buys; no agertta. E-262, Journal. HALF interest in small factory juat started doing cood business, price 81400. Inquire at resiaenoe, 14ZO Madrons st.. coruand. SMALL general store, good location and business. cneap rent, living room, uwner wants to! reurs. -4, journal. ROAD HOUSE 'SITE Largs honse. orchard, tweeds, on electric and highway. Tims lease. W-SJT, journal. WAREHOUSE property. 100xi 00, trackage in front, 4 houses thereon; West Side. Will take residence or ranch. - 309 Chans.' of Com, GARAGE for aale in email town, close to Port - tend: service car inclnded, reasonable. Phono Columbia 1187. ---.- -,. .; -, WILL lease garage lone term.' K-622, JournaL ; ;" BUSIKESS OFFOBTUTTITIF.S t$ CIGAR. CONFECTIONERY AND ICS CREAM ..... PARLOR ' This is a high class plaes in heart f wast Side, rent very cheap, $30 month, with 5 year lease, good fountain, nice table, chair, ladies' parlor, telephone booth. Thia place catering to good class trade; stock just Invoiced 1160O. Xbia Is an excellent place for refined people and ia making good money. Rags, tapestry and all goes at 13600 very cheap.' SPARKS-STEVENS CO..'. J Maia 3433. th and Washington. Suite 811-12-13 Wilcox Bklg. MILL AND LUMBER YARD ' In thriving Oregon town. Want a man who has had experience, who wffi pot ia some money snd assist in the management This place has excellent opportunities. Well equipped with machinery. Good yards, : lumber sheds ( and bandies aU kind buikUng material. $3000 pay ment wiU put you in equal owner. Man's ability consideved more than the money. SPARKS-STEVENS CO.. . Suite 611-12-1$ Wilcox Bide ' Msin 5433. ; 6th and Washington. SOFT BRISK AND LUNCHES Positively clearing $200 month - above sal ary. Well equipped, cood location. Rent paid for 8 months. Can give lease. . Will sell or trade for property that does not need owner's time. Price $2000. ? - - SPARKS-STEVENS CO., Suits 811-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8433. - 6th and Washington. POOL HALL. 4TH ST. Eight tables, large showcases, 2 cash regis ters, fountain ; rsnt $80, long lease; fins, coing place, making, big money. If you are in the market will ahow books er saU en trial and prove the business. Owner compelled to go east to live; very good opening. Price 13SOO. Main 6483. 6th and Washington. SPARKS-STEVTlNS n. . Suite 511-13-13 Wiloox Bldg. $6000 BEST ball in Astoria for dances, lodg, ete.i 50x100; 3 floors; en main business street; 2d floor contains 8 2 and 3 room spta., furniahed and bringing in big revenue; 8d floor beautiful ballroom, eomplete, in every detail; ex cellent oiportui.ity for good teacher, long lease, low rent ; big money can be mad here. Other in terests demand my attention. B. Jones. 89 Lau relhurnt sve., Portland. GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLEANING IS5 PRESSING. Larxs room, can be made bic business; on Washington street; good, clean stock. Price $2700, or invoice; rent $60 with lease. Maia 6439. v- 6th and Washington. SPARKS-STEVENS CO., Suite 611-12-1$ Wilcox Bidr. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUSINESS In larg market Slatalla, 5 year tea; ons of owner U going to Earope; will guarantee this piece ctearea sizuu aujmg Marcb; will stand every in vas Oration and aell on trial. , SPARKS-STEVENS CO.. Main 5483. . ; 6th and Washington. Suite 811-12-1$ Wilcox Bldg. . . : PARTNER WANTED Soft drink snd cards. Goad West Side loca tion. Cost $2500 to equlD. Doing large busi ness. Will sell tt interest to cood rustier, not siraia or work, lor 1700. Main 5433. - 6th and Washington. SPARKS-STEVENS CO.. Suite 611-12-13 Wiloox Bldg. PARTNER WANTED GARAGE Brick building, good location, rent 8100; 2 year lease. Gas station, 7 5-car ' capacity. Serv ice car, good stock and tools. Plenty work. Price $1250 or will trade for city property. Maia 6433. . 6th and Washington. SPARliS-STEVENS CO., Suite 611-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. wiurfffiuai nivnn Third street location. Three people working. Cleared $6300 last year. Fhttnres worth price sak ad. Good stock and all for $1100. SPARKS-STEVENS CO.. Suit 611-12-13 Wiloox Bldg. Main 5438. 6th and Washington. irtr . r. w r-r n t. MEAT ! MARKET Established 5 years. Doing good business. This place will make all money asked for it in three month. SPARKS-STEVENS CO.. Suite 511-12.18 Wilcox Bldg. Msin 5488. 6th and Washington. CANDY KITCHEJ " AND FOUNTAIN- Good stock candies, syrups, fountain and aU esndy making machinery. Making good profit Price $1800, worth more. SPARKS-STEVENS CO.. Suit 611-12-18 Wiloox Bide. Main 5488. 6th and Waahington. RJnt 30- Long lease. Positively ' clearing 8300 per month. Price $560. SPARKS-STEVENS CO., Suite 611-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. Msin 6433. 6th and Washington. osasiuaitiB iieautiful country plaos on electric and highway is available for senator turn. Splendid place for rest or mOk-eare prop osition. Twenty-five , minutes' rids. N-636. Journal. BUSINESS OFFORTUITITLES WANTED $ IF YOU WISH TO BUT .OR SELL yonr hotels, spsrtmsnt and rooming with us. W get results. DORCAS CO.. 926 N. W. Bank bldg. List ho MOITET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 17 installment plan is the . best and snrv method "l paying a loan. $83.26 per month for 86 saoatbs, o 321.34 for 0 saonths er 815.17 for 90 months, pay $1000 losa sad cotsreet Other smonnts tn ptutwiUoa. Ws loan on improved city propirty., Or for building purposes. No commission charged, EQUITABLE SAVINGS aV LOAN ASSOCIATION m-m eisrs St., a-orxianq. JT, MONET TO LOAN on real estate security si going rate of tntereet OTTO 1HABK8ON REALTY OO 418 Cham bet of Oommeres AGENTS ; OR OWNERS I have large amount of private money to loan today. Low rate. 525 HENRY BLDO. MARSHALL 5858. MONEY TO LOAN on improved eity property at 6 and 7 per cent lot J. S. Well Co.. ageniw, 04 kj. a j, oiog. $300. $400. $500. $600. $780 snd an. W as rates, quick aeUoo. Gordon Inveetmest Co., oil Ch. of Vom. Msfa 6446. CASH paid for snortgaces sad ssUers aontrsets oa real estate ia- Washington or Oregon, fj. B. soms, 010 LAtmbermens bldg, $$60. $360. $400, $40d, $600 snd Wrget aatonntst . currant raws quick action. Fred w. wermaa fas vnamber of Cemmre 600. $1000. $1800 and 43666 to losa" ai ana i?c- v. n. Axerson. 410 Henry bide . Msin 7348. BUILDING loans on city or sasurban proosTtyT money advanced ss work ninsississ w 1 Back. 318 snd 316 Failing bldg. Mala 8407. MONEY to loan In amounts of $100 to $6000 oa eity property. - A. H. BELL. Room 10-11. Mnlkey aid 1500 AND up on ral estate, no brokerage. rui 0001 MONEY for mortgage loans. $500 to $6000. 6 snd 7 Fred8. Williams, 93 tt , ,1st st cauu. covu, 670V, fiow ao ennv. action, wsrq, 407 spaidinc bide. $300 TO $3000, no commission. Main 1166. F. H. DESHON. 616 Chamber of Comraeree. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 . . Louis BaioBsoa 4k Co.. 408 SelBag bldg. WILL pay cash for first mortgage oa improved property, sv-zsv, journal. $550O-$50O-$3500-$2600; 7 per cant East ova a. SEE OREGON 1NV. ak UokTUAUB XA. i2i ammber e Coes males. ,U and Stark. MONEY , TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES $7 Do You Need Money? Leans mad oa . aatoaaobOes, diamonds, pi. o. household eoada mm ssitUst a, wm BWenrtty araslly left la your possession; ALSO to SALABISD PEOPLB oa their not with at security. If yonr payxasats to ether loan sompaniaa or oa furniture or automobile con tracts arc larger than yoa can make, ws will pay tbesa axv advance yoa more anoney if aeees easy, and yoa caa repay - as ra eaaaU ssoataly payassnu to (uit yonr soavealenea, LEO AL RATES. No DELAY BUSINESS avTl.lOTLtT OONFlDKNTIAt, PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY tl!nnsU . 306-607 Dekum bide 828a, . , " . AN8 Chattel AN 9 jKlf ' - Oa saort ootieo to sslaned or worklngmenra their ewa notes. Wsakly. eeaxt-weekly or saontbly paymsnts. Each transaction strictly soafldentisl S.O MORTGAGE. KO INDOcUtElt ABSOLUTELY ' aio StKllCBITV W also toaa oa beosahold fur ni tare. mm . maim 1 iai 1 al. - ; CALL AND TJITESTIGATB COlAMtBXA DISCOUNT COMPANY - LICENSEI 319 Faihnc bide. FORTLAN1V atCMEDlAL LOAN A81. V tsfbltshed by Portiaad Basin ktsa v to Protect the Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PlANOftV HOUSEHOLD FCBNITURS - .. Otr cod Coojitj Warrsnu l.sihsi tor Faes -Vsaa. CARSCr : MYERS HERB MAN, MOB, - - 894 STARK ST. MONEY to losa oa diamonds, lew try ; lecai rat; aa . crueles beid a year: setsbnshsd ass. van aaarz. csa wasmaartoav . LOANS vV ANTED $9 WANTED From private party,' $2500, A-k security. Main 2338. ftletten. 61 E OHKGON INV, es MORTGAGE CO, ail Chamber of Commeres, 4 th sad Stark. , . . .... '' . ' ' - - ' . 1 , r LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANT ISSUE OF BONDS ' FULL MARKET PRICE ', . SEE E. BURK1TT. 8ECRETART, OREGON BONIWk MORTGAGE CO.. . 313 SELLING BlKj, (8ECO.VD FLOOR) . CORNER - SIXTH AND ALDER 8TS. I WILL BUY ANY I4BXXTT BOND- at ""', 99 PER CENT W FULL CASH VALUE (AS due coapoa intersst InchidsdJ. : J. H. KEATING. PIT BOARD OF TRAD - BEFORE SELLING TOUR .. Liberty Bonds Secure Our Prices W buy and sell all Issues . .. G. E. MILLER A CO.. - ' 205-8 Northwestern Bsnk Bldg. , Main 419$ BONDS BOUGHT - - ; SFOT CASH ' ): SPOT CA8B CASH FOR TOUB RECEIPTS -Mau bonds to ass; we remit return sssJL ": Oom to 725 Gssco Bldg., 6th and Aid. CELLARS-MURTON CO. HORSES, YEH1CLES, ETC. It JUST ARRIVED : Consignment of the best horses ssen fa Fort-? bind this spring; well matched teams from 4 to T years old, -weighing from 1250 to 1700 lbs, Will exchange for home, cattle or mules. -ail- stoos guaranteed ss represented, liberty bona and approved notea acceptable; also hsvs a team, 1100 each, wagon and harness left hers to be sold for $110, suits bis for deli vary or ranch5 work, party gone east Ons team, farm wagon . and harness for $200. More horses than any S barns in Portland for sal. Exohangs s to mm ,7 i,w urn J , wees r siOOIfl. CROWN STABLEB, 286 FRONT ST. ' " PHIL BUETTER. GOOD outfit for hlghwsy work, team, 7 snd 8 years old, cood heavy harness and 8tt-' inch wagon : this team la sbsohitsly sound nd -true to work, blocky wullt and hsavy boned,., well matched in color, work like ons hone. . take and try them and suit yourself. Jos tha i niacKsmnn, ata snd Hswtnoras ava. . - TWELVE head of mares gnd geldings, all good workers snd Cntls. 3 logging teams. 1900 lbs., sgs from 4 to 10 yean old: alio 4 ebssn horses for nlowins. a few sets of ehean work harness and farm wagons from 3 tt to 8 tt. Call . - J A-l. . 1 ( Phons East .8227. 9 HEAD of eood vnnne farm honea. weteht ' from 1200 to 1800, ag from 4 to 9; all goon worxsrs sna gent is; tgrm wagons, a sets ot naraess, 1 buggy i will sen cheap er trad for esttls or light car. Woodstock ear to $98 roweil st TEAM, weight 100 lbs. each, with narnsss and , ranch wagon ; Just moved in from th country ; must MIL Mr. Richardson, 392 Knott t. halt block eeat of Union av. J, Johnson, , 868 GENTLE sorrel horse, sound, rid and . drive. 7 years, 1000 lbs., $60.. Single and double harness, $7 and $10l nioe light wagon with top, $20; buggy, $8. Monta villa car to Stark at; walk 8 blocks west to 1918. TEAM of mar and harness cheap ; weight : 3000 lbs., corner T2d and McCoy. Take Mount Scott car. Gst off at Trsmont Bos 415. U. 8. STABLES. 248 'Front st, has a lot of Cood horses and mar for sals. 1 team. wagon snd harness, $330, It taken at ones. U. I. Williamson. FOR SALE Team. 2400. lbs., and heavy set of barnes. . Also team bf horse, , Z 1 00 Ine. On black Percheton 8-year-old colt 1000 lbs. Must sell. 395 17th and Columbia sts. Room fi. ONE MARK, buggy and bsrness, for $68. Wood ysrd Stables, E. 9th and Hwthornsw Pbona F.ast , FOR SALE Complete farm outfit oonsiating of horses, wagon, -baraeas and toola. - G. W. steteaii, ton tuv. it. . r 1000 SETS of - wen s harness, must bs sold la th next 80 dy..'f-irdles of oost Closing ant entire stock st 210 1st st 2600 LB. team, blocky built mare and borae. wun gooa-narne ana farm wsgon, cheap. zoi Mesa sc. a. rortiana car. ONE 8-year-old mare, weighs 1100 lbs., with single wsgon harness. $65, 8742 65th st D. n. noounuics car. PONY 7 years old; can be worked anywhere. rroe norseoaca. p,q a,. Ztst St. DEAD borseas-Ukea" quickly; cash paid for sows and eripplev horses. Tabor 4208. HOUSE and wagon. $1.6 0 day; 3 horses and wagon, aa. i, Cohen, 64 Front Main 3908. DEAD horses end animals battled away free. Call Wood Is wn 20. Portland Rendering Co. VANT to buy' light farm wagon i state price. pprnns. itoute a. nnsrwooq, ura, LIVESTOCK i II AUCTION SALE Manor, Wash., 1 " mil. : nortiieast 01 vanoouvsr, . via. Minnsbsha, Thursday, April 24.. 10:90 a, ra. 17 milch cows, $ to 7 years old. a lot fresh: 8 springers. all high grade Jersey; 8 S-yssr-old hslfers, eonv : ing ireah in May and June: 11 yearling belfers, 1 2-year-old resiatered Jry bull from the H. West herd, 1 high grade yearllnc red Durham bull, 1 heifer calf. All stock tuberculin tested ! by Dr. A. c Brown, one, 1000-ib. mare, 1 8-year-old colt 1 yearling colt : 6 yearllnc ' swes, - 8 Duroc-Jersey brood sows, with t trig j each. 75 full-blood Buff Leghorn hens. 1 cood j j. U. wagon, old wagon, iron wneel wsgon. top bnewv. back. cart, mower, havrake. riding cul- w tivator, 3 disc, hsck pole, sniketooth harrow, cood a new Hoover potato digger, sleigh, fan ning mill. 600-lb. platform scales, 2 jackcerews. No. 16 enailsce cutter and elevator, O, K. horse bay press, 8-borsepowsr steam engine, drags r?. 2 set double harness, set single harness, grain drilL 2-bottom 12 -inch O. O. gang plow. No. 18 De Laval cream separator. Planet Junior drill, 1000 lbs. chest seed, 400 lbs. Dent seed eorn,. 2 sacks wheat, aome oat and vetoh. lota other articlea. John B. Hisdon. owner; CoL W 8- Wood, auctioneer, Vancouver, wean. A GOOD bunch fresh cows, fresh from week,; large Durham and soma large Jerseys, extra rich milkers; 4 to 6 gala, per day. . Will sen or trade for beef cows. . 1160 Macadam st. South Portland ear to end of Una. 8 block south to KicTiaroson ave., 1 bloc seat in pasture DAIRY for aale. 15 cows and good retail route l 7iaos is so sore; caa oe rentea; ss acres in crop. Inquire Kelly's stora, top of Canyon road. lor ontui s u.u 7, FRESH cow, part Jersey ana wus, gives - sat lbs. of milk psf day. Tsks Woodstock ear to 84th st, S blocks south to square red earn FARMERS, kesv your brood sow. I will buy! - yonr pig. Fnooe aitre. at, Z, box 4J Vancouver, Wash. - - ' -- FOR wis cheap or trad for rhlckena, 3 gost , 1 bred to Tocgenberx. 1328 Borrags t, 9 9 to 12 s. m. - J FRESH dairy and family cows, all breeds J Gentle famUy cows, $65 to $76. Tsks dry snd beef cow la exchange. .751 East Ash, j FOR SALE Several good fresh family and , dairy cows; sli heavy milkers. E. : BaanssaJ Greabam, Or. - w, 1 OWNER is going away, and cow fo sal wlliks calf. Call st 228 Hooker st. T JERSEY cow, is 3 tt caifc per day. 1650 K. Xlst U t . i GOOD milch cow for aale. 2 ynrliac bcUar aa w. freseott st. aa. m. ertssan. FOR SALE Fresh cows. On th Csnyoa n Inquire Keuy stora. - - FOULTRT. FIOEONS. PETf STOCK tl IF YOU WANT some cheap rabbit. 8 Flemish Giant and 7 New Zealand Reds and 1 oacs : TEdRofGHBftD Black' Minorca ' hatcblnd eggs. Mam mouth strain. Columbia leou rvii. IDEAL incubator' for ssls. 140-ccc. .196 fnl tie TO 40 per lb. for chicken; sgg 44e; wiij tela an immiM. Main Slit. Hoar. Ill Front st - .' ' 1 WHITE LEGHORN chicks, finest in Am erica, $25 per 100T. Master Incubator Co., e3 Woodlswn 4844. BARBED ROCK baby chicks. Tabor 1269.: . 161 E. Hist t. N. O. A. C. LEGHORN eggs, 15 for $1.2$; also Japanese bsntsms. mwr 4i, BLACKMinorca setting ega. NorUirup trsto Colombia o. BARRED ROCKS Why chick for ssle. CsQ : HIMALAYAN rabbits, 4 months old, very fine stock. 78 T Oregon st. , . . . 1 J. ANDERSON, - 469 - Goldsmith, at, Flemi Giant raimiU for sets efieap. ALL. kinds of live and dressed rabbits. rhespT Stan 7. 3d. Tsmblll sts. Tel. Wsm 1188. ' t ELLINO oat rsbMU; n crade. Viola CossscT, 164 Wt KiilMigiiwovtn.. BARRED ROCK and Red chick. 25e each.: Tshor 4070. feHODE ISLA 'D RED batchiag erg, cood lair- ' ing strain: reonbl. Tsbor 6736. ' (COBtihied 0B FOllOVflBS ' FINANCIAL