U V. Ti T-STATE FOR KAI.K HOUMK8 ' ROSE CITY PARK My Specialty- I make a specialty of Bom City Tark bunga low . homes, ranging in price from $2759 to $9000. Our. auto U at your service. Let me know rear want and I will send a salesman to inter view you at your home and wiil ahow you pho tograph ot tba bungalow. If you wish, ran at my office for any informa tion you may desire. F, Vanduyn GIB Chamber of Commerce. ;': Main 1955 ROSE CITY DISTRICT mmm $2830 Modem room bungalow. No. 686 E. 48th, near Siskiyou. Vacant; ready to -' . more into. LAURKLHURST 14500 Modern 7 room residence, at 1186 E. Oak. near 3UUi st. Now vacant; ready to more in. RICHMOND DISTRICT (3200 Modern. 8 ri.om bungalow. No. 2720 K. 43d. near Clinton. Now vacant; ready to jnor in. $8800 Modern 7 room "residence, corner lot, hOxlOO, fruit tree, improved streets, t all paid for; good furnace and garage; may term. Monthly payments. Vacant lota in all parts of the city: will fur nish money for building. . . Lot, 60100, E. Madison at., between 89th and 40th; price 80o. term., v Ixrt, 60x100. E. 4Jora at-, between 30th and 40th; price 55, term. v Lot, 60x100; E. Broadway, between 27th and 28th st.; price 9S5: all. liens paid. . WILLIAM ;. RECK. 215 Failing building. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3000 TERMS Lsrg 5 mom bungalow, large living and dining room, firelare. built-in bookcases, Dutch kitchen, cement bsaeuient, lot 60x110. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 3900 TERMS Strictly modern bungalow, 7 rooms and bath, 1 Vi atory, oak floont, beautiful built-in con veniences, cement basement, furnace, fireplace; must be seen to be appreciated. . Open Sundays 10 a. m. to 8". m. Evening call Woodlawn 831. Stanley ti. Thompson Co. SOS Oak st. IT VII.I, PAY FOR ITSELF 8760, 500 down, $30 per month will bny, right here on Columbia St. near 16th, on the went skle, a 2-famtly flat that will rent for 840 "per month, and yon can bay it on monthly pay menu of JS0. Why, thia ia close in. It's a, er.ap. It doesn't take nerve or judgment to make money on this. Ton can t 1oe. The lot la 37V4xl0O. You can't replace the flat for the money. SEE . FRANK L. McGUIRE : TO BUY YOUR HOME AMngron Bidg. Main 1068. Main 5150. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS a-:hk .v' a wonderful bungalow . Jiist a block and a half from the car, on Harold are., on a very sightly location, over looking the Reed college and all of Portland, is a practically new bungalow. The kind you often atop and admire., but seldom find for sale. Very artistic, bungalow line. Best of material and workmanship; very modern: has a homey at mosphere that will appeal to you. Price 4500. Terms. See FRANK L. MeOUTRE , To Buy Your Home. Arlington bidg.. Main ,1068. Main M5. Office Oien Evening and Sundays. OVERLOOK BUNGALOW -A BEAUTY .. Modern to the minute.' 6 rooms, finished .tjrouehout in old' ivory, hardwood floors, .all built-in conv., fireplace, full cement basement with Al furnace, full lot, good garage, nice lawn and shrubbery, hard surface st. in and paid, excellent view of city; thia is open for inspec tion Sunday bet. 10 a. m.' and 3 p. m., 000 Overlook blvd., bet. Mason and Skidmore; Mon day, call Main 66T. C. A. WARRINEB. RITTER. I.OWH A CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade bidg. ' IDEAL HOME ALBERTA BPXGA MV. 280rt, 500 CASH. REAL CTaA.HHY RMS.. MODERN AND ARTIMTIC, ON PAVED 21ST ST, SO MB SNAP. BLOCK CAR. MAIN 4803. G. 0. UOLDENBERO. ABINGTON BLDQ. "35 Years in Portland. BUILD YOUR HOME - NOW! . " ' IN LAURELHCRST I have few choice lots close to the Park and club grounds. If you have some cash, I will furnish the lot and finance) the building of your home. Don't pay fancy prices for an old hone. Phone Sunday and evenings. East 2080 o? Main 1700 ask for MR, DKLAHUNTY. ' 270 H Stark St. 2750 100X100 HOME 2750 Good substantial 5 room house, large front porch, which enamel plumbing, wonderful fruit, flowers and shrubbery, which has taken yean to grow; 6 large grapevine. fruit of all varieties. E. Burnsida rt, clone to 50th. Good macadam street. o00 will handle. See FRANK L. MeOUIRB To Bur Yonr Home. Ahlncton bids.. Main 1008, Main 6158. r- Office Open Evenings and Sunday. BIX-ROOM bungalow, hardwood floors, large fireplace, built-in' buffet, breakfast . room, wood- lift, cooling closets, cement basement, splendid furnace, laundry trays, cement walks, paved streets. 5l 4Hd .. . N.. llr-tnmi.nl add. Worth 4500. Will take 750. terms. Must be sold Monday. W. U ROBB, 414 Pit tock block. Phone Bdwy. 874, or residence. Tabor R829. 2500 Piedmont $2500 B room bungalow on beautiful 50x100 lot; fruit and berries in abundance, nice lawn and roses, also chicken house; vicinity of car barns; a cosy home. Open Evening GEO. .T MOORE CO.. 1007 YKON BLPG. . $5500 Irvington bungalow, 7 room, modern. 5500 Hollsdsy Park corner, 7 room home, s.txno Laurelhnrst, 7 room bonse. eta. paved. S7H00 I,ureihurt, 9 rooms and garage. 4 95U Rrme City. T room bungalow, garage. $41X10 Walnut Park. 1 room house. - 40OU 7 room house, 24th and Davis sts. HAS. BINGLER it CO.. 225 Henry bMg. V500 CASH, balance $20 a month and interest, buys 8 -room house. : strictly modern, on paved Street: total price $2800. HEADQUARTERS FOR EXCHANGES ' . . JOHN BROWN. 824 Railway Exchangx Mdc. ONE ACRK PARK ROSE 10b6 RIGHT ON CAR TRACK. Make your living on acreage and still lfva in the city. Only 500 cash balance easy terms. FOR SAI E 8 room house, aUmodem, built-in convenk-nces. liardwoad floors, gas. electricity, rietn. . toilet, full basement, garage, nice lawn let 60x100. on E, 24th stT wrto, (, w; bargaitt at 3500; fair payment down, balance easy. Photic East 6779. Sundays end evening. BIG BARGAIN ' Fine 8 -room modern houne. up to data in all respects, in Alameda. Park a best location. Price 8000; house alone would cost - more money 830 Hamblet a. See thia today. Occupied by owner. FULTON PARK DISTRICT $1500 A good, comfortable roomy old nous of .6 rooms, fairly modern, beautiful view, good lot, a bargain if yoo, can da yonr own repairing. T-880, Journal. 2500 5 ROOM COTTAGE WILLIAMS- ' , AVENUE, NEAR - ALBERTA , All improvements in and paw. - !00 down balance easy terms. Here is a snap. SMITH-WAGONER. CO.. STOCK EX. FOB SALE LOTH BEAUTIFUL building lot, out Mt. Tabor way' tiarP?iC" 450; ctt iens paid. J-28f, Jour LOT North Sandy blvd. fenced, has some fruit trees, berry boshes and water piped in on let for quick sale. 350 cash. .E-281. Journal. ' lOR SALE Lot 60xlu0. 50; in Church st. . between 8th and Oth. Phone Wdln. 4 1 T. IRVINGTON corner lot, 80x100., neanrvinF ton and Broadway car, bargain. - East 419. BY -OWXEfy lot. First and Bancroft. $10 'per month. Marshall 4431.. GOOD building lot. Alberta, district; on easy term. Tabor 8788. ,, . ... , 5 LOTS in Peninsula No. 3 add. for sale cheap. Terms. N-422. JonmaL - FIE.loU at Oswego, close to lake, $600: terms ; phone Tabor 2082. ' lull SALE Ixt improved wit h fruit trees and sliack. Call Tabor t860. . REAIj ESTATE FOR HALE LOTS 14 - . ... I.OT BARGAINS : ,,. READ CAKEKULLY - Any lot Bated below can be handled on easy payments; each' one ta far below market; look them np for yourself; any -reasonable offer submitted. 22550x100, Killin, near Bryant, Kenton district. - . j . : 25080x100. corner E. S8th and Broadway. 300 University Park, Tale near Stanford. 350SOxIOO, E. 66tb near Tillamook, Rose City car line. - 40O40xl00, eomer E. Slat and Killings- Worth; bo, lien: 1 block to car line. $423 SOxlOO, AL 7 ad. just off Sandy, Greg ry Heights. 475 50x100. S. W. cor. E. 86th and Hart, I block to I V ear line. 650 E. . 31st near Grant. 60x100; term. 600 50x100, Wert Bid view lot. Corbett near Custer. WATCH OUR ADS. WB GET "RESULTS. BITTKtt. LOWE A CO. 201-3 5-7 Board of Trade bidg. 850 DOWN HOSE CITT PARK LOTS We hare three nicety located eomer lota, level with the street, some fir trees. AU Meal home site. Monthly payment 315. J. 1 HA H i MAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bids.. 4th and Htark. Main 208. ; ' SNAP - ROSE CITY PARK East front, ami th west corner 53d and Stan ton eta., 50x100. Price 7 SO ; streets pared, bonded, assessments only 181. J. I-. Ilart- man Company, 7 Chamber of Commerce bids., 4th and Stark. Main 208. Build Your Home in Walnut . Park Call today and select your lot as they, are selling fast. Extra inducements offered for eight new homes. Financial assistance,, if de aired. No finer location for a home. W. M. KILLINGS WORTH. Owner. 1140 Union are. N. Wdln, 8304. FOR SALE SlotM, 40x100 each; 16-foot alley; street graded; cement sidewalks; street lights: near Hswthorne car; half block south Powell Valley road; some fir trees; east front; improvement paid. $300 each for cash. By Kiier. no agents. 3620 67th. st. S. E. Take Hawthorne ear.- BEAUMONT HOME SITE E. 40th near Knott. Just think! All im- provements included in price of $800. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bidg. FOR" SALE Nice 60x100. Kenton district near Mississippi car, cheap. I will sell on easy terms and loan you money to build. Why pay rent when you can have a nice little home for $600 or $700. Call 1645 Mississippi are. Wdln. 8878. ONE ACRK $45 CASH Eight-minute walk to car, level, close to paved street,- 20-minute drive to 4th and Washington, very light clearing, good outlook. 72d st. 8. E. ; 450. $10 per month. Can give more land al same price and terms. . J. C . CORBIN CO.. 305-0-7 LEWIS BLDG. KENTON - 750 ' Terry. Just off Derby? paved st. everything paid; easy term. Isn't thi a good buy? BITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bidg. BUILDERS. TAKE NOTICE We . can sell for a short time only a few choice Irvingtc lots at one-half their former value. JOHNSTON 4k M 'HARDY, 914 Chamber of Commerce. OVERLOOK BARGAIN $700 8200 CASH Capitol near Skidmore: no liens, restricted district, fine houses all around; lota will never be cheaper; buy now while market is low. HITTER. UIWK & CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bidg. 3 IJTS, 30th cor. Halsey, fine apartment site, (1500, streets paved; alio fine lot in Alameda Park, 50x100, paved st, $723. Also nice lot, 50x100, Ivsntjoe, sec ess to 2 carlines, 375. All assessments paid; cash or terms. Room 208. Washington bidg. Owner. SOUTH PORTLAND 80x200, unly 900. $00 cash, $10 per month. 2 blocks Terwilliger school. Sewer and water in. Why go far out when such an attractive bargain is ottered ycur 853 Garco bidg.. Mar. 8125 ARE TOU looking for a homesite, then let us ahow you Collins View tract and Kirkpatrick Collins tract, west side; city water and gas; will furnish you money to build. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bidg. 100x100 MT. TABOll West side, level; $1300. including improve-rm-nt. 50x100, same, locality, all in orchard, 000. - J. C. COB BIN CO.. 305-6-7 LEWIS BLDG. FINE LOT 8210 . 7.50 down. $7.50 .monthly, buys fine lot 60x100, ta Montavilla Fred German Co.. 722. Cham, of Com. Open evening and Sundays. A LOT SNAP 60x100 on Stephens st., near E. 20th. right bsck of the Btirrell residence: sewer in; can sell for short time for $650; terms. HITTER. LOWE- A CO. 20I-8-5-7 Board of Trade bidg. 3 LOTS in Peninsula 2d addition (75x100) all for M50; or half f37Hxl00 for $250. Lueddemsnn Co., 813 Chamber of Commerce. Main R967. IRVINGTON PARK LOT 60x100. cement walk. $400; 'only 3 blocks from Alberta ear. A. IL Akerson. 410 Henry bidg. IRVINGTON, 100x100, N.- E. corner 18th and Bra zee. Beautiful residential site. Cost 5200. Sacrifieo, J4000. Clear. Terms. Owner. Main 4 602. - . , t300 - Fine 50x100 corner, Glenn and Jarrett, near Kennedy school; cement walks and curbs paid; 50 down, $10 month. ' BITTER. 1X)WE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bidg. ROSE CITY PARK LOT One block to car, 50x105, southeast corner bf 57th and Stanton: price 750. Tabor 6533. LOTS for sale; bargain; 25x100, sidewalk, curbing and graded streets. Only $110. Marshall 266. FOR SALE 4 lota corner, one block S. R. C. carline. Gregory . Heights. by owner. Call Bdwy. 2794. FOR sale or trade; 2 full lots in Argyle Park, 74th and Sandy blvd.. for house and lot, bal ance cash. Call Broadway 8106. $5O0 Fine lot Clinton near 43d st... terms, take Liberty bond.- J. H. McMahon, 260C East 43d. Tabor 6361. 50x100 FIFTH, near Lincoln,; 50x100, 13Ui. nesr Tillsmook; 35x100, 16th, near Overton. Broadwsy 2332. 2 UNENCITMBERED loS 663x1 00, Univer sity Park addition, (050. Call E. H. May. Woodlawn 2766. LOT on Montgomery drive. Portland Heights, for sale cheap or will trade for auto. N-427, Journal. " FOB'S ALE 2 lota 40x118, $210 each, terms if. 5112 72d st. TWO lot. 80x100. rhesp. in South Portlandl Chas. Gardner. 812 ifroadway bidg. ACREAGE FOR SALE 6 acres. 2 acres- beaverdam. place mostly cleared, 4 acre in grain, family or chard, all kinds small fruit, half bungalow house. weH. good barn, other outbuildings, 3 hi miles to station, stores pootoffice and high school; price (1500. Owner, Errctt Powell, Battle Oround. Wash.,' H. 2. 15 MINUTES OUT - 5 room house and 2-3 acre just a few blocks from Multnomah ststion; price (1200. easy terms." FITZGIBBON A CALWAY, 401 Board of Trade. . , 3 ACRES, located H mile from station, 17 miles from Portland, 8 room house, chicken house and park. This property all in clover. ulrfcens, wood and tools with this place. Price 1 tllAn tftns ... -1. u i : . i . t -t r erguson, ttemnger Mdg. $150O ! 8-room house and 4 acre. 2 acres in cul tivation, fruit and berries, ideal chicken ranch, creek running through place, 3 miles of Sber wood. Call Sellwood 8588. 480 E. 34th at. 2 ACRES. 4 ROOM HOtlSK 4 blocks from O. E. station. 23 minutes out, easy terms. k FITZGIBBON CALWAT. 401 Board of Trade. - 6-7 BOOM semi-modern house with 1 to 3 acres. Also separate acre tracts at Metzger. Can build to suit. Prices reasonable. Johnson. Main 5295. . DABNEY PARK For beautiful home site, on Columbia River high wsy. See ua. Dsbney Investment Co., room 1. Worcester bidg. - . 10 ACRES for sale, about 1 mile from Mul nomah station. 4 blocks from paved road, nice creek running through the place. : Price 32800. T-806. Journal. ' 8 ACRE tract, 8 acres cultivation, good rock , TPd; mi., paved highway. ,13 mi. Port- lnd sightly ; lowest priced land nesr Portland. 3150O, terms. ; Phone East 7533. 31.1 Rosa at FOR SALE. TO acres at VirglniaPlace7unim- PTOTed easy terms. J. D. Falier, phone East BvO, -. f - - - ; ACRES acre, 4 acre. 3373: cultivated: aightly. water, no gravel. Kennedy school. Alberta car. 1219 N. W. Bank bidg. FOR SALE -6 acres. close In,- on good mac adam road and good car line., " Will make ymandsell reaaonable. Phong Tabor 8823. BEAUTIFUL homesite, 12 - acres on west aide - I'acifie i highway; - house, barn, , fruit trees. -vwv, est; Terms. I a Dor igu. RENT pasture.! Lako Grove. Marshall 3441. BKAt ESTATE ACREAGE 47 - .. ACREAGE 25 Acre on Canyon road one mil east of Beeverton. houae and barn. 10 acres cleat, spring water and creek, , 812.B0O. Would take etty property . m part. 3244 - Acres in Washington county, t mile west of Davie station, about ft acres clear. Ho buildings. , 83250. Will trade. ' 20 Acres northwest of Limn ton, onimp roved, some timber. 82000. - - "-47H Acres near United Hallway and Tumtel spur, unimproved, creek, hilly, f $5000. Will trade. i ' : 20 Acne northeast of Lents; close to city lim its, level, unimproved. $12,000. 160 Acres of sugar pine and white cedar timber, carrying four million in Humboldt county, California. 84000. . OREGON INVESTMENT MORTGAGE CO. 222 Chamber of Commerce BMg. YAMHILL COUNTY ACRES 40 or SO acres, north of Sheridan, county road, part dear, all good land, some fine tim ber, very near level, $50 per aero, easy terms. 70 acres north of Willsmins. running water. part cult., fine soil, 8.5O0.00O old timber. A-l fir cord wood, close to macadam road, 32500: easy term . - 160 acres north of Willamlna. about 100 acres can be cult., running water, lots of grass, will seU for 81600 next 10 days, down. is tnimocT of uonnorr. SEA-WOOD REALTY CO. SUB-DIVISION PROPERTY 20 acres on Terwilliger drive, just west of Multnomah station, ideal 4or acre tracts and lota. This should grow Into value in abort time. Property on this highway n desirable and there is good demand for small tract at good prices. We are authorized by tue owner to offer this tract for 813.000 with 84000 cash, and long time on balance -at .low rate of interest. ' Better investigate this. - . ; RITTER, IAJWK CO., C IL WOODWARD. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. BEAUTIFUL CGUXTRY HOME 20 acre, on electric line, close to paved highway. 17 miles out. fine modern licuse with bath, toilet, electric lights, water pressure sys tem tkrouehont buildings ami grounds, concrete floors in barn, chicken and bog houses, fine soil. trout stream, nome orctiam snu uioneana oi nnes. ftowere and all kinds of shrubbery and manv beautiful tree. This place represents an investment of 311.000. but tor cuick sale I am authorized to seU at $7000. JOHN E. HOWARD. 31 tHim. or Commerce. ACREAGE 6-room house, chicken houses, barn, 1-acre private water plant. Price 82500. X 6-room house, 14 acre, $1600. 106 acres. 65 in cultivation: 11-room house; acetylene light all over the house; new (800 barn; water in house; tntn, etc.: orcnara; -u miles Eugene, 12 miles Cottage Grove in Lorane valley. Price (4500. C. 1. MILLER, Clackamas. Or. P. O. box 53. CHEAP ACREAGE 5 acres $250. S1U down. S5 per month, buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralis, on the main line of 3 railroads, 1 Mi to 3 14 miles of good little town: sawmills and log ging camps in immediate vicinity; some of this land is psrtly cleared; running stream: some bottom land, some bench. This acreage priced from $25 to $75 ier acre. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. CHARLES DELSEL, 318 Railway Exchange Bidg. HVE ACRES. SUBURBAN 31875. TERMS Near 82d st. and paving. 20-minute drive from 4 tli and Washington, best soil, no rock or gravel, sightly location. 12-minute walk to car, southeastern part of city, open and light brush; 10 per cent cash, balance to suit. As homesite or as investment this property cannot be equaled for the money today. Can also sell 4 acres in same locality, fronting on improved street. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 LEWIS BLDG. OWNER must sacrifice this 240 acres of timber land, near 3 million feet of fine timber, considerable piling and cedar. Large creek runs through the land. One mile to logging road. Some good agricultural land. An incumbrance of 8500, not all due at this time. This owner is an old man. He has no income and cannot pay it. Wants small bom in or arnnnd Portland. A. W. Eates, 202 Mc Kay building. CLOSE IN ACREAGE . Six and a fraction acres, 8 miles from Port land commutation fare, 12 V, cents; 3 V acres under cultivation; all can be cultivated, fine soil. 60 bearing fruit trees, large variety of berry bushes; 2 room house, small barn, fruit cellar, chicken bouse, small creek on bsck part of this Place. Price $3300. with 2 cows. 53 chickens, furniture, equipment and tools. See Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. 658 ACRES, adjoining good town with 2 rail roads, 23 miles from Portland, on fine auto road; 400 acres in cultivation; old set build ing and orchard, A-l soil, lies fine for sub dividing into small tracts; this is a money maker. 65.000 takes it, Vi to 1-3 cash or Liberty bonds. baL easy 6 per cent. J. R. Wolff. 228 Henry bidg. 47 ACRES FOR $1230 35 acres creek bottom land. 2 seres clesred; 3-room box house, trout stream through place: 6 miles from good town. 4 mile from sta tion. Price $1230; terms 60O cash, balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN RANCH 1800 200 cash. $10 monthly buys 2 acre, all in cultivation, small family orchard. 6 different kind of berries. 4 room house, 4 or 5 chicken houses with trap nests. This place has cost owner over $3100; 4 mile from North Plains. Photos st office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open evenings and Sundays. 40 ACRES 1650 Rich soil, spring water, no waste land: lo cated on hard road, convenient to both water and rail transportation. See A. K. HILL. 214 Lumbermens Bidg. CROP, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 27 seres in crop, fine large buildings, ma cadamized road, east of Gresham, Or. Good, rich soil, . mile to electric line. A home to be proud of. Price 36375 for everything. The improvements alone are worth the money. Only 150O cash. See Brooks, with John Ferguson, Ocrlinger bidg. -WELL IMPROVED PLACE 0 acres, 16 miles from Portland, paved road, 20 rods from station; no rocks; 4 room house, 2 cellars, hog house and 4 other buildings; 100 apple, trees, strawberries and over an acre of other fruit, all bearing. Price 2800, S1400 cash. A fine place, ready to make money. See Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. SPECIALS B acres on Oregon Electric line. 5 acres at Oak Grove. ' RICHARDS A COLLIER. 614 Panama Bidg. Main 7309. $500 BUYS this -acre near Grays Crossing. on the Estacada line. All cleared: was once psrt of vineyard. Water, light and gas. A sightly place for a home. Owner must sacrifice a she is nnable to build on it. Call Main 8500, ask for Mrs. , Taylor. CLOSE IN 2 Vj acres. 100 yds. east of Concord stn.. on Oregon City line; spring on place, $1700; trm. E. A. Brown. G. ('. T.OLllEXBERit CO.. 213 Abington Bids. 5 ACRES AT HERMAN STATION Red cars, all clesred. $250 cash, bal. easy terms. Price $1600, or will trade on bun galow and pay $r00 cash and assume. CLEVELAND, BARR. HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Main 6752. DIRT CHEAP Beautiful acre at Metzger on Oregon Elec tric, in cultivation, lies tine, cl.iee to station. Price only $350. I. D. GORDON. WITH JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 - Chamber of Commerce. A BARGAIN 40 acres. 15 acres improved. 6 acres in bearing prune orchard: the rest in good oak wood. Will sell on easy payments. For further information write to J. W., 801 View st,. The Dalles. Or. PRUNES My beautiful S-acre home, dandy bouse, near electric car and Vancouver. Wash. Very easy terms, 32300. Woodlawn 4408. 151 Denver avenue. Portland. 2 4 ACRES choice land, all in cultivation, on paved highway; good car service, SO minntes out. direct from owner. 68 1st at.. ' between Oak and Pine sts. IMPROVED 5 acres, closj in. price 32500, 500 cash., balance 815 a month. . J JOHN BROWN I 824 Railway Exchange bidg. EIGHT acres, 18 miles from Portland, on car line: exchange for automobile. 853 Harvard ft., city.: ABOUT 40 acres at Evergreen station, Oregon City car line, running water, "price 2500, part cash, no trade. Phone Bell wood 1338 FOR SALE A beautiful acre in cultivation, c carfare; easy terms. C. H. Austin, 267 Vi Oak st. Main 1743. '. . 10 ACRES. 1 4 mile from Boring, Or., all -fenced partly. 871 Castla ave.. phone C 5T58. - CHOICE acre ground with fruit. Mount Tabor district. Speer. 132 E. 89th sC Tabor 383. LEAVING town, beautiful ' 1 Vi acres, close in". m run; lerais. s3 ataln St., room 4. TIGARD sere, near station, clear, on creek" - East 6374. - I ACRE black rich soil, cultivated, fruit. 5c fare. Owner, Main 8371. CHOICE cms a acreage, good soil. - wU gated; owner. Phone Broadwsy 4648 BASE LINE road, close in. 8 acres or less: 8330 acre. Owner, Bdwy. 4407. 12 ACRES, by owner. l'Uone Sellwotwi 72C EBAL ESTATE, ACREAGE 7 $4500 Your Gain, Our Loss EXCELLENT VIEW SITE S acres iu cultivation with family 'orchard: fair 4 room bouse. 2 minutes' walk from Berths, on S. P. S. Electric and Capital Hill highway, 16 minutes by auto from Port land. $1000 will handle, v , ...... Dabney Investment Co. MONTANA LANDS Have you ever stopped to consider why there s such a 'great Interest shown at this time in Montana lands? Many people realize that the day is fast approaching; when desirable lands at a low figure will be a thing of the past. There are several sections in Montana where land values are such that any man looking for a stock, grain, or alfalfa ranch, should take time to investi gate these lands before making a final selec tion. Jf you win call t our office we can give you - full details regarding Montena lands and are in a position to show them to any in terested party. We submit herewith an average ranch: 820 acres, 800 seres tillable. 185 acres broke. 80 acres in alfalfa, all fenced and cross fenced: 4 -room house, srood barn, drilled well. good dark chocolate loam soil. Pries $14 per acre. : TUCKER Ic, SHBECK, 501-502- Spalding Bids. A SEAL SACRIFICE 160 afire thrM mile fmm n R mr.A nwM Sural route, telephone. free bus to . histi school, thickly settled community. This prop erty has been owned hv aa eastern nartv fop a long time and tha buildings have rotted down, cleared land has grown up. again. About 15 or 20 acres can be cleared very easily. I think 100 acres are tillable when cleared. Lots of springs for wster, fine soil, old orchard in fair oendition; price 811 per acre, A. W. Eates, 202 McKay building. 1 0 ACRES"" ' " TIOARDVILLE Five blocks from store at Ticardvflle, well located and some grood timber: will sell this tract for S2100, $500 cash, balance long time at 6. if you want a good location in a grow-' ing a 1st net. you bad better let us tell you more aoouc inis. RITTER. LOWE A CO., a Hj WOODWARD, 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. RIGHT IN TOWN . 4 V4 acres, 5 room modern bungalow, good barn and chicken house, cherries, apples, pears, gooseberries and currants; near 52d and 50th ave. ; rented for $600.00 per year. Price 12.000.00: moderate terms: would accept 3000 in trade and $4000 cah. . balance can stand. Best and only buy of this kind in the city. , WESTERN FARM COMPANY, 402 Stock Exchange Bidg. WHO wants a farm of 120 acres, 7 miles from R, R. town and Columbia river. On county road near school, thickly settled community. 15 acres cleared, fine soil, creek and springs, two houses, fair barn, good orchard. Will trade for a house in Portlsnd. Worth S2000 if party will assume 1250 government farm loan. A. W. Kates. 202 McKsy building. HEBE'S A REAL BARGAIN 20 acres fine level land. V4 mile from Ridgefield. Wash. House, barn, wood shed and chicken house. Good well. Only a garden spot cleared, but at least 800 cords of wood and considerable piling timber and only a short distance to haul. The timber alone will more than pav for the land. A. W. Estes, 202 Meg Kay building. 20 ACRES improved, fenced, Vi mile from Pa cilic highway near Grants Pass. Oregon; four wells, two barns, no dwelling, free water for iirigation. fine climate and best of schools. Ideal location for chickens, dairy and fruit. Price 2500; might accept Portland improved, same value. WESTERN FARM COMPANY, 402 Stock Exchange bidg. SACRIFICE sale 4 0 acres logged off- land, 33 miles from Portland, quarter mile from sta tion; 4 acres cleared, good water, no rock 'or gravel; 2 miles west of Gston; no debt. Price 4 75. Owner. 321 cor. 20th and Qulmby sts.. Portland. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 78 FOR SALE A fine Clarke county. Wash., 11 acre fruit ranch, 3 miles from Interstate bridge, on Mill Plain road, improved with a 7 room plastered house, with cellar and woodshed connected; 2000 prune dryer, barn and sheds, chicken house and yards. 1000 prunes, 100 apple, 25 pear, 20 Royal Anne cherries, peaches, plums, all kinds of berries; $2500 crop in. 1918. and eiiually aa good fat prospect. . Will eel for C680O in order to close up an estate, with V4 ca:i and balance on terms. Write or see W. S. T. iKrr. administrator of the estate of Martin Luther 8mitb, 607 W. 11th et. Vancouver. Wa-h. ' - .5 ACRES C75 Adjoining city limits of Oregon City, fine soil, not in cultivation and no modern bunsa lows on it. This place is -conservatively worth 1000 and land in the immediate vicinity In boom times bss sold for as high as $50O per acre. Do not forget we said $675 for the whole 9 acres. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chsm. of Com. Open evenings and Sundays. FOR SALE My five-acre suburban home. Sev en room house, with city conveniences, two srrgle houses of two rooms each, large barn and other outbuildings. Fine mountain view, rloe to hard surface road, car and city school. Will take small place in part payment. Call Min 214 7. GARDEN HOME SXAP 2 acres. $1300 cash if sold this week, 2 minutes' walk from sta tion, adjoining acres have sold for $1000 per acre. J. A. King. Garden Home, Or. 3 ACRES on 82d near Division, just out-iie city limits: 25 fruit tree, mostly cherry, fair ly good 5 room house, city water, phone, cas and electricity,, paved street all the way out. $5500; terms. Inquire of Elliott, 82d and Division. FOUR or five room house, with one or more seres frtrtt snd berries; chicken house: tive blocks from Bellrose on Gresliam carline. Terms to suit. io to Bellrose. inouire for Davis. OSWEGO LAKE acre, near station. Take Ford part pay. A. K. Xewby. R. 4, Beaverton. RtlBUR.MAS' HOMES 79 CLOSE to Clackamas staXion are 10 big acres of land, very highly improved, on a paved street, in the best section, practically on the Clackamas river a well. On this 10 acres, is a good 6 room house, with running water in theVhouse and barn. There is an orchard of good commercial value; fully 1 acre or more is given up entirely to the choice quality of grapes, of which last yes r more than $300 was taken in on grapes alone. The land i the best to be found arid the location of thi place is superb. This is a close enough suburb to live in and do business in Portland. TtJb prewnt owner ha acquired a competence on thi place. Fnt good reasons he offers it for sale for con siderably less than its true value. You cannot best his price : neither cau you hope to beat thi It ration. Call and let us tell you about this place. M. J. CLOHESSY. 4 L5 ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $5250 for 10 big, magnificent acres of land, tastily improved. This land has fruit of all kinds in full bearing, a new 6 room bun galow modern a you want it. cement sidewalks from the gate and all around the house, barn and chicken house, running water. This place lies in tli-right direction on a paved road almost to the place. It is in the Sunnyside district, close in. $1500 in cash, or if you have a nice, up-to-date bungalow up to the value of $2500 tliisi will be considered ss part of the purchase price. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLIXJ. i-3 OF AN ACRE OREGON CITY LINE Fine bungalow of 5 room and full floored attic, fine well, woodshed, chicken' j house and yard, lots of fruit and berries, lawn and roses; worth $4O00. but can sell for $3000; not less than 3800 cash down and $25 per month at 6 per cent interest. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 800 Oak Broadway 4133. NEAR BEACH, ON WEST' SIDE Of Willamette and not far from Elk Rock. About 1 14 acres for bargain price of CI 500. Nothing ever offered in this vicinity, at such a bargain before and the closest investigation will more than please you. KASER A RAINEi. 823 Gaco bidg. Mar. 3125. LITTLE OVER ACRE MULTNOMAH STATION Here ia fometbing extra good with all kinds of fruit and berries, 6 room bouse, bam, chicken house and woodshed, nearly ail of the garden is planted, good well: just the thing for an elderly couple: pri $2000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 808 Oak at. Broadway 4"! 33. " PARK ROSE ACRE TRACTS " Easy terms. One fine tract on pavement end cement sidewalks: 2 blocks to ear; ground all clesred.- Price only 1050. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bidg,, 4th and Stark, Main 208, ;- . ON K ACRK end 4 room bouse, outbuildings, all fenced, good well, assortment of berries, all plowed and partly planted. 2 blks. from station. Estacada line. ' A. Wallace Kendall ate. il70d"BUYK suburban home, "4 acre, -new house near eat jMmv Call owner. Mais 4091. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN UOUKS , BELL ROSE STATION 1 COUNTRY PLACE - ' TH acres, all lerel. fine sandy loam. B acres highly cultivated, 3 acres pasture. 30 assorted young bearing trees, raspberries' and blackber ries, plenty for family use. all fenced iwttn wire and boards. 2 blocks from post office, mile to school. Vi mile to church. K. F. L. paved to within V4 mile of place and rest good gravel road; good well, beaatiful 1 H -atory bungalow with 7 rooms, plastered, with hot and cold water, bath. etc. bouse is 4 years add and in elegant condition. Good barn for none or cow and about 8 tons hay. sisa of bam 18s 80, garage 18x10; small chicken, house and wagon abed. ; The price of this property is 6500, with cash 'payment of 92000, and the balance can run for 5 yean at 6 'V. - Call at our office and ask to see photographs of this plaea, C. H. WOODWABD, HITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Bidg. DO YOU waat something like thia on the west side, just a short distance west of Council Crest near the Wilcox gorgeous country home overlooking the Tualatin valley f Very well, hero is one for you. Vi acres ot the finest kind of iand, 1 V4 acres in cultivation. Ws throw m with thi a tt room house, chicken house and a good barn. The price for all of thia is only 805OO and will take tne tuu purcnase price m exchange f or an 8 or 9 room house located on the west side. Now you " people who want a valuable suburban home with lots of land and have a house of this description to trade to the value of 650O, come around and see us. sa. J, Clohessy, 415 Abington bidg. - ONLY $4750 and tt should be $6000 for 8 big acres of land, all in orchard and garden, not over 2 blocks from the river on the paved street practically to tne place, me nver mguway. There is on this land a comparatively new' 6 room modern bungalow with full cement base ment, fireplace and all other, built-in effects. There is running water, gas, bath and toilet; there is a barn, garage, chicken house, in fact, it is an ideal suburban home with all the con veniences of tbe city; $4750 takes the whole thing. This ia a forced sale and we require all cash or nearly so. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abing ton bidg. ' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 250 DOWN i About 3 acres. 5 room house, barn, wood sited etc., about Vi mile to town. 10 large cherry trees, 5 peach trees, some soft shelled walnuts, about 2 acres prunes, trees 6 inches in diameter. Got over $000 last year from prunes. $164 from cherries. Orchard well cared for. Well water; Vi miles to college, high and grammar schools. 21 miles to 1'ort lsnd. Paved highway. Fine black soil, no nck. Near drier and cannery. Price 8180O. $250 down, balance to suit at 6 per cent. Quick Sale Ind Co., W. T. Lewis, Mgr., Newberg, Or. Phone Black 190: res. Bed 183. RIGHT at Wichita station on tbe Estacada car- line are two big acres of land, nicely improved with a 6 room bungalow, modern to the extent of having bath, toilet, gas, electric light, city water, chicken house and runs; an assorted va riety of fruits in full bearing. This place is offered at a sacrifice price, 83250 takes it all and a cash payment down less than 81000. We can arrange the balance in easy monthly pay ments. Here is a chance to get a very pretty suburban home for considerably less than its true value. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bidg. DO YOU want this to build a classy bungalow onf Five big acres of land no more favor ably located on tha road- to the Columbia high way, on tbe carline which skirts along the north side of this land; it was purchased for its lo cation for the purpose of improving. The owner hss decided to sell this very choice tract snd offers it all for the low price of $250O. It is worth twice this price; it is out Fairview way; 81000 cash is all you need to become pos sessor. M. J. Clohessy, 416 Abington bidg.. WILL be in Bend. Or., all this week locating several customers on the best stock and grain raising homesteads in the U. S. Work guaranteed accurate. Land of bis bunch grass, rich soils, fine water and close to New Stra horn railway lihe now building. New country. Tremendous development. Splendid land op portunity. Write for particulars or call on my return next week. G. S. Ehle, 614 Swetr land bidg. OnUY$5S00 for 66 big acre of land highly improved, all of it on the Base Line road running back to the electric R. R. station; on this land is a good 6 room house, modern enough for anybody; under this house is a fnll cement basement; .there is a barn, chicken house and garage; there is city water, gas and electric light on the street. This place is like buying gold dollars for 60c a piece; one half cash will handle it. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bidg. FOR SALE 2 acres, all in cultivation, level ' land; house, front room, dining room, 2 bed rooms, closet, kitchen, also 2 room intended for bath and toilet; orchard and small fruit for family use; ground all plowed and in crop, ex cept small garden patch; fine place for berries, big hew cannery now under construction; worth $1500, will sacrifice for a few 'days only for $1000; less thsn 1 mi. of the city limits. Thomas A. Dickerson, Woodbuni, Or. $250 Cash, $10 Month Quarter acre, all cleared and fenced; 3 room wel; built and ceiled house ; some furniture. With a little paint and a hammer you can add $400 to this place. Six-cent fare. 10 blocks to paved road all the way to city. Price-""as fa" $850. E. A. Brown. G O. GOLDENBERG CO., 215 Abington Bidg. $250 DOWN 23 MONTH $2650 ON PARKROfcE ACRE TRACT . 4 room bungalow, built about l yesr; modern bath and plumbing, plastered walls, 300 feet to jiiacaaam roaa. j. I., llartman Company. namotr oi commerce bidg., 4tu and Stark Main 208. " - WHAT'S the matter with this for $1350? V4 acre of land, no richer soil to be found, with a house which contains 5 rooms; this place is only 3 blocks from the station and practically on a paved street all the way; if you want something for about Viiits value, buy this; only $500 re quired in cash. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abintton I'lUg. FORECLOSURE Close in acre, bearing assorted fruit and oennes, large usable house, modern conveniences, positive saeni s-e. l (Hi can make money on tnts piece of property. Let me ahow you. UNION SAFE DEP. & Tit, CO.. 284 OAK H)' YOU want1 a suburban home on any of the carlines running out from the center of the city, river homes or places on the I mi Ted streets, call at the office and we will give you particulars of the places we have listed which we are sure we can suit you as to the price, improvements ana uie quantity or land you are looking for. fli. j. uonesay, sip Aoington Dldg. iOK SALE Modern bungalow, 27x42. double constructed, wcu tuii&Jied; bath, septic tank, s let ping porch: acre tract: wood house, hen house, 45 assorted fruit trees, grapes, all kinds ot oerne. roses, ornamental trees, woven wire fence. Bull Run water; public library, high scl.rol. church" and lodge, electric cars, paved roaa: aui. u. f-nner. owner. ;resram. Or. 15 MINUTES out on Ore. Elec. Ry., 6 Vie com mutation fsre. 10 min walk tn Inm- naw n.m'ern 6 room, bath and sleeping porch, a',1 citj conv.; . jots iiuiiiu; finest son, barn, chicken bouse, runs, etc.; 1 cow. An ideal home in an ideal neighborhood. 8850O; some terms.-or will trade for 1 or more acre imp. farm. Owner. K-237. Journal, or Tabor 35l ONLY 83800 for 5 big acres of lsnd. alFSf'it v., ....,.,, , m n w i v a i. t-iiw station; 11)1 isnu is all in cultivation, no richer soil to be found; there is a new 6 room bungalow, good barn, chicken house and orchard of a choice varietv of fruits coming into foil bearing; thia place is on the Oregon City carline; V4 cash will handle it. m. j. lonessr. eio Abington bidg. HERE IS TOIiH (-HAXCE" To buy a half .acre at Multnomah station for less money than a lot will cost twice as far out, on me east siae. Also a a -room houe and 4acre for 81250. Very good terms. Kitzgib- bon Cslway. 401 Board of Trade. Evenings COUNTRY HOMES If you want a home on the Oregon City car line I will locate you from a house and lot up to a mansion: aiso vacant acreage Tram 8500 to $2000. Mr. F. M. Young. Alder-Brook, Ris ley ststion. Oregon City" car line. FIVE acres in fall oats, attractive, plaotered house, furnished, including fine $650 player piano; cow and chickens, 45 min. out, S. P.. west side, abont 8 blks. from car. $3500. Will take Dodge. Chevrolet ov other late model car. or $1000 cash will handle. Mr. Repass. Main $844. A SNAP- By owner. 2 acres, finest soil, 8 mile from postoffice, out paved highway and reached by electric ear: house, garage, fine well, choice fruit trees, berries, roses and shrubbery. Price and terms right. See owner, 403 Ore gonian bidg. BUY A HOME ON CARLINE '- 1 acre ru-tie 8 room cottage. $1600. 1 acre sightly 4 room bouse. $2900. 1 acre modern 5 room house and garage. $3150. 8. O. DILLMAN. Eighth and Main Sts. Oregon CUy,Or. 5-ACRE chicken ranch. mile O. E. depot Hillsboro. all' in cult., fine large chicken bouses, orchard, 8-room house ; must be sold to settle estate: $2500 take it. ; Terms. J. B. Wolff. 228 Henry bidg. JENNINGS Lodge , V4 acre, 5 room modern . house, garage and chicken bouse; close 'to river on good road to Portland; $300O. (800 cash, balance terms. Phone week, days, Marshall 1249. or call 126 2d st. 1200 COTTAGE AND HALF ACRE On west side, 20 minutes out. 4 rooms, with gas, water, fruit trees, all ia cultivation. Easy terms. Main 724 S. A H. AKERSON. 410 Henry bMg. 14. ACRE tracts for 250 up: O. Ev By.. 6c commutation fare; easy terms; house built if desired. Phone Main 2162. William Borsch, Maplewood. Or. ; .--. 6 BOOM modern house, lust completed, on beau tiful 14 acre Lake Forest lot: 1 block to strtion; 18 electric trains daily. 10c fare: terms. B-6161. Call 312. Boa 9. Wamga, Or. 2.-2-5 ACRES, new bouse, barn, poultry house, spring. Jersey cow; 4 blocks of station, Oregon City ear. Dr. Grover, owner, Easy , terms, Jennings Ledg ' S ROOM cottage, lot 120x200, eily water, part - fenced, small payment down, balance like rent; located at Oswego. 22? N. 23d at, . . F BAL ESTATE SUBURBAN HOMES . WHERE ran you find anything like this f Tan big acres, improved to the pink of perfec tion. - All of it on the Base Lane road, paved very inch from 8d and Morrison sts. to the gate. - Tbe orchard alona la worth tha prioe and it will pay tha full price of thia land in a tew 1 years. ' Every r kind " of fruit coming into ull bearing. . Thia locality is one of the best to be found on the Base Line road.' AD ol the land ttes beautifully. You ran ban all the city conveniences, as there is city water, gas and electric lights oa the street. There is a cosy bungalow, with other necessary building. The owner ia forced to leave on account of extremely poor health and cannot remain on the - place. His loss: is your gain, and don't ponder over this. Ho offers his place for leas than half what you can buy land unimproved in the same lo cality. Call at tha office and we wilt whisper to you how low this place can be bought. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. ON the Riverdale road as well as right at the station of the red carline, on the west aide, close to tho- river, in the center of tbe elite suburban home locality. It is one of the pret tiest places made by nature to bo found. There u more than one acre -of - land and with a 4 loom bungalow, modern. ..The grounds are so improved as to attract any person's attention. It i a beautiful place; no prettier or more con venient, close in to the business center of this city could be desired. Now, all o! you who have been- pining for a suburban nome in the aristocratic section, hero it ia Not 50 feet from the station, and also on tha Riverdale road. Nothing like thi has been offered before for the low price of $4000. You must have $1200 in cash in (Oder to close the deal. This plsce should suit almost any person desiring a beau tiful suburban home. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. WHY do you look for a half-acre suburban home. the most favorably located, when by calling at this office we can save your time and trouble by dim-ting you to a large half acre, very highly immoved. fruit in full bearing. With this half acre goes a cosy little bungalow with such con veniences as city water, gas and electric light. This place is practically on a lard-surface stieet leading into 2 boulevards. It is only 5 blocks ficni the carline and station, with Sc car fare: about the same distance from a city school. Now, if you know where you can buy anything like this for $1600, there is no use of thia ad c00 in cash will be satisfactory, as we give you all the time you want on the other $800. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. Vs ACRE, 6-roora housjs. $850. $150 cash. $15 per month. L. Brackett, Jennings Lodge. FOB 8AI.E FARMS 17 A REAL HOME, 5 A. $250- DOWN Good 7-room bouse, full basement, back and front porches screened, house psinted. water in house, good barn, lot of fruit in full bearing, cherries, peaches, apples, etc. , black caps about Vi acre, gooseberries, currant, grapes, run ning water on line of place. Plenty of trout. About 1 acre oats and vetch . sown last fall. Fine beaver dam land. Keal garden land 25 miles to Portland by paved highway. One miles to depot. Outskirts of town, making taxes lower. Near college, high and grammar schools. 1 bene, harness, wagon. 2 cultivators, 1 steel plow, buggy, etc. One dozen thoroughbred. White Leghorn hens. AU go with place. Price $2500. 250 down, balance can run up to 20 years if desired, small payment annually st 6 per cent. Immediate possession. Quick Sales Land Co., W. T. Lewis, mgr., Newberg, Or. Phone, Black 190. Res.. Red 183. FOR SALE By owner: 222 acres 4 miles from Amity, Or.; 100 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber; land lies rolling and first class prune lsnd: spring water piped to house and barn: well fenced, mostly woven wire; near school; good 8 room house, 2 barns, chicken house, 3 hog houses, family orchard and small fruits: with tbe place go 30 seres spring whest. 34 acres oats, 7 acres "rye, 5 acres spuds and garden, 8 Hoistein milch cows (all fresh) , 2 heifers, 1 bull, 1 brood sow, 7 shoats (wt. 100 lbs. each), 3 doz. chickens, piano, table, range and heater, 8 bedsteads, linoleum on floor, drill, plow, binder, hack, V4 interest in threshing machine, new buggy, gasoline engine and wood saw; possession st once; price $80 per sere, some terms at 6, Mrs. Mattie Hess, B, F. D. 2. Amity, Or. ACROSS FROM H(CD RIVER 80 acre- fruit ranch. 60 acres In Newtown, Spitzenberg, Rome Beauties and King apples, be sides D'Anjou and Bartlett pear from 4 to 14 years old; 5-room plastered bungalow with bath and toilet; cost $1800. 2500-box apple house and barn: located S miles from White Salmon, Wash. This is not an abandoned, run down place but an up to date, well kept, paying fruit ranch which is just now beginning to bear and be a paying proposition. Place has cost owner $21 .00O. We are authorized to sell it for $14,000. $4000 cash, balance to suit pur chaser. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. POLK COUNTY FARMS FOR 8AI-B Two fine 80 -acre farms, all in cultivation.: no waste land, every acre good; all crops go with tbe farms; 50 acres of all fine fall wheat, nearly all crops now seeded ; all implements. Two good, modern houses, fine dairy barn; other houses; water system; silo; on two Rood wagon roads near R. R. station, in fine loca tion; 8 mile from Salem; good road. These two farms have to be sold to settle an estate. Will make one fine farm; price ia right. J. .H.. Moran. Monmouth. Oregon. ; j E"0R SALE- 80 acres, 6 miles from town, about 20 in cultivation, balance slashed and seeded, 2 good hou-ies but small, good large barn, wagon shed and outbuildings, fine family or chard and berries, hill soil fine for berries, prunes, wslnuts snd all kinds of grain and grass. Price 88000. Also 2SO acre joining, small house, about 4 acre cnltivated. 850 per acre. There are several fine springs on both tracts. For information write Geo. G. Hancock, For est Grove. Or. " THIS MUST BE SOLD ISO acres. 70 acres in prop. 6 room house, furnished; good wster. telephone in house; rural delivery; fine orchard; horses, cows, hogs, sheep, chickens and turkeys. AU farm imple ments; 16 miles from Portlsnd; S3000 will handle this farm and long time on balance. MR. MILLERSHIP. Alder Hotel. BY owner at a bargain A fully equipped wheat and stock ranch, 400 in crop, 600 summer fallow: balance in bunch grass, 2880 acres, 12 miles N. K. of Roosevelt. Wah. Price 50.000: part cash. Thi includes 50 head stock, all new machinery, at lea-t lO.OOO crop; no trade. Phone Woodlawn 4 588 until Monday eve. After address W. E. Ixrwell. Sixprong. Wah. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME 88.18 acres, sll in cultivation New modern 8-room house, full size cement basement, wash trays, toilet, bath, new bam. chicken house, good well, city water piped to place; 1-3 crop goes with place: 35 miles from Portland: Vi mile to Pacific highway on good gravel road. Price 88000. terms. II. Bond. lafarette. Or. 11 ACRES. 6 cultivated, almost level, balance pasture; 30 Urge oak trees; good spring, new buildings, fruit trees and berries, 1 acre wal nuts. 3 mile from Yamhill; 3 cows, 1 horse, 2 harnesses, wagon, buggy, farming tools; a snap if taken by April 30. R. H. Ryder. Route No.. 2. Yamhill. Or. $100 DOWN, $12.50 MONTHLY, PRICE $1600 1L1 acres logged-off land, well built 5 room bungalow in Klickitat County. Wash.: logging railroad run right through the place; volcanic ash soil; adapted principally to fruit raising. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open evenings and Sundays. FOR SALE 40 acres. 3 miles from Browns ville; 2 sets of buildings ; most all can be cultivated; 6 acres in crop; al1. level; team. 2 cows, wagon, hack, plow, harness, cultivator, sep arator all for $2280. I have some fine buys tn good farms. Write or come aud see L. B. j Morse. Brownsville. Or. ! Srnn SIAT.t- Rw nvrr in ,r. ranch T acre 1 cleared, 4 acre in crop and family orchard. 3 acres ready to plow, 2 horse and harness and saddle, 1 light wsgwi. 2 buggies, 1 Jersey cow fresh in Msy. 3 doz. chickens snd farming tools: price $lO0. half cssh. 188 K. Oth st. Call E. 1635. ' CHE SUA If DISTRIGT 109 acres with Vi-mile frontage on electric line, 25 acres in crop, large house, Z barns, all kind ; fruit, trout stream snd springs, all farm implement, binder, mower. Old age cause for offering at jeSOO. Terms B. p. Osburn, 6:1 0 McKay bidg.. Third and Stark. T GHESHAM DISTRICT 20 acres, nearly all in crop, very best of land, on good. road, fine loganberry land, small house, barn. You can't beat this at $4000. Terms. 8. P. Of burn. 610 McKay bidg.. Third and Stark. PRUNES PRUNES For sale. 155 acrea. 82 acres 6 year old prunes. 2 acres walnuts and other fruit, balance high state of cultivation; good buildings, fences, road, etc: bargain. 25.000: Vi cash; no agents. P. O. Box 165. Dallaa. Or. 80 ACBES. 22 acres pasture, balance in crop. acres good hope, dryer, plenty fruit, 15 out buildings. 30 miles south Portland; macadam road soon to be paved; some terms, part csjnh; consider some trade; no commission. Martin gather, Hubbard, Or. 8100 DOWN, 315 MONTHLY. 10 acres of rich bottom land, all in cultiva tion, good size shack, 1 V4 miles from ' Tatbot station, on Oregon Electric. Total price $1200. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Oom meswe. Open evenings and Sunday. FOR SALE 80 aere for $3600; $2000 cash. balance to suit: S140O worth of stock and ail implements ajb with place. Call 1802 Willamette blvd. Woodlawn 1088. FOR SALE 74 acre fruit farm, worth 87000. - As ray health does not permit me to work it will sell for 85000; easy' term. Phone Tabor 106. or write v. n.. 0s JE. oza Portland. FARM for sale. 820 acres, near Geraldine, Mont. 135 acres, under cultivation, half of crop if sold before July 1. Phone Woodlawn. 8072. or 265 Skidmore. 200 ACRE-farm for sale. Will take house and lot as part payment. For particulars write F. Dhooghe, Molalla. Or.. R. i. "PLENTY of good pasture, 30 -miles of Port land: $8 per head per month. U-253, Jour-J nal. - -.- 40 ACRES all under plow, good house, modern; good barn, some tools, 2 Vs miles of station; $4204. X-622. Journal. 314 ACRE stork ranch , near McMinnville, 8 springs.) f vtoustein, ill xsx, REAL ESTATE FOR HALE FARMS i: 2 4000 acres of irrigated volcanic ash ' ofl, with fully paid water rights. Lo cated 189 j ml. east ot PorUiniJ on main hue ot Union Pacific system; near prosperous town with good high schools, churches, stores, banks, cheese factories, creameries, ate. farmers on this project are pro--dudng 8 to 10 fo.ni of alfalfa per acre and other crops in proportion, and owing to climatic conditions this proj ect has the longest crowing season 'of any Irrigated section in either Oregon or Washington, Terms 25 per acre cash, balance over term of 10 years at 6 per cent. Call at office and see actual photo graphs or write for particulars. 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash, ONE of the choicest tracts tn tha vicinity. 73 acres, about 85 acres clear, 5 acres stump land, balance in timber, 5 acres English wal nuts, l'j years old, Vi acre home orchard, 1 acre in peaches, all in bearing, 8 room plastered hoUhe, hot and cold water, concrete basement, good barn and outbuildings, best of soil, no rock, commands a beautiful view of the Willamette river, 4 miles from town: price 311,000; halt cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. 60 acres. 20 acres under cultivation and In crop, 15 acres good timber, 15 acres light tim ber, hind rolling, very productive, good well, young orchard, house 18x28, implements snd growing crop go with place; price $4750; $2610 cash, buyer to assume mortgage of $2140 which can be easily handled; thia place ia in the ncinitr of Wilsonville. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO., 418 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD FARMS VALUED RIGHT 10 acrea. 6 under cultivation, barn. 6 room house, 2 good wells, family orchard, 1 bone buggy, wagon, 8 1 miles from this city; price 2500. 19 Si acres, su under cultivation, 8 room house, barn 80 by 50. famtly orchard, good wa ter, team, 1 cow. few chickens, some farm im plements, about 13 antes from Oregon City; price 84130. 80 sores, 88 improved, 7 room house, spring, barn. S miles from Orean City: 810.500. All these farms are on good roads, close to scnool ana transportation points. 8. O. DILLMAN. Eighth and Ms In Sts. Oregon City. Or. ! GRAIN AND CATTLE MAKE WEALTH For the producer when he ia located on cheap rich land with good markets, where taxes and interest do not consume the proiit. Be a pro ducer and grow rich. Thousands are now doing so. We have the proof. We can show you. The very best of term, improved, 315 TO $40 AN ACRE Easy terms. Reduced rates. Write or call for facts. UNITED GRAIN GROWERS' SECURITIES CO.. LTD , 624 Henry bidg. WHEAT FARM SHERMAN COUNTY 225 acres in good district, near big grain elevator. 200 in cultivation, 105 acre in -wheat: also has 1O0 acre in wheat on rented land; good set farm buildings, water piped to them; also electric lighted. Price for place, including all crops, $50 an acre; (50O0 cash will handle. Thia year' crop should pay a big part of pur chase price. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chsmber of Commerce. A OOING RANCH 100 acre at elevation of 1400 feet, 35 acres in commercial orcliard now bearing, set of buildings, with water, 55- acre general farm land, part now in clover, large barn and shop building, rmall creek on boundary. 10 acre stump pasture hnd: all of ranch is level; on daily stage line,'' telephone service, at school and KiwrnilL Will sell all or psrt. price $10. Ott, with term. f. H. Bates. White Salmon. Wtih. HALF PRICE 90 acre farm, nearly half in cultivation, balance fine pasture and some timber, practically level, fine creek and springs, house, barn, outbuildings, orchard, mail and cream route, phone, on fine rock auto road. 35 mile from Portland; make a dandy dairy or stock ranch; 84000 . cash takes this. J. IL Wolff. 228 Henry bMg. STOCK snd dairy farm for sale, by owner. 231 acrea, H miles east of Creswell, Lane Co., tf. About 70 acres in cultivation, balance good pas ture. Good 8 room house, good barn and other outbuildings, on good road. Hose tn school and ehureh. Running , water year around. Small or chard. Will accept some trade. 855 per sere. Reasonable terms. J-281, Journal. WH.LAMETTE VALLEY FARM 155 acre, meet all in crop, fair 5 room house, 2 barn (I of them new), 2 silos, fenced and now-fenced This place can be bought, if taken at once, fot 870 per acre.' STEWART A BUCK 318 Northwestern- Bank Hldg. HOPYARD 24 acre, trellis yard, choice land, 1 mile from good valley town. Price 80000. $4000 rash, with spot bop at 43c, contracts 1 year 32c, 3 years 26e. Place will pay for itself in 2 year. R. M. GATRWOOIt A CO . 165 hi 4tb st NEWTODAY" 120 acres close to Portland, highly Improved, paved highway, modern home, barn, alio; the best farm we know of at $200. AO per acre. WESTERN FARM COMPANY, 402 Stock Exchange Bidg. TWO ACRES, all in cultivation, running stream all year; near Oregon Electric and S. P. By.. 20 minutes' ride; house, chicken house; will give pdSHession at once. Price $1500: easy terms. Main 6882 Sunday morning; week day Main 6456; 1011 Yeon bidg. 104 ACRES, near Pedee station; fair house, a barn, water piped to house and barn; 25 acres in crop; price (32 an acre, term". HEADQUARTERS FOR EXCHANGES JOHN BROWN 824 Railway Exchange bMg. Marshall 8331 200 ACfflSTH miles southeast of Turner. Sev era! fine oak groves, plenty water, well fenced, good 8 room house, just papered. Good large barn with hay fork. Several pumps and troughs over place. Further particulars inquire of B. A Wilson. 480 South Pine St., Roaeburg. Or. FOR SALE mo acres; level, all fenced ; good, . soft water 12 ft, front surface; 4 -room bouse, mall barn, implement bouts. Eastern Ot win sen eneap lercasn, .-si, journal. $25.000 WsU - improved Newberg farm. acres. 173 acrea cultivated, wsterpower avail able, atork, implements. Terms, rrt Cash, part CHf nssveu. cf v vntmni vorouicrvc. 16V4 ACRES under cultivation. 7 V4 a. bearing prunes, family orchard, good bouse, all out buildings, 5 minutes to electric car. Phone Woodlawn 107. TILLAMOOK ... - . lOO-acre dairy ranch. Will par 20 per cent Q investment. X-4 23. Journal. 56 ACRKS fine farm land, some buildings, 23 miles out. Inquire at 6730 9 to ave, 8, E., Portland. PRUNES, bogs or dairy. 80 aere. Yamhill Co.; Vi cleared, Vi merchantable limber; $2500. Phone owner, Sellwood 40. - ' BR: SALE -V TfUdifSM, SWAN & THIDMIP80H REAL ESTATE FOlt SALEFARMS BENTON, LINN AND POLK COUNTY FARMS NEAR THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 1 lO POLK cbcNTT PAIR ' FARm! . 183 acres, all in cultivation, and in . crop, land lay good, on gravel road, 6 miles from Independence, 10 miles to Salem; 2 food farm Jouea with water systems, etol law dairy barn, 180 ton silo, horse barn and outbuildings; family orchard: a fine .place; crop, maehiaery and possession at once; price $125, pet acre. , T COUNTRY HOME NEAR SALEM ' About 75 acres, all in cultivation, land lay -" fine and is the very best of valley land: has . good family orchard, lota of nice large shade trees; has fine Urge house costing $60Q0 to build: has complete pressure water System, also light plant: large porch on 8 aides,, basement, fireplace, etc.; large old barn and other out--. -buildings: really a fine modern country home. -and it can be bought on easy terms $3800 : cash will do aa first payment; would consider . some good city property or farm up tax. $6000 or $8000. , -i ., 148 BENTON COUNTT DAIRY FARM " 145 acres on, main traveled road only 8 mite from Corvallls, 100 acres of the finest of land ' in cultivation, the other 45 acres is in open pasture; school Vi mile; has fine large farm house, big dairy barn, family orchard: a crack ing good place; price $113 per acre. ' i -y 20 PRUNES f PRUNES! PRUNES! I 20 acrea, 12 acres in prunes, laya on sloping land, wall drained: county road, 4 miles to Corvallis; small building: a real bargin ; easy terms; price (3300, $1000 cash, balance 8. Crop this year should yield $1000. I We have many farms for sale and can show you what you want. We will send accurate description of Place we have listed. Tall, ua the kind of a place you want and what terms - you want. . t KINNEY A CO., I Real Estate Broker. Corvallis, w. ! WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS ANt ' RANCHES 100 acres. 20 acres is ready for the Blow and 60 acrea more, is tillable land. Four room box house, etc. Just think of it, all for $750. .fully equipped dairy farm 37 acres, ISO seres can be farmed; has a nice new bunga low and barn. All the livestock and personal property goes with the plsce. Price 85500k m :su acres All farm land and good improve-' menta. Price 80 per acre, Vk cash aod.Ahe balance easy terms. 160 acres of logged off land House and -barn . and plenty of running water, Vi mile from a -railroad station. 5.50 per acre. 7 130 acre river bottom farm near Eugene. 80 acre in grain and hay. Haa good buildings. Price (12,000. Terms. f 224 acres 170 acrea In cultivation. Good house snd , two fine barns. Place well fenced. Only $60 per acre. 4 - 900 acre stock ranch 160 acres in cultiva tion. Two sets nf modern hullHIn.. Kll... ' etc. Good orchard and plenty of outrange. 880 See WEBSTER L. K INC A ID. 628 Henry Building, Portland, Oregon. ALFALFA FARM. A FINE. WELL-IMPROVED. IRRIGATED ALFALFA FARM. 61 ACRES. 45 ALFALFA. BO ACRES BEARING PEAR ORCHARD, AL FALFA BETWEEN ROWS. FIN B SOIL. ABUNDANT WATER, GOOD HOUSE, FINJ8 V.KLL, 2 GOOD BARNS, 1 FINE DAIRY BARN. LOTS OF SHADE TREES; LOCATED ON THE WELL-KNOWN FURNISH PROJ ECT, 2 Vi MILES HERMIATON, 8 MILES ATA VFIF.r.n. :(mn arnirut a cticdhh CREAMERIES. ETC. THE PRICK IS VERY KKASOAHLK; TERMS IP WANTED. THIS IS A PRODUCER AND WILL PAY FOR i IT--8FLP IN A FEW SEASONS. FOR IN FORM A- iiv.i, rnita, fill;., WHITE . . . 1 ;.. ONE acre.' 4 room plastered house, fun cement basement, all kinds berries, barn and ehlcken bouse. $1500; $250 cash, baL $20 auntb, 485 acrea; 100 a. planted to wheat: rood water, house, barn and outbuildings, $18.00 per acre. Part trade, baL terms. 41 acres. North Yakima, irrigated fruit and alfalfa ranch; 6 room bungalow, barn and out building. $8500; $2000 cash, bat easy term. 40 acres on Columbia highway. 8 - room bungalow. $2500; $650 cash, baL easy term. i SLETTEN A JONES. 248 Stark. Mala 2158 Opening evenings and Sunday. i ' . A FINE LIST OF WILLAMETTE VALLE FARMS FOR SALE AND TRADE SEE WEBSTER L KINCAID 526 HENRY BLDG,, PORTLAND, OREG N DEEP thinking, far seeing men are now looking to Mexico, the war being over and conditions settled, and are buying up fine agricultural lands. They predict one of the greatest land develop ments in history will take place in Mexico. (We have rich agricultural , lsnd. deep noil, sufficient rainfall for two crop a year: will grow most anything; delightful climate, cheap labor, splen did transportation facilities, on the Southern Pa rafic railroad and adjoining Oregon farmers shn are living there farming their lands. Our prices are so a man can start farming on a large scale on much smaller capital than in this 'country where people know land value. Do your thtnky ing now and write N. R. Anderson. HOD Chan.. her of Commerce building. WE have 119 acres tn the Coast For country, short way south Eugene, that wa ess aell t - settle an estate for less than 858 car - ar You can talk with one of the owner la ourt of fice by atipoihtment. I ; 70 acres in tha same Inealftv Jutr la balanee in pasture except small patch timber. X room bouse, new barn and chicken, bouse, don to School. 3 tnilss frrm tnan mn m ik place for 35000, half cash. t i nese places are worth more money than 'the price asked. ... I STEWART A BUCK I 815 Northwestern Rank RMi I FOR SALE YsmfiiU county bearing prune' or- chard. 125 arras: fld arm KmHu. wm,m 35 acre more in cultivation - kl and timber; on gravel road, rural route: aria- phone; large modern bouse with basement alee. trio lights and range, gravity water system, steam heated, baths, toilets, lanndry trs ys, house com pletely furnished, modern barn 50x70. cow barn 80x50, other outbuildings; tenant house; small prone dryer. 2 good teams. 2 nets harness. 2 CAWS. 8 brnnd uan 9 . MkiMbMu. I cornplrte set of fsrm machinery; price 27,6J0! some terms it I. I - II. W. BUNDT. McMinnville. Or. A REXEDAIRYFARf 86 acre of rich.' loam soil, adjoining ad oi the best towns in the valley, 76 arms ta oaMi -vstinn. a aood 9 room house, dairy barn for! SO head stork and 70 ton hay, family orchard and small fruit, woven wire fences, high scbnoH V4 mile. 19 milk cows, 3 heifeni, 1 bull, 4 hnrsan. tractor and complete line of farm Implements and small tools. This is completely equipped dairy farm with a big monthly milk check; price CLEVELAND-BARB-HKNDERSOJf 0O.J 2U naiiway r.xcnange bidg. DEAL WITH OWNER x lag iuu9iauu' l3VVa4u Ikvl lElMliTffll, 1.1 1 164 acrea 8 Vi miles of 2 good townsj in . -f heart of Willamette; all under eultivatlon exerpt 10 acres timber; fenced and cross fenced; U It. station on place; school close, pbone and mail service, good building, complete line of imple ments and stock, family orcliard. 3 walls and V springt sit goe-i at 8126 per acre. For parti- lar phene Columbia 871 or address J.8U8 Stockton st. - . v LAST CHANCE; A SACRIFICE " -80 acre black loam soil, 86 mile f torn Portland, 4 miles from H. R., roe road; to land, close to school, . neighbor and highvay. 15 acre has been cultivated. Some prune ' ' tree, balance easily -cleared. Some timberi A " good live creek. No rock. Price 81300 csh. Adjoining land f 60 per acre. 914 Chamber ' of Commerce Wdg. t JOHNSTON A McHARDT. - - f - " 4 1-ACRE IRRldAtED FARM1 J " 40 acres in cultivation, good fence, 4 room house, - woodshed and store bouse, bacoaing house, bos; bouse, 2 poultry bouses, large frtme barn and sarnary,' grain stacking shed, farm im plements snd some stock, $7000, 81SOO cash, -balance time up to 6 years, 8?. Write Wj A, -Johnson, Route 1, Box 42, Kerby, Or., Jose phine county. ... - - , 4 80 "ACRE combined "wheat and stock ranch) Ie. - rated in a beautiful Montana valley; 65 acre In growing crop, 200 acre saore of choice wheat land, balance grazing ; entire ranch fenced with ; new fence; good new buildings, running water, good state road, well settled locality; good Port- bind home, some cash, balance time, will take this property: old"! age and inability to operate cause for selling. Meuck, 110 Tenth sf, i 100-ACRE FARM if EAR CiLIllPOEGTt " , 70 acres in clover, balance pasture, good buildings, slopes gradually to the river, A-l aoiL 4 Herman Peper, 507 . Buchanan, Bjdg. ,J?ben . ffiam viitf. - . ........ .. a , 40 ACRES, hog tight fence, one mile of ta lion," 12 acres cleared, lota slashed, fair hnuse. barn, 1000 cords wood, $2600, JC-621, Jour- f