mi: o:;i;con cuijday journal, poivtland, - cui.day i.:o:u;i:;g, ai .l j, REAL ESTATE FOB JSALE HOCSES I KENTON . INDUSTRIAL CENTER -.- New boulevard to Broadway bridge put u one mil nearer eit.. : tf rooms aud sleeping porcu, furnace, til raod- rrn convenience, 80x1.00 Jot, 2 block nr. Price (3100, $500 cash, $20 per month.. - 5 room modern bungalow, -swell location faces Benson Trait Lot 6 2-8x129; street) im j roVemenU paid- . $2700, $1000 cub, fit per inantJu - - i , . , J 7 rooms and hath, corner lot, 80x10 0 a real house; wtM Iruit; $2100, $160-$200 cash, u - monthly payment. , - - . o room bungaluw, tlerplng porch, strictly mod em; floor ar a dream; very sightly location nar Willamette boulevard: 2 block from -car: lot 100x100. garage, fruit; street improvement pat. An elegant HtUe home; $3200, $1800 raetr; t'Jtt per month, 4 room modern bungalow, lot ef fruit, garage, lot 60i tOO, one block from I ortland boulevard. & blocks to car; dandy UU1 Home $162 5, $420 wh, SIS per month 4 room 'modem bungalow, plenty of fruit, lot fiOxlOfls, $1200; 9400 rath, 112 p Booth; very cheap. V 5 room . modern bungalow, garage, street im provement paid; b block from car. 12100, 100-1400 eaah, eay term. 4 room house, 1 block from library, stores and err; Jot 73x100. $1480, $100-$180 cash, $18 per mouth, S room home, lot 100x100, fruit; $1800, $3O0 cah. $12 per month. Dandy little 4 room houae, a real house, lot 60x100, 3 block from car; $1700, $100-$200 cash. $12-816 ner month. room nearly modern bungalow, 3 block Kenton ear, good buy, street Improvement paid. I-ot 00x100; $2280, $150-6200 caah, $23 per 4 month. 7 room "house with bath, 2 block to car, fruit; itreet iwrniwnti paid. $1660, $100 $180 caxh, $13 20 per month; cheap a dirt 0 room modern bungalow,. 2 blocks Kenton car. ' $2750. easy terms.' 1 S room modern bungalow, 2 block ear; rine little homr; $1000, $5OO-$600 caah, easy term on balance. A Li, AT PER CENT INTEREST TAKE KENTON GAR TO 804 LOMBARD ST. . A. O. MeDONALD. Agent. - Woodlawn 6278 27&0 SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW $2790 VACANT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Very attractive ft room modern bungalow on a full sized lot. on a paved afreet with all lien lld, bent white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. newly tinted, haa a full cement baa' inept, cement floor and walla extending to the joists ; on East Taylor street near 47 th, clow to Mt Tabor (nd Sunnyside cars; $500 down and $!0 per month including interest. Vacant; im mediate liouwlon. More in, nee' FRANK I- M'GUIBB "To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Main 8156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HOME FOB THE OLD FOLKS. 2800 -. ' - acre heme with 7 room modern lme, j-la-tered, concrete foundation and Basement, fire--plsce. $80 gaa range already connected, bath and toilet.-, good barn, chicken house, hng hnuc, gasoline engine and tank, place all fenced and crn-m fenced, besgng fruit tree. 2 blf.cks from Metzgrr, B miles out. Owner refused' $4300 for tins place a few yean ago. $800 cash, bal ance to suit Photo at offioe of Fred W. Oer inan l'o., 732 ('lumber of Commerce. Open evenings and Sundays. - - - $18MROSBTcITY CAB S1C00 5 room plastered bungalow cottage on paved street; bath, toilet and gas; abundance of fruit, near E. 27th at TotaJ price $1600; $400 down and $20 per month. THIS IS A B A It OA IN, SEE FRANK I McGUIRE To Buy Your Home, Abington bklg.. Main 1068.- Main 6156. ottice open r.venmgs aim rJunday. ON the corner of 1 8th and Killing sworth are. la store building practically new, with flat of 6 rooms overhead. This building cost to build $8000; the lot h i comer 50x50 feet; there is a mortgage of $1650 against this prop erty, which can stand for'S year. Any person with $600 in caah can come along and take the whole thing. M. J. Ctohesay. 415 Abington bills. ' ' $1280 100x100 COTTAGE $ 1280 Here is 100x100 with a ft room plastered house : large bam. and chirkeil hou-; abundance of'frnit. Mt. Tabor car line. $300 down. $10 per month. See FRANK L. McOUIRE ' To Buy Your Home Ataimtnn TlulMliig. Main 108S, Main 5156 Office Open Evening nd Sundays. LAURELHURST BARGAIN 8 -room lionte. Colonial type, corner Glisan street and Mirmar Place; ail rooms right and -airy and finUheil in ivory enamel; four nic big bedrooms; living room full depth of house, gar age In basement: fine viw lot, 100 feet on Gli san strei-t, lTi-e .$7280. . THE CltOSSLEl-VIGABS CO., ' 270 STARK ST. MAIN 8032. OUICK HONHEHMION 7 118" E. ,CRA.NT STREET Op ce it tgtfay. Neat S-room bungalow and reception, ball. Price only $2830; $350 caah, '$30 mo., including interest Owners will (how you th rough-1 lhn see us. .-,, CLEVELAND. HAHR. HENDERSON CO.. Jil Ji Ry. Exclt. bldg. Main 6752. $5500 Foil SALE 8 room iioue with small storeroom. Z acres all in cultivation., with fruit and berries, large barn, chicken house and rt!r, bmc; will trade for 7 or 8 room house, $2500 5 room house, bath and toilet, elec tric lights, gsji; part .basement.: full attic, side walks. For particular . call at' 5018 72d St. , B. K. Lauer tc Winters. Phone Tabor 9142. . ALBERTA HOME Tt 6 -room house with built-in eonven Tences, full basement, several fruit trees, close to car and pared streeU: pric $2350;. term. . A. WARKLNER. TtlTTEK, U)UK CO., 201-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' LAUGH 0-KOOM Cl.OHK IN .HOME tin E. Taylor u: can arrange for aptmt up ami iliiwn; only $4200; $1000 or more cash wonderful buy. - CLEVKIAND, BARR, HENDERSON CO.. -JlB'rty. Kxrh. bldg. Main 6752 ALAMEDA BUNGALOW 5 ronm in ivory, entirely modern, just com pleted; big garane and garden. $4300. IRVING TON PARK Fine modem B roam houaa with den and sleeping porch, fsrsge. $8600. Wdln. 4 863. LtMiK at K46 E. Taylor st. and see if yoiTcan buy place such a this is for $8500r- ThU Is close in residence property nd very desirable, high and sightly. There is a full lot; the house is modern and up to date. Half ea.h will handle It. M. J. Clohessy. 418 Abington bldg. $2000, Terms SW'DowrT" 6-ltOOM MODERN HOUSE. FRUIT TREES. Cement Sidewalks, Sewer in, 8 Block from Car. ivume Tabor 5196. BY OWNER Modern room house, 90x100 lot; east. front, large garage, paved streets, 4 csrlincs, close in, good district; $3900. 41 E, mil. i ., . I 4,iHlt i-msll hoii'i", Si ruoins and hall, plastered 1 and kal-ominod. two extra lots, fruit and berries. .$180 cah, balance tcrma. 3223 o n . u . ai t u b. ROOM Irvington homo, AOxlOO corner; street improvement all paid; hardwood floor, fur nace, laundry and fireplace; great bargain. Call owner. East 8015, $1700 $800 cash, balance $25 per month, wlfl vbuy a modern bouse, 8 blocks from Alberta car. near 18th st. Owner, 645 Boselawn ave. Phone Woodlwn 167.- Mt'E 5 room rot tan on Vancouver ave., base ment, bath, gas, electric, lot 60x92 ft., itreet improvement paid; price $2330. CaU in th afternoon. - 22.1 Skidmore st. r YOUB own terms. house and two lota in Yaa couvr. Wash., $1200; on Improved street. 608 H. 7th st lnquir IX Si. Baymond. Bux ton, ur. . rt., v .1 l r U A l HAMfAI.1 8 rooms, enclosed sleeping porch, furnace, full lot,, choice fruit and shrubbery. ' walking distance. Must b sold. Owner. 718 East Ash. KOSE CITY PARK 7 room and sleeping porch, strictly modern borne; all built-in ef fects, on 4 8 th (t. ; pavement paid. Price $5000. Tabor- 6441. FOR SALE- 5 roomed modern bouse, cr bearing fruit trees, 100 ft. from car. No in cumbrance, $8000; term. Owner. 831 E. 8th t. Woodstock car. $1600 KOO.M bouse, modern, lot 62x10(5 feet, some orchard, barn, chicken lot. garden land, good term, fine location. Call at 16(1 -KL 7K.k SI - Uliiui. T.KM s 'ELL built modern houae and furniture 6 rooms, cement basement, close to car line' a nice neighborhood; owner wants to leave town will sell on easy terms. P-12, Journal. 8 ROOM home and 6 lots, with good orchard . -and splendid water. Will tell reasonable. On Oregon City carlioe. Inquire of Jama Petty Gladstone. Or. FIVE room buuseiow, completely furnvhed. Im- Mv.Mhv inmrwuii, vuu. DUV CSU. AiVASL AAA i - 'itinincr i.wia). jv,B.ll vDH, iOR SALE 6 room modern house, one block south K. C. car line, m Gregory Heights ad dition. By owner. Cn Bdwv. 74 - M 1K RN 8-mom honye, lot 7lxl4, imir fruit and berries, ail kind.- . Terms. - 3520 y .a.. n. m. t labor 801 1. $400(1 Modern S room house, full lot. 2d" near Mawtnorn. can not duplicste for $5000. Tabor 2051. COZTT little home to be sold at sheriff ' sai. Je than $1000. He fur . attorney. . SOS Bnwy. bldg. Main 4007. W $2600 FIVE room hoii-w. Improvement paid; -Ur-loli $$0, cash. Belt 93. - r MODERN 7 roomed bungalow. $2300. easy terms. 68 Sberrett. Kellwood. - ' - , 6 RKM. 50x100 lot. fblock from WUliams. 4 blocks to Union,- 090 Clew-land. FOR SALE By owner, 6 room house in Haw- thorne; also lota. Woodlawn 1205. . -9 ROOM house, double plumbing; may be used by two famuiea. Cheap. 957 Minnesota sr. SEAT ESTATE FOB HALE HOUSES WALNUT PARK BUNGALOW ANNOUNCEMENT If TOM ARE LOOKING FOR A MODEES 8 BOOM BUNGALOW WAIT A LITTLE WHILE AND WE WILL HAVE IT FOB YOU. MONDAY MORNING WK -WILL START THE CONSTRUCTION OF S MODERN ROOM BUNGALOWS : IN WALNUT PARK. WHICH IS ONE iT THE M08T ATTBAC TIVF RE8IIBNCK D1STB1CT8 IN TUB CITY. THESE LITTLE BUNGALOWS WILL UK MODERN IS BVEKY DETAIL, HAVINtJ HARDWOOD FLOORS, FIREPLACE, DUTCH KITCHEN, BREAKFAST ROOM. CEMENT FfXKIKf IN BASEMENT. ATTH1 AND MANY OTHER MODERN CONVENIENCE., THE PRICE Or THESE LITTLE HOMES WIf.L ACTUAL COST OF TUB PITlDING PLCS THE COST OF THE LOT, WHICH WILL BE SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS LESS THAN YOU WOULD HAVE TO PAY FOB OTHER BUNGALOWS MOT AS MODERN. COME IN AND LOOK OVER THE PLANS AND PICK OUT THE ONE YOU WANT. .IF YOU WANT CHANGES MADE WE WILL MAKE THEM FOB'XOU. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO MAKE VERY ATTRACTIVE TERMS IF DESIRED. LET US HEAR FROM YOU. - . J, F.HILL ' 69S WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 268. FREE EXHIBIT , 600 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES At th coat of, several thousand dollars we have secured photograph of - approximately 600 home that ar being offered for sale. . Each home haa been personally inspected and appraised by an expert appraiser and each photograph ar-. ranged in its respective district, with price, term and full data regarding same, on the walls of our display room. You an invited to call and ' inspect theae pbotographa. W have soma wonderful bargains. Compare them with other home that liar been offered yon befcre making your decision. : Nina experienced real estate salesmen with autoa at your service . if yon should car to see any of these homes. We have sold- over 180 homes sine the tint of the year and over $500,000 worth in 1918. Because we have the bargain. Ofiice open eve nings and Sundays. See FRANK.! I McGUIRE . To Buy Your Home, S'jccewor to H. 1). McGuire Co., Ktfh!l-hd in 1t. $ Year of Serrlmv" Abington bldg.. Main 6 10, alaln 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS BARGAIN 8 room house. 878 -N. 81st. st., near Thur man, commanding a most beantiful view of city end mountains; best home environment, fine terraced lot 70x100 ft.; houaa haa very large rooms. 2 fireplace. 4 bedrooms, full cement banement, furnace, waab trays, etc - Must be sola aqutckly and the price 84BUO. will do it. Ihia home U actually worth U50O. Owner, non-resident, about to lose this property on foreclosure, will sacrifice at $4000. It'a great bargain for (omebody and $2000 cash will handle. House is rented (please do not disturb tenant but arrange with us to inspect property). Cfcu be inspected t'.unday. (Bring your check Duck) . THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark tt. Main 3052 (Sunday caU Main OO to). $2300--CENTRAL EAST PORTI.ANn-2300 Substantial 6 room bungalow cottage, on a large lot on East Ankeny at. between 28th and aoth: good cement basement, laundry trays. white enamel plumbing and gaa, convenient to carbarn. This is walking distance. Very eaajr payments. See FRANK L, M'OUIRE , To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068, Main 5136. tjmce upen evenings and Sundays. BACK TO THE SOIL For $20 Down and $10 ner Month About an acre tract in city limits. Price $1x50; all cleared; city water; dc tare. Two o t'tn tractt with small house on each at alightly advanced pric and little lui-re (Uiwti nnt -snia monthly iwrmmlt. Inquire 414 Pittock block. Tel Bdwy. 784 or 404 Eaat Alder. Tel. Eaat 640. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW $2000 VmI R w -will. . . ........ . , W-.WU VU,S'VW, Will. WUUI-XU buffet, bookcases, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full Duemenc, garage, au in iirsr ciaas anape, block from paved streets. Easy term and quick pos- SVI'IIOM. C. A.: WAltRINER, 's"' ' ' ' ' BITTER. LOWK A CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Bldg, $100 -ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW leHit 5 room attrsx Ute mfedern bungalow on full lot; whit enamel plumbing; elerlrio light and gas; good cement basement; $200 ill E. 78th st. Clo.e to M. V. car. See ' FRANK I,. MoOt'lRK, - To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg.. Main 1068. Main 5156. - Office Oien Evening and Sundays. ONLY $1800 for good 6 room houaa will full block of land, nicely improved ; ce ment sidewalks and a profusion of flowers and shrubbery. This is only 1 block from th car line in 63d; you cannot build the bouse for the price asked and the lota alone are worth about the price; $500 in cash and monthly payments of $20 or more take this property. M. J. Clo hessy. 418 Abington bldg. , - A WONDERFUL REAL ESTATE TOT TV 2 23-ft. lota, each improved, 1 with a 2 story flat building. 1 with 4 room cottage; situated at me mtenecuon ot 2 oarltne. near 21st and Thurmatr, west side: price $3300 each, term H caalt, balance Jong time ; future businea property, a fine ounortuniur for 2 wnrktnemwn. Audresa Harry Marcua,. cars Business office, Th ONLY $4800 ' for" "aj'ii'W " utodata",'7 room vi.uaa.tw, mouern to the last letter: mvrd- (t-J t.oors. fireplaee, every conceivable thing j miO. in. There is a full lot with a full cement J bi-frtnent. This plar is in a fine locality, high ; nntl tightly. Not any farther out than 20th; cash will handle iu M. J. Cloheasy, 413 Ab- lngron piag. 1 it VTV1T. . ' DfOlffrVI T.1 - - - . ... . V... . k. . .7 , 1 .... $6000 for a modern, uptodate, 7 room, with issO( iwuif eaN, air narowooa iioors iirec floor, with built-in ronvenlcDcea. If you wih something fin and below cost, see this. It is an exceptionally good buy. Phone Tabor 7190 for appointment HOME FOR TUB 6l,D FOLKS $1S0"6 Very neat 8-rom cottage with 80x100 lot: assorted orchard Jttst coming into bearing; nice garden: good chicken bouse and ysrti; good cesn piiol; eltctrie lights and gas. $20 cash, $10 montlily. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber t Commerce. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW gluOO . tVhn down. $13 monthly, buy neat 4 room plastered bungaluw, brand new, first-class plumb ing, 1 block from school and car. Fred V. Ger man Co.; 732 Chamber of Com. Open efe-nings and Sunday. - BUltDfN'cOtRUC'TldN . GOING TO BLIl.rV Tlw O. W. Watts Con struction company buys material at price saving cost, prepare plana, superintends construc tion and finance yoar enterprise en a percentage wmaiM. ui nee bi acn,ay nuiiaing. i'l IkUI.VIV At tllVt Uiilr "T..a 1 An old o room house with fnU lot 50x100, located at 502 Bos, $200 cash, balance month ly. Thia is a snap. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce., Open Sundays and $1500. A cosy -4 -room bnngslow, bath, toilet, electricity, corner lot, Woodlawn dis trict. You can move in today. It is vacant. giee n. laig r ikq r. . 'OR SALE Comsr of Maliory avenue and vsoaver Mreet, rot louxiuo, s-rooui house, bath, gaa and electric lights, 16 fruit trees, aide walk and street improved, $8000. Phone Broadway 790 or Woodlawn 1832. ROOM BUNGALOW $1700 Very neat, well built. Mt, Scott line. $450 cash, nalance to suit: located at 8721 69th at. M. E. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of ' , a, At fwMA. vu tTgniiqc mi pnnqays. $ 1 20 0 Four-room house, gaa, lights, toilet. my water, enicsen vara, garaen ana berry bnshea; furnished or unfurnished; lot 40x100. Mount Scott car to 80th. Inquire 8102 62d avenue, it oiocn to ear. BUY from owner, save agent's iimii.ir'; line looarion. a room nungaiow; garage, rosea, Intproved street; no Incumbrance; term. 597 irlenwood ave. B-80V0 ROOM bungalow. $700. $100 caah. $13 mo. t-room paruy rinianea nungaiow, snoo casta. 4 -room plastered hcute, $500 caah. Two 4 -room nouses, terms. Tabor B-83T. 5 itOOli modern bungalow, $3100; 6 -room house, $1260. $290 cash 8 -room house, 2V lots, Sellwood Garden, $900; easy term. - 404 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. FOR SALE clieap. 7 room 'noose, corner lot -30x50, corner Delay and. Monroe at. Call Broadway 1094, after 6 p. m. ONE room single shack, pantry, closet and ga $700 cash or $400 and larma. East 4th IN U t N. CaU Tabor 8507. . 2, 3 AND 4 tooki house ou full corner lot, Ter Sellwood park. Inquire 446 Ixingtoa Fl LL lot, 4 room cottage, modern, $850; $400 iT?15 3 yuom cottage. aesments paid, $1000, $50 down. Inquire 6128 52d at. Woodcock car. ''J-i'i11 . wn house, good-district, S815U; TMja 1 ' -aa c.u WCM1UW A..,., iU ATB-- A 6 room hon on eoriu? r Art t llA - V 4 I Ittf A 11 f s. tit mi litis 4 rtxin hi-use on liard Mirlace rod. . secma. vau isoor OtftZ - - HEAL ESTATE FOB BALE HOUSES 1 BEADY-TO-MOVE-IN BARGAINS $3000 Fractional lot, K rooms, west side; , terms, $1000 caah. , . . f , ........ $3250 Easy terms: Walnut Park. 7 room 2 story dwelling, splendid for borne or investment.. . " .- "'-! . I -. ' ".; '" : $2250 -Five room bungalow, full lot. con . eretr . basement, school 3 blocks, $4006 I i ' story Irvington cottage, full lot. 0 rooms, modern, street paved; cash $1000, balance 7 per cent. $2500 Five room cottage, Arleta district, 2 block from school, modern, with 60x101; $800 down, balance at per cent on installment. . $400. which ts half ptiee -String of lots on Richmond sc. St. Johns., . FOR SALS OB EXCHANGE E. 72d ft. N. Lot 80x100, 5 room mod ern bungalow, wash trays, fireplace, hot and cold water, gas and elec : tricfty. street graded, concrete side walk. ! $3200--E. 82d st. ?f., acre of ground, .,4 room house. , E. 8Sd st S.- Fir rooms, modern, base ment, lot 50x100. $1200 652 Tacom are., lot 23x100, 5 room house, not modern. $1000--654 Tcema ave. , lot 25x100. 8 room house. - $8000 995 Clinton st, cor. Clinton and Greenwood ave.; lot SOxlOQ, 4 room bouse, not modern. $8500995 Gladstone, corner, improved with store, and living rooms above; aba barn and small shop; lot 60x 100, improvements in and paid" for. Money to Loan. Building Loans. Insurance. OBEGON INVESTMENT t MORTGAGE CO. 222 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOB SALE 7 room bnngslow, Hawthorne dis trict, for $8650; must be sold .Sunday by owner. 343 E. S7th sr.. 3 block south of Hawthorn ave. Large living room, large dining room.- large Dutch kitchen, S airy bedrooms, very fine deep ing porch, glMsed and screened on three side, spar bedroom in attic, making 8 rooms inall. with sleeping porch; haa large, full cement base ment with first class furnace, large fireplace with bookcase in living room, strictly modern bth room; prefer to seU thia for cash, but will take $1160 down and time on balance. 1 HOUSE BARGAIN No. 60 E. 62d St. N. r.vJ-enids owner Ja desirous of selling 5 lot. 250x100, improved with 5 room house, contain ing living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bed rom and bath; good district Any reasonable offer and terms will be considered. Take Mon tavilla ear to E. 6 2d t. N. and walk 1 block aontn. Inside Prooertv TImTam Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. IX PARKROSE 2 ROOM HOUSE 150x108 TRACT - GARAGE Hard surface street, 2 blocks to 8andy boule vard, chicken bouse, pen, bearing fruit trees, berriet; price $1660; $500 down, $20 month, interest included at per cent. J. L. Hart man . 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. - Main 208. $2 1 005 Room Bungalow ! $2100 Brand new, bath, Dutii kitchen, fireplaee, gaa, laundry trays, lot 170x140, barns chicken house, bearing fruit tree and berries. Term, i Open Evening. CEO. T. MOORE CO., . ; 1007 Yeon bldg. - M" YOU'LL PAY $500 DOWN A. TZZJZ. nJW .beautiful 2 story bungalow fn restricted district. 7 rooms, oak floors, splendid fireplaee with bookcases, handsome buffet, paneled tS?? tower floor,- beautiful lighting fixtures, Dutch kitchen, bath and lavstory on lower floor ti "atory on upper floor; high class' furnace, btg basement, good garage, street paving paid. V'.1.?4400 ,ml worth it. COB A. M KENNA A CO. MAIN 4522. " o- m., Ajoarq or xraqe Biqg Rose Citv Park Car West of S5th street, S rm. dbl. constructed bungalow, with Urge attic, bath, built in effects, hardwood floor, fireplace, full cement basement, ll-'r iarulr5r lIV- paved; IV. blks! I'00 : car- Price only 64100. This is a splendid buy. Some terms. Open Evenings, v GEO. T. MOORE CO.. xuui xeon bldg. Kb?!?? vvavkrLeigii 1ts. HOMK - ine view Corner- Improvements Paid. .room and glassed-in sleeping porch, mod cr?, u. brdweod floors, built-in buffet, cabinet kitchen, ireplan and furnace; full ce ment basement. Thia ia almost new and a good buy at $3750; easy term. Immediate posses sion, i JOHNSON. 212 Lumbermen bldg. -Broadway 1612. Ites. East 8421. On E. 67th street, block to car. we are offering very attractive white bungalow with a wonderful unobstructed view, in Lanrelhnrst on the East Side; has white enamel plumbing; c.cuui iisuts ana gas; i nut ana I lowers. Terms. See FRANK I. MeGUIRH To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Main S1S6. ' Offioe Open Evenings and Snnday. A NUMBER ; OF I DESIRABLE HOUSES Choice modern bnnf slows in the best sections of LaureUwrst. Irvington and Rose City Park. ; THESE HOUSES Vary in price and terms. All are desirable and many can be moved into within a short time. CALL TABOR 3433 or TABOR 69. $2600 FLANDERS AND 2STH 6250O ' Nice attractive little home on a uaved street with all assessments paid. Small down payment, balance like rent at 6 per cent An unusual op portunity to get a home. Owner ia a non-resident. See i FRANK Ia. McGUIRE , To Buy Your Home, Abington bldg.. Main 1068. Main 5156. irg vrpen. j.venmgs ana Buriaay. ONLY $250 CASH AND BALANCE 20"pER . ' MONTH I have 2 neat 5 room' houses on 62d st. tnd Foster road that I will tell on above payment. There is no mortgage against this property. The monthly payments are all that is necessary. Price-i only $1600 each. You rent-pavers better hurry ' aa thia kind of a proposition doesn't appear often. 4. J. McCarthy, Ab ington BKlff $1600 Sellwood $1600 We offer yon a swell little 4 rm. bungalow; bath, Dutch kitchen. 60x116 lot. very best of soil; IV blks. car. Price only $1600, terms. : ' Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. t THIS ,18 A GENUINE BARGAIN a s ----w v. ri iJAUi 8rtA. 5 room, plastered and tinted, elose In. on paved street, full cement basement, fine abrub bery, Severn nice fruit- trees. Place is well kept and will pleev! anyone looking for a heme. Price ia nly $2230, but it takes $1000 to get possession. STEWART A BUCK. - 815 Nortii western Bank bldg. VCttL SAT K IV IVll-linvm New 6-nom, 2 -story bungalow; full cement basement; furnace; hardwood floors; old ivory woodwork; material used very best trade con struction, .plumbing of the best. Roomy gar age, lot 60x100. All assessments in and paid for. Price. $3500. Location. 663 East 41st n. nqnii. rnone i a por josi $2500 Sunnyside $2500 xww vuaaiow. Binn impvovemenrg all paid, 1 blk, Sunny aid car, west ot $6th U; easy terms. . : . - - Open Evening. ' GEO. T.-MOORE CO., iuot Teen bldg. CORNER lot 66x100. fruit, chicken yard, nice bouse.! furnished or unfurnished, sas, eiec triclty, 2 block from cer; term. Tabor BUI. BY OWNER, 6 room cottage, 60x100 corner - lot. $2500. or trade for 1-2 acre home near H.b Alww A tT V . U FOR SALE -7 room modern house with aleen inv porch: hardwood floor; termx. 1177 E. ULnek haaa Sfltl. rt srve 7ll'. ------ . mvww f sisituwsywsa . IWIO, - l'Utt:il kitchen, allj built-in., fine condition; tree blk. ! rt tyr. 617 Snmner rf . cor. 18th. MODERN 3 jr-jom furni-bed - bungalow, hot v; watrt heat, corner lot KiOxlOO. Owner. 877 .wjiuey aie wJa?','' corner iut, 5H10(), ohaao. BEAt ESTATE FOB KALE HOUSES 1 , 8. P. SHOPS - ' " ' AND : - CENTRAL DOOR AND LUMBER COM PANT ONLY 4 MINUTES' WALK FROM w FOLLOWING HOUSES - L VERY EASY TERMS NO MORTGAGE . OR STREET LIENS . TO . .... ASSUME - . $14004 room neat bunKalow; white enamel - plumbing; electric lifihts and gas. On E. 24th street. $20004 room very attractive bungalow; - large living room; dining room with -' plate rail; Dutcli kitchen; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas; good cement basement. $2300 Neat 4 room bungalow with sleep- . s . tag porch; white enamel plumbing: electric lights and gas; full ce-; . ment basement. , . 'r. " $2300 Very aUractire white bnngalow cottage; white enamel plumbing; - electric light and gas. Thi price .includes furniture. Hard surface street all paid. $2400 Furnished very neat, 4 room at tractive,, bungalow; full cement basement; waab. trays; white enam el plumbing; electric lights, and gas; paved street in and paid for. $2400 Furnished 4 ' room modern bun- - galow; full cement basement; laun dry trays; white enamel plumb ing. This place includes furniture, $2600 Furnished 6 room very attractive bungalow ; white enamel plumbing electric lights and gaa; full ce ment basement; paring in and pai for. . . $2500 Furnished unusually attractive. typical bungalow with low rambling lines; whit enamel plumbing: electric lights and gas. ; This price includes furniture, $2500 Vacant. Completely furnished, 4 room very au recti re, typical -bun- ' galow; living room; dining room: Dutch kitchen with cooler; white enamel plumbing: electric lights ' : and gas; full cement basement; pared street in and paid. for. $2700 3 room very neat shingle bun galow; full, cement basement; wash trays; white enamel plumbing ; electric lights and gas; paving iu and paid. $2800 Furnished. Easy Terms. 7 room very attractive, substantial home, on 70x100 lot; full cement base ment; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gaa, $3100 Vacant furnished bungalow, 6 room unusually attractive, typical bun galow; hardwood floors; full ce ment basement; laundry trays; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gaa. SEE FRANK L. M'GUIRE. .. . To Buy Your Horned Abmtton Building. Main 1068. Main 6156. utnee Upen Evenings snd Sundays. $3250 KNOTT NEAR UNION $3250 .L.TOU , 2ow 7lue8 nd are looking for an !S2Ftif'Jb"reain' ou certainly be inter ested in this property. We am authorised to fr fry substantial 7 room house for sale, modern plumbing, good basement, electric lights "nf hauJ lu good repair, on a lot 60x150, winch alone. is worth $2000. This ia the cheapl , . .. , . " wi in i ii is nts- hlrJ S4i'ou WiU "3r . when oti see it. Can v-u icrnis. wnat time today can you go see tins ? 1 wai send a machine for you. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE . . , To Buy Your Home. Abmgton bld. Main 1008. Main 5156. viffi r.Tgnincs ana p unaay s. ON lortland Heights, on the popular drive in the vicinity where all the high-class residence ere located Only I block from the carline is a run lot. This lot an exception in tlist it Is perfectly level. It has fruit tree in full bear ing. On this lot is a good 7 room modern house with full basement and furnace. All Im provement in and paid for. Now, if you know of anything which will approach this in compari son for at least $2000 more than the price we asa. aispei it from your mind; $3150 is the- i, AUIi ,pf,ce ,or wn'eb we offer tins property; llVJa,nA,Clsh., " you AL J.;CLO HF.SSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. WOODLAWN HOME $200 CASH. $200 T room, electric lights, gas, full lot. sev eral good bearing fruit trees, price $1500: term to suit. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINEB, - HITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CHOICE MT. TABOR HOME" 100x100 IMPROVEMENTS PAID 5 good rooms on one floor; large floored attic; good big cement basement, large bring room, fine fii-wnL, . 11 bin.l, . , u..n t a . - ' . ... . .!- j . uui,a-iu kdu per- feet heating system: owner leaving and this ia vu. ut'iwi.uitivj , im:e ftivv, terras ac 9 yc JOHNSON, 212 Lumbermen bldg. nroaoway ibu', Hes. E'st 8421. IRVINGTON Seven room home, looks like new, large Biassed-in 8. I"., white enamel kitchen, bath and bedrooms, loU of built-ens, bardnood fk.or. fireplace, furnace, esraire ntoa frntt $400 street improvement in and paid. Leaving tor aionrana; must sell, fnce ui. Owner, eiflmyler st. Phone Eat 77S $7500 181 Eaat 16th street, near Belmont, 7 rooms, garage, furnace. lxt 80x 100. Terms. 'AKE FIELD. FRIES i CO.. oa r ourui at. itORnr rtrf pin i.- i t-tj-r- a.- , tt r-. Splendid 6 room modern bungalow; must be seen to be appreciated. 0ien 11 to 2. 600 E. 52d N., just south of Sandy boulevard. T.- , O O , rlH A O I A . soil saw., cneap, tor casb, good 8 room modern house with sleeping porch, lot 80. 125, located on 63d st 8. E. 16 bearing fruit tree ana oerne. Garage and chicken park. Ad dress 5610 63d t 8. E. Phone Tabor 7780. OWNER will sell modern 6 room house. ster ing porch, double cement garage, walking distance: terms; will take smaller modern house or gooa tot part payment. 651 E. Ankeny, corner 1 8th. $1600, $230 cash, balance $25 per month, buy 6 room house in Sellwood at 1085 E. 0th st. Would take Ford a part payment. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbet bldg. $2750 FOR BOTTI TERMS 2 5-room houses, c, elect, plumbing, 50x 100, Kenton district Metcalf. 617 Cham, of Com. Marshall 2482. or Sellwood 8652. BEAUTIFUL Albert home of 8 room, modern throughout; clear, furnished or unfurnished. Caah and term. 1036 E. 27th t north. No agents. $250 BUYS nice lot and 2 room shack. Take , Mt Scott car to Tremont, go south to green rainted house In 71st st between Cooper and McCoy. $500 CASH, baL easy terms, will handle good 6 room bouse, 3 lota, fine fruit tree, gar age, convenient to Alberta -car. ,1'rioe $2350. Woodlawn 8229. A SNAP AT $1250 Four room bungalow, large airy rooms, fire place, splendid view, nice yard, roses and some fruit Woodlawn 4065 $2800 MODERN 5 room bungalow, 1 blocks Hawthorne car, double garage, improvements paid; terms. Owner. 1646 Division st Phone laoor mis FOR SALE 9 -room modern bouse, suitable for large family; 80x130 feet alley in rear; across street from Flruuid station; $3400. terms. 5112 72d at - . $1200 EASY TERMS " Good 6-room house, near Grai Crossing. JOHNSON, 212 Ltirabermcu blda. Broadway 1612. Re. East 8421. SIX rooms, modern, gas and electricity, fruit, berries and flowers, cement walk: 81SOO, $525 cash, balance $23 a month, including 6 per cent interest 4109 66th. . S $4300 489 East 0th .street north, 6 rooms. Lot 90x100. Bargain. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO., a rourtn st $1500 ALMOST new 5 room modern house - and chicken houae, Sellwood district:' $300 wii. pbiaiict eawy wnm- Peuwooa Z706 $1250 -large 4 room house, full lot, bearing niAAb una, near jaw A sour canine; $100 casiT, i raonui. u-so, journal. HtVINGTON 1 will sell my delightful 7 room aUW A . AMASSM 4 9 K A A ' W 1 A A . 12200 MODERN 8-room house. block north mi. ocou car, on pavea street. Bee owner. B604 Foster road. Tabor 7513. MODERN bungalow, full lot and basement: terms. Owner. 1000 E. 16tb t Sellwood 134S. ..... , 7 ROOM house, modern. $2400. $400 cash. balance like rent This is a dandyt Deal with the owner. Columbia 936. IBV1SGTON; modem, 7 rms. and garage, on Broadway car.: above 19th; bargain. East 419. 8 -ROOM bungalow, furnished; owner mnstaac rtfice. leaving town. 404 Railway Exchange. S ROOM comnletelv fnrilht eellent home for an invalid. - Tabor 1826. $2000 MODERN S room bungalow, beantiful lot. 100x100, Woodstock. Sellwood 1335. GOOD 10-roorR house, close in. for ml cheap; wnra ii oearrea. .Tsoar 1Q. Ea DD ADDITION Modem 7 -mom' house tnr ; sale, tertnatlf desired. Phone Tsbor 6100. - . SNAP 5 room liome. on Overton st, near lth. $2200. Graham. Mala 1434. . HE At ESTATE FOB MALE HOUSES 61 STANLEY 8. THOMPSON CO.'S list of borne . buy is very complete end every borne : inspected before being offered for sale. c Autos at your service. ' Open Sunday. ; $1450Trvington Park; new : rosea, flower . :;. and fruit trees. ; . -.. . . , 1 $14 50 Alberta. 4-room cottage; easy terms; i. 3 blocks from car. - - $1600 On the heights, fine view;" 5-room cottage; fruit aud flowers; a nice home. $1800- Sellwood; fine cottage; paved street: , chicken house; lots of fruit and flow- .: ers; terms. '' - ' - $2230 Vernon: 5-room house, double coo . s true ted; full basement; terms. $2250 Richmond ; 6-room house, corner lot ; street paved; 1 block to oar; easy terms. . r ' -: - - - ' - - - ' - - " e $2400 Vernon; 9-room house, newly painted; 2 coats and tinted throughout; 2 Vk -blocks to car; very desirable; easy : terms. . ;. t $2450 Fulton; on car Hns; 7 rooms; paved -street; fruit tnd flowers, garden planted; t chicken house; easy terms. 1 Open Sundays 10 to 3 p. m. Evening call Woodlawn 631. STANLEY S- THOMPSON CO.,, 302 OAK. $1330 Workingman's home, big sacrifice, 6 room cottage, partly furnished. ' modem plumbing. 70x 125 corner, garden and garage. 77th st and 48th ave. - $2750 acre ground, 6 r. bunga low, fruit tree, garden, corner 65ta and 52d ave. $2850 5 r. bungalow,' STth-E. Wash. $2100 Morris st, 6 r. house, close in. $1800 Ross t, i t, house, close in. $3600 San Rafael st., 7 r. house, lot 50x150. with 8 large fruit trees. CHASBINGLEB A CO., 225 Henry ldg. " SPECljH; '. $2250, KENTON-PENN. DISTRICT; - $2250 5 room very substantial modem bungalaw; attractive lines; haa .concrete colutnna with porch extending across entire front of house; white enamel plumbing; built-in conveniences; electric lights and gas. On Minnesota ave., near Morgan. '.: block to "L." car. Very easy pay ments. We have over ; 600 photographs in i ur office of home for sale. Come in todajr and look them over. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington-bldg.. Main 1068, Main Si 56. Office Open Evening and Sundays. ONLY $2200 for a classy 5 room bungalow with a full cenfint basement With this bunga low goes a lot which is a' corner 60x100 feet Thi bungalow is in the city of, Portland, in Capitol HilL It ha all the city conveniences, such aa city water, gas, electric light and only 2 blocks from the city school. Now, if you want a modem, up-to-date home and live in Capitol Hill, come around and talk- business. M. J. C1.0HES8Y. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW A SPLENDID BUY Beautiful view property ; 5 rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, swell Dutch kitchen. For quick sale, $3500; $885 cash, balance only $20 a month, which amount include the In terest Open Evening3. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ' 1007 Yeon bldg. fiucia in iat iiAL.iv ousio" tot witn old house on k.i vtn St.; just south of Harrison; vacant lots within 1 block of this property are held at $4500; this place cn be had now for $2000; remember the location. 10 minutes' walk to west side. Our sign are on the property. Go look it over and convince yourself. See E. M. Brown with NEILAN tt PARKHILL. 210 Lumbermens bldg. .- Fifth and Stark ata. $3000 Irvington $3000 A dandy for the money, 6 rm. bungalow, fire place, furnace. 60x124 v lot. 1 h blks. car. west of 28th st Price only $3000. with $500 down. This is really a good buy. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. $500 CASH NO MORTGAGE TO ASSUME 7 room modem house, corner lot 50x66 feet, atl improvements in and paid: this bouse fa at 24th and E. Main sts., easy walking distance; if you are responsible. I will take $300 down and balance at $30 a month at 6 interest; remem ber that there is no mortgage or other liens against thia property and the total price is only $3300. J. t. McCarthy, Abington bldg. - CNLY $3500i for a big corner lot 73x100 feet on Going at not any farther out than 10th. On the lot is a good 5 room cottage. Similar property to this iu the same locality has sold for $4500. The owner desire to sell and has Placed a low price; 32000 raih ltjll handle it Si. J. ClyOHESSY. 413 ABINGTON BLDG. A SMALT, CITY FARM One acre, 5 room modem cottage, barn, garage, chicken parks; lota of fruit. 1 block to paved st and good car service. Must be Hold at once. Vacant now. See tfhla -today. The price will be right and term easy. See Roycroft, 185 K. 87th at N. M-V Depot car. . TWO story 6 room house, 3 bedroom. parW, dining room and kitchen, large attic and basement bathroom, clothe closets, pantry, large front and back porches suitable for sleep ing rooms, plumbing, electric lights, lot 5 ox 100. near Eastmoreland, 3 blocks from line, 6 Mocks from another carline. . Pric $2130. Sellwood 2525. FOR BALK Bf OWNER 7 rooms and den, fireplace, built-in bookcase, bnffejt and Dutch kitchen, shower bath over tub. 40x100 lot. 100 from Alberta car. 20 minntea out Price $3000. $800 cash will handle this. 1039 E. 13th fet. N. Phone Wood lawn 2293. ONLY $00 for a 6 room substantial bouse. With the house go -two lots. ' This is in the right direction for the working man, only a short distance from the St. Johns carline. . on Bayard st $300 caeh rs all yon need. 3d. J. CLOHES9Y, 415 ABINGTON BLIXJ. DANDY 5 ROOM HOUSE 100X100, FKU1T AND GARAGE 44TH ST.. CLOSE TO CAR WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE $2750. WORTH $3 500 PHONE MONDAY. BDWY. 51 KOSE CITY PARK Full 2 -story, 6 -rooms, sleeping porch, attic, 2 toilets, all built ins. hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen; modem throughout; beautiful shrab bery. A real home at a bargain. Leasing Portland. Owner. Tabor 4175. HAWTHORNE district 5 room bungalow, ga rage, full cement basement, street improve ment in and paid lor; $2500, on easy term. 5 room bungalow, full cement basement, on paved street, for $2260, on easy terms. P. M. Madden Vealty Co., 1028 Hawthorne ave. NEAR IUREQTURST-" ! ' 5 room modem bungalow, -alt built in effect, lot 60x100, rood bearing fruit trees. 2 block to car, $2500; $500 caah: $20 per month, interest 6 per cent Call Woodlawn 6273 or Tabor 1704.. CHEAP home and lot alone worth the price, on . B. Morrison et ; 3 rooms, pantry, toilet, ess nd electrio lights; $1250 Including street im provements, $300 cash. Neal Brown, 207 Pan ama bldg. , , ROSE CITY PARK bungalow. 5 room and reception hall, choice corner, east facing, $2600 will handle. Phone owner. Tabor 6396. 4 ROOM house, basement bsth and toilet beaf ing fruit trees, paved street and all improve ment paid, y block from Richmond car, lot 60x100; price $2150. 680 Greenwood ave. Phone Tabor 6218. ONLY $1100 for a 3 room oozy cottage with . 2 big lots, several choice fruit tree in full hearing,, cement .sidewalks and only 4 block from the carline; $830 cash is ail yfia need. Jl. J. (JUMltSSl, - 418 ABlJiliTOM BLDG. GOOD home in Laurelhurst. 6 rooms and a sleep ing porch, good garage; will sell reasons trie, or will trade for a bungalow. See Webster L. Kincaid, 526" Henry bldg.. Portland, Or. AN. EXTRA BARGAIN 6 room cottage, fine lot, garden, fruit, chick en park, etc; $1000, tarms. Davie, Main 5231. OWNER will sell good 5 room home, $2500 caah : full cement basement wash tray. 1 block from carline and school; walking distance. i'Bon Sellwood 756. 7 , ROOM modsra house, 100x100, southeast comer of 13Ui and Mason sts., for sale. Rmsll payment down, balance easy term. Price $3000. Phone East 321 . '-'!' WESTMORELAND (Restricted district of beautiful homes). Attractive 6 room double constructed bungalow, east 17th . st.. for sale by on ner. Some term, -s Phone Sellwood 90. FOR SALE 6 room modern bungalow, clear of ' ell incumbrance, 4 H block north of Monta villa carline. $2300. -Might arrange term for smaii oaianoc. , zou lata or Tabor 6209 viu mi l.- a i . ".-':.' ij . . - -- w aia nu.iuKi uisinex, modern bouse, $1200; also modern 6 rooms and bath on Woodstock, $1600; both easy terms. 267.H Oak st- C. IL AasHn. Mn. 1743. FOR SALE ?730 Sfx-room hna and fun lot; 1 block from, Willamette "blvd.; S blocks from St John rax; good locality; good home; good ternw. Owner, v Main '3652, except Son. FOR SALE -o-room modern house, one block -'Roe City car. Tabor Sl43. SEVEN-BOOM house foe sale by owner, Phone laoor on FOR SALE 3 room home. $"250 or $300 down., rest on fame. Tabor 3821. a ilODERN 5 room bungalow, reasonable terms, direct from owner. Phone Tabor 1667. - REAL ' FfTATE FOB SAXE HOUSES 61 1. A. WICKMAX CO. - , . . - . offer yon the ' following home 'a their beat buy out of bOO heme listed for sale. f If yon re looking for desirable borne, one that yvu can resell without km. should the occasion arise that you would demr to do so; one that wili make you a home that yon can be proud of and none ef t the following seem to quite fill the bill don't hesitate to call on na, a we sjsectahze in that kind of homes, and. while unable to advertiKe all house listed, we can un doubtedly suit you. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW- ' BARGAIN $3180 Attractive bungalow, with living . room across entire front large din , . mg room with built-in buffet, whit '" v enamel Dutch r kitchen, 3 hrrge bed . t room and path - (also in whit ' ' enamel), fireplace, bookcasra hard wood fleors. full cement basement. - waab, traya, 60x100. with iuiiirove i rnents all ia ami paid. BKAUT1FUT BUNGALOW, FINE' VIEW $3500 asked Make ta an offer. Owner mnpt leave city and very desirous et selling. Fiv rooms and steeping porch, rtrictly modern, furnace, f ire 1'lace. hardwood floors, all buiit- ins; o north alop of Mt Tabor, nestling among the fir trees, with fine view; linoleum, gas range. Kuud heater and carpet in bedrooms go with home. Lrt tu show you. Terms. improvements, paid. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $8160 Six room modem home. 5 rooms on first floor. 1 np; fireplace, fur- nace, improve merit paid, on 50th st north of Hawthorne, Glencne school district. Must hare $900 $4000 Beautiful bungalow of 7 rooms and breakfast ronm.. indirect lighting fix- turea throughout, real marble bowls in Jiving rooms, 2 bedrooms on first floor, 2 nt: also attic for storage; furnace and fireplace, usual built ins, full cement basement, wash traya, improvements paid, 4 8x92 lot FORECLOSURE BARGAIN $2500 Two-flat building with 5 room and bath down, 6 rooms and bath up; live in one and rent the other; 1 OO feet from Woodstocfc car. on 37th St.. connected with sewer, clear. Easy term. $1800 Five room attractive bungalow v type home, with bath, sas, electric lights, full basement Easy terms. Undoubtedly the best home in the city for the money. If you don't believ it, let us show yon. $2100 Formerly $2250; 5 room cottage on full 60x100 lot, with street improvements paid, on 7th st near Mason. Easy terms, 6 per cent Interest $2130 Five room bungalow, with Dutch kitchen, full basement laundry traya, . 1 block to Alberta car. $2500 Shr room attractive home on cor ner lot. neat and clean. A very desirable home for the ordinary man that is not too fussy and wants some thing substantial, roomy and with good-sized, light rooms. Fmit and berries, 2 blocks to Alberta, car. Terms., $250 Fire room attractive bungalow, .with attic for 3 more rooms, fire- place, full ceroeht basement wash trays. unal built-irei, hardwood floors, 80x100. Term. On it. C. P. car. We re selling better then one house a day. because we have the bargains and can show you desirable borne in Rose City Park. Hawthorne, Piedmont. Alberta and similar district. We liav the selling of home now under const ruc tion and can arrange to build to suit you en a down payment as low aa $3041. It will pay you to see nn before buying. Photo of all house advertised aud many more on display at our office. . J. A. WTCKMAJf CO. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 383. Open Rundav. List Your Home With Us. YOUR NEW HOME IN ROSE CITX PARK $3500 . We want you to see the beantiful new bun re - lows now hearing completion. Ton wriuld neveri exnect to buy a brand new bungalow located tn the paved distriot. with sewer connection, on with so many modem Improvement and re finements, such as hardwood floors, fireplace. eafft an exceptionally large living room with plate glass window, complete cabinet kitchen with breakfast nook, all for 83300. would yon? Ye. the bungalows are well built thoroughly double constructed. You would expect to pay so much more. Permits have been taken out for the construction of 67 bungalows, of various type and sixes, all to be built in Rose City; You may choose your own location and have the house constructed along lines bo suit your own fancy. You hurt drive to 6 1st and Siskiyou and see the houses now under construction. A great many tTtink that ju-t because a house is newly Huilt it is poorly built Seeing is believing. See for yourself., Then, too, these "hemes are being sold on very attractive terms. Perfect title guar anteed. Call at either of our offices and we will be glad to show you the plans snd slsefOie various locations to pliow from. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st, near 3d. Min 8316. Branch Office, 60th and Randy (Open Sunday. HAWTHORNE AVE. 7 ROOM BUNAI.OW $4250 We want you to e this splendid bnnealow, located 1028 Stephens t, near 84tli. Full 0x 100 lot snd all asieasmenta raid. Yon will ap preciate th interior finish, the expensive elec tric fixtures, the massive- buffet, paneled din ing room, costly plumbing firtnre wilh pedestal lavatory. Of course, it has hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, etc. Can be handled on very easy terms.- Let tt show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3516. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $8400 $500 DOW $23 PER MONTH On lflth near Myrtle st is a eery attractive colonial bungalow of 6 rooms, large riving room with fireplace, dining room. Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, plumbing like new. In a district of !:tf:t-claa home owners, where the kiddies can be rair-ed in the right environment. An unusual opportunity to buy a home in thi beautiful part ot Portland, and bear in mind this is close in and a BARGAIN. Will you. phone me when it I convenient for yott to go? I will have one nf mr automobile come right over aud we will take you thronch thi home. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY TOUR HOMK AWnrton BW. Main 1068. Main 5166 OITICB OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS $2990 PIEDMONT HOME $290 6 room very substantial white bungalow type home, good cement basement white enamel plumbing, electric light and gaa, on a full lot paved street and sidewalk in and paid in full, surrounded by beantiful Or trees, right in Pied mont, one of Portland' exclusive residence dis tricts ( easy terms. See 1 FRANK I M'GUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068, Main 5156. Office Open Evening and Sundays. $200 DOWN $2500 NEW BUNGALOW 4 good room 2 bedrooms), modem, bath, elegant kitchen, built-in ironing board, lot 8 Ox 100, fir tree in yard, 1 block to carline: you can move in at once. 3. L. Hartman Co., 7 Chamber ' af Commerce bldg.. 4 th and Stark. Main 208. Dandy Bungalow ONLY $2750 v Modern and well built 5 rooms, beside 8 finished rooms in attic. - Full lot Will give terms Attractive buy like ' thi are seldom found, and remember no street bond to assume. A. K. HILL CO.. 214 Lumbermens Bldg. r Bdwy. 421. ' IVr ST.. NEAR. E. 7T1I 5 BOOMS $2760. Go see this splendidly built borne, located 426 Ivy st Take Unirn are car. Street and sewer assessments an raid. fAOO cash wili handle. Owner moving Into hi new 8 room boose and must sell at onoe. - i A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st, near 3d. , Main' 3316. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT , 'Nicely furnished 4 room bnngslow. old ivory fti fch, bookcsea, eery neat, Dutch kitchen, on paved street, all street improVements paid; $800 easl' will handle. HAWTHORNE- BEALTY CO. -Smh-and Hswtuorne. -- Tabor 7463. $2600 MODERN 6 room house, on corner lot, 100x100. east, front. . Basement, cement floor, wash trsys, fireplace, birilt-ins, fine lawn, cement -walks, Ixts of berries, some early garden in; two fine chicken house. la good neighborhood. , Borne terms. Phone Wdln, 8986, au. nay mmaey. IMMEDIATE 1-OSSKSSlON 1 ' " - Mt Tabor home-, strictly modern, garage. Imp. paid; owner will make ritrht price; beau tiful location. 154 B." 68th at 8. 111 be tween 10 . m. end 4 p. . Phone after Sun day Tabor $079. LOT 60x126 H, 6 room 'house,, near ear, not modern. $20O? Terms, r 613 N. Smith are., Stt Jowiw -.a- y- y ... : w-f-? -y $6AO BY owner, 4 mora house, 2 fine lots. Brentwood, gun. and evenings. Tabor 7079. HEAt, T.STATK FOB SALE HOUSES $1 Us I THESE ARE ALL SELECTED BARGAINS $2360 $400 down, ; Alameda district, 5 ' room bungalow with bath, full ce- . ment baarinent, wash trays, street., paved and ikl; remember, paving $3250 $600 cash. Richmond, 6 room 2 story bungalow, oak f loor.-Jireiilaee, furnace: 80x100 lot. street - koina paid. Tlii it a good one. Let n - how you, ) ... ; $2323 $380 cash, block to Clinton t j ear, 6 room house in good condition. ' full baremeat. small lot but it is a comer; street and aewer in and paid. This ia tUxa ia on 25th at $3630 $500 down.1 Kow CHy Tatk. : room 2 story, fine condition, all . built in full basement fireplace, 47x119 lot, paved street. $1450-r-$l75 cash, 69th st near school. 5 room, bungalow style, nice bath, y cement walks, shed can b uned for garage. This won't last long. See it quick. $2325 -$830 cash. Alberta district Here is a big, big bargain; an 8 room boUa, newly painted and in fine condition, bath, full basement, on the tear of the lot to another small hbtu of S rooms. ' If you have some money to invest, see ibU quick. $1950 $200 cash, Kenton district, a 5 room cottage with atli, chicken house, 100x100 lot with cherry, ap ple, pear, prune and other fmit trees in bearing ! line place for gar den and chicken. $1680 $600 cash, 68th at; a real bun galow of 6 room with .bath, wood shed, chicken bouse; a cosy home at a low "price. . W will gladly ahow you any of theae home at any Jiour during the uay or eve nine. Phone fur appointment or come to our office. Our autus ar alway at your service, COE A. M'liENNA A CO., Msin 4522 82 Fourth st, Hoard of Trade bldg. Small Houses, Easy Terms $1000 $1050 $1100 $1500 $1600 $1600 $1600 $1650 $1500 $1700 $ito $1800 $2000 $2000 $2100 $2250 $2250 $2250 $2400 ai s 5 r. cottage, 87x11, 130 Naahton near Fesaenden, St John. Any terms. . Good 3 r. house; 60x100. 1846 Denver ave., near Portland blvd; $300 cash.. 2 r. new house, 60x100; 1233 EL 20th N. near Atnsworth ; $100 caah. 5 r. cottage, elect, gaa, etc.; 6008 86th st. S. E. near Woodstock ave,; $250 cash. 5 r. cottage, lot "45x191: 414 Fesscnden at near Gilbert, St. Johns; $250 cash. 4 r. cottage, 1289 C. Morrison near 43d, $300 cash. 6 r. double cottage, cor. 60x100, S83 Maliory, cor. Mason;-$300 caan. Paved street paid. 4 r. cottage, 3 lots, 100x130; 941$ 51st ave. S. .. eor. 94th. 6 r. bouse. 60x100 lot; 14 N. Crawford near Burlington, St. Johns; $220 cash, $10 mo. 5 r. cottage: bath, electricity, 875 E. Pine, near 28th. Easy term. 6 r. house, gas, bath, basement; 144 E. 30th near Belmont; $500 caah. Nice location. 6 r. nice cottage, bath, elect, full basement; 1246 Minnesota ave. near Alnsworth; $200 essh. Nice 5 r. cottage, 100x100; lot of fruit. 181 E. Madison Bear 73d; $400 cash. 7 r. cottage, elect., bath, basement; 2 lota; 1023 Interstate, cor. Hum boldt; $300 cash. Nice 5 r. bungalow. 1020 E. 29th N". near Alberta; $500 cash. Nice 6 r. house, garage, 1133 E. 28th X. near Emerson. $400 cash. 5 r. nice cottage, 50x100. 747 Al bina ave. near Fremont, $500 cash, or 100x100 with garage, for $3250. 5 r. cottage and sleeping porch, 344 Morris, near Union av.. $500 cash. R r. fin bungalow, garage. 1137 E. 1 7th N.- near Albert t term. GRU8SI BENNETT Board of Trad. Msin 7462. $3!50 WONDERFUL BUNGALOW HOME There are bungalow and bungalow, but this I the moot complete, attractive modem bungalow that we have had tn the office for a long time. Very attractive linea: reception hall: living room with fireplace; window seat; hardwood floor; leaded glass bookcases; solid psneled dining room with plate Tail: 6 foot leaded glass buffet: beamed ceiling: white enamel Dutch kitchen with cooler; screened ia back porch; full cement base ment; laundry trays; 2 bedroom; best white enamel plnmbing; fiulhed attic with billiard ronm and sleeping porch. Very artistic lighting fixtures; paved street Vacant Immediate pos session. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Tour Home Abington Building, Min 1068, Main 8156 Office Open Evening and Wnndsy. IW1E AU sandy losm soil, all in cultivation, some fmit good 6 room house, electric lights, bath, wash bowl, toilet 1000-gallon pressure tank run by electric motor, concrete sidewalk in. front of place, fine lawn and about 90 choice rose, nice shade tree by the house, fair barn and ehtofce house, rsrage. water piped to the lawn in the ysrd This tt located at Canity, Or., 8 blocks ot the depot a fine location. If you want a nice home, here it is. Will make a fine place for bt-rriea and cbtckeru. Price $4000. $1500 dewn. balance time. '" E. P. ELLIOTT A SON, 7th od Main St. Oregon City. Or. Alt In cultivation-, good soil, good 7 room plastered house with hot and cold water aim concrete basement bam and chicken boue. 123 bearing fruit tree, good well water. Thig Is 3Vi mile of Oregon City, on good road and in good eommnnitv.i Pric M 800, ' tnnttly cash. E. P. ; ELLIOTT A SON. 7tl and Main HU. Oregon City, Or. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON y BUNGALOW Modem 6 roera, 2 story bungalow 5Q7 E. 13th st tf. : this place Is strictly modern, having hsrdwood floors, fireplace, furnace, cement floor in basement and other, modern convenience. Price $4000 Easy Term. J. F.HILL ! 896 WILLIAMS AVE. ' PHONE EAST 268. DO you want one of the finest residence in Bose City Park, not more than 76 feet from the Sandy road I This 1 a bungalow, and a new bungalow, not having been built very long. It is perfect ' in every detail, hardwood floors. T w.i.K w If ..h.n f tr.niAye f nniAv-e and full hemffnr. V basement ; in fact, everything about it is first class. There is a lot ooxioe test, garage, ana it should suit any person wanting a bungalow of this six. There i no building between it and Sandy road. Toe price is 82O0O les than yon duplicate tb price, for $404. nay In fnll, and with the right party $1000 In cash will be enough for the first payment - M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. . y A DANDY BARGAIN 6 room cottage and comer lot, 46th at Divi sion st : good, plumbing, electric lights, street Improvement paid, large lot, garage, etc. PRICE $2000; $600 CASH, BAL. EASY. Look it over today house No. 431 E. 4olh st J, F. HILL 999 WILLIAMS AVAV i, , PHONE EAST 268. IN Capitol HilL positively the but and bigse.t acre ef land, very highly snd prettily im proved, only lOO feet from the city school. ; On thi land is a cote 4 room bungalow. It has such convenience a city water, ga and electric I'eht It near the station, with 6c car fare, Ie ha a grr. Take the whole thin as it stand for $2500; about half canh t all you need. Von won't find anything Ilk this any more. M-. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON HUG. . - - i, Williams Avenue Bargain - Modem 7 rom boue oil William ve. ner Going t. lot 60x120, street improvement paid. The lot alone is aiim t worth the pric asked. Price $3200. aome ermv L F. HILL . - 696 WTTXIAMS AVE. ' EAST 268. A 6-ROOM, cottage, double - const n-td, lot 100x100, garage and S bearing fmit tree. 898 K. 6Stb at. N. Phon Tabor 8471. 4!4 blocki. norUt ot Sand. . u 1 mm REAt. KSTATl! FOR SAL E H O I S F. S t : TAKE TOt'R CHOICE t 823- buy a, shack and good. lot. . -$ 9 2 ,V buys neat cottage, plain. : . $1000 buy 4 room at traruva cottage. -$1100 buy 4 room cottage. .s - $1850 buys . 5 room cottage. Hath, toilet,: gas, electricity, lot 76x100. a-Uewalks, street graded. $1850 bays aunctiv store' and 8 modern ' living (whm in rear. - , . : 82230, tray "n- 7 room plain modern home near J "en Simula acliotil: a bargain. $2900 buy Tt room, modern, close tn, east ' side; snap. ; $4000 buy fin 7 room modern !iom, 3 lots, with fmit. $4 300 buy 7 room rnwlem Irvington bom. ' $9500 buya 8 room very olioice Laurelhurst': borne. .. . MOUCK, 110 10th t , ' mpkcial : $2900 peninscl.' bargain $2000 - Her is ia unusual bargain in a tt room very attractive bungalow type home. Thi home ia practically new; haa a dandy cement base, ment large , horasy living room with fit) Usee, paneled dining room, many built-in conveniences, Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing fixtures, el-ctrio lights and gas. Really, you. oouldn't build the home for $290O, It ta an ideal location, oh Oatmao at, near Holland. Lot t 89x66 2-3; only 2 block to Peninsula achool. You'll admit it is a bargain when you 'see it Come in and see the photograph. See FRANK L. MoGUIRE . To Buy Your Home Abington bids. Main 1068. Main 6156. " '- Office oten evening and Sunday. I"OH SALE Modern 6-room bungalow; corner lot 75x100 feet on 82nd st. near GllMn: electricity, gaa; la basement y modern plumbing with connections for wash trays; built-in china eloset; linen- closet in bath; paneled dmiug room ; outbuilding- would aa for garage l Jar garden, all: in and growing. r Everything ia in fine shape, clear of incumbrance. - One block from ' street , c, 8 blocks from school.. The following furniture to gs with the bouse: 1 Monarch range, connected to h. w. tank; 1 heater; 1 dining room table and leave ; 1 enunb, ; 2 center tables; 1 rug; 2 dresser; 6 chairs; 1 rocker chair; 1 bookcase, 2 double beds; 2 doable springs. Price $2000; $460 caaii. balance $25 per mo. Phone Main 1608 Sun day, and evening Marshall 1417, $50 -CASH 8 rnom bouse, lot 50x187, partly furnished; pric $430; easy payment. $200 CASH 7 room modern, ' furnace, fireplaee I Wood lawn district; price $2200. $400 CASH 4 room modern, fruit and garden, block from Woodstock ear; price $1360; easy pay ments, ... . $1250 CASH 6 room modern, elose in, a beautiful home; price $3600. Many. other. Open evening and Sundays. LAYMAN. 147 PARK 8T. 810.500 IRVINOTON 1IOMR 81O.&00 f fi We are authorised to offer for sal a beautiful ... home on quarter block in Irvington; full cement; ,o basement; hot water beating system ; fireplace.) A hardwood floor, Dutch kitchen, sun room, H large bedroom and sleeping porch on 2d floor.! .A This quarter block with tb improvements pll V is worth $5500 alone. This I a wonderful, home. Can arrange term. Let n tell J on aooui una uome eeiore you our euewuer. FRANK L. McGUIRE Tn Buy Your Home Abington bldg. Main 1068. Main 0168. Office open evening and Sunday. ia in irtt Aiwivn r. Atm t irt-ti ? Oi On E. Uoyt street, near 81st, we are nffertnsr-r a very attractive typical bungalow on a full lot ., with paved street in and paid in full. I'orct extends across entire front of house; large living ' -room with fireplace; paneled dining room; bev :.I eled leaded glass buffet; bookcase ; DutcH w . ... kitchen; 2 bedroom and large closets: good '. basement; furnace and laundry traya; aleepint porcn. lerms. see r FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. . Abington bldg. Main 1066. Main 813$. Office Open Evening and Sunday. 6-ROOM BTTNOAIIMT ROSE CITY PARK $2800 New. not Quite finished. Go see it on BOtfc t. 2d house north of SUntnn, Term. Pac ing and sewer in. Only $117 to be asanmtvl J. 1 Hartman Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerue bid.. 4th and Htartt. Main SOU : I. FCBN1SIIED, ITN FURNISHED, $800 DOWN - TERMS TO SUIT 2800 Moving to CsUforsus. will sell my home ef 6 room, doable constructed, comer 60109: treat paid; sleeping porch, -full cement base ment ; lawn, rosea, garden. Phone Woodlawn 4480. ' -1- : SEIK 8. I1." ftHopfl ' ' " !' EASY TERMS 6 rooms, bath, full basement, on paved street and carline, full lot, east- front, price $200$; term to suit . A. WARRINEB, P-m'EB, LOWE A CO.. 201-7 Board of Trad Bldg, - K ENt'ON INDUSTRIAL CENTER New boulevard to Broadway bridge out us mile nearer city; 2 pew 8 room home, 6 blocks to Kenton and St Jobna cats, $950: $30 cash and 19 per month, una ready to occupy now, Take nl jonns car to no ixnnoara st. McDonald, Woodlawn 6273. f 540 $7500 $7560 Ijint 23th et N., between B raxes and Knoll., 8 room. Fine conditfen. Now being painted outaiua and in. Jiberat term. WAKEFIELD, FUIK.S A, CO. 86 Fourth t.. SACiltlKH'E SALE 2r.00 ' " ' SIX ROOSI HOUSE, PERFECT ORDER, CLOSE IN. 8 BMK'KS FROM SCHOOL, BETWEEN 2 OARL1NES. COBNEB UtT. $0. 100; IMPROVEMENTS AI.L IN. OWNUt, WDLN. 879. TERMS. NO AGENfS. I FURNISHED 4 BOOM BuNGALow ilitU - - Modem, double constrncted, full cement basement, whit enamel Dutch klulien atid plumbing, electric iigiit. sewer in. lot 60x1 0(, close to Richmond car. $500 cash required. A genuine bargain. i R. K. FEEMSTER, 309 Abington bldg. I -MODERN 6 room bungalow, large attic, extra large basement, Dutch kitchen,- buffet, flre Ttce. oak floors, 60x100 east-front comer hit, 1 block to car; $3460, $65(1 cash, balance easy. iOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 . S. W. BAik r ivii.,. 4-h(loM coTtAGi-wTOMfoTi? 11800. $260. BALANCE $15 AND iNTKERRt 54th street, near ft 5th avenue. 4 good roomf. bath, toilet, hot and cold water, ga and etee tri light. t .. SM ITH-WAGONEB CO., STOCK EX. f ' 6 ROOMho(is on West side, plastered, toilet. bath, street paved and paid, eewer, lot 40( 100, nice lawn, shrubbery, 1 block to car And school. Pric $1250, $300 essh. balance: 6 tier cent; adjoin psrk. J0HNSON-DODSQN CO' f!4 N. W. JBA N K BLDG. tffj6 1861 EaUl)mvir street, 8 room and bath. Lot 40x130, Furnace,. Sunt fruit tree. Near -achool and carline. foasy terms. . W A K EF1ELD, FRIES It, . CO, $2i&uUOLERN 6 ilOo!ii kJlSO Close in. near Union are. Concrete Ms. ment furnaoe, nice interior finish. Very aun- venienuy K-ieo. r.ay lerm. - ft. F. FEEMSTER, 3Q9 Abtngton bldg. $1 600-6 ROOM PLA 8TERKD HOLME- 1 $00 B(ement, water, kit 100x112, fenced, alt cultivated, IS, fmit trees, berries, chicken hise; $400 caah. balance esoy. JOHNSON-DODSXJ.V CO., 684 1. W. BANK BLDft. THIS BEATS YOIR HENTBlLfi ' ? r " ONT,Y $100 CASH BALANCE MONTHLY VKK A;KK AMI HI'S. ROOM UOUSK- . All Kind of Fruit Good- Gsrage. i smith-w:agoneb CO., STOCK EX. j . N FINISH ED BUNOAlVW,""lftRlAAND, $ivfi UN A carpenter cao finish this 6-room boag. low at small coat and have a nice modern hum. We HI cheerfully famish all particulars, i ; : K. T. F:EMSTEB. 809 Abington BldA $8280 rfAWTMOBNE 8S00 CSii f Five room bungalow, breakfast alcove, . Iife plaoe, hardwood floor, btillt-ln envpnlnee, gs raee. JfiHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 N1W. BANK BLDG. l $4500 Artistic new bungalow. Indirect liarit inc. white enamelled, mahogany . trimmed, French door, all built inl, breakfast nook, fire place, furnace, full cement basement, wh tray. grge. Owner. Et 1644. '' "' -. - 5 ROOM bantraTow, good' "district, light, -ca,' Sidewalk, buffet, fireplaee, concrete founda tion, basement Prtc8178n. 80O cash. bU nee easy. J OHN SON -DODSO.N CO.. 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. y . 1 6 ROOM 'cotUge, llglit, gas, graded Street rood - . Incation. lot 40xlO0. Jewn, trees, shrubbery, nr CatlioHo school and ehurcb-. Prle L'10i. 759 oasb. balance ease. JOUNSON-DODSON CO.. 684 N. W, BANK BLDG. : ' ' 3BOOM bunglow. good diJtrtet full plumb-, Ing,. large basement, btg attic, 8 cherry trees, red raspberries, loganberries lot 0xl0. Pricw $2500. very easy term. JOHNSON-DOtsHON CO., 684 N. W. BANK BLDG. . $2400 $500 CASH j ' Fiv room bungalow, ga, - bath, eUcvrV-itv, room coxy and conveniently arranged, close to -rat and school. JOHNSON-DOlWiON CO..s3i N. W. BASK BL1K1. . j- ' , SUNNYSIDE 6 room bouse, plumbing, lot 60x114, nice lawn, tree, eboic shruliberr. Price $2425. balance, like rent JOHNSON-j DODSON CO., 684 N.W. BANK BLDG.i CIX5SE IN, east mAfTp Jtom' .int"vey good eonditlrm. Price $300, $230 dow, remaitKler morrt'ihf payment.::' Ia. av iuxjn;, . 8 1 7Boardof Trade. . " ' . ' I " ' FOCR room shack on 60x100 eaefc-fmnt lot.-vle- . walks paid, all for price of lot;' $700, $20 ca.li JOHNHON-DODSON CO., 634 W. r i i t: : 4t (ft A-.r it f 1 t .1 s V X i'l- t ( f . ij iU if ,'f it til ;l . i)t ti it U -'1 f.( t I', (- . it i r ilf ; T it TT .1 . i ii" is H i