OREGON DAILY; JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1919. Vr Smportarit Caster itt Churches Suitably ISSill THE. Sistoify fSoraand Observe Most METHODISTS WILL GIVE ELABORATE E Special Services in Every Church of Denomination in City Have Made Preparations ; for Day. SCHOOLS WILL HAVE PART In Some Cases Pastors Announce Intention to Abandon Their Or ' der of Worship for Children, Methodist churches In Portland I will celebrate Easter Sunday with elaborate musical programs and,: special services. Every church, both, large and small, has made special preparation for the day. Sunday school superintendents have been preparing for the past -weeks' programs -that Will be rendered at various hours Hunday. Several mlnistens : have an nounced that they - will abandon -their regrular order of worship In-order to give the children the opportunity of present Ins: their prog-rams. ' - Wilbur Methodist , Both' Misses "Harriet end Florence Leach will sine both rrieea of Wilbur Methodist church Kaster fjuadsy. Ia the morning Mis Florence will rentier the soln "Eastern Dawn," end la the evening Miss Harriet Leach wiU sing "Lilt Your Glad Voice." They will participate a wmtralto and soprano in the quartet at both services. In. Francis Hurgte Sliort. the pa, tor, will preach tnonuw and ermine- The Older of. services follows: .-. . MORNING SERVICE Antelodium H major . , .Wallace William Mansell Wilder. Anthem "The First Begotten of the Dead" ... . .................... Blumenscheia Organ "Iteverie" ....... . . ...... .Lsmmon William Mansell WUder. Kolo,"Eatr Iawn" .Woodman Mia Florence Leaeh. rwtlnde "Be Not Afraid." . from "Elijah" ...... Mendelssohn EVENING SEBVICB Orgsn "Ardenta Lauda" .......... .Lamp William. Mansell WUder. 2 i ". Anthem "Lo. the Tomb I Empty" . , Tiroome Holo "Hosanna" ................. .Granier Rosroe Belt Anthem "I Am lie That Uveth" ...... Kinf Hi.lo "14ft Tour Glad Vokies" ...... .Hawley . - - . Miss Harriet LeaSh, Oi Ban "Andante Kilitfloso"- . . . is.. Bink fcolo "Jerusalem" . . . . . . . .:. .,. . .Parker A. E. Darldton.' Tof tlnde "SoleneHa" .... . . . . .-; . . .Kettersr William ManseU Wilder is organist endvdi rector. --.'" . " First Methodist ' ' The following program of Eas'ler"inusW will be rendered by the quartet of-the Vint Methodist KpicopaV church Hunday morning;' "Hod Hath Bent Hie Angela" . . -. . . . . . . . .Loud "When- the ftabbath Was. Past",. . . . .Bartlett . "They Have Taken Away My Lord" . . .Stainer - In V. n!n. mrimn wTh. . T.if" i an Easter eantata by James .8 Rosen. This i a very beautiful composition and is divided, into tt.ree parts Part 1, "The Prophecy'; Part. 2, "The Fulfillment": part 8, "The I'romise." Con- . siderable time has been. spent in -it,. preparation and -an artistle rendering is- promised. . The quartet ia composed of Miss Goldia Petersen, soprano; Hn. Esther Collin Chatten, contralto; Walter J, Olll, tenor; O. Henry Cramer, bari ti.ne, and Ho, Gladys Morgan Farmer, organist and director..'-'.'". ( First Free Methodist Iter.' Alexander Beers, nastor ' of the First Pre ' Methodif. - church, - East- Ninth- and SIH1 trevre, has planned tor full Kaster services. Frank F. Miller, superintendent of the Sunday scnnoi, nas planned for an interesting program, with gongs and recitations by the pupils from (Concluded on Page Sevan, Column Two) DR. WALDO " Morning service 11 O'oleek "THE MESSAGE Of THE REtURREC TION" Evening Service a O'clock "THE LOVINtt CHRIST - Oregon Commandery of Knights Tern ' t -plar No. 1 Mill Attend in a. Body' 1 -EMEVERE' EAFTISM AT BOTH eERvioesi - ' FREEWILL' EASTER OFFERING WHITE TEMPLE TWELFTH AST TATLOB1 STS. GENERAL PUBLIC OORDIALLV . INVITED . Why I Am a Seyenlh-r Day Adventisl EVANGELIST DICKSON will continue the subject which he began laet Sunday night and will tell in this lecture why he keeps the seventh-day Sabbath. The Bible will be given, for 'each point of proof. SUNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 20 AT flii O'CLOCK ClIRISTENSEN'S HALL 11 la St. Between Morrison and Yamhill special' Mtrsic . ' PROF. X. C. COtCOBD, Director Pebllc Inrlted Come Early for a Good Seat- ASTER PROGRAMS Congregat iopalists ill JBegin easier Celetratione&unday WBliAtSkcir grayer J i ' " in it, r U , ' Sunday morn In gr, afternoon land evening- members of the , Congregrational churches of the city wilt Rather In their places of worBhip to celebrate the res urrection of Christ from the dead. In terdenominational sunrise prayer meet ings will be held in a few churches by the young- people's societies, to be fol lowed later in the day by special pro grams of song and veTse. Congrega tional Sunday school pupils have been preparing programs for weeks that will gladden the hearts of those who witness their rendition Sunday. .Atkinson Memorial Special Eaater service wil be held at At kinson aMemoritl church nomine and evening s follows: ; . Morning Berrice rrehide "targo" . ................ Handel TJosoIogy. Ifrmn i: , , . . 892 Anthem "God Ilsth Appointed a Dtj" , , Tour . ' ' Quartette ' 8rmon "Tbe Risen Chnst". . . . j. . . . - . '. . . Kev. Elbert . E. Flint. Pastor .-'.Hymn, ... : , Benediction. . POTtlude "March" .... Cadman Evening .rrerada ''Balnt d Amonr" Elgar Hymn. .. . XntroduetfciB to Cantata--"Iarkncwa. and ' . Dawn" .. . . . . ... . . . . .i ...... . . . Peace .-: Mix Cook Soprano nolo "And When -They Were Come to a Plaow" . . . Miss Ashley Quartette- "Thon That Dentroyeth the Temple" Contralto solo "The Lord Is My Light",... . . .Alitsen Mrs. Thompson Offertory "Bercegse" . .......... . Lemar Onartette "Thy Life Wa Olven for Me" Soprano solo "Wiien tlie - Even Was Come" .... .'. Miw Ashley Kaster: Address 'A World Without Chrfot" ............. Rev. Elbert E. Flint, Pastor Quartette "Behold. I TeU Yon the Mystery" I Am Alpha and Omega" "Behold. I bavo the Key" ' Hymn. f : Benediction. ; Postlude "Bomance" . .......... .MacDowell The quartette consists of Miss Marion Ashley, snprano ; Mr. Ruth Leone ' Thompson, con tralto; W. : B. Bethune, tenor; Han.ld Ware hara. bass, - with Miss . Ida May Cook, pianist and musical director. ... First Congregational ' -' Eastar -rnusie at the First Concresational church will consist of: Quartet "Praisa the Lord" Ranriemrer Quartet "As It Beaan to Dawn". .... .Martin Soprane Solo "Hosanna" r. . .Gramer Ia the evening at 7:45 an elaborate song ser vice and organ recital will be given as follows: "March of the Priests From Athalis". ...... Mendelssohn "Pilgrims'- Song of Hope" . . .Batiste (Orean Solos) Quartet "King. All Glorious" Barnby Violin Solo "Souvenir" Drdla - - Miss Lucie Adele Becker. Hallelujah Chorus from "The Messiah". .Handel "Evensong" Johnston Organ Solo "Evensong" Johnston Bass Solo "Christ Is Risen' ...Harker , With Violin Obligate. 'The personnel of the choir: Mrs. Dudley Clarke, soprano: Miss Beatrice Palmer, contralto; Raymond V. McKaison, tenor; W. E. Robinson, baritone; Lncien E. Becker, organist and director. After the song service Ben Seoville, the mili tary entertainer and humorist, will talk on the subject, "Easter in the Trenches." " Highland Congregational served at the Highland Congregational ehnrch on f tion of members, holy communion and sermon u KmmwT uvuuwi. - au wuuiiKra to me jcaaer hymns, the . choir will render the anthem "Tri umphantly Sing." by Wilson, and Miss -Rose will sing the solo Holy City." Mrs. Richardu turinf. the accompanist. ' : In the evening the choir, under the direction of Miss O<ose, with Bf.s Benholds for the ac cnttnanist.. wiU give an- Kaster oonoert Including the , following : . . . v . - v. , . n , Anthem "Lo,' Kaster Dawns? :1.'..;.lynreris Baritone solo "The Mighty King".; Boex vioun soio Dr. E. B. Wheat Soprano solo "Christ Is "Risen" . . ' Miss I Talbot Anthem "Trlnmnl.Ai.t1v S elected .Harker .Wilson Reading "Voices at the Throne". . . . Westwood .... 'race i'lacoe. Anthem "Sing to the- Lord". . . . ; . Petri Sola, for baritone horn. ........ . Rnanini i. H. Marshall Male quartet. . . ."Lift Up Thy Voice" Messrs. Starts. Veith. Armstrong and Warnock .. Tenor solo "Jerusalem" . . ... . . Parker . ' B. Staats Anthem "Hosanna in the Highest". . . .Creswen sTf Waverley Heights Ccma-rw Uonal church, cor Rev XL2?r tlUrl " Woodward, of which services eonsisting. of Easter sermons 'and musfe at 11 a m. and 7:4 5 p. ro, A large number of new raemoera win Join at tl.e morning service h. L f?Jl2-fr'.m,A- """'i"' Prayer meetuig Intermediate Christian Endeavor will be held in the church Eaoter morning. ... -t -. j .... Sunnyslde Congregational .An elaborate Easter program has been ir- (Concluded on Pag Seven. Column Two WILBUR Methodist Church (BNTlTNOMAH HOTEL) FRANCIS BURGETTE SHORT PASTOB . ' SERXOX 1:S0.A. M. 1 'THE COMPELLING CHRIST' Easter Musical Festival The Quartet presents a great pro gram vfropv Mezzanine Balcony, and entire lobby turned over by Hotel Management' for this program. Splen did 'Orchestra. Meet your friends at the Multnomah Hotel Sunday rriorn--ing and evening. TRINITY CHURCH 19TH A5TD ETEEETT STS. REV. DR. A. A. MORRISON j. " JEsPTOR THBEE EASTER FESTIVAL . SERVICES 7 A. M Holy Commanlon. 11 A. M. Morning Prayer Sermon ' Md Holy Commanlon. 8 P. la -Evensong. -Elaborate) Slaslcal Program far AH Services , MABGURITE CAR3TET Special Soloist -we are very desirous of reaching Episcopalians who are strangers. Please come. , . . . SPIRITUALIST FIRST CHURCH EAST 7TH A3TD HAS9ALO STS. A. Scott Bledsoe . - PASTOR ' '. Sunday Services M. aad P. M. PRESBYTERIANS -' PREPARE FOR DAY Elaborate Programs of Rejoicing Will Be Presented in Celebra tion of Resurrection of Jesus. . . Kaster Sunday wlU be a day , of re joicing' : In the many Presbyterian churches of the city. . Pastors and, Bible school superintendents bave arranged programs for this year's celebration of the resurrection' of Christ that show careful preparation and forethought. In the larger churches special singers will furnish the Easter' music, while in the suburban churches local talent, which will Include the Sunday school, will provide the entertainment. Baptismal services will be held In a. few churches In connection with the Kaster celebra tion. " Westminster Sacred mnsie will feature the Sunday services at Westminster Iresbyterian chnrrh, East Six teenth and Scbnyler streets. Following in the program -as announced by Ir. Edward H. Fence: Morning Anthem "Blessed Be the Ood and Father" . . Wesley Offertory anthem "Awake. Thou That Sleepeet" Stainer - , Communion Service at 4 P. If. Soprano solo and quartet "From Thy Love as a Father" : ..... .'. .Gounod A r them "Whoso Drinketh of This Wster" . . '. Field Anthem (by request) "The Wilderness" . . . . Wesley The music will be furnished ' by Mrs. Jane Burns-Albert, soprano; Mrs. Lulu Dabl Miller, contralto ; Joseph P. Mulder, tenor; Pom Zan, baritone; J. Hutchison, organist and director. First United Presbyterian Special music win feature tlie Easter Sunday services at the First United Presbyterian church, according to the announcement of the pastor, the Rev. H. F. Given. He will preach both morning snd evening. Piedmont Presbyterian Piedmont Presbyterian ehnrch will begin the observance of Easter with a special Sunday school program at the school hour. At II o'clock there will be a reception of new oera- (Conclnded on Page Seven, Column Four) DIRECTORY Easter Sunday Uniform Sunday School Lesson "Our Risen Lord." (Easter Lesson.) Matt 28:1-10. Primary topic, "An Angel Tells About the Risen Jesus"; Junior topic, "The Story of sn Empty Grave"; Interroediste topic, "The Living Christ"; Senior topic, "The Meaning ot Christ's Resurrection." Golden Text: "He Is Risen, even as He said." Matt. 28:8. Young People's Topics Baptift Union: "Eternal Lite and How to Live It." ffolm 5:24; Eph. 2:1-10. Christian Endeavor: "Eternal Life and How to Live it." John 5:24; Epb. 2:1-10. Epworth League: "Eternal Life and How to Lead It." John 5:24; Eph. 2:1-10. Baptist First White Temple. 12th and Taylor Rev. William A. Waldo. .11. "Tho Message of Resur rection" : Easter music and baptismal service: 8, addresa on "The Living Christ" This service to be attended by Oregon Commandery. No. 1, Knigbts Templar. Esst Side E. 20th and Salmon Rev. W. B. Hinson, Rev. Herbert T. Cash, assistant Spe cial Easter services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Third Vancouver and Knott Eev. Webley J. Beaven. 11, Easter sermon; 7:30, Bible school program. Montavilla 11. 7:30. Arleta- Kev. W. C. Driver, temporary pastor. Special Easter music by s choir of 50 voices under Professor J. A. Finley. 11. "Victory"; 8, baptismal service. , i Calvsry E. 8th . and Grant Rev. J. E. Thomas. 11, Easter sermon; 8, Sunday school Easter program. - ; Glencoe E. 45th and Main Rev, F. C. Leslette. 11, "Who Shall Roll Away the Stonef Gnm. See the Place Where the Lord Lay"; special music: . 7:45, Sunday school Easter pro gram and brief address by pastor on "Love's Triumph Over Death. Sellwnod Bethany - -Rev. T. J. Broomfield, 11 780. Orace-E. 76th and Ash. 11. 7:80. . University Psrk Rev. S. Lawrence Black. 11, 7:30. Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rev. T. O. Sjolar dr. 10:80. 7:80. St. Johns Rev. Mr. Burton. 11. 7:80. ... Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Preaching by Dr. E. P. Borden. 11. 8. Cathollo - St. Peters Lents Rev. P. Beutgen. 8. 10:80, 7:30. Pro-Cathedral 15th and. Davis Rev. E. V. O'Hara. 6, 7:15. 8:80. 8:45, 11. 7:45. St Lawrence 3d and 8 herman Rev. J. . O. Hughes. 6, 8 -SO, 10:30, 7:80. St Francis E. 12th and Pine Rev. 3. H. Blsck. 6. 8. 9, 10:30. T:30. Immaculste Heart - of Mary Will isms and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. , 8. 9. 11. 7:80. Holy Rosary E. Sd and Clackamas Rev. E. S. Olson. 6. T. 8. 9. 11. 7:80. at Rose E. 63d and Alameda Rev. 3. O'FarrelL 8, 10:80. 4. St Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Bsv. J. Kieman. . 8. 10:80, 7:80. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siakiyon Rev. George F. Thompson. 7:80, 9. 11. Ascension E. 76th and Tsmhill Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:80. 7:80. Blessed Sacrament Msryland and Blandtn Rev. F. W. Black. 8. 10:80, 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Bev. C. Raymond. 8. 10:30, 7:80. . St Ignstlus 8220 43d st S. E. Jesuit Fathers. 6:30, 8,10:30. 4. St Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Rev. War ren A. Waitt 6. 8:30, 10:80, 7:80. Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and Vancou ver ava. Bev. William J. Devine. 6, 10:80, 7:80. St Phillip Neri (Paullst Fathers) Sv 16th and Hickory Rev. W. J. - Cartwright 7:0, 9. 10:80. 7:80. St Clements S. Smith ava. and Newton Serbite Fathers. 6, 8. 10:30. 7:80. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rev. Q. Sob. , 10:80, 7:30. V St Agatha E. 15th and Miller Bev. J. Com mine y. 8, 10:80, 7:30. 8t Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fall ing Bsv. F. Matthew. 8. 10: 30, 7:80. t St Joseph (German) 16th and Couch Rev. B. Durrer. 8. 10:30. 7:80. I St Michael (Italian) ith and Mill Bev. If. Balestra. 8:30. 10:80. 7:80. : 8t Clara Capitol Hill Father Csjnstrso, O. F. M. ; 8. 10:10. Bt Charles EL 88d and Alberts Bsv. 3. P. O'Flynn. . 10:80. AU Saints ft. 89th and Glissn Bev. Father William Cronin. 8. 10:30. i . Christian - First Park and Columbia; Rev. Harold H. Griffin. 0:45, Bible school program; 11, "The Easter Hope"; 7:45. "Why I Believe That Jesus of Naaareth Urose From the Dead." . East Side & 12 th aad Taylor Rev. R H. Sawyer. 10, program by the Bible school; 11, "Easter , Message" ; 8, cantata - by the - choir, "Christ the Victor." : i : Rodney Avenne Rodney and Knott' -Rev. J. F. Ghormley. 11, "The Resnrreestion and Coro nation of the Christ; 7-45. Bible school Easier program..' .. ..- . slonuvilla E. 76th and Gllsarf- Bev. Her bert E. Ryder. Il,-"The Risen Christ": f :80. cantaU, "The Dawn of a Wonderful Dayi' . - WoodlawB E. 7th and Liberty Bev. Joseph D. Boyd. 11. 8.. . - Vernon E. 1 8th . Kt Wygant Rev. ' R. Tfbbs Msxey. 11, 7:80. . , Oeirfs.'si adage -. ....y - lesson : subject: "The - Doctaine of Atsne ment" . - "trst 19th end Everett" 11, 8. '., , Second E. 6th aad Hoilsday. 11. 4. '. Third E. 12th aad Salmon. 11. 8. - " Fourth Vancouver ava. aad Emerson. IX. 8. Fifth 62d and 42d are. 8. E. 11. . Sixth Masonic Temple. 868 Tamhill. 11. 8. Seventh Holbrook block, St John, j 11. AU churches . ' Wednesday. 8 p. m. w Coftorsfletlonal . , - First Park and Madison. ; Dr. W. W. Wil. lard. 11, "Tho Easter Evangel; Life's Keynote and Life's Concert Pitch"; 7:45, song aervice. followed by address on "Easter in the Trenches," by Ben SeoveUV';.v -.:.; . v. - Bunnyode E. 35d and Taylor Rev." J.' J. iong, eSermon to Well riumph of 33ay JSishop Sumner to atro-Cathedral The most Important Easter In the his tory of living man.. if not In all -Christian history since the day of resurrection when the Savior of man rose from the dead, wilt be the one which will be cele brated tomorrow. Songs of triumph and sermons of rejoicing, not only because of the conclusion of the world's greatest combat, but because of the conspicuous physical manifestation Of the regenera tion of mankind, will be beard in all the churches of Portland, morning, after noon and evening. Church choirs, pastors and " Sunday school students have been exertinjr every effort during the past few weeks toward making Easter' Sunday a glad day. Elaborate decorations of lilies, palms and flowers are being placed today in the churches by florists and special; com mittees to help add charm to the day of days to be celebrated Sunday. Kpiscopal clergymen have bent every energy toward making Easter a glad day in their parishes. The church choirs and children of the Sunday school have prepared musical numbers that will be rendered. Kaster communion will also be celebrated in the various churches at the appointed hours. Kaster Sunday is also the day when Kpiscopal children open their mite boxes and bring- their iJenten offering to the church. Rt. Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner will be celebrant at the 7 :30 o'clock early morning serv ice at St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral and he will also preach at the 11 o'clock service. , Trinity Services at Trinity church. Nineteenth and Fverett streets, on Easter Sunday, will be a celebration of the holy communion at 7 o'clock, at which the full rested choir will aing Tertius Noble's service. At the 11 o'clock service will bs sung: 1' recessional hymn "Welcome, Happy Morning" Anthem "Christ. Our Passover" Bartlett Festival Ta Drum Gounod "Jubilate" . Schilling Solo "With Verdure Clad" Hiyden Kyrie. Gloria Tibi, ; Tertius Noble Hymn "AU Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" Sermon. Offertory anthem "La, the Tomb Is Empty" Broome Agnus Dei Tertua Noble Gloria ExcelAis Plain chsnt Ileeessional hymn "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" At the evening service will be sung: Processional "Jesus Christ Ia Risen Today" Magnificat "Nunc Dimittis" Smart Hymn "The Strife Is O'er" Offertory "Lo, the Tomb Is Empty" .. Broome Ileeessional hymn "The Day of Resurrection" OF CHURCH Staub. 11, "Ingredients of True Easter Joy"; 7:4 5, musical service. Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett Rev. E. E. Flint 11, "The Risen Christ"; 7:45, "A World Without Chriiit." Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Edward Constant. 11, "Easter Gladness"; 8, Easter con cert, Waverley Heights E. 83d and Woodward Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 7. Christian Endeavor sunrise prayer meeting; 9:45, Bible school exer cises; 11 and 7:45, Easter sermons by the pastor. Laurelwood 45th ave. and 65th at S. E. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 7. sunrise prayer service for Christian Endeavor; 11, Ea&ter ser vice followed by baptismal and communion ser vice; T, Sunday school program, "The Easter message." Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Bev. Robert Murray Pratt Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore Rev. Sam uel Nevala. 6, 7:30. University Park Haven and Lombard Rev. C. H. Johnston. 11. 8. St Johns S. Iranho and Richmond Rev. J. T. Merrill. 11. 7:30. Danish-Norwegian E. 28d and Sumner Rev. Ole Torgessen. 11, 7:30. First German E. 7th and Stanton Bsv. George Zochar. 11, 7:30. Second German E. bth and Skidmore Bev. Henry Hagelganz. 11,7:30. Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Bev. J. 11. Hopp. 7, sunrise prayer meeting; 11, 7:80. . larkrose Hbt. p. L) Holfman. 11, 7:30. episcopal Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr 13th and Clay ttt Kev. W. T. Sumner, bishop. Sundays, 7:45, 11. 7:45. Holy days. 8:30. Trinity 19th and Everett Kev. A. A. Mor rison. 8. communion: 11. Easter service; 7:30. Bt Davids li. 12th and Belmont Kev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. Easter communion st 6:45, 8 and 9 o'clock. 11, Easter sermon; 4, children's Easter service. St Marks 21st and Marshall Bev. J. G. Hatton. 7:30, U.-45. 11. tit. Andrews Hereford at, Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 11. 7:80. Grace Memorial E. 17 th and Weidler Kev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8. St Michaels and Ail Angels E. 43d and Broadway Rev, T. F. Bowen, vicar. , 10, 11. 6. . S Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st st S. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:80. 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Godd Samaritan hospital BAv. Frederic K. Howard. 7, holy communion; 9:30, holy eucharist with special music. St Paula Woodmere Bev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. All Saints 25th and Savier Rev. Frederic K. Howard. " 10, children's service aad offering of Lenten mite boxes; 11, iioly eucharist and sermon; "Behold I Make AU Things New." bt Johns Memorial E. 15tn and Harney, Sell wood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:30. St Mathews Corbett and Bancroft Bev. W. A. M. Breck. vicar. 10, 11. Kvangeltoss First E. 6 th and Market Rev. E. D. Hon sehuch. 11. 7:30. Canon Heights 9th and Hume Rer. F. M. Fisher. 10:30. 11:80. Free Methodist Central E. 65th and Flanders Rer. W. N. Coffee. 11. 7:30. First E. 9 Ui and Mill Rev. A. Beers. 9:45, Bible school program; at 11 a. m.' and 7 :30 p. m. ; preaching by Uie Bev. W. B. Huckabee of Texas. - lberta B. 30th and Wygant Rev. X, L Harrington. 11. 7:30. Friends First E. 85th and Main -Rev. Homer L. Cox. 11, "Ihe Fact of Immortality''; 7:45. Jew Is Congregation .Beth Israel 12th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. ' Wise. Sabbath service Friday at 8 p. m., Saturday, 10:30 a. m. Sunday, 10, in Portland academy bldg., 13th and Mont gomery. Religious school Bible ' classes at Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays. Congregation Ahavia Sholem Park and Clay sts. Rabbi R. Abrahamson, Friday, 8 p. ra.; Saturday. 9:30 a. m. Congregation Nevah Zedeck Talmud Torah 6th and Hall Rev. Abcaham L Rosencrantz. Friday, 8 p. m. ; Saturday. 9 a. m. ; Sunday. 10 a. m., religious school. m taster Oar Saints Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints K. 25th and Madison. 10, 7:80. Lutbaran Bt Jamas W. Park and Jefferson Rev. Wm. E. Brinkman. 11, 7:80. St Pauls E. 12th and Clinton Bev. A. Krause. 9:30, school; 10, confession ; 10:30, Easter aervice and holy communion; 7:30. Onr Saviors-E: 10th and Grant Bev. M. A. Chr is tense n. Easter services. 10, Englisb ervic and. . administration of the sacrament; 11, Norwegian service; special music Trinity Williams and Graham Rev. J. a. Reinbech. 9:15. 10:30. 7:80. Bethlehem-.Norwegian 14th and Davis Rev. Wilhelm Pettersen. 11, "The Resurrection': 8, English service, "The Christ .Life." Grace. English-Mason and Alblna. Rev. O. H. Bemhard. 9:80. school; 11, aster serv ice. . topic. "Jesus Lives For THo Is - Risen In deed";, 7:30; " : . U. Bernhsrd. "9:45. 11. 7:80. " Hamilton Chanel E. 80th and 'Glisan Rev. F. 1. Epliag. 10:45. t Bethel Norwegian (Free) -Wygant and Rod ney. -.. ,- a Bethany Danish Evangelieal Union aad Mor tis Rev.- L. P. KjoBer. 11, 8. j St Johns Peninsula and Kilpa trick Rev. IV Ludwig- ! 10:45. 7:80. r , . Swedish : Tabernacle IT. 17th end Gllisn ' Bev. C. J. Ledin. 11. 7:30. - 8,wdh Ansaistana Stanton aad Rodney Eev- V. G. Ogren. 10:45. service in Swedish; 7:45, Easter pngram by Suucay schooL Methodist Eplsoopaa Centenary E. 9th and Pine Bev.- J. GL Rollins. 11, 8. - Central -Vancouver and Fargo Rev. .a. B. Maclean. 11,8, Sunday school Easter pro graa; address. "The Power of Cbriat'a Reaurree taon by D. L. Sharp. . Clinton KeUa E. 40th and Powell Rer. John Parsons. 11. 7:30. r Epworth 2 6th and Sarler See; J. SUnford Trinity's soloists are Miss Florence MsyfleM, Mr. Donald Lemon t, Charles Rodgera and Fred Crcwther. Fred Brains rd, organist, i - jig . ' St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral At St. Stephens pno-oathrdral two early service will be held, one at 7 :30 a. m. with Bishop Snmner as celebrant and the othrr at 8 :30 with Dean Hicks as celebrant. Bishop Sumner win preach at the 1 1 o'clock service, and - the following music will be rendered by the full vetJ"1 choir under the direction Csrl Denton, orgsnist: adSsJkSBaas ProvMionA ' Com. T FaiUifnl" , IiitroR "Christ. Our Paaever" ......... Buck Anthem "Behold Use Angel of the Lord" . . .Tours Hymn "The Strife Is O'er." "Gloria in Excelsis" (Old Chant) Recessional "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today." The setting to the communion service will be by Owst. . The evening service will be beld at 7:45 o'clock, - and the eboir will repeat- tlie music of tlie morning. Dean Hicks will preach. SI. Marks The vested choir of Rt. Marks ehuncb, aug mented by members of the Northwest Steel chorus, will render the following program on Easter morning at the 11 o'clock service: Prelude, Fantasia. E Major . Dubois Piocessional. "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today". . Lyra Davidiea Introit, "Christ Our Passover". Chant "Kyrie Eteison" Stucke Anthem, "Awake, Thou That Sleepest". . Maker Sanctns Gounod Benedictus Gounod Agnus Dei Gounod Gloria in Exeelsie Old Chant Recessional, "At the Lamb's High Feast" .... St. George's Portlude, Hallelujah Chorus . . Handel Paul Theodore Stacks, master of the choir; Archibald R. Wright, organist. Our Saviors Lutheran r In order to meet the wishes of all who desire to worship at Our Saviors Lutheran on Easter day. Rev. M. A. Chris tensen has arranged a dual service. ' The English sermon will be preached at 10 o'clock and the sacrament of baptism administered. The Norwegian service will begin it 11 i, m., when the choir., with Mrs. J. T. EUingboe as soloist. Will render the lTPth psalm. The girls' chorus of the church will render an Easter anthem, which will be followed by the offertory. All Saints Special Easter seavices will be held Sunday in the Bishop Morris Memorial chapel at Good Samaritan hospital and at All Saints church (Episcopal) , Twenty-fifth and Savier streets, under the direction of .the Rev. Frederic K. Howard. Everyone is welcome at both piaees of worship. - Holy communion will be celebrated (Concluded on Page Seven. Column Three) SERVICES IN Moore. 11, Sunday school Easter program: 8, sermon, "The Victory." First 12th snd Taylor Rev. Joshua 8 tans field. Easter music at both services, 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. In the evening rendition of cantata, "The New Life" by James S. Rogers. ' First Norwegian Danish 18th snd Hoyt Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11, "Defeat Turned Into Victory": 6, young people's social hour; 8, "Giv ing God a Chance." Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster Bev. A. C Brackenbury. 11. 7:80. Lents Lncien B. Jonea 11, 7:30. Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A. Ginn. 11. Monta villa E. 0th and Pine Rev. Hiram Gould. 11, 7:80. Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. E. Oiia Eldridge. 11, "Easter Glories"; 7:30. Sunday school Easter program. Rose City Park Rev. D. Lester Fields. 11, 7:80, Sunday school exercises, "His Last Week." Sell wood Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11, 7:80. Sunnyslde E. 85th and Tamhill Rev. W. F. - Ineson. 11,7:45. St Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Hsv. J. H. Irvine. 11. 8. Swedish Beech snd Borthwlck Rev. Abel Eklund. 11, 8. University Park Fiske and Lombard Rev. J. T. Abbott II, 7:30. Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid more and Vancouver. Rev. C. J. Rynning. 11, 8. Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 7:30. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. Francis Bur gette Short Easter services. 10:30, 7:45. . Woodstock F.. S 4th and Woodstock Bev. L. d. Poor. 11. 7:80. District superintendent. Rev. William Wallas Toungson. D. P.. 691 E. 62d ft N. Tabot 2790. M. C. Seuth First Union and Multnomah .-Bev. James T. French. Easter services, presching by the Rev. A. F. Stein of Berkeley. V.m.1.. at 11 and 7:30. Nazarene First E. 10th and Weidler xtev. C. How ard Davis. 11. 7:80. Sell wood E. 9th and Spokane Preaching by Luke Hader. 11, 7:30. Brentwood 65th ava. and 67th st Rev. C. U. Fowler. 11, 7:30. Highland Park E. 14th and Killlngsworth Rev. W. P. Keebangh. 11, 8. Scandinavian Bev. J. G. BrlngedahL 11, ISO. Presbyterian First 12th snd Alder Rev. John H. Boyd. 10:30, "The Meaning of the Resurrection"; 7:45. special program of Easter music and read ing of the Easter story. Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Rev. Edward H. Pence. Special Easter services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Communion serv ice, 4 p. m. Central E. 18th end Fine. Rev. Orlando B. Pershing. 11, "An Easter Hope for Victory"; 7:80, special music. Calvary 11th and Clay Bev. Frank J. Meyer. 10:30. Mt Tsbor E. 65th and Belmont Bev. Ward MacHenry. 11. 7:80. Vernon 19th and Wygant Bev. J. B. Lands, borough. 11, 7:80. Piedmont Cleveland aad Jarrett Bev. A. L. Hutchison, 11,8. Fourth First and Gibba. Bev. Levi Johnson, 10:80, 7:80. KenUworth E. 84th and Gladstone Bev. Paul E. Ratsch. 6:80, sunrise prayer meeting; 9:4 5, Sunday school; 10:45, meeting of the session : 11. sermon. "Communion Meditation" by the pastor . followed by reception snd bap tism of new members and infants, f oTktwed by the communion service; 7. Christian Endeavor; 8, special Easter song service with short talk by tba pastor. Hope EL 78th and Everett Rev. Floyd E. Dorr is. 11, 7:80. Rose City Dr. Robert H. Mllligan. 11, "The Joy of the Resurrection" followed by re ception of new members and baptism of chil dren; 8. "The Spiritual Omnipotence of Christ" Forbes Grahssn snd Gantenbein. 11, Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rev. Theo dore P. Smith. 10, Sunday school Easter pro gram; 11. Easter ingathering and communion; 7:30. cantata, "Redemption's Song." Ansbei Rev. Job a E. Nelson. 11, 8. Millard Avenue Rsv. W. Lee Gray. 11. 7:30. Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Bev. A. J. Hsnns. 11. Mizpab E. 19th and Division. Easter mnsie. Preaching by the Rev. It W. Rogers. 11. "Rea sons for Believing in Immortality"; 8. "The Au thority of Christ" Seventh Day Adventlst Note Regular services of this 'denomination are held on Saturday. Central E. 11th aad Everett L. K. Dick son, pastor. 11 :L5. Tabernacle Women of Woodcraft hall, 10th and Taylor streets. 11. Montavtlla E. 80th and Everett Elder J. Gerhart 11. Lents 94 th st and 58th ave. Elder W. D. Huntington. 11. St Johns Central ave. snd Charleston Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 11. Mt Tabor E. 60tb and Belmont Elder W. T. Htlgert 11. Albina SMdmore and Mallorjr Elder A. A. Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder. 11:16. Scandinavian E. tiM near 40th ave. Elder O. & Lee, 11. ' Salvation Army Corp No. 1 248 Ash st Adjutant Frank Gang. 11. 8 :18, 8. Corps No. 4 128 Vk 1st Adjutant Joseph Harrison. 11, 8, 8. BwsdenborBlan New Church Society 881 Jefferson Bev. William K. Reece. 11. "Easter, A Symbol of the Losd's Spiritual Resurrection in the Hainan Mind." - f : Unitarian . Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam hill Rev. G. Elliot Jr. 11, preaching by the minfeter; 7:45, open forum led by Professor V. W. Mitchell; topic, "Employer's Problems." -United rethren Conference superintendent Bev. G. E. - Me Donald. - ... - First E. 15th and Morrison Rev. Byron 1. Clark. 11. 7:80. . Second E.' 27th sad Sumrstr, Bev. Ira Hswley. 11. 8. m - Third 67th st sad 3 2d ave. 8. E. Bev. X. O. Shepherd, 11. :30. . - Fourth '1'remont Bev. C. T. Blanchars, 11, 7:80. United tEvangefteat First E. 16tb and Poplar Bev. J. A. BAPTIST PROGRAMS ARE TO BE UNUSUAL Almost Every Church in City Has Announced Special Musical Services for Easter. Kaster programs of an unusual nature js,-ill be rendered in the churchea of the Eapitlst faith Sunday. Almost every church in the city, even to those with out regular pastors, have announced special musical services In commemora tion of the resurrection of the Saviour. Kaster Sunday sunrise prayer meetings will be held in a few churches by the young people. Evangelistic services, which have been conducted by several pastors during the past week, will cul minate Sunday morning In a big jubilee service, when new members will be re ceived into the church. The ordinance of believers' baptism will be, adminis tered in churches where candidates have presented themselves. East Side , Baptist Church The musical program for Easter service at the Esst Side Bsptist ehnrch will be as follows: MORNING SERVICE. 11 O'CLOCK Anthem: "Why Seek Te the Living 4mMit . the. Dead?" ....Peace Anthem: "Hallelujah, Christ Is Risen" .. Simper The Choir. Solo: "The Resurrection" ....Shelley Miss A. Hallene Pierce. ETEN1NG SERVICE. 8 O'CLOCK Anthem:- "Christ Is Risen" Morgan Anthem: "Magdalene" ...Warren Tb Choir. Solo: "Ilosanna" Granier t Ausby K. Bishop. s Glencoe Baptist Special Easter music and a program by the Sunday school, with a short address by the pas tor. Rer. F. G. Laslette, will take place Sanday evening at the Glencoe Baptist church. The pastor win preach Sunday at the morning serv ice, at which there will be special musical selec tions. Grace Baptist Church Mr. Peterson, assistant pastor of the White temple, will preach at 11 a. m. Special muiuo has been prepared for this service. In the evening the double quartet, under tlie leaaersnip ot Charles U. ilageman, will give the Easter cantata, "Redemption's Song," 1 by Fred B. Holton. PORTLAND Goode. 11, 'AVas the Resurrection of Jesus Physical or Psychial?"; 8, "Why Accept the Bible as the Book?" Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Rev. H. H. Farnham. 11, 7:30. St Johns Rev. A. P. Layton. 11. 8. United Presbyterian First E. 87th and Hawthorne tRev. H. F. Given. 11, "Tet in My Flesh ShaU I See God"; 7:80, "Behold the Man." Church of the Stranger Grand and Wsseo Rev. 8. Earl Du Bois. 10:30. Kenton 120 West Lombard Rev. George N. Tsylor. II. "Whew God Extended the Power of His Might"; 7:30. Miscall an sou. Christian and Missionary AUianoe E. 19th and Clsy Rev. John E. Fee. 11. 7:30. Realization League 186 Bth Rev. H. Ed ward Mills. 11, "The Soul's Response to Eas ter" ; 8. service in charge of the women. Christedelpbisa 621 E. Washington. 10:80. Church of God 363 Failing. Harry NeaL 11. 7:80. Gospel Hall TB. 29th and Stark. 11, break ing of bread; 7:45, gospel preaching. i-c-nc Men's Resort 4 th and Burnside Revi Levi Johnson, superintendent 8. ... New Civilisation 407 ..Tflford bldg. Dr. Beth Northingxon. 7:45. Diviner Science Tilford building Bev. T. M. Minard, paitor. 11. Universal Messianic 218 Abington building. 11, 8. Pentecostal First and Washington Bev. WiU O, Trotter. 11, S. 7:80. Glad Tidings f Pentecostal Mission) 246 1st. 2, 8, 7:30 week day except Monday and Saturday, 8 p. m. Pentecostal church E, 20th and Anksny A. W. Smith. 11, 3. 8. Volunteers ot America Mission 224 Burnside Meeting every evening except Monday at 8 o'clock, and Sunday. 3 p. m. First Spiritualist- E. 7th and Hassalo Bev. A. Scott Bledsoe. 8. 7:45. Second Spiritualist Allaky Hall Bar. Msx Hoffman. 3. 8. American Chnrrh W. O. W. hall, E. 6tb and Aider. 8, "Physical Cleanliness." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALDEB STREET AT TWELFTH REV. JOHN H. BOYD, D. D. ' PASTOB "The Meaning of the Resurrection" SPECIAL EASTER MUSIC ATT INSTRUMENTAL QTJAHTET, LED BT FSAVCK EICHEWLAUB, CON8ISTIKO OF VIOLIIT, HAHP, CELLO AWD ORGAN, WILL FLAY AT BOTH SERVICES, ltS0 AN 7U6. The Anthems at the evening service will have violin and harp obllgatos. Special Kaster program by Sunday school at 12:15. CIVIC FORUM SUNDAY NIGHT! COMMUNITY SINGING PARK AND MADISON STREETS 7:45 o'Clock Sunday Evenin ADDRESS EASTER IN THE TRENCHES By Ben Scovell Mr. Scovell served with the English, Anstralian, Canadian and United States Armies bs an entertainer to. the boys In the trenches. He has a story to tell for you. Be sure aftd come. EASTER MUSIC by the Choir, assisted by Miss Ueucie Adele Becker, Violinist, ; Open Forum for Question From the Floor NON-PARTISAN NON-SECTARIAN OMNI-HUMAN Come end You Will Come Again Easter .Services EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH STJNDAT, APRIL 20. CORNER E. IrTH AND SALMON. Dr. W. B. HINSON Will Preach at 11 and 8 Morning "OUR ONE PROOF OF IMMORTALITY" Evening "WHAT IF CHRIST BE DEAD?". SUNN YSIDE, MT. TABOR OR HAWTHORNE CARS TO tffit ILutlieran CKurclies prepare (Elaborate Celeb rations Ellis (Easter Sunday .. -. a ,1s:sj " i Those of the Lutheran faith who at tend church services Kaster Sunday will find that special efforts have been made by the pastors to provide unique mu sical programs In celebration of Christ's resurrection from the grave. Several pastors have announced that one Bet vice will be held in tlie English lan guage and the other service In a for eign, language, so that all will be able to enjoy, the Kaster celebration. Con firmation services will also be held. Special Kaster anthems have also been prepared by the church singers, who will be assisted this Sunday by the children from tho Sunday school. Grace, Lutheran A special Easter service will be held at 1 1 .'clock Kunday at Grace Iilheran church, the pastor. Rsv. O. H. Bern hard, preaching on "Jesus Lives, for He Is Risen Indeed." Mrs. Loniae Christian wiU sing "Resurrection," by Shelly. The ereuing service will begin at 7:80. White Temple (First Baptist) Dr. William A. Waldo, pastor of tlie White temple, will entertain the Oregon Commandery, No. 1, Knights Templar, in his Easter service Sunday evening at 8 o'clock; The commandery wiU attend in ruU regalia, will be accompanied bv it band, and will occupy tbe center seats of the church. A short parada wiU precede the service in the ehnrch. Sunday morning Dr. Waldo will deliver the Easter message. The service will include Easter musio and the ordinance of baptism. The young people also plan a special service for 8:45 p. m., when Lawrence W. Tucker wiU be in charge. Miss Grace Msscher will give a reading of Vsn Dyke's "A Hsndfnl of Clay." and Miss Eva McKay and Miss Jessie Maulbntech will render the sacred , duet "Sweet Hour ot Prayer." The musical programs foUow : MORNING Orgsn Prelude "Spring Song". ...... .HoUlns Anthem "Crown Him'.. -.Schnecker Offertory "God Hath Appointed a Day". .Tours PosUude Spinney EVENING Pielude "Prayer" ................... .Guilmsnt "Easter Day" .i. . . ............... . Carl A c them' ' AU Thy Work Praise Thee" .. Claire Anthem "He I Risen" . . . .Marzo Baritone solo "The Lord Is My Light" . . Allltser Frits De Bruin. Portlude "Easter Alleluia" Carl The Salvation Army , Easter Sunday will be observed In an ap propriate manner at the Salvation Army hall, 128 V, ' First street i -At 8 p. m.. under the direction of Mrs. Willis Hall, a service of song, entitled, "The Victory of the Cross,' will be given. - BecitAuoiM, duets, and selections by the "Singing Brigade" will make the service, one of unusual interest At 6 p. m. Mrs. George Riders, with all members of the Young People's Legion, will 'conduct a Bible service. At 8 p. ra. Adjutant Joseph Ilarrispn will spesk on Life From the Deed. Selections by the band and special singing by the songsters will mske an interesting eve ning. AH are welcome. Church Notice Evangelist L, K. Dickson wUl give his second lecture on "Why I Am a Seventh-day Adven tst" Sunday night at 7:4 5 o'clock in Christen stn's hall. Eleventh street between Morrison and Ysmhill. Mr. Dickson wife tell in this lecture why it is that he keeps the seventh -day Sabbath. Special music has been arranged under the direction of Prof. I. C. Colcord and bis lsrge thorus choir. Seats are free, and tlie public is invited. . Church of the Madeleine 7;S0 a. m.. solemn mass. Procession "Alleluia! Alleluia!" Frederick W. Goodrich Vidi Aeuam Traditional Introit. gradual, etc. ( recited ) . Kyrie, Gloria, Credo "Mass in Honor of St. Margaret" ,Pietro-A. Yon Offertory motet "Rsgina CoeU" Ham ma Sructua and Benedictus "St Margaret" .. Yon Agnus Dei Bizet O Salntaris ................... . Wiegand Ave Verum Klaar At end of mass "Hosanna" Granier Soloists, Mr. Charles A. Shea. Mrs. M. R. Msdsen, Mrs. F. A. Petxel, Maurice K. Msdsen; diiector, Frederick W. Goodrich. Third Baptist At the Third Baptist church, corner Knott street and Vancouver avenue, tlie pastor, Uev. Webley J. Beavsn, wiU preach in the morning on the Easter theme, and in the evening at 7:30 o'clock the Bible school will give an Easter piogram with special music and etereopUcon, BEAUTIFUL MUSIC BE FEATURE IN Archbishop Christie Will Cele brate Solemn Pontificial.-high Mass at St. Marys in Morning, PREPARATIONS ELABORATE All Parishes of Denomination to Have Fine Programs in Lon- junction With Ceremonia s. Elaborate preparations for the eele -8 CATHOLIC CHURCH hmfirtn tf T'"".a nf i r- havA t..n vtrl - 4n . all Catholic churches of the city. ' Kasxer is the great triumphant day of tlie j entire church year, end special hiusic will 'be rendered by the church choirs and singers. The Most Rev. Alexander Christie, archbishop ot Oregon City, will ; ... celebrate solemn pontifical mass 4t the a uuulii oci , aw K.L. tfisi ;a ve. dral. As on no other day In the year. believers In the Catholic faith juurney to their 'respective places of worship to pay homage to the risen Lord. m. aiarys i.ampnrai i The following will be the order of services at St Marys cathedral: 1 11 a. m., solemn pontifical mass. I Prt'cessionaW "Ecce fiacerdrw" f .Elgar During vesting ot the archbishop Rsglna CoeU" rv Gloria Proper of the mass; recitation and plain chant Kyrie. Gloria. Credo and Benedictus Solemn MaAS No. 1 Moneatel Offertory Motet "Terra Tmmult". . . .Wiegand Oigftn offertory for Kaster day on tlie hymn "O Fill et Fillae" J-Coltih Sanrtua and Agnus Dei "St Cecelia" ,. I lounod During unresting- of the archbishop 4 'Ho sanna," Kiranier Organ postlude "Triumphal March . . Lemmenns Frederick W. Goodrich, organist an choir director. j St. Ltwrence j Solemn high mass will be celebrated (Sunday -morning at 10:30 o'clock at St Lawrence church. In honor of the dsy a specisl program of music has been prepared as follows: j Introit 1 ' Vidi Aquam." I "Kyrie" La Hsehs "Gloria" .La) Hache "Credo" : . . .1 Hache "Begins CoeU" .Paolof Glorga "Konctus" .La Hacbe "Kenvdictu." Gounod "Agnus Dei" . .. . ..Ls) Uach Benediction '"O'Salutarls." L Tantum Ergo "Chrat the Lord Is Risen Sfodgf." The St Lawrence choir and orchestra are composed as follow: Orchestra Mrs. Raymond A. Sullivan.- director; Mrs. Agnes Cslsban, or ganist Albert Creilx, violinist; Miss ( Buelah Clsrk, JluU: Harry Ijoeffer, cello. Chdlr So pranos: Mrs. Lena Rnckert (soloist). Mis Bertha Gardner ( soloist) , Miss Cecelia .McLoughlin; eon traltos: Mrs. Barbara McKeown . (soloist), Mis Itryes Gardner, Mis Augusta Eschle; alios: Miss Esther Gardner, Miss Iucilie McLougbltn, Mrs. Elise Iamar; tenors: Fred J. McKeown (aoknst), Thomas P. Cnrtin Jr., Alvin Peters: bassos: G. Flemming (soloist), William Erbach. Hiehard Stanton; bariumes: Carl Senn, Frank Brtnasn. 9 1 St. Slarys Church (AlblnaJ The choir of St Marys Catholic enure. Will iams avenue at Stanton street, under the direction of Catherine Covacb-Fredrich, will render the -following musio this morning at the 11 (o'clock mass: Processional, vested chorus of boyv choir, opening with Gregorian "Vide Aquam" (Monet tel's second roaxa) . with "Reglna Ooelt"' (Wsr ner) for the offertory. "Hosanna" (Gronnler) will be sung before the benediction of the blessed sacrament ending with the llallelu jsh fchorus. "Messiah." The soloists will be: Miss Zlta Manning, Miss Gertrude Kuna. 8eeH Kent and E. Iul Fredrich, with Mrs, Lock- wood at the organ. f 1 EPISCOPAL THE RESURRECTION IS THE KEYSTONE OF THE ARCH OF CHRISTIANITY EASTER DAY PRO-CATHEDRAL of St, Stephen the Martyr, 18th end Clay Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner. Bishop ; Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, Dean. Sunday 7:45, n, i ST. DAVID'S East Twelfth and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jen It lna. Rector. 7 :80, t 0, 11 and 7:ao. ST. MARK'S 21st and Marshall Rev. J. O. Jrlatton, Rector. 7 :30 ; a .-45, school : 11, Eucharist and sermon; 7:48r evensongr ana sermon. GOOD SHEPHERD Vaneouver - and Oraham Rev, John . jDawaoa. 7:30, Jl and 7i30. ST. MICHAEL AND Alt ANQELS E. 43d and Broadway, Rose City -Park Rev. T. F. Bowen, Vkaxr. ' 8, 10, 11. f. CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR 60th ave. and 4 Let st. S. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, Vicar. T :30 and 11 e-im. BI. JJ JUS'S ajSJH.UM.La.Ji I K. 35tn and Harney, Sell wood Rev. K. H. Clark in charge. 11, 7 (30. ST. JOHN'S (at Mllwaakle) 11, Rev.- John D." Rice,' Vicar; R.. A. SeUwood, Lay Reader. T. The Members of the 1 -j AMERICAN CHURCH Cordially, Invite Toe to Attend Their services . SUNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 20 AT 7 O'CLOCK IN THE! 1 W..O. W. HAL! EAST SIXTH . ASD ALDER STS. 'TCJlMC .J ,MThm New Reincarnation" .... - . . , J - Special Orchestra under the direc tion of Prof. -Av-Li. Clifford. . Mrs. Weaver will sins; Calvary. . You ?wlll be inspired. Come. - j