? ... -J a THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY APRIL 19. 1919. MOIL GUARD FUTURE WILL BE . UP TO CONGRESS Rehabilitation Well Provided for in Bill That Failed ; of Pas sage Owing to Filibuster. SOME APPROPRIATION LEFT Enough to Last Until June 30 on Hand ; Wan Department Will Encourage Reforming of Guard TON 1IURSAU OF THB JOURNAL.) Th rehabilitation of the national guard would hav been well provided for had the army appropriation bill for the coming- year been panaed before the adjourn ment of congress. As the senate made few amendments to the bill as It was drafted In the house committee in rela tion to the national guard, It may be assumed that the extra session of con gress will provide for It along the lines adopted in the bill. Senator Chamberlain says that the ap propriations for the current year : prob ably will take care of the national guard until June SO, the end of the fiscal year, as the guard organizations In many states are practically non-existent or in significant. What will happen after that time. In the matter of federal provision, will de pend upon the action of the new con gress, which may be Influenced by con siderations of national military policy and developments regarding the regular army, which Is also in a state of uncer tainty. - The army bill as reported from the senate committee on military .affairs provided 14,467,000 for pay of the na tional guard for armory drill. $1,686,000 for bedding and forage for horses, $1,024,000 for care of; animals and equip ment, $4,672,000 for expenses of camps of Instruction, $529,000 i for equipment and instruction of the national guard, $132, 000 for transportation of supplies and other items of smaller amount for other expenses of the guard organisation. , There, was also an authorisation for the issuance of stores, animals and equipment, to be made without charge against military appropriations as reim bursement in kind for all federal prop erty brought into service by state troops. The obligations of the states for estab lishing the guard were to be considered as filled if the first strength provided by the national defense act were at- talnml ritiiln nn von i" fmm tri nmann srt of the bill, and other Increments added yearly as' provided by the national de fense act. ' Senator Wartsworth, member of the military affairs committee, declared in the. closing debates In the senate .: that the national guard was amply provided for in the bill, with the approval of the war department, which desires to en courage "the reforming - of the guard in substantial force. t " ' " Mr. Wadsworth said that the national guard divisions tn France had acquitted themselves splendidly, and that "these veteranoldiers are: of "immense poten tial value." lie feared that with the delay In providing legislation, these men will not return to the national guard so promptly as may be desired, t Head of Farmers'; Council Protests Wood Ship Sales Washington,' April 19. (1. N. S.) Re iterating his protest on behalf of the Farmers' National council against the sale by the chipping board of wooden or other vessels constructed by the govern ment during the war, George P. Hamp ton, managing director of the council, in a letter to Chairman E. N. : Hurley to day declared that these ships should re main the property of the people of the country as a whole. i , After quoting a report of the shipping board in which it was stated that the total number of wooden ships contracted for was 700, with a tonnage of nearly 2.600,000 and a value of $430,000,000, Hampton asserted that these vessels are needed to carry food to the starving peoples 'of Europe, and that the shipping board is now trying to get bottoms under control of the army and navy for thin purpose. The board is not justified in selling any vessel untH congress can meet and finally determine its policy, Hampton asserted. 1 Industrial ; Inquiry Committee Strength Salem, April 19. City' Commissioner A. .L. Barbur, Professor Harry H. Tor re y of Heed college and Elton Watkins, in attorney, ail of Portland, have been designated by Governor Olcott to act as state representatives on a special committee of the i Portland Ad club, which ts holding a series of meetings for the purpose of investigating the matter of industrial unrest and the best way to meet conditions. Frederick T. Haskell of Portland is chairman of the special committee and it was at his re quest Governor ' Olcott made the ap Itointments. Tho committee will meet each Saturday until final determination of its investigation. Where to Get It" PHONE BROADWAY 1 FOB ' CEJitJLN E( 1 p EAC0C K" BOCW SPRINGS .COAL ' Standard Brick & Tile Co. S FIFTH STREET We Hit a Coal to Suit Krery Nead, , aLBU IK UUKUWUUU, ' 1 : KtMMEREFTand : ROCK SPRINGS COAL f KB CLEANEST AND BEST BUBN-NU OOAUL PRICES REASONABLE : CRYSTAL Zl & STOBAGE - MPAPAMY fcaat 244 B-1.44. aTK'NAL FUEL CO. Order your summef cwooj now, sava ft pr cut ut 2041. Student Body at Willamette Will : Select Officers Willamette University, Salem, April 19 Harold JDimick of Woodburn and Rob ert I. Story of Wolf Creek, Or., both Juniors, are . rival candidates for the presidency of the student body of Wil lamette university as the result of the student body nominations of Friday. Both were recently discharged from the service, where they held commissions as second lieutenants. The candidates nominated for the vice presidency were Miss Velma Baker of La Grande and ; Miss Odell Savage of .Salem, both juniors. Nominees for the secretaryship are SMUs Evelyn Gordon of Portland and Miss Frieda Campbell of Salem, both juniors. i , ' . Lawrence Davies of St. Helens. Or., and Patti Doney of Salem were nom inated for editorship of the Collegian, the official student body paper. Mr. Davies is a sophomore and Mr. Doney a junior, and both have been actively engaged in newspaper work, i Ralph Thomas of Wenatchee, Wash., was the lone nominee for the position of manager of the Collegian. Mr. Thomas is a sophomore. - The election will be held during the latter part of the week. . LOAN DRIVE RAPIDLY FILLING THEIR QUOTA Four More Report That They Will Be Ready to Go Over Top by Monday Morning. Four more counties have reported themselves fully pledged for the Victory Liberty loan, with promise that the first day of the drive would find them over the top by 9 a. m. Monday. -These ad ditional counties, with their quotas, clas sified as to principal towns, are: Jackson 026,980 Ashland . . . 146.023 Butte Fall 5.625 Central Point 25,623 Ontral Point . 25.425 Cold Hill ......... 6.800 Jacksonville 9,225 Medford . J ,.. 813.650 Talent 10.573 Lane . 657,000 Coburg . . .i . . 11,400 Cottage .Grove 61.200 ; Creswell 0.450 Eugene. . . . 4KB. 975 - Florence ........... ID, 575 , Junction City ...... 89,825 Springfield 37.57S Klamath $338,400 Bonanza ...... .....3 11,475' Klamath Falls 209,925 Merrill . . 27,000 Yamhill . 508,275 Amity . . . 18.275 Carlton 8.000 Dayton 17,550 Lafayette 7.650 McMinnvUle 249,300 Newberg . . 111,825 ; Sheridan .' 47,025 Wills mma 15.750 . Yamhill .. . ' 27.900 School Children Riding in Wagon Struck by Train La Porte,Ind., April 19. (I. N. S.) Art inquest, - it is expected, will be held here today to fix responsibility for ' the tragedy at a Grand Trunk railroad crossing Beven miles south of here In which six school children were killed; and seven seriously in jured. Two. inquiries. It is planned, will be undertaken, one by . Btate and county authorities and the other by officials of the , railroad. The children were killed and in jured when the wagon in which they were being driven from the rural school they attended to their homes was struck by a westbound mall train. The driver i of the wagon, Mrs. Wal ter Johnson, who was substituting for her husband, and her " &-year-old son, escaped Injury. Wilbur Condon, 12 years old. also saved himself by leaping. Oregon Products Are Featured by : McMinnville Club McMlnnvllle, April 19. The Woman's club of this city gave a complimentary supper Friday evening to the, Commer cial club, at which the menu featured Oregon products. A. G. Clark of Port land, representing the State Chamber of Commerce, gave a, unique address on "A Bigger Payroll for Oregon." Mr. Smith and assistants of the Log Cobin Baking company of Portland presided as chefs and ; gave a splendid showing of Oregon products to 200 diners. W. T. Macy presided and toasts were given by Harper Jamison, president , of the local club, ' and Mrs. Skelton . Peery "'of the Woman's club, besides short talks by several citizens. Col. Leader Inspects High School Cadets Roseburg, April 19. Colonel ' John Leader of the military department of the University of Oregon Friday In spected the cadet corps of the high schools. Colonel Leader spoke at a ban quet given in his honor at noon by 50 of the local business 'men. Judge J. W. Hamilton presided. Colonel Leader spoke at the high school in the evening, and the high school senior class play, "AU-of-a-Sudden Peggy." was staged. Frances Ellis New Nurse Board Member Salem. April 19. Governor Olcott to day appointed Miss Frances Ellis, regis tered nurse at the Portland sanitarium, a member of the state board' of examin ation and registration of -graduate nurses to succeed Miss Elizabeth Dar ling, of Portland, whose term expired April 1. Miss Ellis will be chairman of the board. She was selected from a list of -five names recommended tn th chief executive by the Oregon State Graduate Nurses' association. Cowlitz Fair Dates , Fixed Woodland, Wash.. April 19. The di rectors of the Cowlitx County Fair as sociation have fixed September 24-27 as the dates for. the annual exhibition this year; : The association did not hold a fair last year ,on account of the 'war. Active work t or a tlg fair has started. OREGON COUNTIES FLYERS BEST SEEN , FIP HIGH PLACES ! OR MOCK'S BOTTOM Only Those With Passes to Be Allowed ori Flying Field on East Side. A revised statement from the special features bureau of the Victory loan call ing attention to the best points of van tage for seeing the various interesting phases of the flying circus demonstra tion ; and how to get there, has been issued as follows: " "A fine view of the flying field In Modks Bottom, where the "great squadron of airships is to ' be assembled and knocked down, can be obtained from the heights on the east side of the river along Willamette boulevard. These heights are reached by either the Missis sippi car, and transferrin to the Russell Shaver line at Shaver street, or by tak ing the. St. Johns car and getting off at Greeley street and Killingsworth Spectators are hereby given notice that; nobody will be allowed on the flying field, which will be patroled by military authorities in co-operation with the sheriff and police bureaus. Only those with official passes will be allowed on the field, and passes may be obtained from the special features bureau. "For the thrilling sham battle and aerial acrobatic f datures of the flying circus, the best view places are Portland Heights and Council Crest. Positions on these heights will guarantee a full view of the entire demonstration." New Shingle Mill Kelso Is to Start Cutting Tuesday Kelso. Wash..- April 19. The new shingle mill of the Crescent Shingle company is practically completed and will start operations Tuesday, accord ing to Jesse Schwarx, manager. A large crew of millwrights, under the direction of Manager Schwars and William Har mon, who ha's had supervision, are rush ing construction. The mill is , mod ernly equipped throughout and will cut shingles at a minimum cost. It is equipped with four- uprights and a single block, and will have a capacity of about 300,000 shingles every eight hours. A fireproof tile kiln has been completed. The Crescent company is organized on the cooperative basis and the company has been very successful since It was formed four years ago. Kelso Has New Physician Kelso, Wash., April 19. Dr. E. C. Hackett. recently of Dr. Holden's sani tarium in Portland, has purchased Dr. H: A. Rue's practice and will open an office in the Kelso State bank building Monday. Dr. Rue will leave for Boston, Mass., where he will take special train ing In orthopedic surgery. His office will be occupied by Dr. A. F. V. Davis, who recently purchased the property. Albany Minister On Way to Attend General Assembly Albany. l April 19. Dr. W. P. White, pastor of the United Presbyterian church of Albany, left Thursday noon for Mon mouth, 111., wherj he will attend the general assembly of the United Presby terian church during the month of May.' He has been? selected to give two ad dresses before the assembly and later will give a series of lectures at the Northwestern Bible Training school of Minneapolis. An invitation has also been extended to him to address the Moody Bible institute at Chicago. Rev. Wil Ham W. Reid' of Portland, who has re- cently returned from Y. M. C. A. work In France, will occupy Dr. White's pulpit on Easter Sunday. Grand Officers to Visit Albany, April 19. Laurel lodge No. 7, Knights of Pythias, will receive an ofT flcial visit Monday evening from Grand Chancellor Johnson and Grand Keeper of Records and Seals Gleason of the grand lodge of Oregon. Arrangements are being made for this entertainment: Honor Guard Disbands i Albany, April 19. The Albany chapter of the Honor Guard. Girls has been dis banded as its need has ended. Fifty members were on the roll .when the chapter disbanded. A small amount of money In the treasury was donated to the Salvation Army. Reading Residents Labor on Holiday To Honor Heroes Reading. Mass., April 19. (I. Tf. SM More than 1500 men, women and chil dren in working costume took advantage of Patriots' day. holiday today to per- form the seemingly impossible task of constructing in one day a 'park as a memorial to the sons of Reading who died In the great war. A memorial boulder, bearing names of Reading men, who made the supreme sacrifice,' was dedicated in silence. ,J A volley was fired over the boulder by a firing squad. . A memorial tree was planted for each dead soldier. , i Boston business men, legislators, col lege professors and men and women in all walks of life toiled hard, making walks and driveways, planting trees and shrubs and digging and raking. r Iowa. Legislators . Charged With Wild Midnight Affairs Des Moines. April 19. (I. N S.) Leg islative circles in Iowa are wrought up today by charges made by Municipal Judge W. G. Bonner that members of the legislature are guilty of "contribut ing to the delinquency 1 of . Des - Moines girls." Judge Bonner, has demanded a legislative investigation. -Midnight cabaret parties, joyrides and orgies at hotels , and apartment houses are declared by Judge Bonner to have taken place with elderly members of the legislature .and girls from 12 to 23 years old as the principals. ' " : ' - It Is . doubtful today, however. If an investigation will be made as the legis lature is scheduled to adjourn sine die at noon. . , KBIT TOBAV Journal "Want" Ad RATES In any classification. Daily or Sunday, Journal, classified rates are: . 1 Ji cents per word per inser tion. 3 CONSECUTIVE INSER TIONS FOR THE PRICE OF. .TWO. . 7 CONSECUTIVE INSER TIONS FOR THE PRICE OF FIVE. Copy for Daily must be in the office BEFORE t0:3p A.JV1. of day it is intended to run, and copy for Sunday must be in the ' office before 6 o'clock Saturday night. - FOR BEST RESULTS Give detailed description in your ads and order to run for at least 7 insertions. For Contract Rates phone for solicitor to call. THE JOURNAL IS THE BEST " RESULT PRODUCING "WANT" AD MEDIUM IN PORTLAND.' PHONE YOUR "WANT" ADS TO THE JOURNAL Main 7173 or A-6051 Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Rags Wsolea Clothlag. We Make BeTersfMa, Ha4r?0Ta Fluff Rugs Tier Wear Like Ire a. Rag Bags Wovea All Sis, Man Orders Scad fee BoosJsb Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rues, Staam Cleaned, $1.50 WESTEBIt FLTJFF BUG CO. M Ualoa Ave. jr. East ! Pfeoaes B-147 SOMETHING NEW Owner wiahea to closs out about 20 lota at Rjan atation. Offers at sacrifice $150 to $350; monthly payments to suit; 18 trains daily, Oregon Klectric: 14 minutes to and from city; lots 1 to 4 minutes' walk from station; fare 8 He; no building restrictions, taxes nom inal; common and Catholic schools Within 1500 feet from farthest lot: water, cas. telephone, elec tricity in ttreets. Considering adrantaees, noth ing so desirable or cheap. Phone Mrs. Boose. Main 8165. Second house from station, right hand side, south, who will show the lots. NORTHWEST RUG COMPANY FORMER ADDKKSS 1U UNION AVE. New Ruga made from ail kinds of old carpets. Carpet Cleaning, Kemtina-. Ke Clalnar. Keg Huge woven all sue. Mail Orders Solicited. CAST 680 18 J& - ll'ri B-1SM The Famous Castle Gate Coal ECONOMY FUEL CO. MINE AGENTS E. 114 B-4 SI GBAJTD IMPROVED CAN AD I AH FABMS Where (at cattle and No. 1 bard wheat are produced at lowest cost. i $16 TO $40 AN ACBE Easy Terms For farm homes or investment. . Write to or call on UNITED GBAIN OBOWEES' SECURITIES CO, LTD. 624 Henry Building- Dry Cordwood Country Slabwood Portland Slabwood Co. Main 3119 A-7001 TILLAMOOK 100 acre dairy ranch. Will pay 20 on investment. N-423, Journal. 5 LOTS IN PENINSULA No. 2 ADD. for sale cheap : terms. N-422, Journal. MEETING NOTICES 41 AL KADER TEMPLE A. A. O. N. M. S. A complimentary ball will be giTen at Cotillion hall. 14 th and Stark ata.. on Monday. April 21, at 8:30 p. m. Strictly formal. Nobles will be admitted with one lady on presentation of 1919 mem bership card. Extra ladies may for each extra lady. Visiiin" nobl cordially invited. Wear your fra. By order of the potentate. . HITCH 3. BOYD, Recorder. STATED cornniuniction East ate4lodge No. 165. A. F. & A. M., Monday evening, April 21, 7:30 p. m.. E. 80th and Glisan sts: Work in the Master Mason degree. Br. Geo. Estea will be our special gueat and deliver a abort address which will be dT special interest. Visitors in Tited to attend, "Refreshment. E. P. MERTZ. W. M. CHAS. P. X EL8QX. Sec. 8UXNTHIDS LODGE NO. 163. A. K. & A. M.Special com munication tonight at 7 :S0 o'clock. Work in M. M. degree by Sheriff Hurlburt and the court house team. Visitors cordially in vited. By order of W. . M. JOHN W. It INKER. Acting See. PALESTINE LODGE NO. 141, ,.A. V. A A. M. Special coni nfinication Sat.. April 10, 7. M. M. degree, llefreahments. Please come early. Visitors welcome. Arleta station, Mt. Scott car. By order W. M. W. 8. TuwaaK.ut nee. l.ANC'K Co. A. Kngmeers. N. O;0.. Saturday. April 19. at the Armory. 10th and I Special jazz music; live committee; armed guard over automobiles. t-opniar. KM DANCE tonight. K. of P. hall. Attentive committee, best floor, best music; refresh ments, good time lor an EMBLEM JEWELKY a specialty. 2t?: pm charms. 4ae" Hw.. im-ioo - tfJM 5tafistic mahrtogts.Btrtbs. Dzoth MARRIAGE JLtCE NSES Frederick William Lofler, 32. 48T East Stark treet and Lucille Baxter. 16. same address. Roy McBean, legal. S49 Thirteenth street and Gladys FTwbie, legal, same address. Willard E. Buchanan, legal, 480 Seventeenth street and Lena Stella Smith.' legal, 380 Elev enth street. . . . ': . William H. Turner, legal, 630 Third street and Ethel Gray, legal, same address. A. J. Taylor, 32. B404 Forty-first street reutheast and Martha Bodelt, 23, same ad- W. Pfouts, 26. 4544 Eighty-eighth street southeast and Georgia White. 28. 003 Calhoun street. . ' Curtis X. Hiekok. 24.1 985 East Carrnthen street and Lillian Ida Trow. 26. . Hams address. Tl-omas J. Beery, 21. Chicago. 1IL, and Syl via. Hobson, 19. 842 Mortis street. George Earnest Taylor, legal, ltahiier, Oregon and Georgia Virginia Hedges,, legal. 65 . East Nir.th street . , Alpbottso Fotew. 24. 89T East Thlrty-fourtb, street and Julia Oliverio. 21. 459 East Thirty second street. , Roger McAfee. lesaL 3503 Forty-second av enue southeast and Mrs. Ida Cook, legal. 493S 4.iurviin avenue aouu) east. , . MARRIAGE XtCKNSES : Jefema Burcbett. tegal. 6T7 Uilwaukie meet and Ada N, Armstrong, legal. Woodward venue. - , ' Earl T. Ktone. 25. S'.HMet, Wash., and Lorene If. Gindfi. i!5, Bryan hotel.' Ltw W. Wlmlnck. 25. 327 Eat Twelfth street and Freda Witt. 20, 489 Hancock street. BIRTHS BARLi;K To Mr. and Mr J. W. Basler. 87 E. 2Htb, April 2, a son. -BArGHMAN Te Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Banco- Inan. 98 K. 75th. April 13. a daughter. ADAMS To Mr. and Mrs. J. Adauta. 988 E. SOth. April 14, a son. i BOWYER To Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bowyer, 1743 E. 15th. April II. a son. COONEY To Mr, and Mrs. Thos. J. Cooney, 1 1 4 A Crystal Spring Blvd., a son. ERICKSOX To Mr. and Mr. S. E. Encknon. HO( Nelson. April 3. a son. HOLZEB To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holier. 398 Fargo, April 4. a daughter. , 8EOREST To. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Secrest, 412 Skidmore. April 7, a son. " FOLKEXBKBii To Mr. and Mrs. Edw. S. Folkenberg, 510 Flanders. April 8, a daughter. liOBINSO.N To Mr. and Mrs. James Kobinson, 24 8 H Flanders, March' 25. a son. MILLER To Mr. and Mrs. John R. Miller, 364 H E. Morrison. AnrU 4, a daughter. BOWNING- To Mr. and" Mrs. J. Kowning. 872 Houghton, March 22, a dahghter. HOYT To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Hoyt, 394 - Lombard.' April 9. a eon. SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Smith. 1491 Ienver. - April Sri daughter. KERN AN To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kernan, April 8, 410 Fourth, a daughter. YOUNG To Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Young. April 13. a son. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 76 FLOOD April 15, at Bremerton, Wash.. An drew Jackson Flood, aged 49 years; beloved husband of Fannie Fern Flood, 131 East Forty fifth street South. this city, father of Mrs. Martha Jackson and Fannie Fern Flood. Funeral services will be conducted fiundsy at 2:30 p. m.. April 20, from Pearson's Undertaking par lors; I'nion at Russell street Friends invited. Interment in family plot at Multnomah ceme tery. TAPPENDOEFF In this city April 19, E. Marie Tappendorff,. aged 23 years, late of 458 East Seventh street north, wife of Paul ' I. 'Tap pendorff, daughter) of Mr. and BIrs. C. I. Cal kins, sister of Bessie, Zenith, Ralph and Dale Calkins, all of Sherwood, Or. The funeral serv ices will be held Sunday, April 20. at 2 o'clock p. m., at the residence of her father at Sher wood, Or: Friends invited. . Interment at Pleasant Hill cemetery. J. P. 'Finley A Son, director. PAYSON At the residence. 934 East Twenty eighth street, April 18, 1919, Blanche E. Payson, aged 5Q years 11 months, beloved wife of Herbert N. Psyson: mother of Mrs. John J. Koegel. Mrs. F. S. Cutler, Aurita E, Payson of Portland. Friends invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the Portland crematorium at 2 p. m. tomorrow (Sunday), April 20, 1919. Remains at Holman's funeral parlors until 1 p. m. Sunday. KAKK In this city, April 18, Winfield t Karr, aged 37 years, of 1110 East Sixteenth street North; brother of E. J. and R. M. Karr of this city, and Mrs. Cora Needles of Waukegan, 111. The funeral services will Be conducted Mon day. April 21. at 2 p. m., in the Dunning St McEntee chapel. Broadway and Ankeny. Friend iiivited to attend. Interment at Rose City ctmetery. POWELL In this city, April 1. 1919. Mary M. Powell, aged 48 years, beloved wife of O. H. Powell of 357 Thirteenth street: daughter of Mrs. A. K. Howard. Friends invited to at tend the funeral services, which will be held at Bethel A. M. E. church, southwest corner Irrabee and McMillen streets, at 2 p. m., Monday, April 21, 1919. Remains at Holman's funeral parlors. FLING At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. 1 fettle Frederickson. 112 North Fessenden street, April 17, Columbus Stewart Fling, aged 84 years, lato of Newberg. Or. The funeral services will be held Sunday, April 20. at 2 o'clock p. m. at the Newberg Adventist church. Friends invited. Interment at Newberg, Or. The remains are at Finley 's, Montgomery at Fifth. PARSONS At the resiflence. April 18, Lola Parsons, age 58 years, beloved mother of Dr. Hubert F. Parsons; sister of Mrs. L. Wynh'oop of this city; Mrs. A. D. Miller of this city. Zeno Lucus and Robert Lucas, both of this city; Mrs. Max Hebgen of New York city. Funeral notice later. . Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller A Tracey. 8CHOLL In this city, at The residence. C97 Locust.it., April 18, Edna Scholl. The fu rTeral services will be held from the First Evan gel us 1 church, corner E. 6th and E. Market. April 21, at 12:30 p. m. Friends are invited to attend. Arrangements are in charge of F. 8 Dunning, Inc.. funeral directors. DIEDKICK In this city, April 16, Michel Diedrick, aged 65 years, 4 months, 19 days. The funeral cortege will leave1 the conservatory chapel of F. 8. Dunning, Inc.. April 21. at 9-30 a. m., thence to St. Charles church, 33d and Alberta sts., where mass will be offered at 10 a. tn. Friends are invited to attend. Inter mentin Rose City cemetery. HEl'STfs ATthe family residence, 255 East Thirty-fifth, April 1 7, Sarah M. Heustis, age 70 years. Funeral services will be "held Monday, April 21, at 1:30 p. m., at the chapel of Breeze A Snook, Belmont at Thirty fifth. Interment at Vancouver, Wash. T1IYNG The funeral services of the late Emma Caroline Thyng will be held Sunday. April 20, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. at Finley "s, Montgom ery at Fifth. Friends invited. Incineration at me 1-ortmtKi crematorium LOWE In this eity. April 18, 1919. Millard A. I .owe. Friends invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2:30 p. m., Monday, April 21. 1919.' Interment Rose City cemetery. SMITH In this city. April 17, Fred Smith. age 37, years. Funeral notice later. Re mains are at the residential parlors of Miller A Tracey. CASS In this city, April 18, Lewis Cass, aged 64 years. Remains at the coniiervatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc.. 414 E. Alder. Notice of services hereafter. COOK In tins city. April 17. Frank T. Cook. aged 30 years. The remains were forwarded t r Pr st tri e' Ojf.y , r. . by Dunning & McEntee. MURPHEY In this city, April 187HW"am5 inant son. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller A Tracey. MAKIKLS Clarenee W. Marit-k, 2 E 8th, April 16, 4 7 yrs., tuberculosis. MA RCCS Marcus Marcus, (food Samaritan hoopital, April 13, 57 yrs., diabete ROWLAND Klizabetb. M. Rowland. 995 E 21st. April 16. 77 yrs., bronchitis. LEIAM Rex Lelaod. Portland 8iirgiral hos- Mtal, April 17. 8! yrs., heart disease MASTERS Lizzie F. Masters, Multnomah hos pital, April lu, 43 yra., septicemia. ' BOSS KLM ANN- Henry Bosselmann. 847 E. ...irVJ.'t.'.T" le- 7J s- myocarditis. DIEDERICU Michael Diwlerich, 1140 E. rT.8nd,',P.nl 18' 05 lulr heart lesion. TIKDEMAX Margaret A. Tiedeman. 6S4 Water, April 14. 4 8 yrs., phtbsis SMITH Jack Smith, St. Vincents hospital, April 12, 36 yrs., inanition. RA1HB0XE Wm. Ratubone. Emergency hospl ,..4S.J;P,:,4 63 acute endocarditis. PATTEN Frederick H. Patten. Tudor Arms apU., April 15, 66 yrs., myocardial degenera tion. FLORISTS CIjiRK BROS., florists, Morrison si bet 4 to and 5th. Phones Main or A-1S05. Fin flow- r.i. .vj i hi, (i urajgiis. ro oranrn stores. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. FlorUts. 354 Wasb 1 niton. Main 2G9. A 1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. LIBKUT MARKET FLORIST. Bth and Yan nUl ata. Cat flowers, plants and designs. Sell wood greenhouse. 64 Nehslero eve. Sell. 1520. PORTLAND'S Floral and Bird Shop. Designs and deeoxations. Mam 4878. 226 Marrinn. SWISS flIHll. I FLOWERS AND PLANTS. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder, designs mim iiTOirauuiw. rnong Aisrsnati 5M22 LALANE Floral designs and decorations. Opp MAX M. SMITH, florist: 14 1 6th st." "rWE RAL DIRECTORS F. STiDUNNING, HC, THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKFRS 414 E. Aider St s Phone r.tt 53. B-5225 DUNNING & McENTEE Broadway and Ankeny Sts. La It Assistant. A. D. KENW0RTHY&C0. 6802-5804 92d at 8. ft.. Lenta, Pbona Tabor 0267. Home Pbow D-6I S3i.S" P. L, LERCH CNDERTAKERa.. B. 11th and Hawtn-Tnav M'ENTEE A FILERS, luneral parlor iu li . the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett sta. Phones Bdwy. 1213; Home. A-2183 CHAMBERS" COMPANY ' ' : 248 and 250 Rillingsworth ave.. near Williams eve, Woodlawa 3306. Clias . MILLER A TRACEY, Indeiwixient Funeml Iti. rectors. Prices as low as 320, $40 360. Washington at Ella. Main 2691. A-7885. W i k n n R, W!l c n n lJ" treet Wdln.440. O-11 ft 5 HAMILTON mtl services. Tabor 4318. QQCCsC . CMnnif Tabor iaft B-2546 A D "711-, n 392 WUlUms ava. n iii .euci vu East' 1088. C-1088. CU,. CNDERTAK1XO CO. Main 4153. Orvewea A-2321. Corner 3d and Clay. r r l o i im UndertjLking Parlors. 445 Mor t ll I UoU rtsoa. as Broadway 2534. v lb p ii rv.a. new residence estabiuhment. ti WiUlama ere. woodlava 220. , U-194A. ' FTJSERAL DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1ST7 Third and Salnoir Streets Main 607. A-1611 LADY ASSISTANT cH. P.'.-RMUEY Progressive Funeral Directors Main 9 Montgomef at' Bth A-li WILSON & ROSS EAST'7TH AND MULTNOMAH Funeral Direciors Eat K4 C-316S MOrTTTSTEXTS flBLAESlNQ GRAMITE Co U 26 7-3 RP SX. AT MKOISOM PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-26 4th at. opp. eity hail. Main 8564. Philip Neil a Sow tor memorials. XOST AND FOUND 21 THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co.: April 17, 191 9-. 22 umbrellas. 6 umbrellas. 5 suitcases, 2 coats, 7 packages, 2 books, 5 gloves, 2 fountain pens. 5 purses, 1 flashlight, 1 knife. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder streets station. LOST About noon Thursday on North 18th st. between Sarier and Upshur sts, one lady's black leather purse containing about $45 and papers. - Purse belonged to working girl who cannot afford the loss. Portland Artificial Ice Co Broadway 4280. LOST Either between 1170 Woodstock ave. and 57th or between 6805 55th st. S. E. and Miliard ave., check book and bill book; bdi book had number of pictures of soldiers in it; re vsrd. 423 Hancock. LOST $2 M gold piece on chain, valued as keepsake from aged father. Call East 7730. Liberal reward. LOST Small work boat in lower harbor. Boat painted red. Pacific Bridge Co., East Sal mon and Water at. Phone East 809. LEATHER rlgar case, with Loyal Legion in speetor identification card and sun glasses case. Sgt. William Bartels. Tabor 4779. A DIAMOND screw earring, was lost Wednes day, April 18. Liberal reward if returned te desk of Multnomah hotel. FOUND Lady's handbag, small amount of money. N-52. Journal. LOST Wrist watch. letter . Call East 1584. Reward. "M" on back. HELP WATTED-MAIE MEN wanted for the United States Merchant Ma rine to be trained aa sailors, firemen, stew ards, for good jobs at good pay on ocean going ship. Pay while (training. Board and quartan free. Ages 18 to 35. Bring birth certificate. APPLY TO EARL M. BROCKETT, Enrolling Agent United States Shipping Board Recruiting Service West Seattle, Wash. MACHINISTS We are constantly in need of mora good men and wiah applications from men qualified to handle heavy work on boring mills, lathe, planer and sim ilar devices. Write or apply to em ployment manager, Willamette Iron A Steel works. MilN wanted at Wet Lmn papr mills, 4 2c an hour, 8-hour day. See Mr. F. T. Barlow at hotel across river lrrm Oregon City. Clean bedi 20c night: best meals. 35c. WANTED Japanese man and wifa as cook and housemaid, or Japanese cook and second boy, for country home. Call at room 4 34 Imperial hotel. WANTED A man or boy to do stable work. $12 per week. Inquire 415 E. 7 th, corner of Grant. ,:.. VV A N TED First class lathe hand for smali accurate work ; top wages. Mussehrhite, 462 Hawthorne ave. A YOUNG man to help auto painter; experience not necessary. Wdtn. 4 897. AL'TO washer. Corbett st. Apply Sunday 9 a. m. 1279 FIRST class slaughter house butcher. L. Smith, 228 Alder st. Frank BARBER wanted; union scale. 269 Hurnsidf. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 AUTOMOBILES. TRUCKS. TRACTORS Learn to be a first elaaa AtechaBM and Gas Engineer, rebuild, operate and repair Autosmo bUea. Trucks and .Tractors. Thn la Dot aa Engineering tJchool. teaching THEORI ONLY, neither la it a GARAGE, but a REAL PRAC TICAL SCHOOL, where you learn tba busi ness by ACT' UAL WORK, ea tit Macblaea. We have mora and better Kqumment loan all other Schools In Oregon Combined. SPECIAL TRADES Machinist. Aeetyiens Welding, Vol caniciac and Retreading. Day and Evaning ClAssea. Writ for Catalogue. HA WTUOK-V K AUTO SCHOOL 462 Hawthorne ava. LKARN AUTOS AND 'TRACTORS FIVE DAIS' FREE TRIAL PA TUITION WHEN SATISFIED Ws teach auto, tractor, cas engine and aata electrical work; BIO 100 PAGE CATALOG FREE. Address Adcox Auto and Tractor school. Dept. J, Union ava. and Wasco at. Portland, Ol. Phone East 7445. BURSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL Individual instruction. Right methods. Lun benaens Dldg.. 5th and Stark. Bwdy. 8464. Mum F. BurseU. Principal. DAX SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 213 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profession. Free bookiefc Railway Telegraph Institute 1'OBITIONS ASSUMED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEUE.NKE-WALEBB Buxineaj College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, hank ing, bookkeeping, secretarial. Frea catalog. MISS Mattingly'a School, shorthand and type writing, day and evening: 86 a month. 269 14th St. Main 3893. Register for Spring term.' MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS OOLLEOB SPECIAL COURSE IN COMPTOMETERS ALISKY BLDG. 8D AND MORRISON. GOING East or South r Household goods snipped at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacifle Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt st Bdwy. .703 Buck? mountain teachers agknct. Frank K. WeUea. ex-asst State Supt.. mr K. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A limited number of girls, between the ages of 16 and 30 years, to operate power sewing machines and to do general factory work. Apply Amea-Harris-Neville ' Bag factory, corner 15th and Hoyt sts. STENOGRAPHER Not under 20, to. write fire and auto policies and assist in general office work; up-to-date office; good, salary; mu?t be experienced or please do not reply. Answer own handwriting, references and tele phone. R-428, Journal. WANTED EXPERIENCED WEAVERS. STEADY WORK, GOOD WAGES. APPLY PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS. WANTED Girl 10 to 15 years; will give good home or would adopt; American home, F-622, Journsl. . WANTED A woman for general housework from 7 a. m. to 1 p. m. East 8084. GIRL wanted fur general housework. East 8006. Phone WANTED Thoroughly experienced finishers on gowns. 3U . vv. Hank bldg. HOUSEKEEPER, farm home, cow to milk, chickens, garden. Call 228 Alder at. WANTED Elderly lady for farm to assist in housekeeping. -X-824, Journal. WOMAN to help in dining room for her and hnsband't board. Call Bdwy. 812. ' WAITRESS and chambermaid for small -hotel. Phase Bdwy. 819. - I-tDYeook for small boteL Call Bdwy. 819. GIRL office apprentice. 167 1st,' upstairs. EXPERIENCED g. machi- operaton. 167 lst. HF.I.F WANTKD FEUIAIVK I WANTED Girl between 15 and 25 for light .housework; family of 2: no washing ; plain cooking. Must be ' neat and clean. 599 E. 55th at. N. - Tabor 2691. HELP i WANTED MALE AJUV FEMALE - ft ' MOLCR BARBER COLLEGa. ' Pay you whila learning,' gives you set eg tanks! poalUons secured. Writ for eatalogosv U4 Burnside st, or pbona Broadway 178L . Putt 1 LAND BARBER COLLEGE taachaa trade tn 8 weeks; pay whila learning; poslOosi gmas Based. 234 Couch st. MSN. WOMEN, learn barber trade, wages while learning ; position guaranteed. Mgr. 82 years experience. Oregon Barber College, 282 Madlaes, WANTEDV-AGBNTS wsn i.ij fn wuu a oru cars. Dig ouwii also agent for a fast selling article, exclusive right for city, county and states of Oregon and Washington. 637 Pit lock block. Bdwy. 2873. TWO experienced city and road salesmen; men witn auto pret erred; pocket sample: easy seller to trade. N-l, Journal. WANTED Live agents for city and out of town; a sale made in every home: Inqaira B26 Washington St.. Portland. Or. SITUATIONS MALE EXPERIENCED man wants job firing email boiler - or furnace and be generally useful about the place; city or country town, N-428. Journal. FA M 1LY chauffeur, who can handle all minor repairs, married, will live at home, or at residence of employment. Best of references. 11-424. Journal. Contractor and . builder, repair and new work in the city or country. R. IX Crowe, 441 K. 5Zd st Tabor 7, NOW Is the time to repslr your roof before tinting: we guarantee to stop all leaks. For re liable work call Wdln. 6084. 8 years in Portland. PAINTING, paperhanging and kalaomming "done. Let us tigure on your work. Phone Wood lswn 4792. 1 M -TON truck would like a Job of steady hauling. Call Wdln. 314. Ask for Guy Bennett. CONTRACT wanted for heavy hauling. 4-ton Packard. Highway work preferred. 546 Spokane ave. Bellwood 2479. DRIVER family car wishes position: do own ti pairs, know city well, driven nx years, no accidents. References. H-420, Journal, B. A. ANDERSON, plowing and harrowing. Call East 7720, after 4 o'clock. CARPENTER work and repairing dona. Pbona Marshall 258. LAWN mower grinding and repairing, hand saws recut and filed. 882 Williams ave. PAINTING and tinting. Best materials; fair , prices. Tabor 7828. ROOFS reshingled a specially. Phona Beach am. Marshall 706. PAINTING, paperhanging and kalsoming b.y az perienced workman. Pbona Tabor 4056. MAN with drag saw wants contract cutting cord wood. K-240, Journal. VACUUM cleaning; cleaners for rant. Broad way 2649. . FLOWING done. 88 E. 88th. Tabor 8551. GARDENER. Bellwood 2049. PLOWING, also excavating, done. B'way 821. FOR PLOWING call Tabor 64. SITUATIONS FEMALE GOOD all around cook and wife as waitress, wishes position city or country. W, M 809 Clay st. RUGS vacuum cleaned; satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 258, evenings. WIDOW, with baby 9 months, will assist in light housework. K-441, Journel PANTRY women in first clasa places; references. E-264, Journal. DRESSMAKING 0 DRKSSMAK1NG Alteration work guaranteed. 990 y, Belmont Tabor 8104. NURSES EXPERIENCED nurse, best of references, will take maternity natients in my home. Kes sonsble and everything furnished. Phona East 8663. Nl'HSING and maternity cases specialty. 6th st. Main 7542. 231 FURNISHED ROOMS NEW PERKINS EfarTBL, Fifth and Washington Streets. Right In center of Portland's activitiaa. La as show you our accommodation. Rataa $2 par week up. HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH tl a daay up. Free Tub and Shower Bath. 70 E. 16th. Hawthorne ave.: neat sunny roam I or eini'iuyvu t-iu, , home kindness. 33. East 5227. EOT EL Sargent. Hawthorne and Grand. Starting point special ear for Vanooover. CLEANS comfortable sleeping rooms. 82 and .tu. mil ft oin n. NICE sleeping room. 376 Yamhill. v V II R N I SH E D ROOM S PRIVATE FAMILY 72 LARGE sleeping porch with adjoining house keening or Hitting room. Sellwood 178. 802 East 8th S. Brooklyn car. TWO clean, light rooms, including lkht. water, " phone. Clooe in. Last 6832. TWO nicely furnished rooms for gentleman, close in.e 403 wurt st. ROOMS7or rent. 864 Victoria st ROOMS AND BOARD IS THE HAZEL "Not Ilka Uia others." Every comfort. Home cooking. 883 Third st THE Martha Washington , 380 10th. for business girls and students. Marshall 1251. ROOMS AND HOARD PRIVATE FAMILY " WANTED A girl from 5 to 7 years old to room and board in private family. Main 6564. WANT to board and room two working man; ty block car. Phono Woodlawn 2624. WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD 12 WIDOWER with one boy 6 and girl 4 wants a , place to board where the little ones can have care while I work days; will cars for them nights. B-671. Journal. - HOUSEKEEPING- ROOMS FU RJN I SH ED AND UNFURNISHED 2 FURNISHED modern 2 and 2 room II El suites, newly painted and tinted, -separata en trance, porch and yard, west side, f 15 and 118. Msin 624 9. 4 80 College st. WF.LIj-FL'RNISHED housekeeping rooms and bachelors' quarter. also single sleeping moms for week of 'month. City View hotal, 293 H Unioo ave., corner Clay. tfNFu RNISH KD II. . K. rooms. 2 or 8 room suites, clec. . lights and gas. No children. 6.141 45th ave. H. E. $12 MO., 2 furnished H. K. rooms, heat, hot and cold water, laundry, yard. East 6089. 406 Vancouver ave. - TIfltEEnice, clean II. E. rooms. Dutch kitchen, living room and sleeping porch on ground floor. PSVi N. 18th. Bdwy. 3068. 2 CLEAN furnished housekeeping, close in, 98 Knott st. Mississippi car. $9 per month. 6 11. K. rooms on Union ave. near Davis, 310 per month. Wdln. 4397. NICE single rooms, also large room and kitchen ette. reasonable, adults. 655 Flanders. AND 3 roomed II. K., furnished, clean, a 90 Clay. Main 5367. 1. 2 AND 3 clean housekeeping. 11.60 to $4.50 per week. 872 Vi Hawthorn ave. ONE! large II. K. room, steam heat, hot and cold water. 1 89 rW. Park ; reasonable. Fl'RNWHED H. K. rotjms. 141 Lownndsle. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 71 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE JTAM 1LI 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms. Lower floor. bath, liqt and cold water, lights, wood fur tilhed. anVi other conveniences: $15 month. 1 Pendleton ave. Take HI vex view car. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, light, heat, fuel. $25 per month. 73,4 Hoyt st. Telephone Main UN FURNISHED H. K. rooms in private house, ranging from $7 to $15. ffO E. 12th at N. B-2559. FOR RENT 3 furnished II. K. roams, re spectable, adulu only. 1021 E. 8tb. Alberta car. - - - -.r: TWO large, bright,' connecting housekeeping rooms; bath, light, beat and laundry. C- 1781. 956 William ave. TWO pleasant outside housekeeping rouma for 1 or 2 gentlemen; wood stove, $10 a month; elertric lights. 11 OH N. 3d mt, car, Glisan. FR E E Threo room, partly furnished, to cook for an old lady; no children. Inquire 1056 Grand ave. N. a. m. : . $30 4 , LARGE lower ; furnished housekeeping rooms. 542 E. 27th., Richmond car to 27tb, 1 block south. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, family adults. Miss. car. rkma in. private 181 Skidmore. LOOM for light housekeeping or sleeping. IT. Vancouver v. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 225 E. 37th st S. .Oli RENT -3 . nicely furnished housekeeping room, now vacant. 804 Eugene st FURNISHED light h. k.. $2.00 r week. 162 N. 22d. Mam 4348. . ZT11. K. ROOMS and one with sleeping porch. Phona Ball. 172- i Call 602 2Ut at. & 12 FOR RENT 10 room housa within B blocks of .J of the lanrer' ahinvania f the citv. where all the rooms in tha house can ha rented at a good price. Inquire T02 Gasco bldg. or phona Main 1468 week, days between 10 a. m. and 5 p. m.; Humlaya ealt East 141. I WHKN TOTJ MOVE. USE NORTH- V " 10th and Washington. lidwy. 8f. - wne aos A Ultl liM sra S !.. an FOR RENT or sale attracUve. mod., 4 '.Urga rrvum UaavnM- i . nit.. k . . t a Tl -"-". U OHUTin, MTCQ " q v- m. new lap. fZO K. imii ' r' "fill! V W -W t J VV l V ?oSMtT btb' tOHet Houck 110 KOOM ootU, cW In. on Iklarriun in.!ll. van AiiuutuilWClluI DlUB. 1 lO - ia- . s . fc HUUaa FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR RAT.TC I aa koUSE for rent and furniture for sale. ' IlciuT Ins dishes, cooking utensils. -. fruit and thick ens, large lot and fruit Inui Hh kl... Bnt-?18' 42 Et Bohtel ava. between; 30th and 81st, corner Pine. JFURNISHED HOUSES i S BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, completely and " grates, sleeping porch, hot water -eat, everything tha latest Call at 853 X. 121h at. N. before 11:80 a. ra. or after 2 p. m. j . : WHY took" U over town for a houw t rent -: tat sale and low renter Svhindler. 210 .Stock Exchanga bldg. (T MODERN-8 or 4 room flat, .furnished 'or" ua" 854 hi 1st 'st. south. ' 1 FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 3 room housa in rear of lot.! tt1 iH Mississippi. APARTMENTS v I 42 rURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ' Hart Apartments ABdH5f" . Newly furnished, modern housekaamlna and sleep ing rooms, 82.50 and up. Second and YamhilL, LARGE, well-furnished front room, bay! win- dow. large kitchenette, gas ranae. Also at , suitable for bachelors. 6na single bouaekaeping room. 247 y Oth st. I MAGNOLLA apartments, furnished singl and double housekeeping rooms, also tlaeping rooms. Telephone East 212. i THE JEFFERY New 2 room furnished I apt,, corner of Russell A Kerbv. hetwaen Missis-. slppi and Williams ave. 1 ONE comfortable, clean lower basement irouut for housekeeping, suitable for working! matt alone; everything furnished, 88. 288 10th sL TWO suite light H. K. apt 6"4 5 aahiigtoiiv "Northwest Apts." NEW YORK APTS.. E. Belmont and 7th. I Kat 288. i FURNISHED FLATS STRICTLY private lower flat, nicely furnished. advanced rent 6 months, 830 per month, or will sell furniture. 200 12th st. PART of a 0-ro'im furmihed bungalow' with all conveniences. 877 Rodney ave. I FOR RFNT MISCELLANEOUS S3 RENT pasture. Lake Grove. Marshall 34417 WANTEDTO BENT 1 T ' WE WANT TO RENT a S-rooa up-to-data dwelling to select algt, oornooo. Also booses, flata and aoartmeata. If have any vacancies phono Heave Togstheri car et wortnwest steel Uo.. Main 119B. ' 310 REWARD to the person who will help ma rent a west side 4 or 5 rsfan modern un furnished bungalow with garage; 2 tn family; rent about $25; or 86 reward for one oa east side between Alberta, 60th and Powell. Tabor 7497. WANTEE To rent a furnished 5 or 6 room house on east aids. Parties etpecting to) leave city for six months or a year and desiring to leave home in care of responsible people can arrange. Phona Tabor 6444. f WANTED By May 1. in vicinity or 50ta and E. Stark sts., furnished modern house? with garage; B rooms or less; best of references: no children; will leaaa if desirable. Pbona (Tabor 8901. WANTED -To rent 10 or 15 acre tract j good buildings, berries, fruit and poultry; craek on place preferred, close in. M. Fleury. cam Str. America, city. A 5 OR 6 room modern house. Rose City Park or west side preferred, with option off buy- inc If desirable. 1004 Lombard at... St. I olins. I WANT to rent 5 or 0 room house, will" buy furniture if price is right. J. A. Schhidlar. Main 2411. WANTED to rent, unfurnished. 8 or 7 room modern house," in good repair and dsalrabia location. Phone Hast 1428. t WANTEDTo rent unfurnished bungalow, Vhnne Tahnr R054. It. MODERN 4 or S roosn suburban house on esr lina and good auto road. Phona East S 805. REAL ESTATfe. GENERAL REAL ESTATE S Extra Inducements rV'onwt ijt urnn eieht new homes In Wal- nit Park, Portland's first class restrictad dis trict Best car service, alxo Jeffersor hlah school and large public library. No finer lo cation for a hffrbje in the city, financial assist ance if desired. Call today. f J149 Union ave. N Woodlawn 3804. W. M. KILLINGS WORTH. Owoeri BUSINESS PROPERTY t FURNISHED apartments paying 10 net on 36000: cash, terms and trade. 1210 V. W. Bank bldg. I r rOB SALE HOUSES i WE HAVE Hunnyside, HI Tabor end Hawlhorna property from 11900 up to 36000. j Can anit your needs. Coma talk to us during eve ning hours if too busy in tha tfay time, Tha Hos Co., 10 Chamber of Commerce. Main T5; ... .. ...U ll .. 1QV f M.I. mi V near Union ave. and Portland blvd 4 new -wwtevn fl imm Oitaen .Anne, lot 80x100. fins shade 25000. terms. f BY OWNER Modern 6 room house, 60x100- lot; east front, large garage, paved streets, 4 earllnes, close in, good district; $3900. 401 E. 16th st. near I1 vision at. i -. 1 1 nH... a mw. mrA hall 1 1 f. f r 1 1 and kalsomincd. two extra lots, fruif and berries. $150 csh, balance Unas. S225 BOth ava., Anabel. S. E. . j 6 ROOM IrvTngton home, 60x100 corner; atrnet improvement all paid; hardwood flooraj fur pace, laundry and fireplace; great' bargain Call owner. East 8012. - J $1700 $500 cash, balance $25 per month, will buy a modern house, 3 blocks from Albert ear, scar 13th at Owner. 545 Roselawa ave. Phono Woodlawn 1679. NICE 8 room cottage -on Vancouver ava., base ment, bath, gas, electric, lot 60x92 ft., street improvements paid; price $2850. Call i) .the afternoon. 223 Skidmore at t IT'S A"bBEAM " i 4 room cottage, white enamel finish, cement bWk retaining wall, cement walk, fruit. jtrees, , finlv IlliOO: $500 cash, H-245, Journal! tiir.nnK rrm house. 2 lots 40x125. inns berries and fruit trees, $200 cash, balance $16 per month, 6 interest, Woodstock district, 6323 61st st. near 63d ave. Sell. 1780.1 yOUR own terms, house am! two lota in ! Van- conver. Wash., $1200: on improved .tree t. 608 E. 7th st Inquire D- N. Raymond, j Bug ton, Ot. " : ' - 'I "AN L'NUSCAL BABCAIN" 1 '.' 8 rooms, enclosed aleepfng 1 iorch. furnace, full lot, choica fruit and shrubbery, walking distance. Must be sold, fawner. 718 Eastt Al. ROSECITY' VAflK3 rooms and sleeping - porch, strictly modern home; all built-hi ef fects, on 4Mth at.; pavement paid. Price $$00O, Tabor 644 L .. ; y.'-.';; 1 "JJ 1 F6ltSALE- 5 roomed modern nous, 'vfacre bearing fruit tree. 100 ft. from car. No in--enmbrance, $3000; terms. Owner, 832 K. 89th st. Woodstock car. t 8 ROOM hoiua and ft lots, with good ontlianl and afilendid water. Will sell reasonabl. On Oregon City csrline. Imjuirs st James Petty. , tMadstone, Or. ' 5 RfKM bungalow, all modern, for aele.f Iu ouire at 432 East Wash.- Will rent r not sold by May 1 5. , . j .' 6 W)OM modern house; I ruit; barn; X0xLlji rumer. $2400, $250 eaxh. $20 per aiontli ami interest per cent. Ainswonii gvi n. FIVB room bungalow, comileliy furBihei Im- JI . . I4AA IflKA BP..M 414 erHnger bldg. Main 6366. - FOR HALE 6 room modern housa, one block snntbi R. C. car line tn Gregory Heights ad dition. By owner, ran wti, m. 2400O Modern 8 room bouse, full lot j St2d It . I - lnll 4m,m tkAllM Tabor 2051. e I alODERN . bungalow. full lot and bssctnent; terms, owner, uvv. a, st, oeiiwoed , . , , .- ,-, ; , COZY little homo to ba sold at sheriff less than 81000. See my attorney. Bdwy. bldg. Main 4007. 1843. sale 208 FOR SALK 6 room bungalow, bath, gsj, electric, basement. Sea owner. 107 N. 3d at Move right in. ' ' ' FOR . SALE Six" room Suagalow. ' 1b"kT Buffalo at. Pbona Wdln. 684. - ' i - $2600 FIVE room house, improvement j paid; , larga lot; $500 cash, Sail. 237 j ' IF YOU want a bom in Rosa City Park, n easy terms, at a bargailf; phona Tabor 6645. MODERN 1 -roomed bungalow, $2300 ay terms. 698 KherTett, Bellwootl. v (Coauascd JToiionlAg fare) 4