The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 18, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Former Secretary to' Leriine Is
- One of Most Interesting Char
acters in Communistic Regime
Gives Personal Attention to Mul
tifarious Duties From Personal
Interviews to Matters of State
, By A. R. Decker
Special WireloM to Tha Journal and T ha Chicago
Daily Xawa.
" CopyrigTit, 1919. by tba Chicago Dally fawi C.
Budapest, Hungary. April 1. De
layedOne of the- most Interesting
-haracters In the communistic govern
ment is Bla Kun. former secretary to
Ienine, and an intimate friend of Alois
Murjs, the Csech Bolshevist, From Rus
pfa Beta Kun brings experience which
HzumelTy and : Alfary, his assistants,
translate Into action. J '
These men work extremely hard, for
'.theirs i a personal rule and they must
in' the old palace of Francis Joseph is
crowded daily with all kinds of people
delegations of peasant with packs on
their backs, women asking for favors
in-lodging or funds, committees of Red
puards, foreign government-representatives
and. now and then, a British naval
' official and journalists. From one to
the other Bela Kun hurries, always talk
ing rapidly, breaking off p . phone 01
retire to an Inner room with a more im
portant visitor.. The entrance is always
guarded, usualiyby one soldier. ,
Poller Ons of Peaee
" When I and a number of other news.
ifiii vsuroj uii jiiiri, uciurv grunting
the interview requested he waited until
a girt had asked for our positions or
passes. ; The interview took place at a
table, at the head of which was Alfary
and Kun the other. Bela
Kun answered our questions frankly and
- . . ... tviiiv o m I . null iiiui
Jle said:
"Our foreign policy Is entirely one-of
peace.- We recognize no economical
frontiers and hence there can never be
any necessity for attempting to solve
nationality. -.Territorial integrity is not
iroponani ana uxewise questions aa 10
.our internal policy determines our for
eign policy. We can always expect the
support of majorities in other countries,
-especially of the working classes. Ev
erything depends on- the will of the
"people. ; We are not at war with the
entente, but Just the contrary. We
expect - to v settle all . differences In a
peaceful manner. -
VWa ar rin fh fla tYrv with im.pi
tea, because we see only the best will
on the part of the Americans. Please
send ' this i message to Hungarians ' In
America : F 'There Is nq furthet reason
"Tor, emigration from Hungary.' We have
a socialistic fatherland now, where, the '
working; classes-.have a.--home. Before
iliv Hart Vin hnm -v ?.. -1
" - ; v... t:... i
'.ot at w" Wltl Eatente".
"1yM not at war with the entente,
hut are willing to arrange a. peace set
tlement on the principle oX . self-determination,
of peoples, but if the entente
wishes to enforce, its terms with' the
sword, as General Hoffman did at Brest
I.ltovsk, then it will find a different
Kino, ci war nere.. ic win oe an upns-
' Ihl Wnl irgliiD h. innnBan,..,
sp V a, vnv sjs u . a) iav a 17 W vuu VJK'S vuhv o '
Everything depends absolutely upon the
entente. Foreign subjects and foreign
property will be respected under, this
regime and both will enjoy full rights.
We do not expect any more from Russia
than we do from other countries,' name
ly, solidarity of the working classes. The
stories of misery in Russia, have been
exaggerated to the point where they are
' ''There Is room, for freedom in the new
social life ; . indeed, the new system is
the only one which safeguards personal
liberty. - The capitalistic society allowed
no personal liberty. It is clear to each
Marxist that capitalism, which once pro
moted Individuality, today has become;
an obstacle. 1 America is proof that for
merly a poor man was able to become
rtcn. dui mat is. now imposaiDW. mere
Is no room for the exploitation of one
m o T-i Kv annthi. Th nw v ifam la
really . democracy of the working
classes just as before the old . system
. was a democracy of the bourgeoisie."
1 Then the commissioner for foreign
affairs hurried- away with other visitors
and late that night I saw him. still rush
ing from one room to another In his
hotel. : . . 1 - .
' Fish Monopolists Guilty
' Boston. April 18. (I. N. S.) F. Mon
roe Dyer, New York capitalist, and 16
other defendants in the so-called fish
trust case were found guilty by a Jury
which reported -early toaay. inn-teen
other defendants were . acquitted, s All
were Charged with conspiring to raise
ihe price of fish during war time and
with attempting to create a monopoly in
iWitfeSI! Pre-Easter "'-NeeOs
Morch.ndia:ofc Merit Onlj!
AU Popular- aad Latest
Dances Correctly Taogat
.In Eight Letioai
to all joining these classes this week.
". ' Nltw CLASSES r-- : .1
for beginners start Monday and Thurs
day evening this week.
Tuesday and Friday evening. t
11:30 this week. Taking one or three
lessons a week, tickets are good until
used. Th onU school teaching from 8
to 11. . Plenty or practice,' Wo embar
rassment Separate steproom and extra
teachers for backward' pupils. a thor
ough printed descripUon of all dances
free for pupils. Join these new classes
whr&yu wUl meet refined people and
en joy yourself. Private lessons all
hours. ' Learn correctly from profes
sional dancers. My latest book on Bail
Roonv Etiquette, Grace, .Deportment.
Ball Room and Stage Dances. Fancy
Steps, etc., will be mailed on receipt of
$1. or will be-given free to all Joining
our new classes or taking private les
sons this week. The only school where
the teachers are professional dancers,
capable of appearing before the public
in stage and exhibition dancing; and
where they guarantee to teach you to
dance. Call afternoon or evening. Phons
liaia Cw3.Adv.
We stand ready to serve your last minute Easter needs Saturday we have every
thing you will need, from Easter cards and greetings and candies to'Easter clothes and
Easter hats. . , - ' . . .,. ;
-We have everything for every member of the family from the littlest tots to all the
grownups and in such varieties as we have never shown before and as you will find
nowhere else Saturday! Cornel
GUbw j& (3a
; tctMeixKandiaU of J Merit Oily
ELaster Candies
Novelty . boxes and the most
delicious candies to fill them
rabbits and baskets and all aorta .
of novelties ! , , :
Chocolate covered Easter Eggs
&t10t t for 15
rLAvender Heart shaped Boxes
Xf5 and 25c '
Little chicks 2 for
Easter Candies specially
packed to 91 0 Box.
Street Floor,
Lipman, Wolfe & Co. "
Crisply ; dainty white. frocks for Miss Six to Sixteen the
rettiest lawns, organdies, voiles and , nets girlish
and simple suggestive' of youth in every line.
Tucks, insertion, edging and ribbon are cleverly combined
to add the-right touch of trimming, yet simple in effect. Prices
'range from $3.45 to $25.
Capes for Miss 6
to 16 at $14.95
. Navy blue serge -cape and
: pretty tan and Pekin blue
' capes in Vest ee styles that are
so smart on young folk ! With
: large collars, belts and pockets
they're clever 1
' New Silk Dresses
For Girls 6 to . 17
. Assortments that are com
: plete In silk frocks for girls
new pongees that are charm
: tng. crisp taffetas. Georgettes
and -combinations. In the
firettleet styles and colors.
Ticedjill.95 to 347.50.
Capes for Little
Tots 1 to 6 Years
Most cunning of all are the
wee small tots in. their new
capes. We have delightful
models in new taffetas, serges,
models in ' -serge capes with
vestees of combination color or
over collars of checked silk;
also plain navy serges. Prices
87.50 to SIO.
New Coats for Little
Folk of 1 to 6
Smart new black and .white
checks, taffetas, serges and
cheviots in plain tailored and
belted styles. -Home are silk
trimmed and others hand em
broidered on collars. Priced
84.95 to $25.
Hundreds of Good Look
in? New Hats Are In
Hats of ev
'terydescrjptiorr l
."and style for-.
Tyoungst e r r-2
f to 8 years oldl
; -T here, are v
pretty ., tailored
shapes with
dro oping or
straight brims,;
some flower
. trimmed, some .
with simple
streamers. The daliUiest
whiter pink,:
y bfue rose,, Co-"
pen,,, bro w af' '
. ..Cherry, s and"
nd black'mod-
; els are toybe'
found ' among'
these 'n e w
- ones, f
Such attractive styles, and so many of them, choosing will
be a delight both to daughter and mother. No need for daugh
ter to be without a new Easter bonnet, with so many here for
your pleasure. -.
Priced $4.50 to $7.50. Others special at $2.95 and $3 50
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. .
for Easter
Delicate perfumes that are
most acceptable as Easter gifts !
Here are some delightful odors:
DJer Kiss Perfumes bulk
f 1.6 5 in bottles SI. SO,
2.75. 83.50.
DJer Kiss Toilet. Water
S1.90 and 93.00.
Coty's L'Orlgon . 84.65
Coty's Effleurt 87.00
Fiver's Perfumes 81.25
I'ady Mary Perfume 81. SO.
Mary Garden Toilet Water
Houbigant's Perfumes 83.25
Houbigant's Toilet W a t e r
Street Floor,
Lipman. Wolfe & Co.
....... W S .
New Hats For Easter At
Your Favorite Price $7150
If you have waited until the eleventh hour to
select your Kaster hat -you will 'decide that this
splendid assortment at seven-fifty .was designed
with youf own ideas in view.
For it is an amazingly complete
, and attractive showing of; hats we
have for you at this moderate price.
Large hats, softly drooping, universally becom
ing, medium sized hats with original notes in
trimming and the smartest little taitored hats you
could ask for !
Hats that are trimmed with glycerine ostrich,
some with soft Georgette facing, others of taffeta
and straw. Black hats and colored hats hun
dreds of new ones Saturday at $7.50.
. ' -
A special showing of misses' hats designed especially
for girls 12 to 16 years of age. Clever creations at $4.
And clever tailored hats for children 8 to 12 at $3.
Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. .
Not only for Easter but
for every day the year!
Good substantial uni n
suits and Vests "Sox women' -and
misses. Our stocks
are always complete, and
our prices right'! f
Women's Bodice
' Top Union Suits , r
Special $1.0a ;
Fine ribbed union , suits "
that are straight arouni,
with tape over the shout.
ders. Tight knee style with
reinforced crotch.: Sizes 36
to 44.
Women's Lisle Vests
Are Very Special 50c
Swiss ribbed lisle 'vests ,
. in . low neck, sleeveless,
beaded or bodice top '
styles. And some with
fancy yokes.
Misses9-Cotton Union
Suits, Special 75c
Fine ribbed cotton union '
suits in low neck, sleeve
less, knae length style.
with drop seat. - Sizes 6 to
16 years.'
Street Floor, -'
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Bring The Boy In
for His Easter Suit
There's a mighty good assortment
of suits here for boys 6 to 18, and for
Saturday there's a very
Special Showing
At $10 $12.50 to $30
Suits of every kind that appeal to
boys of this age. Suits with all the
Uyle that could possibly be embodied
n Easter and Springtime togs. Waist
line styles, belted styles and military
styles with fitted backs. The materials
are of the best and! the. patterns are
new and good looking. Many of the
pantSrhave reinforced . knee and seat.
They're wonderful at the prices!
Boys Navy Blue
Confirmation Suits
$14 to $25
Complete Showing of Boys'
Easter Hats at 75c to $7.50
Blouses and Shirts $1 to $5
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Easter Gloves All the Best Kinds
New Gloves? Of course you will want them for your new. Easter costume for
no matter how charming it will not be complete without fresh, dainty, gloves I
French Importations the finest real - kid
gloves have come from the best manufac
turers, vand there are full assortments of sizes
in black, white and modish shades. These are
hand-embroidered in contrasting welts. Priced
$3.00 and $3.50.
Street Floor, Lipman Wolfe & Co.
And fine imported Lambskin are here in
white. These are $2.00 to $3.50. ... r
KIQDIES kid and silk in sizes for children
7 to ' to. Special j75c nd silk gloves spe
cial 35c
As Sketched
A special sale of that
charming conceit of Timothy
Crowley's the thousand
pleat wash vest with touches
of black embroidery adver
tiste in "Vogue."
Special Sale of Georgette'
Ruffling $1.35
Street Floor,
Lipman, Wolfe tt Co.
4, -
for Easter
Pretty, new arrivals in
silk and ' fibre and lisle
stockings- for women and
children.fThe right shades
for your Easter apparel.
. Women's Pure Silk
' Thread Stockings,
-Black, white. Cordovan
and ' many other popular
shades in these fine gauze
-weight pure silk stockings,
made with. double lisle welt
tops. All sizes.
Women's Silk Full
Fashioned Hose at'
$1.50 . ,
Fine quality full fash
ioned silk stockings with
mercerized I Is 1 e tops,"
bronze, . grey, white and
many., other shades. All
w 1 1 h reinforced ... soles,
heels and toes. '
Children's Pure Silk
Ribbed Hose 1
$1.75 to $2.25 i
k -White and cordovan col
ored . hose in pure thread
silk. .. All sizes. ,
Junior Silk and Fiber
Hose at 75c
'Children's s i 1 k lisle
ribbed stockings b lack,
white 'and Cordovan sizes
6 to 9 60c
Boys heavy rib cotton
stockings f a s t black
6H to ll 50c
Street Floor,
Lipman,- Wolfe & Co. -
Three New Models
In Georgette
Blouses At $8.75
The mode for colored Georgette blouses has
been delightfully expressed in these three new
)ne is in Tuxedo style,
pin tucked to resemble a
man's shirt, with deeply
. pointed collar. v
The second has a square
neck, yet aVoJl satin collar
in front gives it the round
effect. There .is a shallow
satin collar in -back.
The third has a pleated
Columbine neck frill and
clusters of tucks -for trim
ming. . . ' .
The colors are white, flesh, Victory red, orchid,
league blue, sunset and beige.
Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
aaw aaM mm v
a oncched
, Snappy New
Easier Models in
Suits Designed Especially
For Younger Young Men
All -you young fellows who want
to look your best ofl Easter day will
find suits to give the desired effect
.here in our assortments of "Lang-ham-Highs."
The newest patterns and best col-
or s . are. shown browns and blues
and greens and greys they're full
of individuality ! Sizes 32 to 40.
Priced $25 $30 $35 to $60
- Fourth Floor, Lipman, Worfe & Co.
... . ,
Easter Silk Shirts
the Best Portland Assortment
Silk shirts can be different so men who have
"shopped around" tell us. , .
We hear-that these assortments of crepe' de v
chine,' Broadcloth Silks, Tussahs, Habutai, novels
ties and so on comprise patterns and weights
not to be found elsewhere v
And every man ' ought to have a .i .
, , silk shirt to wear Easter Sunday. , . . t ' . ;
The Ties
At $1.65
Continuing ' the sale'
and, if comment is any cri-.
. iterion and business any in
dicator, these ties can't be
touched in town at a lot
more than $1.65. '
.Come in look 'era over.
Sox at 25c
Medium "weight - cotton
' spx at a most wonderful
price if one. weighs con
ditions of th p a$t few
years.? Principally ; blacks
-and all lir , ' ;
Street Floor, lust insida Washington St!f Entrance
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
t -
' Your New Spring
Apparel Here
Of course, we cannot promise to de
liver your Easter Suit if purchased Sat
urday unless there Is no:or very little ;
alteration. ; --. .". -'
But there are so many charming new capes .
and-coats, that you can wear instantly that
; choosing will be very simple.'
'.All the newest models are here in greatest '
diversity plain tailored, dressy - and - demi-
- And-" there - are frocks without endall",
kinds silk and serge and printed Georgettes.-
: .
: -Prices , range from $25 to r $75. ;
, -r-Third Floor, 'Lipman, Wolfe & Co. ' v
Boys and
The enlarged Toy De
partment is holding a1 spe
cialjsale for you Saturday of
Ball Bearing
Union ; .
Hardware ;
Roller Skate
at $2.50
--. , . ,
T he s e .' are ' excellent
skates the famous Union
Hardware kind that run so "
lightly and wear so well I
Basement, " .
, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.". 5
For Th
e Junior Miss !
Dashingly smart is "Miss:
Junior" in her full sweeping,
cape and she realizes it as
she pirouettes before our
mirrors. .
f. . 1 .
. , ' -t
We have the most1 pleas-
j ing new- models, in capes for
j Miss Junior5; and her older?
sister or mother, perhaps,
; whom,-slight' and small, is f
fitted better in 'Junior, togs
iflian those for grown-ups. . ;
Fourth Floor,
As Sketched -
-, .. ..... ,-
- . : - v - - - ' .
Lipman, Wolfe & Co
One new model is being
featured specially at $16.50.
It is cf Navy blue s'erge with
shawl collar: and over collar
, of 5 rose colored silk. The
fron is in full vestee style ,
:and the back has wide tuck
and buttons.
-I -' r- '
There arc splendid assort-
ments of other new capes-
5 serges, - velours, tricotincs,-"?
; silvcrtones and o t her s
priced from $20 to $58.50