A.1 REAL ESTATE FOB )HALK--HOPMF.S 1 rose CITT . DI8TR1CT. - $2850 Modern 6-room bungalow. , Jfa. 684 East 48 th. near Siskiyou. ,Vwut; ready to mors into. . . , . . LAURELHURST. $4500 Modern 7 -room residence at 1186 Lat Oak. nor 89th. C Sow vacant rtiuj) fc Bot in. RICHMOND DISTRIO. f 3300 Modern. 6-room bungalow. No. 2728 East 434, near Clinton. Now vacant; ready to nova in, $3800 Modern 7-room residence, corner lot, 60slOO. (rait trees, unproved streets, all paid for;, good (umac apd agrafe; any terms. Monthly peymeatav Vacant Jot. hi all parta el the eity; will for- Bish money tat building. ... Lot SOxl 00, East Msdtann (tract, baivaca S9Ui and 40tu; price 8au0, tevaa. Lot SOxlOO; Est Cora afreet, beeweea 39 th and. 40th,-' price $560. term. Lot 5 01 00; East Broadway, batweea 27th and 28tu streets: price- $95: ail Ilea paid. WILLIAM G. BECK, - ' 215 Failing liuiidiug. ROSE CITT PARK V Very attractive nearly new 1 44 tory tm tin low oo 57th at., very large reception pall and living room with fireplace; large dinin room, built-in buffet, French doora opening onto large (rent porch, convenient kitchen, 2 nice bedroom awl bath on first floor. 2 nice larg bedroom , and enclosed ieepfng porch on 2d floor; cement -aemrnt. stationary tubs, new (urnsce. 00x100 lot I'pie 14250. This is one of the roost at . tractive homes in Rom City park district. 'Larga photograph of this borne can be seen at our - ofiice. Itipect1"n by appointment, j. THE CBQ8SLEY.Y.UABS CO.. ''2 276. Stark at. s Mai 3032. Stop Paying Rent, but Pay It to yourself, Wjte and -j. . -.- unuaren Walnut park. Portland first elaa restricted residence district offers exceptional cpportanlti (or eight new home bulkier. We will assist financially, if desired. Call today at the office. 1149 Union are. N. Woodlawn 83"4. f W. M. KILLINGS WORTH. Ovsner. v TfTuTilOttNE IiISTRliET" Very desirable S-room houM on 41st at., "splendid corner lot, pared atreet imptoveraenta paid) i reception ball, living room, dining room, kitrlieo with paas-pahtrr, fireplace, furnace, sta tionary tuba, cement basement, three nice bed Tcom and "dandy" sleeping porch, good neigh birhood, 1 blok from car. This 1 t Hi? nice home in tint cbua condition. . We have no hesitancy in recommending this place aa an ei- oeptioaally good- buy. Price 33.650; 81.099 fash, - - THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO. ' 70 Stark St. Main 8062. 7 ROOM modern bungalow with about aero of ground, lot of (nvtt and berries,- chicken Mouse, corner property, trie aaxBU. weoaaiocs district. . B lW modern house, 2H Iota, 100x120, an kinds of fruit and berries, full cement basement. Woodstock district, Fric (3000. " " 8 room strictly modern bungalow, fireplace, furnace heat, full cement basement, lot 60x100, 'Westmoreland addition. Prico $3800. ; .: These ere all on wry eaiiy terms. KEW YORK UND CO.. 803-5 Stock E ehange Bldg. Main 7676. A BUNGALOW AXD TWO ACRES At Tigard. en 'paved highway, beautiful, 80 xninuta drive via Terwiliger boulevard into Port land, bungalow has ft rooms and bath, hot and cold water, private water system, elactrio lighta. ' garage with electric light, pearly 100 bearing fruit trees, principally Spitsenbsrg apple, lina garden soil, chicken house end run. A' rer at tractive suburban home. Buy this and the ap ple will buy ymi an automobile. Price 83500; it'a worth 85000; 31500 eaih wfll handle. THK CROSoLEY-VIGABS CO., 270 Stark at. Main 8082. JL ROBK CITY PARK 34300 . 6 Itooms DenGarage. " Volks here truly la one of the real fine bun galows of Rosa City Park. It is Just aa modern u ut home- could be. Larse liviug and dux lnar rooms, with French' doors between. This ia way above the ordinary in class and distinction. Yes, it ha hardwood floors, fireplace, book ceaea, mass ire buffet, cement basement, fur nace,' eta. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 284 Stark St, near 3d. Main 8518. , -Branch Office, 50th and gandj. MODERN B ROOM COTTAGE On 72dV at, near Qlin, lot 76x90; good neigh borhood; a nice little borne for little money: prica only 31,000; 8300 caah, balance 820 per amonth. and interest. Here . your cbanoe to hake the landlord." V - - - THE CK08SLET-VKJAR3 CO - 270 Stark Ht. , Mam 8052. " " , ' "aUIEUTA' DISTRICT - . a 5 room modern house, Dutch kitchen, built-in closets, full basement, lawn in front .and rear, ah rubbery, east front, concrete wall in (rent, fenced in on rear, very sightly, floor made up stair to make 3 more room-t, block frogs dine, 8500 down, balance lika rent. Inquire fore-12 a. m. at 80 Alberta at. r ca be 2 ROOM HOL'SK. 3100 CASH Nearly new 2 room house, city water, pat toilet, celled and nicely painted, some "fruit and fruit tress; nice lot. 80x100; fine location, on K. 29th, near Ainawortb. Price 81100; 8100 cash and 812.50 per month, 6 per cent. - GRUSSI A BENNETT 818 Board of Trade Bklg. Main 7482. . BEAUTIFUL IUVINGTON - V.. 8 rooms, 60x100 lot. fine garage and drive, rement basement, attic, ail a-Hments paid; beautiful reception hall 14x24. dining room 18z 15, breakfast room 0x12. beamed ceiling, plate glass windows, mirrored door.. A house for the most fastidious. The Rosa Co., 10 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7590. - - " Mt. Tabor Bungalow 4 ' Beautiful view property, 5 tmi, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, swell Dutch kitchen. For quick sale 33500; 3885 cash. bal. only 820 A month, which amount includes the interest. OEO. T. MOOHE CO. 1007 T eon Bldg. - 83200 SE1XWOOD SNAP 83200 7 room boue, 4 bedrooms up, 8 rotome and bath down. 50x100 lot; peaches, apples and apricot trees; small fruit, chicken houses, over 100 varieties choicest roses; no incumbrance. 140 feet to car near library, cement ,walk, paved atreet, all assessment paid. Sellwood 588. 82700 HOSK CITY 32T00 PICK THIS LP QC1CK Three year old, good condition; 3800 cash and 820 per month. Office K. 8U and UU san su . - - a v TABOR 8488 Or Evening East 2088. ' , VACANT. 82325. Richmond car. 0 rooms. S bedrooms, bath and good basement; paved and. paid; house trotlt 7 yeant; pay 33 AO dmvn and move in tomorrow. COK A. M KK.NNA W.. Main 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. . $550 Mt. Scott Car $550 8 rn. hou-. with attic and basement, large rma. and comfortable. 50x115 lot, 4 blka. car; - $150 down. bal. $10 month. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon Bldg. " "BIG BAltGACd Fine 8 room modern house, up-to-date in all 4 respects, in Alameda Park's beat location. Price $8000. House alone would cost mora money. 830 Hamblet are See this today. . Occupied by owner. SACiUFK'K E. Ankeny st. near 20th, $700 caflb, $85 per month, takes 7 room , modern heme, in fin condition; furnace,' fireplace, bard wood floors, 20 minute walk from center of eity, no assessments. Price $3650. Pbona Tabor 6441. P'RETTY NEW MODERN Well built bungalow, fireplace, oak floors, attic; f 3330.es -y terms. Owner' ofiic. 1230 frKnrty blvd. Tabor 3825. 0 ROOM house on .Sandy blvd. and 59th; hsrd wood floor, fireplace, hot water furnace, full cement basement, gas and electricity, gerage, large lot; $1000 cash will handle, balance tersaa. trwner, phone Tabor 9307. AIODKRN hows on paved streets, rent ric ted diKtrict: payment down and balance only $2.1 monthly. Including Interest. 6 Urge rooms, fur ncce, fireplace. . built-in . fixture. . Pnen Woodlawn 4257. ROSE CITT PARK T ' 6 room bungalow, strictly modem; furnace, rireplaee, cement basement, built-in . features, white enamel finish. A bargain at $3850. Oaner, 041 East 4th St. N. : Tabor 4705. WAVERLEHiH HEIGHTS BARBA1N Total price 32500. 7 room modern, paved streets and sewer. An imp. paid. 60x100 lot, fruit trees, terms. A. H, Aserson, Henry bide. Main 7248. . 3100 CASH, balance $12 per menih, 3 room semi, modern shack, 14x34. oa earline, well located; investigate tins bargain. $800. Tabor 6 14 3. pRKTTx bungalow; banlwood floors, Dutch kitohen. all buMt-ins, fine condition; one blk. Alberta car. 7 Sumner st., cor. 18th. liVi: raun bungalow, completely fumi&lied. lin mediate poemsaion. $2600. $800 cash. Evans, I4 erlinarer rtldg. Main fJSBS. J OH MALE 4 room modern bouse, one block south It. C. car line in Gregory Heights ad dition. By owner. Call Bdwy. 2794. $40 Modern $ room house. -full lot, 2d ' near Hawthorne. Caa not duplicate for $9000. Tabor 2051. - - - - - S ROOM cottage, lot 75x100, 10 nice fruit trees, cmcxen run. inao; gsuv uown. i. Oregon bldg. Brosdwsy 165S. 209 kiOLI-:kN bunaalow. full terms. Owner. 1000 E. 1343- lot and . besemeui; Its til si. beUwood 1 7 ROOM house close in on east aide, street paved ana paa lor. rno es-zaw, mortgage $1600, t years, 6 per cent. t cement walk, close) to Ut, Beott CarUaa, ' Kern ran. rnce izeu,.eiear, oaay terms, room boose ia aasaa distnet. in guod condi tion: price 1006: term. 1 fin lot on 4d near TiTtansook. aU fm trrovementa in and paid for. Thia kit i cloaet to Bom City car; wilt eel! cn terms, - It yon are going t own auer naver no stucaa your lot call and get price and term, aa t bat lota in aulerent part ox tna city. 213-14 Henry bldg. About renting when you can have a homo like this? 8 room bungalow with sleeping porch, good district, cloaa- in. Improvement paid, tiood batii and built-m features. . Wa ara permitted to aou lor isliiu. 'i'erma., McCleod & Taylor 330 By. Kxcbn Bldg. fbona MaranaU 2883. A ROSE CITT PARK - ' big, beautiful 0 room borne. It h a big living room with fireplaoe, a beautiful dining room wua nanasema outlet, wnrte uutob kltcnen. Kwido suirway leading to apner floors; also back stairway. 3 larga bedroom wttn wardrobe, closets. larga bathroom. The floor are, hardwood, t The lighting fixture are beautiful. All rooms ara finished in ivory. Thar ia a Mg basement and a high-grade furnace. The prica of this home is 8950 and a payment of 8789 casb ia re quired.. You'll say it looks lika a 88000 borne. C0H A. MKENVA A CO, Main 4322. 82 4th t., Board of Trade bldg. $2200 Woodlawn ; $2200 8 room modern bungalow, 50x100 lot, 1 with fruit trees, 2 blocks to car. Only 8500 down. osianc anomaly. i GKO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Toon bldg. FOB SALE LOTS I Build Your Home in Walnut - Park f ' Call today and select your lot aa they are selling fast. Extra inducements offered for eight new homes. Financial assistance, it de sired. No finer location for a home. W. M. KILUNQ8WORTH, Owner. 1149 TJnion eve. N. Wdln. 8804. j CHOICE Irvington lot $1260 and up; 2 corner . 100x100, each fins apartment sites, 32600 each; terms. Talhaadge Realty Co., 810 iisnry bldg. . . . SEATTLE lot 50x100, on Waters avej at Rainiar Beach station; will trade for Port land lot or sell cbeap for caah. 808 Montana are., Portland. Or. LOTS for sale; bargain; 26x100, sidewalk. - curbing and graded street. , Only $110. Marshall 288. . ' L " FOR BALE 4 lots corner, one block S. R. C. earbne, Gregory Heights, by owner. . Call Bdwy. 2794. LOT on Montgomery drive, Portland Heights, for aale cheap or will trade for" auto. N-427, Journal. ' LOT 4. blk. 22, size 60x147. Jonesmore add.. 70th and Gliaan, fin location; price and terms reasonable. Inquire 814 Panama bldg. BY OWNER, lot.' First and Bancroft. $10 per month. Marshall 4481. GOOD building lot. Alberta district; aa easy terms. Tabor 8788. ACREAGE 87 TWO ACRES. 2 block from electric R. R. sta tion and pontoffic. on new Pacific highway, 10. miles from Portland; T room plaetared bouse, well built and in best of condition. All under cultivation, well selected family orchard, bcrriea, etc.. good well, gas in house, city water available; land well drained and in best of condition; a beautiful country boa. Prica $4P0; terms. 6.18 acres of highly cultivated land, 1 mile from B. : R, station, good family orchard, all fenced and in crops; 8 room plastered house, large barn and aM necessary outbuildings.' Price $4500. Terms. This property is located on rock road in one ef the good farming communi ties wast of Portland. . J 8 H acres. mile from depot, oa rock road, containing a well selected family orchard, sdewalk from town to thia property; city water, gas and electricity available. This property ha a good ele vation, well drained and valuable for homes. - This will be -cut up in H and acre lots to suit pur chaser, V4 acres 3400, half casb. acre lots $600. half caah. or will sell all for 82800. Just out- aide of corporate Units. A beautiful, place to PUlld. TUCKER 4k SHRECK 801-602 Spalding bldg. v $4500 Your Gain, Our Loss EXCELLENT VIEW SITE 6 acres In cultivation with family orchard fair 4 room house. 2 minutes' walk front Bertha, on S. P. 8. Electric and Capital HiU nignway, u minutes by auto xrom Portland, luuu wiu naaaie. . Dabney.Investment Co, 15 ACRES of rich soil. 9 miles from the court house. 4 mil -from hard road- shout IA acres in cwsUvation,, balance second growth fir, not bad to clear: 2 acres well adanted for untn, gus, deep rich swale, wall tiled, near R. R., school. j room nous, not modem, but in fair condition, good small bam. young orchard, good "fU. fine fir trees left around yard. A place wivn wonuenui poamoiirues. we nave never bad a price less than 33000 oa this until last week when the owner told as to move it at once. Yotj can nva it (or 33500. It's a big bargain. - TUCKER gs SKRECK - 601-502 Spalding blrtat 1 nurftcrrrDs "Why waste time running all over Portland when you can buy of an aere at Tigard, V miles out. within two hWk. r pot: -room hotus. fine well, all kind of fruit . , ,u "ffrlu ,OT 10"- 350 will handle. John B. Howard. 818 Chamber of Commerce. . -18 MINUTES OUT ! . room house and 2-8 acre just a few blocks from Multnomah ststion; price 81200, easy terms, t rrrzGiBBON calwat. 401 Board, of-Trade. SNAP . Choice 40 acre tract, green grass all the year. $2.50 per acre first year payment, remainder 60e per aere each month; close to live town. wtr aou auio transportation, plenty work. T. K. Stearns. 202 Wilcox bldg- " $1300 8-roonr bouse and 4 acres. 3 ami In ml- tl ration, fruit and berries, ideal chicken ranch, creek running through place, 8 mile, of Sher- wooa, tu pellwood 58. 489 E. 84th gt 2 ACRES. 4 ROOM HOUSE 4 blocka from O. L atatioa, 23 sniautea out. easy terms. FITZIBBON V CALWAT. 401 Board of Trade. 10 ACRES SACRIFICE $1S50. 1 . Good bouse, barn, orchard, chickens park, near highway and ear. Easy terms. Thia place cost owner soavtr. - MARSTERS. 201 Wile or Bldg.. th and Wash. 15 ACRES 18 miles from Portland oa electric line at Cottrell station, cleared ; very beat of soil. $2500, terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. $800 CASH will bny a S-eere tract ea Section : Line road, 7 miles from erarthonse, all in cultivation, balance $1809 mtg. Talhaadge Realty Co.', 619 Henry bldg. : 6-7 ROOM semi-modern house with 1 to 8 acres. . Also separate acre tracts at Metzger. Can build to suit. Prices reasonable. Johnson. Main 5295. ' DABNEY PARK For beautiful borne site, en Columbia River high way. See aa. Dsbney Investment Co., room 1, Worcester bldg. : 1 - - HIGHLY improved 9 acres near center of East Portland- 122 000 good ii Una. r N-46. Journal.1 - ! - ACRES , aero. Va acre. $875; cultivated, sightly. water, no gravel. Kennedy school. Alberta car. 1219 N. W. Bank bklg. ; BEAUTIFUL bomeeite. 12 acres on west aide ..',lB hihwr; bouse, .barn, fruit trees. $4000; easy terms. Tabor 739. CHCICB ctowau acreage. - good soil, well . lo v eated: owner Phone Rn4 44I ET cilUKilEN, Oregon City line, one fine vw acre, rn.np -er casn. Lianren. ParkwooeT, Or. I HAVE 5 or 10 acres for aale aear earline. few miles from Portland. P-1I, Journal, V 12 ACRES, by owner. Phone Sellwood 729. SrBTT1lBAX ACREACE ; 7t tJARDEX TRACTS west side, city water and ; gas, price 3SO. $39 cash, balance $3 per month: will fanns you moaey to buUd, 1L JJ. Lee. 505 CorbeU bkl - . . t'OK KALE HOUSES HEAL ESTATE SUHL'RHAJf ACKEAGK ; 7$ FOUR e five room house, wiia one er mora acre fruit and berries: chicken boose: five blocks from Bellrosw eat Creahaas carUne. Terms to suhy-Go to Bellroee. inquire for Davis. STTBPREAX HOMES 1-3 of an Acre Oregon City Une Fine bungalow of 8 rooms and full floored attic. Fine well, sroodshed. chickennovjse and yard: lota of fruit and berries: lawn and roses. Worth $4000, but can sell for 33040. Not less than $800 cash down and $25 per month at 8 interest.' RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. ! 30 Oak St. Broadway 4183 Little Over Acre Multnomah Station Hare - is something- extra good, with all kinds of fraut and berries, -9 room house, barn, chick ee house and woodshed. Nearly all of the garden la planted. uood wen. Jnt ideal for an elderly covple. Price 32000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 809 Oak St. - , Broadway 4183 . HERE IS YdUR CIIANCE- To buy a half -acre at Multnomah static a for leas money than a lot will cost twice a far out, on the east side, Also a 5-room howe and fasere for 812SO. Very good term. Fitzib boa It Calway, 401 Board of Trade. Evenings call afam ZZ95 A SXAP By owner. , 2 acres, finest soil. 8 miles from postoffice, out paved highway and reached by electric car; house, garage, fine well, choice fruit trees, berries, rosea and shrubbery. Price end terms right. . Sea owner, ! 408 Ore- gonian oiog. BUY A HOME OS CARLINE 1 acre matie 3 room oottag. 3100. s 1 aere aiaistls 4 room house. 82000. i yl acre modern 5 room house and garage, 83150 H. O. DH.l.MAN. Eighth and Main St. Oregon- City, Or. 81700 BUYS smbnrban home, acre, new bouse near car line, uu owner, jeam tuvi. BEACH FROFERTT ' 4f FOR SALE 41 acrea beach property at Ne tarta. Oreaon. lnelodina; Eden Camo Grand. fine view ef the ocean and bar. beach ia fa mous for it sea foods, great resort, might trade for Portland property, Kenton district preferred. J. H. lags. HUisboror Oregon. SEABIDE 50x100, near beach. $475 eash, Owner, N-428. Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 $4500 24' acres in cultivation and tillable, balance ail slashed, in good pasture; living trout stream oa place. The cleared land is ail sandy bottom land, fine sou. 5 room house : fine large new Darn, in A-l shape. Good granary, chicken house, hoghonse, cellar. t acre good bearing fruit; good well at the house: 1 cow, chickens, good double harness, almost new; thi Mitchell wagon, back, bnggy, mower, cream separator: 2 hogs; plow, new barrow, cultivator; mile to good school house. k mile to elaeirie line. grist 'mill, sawmill. 2 stores, blacksmith shop; xu muea or Oregon City, all of the road graveled hut K mile. . This place ia cheaper than a 20 cre place. Yon eant beat the soil and the location is good. Lots of neighbors and every- uuue naiKiy. -rer-m tzouo down, bal. Vye- z,a.uu-x-x- a bus, ' 7th and Main sr,. Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE STOCK RANCH Containing 160 acres, with abund ant outrange, situated in Douglas county, 86 miles east of Riddle. . Inquire of A. J. WINTERS. 65-67 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. nAnn rinu T?i'fTri-'r"r-!riTi " slih, v unurr eaiu-rauon. oaru, o room house, 2 good well, family .orchard. 1 horse buggy, wagon. 3 H miles from this city; price $2500. 194 '.acres, all under cultivation, 6 room house, barn SO by 50, family orchard, good wa ter, team. 1 cow, few chickens, soma farm im. plemsnU. about 12 miles from Oregon City; 80 seres. 86 improved, T room bouse, spring, Kam S Mil , c.. . ,i n All these farms are on good roads, close to ransa ara transportation point. a r rtrr t uiu Eighth and Main Su. Oregon City, Or 72-ACRE farm, about half in cultivation, close to Vancouver, fine orchard. 600 prune. 65 cherry, mostly Lamberts and Royal Ann: about 60 apple, 45 pear and 20 walnut trees. Modern nouse with bsth. toilet, lavatory, sink, etc.. tankhouse, root and fruithouse of hollow tile cemented on both sides, brick silo, good barn, etc, good teem. 5 cows, 5 heifers, wood-sawing machine, gas engine, and all farm machinery and tools; price 812,000, half eash. WiU take so m s good city property as part payment. Herman t-ewr, qui Buchanan bldg. Main 5175. 40 ACRES 1 A. I Rich, well lavine lamt nn bills r. Over 29 acres ha good' stand of grasa. Most i wuu easy to clear lor cnitivatlon. lias shack and some fencing. Spring water year rnunil T , 1 ,1, r.ln-ki. . v" vwwuivm ca.v.. v,M KUW hard road. Convenient to both rail and water uausporiauon. itm t mm tnis opportunity. A. K. fllLL. 214 Lsimbermens bldg.. 5th and Wark st. DEAL WITH OWNER 1164 acres 3 H miles of 2 good towns, in heart of Willamette: all under cultivation except 10 acres timber: fenced and cross fassced: It ft station on place; school close, phone and mail aervice, goon buildings, complete una of imple ments ana stocs, ismily orchard, i wells and spring: all goe-i at 8125 per acre. For partic ulars phone Columbia 871 or address 1609 Stockton st. 41-ACBB IRRIGATED FARM 40 acres in cultivation, good fence. 4 room house. woodshed and storehouse, baeoning neuaa. hog bouse. 2 poultry houses, large frame barn and garnary. grain stacking shed, farm im plements and some stock, 37000, $1500 cash, balance time up to 6 years, 6 . Write W. A. Johnson. Route 1, Box 42. Kerby. Or., Jose phine county. LAST CHANCE; A SACRIFICE 80 acres black loam soil. 85 mile ftnn Portland. 4 miles from It. K., rock road to una. close to senoot, neisnbon and highway. 15 acres has been 'cultivated. Some prune trees, balance easily cleared. Some timber. A good livo creek. No rock. Price $ld00 cah. Adjoining land $60 per acre. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON McHARDT. 120 ACRES adjoining Kelso, Wash. 45 acres in cultivation, six room house, barn and family orchard. Fine creek and two springs on county road on two sides. This is a very desirable piece of lead and one on which a farmer caa make good: 'would make a fine subdivision. Price, 810.000; 31500 will handle and your awn terms on the balance at 8 per cent John K. Howard. 818 Chamber of Commerce. 200 Acre-Farm $5000 1 ot tlua farm under foreclosure of a mort gage. The time of redemption baring expired I am entitled to a deed any day I call for it. See gey friend at 10 C. of C. bkig. He can tell you all particulsrs. :' : -B. FLYNN. Ahlsuf. Or. HOPYARD , 24 acres. Trent yard", choice land, 1 mile from good valley town. Price $9000. $4000 eash, with spot horn at 48c, contracts 1 year S2c, 5 year 20c pisce wiil pay for itself la 2 year. R. M. OATfcWOOl) A CO.. ItSU at IT eiAVS 62 acrea, 4 mile from town Tmliin county. 4 a in cultivation, 14 acrea in bear ing prunes, good bouse. 2 barns, other buildings. Plenty water, small fruits; 2 bone, 4 cows, chickens, full set farm implements, 3. .wagons hack, buggy, aream separator, $7000. $3500 -". a a r ion ana, city. 200 ACRES. 8 miles aonthnsutt nf Tnm., u ersi fine eak a-rove. nl.nf v. , good 6 room bouse, just papered. Good large wins nay i or, several pumps and troughs over place. Further particulars inquire of R. A Wilson. 430 South Pins St.. Roseborg. Or. 15 ACRES, 12 in euttivationT house, barn', fine well water, 3 blocks front graded school; lies between - electric and steam road in town o( Banks. 'For further information call or: write Henrv Ealer. Soft W. , tvmri xi ai FOR SALE 10 acres, part In young orchard and small fruit, almost new bmMinm Li between Monmouth and Independence. 2 H miles iroro smmv - eos- mrtoer mi orsoat Kim write , AK boa 141, Monnvooth. or. T FARM for sale. 80 acres, near Geraldine. Mont.; ' 133 acre under cultivation, half of crop f sold before July L, 1'hone Woodlawn, 6072. or 1V- ACRES under cuitivation. 7 H a. bearing prunes,- family orchard, good bouse, all out building. 6 minute t0 eieotrie car. Pbona nomisvn itfi. - .. - - 111 ACRKS,near Chamnoeg. Or.; 14 mile from river; $68.ijeT acre. C-631. Journal. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 AT STATION, 5 fee commu'auoa Jars to Part. - land. lota, trait, 7 room ltesjee, at 318 par month, with or' wrthoat ehiekens. 881 AV 8th St. Phone Sellwood 484. - FOB BKIfT FA RM 9 - et w i i Mr j, jVeKA a m.'M WANT to rent S or 10 acres, east of Monte- 'T1 Hk . 4 .J s ssn sa 14 iAm, $j "wi wrvtMumwa A. ot e t7r I l, 91.9m FARMS WAHTElt BEJTT OR BTJY 88 SWEDISH msa and wife want to rent fans with stock - and implements or . will work oa farm, tlail at 878 Height ara. Phone Wood- lawn 10. j: - TIMBER 29 KOTICX OF SALE OF GOV&RNMKNT TlafttEB Crsaeral Land Office. Wsshlnatan. tL sr. March 6. It 19. Notice is hereby given that subject to the coadrtteas and ilaaltatiooa ef the act of June 9. 1916 89 Stat, 213), and the tnatructions ef the secretsry of tha interior ef September IB, 1917, the timber oa the follow ing Una will be sold (April 20: 1919. at 2 p. En. 1 at public auction at tbe United States land office at Lskeview, Or., to th highest bid der at not las than the approved value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to tbe spproval ef the secretary of the interior. Th purcnasa price, wiia aa aaoiaoaai sum of one fifth ef one per cent thereof, being oom mis sions allowed, mutt be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale 1 not ap proved, otherwise patent wui .issue (or the tim ber, wbica must be removed wtfhla 1 0 fears. Bids will be received (rem eitixeas of the United States, associations of roch citizens gad corporations organised under the laws ef the United H tales or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application ef a ajualified purchaser the timber , est any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included ia any offer of a larger unit: T. 41 S.. XL 6 E.. Section Jt Lot 1, yellow pin. 670 M., Ted fir 120 M.: Lot 2. yeUow pin. V70 M red fir 60 M.: Lot 8. yellow pine, 630 M-. red fir 100 M.; Lot 4. yellow pine 606 M.. red fir 60 M. ; none of toe yeUow pin to be sold at less than 83 per M. and none ef the red fir to be sola at less than 81 per M. CLAY TALLMAN. jsnwmissioner tJenersl Land Office. WANTED to buy stumpage. old growth " wood, not more than S miles from R. R. station. or will contract go cut 600 or more cords of wood, write to, or call at 070 Williams arc. i-ortaina, ur. FOR SALE Oak. slab and fir wood ia ear lot. Address A-252. Journal.' HOMESTEAD8 47 A-l RANCH BARGAIN 160 acres, homestead relinquishment for sale, 3C miles from Portland: A-l loam coil, no rock, oreek and spring water, road on land, close to county road; neighbors, mail route and a saw mill, level ant) sloping land; some open land, easy cleared: some timber. Price $500 cash. You must act at once if you want this, worth $5000 when proved np. 914 Chamber of Commerce bide. JOHNSTON a- McHARDT. YOUR LAST CHANCE ' ' Can locate you on good homestead 88 miles from Portland, 40 to 160 acres, close to county road, mail route, neighbor, sawmill and good settlement; scans open land easily cleared; some timber, running wstsr; A-l soil; going out Sunday. Come and Join us. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON A McHARTJT. 640 HOMESTEADS and relinquishments. Large portion tillable, naatern Oregon; spienaia stock ranches, wster and "timber convenient. Some good timber claims. Lived ia that coun try for years. Call 7 to 9, evenings er Sun day or write W. T. Lester. Burns, Or. HAVE customers wanting to buy homestead re linquishments; list yours with us. We can sell it if price ia right. 014 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHNSTON eV McHARDY, WANTED Homestead relinquishment. Please state run particulars, price, etc Vinson, xr. u, box 2007. HOMESTEAD relinquishment tor sale by owner. A good claim cheap. Address K-442. Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 34 HAVE you clear city property to trade for this stock ranch. 280 acres, with unlimited good outrange. SO acres timothy. 80 acres ready for seeding, 120 seres of big timber with box fsctcry within one nolle, 6 room house, 2 bsrns, 4UXS4 and 54x80. This ranch was appraised by Federal Land Loan appraisers at 3 19, (SOU Price (ID 000, mortgage $4000. TUCKER As SHRECK Our New Offices, 501-2 Spalding bMg. EXCHANGES A SPECIALTY FOUR SMALL FARMS. PART TRADE 3 acres, modern, (or wheat land. Want large Hon. Ore. farm for income. 150 A. imp. for city property. Want Tacome for Clackamas Co. land. Want wheat lands for valley farms. IMP. ACREAGE FOR OREGON CITT. I. WHEELER. CANBT. OR. ECTa 4. ACRES located in town, doss to Portland with ood 7 room plastered bouse, fireplace, bath and toilet, city water and- electrie lights, large barn and chicken house, 60 fruit trees in full bearing, grapes and berries, shrubbery and fins lawn. price, $ooo, or will take noma in Portland up to (3000. John E. Howard. 818 Chamber of Commerce. 7 ACRES located at Cherry Grove, Washington county; 6 acres in cultirstion with a n room bouse, barn and city water. S acres in crop, all kind of berries and family orchard. Price, $2500. 'er will exchange for good home In city up to valne. John E. Howard. 818 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE for California property. Large clear lot, 80x114. on earline, good location for garage; st, imp. paid up to date. ' 81600. H 249, Journal. FORD 5 -PASS. CAR WANT TO TURN IN ON SHACK Will assume $300 or 3400 only. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. LOTS 17 and 18, block 20. Berkeley add., to trade (or lot in tventon. J. a. Kiggs, Hills- boro. or. LOTS 17 and 18, block 20, Berkeley add., to trad lor lot In tventon.. J. H. Kiggs, Hills- bca. TWO lot in University Park, clear, 8400, for merchandise er store fixtures. J-277, Jour nal. 320 ACRES in Harney county for .Portland property, value 82000 and uo. Inauirs L. r. Funke, 290 Grand ave. N.. Portland. 88 A. TUALATIN valley tarm. 12 miles Port land, paved road, for stock merchandist. eity or country. js-zo7, journal. AN ACRE at Jennings Lodge for two lots; will pay cash difference. Sellwood 263. GOOD HOUSE equity for Mo. or Ark. property. Tabor 6786. SACRAMENTO. Cel.. lot, eoet 8500. cheap; trade lor cord or what nave your 84 I Oth. 10 ACRES aear Sacramento,' CsL, amaU Port- isna noma, it oom 11, xn alaaitou. TWO lots to trade for equity In house and lot or auto. -aJall Mam 963. WASTED-REAL ESTATE 81 I HAVE the buyers waiting. List your house with me for sale; it will b given proper at- tet tiojr;' . WATCH OCR ADS WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRIXER HITTER. LOWE ac (TO. 201-7 Board of Trade BMg. WK have clients wanting small homes with bearing fruit trees in the .yard. Now is the time to sell this class of property. Lcit with us. We sell on commission and some times buy outright. GEO. fT. MOORE CO., 1007 YHON BLPO. WE hsve several clients with from 81O0O to 32000 cash looking for modem 5 and tt room bungs Iowa List with us and set sw. en Its. GEO. T. MOORE QO.. 1007 YEON BLDG. WANT 5 to 7 room modem bungalow, ea pave ment, from owner. Must be lumin Plutn. Tabor C845. WANT 1 to 5 acres good soil with bouse and improvements, outside of city; will pay 3500 to $1200. P 449, Journal. WANT 4 to 6 room house on rwest aide. Quick deal if suited. A. K. Hill, 214 Lumbermen's Ujua. raos nqwy. tai WANTED from owner, lot or house and lot; not over 20 minutes' ride, east aide, WiU pay 3500 down. No dealers. Y-900, Journal. , - - - POX'T WORRY 2 ana sell eg trade anything anywhere. Layman. ii rare at, WANT to buy about 12 roomed rooming house for cash. West Sid. ' K-242, JournsL ROOMIWf HOUSE) S3 - A REAL BARGAIN 8 story frame hotel, basement, .furnace. 26 rooms, besides 2 storerooms in basement; cost originally about 86000: only hotel-at Yamhill; town growing; surrounding country fine. Busi ness men want this hotel opened aad will help you. Only 82200: 8400 down. . Owner haa other interests. See owner. B. A. Klika, Me- Mtnavtue, or. This as a soap; paved highway from Portland will pass by this property. BTJ8I3TE8S OPFOHTTJ3fITrES 88 FOR SALE, rent or trade A 60-bbl. water - power flour and feed mill, roller system, lo cated la B. K. town, one ef the beet section ia Oregon. Address owner, AX-255; Journal. - GOOD aeoeesoriea and auto repairing business ea East Side; concrete building, leer rent, lots af .works- Good reasons for selling. from SMALL general store, good location and business, cheap- rent, living room. Owner wests to retire. N-49. Journal. SM4I.I. cash grocery and notions ; dandy place for man and wife; liring rooms; small rant; aw ooys; no agent. E-zx, journal. SHOB-SHLNE stand for sale,,- 'tklL At 90 Vif M our st.- surest Marten. s- FOR RENT Bakery. 2 ovens, steam boiler, con- eeeuoa vntB restaurant. ELEGANT restaurant.. Main 4190T ' BriSIKESH OFFORTTnrTTrEa COLUMBIA H IGHWAT RESORT 'One of tbe best hotels on "the highway for scenci, water falls, fine lake, good fishing and no ting; tine ssuatain avewigs,. xnis piac must be aeea to be appreciated, at tb hotel. . ,JOL, MHXERSHIP, Aider hotel. Have photoa WANTED fm HTT7YRET MEN ANB WOMEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPH OPERATING. SPE CIAL INDUCEMENTS TO FIRST 25. 'APPLY HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 134 TH ST. M. ! PARTNER "wanted for good .paying-: buMnesZ Have more than ' I can do. Business will net 8250 per month; must be agreeable xeaa to meet the pub lie. Money secure. 8360 required, written agreement to return same if not satis fied after day triali Layman, 147 Park St. SHOE shining parlor of 5 modern 1 chairs and a p-rfl mrrrharnlif s -atsnd in a live town of 6000; good paying business and small expenses; owner wants to leave town; cheap if taken soon. Address shining Parlor 827 Lyon at, Albany, Or. . WANTED Active partner wtih few thousand - dollars to enlarge asd push already well estab lished business farm saaehiaery. References ex changed. U-248. Journal: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL List your hotels, i apartment and seetn'ng nouses with us. We get results. DORCAS As CO.. 920 N. W Bank bldg. MOITET TO LOAlf RE A1S ESTATE 17 OUR installment plan is the best aM met hot -f paying a loan. 882.26 par month for 86 man tha. at $21.24 for 60 months or 8lft.1T fog SO moata. Bay $1000 loaa and tflterest. i - .... Other amounta to pnwortiea. Wa loaa ea improved etty property. Or for building pwpiasas. No commasnoB ebarged. EQUITABLE SAYINtrS a LOAN ASSOCIATION 248 Stark St., Portia nd. Or. , AGENTS OR OWNERS! I will loan $11,000 privatei money today on city or (arm property. Bungalows, 6 625 Henry bid. Marshall 5$58. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate ccurlty at going rate of interest. - OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO. 418 Chamber of Oommerce 82000 TO IX)AN on farm land in Willamette valley, at 8 per cent, first mortgage, no com missions. ' Address W. A. Deardorff. B, F. D. $800, 8400, 6500, 8600, 3760 and op. Mw t rates, quick action. Gordon investment Co.. 681 Ch. of Corn. Main 6448. CASH paid for mortgage aad se liars' eontraet on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lamaermeae bldg. $250. 8360. 3400U $500. $600 and Largs aanounU; current rates; quiek aetioa. Fred W. Uermaa Co.. 732 Chamber of Commeree. $500. $1000. '$1600 and $2000 to loaa at and 7. A. H. Akerson. 410 Henry bldg. la sin 7248. BCIL0INU loans oa city or su Durban property, money advanced as work progresses. W (A Beck. 2is and zie jrainog Bldg. slam B40T. MONEY to losja in amoupis of $100 to 430U0 en city property. A. H. BELL. Boom 10-11. Mafkey blda. MONET for mortoage loans, 8500 to 36000, 6 and 7 . , Fred S. WUliams, 82 1st, st. 8800. 8500, $750. 31000. no eoav, quick action. ward, 4U7 8paMlag Dlog. $300 tO $8000, - no eommusion. Main 1166. F. H DE3HON. 615 Chamber of Commeree. MORTGAGE loan.' 6 and 7fe. Louis fcllomoo at Co.. 408 ScUing bldg. KEK OREGON 1NV. at MORTGAGE CO., ' 222 Cbamber of Commero. -.th and Stark. MONEY TO rOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 87 Do You Need Money? Loans made ea sutomobile. diamonds. rV anas, household goods or anything of value. Security usually left in your possession: ALSO to SALARIED PEOPLE oa their Botes with out security. If your payments te other loan companies or on : furniture or automobile coo tracts ara larger than you can make, we will pay them up, advance you mora money If neces sary, and you can repay us la small monthly payments to suit , your convenience. LEGAL RATES. No DELAY BUSINESS 4T1JOTL: CON'riDENTIAt, PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Ucansed.) 806-897 Dekum bldg. Marshall 8286. Salary . LOANS Chattel WI LOAN MONEY Oa short notice to salaried or worktegmaa oa their own Bote. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly yments. Kscn transaction atnctlr confidential O MORTGAGE. NO IN DORSE tt. AiiaULUXKLT m SECUSITI We also loaa ea hoasshtild lur suture, r"vsfa sua., wunom retswe i CALL AND INVRSTIGATa) OOLCaLBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED 818 Failiag bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AB3N. etabltsned by Portland Business Maa to Prefect the Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWKLRY. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNIT0RJ) City And County Warrants Cashed (or Face Vane. CARRXT MYERS HERRMAN. MOB-.-694 STARK arT. MONEY to loan , oa diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; all crtidaa bald a year; satablish) atnee- 1888. Daa Marx. 288 Washington, LOAS WANTED 88 SEE OREGON tNV. A MORTGAGE CO.. Hi Chamber of Commeree, 4(b aad Stark. FINANCIAL $1 LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE Of BONDS FULL : MARKET PRICE SEE E. BURKITT, SECRETARY, OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 212 SELLING BLDO. (SECOND FLOOR CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STS. I WILL BUT ANT LIBEETT BOND a ' 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (AH due coupon interest included). J. H. KEATTNO. 6 FT BOARD OF TRADE. BONDS BOUGHT POT? CASH . SPOT CASH CASH FOR TOUR RECEIPTS Mail bond to us; we remit return mail. Oomr to 725 Gasco Bldg., 6th and Aidsr. I HAVE 6 theres of furniture'' stock in the Morrison Grand Furniture Co., located East Morrison and Urand av. .This stock sells for $100 per share. Hare ia aa opportunity to zaak - a neat margin. For particulars call Broadway 19S2 ask for Mr. Schloler. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC IS YOUNG1 farm team, weight 2400 lbs.. 1 black horse, 6 yrs. old; weight 1350 lbs. Also a good family oow; ohtap lor eash or bonds, Woodstock csr to 32d st., 4 blocks north and 2 blk. eastto 1024 PoweR Valley road BAY TEAM, mare and horse, weight 2050 lbs., and team, weight 2200 lbs., all good workers and sound; have no further use (or them. Price reasonable. Woodstock car to 34th St.. 4 blocks south to 1O40 BchiUer st. 10 HEAD of work horses, just in from hard work, .weighing frost 1200 Ids. to 1500 lb. Will cell very reasonable, O. K. HouiU. 100 b. ta at. w. 1200 pound home with wagon and harness, also a bay horse -weighs about llOO pounds. ev- u. - 4 nl mnA dimltl. li. U W., . 1 express wagon.' Stable in rear of 351, Russell st. ONE MARE, boggy snd harness, for 366. Wood rard fl tables. E. 9th and Hawthorne. Phim East 8227. YOUNG team , of farm horses, very gentle, chunky built, weight 2800: price 8166. -Must Be sold st once, sits loth st. Irrington ear. 1000 SETS of work harness, must be sold in taa next BO-days regardless of cost. Clasine: out entire stock at 210 1st st. - - i LIGHT tassn of horses and harness, one light waroe. oae new Blow, one harness.- (111 21T4 E. Crtiaan, Tabor 4843. Friday arid Sunday. ' l. .. . rt : i . . . ii iiaai? worse sssen eueutiy; easn pata or sows ana enpptea norses. iaoor 42 us. HORSi. and wagon. 81.60 day: 3 horse and wagon. 63. i . tohen. 54T Front. Main 2208. FOR SALE Cheap, gentle saddle mare. Call wain. izy alter s p. m. 100 LB.Tora with harness. $55. 253 Mead St., Kovsta Portland car. 2600 LB, TEAM, with harneas and farm wagon. encap. .oi aieaoe st. - box foruand car. FAMlfEAM, 2400 lbs, barness and wagon, ; 6100r 38E, S6th st., Tabor85l7 ' - FOR SALES -3 -inch Studebaker wagon, used very u '. . nig umaiis ave.- wqiwe. IgQ. tEAl homes end antmsts bsiiyed away free. Call Woodiawa 20. Portland KeBdeZio Co. IS Just Arrived Best lot ef horses that baa been aeea in Port land this spring, orchard chunks, draft horses. They are yuuag and guaranteed as represented. Ail kinds of harness, new and second band. Lib erty bonds and approved notes accepted. Will exchange, - Crown Stables, 288 Front st, ' PHIL BUETTER. -,.' - TEAM of baveka, mare aad) horse, weight 2400 lbs.: black mare and dapple gray horse, both S years eld, weight 2650 lb.: black and sorrel, weight 8500, both fat aad young, honest work er in every way; goad big young single horses. S farm wagons, 4 sets of harness, plow and har row. This stuff will be sold at big bargain. W oodstock car to Franklin. 1 block S. to 662 B. 28th st. TWELVE bead ef mare aad awl ding, an good workers and gentlev logging teams, 1900 lbs., age free 4 to 18 years eld: also. 4 aheap horses for plowing, a few set of cheap work harness and farm wagons from 2 to 8 H . Call at Weedyard Staeiea K. tb, aad HawUsora. Phone East 8227. BAY MARE. yrs. ol4 weight 1400; gray gelding, 7 yrs, 140. with thesr barness. 8254) if taken at oaea; oa gray mare & yrs; old, one black gelding 6 yrs. old. weight 2709; well broke; also 4 yr. old mare, weight 1400, a real bargain. Apply toot of Main at. No. 234, Steph enson a reed (store. 9 HEAD o? eood voune farm horses, weight from 1299 t ISO. ag. from 4 to 9; all good workers' and gentle; 3 farm wagons, 5 sets of harness. 1 buggy: win sell cheap or trade for cattle or light carl Woodstock car to 896 Powell at. , TEN head of marea and horses ranging in weight from, about 10641 lbs. to 1800 lbs, each, ages from. 7 to, 10- years old; prices from 840 to $100; several sets of single and double harness: all kinds of buggies and wagons. Stable in rear of 851 Russell St JUST arrived from North Yakima. 17 head of very fine farm horses, all young and sound and gentle, broken; must be sold this week re gardless of prices; no reasonable offer refused. 265 16th st. Irvington csr. BARGAIN 386 .seem, 2000 lb., with good, har ness, well mated and good workers, 335 for 1056 lb. horse, also 2200 lb. team, young. ,Vill sell .cheap, with good harness; guaranteed. Wood yard, foot of-Taylor st.. on dock. . LIVESTOCK 35 FRESH cow, rich mOk; also rabbits and hutches at sacrifice. 1343 Glenn ave. N. Alberta : car to end of Une. 3 blocks east, 2 blocks north. - f EXTRA good young fresh cows, milking from 4 to 6 gal." a day. Sell cheap or trade for dry cattle or herses. Call at tbe old dairy barn. 20th snd Powell st,. Woodstock car. DAIRY for sale. IS cows and good retail route: place is 46 sc-rWs: can be rented; 14 acrea in crop. Inquire KefSjr store, top of Canyon road for Smith dairy. MUST BE SOLD at one. 8 extra good young fretdi cows, heavy milkers and gentle far a womsn to handle, also team of young farm horses, harness and wagon. Bargala if taken at once. Woodstock car to 662 E. 28th st 8. 2 YOUNG fresh cows, heavy milker and rich; cheap for quick sale, 662 E. 28th St. Take Woodstock car. SIX PIGS for aale. 7 week oM. George Nsgl. road between Oswego aad Stafort Write Ore gon City, route 6. LARGE fresh (Airy aad family cows, all oreeds, 4 to 6 gals, daily. Take beef cows in ex cisnge. 751 Nant aJ.. FOR SALE 2 heifers, or trade for pigs or ahoata. Phone Woodlawn 1042 or Tabor 8918. IF you are looking (or an extra choice family cow. (rash, call East 2538; 580 E. -.1Ui norm. TWO good Jersey cow, one fresh, the other will be soon; pric i reasonable. E. 9tb and Flanders. FOR SALE or trade One 6 -gallon cow; 6 years old. Phone East 6106. P U RE Swiss goat's mflk. producer to consumer; fresh does; Togg. buck kids. Tabor 54 59. PURE Swiss goat's milk, producer to consumer; doe kidTogg. buck kidy Tabor 6450. 4 GOOD milch cows for sale, 2 yearling heifers.' 85 W. Presoott st. M. it. Ertmsn. FOULTRT, PIGEONS. FET STOCK 27 WHITE LEGHORNS ARE THE MOST PROFITABLE breed of poultry. If you ars in the business for profit you wfll eventually have ibem. Early broilers, early layer, early profits. Wa sell only W hit Leghorn baby chix from heavy laying Hoganised beaa. Safe de livery of full count live chix guaranteed. Price per 100. April, May and June delivery, 812.60. The Pioneer Hatchery. 406 6th at., petalasaa, CaL MAGUIRE'8 DAT OLD CHICKS HATCHING EGGS R. I. "Red. O. A. C. Barred Rock chicks. $25 per 100; eggs $2 for 15; White Leghorn chicks, 820 per 100; eggs, $1.50 for 15. Elegant cockerels $2.50 up. J. R. Msguire, 787 Oregon. CURTIS White Wyandotter, "Egg that HATCH -from HENS that Lay." $2 per 15. ML E. Curtis, Hillsdale. Or.. S. D. 2. Box 242. Main B-'BO and Main 8389 BARRED ROCK eggs, incubator lots specialty. 2 cockerels, pair Golden pheasants, pheasant eggs. Mr. Evans, 865 E. Lombard. Wood lawn 1658. 183 6-WEEKS old Leghorn chicks, cross be tween large English and Tancred strains of Leghorns, for sale; price 60e each; not sold in small numbers. Woodlawn 4332. WHITE LEGHORN hatching eggs from excel lent foundation stock, Hanson snd Tancred, $1.25 per setting, $6.50 per 100:. day old clucks $20 per 100.. P. Dudtry. Aloha, Or. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Leghorn. Reds, Rock. Minorcas. best stock; price reasonsble; safe delivery guaranteed. C N. Needbam. bor 412 Salem. Or. Progressive Hatchery Rhode Island Red - baby chicks on hand. 1034 E. 1 Z St. N. Wdln. 14 8.Y FLEMISH rabbits; does bred; bucks; young, all ages, for sale cheap. Ill W. Portland blvd. Phone Wd. 1028. FOR egg the year round act T. A. Hodedon'a R. C Rhode Island Red and Enghakt Whit Leghorns. 172 Grand ave. Phone East 6524. THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca hatching eggs. Main mouth strain. Columbia 695. 1600 Fiske. BABY chicks every day, 50 Brown Leghorns, trap-nested stock ; a few W. Leghorn and other kinds. 184 E. Z2d st. Rose Ulty ear. 12 RABBITS to tatde for hens, oriole, mattress. rug, uresser, wood, potatoes, or anyiaing use ful 88 E. 73th St. north O. A. C, B P. Rock eggs, selected: good winter layers, $1.28 for 15. Geo. Hamilton. Route 1, Oregon uity, RHODE ISLAND RED hatching egg, good lay ing strain; reasonable. Tabor 6786. YOUNG Buff Orpington hens with Rhode Island Buff OTTdngtee. chinks. Hell. 2051. AN COXA egg, heavy layingStrain. 81.60 per setting of 16. Tbor 2988. ALL kinds of live and dressed rabbits. 'Cheap. Stall 1. 2d, Yamhill st. Tel. Main 1186. DOGS. BIRDS'. rETS. ETC 46 YELLOW St Andreasberg roller female 2 year eta. weoaiawn FOR SALE i'ure SU Andrea, berg roller. Mar. 1474. BEAUTIFUL Angora rabbit for Easter, 8 week old; fancy stock. Woodlawn 1150 CHOICE eanartee at "The Canary Bird Shop." Singers guaranteed. 1151 E. 28th N. C-2217. THOMSON'S Bird Store buys baby bird! C5 or address 957 Mississippi ve.. Portland. Or. THREE stud dog for service. One French Toy and two Bostons. CaU Main 7282. AUTOMOBILES AXD ACCESSORIES 44 DODGE TOURINO We have two of these popular ear at the right price. CON LEY S USED CAR CENTER. 8. W. Cor. 15th aad Washington Bte. ALTO TIRES We save you money on aew and used tires; vulcsnizing and retreading. Vuleaa Tire Shop. 41 Grand sve Pbona East 4696. BUICK roadster, in finest possible condition, ready for deHvery aew. 525 Alder. A-l Auto wore e s-ainnng jo. IfORD chassis, suFtaoIe for delivery of bug, cheap. Bettl. Woodlawn 1038 bctweca 9 nd e.-ertlngs. CAN USE YOUR 4-rTL. CAR AS PART PAYMENT ON A NEW 1919 ELGIN SIX. MAIN 7446, 1917 -CHUMMY ROADSTER $750 AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH FOR SALE A 5-pass. R. C. Hupp: A-l eqa- diuoa. qT3b eata av. . jc sen. a so 9. GASOLINE HI CENTS A GAlJ ON, KiU-B AND GREASES PIONEER PAINT CO.. 16 1st LET US' SELL YOUR CAR, QUICK ACTUM . AUTO BALES CO., 9TH AND COUCH GOOD ft pas, automobile, tires O. K... running condrUoa, $126. 126 Nr 3d st. B way 2988. 1018 8-PASS. OVEhtAND I4B& AUTO BALES CO., OTH AND COUCH. LET US SELL YOL'tt CAR. QUICK ACTIO?! AVTU BALES TO.. OTH AND COUCH STS. OVERLAND, the light model, fine shape evary way; cneep. e. a Asaer. 1617 7-PA8S. Bi'ICk 81160. " AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH. TWO 6 pees, automobile in good shape, for Bsie. eoi curnaioe sx. i WILL sell say. 1917 Maxwell cheap. , A-als. Journal. v . SPOT cash paid tor used car. Dealers Used car uieatifig House, crand ae.-and as. Stark. 1918 NASIL LIKE" NEW AUTO SALES CO., OTH AND COUCH MUST aeU my nearly ae-w 1 918 Maxwell tour ing car, A I shape, M-867, Journal, HORSES. VEHICLE B, ETC. "" I" ..' A " 1 " j - -"' AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 Pbona B'way 2798. Used rs Bought Sad Sld. mw& auto ii. , AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING: I CAUAtiK 4HJPPL1ES ' 631 ALDER ST. - - PORTLAND, OR. This is say monthly sals data,, from tha ISth to 21st inclusive: I am offering tha fallowing Hut of car at the lowest prices and lowest terms ever offered in Portland; and. don't forget, - these earn bat beaa overhauled and nut ia fine 'shape. Look for the shop, and you ara sure of tha ear being as represented, ' SOME OF MY LEADERS IN LIGHT CARS FHRn Bu 1917 tuotot, one maa top, rvynU mia& ,hield. Just a beauty. ne tl.is. I have aaatber Bug, heavier. Continental motor, Chalmers rear system, will be ready to taint Monday, See this aad ahous your own ct'ior. FnRn Tourfauf 1915 motor, 1917 body. i j 1 1 j good ahape. BoM on dsmooktra- Ucn, , v purxRni ct fi i ea LrnUV nULL I i ind to Bio. shape. Body. upholstering and side curtains good- Mechanics 1- ly fine. A nice light family car, KjlAVUrri I 181T. Th& is a ear that IV1MWV lL.l be relied upoa to do the work. A fin looking car and good every way. Guaranteed overhauled, renewed ia every way. Ready to go any place. MAXWFI I 1S1T- ,UBt ln 41 IVir Jll the shop. Will b through ready soon. Come and see what we do to them; con ns, oe yourself. overhaul all of our ears. REO- 1913. In good shape. Fine motor. All leather upholstering. Looks good. Down so low ia prica you can't help buying it. OVERLAND-- In Starter. Good fine shape; Run every day, and you can't beat tha price. SEVEN OTHER LIGHT CARS TO PICK FROM SLIGHTLY HEAVIER CARS Ml ir.Qr.NI Super Six Bast condition poa- '.'wwwn ible. Fine tires, oa extra me. Absolutely good all tnrouga. rRAWIt'l IW 181. L fin shape, A good car for anyone to drive and looks ttne. DHAl MFR9 Sixs'- v- Kj I in lIVIL.no bolstered like new. mechan ically tine. Try this one, and the price will suit you. QAYOW Bta A dsndy little car ia good onnu" shape. Have a nd in it. W! KlTHM su Wire wheels. Extra wheel. '"" 1 w" This is a fine ear for passenger run ana the price is so low anyone oan get it A DOZEN OTHER RIO ONES TO SHOW J.OU AU li-H, J.OU ABOUT. This is positively a sacrifice sals of cars. If you are one of the lucky ones 'you will be pleased. ' So will I. Remember I have my own shop with full force of mechanics and guarantee ray cars. . Every car has a price and terms card on tt. And I don't talk you to death. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE, 531 ALDER ST. LOOK KOR THK SERVICE PUMP BETWEEN im AND 17TH. OARAGES.' $44.80 and us. reedv cwv ana i ports Ms hen of all kind, v Millmade Const ruo t tion Co, Pbnn Wdla. 2418, 1601 union are. .Worth. LATE Chevrolet, ft passenger, has All good tires snd runs dandy. Yours ' for a little down, balance monthly." DEALERS' DSED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. Grand Ave. at Stark. 1918 BUICK Little Six. ft passenger. ' all new cord' tires, st a bargain. DEALERS' USED CAR CLEAKINQ , HOUSE. Graad Ave. at Stark. 1917 VEUE 1917 Four to choose from, thoroughly sverhxuled. Prices from 8800 to 81150. depending en gen eral appearance and conditio ef tiraa. Other ear aeeepteri aa first payment, balance easy payments. Remember our motto, "Every pur chaser a booster." , L WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Main 780 68 N. 23d. OAKLAND LIGHT SIX If you want an aeeaomieal ear, full of service, this is H. Only $725. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. S, W. Cor. 15th and Washington fit. 1918 Buick Snap, Strictly first etas 1918 7 pass. Buick, 6 tire, ear in splendid Biechaalral condition, lots of poyer; pries $1478, $500 down, $50 month ly. W. B. Hyatt. 85 Aider st. 1917 OAKLAND ft PASS. AUTO SALES CO. 9TH AND COUCH SNAP ti 50 CAsa' ft passenger auto, good running erdsr, 8 good tires, new top and curia iaa. Don't fail w m , linn Mienn ave. . BY OWNER 1915 Reo. --splendid condition. 5 tire snd engine tire pump, cash $560. Mer rick, 807 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 3782, vsniogs E. 6647. 'i BUGS Bugs W have fine Ifoe f bug, all kinds and styles snd size and prices, 52 Alder st. A-l Auto Works da Painting Co. lfl? STUDEBAKER SIX. AUTO SALES 4XX, 9TH AT COUCH, MOTORS, Geartngs, Bearings, Wheels! Axles aal Trailers We wreck all makes ef ears sad ssQ their food parta at half price, David Bode Co.. Broadway aad Flanders at, Broadway 196 191T APPERSON CHUMMY. : AUTO SALES CO., 9TH AND COUCH. LEAKY raxtiators and damaaed fender exrTtly repaired. AU work gusraateed. Geort Wtl, 468 H Hawthorne s vs.. between 8th aad 9th, Phone Et 164. - 1918 FORD TOURING: CHEAP. AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AT COCCH. IF YOU hr the cash and want to buy a good . automobile at your own price, call Broadway 8945 or A-1543. ' TOP COMPANY, ill at Oak, Broadway 1664. GARAGE. '30x70. good town near Portland, (or rent. . Graham, , 724 Chamber of Commerce bMg 191 a FORD roanster body ' with delivery box on rear: windshield, tender and hood, Will sen very cneep. u-iu. eonma FOR SALsC Cbeap. good Ford radiator. 585 Alder t. Phone Bdwy. oi. AUTO SALES CO., OTH AND COUCH 917FORD72"67r"S4iU Auto doT" Park aad Couch. OAKLAND touring, Uk new. 'Take' Ford in rd. 525 Alder st- ? 191$ Vell. AUTO SALES CO., OTH AND COUCH 1917 CHEVROLET.' "Smita Auto Co.," farm ana rjoucn, 1916 CHEVROLET .and 19 ift Ford for sale. 2u Taylor St. CASH for Fords and Chevroleta. 8rd and Taylor,: Army Garage. See BUaard. 19 iTTCbziElTR EKffZiS AUTO SALES CO., 9TH AND VUCH FINE DEUVERY, sell or trad. Main 6289. GOOD TRUCK cheap- Main 62Sl AUTOMOBILES A WD ACCESSORIES 44 MUM, 8AU OF We Must Make Room THIS IS GOINQ-TO BE AN OPPORTUNITY TOTJ CANNOT AFFORD TO MISSI IN GETTINfJ A I' BED CAR, AT A PRICE NEVER OFFERED BEFORE. OUR REASON FOR OFFERING THESE CARS AT BOCK-BOTTOM PRICE '" IS .;: - -T We Mut Make Room TO DISPLAY OUR , OUR Used Cars Must Go REGARDLESS OF PRICE. ACT QUICK WHILE THE SELECTION IS GOOD. Additional Offer A 10-HR, .SPECIAL FREE SEBVICR WILL BE GIVEN WITH EVERT USER CAR PURCHASED WHILE THIS SALE IS ON. J s -A FEW OF OUR MAJT GOOD BUYS. BUICK. 4-CYL,, LATE MODEL, $678. 191T BUICK LIGHT SIX T ft GOOD TIRES. MECH. O. K.. $97, 191T SAXON CHUMMY. $678. ' Auto Sales Co, 9th and Couch Used Car Dept. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDaVs FORDS NEW AND SECOND HAND EASY TERMS WIS KNOW THESK RROOND-HAND CAM' ThilV luvik illkt kvima s4i4i ni Mr alisa g kasaW --a. . d - - vv w weaa gava w saa Tr Been overhauled aad repainted. 1918 Touring, with extras, 1918 Touring, a bargain. 1917 Touring, demountable wheal.' v ' 1917 Touring, sum extra, , -i 1917 Touring, fine . engine. 1917 Touring, look Ilk a nw egf ' 1916 Touring, very good shape. - 116 Touring, run -nicely. ' - ' . ' "2222 Ho''tr. good ti;nolstry.': ' . ; J916 Roadster, bargain. . , r- 191 7' Roadster,, good -amseararaja, , - 1 , ' ' 1917 Roadster, soma extras, - , - .. . .. n-'in paaJ Lisht'DeliVteries' 1917 Ford delivery. nicelv iMlnteri nasal body. ' i 1917 Ford delivery, demountable Wheels, rjf4 tain wooy. 1917 Ford deUvery, panel body. DeNverv Bodies A special offer on a few light deliver hoauaai Ail in gooo shape ana nicely painted. Today's Special 117 Buick Six nwdttsr. Ask about ft... We Are Headquarters for ' A ;Ford' Buss 5 Coras in and , them. You wiH b iptereta . - '' " - - ' ' ' . , Easy Terms on New;or ; - - Second Hand Cars . ;' -I,.- . - PrUA6E'::'GARAGE CQJ AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. 12th And Stark sts. Broadway 1672. A-2442 .''GARAGES s- 840 AND UP " portable and Permanent Houses "of AH KJnda, i MODERN fONSTRI'l'TUlV rn ! 815 E. 11th st. lUst 61141 REO FOUR, SPLENDID 8HAFE, GOOD TIRES. SEE IT AT 814' ALDER ST. 191$ CHEVROLET with two mw tires. It s full of pep, $650. - THE USED CAR EXCHANGE , 827 Waehingtoa St. 1916 CHEVROLET- 1918 Driven 5000 miles. New oversise non-sksfl tires, good spare tire. First class in every wa I wm sea oa easy payments. D. C WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Mam 780 6$ N. S3 LAHERNs!BB-'CQt Mfg.' aad Rerskira. 8000 srua ran teed anlinaa ia stoea; prices reqoeed. g w. ltb t 191 CADILLAC 1 9 1 2 ( . Tires almeat new. nmint excellent, tow vaw.'" mechaaieeily A-l, electrie light and starter. A strictly high-grade car and on easy peymeatav 1 D, C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Mfn 780 ' 66 N. C$4. , J1T COUII "S.- 7-PASS. X r NEW i CORD TIBES: JUST OTKaV HAULED AND RXVARNI8HED. I ' AUTO BALES CO., 9TH AND COUCH, j ' 1918 HUPP . So new fit the original tires took new. ' Must Jet hr slla. $1250 cash or Urm. Taber 8646. w- , 191$ REO, 7-FA88. - -LIKE NEW; 6 TIRES. AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND C0CCS, OVERLAND ft PASS. AT A GIVE-AWAY PRICE ' AUTO SALES CO., OTH AMD OOUCK FOR SALE 1 9 1 $ ' Light sU 8tuabkr;' gain, rnone Main Tola .ij.' j.w,A, a ''law . l AUTO SALES CO., 9TH AND OOUCTT I t i"max wErci rr jvio nsAnrii,i-4is. s AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH, f BsUailTV SIX (Coatigaed os Folio win c Far) av . i